w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m sider building their homes in later years that appeal of living more primitively lost some of its luster. Homeowners in the areas want the ability to access their homes via a plowed road versus a snowmobile trail. Here is where the conflict developed, the plowed road and the groomed snowmobile route run in the same corridor. The Forest Service made the decision to create a bypass route for the snowmobile trail. This is when the fun began! All users of the area, recreationists, homeowners and those who work on the land are affected by this decision. The District Office has gone above and beyond to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to weigh in. This has extended the timeframe but, hopefully, will result in a better, well thought out decision. The final decision will be released sometime in January with a 30 day appeal period to follow. Finally, the most recent project CSA is working on is the proposed reintroduction of the wolverine by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Thanks to lessons learned by all agencies involved with the Canadian Lynx introduction the CDOW has conducted stakeholder meetings over the last several months. They included CSA as one of those stakeholders. We have attended an introductory meeting and a work session so far. As with the lynx, the project has been complicated by the recent decision by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to declare the wolverine a warranted by precluded species under the Endangered Species Act. In layman’s term this means that the wolverine should be listed but there are other species that have a higher priority in listing. The chief reason given for listing of the little critter is “climate change” and the second reason is human disturbance of which snowmobiling was specifically named. So…CSA has submitted, as our position, a “no action” approach. Because there is a very limited amount of substantive Colorado Snow Scoop (ISSN: 0746-3073, USPS: 703-590) Copyright © 2010 research results to draw from there by the Colorado Snowmobile Association is published four times per year is no evidence, yet, that any human by Boondocker Publishing at 311 Main Street, PO Box 400, Sundance WY recreation activity, including snow82729. September, November, January and March. Business and Editorial mobiling, has any negative effect on Offices: 311 Main Street, PO Box 400, Sundance WY 82729. Accounting and Circulation Offices: Boondocker Publishing, Jeff Moberg, 311 Main Street, the wolverine and their denning habPO Box 400, Sundance WY 82729. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sundance WY its (which occur during the heart of 82729 and at additional mailing offices. winter). We will continue to particiPOSTMASTER: Send address changes to PO Box 400, Sundance WY 82729. pate in these work sessions in hope Jeff Moberg: Editor/Publisher, Advertising Stan Horning: Pre-Press of protecting snowmobile access in Advertising Information: 307-283-3411 or Jeff@sundancetimes.com the backcountry if and when the wol-
Thanks to the “Pineapple Express” that came through the week before Christmas we finally got enough snow to groom a couple of trails in the Creede area. Unfortunately for snowmobiling but fortunately for the farmers in the San Luis Valley there is a lot of water in this snow making it very heavy and wet and a little harder to ride in. However, as soon as the clouds cleared it got cold so there is hope that a good base is beginning. I hope that all of you had a very safe and happy holiday season and that you received many blessings. My age is showing when I say that this year the time with the kids and Bob was my greatest gift. I have put a lot of thought into this month’s article. This is my last official article as president of this fine organization. I have a few updates that I need to make but I also want to do a little reminiscing. I hope you all don’t mind! There are two projects that CSA has been very involved in the last few years that, unfortunately, have not reached their completion: the San Juan National Forest Revision and Land Management Plan and the White River National Forest Travel Management Plan. Because these projects are massive and comprehensive in their scope so many factors impact the process. The San Juan Plan is currently in limbo waiting for some further analysis of gas and oil reserves and extraction options in the very southwest part of the state. However, that doesn’t mean our work with Forest officials has been in limbo. The Districts continue to work on other aspects of the plan including winter recreation and CSA continues to be involved in this work. We have stayed engaged in the process as these rangers work on
the decision making process. The White River TMP has been delayed at the request of the Forest Supervisor to re-examine some of the wheeled vehicle route decisions. Throw in the hubbub over the Hidden Gems Wilderness Proposal and the White River Forest Staff has been put under some extreme scrutiny while making their decisions. CSA was very active in the forefront of this process and it is our understanding that many, if not most, of the winter decisions have been drafted. We remain open to questions or concerns from Forest Staff as new, site specific, issues come up. A more recent project that CSA has been heavily invested in is the Columbine Bypass in the North Routt. This site specific, winter use issue resulted from a user conflict but not your average user conflict. When the community of Columbine was originally developed much of the land was sold to “future” homeowners who saw a certain excitement and romanticism to living in a more primitive setting. However, as many of us can probably relate to, when these landowners started to con-
CSA President
Janelle Kukuk
In This Issue... 3-5 Executive Board Reports... CSA Contact Directory... 4 District and Club Reports... 5-15 News...15-23 CSA Membership Form... 16 Business Sponsors...19-22 Classifieds...23
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
verines are brought into the state. At the convention and annual meeting in Pagosa Springs during the last weekend of January CSA will hold its annual election. The president and secretary’s position as well as District 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Representatives are all up for election. Karen Ball, CSA Secretary, Bill Rexford, District 1 Rep, John Movius, District 3 Rep, Curtis Miller, District 7 Rep and Jimmy Britton, District 9 Rep have all made the decision to run for their jobs again. At this point none of these offices have any competition. District 5 Rep, Jack Sheets, is term limited from running again and so far no one has stepped up to run for that position. Only members of clubs in District 5 are eligible to run for this position so if you are one of those members and would be interested in this position please contact me ASAP. And I have chosen not to run again for another term. Randy Miller, current Vice President, has thrown his hat into the ring to run for President this year. This will leave the Vice President’s position open. We also have the Treasurer’s position vacant because of the resignation of our Treasurer, Dana Clark, in early November. Hopefully we will be appointing people to finish these terms at the meeting in January. If you have an interest in either of these positions please contact me for more details. I can’t express enough how I have enjoyed the five years I have spent as president of CSA. It has been an extremely challenging job at so many levels. I have enjoyed meeting the challenges (call it a quirk of my personality)! I have met some incredible people in the association and state, in the agencies, and at the national and international level, people who have become life long friends and associates. This job has given me the opportunity to travel to places that I know I would have never gone on my own. But most valuable to me has been what I have learned, about myself, about the sport, how recreation decisions are made and affected at every level, and how to be a better person and leader. So many of you have offered your wisdom and your support and I am truly grateful. I certainly feel that we have a terrific team leading the association and as we been faced with some pretty drastic and innovative improvements to the association this team has worked to make sure that the changes have been appropriate, forward thinking and hopefully the best to make the Colorado Snowmobile Association nationally renowned and a force to be reckoned with on the recreation front. I am extremely proud of my time with CSA and thank all of you for the support and kind words you have shared. My dad always told me you should leave something better than you found it and I hope that is what I have done. I hope to see many of you in Pagosa Springs at the end of the month. All of us at CSA and in the Kukuk household wish you a Happy, Safe and Prosperous 2011. Ride Safe!
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
Colorado Snowmobile Association Contacts Executive Officers
President - Janelle Kukuk 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede CO 81130 kukuk@GoJade.org 719-658-2221 Vice President - Randy Miller PO Box 395, Walden CO 80480 randy@npeng.com 970-723-3725 SECRETARY - Karen Ball 14860 Rolling Hills Dr Montrose, CO 81401 970-240-4036 snokraz5@msn.com Treasurer - Vacant Administrative Manager/Membership Jeanna Whipple 325 River Rock Dr, Johnstown CO 80534 jeannaw@comcast.net 970-587-0364 Snowmobile Program Administrator - Tom Metsa 13787 S Hwy 85, Littleton CO 80125 thomas.metsa@state.co.us 303-791-1957, ext 132
District 8 Rep - Aaron Todd PO Box 1141, Norwood CO 81423 lank88@yahoo.com 970-327-4118 District 9 Rep - Jimmy Britton PO Box 83, Pagos Springs CO 81147 rhondabritton@ymail.net 970-264-2711
Arrowhead Snowmobile Club Eric and Star Johnson 150 Ridge Rd, Cimarron CO 81220 970-862-8399 Buena Vista Snowmobile Club Debbie Weiland PO Box 3133, Buena Vista CO 81211 719-395-5608 seerdeer4@rockymountains.net Colorado Blizzards Scott Jones 508 Ashford Dr, Longmont CO 80504 518-281-5810 scott.jones46@yahoo.com Delta Snokrusers, Inc. Katie Himes PO Box 162, Mesa CO 805 himes.kate@gmail.com Right to Ride Chair - Roger Pennington 164 Sandia Cir CR 520, Bayfield CO Flattoppers 81122 Peter Hayes rogerap@msn.com 2032 Chickadee Ct, Silt CO 81652 970-884-2101 970-876-2320 hayes_57@msn.com Charity Chair - Luan Dody 93 Pebble Dr, Durango CO 81301 Grand Lake Trail Groomers ldody@durango.net Ami Mitropoulos 970-375-2527 PO Box 1247, Grand Lake CO 80447 970-531-1049 Raffle Chair - Randy Miller trailgroomers@yahoo.com PO Box 395, Walden CO 80480 randy@npeng.com Gunnison Sno-Trackers 970-723-3725 Phil Chamberland 23501 Hwy 135, Crested Butte CO Safety Chair - Ralph Stewart 81224 895 Van Dorn Dr, Craig CO 81625 970-349-5398 rcstewart@bresnan.net pchamberland@hughes.net 970-824-4198 Heart of the Rockies Snowmobile Club Awards/Scholarship Chair - Katie Himes Chris Collins PO Box 162, Mesa CO 81643 445 W Rainbow Blvd, Salida CO 81201 himes.kate@gmail.com 719-539-7251 970-268-5768 chris@a1autosalida.com Grooming Chair - Joe Tonso High Country Snowmobile Club 941 School St, Craig CO 81625 Rich Holcroft jtonso@msn.com PO Box 2215, Frisco CO 80443 970-524-5821 970-547-0317 HLCRFT@aol.com District 1 Rep - Bill Rexford High Riders Snowmobile Club, Inc 11361 County Rd 70, Windsor CO 80550 Derrick Wood billrexford@thinair.net 512 E 7th St, Leadville CO 80461 970-481-0230 719-966-4784 mtnbiker21@hotmail.com District 2 Rep - Ron Spencer 1085 Harris Dr, Craig CO 81625 Holy Cross Powder Hounds Snowmobile sspe263865@msn.com Club 970-824-3745 Lance Trujillo PO Box 7116, Avon CO 81620 District 3 Rep - John Movius 970-376-3856 5670 E Wickerdale Ln, Highlands lance@holycrosspowderhounds.com Ranch CO 80130 crowntrophy24@yahoo.com Lake City Continental Divide Snowmobile 303-791-6161 Club Bill Broadhead District 4 Rep - Bob Brownlee PO Box 591, Lake City CO 81235 PO Box 109, Gypsum CO 81637 970-944-0306 rbrtbrownlee4@gmail.com lcsnowmobile@centurytel.net 970-524-9732 Midvalley Snowmobile Club District 5 Rep - Jack Sheets Rickard Condon 2350 Stoneridge Dr, Colorado Springs PO Box 2416, Basalt, CO 81621 CO 80919 970-701-0497 jsheets@cohvco.org rcondon@sopris.net 719-593-0711 Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club of Denver, Inc District 6 Rep - Carrie Kroschel Chris Vogelsang 685 Alpine Circque, Leadville CO 147 S Lookout Mtn Rd, Golden CO 80401 80461 303-898-8042 travelwithcare@hotmail.com chris@ovllc.com 719-486-8456 MT Sopris Recreational Riders Inc. District 7 Rep - Curtis Miller Sean Martin PO Box 742, South Fork CO 81154 PO Box 654, Carbondale CO 81623 curt800@msn.com 970-704-9893 719-873-0208
District Representatives
North Fork Snowmobile Club Steve Hicks PO Box 472, Hotchkiss CO 81419 970-872-3654 North Park Snow Snakes Randy Miller PO Box 61, Walden CO 80480 970-723-3725 randy@npeng.com Northwest Colorado Snowmobile Club, Inc Brad Moore 1057 Dunn Dr, Craig CO 81625 970-824-6077 brad-moore@peoplepc.com Pikes Peak High Riders Ray Doble 17335 Herring Rd, Colorado Springs CO 80908 719-495-2316 doblerg@msn.com Pueblo Snowmobile Club Brad Hensley 229 Midnight Ave, Pueblo CO 81105 719-564-8720 b_hensley@yahoo.com Rifle Snowmobile Club Carelton Hoffmeister PO Box 692, Rifle CO 81650 970-625-0134 Hoffy1@willowwisp.net Routt Powder Riders Mary Sue Sorenson 1815 Bear Crk, Steamboat Springs CO 80487 970-870-1573 msorenson3@msn.com S & W Adventure Riders, LLC Jack Sheets 2350 Stoneridge Dr, Colorado Springs CO 80919 719-593-0711 jsheets@cohvco.org San Juan Sledders Roger Pennington 164 Sandia Cir CR 520, Bayfield CO 81122 970-884-2101 rogerap@msn.com Sangre Snowrunners Snowmobile Club Dale Hoag PO Box 523, Westcliffe CO 81252 719-783-2729 swr@wmv-co.us Silver Thread Outdoor Recreation Club of the San Luis Valley Bill Longfellow PO Box 343, South Fork CO 81154 719-873-5429 bill.longfellow@usa.net
Silverton Snowmobile Club Dean and Laura Des Palmes PO Box 197, Silverton CO 81433 970-387-9938 dinodp52@msn.com Snow Country Explorers of the Upper Rio Grande Robert Kukuk PO Box 702, Creede CO 81130 719-658-2221 kukuk@gojade.org South Fork Powder Busters Curtis Miller PO Box 454, South Fork CO 81154 719-873-0208 curt800@msn.com Steamboat Lake Snow Club Mike Swinsick PO Box 756, Clark CO 80428 970-846-0814 caspers62@yahoo.com Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club Tom Mason PO Box 87, Grand Lake CO 80447 970-627-8779 autowrench2002@yahoo.com Uncompahgre Valley Trail Riders Rich Jakino 27 Eton, Montrose CO 81401 970-249-3512 West End Sledders Jacque McClellan PO Box 1443, Norwood CO 81423 970-865-2518 mcricketred@aol.com Western Slope Snowmobile Association Dale Hollingshead PO Box 4964, Grand Junction CO 81502 970-241-6829 gjsnow@acsol.net White River Snowmobile Club, Inc Troy Hilkey PO Box 1045, Meeker CO 81641 970-756-0717 thilkey@wrenergy.com Wolf Creek Trailblazers Rhonda Britton PO Box 83, Pagosa Springs CO 81147 970-264-2711 rhondabritton@ ymail.com
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m
CSA Vice President
Happy New Year to everyone! With this season and the New Year we have many new things to look forward to and some to look out for. Some of you (I’m not included) have a new sled to look forward to. There are some very good ones out there, and I am envious of those that have that opportunity to realize that. However, I wanted to focus a little bit on what to look out for. As many of you know, we have the Rocky Mountain Pine Beatle epidemic that has hit most of our forests. It has affected (or will affect) nearly all of the lodge pole pine trees in Colorado, and since all of our trails are in Colorado…that means that we will be affected. Our most immediate safety concern is due to the falling trees hitting you directly, and causing serious injury of death. I would suggest staying very aware of your surroundings by watching above and below, and avoid riding near trees altogether on windy days. Another concern is where the Forest Service has active logging operations going on to deal with the affected trees near roads or trails (usually 150-200 feet off the road). In these locations you may want to check the local area for closures or re-routes. This is the case in Jackson County in the North Park area of Colorado. For example, the Illinois Pass and Calamity Pass trails connecting Gould to Grand Lake will be closed this season due to logging. We are working to get the updated map on the website for you all to see. The bottom line is to watch out for fallen and falling trees and check out the area you want to ride for trail closures due to logging. We’re going to have to deal with the trees sooner or later, so let’s try to help all we can until we get through it. Good luck to you and yours in 2011!!
