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500 ultrasound machines and Counting
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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS january 2015 ♦ VoluMe 95 ♦ nuMber 1
8 500 and Counting The Ultrasound Initiative has delivered more than 500 machines in 50 U.S. states — and has helped save countless lives. BY ANDREW J. MATT
16 ‘The Power of This Place’ Knights of Columbus and Sisters of Life celebrate 10-year partnership at Villa Maria Guadalupe. BY COLUMBIA STAFF
18 ‘All In’ for Pro-life An exclusive interview with U.S. Congressman Chris Smith about the unfinished fight to protect human life. BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI
22 Midwife of Mercy Venerable Rosalie Cadron-Jetté cared for single mothers at a time when few others would. BY ERIC DUROCHER
An ultrasonographer takes a 3D scan of a woman’s unborn baby at San Antonio’s Life Choices Medical Clinic using an ultrasound machine funded by San Antonio Council 786.
Building a better world As we look to the New Year and beyond, we recall Father McGivney’s vision for the Knights of Columbus. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON
Photo by Mark Humphries Photography
Learning the faith, living the faith Through example and practice, and strengthened by the sacrament of reconciliation, family life teaches us how to forgive. BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI
Knights of Columbus News Knights Distribute Coats for Kids on Black Friday • Order Provides Food for Families During Holiday Season • Supreme Knight Presents Charter to New Military Council • K of C Museum Celebrates 10 Years of Crèche Exhibits
Fathers for Good Seeking to adopt a child following medical difficulties, a K of C couple received an unexpected gift. BY KEVIN DICAMILLO
Knights in Action
14 Building the Domestic Church Because God is the Lord of mercy, we want to help heal our family wounds and promote forgiveness.
PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month
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The Battle for Life OVER THE PAST several years, a number of lawmakers and media outlets in the United States have popularized the term “war on women,” thereby rhetorically denouncing their political opponents. By this term, they are primarily referring to the efforts of pro-life legislators to implement restrictions on abortion, such as banning most lateterm abortions and preventing taxpayer support of abortion procedures. The notion that these elected officials are waging a “war on women” is curious and reflects a shortsighted understanding of women’s rights, since a large majority of Americans — including women — are in favor of such legislation. According to a Knights of Columbus/Marist poll last year, Americans are not comfortable with Roe v. Wade’s legacy of abortion on demand, and more than 8 in 10 believe that laws can protect both the well-being of the mother and the life of the unborn. If you ask women like Kathleen Eaton Bravo and Brandi Swindell, who have founded pregnancy resource centers to serve mothers and children in need, they will tell you that women deserve better than abortion. They have seen firsthand that when given the opportunity to make an informed choice, the vast majority of women choose life. Likewise, anyone who is involved with healing ministries such as Project Rachel will tell you that abortion does not liberate women, but rather leaves deep wounds that often last a lifetime. Nonetheless, the marketers of the culture of death continue to promote unfettered access to abortion as a great social good. Make no
mistake: There is a war on women, but ironically, it is being waged by the lucrative abortion industry itself. In light of the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade this month, this edition of Columbia considers some of the pro-life movement’s strengths and strategies in this ongoing battle for human life. One of the most effective tools in this work is the ultrasound machine, which makes visible the humanity of the unborn child and helps expectant mothers understand the “choice” that lies before them. Knights can be proud of the recent milestone reached by the Order’s Ultrasound Initiative, which has now funded more than 500 such machines for pregnancy centers throughout the United States (see page 8). Among other notable articles is an interview with U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, longtime co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus (see page 18). Whether it’s the staff of the growing number of pregnancy resource centers, counselors of post-abortive healing ministries, public officials or other dedicated pro-life champions, most of these women and men understand that building a culture of life is not so much about “strategy” as it is about faith, hope and charity. As St. Paul reminds us, our real enemies are not of flesh and blood (Eph 6:12). The battle for life continues, and with God’s help, we will continue to defend the dignity of women and their children — born and unborn alike.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI EDITOR
Culture of Life Resource: Women, Sex and the Church CHALLENGING the popular idea that the Catholic Church is anti-women and anti-sex, Women, Sex and the Church: A Case for Catholic Teaching (Pauline Books & Media, 2010) offers a fresh perspective. Edited by Erika Bachiochi, this volume of essays by nine faith-filled women relies on biological, sociological and medical evidence to explain how the Church’s teachings on controversial subjects related to marriage, sexuality and human life actually reflect a profound understanding and love of women. 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
COLUMBIA PUBLISHER Knights of Columbus ________ SUPREME OFFICERS Carl A. Anderson SUPREME KNIGHT Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. SUPREME CHAPLAIN Logan T. Ludwig DEPUTY SUPREME KNIGHT Charles E. Maurer Jr. SUPREME SECRETARY Michael J. O’Connor SUPREME TREASURER John A. Marrella SUPREME ADVOCATE ________ EDITORIAL Alton J. Pelowski EDITOR Andrew J. Matt MANAGING EDITOR Patrick Scalisi SENIOR EDITOR ________
Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4580 OTHER INQUIRIES 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 E-MAIL columbia@kofc.org INTERNET kofc.org/columbia ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER A woman sees an ultrasound image of her unborn baby at Birth Choice Health Clinic in Orange, Calif., on a machine funded by Msgr. Paul Martin Council 7519 in San Juan Capistrano.
Photo by Slav Zatoka Images
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Great Expectations As we look to the New Year and beyond, we recall Father McGivney’s vision for the Knights of Columbus by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
DURING HIS 2008 visit to the United States, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the missionary spirit of Catholics in 19th-century America who have, he said, “left us a lasting legacy of faith and good works.” In his homily at New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, he singled out Venerable Michael McGivney as an “exemplary” priest whose life embodied the “unity of vision and purpose” and “self-sacrifice” that led to the “impressive growth” of Catholicism in North America. Last August, in his message to our Supreme Convention, Pope Francis similarly recalled, “In the complex social and ecclesial situation of late 19th-century America,” the vocation of the laity “found particular expression in principles of faith, fraternity and service that guided the establishment of the Knights of Columbus” and “the fraternal spirit inculcated by Father Michael McGivney.” Given the extraordinary situation of the Catholic community today, it is easy to forget the hardships that Catholics faced in Father McGivney’s day. In his world, Catholics were mostly an immigrant population, often the victims of violence and bigotry, and generally offered the lowest paying and most dangerous jobs. Men, women and children were all expected to work — often in factories, as did young Michael McGivney. There was no “social safety net,” and educational opportunities were few. In founding the Knights of Columbus, Father McGivney sought to re-
spond in both a temporal and spiritual way to this crisis affecting Catholic family life. This was not an abstract crisis; it was one that he had experienced firsthand. As a child, McGivney saw six of his 12 siblings die as young children. Later, the death of his father caused him to suspend seminary studies for a time. His two brothers followed his example and entered seminary, and as a young priest, he witnessed the challenges that his mother confronted as a single parent who had to raise a family by herself. As an associate pastor at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., Father McGivney daily confronted the problems affecting the families of his parish arising from poverty, violence, substance abuse, prejudice, discrimination and unemployment. With creative genius and determination, he responded to this situation with a variety of pastoral initiatives. He developed practical programs to reach out to youth, raised funds to assist widows and orphans, and spent many hours in prison ministry. In addition, he also found time to engage in a respectful but effective ecumenical dialogue with Protestants — efforts that led to at least one very publicized conversion to Catholicism. Of course, he also responded to this situation by empowering generations of Catholic laymen to support the practical Catholic life of their families and parishes by founding the Knights of Columbus.
As Pope Francis reminded us, “The fidelity of the Knights to these high ideals” of Father McGivney, and to what we might say is his way of living the Christian life, has “ensured the continued vitality of [the] Order.” This fidelity, the pope added, “has also contributed, and continues to contribute, to the mission of the Church at every level and, in particular, to the universal ministry of the Apostolic See.” And for this the pope said he is “profoundly grateful.” As we begin the New Year, we look forward to 2015 with great expectations. Already we have been preparing for the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, not only with financial and volunteer support, but also with our new program, “Building the Domestic Church: The Family Fully Alive” (see page 14). Throughout 2015 and into the future, we will reach out in a very practical way to our own families and to those among our councils, parishes and dioceses. Finally, we will be in Philadelphia to welcome Pope Francis to America next September, and we will do all we can to advance his message of joy, reconciliation and hope so that the Holy Father may continue to be grateful for the work of the Knights of Columbus. Vivat Jesus!
