Living and Learning at the Intersections: A guide for Staff serving 2SGLBTQ+ students

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Tanyan Waciyanke!

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Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ Initiatives

Kai Teague (they/them) Leona Antoine (winyan/she/her)

Environmental Stewardship Program Officer Education Specialist

Our partner in this work: Alfred


Bull (he/they) of Walking Bull Storytelling + Culture


●Opening Reflection

●Community Agreements

●Scenarios and Discussions

●Advocacy and Allyship


Community Agreements

We are going to enter spaces where there is potential conflict around areas we don’t agree on, so we want to make sure these are safe spaces.

• Trust your voice and speak with intention

• Create and nurture a safe, brave, and accountable space

• Focus on learning and responsibility, not perfection

• Maintain a space to brainstorm solutions to programming challenges, but not a space to air grievances against TCU leadership and administration

Scenario: A student has to confront a teacher about not using their preferred name and pronouns.

What support is in place for the student if they have to constantly confront the instructor?

Scenario: A non-binary, or transgender student needs to use the bathroom. There are only bathroom options for “women” or “men.”

What considerations might that student have to consider regarding their safety?

What can you do to support the student?

Scenario: A transgender or non-binary student needs to use the bathroom. All bathrooms are gendered as “women” or “men.”

What considerations might that student have to consider regarding their safety?

- Institutional Accountability - blanket approach - all bathrooms become gender neutral wherever possible - or one bathroom is made accessible


Survey - is this an urgent need or can you be more intentional about it


Structural changes - remodeling bathrooms and creating individual stalls

- in case people don’t want to disclose their gender


Current anti-2SLGBTQ+ legislation has passed that impacts students lives, and they have to consider moving out of state.

What support can your institution offer for the extenuating, non-academic, circumstances outside of student control?

What policies can be changed?

Scenario: Current anti-2SLGBTQ+ legislation has passed that impacts students lives, and they have to consider moving out of state.

What support can your institution offer for the extenuating, non-academic, circumstances outside of student control? What policies can be changed?

Would your institution ever consider lobbying or public education in favor of 2SLGBTQ rights/public accommodations at a legislative level?


Legislation affecting Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ community

Currently 449 bills introduced in 2023 as of 04-03-2023

211 - Bills focused on Schools and Education

117 - Bills focused on Healthcare

41 - Bills focused on Free Speech

68 - Bills focused on broader Anti-2SLGBTQ+

15 - Bills focused on Accurate ID’s

33 - Bills focused on Civil Rights

8 - Bills focused on Public Accommodations

Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislature | American Civil Liberties Uni on (

2023 Legislation affecting Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ community

• What is your awareness of anti- 2SLGBTQIA legislation within your tribe and your state?

• What types of support will 2SLGBTQIA students and staff need when these topics come up?

• What kind of allies and relationships do we have for this?

• This type of legislation leads to higher suicide rateshow do we prepare for this?

• Policies to support identity and belonging

Action - Advocacy and Allyship :

Name three ways you can be an advocate for Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ students

• Are you aware of anyone doing this work? If not are you willing to lead or support? if not are you aware of anyone that might?

Write down three campus offices that might be helpful for your students relating to Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ issues.

• Are you aware of any safe spaces or support systems on campus?

• Are you aware of confidential resources on campus?

What can we do?

• What is it that you would like to see happen/change, or do, or

Closing “Drop In” for conversation• Friday, February 3, 2023 • 10:00am-11:00am MT/11:00am12:00pm CT Next Session –• February 17, 2023 • 10:00am-12:00pm MT


“Anti-LGBTQ legislation by TCU state”

Link: g

“Leveling the Playing Field for Our LGBTQ Neighbors: A Resource Guide for Funders in Minnesota” Fairness in Philanthropy (page 14 Glossary of LGBTQ Terms)

Link: pdf

The College Fund is here to support! Contact Kai Teague

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