Columbia December 2016

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS december 2016 ♦ Volume 96 ♦ Number 12



The First to Fall


Seventy-five years ago, Ensign William I. Halloran was the first Knight of Columbus killed in World War II. BY J.C. SULLIVAN

14 Sculpting Sanctity An interview with Chas Fagan, the artist who designed two statues for the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI

18 Education in Exile Iraqi and Syrian refugee children in Jordan receive support through a K of C partnership with Catholic Relief Services. BY NIKKI GAMER

21 The Catholicism of William Shakespeare Ample evidence supports the claim that the Bard of Avon was a lifelong Catholic. BY JOSEPH PEARCE

24 St. Martin of Tours: An Icon of Mercy Some 1,700 years after his birth, St. Martin continues to inspire charity and evangelization. BY FATHER PAUL PRÉAUX

Missionaries of Charity Sisters admire a statue of John Paul II outside the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. The 11-foot statue, which was unveiled Oct. 22, depicts the concluding blessing of the Mass that the late pope celebrated on the National Mall Oct. 7, 1979.


Building a better world Beyond the election season, our Catholic faith should be a source of unity, reconciliation and renewal. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON


Learning the faith, living the faith

Photo by John Whitman

We are called to reach out to and welcome Catholics who seldom or no longer practice their faith.


Knights of Columbus News Path to Peace Award Recognizes Supreme Knight, Order’s Efforts in Defense of Persecuted Christians • Supreme Knight Issues Statement on Liberation of Towns in Iraq • Knights Provide Relief to Hurricane Victims • New Supreme Warden Elected • Supreme Knight Honored With Great Defender of Life Award

13 Fathers for Good God transforms us through our Advent waiting, teaching us patience and trust in his perfect plan. BY JESSICA WEINBERGER

26 Knights in Action 27 Star Council Winners


PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month



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Our Common Humanity ON OCT. 7, 1979, during his first visit to the United States as pope, St. John Paul II celebrated Sunday Mass on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. He took the opportunity to reflect in his homily on the dignity of human life. “I do not hesitate,” he said, “to proclaim before you and before the world that all human life — from the moment of conception and through all subsequent stages — is sacred, because human life is created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person.” He went on to say, “All human beings ought to value every person for his or her uniqueness as a creature of God, called to be a brother or sister of Christ ….” Nearly four decades later, in an increasingly divided world, these words serve as an important reminder that our common humanity transcends any cultural, racial or political differences. The Declaration of Independence expresses this in the assertion “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” Yet, from a spiritual perspective, we are called not simply to coexist peacefully, but also to see our relationships with our neighbors as integral to who we are. In his message for the World Day of Peace Jan. 1, 2016, Pope Francis put it this way: “Personal dignity and interpersonal relationships are what constitute us as human beings whom God willed to create in his own image and likeness. As creatures endowed with

inalienable dignity, we are related to all our brothers and sisters, for whom we are responsible and with whom we act in solidarity. Lacking this relationship, we would be less human.” Ultimately, the unity to which we are called finds its fulfillment in the Church, whose mission is “to gather all people and all things into Christ, so as to be for all an ‘inseparable sacrament of unity’” (John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint, 5). It is for the sake of the whole world, then, that the Church and her members must be constantly engaged in the work of renewal, conversion and reconciliation. And whereas sin is the root of division, charity “binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 815; cf. Col 3:14). On Oct. 22, the Knights of Columbus unveiled a statue at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine depicting John Paul II at the 1979 Mass on the National Mall (see page 14). It now stands as a constant reminder to pilgrims, and especially to Knights, of the pope’s words that day. When faced with so many divisions within our countries, communities and families, we are to respond not with arrogance or resentment, but with humility and charity. If we are to build a true culture of life, we must see each person, despite our differences, as someone destined to be our brother or sister in Christ.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI EDITOR

Celebrate the Journey to Christmas THE POSADA is a traditional Advent celebration brought to the New World by 16th-century missionaries. It is a prayer, play and party all in one that reenacts Joseph and Mary’s search for an “inn” or “shelter” (Spanish: “posada”). The Knights of Columbus has prepared a new booklet on how to host a Posada. Download Journey to the Inn: An Advent Celebration (#9898) at or request the booklet by mail through the Order’s Supply Department. 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦



Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4210, option #3 PRAYER CARDS & SUPPLIES 203-752-4214 COLUMBIA INQUIRIES 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 K OF C CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 E-MAIL INTERNET ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.


Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER The Holy Famiy is depicted in a mosaic of the Epiphany, designed by Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik, adorning a wall of the Redemptor Hominis Church at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C.

Photo: Peter Škrlep/Tamino Petelinsek © Knights of Columbus


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The ‘Catholic Vote’ Beyond the election season, our Catholic faith should be a source of unity, reconciliation and renewal by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson IT HAS BEEN one of the most surprising election seasons any of us can remember. Among the many surprises was the disclosure by WikiLeaks of emails from within a presidential campaign organization that caused great concern about the disparaging language used to describe Catholics. The disclosure prompted the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, to issue an unprecedented public statement about what he described as an attempt “to interfere in the internal life of the Church for short-term political gain.” He urged public officials “to respect the rights of people to live their faith without interference from the state.” While the fact that these disclosures came from within a political campaign was troubling, more troubling still was that they were made by Catholics about other Catholics. The episode points to a serious challenge for Catholics in the United States: America remains a deeply divided country, and those divisions are reflected within our own Catholic faith community. The question that we should ask ourselves is: Will Catholics in America be a source of unity and reconciliation or a cause of further division? The answer to that question will depend largely on what we think it means today to be a Catholic in America. In other words, what is fundamental to our identity as Catholics? Pope Francis, in his book On Heaven and Earth, written while he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, stated: “There

are those that seek to compromise their faith for political alliances or for a worldly spirituality. One Catholic theologian, Henri de Lubac, says that the worst that can happen to those that are anointed and called to service is that they live with the criteria of the world instead of the criteria that the Lord commands from the tablets of the law and the Gospel.” While the pope was specifically writing about the clergy, I think what he says applies to all Catholics. As Knights of Columbus, we must strive to be a source of unity in our Church and society, and we must do this in a way consistent with our commitment to charity, fraternity and patriotism. Many Americans, including many Catholics, are disheartened and frustrated by the recent political season. But this is precisely the time when Catholics need to step up and more fully exercise their responsibilities as citizens for the common good. It is time for more — not less — Catholic involvement in the life of our nation. How are Catholics to do this? Pope Francis has already given the answer: by living more fully by the criteria that the Lord commands rather than by the criteria of the world. In other words, we need to continue the renewal of our own faith community as Catholics if we hope to more effectively influence our national life as Americans. Specifically, we might focus on six areas: • The renewal of parishes as true eucharistic communities, with a fuller appreciation of how the “the source and summit of the Christian life” is also the source and summit of our unity and

charity as Catholics. • The evangelization of the Catholic family as a domestic church, called to reach out in solidarity to other families as a source of unity, charity, mercy and reconciliation. • A renewed devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary not only as the perfect model of the Christian life, but also as an unsurpassed model for understanding our responsibilities as citizens for the common good. • A deeper understanding of those moral principles and issues that have “absolute value” (as Pope Francis has said the Fifth Commandment does) for us as a faith community and that are the basis for a fuller engagement with the social doctrine of our Church. • A heightened commitment to Catholic education that is not merely abstract, but that seeks to form the entire person. • A greater appreciation of the office of bishop as the source of unity for the local church — a unity that promotes a deeper communion among bishops, priests, religious and laity. Other considerations could be added to this list. But if we begin thinking in this way, then a greater unity among Catholics may provide a road map for greater unity for our entire country. And that would be a “Catholic vote” which would endure far beyond any election. Vivat Jesus!



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Crowded Christmas Masses We are called to reach out to and welcome Catholics who seldom or no longer practice their faith by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori SOME YEARS AGO, I arrived at a they lament the fact that their teenage or parish church to offer a 4 p.m. Christmas adult children no longer practice the faith. vigil Mass. The parking lot was jammed; “We tried to do everything right,” they there were cars everywhere. Amid all of say. “Where did we go wrong?” the chaos were the pastor and a small It’s a source of special sorrow for a “spiritual” without being religious. Fiarmy of volunteers with light wands in faithful Catholic when his or her spouse nally, let’s not forget the all-too-comhand. “Park anywhere!” the flustered pas- stops practicing the faith. Often families mon tendency of fallen human nature tor said. “Anywhere” turned out to be never discuss this situation, figuring it to drift away from God. 200 yards away, so at least I got my exer- will do more harm than good or just When we arrive at Mass on Christmas cise that evening! On the way toward the provoke needless arguments. That hav- Eve, what should be our reaction to all church, I came upon a few parishioners ing been said, those of us with such these people we don’t usually see at Mass? who attend Mass every week. They were family members are probably aware, at Of course, we should gladly welcome put out. “Where do all these them, even if it means giving up people come from?” they asked. our usual parking place or our faAt many churches on Christvorite pew. But I think our reWe need to listen to others with mas, unless you arrive early, you sponse should go deeper. empathy, and we also need to might not be able to find a seat for Mass. Once again, I can hear engage them with the Gospel and THE CHURCH’S MISSION the complaints. “I come here Let me suggest several ways we every Sunday and these people should respond when we see so help them on their way back. are in my pew. Where are they many people at Christmas Mass. the rest of the time?” First, we should examine our own Well, as they used say, that’s the least vaguely, of the reasons why they consciences, not theirs. As a priest look$64,000 question. Where indeed are all have stopped practicing their faith. ing out from the altar, I may ask myself these people week after week? Who are Some are disaffected Catholics. Even what I have said or done to alienate they, and what is our responsibility to- if they “check in” by attending Mass them from the Church. Has my proclaward them? once or twice a year, they are angry at the mation of the Gospel been credible? Church for one reason or another. They Have I given people reasons for not FALLING AWAY may disagree with Catholic teaching or practicing their faith? Actually, these are To begin with, most of the unfamiliar feel they were mistreated by someone questions we can all ask ourselves. faces we see at Christmas Mass are representing the Church. Others did not Second, we should pray for those Catholics. And while there are typically feel welcomed in their parish church or who are paying their annual or semisome out-of-town visitors in the mix, failed to find help in time of need. annual visit to the parish. Jesus came most are parishioners. They include Some never really encountered the into the world not only to save us but those who come to Mass only on Christ- Lord or knew their faith; eventually, also to save them. During Mass, we mas and Easter, sometimes referred to as they no longer saw the point in coming should pray that they will be moved to “C & E” Catholics. to Mass each week. Often it is sports or open their hearts to the Lord and find You probably have C & E Catholics in other activities that simply crowd out their way back home to the Church. In your family, perhaps even your immediate the practice of the faith, not to mention the same breath, we should pray for family. Parents sometimes tell me how the prevalent view that one can be ourselves that, somehow, we may be the 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦


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Lord’s instruments in helping bring others back to the fold. Third, we should take some measure of responsibility for our normally absent brothers and sisters. After all, a huge task awaits the Church in our times. When I was growing up in the 1950s, some 70 percent of Catholics went to Mass each Sunday; in the United States today, it’s more like 25 percent, and in other countries, especially in parts of Europe, it might only be 3 or 4 percent. St. John Paul II clearly taught that while the pope and bishops have the responsibility to lead, the laity are the pri-


Offered in Solidarity with Pope Francis

POPE FRANCIS: CNS photo/Paul Haring — FATHER SCHMITT: Courtesy of the Loras College Archives

UNIVERSAL: That the scandal of child-soldiers may be eliminated the world over. EVANGELIZATION: That the peoples of Europe may rediscover the beauty, goodness and truth of the Gospel, which gives joy and hope to life.

mary agents in spreading the Gospel in our times. This involves bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel by the goodness of our lives, and it demands of us a readiness to listen to and walk with those who no longer practice their faith. After all, a church that does not listen to the reasons why people have left will not be in a good position to give them reasons why they should return. So, we need to listen to others with empathy, and we also need to engage them with the Gospel and help them on their way back. For the Knights of Columbus, this takes on special importance. Our

founding principles — charity, unity and fraternity — guide us in our missionary outreach. Further, the Order offers many excellent avenues for husbands and fathers, together with their families, to open their hearts to Christ, to be formed in the faith and to put the faith into practice. So, as you arrive at Mass this Christmas, please join me in presenting the newborn Savior a gift: our resolve, for the coming year, to help bring others back to the practice of faith. What a wonderful gift for the Lord, for the Church and for those whose lives you will touch.♦


Father Aloysius H. Schmitt (1909-1941) THE YOUNGEST of 10 children, Aloysius Herman Schmitt was born in San Lucas, Iowa, Dec. 4, 1909. He grew up on the family farm and expressed the desire to become a priest at an early age. A friendly and soft-spoken boy, Schmitt loved school and sports. A 1932 graduate of Columbia (now Loras) College in Dubuque, Schmitt studied theology at the North American College in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood Dec. 8, 1935. After serving in several parishes, Father Schmitt requested permission to become a U.S. Navy chaplain. In 1940, he was assigned to the battleship USS Oklahoma, based at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Known for his ready smile and wit, Father Schmitt habitually roamed the ship looking for ways to assist others, even in mundane tasks. He celebrated Mass for the Catholics aboard and conducted general religious services for non-Catholic sailors. The men were grateful for his presence. On Dec. 7, 1941, Father Schmitt had just said Sunday Mass when the Oklahoma was hit by Japanese torpedoes and capsized. Trapped below

deck, the priest helped several sailors escape through a small porthole. Something in his pocket, possibly his breviary, got caught when he tried crawling through, and he ordered the men to push him back in. “Pull out the men nearest the hatch,” he said. “I’ll stay with the rest of my boys.” Disappearing inside, Father Schmitt helped more men escape, 12 in all, before the water engulfed him. The first Catholic chaplain to perish in World War II, he was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his sacrifice. Father Schmitt’s remains were positively identified this past September and laid to rest in Christ the King Chapel at Loras College Oct 8.♦



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ON OCT. 12, the Path to Peace Foundation honored the Knights of Columbus and Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson with the 2016 Path to Peace Award for the Order’s life-saving work in the Middle East and worldwide humanitarian efforts. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, apostolic nuncio and permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, conferred the award at a ceremony held in New York City. Accepting the award on behalf of the Order, Supreme Knight Anderson said, “For the Knights of Columbus, taking action that included humanitarian, advocacy and public awareness came naturally,” noting the support the Knights gave persecuted Catholics in Mexico in the 1920s. In his remarks, Anderson emphasized that peace in the Middle East is helped by the presence of Christians within a pluralistic society in which they are full and equal citizens. He described how Christians in the region have provided a remarkable witness by forgiving their persecutors, emphasizing that they are “the ones most deserving of an award and of all the support we can give them, especially in Iraq and Syria.” He also stressed that victims and survivors of genocide must be prioritized for aid and also granted equal rights before the law, regardless of religious belief. “The regime of second-class citizenship faced by Christians in much of the region before the advent of ISIS has been seen as the breeding ground for the genocide,” the supreme knight said. “We must insist that Christians

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson receives the 2016 Path to Peace Award from Archbishop Bernardito Auza, apostolic nuncio and permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations. and other non-majority communities are no longer marginalized.” By prioritizing direct funding and human rights, he concluded, “We will not only have saved the faith of a people, we will have ensured that their witness of mercy and reconciliation — which is the only authentic path to peace — continues to be a leaven in this region.” The Path to Peace Foundation was founded 25 years ago to support the work of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations.♦

Supreme Knight Issues Statement on Liberation of Towns in Iraq

Civilians return to their village Oct. 21 after it was liberated from Islamic State militants near Mosul, Iraq. 6 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦


ON OCT. 21, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson issued a statement calling for aid to Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq. The statement came as Iraqi forces launched a campaign to recapture the northern city of Mosul, liberating towns in the Nineveh Plain region held by ISIS for more than two years. While welcoming the military effort, the supreme knight cautioned that “the genocide begun by ISIS will continue through attrition and neglect unless the United States and international community prioritize those groups that were targeted for extermination and risk disappearing altogether.” Anderson emphasized the need for direct financial support to endangered groups like Christians and Yazidis, as well as the importance of ensuring their equal rights as Iraqi citizens, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.♦

TOP: Photo by Joe Vericker, / courtesy of Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations — LEFT: CNS photo/Thaier Al-Sudaini, Reuters

Path to Peace Award Recognizes Supreme Knight, Order’s Efforts in Defense of Persecuted Christians

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Knights Provide Relief to Hurricane Victims

Homes and businesses are seen surrounded by floodwaters in an Oct. 10 aerial view after Hurricane Matthew swept through Lumberton, N.C. The powerful storm killed at least 1,000 people in Haiti and at least 33 in the southeastern United States. In addition to the relief efforts of local Knights, councils in Delaware, Puerto Rico and elsewhere sent shoes, water and other supplies to Haiti, and Knights of Columbus Charities collected more than $100,000 in aid.

New Supreme Warden Elected A PAST STATE deputy of Kansas (2008-2010), Francis G. Drouhard, was elected Supreme Warden by the Knights of Columbus Board of DirecSupreme Warden tors during its Francis Drouhard meeting Oct. 14-16. A Knight since 1980, Drouhard is a member of St. Joan of Arc Council 3828 in Danville and Rev. Stanley Rother Assembly in Clonmel-Schulte, Kan. Drouhard operates his own cattle business and farm and works as a crop insurance agent. He and his wife, Lori, have two children.♦

TOP: CNS photo/Chris Keane, Reuters

Supreme Knight Honored With Great Defender of Life Award ON OCT. 27 in New York City, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson received the 2016 Great Defender of Life Award from the Human Life Review, a journal devoted to issues related to the right to life. In his remarks, the supreme knight cited St. Teresa of Calcutta, who called abortion “one of the greatest poverties” and a nation that accepted abortion as “the poorest of the poor.” He noted that for decades it was assumed that the pro-life position was a minority view, with prominent politicians arguing that they were “personally opposed” to abortion but could not impose their view on the majority of Americans. Not only is such reasoning poor, Anderson said, but the argument is at odds with the fact that the vast majority of Americans want substantial abortion restrictions — as indicated in Marist polling commissioned by the Knights. The supreme knight called on Catholic politicians to embrace this

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and his wife, Dorian, join (from left) Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life; Maria McFadden Maffucci, editor of the Human Life Review; and Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York, at the award banquet Oct. 29. consensus rather than advancing abortion-permissive policies. He referred to a pro-life coalition that once existed across party lines, citing Sargent Shriver, a pro-life Democrat who ran for president in 1976, as an example.

