vol. 49 | no.3
American College of Dentists
The American College of Dentists Welcomes the Centurions
n June of 2020, the American Dental Association officially canceled the Annual Session in Orlando, Florida. While we fully supported this decision and it did not come as a complete surprise, we were left in uncharted territory to plan and execute our centennial celebration. Fortunately, as chance favors a prepared mind, we had already engaged in some parallel planning in case of such an eventuality. In the space of one year, we constructed, de-constructed, and reconstructed our annual meeting and convocation. Through a time of upheaval and uncertainty, we persevered and produced a world class ceremony for our centennial cohort. (continued on page 4)
In this Issue President’s Forum
Director’s Corner
Welcome Centurions (continued)
The ACD Past Presidents: Profiles and Prerogatives
New Philanthropic Fund Announced
Board Bios
The Chambers Era
News from Our Sections and Fellows
Regent’s Reflection: Connecting Using Technology
American Society of Dental Ethics Update
SPEA: Celebrating a Decade of Growth
Recognition for the Past 100 Years of Service
President’s Forum
Moving Forward into the Next Century “The Right Thing to Do” Dr. Leo E. Rouse President of the American College of Dentists
The 100th Anniversary of the American College of Dentists was celebrated with a week of continuing education, our annual business meeting and convocation of Fellows—it was a tremendous success! Yes, it was virtual and a very special moment in the history of the American College of Dentists. I still have goose bumps as a participant in this “Centennial Celebration.” We were concerned but despite the pandemic, the American College of Dentists pulled it off with charm and class right into the annals of “Virtual Success.” Congratulations again to our Centennial Class now known as the “Centurions.” You are indelibly etched in our history. As the President, I am especially privileged to continue the legacy of leadership of my distinguished predecessors and to work with our outstanding Board of Regents, Sections, Fellows, Affiliates, and the extraordinary staff of the College. I personally thank all the Regents for hosting outstanding virtual breakout sessions which afforded me the opportunity to visit with and welcome the new and current Fellows in the Sections. I was fortunate to attend each one with President-elect Richard Jones. Our remarkable history will continue to propel us into the second century with our current mission of advancing excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry. As we move forward into the second century let us be mindful of the fact that this pandemic has led us into a period of the “New Normal.” What role should the ACD take as the conscience of dentistry regarding the New Normal? I am reminded of a quote that I used in my President-elect speech, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy…and the truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
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What is the right thing to do as we move forward into the second century of the ACD? Each of the following requires ethics, professionalism, and leadership from our Board of Regents, Sections, Fellows, and Affiliates: • Continue our support and increase participation with SPEA Chapters and activities in US and Canadian Dental Institutions. • Collaborate with ADEA and interested dental organizations regarding student debt. • Increase awareness of the ACD’s tremendous online library of ethics courses to our Fellows, educators, clinicians, dental researchers, and dental schools in the US and Canada. • Fully engage Regencies and Sections in the White Coat Ceremonies of US and Canadian Dental Institutions. • Participate in discussions or task forces engaged in the integration of primary care and oral health to promote the multifaceted integration of oral health into overall health. • Continue to seek collaborative partnerships and opportunities in support of the profession of dentistry and dental education as we move toward the “New Normal” in dental education and the practice of dentistry. • Diversity and inclusion are critical to health equity and equality – what is the role of the College from a biomedical ethics point of view? As we move forward into the next century, the right thing to do is to encourage a dialogue with each other and to solicit your thoughts, suggestions and ideas via your Regencies and Sections. The pandemic is not an excuse to think out of the box but take no action—we must deploy those ethical, professional, and leadership skills to become the change that we want to see within our profession. The American College of Dentists can and will make a difference. The College is full of practical wisdom, let us pass it on.
Dates to Remember Fellowship Nominations Due for ACD 2021 January 15, 2021
Scholarship Applications and National Award Nominations Due March 1, 2021
Section Awards and Model Section Designation Applications Due March 1, 2021
Nominations for Board of Regents—Regencies 6 and 7, Vice President and President-elect Due March 1, 2021
News of Fellows and News of Sections Submissions to ACD News, Spring Issue, Due April 1, 2021
ACD Executive Office Relocates to Rockville Summer, 2021
ACD 2021 Annual Meeting and Convocation October 13 - 14, 2021
CONTACT ACD News is published by American College of Dentists 839-J Quince Orchard Boulevard Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1614 301.977.3223 | 888.ACD.1920 301-977-3330 fax | EDITOR Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS PUBLICATION MANAGER Suzan Pitman Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, MD Send address changes to: ACD News 839-J Quince Orchard Boulevard Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1614 or e-mail
Director’s Corner
HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Dr. Theresa Gonzales
As I draft this message, the corona virus pandemic rages on with increased morbidity and mortality and at the same time, the United States is barreling toward another inflection point—a holiday season dictated by the calendar and demanded by tradition. Legendary writer and adopted native son of Rockville, F. Scott Fitzgerald, opined that “life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Indeed, the traditional holiday gatherings are upon us. Holidays usually mean gathering with friends and extended family, attending parties, hosting dinners, traveling, and celebrating timehonored customs. Most holiday activities promote congregating and mixing of households, which increase the risk of transmitting COVID-19. Gathering with others— probably the most universal holiday tradition—has never required so much meticulous forethought. Respiratory viruses thrive in dry, warm indoor conditions in which people crowd together. The statistical peak of flu season typically comes close on the heels of the holiday observances. Colder weather is already driving people indoors at a time when some degree of COVID fatigue has set in. This makes planning much more challenging. I am under no illusion that the holidays will resemble the holidays I have known; but they are the holidays we have. Having lost so many citizens of the global village to the pandemic, I am appreciative of the holidays in whatever form they might take.
It is said that there is something about tragedy that has the potential to “awaken our better angels.” I have resolved to take better care of my family, my friends and my community and to give back in ways that often get lost in the self-imposed, frenetic rituals of my customary holiday celebrations. So many people need help and people need hope and people need each other. With this in mind, I am finding the people I can help without putting them at risk in doing so. This will require thinking about the holidays in previously unimagined ways and will require trying a very different and deliberate approach. Technology will enable the camaraderie and we will share family recipes and heavily photoshopped images of the finished products. We will share stories of past glories and previous winter gatherings. An unexpected silver lining is that this year, I will not have to worry about my family members being on the road or delayed in airports trying to make it home for the holidays. Helen Keller reminds us that “the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” This year’s struggles have challenged all of us and forced us to engage creatively. Let’s unleash that creativity and add new meaning to the concept of home for the holidays.
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The American College of Dentists Welcomes the Centurions (continued from page 1)
Prevailing COVID-19 guidelines allowed for a maximum of ten individuals in a congregate setting and we staged the production within the parameters of this guidance. The College’s original mace and torch, crafted by the Gorham Company, was on display for this celebration.
Just like the traditional ACD convocation, the 2020 ACD virtual version needed to be planned and produced. We worked with our presenters and partners to generate the continuing education presentations, prerecord the convocation address, secure a world class venue, and execute to standard. The sequence of events began with a message from President Ralls officially welcoming the Fellows into the College. In advance of the convocation ceremony, each Fellow received the convocation materials and was preregistered for all the events. The schedule of events mirrored our traditional ceremony with continuing education, a keynote speaker, the ever-popular Fellows Forum, the Regency breakout sessions, the annual business meeting, the
Drs. Blanton, Gonzales, Ralls and Rouse welcomed the Centennial Cohort from the historic Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, DC.
President-elect’s address and of course, the ACD Convocation Ceremony. The staff of the Executive office committed every effort to the execution of this virtual event and from the flood of reports that we have received from the Fellowship, we were able to deliver a quality experience for our Centennial Cohort, Fellows, Friends and Family of the American College of Dentists. These materials have been posted to www. for you to share with family and friends, and to rewatch at your leisure. While we are encouraged by your participation in and response to our virtual event, we acknowledge that there is really no substitute for the in-person ACD Convocation and Gala experience. We are family and we want to personally
greet you, get to know you better, and learn from you. Our Convocation is steeped in grand tradition befitting so significant an accomplishment. Our Gala and Dinner Dance are legendary and provide us a great opportunity to meet your individual families. This type of camaraderie is a necessary and predictable causality of the global pandemic. As family, we have an obligation to care for one another, which includes restricting social gatherings until it is deemed safe to reengage. The Centennial Cohort occupies a special place in the history of the College at a unique place in time. We are counting on you, our Centurions, to lead the charge as our second century of service to the profession and the public we are privileged to serve begins.
Nominate an Outstanding Colleague for Fellowship “It is my privilege to inform you that you have been elected to membership in this very worthy organization, an organization that which stands for the highest and best in the whole domain of dentistry.” – Ritual for the Conferring of Fellowship by Charles N. Johnson Those words are part of what many Fellows report to be one of the best days of their professional lives. Outstanding dentists from across the United States and Canada, as well as other parts of the globe, are nominated each year by Fellows in good standing. Please consider nominating for Fellowship your
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colleagues who have a demonstrated history of leadership and excellence. To be considered for the Fellowship Class of 2021, nominations must be received by January 15, 2021. Nominations received after that date will be held for 2022. Fellows are encouraged to use the online
nomination forms. We are accepting the old form through January 2021 but will only accept the online form beginning in 2022. The online form is located at and ACD staff are always happy to help with any questions that arise throughout the nominations process. Happy nominating!