Randy Miller
Hidden Probe Contest Hidden somewhere in each printed edition of the SnowScoop is a smaller version of the pictured probe. Each reader who locates the hidden probe, should send the page number and approximate location (example; page 6 on top of Yamaha ad), to contest@snowmobilecolo.com or mail to CSA Admin Manager, 325 River Rock Dr, Johnstown CO 80534. A winner of an avalanche probe will be drawn for each edition from entries correctly identifying the location of the hidden probe. Drawings will be held the last day of October, December, February and March. From all correct entries during the season, a grand prize winner will be drawn at the end of April. The grand prize winner will receive a BCA Avalanche Beacon. This contest is sponsored by the Colorado Snowmobile Association. Prizes provided by San Juan Sports of Creede CO.
Hi from District 1. Well we have snow and just got 15” new snow in Walden. Talked with Dave at North Park Inn and he was telling me how much snow he has had to remove from his parking lot and The Colorado Department of Highways closed Hwy 14 at Cameron pass for avalanche dangers several days ago. So looks like we are in the snow now. Grooming has begun in the Gould area and with this last snowfall, trails should be great, lots of riding area even though two of our longest trails are closed this year for logging operations. Check the website (snowmobilecolo.com) for the latest information and come ride with us. Went to Centennial, WY last weekend to Green Rock parking lot to help stock the warming huts with wood with the Snowy Range Club and had to fight visibility issues due to the snow again. Their club asked if they could assist us in northern Colorado to just let them know and they would be happy to return the favor. Dianna and I have been snowmobiling almost every weekend now since Thanksgiving and it seems like it is snowing every time and the visors just won’t stay clean. I recall years past when we never unloaded the sleds till New Year’s Day and just barely had snow to go on. I love it, let it snow, let it snow. LET
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
IT SNOW. We have a few new members to the Colorado Blizzards Club and are happy to see new faces. One in particular is very active about his commitment to Snowmobiling. Chuck is distributing and posting GPS co-ordinates of his survival kits he started with last year. Mostly in the snowy range area as that is where he likes to sled so check out his story in this issue (page 6) and last issue and maybe use his idea in your area. If it saves one life, whether it be a skier, snowshoer or snowmobiler, we thank Chuck for his efforts and initiative. Hopefully we can grow his program throughout northern Colorado. Well the reports I see from Washington, DC are wishing us a very Merry Christmas. Hidden Gems is on the back burner now and so is the Omnibus land bill. Looks like more than a few Senators are listening to us about underhanded dealings like last year’s omnibus land bill. Still watching to see what the forest service comes up with on their planning process. Hope you all have a fruitful New Year and join us for lots of snowmobiling in northern Colorado WHERE THE SNOW IS this year. Gear up and Safe Riding Bill Rexford
District 1
Bill Rexford
Dianna Rexford
Colorado Blizzards
The snow is here! Well, not here in Windsor, as it looks like we will not have a white Christmas at home, but there is definitely snow up in the mountains. Our club has done a lot of riding since Thanksgiving: Albany, Buffalo Pass, Cowdry and Centennial with good snow in every location. Last week several of us joined the Snowy Range Club and moved the wood we previously helped them cut in October closer to the warming huts that are now in place. We must have been having too much fun cutting that wood, there was really a lot of it. Now of course, it was under a bunch of fluffy white stuff and frozen together, but there will be lots of wood available at the warming huts this year! The ‘Blizzards’ have several new members who have ridden with us already this year. Leland Bird joined us from the Casper, Wyoming area and is an avid rider. Leland recently moved to Loveland and joined the club to have friends to ride with. I am pleased to include a letter from him in this article. To: Blizzard Snowmobile Club I joined your club at your December meeting and received a very warm, enthusiastic reception. Right after the meeting I was invited by Scott and Michelle Jones to join them on a weekend ride to Walden, CO. I took them up on their offer and was very pleased with the entire weekend. With a few emails and a phone conversation I met Bill and Dianna Rexford and we trailered to Walden together. Saturday morning I met Scott and Michelle, Bill and Dianna and Steve Smith and they took me to Buffalo Pass where we rode some of the best ungroomed country and wonderful snow conditions one could ever ask for. We rode all day and I had a really great time. On Sunday we met for breakfast and two other club members, Mark Buckland and Ted Bendelow joined us. After breakfast we drove to Independence Mountain near Cowdry, rode new snow all the way to Hog Park, had lunch on the trail, and headed back to our vehicles. I’m here to tell you if you want to ride snowmobiles and have a really great time, join a club so you have wonderful folk to ride with, especially if you’re new to the area like I am. I want to say a special thank you to all I rode with and Dec. 11 and 12 and will be looking forward to our next ride together. Sincerely, Leland Bird New Member That letter pretty much says it all. Join a club, it has many side benefits; not only do you get to know a great bunch of people, security of riding safely, and learn new riding areas, you also help support our sport. See you on the trails!
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
Chuck Beasley
Being raised in northern Minnesota as a young boy in the early 70’s, the snowmobile was “the” winter mode of transportation. I’ve been driving sleds since I was 5 years old and spending many hours in the coldest of places you can imagine. Besides just exploring on our snowmobiles my father and I used them for ice fishing and trapping beaver. We cut our own trails and I ran a 60 mile long trapline on some mighty cold days. Keeping your sled running and staying warm was the key to not dying in some frozen swamp. Back then we didn’t even have hand warmers on our sleds or those nice little disposable ones you can buy today to stick in your pocket. I’ve fallen through the ice on many occasions and had to drive home with gloves and boots that turned to solid blocks of ice. These are the times that start sinking into your head on how important it is to have spare clothes along to change into. With temps in the -40’s you have to get smart quick or die. Even with all that “training” I still made some serious mistakes. Taking Mother Nature for granted is one of those critical mistakes that can cost you. My biggest mistake ever was on a trip in February into Ontario Canada on an ice fishing trip. Five of us rented a cabin each winter on a remote lake filled with whopper pike and lake trout. I had been there and made the long journey into the rustic cabin many times. After you drive an hour and a half north of the border from International Falls, Minnesota, you then unload and take your sled along with all your gear in through a chain of lakes another 8 miles. Just getting to the cabin and breaking trail could take hours. Anyway, that sunny warm day the fishing wasn’t too hot so I decided to venture back in a few lakes away from the cabin where I just knew there had to be some better fishing awaiting me. The temps were rising into the mid 30’s.... wow what a great day I thought to myself. What I didn’t realize was that the big lake we normally fish on had been windblown and the deep snow was settling fast with the rising temps that day. So as I head back into the smaller lakes that didn’t have the snow blown off and were heavily laden with wet snow, I start to run into slush. I’ve seen slush before and didn’t think much about it. This time was different, way, way different. The slush immediately turned into 3 feet of the nastiest stuff you’ve ever seen. The weight of the snow was so intense that “blow” holes were opening up in the ice surface which was a good 2 ft thick of nice black ice. My sled is now completely buried in slush with just the windshield showing up. I’m soaked to the bone in leather riding gear. The time was about 11am. My friend comes back to see me and I try to wave him off but it’s too late and his sled
Here’s my story gets buried as well. Our third party member comes along on his Polaris Colt that still had the cleats and he gets stuck too, but not as bad. We dig him out and send him back the 6 miles to the cabin to get us some dry matches and a shovel. In the meantime I pile up some slush by my sled and drag it to the top of the pile knowing it’s not going to get out of the middle of the lake today. When the guy with the Colt shows up he rides the edge of the lake around to where my buddy was stuck. He was only about 150 yards from the bank so we decide to shovel a path all the way to the shore to get his sled out. We’re standing and wading around in over a foot of water now with another two feet of heavy wet snow on top of that. We shovel for hours taking turns clearing the path. He starts his sled with that gurgling sound of the air coming out of the pipe submerged in water. With one guy on the throttle, one on the front ski pulling and me pushing on the back, we start churning the slush slowly to shore. With only a few yards left we hit a blow hole in the ice and the back of the sled and myself fall in clear up to my chin. My buddy is hanging onto the bars with all his strength. I crawl out and grab some ice and make my way to the front of the sled. My adrenaline was pumping now and with the throttle pinned we pull it out and make it to the shore. Even there the snow was too deep and wet to just drive out of there. Especially now that we would have to ride double to get out. We were all soaked to the bone. A fire was what we needed and right now! The sun was starting to disappear behind the tall pines. You don’t realize how hard it is to start a fire with all the good wood being buried in 3 ft of snow. We manage to find enough dry pine bows to get a small fire going. I strip naked and try to ring out all my clothes the best I can. Leather just doesn’t dry too fast in these conditions. I tell the guy on the Colt to try to go along the edge of the lake and pack us a trail. It was just too wet still and he barely makes it to the far portage trail out of here. I knew my other friend and I couldn’t ride double on his sled and make it, so I decided to walk out. With a few pushes and tugs we get his sled across the edge of the lake to the portage. The sun is down now and it’s pitch black. My leather suite has turned to brick and I can barely walk in it. We desperately try to make a fire in the dark trying to dip some dry sticks into our fuel tanks. With no prevail we just sit on the edge of the next lake wondering if we can make it across. We had two lakes to cross to make it back to the cabin with the last lake having many islands and obstacles to find your way around to get back. It’s 9pm now and the cold Canadian air is settling in on us. We’re all froze. Sud-
denly with the temps dropping the wet snow turns into a dense fog. “Can it get any worse” I’m thinking to myself. With that cold air and wet snow slowly comes a thin crust on top of it. I knew if we could hold out a bit longer it would firm up enough to get across the lake. But driving blindly in the fog wasn’t going to be easy. I send out the guy on the Colt and he makes it across the first small lake with his headlight disappearing into the darkness of night and heavy fog. I hop on the back of my friends Polaris Indy and tell him to hammer it down. Whack! As we wheely right into a tree with all my weight on the back of the sled. We laugh at each other and pull the sled back and straighten it out for another attempt. This time we pull it off and make it to the far shore. The ice is forming a nice crust now and with more, older sled tracks on the trail and lake, things are looking up. But what about that lake our cabin is on? The fog wasn’t letting up and you could barely see 10 feet in front of you. Driving brail is how it felt. The big lake was 6 miles long and with all those islands and old sled tracks going in every direction I’m wondering if we’ll just drive in circles for hours trying to find the cabin. Finally, luck was in our favor and another group of guys from our cabin had come in that afternoon. They knew something wasn’t good and one of them was standing on the ice waving a flashlight back and forth like one of those lights at the airport. I barely spotted it and pointed my friend driving the sled in the right direction. With a warm fire already going we broke free of our chains of frozen layers to be safe at last. You can imagine after a close call like that how a person might start being overly concerned about safety and survival. And with that hard lesson behind me I knew when I moved out to Colorado last year that I would have to “up” my safety in these wild remote mountains that I love to ride and explore in. With so many “essentials” to bring with each time you ride I decided it would be better to bring the basics in my pack and sled and then create stash points with larger safety kits in the areas I like to spend time riding in. The “Back Country Safety Kit” was born. I put them out last year and posted their GPS coordinates on Snowest and Dootalk forums so others could benefit as well in case of emergency. This year again I’m starting to put them out and will post the coordinates along with pictures to help locate them. I hope you never have to use them, but if you do, I’m glad to have helped. Please notify me or replace anything you use if you can later once your back on your feet again. Keep the rubber side down, Chuck Beasley....The Rev Baron
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m Happy Holidays from northwest Colorado! The last two weeks have really blessed this part of the State with a lot of snow. As I read the snow reports from around the State I believe we all have been blessed, with good snowfall. All clubs in Dist. 2 are grooming at full speed ahead. The NOWECOS of Craig will be hosting a Poker run on January 22, 2011. This is going to be a big event, as it was last year. The club gave out three scholarships last year to high school seniors. The Routt Powerriders usu-
ally have a fundraiser in February at the Winter Festival in Steamboat Springs. North Routt Snowclub has a fundraiser in February as well. The Meeker club is in need of new members, so if you live in that neck of woods and own a snowmobile, join up and have some fun with new friends. I hope to see all of you at the convention in Pagosa Springs. Until then keep the rubber side down and the skis in the air! I’m off rescue two groomers in the morning.
District 2
District 3
John M. Movius
Ron Spencer
Routt Powder Riders – Steamboat Springs
Joyce Hartless
The Routt Powder Riders’ snowmobile club is happy to report we are receiving lots of the beautiful white stuff in northwestern Colorado! The trails on Rabbit Ears and Buffalo Pass are groomed and marked. And longtime local Steamboat Springs resident Jon Kocik won the Arctic Cat M-8 raffle! Jon enjoys backcountry hybrid skiing, but has never owned a sled of his own before! Thanks to the Arctic Cat dealers and all who help to make this fundraiser possible for our groomers’ insurance! The Routt Powder Riders would like to specifically acknowledge the tireless efforts of Scott Scherer and Gaylan Hellyer, members of our club who were instrumental in organizing and working the raffle ticket sales for RPR this year. In late September or early October the USFS released its Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Columbine Access Project in North Routt County. The Routt Powder Riders were pleased that our proposal from the scoping period was retained by the Forest Service as one of three Alternatives in the EA. The other two Alternatives were “Take No Action” and “the Forest Service Proposal”. Once again, quite a few comments were received from the public. The District Ranger has reviewed all the comments and the Decision is expected to be released after the Holidays. One of the concerns Columbine residents have is the lack of sanitation at the trailhead. The Routt Powder Riders are finalizing the Special Use Permit with the Forest Service to fund the rental of a portable outhouse during the snowmobiling season at the trailhead in cooperation with the Routt County Road & Bridge Department who maintain the trailhead for the Forest Service. We also attended the December meeting of the Routt County Multi-Modal Road User’s Advisory Board. County Ordinance allows for snowmobile use on two roads in North Routt County. When it was discovered the North Routt Representative on this Advisory Board wanted to change public policy, the Routt Powder Riders sought and received assurances from the Board of County Commissioners that the Ordinance would remain intact, as snowmobile use in this area is necessary for winter transportation and recreation. Now we hope we can put some of this necessary but tiresome political stuff behind us and enjoy the season’s opportunities for play! Come join us! Several of our business members are offering lodging discounts to CSA Members. And just about any day of the week, numerous RPR members can (or can’t) be found snowmobiling the backcountry of northwest Colorado. We welcome the opportunity to show you around our playground. To learn more about our activities, visit RouttPowderRiders.com.
