Coffee t&i 02 ch

Page 1

4 5 7 8



editor•talk contributors Ct&I•society cover•story

Host 2007: International Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry, Milan, Italy indy•voice

A man who thinks outside the box







contents 28




Interview with Chihiro Yokoyama Japan Barista Champion in 2002 and 2004 Strawberry Orange Smoothie Lunar Smoothie Prosperous Mango Smoothie Orange Creme Latte Orange Truffle Latte Banana Macchiato Latte chain•update

Bluecup highlights on brand awareness to 20% growth Starbucks to be more in consumer lifestyle Caffè Nero to continue its expansion as premium brand True Coffee emphasizes on both domestic and international Coffee World expects to see intense fight between premium brands café•coach

Anything But Coffee

¢“¬Õ–‰√¥’ πÕ°®“°°“·ø (®∫)

36 38


Taipei Tea, Coffee Expo 2007 Taipei, Taiwan road•report

Costa Rica : a Fair Trade Model

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Ultimate Barista Challenge

44 46 47 50 52 54


Swimming in DaVinci Gourmet® Flavored Syrup coffee•logo sweetie•barista Special•report café•around•the•world product•news

Bi-monthly magazine Managing Editor Tanadej Kamonchan Editor Duangrudee Somboonruangsri Contributor writers Ross Bright Kimberly Yer Sherri Johns Art Director Kitti Amornpatanakul Photographer Chavamon Boriboontanawat Translation and proofread Sirinan Kesonbua Thanyaporn Silpi Publisher Coffeetimes 65/6 Soi Chokchai Ruammit, Wipawadee Rangsit Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel/ fax : 662 277 3753 Email : subscription & sales please contact : Thanyaporn Silpi The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher



Venue: Singapore

Singapore Expo (Hall 3) - in conjunction with FHA2008




- 25


April, 2008 (10.00 am - 5.00 pm)

For more information:


Sponsored by

Supporting Magazine


back to Milan again for HOST show last October aiming to make a report what’s news •in Iourwascoffee, tea and ice cream world and introduce our CT&I magazine. We took a chance to visit and taste coffee from several coffee houses along the way from Milan, Mestre to Venice. Although language barrier is somewhat a limitation to communicate in Italy but knowledge I had gotten from reading Barista Book by Chihiro Yokoyama, who wisely described his experience in working with coffee bar in Italy, had helped me to understand why (Coffee) Bar culture is a part of Italian way of life. Chihiro is a barista who proud of his career and I believe that any baristas who have a chance to read this book will agree with me. Our first CT&I issue received a lot of feedbacks from domestic and overseas readers which help developing and editing our contents. I am very appreciated for the kindness of many people in coffee industry, who accepted our invitations to share their knowledge through CT&I. My sincere thanks to Ross Bright from Spinelli Coffee in Singapore, Sherri Johns from WholeCup coffee in USA, Chihiro Yokoyama from BAR DEL SOLE in Japan and many others more from Taiwan, Australia and Korea whose articles will be published in our continued issues. From the next issue, we will focus more on coffee business around our neighboring countries to make CT&I true representative of Asia CT&I society. Also, I would like to use this opportunity to introduce our new editor, Duangrudee Somboonruangsri, also known as Miss Ching. I believe that her background in publication and mass communication will make CT&I more interesting.

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Happy Chinese New Year ´‘π‡®’¬¬ŸàÕ’Ë ´‘ππ’ÈŒ«¥‰™â µ√ÿ…®’πªïπ’È ¢Õ„Àâ∑ÿ°∑à“π ¡—Ëß¡’»√’ÿ¢


Ross Bright He is an Australian Master Coffee Roaster & Wholesale Manager. Ross joined Dome Coffee of Australia and Spinelli Coffee Company’s Singapore office in 2001 as a coffee roaster. He is in charge of purchasing all green coffee and he roasts the beans weekly to maintain the quality of coffee served in Spinelli’s 25 stores in Singapore, Beijing and Jakarta. He travels extensively to Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan and etc to judge in their local barista competitions and in August 2007, judged in the World Barista Championships in Japan.

Kimberly Yer Head of Menu Development for Kerry Food Service Asia Pacific (which also happens to own DaVinci Gourmet® & Palm Bay®). She has been in the coffee industry for 9 years. She has been with DaVinci Gourmet® for more than 2 years and travel to countries like Thailand, Indonesia, China, Philippines, and Malaysia etc. Developing recipes, promotional themes for customers, training for distributors as well as research for trends is all part of her daily work routine.

Sherri Johns Always in coffee, Sherri began her career as a barista in San Francisco and has over 30 years in the specialty coffee industry. She was a former WBC Judges certification committee, a co-founder of the Ultimate Barista Challenge USA, Korea and China and a current board member International Women’s Coffee Alliance. Sherri and her husband, Danny Johns are partners in WholeCup Coffee Consulting, LLC located in Portland, Oregon, USA. They specialize in international barista training and specialty retail concept development.

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• 5



First Asia Barista Championship 2008

The ABC 2008 will be held in Singapore; in conjunction with Food Hotel Asia, from 22 to 24 April. Asia’s Champions from Japan, Korea, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, China, India, and etc. will join this event to win the title of Asia Barista Champion which will be judged by a panel of experienced international judges. The ABC is a regional event that seeks to recognize baristas as a professional career in the region as well as develop the growth and quality of gourmet coffee. It is co-organized by Singapore Exhibition Services, Kerry Ingredients Asia and Singapore Coffee Association.

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Coffee World celebrated its 25% sales growth in Thailand and introduced latest campaign entitled “Your Drink ... The Way You Like It”. Chairman and CEO of GFA Corporation (Thailand), Fred Mouawad (center), Managing Director, Joseph Cherian (left) and Anchor and Lead Presenter of Morning Talk TV Programme, Dr Valerie McKenzie (right) together launched the new campaign.

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Starbucks top executives, Starbucks Coffee International’s president, Jim Alling, Starbucks Coffee Asia Pacific’s president; John Culver, and Starbucks Coffee Thailand’s managing director, Felix Michael, put on green aprons and celebrated its 100th store in Thailand and brewed guests special cups of coffee to raise funds for Good Coffee Day.

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Chiang Mai University recently held a co-operated seminar called “Get rich by Coffee” with Barista Association of Thailand between 4 to 8 December. The overall picture of the industry was given by Patchanee Suwanwisolkit followed by an in-depth seminar by BAT’s president, Meechai Amornpathanakul. There was also Espresso demonstration for participants.

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• 7


Host 2007: International Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry, Milan, Italy

This hospitality, accommodation and food services’ equipment trade show is organized every two years at Fiera Milano in Italy. In 2007, it was held from 19 to 23 October and had attracted more than 135,000 visitors from 134 countries and 350 exhibitors had demonstrated their products on 110,000 net square metres comprising of food services’ supplies, equipments and accessories, bars, coffee machines and supplies, ice cream and pastry-making machines, supplies, furnishings, accessories and etc. Special events included the 33rd Cono d’Oro (Golden Ice Cream Cone) organized by Epam-Assofood’s icecream-makers’ section of Milan and the province of Milan and the first Mediterranean Barista Cup Competition organized by Brasilia.

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Bar Equipment & Coffee Machine

• 11


Bar Equipment & Coffee Machine

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Ice Cream Parlour and Confectionery

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Beauty and the Bean

Groups of pretties brought charm and colorfulness to coffee machines which you would never seen before at any place in the world.

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14 •

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• 15



A man who thinks outside the box Interviewed by Duangrudee Somboonruangsri Photo by Chavamon Boriboontanawat

success is not the earnings, it’s our customers’ •great“Mypleasure”, said Mr Khomsan, the owner of “Chic Corner” coffee house with four branches in Hua Hin and Nakhon Ratchasima. Mr Khomsan started his business as a professional hairdresser in a salon named “Chic Hair Station,” located in Hua Hin. He renovated an unused space under the shop’s staircases into a small coffee shop, which was to be known in the future as “Chic Corner.” The small booth had a humble beginning and received a warm welcome from the salon’s patrons. It eventually encouraged Mr. Khomsan to set up more coffee houses in other areas. The newly opened fourth branch is located in a famous restaurant called Suanmuangporn in Nakorn Ratchasima. Located on top of a hill, customers are offered a panoramic view of Lam Takhong Dam and the surrounding mountain ranges while enjoying their favorite cup of coffee. The second addition to the growing coffee house family is located in a fruit market. It offers customers a well-decorated atmosphere alongside a splash of Mediterranean design. Anyone who is planning to take a sip of

ing as I had acquired the skills from traveling to many countries. Later, I found out that in serving cocktails, there was a limitation in terms of time and ages so I tried other options and ended up integrating my cocktail skills with brewing coffee.