The ACD Past Presidents:
Profiles and Prerogatives Willard C. Fleming, DDS, FACD
The Digital Archive Project (DAP) established by Dr. David W. Chambers in 2018 was founded to preserve and provide access to historical materials, support research, and create interactive programs and exhibits that educate and inspire. This project was crucial to the production of the centennial presentation book ACD Our First Century—The Narrative History of the American College of Dentists 1920-2020. The DAP also revealed areas where our history is less complete and this was evident with regard to our past presidents and their contributions to the College, the public, and the profession. Therefore, we have resolved to rectify this issue and create an ACD Presidential Archive. Presidential archives and museum collections promote a unique understanding of the presidency and the time in which the president served as well as their experience in that service. This is the first of many installments to preserve our presidential past. Fellows, we present President Willard C. Fleming for your reading pleasure.
Dr. Willard Fleming entered the University of California College of Dentistry in 1918 during America’s involvement in World War I. In 1923, he earned a DDS degree and in 1924, he became part-time instructor in operative dentistry. From the start, he demonstrated a keen interest in the emerging field of periodontology and after fifteen years on the dental faculty, he was appointed Dean in 1939. His popular style of leadership was first demonstrated in his student days when he served as president of the student body during a time of student unrest and faculty discord. As he engaged the deanship in 1939, he focused on enhancing basic science instruction and recruiting research-oriented faculty. He served as Dean for twenty-six years (1939-1965) and he was remembered as a caring and charismatic leader who was respected by all. Forever concerned with advancement in dentistry and dental education, Dr. Fleming surveyed the profession and established a landmark program in postgraduate dental education. He remained active in professional organizations, serving as President of the American Association of Dental Schools and the American
College of Dentists (1952). He was chairman of the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association, and active in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and received honorary degrees from the University of Southern California, the University of Toronto, and the University of California. In 1965, he was appointed to the position of Vice-Chancellor of the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, and subsequently served from 1966 to 1969 as Chancellor. A resourceful administrator, he was able to negotiate many complex issues by drawing on his humor, common sense, compassion and humanity. His well-earned reputation as a consummate leader who had great understanding of human relations allowed him to serve as an effective university administrator during the troubled social and politically charged atmosphere of the late 1960s. In 1966, he was the recipient of the William John Gies Award from the American College of Dentists. After a forty-five-year career in university service, he retired from the Chancellorship in 1969, and departed this life in 1972. 5
The American College of Dentists Announces A New Philanthropic Gift Jean Hopeman, Friend of the College
The Jean Hopeman Fellowship Development Fund has been established in the Foundation to assist Fellows from outside the United States with enjoying all of the benefits associated with Fellowship in the American College of Dentists. This global outreach concept was envisioned by Jean Hopeman and modeled on her experiences with volunteerism and activism in the San Francisco Bay area. Jean believes in paying it forward and providing assistance where assistance might be needed. Jean contends that giving is important because it not only restores faith in humanity, but also reminds us of our social responsibility to engage in the progress of our communities. Successful fund development plans are built on the foundation of two main factors: relationships that continually strengthen connections between
people and the mission of the organization, and solid organizational structures and practices that enable the organization to carry out its mission effectively. Jean knows that writing checks isn’t enough to achieve lasting and necessary change. Real organizational change requires empowering individuals and providing opportunities for that engagement. As the late philanthropist Mary Ritter Beard contends “the results of philanthropy are always beyond calculation.” The American College of Dentists wishes to thank Jean for her generous gift and her three decades of distinguished service to the College. Chinese philosopher, Confucius, reminds us that “if you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.“
Your College is on the Move 103 North Adams, Street Rockville, Maryland Executive Office and Legacy Walkway
In early 2010, the leadership of the College began to search for a more conveniently located home for the Executive Office of the College. Their expressed goal was to purchase a commercial property that had walkable access to public transportation, dining, and lodging in the greater Washington D.C. area, making it easier for our Fellows to visit. In 2013, thanks to the very generous gifts of three donors totaling 1½ million dollars, the Foundation purchased a commercial office building in the Montgomery Avenue 6 | ACD News | Winter 2020
Historic District of Rockville, Maryland. Dr. Patricia Blanton, the late Dr. Jerome Miller, and an anonymous donor made this dream a reality. This beautiful property will house the College Executive Office as well as the Foundation Office and the American College of Dentists’ Library. Additionally, the planned ACD Legacy Walkway will replace the existing sidewalks and further enhance the surrounding landscaping. The Legacy Walkway project honors our Fellows, past and present, and their contributions to our organization and its
mission to advance ethics, excellence, leadership, and professionalism. The building renovation is slated to begin on January 2, 2021 with a move in date set for July 1, 2021. Many of our renovation goals are functional, aimed at creating spaces that accommodate evolving work requirements and updated technology infrastructure—a true 21st century facility for our second century. A formal opening ceremony is planned to commemorate the occasion. The grand
Welcome to our new neighborhood! The Executive Office is in walking distance to restaurants, services, and Rockville Transit Station, which includes DC Metro service and Amtrak.
opening and welcome reception are schedule on the College’s 101st birthday—August 20, 2021.
ACD 2020 Board Bios President, Leo E. Rouse, DDS
Bowie, Maryland | Maryland Section • Dean Emeritus, Howard University College of Dentistry • Professor of Clinical Dentistry, Howard University College of Dentistry • Past President, American Dental Education Association • Past Chair, Council of Deans, American Dental Education Association • Advisor, American Dental Education Association Leadership Institute
• Former Member, Expert Panel on Interprofessional Education Collaborative
• Recipient, Presidential Citation, American Dental Education Association
• Member, Board of Regents, Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences
• Recipient, Presidential Citation, American Dental Association
• Member, Board of Visitors, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine • Colonel (Retired), United States Army Dental Corps • Former Commander, United States Army Dental Command
• Former Board Member, American Dental Association Foundation
• Legion of Merit, United States Army Dental Corps
• Member, National Advisory Council, National Center for Interprofessional Education and Practice
• Order of Military Medical Merit, US Army Medical Department • Alumni Achievement Award, Howard University College of Dentistry
• Recipient, Legend Award, National Dental Association • Recipient, Trailblazer Award, National Dental Association • Recipient, Sterling V. Mead Award, District of Columbia Dental Society • Recipient, Alan J. Davis Achievement Award, Student Clinician, American Dental Association • Recipient, American Dental Education Association Distinguished Service Award, 2017 • Recipient, Distinguished Service Award from the American Dental Association, 2020
President-elect, Richard E. Jones, DDS, MSD Schererville, Indiana | Indiana Section • Retired Prosthodontist, Munster, Indiana • Former Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry • Past Treasurer, American College of Prosthodontists • Past Director Judicial Division, American College of Prosthodontists
• Present Chair, Indiana Dental Association Council on Peer Review • Past Chair, IDA Task force on Ethics and Professionalism • Past Director, Center for Prosthodontic Education, American College of Prosthodontists • Past Member, Prosthodontics Test Construction Committee, Joint Commission on National Dental Examination
• Past Member, ADA CERP Committee • Past Advisory Committee, Ethics Alliance of Oral Healthcare Organizations • Past Director, Federation of Prosthodontic Organizations • Ethics Award, Indiana Section of the ACD • Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indiana University School of Dentistry
Vice President, Robert M. Lamb, DDS Edmond, Oklahoma | Oklahoma Section • Retired Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Edmond, Oklahoma • Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery • Colonel (Retired), Dental Corps, U.S. Air Force Reserve • President, Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons • President, Oklahoma Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
• Legislative Chair, Oklahoma Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons • Director, Oklahoma Dental Foundation • Board of Directors, Oklahoma County Dental Society • Member, Oklahoma Board of Dentistry, Anesthesia Advisory Committee; Anesthesia Inspector
• President of Board, Health Talents International • Volunteer, multiple medical mission trips to Central America • Volunteer, Oklahoma Mission of Mercy • Chair, Oral Surgery, Oklahoma Mission of Mercy • Past Chair, Oklahoma Section, ACD
ACD 2020 Board Bios Treasurer, Robert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc Duxbury, Massachusetts | New England Section • Practicing Periodontist, Duxbury, Massachusetts
• Past Chair, ADA Electronic Health Record Workgroup
• Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
• Past Chair and Director, ADA Business Enterprises, Inc. (ADABEI)
• Candidate for MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management
• Past Delegate, ADA
• Past President, ADA • Past Trustee, ADA 1st District • Past Member, ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs • Past Chair, ADA Compensation Committee
• Past member, numerous dental councils and committees—local, regional, and national • Past President, Massachusetts Dental Society • Past Chair, Cape Code District Dental Society
• Recipient, Distinguished Alumnus Award, Harvard School of Dental Medicine • Recipient, James W. Etherington Award, Yankee Dental Congress • Recipient, Thomas Winkler Leadership Award, Yankee Dental Congress • Recipient, ICD Distinguished Service Award, Yankee Dental Congress • Commencement speaker, six dental school graduation ceremonies
Immediate Past President, Stephen A. Ralls, DDS, EdD, MSD McLean, Virginia | Metro Washington Section • Former Executive Director, American College of Dentists • Former Secretary, American College of Dentists Foundation • Former Managing Editor, Journal of the American College of Dentists • Former Editor, ACD News
• Former Captain, Dental Corps, U.S. Navy, multiple positions and responsibilities • Former Commanding Officer and Executive Officer, Naval Dental Research Institute • Recipient, Legion of Merit, U.S. Navy
• Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology (retired) • Author or co-author, over 50 professional publications • Awarded five patents from USPTO, including dental diagnostics and amalgam separators
• Designated as Surface Warfare Medical Department Officer, first Captain to qualify
Editor Emeritus, David W. Chambers, EdM, MBA, PhD San Francisco, California | Northern California Section • Past Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry • Professor of Dental Education, University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry • Recipient, Honorary Fellowship, ACD