Steamboat Lake Snow Club
Mike Swinsick
Howdy from North Routt. Mother Nature has been kind to us so far this season with over 2 ft of snow on the ground at lower elevations and close to 4 ft up at the higher elevations, it’s shaping up to be a great looking season! We just need a little bit more snow in the lower elevations before we can get out grooming and marking our trails, so stay tuned! Hope to see you out here!
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Well Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know that the snow is fantastic up in Grand Lake and the Frisco/Breckenridge areas. We hope to see you enjoying your snowmobile adventures on our slopes and meadows and please feel free to call Rich, Tom or Chris to arrange an outing with their club members. Just a reminder that February 12 will be the Flight For Life Poker Run sponsored by the Trailblazers of Grand Lake and the Mile High Snowmobile Club. Big cash prizes and an amazing silent auction will be just part of the fun with ALL proceeds going to Flight For Life. We are collecting donations of cash and merchandise for the auction so if you have any unwanted Christmas gifts or feel in the spirit to donate to a most worthy cause, please contact either Kimbirly Orr, kimbirly@hotmail.com, or me at crowntrophy24@ yahoo.com. Have a great 2011.
Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club
Steve Gagnon
Greetings from the Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. The mountains have been getting pounded, so that should make all of us happy! The Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club (MHSC) would like to thank a couple of our VIP dealers for supporting our club and the sport of snowmobiling. Specifically, we’d like to thank Vickery Motorsports for hosting their annual movie night in November and the ladies’ ride on January 31. We’d also like to thank G-Force Powersports for inviting MHSC members to their avalanche seminar. Please be sure to check out our ride schedule on www.snowmobilecolo.com. Our next ride is scheduled for January 15 at Church Park near Fraser and is suitable for all skill levels. Check the website or contact Tony Traverson for more details. Also, please make plans to participate in the Flight for Life poker run in Grand Lake on Saturday, February 12. The Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club has been raising money for one charity or another for at least 30 years. The Grand Lake Trailblazers, in partnership with the MHSC, do a great job with this event. Like last year, we will need volunteers to man the card stations on the trail. Please contact a board member if you would like to volunteer. As a reminder, we welcome visitors to all of our meetings. Club membership and meeting information is also available on snowmobilecolo. com. Think snow!
Troy Jaklich
Grand Lake Trail Blazers
Happy New Year from Grand Lake! Our upcoming club ride schedule is listed below: Moonlight Ride – Jan. 22, 7 p.m. Yahoo Ride – Jan. 28-30 (13 riders max) Poker Run to Benefit Flight For Life – Feb. 12 Long Ride – Feb. 26, 9 a.m. Overnight Ride – March 4-7, TBD Our December rides have been well attended and fun. We started a new Family Ride the day after Christmas and are looking forward to continuing that ride in the future. As you can see, the annual Poker Run benefitting Flight For Life is February 12. We hope to see you again this year at this event. Please visit our web page at www.gltrailblazers.com for ride and contact information.
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District 4 Bob Brownlee
www.snowmobilecolo.com This will be my last letter as the District 4 Representative for the Colorado Snowmobile Association; regretfully I have resigned my position effective immediately. This will be an opportunity for a person to be nominated and voted in during the Convention in January. I have made some terrific friends during my short stay in this position and hope to be in contact with all of you in the future. I simply do not have the time available between my personal life and career that this position warrants. I will still be involved with local clubs to some degree and am not going away totally. I wish the person that takes this position over the best of luck and hope for a very prosperous future for the Association. Sincerely, Bob Brownlee, District 4 Representative
Mt. Sopris Recreational Riders, Inc.
Jo Hunter
Here we are the end of one year and the beginning of another. The 2010 year went by so quickly I could hardly believe it really was over. As a club we have grown so much over the past couple of years. As outdoor enthusiasts we have also grown immensely. Gaining not only in numbers and intellectually but politically to have our voices heard. Though it is an ongoing process, one that takes a toll on all of us I encourage you to stay strong and keep up the good fight. Now it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give a little story… so I’ll keep it brief because we have lots to talk about this time. Sooooooo….. Every year we cut our own tree down, via taking the sleds up to do so. In past issues I’ve remarked on this. This year, time wasn’t on our side and it seemed to take longer because of this that and the other. I recall at our Club Christmas Party that I was telling a club member/ WRFA president and more so friend that we were going that weekend to get our tree!!! I was so excited . It truly is my fav part of the season. I said to him, yeah I just love that smell. He replied of fresh cut trees. I laughed and said no, the smell of exhaust from the machine. We both laughed for many reasons, being a fellow motorhead you all know and cannot deny the smell (which is not harmful) blah blah blah… and that that smell meant, riding, family adventure, winter fun ….TRADITION. Okay they fresh cut tree scent was lovely but you know what I mean. This very tradition whether hiking in using a chain saw, driving in (which were tons of folks doing) or RIDING in a tradition none the less that I will fight for tooth and nail. Promise you that! So on lighter notes… Our club fundraiser in November had an incredible turn out and we gained several new club members because of it. Even a family that supports snowmobiling and outdoor activities but does not snowmobile. Now that is support! We have had some changes in our club this year. A note from our Secretary Carol Burns: The Mt Sopris Recreational Riders Board of Directors was saddened to receive John Schneider’s resignation as our treasurer. John has been a godsend during his time as treasurer. He has completely updated our financial records and shed light upon many ambiguous past records. He then went on to design and build a very user friendly spread sheet and computer system that will keep track of our membership and relations with CSA. see ‘MT. SOPRIS’ PAGE 9------------------>
Flattoppers Snowmobile Club
Peter Hayes
Just as we get some snow and moisture the temps go above freezing. Seems like we just can not catch a break on Transfer Trail though there is a lot of snow up top. We are in the process of redoing our maps and by the time you read this we hope to have them printed. Still looking for a Snowscoop reporter if anybody is interested. A lot of poles have been put out and we are still working on completing that chore. As always our meetings are on the third Thursday of each month at Zancanella and Associates at 1011 Grand Ave. in Glenwood Springs at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you on the trails.
Rifle Snowmobile Club
Dave Campbell
Hello from the Rifle Snowmobile Club. I hope you all had a great Christmas and Wonderful New Year. It was sort of quiet in the Campbell house this year, with two of our three kids far from home at two different ends of the country. With one stationed in Alaska and one in Florida newly married starting her new life as a military wife. But with that being said we count ourselves luckier than some, what with family members overseas or losses in their families due to the conflicts we are currently involved in. I hope everyone said a prayer during Christmas dinner to protect those that protect us. We had our first online publication of the SnowScoop in December and I hope you all had a chance to read the articles, if not check it out before they archive it and you cannot access it. This is one feature of the new Snow Scoop I am not sure I like but we will see what happens in the future. I am including a small portion of that newsletter in this issue for those members that do not have access to internet. “With the thought of habits forming, I would like to mention that we snowmobilers, as winter sports enthusiasts, need to be mindful of our habits. When on the trail for the most part, we believe that the trail is only for us, and many riders treat it that way. Since the clubs maintain the trail it is for snowmobiles right? But there are many non riders that enjoy hiking, snowshoeing or cross country skiing on those very trails. So I would ask everyone to evaluate your habits on the trail, are they safe for other riders and pedestrians not in your group. How about your throttle habits? It takes an enormous amount of volunteer time to groom the trails that everyone rides. When on the trail are you steady on the throttle or are you punch and gun-it out of the corners? If we as riders would be more steady on the throttle while on the trails they would last longer and be easier to maintain by your respective clubs. Which means better riding for everyone and cost saving to your local or host club. I submit to all my fellow riders that we all develop habits, some of them good habits like routine maintenance of our machines and preparing gear for a family outing, but we also develop bad habits that can have a lasting impact on our sport in the public eye and your local club’s service ability. Those habits are the one I challenge you to evaluate and attempt to modify.” For those that received new calendars as a Christmas present, don’t forget to mark for club rides and events so as not to miss them. For a list of the Rifle Club events refer back to my article in the November SnowScoop. The one I will refresh everyone memory on now is the 18th Annual High Stakes Poker Run on February 20. Come one come all and let’s have some fun. If you would like to help out or donate a door prize call Carla Farrand at 970-876-5225. By the time of publication for this SnowScoop we will have had our annual New Year’s Eve dinner at the Coulter Lake Guest Ranch. And just thinking about it is making my mouth water. I’ll let you know how good it was in the next issue but banking on previous dinners there, it will be delicious. Before I close this article how many of you receive snowmobiling publications by mail? How would you like to receive a new publication by email? Check out the new Snowmobile Storm E-Magazine it has a lot of good industry news and articles, a U.S. Troops tribute page, it is open to reader submitted stories and articles and many more sections. Check it out online and if you like it sign up for free. Oh yea and did I mention the subscription is free. The address is www.snowmobilestorm.com Till next time, keep it track side down and safe riding. Dave Campbell
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m <--------------------- ‘mt. sopris’ from page 8 John was also a great help with our on-going process of obtaining a tax exempt status for the club. His wealth of knowledge and expertise were greatly appreciated and he will be missed! Thank you John, and hope to see you out in the powder! Now to soothe this disappointment After a few short hours of water boarding Robert Fletcher has agreed to fill the vacant board position until April. When, at that time, we can elect him time and time again until he reaches his term limit. We are certain Robert will be a very knowledgeable asset and a great addition to the board. Thank you very much Robert and Welcome! A Message from our Club President Sean Martin: Hello all, I just want to thank everyone on a very successful Christmas Party. We ended up with over 50 people there. A new record. A few thanks are in order. Thanks for Jo for making those cool ornaments, they turned out awesome. Thanks to Carol for getting over 20 different maps and stickers handed out to our club members. Thanks to Neil for recruiting yet more new members that showed up to the Dinner. I believe Neil has single handedly recruited more new members in the last rear than I did in the prior three. Finally thanks to my wonderful wife for coordinating this dinner and handling the arrangements with the restaurant. As far as the treasurer position and the transfer of duties, that appears to be going along flawlessly. John and Bob can figure out when they would like to officially make the transition and let us know. We are fortunate to have it in their capable hands. Finally thanks to every one of our board members and their spouses. In my eight years with MSSR this is without a doubt the best, most productive group I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I have never had the pleasure of working with a group where everyone worked so hard for the betterment of the club. The club has no idea of how lucky they are to have all of you. Thank you. Sean We at Mt. Sopris Rec Riders want to wish all of you a healthy, happy and prosperous and Snow filled 2011. For more information about protecting our public lands go to: www.whiteriverforestalliance.com and for any information about our club and any of our events check our website: www.mtsoprisrecriders.com. You can also catch up with us on Facebook - or email Sean at summitx@frontier.net As always be safe, be smart and Respect * Protect * Enjoy!
Greeting and Happy New Year for 2011! Well the south eastern Colorado has finally seen their first snow of the season, and a COLD SNAP to go along with it. The clubs in District 5 are starting to go on their rides for the season. I have heard that Grand Lake already this season has had more days of being able to ride out of town than all of last year. They and the northern mountains have been getting a lot of snow. I hope that this last storm put some snow in the southern mountains as well. It appears that we seemed to have “lucked out” or a lot of you made phone calls to your senators during the Lame Duck session, as the Omnibus Wilderness was not passed during
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the session. However everything did not go our was because - Just one day before Christmas Eve 2010, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar announced that he had signed an Order that seeks to embed a Wilderness review in every component of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) planning, creating a unique status for Wilderness different from other multiple uses in BLM management. (Secretarial Order No. 3310 and Draft Wilderness Inventory Manual) Please see the Blue Ribbon Web Site www. sharetrails.org for more specifics Help Us Stop the Secretary that Would Steal Christmas! Until the next issue of Snow Scoop, Wishing everyone a safe snowmobiling season for 2011.
District 5
Jack Sheets
Pikes Peak High Riders
Tim Pattenaude
Well it is looking better and better for this seasons riding. The mountains are getting some good snow, and as I type this, it looks like a storm is moving in and dumping more! The Pikes Peak High Riders held their annual Christmas party and gift exchange at the December meeting. As usual, plenty of gift “stealing” and holiday banter. We also discussed the departure (term limits) of our District 5 representative, Jack Sheets. Jack is responsible to four clubs, PPHR, Pueblo, Westcliffe, and S&W, the next rep will have to come from one of those clubs. Several members of the club have already ridden at Rabbit Ears, reporting conditions from good to excellent. A couple of us have also gone up to Cottonwood Pass for a short ride, only a couple of bare spots to navigate, with decent snow on the trail. We all look forward to the heart of the riding season and ask all to think safety when you are out playing in the snow!!
S&W Adventure Riders
Jack Sheets
We are now in the new year of 2011 and there appears to be a lot of snow in the Western United States, yippee! (as well as the Northeast and the Midwest). We have been making the final arrangements for our S&W Adventure Rides for the 2011 season, and we still have room for riders on all three of the trips, if you are interested. Here are the three rides that S&W is offering this year: The first trip is Northern Colorado: February 26 through March 5. This seven-day trip includes a four-night, four-day destination ride from Meeker to Glenwood Springs. We will be riding in the following areas, Meeker, Rifle (overnight at Coulter Lake Lodge) Glenwood Springs, (Blair Mountain and Deep Lake). We will also be riding in a new area Dunkly Pass and Ripple Creek, the north east side of the flattops. We will end up riding with the Craig Club riding the Freeman Trail area and California Park. We have 31 people signed up so far and we can add more. There are six couples on this trip and 19 singles. The riders are from five states, CO, IA, NM, AZ and UT. We are working with the following clubs, Rifle Snowmobile Club, Meeker Snowmobile Club, Flattoppers of Glenwood Springs, and the Northwest Snowmobile Club of Craig. The second trip is Snowy Range Wyoming: The dates are March 5-7; a three-night, two-day trip. We will stay at the Medicine Bow Lodge on the West Side of Snowy Range. We have 19 signed up for this trip and we can add more. There are five couples and nine singles. The riders are from three states and Alberta, Canada. The third trip is a new area for S&W: the Big Horns of Wyoming. This trips starts on Tuesday March 8 and is a five-night, four-day trip. We currently have 20 riders signed up for this trip and we can add more. We have three couples and 14 singles. The riders are from four states and Alberta, Canada. We hope that you are considering one of our rides for 2011. If you would like information on any of these trips, please contact S&W Adventure Riders, jsheets@cohvco.org, 719-5930711; jrwelch@cohvco.org, 303-3247185; or ccrinco@ezlink.com, 970897-31254. We are excited about the new snow and the range of possibilities for fun and camaraderie! Please contact us soon if you intend to be a part of one or more of our trips for this year.