“If Catholics were to stand together with other people who support life to make abortion the preeminent human rights issue of our time and to treat it as a truly non-negotiable priority, imagine how different our country would be,” Anderson said.♦



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Seventy-five years ago, Ensign William I. Halloran was the first Knight of Columbus killed in World War II by J.C. Sullivan 8 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦


Image courtesy of Lawrence Halloran

The First to Fall

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In this Dec. 7, 1941, file photo, the battleship USS Arizona belches smoke as it topples over into the sea during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. • Inset image: A portrait of Ensign William I. Halloran, the first Knight of Columbus to perish during World War II.

AP Photo


he telegram arrived at 2:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 12, 1941, by a Western Union kid in an olive drab uniform riding a bike in the dark,” recalled Lawrence (“Larry”) Halloran Jr., 92. Jostled awake by his brother John, Larry stumbled down the stairs of the Halloran home in Cleveland to find his parents and sister, Estelle, in shock. “The Navy Department deeply regrets to inform you that your son Ensign William I Halloran United States Naval Reserve was lost in action in performance of his duty and in the service of his country,” the telegram began. “The family was stunned, and we sat together,” said Larry, who was 17 at the time. “Mom was crying. Dad and I were be-

wildered as we later walked to the 8 o’clock Mass. It was a real jolt to his heart and soul.” Larry’s oldest brother, William, had been assigned to the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Earlier that week, the family had listened to the radio as President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared Dec. 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy.” That was the date the Japanese navy attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor, killing 2,335 military personnel, including 1,177 on the Arizona. It was also the birthday of Stella Halloran, Ensign Halloran’s mother. William Halloran, who at age 26 became the first Ohioan, newspaperman and Knight of Columbus to die in World War II, would be remembered as a hero. His mother soon led DECEMBER 2016


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a tremendous war bond drive, backed by the Knights, to fund the construction of a destroyer escort ship — the USS Halloran — on which Larry Halloran would eventually serve until the end of the war. ‘A PRINCE OF A GUY’ The eldest of four children, William Ignatius Halloran was born July 23, 1915, to Lawrence and Stella (née McGuire) Halloran. Lawrence worked for the postal service in the West Park neighborhood of Cleveland, and Stella was a homemaker. The family attended St. Ignatius of Antioch Church, a few minutes’ walk from their house. “We always went to Mass together. Everybody was very religious in our family,” said Larry, who has fond memories of his brother and of growing up in a happy home. “Even though Bill was nine years my senior, we got along well and were always into sports,” Larry recalled. “He organized the local kids into baseball teams, and I was his batboy. When we needed a football, Bill bought it, as he was working. He was just a prince of a guy, and everybody liked him.” Larry’s sister Estelle, who died in 2008, described their brother’s interests in a biographical profile she composed in 1986 at the request of the Knights of Columbus in Hawaii. “Bill served as an altar boy at St. Ignatius,” Estelle wrote. “I remember when he was studying the Latin ‘Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam,’ which all acolytes were required to know.” Both Larry and Estelle noted that William loved exploring the woods around Cleveland, which was known as Forest City. “Growing up we used to hike along in the woods,” Larry said. According to Estelle, William often “brought home little violet 10 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


plants or sprouts of trees to plant. For a while our yard looked like a park.” William also had a talent for art, and especially for writing, which he eventually turned into a career. “He always loved journalism,” Estelle wrote. “He practiced it in elementary school, and he pursued it at Cathedral Latin High School. … In his senior year he held the position of editor-in-chief of The Latineer, which was a great honor.” Throughout high school, William woke up early to deliver the Shopping News before school, and he later worked as a reporter and editor for the delivery boys’ newspaper, Shopping News Jr. After graduating from Cathedral Latin in 1933, he attended Cleveland’s John Carroll University for two years. Desiring a more rigorous journalism program, William opted to complete a degree in journalism at The Ohio State University, even though it was not his first choice. “He really wanted to go to Marquette,” Larry explained, “but it was the Depression and we had no money, so it was off to OSU where he worked as a page in a sorority to get a meal.” Estelle wrote, “Bill’s faith meant so much to him that he joined the Newman Club as soon as he arrived in Columbus. He eventually became president of the club, as well as president of the Ohio Valley Union of Newman Clubs, which included four states.” William served on the editorial staff of The Lantern, the Buckeye school newspaper, and was also president of the university’s Interracial Council, “a group that was way before its time,” according to Larry. Upon graduating from OSU with a journalism degree in 1938, William accepted a position with United Press in Columbus, where he was an active member of the Catholic Youth Or-

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Left: William Halloran’s family and other mourners leave St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Cleveland following a requiem Mass for the slain ensign Dec. 17, 1941. More than 1,100 people were in attendance. • Right: The USS Halloran is launched from Mare Island, Calif., Jan. 14, 1944. William Halloran’s mother, Stella, christened the ship just moments before, and it was placed in commission four months later.

Photos courtesy of Lawrence Halloran

ganization. In 1940, he advanced to the Cleveland bureau as sports editor. At the invitation of his uncle, John Stock, William also joined the Knights of Columbus, becoming a member of Cleveland’s West Park Council 2790. THE WAR YEARS As war broke out in Europe and the Axis powers advanced, William volunteered for active duty in the Naval Reserves on Aug. 14, 1940. On the next day, the feast of the Assumption, he wrote a letter to his boss, Ralph C. Teatsorth, explaining his decision and requesting a leave of absence from United Press. Teatsorth later called this letter “perhaps the finest thing he ever wrote” (see sidebar on page 12). After attending the Naval Reserve Midshipmen’s School at Northwestern University, William received his commission as ensign June 12, 1941. He left Cleveland and reported on board the battleship USS Arizona at Long Beach, Calif., June 30. While stationed at Pearl Harbor, Ensign Halloran penned numerous letters to friends and family. A postcard from the Arizona addressed to “My Friends in the School of Journalism” at OSU depicted scenes from Hawaii. One of several letters written to Larry asked, “Have you joined the scouts yet?” In a Cleveland News interview, his mother later recounted, “On Dec. 8, we got his last letter. It was a check for me… for my birthday.” After the news of William’s death, Stella Halloran never celebrated her birthday again, and instead spent the day in prayer. “It’s Bill’s day now,” she said. A solemn requiem Mass was celebrated for Ensign Halloran on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at St. Ignatius Church. More than 1,100 people attended. Stella, Cleveland’s first gold star mother of the war, soon became a speaker on Cleveland’s Public Square in support of the war effort. “There would be three or four thousand people standing there at these downtown rallies,” Larry recalled. “And she would be there next to a 6-foot picture of Bill.” In 1943, shortly after posthumously awarding William the Purple Heart in May, the Navy Department announced a destroyer escort was to be named in his honor. At the time, West Park Council 2790 was in the midst of a war bond campaign to sponsor a fighter plane. Both John and Larry had joined Council 2790 shortly after their brother’s death, following in his footsteps. Deeply appreciative of the honor bestowed on one of its

members, the council redirected its efforts by sponsoring a massive war bond drive to raise $5 million to fund the construction of the USS Halloran. More than 120 councils in Ohio joined in the effort, which raised well over $6 million, including a $1 million contribution from the Supreme Council. The USS Halloran was christened by Stella Halloran at Mare Island, Calif., on Jan. 14, 1944. She was joined by her husband and their son, John, who was in the Navy at the time, while a contingent of California Knights “housed and treated them royally,” according to Estelle. “The night before, Admiral (Wilhelm) Friedell hosted them for dinner and Mom practiced and practiced hitting the bow of the ship with a champagne bottle,” said Larry. “Well, the next day she did a great job.” Later that year, Larry’s “dream came true” when he was assigned to serve aboard the USS Halloran. The ship sailed throughout the Pacific and survived kamikaze hits that killed four sailors and wounded 23 during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. “We were later blowing up mines in the Philippines when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki,” said Larry. “That was the end of the war, and the Halloran was finally sold for steel.” FOR GOD AND COUNTRY In the years that followed, Stella Halloran was recognized for her efforts during the war. In 1952, she received an invitation to the White House from first lady Bessie Truman. “A three-cent stamp was on it with Mom’s name in gold letters,” recalled Larry. “She had been made a member of the DECEMBER 2016

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Lawrence Halloran, 92, is pictured at his home in Beverly Hills, Mich., with medals posthumously awarded to his brother William. Clockwise, from top left, William was awarded the Purple Heart, World War II Victory Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and American Defense Service Medal. Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy and was invited to meet President Truman and his wife, Bessie.” Two other such visits to the White House followed during the Eisenhower administration. William Halloran, meanwhile, continued to be honored in numerous ways by his country, local community and fellow Knights. In 1945, the City of Cleveland began work on Halloran Park — its first memorial to a WWII hero. Located in the Hallorans’ old neighborhood, the park was rededicated in 2000, following renovation. Halloran House, a dormitory for engineers at Ohio State, was named in William’s honor in 1963. In 1991, on the 50th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Larry and Estelle visited the USS Arizona Memorial, where their brother was still entombed on the battleship with nearly 1,000 fellow servicemen. The Hawaii State Council and Knights from Brother Joseph Dutton Council 7156 in Honolulu hosted the Halloran siblings and took part in a ceremony with them at the memorial. “The admiral’s boat took us there, which was a great privilege,” said Past State Deputy Victor M. Abbatiello, who now serves as the state council historian. “We had a wreath-laying ceremony and then went inside the foyer area, where they saw his name engraved.” As Hawaiian Knights are planning events to honor Halloran in observance of the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack this month, so too are the members of West Park Council 2790 in Cleveland. Council 2790 will host a mid-December dinner for more than 120 Navy recruits.

“It is such an honor to be associated with a member of the Arizona who was also a member of our council,” said Past Grand Knight Clement Nirosky Jr. “We want to honor Halloran’s memory by recognizing these young men and women who are preparing to serve our country.” As for Larry Halloran, never a day goes by when he does not remember his brother William’s sacrifice. A replica of the flag that flew above the Arizona hangs on the front of Larry’s house today, and the battle flag of the Halloran is on display inside. “Bill was a real guy who loved the world, and he was proud to be a Knight,” said Larry. “He believed in God and country, and I’ve followed his philosophy my whole life.”♦ J.C. Sullivan, a U.S. Army veteran of the 2nd Armored Division, writes from Northfield Village, Ohio.

On Aug. 15, 1940, the day after William I. Halloran joined the Navy Reserves, he wrote a letter to his boss at United Press, Ralph C. Teatsorth, explaining his decision. After William’s death at Pearl Harbor, this patriotic statement was printed in papers nationwide. I WANT you to know, Ralph, why I feel I should go. Some people will say I’m crazy perhaps but — First of all you know I’m no militarist. I don’t believe in war as a means of set12 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


tling international differences. It’s not so much the horror of it but the fact that it’s impractical, crazy and un-Christian. I no more believe that nations should settle their differences by war than I do that individuals should settle their disputes in back-alley brawls. I wish we could get along without such a tremendous armament program and devote the money to improving our civilization. But when there are wolves and brigands about it is not well to go unarmed. So let us arm and learn how to

use these arms. That is where I, and thousands — even millions — of other young Americans, should fit into the picture. We who have benefitted should be ready to sacrifice. I feel that I have been particularly fortunate: I have been able to work through college and am now employed at a fine, outstanding concern with a great future. Others have been less fortunate. They have less reason to give up a period of their life. So, therefore, the more fortunate ones such as myself should go.♦

Photo by Spirit Juice Studios


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A Season of Trust God transforms us through our Advent waiting, teaching us patience and trust in his perfect plan by Jessica Weinberger

CNS photo/Lisa Johnston, St Louis Review


e began trying to push God last year when a retailer’s ad highlighted a sale item that my husband and I couldn’t pass up. With one year of marriage under our belts, we made a post-Thanksgiving stop, weaving through the throng of shoppers to claim our prize — a beautiful baby stroller that we prayed God would soon fill with our firstborn. Months later, while we were still trying to pull God toward our schedule, another sale caught my eye. Trusting that those elusive two lines would appear on my next pregnancy test, I hit the button on my computer screen to purchase a perfect white crib and mattress. With our nursery neatly arranged in our minds, here we sit with a closet full of baby items but not a hint of morning sickness or a baby bump to go with it. In this season of Advent, the Church, too, is acutely attuned to the reality of waiting. Like expectant first-time parents, Christians anticipate the anniversary of our Savior’s birth into this world, even as we prepare for his second coming. I wonder how Mary felt, pregnant with baby Jesus and uncertain of what her future would hold. Did she feel as though those nine months dragged on as she anticipated the miraculous birth of her son? And how did Joseph feel as he waited with his beloved wife to welcome a child who was not biologically his own? While as a Church we wait together during these four weeks of Advent, individually we each encounter our own seasons of life in which God calls us to wait on his timing. There’s the playful kind of waiting game, like that of children as they dream about the treasures that will appear under the Christmas tree. But there are also the deeper, more trying times of waiting that we experience as adults — waiting to meet our future spouse, waiting to find a new job, waiting for healing, or perhaps waiting for a sign of hope or an open door.

So we wait. We listen. We pray. And then we wait some more, trusting in the Word of God: “The Lord does not delay his promise” (2 Pt 3:9). Ecclesiastes assures us, “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens” (3:1). But what do we do during this time of waiting, this period of personal Advent? We prepare. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord, we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming, turning our eyes to him and to his plan that we cannot yet see. Mary did not know what her future with Jesus would hold, but she prepared with her faithful husband, traveling the great distance to Bethlehem. Through prayer and faith-filled acts of service, we can likewise prepare for the coming of Jesus and the fulfillment of our desire. As we wait, God works in us, transforming us from the inside out to receive what he has in store for us. While my husband and I journey through our own season of waiting to receive the lifelong titles of Mom and Dad, I have developed an even greater amazement at the gift of new life — a gift most perfectly displayed in the Christ Child. Though he may have appeared to be just a baby born in a stable, Jesus was destined for greatness beyond anything this world could anticipate. He offers us a share in that greatness through his death and resurrection, and in the Eucharist at Mass. As we count down the days of Advent, let us appreciate God’s presence in this time of anticipation. It’s during this time and all the other seasons of waiting in our lives that God refines us and forms us. When “we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7), we know that his timing is always perfect.♦ JESSICA WEINBERGER is a marketing professional and freelance writer. She lives with her husband, George, a member of Father John Deere Council 4914 in Savage, Minn.



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SCULPTING SANCTITY An interview with Chas Fagan, the artist who designed two statues for the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. by Alton J. Pelowski has Fagan, 50, is an internationally acclaimed sculptor, painter and portrait artist based in Charlotte, N.C. He specializes in statuary and portraiture of historical figures, and his many notable commissions include a 7-foot bronze sculpture of Ronald Reagan in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, the official White House portrait of the former first lady Barbara Bush and a statue of Neil Armstrong at Purdue University. In the last two years, Fagan completed several commissions for the Knights of Columbus. In October 2015, a larger than life-size bronze statue of Pope John Paul II was unveiled at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. Earlier this year, in anticipation of Mother Teresa’s canonization Sept. 2, Fagan completed what would become the official canonization image of St. Teresa of Calcutta. On St. John Paul II’s feast day Oct. 22, a larger, 11foot bronze statue of the Polish pope was unveiled at the shrine. Columbia editor Alton J. Pelowski recently spoke with Fagan about his creative process and the two statues of St. John Paul II.

COLUMBIA: The statue on the lower level of the Saint John Paul II National Shrine was your first commission from the Knights of Columbus. Can you describe how that came about? CHAS FAGAN: I somehow learned about the competition to design a statue of Pope John Paul II for the shrine. As with any other competition, parameters were set, and I did preliminary sketches and worked with different concepts based on 14 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


the space. I presented these along with samples of previous work to a room full of people at the shrine. COLUMBIA: What drew you to that particular competition? C HAS FAGAN: I have always been a very big fan of Pope John Paul II. He was the pope I was most familiar with for most of my life. On the academic side, I was a Soviet Studies major in college, and John Paul II of course played a large role in the Cold War. C OLUMBIA : What personal qualities did you want to capture in depicting this man who was pope for nearly 27 years? CHAS FAGAN: I wanted to make sure that I captured his vibrance, that inner warmth, strength and energy that we are all so familiar with. This involved trying to show his physical strength, too — as an athlete, a skier, a kayaker, etc. So, in terms of his likeness, I aimed toward the earlier period of papacy. His posture was distinctive, too. He had rather broad shoulders, and his head was forward a little bit, which is kind of endearing and inviting at the same time. I wanted to make sure that physicality was captured. For the pose itself, the goal was to allow people to interact with the figure. I wanted it to be a welcoming figure that was bringing people to the exhibit on his life. That’s where the pose came from, with the arms slightly out and the hands slightly open. It’s an invitation, and the closer you get, it’s an enveloping gesture, too, because you’re suddenly within his

Photo by Charles Johnson / courtesy of Chas Fagan


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Photo by Jaclyn Lippelmann

Teens visiting the Saint John Paul II National Shrine on pilgrimage from the Padre Pio Learning Center in Front Royal, Va., encounter the statue of John Paul II on the shrine’s lower level. • Opposite page: Artist Chas Fagan puts the finishing touches on an 11-foot sculpture of St. John Paul II. Later cast in bronze, it was unveiled Oct. 22 outside of the shrine. arms. I tried to enhance that with the stone on the floor; he’s standing in a circle, and if you go and stand in front of him, you find yourself entering his circle, his space.