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A School of Forgiveness Through example and practice, and strengthened by the sacrament of reconciliation, family life teaches us how to forgive by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori ONE SUMMER LONG AGO, while plenty of reasons for family members to playing outdoors as a child, I cut myself become irritated with one another. on a rusty object. I immediately ran When we’re at home, we see our famhome and presented the wound to my ily members at their best and worst. We when we fail to forgive, our wound fesmother, who took me to the pediatri- see them when everything is going well ters and becomes a chronic open sore. cian for a tetanus shot. As the doctor but also when they are grieving, disap- Grudges and hatreds make our inner life prepared the needle, he tried to engage pointed or just plain out of sorts. We see painful, doubly so if they are directed at me in conversation. “Tell me what hap- them when they are generous but also those under our own roof. It is not easy to forgive and forget, yet pened, young man,” he said. My re- when they are petty. Early on, we learn the Lord teaches us to pray each day, sponse was, “Gimme the shot. We can what makes our loved ones happy but “Forgive us our trespasses as we talk later!” “So much for child forgive those who trespass against psychology,” he sighed, giving us.” Jesus’ words ring in our ears: me the vaccine in short order. “If you do not forgive others, neiTo forgive others, we need the If only dealing with spiritual ther will your Father forgive your wounds were that simple. Lord’s help. We need to go to transgressions” (Mt 6:15). To forMoms and dads know how to give others, we need the Lord’s the source of forgiveness, help their children when they help. We need to go to the source are physically injured or ill, but of forgiveness, Christ crucified and Christ crucified and risen. they are often not as wellrisen. And we do this by regularly equipped to deal with the making a good, honest, unburdendeeper injuries that are part of ing confession of our sins in the sacralife. I refer to the emotional pain that we also what gets on their nerves. And ment of reconciliation. inflict on those whom we should love whether we like it or not, our family the most: our parents, brothers and sis- members know us in just the same way. ters, relatives and friends. As the popular Most of the irritants pass quickly and are THE POWER OF GOD’S MERCY old tune puts it, “You always hurt the forgotten, but sometimes the wounds There was a time when most Catholic one you love.” run deeper and can do lasting damage if families went to confession every Saturday afternoon. I remember standing in they remain untreated. THE DIFFICULTY OF FORGIVING It would be simple if we could heal line for confession many times behind Have you ever stopped to think about such wounds by going to a doctor for my parents as well as friends and neighwhy we are so prone to hurt our loved medication or a shot. But more is re- bors. Truth to tell, I was a bit nervous ones? I’m sure there are profound answers quired. The ultimate healing for emo- about the whole thing, but I thought, “If to that question, but let’s stick to the ba- tional and spiritual wounds is called they can do it, I can do it.” To this day, sics. One of the reasons we hurt our loved forgiveness. In fact, the family is our first every time I receive the sacrament of recones is because they are close by. We’re school of forgiveness (see Catechism of the onciliation, I think of the good example and encouragement my mom and dad with them all the time. We’re eating the Catholic Church, 1657, 2227). same food, waiting to use the same bathOf course, it’s not always easy to for- provided for me. “You’ll feel better after room and competing for the same affec- give a person who has wronged us, be- you go to confession,” mom promised tions. Sharing a household, there are cause our pride often gets in the way. But — and she was right. 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
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I often think that family members would get along with each other a lot better if they resumed the practice of regularly going to confession. After all, the sacrament of reconciliation is more than therapy or anger management, necessary as those steps may sometimes be. In this sacrament, the Lord wipes away our sins and gives us the grace to start afresh. And if we are truly open to this wonderful sacrament, he helps us to forgive those who have wronged us, including those closest to us. Once we’ve experienced God’s merciful love, we will grow in our capacity to forgive, even when something
POPE FRANCIS: CNS photo/Paul Haring — BLESSED NIKOLAUS GROSS: Courtesy of Nikolaus-Groß-Abendgymnasium in Essen, Germany
Offered in Solidarity with Pope Francis GENERAL: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. MISSION: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal.
unthinkable happens. The most important skills and lessons are learned first and foremost in the home, and that is certainly the case with forgiveness. When a husband and wife welcome God’s mercy into their hearts and grow in their capacity to forgive each other, they teach their children an invaluable lesson: the ability to forgive and forget. This includes learning how to talk over disagreements, trying to meet the other more than halfway, and developing the capacity to control one’s anger and to avoid words that sting and wound. None of us, least of all myself,
has perfected the art of forgiveness, but when a husband and wife are serious about it, their good example is likely to influence their children. Homes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness will be a joyful and fruitful parish. Families that help young people learn how to forgive are doing our hardened and polarized culture a favor. What better way, then, to begin the New Year than by resolving to build a domestic church, a family, and a home that knows how to forgive and be forgiven?♦
Blessed Nikolaus Gross (1898-1945) THE SON of a miner, Nikolaus Gross was born Sept. 30, 1898, in Niederwenigern, a small town in western Germany. At age 14, after attending Catholic primary school, he followed his father into the mines and worked for the next five years. Determined to further his education, Gross went to night school and joined the Christian Miner’s Trade Union. In 1923, Gross married Elisabeth Koch, also a native of Niederwenigern. In the course of their happy marriage, they were blessed with seven children in whom they instilled a deep love of Christ, the Church and the poor. In 1927, Gross joined the staff of the Westdeutschen Arbeiterzeitung, the newspaper of the Catholic Worker’s Movement, and soon became its editor. He offered guidance on labor questions and on social and political issues, including the growth of National Socialism. Already in 1930, he wrote, “As Catholic workers we reject Nazism not only for political and economic reasons, but decisively also on account of our religious and cultural outlook.” Upon Hitler’s seizure of power in
1933, the newspaper was banned for three weeks. When it was eventually outlawed in 1938, Gross joined the German resistance and published pamphlets to fortify the faith among workers. Though not involved in the “July Plot” to assassinate Hitler in 1944, Gross was arrested in a massive roundup and imprisoned in Berlin. Through constant prayer, he remained serene and strong to the end. Two days before his execution, he wrote: “How amazingly good God is and how rich he has made my life. He gave me his love and grace, and he gave me a beloved wife and good children.” Gross was hanged at Plötzensee Prison on Jan. 23, 1945. He was beatified in 2001, and his feast day is Jan. 23.♦
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Knights Distribute Coats for Kids on Black Friday AS MANY PEOPLE headed out to shop on the day after Thanksgiving, hundreds of youngsters received a free and much-needed gift as Knights of Columbus distributed new winter coats to children in need at seven sites throughout the country. On Black Friday, Nov. 28, K of C Coats for Kids distributions took place in Connecticut, Minnesota, North Dakota, Arizona, Ohio and Washington, D.C. The nationwide initiative builds on a program that began in Connecticut over Thanksgiving weekend in 2012. In 2013, Knights distributed some 2,000 coats statewide on Black Friday. “For three years running, Knights in Connecticut have embraced the Black Friday Coats for Kids distribution as a statewide tradition that helps children in a very real way,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “Simultaneously, it serves as a reminder that Christmas is not simply a commercial holiday, but celebrates God’s love for us and our love for our neighbor.” Since 2009, the Coats for Kids program has distributed about 215,000 coats to children in the United States and Canada with support from grassroots K of C units. “On the first Christmas, Christ was born in a cold stable
Le Nguyen (right) of St. Michael the Archangel Council 14823 at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C., helps a boy into his new coat during a Black Friday Coats for Kids distribution for the children of military families at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Chapel Center. because there was no room in the inn,” the supreme knight added. “Today, our members are making sure that children can keep warm at Christmas and throughout the winter season.”♦
THANKSGIVING and Christmas can be stressful times for families affected by food insecurity, but Knights around the country have helped to make the holidays a little easier for those in need by assisting at food pantries and soup kitchens in their communities as part of the Order’s Food for Families initiative. One example is Simon’s Soup Kitchen, which is operated by Father Gebhard Braungart Council 8415 in Seaside Park, N.J. Since it opened in 2004, it has served more than 100,000 meals to those in need. Reopening in October 2014 after suffering damage in Hurricane Sandy, Simon’s Soup Kitchen was able to serve hundreds of meals in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Further north, a Food for Families program was organized just a few blocks from St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., where the Order was founded in 1882. On the weekend before Thanksgiving, employees from the Supreme Council headquarters joined Knights from local councils and other volunteers to help deliver food and essentials to 400 needy families. Pre-identified recipients each received a 25-pound box of food and a 10-pound box of essentials, like toiletries and personal goods. The Supreme Council offers financial rebates of $100 for every $500 or 500 pounds of food that councils do6 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
A Knight and volunteer help to distribute boxes of food and other goods to needy families in New Haven, Conn., on Nov. 22, 2014. nate to parish food pantries, community food banks or soup kitchens, up to a maximum refund of $500 per council per fraternal year. Visit kofc.org/food for more information.♦
TOP: Photo by Matthew Barrick — BOTTOM: Photo by Tom Serafin
Order Provides Food for Families During Holiday Season
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Supreme Knight Presents Charter to New Military Council
Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and representatives of the Florida State Council join members of Cardinal John O’Connor Council 16080 at Naval Air Station Pensacola (Fla.) during a charter ceremony Nov. 23, 2014. SHORTLY AFTER the close of World War I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, then-acting secretary of the Navy, sent a message from his department, stating, “The Knights of Columbus should be just as active and continue as it did in the war. If its work should stop, it would be a national calamity.” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson shared this message with members of the newly established Cardinal John O’Connor Council 16080 at Naval Air Station Pensacola (Fla.) during a charter ceremony there Nov. 23, 2014. The Order’s newest military council joins dozens of others at military installations around the world. Council 16080 is named for Cardinal John O’Connor, who served as a Navy chaplain with the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam in 1964. In his remarks, the supreme knight urged council members
to emulate their namesake, who was archbishop of New York from 1984 until his death in 2000. “Cardinal O’Connor was a priest who was not afraid to go into harm’s way to minister to those he was called to serve,” he said. “Take the example of this great brother Knight as your model, and your council will not fail to uphold both the finest traditions of the U.S. Navy and the Knights of Columbus.” In addition to the charter presentation and Mass celebrated at the Naval Aviation Memorial Chapel on the base, the supreme knight and other guests also attended Mass at the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, met with Bishop Gregory L. Parkes of Pensacola-Tallahassee, and visited the National Naval Aviation Museum.♦
MUSEUM: Photo by Thomas Serafin
K of C Museum Celebrates 10 Years of Crèche Exhibits IN WHAT HAS become a popular tradition, the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn., launched its 10th annual Christmas crèche exhibit. Titled Buon Natale: Crèches of Italy, the exhibit features two dozen Italian-inspired Nativity scenes, including a 120-square-foot Neapolitan diorama. In recent years, the Knights of Columbus Museum has featured crèches from around the world at its annual Christmas exhibit. Previous exhibitions included collections from Canada, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Poland and more. Buon Natale: Crèches of Italy is on view until Feb. 1.♦
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500 and Counting
The Ultrasound Initiative has delivered more than 500 machines in 50 U.S. states — and has helped save countless lives by Andrew J. Matt
n Nov. 2, 2014, when the Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns received a new portable ultrasound machine to assist with its lifesaving work, it was a milestone event: the 500th time an ultrasound machine was funded through the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson joined Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore at a presentation and blessing of the machine for the center’s Dundalk, Md., facility. “When we began this program five years ago, we hoped to put a machine in every state,” said the supreme knight. “Not only has this program saved the lives of countless unborn children, but it has also saved many mothers — and fathers — from a lifetime of regret.” Since the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative launched Jan. 22, 2009 — the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade — state and local councils have assisted qualified pregnancy centers in their areas by raising half the cost of ultrasound machines. Through the Order’s Culture of Life Fund, and in collaboration with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Supreme Council then matches those dollars toward the purchase price of the machines, which start at about $20,000. Since the initiative began with the funding of 13 machines that first year, Knights have placed more than 500 ultrasound machines — valued at more than $26 million — in all 50 U.S. states. 8 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
VISIBLE IMPACT Many of the machines funded through the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative include features such as a Doppler monitor for hearing the baby’s heartbeat, 3D/4D imaging and/or the ability to sync with a large monitor and speakers — all in real time. Such features open a “window into the womb,” conveying detailed images and sounds of an unborn baby’s growth and activity. In the past several years, the program has also begun funding laptop-sized ultrasound machines for a growing number of mo-
Photo by Slav Zatoka Images
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Megan Kerr, a registered nurse and manager of Birth Choice Health Clinic in Orange, Calif., points to the image of a woman’s unborn baby on one of the five ultrasound machines funded by Msgr. Paul Martin Council 7519 in San Juan Capistrano. bile medical units that reach out to more women in need: outside abortion facilities, at college campuses, near military bases and in poor urban and rural areas. The greater availability of ultrasound technology has enhanced the work of organizations dedicated to helping women keep and care for their babies. “It is amazing to see such great detail with our 3D/4D machine,” said Christine Accurso, executive director of First Way
Pregnancy Center, which has received two ultrasound machines with the help of St. Bridget Council 9800 in Mesa, Ariz. “One might not think that seeing the lens of an eye or a fingernail bed would be important, but it really is,” Accurso explained. “I have seen women change their hearts when they see the detail. Even more so, I have seen fathers revel in the detail of what they are seeing and become stronger men for their families.” JANUARY 2015
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Since the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative began in January 2009, the Order has placed more than 500 machines across the United States, including at least one in each state. Jurisdictions with the most machines funded are Texas (40), Missouri (37), Florida (34), California (33) and Michigan (30). The Ultrasound Initiative has also expanded internationally, with K of C-funded machines currently in use in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and Kingston, Jamaica.
