EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Executive Officers
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
CSA Contacts Clubs
Arrowhead Snowmobile Club Eric and Star Johnson 150 Ridge Rd, Cimarron CO 81220 970-862-8399 Buena Vista Snowmobile Club Coby Vidakovich PO Box 921 Buena Vista, CO 81211 866-Buff-Joe SECRETARY - Karen Ball Coby@buffalojoe.com 14860 Rolling Hills Dr Montrose, CO 81401 Colorado Blizzards 970-240-4036 Scott Jones snokraz5@msn.com 508 Ashford Dr, Longmont CO 80504 518-281-5810 TREASURER - VACANT scott.jones46@yahoo.com Administrative Manager/Membership Delta Snokrusers, Inc. Jeanna Whipple Katie Himes 325 River Rock Dr, Johnstown CO 80534 PO Box 162, Mesa CO 805 jeannaw@comcast.net himes.kate@gmail.com 970-587-0364 Flattoppers Snowmobile Program Administrator - Tom Metsa Peter Hayes 13787 S Hwy 85, Littleton CO 80125 2032 Chickadee Ct, Silt CO 81652 thomas.metsa@state.co.us 970-876-2320 303-791-1957, ext 132 hayes_57@msn.com Grand Lake Trail Groomers Ami Mitropoulos Right to Ride Chair - Roger Pennington PO Box 1247, Grand Lake CO 80447 164 Sandia Cir CR 520, Bayfield CO 81122 970-531-1049 rogerap@msn.com trailgroomers@yahoo.com 970-884-2101 Gunnison Sno-Trackers Charity Chair - Luan Dody Phil Chamberland 93 Pebble Dr, Durango CO 81301 23501 Hwy 135, Crested Butte CO ldody@durango.net 81224 970-375-2527 970-349-5398 Raffle Chair - Randy Miller pchamberland@hughes.net PO Box 395, Walden CO 80480 Heart of the Rockies Snowmobile Club randy@npeng.com Chris Collins 970-723-3725 445 W Rainbow Blvd, Salida CO 81201 Safety Chair - Ralph Stewart 719-539-7251 895 Van Dorn Dr, Craig CO 81625 chris@a1autosalida.com rcstewart@bresnan.net High Country Snowmobile Club 970-824-4198 Rich Holcroft Awards/Scholarship Chair - Katie Himes PO Box 2215, Frisco CO 80443 PO Box 162, Mesa CO 81643 970-547-0317 himes.kate@gmail.com HLCRFT@aol.com 970-268-5768 High Riders Snowmobile Club, Inc Grooming Chair - Joe Tonso Derrick Wood 941 School St, Craig CO 81625 512 E 7th St, Leadville CO 80461 jtonso@msn.com 719-966-4784 970-824-5821 mtnbiker21@hotmail.com Holy Cross Powder Hounds Snowmobile Club District 1 Rep - Bill Rexford Lance Trujillo 11361 County Rd 70, Windsor CO 80550 PO Box 7116, Avon CO 81620 billrexford@thinair.net 970-376-3856 970-481-0230 lance@holycrosspowderhounds.com District 2 Rep - Ron Spencer Lake City Continental Divide Snowmobile 1085 Harris Dr, Craig CO 81625 Club sspe263865@msn.com Bill Broadhead 970-824-3745 PO Box 591, Lake City CO 81235 District 3 Rep - Dennis Lynton 970-944-0306 11091 Wolff Way lcsnowmobile@centurytel.net Westminster, Co 80031 DennisLynton@gmail.com MidValley Snowmobile Club 303-253-7743 Richard Condon PO Box 2416, Basalt, CO 81621 District 4 Rep - VACANT 970-701-0497 District 5 Rep - Jack Sheets rcondon@sopris.net 2350 Stoneridge Dr, Colorado Springs CO 80919 Mile-Hi Snowmobile Club of Denver, Inc jsheets@cohvco.org Chris Vogelsang 719-593-0711 147 S Lookout Mtn Rd, Golden CO District 6 Rep - Carrie Kroschel 80401 685 Alpine Circque, Leadville CO 80461 303-898-8042 travelwithcare@hotmail.com chris@ovllc.com 719-486-8456 MT Sopris Recreational Riders Inc. District 7 Rep - Curtis Miller Sean Martin PO Box 742, South Fork CO 81154 PO Box 654, Carbondale CO 81623 curt800@msn.com 970-704-9893 719-873-0208 North Fork Snowmobile Club District 8 Rep - Aaron Todd Steve Hicks PO Box 1141, Norwood CO 81423 PO Box 472, Hotchkiss CO 81419 lank88@yahoo.com 970-872-3654 970-327-4118 North Park Snow Snakes District 9 Rep - Jimmy Britton Ron Gomer PO Box 83, Pagos Springs CO 81147 PO Box 61, Walden CO 80480 rhondabritton@ymail.net 970-819-9115 970-264-2711 randy@npeng.com President - Janelle Kukuk 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede CO 81130 kukuk@GoJade.org 719-658-2221 Vice President - Randy Miller PO Box 395, Walden CO 80480 randy@npeng.com 970-723-3725
District Representatives
Northwest Colorado Snowmobile Club, Inc Brad Moore 1057 Dunn Dr, Craig CO 81625 970-824-6077 brad-moore@peoplepc.com Pikes Peak High Riders Ray Doble 17335 Herring Rd, Colorado Springs CO 80908 719-495-2316 doblerg@msn.com Pueblo Snowmobile Club Brad Hensley 229 Midnight Ave, Pueblo CO 81105 719-564-8720 b_hensley@yahoo.com Rifle Snowmobile Club Carelton Hoffmeister PO Box 692, Rifle CO 81650 970-625-0134 Hoffy1@willowwisp.net Routt Powder Riders Mary Sue Sorenson 1815 Bear Crk, Steamboat Springs CO 80487 970-870-1573 msorenson3@msn.com S & W Adventure Riders, LLC Jack Sheets 2350 Stoneridge Dr, Colorado Springs CO 80919 719-593-0711 jsheets@cohvco.org San Juan Sledders Roger Pennington 164 Sandia Cir CR 520, Bayfield CO 81122 970-884-2101 rogerap@msn.com Sangre Snowrunners Snowmobile Club Dale Hoag PO Box 523, Westcliffe CO 81252 719-783-2729 swr@wmv-co.us Silver Thread Outdoor Recreation Club of the San Luis Valley Bill Longfellow PO Box 343, South Fork CO 81154 719-873-5429 bill.longfellow@usa.net Silverton Snowmobile Club Dean and Laura Des Palmes PO Box 197, Silverton CO 81433 970-387-9938 dinodp52@msn.com Snow Country Explorers of the Upper Rio Grande Robert Kukuk PO Box 702, Creede CO 81130 719-658-2221 kukuk@gojade.org
South Fork Powder Busters Curtis Miller PO Box 454, South Fork CO 81154 719-873-0208 curt800@msn.com Steamboat Lake Snow Club Mike Swinsick PO Box 756, Clark CO 80428 970-846-0814 caspers62@yahoo.com Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club Tom Mason PO Box 87, Grand Lake CO 80447 970-627-8779 autowrench2002@yahoo.com Uncompahgre Valley Trail Riders Rich Jakino 27 Eton, Montrose CO 81401 970-249-3512 West End Sledders Jacque McClellan PO Box 1443, Norwood CO 81423 970-865-2518 mcricketred@aol.com Western Slope Snowmobile Association Dale Hollingshead PO Box 4964, Grand Junction CO 81502 970-241-6829 gjsnow@acsol.net White River Snowmobile Club, Inc Troy Hilkey PO Box 1045, Meeker CO 81641 970-756-0717 thilkey@wrenergy.com Wolf Creek Trailblazers Rhonda Britton PO Box 83, Pagosa Springs CO 81147 970-264-2711 rhondabritton@ymail.com
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
In This Issue... CSA Contact Directory... 2 CSA President Report...3 CSA Vice President Report...4 District and Club Reports... 5-9 CSA Convention...10-17 News...18-30 Business Sponsors...26-29 Jeff Moberg: Editor/Publisher, Advertising
Stan Horning: Pre-Press
F ebruary -M arch 2011
CSA President
What a winter this has been. It is either unseasonably warm with no moisture in sight, so cold, no self-respecting snowflake would fall or blowing so hard we have the snow from Utah. It has kept us hopping, that’s for sure. I want to give KUDOS to the Wolf Creek Trailblazers in Pagosa Springs for the fabulous job they did hosting the convention. I heard no complaints about the whole weekend. The food and accommodations were great, it was so nice to have everything in one place, the social time was enjoyed by all and by all accounts the rides were terrific. Congratulations on a job well done! CSA as a whole continues to work on the issues close to our hearts. We are continuing to work diligently on the proposed wolverine re-introduction. Our priority in working with the Colorado Division of Wildlife is putting assurances into place that we will not be facing the bureaucratic nightmare of the lynx re-introduction that caused negative impacts all over the state. In all of our correspondence with the CDOW and by default the US Fish and Wildlife Service we are not budging from this position. We are presenting our case for a “no change” approach to winter recreation. Several of us will be traveling to Washington DC for the “Tell the Truth” trip sponsored by the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA). This gives us the opportunity to meet with the offices of our 7 Representatives and 2 Senators. I think the slate of topics will be full this year as we will continue our efforts to defeat the Hidden Gems Wilderness Proposal, the Colorado Wilderness and the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Proposal. We will also be visiting with them about the changes in the Recreation Trails Program (RTP) funding which supplies nearly 20% of the Snow Program funding for grooming. Since we have two new Representatives we are looking forward to introducing them to CSA, who we are and what we do in representing snowmobiling in Colorado. Colorado will be playing host in late February to the American Council of Snowmobile Association’s Enlightenment Ride. ACSA was invited into Colorado by the Region 2 USFS office to showcase our fine riding areas and discuss how universal problems affect us, our access and what we are doing, in cooperation with the Forest Service, to solve some of those issues or at least work with them. We will be visiting the areas of Rabbit Ears Pass and Buffalo Pass. These areas were picked for a variety of reasons: beetlekill, user conflicts, crowded parking and facilities, and population demands on this very popular area. We will be hosting Forest Service personnel from all over the United States. CSA and Colorado State Parks will be speaking at length about the working relationship that has existed between the two organizations for nearly 30 years, how it has morphed, benefited and complemented snowmobiling across the state. As we approach the Presidents Day Weekend please be safe and aware of your surroundings. No one wants to mar the beauty of riding in our mountains with an accident. Ride safe and happy!
Janelle Kukuk
On the Cover... Aaron Todd having fun during the CSA Convention.
F ebruary -M arch 2011
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
The CSA elections at the annual meeting in Pagosa Springs have left us all with a new president and other officers for the upcoming year which actually starts on May 1, this year. As the President Elect, I would like to begin thanking Janelle, John Movius, Jack Sheets and Bob Brownlee for the time and dedication that they have given to CSA over the years to help further our mission in providing safe and responsible snowmobiling for our members through education, land stewardship, and constructive partnerships. There has
been a lot of progress in recent years by everyone to move CSA to an organization that is financially healthy, respected by other state and national organizations, respected by federal, state, and local governments, and attracted quality members and leaders that are dedicated to the sport of snowmobiling. Janelle has led CSA to all of these successes and we all owe her a big THANK YOU! Janelle has left some pretty big shoes to fill, but I will do my best to do so. Since most of you know me by now because I was the District 1 Rep for
CSA Vice President Randy Miller
Advance, Promote, Preserve the Sport of Snowmobiling GROOMING
Avalanche Awareness/Avoidance Training
Work on the ground
Work at the Capitol
2,600 of miles of trails we groom
four years, Vice President for one year, and Raffle Chair for five years, I won’t bore you with a lot of details. Let me summarize by telling you that my professional background is in Civil, Petroleum, Environmental and Electrical Engineering and Land Surveying for the last 28 years. My recreational interests have been very dispersed for all of my life (of 49 years) and include: hunting, fishing, dirt biking, horseback riding, hiking, diving, ATVs, snowmobiling, skiing, and Jeeping . My personality is pretty focused on getting things done and not beating around the bush. My plans with CSA are to continue in a fiscally conservative manner that supports our 501C3 in promoting the sport of snowmobiling through safety, education and access. We will have another planning meeting with the executive board in May to get into the details of issues and problem solving on our way toward a successful year. I would also like to introduce Scott Jones, who was appointed by Janelle (with my support) to fill the Vice President vacancy. I have known Scott since he joined the Colorado Blizzards a couple years ago after moving from New York. His enthusiasm and previous experience in ATVs and snowmobiling was met with open arms when he arrived on the Front Range. Scott has a legal background in land use which has led to his interest and involvement with the Colorado Blizzards and also his rapid interest in CSA as the COHVCO Representative when the position was vacated a couple years ago. I was fortunate to be able to get to know Scott on trail work days and club rides and can attest to his common sense and good nature. I also feel that he has also demonstrated good judgment in all that I have seen and heard in his dealings with CSA and COHVCO. It is my pleasure to bring Scott Jones to the CSA Executive Board. I respect the wishes of everyone in CSA and I will do my best to lead the charge for CSA. Thank you for your support!