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• Editor, Journal of the American College of Dentists • Recipient, Gies Award for Editorial Writing • Past Chair, International Association of Dental Research, Behavioral Sciences Group
• Past Chair, American Association of Dental Schools, Section on Behavioral Sciences • Former Member, ADA Joint Commission on Dental Education • Recipient, William John Gies Award
Executive Director, Theresa Sullivan Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS Rockville, Maryland | Metro Washington Section • Secretary, American College of Dentists Foundation
• Diplomate, American Board of Orofacial Pain
• The Army “A” Designator for Clinical Excellence
• Managing Editor, Journal of the American College of Dentists
• Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Examiners
• Former Associate Dean of Curriculum and Strategic Communications, James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine
• Chairman, International Congress of Military Medicine, Dental Scientific Committee
• Recognized by the American Association of Women Dentists as the 2015 Industry Icon
• Professor, Department of Stomatology, James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine, The Medical University of South Carolina • Recognized as the 2017 Outstanding Clinician, The Medical University of South Carolina • 2017 Distinguished Alumnus Award, The James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine • Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
• Former Consultant to the Surgeon General in Orofacial Pain Management • Former Director of Strategic Communications, Office of the Surgeon General • Colonel (Retired), United States Army Dental Corps • Distinguished Service Medal, Office of the Army Surgeon General • Legion of Merit, United States Army Dental Corps • The Order of Military Medical Merit
• Recipient of the Lucy Hobbs Taylor Award as the 2013 Outstanding Women Dentist • Recognized as the Best Women Speaker at the FDI 2012 at the Annual Meeting in Hong Kong, SAR, China • Recipient of the International College of Dentists Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research, National Naval Dental School, Bethesda • Lifetime Member, Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives, Washington, DC • Volunteer and Activist for “Ending Domestic Violence”
At Large Regent, Teresa A. Dolan, DDS, MPH Longboat Key, Florida | Florida Section • Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Dentsply Sirona • Provides strategic direction for global Dentsply Sirona professional education activities in accordance with ADA CERP standards and guidelines • Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Rutgers University
• Research Scholar, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dental Health Services • Veterans Administration Fellowship, Geriatric Dentistry • Former Professor and Dean of the University of Florida College of Dentistry; managed a $62 million operating budget, with $13.7 million in research funding and revenue from more than 100,000 annual patient visits
• Former Director of the Geriatric Dentistry Program, focusing research and publication in areas of geriatric dentistry • Widely recognized for her contributions to the image of women in dentistry and as a champion for diversity
At Large Regent, Joseph P. Crowley Cincinnati, Ohio | Ohio Section • Retired General Dentist, Cincinnati, Ohio
• Former Chair of the ADA Audit Committee
• Past recipient of the Ohio Dental Association Achievement Award
• 154th President of the American Dental Association
• Past President of the Ohio Dental Association
• Past Trustee of the ADA’s 7th District
• Past President of the Cincinnati Dental Society
• 2007 recipient of the Cincinnati Dental Society Meritorious Service Award
• Former Chair of the ADA Council on Government Affairs
• Recipient of the Ohio Dental Association Distinguished Dentist Award
• 2007 recipient of the Ohio Pierre Fauchard Distinguished Dentist Award
ACD 2020 Board Bios At Large Regent, Cecile A. Feldman, DMD, MBA Newark, New Jersey | New Jersey Section • Dean and Professor at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine • Director, Board, University Hospital, Newark, New Jersey • Adjunct professor in the Department of Dental Care Systems at the University of Pennsylvania • Faculty Member of the Leadership Institute for the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) • Senior Fellow at the Leonard David Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. • Past Chair, of the Council of Deans, American Dental Education Association
• Former Commissioner for the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education • Former Commissioner for the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority • Member, Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) • Advisory council member for the National Institute of Health Council of Councils and National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council. • Co-chaired the American Dental Association’s “Our Legacy, Our Future” campaign.
• Reviewer and board member of the Journal of Dental Education • Reviewer for the Journal of the American Dental Association and the Journal of Dental Research • Primary and co-author of more than 100 articles, abstracts and book chapters • Recipient, Presidential Service Award from the American Dental Association • Recipient, Presidential Service Award from the New Jersey Dental Association • Recipient, Presidential Service Award from the American Association of Dental Education.
At Large Regent, Stephen M. Pachuta, DDS, MSHS Jacksonville, Florida | Florida Section • Retired Rear Admiral, Dental Corps, U.S. Navy • Diplomate, Federal Services Board of General Dentistry • Board Certified, American Board of General Dentistry • Director, Health Services, Headquarters Marine Corps • Medical Officer of the U.S. Marine Corps
• Former Officer-in-Charge, Naval Branch Health Clinic Mayport, Florida • Former Executive Officer, U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa • Former Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka • Former Executive Assistant to the Surgeon General of the Navy • Former Director, Medical Resources, Plans and Policy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
• Former Chief, Navy Dental Corps, U.S. Navy • Director, Health Services, Headquarters Marine Corps • Recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Legion of Merit and Bronze Star • Designated as a Surface Warfare Medical Department Officer and a Fleet Marine Force Qualified Officer
Regent, Regency 1, Paula K. Friedman Brookline, Massachusetts | New England Section • Professor Emerita, Boston University
• ADEA/John O. Butler Legislative Fellow
• Former Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine
• ADEA/Key Bank USA Legislative Fellow
• Former Associate Dean for Administration Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine • Past President, Massachusetts Dental Society • Past President, American Society of Geriatric Dentistry • Past President, American Dental Education Association
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• Recipient, Distinguished Alumni Award Goldman School of Dental Medicine • Recipient of “Distinguished Alumna Award”, Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery • Recipient, Massachusetts Dental Society Volunteer Hero Award • Recipient, International College of Dentists Journalism Award: Leadership Article Award
• Recipient of the American Dental Association Geriatric Oral Health Care Award • Former, Delegate, American Dental Association House of Delegates • Former Chair, Yankee Dental Conference • Former Scientific Co-Chair, Yankee Dental Congress • Past Chair, University Board of Student Conduct • Elected to Omicron Kappa Upsilon (Honorary Dental Society)
Board of Regents Election The next Board of Regents election will take place in March of 2021. Fellows or Sections in Regencies 6 and 7 are encouraged to nominate new Regents as Dr. Bogan (6) and Dr. Yonemoto (7) are finishing their terms of service. National Board of Regents positions requiring an election this year are Vice President and President-elect. Fellows, groups of Fellows, and Sections ACD-wide are encouraged to nominate College leaders for those positions. Guidelines on nominating board members as well as details on how to nominate are located on our website at
Regent, Regency 2, Peter H. Guevara San Antonio, Texas | Federal Services Section • Chief, Army Graduate Dental Education and Dean, Army Postgraduate Dental School; Joint Base San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston, TX • General Dentistry Consultant to the Army Surgeon General • Former Program Director Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) 2-Year Program; Schofield Barracks, HI
• Former Officer-in-Charge Kuhn Dental Clinic; Fort Campbell, KY • Former Assistant Director Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) 12-Months Program; Fort Campbell, KY • Former Program Director Advanced Education Program in General Practice Residency (GPR); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
• Former Assistant Director 2-Year Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) Residency; Fort Bragg, NC • Fellowship in Hospital Dentistry; Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr. • General Practice Residency; Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Regent, Regency 3, Carole M. Hanes Martinez, Georgia | Georgia Section • Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni, The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University
• Four-time Recipient, Judson C. Hickey Distinguished Faculty Award for outstanding teaching from the students
• Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University
• Two-time recipient, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Educational Foundation Research Award
• Past President, College of Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry • Pediatric Dentistry Consultant, American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation • Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry • Recipient, Georgia Dental Association Award for Involvement in Organized Dentistry, Faculty Award
• Recipient, The Georgia Society of Dentistry for Children Award for Teaching Excellence • Finalist, The Michael Buonocore Memorial Award, Rochester Chapter, American Association for Dental Research. • Recipient, American Student Dental Association Preventive Dentistry Award, University of Louisville School of Dentistry.
• Past Chair, Georgia Dental Association, Hospitality Committee for Annual Meeting • Representative, Georgia Oral Health Academy, for the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry • Past Program Chair, Georgia Dental Association, Annual Meeting American Association of Dental Schools, Women’s Liaison Officer for The Medical College of Georgia, 1993-2010 • Reviewer, Pediatric Dentistry • Past Treasurer, Eastern District Dental Society • Graduate, Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Fellowship
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ACD 2020 Board Bios Regent, Regency 4, Terry L. Norris, DMD Owensboro, Kentucky | Kentucky Section • Senior Associate and Practicing General Dentist, Jackson Norris Family Dentistry, Owensboro, Kentucky • Past President, Kentucky Dental Association • Past Chair, Kentucky Section of the ACD • Alternate delegate, American Dental Association
• Editor, Newsletter for the Kentucky Section of the ACD • Former President and founding member of the Christian Dental Mission
• Council on Annual Sessions – Kentucky Dental Association Annual Meeting • Recipient, Kentucky Dental Association Presidential Citation
• Participating member, Daviess County Board of Health
• Recipient, Kentucky Dental Association Fellowship Award
• Former Chairman and participating member, Green River District Board of Health
• Past moderator and member of the Executive Board, Daviess McLean Baptist Association
• Adjunct Faculty, University of Louisville School of Dentistry
Regent, Regency 5, Thomas E. Raimann Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Wisconsin Section • Retired General Dentist, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
• Chaired Smile Day at Milwaukee Discovery World
• Part- time instructor at Marquette University School of Dentistry.
• Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Advisory Board
• Currently serving as Wisconsin Dental Association President
• MATC Dental Hygiene Advisory Board
• Greater Milwaukee Dental Association Board of Directors, serving as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, President-elect, President 2004-2005, and Past President.
• WDA Board of Trustees for 7 years, ending in 2014. • Held multiple ADA positions, including, Alternate Delegate to ADA House of Delegates 2006,
2007, 2009 and 2014; Delegate to the ADA House of Delegates 2011, 2012, 2016; Spokesperson for Legal, Legislative and Bylaws Region 9 • Chair of the Credentials, Rules and Order Committee at the 2011 ADA House of Delegates • ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs 2012-2016
Regent, Regency 6, Douglas W. Bogan, DDS Houston, Texas | Texas Section • Private Practicing General Dentist, Houston, Texas • American Dental Association Action Team Leader for Texas Congressional District 25, 2004-present; Alternate Delegate 2006-2007; Delegate, 2009-2017; Member, Reference Committee on Dental Benefits, Practice, and Related Matters, 2013 • Continuous service Texas Dental Association since 1998, including as Vice President, 2007-2008 • President, Greater Houston Dental Society, 2002-2003 • President, Houston Academy of General Dentistry, 2003-2004
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• Director, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, 2003-2004, 2016-2018 • General Chair, Lone Star Dental Conference, 2006 • Ex-Officio, Texas AGD Board of Directors, 2004-present • Regional Director, Region 18, Academy of General Dentistry, 2004-2010 • President, University of Texas Dental Branch Alumni Association, 2010-2011 • Clinical Assistant Professor, General Practice and Dental Public Health, University of Texas School of Dentistry
• Texas Mission of Mercy, Houston, 2019, Dental Chair • Texas AGD Dentist of the Year, 2013 • Chair, Academy of General Dentistry Foundation Board of Directors, 2016-2017 • Chair, American College of Dentists Texas Section, 2013-2015; Chair-elect, 2012-2013; Vice-chair, 2011-2012; Secretary-Treasurer, Texas Section, 2007-2011
Regent, Regency 7, Gary S. Yonemoto, D.D.S., M.S. Honolulu, Hawaii | Hawaii Section • Retired Endodontist, Honolulu, Hawaii
• Past Member, ADA Foundation Board
• Past Member, ADA Council on Communications
• Past Trustee, ADA 14th District
• Past Chair, ADA Diversity and Inclusion Committee
• Past Member, ADA Council on Dental Practice
• Past Chair, Dental Content Committee
• Past Vice Chair, ADPAC
• Past President, Hawaii Dental Association • Past Speaker of the House, Hawaii Dental Association • Past President, Honolulu Dental Association • Founding Chair, Hawaii Dental Association Foundation
• Past ADA Delegate • Past Member, ADA Council on Members Insurance and Retirement Programs
• Member, Kamehameha Lions • Member, Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce • Recipient, Distinguished Service Award and President’s Award of the Hawaii Dental Association
Regent, Regency 8, Lance M. Rucker, DDS Vancouver, British Columbia | British Columbia Section • Professor Emeritus at the Department of Oral Health Sciences at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Dentistry • Past Faculty Senator representing the U.B.C. Faculty of Dentistry • Former Chair, Academic Appeals Committee, U.B.C. Faculty of Dentistry • Co-founder and first Councilor for the Clinical Simulation Section of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
• Reviewer of the Practice Ethics Assessment and Development (PEAD) initiative
• Consultant to North America’s major disability insurance corporations
• Continuous service as the Ethics Coordinator, ACD British Columbia Section
• Published extensively in the field of clinical dental ergonomics and has lectured worldwide in this field as a recognized subject matter expert.
• Coordinator for ACD planning, recruitment, and development of special tutorials for ethics education for graduate and undergraduate dental programs • Developed and deployed an Ergonomic Practice Assessment
Regent Intern, Andrea M. Fenton, DMD New Orleans, Louisiana • Endodontics Resident, Louisiana Health Sciences Center, New Orleans • Co-Executive Director of the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) • 2019 UAB School of Dentistry Admissions Committee selected as the sole student committee member to interview and select future members of the UAB School of Dentistry • 2018 Ambassador, Japanese International Exchange Program
• Selected by faculty based on clinical and academic performance to represent the UAB School of Dentistry in a two-week exchange program with dental students from Asahi University (Tokyo, Japan) and Meikai University (Gifu, Japan) • 2018 Best Event Award, Student Professionalism and Ethics Association • One of four national awards presented at the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) annual
meeting. Awarded during her tenure as UAB chapter President • 2017 Chapter of the Year Award, Student Professionalism and Ethics Association • Awarded to the SPEA chapter with the most profound ethical and professional impact. This is the most prestigious award given to any SPEA chapter. Awarded during her tenure as UAB chapter President-Elect
The Chambers Era THE EDITOR: David
W. Chambers
In his own words, Dr. Chambers reflects on board service and attendance at more than fifty ACD board meetings—1994 through 2020.
In the early days there were about ten of us around the table and the meetings were pretty personal. Jean and I recall the going out to dinner in a very “local” establishment at the first board meeting in New Orleans and the whole board line dancing. Now the board meetings have 30 or more participants, and we need to pass around a microphone. The social events are larger and more elegant; yet, we have maintained the “ACD family spirit.”
ach president has personalized his or her term in office well beyond pounding the gavel at the right moment and keeping Robert’s Rules from tangling us up. There were lunches with the Naval Academy cadets, river cruises, meetings in the presidents’ homes and the Museum of Dentistry. We even shared a bus breaking down in the mountains on a CE program at Sun Valley. Those who are interested can consult the record of the Board’s deliberations and contributions to the profession. The strongest recollection is a quarter century of friendships with literally hundreds of the most interesting and caring professionals.
I vividly recall the first peer-reviewed manuscript as Editor. It was a summary of some emerging evidence that caries is a reversible process. I published it over the strenuous objection of a couple of reviewers who opined that the author didn’t know anything about dentistry. I wish I could have been in their offices when they saw that the article had been written by 14 | ACD News | Winter 2020
Harald Löe, the Director of NIDCR. The journal has been unique in laying out issues that affect the way dentistry is practiced and how oral health works in the country. It has sometimes been controversial, but the format is to achieve balance with multiple points of view in each issue rather than looking for lots of balanced and generally bland papers about safe topics. We have taken positions on managed care, social media, and many aspects of ethics. The peer review process in the journal is something to be proud of. In medical publications the consistency is generally around .20 to .30 on a .00 to 1.00 scale. JACD has always been between .60 and .80, partially because we use six reviewers and especially engage non-researchers. JACD is the only journal in the health fields to have regularly published its consistency among reviewers in the journal. One thing I found out over the years is that regardless of how strongly various people hold their views, there are always others with good reason to enlarge the picture. The fault to be avoided
is not insisting that we all speak our minds honestly and listen respectfully. For the first nine years of my tenure as Editor, the journal was composed and designed in-house using desk-top publishing. It worked, but probably did not save money because of the staff time involved. Beginning in 2004, and continuing until today, we have used the services of Annette Krammer who combines the talents of a creative and careful designer with a deep understanding of what the College stands for. She crafted a consistent image of accessible professionalism and I wish to thank her publicly for her devotion to duty. Now it is time to turn the page to our next century of service. No doubt, communication styles and distribution platforms will be different but, the need to communicate will remain crucially important. It is said that most people do not listen with the intent to understand but rather the intent to reply. Effective verbal communication is a critical skill in life, but it pales in comparison to the ability to listen while others do the same.
History is replete with extraordinary and memorable couples. From antiquity to modernity, these enduring couples have challenged, charmed, and intrigued us. Hollywood gave us Tracy and Hepburn and the American College of Dentists gave us Chambers and Hopeman. For nearly three decades, this dyad has worked in tandem to advance the myriad missions of the College—this is their story.
One thing I found out over the years is that regardless of how strongly various people hold their views, there are always others with good reason to enlarge the picture.
top row: Dr. David Chambers. David and Jean at an ACD Dinner Dance. Past President Marcia Boyd and Dr. Chambers illustrate that life-long friendships grow through service. David and Jean never miss an opportunity to celebrate life’s precious moments. middle row: Dr. Chambers has worked with three Executive Directors over the years, most recently with Dr. Theresa Gonzales. David and Jean Chambers with Past President Scott Waugh, Sheri Waugh and Ben Waugh on the dance floor. Dr. Chambers has often led the discussion and debate during the Fellows Forum at the annual meeting. bottom row: Dr. Chambers and Past President Richard Stilwill share a light moment at a Board of Regents meeting. Dr. Chambers and SPEA National Director Mike Meru enjoying a moment of levity. Dr. Chambers at the podium. Jean and David Chambers with Past President and former Executive Director Stephen Ralls. ACD News | Winter 2020 | 15
“Through the years, I saw firsthand so many active volunteers during the annual meeting. Their smiles, laughter and genuine interest in people made me feel right at home. They never failed in their welcoming and open demeanor, enthusiastically greeting the attendees, and especially, warmly welcoming the new Fellows.”
