BULLETIN international day of the midwife 2021 "Follow the data: invest in midwives" resounded around the globe on 5 May as the theme of this year’s International Day of the Midwife.
Set by the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), this year’s theme aimed to advocate for international investment in quality midwifery care, not only to improve perinatal outcomes, but also to make progress on broader women’s health issues including sexual and reproductive health. This year’s IDM coincided with the launch of the State of the World’s Midwifery(SoWMy) Report 2021. The report, co-led by ICM, UNFPA and WHO, gathers updated evidence and provides a detailed analysis of the positive impact of midwifery care on maternal and newborn outcomes from 194 countries. square
Big Latch On to remain virtual in 2021 After careful consideration of advice from the Ministry and other public health units regarding the implications of hosting a large, multiple-venue in-person gathering, event organisers have made the difficult decision to virtualise the Big Latch On again this year. Planned for 6-7 August 2021, event organisers advise more information will be available soon. square
Reminder: College student grants close June 25, 2021. Refer to College website: College roles and services / Grants and subsidies
This year’s IDM coincided with the launch of the State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) Report 2021. The report, co-led by ICM, UNFPA and WHO, gathers updated evidence and provides a detailed analysis of the positive impact of midwifery care.
another midwife gains doctorate The College would like to congratulate another midwife on the completion of her doctoral degree. Pauline Dawson: What are the barriers to equitable maternal health in Aotearoa New Zealand? (Otago Polytechnic).
Have you recently completed your doctoral degree, or do you expect to complete soon? If so, please let us know by emailing communications@nzcom.org.nz so that we can acknowledge your achievement in a future issue of Midwife. square