Coffee t&i 01 ch

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coffee, tea & ice cream magazine bimonthly magaz ine • vol. 1 • novemb er-de cemb er, 2007

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Elefin coffee challenger Thai premium coffee

ROAD REPORT World Barista Championship 2007 in Tokyo

Elefin beans are hand-selected and roasted daily using 100% Arabica from Northern Thailand. As one of Thailand's premeire boutique-roasters, we specialize in producing coffee with the perfect balance of flavor, body and aroma. We hope you enjoy our coffee as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

����� • COFFEE •

11/26 Sukhumvit Soi 1

tel: 02.655.2099



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4 6 7 8

contributor Ct&I•society cover•story

Elefin Coffee • ‡Õ≈‡≈øîπ §Õøøïò

Thai coffee-house produces locally grown and roasted product for international market








Filter Drip Coffee

Sirithai Rungjanthuek • ‘√‘∑—¬ √—ß®—π∑÷°



24 27 28



Kitti Amornpatanakul Photographer

Chavamon Boriboontanawat


Sirinan Kesonbua Thanyaporn Silpi



Banana Cream Frappè Espresso Frappè Banana Latte (Ice) Choc Malt Latte (Hot) Macchiato In love Strawberry Island Soda

Coffeetimes 65/6 Soi Chokchai Ruammit, Wipawadee Rangsit Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel/ fax : 662 277 3753 Email :

café•coach sweetie•barista trade•show•tour

WBC 2007 & SCAJ 2007 SCAA 2007 road•report




Art Director

Translation and proofread


42 43 44

Kobkul Promayorn Meechai Amorpathanakul Sutinee Amornpatanakul Torpong Tantraporn Umaporn Huthawong

Belle Epoque

It’s may not fast like Bugatti but it’s sure the same eye catcher


Contributor writers


Classic, elegant beyond the time


Tanadej Kamonchan


Thailand Barista Championship 2007



Rabisca Coffee

Small coffee house in the big mall. How she magnetize customer?


Bi-monthly magazine

World Barista Championship 2007 My Ideal Barista • ∫“√‘µâ“„πΩíπ coffee•logo café•around•the•world product•news fun•fact

subscription & sales

please contact : Thanyaporn Silpi The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher


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I always say good thing that are still with me until this day is friendship I get from friends around the world even when I was work in and out of the country. As well as good networking, I also get their idea and perspective which I can’t get from just reading books. Today, our magazine has stepped up one more step by size expanding, more content and now is in Thai-English language which will be distributed to Asian countries under the new name Coffee T&I (CTI). And because of there are many knowledge and news from coffee, tea and ice cream business in the world that didn’t release to this part of the world specially in Thailand, so we want to be the media that exchange the information and knowledge for you and your business. With friendship that we have from the past to the present and generosity from new business associates, we quite sure that CTI can be your use full source for your F&B business. Recently, I have talked to some of my old friends from Cambodia. I felt really happy for their business success. Chy Sila Group, who are doing well with their fastfood business included coffee house and they are now moving for new business adventure. Lucky Supermarket Group has started their business from supermarket to American burger restaurant and coffee house, today they are the first who introducing Gelato Italian Ice Cream to the Cambodian. They all young and talented businessmen whom seek the opportunity from the new market. On the other side, some friends in Taiwan have recently complained about a decline of their businesses, especially coffee business. However, I saw many food and beverage businesses over there were still doing well. Many magazine continued to introduce new opening restaurants and coffee houses. Make me some time wondering where they find the location? even it’s true that some is replacement. From my point of view, I think coffee and sweets are low price pleasure which urban residents can afford. Your job is to provide good food and drinks, comfortable room and chair make them enjoy their conversation among them. if you don’t do, somebody will. I think this same principle apply in every country.

∏π‡¥™ °¡≈©—π∑å

Sam Tanadej Kamonchan

• 5



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National Body of WBC 2008

Meechai Amornpathanakul

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Formal pretty banker who altered herself to started her own coffee house as she always dream of since she was study and sleepless in Seattle, the coffee house capital. Realize for how good she is after open 6 succesful coffee houses by become a consultant for many coffee houses project. Today she still make time to enjoy a cup of good coffee and an active director for Barista Association of Thailand.

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From a cooking student to a coffee teacher and K2 customer support team - a shy teacher who make many students dream of, her role is to develop and create new drink recipes for her customers but never forget to share her creation to CTI reader.


fall in love with coffee. After many years of practicing included training from the lady coffee guru in India. she now can share her knowledge for all coffee fan. Besides the hard working sales career she also make time as the reporter for CTI.

Meechai Amornpathanakul, President of Barista Association of Thailand (BAT) meet Doug Zell Chairman of World Barista Championship (WBC) confirmed to appointe BAT as the authorized organizer for Thai Barista Championship 2008 and the right to send the champion to participate in WBC 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Jay Leno poked fun at TurboChef’s 30. Double Wall Speedcook Oven’s ability to cook a rack of lamb in four minutes. The transcribed video is below or you can view the video online at “A Company called TurboChef Technologies just came out with a $6,000 oven that they say can cook a rack of lamb in 4 minutes. I don’t know, is that a big priority for people to cook a rack of lamb in four minutes? A lot of guys come home from work: ‘Honey, I’ve been here for four and a half minutes, where the hell is my lamb?’ ”

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The purpose of First Basic Barista Skill Training organized by Barista Association of Thailand (BAT) was to educate the coffee lovers through member baristas about Espresso and provide basic information to the public. (Hopefully, coffee drinkers would more appreciate their coffee and baristas) another activities is “Top Blend Award” which invited the spectators to taste and vote for their favorite coffee. Everyone was pleased and can’t wait for the next training. Get more information at


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Adrian Steiner, Managing Director of Thermoplan, Swiss leading fully automatic coffee machines manufacturer demonstrated how to make a cold cappuccino with soft silky foam milk by only one touch of a button on newest Thermoplan Espresso machine “Tiger Cool.”

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A true passion for coffee is what brought Mr. Somboon Chayavichitsilp, founder of Elefin Coffee, to create his own boutique-roast for today’s market. Already having found success as a businessman, he now focuses on providing a quality product that showcases Thailand’s best Arabica coffee bean.

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Elefin Coffee Thai coffee-house produces locally grown and roasted product for international market

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Elefin Coffee-Bean Our beans are sourced from the Northern region of Thailand, Chiang Rai, where the climate is ideal for cultivating a smooth and mellow bean with a strong aroma and full taste. We provide 100% Arabica coffee beans, roasted in-house to ensure quality.

ing atmosphere that we chose to reference an era of Siam-Romantic, appealing to both Western and local tastes. It’s not just a product for us but an experience as well.

Elefin’s Target Market We feel our customers are those who are in search of a real quality, boutique-roasted coffee experience. It is not our interest to make comparisons to what is already out there but to create a community of coffee-lovers that appreciate an alternative to the mainstream. It’s not just a place to drink your coffee but a place to relax as it was your own with WiFi, internet stations, lounges and private meeting room.

Price Range & Menu

Elefin’s Roast Master With over 25 years experience in the coffee industry, Mr. Ed Leebrick is Elefin’s roast-master and business partner. Having gotten his start in Seattle working for Starbucks, Mr. Leebrick would later form his own company under the name Lighthouse Roaster. The training of our local staff is done through the tutelage of Mr. Leebrick, covering everything from the selection of coffee beans to the process of roasting. Visits to both Bangkok and farms in Chiang Rai are done regularly to ensure quality is at its best.

Elefin Cafe While our main focus is coffee, we believe the right environment can enhance the enjoyment and appreciation of time spent away from the hustle of city life. It was with this desire to provide a relax8•

We want to make Elefin coffee affordable for anyone who wants to drink one of the best qualities of coffee that is available worldwide. We are coffee lovers who want to share this experience with others, and offer premium coffee at a fair price to our customers. Aside from coffee, our menu is completed with other beverages and food that complete the cultural experience at Elefin. Serving breakfast, we look to make Elefin a destination for one of the best brunch in town.

Investment Information We invite fellow coffee lovers to invest in Elefin and participate in the growth of this unique brand. For investors who are interested in purchasing our franchise, we require that they hold at least 20% of the total investment. Investors will not pay their franchise by cash but will hold 16% share of stock. We will help them manage the store, train their employees, seek financing, and build each location. Our wholesale coffee bean is competitively priced but the most important thing is that we want to transfer our know-how to a new generation of businessmen. We want to see them succeed in their businesses. We want to teach them how to invest to get a return on investment and high profit.

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• 9


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10 •

• 11


Filter Drip Coffee By Meechai Amornpathanakul

On the dazzling rainy day, it is perfect for your favorite filter drip coffee. The charm of making coffee neatly with coffee dripper is that you can decide to make your coffee strong or weak by the amount of ground coffee. This issue we would like to present filter drip coffee technique. What do you need to prepare 1. Spoon 2. Glass or pitcher 3. Ground coffee (9-11 g. per 6 oz. of water) 4. Coffee pot 5. Coffee filter 6. Coffee dripper 7. Hot water (temperature 92-96˚c) Folding a filter paper 1. Fold a bottom edge of the filter up 2. Turn the filter around and fold the edge in. Then open the filter paper and place in the coffee dripper Instruction 1. First, warm your coffee dripper and pitcher with hot water. Then, place a filter in the cone and add ground coffee. Slightly shake the filter basket to even the ground coffee. 12 •

2. Slowly pour hot water over the ground coffee by moving the kettle clockwise until the water is even with ground coffee. 3. When your first pour the hot water into the ground coffee, it will puff-up. While pouring the water from the kettle, try to control the water steam to make sure that the water stream is not too strong; otherwise the ground coffee will collapse instead of puffing-up. Let the ground coffee soak up the water. Leave it for about 20-30 seconds. 4. After the ground coffee soaked up the water, repeat the 2nd step. Remember not to pour the water into the edge of paper filter that attached to the ground coffee. 5. Good ground coffee will produce fine foam when pouring water over it but, old coffee, or too low water temperature will cause the ground coffee to not puffing-up and collapse instead. However, the light roasted coffee will produce lesser foam. 6. Slowly pour hot water into coffee ground coffee again. This time the ground coffee won’t reconstruct itself, it will collapse follow the coffee dripper shape. Note: This whole process should be done between 4 - 6 minutes. And the coffee serving temperature must be between 70-80˚c Now you can enjoy your perfect cup of filter drip coffee to lighten up your day.








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Rabisca Coffee

Small coffee house in the big mall. How she magnetize customer?

√â“π°“·ø‡≈Á°„πÀâ“ß„À≠à ∑”Õ¬à“߉√®÷ß®–¡—¥„®≈Ÿ°§â“ by Sutinee Amornpatanakul Because Miss Numfon Cheunpakwan loves and enjoys drinking coffee, for these reason it has pushed her to open a coffee house “Rabisca Coffee.” She now has 2 branches serving customers for more than 4 years and it aims for expansion and continue serving quality coffee.

Motivation to Open Coffee House

I love coffee but most of the coffee house here in Thailand are franchised and they are expensive, majority of Thai people can’t afford it. So I want Thai people to drink good quality coffee with cheaper price. Plus, I know some people who related to this department store (Future Park Rangsit); otherwise, I would be difficult to open a shop here because we are not well-known.

Branches and Shop’s Design

Future Park Rangsit. It didn’t have this many when we first opened our shop here.