Branches and decoration

I designed the shop myself, and even painted with my own hands. The results must be good at some level because there have been customers who have come to my shop to take photos of it.

Customers and drinks

Due to PTT’s contract with another coffee house; I could not sell the same style brews in the third branch. So I introduced a high quality Thai traditional coffee and made it more interesting by blending it with syrup such as Kahlua, caramel and chocolate, which received positive feedback from our customers. For the newest and fourth branch, where there wasn’t any problems regarding contract issues, I turned back to use an espresso brewing machine to serve coffee during the day and serve alcohol at night. Each branch has its own various type of customer, but most are Bangkokians who travel during vacations in groups or families. Unlike other branches though, the second branch is only opened on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays.

Secrets of success

Although quality coffee is what ensures the business, you need to always provide variety to the customers and be constantly absorbing more knowledge. I cannot be one of the coffee house chains because I do not want to follow the rules. I enjoy blending new drinks with the benefits of using the syrups without boundaries.

Advice for newcomers

The concepts of inventiveness and profits may be somewhat completely opposite. It is good to be distinguished but customers may not always want to try new drinks. This is when promotions, discounts, and special offers come into play.

coffee here can expect to do so in an environment that seems miles away from the bustling city. The third coffee store branch was opened during the Thai New Year’s Festival in April 2006. It is located in a PTT gas station, which is also in Nakorn Ratchasima. The specialty of this branch is that they brew Thai traditional coffee.

Motivation to open coffee house

At first I was interested in opening a cocktail bar, see-

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Business perspective and expansion plan

I strongly believe that there are still opportunities and many ways to create new drinks. It isn’t necessary to always stick with Espresso, Cappuccino or Mocha. You need guts in trying the new mixes. Starbucks, for example, offers a variety of new and special drinks every season. This sort of inventiveness is what truly attracts potential customers.

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√“¬‰¥âé §ÿ≥ §¡—π ‡√‘߇°’¬√µ‘ ‡®â“¢Õß√â“π°“·ø çChic Corneré 查լà“ßÕ“√¡≥奒 ‡¢“æ÷Ë߇ªî¥√â“π°“·ø“¢“∑’Ë 4 ∑’Ë  ”§— ≠ §◊ Õ ∑ÿ ° √â “ π≈â « π¡’ ‡ Õ°≈— ° …≥å Õ— π ‚¥¥‡¥à π ®“°Ωï ¡◊ Õ ¢Õ߇¢“≈â«πÊ ‡√‘Ë¡∏ÿ√°‘®®“°√â“π‡√‘¡«¬„πÀ—«À‘π™◊ËÕ Chic Hair Station Àπÿà ¡ ‰ø·√ßÕ¬à “ ߇¢“欓¬“¡¥— ¥ ·ª≈ßæ◊È π ∑’Ë „ µâ ∫—π‰¥∑’Ë∂Ÿ°∑Õ¥∑‘È߇ªìπ∑’Ë«à“ß ¡“‡ªìπ¡ÿ¡°“·ø¢π“¥¬àÕ¡ ·≈– µ—Èß™◊ËÕ„Àâ‡∑àÀåÊ«à“ çChic Corneré „π√–¬–·√°à«π„À≠à ∫√‘°“√„Àâ≈Ÿ°§â“√â“π∑”º¡ ·µà‡¡◊ËÕ‡√‘Ë¡‰ª—°√–¬– ≈Ÿ°§â“‡√‘Ë¡¡’

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• 19


Interview with Chihiro Yokoyama Japan Barista Champion in 2002 and 2004 Interviewed and translated by Duangrudee Somboonruangsri

•Mr Chihiro Yokoyama is the author of “Barista

Book” and is the 1st runner-up of World Cup Latte Art championship in 2004.

Background After I graduated from vocational culinary school, I worked as a chef in a French restaurant in Japan. Then, I went to France for training… after I came back, I was positioned in another branch of that restaurant, which sold Gelato. So I continued my studies about Gelato in Italy and then responsible for shop operations and product development at the branch. Actually the Italian Gelato shop is a stand alone shop but the company was also interested in servicing coffee and meal in a bar so they offered to send me back to Italy and to study more about the Bar. Then, after I returned, the Bar was opened! And I was involved with it for three and a half years. After that, I established the present company (Fortuna Company) with my friends and have worked there up until now.

Motivation As I learned about Gelato from Italy, I realized that Gelato has a special advantage as everyone can eat it. This made me want to expand Gelato in Japan. In Italy, you can find Gelato only at the Gelato specialty shops or at the Bars… The Gelato sold in the Bars has less variety compared to the one sold in the specialty shops but the degree of use is very high when compared with the one sold in specialty shop because it also entails a kind of communication between people. After thinking about the business conditions where I could both cook and make Gelato, I ended up with a Bar. However, when I started the bar, I realized I needed to learn how to be a Barista as well. When the opportunity arose, I returned to Italy to study more about the Bar and was determined to explore and get personal experience with the great existence of Italian espresso and cooking which is so much different from Japan. Thinking of this has become my great motivation.

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Training Currently, I rarely perform any training. However, when I initially became a Barista, every day I brewed the espresso and repeatedly extracted the coffee in order to get the same movement, same taste, same amount and same color. By doing this, I learned more about the general theories each time I brewed. After I learned more about the significance of each operation, it improved my skills. Furthermore, I always thought of my customers.

Barista characteristics Having a sense of how to make good-tasting coffee is vital for every Barista. Again, a sense of rhythm is also required. Finally, they must also be able to create a cheerful atmosphere.

Original drink It is a Cappuccino. As an original drink, I always offer my customers a lot of drawings on the surface of the foam milk. Right now in Japan, the baristas who offer drawings are mushrooming but mine is special in the way that I always create a drawing that special to each customer. It is a cappuccino that has a story. For that reason, a lot of customers came to my place and ask for this drink. Of course, it is not only a drawing; the taste is also the big point. How do I recommend a drink? What to say… it comes from the feeling that I want to surprise and excite the customers.

The differences between Japanese baristas and overseas baristas Japan originally had a coffee shop culture that served old-style coffee. Currently, there are fewer coffee shops, while a so-called café offering espresso is increasing. There are many types of cafés: a Seattle-like style, Starbucks and Italian styles like us… Others are French, Australian, Canadian, and Danish, etc. Of course, I think there are differences in Japan and other countries in terms of culture. Still, when compare with other countries, we have a lot of part-timers and freelancers, so it is better to call them amateur baristas rather

than pros. Therefore, I feel that overall knowledge and technology is low. Professional Baristas make up a small group. Also, there are many who become a Barista because they think it is kind of cool. Also, maybe it is only a unique practice in Japan as they may not want to study cooking, which is stricter, and may want to begin with something easier. And, only if they touch the machine a bit, they obtained the title, barista!

basic knowledge and techniques accurately… and in contrast, do not forget the customers! Health management is also extremely important. Physical strength and emotional strength must come together.

Barista championship I am thinking that this challenge is just a competition. The event follows the United States and Europe (Norway and Denmark) rules which are a bit different (In my opinion). I used to participate but due to the different rules and the way that they extract the coffee from Italian pattern, I no longer take part in the competitions. I am not criticizing the methods and rules. It is just that we have different standpoints. As a specialty coffee association sponsoring this event, surely you have to conduct the competition using proper products from proper producers, using roasted beans, from a properly prepared roast master, then baristas will utilize perfect machines! It becomes a regular practice at these competitions. For that reason, there were a lot of Baristas who entered this event using proper specialty coffee and followed the extraction methods that differed from their usual lives. And, win! Even if it would never 100% reach the customers! Undrinkable! This is what is going on. This is what the current competition is. Therefore, are we, as Baristas, misdirected? But to be a Champion means more business opportunities will come. However, as I mentioned before, when there is a gap when it comes to the customers, it does not lead to a successful business. However, looking from world coffee industry’s point of view, the challenge will generate general knowledge about the barista’s profession and increase overall espresso demand.

Opinion toward Japanese coffee

Chihiro Yokoyama at work

This pattern may have lead to the current global trend; that is, we find a lot of non-professional baristas throughout the world.