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
District 1
Hi from District 1. We still have plenty of snow to play on. Mark B sent us a ‘you tube’ video showing all the snow he has found, 6’ of new powder, WOW. Won’t tell us where?? Doesn’t need to as we know where to find it. Just come to Walden and Steamboat for lots of fun. This weekend (Feb. 12) is the Poker Run in Gould sponsored by the Snowsnakes. This run benefits several charities in the Walden area and is a lot of fun both on and off the trail. The Snowsnakes groom the trails in the Gould area and always have smooth trails for us to ride on till we get to a meadow to play in. We are going on Friday and riding Saturday and Sunday, Hope to see you there. Dianna and I, along with Scott and Michelle Jones went to the CSA Convention in January to enjoy snow down at Pagosa Springs. Well, there could have been more snow. The Joke of the Weekend was if you don’t want snow in your area just host the convention. Thanks to the guides who still were able to show us a good time and some virgin snow. Here’s wishing Gabby Smiley a quick recovery from her mishap on the trail. I would like to commend the Pagosa Lodge on a job well done. We will be certain to stay at their place the next time we get to Pagosa. It has lots of open spaces to hang out in, including a good restaurant and lounge. The Wolf Creek Trailblazers hosted the convention and provided the entertainment for the 3 days. They put a lot of great effort into it and the results showed. Welcome to the new President, Randy Miller, of the Snowsnakes, new Vice-President, Scott Jones, of the Colorado Blizzards. Thanks to Karen Ball for doing a great job as Secretary. A BIG THANKS to Janelle for all the effort, concern and dedication she has put into the presidency these past years. She really saved our bacon, not to mention our riding areas and relationships with Forest service and State of Colorado. I am glad to see her stay active as past President.; See you on the snow...gear up and let’s go!
Bill Rexford
Troy Jaklich
Grand Lake Trailblazers
The Trailblazers are honored to be named “Snowmobile Club of the Year” by the CSA. Tom and Debbie Mason travelled to Pagosa Springs and enjoyed receiving the award. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Tom and Debbie enjoyed the convention. We have been working hard on the annual Flight for Life Poker Run. By the time you see this, it will be over. Kimberly Orr has done an amazing job again this year organizing the event. We are adding more every year, so please make plans to attend next year. We were recently informed that Flight for Life made 66 trips to Grand County last year. This is certainly a cause worth sponsoring. Thank you to all who attended and congratulations to our winners. On February 26 we will have our annual Long Ride. We usually make a trip over to Gould, but this year Illinois pass is closed for logging. We will be going to King Mountain Ranch for a day of DEEP powder riding instead. A chili lunch will be available for $10. We are working on getting the parking lot dug out at King Mountain, so keep checking the website for updates. You probably need to RSVP so that we know if there will be
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Colorado Blizzards
Dianna Rexford
Well, not much new snow at the CSA Convention in Pagosa Springs a few weeks ago, but the Wolf Creek Trailblazers did a great job of hosting the event. The prime rib dinner on Saturday night was fantastic and there were lots of riding areas to select from for various skill levels. The ‘Blizzards’ are looking forward to participating in the Poker Run in Gould February 12th hosted by the Walden Snowsnakes. This is always a fun event with lots of prizes to win after the Run is over. The following weekend we have our annual President’s Day ride. This year we are going to the Grand Mesa and staying at the Electric Lodge. Hard to believe February will be pretty much over by that time. We have had great snow in our area this year. Our club has welcomed several new members this year and we have been able to get them out on the trails and show them around. Be sure to visit our website at www.coloradoblizzards.com for a list of events we have scheduled.
District 3
enough parking. There is an alternate plan in place if we can’t get the parking lot cleared. The annual Overnight Ride is coming March 11-13. Mike Ingle will be leading an intrepid crew to Grand Mesa for a great trip. Please check our website at www.gltrailblazers.com for all the ride information. Grand Lake has enjoyed a tremendous amount of snow this year and the riding is FANTASTIC. Please make plans to visit and ride. When you do come to Grand Lake, please visit our business members. Twenty-five club members and guests enjoyed our annual Moonlight Ride recently. The wind tried to stop us, but the fire got lit and it was a great time. Several folks took advantage of the opportunity to ride the groomer. Lastly, we want to thank John Movius for all his help and support during his term as District 3 Representative. John did a lot for the sport, our club, and the Town of Grand Lake and we appreciate all that he did.
District 5 By Mark Young
Pikes Peak High Riders
The PPHR season is well on the way. We’ve had three club rides and have three more scheduled. PPHR is the local club for Woodland Park and Colorado Springs. We meet once a month to discuss the club rides and exchange information. What everyone wants to know is where is the best snow? The Rabbit Ears ride was typical of the year so far. Lots of snow the first two days but Sunday morning was described by one rider as a “powderfest”. The photos he passed around confirmed it. We’ve signed up four new members this year and hope the snow that is falling up high increases the fun factor of snowmobiling in Colorado and brings new riders to our sport. We want to thank the Lake City club for their hospitality. We scheduled our second ride of the season at Lake City and contacted them for a guide. We really appreciate them finding the time to show us around. It’s always a plus to have someone who knows the best places to ride.
F ebruary -M arch 2011
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
District 6
Carrie Kroschel
Greetings again from District 6 I sure hope you are enjoying this electronic version of the Snow Scoop and “Welcome” to those of you who are walking valiantly into the 21st Century! The E-board has worked hard to make sure that the needs of the members that want more versions of the Snow Scoop are weighed and measured against the need to balance our budget so hopefully we have addressed both concerns and everyone is satisfied if not gloriously thrilled! Please feel free to let us know how we did! The best part about having this electronic version is that we have another opportunity to get information out to you that is pertinent and fresh. Hopefully clubs are letting their district reps know about events, social functions, and concerns that are timely or are busy writing articles of their own so this version is as full and informative as our printed versions! As for District 6 I would like to thank Derrick and (a very pregnant!) Tina Wood from Leadville High Riders, and Terry Peavler from the Buena Vista Snowdrifters for joining us in Pagosa Springs for the annu-
al spring convention! I know Terry had some trailer issues, and I am pretty sure Derrick followed Barry to the never-world, but I think overall they enjoyed themselves and found the trip worthwhile! I would also like to encourage all of YOU to join us next time! We do wish Gabby a speedy recovery though!!!! I was with her when she had her little mishap and know that she very much appreciated not only the wonderful people we were riding with (Bob, Mary, Ray, Mary and all the rest of you!) but also the absolutely terrific members of the volunteer search and rescue group! We got to experience a very scary thing in the best of hands and I know we are both thankful for that. Snow conditions are epic in most of District 6 so please come up to the really high country and ride with us! We are working on increasing our social functions and rides up here so please let us know what kinds of events and rides appeal to you too! Thanks again for reading the E-version of the Snow Scoop ----- Think Snow! Carrie
CSA Merchandise Sales of our new logo merchandise were fairly brisk at the convention in Pagosa and I would like to give a big thanks to all of you out there that have purchased items from there and from the web site over the past couple of months! I have tried hard to come up with fun things in all different price ranges and for all groups from the kids and teens to us older fogies, so I am pretty sure everyone will find SOMETHING they like if you just take a look! I encourage everyone to make sure you log in as a member when you shop the merchandise store on line! When you do so you automatically receive at least 15% off your purchase and will often receive other benefits like discounted shipping or free sunglasses! One thing to be sure and check out right now is our customizable mug! When you purchase the mug it is automatically filled with a full color photo (by Moi) and our new logo, BUT you can also take that photo out and replace it with photos of your kids, your pets, a favorite vacation picture, or a photo of YOUR favorite place to ride! It is really “cool” and very simple to do on your own but if you prefer you can also upgrade (for only $5 more) and send me the photos you would like to incorporate and I will design a one-of-a-kind mug just for you and send it all ready to use!
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
District 7
Lake City Snowmobile Club Erin Cavit
Snowmobilers! The snow is here (we can still use more in some places) and the trails are groomed and marked (thank you to the volunteers that went out and put up poles and to the county for getting our trails ready). Our next meeting will be on January 20 at Packer’s Saloon. Please make note of the location change for the meeting. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. but come early and have dinner with other club members.
If you have not registered yet for the 2010/2011 season you should do so as soon as possible at the Colorado Snowmobile Association website: http://www.snowmobilecolo.com/ . If you do not have your login information needed to find your member information and renew then just let me know and I will be glad to send the information to you. When you join on the website you will first be joining CSA and then you will be asked if you want to add a club. Because you were a member of the Lake City club before it should come up to renew but if not you
will have to do it at step 4 of 6. Any questions or problems, let me know. If you do not want to register on-line then you can fill out a registration form for our club and send it to me at the club address: LCCDSC PO Box 591 Lake City, CO 81235 If you know of any snowmobilers who are not members of the club let them know they can join and get a discount of $10 from the Lake City club dues for the first year. See you on the 20th! Don’t forget - and please pass the word around to other snowmobilers.
SnowCountry Explorers Leslie Dustin
The Snow Country Explorers have really been enjoying this winter. So far we’ve had seven club rides: Bristol Head twice, Hill 71, Love Lake twice, Pass Creek/Tucker Ponds/Fox Mountain, and Baldy Mtn/Plumtaw. Even though snow has been a little sparse in our neck of the woods, we have been able to get out there thanks in part to nearby trail systems in South Fork, Lake City, and Pagosa Springs/Durango. Probably the highlight of January was attending the CSA Convention in Pagosa Springs. Eleven club members made it over the mountain for the banquet. Five of them were able to get some snowmobiling in too. A big thank you to the Wolf Creek Trailblazers for hosting this year’s convention. They did a fantastic job! Our very own Bob Kukuk received the honor of being awarded “Groomer of the Year” during the banquet. Pictures and more details on Bob and his award will be in the next issue of the Snow Scoop. So stay tuned! Our March meeting has been changed to Thursday, March 10, at 6 p.m. Once again, Chef Sonny Roux (Dodson) will be preparing Gumbo for the club. You won’t want to miss this! The dinner will start at 6 p.m. and will be held in
the fellowship hall of the Creede Community Church located at 4th and Main. Club members are asked to bring a side salad, bread, or dessert to share. A short business meeting will follow dinner. For information on club meetings, events, and rides, go to www.snowmobilecolo.com and click on “Creede” under local clubs. All our events are posted (and updated) on the web site. Any questions, please feel free to call me at 719-658-0184 or e-mail dondustin1@aol.com. Everyone is welcome to attend any Snow Country Explorer events. Until next time, THINK SNOW!
Nancy Blackford enjoying some powder riding during the CSA Convention.
Jimmy Britton, Wolf Creek Trailblazers, led us to John Wayne Meadows off the Plumtaw trail during the CSA Convention. On Baldy Mountain above Pagosa Springs.
F ebruary -M arch 2011
District 8
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
We had a great time at the State Convention this year in Pagosa Springs. We even had a good day of riding on Saturday before the banquet. Thanks to the club there for hosting the event this year! I had a great time visiting with lots of people. Jeff Moberg and his wife Yvonne who are the publishers for our Snowscoop drove over 600 miles from Northern Wyoming to attend, I had the privilege of riding with Jeff on Saturday, we had a great time and they are good people to have producing our publication. They are snowmobilers and team players for sure! The Uncompahgre Trail Riders from Montrose joined the West End Sledders in Norwood for a ride on the Cone. There was a small mishap late in the ride, one individual bent a sled and broke a leg, but other riders worked together well to rescue one of their own from a bad wreck. Norwood was glad to have them and assures anyone else looking for adventure that this is NOT the norm! You will have fun (or else)! North Fork had their Poker run on the 12th of the month. Delta Snokrusers are having a ride to Glenwood on the 25th - 27th of February; contact Steve at 970-856-3642 if you are interested in attending. West End Sledders will be having their Poker Run on the 26th
Aaron Todd
of February. Registration will be from 8-10am in the parking lot this year. Rumors have it that they will be giving away some outstanding door prizes again this year. Contact Jacque McClellan at 970-8652518 for further information. Delta Snokrusers will also be hosting a poker run this year on the 12th of March. It will coincide with the 1st annual Big Bore BBQ & Sled Show at the Thunder Mountain Lodge. They will hold a pancake breakfast from 7-10am with the sled show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BBQ pork, rack of ribs, coleslaw, baked beans and corn bread will be available for lunch and supper. Call Katie Himes at 970-270-4474 or watch the calendar at www.snowmobilecolo.com for more information. The Grand Junction Snowskippers are planning a poker run this year as well. It is initially planned to be near the Vega Reservoir, contact Dave at 970-234-2222 for more information on that one or watch their website www.snowskippers. com Please get out and support these clubs, these rides and poker runs take a LOT of time and effort to put on. Don’t let all that work go unappreciated! Joe Oglesby from the North Fork Club was awarded the Snowmobiler of the Year award this year, congratulations to Joe, you are very deserving! Of course by now everybody probably knows that we have a new President at CSA effective April 1 in Randy Miller as well as a new Vice President, Scott Jones. Both of these guys bring a great deal to the table for CSA and we are fortunate to have them on the board. I would also like to say a very sincere ‘Thank You’ to Janelle for the service she has done to our organization as the President for the last few years. Janelle has volunteered time and effort beyond comprehension to help protect our passion. Her professional demeanor has earned CSA audiences with Senators, Congressmen and Legislators that have proven to be extremely valuable to the advancement and preservation of the sport we love the most. Thank you Janelle, you leave large shoes to fill!