Secret of Success

We focus on the quality of the drinks, customer service, and customer satisfaction. We freshly brew our coffee cup by cup. We also have ice maker machine here because it is much cleaner than buying ice. We always ask our customers about the taste of their drink, what their personal preferences, no matter they want it very sweet or less sweet. They can order anything they want. We train our barista to memorize our regular customers and remember what their favorites. We sell our drink at reasonable price; therefore, we can continue serving our existing customers and at the same time attracting new customers.

We now own 2 branches; one at Future Park Rangsit and another one at CAT Tower, Bang-Rak. We designed our shop in both traditional and modern Thai coffee house. However, the shop design is also depend on department store or building requirements.

Business Perspective and Expansion Plan

Customers and Drinks

Franchise Expansion

Our customers are various, they are drivers to office workers, we also have foreigner customers. The popular drinks are Ice Cappuccino and Ice Espresso. We did not have these two drinks at first but customers often come in and order so we decided to put it in the menu.

Difficulty and Problems

High employee turn over is our major problem. We have to carefully hire our employees because we have to train them but what happen was they left after a few years. Another concern is that there are now many coffee houses opened in the mall. I think there is about 20-30 shops right now at

14 •

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·ºπ°“√¢“¬ franchise

Thai coffee house business is still growing, I will continue to expand Rabisca Coffee in different location. We plan to open our next store at Central World Changwattana.

We never thought of selling franchise because it is difficult to control quality of our coffee. If you are coffee drinkers, you will be able to tell that taste of coffee in franchise coffee house are different. We don’t want our coffee to taste like that. I want customers to go to any Rabisca Coffee and get same quality coffee.

Suggestion to New Investor

Not only know how to brew a perfect cup of coffee, anyone who is interested should have basic coffee knowledge. They should know different type of coffee beans, roasting process, and storing. In addition, they should also understand their customer needs. Luckily, I consulted by the expert from the beginning which is very helpful.



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Interview with

Sirithai Rungjanthuek ailand Barista Championship 2007 By sutinee Amornpatanakul Four years of hard work, continuous training, and passion for coffee of Sirithai Rangjunthuenk (Pum) from S&P Blue Cup has paid off by winning Thailand Barista Championship 2007 and the opportunity to compete in World Barista Championship (WBC) in Japan. Today, Coffee t&i has a chance to talk about her Barista experience and competition.

impression on TBC 2007 and WBC 2007 It was fun but excited. They got a lot of spectators and it made me nervous, stressed, anxious, pressure, and many more. I was nervous that I won’t be able to finish it on time but I still managed to have fun. Competition in Japan had doubled my excitement because they got spectator from around the world. Even though, I’m not fluent in English but I represents Thailand, I have to do my best. I felt relief after I had completed the competition but I still wanted to participate in another competition if I have a chance.

signature drink for TBC and WBC 2007 “Golden Sunshine” was my signature drink for TBC 2007. The competition was held during mango season so I used mango as one of the ingredients in the Espresso. I served it hot. For WBC 2007, I wanted to make something that reflected Thailand so I used coconut and coconut milk as ingredients. These two ingredients are quite famous fruit and found in the southern region of Thailand. My drink was refreshing.

First of all, I would like to thanks S&P for giving me opportunity to become one of their Barista. When I first started here, I didn’t even know what is Barista, what we supposed to do. I have grown into Barista because I got excellent training. I have fun with my work and I want to create new drinks. I can develop my organizational skills. I’m happy to talk to customers and see them smile.

barista experience I have been working for S&P as their Barista for 4 years. I have developed many skills working here but there is still a lot more that need to be learned.

preparation for TBC 2007 and WBC 2007 Preparation for TBC was about 2 months prior to the competition, the competition was in April 2007. After I have won TBC’s title, it took me a little bit over a month to prepare for WBC in Japan which held in July. I trained about 5-6 hours daily.

favorite coffee

experience in barista competition The first competition was TBC 2006 at Amarin Plaza, I was really nervous and didn’t know what to do. After that I went back and practiced for TBC 2007 and I won on my second TBC competition. Winning TBC 2007 got me a chance as the Barista winner from Thailand to compete in WBC 2007 in Japan. I have participated in 3 competitions so far.

16 •

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future Plan I would love to continue learning about coffee. I might open my own coffee house, I will work as a Barista myself, train new Barista, and give advice to anyone who interested.

recommendation to New Barista Practice, a lot of practice, love and have fun at what you do. Working as a Barista is not hard, you just have to work hard and understand your customers. That will make you a successful Barista. (you can see Sirithai performance VDO clip at http://zacharyzachary.wordpress. com/2007/07/31/competitor-18-thailand/ )

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Signature Drink ∑’Ë „™â„π°“√·¢àß


barista career starting point

Blue Cup coffee is my favorite because it has perfect combination of body and acidity with chocolate flavor. I like Latte as well. Latte has smooth and its sweetness. Plus, I like to do Latte Art.

§ÿ¬°—∫·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ªï 2007

‡ªìπ∫“√‘µâ“¡“ 4 ªï·≈â«§à– ·≈–°Á∑”∑’Ë S&P ¡“µ≈Õ¥ 4 ”À√—∫°“√·¢àߢ—π TBC ∑’˪√–‡∑»‰∑¬π—Èπ„™â Signature ªï ‡√’¬π√ŸâÕ–‰√µà“ßÊ¡“°¡“¬®“°∑’Ëπ’Ë·≈â«°Á¬—ß¡’Õ–‰√Ê„Àâ Drink ∑’Ë¡’™◊ËÕ«à“ Golden Sunshine ‡æ√“–«à“™à«ß·¢àߢ—π »÷°…“‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡Õ’°¡“° ™à«ßπ—Èπ‡ªìπÀπâ“¡–¡à«ß ®÷߉¥â§‘¥π”¡–¡à«ß‡ªìπà«πº¡ ¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡‡Õ‡æ√‚´à‚¥¬®—¥‡‘√åø‡ªìπ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡√âÕ𠇫≈“„π°“√Ωñ°‡µ√’¬¡µ—«°àÕπ·¢àߢ—π TBC ·≈–”À√—∫°“√·¢àߢ—π WBC 2007 ∑’˪√–‡∑»≠’˪ÿÉπ °Á 2007 ·≈– WBC 2007 Õ¬“°®–„™âà«πº¡∑’Ë·¥ß∂÷ߧ«“¡‡ªìπ‰∑¬ÀπàÕ¬®÷ß ”À√— ∫ TBC π—È π „™â ‡ «≈“Ωñ ° Ωπ‡µ√’ ¬ ¡µ— « °à Õ π·¢à ß ‡≈◊Õ°„™â¡–æ√â“«·≈–°–∑‘ ¡“‡ªìπà«πº¡‡æ√“–‡ªìπº≈ ª√–¡“≥ 2 ‡¥◊Õπ°«à“ʇæ◊ËÕ·¢àß„πß“π Thailand Coffee ‰¡â∑’Ë¡’™◊ËÕ‡’¬ß¢Õß∑“ßµÕπ„µâ¢Õߪ√–‡∑»‡√“ ´÷Ëß„™â & Tea 2007 „π‡¥◊Õπ‡¡…“¬π ·≈–À≈—ß®“°‰¥â·™¡ªá TBC ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡‡¬Áπ∑’Ë „À⧫“¡¥™◊Ëπ·≈–¥—∫°√–À“¬ °Á¡’‡«≈“‡µ√’¬¡µ—«Õ’°‡¥◊Õπ°«à“Ê°—∫°“√·¢àߢ—π WBC ∑’Ë ª√–‡∑»≠’˪ÿÉπª≈“¬‡¥◊Õπ°√°Æ“§¡ ‚¥¬„™â‡«≈“Ωñ°Ωπ ·ºπß“π„Õ𓧵 °“√·¢àߢ—πª√–¡“≥«—π≈– 5-6 ™—Ë«‚¡ß °Á§ß®–¬—ß»÷°…“¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈‡°’ˬ«°—∫°“·ø‡æ‘Ë¡¢÷Èπ‡√◊ËլʵàÕ‰ª Õ“®®–‡ªî¥√â“π°“·ø´÷Ë߇ªìπ§πÕ¬Ÿàª√–®”√â“π‡Õß·≈– ™π‘¥·≈–‡¡πŸ°“·ø∑’Ë™Õ∫ §Õ¬Õπ∫“√‘µâ“√ÿàππâÕß ·≈–„À⧫“¡√Ÿâ‡°’ˬ«°—∫°“·ø °“·ø∑’Ë™Õ∫°Á§◊Õ °“·ø Bluecup §à–‡æ√“–«à“¡’§«“¡ ·°à≈Ÿ°§â“µàÕʉª ≈ßµ—«¢Õß∑—Èß Body ·≈– Acidity ·≈â«°Á¬—ß¡’√™“µ‘§≈⓬ Chocolate ¥â«¬§à– à«π‡¡πŸ∑’Ë™Õ∫°Á§◊Õ Latte ‡æ√“– §”·π–π”À√◊ÕÀ≈—°°“√”À√—∫∫“√‘µâ“¡◊Õ„À¡à ™Õ∫øÕßπ¡∑’ˇπ’¬ππÿà¡ √™“µ‘À«“π¢ÕßπÈ”π¡·≈–¬—ß µâÕßΩñ°Ωπ∫àÕ¬Ê ∑”ß“π¥â«¬„®∑’Ë√—°„π‘Ëß∑’Ë∑”§ÿ≥®–√Ÿâ÷° ™Õ∫∑” Latte Art Õ’°¥â«¬§à– πÿ ° °— ∫ ¡— π ‰¡à ‰ ¥â ¬ “°Õ¬à “ ß∑’Ë §‘ ¥ ‡æ’ ¬ ß·µà µâ Õ ß„™â § «“¡ ‡æ’¬√欓¬“¡·≈–∑”§«“¡‡¢â“„®„πµ—«≈Ÿ°§â“ §ÿ≥°Á®– ª√–∫°“√≥å°“√·¢àߢ—π∫“√‘µâ“ ‡ªìπ∫“√‘µâ“∑’˪√–∫º≈”‡√Á®‰¥â ·¢àߢ—π§√—Èß·√°ÿ¥§◊Õ TBC 2006 ∑’ËÕ—¡√‘π ∑√åæ≈“´à“ (™¡§≈‘ª«‘¥’‚Õ‰¥â∑’Ë http://zacharyzachary.wordpress. µÕππ—Èπµ◊Ëπ‡µâπ¡“°‡≈¬ ≈π¡“°Ê ·≈–°Á‰¥â°≈—∫‰ªΩñ°Ωπ com/2007/07/31/competitor-18-thailand/ ) ‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡®π≈ß·¢àß TBC 2007 ‡ªìπ°“√·¢àߢ—π§√—Èß∑’ËÕß ·≈–‰¥â™—¬™π–¡“®÷ßàߺ≈„À≥⇪ìπµ—«·∑π∫“√‘µâ“®“° • 17


The column shape espresso coffee machine was invented in 1903 by an engineer named Luigi Bezzera. This design is still popular even though it was created more than 100 years ago. Bella Epoque is a French word means “Good Time”. It is design and make by the Fregnan family, whom has been manufacturing high quality espresso coffee machine since 1947, under Elektra brand. Bella Epoque combines the elegant classic design with the modern espresso machine technology. It is available 1-3 group heads. Until now, Belle Epoque machines are neatly handmade, one by one. Not only the elegance design as the piece of house decoration item. Belle Epoque also provided the perfect cup of coffee for any coffee house and restaurant.