Future Plan As a Barista, I want to train lot of professional baristas! Also, as a bar owner, I want to increase the number of Bars throughout Japan. Finally, I want to expand our Bar Del Sole to the homeland of Italy!

Words for a Barista “ Wanna be” Things to master! This skill has been used in Japan for 10 years. Although I often says “Do nothing standard”, “Do nothing arranged”. You need to master the

As for Japan, from a global point of view, you can find every type of cuisine in Japan. Coffee is also the same. You can drink many kinds of coffee and you can even get coffee simply from automatic selling machines and convenience stores. Canned coffee, bagged coffee and instant coffee. But I am thinking that as the numbers of professional baristas are increasing,why don’t the consumers shift from instant products and try a drink from the coffee houses. Currently, the number one product is still instant coffee. As a Barista, I want the customers, even if it is just one person, to experience the delicious taste of espresso as there are still many people who never drink this delicious product.

• 21


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• 23


Banana Macchiato Latte

24 •

Recipes by Kimberly Yer Drinks created by Umaporn Hutthawong Photos by Chavamon Boriboontanawat Written by Thanyaporn Silpi

©∫—∫π’È CT&I ¢Õ·π–π”‡¡πŸ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡„À¡à„Àâ∑à“π‰¥â‰ª≈Õß Preparations 1. Add Palm Bay Strawberry Smoothie into blender ∑”°—π¥ŸÕ’° 6 ‡¡πŸ§à– In this issue we would like to introduce you six more drinks menu that you can easily make.

Strawberry Orange Smoothie ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡πÈ”º≈‰¡âªíòπ ‡À¡“–”À√—∫«—π∑’ËÕ“°“»√âÕπ ¥◊Ë¡·≈â« ®–∑”„Àâ√Ÿâ÷°¥™◊Ëπ°√–ª√’È°√–‡ª√à“¥â«¬à«πº¡∑’Ë≈ßµ—«®“° â¡¥°—∫µÕ√å‡∫Õ√’Ë Fruit smoothies are perfect for hot sunny days, the mixture of fresh orange and strawberry is refreshing.

Strawberry Orange Smoothie

2. Add a slice of orange with peel 3. Pour in water and add ice as the last ingredient 4. Blend, serve it in 16 oz. glass and garnish with a slice of orange

Lunar Smoothie ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡ªíòπ‡¡πŸ∑’ËÕ߇À¡“–”À√—∫ºŸâ∑’˵âÕß°“√§«“¡¥™◊Ëπ æ√âÕ¡°—∫‡æ‘Ë¡æ≈—ßß“π‰ª¥â«¬ §«“¡À«“π∑’Ë¡“®“° mixed berry º¡°—∫æ≈—ßß“π∑’ˉ¥â¡“®“°°≈⫬ÀÕ¡ ·≈–§«“¡¥ ™◊Ëπ®“°â¡¥ ∑”„À⇧√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡π’È√™“µ‘‰¡à´È”„§√ Second smoothie recipe will make you feel refresh and energetic from mixed berry, banana, and fresh orange all together making new wonderful taste.


1. Palm bay mixed berry smoothie 2 oz. 2. Orange with peel 1 slice 3. Ripened banana (°≈⫬ÀÕ¡ÿ°) 4. Cold water 3 oz. 5. Ice 16 oz.


1. µ«ß Mixed Berry Smoothie ≈ß„π‚∂ªíòπ 2. ·∫àß°≈⫬ÀÕ¡ 1/2 ≈Ÿ°≈ß√«¡°—π„π‚∂ªíòπ 3. µ«ßπÈ”‡¬Áπ·≈–πÈ”·¢Á߇ªìπà«πº¡ÿ¥∑⓬ ªíòπ®π‡§√◊ËÕß ¥◊Ë¡‡π’¬πªìπ‡π◊ÈÕ‡¥’¬«°—π 4. ®—¥‡‘√åø„π·°â« 16 ÕÕπ´å ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬°≈⫬ÀÕ¡À—Ë𠇪ìπ™‘Èπ


1. Add Palm Bay mixed berry smoothie into blender 2. Add a half of banana 3. Pour in water and add ice as the last ingredients 4. Blend, serve it in 16 oz. glass Prosperous Mango Smoothie ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡™π‘¥π’ȇÀ¡“–”À√—∫ºŸâ∑’Ë™◊Ëπ™Õ∫√™“µ‘¢Õß¡–¡à«ß ÿ° ‡√“π”¡“º¡º“π°—∫—ªª–√¥∑”„Àâ¡’°≈‘Ëπ·≈–√™“µ‘ ÕàÕπ Ê ∑”„Àâ¥™◊Ëπ‡¡◊ËÕ¥◊Ë¡‡¢â“‰ª


1. Palm bay strawberry smoothie 2.5 oz. 2. Orange with peel 1 slice 3. Cold water 3 oz. 4. Ice 16 oz.

«‘∏’∑” Sponsored by

1. µ«ß Strawberry Smoothie ≈ß„π‚∂ªíòπ 2. À—Ëπâ¡´—𧫑° 1 ·«àπÀπ“ª√–¡“≥ 1/2 ´¡. (À—Ëπ‡ªìπ™‘Èπ ‡≈Á°) √«¡°—π„π‚∂ªíòπ 3. µ«ßπÈ”‡¬Áπ·≈–πÈ”·¢Á߇ªìπà«πº¡ÿ¥∑⓬ ªíòπ®π‡§√◊ËÕß ¥◊Ë¡‡π’¬πªìπ‡π◊ÈÕ‡¥’¬«°—π 4. ®—¥‡‘√åø„π·°â« 16 ÕÕπ´å ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬â¡À—Ëπ‡ªìπ·«àπ

This recipe suits for mango lovers, by adding a little bit of pineapple chuck into the mango smoothie which will make your mouth fresh and moist.


1. Palm Bay mango smoothie 2 oz. 2. Fresh pineapple chunk 3 oz. 3. Cold water 2 oz. 4. Ice 16 oz.


1. µ«ß Mango Smoothie ≈ß„π‚∂ªíòπ 2. µ«ß—∫ª–√¥À—Ëπ‡ªìπ™‘Èπ 3 ÕÕπ´å ≈ßæ√âÕ¡°—π„π‚∂ªíòπ 3. µ«ßπÈ”‡¬Áπ·≈–πÈ”·¢Á߇ªìπà«πº¡ÿ¥∑⓬ ªíòπ®π‡§√◊ËÕß ¥◊Ë¡‡π’¬πªìπ‡π◊ÈÕ‡¥’¬«°—π • 25


4. ®—¥‡‘√åø„π·°â« 16 ÕÕπ´å ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬°≈⫬ÀÕ¡À—Ë𠇪ìπ™‘Èπ

Preparations 1. 2. 3. 4.

Add Palm Bay Strawberry Smoothie into blender Add chunk of fresh pineapple Pour in water and add ice as the last ingredient Blend, serve it in 16 oz. glass and garnish with a piece of pineapple

Orange Creme Latte ‡æ‘Ë¡§«“¡°≈¡°≈àÕ¡„Àâ°—∫‡¡πŸ¥â«¬°“·ø≈“‡µâ∂⫬π’È∑’ËÕÿ¥¡ ¥â«¬√™“µ‘«“π‘≈≈“·≈–πÈ”‡™◊ËÕ¡·µàß°≈‘Ëπ√â¡ Make your cup of Latte tastier by adding vanilla and orange flavored syrups.


1. Espresso shot 30 cc. 2. Orange syrup 11.25 cc. 3. Vanilla syrup 7.5 cc. 4. Fresh milk 150 cc.


1. µ«ß‰´√—ª≈ß„π∂⫬°“·ø·∫∫„¢π“¥ 8 ÕÕπ´å 2. µ’¡π¡„Àâ√âÕπ √‘ππÈ”π¡≈ß„π·°â« 3. §àÕ¬Ê √‘π™ÁÕµ°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´≈ß„π·°â«‡∫“Ê „À⇧√◊ËÕß ¥◊Ë¡·¬°‡ªìπ™—Èπ 4. ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬‡ª≈◊Õ°â¡


1. Add DVG syrups into a clear 8 oz. latte glass 2. Pour in steam milk slowly till ? full 3. Slowly pour in espresso and top with foam 4. Sprinkle grated orange peels Orange Truffle Latte ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡√âÕπ∑’Ë ‰¡à‡§¬≈â“¡—¬ ·∂¡¬—ߺ¡‡Õ“§«“¡À«“π ¢Õß™ÁÕ§‚°·≈µ´Õ·≈–§«“¡‡ª√’Ȭ«¢ÕßπÈ”⡧—Èπ„À⇢⓰—𠉥âÕ¬à“ß≈ßµ—« The drink that never grows out of date with sweet chocolate sauce and sour fresh orange juice, a contrast in taste but they go very well together


1. Espresso shot 30 cc.

Lunar Smoothie

26 •

Prosperous Mango Smoothie

2. Chocolate sauce 15 cc. 3. Orange juice 15 cc. 4. Steam milk 150 cc.

Make you favorite Latte more enjoyable by adding banana syrup. The sweetness will blow you away.