Uncompahgre Valley Trail Riders
Arlene Hawley
The guests and speakers for the UVTR January meeting/potluck were Kris Ann Wist and Ken Straley from the USFS Ouray District. Kris Ann expressed appreciation for the trail maintenance our club had done on our adopted trails, Owl Creek, Spring Creek, and Dry Creek trails. She presented a power point presentation on other trails that the USFS had upgraded this past summer. Ken Straley stated that Colorado had received a large grant for Ecological Restoration to help with the trail maintenance. The West End Sledders club from Norwood hosted our club for the January 16 snowmobile ride in the Lone Cone area. Fifteen members from both clubs enjoyed a scenic ride and a fun time. The UVTR sends their thanks for hosting the ride. February 19 and 20 is the club’s next ride with the Arrowhead snowmobile club. Contact Eric Johnson (862-8399) if you plan to ride or need info on lodging at the Arrowhead Lodge(862-8206). It is a gorgeous area to ride so don’t miss out. Mark your calendar for the snowmobile rides on the Uncompahgre Plateau March 6 and Grand Mesa March 20th. Trail boss for both rides is Rich Jakino. Reports from the groomers are that snow conditions are good and grooming is on schedule. Check the clubs report on the CSA website for current trail conditions. Just to inform the public, the plowing of Dave Wood road is done by a private contractor, not the county or the Forest Service, and is paid for thru the generosity of Elk Mountain Resort. The UVTR club plows the Elk Mtn. trailhead parking lot. Be sure and encourage your “snowmobile buddies” to support the CSA and local clubs for all of their work. Election of officers for 2011 will be held at our March 23 meeting at the Montrose Library meeting room. Nominees for offices are President Rich Jakino, Vice-President Bill Bennett, and Secretary-treasurer Joann Gardner. Contact number for interested nominees is 209-8900. Enjoy the Winter Wonderland!!
Delta SnoKrusers
By Katie Himes
Happy February! We are in the midst of wonderful snow and cold weather so hopefully we’ll have many more weeks of riding ahead of us, contrary to the groundhog’s prediction. Looking past this year, I really hope that we are able to ride the open ranges of Colorado for years to come, but the Winter Wildlands Alliance is trying to keep us snowmobilers to the OHV trails, which I think we all agree is less than ideal, to put it lightly. What can we do about it? Membership! Membership numbers speak volumes, especially to elected officials. So talk to your friends, let them know that if we don’t stand up for ourselves and our rights to free lands, they will be taken away from us. Another thing we can do is write to those individuals that are elected to represent us, whether we voted for them or not, and let them now that they need to protect our right to ride our snowmobiles on public lands, on and off trail. We conducted a membership drive in a couple parking lots last month and spoke to people pulling to ride about these efforts. Many of them had no idea that there was a group out there trying to keep us to the trails. So next time you are in the parking lot, talk to people, let them know. If they don’t want to join our club, any snowmobile club will work. Membership numbers in snowmobile clubs is the key. Our Glenwood Ride is scheduled for February 25-27. We have a group leaving Friday and one leaving Saturday and we’ll all ride back together. For details, call Steve Foster or check out the Delta SnoKrusers Facebook page. Also check the Facebook page for updated news on rides, get-togethers, weather, etc. Our Poker Run is schedule for March 12 at Thunder Mountain Lodge. $10 per hand with 50% pay out. If you are interested in helping out, let Steve or Cheryl or myself know. The more volunteers we have, the better!
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
District 9
Hello to all the winter recreationists from the clubs of southwest Colorado. The CSA Convention, hosted by the Wolf Creek Trailblazers of Pagosa Springs, was an overwhelming success! It seems that the trail guides were able to find adequate snow for the local rides and a good time was had by all. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the Wolf Creek Trailblazers who worked so hard to make this event the success that it was. I would also like to thank all of the CSA members who attended the event and thus made the convention a success. In the meantime we have received 14 inches of new snow since the convention. So the snowmobiling continues to be good here in southwest Colorado. The clubs of District 9 are spending the rest of February preparing for their local elections. Good luck to all clubs and all candidates involved in these elections. Meanwhile, think snow, be courteous and be safe. Jimmy Britton
Jimmy Britton
Wolf Creek Trail Blazers
Rhonda Britton
Hello everyone, Well the convention has come and gone and we’re just so happy ya’ll came down to our neck of the woods to play for the weekend. It was great fun and we really enjoyed being your hosts in spite of the spring like conditions. We had our regular monthly meeting at the Methodist Church last night. The Beatty’s provided Valentine refreshments of Texas sheet cake, Russell Stover candies, and Raspberry tea, which was enjoyed by all. Thank you very much, Kay and Stu! Our meeting moved along very fast and we had ample time to visit after the meeting. The nominating committee will be contacting members to volunteer to serve in some capacity for this upcoming year. Remember that volunteers are the backbone of our club, so please step up to the plate when asked to serve. It’s just for a short time and is so important to the stability of all our CSA clubs. February is my favorite winter month. It seems the snow packs well and has a good “feel” about it and makes for great snowmobiling. Jimmy and I have both been under the weather for the last week, but he dragged my tired ole butt out and made me snowshoe with him this afternoon and I’m so glad he did. Something about our beautiful blue, blue Colorado sky, snow capped peaks, and untracked snow lifts the spirit of body and mind! Enjoy the rest of our winter season; it’ll be gone before we know it. Happy trails to all! Rhonda Britton
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
CSA Convention 2011
I would like to thank all of you who were able to make it down to Pagosa Springs for the 2011 CSA Annual Convention. We really enjoyed hosting this annual event, and for many of our members it was their first time ever to have the opportunity to participate in a CSA Convention. The Pagosa Lodge went out of their way to make this a big success. Their knowledge of hosting conventions simply took away any problems or concerns, large and small, and smoothed them away. The owners, CK and Neil Patel, are working hard to restore and remodel The Pagosa Lodge to its former grand status, while still remaining open for business as usual. They hope to have the Lodge Restaurant open for business by this coming summer. We wish them success and give them a big thank you from the Wolf Creek Trailblazers and the Colorado Snowmobile Association for making our convention such a fun event!
The Friday evening welcome spaghetti dinner was prepared by our club president, Joe Merola, and he was assisted in the kitchen by the lodge staff. The Trailblazers pitched in with some wonderful desserts. The very popular local band Tim Sullivan and the Narrow Gauge Railroad topped the evening off. Since the band has such a large following in our area, local residents were also invited to join us for spaghetti and dancing. It was a fun night to say the least! The Saturday evening CSA Awards banquet was prepared by the lodge staff with Prime Rib, Salmon, salad, veggies with all the trimmings, and Carol Schofield’s famous collection of homemade pies. We all enjoyed the program which consisted of door prizes, other prize drawings, CSA Awards presentations, the Quilt Raffle drawing, the oldest Snowmobiler (our own John Taylor), the youngest Snowmobiler, and Snowmobiler who
came the farthest. The grand prize winner walked away with a 32” flat screen television, donated by the Wolf Creek Trailblazers. Since Jimmy and I don’t like to get up early, we spent the night at the Lodge and attended with many others the buffet breakfast and quarterly meeting which included election of officers and the odd numbered district representatives, as well as the yearly budget approval. Our ride leaders have all mentioned what a nice bunch of riders you all were; so nice, friendly, helpful, and not one single complaint about the low snow level we’ve had this year. I must add that we now have a little over a foot more snow than during the convention. But oh well, that’s the way it sometimes goes! Thanks again for being our guests. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting you! Rhonda Britton Convention Chair
C h c k i n g i n at the lodge
Cynthia and kathy welcoming folks
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Visiting and dancing
M o r e dancing
CSA Convention 2011
F ebruary -M arch 2011
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Pres. Joe Menola in the kitchen
CSA Convention 2011
The portable bar
the prize table s at u r d ay e v e ning
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Pikes peak high rider jeff wiese with the tv he won during the convention
CSA Groomer of the year Bob Kukuk CSA Award winners (not pictured) Club of the Year: Trailblazers of Grand Lake. Friend of CSA: Prinoth, LLC from Grand Junction.
E n j oy i n g food and friends
CSA Convention 2011
CSA dealer of the year winner Felker Motorsports
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Tucker Ponds Ride
CSA Convention 2011
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
John Taylor H i s to ry time
Saturday Lunch break pitstop at brittons.
CSA Convention 2011
A well-known publisher stuck on the side of a hill during the convention ride
F ebruary -M arch 2011
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
CSA Convention 2011
Mount baldy convention ride
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Someone’s stuck in the ditch!
Michael Kukuk making tracks
CSA Convention 2011
Meadow fun
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Membership in CSA Janelle Kukuk
As many of you know, I homeschool our two children. The curriculum I have used from the beginning uses a very clever marketing maneuver to make parents think hard about what they want out of a homeschool curriculum. When answering the question as to WHY someone should join CSA I find that using the same thought process helps me better explain why I think it is vital for any snowmobiler or non-snowmobiler that values their freedom to recreate as they want. So here goes… TEN REASONS NOT TO JOIN OR SUPPORT CSA OR A CLUB 1. I don’t care to ride groomed trails. Although we certainly understand the desire of many riders in the state to avoid groomed trails and enjoy their time boondocking in the trees and carving their own tracks in fresh powder, trailheads, parking areas and even groomed trails are still a necessity even to get to some of those honey holes. 2. I don’t have time to worry about club meetings. We certainly encourage everyone to support a local club and although any local club in the state will tell you they would welcome new faces, it is never a requirement of joining a club or CSA to show up at a meeting. The financial support that is provided with club dues helps those in the club that are committed to grooming, planning events, or keeping the dialogue open between land managers and snowmobilers to continue what they do. 3. I can’t take time away from my job and my family for one more thing. It is a fair statement that even those of us who are at the forefront of CSA and the clubs will use this one on a regular basis. At no time should it ever be implied that by joining a club or CSA that a member is required to volunteer time, energy or even money unless they feel compelled to. Again the financial support and the added voice that our members supply give CSA and the clubs the physical ability and the credibility to be effective. 4. I don’t care who grooms the trails or keeps the trails open, I just want to ride. Admittedly this is probably the hardest thing for those of us who do commit to keeping the trails groomed and open to hear but it is a reality. Unfortunately there isn’t a compelling argument against this except without groups like the local clubs, Colorado Snowmobile Association and the American Council of Snowmobile Associations it won’t be long before there aren’t any areas left to ride. To many this feels like an empty threat but the forces working against access are strong and well funded and are, at best, a difficult challenge to meet. 5. I wear a beacon and carry a probe and
shovel, I’ll be OK, I don’t need a class. That feeling of immortality is common to many of us. Unfortunately a large number of us can tell you some near misses and some tragic stories of those for who beacon, probe and shovel were not enough. Although none of us can ever control when it is our time we do feel that the avalanche awareness and avoidance classes, the rescue technique practices and the safe rider classes for youth and beginners offered by CSA through our partnership with Colorado State Parks can certainly minimize accidents and we hope serious injury or worse. 6. My voice isn’t going to make a difference. This point is one I can wax poetic on for a long time but in a few words, YOU WANNA BET? It is stunning what sheer numbers can do for an argument against anything. If I step in front of a group of people and say that I speak for 2000 individuals and families in Colorado who own and ride snowmobiles I have some credibility, enough to start the statement, but if I say that I speak for 10,000 individuals and families or nearly ½ of the registered snowmobiles in Colorado I have everyone’s attention, immediately. Whether it is a state or federal legislator, a land manager, another user group, CSA is only as effective and dynamic as our numbers indicate we are. Every member gives us one more individual or family to give our support to and make sure their riding is the best we can make it. 7. I follow the rules, I don’t need someone telling me how to ride or act. Truer words were never spoken by 80% of snowmobilers or, for that matter, citizens in general. But, there is the other 20%. The saying, “one bad apple will ruin the basket” is certainly applicable to motorized recreation. It is common knowledge that when only one rider is caught encroaching in Wilderness that that bad behavior is immediately transferred to all of us and we are all labeled as irresponsible and careless. The more we can educate, advise and police our own the more we can competently carry our message. If we actively advocate on our own behalf and impede illegal or unethical behavior the better for the whole sport. CSA strives to provide this knowledge to its membership. 8. I am not political, I don’t want to spend all my time writing comments or calling my Congressman or sitting through a public meeting. Point taken. It is probably completely fair to say that the leadership of CSA and the local clubs are populated with people who like to mix it up a bit, which is why they do what they do. However, it is essential to have the financial support so that we, CSA, can make sure our message is carried to the Forest Service, or BLM, or Congress
or even the local Board of County Commissioners. I won’t lie to you; this one aspect of CSA’s mission, grassroots advocacy, is most expensive but also most effective. We work hard to make sure that each of our members are kept current on what is going on so when you do see something that effects you personally or your favorite riding area, you have all the information you need to make your own decision and get involved at the level you are most comfortable with. And the larger our membership the greater our message is and the more people we get involved. 9. My buddies and I like to ride with our friends, we don’t do “club” rides. A large draw to new riders or new residents is the comfort level of going out with people familiar with the best riding in the area. It gives the untested the confidence to try new things, expand their riding experiences and just have fun. No one expects you to forfeit your day of fun to spend the day with a ‘newbie’. However, your experience and knowledge could give someone a once in a lifetime view, teach someone how not to get stuck, or even prevent an injury. And who knows, you might get access to that new honey hole. 10. I can’t afford to join. In this time of financial struggles all of us have to watch our pennies but after spending several thousands of dollars on the sport, $22 is not a lot to spend to help mold and protect your favorite activity. Snowmobiling has always been a family sport. Many of us learned to ride as very young children on the backs of our parent’s machines. Without the continued efforts of clubs and CSA, funded and supported by our members, the future of our sport is in jeopardy. I work on behalf of CSA for our members and the viability of the sport but my heart is in preserving unfettered access to our public lands for my children. Most of you reading this are already members of CSA and a club. So it probably seems as though I am preaching to the choir. My main objective is to give you another tool to help recruit members for your local club and for CSA. I urge you to share this article with your friends and riding buddies that are not quite sure whether to join or not. To join, you can fill out the application below, get on our website, www.snowmobilecolo.com, or contact a local club listed in the back of this publication to get a club application. Whatever the method, please consider joining and supporting the Colorado Snowmobile Association and join us in protecting our beloved sport and see if we can change your mind about the 10 Reasons Not To.