Some time after college, I eventually went from editorial cartoons to magazine illustrations to fine art to landscape and portraits.

COLUMBIA: You’ve had the chance to see pilgrims interacting with the statue at the shrine. What is that like? CHAS FAGAN: I have a hard time holding my own emotions in check when I see the reaction people have. Sometimes, I will get photos sent to me from people who have captured an image of nuns standing on either side, each clutching a hand, or a young person actually giving him a hug. Seeing that is just incredibly powerful and enjoyable for me.

COLUMBIA: Of course, you went on to become a sculptor as well. How did that come about? CHAS FAGAN: It came with winning and then losing a particular job with a television network. I had a contract to do a stylized portrait to look like it was from the 1830s, but all of the decision makers had changed. My potential for this great job had disappeared, and I thought I was going to lose the opportunity. The last thing I had to show them was a little pencil drawing of a sculpture of the subject, Alexis de Tocqueville, which I had done the night before. That was the only thing that electrified the room. The next thing I knew, I had signed a contract to do my first sculpture.

COLUMBIA: Despite your talent, you didn’t pursue formal studies in the arts. When was it that you were drawn to become an artist? CHAS FAGAN: I think I always was. I was always drawing, and I was painting a little bit as a kid. On the practical side, I took advantage of the other academic offerings at Yale while continuing to do what I had done through high school in terms of art. I made editorial cartoons for the Yale Daily News, and some were purchased by the New Haven Register.

COLUMBIA: What are your favorite parts of the sculpting process, and how does it compare to painting? CHAS FAGAN: Painting and sculpting are totally different paths, but they are both very enjoyable. The common denominator is DECEMBER 2016

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that you are trying to bring someone out — on canvas or in clay. With the sculpting process, it all starts with a model, perhaps 24 inches tall, where you initially create the design and likeness. This is always exciting because, though you’re working on a small scale, it’s encouraging if you can get it right and bring it to life. For the large-scale sculpture, I tend to sculpt the head separately in my studio when I can, and it becomes someone that I live with for a while. With the larger piece, there is also the active physicality of the process. You are strategically figuring out where to place the next warm handful of clay. You see the progress, and it’s very rewarding on a personal level. 16 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


COLUMBIA: During your time in New Haven, while attending Yale, did you have any familiarity with the Knights of Columbus? CHAS FAGAN: After the first John Paul II project began, representatives of the Knights came here to my studio, and Mr. Anderson left me a book on Father McGivney. It was in reading that book that I realized that I actually did have a huge tie to the Knights without even knowing it. The quick version of the long story is that during my sophomore year of college, I had a medical issue with a blood clot in my head, and I was out of commission and in the hospital for the entire fall semester. I was eventually

Photo by Tom Serafin

Chas Fagan, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and Patrick Kelly, executive director of the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, unveil the 11-foot bronze statue of John Paul II outside of the shrine on St. John Paul II’s feast day, Oct. 22. The unveiling took place during a daylong youth and family festival called World Youth Day Unite, which brought together “alumni” from past World Youth Day gatherings for talks, prayer, food and fellowship.

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transferred to the student hospital on Hillhouse Ave., and on the first day that they let me go out and be free, at least for a little bit, I walked down the street. I walked inside St. Mary’s Church, and it was a complete sanctuary for me. I loved it and ended up attending Mass there instead of the student parish. I completely adopted it, and from then on, my roommates would come with me. But I had no idea that it was where Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus. COLUMBIA: The Knights later approached you about a larger statue of John Paul II, now displayed outside the shrine. What was the difference in terms of your approach to that statue versus the first one? CHAS FAGAN: The first one was in an interior space with a more human scale, despite the fact that I made the figure slightly larger than life-size — allowing you to step into his gaze and look up into his eyes. The statue for the outside was kind of a split objective: It would have to be big enough to stand in that space in front of the large, bold geometry of the building, but not so large that someone cannot walk up to it and interact with it.

Photo by Charles Johnson / courtesy of Chas Fagan

COLUMBIA: The larger statue is intended to capture a moment in time: the Oct. 7, 1979, Mass that John Paul II celebrated on the Capitol Mall. What challenges and opportunities did this pose? CHAS FAGAN: On that day in ’79, the wind was blowing hard, so there was a lot of drama when it came to the curves and lines of his vestments. I very much enjoyed taking advantage of that artistically. With any bronze figure, I look for some kind of natural element to give it that extra energy and a seemingly lively appearance. In this case, the biggest challenge was to take all that movement and make it believable but still fairly compact, with no hard edges sticking out that could harm a visitor. I tried to be as accurate as possible with every detail of the vestment itself. Another challenge was to copy Pope John Paul II’s crosier — with its extremely recognizable crucifix designed by another sculptor — while keeping within the same style as the rest of the statue. These elements and the atmosphere of the day guided the design, even though the actual process of creating a likeness was the same as before — building it based on lots and lots and lots of images. COLUMBIA: Can you describe that process of creating the likeness? CHAS FAGAN: Here in the studio, while working on something like that, I have large foam boards on which I tape hundreds of photographs. They are all just different views of the face and hopefully something close to the expression I’m aiming for. Inevitably, you are sculpting away at every little detail — part of a mouth or an edge of a brow or top of an eyelid — and each is so distinctive that you end up scanning all of those

Chas Fagan is pictured in his Charlotte, N.C., studio, completing work on the initial statue of John Paul II in 2015. A small model of the largescale statue stands in the foreground, while photos used to create the late pope’s likeness are taped on foam board in the background. faces to find the detail you are looking for. The person is not standing in front of you, so you have to make good guesses about how the shapes all fit together. COLUMBIA: St. John Paul II, in addition to being a pastor, a philosopher and an athlete, was also a poet and a playwright. Have you had the opportunity to read his Letter to Artists? CHAS FAGAN: Yes, awhile ago. I wouldn’t be able to quote it for you, but I just remember jumping up and down thinking, “Wait — this guy understands!” COLUMBIA: Do you find that there is an element of faith in your own approach to art? CHAS FAGAN: I think at the core of my life as an artist, as a personal endeavor, I have always understood it as a gift and a responsibility. It’s just something I knew I had to do, and that’s where faith comes into play.♦ DECEMBER 2016

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Education in Exile Iraqi and Syrian refugee children in Jordan receive support through a K of C partnership with Catholic Relief Services


quipped with a few colored pencils and a blank piece of paper, 8-year-old Lana quietly drew a picture of a smiling princess. Her face hidden behind two thick brown braids, Lana leaned into her work with the concentration of a surgeon. She looked at peace. No one would guess what Lana had endured the previous year. Lana, her parents and three siblings are from the northern Iraqi city of Qaraqosh, regarded as the Christian capital of Iraq and home to Christians for more than 15 centuries. In August of 2014, fighters of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also known as ISIS or Daesh) invaded the region, giving inhabitants a brutal ultimatum: convert to Islam, become a slave or hostage, be killed or flee. Lana’s family fled, together with the vast majority of their neighbors, many of whom belonged to minority groups — Christians, Yazidis and Shia Muslims, whose beliefs and religious practices meant they would be persecuted by ISIS. Some were killed in flight. Others managed to find safety in Kurdistan, the semi-autonomous region further north in Iraq. Lana and her family made it to Jordan. Arriving with only a few belongings, they had to start life anew. Families like Lana’s need help and hope, and they are getting it thanks to U.S.-based Catholic Relief Services (CRS), together with Caritas Jordan, which is the official relief organization of the Catholic Church in Jordan. In November 2015, the Supreme Council donated $500,000 to CRS for the expansion of programs in 18 Catholic schools in Jordan. Thanks to this support, CRS and Caritas are getting children back into the classroom and providing tutoring, teacher training, and other key aspects of schooling, such as transportation, parent-teacher activities and counseling. 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


FROM TRAUMA TO HOPE The current refugee population in Jordan is estimated at 1.4 million Syrians and 60,000 Iraqis. Both Syria and Iraq have continued to experience unspeakable violence, even as the Iraqi army’s October offensive against ISIS fought to regain control of Mosul, Iraq’s secondlargest the city, and liberated towns on the periphery, including Qaraqosh. The majority of the refugees are children who have experienced trauma and have already lost out on years of education. Their families will likely remain displaced for a significant amount of time. “It’s important having our Syrian and Iraqi children in school because many have been out of school for years,” explained Lana Snobar, counseling unit coordinator for Caritas Jordan. “One day, hopefully, if they get back to Syria or Iraq, they will be educated. They will have some knowledge about English, Arabic or math, or anything that could be useful in the future.” That is why CRS and the Knights have worked together to provide education and tutoring for refugee children at schools managed by local Catholic partners throughout Jordan. The classrooms are similar to many found around the world, with desks, blackboards and chairs, along with boisterous children who are eager to learn. But for a majority of the Syrian children, who have been out of school for a long time, there is catching up to do. In the case of 8-year-old Omar, his family was forced to flee their home in Damascus, Syria, because of violence stemming from the six-year Syrian civil war. Omar’s mother, Kenda, said that before the family left

Photos courtesy of Catholic Relief Services

by Nikki Gamer

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Above: Refugee children at a Catholic school in Jordan hold up drawings that they made in class. Caritas Jordan and Catholic Relief Services have expanded educational programs at 18 schools, thanks in part to support from the Knights of Columbus. • Opposite page: Lana, 8, and her mother, Joanne, are pictured at their temporary home in Jordan. The family was forced to flee their home in Qaraqosh, Iraq, when ISIS invaded the region in 2014. Syria, they had been living in a constant state of fear. “We had to move many times to avoid the bombs, and we were scared all the time,” she said. The trauma that refugee families have endured has had a profound impact on the children. After fleeing their homes, both Lana and Omar became distraught and withdrawn, as memories of their recent past were too often dominated by images of harrowing violence. “We try to understand that they are living through a really hard time,” said Snobar. “They have really bad memories, and it’s not easy.” The trauma can affect every aspect of the children’s lives, Snobar added. “It may manifest itself in physical symptoms, like stress or upset stomachs. It may also result in aggressiveness, sadness or a desire to run away.” With funding from the Knights of Columbus and other donors, CRS and Caritas Jordan are able to provide much needed help.

“Through our psychosocial activities, such as puppetry and other games meant to engage the children, we’re trying to help them identify and cope with the symptoms that they are suffering through,” explained Snobar. ‘A GOOD FUTURE’ Tutoring programs have helped Lana and her siblings thrive in class. But because of what they endured as ISIS entered their hometown and war disrupted their young lives, they need more than academic work. “Education is crucial to refugee children, as it is for any child,” said CRS Jordan Program Manager Maggie Holmesheoran. “But because they have experienced so many difficult things, counseling services and additional care are very important.” The result of such work is evident in Lana. She has a renewed enthusiasm for the artwork she abandoned along with her home. Now, her prolific handmade designs — paper tree cutouts, drawings, and prints made of dried leaves — line DECEMBER 2016

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Eight-year-old Omar (right) joins other children at a Catholic school in Jordan. Omar’s family fled their home in Damascus, Syria, due to the ongoing violence of their country’s civil war. the walls of her family’s small and otherwise bare apartment. For birthdays, Lana has been giving family members homemade cards. “On every occasion she surprises us,” said Lana’s mother, Joanne, as she held up one of her daughter’s creations. Joanne is convinced that the school activities have breathed new life into her family. Hassam, Lana’s father, nodded in approval. “The way Caritas teaches the children makes them more creative,” he said. “As parents, we are gratified.” “These classes help Lana have more self-confidence,” Joanne added. “When she comes home she’s eager to show us what she’s learned.” Lana, who had returned to her work, looked up and brushed her braids aside. The smile on her face was as big as the one on the princess in her drawing. Omar, whose favorite subject is math, has also become enlivened by his studies. He shyly shared that he wants to become an engineer when he is older. His parents and five brothers and sisters happily support his new dream. “He studies all the time preparing himself for classes,” said his mother, Kenda. “I wish for a good future for all my kids.” 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


Kenda found that education awakened a part of the family’s life that had been missing for a long time: a sense of normalcy. “My children are very happy,” she said. “They feel safe and secure.” Lana and Omar epitomize what Catholic Relief Services and the Knights of Columbus hope to accomplish with this educational and psychosocial support. They, like many other refugee children, live in overcrowded, rundown apartment buildings in urban areas throughout Jordan. Caritas social service centers in cities like Amman have child-friendly spaces where the children can play games and take part in activities that encourage creative expression, develop social and interpersonal skills and strengthen self-confidence. “Seeing your children educated is a source of deep pride and is key to a parent’s feelings of success around raising a child,” Holmesheoran explained. “To see them educated, to know that those things are taken care of and that they will have access to opportunities because of their education — I think every parent wants that.”♦ NIKKI GAMER is a writer for Catholic Relief Services, which is based in Baltimore.

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The Catholicism of William Shakespeare Ample evidence supports the claim that the Bard of Avon was a lifelong Catholic by Joseph Pearce



his year, we have been commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of one of the world’s greatest writers, William Shakespeare (1564-1616). For those who have long admired his brilliance and Christian imagination, the evidence that he was a believing Catholic in a time of persecution is very exciting. Broadly speaking, the evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism is biographical, historical and textual. The biographical and historical evidence is found in the documented facts of his life and of the turbulent times in which he lived, and his plays and poems offer further, textual evidence of his Catholic convictions. PASSING ON THE FAITH Born in 1564 in Stratfordupon-Avon, England, Shakespeare lived at a time when the practice of Catholicism was illegal. In 1534, King Henry VIII had declared that he and his successors would lead a statecontrolled church and that only this state-imposed religion would be tolerated. Priests were tortured and put to death, as were those who tried to hide them from the tyrannical government. Recusants — those who refused to attend the services of the state religion — were fined heavily. Shakespeare’s mother’s family, the Ardens, were among the most famous recusants in the whole of England. Shakespeare’s father, John, was fined for his recusancy in 1592 and had retired from his career in politics rather than swear allegiance to the state religion. Several scholars, most notably John Henry de Groot, have detailed the evidence for John Shakespeare’s Catholicism, including the fact that he signed a “testament” to his Catholic faith, which had been written by St.

Charles Borromeo and was probably smuggled into England by Jesuit missionaries. As for Shakespeare himself, evidence suggests that he remained a Catholic throughout his life. During Shakespeare’s youth, the religion of the nation was far from a settled question. In 1568, when he was only 4 years old, Mary, Queen of Scots, fled to England, raising hopes of an eventual Catholic succession. These hopes were then dashed by Mary’s imprisonment on the orders of Queen Elizabeth I. The Northern Rebellion, led by the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Northumberland in support of Mary, was crushed ruthlessly the following year. More than 800 rebels — mainly Catholics — were executed. Several scholars have suggested that the Northern Rebellion inspired Shakespeare’s two-part Henry IV. There has been much scholarly debate about what Shakespeare was doing as a young man between 1578 and 1582, the so-called “lost years” prior to his marriage to Anne Hathaway. According to John Aubrey, one of the earliest sources available, Shakespeare “had been in his younger years a schoolmaster in the country.” Scholars including E.A.J. Honigmann, J. Dover Wilson and Stephen Greenblatt have found evidence that Shakespeare might have spent time at Hoghton Tower, a recusant household in Lancashire. In that case, he would likely have met the Jesuit martyr St. Edmund Campion shortly before Campion’s arrest in June 1581 and subsequent execution. Having returned to Stratford, where he married and had three children with his wife, Anne, it seems that Shakespeare was forced to leave his hometown. Scholars such as Heinrich DECEMBER 2016

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Mutschmann and Karl Wentersdorf (Shakespeare and Catholicism, 1952) have demonstrated that a vendetta was directed against him by Sir Thomas Lucy, the local lord of the manor. As Queen Elizabeth’s chief Protestant agent in the area, Lucy led searches of local Catholic houses, including very probably Shakespeare’s own home. In May 1606, Shakespeare’s daughter, Susanna, appeared on a list of recusants brought before Stratford’s church court. This fact, discovered in 1964, signifies that Catholicism had been passed from one generation of the family to the next, further suggesting that Shakespeare himself had remained a Catholic throughout his life. MARTYRS AND ‘GOD’S SPIES’ After his arrival in London, Shakespeare enjoyed the patronage of the Earl of Southampton, a known Catholic who seems to have had Jesuit martyr St. Robert Southwell as his confessor. Shakespeare likely knew the Jesuit priest prior to the latter’s arrest in 1592, the year in which Shakespeare’s father was fined for being a recusant. In fact, there are many allusions to Southwell in Shakespeare’s plays. A thorough discussion of the plentiful textual evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism in his plays and poems is not possible in this brief survey. Here are just a couple examples. Southwell wrote a poem titled Decease Release about the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, whom many Catholics be22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


lieved to be a martyr for the faith. In the poem, written from the queen’s viewpoint, Southwell casts her as “pounded spice,” the fragrance of which ascends to heaven: “God’s spice I was and pounding was my due.” Although the poem was clearly Southwell’s tribute to the executed queen, its first-person voice gave it added potency following Southwell’s own martyrdom in 1595, toward the beginning of Shakespeare’s career. Like the queen of whom he wrote, Southwell was also “pounded spice” or “God’s spice,” whose essence is more pleasing and valued for being crushed. In King Lear (1605), the title character’s use of the phrase “God’s spies” is a clear punning reference to “God’s spice.” It is also a veiled reference to Jesuits, such as Southwell, who though “traitors” in the eyes of the Elizabethan and Jacobean state were “God’s spies.” They, too, became “God’s spice,” ground to death that they might receive their martyr’s reward in heaven. “Upon such sacrifices,” Lear tells Cordelia, “the gods themselves throw incense.” Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice were written in the same year in which Southwell was martyred, and both plays contain symbolically charged references to the Jesuit’s life and work. In the latter play, for instance, several scholars have suggested that Antonio is a thinly-veiled personification of a Jesuit. This adds a crucial allegorical dimension to the courtroom scene in which Shakespeare effectively recreates Southwell’s trial.

