bulletin prescribing update
The College was invited to the Safer prescribing and dispensing hui convened by the Ministry of Health, along with other health professional and regulatory bodies. The purpose of the forum was to initiate cross-sector dialogue to support safer person-centred dispensing and prescribing practices. In New Zealand, medical practitioners, nurse practitioners, nurse prescribers, optometrist prescribers, dietitian prescribers, dentists, pharmacist
(third, fourth etc) language does not require an interpreter. • When interpretation is required, it is best practice to use a qualified interpreter, not a family member. Funded telephone interpreting services are being made available for LMC midwives to use via the Ministry of Health. • If a woman declines the involvement of an interpreter, the midwife documents this and
The Primary Maternity Services Notice 2007 was
may still register the woman and provide
updated earlier this year and the new Notice
care to the best of her ability with the level
2021 was officially implemented last month.
of communication possible.
Significant changes to the notice, including the provision of new modules such as the Additional Care Supplement, and modifications to payments for travel were detailed in the September 2021 issue of Midwife and can be viewed in full on the Ministry’s website. Changes to the notice regarding interpreting
• If the midwife speaks the woman’s language fluently, the midwife can deliver care in that language and does not require an external interpreter. There is no specific funding available for midwives providing this additional service, however aspects of the Additional Care Supplement will apply,
prescribers and midwives have developed
services are detailed below:
for example, if the woman is from one of
prescribing competencies in isolation from
DA2 Registration - (6) Where English is not
the identified ethnic groups or is a former
each other.
the woman’s first language, information
The hui members identified a number of common priorities across all professions and areas that could be strengthened to support
on the registration form about the services to be provided must be interpreted for the woman. This interpretation discussion must be
safer prescribing across the board. There
documented in the woman’s record.
was a clear impetus for a single standard for
The guide to the notice clarifies that where
prescribing across all groups rather than the
a woman is not proficient in reading, writing
individually developed standards currently
or speaking English, the information on the
being used, and this work will be led by the
registration form (where it is written in English)
Pharmacy Council.
about the services to be provided must be
interpreted for the woman. This means: • A woman who speaks English as a second
refugee, and/or if antenatal visits take more than 60 minutes on 2 or more occasions.
andrea gilkison promoted to associate professor The College congratulates Andrea Gilkison on her promotion to Associate Professor at AUT. As the current Associate Head of Postgraduate in AUT’s School of Clinical Sciences, Andrea is also the co-director of the university’s Centre for Midwifery and Women’s Health Research and her contribution to the field of midwifery