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High Riders Snowmobile Club – Leadville
Derrick Wood
Happy New Year! The snow is falling and it is a true winter wonderland here at 10,000 feet! While we have had a challenging summer and fall getting our grooming program up and running with our new smaller groomer it looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel now and hopefully by the time you read this we will have our new machine on our trail system! As your president I have to say how much I appreciate that so many of our club members have spent so much time and money in our fund-raising efforts for this grooming program! We have had great support from the community as well and I feel great about the positive reputation and camaraderie we have gained within the community this year. As soon as we are able to get our mining district trails set we invite you to come out and try the new trails. Please remember that we groom not only for the snowmobile club but for our non-motorized friends as well! Be sure and share the trails and keep them safe for everyone to enjoy. Many of the new trails we will be grooming will benefit our club mostly for the opportunities we will have to get to the high country faster - but be sure and watch your speed in case a slower user happens on your path! We should be able to reach some of the east-side system a lot more easily very soon! Our fund-raising efforts won’t be ending any time soon. Please help by asking all of your snowmobiling friends to be sure and join the High Riders! Our club meetings are the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. We will soon be working on more new fund-raising ideas, maybe our March Madness Event (if time allows) and we will be updating our By-Laws in the next several months so if you have an opinion on how you want to see the club progress be sure and make the meetings! Think Snow!
Greetings District 6! After a slow start Winter is now flying by in the high country! I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season (and received the most popular present of all SNOW!) and are now ready to start 2011 out in a great way! The big news in District 6 right now is the upcoming Snow Drags being put on by the Holy Cross PowderHounds! Be sure and check out all the details for this exciting event on their website: www. holycrosspowderhounds.com! It isn’t too late to get yourselves ready to participate in this event! February 5 is just around the corner but if you work fast you can still get your entry fees in and come out and show what you (and your machine) are made of! The Buena Vista Snow Drifters are working hard on all of their trail grooming! They have tons of fun and scenic trails and always have great snow conditions this time of year so be sure and let them know if you are in their area and want to take a run, or three! The High Riders of Leadville are working hard at finalizing the purchase of their new Husky groomer! There were a few challenges with getting the funding all in line but it looks like the new groomer might be on the snow very soon if it isn’t already! They are planning to open up some new terrain that will allow lesser ex-
perienced riders to head deeper into the back country and get a fresh look at some really “cool” mining claims. These groomed areas will also make it quicker and easier for the more experienced rider to get up to places like Empire Gulch and Birdseye...... just remember that these trails are heavily used by non-motorized users as well so keep your speeds down and your eyes open please! We don’t want to take that crowd out since they did help with the fundraising efforts a lot! I am really looking forward to the state convention in Pagosa Springs at the end of the month! Can’t wait to hit some new trails and meet some new people! (Don’t get too excited - my skills aren’t that great so you won’t be intimidated by my riding expertise!) See you there! PS - I want to thank all of you who have purchased some of our new merchandise! We have many great new items from mugs to hoodies and sunglass cases to bumper stickers (more jewelry debuting at the convention!) and we run sales frequently so be sure and check the website often! This is not only a great way to show your support for CSA and snowmobiling, but the sale of this merchandise is used as a fund-raiser for CSA – SO by purchasing merchandise you double your efforts, and double our pleasure!
District 6
Carrie Kroschel
Heart of the Rockies Snowmobile Club – Salida
Chandra L. Feather
Happy New Year to you all out in snow country. We hope that you all had a nice holiday season and that the New Year is off to a great start. Not too much has been happening in Chaffee County for the last few months. We did put a float in our lightening of S mountain on Nov. 26. We put the snowcat up and legs in front to look like a sleigh and reindeer carrying it. It was a big float and we took first place. Thank you to all who came out and helped put the float together and who rode it that night to toss candy. Also thanks to Steve and Cindy Criswell of All Season Adventures for letting us use their lot to decorate. Dec 16 we had our annual Christmas party up at Monarch Tours, we had about 35 members that attended. It is always a good time to just relax and eat great food with friends. Thank you to Bill Block for letting us use his building and to everyone who came up. So far we don’t have much planned for January yet. We will have our next club meeting Jan 20 at the Golf Club. Social hour starts at 6 p.m. with the meeting part starting at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there. We are trying to get some club rides put together and we will keep everyone posted on that. Enjoy the New Year and hope you all find the perfect snow...
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District 7 Curt Miller
The southern mountains finally received some snow. This is the strangest weather pattern we have been experiencing. We’ve received 93” in seven days with wet snow on the Continental Divide and rain everywhere else. The problem is getting to the snow at the lower elevation of the trails is still very marginal. There is enough snow that most of the District 7 clubs are now grooming. I hope everyone looked at the December online edition of the Snow Scoop. I thought it was very well done. Great job Jeff! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and 24” of powder snow per week for a few months in 2011.
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Creede Snow Country Explorers
Leslie Dustin
It’s finally snowing in the Creede area! We anticipate several feet out of this current storm so we should be good to start snowmobiling. The club’s Holiday Ride was scheduled for Tuesday, December 28 for a trip up Bristol Head. Four additional rides are scheduled for January. Please check the events calendar on www.snowmobilecolo.com for ride schedules. In addition, we are planning on joining in the fun at the CSA Convention in Pagosa Springs. If you’ve never attended one of the CSA Conventions, do so this year. It is a great way to meet new people and learn new skills. The club had a great business meeting on November 4 hosted by Bill and Nancy Blackford. Nancy proved she was part Italian by preparing a fabulous lasagna dinner and homemade bread. Members rounded out the meal with salads and desserts. Our next business meeting will be January 13 at 7 p.m. We will again be meeting at Bill and Nancy Blackford’s home at 418 Deep Creek Road. All Snow Country Explorer activities are posted on the web site. Please come and ride with us! Just to get you interested in the Creede area, I’ve included a picture of some of the scenery from the Snow Mesa trail. Hope to see you all out there having fun. Keep thinking snow!
Chef Nancy Blackford hosting the Snow Country Explorers Lasagna Dinner.
Jerre Guthals enjoying the view from Snow Mesa, Trail 3, Spring Creek to Creede.
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Lake City/ Continental Divide Snowmobile Club
Steve Robinson
After a very dry start to the season, the San Juans have caught up on snow and the snowmobiling and back country skiing can begin. In fact, there has been so much snow all at once, it has been difficult to get the trails groomed and marked but I am sure by the time this hits the presses, all will be well. On trail conditions, a reminder that you can check the CSA website or go to our site at www.lakecitysnowmobileclub.com. The club site was updated again this year and has a new look. Please check it out. We are holding monthly club meeting on the third Thursday of the month at local restaurants and yes there is more than one open. In January, the meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the Packer Saloon on Silver Street. For those wishing to snowmobile and stay in winter Lake City, you can get a full list of businesses open at www.lakecity.com or by calling the Chamber of Commerce at 970-944-2527. A reminder to readers that Lake City will be celebrating winter during February. One of the scheduled events will be the 10th annual Balloon Festival and Snowmobile Rally. On Friday, February 11, join us as we take the balloon pilots on a stunning ride of the Lake City area trails weaving along the Continental Divide. On Saturday, February 12 and Sunday, February 13, the balloons fly from frozen Lake San Cristobal starting around 8 a.m., weather permitting. For information on both events, call Lake City Auto at 970-944-2311. Other events scheduled in February include ice climbing, ice fishing and ski races. Timing for all events may be found at the websites listing above. We hope to see many you in Lake City this year enjoying our trails and powder.
South Fork Powder Busters
Bob Sundeen
Well here it is a new year. Christmas passed so fast, hope everyone got what they wanted. We finally got snow! Which was great for the holidays. We may catch up with some of you guys! We had a nice Christmas dinner in South Fork. Thanks to our president for setting it up. Everyone had a good time. Park Creek Road going to Summitville has been plowed up to now because of work at the mine. They tell us that they should no longer plow the road after Christmas. So we are hoping by the New Year, we have enough snow to start grooming it! The lower trails haven’t had enough snow because of the warm weather. Hopefully that will change in January. Once you get above 10 thousand feet the snow is good!
Its Christmas day today as I write this, and I want to offer a special “Thank You” to our troops fighting for our freedom. I appreciate your sacrifice of spending Christmas away from your families during this Christmas season in order to protect our Country. Instead of blanketed in snow as much of our Western Colorado mountains, we are a balmy 45° here today and I probably should mow the lawn. It is difficult, to say the least, when you are itching to go riding a new sled and there is no snow! District 8 is doing well for the most part with LOTS of snow being reported in most of our mountains. High winds have been common the past week or so and avalanche danger has been considerable. Most clubs have begun grooming and are getting the trails in order and ready to ride. I had the opportunity to spend a weekend on Grand Mesa recently and learned that Thunder Mountain Lodge and Thunder Mountain Restaurant are under new management and open for business. (Formerly known as Spruce Lodge) I had the opportunity to stop by and meet Mark Stewart from the lodge and Billy Lawrence from the restaurant, they have made some amazing upgrades and modifications to both the cabins for rent as well as the restaurant itself. The cabins have been remodeled and insulated and are ready to rent out. The dining area too has seen significant improvements and they are
open for business. Mark donated two nights lodging and Billy donated two dinners to be given away at the State Convention in Pagosa Springs in January. Both the Lodge and the Restaurant joined CSA as business members so be sure to stop by and support them. There will be multiple avalanche classes held this winter in District 8: Two on Grand Mesa, and one on Dave Wood road out of Montrose. Check www.snomobilecolo.com or check with your local club for more details. A special thanks also goes out to Planet Motorsports in Montrose this month for holding and sponsoring the drawing for the CSA raffle. Reid, Kevin, Joe and the rest of the gang have been doing a great service to our sport this year and we do appreciate their efforts. I had the opportunity to attend the North Fork Snowmobile Clubs annual Christmas party and a great time was had by all! I believe we counted 64 people that made the party. I did learn not to let Kathleen Starr take care of your children or grandparents, aunts, uncles’ fine pets or special beverages. She can’t seem to keep track of them, and can even get moderately excited if not a touch violent if she thinks you have taken them without her permission. Sorry K-O, I think it was Barbs idea ;-} Hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! See you on the hill.
District 8 Aaron Todd
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North Fork Snowmobile Club – Hotchkiss
Sherry Robley
Good morning everyone, by the time you read this the holidays will be fond memories and we will have started the New Year. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and safe travels. We are finally getting more snow. It sounds like Crested Butte really was dumped on the last couple of days. Unofficial reports are that all our local mountains have been getting a fair amount of snow in the recent storms and that snowmobiling went from crappy to great in a couple of days. Yea!!! Our club Christmas party was a huge success. Bill and Carla Allen always go all out with decorations and a huge Christmas tree. We certainly appreciate all their efforts in making it a very festive evening. There were approximately 55 people in attendance. The food was great as usual. Everyone should have to bring their recipes. Our club bought a “Spot” as a special gift for the evening and Sam Vasicko was the lucky winner. There is some suspicion that it might have been a fixed deal since his wife, Kyla, drew the winning number. I do not have the dollar figure on what we raised with our auction but I know they got a lot of ours. Our Regional Representative, Aaron Todd, donated a “Spot” for the auction and my husband, Dave, was the lucky bidder. All had a great evening of fun and merriment. Our 31st Annual Poker Run will be held on Saturday, February 12 on Black Mesa. This event is open to the public. Participants will purchase their tickets at the Crystal Creek trailhead from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for $10/hand. Multiple hands can be purchased. Hands will be drawn at the Black Mesa Lodge. The last hand will be drawn at 1 p.m. and winners announced no later than 2 p.m. Winners do no have to be present to win. There is a 50% payout so bring a lot of friends. High Hand – 30%, Low Hand – 25%, 2nd High Hand - 20%, 3rd High Hand - 15% and 4th High Hand - 10%. Lunch will be available for purchase at the lodge. If you need more information, directions or have not volunteered to help yet, call Wes Spore at 970-8722167. Remember, this is a high traffic day so be patient and courteous. The Silverton Avalanche School is starting a Level 1 avalanche class for snowmobilers. They have been working for several years to start an avalanche class specifically for snowmobilers and this is their first year. The class will be held on February 18-20, 2011, and the cost is $279/person. Silverton Avalanche School is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on how to play safe in avalanche terrain. All proceeds benefit the
San Juan Search and Rescue. The school has been in operation since 1962 and have professional avalanche instructors for these classes. The instructors for this class are Johann Slamm and Mike Duffy. Johann Slamm is a professional avalanche forecaster and educator from British Columbia and Mike Duffy is a pioneer in snowmobile avalanche education in Colorado. Our club decided to send two members to this class. They will report to the club so we can improve upon our own avalanche training. This is a great opportunity for two lucky members and a benefit to our club. Go to the Silverton Avalanche School website
Antlers Inn 970-723-8690
to read more about what this class will offer. Any interested club member needs to contact Joe Oglesby as soon as possible so arrangements can be made in a timely manner. Call Joe at 970-921-3002. The membership decided at our December meeting to offer a Cold Weather Survival Class. Tim DuvalChampion and Mike Picard are heading up this program and are in the process of designing the course for our club. At this time, I do not have specific in-depth details of what this course will entail. I do know that you will learn how to build a snow cover and build and maintain a fire. You will be shown what gear you need
Chedsey Motel 970-723-8201
North Park Inn & Suites 970-723-4271
to carry and taught how to use it as well as essential cold weather clothing. Mental status and focus is also very important in being able to survive in the elements and will be part of the course agenda. Tim and Mike hope to have a class available sometime in February. Tim and Mike are taking names of interested members so they can contact you when they are ready to start classes. If you are interested in taking a survival class and/or want more details, call Tim or Mike. Tim can be contacted at 970-872-5445 or 970-986-2662 and Mike at 970-835-4588. Until next time, be safe and have a fun-filled snowmobile season.