‘THE POWERFUL GIFT OF ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGY’ EDITOR’S NOTE: Columbia has received many letters from lifeaffirming medical clinics describing the impact that Knights of Columbus-sponsored ultrasound machines are making across the country. The following testimonies are a sampling from this past year. IN MARCH 2013, [Barney Gonyea] Council 7109 [in Safety Harbor, Fla.,] and the members of Espiritu Santo Church presented Kimberly Home with a brand new Philips Clear Vue 350 ultrasound machine. This wonderful machine creates a window to the womb with such clarity and has truly been a blessing to us, our clients and many saved babies. In the first year alone, 144 women received an ultrasound using this upgraded technology. Seventy-seven were either abortion minded or abortion prone (meaning they were adamant about having or seriously considering an abortion), or abortion vulnerable (meaning they were undecided, but circumstances 10 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
in their lives made them more susceptible to choosing an abortion). Sadly, two chose to go forward with an abortion. But happily, 75 of those birth moms chose life for their babies! In those cases, their ultrasound either was clearly the deciding factor or played a major part in their decision-making process. A beautiful testimony to the powerful gift of ultrasound technology is the story of “Anna.” Finding herself pregnant for the second time, Anna came to Kimberly Home frightened and looking for answers. The “convenience” of a previous abortion, her unstable relationship and financial difficulties were some of the many factors pressuring her to abort this child as well. After counseling and educating Anna about the life growing within her, we offered her the chance to see her baby for the first time. Thanks to the accuracy of our new machine, the picture was clear and undeniable, immediately moving her to tears. Even though she couldn’t yet feel her baby move, she was
Photo by Tom Serafin
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Pregnancy centers routinely report that a very large percentage of women who are considering abortion choose life after witnessing their baby’s physical activity during an ultrasound scan. “On many scans we have caught the baby sucking a thumb, jumping and twisting around, even what looks like waving,” noted Nancy Shaffer, director of North Jefferson Women’s Center in Fultondale, Ala. But seeing and hearing the baby’s heartbeat is often the deciding factor, she said. “A 25-year-old woman came in who wanted an abortion,” Shaffer recalled. “She was hard and would not make eye contact. But during the ultrasound she saw and heard her baby’s heartbeat. She burst into tears, going from hard to broken, and decided for life.” There is no doubt that the ultrasound imagery has a powerful impact, but the technology comes with a high price tag. “The centers can’t afford to buy a machine on their own,” said Patrick Klasing, culture of life director of San Antonio Council 786. “That’s why I really appreciate the Supreme Council working with us and matching our funds, because that’s what makes it possible.” Klasing noted that since Council 786 placed its first ultrasound machine in San Antonio’s Life Choices Medical Clinic in 2012, the number of lives that the clinic has been able to save has increased dramatically. “In 2011, Life Choices saved eight babies,” he said. “With the arrival of the first ultrasound machine, that number jumped to 453. In 2013, they saved 703. … With the second ultrasound we donated this past October, the number will likely rise even higher.”
surprised to see how beautiful, fully developed and active her baby was at just 12 weeks gestation. The following week she brought the baby’s father with her, so he too could experience seeing their child firsthand. The look on his face when he witnessed their active little baby was priceless! With tears in his eyes and a tender glance toward Anna, it was clear that they had a new appreciation for the gift of life. With excitement, they sought additional help and guidance from Kimberly’s counselors for prenatal, postnatal and parenting education. Another baby was saved! Testimonies like these are more and more commonplace thanks to this wonderful donation and the Knights of Columbus who have had the willingness and desire to play a significant role in the battle for the sanctity of human life. Cheryl Didriksen, R.N. Nurse Manager Kimberly Home Pregnancy Resource Center Clearwater, Fla.
Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, and Maryland State Deputy Steve J. Adamczyk stand with representatives from the Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns Inc. and their new ultrasound machine during a presentation that took place during the midyear meeting of state deputies in November 2014.
Like Council 786, many local councils have donated multiple machines, including five that have purchased three or more. In southern California, Birth Choice Health Clinics has received eight machines through the Ultrasound Initiative, including five donated by Msgr. Paul Martin Council 7519 in San Juan Capistrano. A growing network of state-licensed medical clinics founded by Kathleen Eaton Bravo, Birth Choice has also benefited greatly from ultrasound technology.
THIS MORNING I just had to stop and tell you about two of our recent clients and the impact of the ultrasound machines provided by the Knights [of Florence (Ala.) Council 3989]. Seventeen-year-old “Emily” was brought in to us by “Susie,” a previous client. Emily was extremely abortion minded before receiving a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Even as our ultrasonographer was doing the ultrasound, Emily asked Susie to take out her phone and look up how much an abortion would cost. While Susie was doing so, Emily looked at the ultrasound screen and pointed to the baby, who was putting on a real show, and said, “Wow, look at that little guy moving around!” This was the moment for her when the baby became a person. Emily has chosen to give life to her baby, and we continue to keep in touch with her as much as possible. The second client was “Sally,” who was in her early 30s and had had an abortion before. On the day I met her, she was about 15 weeks along. She was determined not to be pregnant and that abortion was her only option, but she finally agreed JANUARY 2015
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A model of a baby, representing a gestational age of 12 weeks, is pictured next to an ultrasound image of an unborn baby of the same age inside the Stanton Mobile Medical Clinic in Boise, Idaho.
Pro-Life Award from Legatus, noted that when she is invited to speak at a church or after Mass, she tells people about how many babies have been saved. She then adds, “If there’s any Knights in the church I’d like you to stand, and thank you.”
“Before receiving the ultrasounds, we were saving 42 percent of the babies whose moms were abortion minded,” Eaton said. “But since the Ultrasound Initiative, it’s jumped to 82 percent. And just recently we passed the 6,000 mark — 6,001 babies with names have been saved in five years. That’s what the Knights have done.” Eaton, who received the 2010 Cardinal John J. O’Connor
GAME CHANGER While the persuasive power of ultrasound technology is felt most tangibly inside the growing number of pro-life medical clinics, it is also affecting the public debate about the sanctity of life. Brandi Swindell is the founder of Stanton Healthcare International, a medical clinic based in Boise, Idaho, with affiliates in California and Ireland. After receiving two machines in 2010 through state council efforts in Idaho, she said that the effect has been palpable. “Providing women with an ultrasound scan at no charge elevated our presence in the community, and we got more and more women,” Swindell said. “The availability of the ultrasound was key — it’s the game changer in the woman’s heart and in the public debate.” As a result of her clinic’s success, Swindell began a campaign to make ultrasound technology more widely known. Titled
to an ultrasound. She listened and watched intently, and you could see the walls beginning ever so slightly to crumble. Her story was sad and complicated, and the baby’s father also wanted her to abort, but he wouldn’t come in. So I found an empty flash drive and we loaded the ultrasound video and pictures on it and told her to take it home to show him. I knew that he needed to see the baby for himself so that his influence on her would be softened as well. So she left with pictures and flash drive in hand, which gave us hope. We followed up with her shortly after, and she said that they had both decided to keep the baby and were beginning to get used to the idea. So, praise God for an ultrasound machine that can impact our clients in the office, but also through a video that can be shared with others! I do hope you will share these stories with those involved in providing us with this machine so that they, too, can celebrate the lives that are being impacted and saved and know how much we appreciate their efforts.
WE SEE PRAYERS ANSWERED every day — sometimes they are small ones, and sometimes they are giant ones. One such gigantic answer came recently when a young lady told me she would have an abortion no matter what I said. Please understand, I didn’t have to change her mind, put pressure on her or get emotional. I simply had to share the truth with her. I was not upset when she walked out of the counseling room still abortion minded, because she had scheduled an ultrasound appointment with us. I know that a large majority of abortionminded women who see their babies’ heartbeat will change their minds and carry to term. When she came back for the ultrasound, she said twice, “I have prepared myself. Even if I see a heartbeat or body parts, I am not going to change my mind.” You know what happened? As soon as she saw the heartbeat — and I mean as soon as she saw her baby’s heartbeat —she changed her mind! [Through Father Robert O’Kane Council 6538,] God has given the PCC the ultrasound machine as a tool to save his babies from death and to save these moms from a life of regret.
Beth Grisham Executive Director Shoals Women’s Clinic Florence, Ala.
Janice Galyean Executive Director Pregnancy Care Center of MHC, Inc. Martinsville, Va.