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
__Individual $22
__Family $22
__Business $32
____New Member ____Renewal
Last Name__________________________________First Name______________________________________ Spouse Last Name___________________________Spouse First Name________________________________ Total in Household_____
Number of Snowmobiles Owned_____
Mailing Address__________________________________________City________________________________ State_______Zip____________Best Contact Phone________________________________________________ Email__________________________________(for association use only) ********************************************************************************************************************************* Business Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person Last Name____________________________First Name________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________Physical Address________________________________ City_____________________________________State________Zip___________________ Business Phone___________________________Website____________________________________________ Email___________________________________(for association use only) If Snowmobile Dealer, what brand(s)______________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************************************************************************** Sponsor (Who influenced you to join CSA)________________________________________________________ To buy new CSA Merchandise go to CSA’s website www.snowmobilecolo.com Please consider contributing to the CSA “Right to Ride” Fund
Please consider contributing to the CSA SEEDS Fund (Support, Education, Events, Development, Safety)
Membership dues from above
__Payment Enclosed
__Bill my Credit Card
__Visa __Mastercard __Discover #_______________________________________________Exp Date_________ Security Code:________Name on Card_____________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________________ (credit card not valid without signature)
PLEASE REMIT TO: CSA, 325 RIVER ROCK DR, JOHNSTOWN, CO 80534 970-587-0364 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Amt Received$__________________
Check #__________ Date Received_______________
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
CSA 2010 Raffle Summary Randy Miller
ACSA Grand Raffle Tickets Janelle Kukuk
Each year the American Council of Snowmobile Associations offers up for raffle 4 high performance or mountain sleds from each of the major manufacturers. CSA received 25 of these tickets to sell. It is our goal to sell all 25. And I know there are several of you out there wishing for a new sled. The tickets sell for $100 each and only 1000 tickets are printed. The drawing will be held on May 26, 2011 (need not be present to win). The first ticket drawn will have his/her choice of a 2012 Arctic Cat, Polaris, SkiDoo, or Yamaha sled (800 cc or equivalent). The second ticket a choice of the remaining 3 and so forth. All donations are tax deductible. All proceeds from the sale of the tickets go to fund the work of the American Council of Snowmobile Associations. ACSA is our voice at the national level. They work extensively in Washington DC with legislators, top brass of the Forest Service, BLM and National Park Service. They monitor activity across the country that has impacts on snowmobiling. They keep an extensive library of resources to help state associations and local clubs alike meet the challenges we face all the time. To order your ticket(s) please send a check and postcard with your name, address and phone number to ACSA Grand Raffle, Janelle Kukuk, 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede, CO 81130. GOOD LUCK!
Quilt Raffle The winner of the Quilt Raffle is Laura des Palmes from Silverton. Congratulations Laura! Hope you enjoy the quilt. We raised $726 for the quilt raffle. Thanks to everyone who donated.
ACSA Raffle Calendars Janelle Kukuk
There are a few ACSA 2011 Raffle Calendars left. It isn’t too late to order one. All the clubs have received some to sell as well. The drawing for January will be held at the end of the month so order now to get your name in January’s pot. The Calendars are fun and an easy way to help donate to both the American Council of Snowmobile Associations and the Colorado Snowmobile Association. The premise behind the calendars is this: Purchase a calendar for $20 ($5 goes to CSA), your name is put in the pot. At the end of each month names will be drawn for prizes for each day. After each name is drawn it is put back into the pot so you literally have 365 chances to win. The prizes range from $20 to a new sled. There will be over $17,000 in prizes awarded throughout the year. You will also get six chances to win a new sled including that brand new 2011 Arctic Cat full size snowmobile. To purchase a calendar mail your name, address and phone number (best one to contact you) to Raffle Calendar, Janelle Kukuk, 2889 USFS Rd 509, Creede, CO 81130. Please enclose how many calendars you want, and a check for the appropriate amount. Don’t delay!
The 1st place winner of this year’s raffle was John Kocik of Steamboat, CO. The winning ticket was sold by Routt Powder Riders. The 2nd place winner was Troy Madsen from Craig, CO. He bought his ticket from the Northwest Colorado Snowmobile Club. Thanks to all the clubs who participated in this year’s raffle. You did a great job. 6,107 tickets were sold for a Gross Revenue collected of $30,535. After expenses the 50/50 split for each ticket sold is $2. Below is a summary of clubs that sold at least 100 tickets or more. Once again Congratulations to NW CO Snowmobile Club in Craig. They sold a whopping 1,050 tickets! That’s a lot of money for the club’s treasury. Great job! Below is a summary of clubs that sold at least 100 tickets. Club
Tickets Sold
Northwest Colorado Snowmobile Club
Routt Powder Riders
Rifle Snowmobile Club
Western Slope Snowmobile
San Juan Sledders
Mile Hi Snowmobile Club
North Park Snow Snakes Club
Colorado Blizzards
Grand Lake Trailblazers
Delta Snokrusers
Snow Country Explorers
Mt Sopris Rec Riders
North Fork Snowmobile Club
Uncompahgre Valley Trail Riders
Arrowhead Snowmobile Club
High Riders Snowmobile Club
Other clubs that participated were: S & W Adventure Riders, Holy Cross Powder Hounds, Silverton Snowmobile Club, South Fork Powder Busters, Steamboat Lake Snowmobile Club, Flattoppers, West End Sledders, Buena Vista Snowmobile Club, Pikes Peak High Riders, Wolf Creek Trailblazers, Planet Motorsports. Thanks to all who organized and encouraged their local clubs and for getting the tickets returned in a timely and organized manner. You all did a GREAT job!
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Northwest Colorado
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Northwest Colorado Snowmobile Club, Colorado State Parks & Recreation staff (Ron Dellacroce, Matt Schuler, Jacob Dewhirst) and Moffat County Sheriff’s Department co-sponsored public avalanche awareness, safety and rescue methods classes. During the two sessions at the Moffat County High School Auditorium, Friday, January 7 information on avalanche causes, awareness of potential avalanche conditions, use of avalanche equipment, and avalanche videos were presented. Saturday, January 8, participants rode to Johnson Meadows on the Freeman snowmobile trail loop and practiced use of snow pit reading of snow layers, correct snow rescue digging methods, as well as avalanche beacon practice rescue methods.
Avalanche Safety Days
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EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Lake City Photos by Steve Robinson Scenes from the 10th annual Balloonfest in Lake City held on February 12. The annual event is sponsored in part by the Lake City Continental Divide Snowmobile Club.
Balloon Fest
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Arctic Cat News Thirty-Two Win Weekend for Team Arctic On Top in Eastern/Canadian Snocross and Western Hillclimbs It’s the middle of the race season, and Team Arctic snocross and hillclimb racers delivered a 32-win weekend that makes the competition wish winter was over. Leading the victory lap parade in snocross were Tucker Hibbert and Cody Thomsen, each winning a class at the ISOC Eastern National in Farmington, NY. Hibbert’s win in Pro Open marked his 62nd career Pro class win, and overshadowed the troubles that derailed his efforts in Pro Stock, in which he finished fifth. Pro teammates Garth Kaufman, Logan Christian and Dan Ebert found additional speed in Farmington, with Kaufman taking a second in Pro Stock, while Christian and Ebert each notched a fourth place. Factory Team Arctic standout Cody Thomsen continued his season-long onslaught of the Semi Pro class, winning one final, taking a second in the other and leaving New York with a commanding points lead. While Team Arctic snocrossers were winning in Farmington, the hillclimb team set the high mark with 13 wins at the RMSHA season-opener in Bear Lake, Idaho. It was a familiar family of names who once again proved the superiority of the M Series, as Chance Buckallew, Amy Zollinger, Kyle Tapio and Bryant Ropelato each won multiple events, including Kyle and Bryant’s King titles. They were joined in the winner’s circle by Nels Tapio, Todd Tupper, Taylor Siemers and Casey Morley, giving Arctic Cat the top spot in more than half of the class finals. At the Soo International 500 enduro in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Team Arctic’s Isaac Wolfgang was oh-so-close to notching his first victory, finishing in the runner-up position just five seconds out of first. “This was one of those weekends where Team Arctic racers
Jr. 14-15: 3. Jayme Lynch Transition 8-12: 3. Brandon O’Neil About Arctic Cat: Arctic Cat Inc., based in Thief River Falls, Minn., designs, engineers, manufactures and markets all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and snowmobiles under the Arctic Cat® brand Team Arctic Race Results from ECS name, as well as related parts, garments and accessories. Its Regional Farmington, NY Team Arctic Race Results from ISOC common stock is traded on the Pro Plus-30: 1. Jason Boron National Farmington, NY Semi Pro Stock #1: 3. Chris NASDAQ National Market under Pro Open: 1. Tucker Hibbert, the ticker symbol “ACAT.” More Ackerman 4. Logan Christian Plus 25/35: 2. Josh Gessing- information about Arctic Cat and Pro Stock: 2. Garth Kaufman, its products is available on the er 4. Dan Ebert Internet at www.arcticcat.com. Jr. 16-17: 1. Jayme Lynch Semi Pro Stock #1: 2. Cody Thomsen Semi Pro Stock #2: 1. Cody Thomsen Sport Stock #1: 3. Hunter Nelson won all-over the North American map in all forms of competition,” said Mike Kloety, Race Manager. “While we didn’t win every time we hit the track, notching 32 wins tells the story of our racers, crews and snowmobiles, while highlighting the strength of our program.”
Team Arctic Race Results from RMSHA Hillclimb in Bear Lake, ID 600 Stock: 2. Tony Zollinger 600 Imp.: 1. Chance Buckallew, 2. Rob Kincaid, 3. Ben Adams 600 Mod: 1. Nels Tapio, 2. Sid Archibald 700 Imp.: 1. Chance Buckallew 700 Mod.: 2. Russ Tapio, 3. Nels Tapio 800 Stock: 3. David McClure 800 Imp.: 2. David McClure 800 Mod: 3. Kyle Tapio 1000 Stock: 1. Kyle Tapio Open Mod: 1. Kyle Tapio, 2. Russ Tapio, 3. Nels Tapio Pro Masters Stock: 1. Todd Tupper Pro Masters Imp.: 2. Todd Tupper Women Stock: 1. Amy Zollinger, 2. Rachel Humphrey, 3. Charise Cook Women Imp.: 2. Amy Zollinger, 3. Rachel Humphrey Women Mod: 1. Amy Zollinger, 2. Rachel Humphrey Semi Pro Stock: 3. Bryant Ropelato Semi Pro Imp.: 3. Bo Morss Semi Pro Mod: 1. Bryant Ropelato Junior: 1. Taylor Siemers, 2.
Greg Lindbloom New Member Stock: 2. Trace Tupper New Member Improved: 1. Casey Morley, 2. CJ Gorringe Stock King: Kyle Tapio Semi Pro King: Bryant Ropelato
F ebruary -M arch 2011
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Polaris News Polaris Introduces the Industry’s First Adventure Sled, the Most Versatile Crossover Sled Ever Built, and Now There’s an RMK for Everyone
In 2010 Polaris changed the game with the industry’s first progressive-rate rear suspension and introduced the PRO-RIDE chassis. In 2011 the PRO-RIDE chassis exploded into 11 new models, including the 431 lb., lightest and most durable RMK ever built. In 2012, Polaris is staying on the gas by releasing three of several new 2012 models early. The 800 Switchback Pro-R, 600 Switchback Adventure and 600 Pro-RMK 155” will be featured on the Polaris website as well as at Polaris demo ride events that will be held across North America starting on February 10, 2011. The complete Polaris 2012 snowmobile lineup – including several additional new models – will be introduced March 3, 2011, at www.terraindomination.com. The three 2012 models being featured in the early release are:
Monster? Off-Trail Weapon? High-Mile Adventurer? What if you didn’t have to compromise? Motorcyclists who want to expand their horizons ride adventure bikes. For snowmobilers, Polaris introduces the all-new 600 Switchback Adventure. It features the same RUSH-proven PRORIDE progressive-rate rear suspension with 7 inches of additional tunnel length on a 136” bump-bridging rail, and all-new, race-proven IFS as the 800 Switchback Pro-R – and it has additional comfort and storage features. It is the epitome of versatile luxury with an attitude, including a tall windshield and wind deflectors for enhanced rider comfort, mirrors,12v & RCA outlets, and the innovative and modular new Adventure Cargo System® featuring Polaris-exclusive Lock & Ride® Technology. Standard with an Aluminum Cargo Rack and Lock & Ride® Saddlebags, add a Pure Polaris accessory Rack Bag for maximum storage capacity.