Hoover Roundup Motel 970-723-4680
North Park Yurts 970-723-4070
Lake John Resort 970-723-3226
KOA Campground 970-723-4310 Westside Motel 970-723-8589
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Western Slope Snowmobile Association Snowskippers
Herb Else
The Western Slope Snowmobile Assn. (known as the “Snowskippers”) is located in Grand Junction, CO. Our Club was founded in 1968 by Royal Collard and other dedicated sledders. This past summer Royal Collard passed away and in his honor a scholarship will be awarded by CSA. The Snowskippers will host a first annual Royal Collard Poker Run on March 5 at Vega State Park, pending Forest Service approval. All snowmobilers on the Western Slope will greatly miss Royal’s expertise and wit when it comes to snowmobiling. Our first club ride took place on Sat., Dec. 18. We rode from Vega State Park to Alexander Lake Lodge for lunch. Since we had thirty some riders, we cut up three large trees that had fallen across the SP trail. The lack of good snow depth
means there are lots of rocks showing and some in the main trail. Be aware!!!!! We have some great rides planned for this year starting with Jan. 8 out of Bonham trail-head. Jan. 16 on the Flat Tops North of Rifle, starting at the West Elk Trail-head. Jan 28-31 we have scheduled a ride in Chama, New Mexico, snow permitting. Feb. 19 and 20 is our annual overnight ride to Glenwood Springs and back. This ride starts at Buzzard Creek. Last year we had forty-two hearty riders braved a blizzard to get to Glenwood, but what a great family outing. The fun we have riding, swimming in the Hot Springs pool after a day of riding is un-matched. The Snowskippers also participate in the Mesa County Search and Rescue. Approximately thirty-nine of our members take part in training and search and rescue missions on the snow. In October we were called upon to assist the Gar-
Uncompahgre Valley Trail Riders
Arlene Hawley
Delta SnoKrusers
Katie Himes
Happy 2011!! Thirty-eight members attended the UVTR’s Christmas party. A great selection of appetizers and desserts were enjoyed by all. There were some lucky winners of door prizes and definitely a fun time with the Chinese gift exchange. Thanks to Jodianne Willis for the centerpieces and providing hot cider and punch. Karen L’Argent’s help with set up was appreciated. The CSA snowmobile raffle was held at Planet Motorsports here in Montrose Saturday, December 18. Congratulations to the winners from Steamboat and Craig. Seven members from our club attended the drawing, hopeful that their names would be called for the big win. Rich Jakino sent out the snowmobile ride schedule to members. If you have not received the schedule or have questions, contact Rich at 209-8900. Snowmobile rides for January are the 7th on Grand Mesa. Ron Asher is the trail boss. January 16 is Norwood, with their club. Aaron Todd is the trail boss. The snowflakes are beginning to fly up on the Plateau and the Cimarron so the groomers may be out there grooming trails any day now. Hello to all of you snowmobilers of Colorado. Well, we have snow in southwest Colorado and all clubs are grooming many of their trails. Rhonda will be easier to live with, now that we are getting snow and it looks like we will have a good start on the white stuff needed to put on a successful CSA Convention. Don’t forget to mark January 28-30 on your calendar for the annual event which the Wolf Creek Trailblazers are hosting this year in Pagosa Springs. Late registrations are being accepted after January 15. This is a short report this month, but we’re on the road and I need to make the Snow Scoop deadline. I’m looking forward to see you all at the convention. Think Snow, Be Safe, Be Courteous!
District 9
Jimmy Britton
field County Search and Rescue to look for three lost hunters on the Flat Tops near Coffee Pot. Mesa County ended up assisting with twelve volunteers. The three hunters were found after spending four nights out in sub-zero weather. These three men are alive today because #1 they stayed in one place and #2 they kept a fire going. Surviving in the winter can be very difficult unless you prepare yourself. Water, fire, and shelter are key pieces in making it out alive. We had our annual Parade of Lights parade in Grand Junction Dec. 5. Our club spent three days building a float and decorating it to Candy Land theme. Everyone had a great time on this project, especially the kids, Dale included. We all had fun at the parade, giving out lots of candy to the thousands of kids to lined Main Street. We meet every second Tuesday of the month at Mesa County Posse Barn, 648 25 Road.
Did you know that the dues for being a member of our club and the CSA go to the support the continued work to keep our lands open? And that there are groups out there devoting their time to changing snowmobile access to trail only or not at all? The January 2011 edition of Snow West has a GREAT article in it regarding this subject. It talks about whose out to close our access, specifically, and states that the American Council of Snowmobile Associations works constantly to keep these efforts at bay and our lands open. All of this is done through membership. If we don’t have support through members, we don’t have money; and my friend, money makes the world go around. We all read this newspaper because we are all supports of snowmobiling. If each of us that supports snowmobiling convinces another that we know (and we all know someone) that supports snowmobiling to join their local club ad CSA, we can individually help the cause to keep our lands open. So if you care to keep your right to ride, talk to a friend; convince them that, without the membership numbers, those rides you are planning won’t happen.
Wolf Creek Trailblazers
Rhonda Britton
Hello to all. I hope ya’ll had a good Christmas and are now getting some quality snowmobiling worked into your schedule. We’ve spent several weeks in Oklahoma and Texas and are now en route back to Pagosa Springs and looking forward to some good times on the snow. We both enjoy snow shoeing and snowmobiling, but first we’ve got to dig into the cabin. Perhaps I should say, Jimmy needs to shovel our way in. He’s much better at that than I am! The Trailblazers are looking forward to welcoming you to Pagosa Springs and our winter trails. Happy New Year and hope to see you on the trails!
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San Juan Sledders Roger Pennington
Hi All, By the time you are reading this Christmas will have come and gone. I hope everyone got everything you were wanting for Christmas. We have finally gotten snow in SW Colorado so we have been really busy grooming trying to catch up. I say catch up due to the fact that we did not do any grooming until almost the middle of Dec due to lack of snow. We had a cookie exchange at our December meeting. Sold a few raffle tickets and took care of some business with everyone taking a plate full of cookies home after the meeting. Hope discussed some of the rides she has planned. Our annual Fun Days for the Disabled is Saturday March 12, 2011. If you have never had the pleasure of putting some smiles on some very special people’s faces, plan to attend this year and help out. It will be at Molas Lake with the Silverton Club and Jim and Amy Lokey. We will begin things at 10 a.m. as usual and run till 2 p.m. We will give snowmobile rides and snowcat rides. Hopefully Greg and Gretchen Dubit will be able to attend and give the clients dog sled rides as well. We will feed everyone lunch of course again this year. We have a date for an Avalanche Class as well. Ron Delecrose and JW Wilder from State Parks will be putting on the class. They will put the class on at Molas Lake for the District 9 clubs. It will be an all day class starting at 9 a.m. on Saturday Feb 5, 2011. This is a very good class and I would encourage everyone to come up and take this must have class. If you do not have an Avalanche Beacon come on up anyway as they have extra ones for everyone to use. In case you have missed it in past articles our monthly meetings are on the second Thursday of each month at the South Serious Texas Bar B Q. If you want to eat dinner before the meeting be sure and show up at 6 p.m. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. If you have not paid your dues for this year, please do so ASAP. You can go on line to www.snowmobilecolo.com and renew on there or you can send you dues to Marty as you have in the past. If you have a neighbor who has sleds and they do not belong to the club try to get them to join. Till Next Time, Think Lots More Snow Roger Pennington
Silverton Snowmobile Club
Dean Des Palmes
Hope this article finds everyone happy and healthy after the holidays. Silverton finally started getting some real snow in mid-December. We have already been out riding and the Molas Lake area has been groomed but now we can start doing some real riding. Our club has all kinds of fun events scheduled. We did change the date on our club dinner to March 19. We should still have some great snow here. Hope everyone can make it to the annual CSA convention in Pagosa Springs. The convention is just around the corner from us so don’t be surprised if you see a few extra Silverton Club members there this year. We are planning our club fun days with a poker run on February 20 and then will start gearing up for the Snow Cross Races that will be coming on March 5 and 6. We will be closing up our season with the Big Brother/Big Sisters/Soldier ride on March 26 before we get out our shorts for summer. Happy New Year and remember to ride safe out there.
Hi All, I guess I have been falling down on the job. I got a question about a petition to take our exemption for Over the Snow designation and did not know what the guy was talking about. Come to find out Kim Rapp had written a very good article about it in the last Snow Scoop on Page 30. It seems a group by the name of Winter Wildlands Alliance has gotten around 90 environmental groups to sign a petition and they had sent it to Washington asking them to change the Forest Service 2005 Travel Management Rule that changed snowmobiles from an OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) designation to an OSV (Over Snow Vehicle) designation. The difference being that OHVs have to stay on roads or trails where OSVs can travel cross country over the snow. If this petition succeeds then we would be restricted to roads and trails as well. It appears for now that they are not considering the petition in Washington. If you want to read a more detailed article on it. Get your last issue of the Snow Scoop out and go to page 30. While grooming today I came on an interesting new sign that was taped to the post on the gate for Bald Mountain. It read “ATTENTION Baldy Mountain Closure 2011 CLOSED 8/20-11/15 And 12/1-5/31.” This was taped to the post where the gate to Baldy was padlocked to. The gate has the usual sign on it telling of Baldy being closed year round to Motorcycles, ATVs and
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Jeeps; It being open for Snowmobiles, Cross Country Skiing, Horseback Riding and Hiking. I sat and looked at the two signs and finally came to the conclusion that Snowmobiles were going to be closed out in 2011. I immediately called the Forest Service, as soon as I had cell phone service, and asked about the sign. I was told that it was for all other motorized vehicles. It is basically the closure to cross country travel up there for all other motorized vehicles. I was told it does not affect snowmobiles. I am still bothered about this, even after being told it will not affect snowmobiles. The part that bothers me is that no other motorized vehicle has been allowed on Baldy now for several summers except on a couple of roads. The sign that has been on the gate now for a couple of years had stated that. So my question is why the new sign? I will keep you all informed. If any of you out there come on something similar in your Forest, Please be sure to let me know. Maybe I am just suspicious in my old age... time will tell. In closing, if you find you have a few extra dollars lying around the house and need a good place to donate it, Please do not forget you can make donations to the Right to Ride Fund. Till Next Time, Think Lots More Snow Roger Pennington Right to Ride Chairman
Right to Ride Chairman
Roger Pennington
Janelle Kukuk
Grand Raffle Tickets
Each year the American Council of Snowmobile Associations offers up for raffle 4 high performance or mountain sleds from each of the major manufacturers. CSA received 25 of these tickets to sell. It is our goal to sell all 25. And I know there are several of you out there wishing for a new sled. The tickets sell for $100 each and only 1000 tickets are printed. The drawing will be held on May 26, 2011 (need not be present to win). The first ticket drawn will have his/her choice of a 2012 Arctic Cat, Polaris, SkiDoo, or Yamaha sled (800 cc or equivalent). The second ticket a choice of the remaining 3 and so forth. All donations are tax deductible. All proceeds from the sale of the tickets go to fund the work of the American Council of Snowmobile Associations. ACSA is our voice at the national level. They work extensively in Washington DC with legislators, top brass of the Forest Service, BLM and National Park Service. They monitor activity across the country that has impacts on snowmobiling. They keep an extensive library of resources to help state associations and local clubs alike meet the challenges we face all the time. To order your ticket(s) please send a check and postcard with your name, address and phone number to ACSA Grand Raffle, Janelle Kukuk, 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede, CO 81130. GOOD LUCK!
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ACSA Raffle Calendars
Janelle Kukuk
There are a few ACSA 2011 Raffle Calendars left. It isn’t too late to order one. All the clubs have received some to sell as well. The drawing for January will be held at the end of the month so order now to get your name in January’s pot. The Calendars are fun and an easy way to help donate to both the American Council of Snowmobile Associations and the Colorado Snowmobile Association. The premise behind the calendars is this: Purchase a calendar for $20 ($5 goes to CSA), your name is put in the pot. At the end of each month names will be drawn for prizes for each day. After each name is drawn it is put back into the pot so you literally have 365 chances to win. The prizes range from $20 to a new sled. There will be over $17,000 in prizes awarded throughout the year. You will also get six chances to win a new sled including that brand new 2011 Arctic Cat full size snowmobile. To purchase a calendar mail your name, address and phone number (best one to contact you) to Raffle Calendar, Janelle Kukuk, 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede, CO 81130. Please enclose how many calendars you want, and a check for the appropriate amount. Don’t delay!
New Member Contest
Janelle Kukuk
Our association is a membership based organization. Our mission is carried out by our members, for our members and on behalf of our members. Many of the decisions the administration of the organization face are directly and indirectly related to retaining and recruiting members. Bottom line, without members, there is no Colorado Snowmobile Association. What comes with your membership in a club and CSA: • Members only access to www.snowmobilecolo.com, CSA’s official website, where you get discounts on CSA merchandise, special offers on events throughout the year, including the Snowmobile Exposition each October, access to your personal membership information so you can keep it current and the latest news and alerts regarding snowmobiling and other outdoor recreation concerns • A $3000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Policy supplied by American Income Life (see related article in this SnowScoop) as well as the ability to enroll in other insurance programs • Four printed issues of the Colorado SnowScoop, official publication of the Colorado Snowmobile Association, viewable by members online (www.snowmobilecolo.com) after the printed edition is received by members • Three online only issues of the Colorado SnowScoop • Discounted premiums to AFLAC Insurance Policies • Opportunities to meet new friends, gain new riding buddies and find new places to ride. CSA will award a cash prize at the 2011 Convention and Annual Meeting on January 24-26, 2011, in Pagosa Springs to a new member drawn from the pot of new members for the 2010-11 season. In addition, there will also be a cash prize for a sponsor of a new member for the same time period. So make sure that when you recruit a new member that you make sure your club knows you are the sponsor or make sure your new member enters your name as a sponsor if they join online. Membership is what makes CSA’s world go ‘round. Please help us build our membership to record highs this year. COLORADO SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION
__Individual $22
__Family $22
__Business $32
____New Member ____Renewal
Last Name__________________________________First Name______________________________________ Spouse Last Name___________________________Spouse First Name________________________________ Total in Household_____
Number of Snowmobiles Owned_____
Mailing Address__________________________________________City________________________________ State_______Zip____________Best Contact Phone________________________________________________ Email__________________________________(for association use only) ********************************************************************************************************************************* Business Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person Last Name____________________________First Name________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________Physical Address________________________________ City_____________________________________State________Zip___________________ Business Phone___________________________Website____________________________________________ Email___________________________________(for association use only) If Snowmobile Dealer, what brand(s)______________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************************************************************************** Sponsor (Who influenced you to join CSA)________________________________________________________ To buy new CSA Merchandise go to CSA’s website www.snowmobilecolo.com Please consider contributing to the CSA “Right to Ride” Fund
Please consider contributing to the CSA SEEDS Fund (Support, Education, Events, Development, Safety)
Membership dues from above __Payment Enclosed
__Bill my Credit Card
$________________ Total
__Visa __Mastercard __Discover #_______________________________________________Exp Date_________ Security Code:________Name on Card_____________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________________ (credit card not valid without signature)
PLEASE REMIT TO: CSA, 325 RIVER ROCK DR, JOHNSTOWN, CO 80534 970-587-0364 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Amt Received$__________________
Check #__________ Date Received_______________
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m
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CSA Annual Convention
Food! Games! Prizes! Fun! New CSA Merchandise! Surprises Too! Convention time is upon us already! We’ve got snow with more on the way! We are all geared up to welcome you to our neck of the woods here in the southern San Juan Mountains. The convention will be held at the Pagosa Springs Lodge, 3505 W. Hwy 160, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 and is hosted by the Wolf Creek Trail Blazers, Pagosa Springs. Registration will be in the Lodge’s restaurant on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Times are listed below and any new information concerning events and rides will be posted in the lobby of the Lodge. CSA merchandise will also be on display and for sale in the glass enclosed room in the lobby of The Lodge during the Convention events. Remember the dates for the convention are January 28-30, 2011, which is right around the corner. See you soon! Contacts: Rhonda Britton – 970-7598368(cell), 970-264-2711(Hm), rhondabritton@ymail.com Joe Merola – 970-946-7828, LandJMerola@yahoo.com NEW INFO: To go lunches may be ordered from: The Pagosa Lodge – phone 970731-4141 the evening before you ride or early the morning of the ride. Price: $7.95 includes white or wheat sandwich choices of roast beef, turkey, or ham, variety of cheeses, chips and soda or water. The Plaza Grille – phone 970-7312737 the evening before you ride (preferably by 6 pm). Price: $9 Deli white or wheat hoagie sandwich options of roast beef, turkey, ham, or tuna, cheese options of cheddar, swiss, or provolone, vegetable options are lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles. An apple or orange, cookie or brownie, and bottled water or fruit juice is also included. www.plazagrillepagosa.com Schedule of Events: Fri., Jan. 28 – Trail Rides, 9 a.m. – Meet at The Pagosa Lodge – Ride information will be posted in The Lodge Lobby. Registration – 5:30-8:30 p.m. in the Lodge Restaurant. Pick up all your meal tickets for the weekend as well as updated ride schedules and information with your “welcome bags”. Spaghetti Dinner Served by Wolf Creek Trail Blazers– 6-8 p.m. (portable wine/beer cash bar provided by the Pagosa Lodge) LIVE BAND IN THE LODGE BAR Friday night! Sat., Jan. 29 – Late Registration – 8-9 a.m. in the Lodge Lobby Trail Rides – 9 a.m. – Ride descriptions will be posted at the Lodge. Meet at the Pagosa Lodge. NEW! Chips ‘n Salsa Fellowship Mixer – 5-6 p.m. before banquet
CSA Banquet and Awards – 6 p.m. in the Lodge’s Banquet Room (portable wine/beer cash bar available) LIVE BAND IN THE LODGE BAR Saturday night! Sun., Jan. 30 – Breakfast Buffet/CSA Quarterly meeting/elections – 8-9:30 a.m. Deluxe Continental Breakfast Buffet prepared by the Lodge in the Lodge Restaurant Trail Rides – (About) 10 a.m. (immediately following CSA meeting) - Riders will meet at the Pagosa Lodge Lodging – January 27-29: The Pagosa Lodge – website: www. pagosalodge.com, Special CSA rate: $74.95 for one king or two queens. Deluxe continental breakfast included. Request CSA rate by phone at 970731-4141. 48 hr. cancellation policy. Plenty of Parking! The Spa Motel – website:www. pshotsprings.com, CSA Rates: $90 for two persons, $81 for one person, full use of all their hot mineral pools. Eight double queen rooms are being blocked for the Convention. Request CSA rate by phone at 970-264-5910. 72 hour cancellation policy. The Hillside Inn – www.hillsideinnpagosa.com, CSA rate $71.95 for one king or two queens. Hot continental breakfast. Phone direct at 970-7315101. The Alpine Inn – www.alpineinnofpagosasprings.com. Continental breakfast. 970-731-4005. The Oak Ridge Lodge – www. oakridgelodgepagosa.com, 970-2644173/866-472-4672 Studio 160 “The Center for Beauty, Barber and Body Care” Dee Butler, owner, is offering a special CSA Convention discount of $10 off on services, which include manicure/ pedicures, haircuts, coloring, permanents and “wonderful” facials. Senior rates are slightly lower. Phone early for an appointment! 970-731-CARE (2273). Studio 160 is offering special hours to accommodate our convention guests. And to wet your appetites, here are our menus!