1. Espresso shot 30 cc. 2. Banana syrup 15 cc. 3. Steam milk 150 cc.


1. µ«ß Chocolate Sauce, Orange juice „à„π∂⫬°“·ø ¢π“¥ 8 ÕÕπ´å 2. ∑”™ÁÕµ‡Õ‡æ√‚´≈ß„π·°â« §πà«πº¡„À⇢⓰—π 3. µ’¡π¡√âÕπ√‘ππÈ”π¡≈ß„π·°â«∑’Ë¡’à«πº¡Õ¬Ÿà 4. ∫’∫«‘ªªîôߧ√’¡æ√âÕ¡·µàßÀπⓥ⫬™ÁÕ§‚°·≈Áµ´Õ


Preparations 1. Add Orange Juice and DVG Chocolate Sauce into an 8 oz. mug 2. Pour in freshly brewed espresso, stir the content properly 3. Pour in steam milk 4. Top with whip cream, drizzle DVG Chocolate Sauce

Banana Macchiato Latte °“·ø≈“‡µâ∑’Ë¡’§«“¡ÀÕ¡À«“π®“°°≈⫬ÀÕ¡∑’˺¡‡¢â“°—∫ °“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à ”À√—∫ºŸâ∑’˵âÕß°“√√™“µ‘„À¡à Ê „Àâ°“·ø ∂⫬‚ª√¥¢Õߧÿ≥

Orange Creme Latte

1. µ«ß Banana Syrup ≈ß„π·°â«„ 8 ÕÕπ´å 2. µ’¡π¡„Àâ√âÕπ §àÕ¬Ê √‘ππÈ”π¡≈ß„π·°â«§π„À⇢⓰—π 3. §àÕ¬Ê √‘π™ÁÕµ°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´≈ß„π·°â«‡∫“Ê „À⇧√◊ËÕß ¥◊Ë¡·¬°‡ªìπ™—Èπ 4. µ—°‚ø¡π¡∑’ˇπ’¬πªî¥ª“°·°â« ·µàßÀπⓥ⫬™ÁÕ§‚°·≈Áµ ´Õ

Preparations: 1. Add DVG Banana Syrup into a clear 8 oz. Latte Glass 2. Pour in steam milk slowly till 3/4 full 3. Slowly pour in espresso 4. Top with a dollop of foam and drizzle chocolate sauce

Orange Truffle Latte

• 27


year, if you strolled along the street and said hi •to Last the small vendors in Bangkok, they would share a small talk with you and grumbled on their daily sales performance, that is, their sales had dropped substantially impacted by Thais’ mostly known key factors, upsurge fuel price and political instability. Interestingly, in Thailand premium fresh coffee also shares this downward trend after the industry has enjoyed its growth over the past three years. Since the end of 2006, there have been intense competitions in fresh coffee business either between the same coffee house chains, independent coffee houses or the new players from other business sectors who seek for new opportunities by expanding their product lines. Meanwhile, Kasikorn Research Centre also reported that in 2007, the fresh coffee houses in Thailand had only 5% growth rate and worth Bt 5,100 million compared with 15 to 20% growth in the past three years. However, KRC still said that fresh coffee is still a significant market

sector to keep an eye on. However, it seems that premium coffee chains are still optimistic as they could see a continued growth from the changes in customer behaviors, in which fresh coffee cups have become parts of their daily lifestyles which encourages the chains to keep on introducing new stores. Therefore, we could expect to see the coffee chains putting their effort in aggressive marketing strategies in which premium coffee chains trying to get middle-class consumers and alternatively, the middle-class focused coffee house chains would try to get premium consumers. In fact, you can see that they frequently introduce the new menus to win customer’s attentions and at the same time, try to differentiate their brands from the others. CT&I magazine, therefore, interviewed the premium coffee chains in Thailand on this year expansion plans and market views.

Written and interviewed by Duangrudee Somboonruangsri

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Bluecup highlights on Brand Awareness to 20% growth ∫≈Ÿ§—æ‡πâπ√â“ß Brand Awareness ‡æ‘Ë¡¬Õ¥‡µ‘∫‚µ 20% Bluecup aimed at least 20% growth this year compared with 2007 and launched ë∫≈Ÿ§—æ À«—߇æ‘Ë¡¬Õ¥¢“¬ªï 2551 ‡æ‘Ë¡¢÷Èπ°«à“ªï∑’Ë·≈â« 20% •a new brand logo in hope of getting more professional atmosphere and more brand awareness among the potential customers persuading them to switch from drinking instant coffee to fresh coffee. S&P Syndicate Public Co., Ltd., Business Development & Restaurant Marketing, vice president, Vitoon Sila-On mentioned during the interview with CT&I magazine that last year, the uncertainty in political situation and upsurge fuel price had slowed down the performance of overall espresso industry. However, this year, business opportunity is still available and the expansion of Bluecup will follow the same paths like last year, of which new branches will be established in the same locations as S&P restaurants to assist the business of each other. Over the past 6 years, Bluecup has already launched 160 selling points throughout Thailand. Last year, there were 30 new branches of S&P restaurant along with 20 new branches of Bluecup. “Our expansion depends on S&P restaurant so we don’t really wish to say where would be the next location to invest. It is also determined by our customer’s demand,” “I don’t want to forecast this year trend by linking to the outside issues because they are quite unstable right now, what is matter is us. Anyway, I have a positive thinking for this year operation,” he added. In the past, Bluecup logo contains cheerful atmosphere but as the sellVitoon Sila-on ing pointed have steadily increased, they need to make more professional branding and create credibility on the business side for consumers. The bird in the new logo symbolizes freedom travel while the coffee bean and tea represent Bluecup’s main drinks. Creating more variety in the menu is also one of its sales strategies, for example, the introduction of caramel frost, in addition to the basic coffees like Cappuccino and Latte. “We still need to improve our brand awareness among the customers. Therefore, this year we will emphasize more on Latte Art and encourage customers to try hot beverages, which a lot of Thais have not yet tasted unlike drinkers in Europe, who prefer hot beverages,” he continued. “I think the price positioning of the local brands are not jumpy from each other but there are some overseas brands which sell more than Bt100 per cup. I think our price is appropriate to the current market and whether we will increase or not depends on the cost of raw materials and our competitors’ movements,” According to Bluecup, there are still potential customers who have gradually become interest in drinking espresso while there are still some who have not yet switched from instant coffee, which means the opportunity is still there. At the same time, Bluecup will continue serving its fresh good quality drinks, develop their baristas’ skills and send them to join in the World Barista Championship.