Belle Epoque

It’s may not fast like Bugatti but it’s sure the same eye catcher

Classic, elegant beyond the time

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‡√Á«‰¡à‡∑à“ Bugatti ·µà‡µ–µ“‰¡à·æâ°—π by SK2

by SK2

Web Link for more information:,

‡§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à °”‡π‘¥‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ§√—Èß·√°®“° °“√ª√–¥‘…∞å¢Õß«‘»«°√Õ‘µ“‡≈’ˬππ“¡ Luigi Bezzera ‡¡◊ËÕªï§.». 1901 ‚¥¬¡’√Ÿª∑√ß≈—°…≥–‡ªìπª≈àÕߧ≈⓬ °—∫‡“·π«µ—Èß ´÷Ë߬—ߧ߇ªìπ°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫∑’Ë ‰¥â√—∫§«“¡ π‘¬¡∂÷ß·¡â®–ºà“π¡“‡ªìπ√âÕ¬ªï·≈â«°Áµ“¡ Bella Epoque (Õà“π«à“ ‡∫≈≈å Õ‘ªÖÕ° ‡ªìπ¿“…“ Ω√—Ë߇» ·ª≈«à“ Good Time - ™à«ß‡«≈“·Ààߧ«“¡ÿ¢) ‡°‘¥®“°°“√√â“ß√√¢Õß Elektra ‚¥¬µ√–°Ÿ≈ Fregnan ºŸâº≈‘µ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à §ÿ≥¿“æŸß ´÷Ëß◊∫∑Õ¥ °—π¡“µ—Èß·µàªï§.». 1947 ‚¥¬º¡º“𧫓¡ß¥ß“¡¢Õß °“√ÕÕ°·∫∫¿“¬πÕ°ÿ¥§≈“‘§°—∫‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’∑’Ë∑—π ¡—¬„π°“√∑”°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à¿“¬„π ‚¥¬¡’¢π“¥µ—Èß ·µà 1-3 À—«°√ÿ䪮“°Õ¥’µ®π∂÷ßªí®®ÿ∫—π Belle Epoque ¬—ß §ßº≈‘µÕ¬à“ߪ√“≥’µ ‚¥¬°“√ª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬¡◊Õ µ—«µàÕµ—« ¥â«¬§«“¡ß¥ß“¡·≈–≈ßµ—«¢Õß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ®÷߇À¡“– °—∫ÀâÕßÕ“À“√‰µ≈å¬ÿ‚√ª ´÷ËßπÕ°®“°§ÿ≥®–‰¥â°“·ø√ ‡≈‘»·≈⫬—߉¥â‡§√◊ËÕߪ√–¥—∫√â“πÿ¥À√ŸÀ√“Õ’°¥â«¬ BELLE EPOQUE : SPECIFICATION model group boiler cap. L

18 •





width weight











110-230 60-50/60



ø 40






110-230 60-50/60



ø 40










ø 57










ø 57










ø 68










ø 68



One of the Espresso machine that caught my eyes at the largest Espresso coffee machines Expo in Milan 2 years ago was Atalante by Reneka. With the shiny stainless steel body. Atalante is the right combination of elegance, tradition and sturdiness. It was created by Reneka’s owner, Patrick Zimmermann and a designer, Phillipppe Gaentzirt. The story of how they came up with the name “Atalante” was also very interesting. Reneka’s manufacture is located in Alsace where it is only 1 kilometer away from Molsheim where famous sport cars “Bugatti” were produced there. One of Bugatti well-known models in 1930 is Atalante. (Picture) Reneka named its Espresso machine after it in honor of this sport car and people who love the good old day charming. Atalante’s twin is Galatea by Bezzera as the co-manufacturing for this special model. Web Link for more information:,, and

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• 19


Banana Cream Frappè

Greeting for all CT&I readers. This part of the year the weather diverse frequently, it’s better to pay more attention to your health. At the end of this year, Hot Bev still have exciting recipe for your coffee house, waiting for you!

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20 •

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Banana Latte (Ice)

Banana Cream Frappè

Banana Latte (Ice)

Our first menu is non-caffeine drink which suitable for all customers who like the sweetness of white chocolate and aroma of banana. Ingredient 1. DaVinci White Chocolate Sauce 30 cc. 2. DaVinci Banana Syrup 22.5 cc. 3. DaVinci Frappease Powder 2 tbs. 4. Fresh milk 90 cc. 5. Ice 16 oz. Instruction 1. Add all ingredients into blender, by adding ice as the last ingredient 2. Blend until the drink get smooth 3. Blend, decorate and serve

Banana Latte is the ice coffee with bouquet of banana which mix up well with caramel to make up a flawless drink. Ingredient 1. Espresso Shot 60 cc. 2. DaVinci Banana Syrup 15 cc. 3. DaVinci Caramel Sauce 15 cc. 4. Fresh milk 120 cc. 5. Ice 16 oz. Instruction 1. Add ingredient 2,3 and 4 into an 16 oz. 2. Pour 2 shots of espresso in the glass and stir 3. Fill the glass with ice ( May decorate with whip cream)

Espresso Frappè The second drink is still a blended drink which reveals the real taste of strong espresso and adding a trick in the whip cream with Peppermint mocha flavor. Ingredient 1. Espresso Shot 2 shot 2. Syrup 30 cc. 3. Ice 12 oz. Whip Cream Ingredient 1. Whipping cream 500 cc. 2. DaVinci Peppermint Paddy Syrup*(for whip cream) 30 cc. Instruction 1. Pour 2 shots of espresso, syrup and ice into the blender 2. Blend and serve in 12 oz. 3. Decorate with whip cream

Choc Malt Latte (Hot) The sour & sweet tastes of orange in Choc Malt Latte are merged well with flavor of malt. Not only inside the cup, you also can taste the pleasure on the edge of the glass. Ingredient 1. Espresso Shot 30 cc. 2. Da Vinci Orange Syrup 7.5 cc. 3. Fresh milk 180 cc. 4. Malt (for the glass edge) 10 g. 5. Orange sauce (for decoration) Instruction 1. Add Da Vinci Orange Syrup into 6-8 oz. cup 2. Pour an espresso shot into the cup 3. Steam the milk and pour slowly to make a layer and cover the cup with nice smooth foam 4. Decorate with orange sauce and serve Instruction for glass edge Turn the glass edge to the plate fill with DaVinci Orange syrup and then to the malt powder

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Macchiato In love

√™“µ‘¢ÕßπÈ”µ“≈∑√“¬·¥ß∑’Ë¢Õ∫ª“° ·°â « ‡¡◊Ë Õ ·√°¥◊Ë ¡ ®–™à « ¬¢— ∫ °≈à Õ ¡§«“¡ ÀÕ¡¢Õß°“·ø„Àâ ¡’ ¡ “°¢÷È π æ√â Õ ¡°— ∫ √™“µ‘¢Õß Lychee Syrup §ß∑”„Àâ‡¡πŸµ—« π’ÈÕ¬Ÿà„π„®§ÿ≥‰¥â‰¡à¬“° à«πº¡ 1. Espresso Shot 30 cc. 2. DaVinci Lychee Syrup 7.5 cc. 3. Fresh milk 180 cc. «‘∏’∑” 1. µ«ßπÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡°≈‘Ëπ Lychee (≈‘Èπ®’Ë) ≈ß„π ·°â« 3 ÕÕπ´å ∑”™Õ∑°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à ≈ß„π·°â« 2. µ’¡π¡„Àâ√âÕπª√–¡“≥ 60-70˚c ‡≈◊Õ°„™â‡©æ“–‚ø¡∑’ˇπ’¬π 3. √‘ππÈ”π¡≈ß„π·°â«ª√–¡“≥ 1/2 ´¡. µ—°‚ø¡‡π’¬πÀ¬Õ¥≈ßµ√ß°≈“ß ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬ πÈ”µ“≈∑√“¬·¥ß «‘∏’°“√‡§≈◊Õ∫ª“°·°â« §«Ë ” ª“°·°â « ≈ß„π®“π∑’Ë ¡’ πÈ ” ‡™◊Ë Õ ¡ Da Vinci Lychee Syrup ‚¥¬„ÀâπÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡µ‘¥ ª“°·°â«„Àâ∑—Ë« π”·°â«‰ª§«Ë”°—∫πÈ”µ“≈ ∑√“¬·¥ß®πµ‘¥ª“°·°â«Õ¬à“ß¡Ë”‡¡Õ Strawberry Island Soda

‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡Õ‘µ“‡≈’¬π‚´¥“∑’Ë≈ßµ—«¥â«¬√ ™“µ‘ § «“¡´à “ °— ∫ §«“¡ÀÕ¡À«“π¢Õß Banana Syrup ‡√‘ ¡ ¥â « ¬√™“µ‘ ¢ Õß Palmbay Club Starwberry Smoothie ∑”„Àâ¡’‡π◊ÈÕ—¡º—∑’Ë¥’ ‡À¡“–·¡â”À√—∫§ÿ≥ ÀπŸÊ∑—ÈßÀ≈“¬ à«πº¡ 1. Palmbay Starwberry Smoothie 30 cc. 2. DaVinci Banana Syrup 15 cc. 3. Soda 150 cc. 4. Ice 16 oz. «‘∏’∑” 1. µ«ß Palmbay Strawberry Smoothie ·≈–πÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡°≈‘Ëπ Banana ≈ß„π·°â« 16 ÕÕπ´å§π„À⇢⓰—π 2. ‡µ‘¡πÈ”·¢Áß„À⇵Á¡·°â« ®“°π—Èπ‡µ‘¡‚´¥“ ≈߉ª 3. æ√âÕ¡‡‘√åø„π·°â« 16 ÕÕπ´å (§π„À⇢ⓠ°—π°àÕπ¥◊Ë¡)

22 •

Macchiato In love A taste of brown sugar at the edge of coffee mug and a flavor of Lychee Syrup can made your coffee more enjoyable. Perhaps, this can be one of your favorite menu. Ingredient 1. Espresso Shot 30 cc. 2. DaVinci Lychee Syrup 7.5 cc. 3. Fresh milk 180 cc. Instruction 1. Add DaVinci Lychee Syrup and espresso shot into 3 oz cup 2. Steam the milk and use only the silky foam 3. Pour milk into the cup for 1/2 cm and decorate with foam and brown sugar Instruction for glass edge Turn the glass edge to the plate fill with DaVinci Lychee syrup and then to the brown sugar

Strawberry Island Soda Sparkling soda drink combines with the sweetness strawberry grain and banana scent present a delightful brew for your customer, especially the kids! Ingredient 1. Palmbay Starwberry Smoothie 30 cc. 2. DaVinci Banana Syrup 15 cc. 3. Soda 150 cc. 4. Ice 16 oz. Instruction 1. Add Palmbay Strawberry Smoothie and DaVinci Banana syrup in to 16 oz cup. 2. Fill the cup with ice and soda 3. Mix well before drink

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• 23


You would be surprised to know that some famous coffee house that has the most branches in Thailand just 30% of their income is from coffee. Majority of their income is from foods and other beverages, both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. Don’t give up when you heard of this because Starbucks, successful coffee house chain still has the majority of their income from their coffee. However, it is very interesting that the big green is also trying to add more food and beverage items in to their menu. Now, let’s see what else can be add to your drinks menu.

Black English Tea Tea is already serve in most of the coffee house but

real fruit in the clear tea pot which has small separate compartment for it. This menu is very popular there.