In her own words, Jean Hopeman reflects on more than 25 years of association with the American College of Dentists. I am happy to recall my many years of association with the American College of Dentists as Dave’s sidekick and wholehearted supporter. I have always looked forward to the regional and annual meetings of the ACD because I have met so many wonderful people who are passionate about the profession and the people performing the work. I measure my relationship with the College in terms of the friendships I have made. I have had the privilege of going on several outings with spouses and significant others while the Board meets. At the dinner table and at the “meet and greet” get togethers I got to know better the people who serve on the Board. My personal philosophy is that forming a sense of belonging with other people around a shared mission is a major contributor to our sense of personal meaning in life. Our personal resilience is interwoven into the resilience of the communities to which we belong and organizations that we consciously choose to engage with. It is from the web of our relationships and connections with other people that we draw our strength. During the early years many gave me support as I was unfamiliar with the ACD organization and mission. The staff were very helpful giving all 16 | ACD News | Winter 2020
of us structure and direction. As a volunteer for registration and the silent auction, I got to chat with “sidekicks” to learn more about them, their families, and life in general. These well-grounded women gave me a sense of strength and no topic was off-limits, contributing to some lively discussions. Each had unique talents and knowledge, and I appreciated the common denominator of support to the ACD Board of Regents. As board members retired and stepped aside to welcome their successors, I became acquainted with women who were younger than me. They brought forth the same enthusiasm and curiosity about life and openly shared their insights, maintaining the same meaningful common denominator even as the ACD evolved and changed. We began welcoming more male spouses to our group, as leadership on the Board began to include more women. Through the years, I saw firsthand so many active volunteers during the annual meeting. Their smiles, laughter and genuine interest in people made me feel right at home. They never failed in their welcoming and open demeanor, enthusiastically greeting the attendees, and especially, warmly welcoming the new Fellows. Most importantly, they were all committed to the advancement of the College, carrying on the essential tradition of support to the Board of Regents and setting an exceptional example for the spouses yet to come. It has been an honor and delight to be part of this wonderful group of women and men.
The Grand Dames: Laura Ralls, Past President Marcia Boyd, and Jean Hopeman. Jean notes that Laura Ralls, wife of longtime Executive Director and Past President, Stephen Ralls, is “the woman with a big smile and open arms to everyone,” and that Dr. Marcia Boyd is part of a group of women leaders “who have contributed so much for so many years.”
Jean Chambers and Past President Max Martin. Jean fondly remembers Max and Mary Martin as the “dynamic duo.”
Although Dave has announced his retirement, I am confident that we will be seeing you in all the old, familiar places. Until then, I will be missing you.
News from our Sections and Fellows Supply Chain Story Steven D. Chan Past President of the ACD
I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area—one of the COVID hot spots in the country. I happen to be the longest serving dentist on the medical staff at our regional Washington Hospital. I also happen to serve on the hospital district’s governing body—a holding company that oversees about 10 off-campus subsidiary companies. I’ve had a ringside seat as COVID has unfolded in our community. In January, as COVID was starting to gain momentum, our hospital was running scared. So much was unknown, and we were anticipating a surge of COVID patients way beyond our resources, especially with the dire shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE). By February, their institutional suppliers were starting to experience shortages from their vendors. Our hospital, like most in the Bay Area, was sending up red flags.
Silicon Valley Chinese American Computer Association member companies donated truckloads of personal protective equipment.
the effective use recommendations of PPE at the time were far less stringent than what we now know to be true. I tried another approach. The SF Bay area and Silicon Valley are home to the most high-tech firms—many owned by Asian expatriates. They also happen to live in our communities. These high-tech firms also use PPE for their production lines! Dental offices have patients from all walks of life. It’s about relationships.
By the last week of February, I reached out to our county dental society to rally a drive to donate any surplus they might have. There are over 150 dental office members in the hospital service area. Our pitch was that if every office could donate a few boxes of PPE—given what we heard at the time—the PPE units in our storage closets might even save the lives of our patients who might contract the disease. What’s more important?
Realize that by the second and third week of March the exponential assault of COVID created anxiety among the population of this country. The Bay Area and Silicon Valley were among the fastest growing hotspots in the country. That’s when member companies of the Silicon Valley Chinese American Computer Association donated truckloads of PPE. Their distribution included five area hospitals in Alameda County (San Francisco Bay Area) and San Jose. These specific hospitals were the beneficiaries because of relationships.
By the first week of March the supply chain for PPE for dental offices were starting to get back ordered and in shorter supply. COVID cases were escalating all over the country. The Bay Area was dealing with quarantining a cruise ship rife with passengers infected with COVID.
The moral of the story—dental offices are part of a community. As community members, we don’t exist in isolation. We develop relationships among our patients and the businesses in that same community.
By the beginning of the second week in March, the Governor of California issued an emergency executive order. The counties that surround the San Francisco Bay all issued heightened restrictions. Our area was the first in the country to institute shutdowns, before the federal government decided to move. The early dental office donors gave what they could. But frankly, COVID moved so fast offices were immediately shut down. Even the owners were reluctant to expose themselves—to open their closed offices and transport PPE to the suspected hotbeds—the hospitals. Realize also,
As members of the College we were invited to Fellowship as leaders of the profession. We each had a demonstrated record of leadership just to be nominated. We didn’t just watch. We did something about it. The tenets of leadership begin in our own backyards. As leaders, we are connectors in our communities and our profession. As leaders in our profession we do something about a challenge facing us. We boldly engage. Be Safe. Stay Healthy.
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News from our Sections and Fellows The Colorado Section has a longstanding tradition of awarding a dental hygiene student for exceptional leadership. This year’s recipient was Lyndsey Burnett from Sheridan College in Wyoming.
Lyndsey Burnett
In Ms. Burnett’s words, “While it has been a crazy year to graduate, this award definitely made it a more positive experience for me. I am so grateful to have received this award.”
Marsha A. Pyle (Missouri) a longtime leader in academic dentistry, has been named as the next Senior Scholar in Residence for the American Dental Education Association (ADEA). She succeeded ADEA Senior Scholar in Residence Leo E. Rouse (Maryland) on October 1st. Dr. Marsha Pyle
Dr. John Dane
Dr. Pamela Alston
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Dr. Pyle retired in September as Dean of the University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Dentistry and relocated to the suburban Washington, D.C. area.
John Dane (Missouri) has been named the 2020 Missouri Dental Association (MDA) Dentist of the Year. The Dentist of the Year Award recognizes a member dentist who has demonstrated outstanding service to the Association, to the profession of dentistry and/or to the community in the past year. Dr. Dane was chosen for his outstanding service and leadership as the State of Missouri Dental Director and especially to the dental profession and to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pamela Alston (Northern California), Immediate past-chair of the Northern California Section, will assume her term as National Dental Association (NDA) President on January 1, 2021. Dr. Alston’s theme for her presidency will be “Forging and Fortifying Partnerships for Health Equity.” She commented, “I am grateful for the honor to lead the 107-year-old NDA and work with outstanding leaders, many of whom are ACD Fellows.” Congratulations, Dr. Alston!
Dr. Daniel Klemmedson
Dr. Cesar R. Sabates
The ADA recently installed as ADA President, Dr. Daniel J. Klemmedson (Arizona). Dr. Klemmedson has served in leadership positions nationally and regionally, including as President of the Arizona Dental Association. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Gerald E. Hanson Outstanding Service Award from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry and the USC School of Medicine. A number of Fellows were installed as ADA officers along with Dr. Klemmedson, including Cesar R. Sabates (Florida), as President-elect and Vincent U. Rapini (Missouri) as First Vice President. Congratulations!
Dr. Vincent U. Rapini
Past President Max Martin presents Dr. Dugoni with a Lifetime Achievement certificate. This award recognizes 50 years of continuous service to the College.
Leo and Yvonne Rouse
Dental education pioneer, administrator and advocate, Arthur A. Dugoni (Northern California), Dean of the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, died at age 95 on September 23, 2020. Dr. Dugoni transformed dental education not just for University of the Pacific but for the profession over his 28-year tenure as dean. He is a legend.
News from the Board ACD president Leo E. Rouse (Maryland) received the 2020 Distinguished Service Award from the American Dental Association. Known for his “pearl” – “Do the right thing right always the first time,” Dr. Rouse is recognized for the exceptional leadership and character he has brought to the profession, his students, and his soldiers as the former commander of the U.S. Army Dental Command. Dr. Rouse is also the former Dean of the Howard University College of Dentistry, as well as a former President of the American Dental Education Association. The video presentation celebrating this event is located on the membership portal welcome page. Please go to and log in to view.