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• 29


Starbucks to be more in consumer lifestyle µ“√å∫—§å°â“«Ÿà°“√‡ªìπ‰≈øá‰µ≈å „Àâ≈Ÿ°§â“¬‘Ëߢ÷Èπ Having baristas as coffee ambassadors, Starbucks puts ëµ“√å∫—§å„À⧫“¡”§—≠°—∫°“√‡ªìπ√â“π°“·ø∑’Ë√Õß√—∫ •more effort to be customer lifestyle by delivering same standard coffee, choosing best locations, offering fast services, and creating emotional bonds with customers to ensure its market growth. Despite the slow economy growth in 2007 which widely affected general business sectors, Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) Co., Ltd.’s director Marketing & Communications, Sumonpin Jotikabukkana said Starbucks still enjoyed its growth and showed that they had just celebrated the new opening of the 100th stores in Thailand last October. She mentioned that the consumers’ behavior has changed and they begin to seeking more coffees outside their homes. As a result, leading brands would put more effort in marketing and extending their product lines which will stimulate the market and increase level of competition. “We will continue to grow in the future. Right now we cannot commit for the exact numbers, but so far we open at a rate of 2 stores a month,” she added. According to Ms Sumonpin, this year, espresso would still a popular main drink among customers but

the introduction of the new drinks would create variety of selections and bring excitement to customers. As today’s customers knew more about coffee, they meticulously selected their drinks based on their desires. That’s why Starbucks offered them a customization service which customers can choose their own preferences either to add or to reduce the espresso shots or foam milk. Price per cup remains the same because Starbucks had already adjusted its price in 2006. This year, Starbucks aims to maintain its standard, focuses more on the need of each local customer, and contributes positively toward the community through its sponsorship of sustainable coffee production with Thai hill tribes and the promotion of Muan Jai (Thai blend coffee) as well as other initiatives. Starbucks will also focus on the relationship with communities by bringing back the advantage like buying coffee beans, continuing mountain waterworks project and building a health clinic in Bann Huay Som Poi, Chiang Mai

30 •

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Sumonpin Jotikabukkana

Caffè Nero to continue its expansion as premium brand §“‡ø ‡π‚√ ‡√àߢ¬“¬µ—«„π∞“π–æ√’‡¡’ˬ¡·∫√π¥å Considering coffee as a part of Thais’ current life •styles, Caffè Nero by Black Canyon aims to continue its original expansion to at least 15 new outlets by 2008 and positioned itself as a premium brand. Black Canyon Coffee has already opened 25 Black Canyon and Caffè Nero outlets in 2007. This year, the expansion focuses on premium locations like those already opened in a luxurious shopping complex, the Esplanade and in a high class dining venue of Suvarnabhumi Airport. However, this year, the restaurant will also offer a catering service to boost its sales. Black Canyon (Thailand) Co., Ltd.’s marketing & Brands Communications’ director, Kannika Chinprasithchai said that the coffee industry in Thailand is not a blue ocean anymore, in fact, it is likely to be a bloody one. Therefore, it is not surprising to see high competition in this market. Still, the 70,000 customer lists in its database has strengthen Caffè Nero strength to continue expanding its boundaries.

Kannika Chinprasithchai

ëCaffe Nero ‚¥¬ ·∫≈Á§·§π¬Õπ ¡ÿà߇¥‘πÀπâ“¢¬“¬µ≈“¥

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As for the price adjustment, Ms Kannika said that last year, customers spent less money and hardly left their homes due to the affects from upsurge fuel price and political unrest. Although the cost is likely to increase by 5% this year, Caffè Nero will not instantly adjust the price, instead, a new menu will be introduced every two months to increase sales volumes. Apart from beverages and meals offered at Caffè Nero, customers can also taste a variety of 30 flavor of Italian-style ice cream, Gelatoni at the shop. “We plan to open a new outlet for our ice cream and will add more 72 flavors. The ice cream making demonstration will attract our customers to our new outlet,” added their assistant marketing manager, Anyarat Sosutham. Currently there are 167 Black Canyon restaurant in Thailand of which 7 are installed with Caffè Nero outlets. Although Black Canyon has 24 chain restaurants overseas but it still has no intention to expand Caffè Nero for overseas market.

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• 31


True Coffee emphasizes on both domestic and international ∑√Ÿ §Õøøïò¢¬“¬“¢“µàÕ∑—Èß„π·≈–πÕ°ª√–‡∑» In two years, True Coffee continued its expansion until •there are now 27 branches throughout Thailand. This year’s strategy will be in three patterns: setting up new branches of true coffee, seeking partners by franchising, investing in international markets like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and China. True Lifestyle Retail Company Limited’s general manager, Kittinut Tikawan, however, said that this year True Coffee will avoid adjusting prices if not necessary although other factors like cost of raw materials and negotiation with suppliers are to be considered. “Last year, cold beverage is still popular among Thais so I think that by increasing our branches, it will also increase our sales volumes. Prices offered by other Top brands and indirect competitors are still high which left a gap for us to offer drinks at Bt50 to Bt150 per cup which suits for the market,” he added.

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Apart from using effective pricing strategy and quality beans from domestic and international qualified roast masters, True Coffee also conducts the experimentation on a coffee farm and established a Barista’s Training Center to train new baristas for each branch. Currently, they have over 200 baristas, including those who are under training. Being True Coffee’s baristas, they also need to assist the customers in term of internet services to do researching, playing games, watching televisions, e-learning and etc. “I believe that having good quality products and skilled baristas will expand our customersû base. Also, coffee houses in Thailand are continuously increasing, I think it is a good sign for SME business which indicates that more and more people want have their own businesses. It is a good indication for our franchise preparation which will be launched this year,” he said.

º¡§‘¥«à“√“§“¢Õß Brand „À≠àÊ·≈– Indirect Competitor ¬—ß¡’√–¥—∫√“§“§àÕπ¢â“ßŸß ‡¡◊ËÕ‡∑’¬∫°—∫√“§“‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡¢Õß ‡√“∑’Ë ‡ √‘Ë ¡ µ—È ß ·µà 50 ∫“∑·≈– 150 ∫“∑∂â “ ‡ªì π ·∫∫ Full Option ´÷Ë ß ‡ªì π √“§“∑’Ë §à Õ π¢â “ ß Match °— ∫ µ≈“¥é §ÿ ≥ °‘µ‘≥—∞°≈à“« πÕ°®“°°“√„™â Pricing ∑’ˇÀ¡“–¡√«¡°—∫§ÿ≥¿“æ ‡¡≈Á¥°“·ø∑’˺à“π°“√§—¥√√‡¡≈Á¥®“° Roast Master ∑—Èß„π ·≈–πÕ°ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬·≈â« ∑“ß∑√Ÿœ¬—ß¡’°“√∑¥≈Õߪ≈Ÿ° ‡¡≈Á¥°“·ø„À≥â“¬æ—π∏ÿ奒·≈–µ—Èß»Ÿπ¬åΩñ°∫“√‘µâ“ ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ °“√Ωñ°Ωπ∫“√‘µâ“°àÕπÕ¬à“ßπâÕ¬ÕßÕ“∑‘µ¬å °àÕπà߉ª ∑”ß“π¬—ß“¢“µà“ßʥ⫬ ¢≥–π’È¡’∫“√‘µâ“„π—ß°—¥‡°◊Õ∫ Õß√âÕ¬§π „π∞“π–∫“√‘µâ“¢Õß∑√Ÿœ ®”‡ªìπµâÕ߇√’¬π√Ÿâ°“√ „Àâ∫√‘°“√ Internet ·≈–µÕ∫πÕß life style ¢Õß≈Ÿ°§â“¥â«¬ ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ°“√„À⧫“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ¥â“π Game °“√„™â∫√‘°“√ TV °“√«‘®—¬ ·≈– E-learning

Coffee World expects to see intense fight between premium brands §Õøøïò ‡«‘≈¥å§“¥®–‰¥â‡ÀÁπÕ—µ√“°“√·¢àߢ—πŸß√–À«à“ß·∫√π¥å „À≠à¥â«¬°—π‡Õß„πªïπ’È the past ten years, Coffee World, a franchise cof•feeOver house under the portfolio brand of GFA Corporation (Thailand), already opened a total of 71 stores while positioning its brand as a premium coffee house chains. This year, Coffee World gears up for the intense competition between premium coffee brands, which means they would emphasize more on drink varieties and repeatedly launch new campaigns or new promotions to maintain the existing customers and attract the new ones. According to GFA Corporation (Thailand) Ltd., marketing manager, Parichart Greenwood, in 2007, there were high competitions between strong and well-known premium coffee brands and non-coffee brands from other business sectors who tried to expand their product lines into Thailand’s fresh coffee business. This has stimulated premium coffee chains in Thailand to offer more promo-

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tions and urged them to adjust the menus to create drink varieties for customers. She pointed out that this year, intense competitions between premium coffee house chains will continue and each would emphasize on offering private and luxurious atmosphere to grab customersû attentions. However, as the customers have changed their behaviors and show concern about their health, they become picky on the quality of their drinks which pushes Coffee World to introduce new menus every two months. As for price adjustment, she said that there is a tendency to adjust the prices due to the fuel hike, though, Coffee World is negotiating with the suppliers to reduce the cost. One of the 2008 campaign is that if customers hold a GFA privilege card, they can get discount and souvenirs from using the service under GFA brands.

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• 33


¢“¬Õ–‰√¥’ πÕ°®“°°“·ø (®∫) Anything But Coffee let’s see what kind of snacks or food we can add •to Now our menu.