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Photos by Chad Case Photography
Brandi Swindell, founder of Stanton Healthcare International, stands in front of the Stanton Mobile Medical Clinic, which is equipped with a portable ultrasound machine. The Idaho State Council funded both the mobile clinic and the machine. “Voices from the Womb,” the 2011 campaign went to legislative chambers across the country, including the Congressional Auditorium in Washington, D.C. “We took our K of C portable machine to D.C., and for the first time in the U.S. Capitol Building a live ultrasound demonstration took place,” Swindell explained. “We invited congressmen and senators and staffers, and what was so powerful was that the babies themselves were lobbying on Capitol Hill. They were speaking to lawmakers — from the womb.” The legislative impact of this campaign, like other pro-life advocacy efforts, is difficult to gauge, especially in the face of what Swindell calls the well-funded “Goliath” of the abortion industry. Nevertheless, she knows that the growing availability of ultrasound machines has given life-affirming medical clinics great hope. “The backing of the Knights of Columbus is so huge because it helps get us on a competitive level with the abortion industry,” Swindell said. “And the real game changer is this:
With our ultrasounds, the girls come away transformed.” Such transformation is something the staff at pro-life resource centers and medical clinics see time and time again. “This is what it’s all about,” Eaton said, describing a recent experience at her clinic in Long Beach, Calif. “We had a young mom come in with a friend, and she was very angry. ‘I’m having an abortion,’ she insisted. And she almost wouldn’t get up on the table, but her friend got her to do it. So we did the ultrasound and discovered she was having twins. “When she saw them she just started weeping,” Eaton continued. “And here’s the beautiful thing: When she walked out she was pumping her fist in the air, saying, ‘I’m going to be a mom. I’ve saved these babies and you’ve helped me — thank you so much!’ “Her fist was in the air,” repeated Eaton. “That’s transformation.”♦ ANDREW J. MATT is managing editor of Columbia. JANUARY 2015
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January Because God is the Lord of mercy, we want to help heal our family wounds and promote forgiveness. AS WE LOOK forward to a new year, full of hopes and promises — but also fears and challenges — we ask what God has prepared for us. The family is our first school of forgiveness. The family prepares us to understand the meaning of God’s forgiveness. “God proves his love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). To be Christian is to encounter Christ and to receive his forgiveness. As Catholics, we first receive this forgiveness on the day of our baptism, and we renew it through the sacrament of reconciliation. Forgiveness starts with those who are close to us: our
spouses, children, parents and siblings, as well as our neighbors, co-workers and friends. The wounds made by those we love are usually the most hurtful, but love also allows us to heal these wounds. When we forgive someone, we offer that person the possibility of starting again.
Bring Song Into Your Home
Family Project Go to confession together and then share a special meal or dessert to celebrate your new beginning as a family. Confession is not something to fear. It is normal to feel shame for one’s sins, but after receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, the penitent emerges free, forgiven and filled with peace. Small offenses often hold married couples back from the fullness of their relationship. Consider having a “Meal of Forgiveness” with just your spouse, in which you can offer a new beginning in your relationship by asking each other for forgiveness. Council-Wide Event: Movie Night January’s movie recommendation is The Lion King. Before the movie begins, invite families to share their experiences of going together to confession.
Psalm of the Month (Psalm 51:3-10) Pray the Psalm of the Month during every Sunday of the month at your family prayer space. On the last Sunday of the month, discuss as a family which verse stood out most for each member. Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me. For I know my transgressions; my sin is always before me. Against you, you alone have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your eyes So that you are just in your word, and without reproach in your judgment. Behold, I was born in guilt, in sin my mother conceived me. Behold, you desire true sincerity; and secretly you teach me wisdom. Cleanse me with hyssop, that I may be pure; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. You will let me hear gladness and joy; the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
Totus Tuus (Marco Frisina) Totus tuus sum, Maria, Mater nostri Redemptoris. Virgo Dei, Virgo pia, Mater mundi Salvatoris. (I am all yours, Mary, Mother of our Redeemer. Virgin of God, tender Virgin, Mother of the Savior of the world.)
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Troy Paul (far left) and Jim Hickey (third from right) of Thompson (Manitoba) Council 5961 stand with representatives from Futures Program and some of the baby items that Council 5961 collected to aid pregnant teenagers. Knights and parishioners from St. Lawrence Church collected more than $500 worth of new baby items for the organization. Also pictured are (from left): Lorise Cablik, Futures Program coordinator, Atalia Hickey, Nolan Belton and Alyssa Harman, Futures Program employee. Volunteering Together Project: Culture of Life Baby Shower Invite families to participate in a “Culture of Life Baby Shower” to collect funds and supplies for local organizations that provide help to expectant mothers, new mothers and children in need. • Ask council members if they have an old crib that is in good condition or a portable playpen that is not being used. Ask your pastor’s permission to
set up the crib in the church’s entryway or foyer. • Request that a written announcement be placed in the parish bulletin, asking parishioners to donate new or used baby or maternity clothing, baby and pregnancy supplies, diapers, bottles, formula, etc. Ask your pastor if he or a council officer can make an announcement before or after Mass.
Meditation Family communion can only be preserved and perfected through a great spirit of sacrifice. It requires, in fact, a ready and generous openness of each and all to understanding, to forbearance, to pardon, to reconciliation. There is no family that does not know how selfishness, discord, tension and conflict violently attack and at times mortally wound its own communion: hence there arise the many and varied forms of division in family life. But, at the same time, every family is called by the God of peace to have the joyous and renewing experience of “reconciliation,” that is, communion reestablished, unity restored. — St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 21
• Place some nice baby/maternity items and supplies in the collection receptacle after setting it up so people can see what types of items are needed. Include a sign so that people who miss the announcement will know what it is for. • Invite family volunteers to help collect the items after Mass each weekend.
Questions for Reflection 1. What is one moment I felt truly forgiven and reconciled with another person? How did I know that person had forgiven me? 2. Remembering that going to confession not only reconciles us with God, but also gives us grace to be better, how often should our family try to go? 3. When there is a rift between me and another person, what does it take to reconcile? How can I forgive when someone isn’t sorry? 4. Does reconciling mean I have to believe that what was done is right? 5. Remembering that the fruit of God’s forgiveness is that we grow closer to him again, how can I show those I forgive — or those I wrong — that I want to grow closer to them again as well?
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Members of the Sisters of Life, led by Mother Agnes Mary, join Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of Bridgeport, Conn., and Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson at the 10th anniversary celebration of Villa Maria Guadalupe.
‘The Power of This Place’ Knights of Columbus and Sisters of Life celebrate 10-year partnership at Villa Maria Guadalupe by Columbia staff 16 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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n Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2014, the Knights of Columbus Nine sisters currently reside at Villa Maria Guadalupe, includSupreme Officers, led by Supreme Knight Carl A. Ander- ing Sister Mary Karen, who has served as the local superior for son, joined the Sisters of Life and guests to celebrate the 10th an- six years. The sisters serve some 1,600 retreatants each year, inniversary of Villa Maria Guadalupe, the Order’s retreat center in cluding men and women involved with the pro-life movement; Stamford, Conn. The celebration began with Mass celebrated by pregnant women, single mothers and those wounded by aborBishop Frank J. Caggiano of Bridgeport and continued with tion; and others, including priests, religious, married couples and lunch, providing time for fellowship and reflection on the decade- young adults. long partnership between the sisters and the Knights. The sisters also host a number of other events at Villa Maria “This is a sacred place where people can come and deepen each year, such as the annual Fiesta Guadalupe marking the Dec. their love for the Lord,” Bishop Caggiano said in his homily. “In 12 feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of life, and an the great task for all of us to be faithful, I am very grateful that annual Mother’s Day celebration. Villa Maria Guadalupe is here. I am grateful for the Knights of “Villa Maria Guadalupe is a house of healing — a special place Columbus and your dedication to this holy place. And sisters, I of grace for thousands of people who have come,” said Sister am grateful for your witness here: your service, your ministry, Mary Karen. “Almost every weekend, someone walks through your generosity.” the front doors and says, ‘I’ve Several current and past never been here before, but I chaplains of the Sisters of feel like I just came home.’” Life concelebrated the Mass, Following lunch at the anafter which the Knights and niversary celebration, the sisguests joined the sisters for a ters presented a video of group picture in front of the people telling about the retreat center. graces they received at Villa The nearly 100-year-old Maria Guadalupe and exfacility, which includes a pressing their gratitude to the chapel, refectory, convent Knights of Columbus. and 50 guest rooms, previ“We had to show you ously served as a convent for some of the things that we exthe Bernardine Franciscan perience and that demonSisters. The Order purchased strate the power of this place,” it in July 2004, and the said Mother Agnes. She then building was renamed Villa presented a handmade card to Villa Maria Guadalupe, a retreat center owned by the Knights of Columbus Maria Guadalupe in OctoSupreme Knight Anderson, and operated by the Sisters of Life, is pictured in Stamford, Conn. ber 2004 after area Knights illustrated by one of the sisrenovated the facility’s inteters, and said that the comrior and exterior. munity would pray a novena At the anniversary celebration, Mother Agnes Mary, superior of Masses for the intentions of the Knights of Columbus. general of the Sisters of Life, shared how she had first learned of In his own brief remarks, Anderson noted that Pope Benethe Order’s idea to open a retreat center. In early 2004, she received dict XVI wrote in his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, about a phone call from Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori, the necessity of “a heart that sees where love is needed and acts then-bishop of Bridgeport, and immediately recalled the words of accordingly” (cf. 30). Cardinal John O’Connor of New York, founder of the Sisters of “I can think of no better description of a Sister of Life,” the Life. Speaking to the sisters in July 1998, seven years after estab- supreme knight said. “It really is the job, the mission, the vocalishing the community with the special charism to protect and en- tion of followers of Jesus to make clear to the world whose image hance the sacredness of human life, Cardinal O’Connor said that is in the face of the child. And that’s really what you do, and you he dreamed of opening a pro-life retreat center that would be “a do it joyfully. And you give everyone in the Church, especially place of peace, a place of tranquility, a place of light and refresh- the Knights of Columbus, great hope and great encouragement.” ment, a place of love.” Building a culture of love, he added, requires Finally, the supreme knight presented Mother Agnes with a “the conversion of souls, the conversion of hearts.” special gift to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the retreat Cardinal O’Connor died in 2000 and never saw this retreat center: a gold chalice, featuring an image of Our Lady of center become a reality. But after receiving that phone call from Guadalupe. Bishop Lori in 2004, Mother Agnes Mary was delighted to learn The dedication of Villa Maria Guadalupe in 2004 marked the that the Holy Spirit had the same idea in mind. first expansion of the Sisters of Life outside of the Archdiocese “This apostolate that had been the vision of the cardinal was of New York. Since that time, the community has grown to more coming to birth without our ever having done a thing, and I think than 80 members and has extended its mission internationally, without the participants realizing what they were doing,” she said. opening a convent in Toronto in 2007.♦ JANUARY 2015
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‘ALL IN’ FOR PRO-LIFE An exclusive interview with U.S. Congressman Chris Smith about the unfinished fight to protect human life
aving served New Jersey’s 4th congressional district for more than three decades, U.S. Rep. Christopher Smith is one of the most senior and respected members of Congress. He has authored numerous pieces of legislation — the fourth most in the House of Representatives — including many related to human rights. He currently serves as cochairman of a number of congressional caucuses, including the Pro-Life Caucus, the Alzheimer’s Task Force, the Coalition for Autism Research and Education, and the Caucus on Human Trafficking. 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
Before assuming office in 1981 at age 27, Smith worked as executive director of the New Jersey Right to Life Committee. Since that time, he has been a leader in many legislative victories, including banning partial-birth abortion and preventing federal funds from promoting abortion abroad. In 2011, together with Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), Smith’s co-chair of the Pro-Life Caucus, he introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Columbia editor Alton J. Pelowski recently spoke with the congressman about this legislative work and the future of the pro-life movement.