On the Occasion of the Retirement David W. Chambers, EdM, MBA, PhD, FACD Dr. David W. Chambers was appointed Editor of the College in 1994, changing the mission of the Journal of the American College of Dentists to “identify and place before the Fellows, the profession, and other parties of interest those issues that affect dentistry and oral health.” Moreover, he substantially enhanced the format and readability of the journal. This publication is now regarded as one of the most respected journals addressing essential issues in dentistry. The journal is a scholarly publication presenting proactive and informative perspectives on issues affecting the dental profession and society, together with enlightening features on areas such as leadership, ethics, governmental and private agencies, policy development, and the history of the American College of Dentists. Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Chambers has been engaged in a wide variety of research interests to include ethics, leadership, and moral reasoning. He has presented hundreds of invited lectures, both nationally and internationally, and he is recognized as an expert in the fields of philosophy and ethics with a particular emphasis in health care ethics. He is a prolific author and has published over seven hundred articles in peer-review journals in his areas of interest, which include competency-based education, ethics, evaluation, and critical thinking. He has authored multiple
book chapters and he is the Editor of the recently released ACD publication, Ethics Report: The New Professionalism. Dr. Chambers has the distinction as the longest-serving Editor of the College and for more than twenty-five years he has defined the role of the American College of Dentists as the conscience of dentistry. For the past three decades, he has challenged us to broaden our communication strategy and provide for more two-way dialogue. He has championed a role for a communications director to enhance our communication efforts. Dave’s contributions to the College as the Editor are widely known and lauded. What is less well known are his generous contributions to College initiatives such as the Regent Intern Program, the ACD Library, the Digital Archive Program, the bound historic periodical collection, and preserving the College’s historical artifacts. The Chambers have given generously in support of the College and for this, we acknowledge their collective devotion to duty. We also owe a debt of gratitude that cannot be responsibly reconciled in this lifetime. In recognition of his distinguished service to the American College of Dentists and by unanimous vote of the Board of Regents, Dr. Chambers was awarded the status of Editor emeritus of the American College of Dentists.
News from the Office Finance Director Paul Dobson Celebrates 20 Years with the ACD
Past president Tom Connolly and Paul Dobson
From ledger paper to fully on-line dues statements, Paul Dobson, Finance Director, has seen it all. In his words, “Twenty years of great memories working with the members, board members, two executive directors, lots of coworkers, and a lot of hotel staff. Twenty years of traveling to great places
and staying in a lot of nice hotels. Twenty years of helping the College and its members to make a difference. I may have actually done some work along the way, but it is difficult to remember because I was having fun.” According to former Executive Director and Immediate Past President, Steve Ralls, “I had the privilege of working closely with Paul for seventeen years. I cannot imagine anyone I would rather have had beside me in that role. On the
occasion of his twenty-year anniversary, I enthusiastically congratulate Paul on his rock-solid dedication, outstanding service, and impactful contributions to the American College of Dentists. Paul, please accept our sincere gratitude and appreciation for a “job well done.” Thank you!” Paul’s ACD anniversary fell on the day after Thanksgiving this year. Please join the rest of the staff, Dr. Ralls, and Dr. Gonzales in congratulating him on 20 years of outstanding service!
Paging Dr. Mecklenburg Throughout the drama and confusion created by the COVID-19 pandemic, pivoting to telework, then back to an office limited by the safety requirements demanded of the times, then launching our first virtual event, the staff never lost sight of a very special project—the College’s centennial presentation book. With our archive more organized thanks to our first library intern in the summer of
2018, it was easy to have our summer of 2019 intern, MUSC dental student Conor Snyder, scan our most important historical photos. One photo proved to be elusive, however. We could not locate a photo of Interim Editor Robert E. Mecklenberg. Dr. Mecklenberg, who resides in Potomac, Maryland not far from our new Rockville office, stepped in after Dr. Blair retired and before Dr. Chambers was selected in 1994. He did not seek the position himself, but instead was instrumental in the successful nation-wide search that brought us Dr. Chambers, for which we are so very grateful.
It was a big day in the office when our Credentials Coordinator and Administrative Assistant, Adrian Campos, called out from his desk, “I found Dr. Mecklenberg!” While doing the annual office scrub the week after the annual meeting, Adrian came across an overlooked folder containing the photo we knew had to be “somewhere.” This one-andonly photo of the essential Dr. Mecklenberg is now part of the permanent archive. The centennial presentation book goes into production in November and, thankfully, the photographic record of our editors is now complete.
Regent’s Reflection
Connecting Using Technology: A Silver Lining in the Pandemic’s Dark Cloud Teresa A. Dolan, DDS, MPH Regent at Large, American College of Dentists Like many, I’ve spent the past nine months in front of my computer working remotely from my home in Florida. I am fortunate that I can continue my work in the comfort and safety of my home, and I realize that many people do not have that option. I am grateful to the front-line health workers including dental professionals whose daily work in service to others exposes them to health risks including COVID-19. As an American College of Dentist Regent at Large, and as Dentsply Sirona’s Chief Clinical Officer, my typical work week prepandemic included office-based meetings with team members and attending dental congresses and events. All of that abruptly ended in March as we began to experience the impact of the pandemic and the necessary shut down, and as we searched to understand the nature and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The pandemic continues to have a dramatic impact on our personal lives, our families, our workplaces, and our communities. One silver lining in this dark cloud is the dental profession’s resiliency and recovery. In March, professional organizations, state agencies and licensing bodies asked health systems and clinicians to cancel or delay nonessential elective procedures. The rationale was to free up the health care work force to care for patients in the greatest need, and to preserve PPE for frontline health care workers. Now that we are many months into the pandemic, dental teams and organizations have reviewed and updated
2020 Silent Auction “Small, but Mighty!”
their infection prevention protocols and resumed providing non-urgent dental care. Public and private organizations have worked together on the PPE supply chain, we have studied emerging scientific information about the virus, and we have implemented best practices for infection prevention in the dental office. And we’ve observed that now, more than ever, our patients value the importance of oral health to overall health and well-being. The American College of Dentists did its part to support the dental community by providing continuing education with an emphasis on the ethical challenges associated with providing dental care during a pandemic. In collaboration with the American Dental Association and Dentsply Sirona, the College offered the free webinar, “Pandemics and Dental Practice: Ethical Challenges” with speakers Nanette Elster, JD, MPH and Guenter Jonke, DMD. The College also provided an excellent curation of available resources for dental practitioners entitled, “Resources for Patients and Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Based on the success of the first webinar and the resource guide, the College offered a second CE program, “Reopening, Risks, Responsibilities and Reevaluation” hosted by Dr. Theresa Gonzales with Nanette Elster offering her ethical expertise and Drs. Kristi Soileau and Erik Klintmalm sharing their personal experiences with dental care delivery during the pandemic. The webinar recordings and resources are available on the ACD website www.acd.
org/education/covid-19/. And please visit the Dental Ethics section of the College’s website to explore an ever-growing collection of online courses, resources and materials related to dental ethics. Technology, fueled by commitment, creativity, collaboration, and considerable expertise, enabled the College to offer timely and important clinical education and resources to thousands of dental professionals. And, from an interpersonal perspective, technology helped us stay connected. The Board of Regents met virtually to conduct the business of the College, and we had some fun and toasted the College on its 100th Anniversary, under the leadership of then President Stephen Ralls. While we were disappointed that the College could not host an in-person annual meeting, the College hosted a beautifully orchestrated 2020 Annual Meeting and Convocation ( As noted on the College’s website, “In a time of tremendous change and tumult, our Fellowship helps to keep us grounded and focused on the things that matter — excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership, as well as collegiality and friendship.” It’s such an honor to be a Fellow in the American College of Dentists, and a privilege to serve as a Regent, and to work together with like-minded colleagues – using technology – to stay connected and advance the profession of dentistry in service of the public.
In addition to planning and preparing for the virtual meetings, convocation, and continuing education offerings, the ACD staff also hosted the first virtual silent auction. Thirteen out of twenty items found high bidders for a total of $2,375.00. According to the staff, it was not as fun as seeing the Fellows and being part of the excitement of a live event, but knowing how to move this kind of event to an online environment will serve the organization well. If your section would like to donate to the 2021 Silent Auction, which raises money for the education initiatives of the ACD Foundation, please contact Adrian Campos or Suzan Pitman at the Executive Office.
The American Society For Dental Ethics
Drs. Beemsterboer, Roucka, and Garetto are frequent contributors to ACD’s catalogue of continuing education opportunities.
Dr. Toni Roucka The year 2020 has been a challenge for all of us. With the cancelling of the March ADEA meeting, ASDE had to cancel its annual membership meeting and CE Course entitled “Divinity and Ethics: Parallels and Divides,” which was to be presented by Dr. Carlos Smith, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry’s Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The pandemic was just becoming a national problem and no contingency plans were able to be executed to salvage these events. ASDE hopes to present the course next year at the 2021 meeting.
ASDE Board is fixed by the Bylaws, the Board decided to create a new Special Committee on Leadership. The additional members would be a strong force collaborating with the Board about new opportunities for programing, member recruitment, and future service on the Board of Directors. The board invited six people who expressed interest to serve on this committee, these individuals include: Drs. Susanne Benedict, Regina Messer, Terry Hoffeld, Mary Baechle, Catherine Frankle-Sarkis and Robert Stevenson.