Japanese Green Tea Japanese Green Tea is also very popular and it is one of the main menu for the coffee house. Starbucks has first started selling this in Taiwan and it becomes popular throughout Asia and the world included Thailand. Preparation process is not difficult and it can be served hot or cold or iced blended drink.

Chinese Tea The successful of Chinese green tea in Thailand was brought by Oishi group who introduced Chinese green tea to Thai consumer market and change the idea that tea is the beverage for elder people. Taste of tea that is available in the market is pretty much the same, we has to add more flavor in order

more flavored syrups to make your own signature drinks. One of the simple drink is just add Cherry flavored syrup into coke, this will make cherry coke which you can’t find any where here in Thailand.

Fruit Smoothies Hot weather in Thailand along with taste and fruits benefit make fruit Smoothies popular in coffee house throughout the nation. In spite of difficulty of fruit preparation and short store up time, some coffee house decided not to sell it. Right now you can use frozen fruit and fresh fruits that go through special process to make them last longer. Besides, Smoothies can be made with mixture of sorbet, yogurt, or smoothie powder base which is much easier. Protein and Vitamin are also another value added to your smoothies. (Victor Liew, my friend owner of Mad about Juice who looks forever young told me that the secret is in his drink, don’t believe him - try it)

¢“¬Õ–‰√¥’ πÕ°®“°°“·ø Anything But Coffee most of them do not pay much attention to the quality of their tea. We often see bag of loose black tea, same as the one sell in supermarket, serve in many coffee house. Because customers know the cost of this loose tea; therefore, coffee house cannot boost up the sell price. The taste of these kind of tea has less aroma than leaves tea which more suitable for your premium coffee house. You will not see the use of loose tea bag in any premium coffee house in other countries. Especially fruit tea some even use real fruit to make their fruit tea, it can give more natural taste to the tea rather than using flavored tea bag. Leaves tea are available with and without bags. Tea pots are usually clear class so customers can see tea leaves. In Taiwan, they serve fruit tea such as apply, orange, and cantaloupe by putting diced 24 •

by SK2 Coffee Zoom, Bangkok

to tell the differences. It would take a long time for Chinese tea to become popular that people can tell the different in term of quality. However, see Taiwanese and Thai oldest tea manufacture had re-image their products and make it suitable for young people, plus acknowledge them advantages that good for health of tea drinking. Add some Chinese tea in your menu it’s not the bad idea.

Italian Soda Coke and Pepsi are popular drinks but the reason that you don’t want to sell these beverages in your café is because you can’t make much margin since it so obvious when customer can see the price difference from the convenience store next door. So if you want to sell carbonated drinks and become more profitable you should consider selling Italian Soda. Italian soda can be made with many flavored syrups which are available in the market by mixing it with soda water and ice. You can either make carbonated fruity drinks like raspberry and strawberry or carbonated cocktail flavors like Pinacolada and Blue Curacao. You can even add one or

Coffee Zoom, Bangkok

Gelato/Ice Cream It’s quite common for selling Gelato (Italian ice-cream) in the coffee bar in Italy. Gelato can be sell day and night in Italy. During dinner before having main course, sorbet is served as a mouth washer and after dinner, you can have with or without alcohol gelato. Gelato seem to be good companion of Espresso start from they came from same origin. The unique taste and variety of flavor make differenciate from the industrial ice-cream that your customer can get from any convenience stores. And everybody love ice-cream.put an ice-cream show case in your café from one of the Gelato supplier will make the whole family of your customer happy. (to be continue)

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Luckafe, Phnom Penh, Combodia

It is much easier to find gourmet coffee in Phnom Penh these days. Young cutie Barista from Luckafe is making perfect Espresso and Cappuccino just like other Baristas through out the world.

æπ¡‡ª≠«—ππ’È ¡ÕßÀ“°“·ø°√Ÿ‡¡µå¥◊Ë¡‰¥âßà“¬¢÷È𠇙àπ°“·ø®“°Ωï¡◊Õ∫“√‘µâ““«Àπâ“ „¢Õß Luckafe √â“ππ’È°Á∑” Espresso À√◊Õ Cappucino ‰¥â‰¡à·æ♓µ‘‰Àπ‡À¡◊Õπ°—π T&Coffee World, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The modern design CMA Espresso machine can show you how Mr. Chy Sila, young talented businessman owner of T&Coffee World pay attention to serve his coffee. There are several T&Coffee World branches around the city and make you a cup of joy by the lovely barista same as this place.

‡ÀÁπ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø¢Õß CMA ∑’Ë „™â·≈â«°Á∫Õ°‰¥â∂÷ߧ«“¡µ—Èß„®„π°“√∫√‘°“√°“·ø¥’ ¢ÕßÀπÿࡉø·√ß Chy Sila π—°∏ÿ√°‘®‡®â“¢Õß√â“π°“·ø T & Coffee World ´÷Ëß¡’Õ¬Ÿà À≈“¬“¢“„πæπ¡‡ª≠ ∑’Ë∑”°“·øÕ¬à“ßµ—Èß„®‚¥¬∫“√‘µâ““« µ“‚µ§¡‡¢â¡·∫∫©∫—∫ ·¢¡√å·∑âÊ Japan Barista for Siphon Coffee Champion 2006. Tokyo, Japan

From WBC/ SCAJ 2007. Mieko Koike, the Japan Barista Championship 2006 for siphon coffee from UCC demonstrated the brewing technique at Bonmac.

‡°Á∫µ°®“°ß“π SCAJ 2007 ¢Õß∫“√‘µâ““«À¡«¬ Mieko Koike ®“° UCC ´÷Ëß¡’ µ”·Àπàß·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“ª√–‡¿∑‰´øÉÕπªï 2006 ª√–‡∑»≠’˪ÿÉπ ª√–°—𧫓¡“¡“√∂ ‡∏Õ“∏‘µ°“√∑”°“·ø„π∫Ÿ∑¢Õß ∫Õπ·¡§ „π‡§√◊Õ UCC Cake Café, Sriracha

Dolce Vita, Monaco

°àÕπ∫√‘°“√ Main Course °Á®–‡‘√åø Sorbet (‰Õ»§√’¡ º≈‰¡â·∫∫‰¡àº¡π¡) ‡æ◊ËÕ‡ªìπ°“√≈â“ߪ“° À≈—ßÕ“À“√ °Á¬—ß¡’ Gelato ·∫∫‰¡à¡’À√◊Õ¡’·Õ≈°ÕŒÕ≈å∫√‘°“√Õ’°¥â«¬ Gelato ¥Ÿ®–‡¢â“§Ÿà°—π‰¥â¥’°—∫°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à ®“°°“√ ∑’Ë¡“®“°·À≈àß°”‡π‘¥‡¥’¬«°—π √™“µ‘∑’Ë·µ°µà“ß®“°‰Õ» §√’¡∑—Ë«‰ª ª√–°Õ∫°—∫§«“¡À≈“°À≈“¬¢Õß√ ∑”„Àâ Gelato ·µ°µà“ß®“°‰Õ»§√’¡∑—˫ʉª∑’Ë≈Ÿ°§â“¢Õߧÿ≥À“ ´◊ÈÕ‰¥â®“°√â“π–¥«°´◊ÈÕ∑—Ë«‰ª ‰¡à¡’ „§√‰¡à™Õ∫‰Õ»§√’¡‡æ’¬ß¬°µŸâ‚™«å ‰Õ»§√’¡ Smoothies Õ“°“»√âÕπ¢Õß∫â“π‡√“ √™“µ‘·≈–ª√–‚¬™πå¢Õߺ≈‰¡â Gelato ®“°ºŸâ®—¥®”Àπà“¬„à√â“π¢Õߧÿ≥—°µŸâ°Á®–∑”„Àâ ∑”„Àâ Smoothies ¢“¬¥’ „π√â“π°“·ø·µà§«“¡¬ÿà߬“° ≈Ÿ°§â“¢Õߧÿ≥¡’§«“¡ÿ¢°—π∑—Èߧ√Õ∫§√—«√«¡∑—Èߧÿ≥¥â«¬ (Õà“πµàÕ©∫—∫Àπâ“) ¢Õß°“√‡µ√’¬¡º≈‰¡â √™“µ‘∑’ˉ¡à§ß∑’Ë·≈–¡’Õ“¬ÿ°“√‡°Á∫ —È π ®÷ ß ∑”„Àâ √â “ π°“·ø∫“ß√â “ πµ— ¥„®‰¡à ¢ “¬‡§√◊Ë Õ ß¥◊Ë ¡ ª√–‡¿∑π’È ·µà«‘∏’°“√„À¡à‡™àπ °“√„™âº≈‰¡â·™à·¢ÁßÀ√◊Õº≈ “¡“√∂¡’‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡√´à“∑—Èß™π‘¥°≈‘Ëπº≈‰¡â ‡™àπ √“ ‡∫Õ√’Ë, µ√Õ‡∫Õ√’Ë À√◊Õ·∫∫°≈‘Ëπ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡ Cocktail ‡™àπ Pinacolada, Blue Curacao ‡ªìπµâπ πÕ°®“°π—Èπ °“√º¡πÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡·µàß°≈‘Ëπ¡“°°«à“Àπ÷Ëß°≈‘Ëπ‡¢â“¥â«¬°—π °Á®–‡°‘¥‡ªìπ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡‡Õ°≈—°…≥å¢Õß√â“π§ÿ≥‡Õߢ÷Èπ¡“ ‡§¬¡’ § «“¡§‘ ¥ ßà “ ¬Ê¢Õß√â “ π°“·ø∫“ß√â “ π∑’Ë ‡ æ’ ¬ ß„™â Coke º¡°—∫πÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡°≈‘Ëπ‡™Õ√’Ë °Á∑”„À⇰‘¥‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡µ—« „À¡à∑’ËÀ“‰¡à‰¥â„π√â“π∑—Ë«‰ª

26 •

Elefin Coffee, Sukhumvit soi 1, Bangkok, ailand

Back to Bangkok to meet two Thai baristas from Elefin Coffee, Joy and Toey. The excellent environment coffee house with good coffee and adorable baristas in their cute uniform, what else do I need!!!

°≈—∫¡“∑’˪√–‡∑»‰∑¬°—π∫â“ß °—∫πâÕßÊÀπÿà¡“«∫“√‘µâ“Àπâ“„∑’Ë¡“°—π‡ªìπ§Ÿà πâÕß ®Õ¬·≈–πâÕ߇µâ¬®“°√â“π Elefin Coffee À√◊Õ°“·ø™â“ߢÕ߇√“π’ˇÕß √â“π∫√√¬“°“» ¥’¥’ °“·øÕ√àÕ¬ πâÕß∫“√‘µâ“Õ“√¡≥奒 °—∫™ÿ¥øÕ√å¡πà“√—°Ê·∫∫π’È ¬—߉߰ÁÕ¬à“æ≈“¥ ‰ª·«–‡«’¬π°—π Rabisca Coffee, Future Park Rangsit, ailand

Let’s go to Future Park Rangsit to meet another young Barista (again) from Rabisca, Au. She is waiting to brew you a perfect cup of coffee. How can I miss this after I saw it?