CNS photo /Bob Roller
by Alton J. Pelowski
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Young people hold signs during the annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., Jan. 25, 2013. Every year, tens of thousands of people, including innumerable Knights of Columbus councils and families, gather for the rally and march. COLUMBIA: Was this work related to your decision to run for office? REP. SMITH: If it weren’t for my work in the pro-life movement, I probably wouldn’t have run for Congress. I majored in business and thought I’d have a business career. But the sheer human need was a magnet, and it coincided with the maturing of my faith as a Catholic.
COLUMBIA: How did you first get involved in the pro-life movement? REP. CHRIS SMITH: When I started college, several years before Roe v. Wade, New York had just legalized abortion under Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, and others were pushing legalization in New Jersey. My involvement began when I took an assignment on the topic for one of my classes. While doing the reading, I encountered a number of facts and stories, including one story about a child in New York who survived a late-term abortion. The abortionist and so-called advocates were upset, seeing it as a complication. And it just struck me: Thank the Lord that this baby survived. Where was this little child’s human rights? From there, I formed a group called the Trenton State College Pro-life Committee. My wife, who got involved in the movement in 1974 as a freshman, was president of the group for a time as well. We held seminars, inviting people to speak about topics like abortion and euthanasia, and we also worked with Birthright, which was really the first pregnancy care center organization of its kind. From the outset, we understood that abortion involves two victims: the baby and the mother. This is why we did everything we could to help the mothers, too.
COLUMBIA: What role has your Catholic faith played in your advocacy for the unborn? REP. SMITH: My family was very devout, and I went to Catholic grammar and high school. I also had lots of questions, and I remember reading Bishop Fulton Sheen’s books and many others to help answer them. And all of a sudden, a frontal attack on the most innocent and defenseless person on earth — a child, a baby — was right in our own backyard. I began to realize that there really is no other institution on earth that is more comprehensive and consistent than the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, our culture buys into euphemisms and shallow bumper sticker slogans. But for the Church, it’s all about truth. Then certain Scriptures began informing and motivating me. What stood out above all else was the verse in Matthew 25, where the Lord said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do likewise to me.” The unborn child is the ultimate “least of these.” Others are similarly disenfranchised and vulnerable, but the child has no say, no voice — and if we don’t rise to their defense, the culture of death will claim even more victims. COLUMBIA: You have been vocal about many other issues related to human dignity as well. REP. SMITH: My pro-life work led to all the other human rights and humanitarian work. It’s all interrelated. The Church and government need to stand side by side with those who are weak and vulnerable. I began the effort against human trafficking around 1995 and introduced a major bill on it in 1998. In 2000, I was the prime sponsor of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, which became the law of our land, and I wrote two other human trafficking laws in 2003 and 2005. Likewise, I also wrote four torture victim relief bills to help those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and 13 veteran-related bills, including the Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance Act of 2001. COLUMBIA: What are some key developments that you have observed in the pro-life movement over the past 40 years? REP. SMITH: At first, we hoped that Roe v. Wade could be overturned in just a few years. Most of us were incredulous that JANUARY 2015
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COLUMBIA: A record number of pro-life laws have been enacted on the state level in recent years. What do you think the reason for this trend is, and do you see it extending to the federal level? REP. SMITH: More and more of our state legislators are not only excellent lawmakers, but they are also persistent. They just will not quit. Coupled with faith, this is helping to usher in a culture of life. In the last three years alone, more than 200 pro-life laws have been passed at the state level. At the federal level, 18 pro-life “riders,” as we call them, restrict funding for abortion. I authored one in 1983 on the Federal Employees Health Benefits program, which is still in existence. The Hyde Amendment has also survived every attack imaginable. We’re currently looking to strengthen the Weldon Amendment on conscience rights, especially for churches. With the shift of power in the Senate, I am very hopeful about the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would save lives by restricting abortions after 20 weeks. Although it’s sure to be vetoed by the President, we just have to keep persisting. 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
People lament that we don’t make more progress in politics, but we’re also fighting to stop the pro-abortion side. There are still unmet needs legislatively, and we have had setbacks. In my opinion, the biggest in recent years was Obamacare. When Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, the President provided assurances that it would not cover abortion, and even issued an executive order to this end. Nevertheless, a study by the Government Accountability Office found that Obamacare insurance plans routinely use taxpayer money to cover abortion on demand. COLUMBIA: What other political challenges are facing the pro-life movement in the United States? REP. SMITH: We are faced with the high bar of overcoming a Supreme Court decision and the so-called constitutional right to abortion, which was created out of whole cloth — out of “raw judicial power,” as Justice Byron White said. It has survived, obviously, because of the support of individual members of the high court. That’s why we need a president who will appoint justices that recognize this abuse of power. Sadly, President Obama’s appointments to the federal courts have been strongly pro-abortion. Meanwhile, the killing continues every single day, in clinics all over the country. Many of these facilities even receive taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 330,000 abortions per year, receives hundreds of millions in federal funds, and it continues to expand. COLUMBIA: How have these domestic challenges extended beyond the borders of the United States? REP. SMITH: In 1994, I raised issues repeatedly at the Cairo Population Conference, where the Holy See stopped the Clinton administration from establishing an international right to abortion as a matter of global law. Twenty years later, we’re still fighting the same battle. The Obama administration is trying to hijack the United Nations’ post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals by linking global health programs with so-called reproductive rights. Groups like the World Health Organization and the U.N. Population Fund, aided and abetted by the administration, are pushing for this language right now. This is being done by stealth and puts developing countries in Africa, Latin America and parts of Asia, such as the Philippines, at grave risk. We’ve already lost a number of countries, such as Uruguay, to the abortion culture. If we don’t remove
AP Photo/Harry Hamburg
a society could embrace dismembering and chemically poisoning children by calling it a benign act and good for women. The other side has marketed the culture of death effectively, but a lie can only sustain its potency for a limited time. In this case it’s been decades, but I believe that the abortion culture’s days are numbered because of the pro-life movement’s persistence, faith and love, even for our most egregious opponents. Every year, the movement has grown stronger. More young people are involved than ever before, and polls suggest that increasing numbers of young people are pro-life. There’s been a sea change. The number of actual abortions has gone down, and much of that is directly tied to the Church’s presence and the many ministries and education efforts. The expansion of pregnancy care centers has been key to this. Especially important have been healing ministries like Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard, which reach out to women who have been wounded by abortion. For Christians, this is what this movement is all about: God is the one that judges, not us; we try to bring his Divine Mercy and radiate Christ. The Knights of Columbus has also played a pivotal role. When I was director of New Jersey Right to Life, our organization would not have existed if it weren’t for the Knights’ support. And now, the Ultrasound Initiative is saving lives every day of the week.