At its annual summer 2020 Board Meeting, run virtually this year, the In 2019, ASDE put out a call to its Committee on Leadership was in membership to recruit more individuals attendance. During this meeting, a to its leadership. The summer of major part was dedicated to future vision and new opportunities. The 2020 saw these efforts come to fruition. While membership on the group provided invaluable input into
Save the Date! October 13–14, 2021
program planning, business affairs, and other Board activities. Dr. Theresa Gonzales joined the meeting for a short time as well, giving her thoughts on how ASDE could help execute the educational mission of the College in the coming year by taking on specific ACD goals and initiatives that significantly overlap ours. These include creating facilitator guides for the IU Ethics Videos, continued planning for future annual session Special Ethics Courses and developing ethics modules for dental education, thus also continuing the long history of fulfilling ASDE’s mission as leading ethics education in dentistry. The Board believes that the Committee on Leadership has revitalized ASDE and looks forward to a bright future.
As we close out 2020 during another surge of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we remain focused on the well-being of our Fellows and families. It is the ACD leadership’s intent to convene an in-person meeting in Las Vegas in October of 2021, but we are equally focused on preparing for a virtual meeting if our preferred format remains untenable. Under any circumstance, our goal is always to welcome you warmly and provide a meaningful experience for each Fellow, and we hope you will make plans now to join us.
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Student Professionalism and Ethics Association
Celebrating a Decade of Growth By: Aileen Jong, Immediate Past Executive Chair of National SPEA The last year has been a period of great growth and resource development for the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association in Dentistry (SPEA). As a national student-driven association, SPEA’s mission is to promote and support students’ lifelong commitment to ethical behavior in order to benefit the patients they serve and to further the dental profession. By fostering a safe, open environment for discussions about ethical challenges, SPEA helps prepare dental students to face these important decisions both in school and the real world. In partnership with the American College of Dentists, SPEA has further advanced these values in over thirty-five established chapters in the United States and Canada. The national executive board has worked diligently over the past year to create quality content and provide more resources for local chapters. These resources include a new chapter start-up kit, Meetingsin-a-Box documents, example cases and discussion questions, and videos focused on fundraising and membership and Chapter development. All of these are hosted on the national SPEA website at www., which was revamped at the start of 2020. Through the new website, members are able to gain a better understanding of how to start a new Chapter, bolster their membership 22 | ACD News | Winter 2020
and engagement, as well as brainstorm creative event ideas for their local community. In a time where everything is heavily virtual, SPEA’s strengthened online presence has proved integral in continuing the momentum of chapter growth nationally. Most importantly, SPEA celebrated its 10th anniversary this October and conducted its first ever virtual Annual Session. Despite the unique challenges a virtual conference posed, our team of dedicated officers was able to create a successful and enriching online experience. The conference was held throughout October and content was available for the duration of the month so students could view videos and gain CE credit at their own pace. This format allowed SPEA to reach an even wider audience. Virtual Annual Session featured incredible guest speakers Dr. Jessica Metcalfe, Dr. Jason Watts, and SPEA Directors Dr. Erik Klintmalm and Dr. Mike Meru. Dr. Metcalfe hosted a recorded webinar called “The Impostor Phenomenon,” sharing with attendees how to recognize its causes and effects, as well as ways to navigate and overcome feelings of inadequacy. In a candid interview, Dr. Watts discussed graduating and practicing in the era of COVID-19 and delved into the definitions of leadership and success. In the presentation “Connection Before
SPEA National Director Mike Meru signs affiliation agreement between SPEA and ACD.
Cavities,” Dr. Klintmalm focused on the foundation of healthcare and thoroughly examined the doctorpatient relationship. Dr. Meru’s video “Finding Your Why In Dentistry” discussed important topics such as recognizing motivations, goal setting, strengthening mental health, ethics in the real world, and much more. In addition to these guest speakers, a compilation video was created called “SPEA Pearls: Transitioning from Dental School.” This hour-long video featured short clips from young dentists and residents who are the “crème of the crop” - top academic performers, national leaders, and clinicians. SPEA sincerely appreciates everyone’s contributions to making Virtual Annual Session a success! Beyond the creation of these valuable videos, each Regent hosted a live breakout session with local chapter leaders to encourage dialogue and communication during Annual Session. These breakouts were great opportunities for members to connect and have a direct conversation about anything they might need help with locally. We also debuted our podcast, SPEA Speaks, where dental students bring a voice to ethics in dentistry. The first episode was a thoughtful discussion between national student leaders on the challenges COVID-19 has posed to dental schools across the
SPEA national board members make progress on their annual session plans through Zoom.
2020-2021 2020-2021 NationalSPEA SPEA Board National Board Immediate Past Executive Chair: Aileen Jong, UAB 2021
Immediate Past Executive Chair: Aileen Jong, UAB 2021
Executive Chair: Becca Long, 2022 Executive Chair: Becca Long, USCUSC 2022
ViceChair: Chair: Bree Buchman, Roseman 2022 Vice Bree Buchman, Roseman 2022 ViceChair: Chair:Chelsea Chelsea Kang, Dental College of Georgia Vice Kang, Dental College of Georgia 20222022 ChiefInformation Information Offi cer: Jessica Bishop, Roseman Chief Offi cer: Jessica Bishop, Roseman 20222022 Assistant CIO: Sarina Taylor, USCUSC 2023 Assistant CIO: Sarina Taylor, 2023 Regent 1:1: Annce Kadri, Boston 2022 Regent Annce Kadri, Boston 2022 Regent 2: 2: Caitlin Loo, Western 2022 Regent Caitlin Loo, Western 2022 Regent 3: 3: Sarah Vossers, ECU 2022 Regent Sarah Vossers, ECU 2022 Regent 4: Tim Nye, Indiana 2022
Regent 4: Tim Nye, Indiana 2022
Regent 5: Kjeld Nelson, Colorado 2024
Regent 5: Kjeld Nelson, Colorado 2024
Regent 6: Keriann Jimenez, UAB 2022
Regent 6: Keriann Jimenez, UAB 2022
Regent 7: Alyssa Coulter, UCSF 2022
Regent 7: Alyssa Coulter, UCSF 2022
country. Each year, SPEA also takes the opportunity to celebrate our Chapters’ successes and achievements through Chapter Awards. Congratulations to all SPEA Chapters for their incredible work over the past year! At the conclusion of this year’s Annual Session, new leaders were elected
for the upcoming year. The motivated group has already held their first officer Zoom meeting and we look forward to a fantastic year ahead. SPEA continues to grow and is an increasingly positive influence for the future of dentistry. Our experiences would not be possible without the continued support of the ACD for
which we are immensely grateful. From mentoring students to attending SPEA meetings, ACD members have invested their time to help SPEA develop into a strong national student leadership organization. We look forward to sustaining our momentum and to what the future holds for the SPEA and ACD collaboration. ACD News | Winter 2020 | 23
The Past Presidents
Recognition of the Past 100 years of Service
24 | ACD New 2 News | Winter inter 202 2020
1920-22 1922-25 1925-27 1927-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73
John V. Conzett H. Edmund Friesell C. N. Johnson Henry L. Banzhaf Roscoe H. Volland Frank T. Breene U. Garfield Rickert John E. Gurley Bissell B. Palmer J. Ben Robinson William R. Davis Albert L. Midgley Charles E. Rudolph Arthur H. Merritt Alvin W. Bryan George W. Wilson Emanuel G. Meisel J. Cannon Black H. Cline Fixott Robert P. Thomas Malcolm W. Carr William N. Hodgkin Lee Roy Main Earl W. Swinehart Walter H. Wright Henry O. Lineberger Willard C. Fleming Fritz A. Pierson, Sr. Harry S. Thomson James H. Ferguson Kenneth C. Pruden Gerald D. Timmons Thomas J. Hill Harold J. Noyes Donald W. Gullett Edgar W. Swanson Henry A. Swanson Philip E. Blackerby Jack S. Rounds Harry Lyons Percy G. Anderson Carl J. Stark Frank O. Alford Stanley A. Lovestedt Frank P. Bowyer Otto W. Brandhorst William E. Brown Ormonde McCormack
1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Louis G. Terkla P. Earle Williams James P. Vernetti James L. Cassidy Charles F. McDermott Dale A. Hills Gordon H. Rovelstad William C. Draffin Richard J. Reynolds Odin M. Langsjoen Lynden M. Kennedy Charles W. Fain, Jr. Norman H. Olsen H. Curtis Hester Robert W. Elliott, Jr. James A. Harrell, Sr. W. Robert Biddington Robert E. Doerr Thomas W. Slack Albert Wasserman Chris C. Scures Juliann S. Bluitt Prem S. Sharma Charles V. Farrell Edward C. McNulty Alston J. McCaslin V Robert T. Ragan Richard E. Bradley Kenneth E. Follmar, Sr. Roger W. Triftshauser John I. Haynes B. Charles Kerkhove, Jr. Marcia A. Boyd H. Raymond Klein John M. Scarola Max M. Martin, Jr. Thomas F. Wickliffe Thomas F. Winkler III Patricia L. Blanton W. Scott Waugh Kenneth L. Kalkwarf Jerome B. Miller Steven D. Chan Bert W. Oettmeier, Jr. Richard F. Stilwill Thomas J. Connolly Stephen A. Ralls
William John Gies Award 1940
Peter J. Brekhus
Carl J. Stark
Robert J. Nelsen
Frederick B. Noyes
Leuman M. Waugh
Clifton O. Dummett
John E. Gurley
B. Holly Broadbent
Thaddeus V. Weclew
Arthur H. Merritt
Herbert K. Cooper
Norman H. Olsen
Albert L. Midgley
George Hollenback
James P. Vernetti
Charles F. Harper
Philip Jay
James A. Harrell, Sr.