Spaghetti Dinner – Spaghetti, Sauce w/meatballs, Garlic bread, Salad, Desserts, Iced tea, Soft drinks, Water Catered Saturday Banquet By Cristine’s Cuisine – Carved Roast of Baron w/au jus and horseradish sauce, Filet of Salmon in a lemon-dill buerre blanc sauce, Herb roasted baby red potatoes, Green beans almandine, Mixed field greens salad w/tomato and cucumber, Balsamic vinaigrette and Buttermilk herb ranch dressing,
Double chocolate Kahlúa cake, French roast coffee, organic mint iced tea and lemonade, Regular iced tea and water, All accompaniments and home baked rolls on each table Sunday Morning Deluxe Breakfast Buffet – Biscuits, Gravy, Bacon, Sausage, Egg patties, Cereals, Pastries, Milk, juices, coffee, tea, water
CSA Scholarship
The Colorado Snowmobile Association will again be offering a scholarship to either a graduating high school senior or a person currently enrolled in college. This will be a $1000 grant and will be given to the winner regardless of other grants or scholarships that the student may also receive. Winners of the state competition will be sent to the Western Chapter of the International Snowmobile Council competition for a chance for an additional $1000 grant. Requirements for the application are as follows: 1. The applicant must be a member of a snowmobile club that is also a member of the Colorado Snowmobile Association. 2. The applicant must submit the completed application form which can be downloaded from CSA’s website, coloradosledcity.com. 3. The applicant must submit a resume detailing his/her involvement in snowmobiling as well as extra-curricular activities. 4. The applicant must include an essay (subject on application form). The essay should be a minimum of 800 words double-space and typed. 5. The application must be RECEIVED by CSA by March 15, 2011. No late applications will
be considered. This year’s essay subject is: What would you advise snowmobile organizations (local clubs, state/provincial associations, etc.) do to broaden their appeal to recruit more members like yourself? Your essay should provide a glimpse at what is compelling to you and your peers and what should be added or changed to make an organization more appealing. It will be evaluated on the basis of persuasiveness, logic, and composition. The winner of the CSA Scholarship will be announced at the 2nd quarter meeting that will be held in April/May of 2011. The winner of the Western Chapter Scholarship will be announced at the International Snowmobile Congress in June of 2011 in Calgary, AB. The funding for this scholarship comes from the sale of raffle tickets for the CSA 50/50 Raffle held each year. The funding for the Western Chapter scholarship comes from the sale of belt buckles and donations received throughout the year. An alternate will be picked if the winner should decide not to enroll in college. Send your application packet to Katie Himes, PO Box 162, Mesa, CO 81643 or email it, or any questions you have, to himes.kate@gmail.com.
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Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests!
The Off Road Body Shop 830 E Railway 970-345-2612
Peak Motorsports, LLC
2901 Adcock Blvd 719-587-4039 peakmotorsportsonline.com
Diamond Contracting Corp
18300 Hwy 72 303-456-7666
Supreme Offices II LLC PO Box 1303 303-431-5994
Pitco Off Road
311 Arbo 970-925-4788
Bear Paw Lodge at Vallecito Lake
Collins & Associates PC Law 18011 County Offices Road 501 970-884-2508
PO Box 5615 970-485-1879
Vista Court Cabins George’s Repair PO Box 3056 Service 719-395-6557
Carbondale Carter Electric Inc.
Blue Spruce RV Park & Cabins
Four Corners Painting
JB Plumbing
Premier Roofing LLC
Cheney Plumbing & Heating Inc.
PSQ Enterprises Inc.
Cobble Creek Landscaping Inc
1875 CR 500 970-884-2641 252 Faith Ln 970-884-8276
Leonard & Sons Excavation
175 CR 500 970-884-2239
Professional Exterminator
12137 CR 501 970-247-4832
Purple Haze Bar & Grill
PO Box 3357 970-485-0101 PO Box 3681 970-409-8836 PO Box 4146 970-418-4146
Clean Cars of Denver
1676 CR 100 Bld O #1 970-963-8785 PO Box 392 970-963-0275
1765 Candleglow St 303-263-3561
Belden Construction PO Box 1019 970-856-6403
Bob Brewer Construction & Hauling 23045 T Rd 970-856-3318
604 Graceland Dr 970-963-0410
Grand Mesa Lodge Inc.
1044 Main St 970-963-4584
One Tel Wireless
Crystal Springs Builders
10362 E 143rd Crystal Valley Way 2445 Beaver Plumbing & 720-231-1839 Creek Ranch Heating Rd Colorado Clays PO Box 1323 970-884-4441 LLC 970-963-1251 13600 Lanewood RP Enterprises Days Inn St 164 Sandia Cir 350 Cowen Dr 303-659-7117 CR 520 970-963-9111 970-946-6891 Earthworks cell
Buena Vista
PO Box 49 970-856-3366
1130 SE Fairway Dr 970-856-3875
Bothell Seed
3527 W Rd 8 N 719-754-3686
Commerce City
Universal Fleet RV and Auto Collision
4545 E 52nd Ave Unit A 303-292-0996 universal-collision.com
A & E Tire Inc.
1251 Lincoln Ave 970-824-0217
Action Drain
195 Clay Ave 970-824-2564
American Northwest Realty
105 E Victory Way 970-824-3446
Axis Steel
PO Box 1546 970-824-3256
Black Mountain Glass
75 E 4th 970-824-5353
Rhino Linings of Craig 831 Green St 970-826-6271
Rocky Mountain T.L.C.
1820 W Victory Way 970-824-4945
Scott Strategic Investments
509 Yampa Ave 970-326-8100
Crested Butte
Donita’s Cantina
PO Box 1149 332 Elk Avenue 970-349-6674
Floresta Partners LLC
PO Box 549 214 6th St # 7 970-349-0305 Colvinconstruction.com
The Flower Mine
Gas Café
The OP Bar & Grill
Irwin Backcountry Guides
410 W Victory Way 970-824-7441 536 E Victory Way 970-824-8918
VFW Post 4265
419 E Victory Way 970-824-9860
Xtreme Mountain Racing
1156 Aspen Ave 970-824-7848
PO Box 2119 970-349-9656 PO Box 1807 970-901-9161
Black Mesa Lodge 706 1550 Rd 970-874-0715
H H Huff Inc. Excavating 1727 F Rd 970-874-4850
Kwiki Tire Service Construction Co Arrowhead Ranch Brothers Custom 1680 S Main St Cottonwood Coun304 Hwy 133 970-874-4590 try Snowmobile Processing 39927 Hwy 160 Real Estate 970-963-2296 Bruce’s Snowshoe PO Box 448 Pest Away Spray970-884-4101 PO Box 188 Tours Electric Mountain Lodge and B&B 970-824-3855 w w w . s w a g i n c . 970-862-8402 PO Box 1648 ing EMB Properties Lodge PO Box 255 com www.arrowhead- Cook Chevrolet, 719-395-6727 1188 Sunset Ct 25151 E Kettle PO Box 1005 719-658-2315 ranch.com 970-874-0920 Vallecito Lake Olds, Jeep, Headwaters EnAve 41348 Electric Cascada Bar & Rocky Mountain RL Smith Fence Chamber of ComSubaru 303-690-0318 ergy Mtn Ln Grill 785-1575 Rd 1776 W Victory Program MCT LLC 32220 CR 361 merce 970-929-5522 B-Tec, Inc.
2453 S Flanders Ct 303-981-3680
Aztec NM
Aztec Excavation Co PO Box 370 505-330-2708
Intermountain Construction
16980 Hwy 550 505-334-8035
Mesa Pipeline Service
PO Box 400 505-334-4042
Southwest Ag, Inc.
17252 CR 501 970-884-2641
Vallecito Nordic Club
133 Mtn Shadow Liars’ Lodge 30000 CR 371 Dr 888-542-7756 970-884-6193 www.LiarsLodge. Westside Plumbcom
88 Pine Lane 970-884-6131
Big Spring TX
Alpine Carpet Care Neighbors Auto Sales 71 Cedar Ln 303-816-6461
1300 E 4th 432-263-0822
3570 County Road 43 Pharmastrategies 915-204-9598
Cindy Kenney Agency
PO Box 3950 970-927-6596
Daly Property Service
0345 Lewis Ln 970-927-2430
Mountain Works PO Box 3260 970-927-0985
Rudd Construction, Inc.
0132 Park Ave 970-927-9119
Valley Lumber
0055 Sunset Dr 970-927-3146
PO Box 711 702-746-1456
Bloomfield NM 3D Services
64 CR 4995 505-632-3569
Colorado Powersports 1880 55th St 303-447-3500
Pullen Wire Inc.
3075 Fourmile Canyon Dr 303-444-9473
Bayfield Auto Care Blue River ProperCenter Inc. ty Management PO Box 1402 970-884-9727
PO Box 5002 719-395-9255 www.headwatersenergy.com
PO Box 5290 970-453-6590
Peak Electronic Systems
PO Box 4204 719-239-1389
www.electricmountainlodge. com
Fotions Club House Gym
0161 Milburn Ct 970-948-5026
Grand Junction Pipe/Carbondale
740 Hwy 133 970-963-5700
IRMW of Colorado Inc
PO Box 1252 970-963-8600 PO Box 4204 124 S San Juan MG Landscaping & Sports Inc. Ave 601 Cowen Dr 719-239-1389 970-963-0313 PeakBackcountrySupply.com NAPA Auto Parts
River Runners & Adrift Adventures 24070 CR 301 719-395-2766
Swisher Diesel and Automotive PO Box 1680 719-395-6461
The Rock Doc
- Your Parts House
1301 Dolores Way 970-963-3344
Neil Palazzi Excavating LLC 8631 Hwy 133 970-379-4504
Roaring Fork Valley Co-op
626 Columbine Dr 970-254-1635
Way 970-824-2100
Way 970-208-6585
2607 E Hwy 40 970-826-0060
Craig Powersports aka Planet 550 Ponderosa Powersports
Tamarack Group Inc.
The Inn at Arrowhead Bed & Breakfast
21401 Alpine Plateau Rd 970-862-8206
Tree Specialists Inc.
PO Box 306 970-275-0284 cell
Chase Management Inc.
PO Box 705 970-846-4663
0760 Hwy 133 33585 Wapiti 970-963-2220 Cir Rocky Mountain 719-207-1592 Gardens Inc. www.therockdoc. PO Box 1488 net 970-704-1719
Hassle Haven Ranch LLC
P.O. Box 504 719-395-2245 www.thunderlodge.com
0380 Alto Dr 970-379-9114
0304 Hwy 133 970-963-2296
Colorado Springs
Thunder Lodge
Timberline Motorsports
29770 US Hwy 24N 719-395-4272 timberlinemotorsports.net
Skutley Inc.
Western Slope Aggregate Inc.
Castle Rock Duffy Realty, Inc.
163 W Juan Way 303-888-0518
54395 CR 62 970-846-3912
PO Box 700
Quality Tech Service Center
2901 N Nevada 719-634-1606
PO BOX 614 719-658-0167
PO Box 1282 970-824-5868
Deer Park Inn & Suites
262 Commerce 970-824-9282
Dr. Carolyn Gochee DC Inc.
820 W Victory Way 970-824-3070
Eyecare Specialists
1111 W Victory Way, Ste 110 970-824-3488 417 CR 203 970-824-6038
Leisure Time Ltd
941 School St 970-824-5821
Mckey Chiropractic Clinic 469 Breeze St 970-824-4444
MJK Sales & Hardware
290 Ranney ST 970-824-6581
Mountain States Electric 424 Russell St 970-824-6568
NAPA - T & H Parts 400 Taylor St 970-824-3496
Woody’s LandCreede Community scapes, LLC Center/Mining 765 1600 Road Museum 970-314-0708 PO Box 70 719-658-0811
Creede-Mineral Cromer Co Chamber/ Contracting Co Inc. Commerce
Dutch Creek Guest Golden Cavvy Ranch Restaurant PO Box 846 970-879-8519
PO Box 580 719-658-2374
Freemons General Store 39284 Hwy 149 719-658-2454
Lost Trail Ranch
18100 USFS Rd 520 719-850-2525 www.lost-trail. com
Mineral County Sheriff Dept.