Fresh Bake or Heat Up: The most convenient bakery to sell is those of ready-made such as cookies. For pastries or breads that can be stored for one or two days, it will depend on the number of your customers and your turnover. What you need to add is a convection oven or a microwave oven which prices ranged from a thousand up to hundred thousand baht. Another way is to have the fresh-bake pastries that you can bake fresh from frozen dough. The advantage of this method is that you can determine the amount of daily sales and the smell of fresh baked pastries is what draws customers in. However, there is a disadvantage in term of investing, which increased by the purchasing of an oven and a proofer, not to mention another employee and it is also time consuming.


by SK2

Soup and Salad

Easy add-ins for your nutrition menu, by purchasing a ready-packed vegetable which always come with many choices of salad dressings. As for the frozen soup, you can simply heat it up in few seconds.

Main Course

Surprisingly, some of delicious dishes served in today’s restaurants are those of frozen food heated and decorated up with some garnish. If your coffee shop locates in a suitable place, you only can buy a wide selection of frozen food from a nearby supermarket. Just select a right equipment to heat it up, that’s all.

If your shop focuses in cake selling, there would be no problem. But if you have to order from other cake bakers, you are facing with high cost. In selling cake, you also need to purchase a refrigerated display case and provide varieties of cakes for selections. Expire date is also important.

Coffee Bean and Accessories

Sandwich and Panini (Italian sandwich)


Popular sandwiches among coffee shops are cold, ham/ cheese and tuna sandwiches which are easy to prepare. However, most Asians are likely to order warmed or hot meals so buying a contact grill to warm hot sandwiches should be a good idea and instead of using ordinary white bread, try other options like French or Italian bread.

Waffle and Pancake

Stars of the coffee shop, these menus are fresh, fast and convenient by easily adding the batter to a waffle baker or griddle. We can add variety by topping waffles and pancakes with chocolate sauce, whipping cream, or fruit like banana and strawberry.

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When customers have a passion for your coffee, you shouldn’t disappoint them by not allowing them to enjoy your coffee at home. Sell them a small pack of your roasted coffee bean together with a coffee maker and a grinder to make them happy.

Since your logo has been distinctively designed, why don’t you transform your logo into a keychain, a mug, a t-shirt, or etc. and sell them. It will increase your income and will promote your store. There are many products and services which can be added to your shops. We saw some coffee house providing music purchasing on-line, CDs, books, while some stores go further to fortunetelling, Tarot reading, foot massaging, and etc. based on your store locations or your targeted customers. So do some research and you will get the answer.

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Taipei Tea, Coffee Expo 2007 Taipei, Taiwan

This annual tea, coffee and wine hospitality trade show was held from 23 to 26 November last year at Taipei World Trade Center combining with franchising exhibition. Activities are seminars demonstrated on how to drink tea and coffee, music activities and Taiwan Barista Championship organized by Taiwan Coffee Association. This year the new rules were set up for competition: Three outstanding contestants were selected in the final round and they will compete again on 19 January 2008 for a winner to join World Barista Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark

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Costa Rica A Fair Trade Model §Õµ“√‘°â“ ·∫∫Õ¬à“ß°“√§â“Õ¬à“߇ªìπ∏√√¡ Article by Ross Bright

visited Costa Rica with the aim of learning •moreI recently on the Fair Trade issue as well as how Costa Rica sets the standards for implementation of such trade in the coffee world. Costa Rica is a small country about 51000 SQM located in Central America about 10 degrees north of the equator, thoughts of which conjure images of magnificent wildlife, volcanoes, beautiful beaches and mountains and fertile valleys. Most of us in the coffee industry will know what value Costa Rican coffees can bring to blends or for use as a single origin. In the recent World Barista Championships James Hoffmen utilized the single origin of Café Herbazu located in the West Valley near San José to triumph in the Japan WBC. There the coffee grows at altitudes of 1600 mts above sea level and is cared for and produced by José Antonio “Toño” Barrantes owner of one of the new micro mills which are making their mark on the Costa Rican landscape. The Fair Trade movement as the name suggests ensures producers are paid a fair price which will help them profit as well as improve the quality for the coffee they produce. The prices they receive for each kilo of coffee is typically dictated by the world markets, which is to say that if the market is low then the price they receive reflects this. In essence the Fair Trade model operates like an insurance policy, where, should the market take a fall to a lower price than what is set by Fair Trade (currently $1.26 USD per pound) then the fair trade price is what the producer will receive if the coffee is purchased under the Fair Trade agreement. This ensures they earn enough money to continue to produce a viable crop with coffee as well as be able to continue sustainable practices on the farm. If the producer does not receive this fair price for his coffee somewhere he must cut costs to produce, this usually comes to the detriment of the environment and the workers. A few years ago green coffee prices hit their lowest level in 20 years, this forced many producers to walk off their farms, as the cost of production was not met. They had a choice, work for a loss and wait it out, try to grow another crop or walk off the farm and look for alternative work. Growing other crops was not an option as the time taken to harvest was too long till any return was seen. This was where the Coops came in to help the communities by adopting Fair Trade practices. Having

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spoken to a number of producers on the ground, they are very happy with the Fair trade model as they were guaranteed a price, which would allow them to continue to produce. Of course as with all the producers the aim is to produce a coffee of such quality that the price they receive for their efforts exceeds that of Fair Trade pricing. In Costa Rica of the 200,000 bags produced annually under the FLO (Fair Trade Labeling Organization) model in Coops (Coop’s are like a union of producers who sign up supply cherry to a central cooperative which then pays the producer per kg for the cherry and sets about processing the cherry to green bean ready for export) about 25% is sold as Fair Trade. This constitutes about 3% of total coffee production in Costa Rica. The reason coffee may be bought/sold, as Fair Trade will ultimately depend on the roaster. If the roaster buys coffee certified Fair Trade then it is most likely they will be marketing it as to raise awareness of the producerûs plight as well as drive up consumption. One of the facts I came to terms with as a buyer/ roaster was that to ensure the producer gets a fair price for his coffee, was to ask for the contract to purchase from the producer to the Coop. Producing this with the sale of coffee allows for transparency in the industry all the way to the producer. A broker who cannot provide this contract may have something to hide, as it will automatically show the mark up of the coffee from producer River near Arinal Best to exporter/trader. If your company has the volume and connections you can purchase containers or LCL direct from the Coops who will use an exporter to facilitate the transaction, doing business this way you will have complete transparency in the deal. You will know what the producer is paid, how much the exporter earns and the cost of freight/clearance into store. With the exporter being transparent the buyer can then develop a relationship not only with just the exporter but the producer but the Cooperative as well. There is something to be said in being able to say, I not only know the exact location the coffee comes from, its altitude, how it was processed but who owns and runs the farm and how by paying Fair Trade or above helps the producer out on the land. Some of the reason for such a low percentage of exports from Costa Rica as Fair Trade Coffee is the fact that the majority of the coffee produced there is of high quality. This high quality coffee commands a higher price than that of Fair trade in most cases 20 to 30% because of the value added processes that the coffee has undertaken. As you can see it is in the producerûs interest to maintain the high quality that has been expected from Costa Rica. You can also attribute this higher pricing to a number of other things, firstly the governmentûs implementation of The Coffee Law 2762 which was created in 1961 by ICAFE which regulates/fiscalizes the relationship amongst producers, millers,

exporters and local roasters guaranteeing a sustainable price for the end producer. Currently unlike many other countries in Central and South America, Costa Rica is implementing free health facilities for the contracted foreign workers from Honduras, Nicaragua or Panama who come for the harvest season. Another interesting fact about Costa Rica’s Coffee industry is, that the inferior Robusta plant was made illegal to produce in Costa Rica. The government was also the first in the world to abolish its Army, This single event allowed Costa Rica to prosper in many ways its neighbors in Nicaragua, El Salvador etc could not, No such thing as Contras and

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Carlos Fair Trade Producer Sandinistas and pesky American forces coming in to intervene in governments. All government funding was concentrated on the people and infrastructure schools and hospitals, thus Costa Rica has one of the best standards of living of all Central and South America. A testament to that is that Costa Rica has a literacy rate of 96% and Universal public education is guaranteed in the Constitution. Though Fair Trade is not entirely responsible for all of Costa Ricas current comparative wealth compared to its neighbors, it is however well entrenched in the industry and creating an environment where the producers and communities are able to work towards the future with the knowledge the hard times are behind them. Fair Trade will guarentee that the families as well as the local enviroment are cared for by providing them an income for the future should markets crash allowing the coffee cycle to continue and for the rest of us to continue to enjoy the cup of quality we have come to expect.