Photo by Jaclyn Lippelmann

Young women examine a collection of William Shakespeare’s plays published in 1623, known as a First Folio, on display through March 2017 at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in an exhibit titled “God’s Servant First: The Life and Legacy of St. Thomas More.” The book is opened to the title page of Richard III, a historical play largely based on St. Thomas More’s biography of the king.

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© National Portrait Gallery, London

From the vantage point of Catholicism, the very “justice” demanded by Shylock becomes uncannily close to the “justice” meted out by Elizabeth’s court to Southwell. Shylock demands that, according to the law, he has a right to cut a pound of flesh nearest to the heart of Antonio. In Southwell’s case, the law demanded that Jesuit “traitors” should be hanged, drawn and quartered. The prosecutors not only demanded a pound of their victim’s flesh, nearest his heart, but they actually obtained it, physically removing the heart and casting it into the fire. As Southwell’s ghostly presence can be observed throughout The Merchant of Venice, one can read Portia’s beautiful “quality of mercy” speech as a plea to Queen Elizabeth to show the Jesuits mercy.

house on the day after the raid, being informed that priests had remained undiscovered in the house during the search. In 1605, during the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the House of Lords, Jesuit Father John Gerard asked if he could use the gatehouse as a “safe-house” for the plotters to meet in secret. After the plan was discovered, Father Gerard, now the most wanted man in England, appeared in desperation at the gatehouse, disguised with a false beard and hair and stating that he did not know where else to hide. Unlike many of his Jesuit confrères, Father Gerard escaped his pursuers and slipped out of the country in disguise. Shakespeare leased the Blackfriars Gatehouse to John Robinson, son of a Catholic gentleman of the same name. It was reported in 1599 that John Robinson senior sheltered a THE ‘NOTORIOUS’ priest, Father Richard Dudley. GATEHOUSE By 1613, the other Robinson The most convincing biographson, Edward, entered the Engical evidence for Shakespeare’s lish College at Rome to become Catholicism is one of his final a priest. It is clear that Shakeacts in London before retiring speare knew that he was leasing home to Stratford: his purchase the gatehouse to a recusant of the Blackfriars Gatehouse in Catholic. As Ian Wilson sur1613. The history of this propmised in Shakespeare: The Evierty reveals that it was, as dence, Robinson was “not so Mutschmann and Wentersdorf much Shakespeare’s tenant in described it, “a notorious center the gatehouse, as his appointed of Catholic activities.” As its guardian of one of London’s name indicates, the Dominican best places of refuge for Order owned it until the dissoCatholic priests.” Furthermore, lution of the monasteries under John Robinson was not merely Henry VIII. It was inherited by a tenant but also a valued friend. Several of Shakespeare’s plays allude to the Jesuit martyr St. Robert Mary Blackwell, a relative of St. He visited Shakespeare in StratSouthwell, depicted in this line engraving, attributed to Matthaus Edmund Campion. Other tenford during the poet’s retireGreuter or Paul Maupin and originally published in 1608. ants included Mary Bannister, ment and was seemingly the the sister of St. Robert Southonly one of the Bard’s London well, and Katherine Carus, the friends present during his final widow of a defiantly recusant judge. According to a contem- illness, signing his will as a witness. porary report sent to Lord Burghley, Carus died there “in all Shakespeare died on St. George’s Day, April 23, 1616, leavher pride and popery.” ing the bulk of his wealth to his daughter Susanna. Other benIn 1585, around the time that Shakespeare first arrived in eficiaries included several friends who, like Susanna, were London, Mary Blackwell was accused of recusancy. The fol- known to be recusant Catholics. These legacies support the lowing year, a government informer reported his suspicions Anglican clergyman Richard Davies’ lament, in the late 1600s, that the house had become a center for secret Catholic activ- that Shakespeare “dyed a papist.” It is equally clear that he ity: “It has sundry backdoors and bye-ways, and many secret lived as a papist, providing Catholics even greater reason to vaults and corners. It has been in time past suspected, and commemorate his life and work.♦ searched for papists, but no good done for want of knowledge of the backdoors and bye-ways of the dark corners.” JOSEPH PEARCE is director of the Center for Faith & CulIn 1598, acting on another report that the gatehouse was a ture at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tenn., and a member of hive of recusant activity, the authorities raided the house. Je- Msgr. Andrew K. Gwynn Council 1668 in Greenville, S.C. His suit Father Oswald Tesimond (alias Greenway) stated in his books include The Quest for Shakespeare (2008), Through Shakeautobiography that he paid a surreptitious visit to the gate- speare’s Eyes (2010) and Shakespeare on Love (2013). DECEMBER 2016

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St. Martin of Tours: An Icon of Mercy Some 1,700 years after his birth, St. Martin continues to inspire charity and evangelization


or the past year, we have celebrated an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, a special year declared by Pope Francis so that the Church may more deeply contemplate, share and experience the mercy of God. This year also marked the 1700th anniversary of the presumed birth of one of the greatest models of mercy: St. Martin of Tours. Concluding his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love), Pope Benedict XVI wrote in 2005, “Our thoughts turn especially to Martin of Tours (†397), the soldier who became a monk and a bishop: He is almost like an icon, illustrating the irreplaceable value of the individual testimony to charity.” Pope Benedict recounted the well-known story of young Martin’s encounter with the beggar. One winter, as he approached the gates of Amiens in what is now northern France, Martin met a scantily clad beggar. Cutting his military cloak in two with his sword, he gave half of it to the man. As Benedict explained, “Jesus himself, that night, appeared to him in a dream wearing that cloak, confirming the permanent validity of the Gospel saying: ‘I was naked and you clothed me ... as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me’ (Mt 25:36, 40).” This charity and closeness to Christ defined the rest of St. Martin’s life and service to the Church. 24 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


SOLDIER AND MONK It is believed that St. Martin was born in the year 316, in the Roman province of Pannonia (present-day Hungary). His father, an officer in the imperial army, was a pagan who named his son after the Roman god of war, Mars. Martin spent much of his childhood in Italy. Against the will of his parents, he began attending a Christian church at a young age, before being conscripted into the Roman army. Although he later left the army as a matter of conscience, he would remain a soldier until the end of his life, wielding the sword of God’s Word. Sulpicius Severus, his disciple and biographer, recounted Martin’s retirement from military service. Addressing his commanding officer, Martin said, “Hitherto I have served you as a soldier: allow me now to become a soldier to God.” Martin was a man of courage and strong character, and his military training helped prepare him to wage spiritual battles against Satan, the cults of idolatry and all forms of heresy. Severus recorded one of Martin’s most beautiful and powerful prayers: “Terrible, indeed, Lord, is the struggle of bodily warfare, and surely it is now enough that I have continued the fight till now; but, if you command me still to persevere

Photo by Peter Willi / Superstock

by Father Paul Préaux

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Left: This depiction of St. Martin giving half of his cloak to a beggar was painted by French artist Gustave Moreau in 1882, the same year that the Knights of Columbus was founded.

Photo by Matthew Barrick

in the same toil for the defense of your flock, I do not refuse. … Wholly given to you, I will fulfill whatever duties you assign me.” I do not refuse! This is a disposition Martin manifested throughout his earthly life. Even while approaching death, he proclaimed, “O Lord, if I am still necessary to your people, I do not shrink from toil: your will be done.” Having left the army, Martin became a monk at Ligugé, in western France, on land received from St. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers. In solitude and prayer, he nourished his friendship with Christ. According to Severus: “Never did a single hour or moment pass in which he was not either actually engaged in prayer; or, if it happened that he was occupied with something else, still he never let his mind loose from prayer.” Martin lived for a time as a hermit before serving as a missionary monk, traveling and evangelizing. His solitude before God was not isolating but rather engendered in him a deep communion and true compassion for the poor. IN ST. MARTIN’S FOOTSTEPS While later serving as the bishop of Tours, in central France, Martin encountered a beggar at the entrance of the sacristy. He asked his archdeacon to give him a cloak, but the poor man, seeing that the archdeacon was slow in returning, burst into the sacristy. Unperturbed, the bishop turned to meet Christ in the poor man and exchanged garments with him, putting on the pauper’s tunic. Martin then entered the church to offer the sacrifice of the Mass. No longer content to give the beggar only his cloak, Martin now wished to vest himself with the very poverty of his crucified Lord. St. Martin was the apostle of the Gallo-Roman countryside in a time of great change. As the Roman Empire was declining, the nascent West came gradually to be cared for by a Church that continues to face major sociocultural change today. As bishop, Martin founded communities of monks or priests that were both contemplative and apostolic. He wanted to create centers of evangelization, community life and fraternal charity. He also formed evangelical communities of clerics that animated village life, a system that would become the model for today’s parishes. He personally visited the parishes in his diocese and encouraged the villagers in their faith. In 1975, Pope Paul VI wrote, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 41). The pope could well have been speaking about St. Martin, who spread the message of the Gospel through personal witness. St. Martin likewise understood that priests are called to be

“specialists in promoting the encounter between man and God,” as Pope Benedict noted in an address to Polish clergy in 2006. Today, as our cities and villages change, our parishes may not resemble those that we knew in the past. The example of St. Martin invites us to be creative and reimagine them as dynamic communities of faith, centered on Christ. If our parishes are to be the place where the Gospel is proclaimed and where Christ is encountered, we must be bold in our mission. So, in our own work, may we look to the example of St. Martin — a servant of the poor, a man of peace and reconciliation, and a sign and instrument of God’s mercy.♦ FATHER PAUL PRÉAUX is the general moderator of the Community of Saint Martin. Founded in France in 1976, the community has nearly 200 priests and seminarians in France, Italy and Cuba.

FATHER MCGIVNEY AND ST. MARTIN At the 134th Supreme Convention, held in Toronto in August, it was announced that the Knights of Columbus had established its first councils in France. In commemorating the life of St. Martin of Tours, Knights in France have also considered to what extent the Order and its venerable founder follow in St. Martin’s footsteps. That is to say, they have recognized in Father Michael J. McGivney’s apostolic zeal for charity, evangelization and parish life a charism similar to that of St. Martin. In calling men to become Knights who engage in spiritual battle in the service of their families and the Church, Father McGivney was likewise a soldier of God.

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and the French delegation at the 134th Supreme Convention raise French flags following the convention’s closing business session Aug. 4.


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Council 6878: A Star in Service Jon Yokooji of Phil Kelley Council 6878 in Humble, Texas, works the grill as the council prepares an outdoor lunch for athletes and volunteers at the Texas Special Olympics 2016 Area Volleyball Tournament. Council 6878 celebrated its 25th consecutive year as a Star Council, marked by strong, ongoing recruitment and a busy schedule of service. The diversity of projects, says Membership Director Tony Butera, means that “if a Knight has a passion on some activity, the council can support that. We do everything from a Lenten fish fry to Special Olympics to ‘respect life’ activities and many more.” The council’s initiatives include support for veterans, the clergy and victims of domestic abuse; pro-life witness; and family and parish community-building.


St. Nicholas Council 7011 in Sterling Heights, Mich., sponsored a pro-life essay contest for students in grades 7-12. At an awards ceremony attended by participants, families and council members, each of the students received a certificate of participation, while the winners and runners-up in each of the three age groups received a monetary prize. Writing the essays prompted the youth to develop their understanding and articulation of pro-life issues. LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP

Msgr. Lenhard Council 5607 in Hanover, Ontario, 26 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

answered a call from the Hanover Pregnancy Centre. Strapped for funds, the center could not provide cribs for 10 young single mothers. The council responded with a check for $550, composed of funds raised by silent auctions at the council’s recurring dinner dances. These proceeds allow the council to donate $1,000 to the Centre each year. RETREAT DINNER

St. Wendelin Council 14103 of Carbon Center, Pa., assisted the parish’s sacramental formation program by serving a spaghetti dinner. The meal fed all the confirmation candidates and their sponsors during a preparatory retreat.


Knights salute the flag during a bell-ringing ceremony in memory of those who died Sept. 11, 2001. The ceremony followed a Blue Mass at St. Isaac Jogues Church in Wayne, Pa., which was organized by St. Isaac Jogues of Valley Forge Council 13716 and attended by representatives of area police, fire and emergency medical departments.

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S TA RIG CO I L AW ERS KN HU TN S CI N CITNI N ON 1283 1614 2552 3239 3478 5566 6232 6855 7276 7934 7973 7991 8520 8927 8943 9246 9479 9534 9846 10277 10500 10889 11587 11748 12861

Robin V. Smith Anthony A. Muzzillo Deogracias R. Edmilao Jude K. Tan Andrew J. Godbout Alfred J. Czengery Josef M. Hanrath Rafael A. Diego Matthew Klaponski Mark F. Redchurch James W. Schwab Wayne L. Sapieha Andrew P. De Pieri Ernie Merz Thomas M. O'Brennan John M. Cabana Eric J. Bucad Elmer Kachur Dennis Kwan Caesar G. Forteza Camil Chan Michael M. Guterres Rudy N. Van Berkel Ryan C. Dehaan Ricardo M. De Guzman Andrew C. Costales Milo P. McGarry Kevin J. Sullivan Wojciech Grzegorz Szuminski David L. Diogo


Star Councils Awarded


early 2,300 councils earned the Star Council Award, the highest distinction available to a local K of C council, for the 2015-16 fraternal year. These councils, led by the grand knights listed here, conducted the required charitable and fraternal programs in the “Surge … with Service” areas and also achieved their membership and insurance quotas. Each council will receive an engraved plaque from the Supreme Council in recognition of its accomplishment. Of these councils, 350 earned the Double Star Council Award for meeting 100 percent of their insurance quota and 200 percent of their membership quota and 265 earned the Triple Star Council Award or higher. • Numbers in red indicate councils that achieved the Double Star Council Award. • Numbers in blue indicate councils that achieved the Triple Star Council Award or higher. Finally, 5,515 councils earned the Columbian Award for excellence in programming; 3,612 attained the Father McGivney Award for meeting their membership quota; and 2,897 earned the Founders’ Award for meeting their insurance quota.

ALABAMA 635 Frank G. Romano 4083 Dr. Russell V. Lee Jr. 4888 Richard A. Thames 5597 Alan R. Whaley 8551 Jake A. Romano 9550 Mark S. Kielbasa 9676 Carroll W. Higdon 10064 Thomas J. Clark 10354 Kenneth T. Friedrich 11554 Philip J. Kreis 12914 Billy A. Ferguson Jr. 13152 Thomas P. Mager 13367 Richard L. King 13512 David Fulton 14507 David A. Galloway 15490 John M. McBride 15810 Franklin A. Walters 16248 John L. Wolf 16400 Colten A. Baker 10798 Kevin P. Adler 12290 David R. Mitchell 12431 Mark A. Terhune ALASKA


David Thomas McMullin Richard F. Duguay Paul A. Corbiere Harry W. Loonen Felix J. Miller Edward R. Dittrich Kevin J. Dick Greg P. Villeneuve Arthur J. Gordon Jeremy C. Sit Samuel D. McMillan John W. Geraldi Froilan B. Serrano Stanley A. Gonsalves Lawrence E. Riep Richard Iwuc Real J. Phaneuf [No officer listed] Michael A. Alvares Gerald E. Beliveau Robert N. Croteau Edward G. Hill Daren D. Farnel Derek Brent Nelson A. Contreras Joby T. Kanattu Varkey J. Kalapurayil


1938 3922 4510 4530 6563 6994 7070 7203 7599 7659 7938 8470 8636 8969 10060 10337 12419 12446 12658 12904 13312 14492 15290 15688 15871 16320

1229 1806 1858 2493 3419 4737 6933 7465 7904 8091 8305 8813 9378 9482 9801 9995 11536 11675 11855 11999 12078 12246 12708 13278 13286 13836 14139 14230 14583 15376 15497 16061 16277

John F. Dunn William D. Zike Jose M. Perez-Cantu Jon A. Martinez Eric Schuetz Henry Quinonez David C. McCarty Kevin R. Barnes John R. Reiken Patrick C. Meyer Douglas H. Sinrud Jr. Alexander W. Barber II William R. Packham Franklin Saavedra Aaron R. Neill Walter L. O'Brecht Patrick J. Horning Robert E. Bill Robert McCarthy Roll Louis M. Velasco Doug Sturm Paul L. Hagert Keith E. Johnson Howard H. Bell Larry K. Hansen Nicholas P. Nebelsky Luis M. Castillo Jeffrey A. Morgan Oscar M. Pena John R. Badilla Joe F. Fonseca Anthony M. Lopez David M. Miranda


812 1153 5099 6398 6609

William Marc Rios J. Gordon Reese John W. Eckart Wayne A. Eastman Jr. Rodrigo J. Montemayor Deacon David H. Evans Stephen J. Koch Lloyd J. Cambre Paul W. Lewis Jr. Dale A. Olivo Allen K. Crow Gregory N. Timmerman Francisco J. Gamboa Michael W. Bowman Anthony L. Stumpf Miguel R. Padilla



7787 9396 10167 11604 12458 14010

14609 14619 15867 16222

13072 14225 15564 16076 16257 1349 1465 1615 1849 2692 3265 3449 3589 3648 3667 3672 4228 4229 4258