600 Pro-RMK 155” – Last Year’s Most Flickable Sled Just Got More Flickable. Now there’s an RMK for everyone. The 2011 Pro-RMK was the most sought-after sled on snow for the 2011 season. For ’12, Polaris has added a model for those riders who prefer a 600cc sled. Introducing the 600 Pro-RMK 155 – all the same great features as the 800 ProRMK, but featuring our class-leading 600cc motor, making it one of the most fun mountain sleds to ride. It’s all Pro-RMK, just a small-bore version. Call it a tree sled, call it the ultimate boondocking machine or just call it perfect. It’s built for riders who want the same ride & handling as the 800 in a 600 version. Motocross riders know that some people just prefer to ride a 250 rather than a 450. Smoother, easier to ride, more nimble. Same principle applies here. The best handling mountain sled just got even bet600 Switchback Adventer. Just ask Chris ture – The Industry’s Burandt – this is the First Adventure Snowsled that is going to mobile. surprise some 700’s & 800’s. What’s your perfect sled? Trail Rocket? Mogul 800 Switchback Pro-R – More Crossover. Less Compromise. The all-new 800 Switchback Pro-R delivers versatility without compromise. Experience a sled with the heart of a RUSH, and the soul of a crossover – featuring the RUSH-proven PRO-RIDE progressive-rate rear suspension plus 7 additional inches of tunnel length on a 136” bump-bridging rail. Combine that with an all-new, race-proven IFS, and this PRO-RIDE Switchback delivers the smoothest ride yet. On-trail, the progressive-rate rear suspension isolates riders from impacts so they can drive through bumps, not over them. Offtrail, the 136” rail provides great flotation and the versatility to ride on all types of terrain. Performance features such as premium Walker Evans® needle shocks all around plus lightweight driveline components such as a hollow jackshaft, drilled brake rotor and lightweight silencer, take this sled to the next performance level. The Retro graphics are available only through Snow Check Select.
Equipped with lightweight components such as the silencer, rotor, jackshaft and more, the new 600 Pro-RMK 155 is over 50 pounds lighter than a model year 2011 IQ RMK 155”. It delivers a smooth ride and easy, intuitive handling with its RMK Coil-Over rear suspension and PRO-RIDE RMK Adjustable IFS, with premium, rebuildable Walker Evans shocks front and rear. The ideal complement to the lightweight chassis is the quick-accelerating 600 Cleanfire engine, which delivers exceptional throttle response and a lightning-fast launch. Pure Polaris Launches All-New PURE-DRY Waterproof/Breathable Riding Gear. For snowmobilers who layer their riding gear to keep dry and keep riding, Pure Polaris® introduces the new PURE-DRY™ Polaris Gear. PURE-DRY Polaris Gear uses Cocona® Xcelerator fabric technology for premium waterproof performance and to promote the rapid evaporation of moisture generated by body heat. The PURE-DRY Polaris Jacket, Bibs, and Gloves keep snow’s moisture out (waterproof) and “xcelerate” the transfer of moisture away from the skin (breathable) to keep a rider warmer, drier and more comfortable. An effective layering system begins with the PUREDRY Polaris Base Layer Shirt and Pants, which transfer moisture quickly away from the skin. The next layer would be fleece for warmth as desired, then the exterior layer of the PURE-DRY Polaris Vapor Jacket and Bibs, and Primo Gloves or Tahoe Gloves. PURE-DRY Polaris Gear is featured in the exciting 2012 Pure Polaris apparel and accessory lines that will be introduced March 3, 2011. PURE-DRY – Keep Dry. Keep Riding. Only from Pure Polaris.
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Tribute: Edgar Hetteen, Co-Founder of Polaris, 1920-2011 It is with great sadness that we relay word of the passing of the legendary Edgar Hetteen, one of the co-founders of Polaris and such a long-time driving force in the snowmobile industry that he is commonly called “The Godfather of Snowmobiling.” Edgar died on Saturday, February 12. He was 90. “Edgar was an icon, a snowmobile pioneer and visionary who helped grow a seed of a sport and industry into a thriving pursuit and business that people love worldwide,” said Polaris President and COO Bennett Morgan. “He was an inspiration to generations of Polaris employees who admired his desire for innovation, and the way he enjoyed interacting with the people involved in snowmobiling.” The son of first-generation Swedish immigrants, Edgar Hetteen grew up on a farm near Roseau, Minnesota. Working with farm equipment, he developed an engineer’s eye for innovation and invention, despite attaining only an eighthgrade education. He worked in an uncle’s machine shop as a teenager, served in the military, then founded Hetteen Hoist and Derrick in the mid-1940s. His original partner was his eventual brother-in-law, David Johnson, who initially bought into the company by sending money to Edgar from the Pacific region, where David was stationed in the U.S. Navy. The company expanded beyond hoist and derrick work, building anything customers needed, including a highly successful line of farm products. Such a diverse company needed a less-restrictive name, so in 1954, Edgar and David incorporated the business as Polaris Industries Inc. The three original partners in Polaris were Edgar, David and Edgar’s younger brother, Allan Hetteen. Two years later, a tracked invention emerged from the company’s Roseau shop, the first Polaris snowmobile. Initially reluctant to embrace the vehicle’s sales potential, Edgar quickly became the greatest champion the snowmobile industry has ever known. In 1960, he led a group of three Polaris snowmobiles on a remarkable 1,200-trip across Alaska to prove the Polaris Sno-Traveler’s mobility and dependability. It was an early major milestone in snowmobile history, and it’s appropriate that Edgar was in the lead. Edgar left Polaris later that year, and shortly thereafter founded another snowmobile company, Arctic Cat, meaning he had a hand in founding half of the OEMs in today’s snowmobile industry. Edgar’s spirit and passion for people and snowmobiling never left our company, and over the past several decades he has been a wonderful ambassador for Polaris and for snowmobiling. He has been featured in Polaris advertising campaigns, and has made invaluable contributions to special events such as company anniversary celebrations. Edgar was a 1990 inductee into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame, and a 1999 inductee into the Minnesota Business Hall of Fame. In 2004 at Polaris’ 50th Anniversary he was inducted into the Polaris Hall of Fame. He has been honored by snowmobile groups from Alaska to Maine for spreading the gospel of snowmobiling, a sport he cherished not only for its mechanical appeal, but more for the wonderful people involved at every level. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to the Itasca Hospice Foundation, PO Box 853, Grand Rapids, MN 55744. Phone 218-3271270 Godspeed, Edgar.
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Polaris Enduro Racer Corey Davidson Wins Record Seventh Soo I-500 Race Davidson Teams with Travis Hjelle for Record 22nd I-500 Win for Polaris Polaris Terrain domination extends to the legendary ice oval at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, where on Saturday, February 5, Polaris enduro racer Corey Davidson won the Soo I-500 for a record seventh time, more than any other driver in race history. Davidson teamed with co-driver Travis Hjelle for the victory that gave Polaris a record-extending 22nd Soo I-500 win. It was the third Soo I-500 win for the team of Davidson, a 40-year old from Holt, Minnesota, and Hjelle, who is from Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Davidson was on the XLT Engineering/Stud Boy sled near the end of the race and he took the lead for good with eight laps to go. There was a late caution flag that bunched the field, but Davidson used the Polaris Liberty engine power to pull away in the final laps and win by 4.2 seconds. Seven of the top nine teams to finish were on Polaris race sleds. Along with the winning duo, other Polaris teams included: Brent Vermeersch (Piche Performance Polaris) in third, Gabe Bunke (Bunke Racing) in fourth, Jeff Klein (Bunke Racing) in fifth, and Doug Kammeraad (Kammi Racing), who earned the pole position for the start of the race with a qualifying lap of over 91 mph, in sixth. Thomas Bell (R&R Racing) finished seventh on a Polaris and Cameran Rittenour (Wuppet Wace Team) finished ninth. Thirty-five sleds started the race, which is the sport’s premier annual enduro event, and only two completed all 500 laps on the 1-mile ice oval. Davidson, who is a United States Cross Country Snowmobile Racing Series (USCC) champion and is the current points leader in multiple USCC classes, also won the Soo I-500 in these years: in 2008 as a solo driver, in 2006 and 2003 with Travis Hjelle, and three straight years, 1998-2000, teamed with Steve Olson. Among the record 22 Soo I-500 wins by Polaris sleds, several were achieved by drivers who achieved multiple wins in their careers. Along with Davidson, they include: John Wicht III, who drove alone to victories in 1988, 1992 and 1993; Troy Pierce and Todd Krikke, who teamed for wins in 1996 and 1997; and Gabe Bunke, who won with co-driver Mike Gentz, Jr., in 2002, and with Josh David and Davidson in 2005. In the Pro-Am race held two days before the 500-miler, Dustin Fierek teamed with Todd Krikke for the victory aboard a Polaris. The Pro-Am is designed to give new or relatively inexperienced Soo drivers the chance to get accustomed to track and run in lighter traffic that they will encounter in the I-500. The newcomers run 20 laps, then their Pro teammates run 20 laps. Fierek ran well in his 20-lap segment and Krikke dominated in his 20 laps to give the Fierek-Krikke Polaris team the Pro-Am victory. About Polaris: With annual 2010 sales of $1.99 billion, Polaris designs, engineers, manufactures and markets off-road vehicles (ORVs), including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and the Polaris RANGER™, snowmobiles and Victory motorcycles for recreational and utility use and has recently introduced a new on-road electric powered neighborhood vehicle. Polaris is a recognized leader in the snowmobile industry; and one of the largest manufacturers of ORVs in the world. Victory motorcycles established in 1998 and representing the first all-new American-made motorcycle from a major company in nearly 60 years, are rapidly making impressive in-roads into the cruiser and touring motorcycle marketplace. Polaris also enhances the riding experience with a complete line of Pure Polaris apparel, accessories and parts, available at Polaris dealerships. Polaris Industries Inc. trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “PII,” and the Company is included in the S&P MidCap 400 stock price index. Information about the complete line of Polaris products, apparel and vehicle accessories are available from authorized Polaris dealers or anytime from the Polaris homepage at www.polarisindustries.com.
26 F
ebruary -M arch
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests!
The Off Road Body Shop 830 E Railway 970-345-2612
Peak Motorsports, LLC
Bayfield Auto Care Center Inc. PO Box 1402 970-884-9727
Bear Paw Lodge at Vallecito Lake
Blue River Property Management PO Box 5290 970-453-6590
1 8 0 1 1 C o u n t y Collins & AssoRoad 501 ciates PC Law 2901 Adcock 970-884-2508 Offices Blvd Blue Spruce RV PO Box 5615 719-587-4039 970-485-1879 Park & Cabins peakmotorsport1875 CR 500 Four Corners sonline.com 970-884-2641 Painting JB Plumbing PO Box 3357 252 Faith Ln Diamond Con970-485-0101 970-884-8276 tracting Corp Premier Roofing 18300 Hwy 72 Leonard & Sons LLC 303-456-7666 Excavation PO Box 3681 Supreme Offices 175 CR 500 970-409-8836 970-884-2239 II LLC PSQ Enterprises PO Box 1303 Professional Inc. 303-431-5994 Exterminator
Pitco Off Road
311 Arbo 970-925-4788
Aurora B-Tec, Inc.
2453 S Flanders Ct 303-981-3680
EMB Properties
12137 CR 501 970-247-4832
Ski Country Resorts & Sports 2445 Beaver
Purple Haze Bar & Grill
Creek Ranch Rd 970-884-4441
RP Enterprises
164 Sandia Cir CR 520 970-946-6891 cell
25151 E Kettle Ave 303-690-0318 Southwest Ag, Inc. 39927 Hwy 160 970-884-4101 Aztec Excavation www.swaginc. com Co PO Box 370 Vallecito Lake 505-330-2708 Chamber of Com-
Aztec NM
Intermountain Construction
16980 Hwy 550 505-334-8035
Mesa Pipeline Service
PO Box 400 505-334-4042
Dr 970-884-6193 88 Pine Lane 970-884-6131
Big Spring TX
3570 County Road 43 915-204-9598 Neighbors Auto
Cindy Kenney Agency
PO Box 3950 970-927-6596
Daly Property Service
0345 Lewis Ln 970-927-2430
Green Build Roofing, LLC
1300 E 4th 432-263-0822
Pharmastrategies LLC PO Box 711 702-746-1456
Bloomfield NM
PO Box 3661 3D Services 970-927-5300 64 CR 4995 www.greedbuil505-632-3569 droofing.com
Mountain Works PO Box 3260 970-927-0985
Rudd Construction, Inc.