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40 •

Ross Bright in Costa Rica

• 41


Ultimate Barista Challenge Written by Sherri Johns

The Ultimate Barista Challenge (UBC) China featured •at Food Hospitality China (FHC) where Ultimate Baristi ®

from USA, Korea and China Remain Undefeated The Ultimate Barista Challenge˙ China, featured in the new coffee & tea pavilion at the renown FHC Expo was held at Shanghai Exposition Center from 14 to 16 November 2007, hosting 18,000 attendees and 800 exhibitors. The UBC consists of four tasty bouts of coffee and espresso challenges: Espresso Frappe, Latte Art, Espresso Cocktails and Best of Brew. Local Baristi competed in qualifying rounds and those who won, went on to challenge their choice of 3 International Ultimate Baristi to compete against, in a one-on-one dueling contest of fast-paced espresso excellence. “China is an incredible new frontier for coffee and barista.é I am so impressed with the caliber of baristi who entered the UBC China. They are enthusiastic, creative and professional,” states Sherri Johns, UBC Founder. Local baristi competed in dueling matches preparing latte art, espresso cocktails or espresso frappes of the barista own creation for discerning judges. Attendees crowded the stage to glimpse the action and take plenty of photos as judgesû evaluated drinks and baristi on presentation, taste, creativity and technical skills. Baristi also had to “beat the clock” as MC Danny Johns called out the final seconds!

This was the most international All Star group of Ultimate Baristi and judges to date with Ultimate Barista Korea; Sena Lee, Ultimate Barista China; Kelvin Huang and Ultimate Barista USA; Heather Perry poised and ready to take on all challengers! Perry also ranks as the current 2007 USA National Champion and runner up world champion according to a recent global barista event held in Tokyo. Following the Latte Art Espresso Challenge, qualifying barista Cheng Zhi Dong from Hopestar selected Sena Lee, Ultimate Barista Korea to the Final Challenge. Lee gracefully prepared all drinks with finesse and skill retaining her stature and earning her another medallion and a cash prize by Creation Food. Likewise for UBC Ultimates

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Heather Perry in Espresso Frappe and Kelvin Huang in Espresso Cocktail. UBC China Sponsor, Nadim Itani of CALLEBAUT was delighted with the success of the UBC. “I found the event to be professional, exciting and a real draw to the show floor. Everyone was having fun.” Five countries were represented on the esteemed judgesû panel all there to share their expertise and passion: Professional Barista trainer / Latte Art champion and UBC representative for Korea, Young Min Lee; Tea & Coffee Trade Journal Asiaûs editor, Glenn John, from Thailand; John’s Coffee, USA’s coffee consultant, Andrew

Hetzel; DaVinci Syrups, Singapore’s Kimberly Yer; Specialty Coffee Association of Taiwan’s director, Joe Hsu; Milan Gold, Beijing, China’s sales director, David Wei; UBC Head Judge and international coffee retail specialist, USA, Sherri Johns; and UBC founder and certified international barista judge served as Master of Ceremonies and event coordinator, USA, Danny Johns. “We cannot thank UBC enough for adding such excitement and sharing the future of coffee with us. We are already planning UBC 2008!” said FHC’s director, Brendan Jennings.

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Milan Gold ®’π Sherri Johns À—«Àπⓧ≥–°√√¡°“√ UBC ·≈–ºŸâ‡™’ˬ«™“≠¥â“π°“√§â“ª≈’°°“·øπ“π“™“µ‘®“°À√—∞ Õ‡¡√‘°“ Danny Johns ºŸâ°àÕµ—Èß UBC ·≈–°√√¡°“√∫“√‘µâ“ π“π“™“µ‘∑’Ë ‰¥â√—∫°“√√—∫√Õß·≈–∑”Àπâ“∑’ˇªìπæ‘∏’°√√«¡∂÷ß ºŸâª√–“πß“π Brendan Jennings ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√®“° FHC °≈à“««à“ ç‡√“¢Õ¢Õ∫§ÿ ≥ UBC ∑’Ë ®— ¥ ß“πÕ— π πà “ µ◊Ë π ‡µâ π π’È ¢÷È π ·≈– ·∫àß∫—πÕ𓧵∑“ߥâ“π°“·ø°—∫‡√“ ‡√“‰¥â«“ß·ºπ”À√—∫ ß“π UBC 2008 ‰«â‡√’¬∫√âÕ¬·≈â«é

‰¥â„π°“√·¢àߢ—π Ultimate Barista Challenger (UBC) ∑’Ë ª√–‡∑»®’π„πß“π Food Hospitality China (FHC) °“√·¢àߢ—π Ultimate Barista Challenge ®—¥¢÷Èπ∑’Ë ª√–‡∑»®’π ‡æ‘Ë¡’—π·°àß“π·¥ß‘π§â“°“·ø·≈–™“∑’Ë®—¥ ¢÷Èπ ∑’Ë Shanghai Exposition Center √–À«à“ß14 ∂÷ß 16 惻®‘°“¬π ªï∑’˺à“π¡“ ¡’ºŸâ‡¢â“™¡∂÷ß 18,000 §π ·≈–ºŸâ√à«¡ ·¥ß‘π§â“∂÷ß 800 √â“π °“√·¢àߢ—πª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬°‘®°√√¡ ∑â“∑“¬§«“¡“¡“√∂¢Õß∫“√‘µâ“ 4 ·∫∫ §◊Õ °“√∑”‡Õ ‡æ√‚´à ·ø√ª‡ªÑ °“√∑”≈“‡µâÕ“√å∑ °“√∑”‡Õ‡æ√‚´à §Õ°‡∑≈ ·≈–ÿ¥¬Õ¥°“√™ß°“·ø∑’Ë∫“√‘µâ“√–¥—∫ª√–‡∑» µâÕß∑”°“√·¢àߢ—π„π√Õ∫§—¥‡≈◊Õ°‡æ◊ËÕ§âπÀ“ºŸâ™π–¡“‡≈◊Õ° ·¢àß°—∫∫“√‘µâ“®“°µà“ߪ√–‡∑»Õ’° 3 ª√–‡∑»·∫∫µ—«µàÕµ—«

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Swimming in DaVinci Gourmet® Flavored Syrup Story by Kimberly Yer

I must admit that I never would think of establishing a •career closely related to the coffee industry, even though I started drinking coffee even before I started knowing how to do multiplication. I was an Engineering student who wanted to do something more exciting in life, but ended up being “tricked” to be a barista by my friend and I must admit and most probably, I did broadcast to everybody I personally knew that I love every single second in that job. Being a barista in Singapore is tough, the circle consists of tons of part- timers who just wanted to get some spare cash, and getting them to really appreciate the brew is even tougher. I remembered times when I conducted interviews with potential baristas, and they told me straight in the face that they are not a coffee drinker, but there are also baristas that really showed me their keen interest and their hunger to drink more and learn more about coffee. That is where the satisfaction comes from. Nonetheless, the passion for coffee and the different coffee culture in Asia gives me the courage to shift myself out of my comfort zone in my previous job to take up the offer to work in Kerry Food Service Asia Pacific, who owns DaVinci Gourmet®; which I never looked back since. I have never tasted so much flavored syrups in my whole life. Back in my previous job, I used syrups too and it is never occurred to me that flavored syrups could be so complex, so intriguing, and my emphasis will always be to compliment but not to cover the essence and flavor of coffee. My job scope in DaVinci Gourmet˙ is actually to wreck my brains out for recipes for existing product lines for the Asia Pacific region. Research and training is part of it too, and that gives me a lot of opportunities to work with different people and I must admit the fact that I grew up tremendously for the past 2 years. I would never consider myself an expert in coffee but I must say that I am learning more day by day. Every experience with the people from different countries will bring about new learning pointers for me, new inspirations for my next drink. A normal day for me back in office would be doing endless tasting and sitting in front of my notebook with eyes glued to the screen and fingers to the keyboard trying to complete my research. for the market. Another day for me in overseas (of course, depending on which

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Product Training with Milan Gold Coffee in Beijing country) will be conducting training for our customers, which is the interesting part. Sometimes, I could be at a place for trade shows as well as lending my support for the local barista scene. I was lucky once, not so many months ago, to be teaching some beautiful gorgeous local celebrities in The Philippines, on how to do a cup of Flavored Latte. I must admit that I was star - struck even though, I am not a local. And I always missed Thailand, the Land of Beautiful Smiles, where all the baristas there are always so sincere, regardless if they are serving me my drink or attending my training. But there is something that always managed to put a smile on my face and that has to be the display of passion and enthusiasm that each barista shows. It has been and is still wonderful to see and witness for myself how Asia is trying to improve on their standards of proper coffee brewing and the serious attitude put in by the baristas


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2 1 Grand Barista Cup of The Philippines NCR Champion 2 Doing a great cup of coffee for my distributor, Dankoff Coffee, during Food Hotel Malaysia 2007

3 Judging for the Singapore National Barista Championship 2007. Participant below is Mr. Andrew


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Article by Thanyaporn Silpi

True Coffee

The round shape of True Coffee Logo consists of three colors, red, write, and black. Red and white colors symbolize True Corporation’s colors while black color represents strength and readiness for non-stop moves toward the next steps. The whirling circles show the aroma and the stirring patterns which are arranged into a shape of coffee mug which can also be seen as a computer screen matching to the slogan “Sip & Surf” where customers can enjoy the cup while surfing the hi-speed internet at true coffee houses.