Danilo C. Francisco Michael R. McNamara John A. Piekarczyk Paul D. Neasbitt Mario M. Amboy William L. Ortega Oswaldo I. Cruz Benito Juarez Donald W. Brown Sr. Carl P. Ferreira Peter John P. Mafnas Louis E. Rivera Rodolfo L. Bautista Sergio De Jesus Flores Todd H. Thompson Michael J. Amparan Sr. Monte L. Austin Vladimir F. Rivera John G. Fierro Armand R. Paez David D. Bugelli Raymond A. Gomez William A. O'Connell Paul P. Unpingco William R. Frank Esq Jeffrey S. Lubenko James W. Dorsey Daniel E. Dischner Robert J. Huber Victor R. De La Torre Patrick J. Fitzgerald David P. Rymer Timothy P. Montgomery Stephen T. Michael Virgil E. Smith James C. Hardy Paul R. McQuigg Jarge Viramontes Mario Ochoa Robert Mueller Patrick A. French David B. Henard Jaime J. Delgado Arthur A. Cabello Sr. Barry W. Martin James M. Figueredo Daniel Edward DeMarco Charles P. Marinelli Sr. Cris A. Kalal Cornelio D. Flores Jr. Nazaire G. Leblanc Sr. Robert O. Heckmann Philip J. Mondello Albert R. Scarpine John C. Mingus John L. Cardon Victor C. Picinich


4398 4443 4991 5007 5271 5272 5696 6028 6038 6043 6092 6322 6332 6979 7069 7116 7268 7390 7950

8238 8599 9065 9111 9133 9213 9314 9363 9445 9498 9648 9665 9679 9776

9897 9969 10180 10287

10494 10611 10667 10991 11041 11052

11439 11465 11595 11612 11632 12213 12527 12587 12679 12683 13184 13195 13271 13403 13518 13620 13765 14007 14026 14292 14541 14554

14581 14699 14754 14772 14783 14818 15034 15317 15339 15489 15589 15625 15671 15719 15736 15874 15883 15965 16073 16112 16154 16175 16185 16237 16255 16293

557 1183 3285 5237 5757 7502 8539 9456 9597 10122 10961 11140 12145 12228 12392 13200 13981 14338 14479 14785 14806 14898 15653 16052 16192

John P. Murphy Jose Hernandez Henry J. Donigan III William E. Young Robert G. Ippolito Keith T. Banks James Valenzuela William J. Barbanica Gerald Sepeda Antonio F. Tactay Jason G. Lucero Leslie M. Casazza Virgilio S. Hernandez Nicholas A. Ewell Michael Delaurentis Daniel Paz James M. Callas Joseph F. Jimenez Chris T. Nuno Joe Robles Roger C. Wharton Hans R. MonodDe-Froideville Scott A. Ramelot Hans J. Anter Anthony V. Urzanqui Virgilio M. De Ramos Pedro R. Marroquin John W. Dooley III Severino P. Gabriel Christopher J. Gutierrez Armando A. Hernandez David R. Vincent Salvador Lira Richard J. Baker Lawrence Salazar Dr. Patrick Lauder Sean D. Neal Richard J. Moore Manuel R. De Los Reyes Robert Ramos Eddie S. Madueno III Rodney D. Myers Manuel X. Ramos Peter J. Piconi Rodrigo M. Olguin Daniel F. Morrin Brian P. Perley Salvador Chabolla Jr.

Frank G. Romero Mario Mirville James S. Albany Thomas H. Ebben James W. Espy Christopher J. Gaul Graham W. Haworth Walter Gomez Michael S. Majeres George L. Jackson III Robert J. Bruchez Bruce A. Evans Jay P. Schippers Jr. Joseph P. Shonka Jason M. Pasionek Martin Estrada Chavez Charles Michael Rolla Richard W. Schubert Doyle H. Kisner Anthony J. Riccardelli Jerome R. Schaefer Bradford J. Jolly Ronald E. Pickman James L. Bentley Victor M. Verdugo


7 8 11 14 20 24

Daniel R. Sanstrom David J. Robertson Jaime Morales Charles L. Nadile Mark S. Plona James Emmett McSweeney Herbert Khan Christopher C. Gonzalez Michael A. Gimmelli Charles E. Shaker Joseph Carmine Rahtelli Joseph G. Consorte Frank J. Verdone


25 31

36 42 185

1090 1253

3675 3901 5467 5779 6281 6305 6376 8013 9653 10705 11436 12968 14326 14360

Thomas A. Drzata Robert J. Falkevitz Robert W. Kane Stephen G. Leslie David P. McDermott Stephen K. Sam Ronald Johnson John Angiolillo Francis Malozzi Robert G. Rauch Gene W. Taylor Victor P. Flagello Abele F. Grillo George R. Ribellino Jr. 14546 Adam A. Baranowsky 14664 William J. Murray 16010 Jose R. Diaz

3182 Dominic J. Di Christopher Jr. Pablo Resto John C. Dirr Anthony F. Marioni II James R. McAllister Sr. 13348 James H. Schatz DELAWARE

7517 7990 11469 11796 224

Maj. Andrew A. Gorman Pedro E. Carroll Max W. Rosner Ryan P. Mulvey Esq. Christopher P. Heller Patrick K. Abbott Michael Peter Viviano Merrill F. Armstrong Kenneth A. Brown


433 6375 7530 9542 11302 13242 14823 15723

12333 Lazaro B. RodriguezCabrera 14667 [No officer listed] 15046 Fernando SolanoAquino DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

648 778 3080 3274 3358 4772

Franklin L. Herrington John A. Dickinson Jr. Austin E. Scott Waldo Toyos III Thomas D. Gillis Stephen P. Buzzella Sr. 4839 Victor V. Coppola 4934 Barry P. Candage 4955 William W. Whiting 4998 Ronald M. Johnson 5131 James M. Hyland Jr. 5150 Edward C. Conklin 5399 David A. Richardson 5635 Manuel Diaz 5845 Charles J. Earl 5958 George R. Annan 6032 Michael E. Thomas 6265 Douglas E. Blais 6274 Christopher W. Reed 6344 John T. Caltabiano 6391 James Joseph Ducey 6569 William D. Van Keuren 6724 Herbert A. Swoope 6988 Simone M. Milazzo 7052 Charles L. Hartley 7109 Frank J. Di Mattei 7272 Kris Elliott 7402 Brian H. Hagensick 7621 Joseph M. Gerek 7667 Stephen J. Zajac 7672 Charles R. Kahler 7826 Daniel J. Bulinski 7968 Glenn M. Moore Sr. 8012 Lawrence J. Fusco III 8086 David Paul Dollieslager 8120 Victor E. Perez 8419 Kenneth M. Deischer 8440 Dennis Fleming 8589 Patrick Anthony Ryan 8838 Mitchell S. Kraft 8910 Ronald W. Fetter 9888 Daniel Galindo 9924 Paul Krause 10055 Dr. Roger I. Velasquez 10157 Gerald J. Sirgey 10201 Luis E. Berges FLORIDA


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S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 10318 10415 10514 10572 10718 10850 10853 11046 11125 11211 11226 11295 11410 11421 11425 11448 11483 11566 11668 11669 11784 11877 11961 11967 12071 12240 12322 12402 12456 12619 12699 12746 12761 13037 13172 13209 13277 13283 13307 13338 13341 13355 13525 13571 13654 13657 13676 13989 13996 14132 14178 14202 14212 14365 14485 14730 14845 14975 15044 15224 15225 15231 15332

15425 15624 15675 15744 15781 15821 15836 15858 16018 16080 16236 16423 4410 4420 5484 6517 6532 6622 6918

Dennis M. Robinson David J. Rahming Jr. Kevin J. Ryan John E. Murphy Louis E. Lwowski Matthew A. Mouzon Barry J. Larsen Michael D. Ryan Clinton A. Couch Brian J. Smith Santo Floyd Del Matto Martin P. Barrett Michael C. Wahlberg Brian E. White Ronald J. Bekech Kevin J. Shortelle Dennis E. Knaub Joseph B. Moore Jr. Richard J. Jackson Paul S. Turner Jerry J. Lowery Salvatore Rotella Sr. Ronald J. Kiceina Hans F. Perry George A. Galan Jude E. Hodges Nicholas F. Ferrara George R. Olson John F. Greer Bassam F. Batshone Nabil Salem Edward J. O'Mara Carmine M. Bravo David L. King Robert W. Norton Dominic Cuomo Louis T. Kurtz Edward R. Kirkby Wayne G. Brewer Robert J. Trankowski Robert J. Hellner Pedro G. Stracke John J. Roskovensky Clifford A. Clancey Gustavo T. Navarro Christopher W. Rickling Richard Valentino John Gawdun III Alfred S. Attard Richard L. Joossens David M. Kanaszka Sr. John F. Shelton Sr. Orlando Martins Joseph T. Galea Leslie B. McGlothlin Dr. Marco A. LeyteVidal Michael C. Kirby Oscar E. Chavez Alfredo A. Betancourt Omar A. Diaz Robert M. Huard Mark S. Gallagher Deacon John A. Crescitelli Salvatore A. Titto Raymond P. Agnese. Mark E. Armstrong Jr. John R. Sipos David H. Clough II Dr. David W. Tschanz Albert E. Hanna III Reinaldo Trujillo Donald T. Callo Allen F. Carney Luis G. Rosas Loi Le

James C. Parker Robert L. Anderson Darvin D. Hagen Vernal G. Vincent Joseph Duffy David C. Lugo Ronald J. Klementowski John M. Capies Anthony V. Di Maiolo Sr. Michael T. Barrett Philip L. Brodowski Robert L. Morelos Lawrence C. Barbour Sr.


6920 7416 8731 8972 9792 9975

28 ♌ C O L U M B I A ♌

10355 10497 10633 11058 11340 11402 11458 11746 11768 12000 12287 12580 12905 12942 13052 13161 13204 13217 13376 13437

13808 14348 14488 14496 14625 14773 15238 15305 15716 15848 6734 8578 10475 11743 12733 13663 14105 14663 15124 16002 16109


1363 1389 1663 2014 3086 4013 11623 12172 12516


324 382 662 665 716 776 1077 1444 1687 1712 2601 2967 3602 3674 3731 3789 4739 4977 5732 5751 5754 5866 6481 6483 6521 6625 7072 7118 7527 7682 7694 8002 8365 8473 8745 9266 9959 10142 10151 10212

Donald A. Cirino Jr. Oduntan A. Gordon Thomas J. McGrath William T. Jenkins David T. Cammarata Dean L. Trantow Conrad W. Michels James H. Brown Jeffrey M. Johnson Aneneba I. Akufor Steven F. Pfaff Joseph C. Wellinghoff Ronald L. Holmes Jr. Richard E. Sullivan Anthony J. Annarelli Mark A. Meade John D. Revell John Joseph Friedline Douglas J. Starzec Jonathan A. Von Plinsky Kenneth P. Weber Martin J. Rapp Joseph T. Molyson Jr. David J. Despres Wayne A. Rose Richard T. Capozzoli John Luranc Arnold L. Grider Duane A. Benson Robert G. Jobson

Carlito D. Sapaden Michael P. Victorino Alex G. Ty G. Michael Warren Dennis E. Vigue Steven K. Nakaoka Benjamin C. Cabreros John T. Cleghorn Sr. Philip M. Mulno Joel Y. Narusawa Dr. Ricardo M. Burgos

Nicholas E. Theisen Daniel D. Karel Armando Ramos Romel G. Reyna Darwin L. Schweitzer Rosalio Ruiz-Alvarez Craig S. Frei Marshall R. Forshey James L. Jensen

Richard C. Whitlock Richard A. Foecking Clifton R. Wise James A. Bierman Howard J. Killian Jr. Steven Canty Michael F. Callahan John J. Curtin Steven D. Imparl Mark A. Kennedy Steven A. Lux Gene M. Webel Michael P. Marcolini Thomas R. Lynch Reggie Spears Timothy M. Buehler Jason P. Ketter James P. Arns Guillermo B. Gonzalez Jeffrey R. Amour Jack W. Rigney Louis M. Vidales John D. Fannon Michael J. Kalkowski Michael S. Enos Robert C. Turnbull Brian J. Corbett Edward L. Anselment Daniel J. Glennon Matthew Hutchinson Richard I. Surma William C. Brach George R. Laarveld Thomas E. Armbrust Aaron M. Perryman Mark E. Davis Glen C. Isley Joel F. Krezman George J. Griffin Thomas J. Griffin



10884 11091 11092 11110 11666 12315 12801 12824 12863 13103 13216 13598 14008 14171

14435 14562 14649 14795 15022 15158 15296 15530 15732 15746 15822 16011 16126 16152 16350 451 553 1172 1542

Brendan P. Daly Daniel D. Perna William L. Rohlsen Daniel A. Ribbing Joe B. Samme John G. Manczko William D. Henderson Michael J. Czyzewicz Ron J. Yungk Charles R. Mitsdarfer Samuel V. Trauernicht Richard B. McFarlin Andrew J. Smolen Sr. Christopher H. Prazak Sr. Paul K. Deitche Curt R. Valente William C. Schelli III Michael J. Bauer Edward L. Plebanek Jason Pammler Michael J. Calteaux Daniel J. Morgan Anthony J. Carlino Jr. Scott G. Warren Christopher S. Ross Charles R. Graber Deacon Irvin L. Smith Philip A. Cavin Henry B. Fischer

Stephen M. Lutz Scott A. Gring Derek G. Kleemann Raymond M. Borkowski Daniel G. Buechlein Daniel H. Hampton Michael J. Huszar Thomas C. Gorgol Gerald A. Glatt William R. Daily William J. Pritchard Thomas J. Klotz III Bruce J. Hall Dale E. Fleischman Kristopher S. Hodel Daniel A. Stephens Thomas W. Root Theodore J. Schnackertz Charles K. Sauers Valentin Vasquez Lee D. Ashton Jeffrey B. Simpson Juan A. Huizar Kevin A. Fischer Darren J. Zink Christopher S. Earnhart


1584 4511 5521 6923 7473 7544 9114 9441 9460 9706 12387 12540 12951 13623

14240 14299 14449 14659 14885 15777 16065 16305

842 1045 1115 1164 1249 4236 4403 7504 8269 10035 10805 11222 12129 12193 12855 13314 13503 13960 14385 14481 15049 15060 15430 15603 15725 15813 15853 15921 IOWA

643 796 1052 1149

Isaac V. Doucette Lynn G. Ford Jeffrey L. Anderson Phillip K. Hascall Mark A. Bissen Ronald T. Fagan Jesse W. Ivy Thomas E. Clancy Dennis H. Ihrig Andre A. Couture Brian K. Bowers Clifford J. Grant Alan L. Wieskamp James D. Crawford Steven G. Twiselton Norman R. Schmitt Nicholas A. Weber Jose A. Alvidrez Gregory J. Brennan Leo G. Agnew Howard D. Goldman Gary L. Bailey Timothy Paul Carroll Steven A. Wieneke Mark C. Lane Alan M. Schroeder William E. Kieffert Frank P. Tarasi

Richard A. Goodyear Dale A. Cation David L. Pracht Claude J. Straley


1372 1832 1924 1993 2217 2352 2937 3018 3020 3033 3185 3218 3273 3316 3321 5781 7441 8488

8491 10032 10407 10834 11067 11661 11853 12093 12546 12932 13354 14639 14799

15134 15865 16027 16159 16168 390 5453 7831

Kevin S. Oneslager Michael S. Caron James E. Dlabal Fred L. Hall Brian J. Wetta [No officer listed] Tracy F. Thul John A. Thompson Richard M. Ackmann Nicholas A. Bowles John C. Koelzer Mike L. Burke Brian E. Haberman Bryan D. Horgan Daniel J. Niblock Ray L. Velasquez David B. Soper Richard A. Wertzberger Joshua P. Biera Lloyd H. Coleman III Leon A. Bailey Gates M. Brown Michael J. Gorman Gregory K. Davis David G. Kronoshek Ryan A. Werth Troy D. Schumaker Thomas C. Weathers Benjamin C. Croom Michael M. Heinen Warnakulasuriya C. Fernando Michael T. Venerdi Robert Z. Sibia Timothy V. Schmidt Walter D. Rooney Vincent Vander Putten John P. McCarthy David R. White Charles R. Buchanan Sr. David K. Scott Michael L. Milligan James P. Galvin Michael E. Clark Scott W. Dant Jeremy J. McQueary John C. Luketich Timothy M. Gahlinger James H. Wharton Theodore W. Wright Deacon Danny E. Parker John L. Hartke Samuel B. Meffert Steve E. Anderson Eugene W. Block Jr. Michael B. Ripley Michael A. Kuchenbrod Don A. Potts Anthony Carmona John Bart Hulsmeyer Richard J. Burns Jr. Michael J. Mudd Michael J. Radmacher Gary R. Trent


8145 10682 11470 11591 13304 14128 14130 14234 14372 14471 14604

14993 15452 15484 15525 15613 15699 15841 15914 15931 15979 16125 16179 16206 969 1134 1199 1207 1286 1425 1437 2855 3015 3061 3411 3496 3622 3743 3857 4010 4222 4562 4873 5013 5301 5530 6211 6389 6753

Joseph T. Nipper Alfred L. Mathews Jr. Darrel J. Tassin Stephen P. Broussard John M. Fruge Kurt J. Myers Mark C. Carver John W. Oliver Eugene W. Huck John K. Mendow Patrick J. Guise Robert J. Duplechain Michael K. Fruge Joshua B. Zelden Harry L. Guillory Jr. John H. Mitchell Jr. Butsie A. Duhon Ryan C. Weise Denis L. Faulk Donald J. Tivet Sr. Kelan T. Madore Harley Mark Brown John P. Trevino Sr. Donald P. Alleman Len Bencaz