·«–ºà“π‰ª·∂«Êø®Õ√å ª“√å§ √—ß‘µ®–‡®Õ°—∫ çπâÕßÕŸãé ∫“√‘µâ““«πâÕ¬ (Õ’°·≈â«) ¬◊π∑”°“·øÕ¬à“ߢ¡—°‡¢¡âπ ‡ÀÁπ·∫∫π’È·≈â«®–‰¡à„À⇢ⓉªÕÿ¥Àπÿπ‰¥â¬—߉ß

• 27


WBC 2007 & SCAJ 2007 Tokyo, japan July 31 - August 2, 2007

‡ªìπß“π·¥ß‘π§â“‡°’ˬ«°—∫°“·ø·≈–Õÿª°√≥å∑’ˇ°’ˬ« ¢â Õ ß ‚¥¬‡ªì π §√—È ß ·√°∑’Ë ‡ ªì π °“√®— ¥ √à « ¡°— π ¢Õß∑—È ß 2 ¡“§¡ World Barista Championship ·≈– Specialty Coffee Association of Japan ‚¥¬„πªïπ’È°Á¡’ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡ ·¥ß¡“°¡“¬ WBC 2007 & SCAJ 2007 is coffee and coffee equipments trade show. It was the first time that World Barista Championship and Specialty Coffee Association of Japan co-organized this event with many coffee company participation.

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SCAA 2007 Long Beach, Ca, usa march 4-7, 2007

SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) ß“π¢Õß¡“§¡°“·ø™π‘¥æ‘‡»…·ÀàßÕ‡¡√‘°“ 2007 ®—¥ ¢÷Èπ∑’Ë Long Beach Convention Center „π California, USA ¬—ߧ߇ªìπß“πª√–®”ªï¢Õß∏ÿ√°‘®°“·øæ√’‡¡’ˬ¡∑’Ë „À≠à∑’Ëÿ¥„πÕ‡¡√‘°“ ‚¥¬ß“π®—¥„À⇪ìπ°“√·¥ß‘π§â“ µ—Èß·µà“√°“·ø Green Bean ®“°π“π“ª√–‡∑»ºŸâº≈‘µ ®π∂÷߇§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø·≈–‡§√◊ËÕߪ√ÿßà«πº¡µà“ßÊ∑’Ë ‡°’Ë ¬ «¢â Õ ß°— ∫ ∏ÿ √ °‘ ® °“·ø ‚¥¬¡’ ºŸâ ‡ ¢â “ ™¡®“°∑—Ë «‚≈° πÕ°®“°π—Èπ ®ÿ¥‡¥àπÕ’°Õ¬à“ßÀπ÷ËߢÕßß“π°Á§◊Õ °“√Õ∫ √¡—¡π“∑“ß«‘™“°“√µ—Èß·µà°“√§—Ë«°“·ø °“√™‘¡∑¥Õ∫ °“·ø °“√∑”°“·ø °“√µ≈“¥·≈–°“√∫√‘À“√∏ÿ√°‘® °“·øÕ’°¥â«¬ SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) is a biggest annual specialty coffee trade fair. This year event held at Long Beach Convention Center in California, USA. The exhibition presented Green Beans from many international coffee plant growers to Espresso machines, Ingredients and other coffee related products. They got visitor from all over the world. The seminars session and work shop including coffee Roasting, Cupping, Brewing, and Coffee Business Marketing and Management Conference.

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World Barista Championship 2007 Tokyo by espresso man

World Barista Championship (WBC) is organized annually rotating between Europe and America. However, this year competition was held in Tokyo, Japan. It was my great opportunity to participate and observe this world class event as one of the representative from Barista Association of Thailand. As the Asian countries representative and the host country, we were expecting that Japan would perfectly hold the event just like Europeans and Americans did in the past. Therefore, I couldn’t miss this competition. From my observation, I think there were many interesting things at the event so let me share them with you.

Japan geared up There were 5 of us going for this event. Meechai, President of Barista Association of Thailand, Miss Sirithai (Poom), the Thai Barista Champion from S&P/ Blue Cup coffee to compete at this event, Miss Porntippa, Coordinator, Miss Bua-Roy, Trainer, and I. We arrived in Japan late morning 2 days prior to the competition. We were really exhausted from the traveling but after we checked in the hotel, we decided to go see the Tokyo Big Sight, the event location because we wanted to find out how long it would take to get there. When we arrived at the site, they were still working on building the stage. The stage’s size and the lighting made us feel like we were performing a concert. There were 3 L shape counters on the stage. All three counters got bright orange La Mazocco FB80 with 3 group heads Espresso machines along with Compak K10 grinders waiting for barista from around the world to compete in a few hours. I couldn’t stop my hand from touching FB10 and checked it out because the beauty of it. The counter bars were strongly and

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perfectly built to meet the WBC standard measurement, even though they would only be used just once. The counter bar’s height seemed to be little problem for Miss Siritai, I thought, but she told me there was no problem. Inside the counter bar, there was 2 electrical outlets (could ask for more), 1 small refrigerator, 1 large garbage bin, and 1 small garbage bin hiding underneath. I wanted to see the back stage where it was used for practice but I could not get permission. Later, I found out that there were 4 Espresso machines for practice, 2 refrigerators for baristas who brought their own milk and other ingredients. There was also milk from sponsors sitting in other refrigerator. There was ice making machine, a sink in 2 locations, the special area for barista to place their equipment before entering the stage, and barista dressing room. The size of backstage was larger than up front.

It took about 45 minutes by train plus 600 meter walk from our hotel to Tokyo Big Sight. It was 1,000 yen (300 baht) per person. We were really exhausted after visited the sight so we ended up having dinner at one of the Udon place near by.

All Barista in the Planet Earth Day two, we were hurry to get to Tokyo Big Sight for orientation given by, Michelle Campbell, WBC Coordinator. The practice timetable and other arrangement had been prepared for us when we registered. Competition participants were asked to get up on the stage to introduce themselves and notify their stage set up one by one. They were asked what side they would like to put their grinders, any other additional equipment, or even the size of the WBC souvenir T-shirt.

¡“¥π‘Ë߇§√àߢ√÷¡¢Õß Troels Overdal Paulsen, World Barista Championship 2005 ºŸâ¡“° §«“¡“¡“√∂ ™“«‡¥π¡“√å° ‡¢“¬—߇ªìπ presenter ¢ÕߺŸâº≈‘µ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à π«µ°√√¡„À¡à Dalla Corte

Mascot ¢Õßß“π∑’Ëπà“√—°‰µ≈å≠’˪ÿÉπ √à«¡√âÕ߇æ≈ß We Love Coffee ´÷Ëß·µàߢ÷Èπ¡“”À√—∫ ß“ππ’È‚¥¬‡©æ“–°—∫ Dancer ∑’Ë·µàß°“¬ª√–®”™“µ‘¢Õß™“µ‘µà“ßÊ „π‡Õ‡™’¬∑’Ëß“π Asian Night Gala Dinner

Serious look of Troels Overdal Poulsen, World Barista Championship 2005 from Copenhagen, Denmark. He is also a Barista presenter for Dalla Corte, new technology Espresso Machine.

Japanese Mascot sang “We Love Coffee,” a song wrote for this special event, with the dancers who were in Asian traditional costumes that matched the theme “Asia Night Gala Dinner.”

This year there was 48 countries requested their participation but there was only 45 countries show up for orientation. From my observation, this year competition became more world wide, there was barista from many countries around the world participate at the event especially, African countries. There were also barista from coffee plant grower like Kenya, Nicaragua, Brazil, Columbia, and Thai. This is WBC’s success that can attract more barista association around the world to be more energetic and want to participate in the competition. These made us realize that we are now competing in the world class event which has no boundary. And it is time to step up and learn new things in order to develop our Thai Barista.

Signature Drink There were no comparison of how each barista brew Espresso and Cappuccino. They were all done very well. It was pretty difficult to see their error only a few from first timer Overall I think they all did well. There were 2 signature drinks that caught my eye (as the spectator), one from Spain by Chiara Nicolini and another one from New Zealand by Carl Sara. However, James Hoffman, won the best signature drink and won this year competition, his drink was not on my poll (but the song he used was surely the winner). I only judged this as the spectator. Basic judging was on the taste of the drink which I didn’t have a chance to do so. Therefore, I can only narrate you my visual interest. Let start with Spain’s signature drink, I couldn’t remember the name of her drink but she played with the concept “Coffee with candy.” She brought quiet a bit of extra equipments such as 2 cotton candy maker machine, 2 large bowls, and 2 strange looking pitchers. She was one of the

• 33


contestants who got a lot of spectator’s attention. Because of the tricky process and technique, she couldn’t make coconut milk ball and lost track of her time. Even though she could save the situation but she went over for about a minute. So she didn’t make it to the final. The other interesting signature drink was by Carl Sara from New Zealand. Carl Sara came to Thailand in 2005 as the barista champion from New Zealand. He came as one of the WBC judges, training and conference for Thailand National Barista Championship 2005 (TNBC 2005) by Bon Café. I got certificate from this training as well. I named Carl’s signature drink “Octopus” after the special accessories he use for serve his signature drink. He always contributed his experience into barista competition. He seemed to understand what people want in term of taste and scent, that’s why he brought his special glass that connected to the spice container. The drink itself contained one Espresso shot mixed with some spices and carbonated it with carbon dioxide before it had been served in the special glass. This signature drink looked simple but eccentric at the same time. But trust me before Carl pressurized the oxygen into the spice container, judges must had been very excited at this experience Carl about to give them. I even smelled and could taste the flavor of it even though I was quite far away. Carl’s signature drink didn’t win the prize but he was the second runner up for this competition. Thailand Sirithai’s signature drink is Samui Holiday. A taste of this tropical drinks is mixing espresso and coconut milk from Samui island, a famous beach resort and also the best coconut in Thailand. I didn’t have a chance to taste it yet but I surely try after see her again in Bangkok. At this competition making the signature drinks, there was only few barista that used flavored syrups, most of them real spices or even made their own spices in front of judges. I wanted to see Thai barista use some kind of spices in drinks because Thailand is known to have many kinds. How about “The Shot of Tom Yum Essence.”

World Class Barista in Action One thing that I wanted to see at the competition is the barista’s movement when they were in action. As a barista myself ; it was fun to watch difference technique from barista champion around the world so do some barista who understand the rule. 34 •

Barista’s performance that impressed the most was by Costas Pliatsikas from Sweden. He made 2 Espresso shots at the same time by using only one hand holding 2 portafilters. His tamping technique was the best of the tournament and his working steps was excellent. His technique did not win any award but it surely won the heart of the audience. Barista from Thailand, Miss Pum performed and show her technique well just like everybody else. Her Espresso shot was perfectly brewed out of the Espresso machine. Serving cappuccino was not a problem as well. Miss Pum chose to make the shape of heart for her Latte Arts which got the big applause from the audience. There was also barista from the host country, Miyuki whom packing technique represented Japanese women characteristic, it was tidily packed. Besides, the technique that each barista presented to the judges were popular technique, for example, Lin Dong Yuan, barista winner from Taiwan presented his new Latte Arts by pouring and explaining his idea in front of the judges. His technique was accepted throughout the West.