0132 Park Ave 970-927-9119
Valley Lumber
0055 Sunset Dr 970-927-3146
PO Box 649 213 Main St. 970-418-0628
Clean Cars of Denver
10362 E 143rd Way 720-231-1839
Colorado Clays LLC
13600 Lanewood St 303-659-7117
Colorado Powersports 1880 55th St 303-447-3500
Buena Vista
Headwaters Energy
32220 CR 361 PO Box 5002 719-395-9255 www.headwatersenergy.com
Liars’ Lodge
30000 CR 371 888-542-7756 www.LiarsLodge. com
Peak Electronic Systems
PO Box 4204 719-239-1389
Thunder Lodge
P.O. Box 504 719-395-2245 www.thunderlodge.com
Timberline Motorsports
29770 US Hwy 24N 719-395-4272 timberlinemotorsports.net
Vista Court Cabins PO Box 3056 719-395-6557
Carbondale Bishop & Mohl, CPAs
1000 Dolores Way
Carter Electric Inc.
1676 CR 100 Bld O #1 970-963-8785
Cheney Plumbing & Heating Inc. PO Box 392 970-963-0275
Cobble Creek Landscaping Inc
604 Graceland Dr 970-963-0410
Crystal Springs Builders 1044 Main St 970-963-4584
24070 CR 301 719-395-2766
Swisher Diesel and Automotive 3075 Fourmile
Pullen Wire Inc.
Canyon Dr 303-444-9473
350 Cowen Dr 970-963-9111
Earthworks Construction Co 304 Hwy 133 970-963-2296
Electric Mountain Lodge
PO Box 1680 719-395-6461
vating LLC
8631 Hwy 133 970-379-4504
Roaring Fork Valley Co-op 0760 Hwy 133 970-963-2220
Rocky Mountain Gardens Inc.
PO Box 1488 970-704-1719
Skutley Inc.
0380 Alto Dr 970-379-9114
Western Slope Aggregate Inc. 0304 Hwy 133 970-963-2296
Chase Management Inc.
PO Box 705 970-846-4663
PO Box 846 970-879-8519
Hahns Peak Inn Bed and Breakfast
61066 RCR 129 P.O. Box 899 970-871-6221 www.hahnspeakinn.net
Hassle Haven Ranch LLC
54395 CR 62 970-846-3912
Castle Rock Clifton Duffy Realty, Inc.
COLORADO STATE 163 W Juan Way PARKS 303-888-0518
George’s Repair Service
1765 Candleglow St 303-263-3561
Belden Construction PO Box 1019 970-856-6403
Bob Brewer Construction & Hauling 23045 T Rd 970-856-3318
Grand Mesa Lodge Inc. PO Box 49 970-856-3366
One Tel Wireless
1130 SE Fairway Dr 970-856-3875
Bothell Seed
3527 W Rd 8 N 719-754-3686
Jones Oil Co.
PO Box 1150 719-754-2221
PO Box 700
Colorado Springs Ettowerinc
IRMW of Colorado Inc PO Box 1252 970-963-8600
MG Landscaping & Sports Inc. 601 Cowen Dr 970-963-0313
550 Ponderosa Way 970-208-6585
The Inn at Arrowhead Bed & Breakfast
21401 Alpine Plateau Rd 970-862-8206
Tree Specialists Inc.
PO Box 306 970-275-0284 cell
2607 E Hwy 40 970-826-0060 PO Box 1282 970-824-5868
Deer Park Inn & Suites
262 Commerce 970-824-9282
Dr. Carolyn Gochee DC Inc.
Hunter Construction
Way 970-824-3070
2901 N Nevada 719-634-1606
Commerce City
Universal Fleet RV and Auto Collision
4545 E 52nd Ave Unit A 303-292-0996 universal-collision.com
A & E Tire Inc.
Black Mountain Glass
75 E 4th 970-824-5353
Brothers Custom Processing PO Box 448 970-824-3855
Cook Chevrolet, Olds, Jeep, Subaru
PO BOX 614 719-658-0167
Creede Community Center/Mining Museum PO Box 70 719-658-0811
Creede-Mineral Co Chamber/ Commerce
PO Box 580 719-658-2374
Eyecare Specialists
Lost Trail Ranch
Golden Cavvy Restaurant
Mineral County Sheriff Dept.
Hampton Inn & Suites
MJ’s Café
1111 W Victory Way, Ste 110 970-824-3488 417 CR 203 970-824-6038 377 Cedar Court 970-826-9900
Mckey Chiropractic Clinic
469 Breeze St 6555 Cache 970-824-4444 Drive 719-591-9300 MJK Sales &
Quality Tech Service Center
Cascada Bar & Grill
Freemons General Store 820 W Victory 39284 Hwy 149
7345 Templeton Leisure Time Ltd 941 School St Gap Rd 970-824-5821 719-632-8822
Craig Powersports aka Planet Powersports
Dutch Creek Guest Cromer Contracting Co Inc. Ranch
1251 Lincoln PO Box 1005 Ave 41348 Electric 970-824-0217 Mtn Ln Arrowhead Ranch Action Drain 970-929-5522 Real Estate 195 Clay Ave www.electricPO Box 188 970-824-2564 970-862-8402 mountainlodge. www.arrowhead- American Northcom ranch.com west Realty Fotions Club 105 E Victory Rocky Mountain House Gym Way 0161 Milburn Ct Program MCT LLC 970-824-3446 626 Columbine 970-948-5026 Dr Axis Steel Gianinetti’s 970-254-1635 PO Box 1546 Performance & Tamarack Group 970-824-3256
PO Box 4204 Services 124 S San Juan 601 Cowen Dr Ave Grand Junction 719-239-1389 Pipe/CarbonPeakBackcoundale trySupply.com 740 Hwy 133 River Runners & 970-963-5700 Adrift Adven-
NAPA Auto Parts
- Your Parts 33585 Wapiti Cir House 719-207-1592 1301 Dolores Way www.therockdoc. 970-963-3344 net Neil Palazzi Exca-
Crystal Valley 17252 CR 501 Plumbing & Cottonwood Coun970-884-2641 Heating try Snowmobile PO Box 1323 Vallecito Nordic 970-963-1251 Tours Club Days Inn PO Box 1648 133 Mtn Shadow
Westside Plumbing Alpine Carpet Care 71 Cedar Ln 303-816-6461
PO Box 4146 970-418-4146
The Rock Doc
290 Ranney ST 970-824-6581
Mountain States Electric 424 Russell St 970-824-6568
NAPA - T & H Parts 400 Taylor St 970-824-3496
Rhino Linings of Craig 831 Green St 970-826-6271
Rocky Mountain T.L.C.
1820 W Victory Way 970-824-4945
Scott Strategic Investments
509 Yampa Ave 970-326-8100
The Flower Mine
410 W Victory Way 970-824-7441
The OP Bar & Grill
536 E Victory Way 970-824-8918
VFW Post 4265
419 E Victory Way 970-824-9860
Xtreme Mountain Racing
1156 Aspen Ave 970-824-7848
18100 USFS Rd 520 719-850-2525 www.lost-trail. com PO Box 424 719-658-2600 PO Box 584 719-658-2859
Rio Grande Enterprises LLC
24263 Hwy 149 719-658-0374 riograndeenterprises.com
San Juan Sports LLC
PO Box 700 102 S Main St 719-658-2361 www.sanjuansports.com
Willow Creek Realty
PO Box 519 719-658-2262 wcrealty.com
Crested Butte
Donita’s Cantina
PO Box 1149 332 Elk Avenue 970-349-6674
Floresta Partners LLC
PO Box 549 214 6th St # 7 970-349-0305 Colvinconstruction.com
Gas Café
PO Box 2119 970-349-9656
Irwin Backcountry Guides PO Box 1807 970-901-9161
Black Mesa Lodge 706 1550 Rd 970-874-0715
H H Huff Inc. Excavating 1727 F Rd 970-874-4850
Kirkpatric Construction Consulting Inc. PO Box 366
970-835-3030 Bruce’s Snowshoe 1776 W Victory Kwiki Tire Service Lodge and B&B Way 970-824-2100
PO Box 255 719-658-2315
1680 S Main St 970-874-4590
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
EXTRA Pest Away Spraying
1188 Sunset Ct 970-874-0920
RL Smith Fence
785-1575 Rd 970-874-4112
Woody’s Landscapes, LLC
765 1600 Road 970-314-0708
Applewood Plumbing, Heating & Electric
5000 W 29th Ave 303-458-5988 www.applewoodfixit.com
IMA of Colorado, Inc.
1550 17th St Ste 600 303-615-7548
Vickery Motorsports Inc.
Phantastic Screens
37 Red Cliffs Rd 970-247-7907
The Consultants 604 Prospect 970-247-2142
Concept Auto Body
Colorado Backcountry Rentals
Durango Mortgage Group
93 Pebble Dr 970-375-1917
Durango Painting & Coating LLC
16073 HWY 550 970-247-9450
Fun Center Inc.
29603 US Hwy 160 E 970-259-1070
Handlebar Motorsports
346 S Camino Del Rio 970-247-0845
Haulrite Trailers of Four Corners Inc. 35 Valley Ct 505-382-0566
Lightner Creek Campground LLC 1703 CR 207 970-247-5406
15 Arrowhead Cir 970-259-1642
Alpine Bank
2200 Grand Ave 970-384-3269
B.C. Building Services, LLC
Quality Excavating
3500 Centennial Cir 970-590-7140
Farmington NM CNJ Farms
1534 Hines Rd 505-320-8345
Garden Spot Produce 2203 W Main 505-325-8888
Construction, Inc. PO Box 1972 505-325-5600
Techna Glass
PO Box 5910 505-326-6545
Berthod Motors
Gran Farnum Printing
PO Box 945 970-945-9605
Hi Point Motorsports
2802 S Grand Ave 970-945-6301
Hunter Concrete Construction, Inc. PO Box 786 970-947-9204
Mason & Morse Property Management
3758 Hwy 82 970-945-5942
Mountain Powersports
Fort Collins
R & A Enterprises
2301 Valley Forge Ct 970-878-4745
The Brown Group LLC
126 W Harvard St Ste 3 970-372-6201
JNJ Motorsports PO Box 495 970-453-0353 Polaris
Dr 303-902-4423
Golden, COJackson, WY 303-324-7185
Gonzales TX Soldier Springs LLC
2115 CR 117 970-945-6999 5317 CR 154, Ste 201 970-945-6500
Sunlight Snowmobile Tours 10901 CR 117 970-945-7491
TopGun Plumbing & Heating Inc. PO Box 1197 970-945-2580
PO Box 881 970-531-8872 PO Box 1169 970-627-2400
Grand Mountain Rentals PO Box 808 970-627-1131
Lone Eagle
PO Box 1783 970-627-3310
Moose Lake Lodge, LLC.
PO Box 1230 303-740-7441 www.mooselakelodge.com
301 St. Joseph St Mountain Food Ste 100 803-672-1000 Market PO Box 1397 970-627-3470
Power World LLC
61000 US Hwy 40, PO Box 247 970-887-9337 PO Box 1071 970-627-3580
Grand Junction All Sports Honda 555 25 Rd 970-243-7730
Barnes Electric
2811 Riverside Pkwy 970-242-6473
Dave Fisher Electric Inc.
549 W Greenwood Dr 970-243-7100
DKT Realty Inc/ Metro Brokers 921 25 Rd 970-261-3309
Fowler Concrete Construction
2685 Lookout Ln 970-640-5496
Motorcycle Accessories 2302 Devereux Rd 970-928-0788 Polaris
Cameron Stone
2205 Douglas Mt Gateway Inn
1614 Grand Ave FCF Premium Ste A Finance LLP 970-928-3000 822 25 Rd 970-241-0890 Mountain Pest
Travis Leonard
Buford Lodge
Rocky Mtn. Ski Consulting
Glenwood Springs McDonalds Western Riviera #6454 Motel & Cabins PO Box 1323
Nelson’s Autp Body
6426 Bent Tree Cir
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests!
Welch Automotive INdependent 5317 CR 154 Ste 206 amsoil dealer
7133 S ShenanPO Box 759 doah Dr 970-945-7466 303-646-9498 www.bcbuilding- DM Neuman Conservices.com struction PO Box 2317 Exemplar Re970-945-7502 search 4 2 3 2 5 F o r e s t Glenwood BP Oaks Dr 106 6th St 303-679-2732
290 Hermosa Meadows Rd Spellbring 970-259-2361
Eagle Block Company
PO Box 276 970-945-5366
B&H General Contractors
192 Meadow Drive Allen Theatres 970-406-1397 PO Box 1500 505-325-9313
Ace Roofing
PO Box 331 970-835-4564
2231 S Parker Mile High PerforRd mance Rentals 303-755-4387 3349 S PennsylZimmerman Convania St struction 303-781-5880 3300 W Florida www.milehighAve #27 performancer303-908-6950 entals.com
Glenwood Springs
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Mountain Lake Properties
PO Box 1350 970-627-3103
Pancho & Leftys PO Box 1527 970-627-8773
PO Box 352 970-531-0804
Sagebrush BBQ & Grill PO Box 425 970-627-1404
Shadow Mountain Flooring PO Box 1977 970-627-8315
Spirit Lake Polaris PO Box 1248 970-627-9288 Polaris
898 Quail Dr 970-243-7291
Stephan Schweissing Attorney at Law
619 Main St Ste 100 970-243-2710
T.P.I. Industrial Inc
2471 Riverside Pkwy 970-243-4642
Grand Lake
91 Meadowwood BRP Inc. Rd PO Box 91437 970-945-0475 970-627-1680
PO Box 264 161 Tomichi Ln 970-641-2956 rockymountainacs.com
Boyz Toyz and Sonz PO Box 950
Sloan Construction LLC
7776 Hwy 135 970-641-0450 sloancustomhomes.com
Westside Construction Inc.