7033 7275 7350 8703 8878 8906 8932 8978 9085 9247 9260

9347 9384 9623 9973 10080 10564 12989 13425 13819 13931 14542 15006 3363 3692

John A. LeBlanc August A. Gallo Zachary S. Dufrene Nolan J. Encalade James R. Robert Sr. David J. Benoit Kenneth J. Hebert Charlie M. Moore John F. Fow James D. La Bauve Eduardo C. Gonzalez Toledo Ronald J. Bertucci Sr. Leroy Jackson Sr. Michael A. Abbate Sr. Vincent M. Rizzotto Brian D. Delatorre Marvin P. Guillot Michael K. Davis Peter J. Caperino Jr. Lynn M. Foret Richard J. Stutes Jacob W. Tonglet Louis A. Gaudet

Ramon P. Dawas Luis Magsakay Jamlang Anselmo L. Ursua Manuel B. Bringas Antonio M. Padua Godofredo P. Sarmiento Reynaldo V. Valero Eduardo Pedrano Yanga Ernesto P. Villanueva Lauro A. Patiag John T. Maniago Andres E. Bulanadi Sr. Francisco G. Bernabe Jr. Narciso M. Pote Pastor S. Jacobe Jr. Dominico R. Manaois Alfredo F. Olivar Rogelio Cristobal Pablo Manuel V. Salvatera [No officer listed] Crispulo G. Bautista Paul Michael J. Cunano Jesus D. Merrera Christian Canafranca Reynaldo P. Parinas Jimmy M. Abarro Norlito A. Azupardo Ian Ronan A. Viray Arnel A. Deloa Ruben M. Dizon Ronaldo P. Sta Maria Alberto C. Marzan Jr. Alexander C. Aranez Ricardo T. Redaus Virgilio A. Manguni Sr. Rolando Samonte Oliveria Richard N. Ramos Raymond A. Navarro Ruben Santos Limin Roberto L. Dulla [No officer listed] Rodolfo C. Dela Cruz Danilo M. Jacang Dennis O. Abaloyan Bernardo A. Rebueno Anatalio V. Fajardo Jr. Philip Agustin C. Cabrera Esteban M. Mariano June O. Caraig Renato P. Millan Fred L. Subillaga Jeffrey Gabani Oroga Vicente D. Sacdalan Leo A. Dizon Eduardo L. Peralta Damaso Lazareto Jr. Noel A. Alog Richard Acedilla Dolar Herenion M. Gatchalian Jaime A. Ladiero Danilo B. Malig


3694 3705 3781 4073 4105 4206 4233 4277 4278 4318 4610 4710 5018 5020 5119 5234 5379 5443 5739 5773

5994 6080 6085 6116 6183 6185 6303 6704 6775 7126 7178 7377 7876 8162 8693 8751 8753 8757 8763 8801 8804 8825 8833 9010 9052 9057 9101 9119 9155 9173 9353 9366 9370 9390 9440 9459 9491 9582 9691

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S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 9866 10039 10353 10582 10695 11183

11297 11677 11765 11885 11900 12051 12125 12316 12369 12498 12528 12714 12717 12755 12810 12879 12908 13059 13147 13171 13332 13344 13616 13617 13631 13644 13751 13852 13919 13985 14147 14227 14353 14692 14876 14901 14956 15097 15166 15167 15221 15236 15273 15387 15389 15428 15481 15517 15554 15580 15599 15628 15641 15697 15702 15898 15904 15928 15933 15987 16045 16111 16131 16136 16155 16272

16302 1000 3468 3469 3609 3951 4668 5377 5617 5622 5741 5857 5973 6072 6102 6122

Rick Sunga Edwin M. Galbis Simon M. Guinid Fernan O. Dealca Ronaldo Antonio Diosdado M. Macaraeg Rufino R. Maclang Dante M. Leano Alex P. Coronacion Tomas F. Atilano Jr. Pantaleon C. Mendoza Orlando D. Angeles Arnulfo G. Agra Johnson D. Castillo Leo Bernardine T. Serquina Romeo C. Pajimolin Artemio P. Apilado Nichol N. Reyes Sr. Esmeraldo David Gulapa Cesar V. Capinding Edgardo F. Abrera Charles B. Pilo Emmanuel V. De La Cruz Pompeyo A. Morales Antonio D. Agustin Victoriano P. Tuazon Cresenciano P. Cruz Jesus S. Ibe Jose E. Elicanal Sergio T. De Guzman Teodirico L. Resusta Jr. Bernard Z. Abaya Romeo I. Veron Fernando F. Chongco Benjamin M. Ilag Nicolas A. Paraiso Crizalde D. Perez Florante S. Espila Ervin B. Ricafort Ignacio C. Pangket Roberto P. Paulino Camilo A. Tolentino Virgilio H. Talao Rogelio D. Albarda Edgar I. Arellano Reynaldo A. Andula Jovito L. Marinas Prudencio L. Lacasandile Emmanuel P. Guillen Reynaldo C. Razon [No officer listed] Ramil B. Rimorin Arthur F. Ledesma Almario C. Villanueva McArthur C. Ceblano Johnny I. Adjaro Jimmy S. Seraspe Leandro J. Natividad Eduardo B. Joson Manuel V. Laurio Rolando M. Gregore Ruben Q. Roxas Moreno P. Bueno Jose C. Chiok Edgardo L. Tolentino Arnulfo B. Bigornia Ferdinand T. Ilag Virgilio C. Ameda Cesar C. Tadi Emeterio S. Marquez Robert B. Pablo Jr. Rafael Quintin A. Fernando Ramon G. Navoa

Fernando R. Sumang Jacinto B. Gatchalian Isidro L. Coloma Rafael G. Caparros Oscar B. De Ramos Floro P. Garcia Jr. Victor E. Dizon Rico S. Santero Menandro V. Magno Generoso C. Duller Cesar V. Mateo Edgardo G. Abanto Ruel C. Almario Bethoven M. Santiago Jun E. Rampas


6178 6184 6259 6387 6677 6830 7037 7111 7189 7286 7618 7631 7686 7806 7957 8210 8256 8421 8447 8451 8456 8618 8942 8987 8994 8996 9027 9160 9348 9468 9588 9877 9926

10166 10383 10548 10734 10971 11030 11290 11417 11624

11705 11847 11852 11953 11954 12318 12405

12443 12464 12508 12625 13057 13137 13150 13213 13298 13536 13538 13548 13553 13628 13722 13777 13949 14020 14021 14160 14257 14323 14381 14389 14405 14467 14708 14904

14907 15055 15079 15080 15169 15200 15298 15508 15549 15572

Teodoro C. Angeles Felicito S. Matunan Jomer Alejandro A. Cruz Rey R. Roces Roberto H. Banaga Sanny B. Gan Romeo J. Tolentino Carlito A. Marasigan Christian C. Catly Lope T. Trajeco Jr. Rogelio C. Jordan Angelito Ocampo Mamora Denver R. Chua Esmeraldo P. Natividad Ramil Chan Veracruz Dr. Wilson S. Chua Nathan V. Lazaro Rizalito G. Bien Mario B. Lamberte Leon Magno B. Gelle Luis R. Penaranda Romeo A. Plopinio Emerito T. Taguiam Rommel C. Magsino Fortunato C. Manalo Arnold F. Pabalan Rico E. Alvia Francel W. Abrenica Manuel Escalona Teodoro Agustin T. Pato Manolito S. Laurena Florentino L. Sta Ana Venancio M. Pasamonte Jr. Serafin Y. Bernardino Edelmiro P. Banan Armando F. Caguitla Cesar B. Hermida Rommel M. Espiritu Dominic C. Benavente Allan D. Panopio Danilo V. San Mateo Benruben R. Anonuevo Noel C. Capillano Alfredo M. Igbuhay Jr. Rodolfo F. Pao Danilo B. Uy Renante H. San Diego Cristino C. Cualteros Jr. Alejandro M. Villamena Jessie R. Vite Herminio D. Licub Felipe Abando Tereso M. Montero Florencito F. Sumayao Teofilo P. Tabigue Rustico A. Sepillo Manuel L. Cortez Pio A. Villareal Francis D. Mayor Bernardo C. Urayenza Alfredo H. Sambile Wilfredo R. Casao Leandro S. De Leon Domingo T. Tud Edgar B. Ballenas Guillermo E. Resma Danilo. M. Naga Leonardo A. Ramos Pablo M. Marty Victoriano Guternez Mercado Arby E. Moselina Sr. Jose B. Arrogancia Bernardito S. Alcantara Edward B. Elento Noel R. Navigar Cyrus V. Canto Cesario Del Mundo De Sagun Procopio P. Rago Lornito C. Azarcon Lucio A. Tan Gilberto O. Dueno Ariston R. Escueta Crisostomo C. Pelayo Enrico P. Chavez Ladrillo D. Ordonez Orlando S. Soliven Joel N. Aliquio

15663 15670 15842 15875 15902 15957 16141 16271 16282

136 1299 10221 15791


Juanito M. Cayapan Felipe H. Manalo Anecito N. Icasas Jesus S. Timpug Fernando R. Arcega Segundo L. Bariuan Loreto B. Sarajan Bernardo B. De Borua Eddie O. Rusty

John Ferraiolo Arthur J. Bourget Jr. Anthony S. Alfiero Denis C.J. Dancoes

1435 Denis A. Badiou 9036 Arthur J. Lopuck 11005 Jose Maria F. Jovellano 15596 Renerio G. Carino MANITOBA

1960 2002 5381 5547 5564 6021 6901 7025 7870

Scott J. Luco Lucas A. Lakatta Emmanuel S. Ajayi Michael A. Parris Herbert P. Hille Daniel M. Alt David B. Horton Michael G. Brug David Francis Gormley Jr. Grant S. Kajihara Robert E. Bowles Sr. Michael W. Burgett Andrew F. Michaels III Michael C. Thompson James R. Edrington Ikechukwu R. Agbim Mark B. Bevington Wilfred M. Anokwute Wayne E. Yoder Patrick G. Kaczmar David C. Czarnecki Christopher C. Gillis Sr. Harry H. Wacke James R. Robertson Jose R. Rector Steven M. Byron


9127 10957 11024 11106 11214 11341 11422 11703 11787 11975 12180 13008 14011 14099 15084 15985 16104 69 81 85 103 107 133 199 200 223 228 238 729 1031 1078 1116 1182

Raymond R. Lehouiller Michael R. Gibson Robert C. Gilmore Paul E. Laviolette Jr. John J. Carroll Jason R. Semaski Raymond L. Fournier William J. Dolan Kevin J. Dolan Vincenzo Micciche Daniel F. Callahan John E. Caveney Thomas Cappuccio Jerome P. Fox Robert D. Williams Sr. Raymond A. Belanger Jr. Thomas J. Finn Michael P. Hanlon Gary G. Bourbeau Richard M. Gockelman Edward A. Le Blanc Richard J. Davies Lloyd C. Hammer Leonel Macias Russell C. Lindquist Michael A. Gaffey William B. Bowen Dennis J. Vecchi Leo R. Gauthier Edward T. Covill Deacon Joseph M. Baniukiewicz Russell J. Taintor Matthew S. Tadry Hector Maldonado Richard M. Giusto Alan P. Collins James A. Laren Zachary D. Depace William J. Dunbar Carlos F. Haz Edward A. Hebert


1232 2612 3535 3973 4044 4480 5188 5406 5724 10049 10698 10877 11020 11379 12691

12701 14940 15125 15197 15280 15829 15864 15962 16001 16156

16204 Deacon Nadim B. Daou 16243 Dennis L. Philbrick 2062

Francisco J. Cervantes-Uribe Ruben Servin-Lopez Edgar BautistaMelendez Jose Carmen Alvarez-Luna Hector Nino-Pilar Felix OsornioOntiveros Jose D. FernandezHernandez Magdaleno ValerioFuentes


3337 13787 14720 15230 15444 15570 16379 2081

Jaime De LeonLedezma Juan Manuel Quintanilla-Balaczar Jesus LoredoGonzalez Jesus MartinezSalinas Sergio A. ParedesMontemayor Juan M. SanchezCarreon Sostenes De HoyosMartinez Abel Cohaila-Salas Jose L. Castro-Soto Samuel M. GarzaHernandez Gustavo GutierrezSoto Juan D. VillarrealAvalos Tomas MonjarasGonzalez Marco A. Flores-Trejo


2312 2359 4573 5159


14793 14854 15218 15431 15695

15890 16296

16378 2367

Jesus G. VazquezAraujo Dr. Sergio E. MoralesJaramillo Humberto RomeroEstavillo Mario A. RodriguezCarrasco Juan C. CamachoMata Samuel LunaGuerrero Martin A. VegaBetancourt Luis E. SaldanaSanchez




14038 15364


15555 16200

13963 Rogerio OrtegaCanton 14477 Rene H. SansoresMedrano Sr. 14951 Francisco J. Pimentel-Ramirez MEXICO SOUTH


Roberto A. NavarroBadillo Mauricio JimenezCarrillo Ricardo Del ToroFarias Gerardo FrancoGonzalez Adan LopezGuadarrama Nicolas RosendoGarcia Juan C. BecerraGonzales Jesus J. AyalaVillarruel Mario H. AstorgaVillasana Gerardo MunozCampos Jose L. Villa-Gomez Martin Torres-De Anda Ricardo Negrete-


3338 4062 4637 4770 5593


14888 15284


15388 15449 15476



Andrew T. Assenmacher Sr. Patrick D. Spice Thomas L. Turner William R. Commenator Scott R. Hopkins Douglas J. Koepsell Paul C. Lux Mark J. Fournier Ray J. Bilyk Daren J. Sugars Chad S. Thelen Joseph G. Hejka William G. Izydorek Kevin G. Komara Robert L. Padley Jr. Joseph D. Williams Kenneth A. Mraz Clarence J. Snyder Ronnie S. Thompson Robert J. Flynn Thomas R. Mulvany Philip J. Weipert Larry M. Denhof Michael W. Radelt Paul F. Allie Howard D. Weathington Gerard Joseph Barry Kristopher Le Caverly Thomas W. Bigelow Joseph A. Oswald Edward E. Arn Alejandro Olivarez Jr. Adam J. Knott Michael D. Siminski Joseph A. Panetta Ernest L. Boulos Bruce P. Arnold Julian D. Iwanski Dr. Arthur E. Williams Eugene Golbiw Lawrence Radgowski Jesse F. Decena Gary E. Klein Timothy T. Yoder Randall S. Mac George Robert T. McManus Daniel O. Wagenmaker Michael A. Menardie Darren K. Losey Denny A. Wasmund Michael C. Stefanski Darren E. Petras Lawrence R. Masserant Charles W. Reardon Richard P. Bennett Joseph A. Baldridge Sr. Steven M. Yskes Alan K. Nutten James B. Uzarski Willie P. Rahrig Rodney G. Cronin Claude C. McManus Deacon John A. Falicki Robert F. Reinelt James F. Pryce Joseph C. Vig Jr. Paul J. Fricke


1585 2291 2300

2508 2959 2966 3725 3956 4064 4141 4401 4693 5981 6223 6549 6742 6980 7239 7304 7419 7586 7761 7891 8117 8118

8291 8556 8669 8948 9568 9802 9962 10006 11099 11658 11689 11761 11875 12295 12479 12684 13305 13453 13499 13526 13579

13641 13673 13703 13749 13799 13980

14056 14427 14586 14598 15204 15213 15337 15495 15548 15889 15967 16169 16199 16223

8792 10292 13945 14223 14233 15700 15969 16306

Gregory J. Derner Scott A. Vaughn Gregory C. Loftesnes Martin J. Queenan Steven O. Stallman Byron L. Fastnacht Ernest T. Oronos Michael S. Beighley


3289 3504 5375

Armando V. Abarquez Joel R. Cadelina Victor Emmanuel R. Pretila Isagani A. Ariston Arnel P. Ladra Benjamin Charlon Rodrigo Bayron Uayan


5906 5907 6023 6133


♌ C O L U M B I A ♌ 29

Dec 2016 E KIA C.qxp__Layout 1 11/16/16 2:44 PM Page 30

S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 6610 6960 6974 7191 7470 7824 7852 8068 8206

8249 8426 8532 8543 8587 8719 8764 8926 9099 9325 9420 9480 9517 9867 10218 10219 10262 10481 10487 10636 11031 11032 11048 11088 11863

12109 12284 12586 12608 12693 12920 13246 13258 13306 13409 13546 13736 13815 13817 13898 14221 14288 14564 14809 14843 14889 14893 14971 15285

15409 15534 15601 15602 15879 15971 15973 16036 16115 16117 16219 16299 16303 16325 16332 16336 16374

397 945 1544 1573 3329 3613 5141 5541 5647 5926 6374 9585 9905 11941

Mario Francisc Gerong Miguel O. Limbaga Dimsie M. Soguilon Francisco A. Puspus Alan P. Balatero Agapito M. Cagampang Jose Nelson G. Namocatcat Reynold M. Garcia Flor Dhendro G. Dasilao Jose R. Gauran Rodolfo R. Manalo Pedro Ony C. Alaba Jose A. Ma Victorio S. Superales Jorge B. Palanas Hernando Q. Las Rodolfo M. Kiamco Jesrel A. Padro Michael B. Corong Roldan G. Geriane Ramon G. Magdale Manuel G. Octobre Ignacio R. Pascua Pamelo P. Catli Joel L. Misoles Romeo A. Manzan Jose T. Partos Orlando Q. Villano Rex L. Castro Efren N. Reyes Ariel L. Lumbad Wilfredo H. Secretaria Alfredo Mahinay Ferdinand G. Evangelista Arnulfo V. Alpas Rolando F. Burlaos Blas G. Bihag Norberto P. Guinares Carlito P. Remoreras Arnulfo Villalon Dimol Peregrino L. Romero Nicasio T. Mancia Sr. Justiniano V. Sombillo Erwin V. Reyes Peter Jason B. Balite Rolando P. Sevilla Geopanis I. Igdamin Elmo A. Banaglorioso Cecilio E. Lozada Gerald Agustin Campos Randy C. Engalgado Carlito G. Echavez Jimar A. Lumajang Inocencio T. Amora Carlos C. Albatera Jose Flores Banaag Jonathan B. Balambao Alenogines L. San Diego Manuel Vimoya Buen Noel T. Macabitas Domingo R. Pulgo Pablo E. Duran Rolly P. Apat Ernesto B. Suelto Glick T. Cababarros Nicasio P. Guilao Dante G. Obsioma Camilo B. Poliran [No officer listed] Rodrigo P. Fernandez Rolando M. Cubos Francisco D. Lloren Amado C. Pericon Jr. Juanito B. Saracho [No officer listed]

Del E. Lindgren David J. Lax Philip H. Hodapp Michael T. Budin Michael J. Redding Kenneth J. Paumen Robert R. Roiger Shawn M. Guetter Daniel R. Dines Howard H. Kron John W. Arbogast Matthew P. Gilderhus Kelly J. Summerville Charles A. Dehn


30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

11949 Matthew R. Goldammer 12581 Timothy L. Stenger 13001 Michael A. Galante 13096 David E. Stumpf 13359 Patrick J. Farrelly 14013 Michael R. Renckens 14420 Nathan T. Welsh 14616 Thomas L. De France 14832 Richard P. Fillmore 16225 Jacob B. Tupy 848 1034 1522

Charles E. Sims Daniel P. Miller Deacon Edward A. Renz Jr. Keith C. Knight Bert Clark Brennan Tomasz A. Haupt John Gary Cuevas Craig S. Harrell Robert A. Ganz Douglas J. Simmons William B. Anderson Larry D. Gann Johnny L. Meadows Paul R. Minnaert Dr. William C. Haire Jeff R. Bell David J. Fisher Joseph M. Niezgoda Jr.