2007 WBC Ranking Order 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

James Hoffman Heather Perry Carl Sara Miyuki Miyamae Anna Kaeppeli Silvia Magalhaes

Special Awards

Best Espresso Best Cappuccino Best Signature Drink Congeniality Barista

from UK from USA from New Zealand from Japan from Switzerland from Brazil

Heather Perry from USA Miyuki Miyamae from Japan James Hoffman from UK Ingibjorg Jona Sigurdardottir (Imma) from Iceland

°“√·¢àߢ—π WBC (World Barista Championship) ®—¥ ¢÷Èπ∑ÿ°ªï ‚¥¬À¡ÿπ‡«’¬π°—π‰ª√–À«à“߬ÿ‚√ª·≈–Õ‡¡√‘°“ ∑«à“„πªï 2007π’È°“√·¢àߢ—π∂Ÿ°®—¥¢÷Èπ∑’Ë°√ÿß‚µ‡°’¬«ª√– ‡∑»≠’˪ÿÉπ π—∫‡ªìπ‚Õ°“Õ—π¥’∑’˺¡„π∞“π–µ—«·∑π®“° ¡“§¡∫“√‘µâ“‰∑¬®–‰¥â‡¢â“√à«¡»÷°…“¥Ÿß“π°“√®—¥°“√ ·¢àߢ—π√–¥—∫‚≈°„πªïπ’È ‡π◊ËÕß®“°≠’˪ÿÉπÕ¬Ÿà‰¡à‰°≈®“° ∫â“π‡√“π—° ·≈–‡ªìπ∑’˧“¥À¡“¬°—πÕ¬Ÿà·≈â««à“°“√®—¥°“√ ·¢àߢ—π„π§√—Èßπ’È ≠’˪ÿÉπ„π∞“π–ª√–‡∑»‡®â“¿“æ·≈–„π ∞“π–µ—«·∑π¿Ÿ¡‘¿“§‡Õ‡™’¬®–µâÕß®—¥ß“πÕÕ°¡“‰¥âÕ¬à“ß ¬‘Ëß„À≠à·≈–‡æ’¬∫æ√âÕ¡‰¡àπâÕ¬Àπâ“™“µ‘¬ÿ‚√ª·≈–Õ‡¡√‘ °“„πªï∑’˺à“πÊ¡“ ¥—ßπ—Èπ°“√·¢àߢ—π„πªïπ’Ⱥ¡®÷ßæ≈“¥ ‰¡à‰¥â ¡’Õ–‰√À≈“¬Õ¬à“ß∑’Ëπà“π„®„π°“√·¢àߢ—π§√—Èßπ’È ∑’˺¡‰¥â—߇°µ¡“º¡°Á®–π”¡“‡≈à“Ÿà°—πøíß„Àâæ’ËπâÕß∫“√‘ µâ“„πÕ’°‰¡à°’Ë∫√√∑—¥π’È≈à–§√—∫


πâÕߪÿÑ¡ ‘√‘∑—¬ √—ß®—π∑÷° ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“‰∑¬°—∫¡ÿ¬ŒÕ≈‘‡¥¬å Signature Drink ´÷Ëß√â“ß √√§å‚¥¬ S&P Blue Cup Coffee Miss Pum (Sirithai Rungjanthuk), Thai Barista champion and her signature drink “Samui Holiday” created by S&P Blue Cup Coffee

Conclusion It was difficult to predict the result for this competition because many of the barista who I thought was good did not pass the first round. The eliminated semi final round so they could complete the event it within 3 days. I must admit that barista who participate at this year competition had developed their skills and technique well. They all have good basic skill which did not differ much from the others. What make them win the competition are preparation, determination, and motivation. These could be seen when they are on stage completing. Some barista had been participating in many competitions within their countries and collecting their experience. Why do they think barista competition is important? I don’t want to leave this question to the Thai government, but my beloved barista brother and sister, and you.

∫“√‘µâ“π“π“™“µ‘√à«¡„®°—π∑”°“·ø‡æ◊ËÕ°“√°ÿ»≈‚¥¬¡’ºŸâ®‘µ»√—∑∏“Õÿ¥Àπÿπ‰¡à¢“¥“¬ Barista from around the world were brewing espresso coffee for charity benefit.

æ«°‡√“§≥–§π‰∑¬∑’ˇ¥‘π∑“߉ª√à«¡ß“π§√—Èßπ’È¡’¥â«¬°—π 5 §π Õ—π‰¥â·°àº¡ ·≈–§ÿ≥¡’™¬— 𓬰¡“§¡œ §ÿ≥ ‘√∑‘ ¬— À√◊Õ çπâÕߪÿÑ¡é µ—«·∑π·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬®“° ∫√‘…—∑ S&P Blue cup ·≈–Õ’°Õß∑à“π§◊Õ§ÿ≥æ√∑‘ææ“ (ΩÉ“¬ª√–“πß“π) ·≈–æ’Ë∫—«≈Õ¬ (æ’ˇ≈’Ȭß∫“√‘µâ“) æ«° ‡√“¡“∂÷ß≠’˪ÿÉπ„πµÕπ“¬Ê°àÕπ«—π·¢àߢ—π 2 «—π¥â«¬ ¿“æ∑’˧àÕπ¢â“߇æ≈’¬®“°°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß·µàÀ≈—ß®“°∑’ˇՓ —¡¿“√–‡°Á∫‡¢â“∑’Ëæ—°·≈â«æ«°‡√“°Áµ—¥‘π„®«à“®–√’∫‡¥‘π ∑“߉ª∑’Ë Tokyo big sight Õ—π‡ªìπ∂“π∑’Ë®—¥°“√·¢àߢ—π °—π°àÕπ‡≈¬ ‡æ◊ËÕ®–‰¥â»÷°…“‡âπ∑“ß«à“‡√“µâÕß„™â‡«≈“ ‡¥‘π∑“ß°—π‡∑à“‰√°«à“®–∂÷ßπ“¡·¢àß ‡¡◊ËÕ¡“∂÷߇√“°Áæ∫ «à“∑’¡ß“π°”≈—ß√â“߇«∑’°—πÕ¬Ÿà °–®“°¢π“¥¢Õß‚§√ß √â“ߢÕ߇“∑’ˇՓ‰«âµ‘¥µ—Èß ªÕµ‰≈∑å ·≈â«√Ÿâ÷°‡À¡◊Õπ «à“‰¥â¬◊πÕ¬Ÿà°≈“߇«∑’§Õπ‡‘√嵬—߉߬—ßß—Èπ ª≈“¬‡«∑’®“° ¥â“πÀπ÷Ëß®√¥Õ’°¥â“πÀπ÷Ëß¡’‡§“π凵Õ√å√Ÿªµ—« L «“ßÕ¬Ÿà“¡ ™ÿ¥ ·µà≈–™ÿ¥¡’‘ËßÀπ÷Ëß∑’Ë–¥ÿ¥µ“µ—ÈßÕ¬Ÿà∫π‡§“π凵Õ√å π—Ëπ §◊Õ ‡§√◊ËÕß™ß La Mazocco FB80 ¢π“¥ 3 À—«’â¡¥„ æ√âÕ¡¥â«¬‡§√◊ËÕß∫¥ Compak K10 µ—È߇¥àπ‡ªìπßà“ √Õ ∫√√¥“ÿ¥¬Õ¥π—°™ß°“·ø®“°∑—Ë«‚≈°‰¥â¡“ª√–≈ÕßΩï¡’Õ °—π„πÕ’°‰¡à°’Ë™—Ë«‚¡ß¢â“ßÀπâ“π’È º¡‡Õ߉¥â‡ÀÁ𧫓¡ß“¡ ∑’¡∫“√‘µâ“‰∑¬ (®“°´â“¬ §ÿ≥¡’™—¬-𓬰¡“§¡∫√‘µâ“ ‰∑¬, §ÿ≥∑‘æ·≈–§ÿ≥∫—«≈Õ¬ ®“° S&P, πâÕߪÿÑ¡ ‘√‘∑—¬ ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“‰∑¬ ®“° Blue Cup Coffee ·≈–§ÿ≥µàÕæß»å °√√¡°“√¡“§¡∫“√‘µâ“‰∑¬) Thailand Barista team (from left Meechai Amorpathanakul, president of Barista Association of Thailand, Porntipa and Buaroy from S&P, Sirithai, Thai Barista champion from Blue Cup Coffee, and Torpong Tantraporn, Barista Association of Thailand committee.) • 35


¢Õ߇®â“ FB 80 Õ¥„®‰¡à‰À«‡Õ“¡◊Õ‰ª≈Ÿ∫ʧ≈”Ê®—∫πŸàπ®—∫ π’ËÕ¬ŸàÀ≈“¬∑’‡À¡◊Õπ°—π µ—«∫“√å∑’Ë „™â·¢àߢ—π∂Ÿ°√â“ßÕ¬à“ß ·¢Áß·√ß·≈–¡’—¥à«π∂Ÿ°µâÕßµ“¡¡“µ√∞“π¢Õß WBC ·¡â «à “ Õ“®®–‡ªì π °“√√â “ ߇æ◊Ë Õ„™â ß “π§√—È ß ‡¥’ ¬ «°Á µ “¡ §«“¡Ÿß¢Õ߇§“π凵Õ√å ¥Ÿ®–‡ªìπªí≠À“Õ¬Ÿà∫â“ß”À√—∫ çπâÕߪÿÑ¡é ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“‰´å‡≈Á°®“°∫â“π‡√“ ·µà‡∏Õ°Á ¬◊ π ¬— π «à “ Ÿâ ‰ ¥â  ∫“¬¡“° ¿“¬„π‡§“πå ‡ µÕ√å ¡’ ª ≈—Í °‰ø ”À√—∫æà«ßµàÕ 2 ®ÿ¥ (¢Õ‡æ‘Ë¡‰¥â) ¡’µŸâ‡¬Áπ¢π“¥‡≈Á°„Àâ 1 µŸâ ∂—ߢ¬–„∫‚µ 1 „∫ ·≈–∂—ߢ¬–„∫‡≈Á°´àÕπ‰«â„µâ‡§“πå ‡µÕ√åÕ’°Àπ÷Ëß„∫ º¡Õ¬“°‡¥‘π‡¢â“‰ª¥Ÿ„πà«π¢Õß Back stage ´÷Ë ß ‡ªì π ∑’Ë µ—È ß ¢Õßæ◊Èπ ∑’Ë ”À√— ∫´âÕ¡·µà‰¡à‰ ¥â√—∫ Õπÿ≠“µ„À⇢Ⓣª®÷ßµâÕß√Õ‚Õ°“µàÕ‰ª ´÷ËßµàÕ¡“¿“¬ À≈—ß°Á‰¥âæ∫«à“‡§√◊ËÕß∑’Ë „Àâ„™â´âÕ¡π—Èπ¡’¡“°∂÷ß 4 ‡§√◊ËÕß ¡’ µŸâ · ™à  Õß„∫”À√— ∫ ∫“√‘µâ“∑’ˇµ√’¬¡π¡ À√◊Õ«—µ∂ÿ¥‘∫ 摇»…¡“ „π¢≥–‡¥’¬«°—πÕ’°µŸÀâ π÷ßË °Á¡π’ ¡®“°ªÕπ‡´Õ√å √ÕÕ¬Ÿà‡µÁ¡µŸâ ¡’‡§√◊ËÕß∑”πÈ”·¢ÁßÕ¬à“ߥ’ ¡’Õà“ß≈â“ß¿“™π– ‡µ√’¬¡„Àâæ√âÕ¡Õß®ÿ¥ ·≈–πÕ°®“°π’È∑“ߺŸâ®—¥ß“π¬—߉¥â ‡µ√’¬¡æ◊Èπ∑’Ë摇»…∑’Ë „Àâ∫“√‘µâ“‰¥â„™â‡µ√’¬¡µ—« ‡µ√’¬¡®—¥ «“߇√’¬ßÕÿª°√≥å°àÕπ‡¢â“π“¡·¢àß ¡’°√–∑—ËßÀâÕß·µàßµ—« ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ∫“√‘µâ“‡ª≈’ˬπ™ÿ¥øÕ√å¡∑’Ë „™â·¢àß ‡ÀÁπ®–¢“¥‰ª°Á ·µàÀâÕß≈–À¡“¥‡∑à“π—Èπ§√—∫ (´÷ËßÕ—π∑’Ë®√‘ß°Á¡’Õ¬Ÿà„π Hall) √«¡Ê·≈â«æ◊Èπ∑’Ë Back stage ¡’¢π“¥„À≠à°«à“¥â“πÀπâ“ ‡«∑’‡’¬Õ’° ‡ªìπ‡«≈“§àÕπ¢â“߇¬Áπ¡“°·≈â« æ«°‡√“‡≈¬ µ—¥‘π„®«à“°≈—∫°—π°àÕπ¥’°«à“ °“√‡¥‘π ∑“ß”√«®π“¡·¢àß„π«—π·√°¢Õ߇√“ ∫√√≈ÿ‡ªÑ“À¡“¬„™â‡«≈“‡¥‘π∑“ߥ⫬√∂‰øøÑ“ª√–¡“≥ 45 π“∑’®“°∑’Ëæ—° ‡¥‘π‡∑â“Õ’°√–¬–∑“ß√«¡ª√–¡“≥ 600 ‡¡µ√ §à“‡¥‘π∑“߉ª°≈—∫«—π≈– 1,000 ‡¬π (ª√–¡“≥ 300 ∫“∑) µàÕ§π À≈—ß®“°‡¥‘π∑“ß°—π·∫∫∫â“ππÕ°‡¢â“ °√ÿß„π¡À“π§√‚µ‡°’¬«∑’Ë∑”‡Õ“‡√“À¡¥·√ß ¿“√–°‘® ¢Õ߇√“®∫≈ß∑’Ë√â“πÕÿ¥âß„°≈âÊ‚µ‡°’¬«∫‘Í°‰´∑åπ—Ëπ‡Õß