PO Box 402 970-641-1402
Creekside Guest Cabin & Suites PO Box 91 970-756-5001
Durango Dog Ranch & Husky Home Building PO Box 29 970-759-1741
Highlands Ranch
1639 35th Ave Ct 970-396-2301
Hill Petroleum
1625 68th Ave 970-539-1194
Greenwood Village
Colorado Adventure Rentals
3381 CR 730 970-641-3525 Coloradoadventurerentals. com
Dove Graphics
PO Box 1309 111 Camino Del Rio 970-641-4751
Master Motorsports
PO Box 1113 970-862-8308
R & B Excavating PO Box 898 970-724-9645
Summit aggregates 12202 Hwy 40 970-724-9655
Lake City
AB Construction PO Box 281 970-625-8353
Blue Spruce Building Materials, Inc
PO Box 162 970-944-2581 www.bluesprucelc. com
G & M Cabins
PO Box 1165 970-944-2282
Hinsdale County Road And Bridge
Blvd 303-730-1711
Hot Sulphur Springs Cross Contractors Inc.
PO Box 237 970-531-2145
PO Box 38 970-872-3111
Inn The Orchard 30846 L25 Rd 970-872-3066
Robert’s Short Stop
PO Box 549 970-872-3566
Steve’s Backhoe Service
15706 3050 Rd 970-872-3654
Thunder Mountain Lodge Restaurant 32373 HWY 92 970-856-6241
Weekender Sports PO Box 240 970-872-3444
Zacks BBQ
PO Box 665 970-872-3446
Spring Creek Horse Rescue
PO Box 663 970-884-4425
Alpine Enterprises PO Box 916 970-724-9655
Melanzana Mountain Gear
716 Harrison Ave 719-486-3245
416 Harrison Ave 719-486-9765
116 Elm 719-486-1295
13787 S Hwy 85 303-791-1957 Ext 130
Grand Prix Motorsports Inc
3105 W County Line Rd 303-761-2471
PO Box 96, 1775 Shovein LLC Hwy 149 N 4819 S Queen St 970-944-2684 303-948-7720
Lake City Auto/ Sportscenter
PO Box 67 970-944-2311
Lake City Chamber of Commerce PO Box 430 970-944-2527
Miners and MerCrown Trophy chants Bank 1500 W Littleton
Cecil Farms/Terra West Real Estate First State Bank Of Services Hotchkiss
2060 E Main St AquaTerra Associ970-242-9495 ates http://motor8095 E Prentice cycleaccessoAve riesgj.com 303-660-7365 One Stop Tarps aquaterraassoci761 Foxfire Ct ates.com 970-261-9999
PNCI Builders
Rocky Mountain Athletic Consulting Services
PO Box 926 970-944-2242
Storm Front Gallery LLC
Two Step Limousine
5220 S Sherman St 303-781-5555
Dixon Motors
1220 O1/2 Rd 970-858-0973
Longmont Atomic Motorsports
643 Elliott St 303-746-3938
PO Box 457 970-944-4111
Cornwell Tools
Extreme Rentals
5741 W 6th Ave 303-232-9342 ExtremeRentalsInc.com
Sunset Vista Properties
1310 19th Ave 303-579-1409 1825 Spencer St
E & B Automotive Inc
127 Barberry Pl 970-635-0939 9187 W Jewell Ave Felker Motor 303-988-7771 Sports sunsetvistaprop1538 E Eisenerties.com hower Blvd 970-667-1300 www.felkermo2 Mile Hi Ski-Doo torsports.net 1719 N Poplar St Gerrard Excavat719-486-1183 ing Inc Ski-Doo 1739 S CR 13C Corbin Construc970-669-1463 www.earthdeveltion Co opers.com PO Box 951 719-486-2673
Leadville Nordic Club
Lyons Automotive
PO Box 993 PO Box 823 303-823-6760 719-486-0746 www.leadvillenordic.org RPS Rentals 112 E Main St LEADVILLE SKI 970-963-3747 COUNTRY 116 E 9th St 719-486-3836
Marble Mead
Hitchin post motel
3164 N Hwy 91 719-486-2783 hitchinpostmotel.org
Bendelow Law Office, LLC
3759 Vale View 303-837-9600 www.bendelow. net
28 F
ebruary -M arch
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests!
Adams Lodge
200 CR 43 970-878-4312
Dole Equipment
PO Box C 970-878-5322
First National Bank of the Rockies
PO Box 600 970-878-5073
Northwest Auto Sales & Service 485 Market St 970-878-5026
Sleepy Cat Mountain Lodging & Rentals
1014 E Market St 970-878-5258
Theos Swallow Fork Ranch
PO Box 195 970-878-5225
Watt’s Ranch Market
PO Box 630 970-878-5868
Welder Outfitting Services PO Box 823 970-878-9869
White River Electric Assn. PO Box 958 970-878-5041
Wyatt’s Sports Center
PO Box 1538 970-878-4428
Thomasville Fire Dept.
25095 Frying Pan Rd 970-927-5295
Mesa Lakes Lodge & Resort PO Box 230 970-268-5467
Monte Vista
Jasper Association/ Four Corners Fire & Safety
PO Box 771 913 Jones St 719-582-0268 www.jasperco. com/
Mountain Valley Sports
0049 E CR 1 S 719-852-5017
Peterson Farms LLC
5070 N CR 2 E 719-852-5847
Montrose ASAP
66401 Solar Rd 970-240-8851
Davis Service Center
2380 W Main St 970-249-8161
59745 Kristal Dr 970-497-0702
English Bros Polaris
67809 E Hwy 50 970-249-0101
Montrose Implement and Motorsports
Storey Trucking PO Box 77 970-864-7883
Wilson Heating & Air PO Box 226 970-864-7242
Sportsmans Retreat
PO Box 2 970-723-4215
HAYES PETROLEUM 226½ E Main 970-620-2257
Ouray Family Medi- Rangely Auto Parts 4690 N Towncine send 970-240-1720
Planet Motorsports Inc.
105 Merchant Dr 970-249-8867
Rose Bowl
PO Box 908 970-417-1470
New Castle
Avalanche Excavation
0116 Commanchero Trl 970-876-2619
Frontier Paving Inc.
1014 CR 311 970-876-0916
New Castle Family Health PC
PO Box 1030 970-325-9900
The Citizens State Bank of Ouray PO Box A 970-318-8481
Pagosa Springs
Holy Smokes Stoves and Fireplaces, LLC
15805 CR 245 970-618-3395
Norwood 4 R Storage
PO Box 713 970-327-4496
A-T Enterprises, Ltd
PO Box 1141 1323 CR 35 W 970-327-4118
Fleet Services
PO Box 681 970-327-4424
H & H Construction LLC
PO Box 201 970-729-0244
Hi Country Motorsports PO Box 611 970-327-4271
Poor Boy Repair
457 Z 42 Road PO Box 699 970-417-5161
RNG Contracting Inc. PO Box 730 970-327-0128
Sams Service
PO Box 176 970-327-4447
Town of Norwood PO Box 528 970-327-4288
Williams Construction
PO Box 704 970-327-4218
Red Cliff
The Green Bridge Inn
104 Water Street 970-827-5228 www.greenbridgeinn.com
Sunset Automotive
PO Box 499 PO Box 2026 970-626-5504 104 Goldmine Dr 970 264-4441 6 & 13 Quick Mart holysmokessPO Box 868 tovesandfire970-625-1467 places.com
Pagosa Nordic Club
PO Box 5261 970-946-7225 www.pagosanordic.com
820 Castle Valley Pagosa Power Blvd, Ste 210 Sports 970-984-0651 PO Box 3751 Robinson Truck970-264-4320
ing Co Inc.
214 E Main 970-675-5057
Powder-Jack Inc.
Acme Alarm Company
PO Box 883 970-625-5535 acmealarm.com
Alpine Bank Rifle 100 E 4th St 970-625-9610
Avalanche Air
PO Box 1238 970-379-4780
Rifle Insurance Agency
PO Box 1700 970-625-1689
Rifle Performance Motorsports
1014 Access Rd 970-625-2041
Rifle Truck & Trailer
PO Box 961 970-625-8884
Spencer Inc. Accounting
2675 Acacia Ave 970-625-3346
Stampfel Construction
Swallow Oil Company PO Box 868 970-625-9051
The Parts House
1000 Railroad Ave 970-625-2000
A-1 Auto Service
445 W Hwy 50 719-539-7251
All Season Adventures, Inc. 7345 Hwy 50 W 719-530-0651
Gateway Inn & Suites
Salina KS
Coulter Lake Guest Ranch, Inc.
P.O. Box 143 970-731-2486 0080 CR 273 www.wolfcreek970-625-1473 backcountry. com Double Trouble
Foam Tech Unlimited, Inc.
Trucking Inc.
0565 N Meadow Dr 970-618-3821
41024 Lamborn Garfield Steel & Mesa Rd Machine Inc 970-527-6110 1815 Airport Rd 970-625-3551
Zunich Bros Mech PO Box 353 970-864-7663
Dimensional Framing
GMCO Corporation PO Box 1480 970-625-9100
Hoffmeister Painting, Inc. 0164 Booms Pl 970-625-2120
6903 E Lookout Johns Welding Inc. PO Box 1299 Dr 303-902-8554 970-625-5022
Pueblo ODF Inc
PO Box 3635 719-542-2353
Kuersten Construction LLC
0013 Powerline Rd 970-625-8210
Holiday RV South
A & S Fabrication
Silverton Mountain
Desautels Computer Services
Silverton Trading Post
Mountain Views @ River’s Edge RV Resort
PO Box 735 970-876-0464
Sapulpa OK McBorn Properties, LLC 4101 Line Pl 9182245686
Circuit Concepts, Inc.
7505 W Rainbow Creek Rd 303-901-6160
Sedgwick KS
Alpine Colorado Cabin
Glass Guys, Inc.
PO Box 897 970-618-0224
JM Adventure Rental
1169 16th St 970-230-0311 PO Box 539 970-876-5696
Redstone Building Co. Inc. PO Box 50 970-379-8279
Rifle Performance Motorsports - Ski Doo
Silverthorne Silverthorne Powersports Po Box 25779 970-513-1319
United States Forest ServiceDillon Ranger Dist
PO Box 370 315 Greene St. 970-387-3462
Undergroundspecialty Co LLC PO Box 767 970-387-5243
Avalanche Cafe
P.O. Box 377 970-387-5282
Brown Bear Café PO Box 550 970-387-5630
Canyon View Motel PO Box 729 970-387-5400
Grand Imperial Hotel
PO Box 57 970-387-5527
Ice Pirates Backcountry Adventures
PO Box 233 970-247-3706 www.dgoicepirates.com
Lift Services
PO Box 363 970-387-0700
Lolas Place
PO Box 588 970-387-5705
Silverton Molas Pass Snowmobile Tours & 3400 West HampCabins den Ave
Preferred Auto Brokers
PO Box 346 970-387-5512
26076 W Hwy 160 719-873-0145
0215 Rio Vista Circle 719-873-5456
Rainbow Lodge & Grocery PO Box 224 719-873-5545
Riverbend Resort
PO Box 1270 33846 US Hwy 160 719-873-5344 www.riverbendresort.com
Williams Bros Mining & Exploration
Tommys Embroidery
Sioux Falls SD
Twin Pines Motorsports Inc.