PO Box 424 719-658-2600
MJ’s Café
PO Box 584 719-658-2859
Rio Grande Enterprises LLC
24263 Hwy 149 719-658-0374 riograndeenterprises.com
San Juan Sports LLC
IMA of Colorado, Inc.
1550 17th St Ste 600 303-615-7548
Vickery Motorsports Inc.
2231 S Parker Rd 303-755-4387
Zimmerman Construction
3300 W Florida Ave #27 303-908-6950
Colorado Backcountry Rentals
192 Meadow Drive 970-406-1397
Durango Mortgage Group
93 Pebble Dr PO Box 700 102 S Main St 970-375-1917 719-658-2361 Durango Painting www.sanjuans& Coating LLC ports.com 290 Hermosa Willow Creek Meadows Rd 970-259-2361 Realty PO Box 519 Fun Center Inc. 719-658-2262 29603 US Hwy wcrealty.com 160 E 970-259-1070
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests! Handlebar Motorsports
346 S Camino Del Rio 970-247-0845
Haulrite Trailers of Four Corners Inc. 35 Valley Ct 505-382-0566
Lightner Creek Campground LLC 1703 CR 207 970-247-5406
15 Arrowhead Cir 970-259-1642
Phantastic Screens
37 Red Cliffs Rd 970-247-7907
The Consultants 604 Prospect 970-247-2142
Concept Auto Body PO Box 331 970-835-4564
B.C. Building Services, LLC
The Brown Group LLC
126 W Harvard St Ste 3 970-372-6201
JNJ Motorsports PO Box 495 970-453-0353 Polaris
Mile High Performance Rentals
3349 S Pennsylvania St 303-781-5880 www.milehighperformancerentals.com
Quality Excavating
3500 Centennial Cir 970-590-7140
Farmington NM Allen Theatres
PO Box 1500 505-325-9313
CNJ Farms
1534 Hines Rd 505-320-8345
Garden Spot Produce 2203 W Main 505-325-8888
Techna Glass
PO Box 5910 505-326-6545
2200 Grand Ave 970-384-3269
B&H General Contractors
5317 CR 154 Ste 206 970-945-0102
Berthod Motors PO Box 759 970-945-7466
DM Neuman Construction PO Box 2317 970-945-7502
Glenwood BP
Hi Point Motorsports
2802 S Grand Ave 970-945-6301
Hunter Concrete Construction, Inc. PO Box 786 970-947-9204
Mason & Morse Property Management
1614 Grand Ave Ste A 970-928-3000
Mountain Pest Control
3758 Hwy 82 970-945-5942
Nelson’s Autp Body
2115 CR 117 970-945-6999
R & A Enterprises
Buford Lodge
2301 Valley Forge Ct 970-878-4745
Welch Automotive INdependent amsoil dealer
Gonzales TX Soldier Springs LLC
301 St. Joseph St Ste 100 803-672-1000
Power World LLC
61000 US Hwy 40, PO Box 247 970-887-9337
Western Riviera Motel & Cabins PO Box 1071 970-627-3580
Grand Junction All Sports Honda 555 25 Rd 970-243-7730
TopGun Plumbing & Heating Inc. PO Box 1197 970-945-2580
PO Box 881 970-531-8872
Grand Mountain Rentals PO Box 808 970-627-1131
Lone Eagle
PO Box 1783 970-627-3310
Mountain Food Market
PO Box 1397 970-627-3470
Mountain Lake Properties
PO Box 1350 970-627-3103
Pancho & Leftys PO Box 1527 970-627-8773
PO Box 352 970-531-0804
Sagebrush BBQ & Grill PO Box 425 970-627-1404
Shadow Mountain Flooring PO Box 1977 970-627-8315
Sloan Construction LLC
7776 Hwy 135 970-641-0450 sloancustomhomes.com
Westside Construction Inc.
PO Box 402 970-641-1402
Creekside Guest Cabin & Suites PO Box 91 970-756-5001
Durango Dog Ranch & Husky Home Building PO Box 29 970-759-1741
Highlands Ranch Crown Trophy
1500 W Littleton Blvd 303-730-1711
Hot Sulphur Springs Cross Contractors Inc.
PO Box 237 970-531-2145
First State Bank Of Hotchkiss PO Box 38
Cecil Farms/Terra 970-872-3111 West Real Estate Inn The Orchard 2811 Riverside Services Pkwy 30846 L25 Rd
Barnes Electric 970-242-6473
Dave Fisher Electric Inc.
1639 35th Ave 970-872-3066 Ct Robert’s Short 970-396-2301
5 4 9 W G r e e n - Hill Petroleum 1625 68th Ave wood Dr 970-539-1194 970-243-7100
DKT Realty Inc/ Metro Brokers 921 25 Rd 970-261-3309
FCF Premium Finance LLP
822 25 Rd 970-241-0890
Fowler Concrete Construction
2685 Lookout Ln 970-640-5496
Motorcycle Accessories
2060 E Main St 970-242-9495 http://motorcycleaccessoriesgj.com
One Stop Tarps
761 Foxfire Ct 970-261-9999
PNCI Builders
898 Quail Dr 5317 CR 154, Ste 970-243-7291 201 Stephan Schweiss970-945-6500 ing Attorney at 10901 CR 117 970-945-7491
Cameron Stone
2205 Douglas Mt Gateway Inn Dr PO Box 1169 303-902-4423 970-627-2400
Sunlight Snowmobile Tours 6426 Bent Tree
Fort Collins
Rocky Mtn. Ski Consulting
Alpine Bank
Travis Leonard Cir
Ace Roofing
PO Box 276 970-945-5366
Grand Lake
91 Meadowwood BRP Inc. Rd PO Box 91437 970-945-0475 970-627-1680
Golden, COJackson, WY
Glenwood Springs
7133 S Shenan106 6th St doah Dr Glenwood Springs 303-646-9498 www.bcbuildingMcDonalds services.com #6454 PO Box 1323 Exemplar Re970-945-4969 search 4 2 3 2 5 F o r e s t Gran Farnum Oaks Dr Printing 303-679-2732 PO Box 945 970-945-9605
619 Main St Ste 100 970-243-2710
T.P.I. Industrial Inc
2471 Riverside Pkwy 970-243-4642
Greenwood Village
AquaTerra Associates
PO Box 549 970-872-3566
Steve’s Backhoe Service
15706 3050 Rd 970-872-3654
Weekender Sports
PO Box 240 8095 E Prentice 970-872-3444 Ave Zacks BBQ 303-660-7365 PO Box 665 aquaterraassoci970-872-3446 ates.com
Colorado Adventure Rentals
3381 CR 730 970-641-3525 Coloradoadventurerentals. com
Dove Graphics
PO Box 1309 111 Camino Del Rio 970-641-4751
Master Motorsports
PO Box 1113 970-862-8308
Rocky Mountain Athletic Consulting Services
PO Box 264 161 Tomichi Ln 970-641-2956 rockymountainacs.com
Spring Creek Horse Rescue
PO Box 663 970-884-4425
G & M Cabins
PO Box 1165 970-944-2282
Hinsdale County Road And Bridge
R & B Excavating PO Box 898 970-724-9645
Lake City
AB Construction PO Box 281 970-625-8353
Blue Spruce Building Materials, Inc
PO Box 162 970-944-2581 www.bluesprucelc. com
Dixon Motors
1220 O1/2 Rd 970-858-0973
PO Box 96, 1775 Hwy 149 N Atomic Motor970-944-2684
Lake City Auto/ Sportscenter
PO Box 67 970-944-2311
Lake City Chamber of Commerce PO Box 430 970-944-2527
Miners and Merchants Bank PO Box 926 970-944-2242
Storm Front Gallery LLC PO Box 457 970-944-4111
Extreme Rentals
5741 W 6th Ave 303-232-9342 ExtremeRentalsInc.com
Sunset Vista Properties
9187 W Jewell Ave 303-988-7771 sunsetvistaproperties.com
Corbin Construction Co PO Box 951 719-486-2673
116 E 9th St 719-486-3836
643 Elliott St 303-746-3938
Cornwell Tools
1310 19th Ave 303-579-1409
1825 Spencer St
E & B Automotive Inc
127 Barberry Pl 970-635-0939
Felker Motor Sports
1538 E Eisenhower Blvd 970-667-1300 www.felkermotorsports.net
Gerrard Excavating Inc
1739 S CR 13C 970-669-1463 www.earthdevelopers.com
Lyons Automotive PO Box 993 303-823-6760
RPS Rentals
112 E Main St 970-963-3747
Hitchin post motel Bendelow Law Of3164 N Hwy 91 fice, LLC 719-486-2783 hitchinpostmotel.org
Melanzana Mountain Gear
416 Harrison Ave 719-486-9765
13787 S Hwy 85 303-791-1957 Ext 130
Grand Prix Motorsports Inc
3105 W County Line Rd 303-761-2471
Shovein LLC
4819 S Queen St 303-948-7720
Two Step Limousine
5220 S Sherman St 303-781-5555
Welder Outfitting Services PO Box 823 970-878-9869
White River Electric Assn. PO Box 958 970-878-5041
Wyatt’s Sports Center
PO Box 1538 970-878-4428
Thomasville Fire Dept.
25095 Frying Pan Rd 970-927-5295
Mesa Lakes Lodge & Resort PO Box 230 970-268-5467
Monte Vista Mountain Valley Sports
0049 E CR 1 S 719-852-5017
Peterson Farms LLC
5070 N CR 2 E 719-852-5847
Montrose ASAP
66401 Solar Rd 970-240-8851
Davis Service Center
2380 W Main St 970-249-8161
59745 Kristal Dr 970-497-0702
English Bros Polaris
3759 Vale View 67809 E Hwy 50 303-837-9600 970-249-0101 www.bendelow. Montrose Implenet
716 Harrison Adams Lodge Ave 200 CR 43 719-486-3245 970-878-4312
COLORADO STATE Alpine Enterprises PARKS PO Box 916 970-724-9655
Dole Equipment
PO Box C 970-878-5322
First National Bank of the Rockies
PO Box 600 970-878-5073
Sleepy Cat Mountain Lodging & Rentals
1014 E Market St 970-878-5258
ment and Motorsports
4690 N Townsend 970-240-1720
Planet Motorsports Inc.
105 Merchant Dr 970-249-8867
Rose Bowl
PO Box 908 970-417-1470
New Castle
Avalanche Excavation
0116 Commanchero Trl 970-876-2619
Theos Swallow Fork Ranch
Frontier Paving Inc.
Watt’s Ranch Market
New Castle Family Health PC
PO Box 195 970-878-5225
PO Box 630 970-878-5868
1014 CR 311 970-876-0916
820 Castle Valley Blvd, Ste 210 970-984-0651
20 J
2 011
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests!
Robinson Trucking Co Inc.
SnowCountry Adventure Tours
15805 CR 245 970-618-3395
4 R Storage
PO Box 713 970-327-4496
A-T Enterprises, Ltd
PO Box 1141 1323 CR 35 W 970-327-4118
Fleet Services
PO Box 681 970-327-4424
H & H Construction LLC
PO Box 201 970-729-0244
Hi Country Motorsports PO Box 611 970-327-4271
Poor Boy Repair
457 Z 42 Road PO Box 699 970-417-5161
RNG Contracting Inc. PO Box 730 970-327-0128
Sams Service
PO Box 176 970-327-4447
Town of Norwood PO Box 528 970-327-4288
Williams Construction
PO Box 704 970-327-4218
Storey Trucking PO Box 77 970-864-7883
Wilson Heating & Air PO Box 226 970-864-7242
Ouray Family Medicine PO Box 1030 970-325-9900
The Citizens State Bank of Ouray PO Box A 970-318-8481
Pagosa Springs
Holy Smokes Stoves and Fireplaces, LLC
PO Box 3664 970-946-4694
141 N 14th St 970-264-7669 www.snowufun. com
Foam Tech Unlimited, Inc.
41024 Lamborn Mesa Rd 970-527-6110
Zunich Bros Mech PO Box 353 970-864-7663
PO Box 3751 970-264-4320
Powder-Jack Inc.
6903 E Lookout Dr 303-902-8554
Pueblo ODF Inc
PO Box 3635 719-542-2353
Sportsmans Retreat
PO Box 2 970-723-4215
HAYES PETROLEUM 226½ E Main 970-620-2257
Rangely Auto Parts
214 E Main 970-675-5057
Red Cliff
The Green Bridge Inn
104 Water Street 970-827-5228 www.greenbridgeinn.com
Double Trouble Trucking Inc.
0565 N Meadow Dr 970-618-3821
Garfield Steel & Machine Inc
1815 Airport Rd 970-625-3551
GMCO Corporation PO Box 1480 970-625-9100
Hoffmeister Painting, Inc. 0164 Booms Pl 970-625-2120 PO Box 1299 970-625-5022
Kuersten Construction LLC
0013 Powerline Rd 970-625-8210
Rifle Insurance Agency
PO Box 1700 970-625-1689
Rifle Performance Motorsports
1014 Access Rd 970-625-2041
Rifle Truck & Trailer
PO Box 961 970-625-8884
Spencer Inc. Accounting
2675 Acacia Ave 970-625-3346
Stampfel Construction
1014 Access Road 970-379-2777
Sunset Automotive Swallow Oil ComPO Box 499 pany 970-626-5504
PO Box 868 970-625-9051
6 & 13 Quick Mart
The Parts House
Acme Alarm Company
PO Box 868 970-625-1467
PO Box 883 970-625-5535 acmealarm.com
Classic Auto Body
Jerry W. Smith Plumbing Inc.
PO Box 551 785-822-2030
Sapulpa OK McBorn Properties, LLC 4101 Line Pl 9182245686
Circuit Concepts, Inc.