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Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) is joined by pro-life leaders at a press conference at the Capitol Nov. 20, 2014, to inform the public about Obamacare’s lack of transparency regarding insurance coverage for abortion. • Opposite page: Rep. Smith arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill May 4, 2011, to discuss the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. that language, these development goals, which will be in effect from 2016 until 2030, will transform the world toward the culture of death. They’re also hijacking the Organization of American States as we speak. Because of Roe v. Wade, the United States has never ratified the American Convention on Human Rights, which recognizes the rights of the unborn. The abortion advocates are trying to replace that with a right to abortion. Their preferred term for abortionists is “human rights defenders.” It’s Orwellian in the extreme. Meanwhile, we on the pro-life side are fighting for sustainable development goals that truly reduce maternal and child mortality and implement noble and important life-affirming initiatives — not integrating the killing of unborn children on demand. COLUMBIA: How have you managed to maintain your ardor for the pro-life cause throughout your long political career? REP. SMITH: I look at politics as a kind of ministry, to defend and advance the Gospel of Life. Like many ministries, it is very challenging. I couldn’t do it without my wife, Marie. We’re best friends, married 37 years with four children and three grandchildren. She works on the international level and runs a pro-life NGO. She has always been gentle, but with a rock-solid backbone. It’s a great combination, because in this job, you really do have to manage disappointments or you’ll become numb. I am also blessed to have a very good staff, people who
are totally committed to the culture of life. Finally, we are inspired by the pro-life movement in the United States and countless organizations working to save lives, including the Knights of Columbus. I can’t say enough about the healing ministries. I’ve met so many women who have been healed and found reconciliation after being deeply wounded by abortion. They are among our strongest and most articulate leaders. COLUMBIA: What do you say to people who are skeptical or cynical about pro-life politics? REP. SMITH: As ugly as politics can sometimes be, large numbers of ethical, committed people are involved. They just don’t make the news very often. Still, there are too few laborers in this vineyard. We need more people to engage in politics and work with us. The pro-abortion side knows that they’re in a war. They have almost unlimited money, and payroll working 24/7. It’s all about coercing people to accept their jaundiced view toward life and to be complicit with it. Their plan is to eliminate all conscience protection. Even the former executive director of the U.N. Population Fund said that the last frontier to overcome is the faith community. We need to push back, as never before. We don’t want our kids or grandkids to inherit the culture of death. In order to prevail here, we have to be all in. There can’t be any counting of the cost.♦
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Midwife of Mercy Venerable Rosalie Cadron-Jetté cared for single mothers at a time when few others would
or as long as Donald Recore could remember, a vintage picture of an elderly nun hung prominently in his grandparents’ living room in Plattsburg, N.Y. About 30 years ago, he finally asked, “Who is that?” “One of your grandmothers,” his Grandpa Ted told him matter-of-factly. “Well, he answered my question,” said Recore, a member of Father Francis X. Chagnon Council 3525 in Champlain, N.Y. “But it raised a more important one: How do I have a grandmother who is also a nun?” Recore, who now oversees a Knights of Columbus Insurance agency in Plattsburg, discovered that the answer lies in the life story of Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, also known as Mother Marie of the Nativity, whom Pope Francis declared venerable in December 2013. In 1845, acting on a request from Bishop Ignace Bourget of Montreal, the widow Jetté founded a religious community to care for unwed mothers and their children. Despite strong objections from her six surviving children — including Léonard, Recore’s great-great-grandfather — Rosalie founded the Sœurs de Miséricorde de Montréal (Misericordia Sisters of Montreal). Now, more than 150 years after her death, Sulpician Father Éric Sylvestre is quick to make a connection between Jetté’s mission of mercy (miséricorde in French) and Pope Francis’ call “to go out to the peripheries.” Father Sylvestre, who serves as the postulator for Venerable Rosalie’s cause and is a member of Sainte Marie Council 3258 in Montreal, said, “In welcoming and taking care of single mothers, who were ostracized by society at the time, Rosalie Cadron-Jetté heroically lived the Christian virtues.” Rosalie lavished “the tireless mercy of God,” he added, on all who knocked at her door. 22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
RURAL ROOTS Born Jan. 27, 1794, on a farm north of Montreal, Rosalie was the eldest of Rosalie Roy and Antoine Cadron’s two surviving children. Like most girls of her time, Rosalie acquired life skills from her mother, who was a midwife. At age 17, she married 33-year-old Jean-Marie Jetté, and the couple was blessed with six children. Then began a period marked by “great darkness,” according to Father Sylvestre. In 1823-4, the family moved to a farm in St. Hyacinthe to expand their property for their children. However, due to a number of administrative irregularities regarding the property title, the Jettés ended up losing both their new farm and their money. During this time, they also lost their seventh child, who was stillborn. In dire straits, the family moved to Montreal to find refuge with JeanMarie’s brother, Paul. It was there that they began attending the newly constructed St. Jacques Church, where Father Ignace Bourget was both the rector and the bishop’s secretary. The 27-yearold priest would become Rosalie’s spiritual director. While Jean-Marie and Rosalie worked diligently to make ends meet, tragedy awaited them at every turn. Between 1825 and 1832, Rosalie gave birth to four more children, all of whom died in childhood by 1836. In 1832, a cholera epidemic claimed her husband, and her mother died in 1838. By this time, Rosalie’s surviving children were adults, so the 44-year-old widow dedicated her time to serving both God and neighbor. That wasn’t out of the ordinary for Rosalie. Up to this point in her life, biographies list numerous anecdotes of good works extended to those in need by Rosalie and her family, not only during their comfortable rural life, but also during their
Photo courtesy of the Archives of the Misericordia Sisters, restored by Micheline Leclerq
by Eric Durocher
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Toddlers and babies in the care of the Misericordia Sisters are pictured in a Montreal nursery circa 1909. • Opposite page: Mother Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, foundress of the Misericordia Sisters, is pictured in the only extant photograph of the Canadian nun, taken in Montreal shortly before her death in 1864.
Photo by T.G. Proulx, courtesy of the Archives of the Misericordia Sisters
difficult urban existence. Even the bungled farm deal elicited a compassionate response from Rosalie: “It is better to forgive this man rather than have him punished by the law and bring dishonor upon his family.” Her charitable disposition, enduring faith and remarkable courage in the face of hardship certainly made an impression on her spiritual director, who, by 1840, had became Montreal’s second bishop. THE PLIGHT OF UNWED MOTHERS The 1840s were not hospitable to unmarried women who were “in the family way.” Mother and child were typically treated as outcasts. Most unwed mothers or their families sought to avoid what was perceived as a disgrace by concealing the pregnancy, and many babies were dropped off under cover of night at orphanages. Others were abandoned or even killed. Some single mothers, however, confessed to Bishop Bourget and pleaded for his help. He turned to the widow Jetté, confident that she would treat them with compassion and find a safe, welcoming place for them. Rosalie, a midwife’s daughter and the mother of 11 children, was well equipped for this delicate mission. From 1840-45, she assisted 25 women, after which the bishop asked Rosalie if she would establish a religious community dedicated uniquely to this ministry. “With no other resource but her faith,” Father Sylvestre said, Rosalie responded with a “yes” filled with “hope, obedience and abandonment to God’s will.”
In 1845, Rosalie convinced her son, Pierre, to let her use the unfinished attic of the house he had just rented. With sparse resources and the help of a companion, Rosalie welcomed 33 women that first year. The refuge was both inadequate and impractical, and a series of moves took place over the next five years before land could be purchased to build a proper maternity home and convent. After the first year of religious formation (1846-47), eight sisters took the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, together with a fourth vow to serve poor, single mothers. With a view to forming “a corps of midwives,” they soon began formal medical training in obstetrics and gynecology. As a fledging community, the Misericordia Sisters endeavored to carry out their ministry discreetly, for the public was neither supportive of their cause nor charitable. The sisters were often mocked publicly and accused of “encouraging vice” as they brought newborns to be baptized at Notre-Dame Church and then to the Grey Nuns orphanage. Still, material aid and moral support came from some who were steered toward the congregation by Bishop Bourget. Rosalie, who took the name Sister Marie of the Nativity, did not serve as superior of the congregation after the initial year. However, in 1858 Bishop Bourget recognized her as the foundress of the community and honored her with the title of Mother. THE MISERICORDIA MISSION TODAY Although the Misericordia Sisters ceased training to become midwives in 1861, their charism had taken root and would soon spread. At the time of Mother Rosalie’s death in 1864, the conJANUARY 2015
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gregation numbered 47 members in various stages of formation. A century later, the Misericordia Sisters numbered about 400 religious. By the 1950s, they had founded 14 hospitals with accommodations for single mothers (six in the United States, eight in Canada) and would later open two clinics in Africa and a center for women with day care services in Ecuador. In the process, the International Misericordia Family was also formed, comprising 14 branches that included an international prayer network and groups for collaborators and parents. “It’s a spiritual community that is much bigger than our current congregation of 80 sisters,” said Sister Monique Lallier, superior general. “It’s quite extraordinary.” One of these branches, the Heritage Group, comprises seven institutions, representing some of the hospitals and maternity homes formerly operated by the sisters. These members continue to serve their communities by drawing upon the spirit of mercy advocated by Mother Rosalie and her congregation. Rosalie Hall, an agency in Toronto, is one such member. Now in its centennial year, it serves more than 2,400 clients annually, and still operates a residence for single mothers-to-be. When its maternity department was slated for closure, the public came to Rosalie Hall’s support and helped convince the adjacent hospital — Scarborough General, originally founded by the Misericordia Sisters — to maintain it. “The staff made an impassioned and convincing presentation to the hospital,” recalled Stephen Ward, who has served on the 24 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
agency’s board for 16 years. “Rosalie Hall strives to live up to the audacity that Mother Rosalie brought to her mission. Her spirit steers our ship.” The facility also receives faithful support from the local Knights of Columbus, according to Ward, who is a member of St. Joseph Highland Creek Council 11525. “The Knights’ commitment to life resonates with Rosalie Hall’s spiritual mission,” he said. Ten local councils give annual donations to the agency, and both Knights and their wives are among the agency’s numerous volunteers. Although the congregation is aging, the sisters are optimistic that their particular ministry will continue, especially as Venerable Rosalie’s inspiring life and mission become more widely known. “Our world today has a very poor sense of life,” Sister Lallier said, “but for Rosalie, it’s all about life. She provides us with a model of the love of life.” According to Father Sylvestre, Mother Rosalie was a woman of few words, but “her actions were in perfect accord with her words.” She was truly a mother to those she served, Father Sylvestre added. “When food was scarce,” he said, “Rosalie would fast so that the moms could eat. She was fond of saying that ‘Single mothers are the treasure of the house.’”♦ ERIC DUROCHER is editor emeritus of the Catholic Times, Montreal.
Photos by Ingrid Punwani
Left: An expectant mother is pictured with a counselor at Rosalie Hall, a Toronto agency that serves young mothers and their babies in the spirit of Mother Rosalie. • Above: A young mother and her son meet together with a counselor at Rosalie Hall.
