A TESTING TIME FOR MIDWIVES AND WHĀNAU Aotearoa’s stringent Covid-19 response has impacted significantly on our lives since early 2020; however, in comparison to the majority of the world, we have been able to enjoy relative freedom. Horror stories of prolonged lockdowns or periods of significant restrictions, strained health care systems and high death rates around the world - although shocking - seemed like a remote and somewhat abstract reality. However, with the arrival of the delta variant in August this year, Aotearoa entered a new phase in its Covid-19 response, with a number of significant changes, including the move from an elimination approach to a suppression strategy, and the announcement of vaccine mandates. Tāmaki Makau-rau has continued to bear the burden of Covid-19 since August,
with a prolonged lockdown, and Auckland midwives have once again carried out their essential work in a highly professional way, in often very difficult circumstances. As we sit on the cusp of a wave of community transmission throughout the remainder of the country, we will all soon be experiencing what the rest of the world has been living with for almost two years, and our lives will be changed forever.
The past few months have been a testing time for midwives and whānau having babies, as we have had to come to terms with the reality that living with Covid-19 will soon become our permanent state of being.
Fortunately, the impacts of the ‘new normal’ will be considerably softened, as we will have achieved extremely high vaccination rates by international standards before widespread community transmission occurs. As a result, hopefully we will not have to live through the ghastly experiences that other countries have, to quite the same extent.
ISSUE 103 DECEMBER 2021 | 5