7505 W Rainbow Creek Rd 303-901-6160
Sedgwick KS
1101 CR 227 970-618-7495
cial 316-640-0471 www.alpinecoloradocabin.com
Preferred Auto Brokers
Canyon View Motel PO Box 729 970-387-5400
Grand Imperial Hotel
PO Box 57 970-387-5527
Ice Pirates Backcountry Adventures
PO Box 233 970-247-3706 www.dgoicepirates.com
Lift Services
PO Box 363 970-387-0700
Lolas Place
PO Box 588 970-387-5705
A-1 Auto Service
445 W Hwy 50 719-539-7251
All Season Adventures, Inc. 7345 Hwy 50 W 719-530-0651
Gateway Inn & Suites
PO Box 295 719-539-9280
PO Box 61 970-387-5491
Silverton Molas Pass Snowmobile Tours & Cabins PO Box 346 970-387-5512
3400 West HampSilverton Mounden Ave 303-783-2122 tain pabauto.com PO Box 856 970-387-5706
A & S Fabrication PO Box 735 970-876-0464
Desautels Computer Services
Silverton Trading Post PO Box 407 435-669-9050
The Pickle Barrel
PO Box 196 0425 Cedar Hills 970-387-5713 Rd Triangle Service 970-876-0781
Flatops Electric 3720 CR 214 970-876-5520
PO Box 370 315 Greene St. 970-387-3462
JM Adventure Rental
Undergroundspecialty Co LLC
Williams Bros Mining & Exploration
1169 16th St 970-230-0311
PO Box 539 970-876-5696
Redstone Building Co. Inc. PO Box 50 970-379-8279
1 0 0 0 R a i l r o a d Rifle PerforAve mance Motor970-625-2000
1310 E Hwy 50 1695 Enterprise 719-221-2895 Ct 970-625-8667 Gunderman Auto
470 Stagecoach Colton Trucking Ln 970-264-6957
0080 CR 273 970-625-1473
Salina KS
Maisel Excavation PO Box 826 Alpine Colorado 970-759-9291 Dimensional FramCabin Johns Welding Inc. ing 613 N Commer- Silverton Liquors
PO Box 2026 1 0 4 G o l d m i n e Alpine Bank Rifle Dr 100 E 4th St 970 264-4441 970-625-9610 holysmokesstovesandfire- Avalanche Air PO Box 1238 places.com 970-379-4780
Pagosa Power Sports
Coulter Lake Guest Ranch, Inc.
sports - Ski Doo
Silverthorne Silverthorne Powersports Po Box 25779 970-513-1319
United States Forest ServiceDillon Ranger Dist
PO Box 620 680 Blue River Pkwy 970-262-3452
Brown Bear Café PO Box 550 970-387-5630
PO Box 767 970-387-5243
PO Box 767 970-209-3624
Sioux Falls SD
Trails Work Consulting
4015 S Brady Ct 605-371-9799
Whispering Pines Brush Mtn. Lodge PO Box 52 970-583-2976
Flame Out Fire Protection Inc. PO Box 56 970-927-4933
South Fork
Blue Creek Lodge
11682 Hwy 149 719-658-2479
Century 21 Valley Realty
PO Box 742 719-873-0208 www.southforkrealtor.com
Century 21 Valley Realty PO Box 999 719-873-5559
Docs Outdoor Sports
PO Box 1215 817-740-9080
Holiday RV South
26076 W Hwy 160 719-873-0145
Mountain Views @ River’s Edge RV Resort
0215 Rio Vista Circle 719-873-5456
Rainbow Lodge & Grocery PO Box 224 719-873-5545
Tommys Embroidery
Scherer Building Corp.
Ken Huismann Trucking
Snake River Construction
Kincaid Waldron Construction
State Farm Insurance
Moose Creek Café
PO Box 880581 970-879-9740
PO Box 773504 970-879-0034
PO Box 773957 970-879-1756
Steamboat Powersports
2989 Riverside Plaza 970-879-5138
Steamboat Snowmobile Tours
PO Box 882805 970-871-1935
Superior Carpentry Inc. PO Box 774003 970-871-7836
Sundance, WY
Boondocker Publishing 868 Bear Creek PO Box 645 Rd 719-873-5778
Twin Pines Motorsports Inc. PO Box 966 719-873-2001
Utt Bluff Lodge
27680 Hwy 160 719-873-5595
Steamboat Springs
PO Box 1124 970-723-8228
PO Box 54 970-723-4502 PO Box 578 970-723-8272
North Park Engineering & Consulting
PO Box 395 970-723-3725
North Park Inn & Suites
PO Box 55 970-723-4271 www.northparkinnandsuites.com
North Park KOA
53337 Hwy 14 970-723-4310
River Rock Café
PO Box 1007 970-723-4670
The Cabins & Gift Shops
55862 Hwy 14 307-283-3411 970-723-3750 www.boondockerpublishing. The Jackson com
Dave’s Mountain Tours PO Box 2736 970-728-9749
County Star
PO Box 397 970-723-4404
The Powderhorn Cabins 35336 CR 21 970-723-4359
Telluride Snowmobile Adventures LLC American Carpet & 7214 Hwy 145 Floor PO Box 785
Colorado Group Realty
Wichita KS
PO Box 881608 970-879-3282
PO Box 882500 970-870-8800
D L& L Trucking
PO Box 775125 970-879-8652
Extreme Power Sports
PO Box 776389 970-879-9175
970-728-4475 www.telluridesnowmobile.net
Twin Lakes Inn of the Black Wolf
PO Box 70 719-486-1830 innoftheblackwolf.com
Art’s Paint Shop High Mountain/ PO Box 1129 Steamboat Snow970-723-4420 mobile Tours Corkle Oil ComPO Box 882805 970-879-6500 pany PO Box 278 JAKK’D 970-723-4455 575 Evans St
M & M Auto
PO Box 770883 970-879-8178
Mountain View Car Wash PO Box 774403 970-870-3363
Northwestern Supplies Inc.
PO Box 775497 970-879-1312
Rabbit Ears Development
8501 W 48th Ave 303-548-8428
Skydive El Dorado Inc.
1349 N Crestline St 316-648-2981
Layne Mann Property Tax Consultant
917 Presado Way 303-233-8533
Winter Park
Grand Adventures PO Box 1329 800-726-9247
Drifters Cookhouse
Ram Paint
Goulette Construction
Willman Snowcat Repair Inc.
Harry Corkle Construction
Woody Creek
55278 Hwy 14 970-723-8300
PO Box 1062 970-723-4958
PO Box 306 970-723-4676
Jack’s Auto Parts & Service 24250 W Hwy 40 970-879-2190
PO Box 217 970-723-4674
PO Box 3102 720-333-2720
PO Box 713 970-726-5132
Western Adventures Inc.
PO Box 900 970-923-3337
w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m
Business Sponsors
Please welcome these new business sponsors:
Green Build Roofing, LLC
PO Box 3661 970-927-5300 www.greedbuildroofing.com
Ski Country Resorts & Sports PO Box 649 213 Main St. 970-418-0628
Carbondale Bishop & Mohl, CPAs
1000 Dolores Way
Gianinetti’s Performance & Services 601 Cowen Dr
Jones Oil Co.
PO Box 1150 719-754-2221
Hahns Peak Inn Bed and Breakfast
61066 RCR 129 P.O. Box 899 970-871-6221 www.hahnspeakinn.net
Colorado Springs Ettowerinc
Durango Eagle Block Company
16073 HWY 550 970-247-9450
Farmington, NM
6555 Cache Drive 719-591-9300
Glenwood Springs
PO Box 1972 505-325-5600
Mountain Powersports
2302 Devereux Rd 970-928-0788 Polaris
Grand Lake
Spirit Lake Polaris PO Box 1248 970-627-9288 Polaris
Moose Lake Lodge, LLC.
PO Box 1230 303-740-7441 www.mooselakelodge.com
Boyz Toyz and Sonz PO Box 950
Thunder Mountain Lodge Restaurant 32373 HWY 92 970-856-6241
Kremmling Leadville
2 Mile Hi Ski-Doo
1719 N Poplar St 719-486-1183 Ski-Doo
Leadville Nordic Club
Hampton Inn & Suites
377 Cedar Court 970-826-9900
Kirkpatric Construction Consulting Inc. PO Box 366 970-835-3030
Applewood Plumbing, Heating & Electric
5000 W 29th Ave 303-458-5988 www.applewoodfixit.com
PO Box 5261 970-946-7225 www.pagosanordic. com
Wolf Creek Avalanche School
Golden Cavvy Restaurant
417 CR 203 970-824-6038
Pagosa Nordic Club
Spellbring Construction, Inc.
7345 Templeton Gap Rd Summit aggregates 719-632-8822 12202 Hwy 40 Hunter 970-724-9655
Pagosa Springs
P.O. Box 143 970-731-2486 www .w ol fcr eek backcountry.com
Bailey Low Bed Service
2621 Fairview Heights Ct 970-458-2077
Glass Guys, Inc.
PO Box 897 970-618-0224
Avalanche Cafe
P.O. Box 377 970-387-5282
Snowmass Village
Premier Property Management PO Box 6437 970-923-0300
South Fork
Arbor House Bed & Breakfast
PO Box 995 31358 US Hwy 160 719-873-5012 www.arborhouseinnco.com
Community Banks
PO Box 289 29899 US Hwy 160 719-873-5562
Riverbend Resort
PO Box 1270 33846 US Hwy 160 719-873-5344 www.riverbend-resort.com
PO Box 823 719-486-0746 www.leadvillenordic.org
Wolf Creek Liquors
116 Elm 719-486-1295
Winter Park
Northwest Auto Sales & Service 485 Market St 970-878-5026
Monte Vista
Jasper Association/ Four Corners Fire & Safety
PO Box 771 913 Jones St 719-582-0268 www.jasperco. com/
PO Box 792
Grand Adventures PO Box 1329 970-726-9247
Woodland Park
Big D Motorsports
180 N Hwy 67 Unit A 719-687-7228 www.bigdmotorsports.com Arctic Cat
J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
Yellowstone Open to Snowmobiles
Jack Welch, Special Projects Consultant, BRC
Update on the 2010-2011 season. Yes, snowmobiles are back as a form of transportation to Yellowstone National Park again this winter. The Park gates opened on December 15 for another season of snowmobile access to Yellowstone with early December snow storms providing the snow needed to groom the interior roads to start the season! Please note, this access is being permitted by the Winter Use Temporary Plan Environmental Assessment that was released on October 15, 2009. The regulation to implement the Temporary Plan was published on November 20, 2009, in the Federal Register. The Park operated under this temporary rule for the 2009-10 season and will operate under the same plan for the 2010-11 winter season. Under the temporary rule, motorized oversnow access will continue this winter. Up to 318 commercially guided, Best Available Technology (BAT) snowmobiles and up to 78 snowcoaches will be allowed per day in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone’s East Entrance and Sylvan Pass will be open for motorized and non-motorized oversnow travel, subject to weather and safety constraints. Trail and off-road use of snowmobiles and snowcoaches has always been, and will continue to be, prohibited. The regulation provides visitors, area businesses, and park employees with a plan they can count on for the 2010-11 season. This temporary rule is the same as last season and will allow the NPS time to develop and complete a new long-term plan for winter use in Yellowstone National Park that will take effect for the 2011-12 season. Please check out the draft alternatives and schedule to complete this long term Winter Use Plan at our website www.saveyellowstonepark.com
Remember, the Park Service is working through another EIS to develop a new long range plan for “Winter Use” in Yellowstone. Our next opportunity to comment on the plan will be in March/April 2011 when the Draft EIS is released. Important to note, in the 2009-2010 season December through March a total of 22,228 visitors choice to access the Park was the snowmobile, while 20,388 came by snowcoaches during the same period. The difference of 1840 shows that even under the restricted number of 318 daily snowmobile entries and much higher snowcoach limits of 78 snowcoaches per day the public chose snowmobiles more times for transport to access the Park. Please note, another special rule has been published that addresses snowmobile access in Grand Teton Park and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, including access along Grassy Lake Road from Flagg Ranch to the National Forest and on Jackson Lake for licensed anglers. The Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail through Grand Teton National Park is closed! In closing, I understand that the fight over Yellowstone has been a long, contentious, and complicated battle. We are now in the 12th year of our combined efforts to maintain snowmobile access to Yellowstone National Park. Please remember the fact that Yellowstone remains open to snowmobiles represents one of the most profound victories over the most extreme environmental movement in our lifetime. Enjoy the victory and make your plans to come and enjoy Yellowstone National Park this winter on a snowmobile! Note: For current information on items covered in this summary go to our dedicated website of www.saveyellowstonepark.com.
Access Update
Curt Kennedy, Director – Public Lands (Utah)
This month I would like to do a follow-up on the Winter Wildlands Alliance “Petition” to the Forest Service that was delivered in the month of September. If you didn’t have an opportunity to read my article last month, I was on a roll about how WWA wants to have the FS include winter travel as part of their 2005 Travel Planning regulations. Reading between the lines, this “human powered” organization would like to see cross-country snowmobiling removed from the winter backcountry in its entirety. Anyway, the petition got sent to the FS and it was signed-on by no less than 90 organizations who claim to represent “recreation and conservation” with their collective 1.3 million members. Although this so-called petition is not a formal process recognized by the FS, it does represent an extensive letter
requesting action on the part of the agency and will most certainly result in some sort of initial response from the FS. We need to stay on top of any response by the FS, as well as subsequent actions by WWA. If we do not remain a strong player in this debate there is no doubt that Western snowmobiling as we know it will become an experience of the past. In anticipation of this debate, last year the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) spearheaded the development of a publication titled “Multiple Use Trails for Winter Recreation – Facts and Myths about Snowmobiling.” Although I have previously written about this publication, I believe the information in that document will ultimately frame the position of snowmobilers in response to the WWA petition regarding our privilege to travel by snowmobile (crosscountry) on public lands. If
you are interested in getting on the band wagon to support our Western style of riding, I would encourage you to become familiar with this publication because it truly lays out a common-sense approach to our winter-way-of-life. We expect the whole publication to be on the ACSA website sometime this winter (www. snowmobilers.org), but I have a limited number of hard copies if anyone needs it. Although the ACSA publication has eleven major sections that address all aspects of snowmobiling, there is one section in particular that is going to be critical to snowmobiliers if we are forced to compete in winter travel planning. The publication titles such section “Planning for Multiple Use Winter Recreation.” I will not bore you with all the details of this important section, but I think it is worth a few comments to start generating some serious
see ‘ACCESS’ PAGE 23------------------>
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w w w. s n o w m o b i l e c o l o . c o m <--------------------- ‘ACCESS’ from page 21 thought about this topic. First, it becomes readily apparent that trailhead parking is truly the root stressor for winter recreation. Consequently, it will become extremely important to solve the problem of how trailheads are managed. We also need to be prepared to show the differences between summer and winter motorized recreation; otherwise you will be riding your mountain sled on nothing but a designated trail from point A to point B. It is important to thoroughly evaluate the use patterns that are taking place so that a miniscule population does not drive the whole process. There needs to be a level playing field in the process whereby the petitioners need to have something to lose (no one has exclusive right to public lands access). In today’s environment, it also only makes sense to fully evaluate the economic impacts of the differing forms of winter recreation. Funding is an important aspect if improvements to trailheads or new trailheads are needed. No closure to any form of recreation should be allowed without a thorough determination of the actual “need.” Probably the most important
aspect of any travel planning is the conscientious effort to get involvement of all affected users. And, finally, the outcome of winter travel management should be a clear and user-friendly map that identifies the opportunities for winter recreation. I look into the future and become very concerned about a winter travel planning process because to date there has been so much inaccurate and twisted information about snowmobile recreation. I still contend that rewarding the intolerant by allowing exclusive use is not good management. But, the intolerant are wellfunded, hire teams of lawyers and will take every opportunity to portray supposedly scientific or independent information to meet their personal goal. So, as this debate starts to heat up you can make a choice. Sit back and let it happen or roll up your sleeves and get involved to support responsible access by snowmobile on public lands. We will make every effort to keep you informed about this highly contentious issue, but in the long-term it is the passionate rider that will make a difference.
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J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011
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J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y 2 011