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Twin Blessings Seeking to adopt a child following medical difficulties, a K of C couple received an unexpected gift by Kevin DiCamillo
Photo by Steve Hockstein/Harvard Studio Photography
fter my wife, Alicia, and I were married, we were look- born twins from Peru, but born right here in Passaic!” I said ing forward to welcoming the children that God would in response, “My wife and I can’t afford to raise twins, but send to our family. Yet we never expected the challenges that thanks for calling.” Five minutes later, my wife called to say we confronted when I was diagnosed with cancer. Following she had gotten the same call, but her reaction was very difsurgery and months of radiation, doctors told us that we ferent: “Isn’t this great?” she cried. “Twins! A boy and a girl! would not be able to conceive. Amid the heartbreak, we This is perfect!” began to explore adoption. I tried to explain to her that we simply did not have the We checked out private agencies for domestic and foreign money and energy to raise twins. One child would stretch adoption, but chose a more affordable option close to home: us; twins, I feared, would break us. We failed to resolve our the New Jersey state adopdifferences over the phone, tion agency. After spending and our disagreement conthousands of dollars on my tinued that evening when a cancer treatments, this state worker came to our seemed like the most sensihome. Finally, the counble path. As with most selor said, “Tomorrow, go things in life, there were to the hospital and either good and bad aspects, and leave with both twins or in the end, we received a neither.” surprise that only God Little did I suspect in my could have arranged. stubbornness that the Holy The process began when Spirit was working in a a social worker came to our mysterious way. home with a big book of The next day, when I photos and information on found out that my wife The author and his family are pictured at their home in New Jersey. the children available. The had called the agency and process was agonizing: The asked for the twins to be children were almost all over 5 years old, and many had brought to our house, I was upset, uncertain and prepared physical or intellectual disabilities. My wife and I felt awful to hold my ground. Yet when I saw those 6-day-old babies and almost un-Christian declining one child after another, asleep on our bed, God touched my heart and made it one because we had our own mental picture of what our child with my wife’s. It didn’t matter where these sweet babies should look like. But we also had to be realistic and realize came from; or how we’d ever afford both of them; or that that with my precarious health and our financial situation, we’d have the state in our home for monthly inspections. we could not responsibly adopt a child with special needs. They were ineluctably ours. It didn’t seem right to adopt out of a sense of obligation or Suddenly, I was a father twice over. We immediately called guilt, and we didn’t want to do something just to make our- our pastor, who came over to baptize the infants in case the selves look like heroes to the world. state decided to take them back. Seven years later, Agnes and Like many other adoptive parents, we had our hearts set Giovanni Paolo are now preparing for their first Communion. on an infant whom we could raise as our own from the crib. Somehow we are making it work. My wife works nights The social workers with whom we worked didn’t hold out as a respiratory therapist while I work from home and care much hope of this happening due to the high abortion rate for the kids. Through it all, I have learned to accept God’s and the dwindling stigma attached to teen pregnancy that unexpected blessings.♦ has resulted in more young mothers keeping their babies. Although I continued to hope and pray, I demurred when KEVIN DICAMILLO, a freelance writer and editor in northern New a state counselor called me at work and said, “We have new- Jersey, is a member of Don Bosco Council 4960 in Brooklyn, N.Y. FIND ADDITIONAL ARTICLES AND RESOURCES FOR CATHOLIC MEN AND THEIR FAMILIES AT FATHERSFORGOOD. ORG .
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Ohio, created a display with prayer cards for each of the 39 seminarians currently studying for the diocese. After Mass on the First Friday of each month, St. John Church conducts adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the display requests that each participant take one of the prayer cards and pray for that particular seminarian during the Holy Hour. THE POWER TO SEE
The Manitoba State Council held an official dedication ceremony for its new “Culture of Life” billboard, located on the Trans-Canada Highway east of Winnipeg. Archbishop Emeritus James V. Weisgerber, Archbishop Albert LeGatt of Saint-Boniface and Ukrainian Archbishop Lawrence D. Huculak of Winnipeg collectively blessed the billboard and its message promoting the sacredness of life. Councils throughout the province contributed funds toward the billboard.
Bennington (Vt.) Assembly presented the Veterans Outreach and Family Resource Center with a donation of $950. Funds for the donation were raised at an assembly-sponsored meat loaf dinner, which also increased community awareness of the center. Created in 2007, the Veterans Outreach and Family Resource Center helps veterans and their families obtain the benefits they’ve earned and even has a 24-hour crisis line. FOR THE HOMELESS
Christ the King Council 14130 in Lexington, Ky., began placing donation boxes for toiletries for the homeless at local churches. Parishioners donated soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, deodorant and other necessi26 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
ties that the Knights then gave to outreach centers. In total, the council collected 3,343 items. PARISH FASHION SHOW
Barney Gonyea Council 7109 in Safety Harbor, Fla., cooked and served lunch at the annual Espiritu Santo Church Fashion Show Feb. 8. Knights cooked 280 meals for the event and also donned their tuxedos to act as servers and fashion model escorts. The show raised more than $9,000 to benefit Suncoast Hospice and other parish charities. APPRECIATION NIGHT FOR WIVES
East Hanover (N.J.) Council 6504 held its annual wives’ appreciation night, where all council wives received gifts donated by local merchants
and a red rose presented by their husbands. The event is a way for council members to express their appreciation for their wives’ willingness to share their husbands with the community. ‘SOUPER BOWL’
Father McGivney Council 6392 in Marlboro, N.J., held its first-ever Souper Bowl weekend at St. Gabriel Church, collecting soup and other non-perishable food items to benefit the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Parishioners donated 566 pounds of food, $577 in cash and $280 in grocery store gift cards. PRAYING FOR VOCATIONS
In order to promote and support vocations in the Diocese of Columbus, St. James Council 2299 in Logan,
Members of Msgr. Jerome J. Reddy Council 6569 and John Paul II Assembly, both in Tequesta, Fla., cut weeds from a suffocating tree at the home of a 97-year-old parishioner from St. Jude Church. Over several workdays, Knights removed debris and years of overgrowth from the property.
UPPER LET: Andy Telli/Tennessee Register
Marlboro (Mass.) Council 81 presented a Smart Brailler to a blind 4-year-old boy and his family. In conjunction with the Marlboro Early Childhood Center, the council donated the braillewriter, which allows a family to share the Braille learning experience with their child. The device produces Braille while simultaneously displaying large print and audio feedback.
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district presented a $10,000 check to Tepeyac Family Center to purchase a new exam table and ultrasound machine probes. MEDICAL BENEFITS
Ray Bodnar of St. Michael’s Council 4548 in Newark, Del., displays some of the soda can tabs that the council collected to support the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. Bodnar leads the council’s drive to collect the tabs, which help defray the cost of operating the facility. Last year, Knights collected more than 14,000 pounds of tabs, which amounts to approximately $7,000 in aid.
Havre (Mont.) Council 1644 cooked a spaghetti supper to raise funds for two local families, one with two children diagnosed with possible muscular dystrophy and the other with a child with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Wives of council members provided desserts, and the event raised $3,400 to help offset the families’ expenses. In addition, the council raised $1,500 to defray the medical expenses of its parish maintenance man, who is in Seattle waiting for a heart transplant. HAITI MEDICAL APOSTOLATE
Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, St. Joseph the
UPPER LET: Andy Telli/Tennessee Register
Flushing (Mich.) Council 8489 donated $3,422 to TommysHeart.org, a free heart-screening program for young people in central Michigan that was started by Knights after the death of a council member’s son at age 17. TommysHeart.org has screened more than 1,000 children and found 13 with critical cardiac ailments. The screenings include an EKG, ECHO and family history review by a physician. The council raises funds to support the initiative at several events throughout the year. SUPPORTING LIFE
Councils in Virginia District #18 worked with their pastors over the past year to raise funds for pro-life initiatives in the Diocese of Arlington. After nearly 12 months of hard work, the
Bill Wicke of Msgr. Edward Dolan Council 8781 in Knoxville, Tenn., unloads a wheelchair from the Global Wheelchair Mission during a delivery made by Tennessee Knights. K of C units from throughout the state have raised money in recent years to buy wheelchairs for VA hospitals and for needy recipients in countries like Mexico. During the state council’s most recent meeting, officers presented the Global Wheelchair Mission with $21,000. Also pictured are: Joe Fertitta of Gallatin Council 10010 and John Park of St. Edward Council 9586 in Nashville.
Worker Council 10921 in Orefield, Pa., has co-sponsored an annual primary care medical clinic apostolate in Haiti, which is comprised of a team of Orefield doctors and nurses who provide medical care to people in Port-auPrince. Council 10921 contributes to the apostolate every year by praying for the mission at around-the-clock adoration, organizing transportation for the team to and from the airport, and raising funds to purchase medicine and supplies.
St. Joseph’s Council 15760 in Alice, Texas, held a carne guisada plate fundraiser with great support by council members. The council donated all necessary items for the meal and raised more than $1,700 for its parish.
RETURNING VETERANS Wallace Connor and Gary Lincoln of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Council 11080 in West Brookfield, Mass., create a frame for a new bulkhead door at the rectory of Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church. When Knights discovered that the old bulkhead door was rusted through and leaking, they took steps to replace it. Council members built up the basement stairs and the foundation and installed the new door.
Father George F. Moynihan Assembly in North Myrtle Beach, S.C., presented a check for $2,100 to the Veterans Welcome Home & Resource Center, which helps returning veterans find jobs and acclimate back into civilian life. Funds for the donation came from selling Christmas wreaths in the weeks leading up to the holiday season. Over the past several years, the assembly has donated close to $10,000 to the center.
Members of Father Victor C. Cote Council 9671 in Windsor, Ontario, repair the roof of the machine shed at Good Shepherd Church. Knights made a number of repairs to parish buildings, including the ceiling outside the pastor’s office. Members also reinstalled the main cross behind the altar following roof leaks in that area.
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John T. Savage Council 848 in Jackson, Miss., presented the final installment of a $33,000 pledge to restore the “Keys to the Kingdom” stained glass window at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. The council pledged the funds three years ago as part of the cathedral’s restoration project. The Knights raised the funds through pancake breakfasts, Lenten fish fries, “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnet sales, baseball family night ticket sales, raffles and the council’s own savings account.
its parish and invited other area councils to participate. During Mass, council members heard a homily on the ethos of being “Knights of Christ.” They gathered for refreshments following the liturgy and to discuss ideas for programming and joint activities. BASKETBALL TRIP Members of Father Robert Patrick O’Hara Council 9137 in Sherwood, Oregon., hammer white crosses into the ground as part of a pro-life display. The crosses represent the thousands of lives that are lost to abortion each year. Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Assembly provided an honor guard for the blessing of the crosses.
Father Richard E. Gubbels Council 15603 in Ankeny, Iowa, helped remove the pews from St. Mary of the Visitation Church, which closed in early 2013, in preparation for moving them to St. Luke the Evangelist Church, more than two hours away. Knights volunteered to remove the pews from the parish center and load them into trucks. From there, they were put into stor-
age and shipped gradually to Iowa Prison Ministries, who will refinish the pews over the coming months. RECOGNIZING WIDOWS
Members of St. Peter’s council 2438 in Trenton, Ontario, gathered with their wives, local clergy and friends to pay tribute to the widows of deceased council members. The evening began with Mass at the council’s social hall. Guests then moved to the dining area for a gourmet meal prepared and served by the Knights. As dinner concluded, each widow was recognized and presented with a gift of roses by the grand knight.