∫√√¬“°“»¢≥–ª√–°“»ºŸâ‡¢â“√Õ∫ÿ¥∑⓬ Finalist announcement action

ª√¡“®“√¬å∫“√‘µâ“∑’Ë¡’™◊ËÕ‡’¬ß®“°Õ‘µ“≈’ Luigi Lupi (∑’Ë 3 ®“°´â“¬) World famous Italian Barista Master, Luigi Lupi (3rd from left)

36 •

Chihiro Yokoyama ·™¡ªá JBC (Japan Barista Championship) 2 ¡—¬, Hiroyuki Kadowaki ·™¡ªá JBCªï 2005 √Õß·™¡ªá‚≈° WBC 2005 °—∫§ÿ≥¡’™—¬ Chihiro Yokoyama, two times JBC Champion, Hiroyuki Kadowaki, JBC Champion winner 2005, second place WBC 2005 and Meechai

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All Baristas in Planet Earth

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Victor Mah (´â“¬) 𓬰¡“§¡ Singapore Coffee Association ·≈– Ross Bright (¢«“) Master Coffee Roaster & Wholesale Manager ®“°∫√‘…—∑ Spinelli Coffee ¢π“∫¢â“ß“« «¬, Yuki Itabashi ®“° UCC √à«¡‰ª„Àâ°”≈—ß„®·°à Eleen Cai Yi Jie ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“ ‘ߧ傪√å Victor Mah (Left, Singapore Coffee Associationûs Chairman), Ross Bright (Right, Master Coffee Roaster & Wholesale Manager from Spinelli Coffee Company), and Yuki Itabashi from UCC were there to support Eleen Cai Yi Jie, Singapore Barista Champion 2007

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3 1 Miyuki Miyamae ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ““«æ√“«‡πàÀå„Ê·π«≠’˪ÿÉπ¢≥–·π–π”µ—« °àÕπ°“√·¢àߢ—π√Õ∫ÿ¥∑⓬ Sweet and beautiful Japanese Barista champion, Miyuki Miyamae, introduced herself on final round.

2 ¡“¥ª√“≥’µ∫√√®ß∑ÿ°¢—ÈπµÕπÕ¬à“߇ªìπ∏√√¡™“µ‘¢ÕßÀ≈‘π µß À¬«π ·™¡ªá ∫“√‘µâ“ 2 ¡—¬®“°‰µâÀ«—π´÷Ëß¡’§«“¡“¡“√∂∑” Latte Art ‰¥â¡“°°«à“ 50 ≈“¬ Two times Barista Champion from Taiwan, Ling Dong Yuan in his smooth performance who also can make more than 50 designs of Latte Art

3 Heather Perry ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“®“°Õ‡¡√‘°“ ∑’ˬ°°—π¡“∑—Èߧ√Õ∫§√—«‡æ◊ËÕ¡“‡ªìπ °”≈—ß„®°—∫≈Ÿ°“«§π‡°àß ´÷Ëߧ«â“µ”·Àπàß√Õß™π–‡≈‘»Õ—π¥—∫ 1 ·≈–√“ß«—≈ Espresso ¬Õ¥‡¬’ˬ¡‰ª§√Õß Whole family came along to support their talented daughter, Heather Perry, Barista champion from the USA., who won the first runner up and Best Espresso this year.

4 ¡’™—¬ Õ¡√æ—≤π°ÿ≈ °—∫ Carl Sara ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“ New Zealand 3 ¡—¬∑’Ë™“«‰∑¬ √Ÿâ®—°°—π¥’ Meechai Amorpathanakul and Carl Sara, famous 3 times Barista champion from New Zealand.

5 ¡’™—¬°—∫ James Hoffman ·™¡ªá‚≈° WBC §π„À¡à™“«Õ—ß°ƒ… Meechai and James Hoffman, the newest WBC champion 2007 from England


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View Barista clip video at competitor-18-thailand

• 39


Last week, I went to a dull coffee kiosk located on ground floor, outdoor area of an in town office Building. Four years ago, this is where I used to wake myself up with a cup of coffee every morning before I went to work up on 13th Floor. To start the day, I normally visited my Barista for my cup and greeted few old faces who came for their morning cup like me as well. As I’ve never been back there for 4 years, I don’t expect to see any familiar faces. Surprisingly, my Barista was standing behind the kiosk with another 2 barista girls. His name is Tong. He looks the same as before, an over 40 something awkward man whose appearance has no charm at all. However, his greeting character and service attitude are on the contrary. He actively greeted “where have your been, Miss Thailand?” That was the fun name he used to called me and only both of us know. I replied “hi, how are you, may I have my coffee” I just said that to challenge the old man whether he still remember my drink. He then turned to his staff, a teenage good looking girl and ordered “one Hot House Special Blend, please” He then turned to hand me “here is your brown sugar” I stood still, smiled and deeply impressed that he can remember his “Miss Thailand”, her favorite drink, and even her coffee condiment after 4 years. We had small conversation afterward. The impression on him went on when he said “Your ex-boss is probably not in the office today, I have not seen her since morning”. In fact, I already called my ex-boss before I came and knew that she had a meeting outside all day. But this guy he knew it by instinct, which remind me of another story which happened many years ago when he had a sick leave for 2 weeks and his company sent a new freshy boy to look after his kiosk. Every morning this boy repeated the same sentence as customers asked for Tong “he is in hospital for a surgery, now getting better, and will be back soon”. Two weeks after, Tong came back. I met him next morning. After he told me about his surgery, he asked me “didn’t your boss come to the office lately?” I questioned him “how do you know?” He said “your boss is the only person who drinks Iced Mocha Java and I’ve not seen any selling records on this drink during the past 2 weeks. So I wonder if she goes to the other coffee shop across the street while I was away” I stopped 5 seconds and told him. “No, she didn’t change her mind, but she was also away for a business trip to Singapore for 2 weeks and probably will be back for her Iced Mocha Java tomorrow”. He smiled and talked to himself while I was leaving the kiosk “Our company brews the best coffee, I would feel sorry if she goes to the other”. These stories confirmed me that he is not just a coffee brewing guy who passively wait for 40 •

my ideal barista

∫“√‘µâ“„πΩíπ by Kobkul Promayon

customer to come, but concerns about the absence of his regular customers even while he was not on duty. Tong continued updating me those familiar faces whom I usually met while I was working in this building. A friend of mine has been married for few years, no children. My other friend who always smoking while having her coffee has resigned recently to open her own restaurant. My colleague who used to sit next to me in the office is on diet and has been skipping coffee for few months now (he always knows the reason of his customerûs absence). Another colleague of mine is dating with a Super Star and brought her to his kiosk. But he smiled and told me that “you’re more beautiful, my Miss Thailand”. As a few customers were on a queue, I went to an unoccupied table. I rested and thought of my old days while having coffee and chatting with my colleagues. This kiosk is where my dream of having a coffee shop sparked. In fact, Iûm passionate in coffee for decades and was dreaming to have a cozy shop in the neighborhood for many years. I finally had a chance to make it happens and it was the reason I put in my resignation letter 4 years ago. Without hesitation, I used to ask Tong to join my coffee shop since the beginning. I still remembered he told me nicely that he wonût go anywhere but here. “I worked for this company for long, and my mind is here with my customers. I wonût go even you hire me more.” Tong is still my Barista Role Model for Barista even though I have 6 coffee shops with more than 30 staffs on my own now. I’m definitely sure that I can’t teach one of them to have similar service mind with good knowledge in customer behavior and able to build regular customers like Tong. He used to be by himself in the kiosk, now he has 2 more staffs, and shop has been extended from 2 coffee tables to 10 coffee tables all around the outdoor area. I believe the growth of this kiosk is coming from his contribution, his instinct, and his “Born to Be Barista”.

Luigi Lupi, World famous master barista. ideal barista for all baristas.

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Coffee World

Elefin Coffee

The inspiration comes from the name “Coffee World” of brand and the slogan “Where the world meets” that is Coffee and World. Due to this reason we have the concept that coffee is belong to everyone because it’s the international beverage; three coffee beans that will change to world at last, it tries to say that Coffee World will be known by people around the world at the end by the good quality of food and beverage. The colors used for this brand is yellow that mean the loveliness and relaxing and blue mean the luxury simple, so these two color mean “The luxury living room” that customers will enjoy and relax although they are in the luxury room. By the way, this logo born with the name brand for 10 years and we never change to another logo.

Elefin is a German word means elephant. We selected this name because it pronounces similar to “elephant” in English. Elefin’s goal is to create a new Thai coffee brand. Our logo consists of elephant and lotus in red color and these three symbols represent different meanings. In Thailand, elephant is an auspicious animal, it represents Thailand. Lotus means respect and it is often used in Buddhist ceremonies. It also represents the goodness of Buddhism and Thailand. Red is an ancient classic color of Thailand. By adding these three symbols together with a unique design makes our logo easy to recognize. Elefin’s logo was designed in both Thai and English for our Thai and international target customer groups.