PO Box 767 970-209-3624
Trails Work Consulting
4015 S Brady Ct 605-371-9799
868 Bear Creek Rd 719-873-5778 PO Box 966 719-873-2001
Utt Bluff Lodge
27680 Hwy 160 719-873-5595
Wolf Creek Liquors PO Box 792
Whispering Pines Brush Mtn. Lodge
Steamboat Springs
PO Box 881608 970-879-3282
PO Box 52 970-583-2976
PO Box 620 680 Blue River Flame Out Fire Protection Inc. Pkwy PO Box 56 970-262-3452 970-927-4933
613 N Commer- Maisel Excavation PO Box 826 cial 316-640-0471 970-759-9291 www.alpinecolo- Silverton Liquors radocabin.com PO Box 61 970-387-5491
303-783-2122 pabauto.com
PO Box 856 970-387-5706
PO Box 407 0425 Cedar Hills 435-669-9050 Rd The Pickle Barrel 970-876-0781 PO Box 196 Flatops Electric 970-387-5713 3720 CR 214 Triangle Service 970-876-5520
470 Stagecoach 1310 E Hwy 50 Bailey Low Bed Ln 719-221-2895 Service 970-264-6957 2621 Fairview Gunderman Auto Sledtools Heights Ct Body PO Box 3664 970-458-2077 PO Box 295 970-946-4694 719-539-9280 Classic Auto Body SnowCountry Ad1695 Enterprise Ct venture Tours 141 N 14th St 970-625-8667 Jerry W. Smith 970-264-7669 Plumbing Inc. Colton Trucking www.snowufun. PO Box 551 1101 CR 227 com 785-822-2030 970-618-7495
Wolf Creek Avalanche School
Snowmass Village
American Carpet & Floor Colorado Group Realty
PO Box 882500 970-875-2914
D L& L Trucking
PO Box 775125 970-879-8652
Premier Property Management
Extreme Power Sports
South Fork
High Mountain/ Steamboat Snowmobile Tours
PO Box 6437 970-923-0300
Arbor House Bed & Breakfast
PO Box 776389 970-879-9175
PO Box 882805 PO Box 995 970-879-6500 31358 US Hwy JAKK’D 160 575 Evans St 719-873-5012 www.arborhou- M & M Auto PO Box 770883 seinnco.com 970-879-8178 Blue Creek Lodge 11682 Hwy 149 719-658-2479
Mountain View Car Wash
PO Box 742 719-873-0208 www.southforkrealtor.com
Northwestern Supplies Inc.
Century 21 Valley Realty
Century 21 Valley Realty PO Box 999 719-873-5559
Community Banks
PO Box 774403 970-870-3363 PO Box 775497 970-879-1312
Rabbit Ears Development
24250 W Hwy 40 970-879-2190
Scherer Building PO Box 289 Corp. 29899 US Hwy PO Box 880581 160 970-879-9740 719-873-5562
Docs Outdoor Sports
PO Box 1215 817-740-9080
Snake River Construction
PO Box 773504 970-879-0034
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
Business Sponsors Please support those who support our interests! State Farm Insurance PO Box 773957 970-879-1756
Steamboat Powersports
2989 Riverside Plaza 970-879-5138
Steamboat Snowmobile Tours
PO Box 882805 970-871-1935
Superior Carpentry Inc. PO Box 774003 970-871-7836
Sundance, WY
Boondocker Publishing
Twin Lakes Inn of the Black Wolf
PO Box 70 719-486-1830 innoftheblackwolf.com
Art’s Paint Shop
PO Box 1129 970-723-4420
Corkle Oil Company
PO Box 278 970-723-4455
Drifters Cookhouse
55278 Hwy 14 970-723-8300
Goulette Construction
PO Box 645 PO Box 1062 307-283-3411 970-723-4958 www.boondockerpublishing. Harry Corkle Concom struction PO Box 306 970-723-4676
Dave’s Mountain Tours PO Box 2736 970-728-9749
Telluride Snowmobile Adventures LLC
Jack’s Auto Parts & Service PO Box 217 970-723-4674
Ken Huismann Trucking
PO Box 1124 970-723-8228
7214 Hwy 145 PO Box 785 Kincaid Waldron 970-728-4475 Construction www.telluridesnowmoPO Box 54 bile.net 970-723-4502
Moose Creek Café PO Box 578 970-723-8272
North Park Engineering & Consulting
PO Box 395 970-723-3725
North Park Inn & Suites
PO Box 55 970-723-4271 www.northparkinnandsuites.com
North Park KOA
53337 Hwy 14 970-723-4310
River Rock Café
PO Box 1007 970-723-4670
The Cabins & Gift Shops 55862 Hwy 14 970-723-3750
The Jackson County Star
PO Box 397 970-723-4404
The Powderhorn Cabins 35336 CR 21 970-723-4359
8501 W 48th Ave 303-548-8428
Wichita KS
Skydive El Dorado Inc.
1349 N Crestline St 316-648-2981
Layne Mann Property Tax Consultant
917 Presado Way 303-233-8533
Winter Park
Grand Adventures PO Box 1329 800-726-9247
Ram Paint
PO Box 3102 720-333-2720
Willman Snowcat Repair Inc. PO Box 713 970-726-5132
Woodland Park
Big D Motorsports
180 N Hwy 67 Unit A 719-687-7228 www.bigdmotorsports.com Arctic Cat
Woody Creek
Western Adventures Inc.
PO Box 900 970-923-3337
Please welcome these new business sponsors: Carbondale
EXCAVATION SERVICES INC PO Box 1159 970-963-8355
WTF MOTORSPORTS 1380 Rock Ct 970-876-0666
PO Box 57 970-856-4497
575 Anton Blvd 310-729-7632
FOUR CORNERS ENDODONTICS 1570 E 2nd Ave 970-375-6200
Grand Junction
CANYON VIEW CAR WASH - REDLANDS 2258 Broadway 970-263-4144 canyonviewcarwash.com
Grand Lake
3455 Hwy 91 970-390-4550 www.buckeyecabin.net
SLEEPY CAT RANCH PO Box 9 970-878-9884
Steamboat Springs ALPINE FINISHES
2399 Oxford Way
1435 Hilltop Cir 970-412-2811
F ebruary -M arch 2011
Clean Snowmobile Challenge – 2011 Ed Klim, ISMA
A record number of 20 teams have registered for the SAE 2011 Snowmobile Challenge, sponsored by the snowmobile manufacturers along with other snowmobile supporting businesses, set for March 7-12th at Michigan Technological University. Held at the University’s Keweenaw Research Center, the Snowmobile Challenge is a collegiate design competition of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Engineering students from participating schools take a stock snowmobile and reengineer it. The snowmobiles will compete in a variety of events including emissions, noise fuel economy/endurance, acceleration, handling, static display, cold start and design. The University snowmobiles are expected to be cost-effective and comfortable for the operator to drive. The intent of the competition is to design a touring snowmobile that will primarily be ridden on groomed snowmobile trails. The use of unreliable, expensive solutions is strongly discouraged! Modern snowmobiles are engineered to meet the current standards for noise and emissions. Teams are expected to add innovative solutions for improving on performance of the base sled that they start with. Design judges (written and oral) will be looking for innovations and incorporating that into their scores. An objective of the competition is to improve on fuel economy. In addition to the Endurance Event, fuel economy will be evaluated in the In-Service and Lab Emissions Events. Additional weighting in the overall scoring is given to fuel economy in the competition. The minimum performance expectations for a trail snowmobile are set by the rules as a sled that by design will go 100 miles without refueling and can attain a trail speed of 45 miles per hour on a smooth trail. Additionally they should be able to traverse 500 feet in 12 seconds or less. Designs that do not have a reasonable expectation of achieving these requirements will be disqualified. Students will be trying to reduce friction and improve efficiency of the entire drive train. This year, zero emissions competition is adapting to better reflect the potential needs of the battery-powered sled market. This year, they will have their own event, pulling a load quickly over a one- or two-mile track. Battery powered snowmobiles are used primarily for research in remote arctic sites, where scientists measure traces of pollution. “This was driven by the National Science Foundation, which helps sponsor the event,” said Meldrum. “They want a machine that can haul a lot of stuff back and forth to a research site.” Entrants in the internal combustion division are Clarkson University of Potsdam, N.Y., Ecole de Technologie Superieure of Montreal, Kettering University of Flint, Michigan Tech, North Dakota State University, Northern Illinois University, the State University of New York at Buffalo, and the Universities of Alaska-Fairbanks, Idaho, Maine, Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin-Platteville, and Waterloo of Ontario. Teams in the zero emissions division are Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan Tech, Clarkson, Alaska-Fairbanks, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, North Dakota State University, and McGill University of Montreal. The snowmobile manufacturers are major sponsors of the event. We encourage state and provincial associations to support their local universities in this great competition. More information is available from the Society of Automotive Engineers, the Michigan Tech Clan Snowmobile Challenge site and the Keweenaw Research Center www.mtukrc.org/.
30 F
ebruary -M arch
EXTRA! On-Line Edition
What an Adventure! Australians and Brazilians Trek into Yellowstone Park by Snowmobile Jack Welch, BlueRibbon Special Projects Consultant
On Wednesday the 26th I had the opportunity to join a guided group on the trek from Flagg Ranch to Old Faithful. Our guide was Eddie Edmiston from Wyoming Adventures, one of the commercial trip providers from Jackson, Wyoming. On my trek, I saw first-hand how international visitors enjoyed the snowmobile as transportation to Old Faithful. Visiting from Sydney, Australia, were Max and Ann Rogers along with Cecilia and Michael McKinley and their son Ray. The Australians really enjoyed the adventure and took lots of pictures! In addition, Eduardo Mitre and Daniglia Delamargue from Belo Horizonte, Brazil stated at lunch “Snowmobiling to Old Faithful was something we will long remember!” Here is a summary of our trek. We started our day early with a van ride to Flagg Ranch. At Flagg we got suited up for the adventure. Next we had a short safety talk by Eddie, our guide, who covered the operation of the Arctic Cat four stroke snowmobiles and the hand signals we would use as we toured the Park. Next, we set out for our first stop, the Yellowstone Park South Gate. This is a very popular stop because of the large Yellowstone entrance sign, a great place for group pictures. With only a few miles under their belts, the international visitors really looked forward to riding the Arctic Cat four strokes, and the guide and I wanted to make sure they had a great experience on the trek. I also wanted to explain the history of the winter access issue and snowmobiling in the Park. After Eddie, our guide, checked us in, he returned and we discussed our destination for the day, the Old Faithful area. At Old Faithful we planned on having lunch and seeing the geyser. In addition we would have time to view the new Old Faithful Visitor Center and its many exhibits. The weather was cool and crisp; the trail was, of course, the groomed summer highway and it was smooth. As we headed for our next stop, the Lewis River Falls, the riders got their first taste of the beautiful scenic vistas of the Park as we traveled along the rim of the Lewis River Canyon. They also saw evidence of the historic 1988 Yellowstone fires. At the falls the Australians commented that so far the snowmobile was a great way to experience the Park and looked forward to the rest of the day. In addition, one of the riders asked why the snowmobiles had restrictors on the throttles? I explained the Park’s speed limit is only 45 mph and these Arctic Cats without restrictors would go much faster. I also pointed out to the group that the snowmobile is just one of the forms of transport in Yellowstone for winter access. The group commented that this trip in the Park would be the major highlight of their first trip on holiday to the United States. We continued on to the Old Faithful area with a short rest stop at West Thumb. During our stop at West Thumb the Brazilians got to see their first Snow Coach and asked about how it fit into the Yellowstone transportation system. I explained that it was another form of access to the Park. The Brazilians commented they like the snowmobile better! We reached Old Faithful just as the geyser went off. In other words, we missed it and had to wait another ninety minutes for the next eruption. With time to spend before the eruption our guide suggested we eat lunch in the Geyser Grill. During the lunch I was asked why anti groups want to eliminate access by snow-
mobile to Yellowstone. I explained the issues and how the snowmobile community had solved the many issues presented. Both the Australians and Brazilians commented that they thought that many of their countrymen would enjoy an outing to Yellowstone by snowmobile and that it was wrong to limit the choices on access to the Park in the winter. After lunch we saw Old Faithful Geyser and spent some time viewing the new Old Faithful Visitor Center which just opened last summer. We next headed toward the thermal areas on the road to Madison Junction. The group had their first opportunity to encounter a bison herd on the groomed road. The Brazilians really liked the experience of being up close and personal with those “Big Animals”! Time was growing late and we started back to Flagg Ranch. We arrived at Flagg at 4 p.m. After filling the Arctic Cats with fuel we exchanged contact information and both the Australians and Brazilians agreed that “closing snowmobile access to Yellowstone would just not be right because they felt that the snowmobile provided the best form of transportation to see the natural wonders of Yellowstone Park!” As we said our goodbyes they stated they would return some day for another Yellowstone winter snowmobile adventure!
Regional Racing and events Pink Ribbon Riders
Feb 18-19th 4th Annual Wisconsin Snow Run- Eagle River Inn & Resort - Eagle River, WI March 18-19th 4th Annual Wyoming Snow Run - Togwotee Mtn. Lodge - Moran, WY
X-treme Mountain Racing Feb. 19-20: Craig, Colo. Mar. 5-6: Silverton, Colo. Mar. 18-20: Lake Geneva, WI More info: www.xmrracing.com
Mountain West Racing (MWR)
Feb. 26-27: Alpine Snocross, Alpine, Wyo. Mar. 11-13: SnoWest Snocross, West Yellowstone, Mont. Apr. 16-17: Sandpoint Snocross and Hillclimb Schweitzer Mountain Ski Area, Sandpoint, Idaho
Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Hill Climb Association (RMSHA)
Feb. 25-27: Afton Hillclimb, Afton, Wyo.
Jackson Hole “World Championship” Hill Climb March 24-27th
Jackson Hole Hill Climb - Jackson Hole, WY
ISOC AMSOIL National Championship Mar. 4-6: Hayward National, Hayward, Wis. Mar. 12-13: Air Force National, Elko, Minn. Mar. 18-20: Grand Finale, Lake Geneva, Wis.
2011 International Snowmobile Congress June 1-4, 2011 - Calgary, Alberta www.isc2011.com