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Bluecup coffee Created by S&P’s Business Development & Restaurant Marketing vice president, Vitoon Sila-On, the logo has been developed for six years until this look came out. It inspires freedom, way of life, and travel for new experience as well as comfort and relaxation. Blue color means high class and high quality. Orange color signifies roasted coffee and white color implies cleanliness, concentration, sincerity and creativity. The symbol of bird symbolizes the freedom of traveling while a coffee bean and a tea leaf are two main beverages offered by Bluecup. The logo is meant to show Bluecup’s intention to offer best beverages for customers.

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1 Jascaffe China. Shanghai, China

Cheerful barista trainer from Jascaffe China is making new trendy tea drinks from the Teapresso machine at FHC, Shanghai.


Barista Trainer “«πâÕ¬Õ“√¡≥奒¢Õß Jascaffe China ¢≥–°”≈— ß “∏‘ µ ‡§√◊Ë Õ ß¥◊Ë ¡ ™“¡— ¬ „À¡à ∑’Ë ∑ ”®“°‡§√◊Ë Õ ß Teapresso „πß“π FHC ‡´’ˬ߉Œâ 2 Creation Food. Shanghai, China

Chinese barista from Taiwan dairy creamer and coffee company also the DaVinci Flavor Syrups’ distributor in China at FHC show, Shanghai.

Barista “«™“«®’π¢Õß∫√‘…—∑º≈‘µπ¡º¡æ‘‡»…·≈–°“·ø ¢Õ߉µâÀ«—π √«¡∑—È߇ªìπµ—«·∑π®”Àπà“¬ DaVinci Favor Syrups ∑’ˇ´’ˬ߉Œâ





3 Miscela d’Oro Coffee, Italy

Beautiful baristas from one of the oldest Italian coffee roasters at SIC, Milan.

Barista “««¬®“° Coffee Roaster ‡°à“·°à¢Õß Italy „π ß“π SIC ∑’Ë Milan 4 High Tea, Taiwan

Two pretty baristas came with trendy and healthy tea for the new generation with Grace Hsieh, their marketing manager.

Õß“«Baristas °—∫‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡™“ÿ¢¿“æ”À√—∫§π√ÿàπ„À¡à ·≈– ºŸâ®—¥°“√°“√µ≈“¥ Grace Hsieh 5 Caffe Nero, Bangkok, ailand

Celebrate the 2008 New Year with beautiful smile from sweet Caffè Nero’s barista at the outlet in Esplanade.

µâÕπ√—∫ªï „À¡à°—π¥â«¬√Õ¬¬‘È¡«¬Ê¢Õß Barista ®“°√â“π Caffe Nero “¢“ Esplanade • 47

Be prepared for ailand top coffee tea bakery and ice cream show ‡µ√’¬¡æ∫ÿ¥¬Õ¥ß“π°“·ø ™“ ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡ ‡∫‡°Õ√’Ë ·≈–‰Õ»§√’¡ §√∫«ß®√„π‰∑¬ Kavin Intertrade organizes a three-in-one event which includes Thailand Coffee Tea and Drinks 2008, Thailand Bakery and Ice Cream 2008 and FSE 2008 and cooperates with Barista Association of Thailand (BAT) to hold a “National Thailand Barista Championship (NTBC)” event The event will be held from 21 to 24 February on the 4th floor, MCC Hall, The Mall Bangkapi. More than 100 representatives from manufacturers and distributors specialized in coffee, tea, ice cream and bakery areas are expected to join. Kavin Intertrade, Managing Director, Kavin Kittiboonya said there are some 40 manufacturers, distributors and representatives in coffee, tea, drink and equipment joining in this event. More than 30,000 visitors from overall country are expected in this event. As for the NTBC competition, Baristas need to brew three drinks namely Espresso, Cappuccino and a signature drink within a limited time. The winner will join “World Barista Championship 2008” in Copenhagen, Denmark from 19 to 22 June 2008.

Visit or download for rules and regulations at Contact Marketing Communications Executive, Supa Kiatpanon at tel: 02 861 4013 ext 121

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Time to show off

No one would deny that Host, held every two years, was a place where espresso manufacturers from all over the world aimed to demonstrate their new technologies and attractive designs. In technology for this year, baristas were still interested in brewing temperature control like separated boiler system by La Marzocco, Dalla Corte and Conti while electronic control system by Elektra and striking design by Sanremo, Victoria Arduino and Rancilio were also eye-catching.

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50 •

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1 Florian Caffè Piazza San Marco.


Venice, Italy

Many would be surprised to find out lots of people had come to enjoy the cups at this antique coffee house dated back to 1720. Even it is just for a short breathe, some still stops by to take pleasure of recalling precious memory.

À≈“¬§πÕ“®®–·ª≈°„®∑’Ë√â“π°“·ø∑’Ë¥Ÿ‡°à“·°àπ’È¡’ºŸâ§π®“° ∑—Ë«“√∑‘»¡“π—Ëߥ◊Ë¡°“·øµ—Èß·µà‡√‘Ë¡‡ªî¥‡¡◊ËÕªï §.». 1720 ¡πµå‡πàÀå¢ÕßÕ¥’µ¬—߇ªìπ‘Ëß∑’˺Ÿâ§πÕ¬“°‡¢â“‰ª¡’à«π√à«¡ ·¡â‡æ’¬ß™à«ß‡«≈“—ÈπÊ 2 Fong Da Coffee House. Taipie, Taiwan

Each day would pass so slowly if this coffee house is not there to offer the comfort for elderly people who enjoy chatting with their old friends and remember the past.

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Even sitting in the same room, you could sense like you were in outer space. The different between relaxing here and sitting alone at home is that you can observe the busting city and community.

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52 •



Gel-Matic Showcase with Cold Stone A customized ice cream can be made to match customer’s requirement by mixing candy, nuts, or other variety of flavored sauces with soft ice cream on the cold stone plate to draw customer attentions. See the clip from the link below.

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Billie Coffee Roasting machine Coffee Roasting Machine from Taiwan capacity from 1 kg to 15 kg ‡§√◊ËÕߧ—Ë«°“·ø®“°‰µâÀ«—πµ—Èß·µà¢π“¥ 1 °°.-15 °°.

Nino On-Demand Espresso Grinder A conical grinder with blade size of 68 mm diameter and 28 mm thickness, motor speed of 500 rmp, it has oversized fan for better ventilation and patent Tamp system.

‡§√◊ËÕß∫¥°“·ø‡Õ‡æ√‚´à¥â«¬ „∫¡’¥ Conical ¢π“¥ 68 ¡¡. Àπ“ 25 ¡¡. ¥â«¬¡Õ‡µÕ√å√Õ∫µË” 500 Rpm √–∫“¬§«“¡√âÕπ¥â«¬ æ— ¥ ≈¡¢π“¥„À≠à ·≈–√–∫∫ Tamp °“·ø≈‘¢‘∑∏‘Ï

KLub 1 Litre Teapresso This is the latest Teapresso from Klub. The new model can produce 1 liter of tea in just a few minute with the patent steam circulation system that extracts the maximum taste and aroma.

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Pasco Automatic Coffee Blending, Grinding & Brewing Automatic Coffee making and dispensing Machine which you can choose maximum 3 coffee blends from 12 hoppers, fresh grind and rapidly brew cup by cup.

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