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42 •

Coffee World

Elefin Coffee

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§”«à“ Elefin π—Èπ·ª≈«à“ ç™â“ßç „π¿“…“‡¬Õ√¡—π ´÷ËßµÕπ·√°∑’˵—Èß ™◊ËÕπ’ȇ撬߇æ√“–«à“ Õà“πÕÕ°‡’¬ß§≈⓬°—∫ §”«à“ çElephanté ‚¥¬∑’˺Ÿâµ—Èßπ—Èπ‰¡à‰¥â∑√“∫¡“°àÕπ‡≈¬«à“ §”π’ȇªìπ¿“…“‡¬Õ√¡—π ‡π◊ËÕß®“° Elefin Coffee µâÕß°“√√â“ß·∫√π¥å°“·ø‰∑¬ „À⇪ìπ∑’Ë√Ÿâ®—° ¥—ßπ—Èπ®÷߇≈◊Õ°„™â„™â—≠≈—°…≥å À√◊Õ Logo ‡ªìπ√Ÿª ™â“ß·≈–¥Õ°∫—« ´÷Ëß™â“ßπ—Èπ∂◊Õ«à“‡ªìπ —µ«å∑’ˇªìπ ‘√‘¡ß§≈∑’ˬ‘Ëß „À≠à·≈–Õ¬Ÿà§Ÿà∫â“π§Ÿà‡¡◊Õ߉∑¬¡“™â“π“π à«π¥Õ°∫—«‡ªìπ¥Õ°‰¡â ∑’Ë·¥ß∂÷ߧ«“¡‡§“√æπ—∫∂◊Õ·≈–¡—°®–∂Ÿ°„™â „πæ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß »“π“æÿ∑∏ ·≈–◊ËÕ∂÷ߧ«“¡¥’ß“¡¢Õߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬·≈–»“π“ æÿ∑∏ ‚∑π’∑’ˇ≈◊Õ°„™â§◊Õ’·¥ß‡¢â¡·∫∫‰∑¬ §≈“‘§ Logo ¢Õß √â“π Elefin ®÷ßπ”‘Ë߇À≈à“π’È¡“º¡º“π°—π¥â«¬°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ∑’ˇ√’¬∫ßà“¬ ·µà¡’‡Õ°≈—°…≥å‚¥¥‡¥àππà“®¥®” ‚¥¬ Logo ¢Õß Elefin π—Èπ∂Ÿ°ÕÕ°·∫∫¡“∑—Èß 2 ¿“…“ §◊Õ ¿“…“‰∑¬ ·≈– ¿“…“ Õ—ß°ƒ… ‡æ◊ËÕ∑’Ë®–‡¢â“∂÷ß°≈ÿà¡≈Ÿ°§â“∑—Èߧπ‰∑¬·≈–µà“ߪ√–‡∑»‰¥â –¥«°¢÷Èπ

Same coffee in same cafe can have different prices. Drinking coffee at espresso bar is the cheapest and the price getting up when you have a seat but the highest price of a cup of coffee is when you sit out door. Nice view and better service are there for anyone who pay more in exchange with a moment of happiness in their busy life.

• 43


πÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡·µàß°≈‘Ëπ DaVinci Gourmet 4 °≈‘Ëπ„À¡à

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‡µ‘¡§«“¡ÕàÕππÿà¡≈–¡ÿπ·∫∫Õ‘π‡∑√π¥å ‰√â Trans Fat ·≈– “√°—π ∫Ÿ¥ ª≈Õ¥¿—¬ „Àâ°—∫°“·ø·°â«‚ª√¥¢Õߧÿ≥¥â«¬ Non-daily creamer ™π‘¥ ¢Õ߇À≈«∑’Ë „ ™â ßà “ ¬≈–≈“¬‰¥â ‡ √Á « ∑—È ß „π‡§√◊Ë Õ ß¥◊Ë ¡ √â Õ π·≈–‡¬Á π ¡’ ¢ π“¥ °–∑—¥√—¥ ‡À¡“–”À√—∫‡‘√åø·°â«µàÕ·°â«·∫∫¡’‰µ≈å‚¥¬‰¡à‘Èπ‡ª≈◊Õß¡’ Õß¢π“¥ §◊Õ 5 ·≈– 10 ml. „Àâ‡≈◊Õ°„™â Liquid Non-Dairy creamer by Lien from Taiwan › Fill your favorite cup of coffee with no Trans Fat and no preservative with non-daily liquid creamer. It can be easily added to your hot and cold drinks. It comes in 5 ml. and 10 ml. sizes.

Milk Creamer ®“° Tiamo

°“√∑”‚ø¡π¡°Á‰¡à„™à‡√◊ËÕ߬“°Õ’°µàÕ‰ª ”À√—∫∑à“π∑’ËÕ¬“°®–∑”‚ø¡π¡‡π’¬πÊ∑“π∑’Ë∫â“π¥â«¬°√– ∫Õ°µ’øÕßπ¡ Milk Creamer ®“° Tiamo ´÷Ëß∑π∑“π„™âßà“¬‰¥â∑—Èßπ¡√âÕπ·≈–π¡‡¬Áπ ¡’„Àâ‡≈◊Õ° 2 ¢π“¥§◊Õ 200 ·≈– 400 ml. √“§“ 660 ·≈– 815 ∫“∑ Milk Creamer from Tiamo › Now you can simply make soft foamy milk in your home with Milk Creamer from Tiamo. It is easy to use with either hot or cold milk. Milk Creamer comes in two sizes; 200 ml at 660 Baht and 400 ml. at 815 Baht.

Filter Drip Coffee Starter Kit

™ÿ¥Õÿª°√≥å”À√—∫ºŸâ∑’ËÕ¬“°®–‡√‘Ë¡µâπ™ß°“·ø·∫∫ Filter Drip Coffee Õ√àÕ¬Ê∑“π‡Õß∑’Ë∫â“πÀ√◊Õ‡‘√åø„Àâ§π”§—≠¢Õߧÿ≥ ª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬ A. Coffee Dripper ∂⫬°√Õß°“·ø √“§“ 110-330 ∫“∑ B. Coffee Filter °√–¥“…°√Õß √“§“ 75-90 ∫“∑ C. Coffee Pot °“°“·ø·∫∫¡’櫬°“ √“§“ 1,225-1,635 ∫“∑ Filter Drip Coffee Starter Kit › The kit is for anyone who wants to experience the taste of Filter Drip Coffee. The kits includes A. Coffee Dripper @ 110 - 330 Baht B. Coffee Filter @ 75 - 90 Baht C. Coffee Pot @ 1,225 - 1,635 Baht

44 •

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Subscription Form Free Copy

„à¢πµ“„Àâ°—∫ Big MC

¥Ÿ·≈â«Õ¬à“‡æ‘Ë߇¢â“„®º‘¥§‘¥«à“∑’˪ѓ¬Àπâ“√â“π McDonaldûs ∑’ËÕ‘µ“≈’√â“ππ’È „à¢πµ“„Àâ°—∫ Logo ¢Õß∫‘Í°·¡§„À⥟πà“√—°π–§√—∫ §«“¡ ®√‘ß·≈⫇¢“ªí°‡¢Á¡‰«â∫π—π¢Õßµ—« M ‡æ◊ËÕ ªÑÕß°—ππ°¡“‡°“–·≈–∂à“¬√¥§√—∫

Which side (size) you are?

¥â«¬§«“¡∑’ËπâÕߪÿÑ¡ ‘√‘∑—¬ √—ß®—π∑÷° ·™¡ªá∫“√‘µâ“¢Õß ‰∑¬®“° S&P ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…¬—߉¡à§àÕ¬·¢Áß·√ß §ÿ≥‡Õ «‘±Ÿ√ »‘≈“ÕàÕπ ∫Õ„À≠à„®¥’®÷ßàßæ’ˇ≈’Ȭ߉ª™à«¬∂÷ß 2 §π ∑—Èߧÿ≥∫—«≈Õ¬·≈–§ÿ≥∑‘æ ´÷Ëß∑”Àπâ“∑’ˇªìπ≈à“¡ „πµÕπ ª∞¡π‘‡∑»ºŸâ‡¢â“√à«¡·¢àߢ—π World Barista Championship 2007 ∑’Ë‚µ‡°’¬« ‡¡◊ËÕ‡®â“Àπâ“∑’˺Ÿâ®—¥∂“¡«à“ºŸâ·¢àߢ—π ™“µ‘‰∑¬®–µ—È߇§√◊ËÕß∫¥°“·ø∑’Ë¢â“߉Àπ (Which Side?) ¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß∑”°“·ø®–¥â«¬‰¥â¬‘π‰¡à∂π—¥°Áÿ¥®–§“¥‡¥“ §ÿ≥∑‘æµÕ∫Õ¬à“ß©“¥©“πºà“π‰¡‚§√‚øπ«à“ Small Size §à– À≈—ß®“°ßß°—∫§”µÕ∫°—πÀπ÷ËßÕ÷° ∑—Èߧπ∂“¡·≈–§π µÕ∫°ÁÀ—«‡√“–°—πÕ¬à“ßπÿ°π“π À≈—ß®“°√Ÿâµ—««à“‡¢“ ‰¡à‰¥â∂“¡ Size ¢Õß §ÿ≥∑‘æ´–ÀπàÕ¬ Which side (size) you are? For the reason that the Thai Barista Champion, Sirithai Rangjantuk is not speak English so well. The generous Blue Cup Coffee’s boss Mr.Vitoon Sila-on assigned Miss Bua-Roy for trainer and Miss Tip for intrepetor at the World Barista Championship 2007 in Tokyo. During the orientation when the organizer asked “which side” she prefer to put the coffee grinder on. With either loud noise or misunderstood the question, she replied loudly via microphone “small size!” Both of them were stunned and then laughed when Khun Tip realized that the question didn’t ask for her size.

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Name : ___________________________________________ Job Title : _________________________________________ Phone : __________________ Fax : ___________________ Email : ___________________________________________ Website : _________________________________________ Business Name : ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________________

Adding eyelashes to Big Mc


Don’t misunderstand that the Italian McDonald’s is adding eyelashes to make the logo more attractive. Actually, they stick the needles to top of the letter M to avoid bird’s doo-doo.

Province/City :_____________________________________ Postal Code : _____________ Country : ________________ What is best describing your business? Restaurant (Family owned, Fine Dining, Bistro, etc.) Fast Food Outlet or Food Stall Coffee or Tea House, Bakery, Pastry, or similar Ice Cream Shop or Ice Cream Outlet Hotel F&B Outlet (Restaurant/Lounge/Coffee Shop/etc.) Coffee or Tea Retailer Coffee Broker, Exporter, Grower F & B Equipment Distributor Catering Business Other (Please specify) _____________________________ Which of the following best describes you? Owner, Co-Owner, Partner Corporate Executive Management (Chairman, President, Vice President, Managing Director, CEO, etc.)

Manager, Director (District, Store, Sales, Marketing, etc.) Hotel/Food & Beverage (F&B Director, Banquet Manager, Catering Manager, Restaurant Manager, Executive Chef, Sommelier) Roast Master Educator, Trainer, Consultant, etc. Other (Please specify) _____________________________ If you are a single location business, what is your seating capacity Up to 50 51 to 100 100-250 251-500 Over 500 If you are a franchise, how many outlets are there in Thailand? ________________________________________

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• 47

48 •

coffee, tea & ice cream magazine bimonthly magaz ine • vol. 1 • novemb er-de cemb er, 2007

����� �����

Elefin coffee challenger Thai premium coffee

ROAD REPORT World Barista Championship 2007 in Tokyo

Elefin beans are hand-selected and roasted daily using 100% Arabica from Northern Thailand. As one of Thailand's premeire boutique-roasters, we specialize in producing coffee with the perfect balance of flavor, body and aroma. We hope you enjoy our coffee as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

����� • COFFEE •

11/26 Sukhumvit Soi 1

tel: 02.655.2099



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