J. Ben Robinson
John O. McCall
Frank J. Orland
Otto W. Brandhorst
Paul Jones
I. Lawrence Kerr
C. Willard Camalier
W. Harry Archer
Charles A. McCallum
Thomas J. Hill
Maynard K. Hine
Robert W. Elliott, Jr.
Harold Hillenbrand
Frederick C. Elliott
W. Robert Biddington
Gerald H. Leatherman
Stanley D. Tylman
F. Gene Dixon
Lon W. Morrey
Winfield C. Dunn
Gordon H. Rovelstad
Percy T. Phillips
Clemens V. Rault
John A. DiBiaggio
Carlos H. Schott
Ralph W. Phillips
James Burrows Edwards
C. Carroll Smith
Clyde H. Schuyler
Arthur A. Dugoni
Edward B. Spalding
Harry Lyons
Prem S. Sharma
Gerald D. Timmons
Alfred A. Lanza
Lawrence H. Meskin
Frank O. Alford
Miles R. Markley
Robert T. Ragan
Edgar David Coolidge
Ralph A. Boelsche
Gordon J. Christensen
Donald W. Gullett
Edward V. Zegarelli
Richard V. Tucker
Francis A. Arnold, Jr.
Frederick T. West
Harold C. Slavkin
Kenneth A. Easlick
Robert I. Kaplan
Richard E. Bradley
Thomas F. McBride
Floyd E. Dewhirst, Jr.
Harry Rosen
Emory W. Morris
Gerald D. Stibbs
Roger W. Triftshauser
George C. Paffenbarger
Allen A. Copping
Dale Francis Redig
Henry A. Swanson
Wilmer B. Eames
Marcia A. Boyd
Wallace D. Armstrong
Irving E. Gruber
Dushanka V. Kleinman
Willard C. Fleming
L. D. Pankey, Sr.
Patricia L. Blanton
Paul C. Kitchin
Robert B. Shira
Arthur I. Hazlewood
Philip E. Blackerby
Frank P. Bowyer, Jr.
Jerome B. Miller
Robert S. Davis
Russell I. Todd
Allan J. Formicola
Fritz A. Pierson, Sr.
Lynden M. Kennedy
Charles J. Goodacre
Harry S. Thomson
Carl A. Laughlin
Jeanne C. Sinkford
Russell A. Dixon
Carlton H. Williams
David W. Chambers
Samuel Pruzansky
JosĂŠEnrique Medina ACD News | Winter 2020 | 25
Honorary Fellowship 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 1932 1932 1932 1933 1933 1933 1933 1934 1936 1937 1937 1938 1938 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 1940 1940 1942 1947 1951 1951 1951 1953 1953 1954 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1960 1961 1961 1961 1962 1963
George K. Burgess Wilmer Souder Timothy Leary Charles E. Riggs Joseph H. Samuel Edward H. Kraus Hugh S. Cummings Lewis R. Thompson Paul J. Hanzlik Arno B. Luckhardt F.E. Rodriquez Clifford E. Waller Nathan Sinai Chauncey D. Leake William D. Cutter Frederick T. Guild Vilray P. Blair Fr. A.M. Schwitalla Lloyd E. Blauch Eben J. Carey Francis D. Murphy Lyman J. Briggs Timothy O. Heatwole Sidney R. Miller Thomas Parran Harlan H. Horner James E. Ash Frederick S. McKay Irvine McQuarrie John A. Kolmer Charles B. Bolton Shailer Peterson Herbert B. Bain Robert G. Sproul Wilton M. Krogman Willis A. Sutton Millard E. Gladfelter Irl C. Schoonover Wallace D. Armstrong Wilby T. Gooch T. Brandrup-Wognsen Arthur S. Flemming Herbert C. Hoover Albert Joachim Charles F.L. Nord Rufus B. Von Kleinsmid John E. Fogarty Lister Hill John A. Perkins Luther L. Terry Herman B. Wells
26 | ACD News | Winter ter 2020
1964 1964 1965 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1971 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007
Russell S. Poor J.B. de C.M. Saunders Joseph C. Robert M.G. Candau Edwin L. Crosby Ernest C. Colwell Arthur S. Adams John S. Millis Andrew D. Holt S. Richard Silverman George Bugbee Howard Rusk Lauriston S. Taylor Melvin R. Laird Theodore R. Van Dellen Albert B. Sabin Ewald B. Nyquist Gerald J. Cox Walter E. Brown David E. Rogers Henry M. Thornton John A. Gray William S. Banoswsky Gerhard M. Brauer Muriel J. Bebeau Leon Singer Lois K. Cohen Bernard J. Beazley Jack I. Nicholls Althea A. Kowitz David W. Chambers John P. Howe III Harvey Sarner Burton C. Borgelt Nancy C. Quinn Arthur Meisel Martin F. Tansy Mae Mun Hom David T. Ozar George K. Stookey Christian B. Sager John A. Molinari Robert A. Rechner Daniel J. Buker, Esq. Roy E. Lasky Gerry J. Barker Lawrence P. Garetto Randall B. Grove George R. Rhodes Pamela Zarkowski, Esq. Jane D. Evans
2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020
Faye K. Marley John D. Rugh Thomas B. Taft Michelle V. Curtin Stephen A. Hardymon David S. Horvat Martha S. Phillips C. Jay Brown Rosemary C. Fetter R. Barkley Payne Gerald R. Winslow Phyllis L. Beemsterboer Francis X. McLaughlin, Jr. David Owsiany Bruce N. Peltier Laura J. Bishop John D.B. Featherstone Joseph M. Holtzman Jos. V.M. Welie Valerie J. Fridley Beth Truett Peter A. DuBois Jack L. Ferracane Karen Matthiesen Robert E. Boose Grace Deshaw-Wilner N. Karl Haden John C. Kornitzer Frank J. Pokorny II Elizabeth A. Price Billy W. Tarpley Elaine L. Davis Nancy R. Honeycutt Jocelyn Johnston Dorothy A. Perry Nanette R. Elster, Esq. Michael A. Graham Kevin J. Robertson Michael G. Schmidt William (Bill) Oliver Butler Kevin Earle Connie F. Lane F. Lynn Means Karen M. Fischer LaVette C. Henderson Christopher Scott Litch Kay Mosley Miller Judith Albino Frank M. Bevilacqua Amy Brock Martin
Centennial Presentation Book is Ready for Pre-order DISTINGUISHED PAST, DYNAMIC FUTURE
As we usher in our second century, the history of our first century is going to press. For most of 2020, a variety of authors and editors have written, combed the archive, and organized a publication worthy of our 100-year organizational milestone. Our First Century: The Narrative History of the American College of Dentists, is available to pre-order for delivery in early 2021.
Ethics and Professionalism Award
Outstanding Service Award
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2009 2011 2012 2015 2019 2020
American Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry The Pankey Institute American Society for Dental Ethics American Dental Education Association Kennedy Institute of Ethics International Dental Ethics and Law Society Student Professionalism and Ethics Association New York Academy of Dentistry Healthy Kids, Healthy Smiles Dental Lifeline Network Judicial Council of CDA American Student Dental Association David T. Ozar Karl Haden *Robert E. Barsley
Russell W. Buchert Jeremiah Lowney, Jr. Emanuel Ploumis Herbert Caplan Chris C. Scures Arthur I. Hazlewood Jeffrey R. Burkes Burton L. Edelstein Malvin E. Ring Emmanuel J. Rajczak Carl E. Rieder Frank C. Andolino II Allan J. Formicola James D. Hudson Guy N. Minoli B. Charles Kerkhove, Jr.
Model Section 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015
Carolinas Section Mississippi Section New York Section Tennessee Section Oklahoma Section British Columbia Section Mississippi Section New York Section Northern California Section Quebec Section Tennessee Section Oklahoma Section Indiana Section Ontario Section West Virginia Section Arkansas Section
2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018
British Columbia Section Kansas Section Kentucky Section Northern California Section Oregon Section Atlantic Provinces Section Quebec Section Indiana Section Ontario Section Louisiana Section Oklahoma Section Washington Section New York Section Metro Washington Section West Virginia Section Missouri Section
2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Tennessee Section British Columbia Section Hawaii Section Arkansas Section Kentucky Section Nebraska Section Wisconsin Section Louisiana Section Oklahoma Section Ontario Section Atlantic Provinces Section New England Section Hudson Mohawk Section Washington Section Kansas Section ACD Ne News | Winter 2020 | 2 27
American College of Dentists 839J Quince Orchard Boulevard Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1614
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American College of Dentists Legacy Walkway MAKE AN IMPACT Individual brick donations may be made online at about-us/foundation, or by sending a check, payable to the ACD Foundation. Mail checks to 839-J Quince Orchard Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD, 20878 WORDING FOR THE BRICK: Wording for each brick may contain two lines with up to 20 characters of letters and punctuation per line. Bricks may be designated “In Memory of…” or “In Honor of…” Please do not include terminal degrees after names. Bricks will be laid in order of payment received on the Legacy Walkway at our new headquarters in the West Montgomery Avenue Historic District in Rockville, Maryland.
Bricks for Fellows, Friends, and Family are $500 per Brick.
Brick #1
Brick #2