2180 4472 6765 7087 7854 8038 8285 8848 8912 10499 11995 13502 14051 15131 15382 1037 1054 1110 1893 2265 2457 4613 4962 5067 6405 6470 6819 6871 7064 7516 8887 9170 9522 9892 10794 11882 12323 12650 12986 13604 13671

Donald J. Stuppy Patrick H. Schaefer Larry L. Rittenhouse Randal W. Miller Matthew J. Hubbert John G. Pileggi John Polito Michael A. Sweetland Lawrence W. Tatro Karlios J. Hinkebein Patrick Lee Guidry Randall E. Rotert Terry D. Hildebrand Cesar Martinez Michael A. Huffington Daniel E. Vogel Sr. Kent D. Potts Robert F. Libera William R. Nichols Federico Lagos Thomas L. Franklin George P. Bouckaert Alan M. Rodts Sr. Patrick K. Brennan James Klarsch Frederick George Krabbe Frank R. Barchak Walter F. Pugh Charles Z. Klingsick Denis M. Desmond Jeffery O. Lloyd II Robert M. Holland Stephen G. Danielsen John R. Milosevich Leo E. Hoefer Adelfo M. Martinez Angel M. Rizo John H. Moore Stephen C. Steiger Matthew C. Nowak


13748 13750 13908 14096 14402 14414 14489 14745 15126 15287 15881 15935 16189 16213 1508 1518 6455 9395

Neal T. Tucek Anthony D. Sandau Van D. Hagestad William E. Chafin


833 975 1904 1906 1966 2272 2373 2388 2681 4867 5143 5439 6192

Anthony C. Schafers John P. Courtney Alan R. Kenning James F. Jarosik Patrick M. Carroll Chris B. Kreikemeier Craig L. Hoxmeier Cory L. Grint Stephen F. Viessman Kevin R. Moeser Marvin C. Nordhues Bernard J. Hegemann Raymond F. Romero



6385 7021 7034 7081 8469 8579 8625 9264 9704 9939 10047 10160 10305 10335 10412 10607 10894 10909 10913 11001 11280 11364 12086 13015 13576 14077 14685 154071

Roger E. Lechtenberg Clinton A. Swanson Roddy P. Heng Danny B. Russell Mark J. Peery Paul F. Fehringer Casey R. Potter John M. Ternus Ron S. Grose Chad P. Kneifl Daniel L. Hlavacek Robert S. Waterhouse James J. Hubschman James V. Jurgensmier Allen L. Chaffee Jeff Cuba Phil F. White Todd R. Trautman Caleb M. Hanke Paul H. Dion Mark A. Rezac John T. Meng Frecker Jeffery Gokie Vincent G. Lombardo Steven P. Becker Craig S. Vavak Doyle L. Stevens Theodore G. Henderson 15647 Timothy P. Gokie

4828 4928 9102 9437 12877 13392 13924 13944

Jim E. Shurtliff George A. Minter Joseph D. Williams Winston R. Posadas Michael Caudell Romeo T. Panon Rolland E. Ray Raymond A. Herrera


7334 7948 8094 8409

Louis J. Allard Maurice Leblanc Peter G. Heffernan Léonce Chiasson


1835 3023 4875 5112

Adam W. Smith Joseph J. Falbo Ryan N. Sarasin Christopher D. Sweeney 7572 Robert F. Guyre Jr. 9058 Carl Dionigi Orio 13904 David N. Romero 16174 John C. Dunbar NEW HAMPSHIRE

355 426 475 589 636 1179 1910 2853 3187 3359 3471 3550 3644 3756 3801 5486 5714 5730 6173 6520 6735 7000 7046 7250 7333 7755 7926 8603 9199 10899 10900 11017 11378 11527 11585 12092 12229 12232

Rocco Zangrilli Kenneth E. Smetana Rhoderick L. Villaver Nicanor A. Flordeliza Joseph A. Bendas Bruce L. Sirak Thomas M. Perrotti Michael P. Chiocchi Brett A. Beach Damiano Servidio Stephen M. Cappuccio John E. Quaregna Khaldoun Androwis Michael J. Murphy Jeffrey J. Roepke Roger E. Frick Jospeh J. Flatley Seth McQuillan David J. Galloway George E. Finan Timothy G. Gallagher Lance D. Maloney Raymond R. Wuertz Joseph W. Walsh Jr. Kenneth R. Krewson Michael F. Miller Thomas M. Kozlowski Kevin J. McMahon Sr. Edward P. Delaney Robert M. Zaratin Russell J. Glapion Gregory P. Varga Steven Reitano Joseph P. Battista Gary M. Lepore Anthony F. Armentani Frank V. Froio Vincent G. Guida


12592 12769 13677 14483 14493 14615 14675 14716 15217 15808 15958 15964 804 3137 3225 4445 5729 6696 7040 8304 9527 9928

John D. Steczynski Neal M. McGarrity Frank W. Masters Richard P. Ferrara David S. Puccia Jeffrey T. Hawarden Richard S. Blundin Robert N. Walker Herman H. Martin Ryszard Smykowski Andrew J. Ventura Todd Andrew Stevenson

Manuel A. Carrillo Jeffrey S. Brown David H. Daniel Stanley R. Tarasek Gene C. Hauser Geoffrey T. Stamp Pedro G. Navarro William C. Cooper Daniel J. Fernandez Kenneth G. Blumenthal Ezequiel L. Ortiz Stephen D. Rudisell Lawrence S. Jaramillo Timothy M. Gormley Randy J. Wagner Patrick B. Griego George A. Burton Patrick J. Themig David R. Martinez Gregory A. Miltenberger James D. Beasley William A. Powers Carlos Munoz William J. Ewert Damian S. Hall


10560 10835 11696 13479 14124 14254 14920 14999 15199 15381

15578 15651 15690 15788 15977 154

Mariano P. Abbariao Jr. Ernest Mingione Jeffrey P. Stark Richard F. Decker John J. Morgia Christopher M. Hallenbeck Craig C. Van Horn John P. Ketcham Adrian J. Joyce James A. Sherrard Jr. Karl R. Emigholz Kenneth J. Moffa Ronald A. Flood Paul J. Diorio Ralph W. Seibert Vincent C. Russo William C. Stewart Richard S. Paoletti James T. Laffin Walter J. Loveless Salvatore T. Schiavone Charles F. Sorrentino John G. Rooney Michael J. Cohen Anthony J. Pirrone James J. Nolan Stephen Loccisano James A. Nania John P. Casella Scott J. Cunliffe Kenn Catalano Maurice L. Bonnier Frederic E. Fenton Peter J. Stafford Matthew F. McDonald Carmey R. Carmestro Gary G. Schuehler Anthony J. Mele Michael J. Johnson Robert J. Rugar James A. Cioffi Robert W. Lamberson Sr. Mark J. Morgante Fernando MartinezUrrutia Thomas E. Murray Jr. Michael Mitts Vito J. Vitelli Louis E. Nunez John H. Russo


163 209 229 259 265

281 309 569 821 1675 1967 1974 2489 3005 3102 3676 3892 4478 4746 4752 4810 5091 5252 5670 5962 6062 6134 6526 6652 6911 7248 7460 7551 7875 9461 9602 10904 11141 11160 11836 12533

13661 14279 14560 14666 15471 15728 15809

15833 16261 16334 16365

2838 3390 3498 3574 4507 6451 6648 6700 6970 7024 7152 7225 7259 7450 8363 8857 9365 9570 9746 9847 9880 10495 10783 11076 11101 11266 11911 12025 12266 12281 12832 13016 13220 13236 13488 14087 14276 15250 15265

Richard T. Whelehan William D. Bonneville Jesus M. Gomez Jules G. Renna

Frank A. Pollak Timothy F. Hall Sr. Anthony M. Thompson Dale E. Graf Timothy Knorr Paul D. Quistorff Joseph C. Banks David B. Barker Salvador Tejeda Norman J. Wilson Philip J. Klvana Lee P. Pittman Kent B. Best James E. McEachern Gary E. Andrews James J. Coyle Jr. Steven R. Liggett Federico N. Rivero Ranson H. Graham Darryl L. Gerow Sr. Tomas F. Castillo Adam W. Storms Jose Luis J. Mendoza Vincent A. Lindgren John A. Joyce Thomas C. Goodson James M. Venglarik H. Bryant Stoneham Joseph Rybak Thomas J. Stracuzza Daniel K. Rains William Peter Graham Dr. John Paul La Banc David J. Wiese Dennis P. Hill William Dahdah John J. McDonnell Sompaul Vorapanich John W. Gales


2760 4553 5055 5217 5490 5964 6438 6446 7176 8313 9477 10496 10829 10837 11930

Tony Wald Roger Walter [No officer listed] Randy W. Axtman Patrick P. Meyer John W. Hardy Dr. Fredrick Mitzel Robert P. Nelson Marcus B. Tanabe Jeremy F. House Alexander L. Richard Rodney T. Carpenter Luke J. Eicher Kevin T. Boehm Wade D. Frank


5030 Richard Walsh 11625 Jacques P. Proulx


608 637 741 789 1162 1597 1641 1801 1973 2158 2280 2565 2886 3324 3724 3970 4424 4603 4733 5009


5023 5253 5286 5534 5559 5776

Dr. John C. Felton De Witt H. Gober Howard R. Robinson Frank J. Wessels Richard A. Chunnic Christopher E. Spiese John D. Powell Thomas M. Burr Julius M. Hamilton Timothy L. Bertke David J. Gutschalk Michael P. Nau James J. Sukalac John R. Boeckman Martin Russell Milliron Ronald Hoegler Edmond D. Sharp William H. Merriman Donald J. Boron Jr. Anthony C. Schumacher Joseph A. Mazur Dominic A. Nocera Mark E. Kahanca John R. Schwendenman Jerold A. Bruce Scott Anthony Muehlbauer

Dec 2016 E KIA C.qxp__Layout 1 11/16/16 2:44 PM Page 31

S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 5899 6373 10043 10215 10792 10941 11188 11207

11208 11216 11445 11801 11831 12772 12807 12939 13428 13429 13608 13640 13813 13977 13984 14111 14155 14282 14400 14416 14502 14551 14563 14671 14834

14882 14962 14995 15009 15023 15056 15330 15569 15614 15824 15905 15942 16137 16279 916 965 1018 1287 1302 3113 4026 4721 5160 6478 6606 7392

Shawn P. Murray Dale J. Schroeder Greg E. Slattery Edward A. Ponder K. William Burdick Christopher M. Sarka Steve L. Doyle Pierre-Marie Luc Robitaille Sean C. Stone Dr. Garry H. Rupp Aaron M. Hamilton Robert A. May Kevin C. Bemus Sr. Carl J. Haaser Richard D. Hauzer Paul J. Landry Jack R. Gookin Christopher P. Chalifoux Ronald E. Ramhap David Colon Philip J. Wentzel Joseph Dravecky Michael Higgins Ralph E. Conrad Walter T. Edelen David C. F. Davisson Patrick L. Monnin Steven M. Hupp Arron R. Mier Matthew C. Fresh John J. Lyden Jr. Ronald E. Meier Matthew F. Gockerman Robert F. Raney Daniel M. Cleary Edward J. Leschansky Bryant M. Haren John F. Mohorcic David S. Neuzil Virgil Harris Jr. William J. Rudinsky James A. Gresko Jr. Trinidad T. Cano Michael W. Bragg Thomas E. Lippert John B. McQuillen William J. Eichenmiller

Charles A. Bohan Paul J. Brown James F. Ruth Sr. Alan J. Glanzer Peter M. King Jeffery M. Minnis Richard M. Singer Joe F. Deere Alex G. Wilson Zachary A. Kastl Jeffrey J. Schippers Bertebranio D. Armendariz James D. Robb Paul D. Louderback Thomas R. Greenlee Ryan M. Bertels Robert .E Riley John J. McCarthy William B. Ross Timothy J. Bunkers Dennis M. Nauman Barton J. Wiley Ray D. Coffman William L. Mclain III Frank Barta Jr.


8523 10388 10822 11135 11959 12108 12669 13313 13366 14248 14448 15834 16214 1429 3212 3909 5957 8233

Norman Monteiro John M. Oliveira Melvin S. Chomiak Yousif Bahoshy Theodore A. Rocheleau Christopher A. Brown Jose Adriano M. Reyes Jr. Gregory O. Saldanha Gino L. Di Pede Paul T. Kozak Alain M. Lutala Charles T. Lutchin Joseph J. Young Francis A. Johnston Ronald L. Jodouin


8309 9143

9144 9494 9557 10350 10561 10665 10873 10888

11086 11098 11500 11528 11708 11726 11752 11813

11825 11886 12158 12418 12706 12859 13094 13417 13443 13701 13781 14446 14676 14727 14969 15045 15333 15840 15920 16227 16418 1577 1673 1748 1785 1872 3484 3509 3636 5511 6266 6602

Greg H. Walsh Paul A. Bertrand Marcel N. Lachance Larry Gerard Hallihan Armando Gamboa Ross Talarico Brian J. Fritsch Alex Chinnappan Arokiam William P. Flynn George S. Smith Brendan Hennigan Michael D. Thompson David H. Long Earl G. Macgillvray Mel Asuncion Alexander M. Amizola Joe Chiappetta Bruce G. Doucette Dacky Kilanga Robert J. Castonguay Narciso V. Rodrigues David C. Watson Sleiman C. Sleiman Hikmat M. Dandan Patrick A. O'Neil Ernie G. Tanglao Donald C. Prescott Gino Grieco Philippe A. Lauriault

Michael S. Woody Terry S. Case John A. Schaefer Patrick Robert Rausch Richard A. Van Deusen Duane J. Kloser Roy P. Salvetti Jr. James E. Manley Joe E. Espinoza Jr. Kim L. Moser Thomas Mark Vondrachek Douglas J. Galvin Patrick F. Schreck Lorenzo Nicholson David P. Telasha Dinh V. Mai Shon V. Vu Anton J. Gill Adrian J. Downes James L. Parrish Kenneth J. Anderson


9263 12656 13700 13851 15263 15526 15605 15640 15773 16145 604 1083 1314 1481 1530 1941 3291 3334 3625 3858 3868 3899

Dennis C. Garrett Dr. Rick L. Logue Brian P. Yangula Thomas R. Pearson Edward L. Lane Wallace J. Zielinski John Serbak Jr. [No officer listed] Andrew C. Bacha Walter L. Northrup Bernard A. Komoroski Bernard F. Karabinos Sr. Michael Homishak Col. James C. Markley C. Stephen Mobley Regis J. Wolbert Dennis M. Sullivan Edgar H. Schuring John A. Shaw Guy W. Lucas Paul O. De Franco Thomas M. Caridi Kurt Martin Schanbacher Paul E. Percherke James A. Dolan Robert L. Boule Paul B. Lorenzetti Jack R. Yanni Joseph M. O'Brien II Gary E. Amsbaugh James A. Hoffmann Nathan J. Reichert Chester F. Kempinski David L. Horvath Douglas J. Fleming William J. Robinson John T. Linnane George J. Tensa Franklin G. Warcholik


4050 4057 4160 4216 4282 5367 6094 6299 6810 7208 7515

8908 8921 9164 9875 10502 10772 10870 10921 11008 11313 11434 11454 11564 11838 11901 12043

12355 12571 12572 12573 12788 12811 13832 14035 14082 14329 14349 14722 14786 14807 15351 15456 15778 15912 16071 14003 14004 14023 14566 14955 15078 15117 15160 15195 15219 15249 15267 15279 15281 15299 15391 15415 15500 15520 15523 15588 15631 15649 15652 15708 15759 15856 15894 15947 16014 16015 16100 16128 16165 16181 16262 16266 16405

Gary L. Williard Vincent Eckes Brian C. Hallock George J. Hallesky Francis B. Bludis Stephen M. Defrank Francis J. Kovscek James A. McFaul Mark Svadeba Robert H. Reissner Jr. Charles A. Becker Mario Mancini James K. Seibert Josh D. Miller Dean M. Brockmole James T. Banks Dennis L. Gaston Frank S. Riegler John E. Bingham

Ireneusz Chojnowski Marek Podlewski Ryszard Nosowicz Robert Pietrzak Andrzej Bera Jan Kwiatkowski Jerzy Warasiecki Michał Tworuszka Grzegorz Więckowski Radosław Stolski Piotr Kiełtyka Marek Kiełbasa Piotr Jaworski Zbigniew Ścisłowicz Tadeusz Barański Robert Frączyk Jan Marciniak Tadeusz Tyc Kazimierz Giżewski Janusz Glinka Bogusław Kucab Jacek Bartosiewicz Marian Duda Zbigniew Brzósko Lucjan Uzdrowski Henryk Drzymała Bohdan Chołod Mariusz Zaborski Henryk Grzywna Eugeniusz Rakoca Kacper Paczesny Franciszek Florek Antoni Kamiński Paweł Zaczek Tadeusz Rzońca Zdzisław Sobolewski Robert Wolski Jakub Cybulski


10808 Basil J. Favaro



Carlos Manuel Homs-Santiago Rafael A. CintronAlgarin Carlos R. GabrielRodriguez Alberto AndujarIglesias Carlos MartinezGonzalez [No officer listed] Hector L. VelezRubiani Noel De Leon-Lozada Felix E. VargasRodriguez Pablo A. OcasioGonzalez Alberto OlmoAlbaladejo Javier MelendezPineda Damaso Neris-Flores


2190 2378 5014 5587 5950 7045

9572 11081




15849 446 1813 2015 2759 2985 3258 5118 5321

Pierre Plamondon Sylvain Cadieux Christian Beauchamp Evan Simard Jean P. Beaumont Jean Ménard Clément Richard Claude Lachance


7161 7619 9592 9954 12339 15331 21 113 256 322 379

Renault. Leclerc Jocelyn Cusson Daniel R. Des Coeurs Léonile Carrier André Giasson Gilles Decelles

Michael S. Miller Eugene A. Garceau Brian D. Geer Paul R. Gebhart Warren R. Rensehausen Michael P. De Angelis Richard D. Swanson Jr. John P. Dutchover Michael D. Guerra Joseph Robenhymer Joseph Medeiros Daniel P. Isabel


1528 2295

2965 4005 5295 5702 5787 2695 2725 3031 3161 3920 4704 5259 5408 5479

Hikmat Istifo Michael J. Sutter Gordon W. Hagen [No officer listed] David J. Witzaney Raul T. Roduta Rhys N. Beaulieu Mark F. Neumier Trevor P. Himmelsbach Thomas A. Sieben Richard D. Colbow Mark T. Hudec Ronald J. Koberinski George M. Hruska Brett A. J. Geiger Murray W. Campbell Leslie M. Good John P. Lebersback Real D. Pouliot George Wayne Penn Dr. Paulino D. Pabello Leo S. Tomasiewicz Kenneth J. Engel


5626 5707 5735 6068 6182 6493 8896 9760 9859 10856 11307 11429 12740 13214 2207 6250 6756 6847

Martin E. Greene George M. O'Neale Joseph N. Geraci Anthony N. Zammarrelli Wilfred J. Vaudreuil Ronald E. Hoffman Donald F. Ullmann Kim J. Behrns Steven P. Gearhart Adam A. Zollinger John R. Long George R. Taylor Paul S. Jeanmougin Richard A. Engel


7129 7289 7531 11325 11991 12366 12554 12995 13713 14475 703 820 2977 3482 4002 4750 4903 5738 5841 6912 7079 8844 9809 10296 10328 10546 11739 12617 15457 15748 15817 16017 16230

Rick J. Wisser Barry J. Coughlin Craig J. Falor Lee W. Pulse David L. Vellek Joel W. Rausch Larry P. Ewalt Jerrod J. Gutzmer Kelvin D. McCollam Michael D. Senyak Johnathan C. Gehlsen David J. Di Maria Adam W. Werkmeister William R. Grocott Micky J. Rasmussen Peter J. Franck Doug R. Deffenbaugh Brian J. Deruyter Andrew L. Rausch Joseph J. Cudzilo Donald J. Wenande Chad G. Schulte Anthony J. Becker


3431 3537 5207 7449 7764

William D. Green David A. Lindberg James P. Dee Kenneth D. McLean Ronald R. Kempf


8354 8396 9168 9282 9787 11074 12012 12633 14079 14931 15020 15234 15393 15706 15936

Nicholas C. Bennett Robert L. Bever Charles C. Logsdon Robert R. Young Jr. Robert F. Di Giacomo Martin Ryan Jr. James H. Kiser Donald G. Hoyle Robert A. Estoye Miguel A. Marin Alexander J. Wyvill Andrew J. Rittler Edward F. Stahl Jr. Sidney R. Randall Jesus J .Rodriguez Femat 15981 Alan K. Mosler 16088 Vincent R. D. Alessandro Jr. 799 830 1358 1553 1715 2597 2687 2772 2785 3008 3203 3404 3458


4868 5232 5598 5656 5678 5789

5967 6234 6402 6812 6878 7167 7175 7197 7256 7445 7512 7563 7696 7736 7953 7975 8036 8131 8135 8170 8293 8298 8306 8517

8594 8771 8773 8975 9038 9268 9291 9463 9674 9681 9708 9817 9902 9982 9997 10181 10256 10258 10405 10420 10646 10677 10711 10790 10836 10872 10875 10940 10985


John F. Guerra Jr. Gary L. Walton John H. Janek Miguel A. Solis Terry J. Berend Porfirio Uribe Jr. Bradley S. Dixon David G. Rohmfeld Haroldo Rodriguez Phillip W. Botik Gregory J. Dutchover Daniel E. Huerta Rodolfo C. Espinoza Jr. Wendel K. Broussard Ernest Molina George L. Ramirez Sean G. McMullen Patrick O. Ivbievbiokun Raymond E. Marlow Jr. Carlos J. Gonzalez Philip M. Augustine Nicholas Flores Mark L. Jasek Gregory G. Forestieri Arturo G. Martinez Kenneth D. Oefinger Steve M. Cook George Inouye Howard W. Harbes Christian P. Rickman Hector M. Ortega Frank J. Drobil Jr. Ferdinand Gonzales Tommy R. Flores Robert Rizo Adrian R. Vargas Alfonso Sifuentes Anthony L. Moore Richard L. Marcantonio Sergio A. Helms Ruben De Leon Philip T. Loverde Leandro H. Trinidad Jr. Alex Dale Balla Hugo A. Pena Victor O. Martinez Rickey E. Flanary Analberto Garza Glenn A. Gaddy Oscar M. Caballero Gilbert A. Casillas Carlos M. Ortega Jr. Timotheo T. Zepeda Frank M. Standa Robert D. Fief Robert Maldonado Sr. Jose F. Perez Jr. David M. Sanchez Samuel Munoz Richard D. King Russell A. Locke Michael G. Hudgins Joseph H. Segapeli Mark D. Nightingale Steven M. Schoenicke Dr. Carlos Hernandez Austin Blake Thurman Edward R. Schleicher Darryl Dennis Majeski Stephen G. Larock Reynaldo H. Salinas Max D. Long

♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 31

Dec 2016 E KIA C.qxp__Layout 1 11/16/16 2:44 PM Page 32

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of August 1, 1970: Section 3685, title 39, U.S. code) 1. Publication Title: Columbia 2. Publication No.: 12-3740 3. Date of filing: September 2016 4. Frequency of issue: Monthly 5. No. of issues published annually: 12 6. Annual subscription price: $6 7. Location of office of publication: 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 8. Location of publisher’s headquarters: 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 9. Names and address of publisher, editor and managing editor. Publisher: Carl A. Anderson 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 Editor: Alton J. Pelowski 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 10. Owner: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 11. Known bond holders: None. 12. For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at special rates. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes (check one): (x) Has not changed during the preceding 12 months.

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32 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 11070 11107 11472 11695 11721 11807 11905 11980 12153 12522 12535 12558 12601 12661 12803 12955 13005 13044 13158 13165 13322 13357 13363 13520 13534 13824 13902 14050 14412

14568 14584 14679 14690 14700 14756 15174 15240 15262 15301 15362 15789 15852 15876 15882 16041 16042 16103 16205 16210 16218 16275 16375 10733 12181 16006 16127 UTAH

Ismael E. Herrera Jesse Lopez Jr. Stephen J. Novak Jr. Richard F. Strahan Teo Sipriano Marty Ledesma Glenn M. Block Jesus Lopez David B. Harmon Robert N. Licandro Willie Leal Jr. Eusebio Contreras Jr. Leo Charles Moraw Ramiro Loya Stevan Perez Alejandro Garza James P. Wick Michael C. Gilligan Ernesto Valencia Francisco Carpinteyro Javier V. Rodriguez Carl J. Guillory Myron Walker Harry S. Storey Ernesto Soriano Jimmy P. Flores Walton C. Hering Jr. Ismael Fernandez Aloysius E. Novogradac II Alfredo O. Cervantes Pedro J. Ramon Joseph E. Glover Raynaldo Ballin Donald R. Huml Alejandro Perez Gary P. Laudt Claude J. Fremin Edwin E. Forshage III Marco A. Castillo Abelardo J. Leal Michael J. Broom [No officer listed] Richard Hernandez Edward J. Fishman Jose A. Gandara Robert L. Theimer Terren L. Roark Joseph E. Tepera Jose A. Espinoza Ruben Rendon Teodoro Trevino David Solis George D'apuzzo Karl A. Vanmaren Arturo H. Bernal Richard P. Wood

10535 Rodrique P. Cousino 10830 Keith A. Billado VERMONT

418 459 595 670

Carl F. Kregiel Jr. Charles F. Coates Jr. James D. Meyer Christopher E. McHugh John M. White Lawrence J. Hance Jr. Robert Jankovits Joseph E. Tullington Tony P. Meyer Herbert F. Zimmerman John L. Tyson Lloyd P. Knepp William G. McInerney Daniel Bolas Daniel C. Gibbs James P. McHugh John F. Eschmann III Larry F. Pionk Stephen L. De Vita Gregory M. Pitrone Gary Richardson Alan M. Dupont James P. Borowski Julio C. Santiago Mark N. Clemente Paolo S. Rosales William A. Rockwell Jr. Robert Theron Jones Jr. Steven W. Stasiuk Jr. Theodore L. Quinter


2473 3670 4034 5561 6189 6292 6963 7469 7566 7877 8116 8600 10754 10979 11136 11172 11210 11264 11741 11781 11806 11947 12117 12434

12982 13467

13784 13860 14059 14129 15256 15794 16226 16234 3106 3171 3707 4276 4432 4491 4575 4612

Norman R. Wood Jr. Joseph H. Pauli Lan H. Nguyen Sean P. Connor Jeffrey G. Peiffer Raymond M. Beu David Brin Everett V. Barnes Jr.

Leonardo B. Erojo Jr. Rusdam-V A. Negros Santiago L. Cabello Filemon Villadar Rufino G. Duran Edgar I. Aranas Jesse F. Ramirez Benedicto R. Jumao As Ramon L. Valasote Jr. Rey S. Sallador Vicente M. Cacha Juan R. Remaneses Roswell R. Arceno Maximo Abella Jr. Simeon B. Ganzon Ludovico Leonor Martelino Jr. Pablo Gamayao Florencio C. Caina Dr. Florentine T. Ibabao Orlando D. Estrelles Jesus Evans S. Demorito Eliezer G. Guiang Esteban C. Gumboc Luzberto T. Beatingo Jr. Godofredo T. Gabasa Daniel B. Casono Ervin A. Pegarido Cirilo Jose Jose Valera Enrique T. Bentoy William S. Ruiz Beato E. Galaraga Jr. Macario R. Rencio Wilfredo S. Delute Johnny F. Salcedo Romualdo D. Saises Carlos G. Dulfo Jr. Ricardo C. Tambong Arnold E. Baguio Lauro I. Yatar Godofredo B. Silvela Ramon R. Martinez Leo S. Navidad Cheron O. Reyes Servando T. Jumawid Jr. Samuel V. Valguna Sisinio L. Lluvido Inocencio O. Inoc Manuel C. Dabalse Waltham M. Obenario Charlie T. Magtulis Rey Dhann R. Garcia Jacobo P. Demanawa Jr. Alexander C. Sindico Dionisio C. Supapo Robert James Michael S. Lapining Vicente Salinas Relota Anacleto M. Esotto Jr. Gallardo N. Lazo Edar P. Donayre Sabiniano B. Pableo Francisco B. Sabili Virgilio M. Hapitan Rey D. Pacardo Freachel N. Yburan Reynaldo E. Jarantilla Jose I. Bretana [No officer listed] Maximino P. Agda Renato J. Palotes Romeo Villanueva Gepilga Jun Cesar E. Galila Romeo G. Acosta Jestony P. Amias [No officer listed] Efren B. Barredo Jr. Tirso B. Coquilla Romeo H. Alfaras Wilbert M. Solina


5028 5196 5308 5362 5395 5577 5600 5614 5639 5672 5762 5805 5889 5894 5975 6046

6109 6235 6278 6400 6807 6990 7005 7035 7354 7651 7815 8326 8457 8816 8856 8929 9009 9091 9179 9329

9694 9966 10089 10099 10106 10767 10953 10970 11517 11562 11920

12075 12230 12363 12477 12728 12771 13013 13054 13067 13075 13528 13660 13721 13745 13866 13878 13937 14043 14044 14116 14176 14363 14367

14480 Hannibal Nabor Cometa Benjamin C. Gayrama Elmer P. Mape Emmanuel P. Sepafico Rogaciano Dordas Jr. Roy A. Lautrizo Romeo G. Amande Domingo R. Lojares Renato T. Tordecillas Dante B. Tecson Abdon T. Flores Victorio S. Pulgo Jr. [No officer listed] Peter John B. Gangoso 15562 Alain V. Gonzales 15563 Onofre C. Gongon 15566 [No officer listed] 15586 Rolando E. Llamelo 15597 Roberto T. Belleza Jr. 15609 Nelson L. Superio 15648 [No officer listed] 15764 Bobbie C. Carlo 15770 Sebedio A. Seraspe 15772 Rodante F. Andres 15784 Jeremias B. Benecio 15797 [No officer listed] 15860 Consolador Blanco 15927 Edgar M. Macazo Jr. 16029 Rene G. Gariando 16044 Freddie D. Dalo 16054 Ronnie L. Pelongeo 16077 Domingo M. Huelar 16097 Roel J. Alpas 16098 Dennis P. Games 16113 Evencio O. Ciaval 16187 Arthur P. Montederamos 16297 Alberto R. Puagang 16312 Cirino R. Anabieza

14536 14655 14856 14976 14985 14996 15071 15150 15159 15253 15316 15394 15488

1606 6806 8079 8872 9721 10652 10664 11357 11762 11780 13794 14046 14689 15730 16176

Clarence D. Williams Louie Fraire Richard P. Tagorda Michael W. Kerschen Martin J. Grieshaber Stephen W. Haslett Alan K. Newhouse Robert J. Di Girolamo Porfirio Montes Thomas E. La Cour Jeffery Alan Kleppinger Arthur G. Rodriguez III Brian J. Comfort Phillip E. Marceau Robert M. Harvey


603 1415 5657 8288 10011

Mark P. Joseph Rodolf P. Pascasio David S. Wynne Aren E. Cox Heriberto G. Rodriguez Dale R. Krizan Dr. John A. Capriolo Robert P. Daleo John E. Douthitt


11919 12036 12630 15610 765 1669 2770

Michael D. Plear Kurt R. Dornacker Dr. Daniel Kattenbraker William J. Thorn Thomas Goetz Daniel P. Rusch Sr. Joshua N. Sazama Keith E. Krebsbach Michael A. Buss Robert F. Koresh Robert E. Daugherty Adam J. Schoenemann Michael James Strub David L. Brusky Stephen P. Zdun Gregory D. Elrick Jeremiah J Dansand Matthew J. Chilson awrence J. Novinska Jeffry F. Robinson Michael S. Benner Brian L. Daniel Richard D. Mic


3702 4106 4646 4902 5127 5456 6463 7342 7775

8985 9360 10522 10919 12269 12468 12644L 15229 15659 15665 16022

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Photo by Emily Topper / Plant City Times & Observer

Building a better world one council at a time Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.

Members of St. Clement Council 8095 in Plant City, Fla., load a truck with gifts for the Pregnancy Care Center of Plant City as part of a “Christmas in July” baby shower drive. Knights and many other parishioners bought over 200 items — including mattresses, strollers, diapers, clothes and assorted supplies — for newborns and their mothers. The baby shower drive was part of St. Clement Church’s yearlong “Keep Christ in Christmas” initiative.




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SISTER FAUSTINA OF MERCIFUL LOVE, OCD Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles

Photo by Slav Zakota

I grew up in Southern California, where I was raised in the Presbyterian Church and taught the beauty of authentic love and generosity by my parents. Through our church’s youth group, I discovered God’s incredible love, and as a high school senior encountered the Catholic faith. I became a Catholic during my freshman year in college. The chaplain, a Carmelite priest, opened my heart to the beauty of prayer, and I wanted nothing more than to encounter God in a transforming way. After volunteering for a year at a rural parish in Louisiana, I recognized — through service and silence — God’s invitation to religious life. Afraid, I pleaded with our Lord to “let this chalice pass.” I was given the grace to understand that my heart was made to love Jesus alone, and all persons in him. I finally surrendered my fears and joyfully accepted. The Carmelite sisters’ call of radical love resonated deeply in my soul, and I eagerly entered our community in 2003. I made my perpetual profession in 2012 and am exceedingly grateful for this call.

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