Our Lady of Fatima. The council planned an hourlong event that included a Marian hymn, opening remarks by the council’s grand knight and a recitation of the rosary. Around 200 people attended. FRATERNAL MASS
St. Hedwig the Queen Council 15268 in Rzeszow, Poland, sponsored a solemn Mass at
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Cranston (R.I.) Council 1738 donated new robes for each of the altar servers at St. Matthew Church. ROSARY RALLY
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Council 11125 and the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Fla., hosted their annual Rosary Rally in honor of Mary under the title
Mark Hagman Council 15241 in Mayerthorpe, Alberta, spent 11 months renovating the meeting room at its parish. Knights replaced the flat meeting room roof with a peaked one, gutted the interior to replace old wiring, removed a wall to gain more space and added more lighting overall. CROSS RESTORED
SERVERS’ ROBES Three students from Billingsville Elementary School in Charlotte, N.C., smile after receiving new coats through the Order’s Coats for Kids program. St. Thomas Aquinas Council 10505, Our Lady of the Assumption Council 11102 and St. Mark Council 12654 in Huntersville teamed up to purchase 48 coats for needy children at the school.
For the third consecutive year, Onawa-Blencoe (Iowa) Council 6249, West Monona High School, the Kiwanis Club and Fiesta Food cosponsored a bus trip to the CenturyLink Center in Omaha for a basketball game between the Creighton University Bluejays and the Chicago State Cougars. Due to the sponsors’ generosity, 21 high school students enjoyed the game along with free transportation and sack lunches.
Members of St. Pius X Council 11101 in Greensboro, N.C., load Thanksgiving turkeys into a truck at a local grocery store. The council brought 162 turkeys to St. Pius X Church and delivered them to needy members of the community, along with vegetables, potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
L’Islet (Québec) Council 3454 restored the town’s cross of Christ the King in honor of the cross’ 70th anniversary. In 1943, the town priest, Father J.E. Laurent Morin, and his brothers erected the cross in honor of the 100th anniversary of the cross of Temperance in a neighboring village. The current restoration is intended to show the town’s appreciation to the Morins’ descendants.
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In partnership with Goshen Elementary School, Bishop Flaget Council 13053 in Prospect, Ky., held a diaper drive to benefit the St. Bernadette Catholic Church diaper bank. The school’s 700 students collected about 12,000 diapers, and several Knights filled three large vehicles with packs of diapers and transported them to the diaper bank warehouse. The diaper bank provides diapers to mothers in need at local agencies and pregnancy centers. BLOCK ROSARY
Our Lady of Grace Council 5617 in Caloocan City, Luzon, processes with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima around the city as part of the council’s weekly Block Rosary program aimed at fostering Marian devotion among families. The statue visits K of C homes every Sunday, where Knights and their families pray the rosary and other prayers before Our Lady is borne in procession through the streets to the home of the next welcoming Knight. HELPING SISTERS
Father Arnold Kosco Council 12808 in West Bloomfield, Mich., donated $12,815 to the cloistered Dominican sisters at the nearby Blessed Sacrament Monastery. The council raised the money through a fund drive and its own direct contributions. TRAINING MISSIONARIES
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Council 13145 in Baton Rouge, La., raised $5,400 through a raffle program to assist with the education of 26 seminarians who serve the Church in Louisiana, Europe, Latin America and Africa. Similarly, Las Cruces (N.M.)
and quail to raise money for vocations. To date, the council has raised more than $6,500. Holy Family Council 2630 in Odin, Kan., provides the hunting property for the trip and receives part of the proceeds from the program for its own vocations support initiatives. PRO-LIFE BILLBOARD
Members of Lock Haven (Pa.) Council 1774 pour cement for the foundation of a new parish picnic pavilion that the council erected for Holy Spirit Parish. The new Catholic community combines two local churches that were consolidated into one. The council donated more than $6,000 and many volunteer hours to construct the pavilion.
Msgr. Thomas J. McCann Council 2663 in Newton, Iowa, set up a billboard along a major interstate that reads, “Pro Mom, Pro Baby, Pro Life.” The billboard was erected in memory of a council member’s wife who passed away in 2010. LETTING SPIRITS FLOW
Council 1226 hosted a raffle that raised $2,000 to support four seminarians studying for the Diocese of Las Cruces. MEDICAL MISSION TO HAITI
Montgomery Council 2323 in Derwood, Md., raised more than $2,000 for St. Francis of Assisi Church’s medical mission to Haiti. The funds will be used to purchase medication and vitamins; supplies and equipment; provide salary for a nurse; and cover hospital expenses for patients. PARISH BENEFIT
Father Irénée Bouchard Council 8189 in Beresford, New Brunswick, prepared 225 meals for a council-sponsored benefit dinner. The event raised $2,225 for Holy Name of Jesus Parish. CLOTHES FOR MIGRANTS
San Pedro and San Pablo Council 15218 in Matamoros, Mexico Northeast,
collected clothing and coats for clients served by Casa del Migrante, a service of the Diocese of Matamoros that provides services to migrant workers. Knights and their families collected clothing and coats over the course of a month. All items were then offered free to those who needed them.
Mother Seton Council 5427 in Washington Township, N.J., hosted a charity wine tasting that raised $5,200 for a local family whose son has cerebral palsy and $3,500 for the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Foundation.
Coldwater (Ohio) Council 1991 sponsored a 5K run for vocations at the St. Charles Center in Celina. The event attracted more than 50 local participants and began with a presentation of the colors by St. Gaspar del Bufalo Assembly in Minster. The run raised $1,300 for diocesan vocations. HUNTING FOR VOCATIONS
Holy Spirit Council 8334 in Lees Summit, Mo., held its annual hunting trip for vocations. Council members make a yearly trip to central Kansas to hunt pheasants
Volunteer optometrists help detainees at Molino Jail in Bacoor City read flash cards during a vision checkup hosted by Sañto Niño de Molino Council 9926 in Bahayang, Luzon. More than 120 inmates were able to receive free eye exams as a result of the project.
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Holy Cross Council 5423 in Burnaby, British Columbia, hosted a baby shower to benefit local crisis pregnancy centers. The council filled six playpens with baby and maternity items valued at $1,973 and donated them to the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Burnaby and New Westminster.
St. Padre Pio Council 13443 in Kleinburg, Ontario, created an exhibit depicting the exploits of Christopher Columbus and Venerable Michael McGivney in the entrance foyer of its church. The display includes a statue and relic of the Order’s founder, Fourth Degree regalia, a replica of Columbus’ sword, and models of the Pinta, Niña and Santa Maria. The display was dedicated with a special Mass and luncheon for members and their families.
Sts. Peter and Paul Council 13961 in Wheat Ridge, Colo., presented Sts. Peter and Paul School with a check for $1,200 to replace some of the windows at the school. The new windows will help the school maintain a more
Members of Father Peter A. Welling Council 13576 in Lincoln, Neb., cut bur oak and walnut logs into boards to create pews for a new church that is under construction in the area. To save on fabrication costs, Father Troy Schweiger envisioned a plan to have all of the church’s pews, cabinets, doorframes and doors made locally. Knights harvested 48 trees for the project and helped with other aspects of the fabrication, including cutting and drying the wood.
consistent temperature in order to foster a more comfortable learning environment. Funds for the donation were raised at a council-sponsored dinner. KNOCKING OUT HOMELESSNESS
Gary MacDonald and Gordon Sears of St. Vincent de Paul Council 11456 in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, use a pressure washer to clean a Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s League sign in front of St. Vincent de Paul Church. The Catholic community built the sign to show support for Canadian troops deployed in Afghanistan. Washing the sign was the first step in a refurbishment project in which the sign was repainted and the decals replaced. 30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
St. Matthew Council 14360 in Norwalk, Conn., partnered with Title Boxing for a 60-minute “power hour” workout to benefit Homes for the Brave, a series of shelters and transitional housing for the homeless. For a $20 donation, individuals could take part in the workout, which raised $350 to help fight homelessness. CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS
When St. John the Evangelist Church sought to update its parish kitchen, it called upon Father Robert Faucher Council 5162 in Hudson, N.H., to offset some of the construction expenses. The council presented the church’s pastor with a check for $4,000 to put toward the work. Similarly,
when St. Kathryn Parish replaced its fire suppression system, the council contributed $10,000 toward the project. CIRCLES OF ROSARY
Sts. Peter and Paul Council 11337, Christ the King Council 12214 and Bishop Scalabrini Council 15329, all in Mississauga, Ontario, provide ongoing support to The Circles of Rosary, a group that promotes devotion to the rosary and evangelization in church, school and family life. Knights have donated posters and rosaries, and have volunteered as mentors for the program.
Members of San Isidro Labrador Council 10159 in Agusan, Mindanao, assembled bamboo scaffolding in preparation for a repainting project at their church. The council’s parish priest requested that the Knights lead the repairs of the church in preparation of St. Isidore’s feast day in May. CEMETERY EXPANSION
Shippagan (New Brunswick) Council 3514 donated $50,000 to St. Jerome Parish to purchase more land for the parish cemetery. The church had wanted to expand its cemetery for some time but never had the resources to purchase the adjacent land. Funds for the donation came from the council’s bingo earnings.
Marian Council 3827 in Richfield-Bloomington, Minn., hosted its annual vocations fundraiser, which netted $7,000 for St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul. One hundred thirty seminarians attended the event, helping to serve spaghetti to patrons and entertaining the guests with songs.
Our Lady of Victory Council 5613 in Tallmadge, Ohio, hosted a pancake breakfast that served more than 160 people and raised $675 to purchase teaching resources for the religious education program at Our Lady of Victory Church.
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Members of St. Augustine Council 4317 in Baliuag, Luzon, cut planks of wood while reconstructing a house in a barrio neighborhood. The council is reviving a tradition of Bayanihan in the community, a practice that refers to a spirit of communal unity toward a goal. Specifically, Knights are helping to rebuild and repair homes for the area’s most needy residents.
APRIL 1973 COVER: Painting by Bill Edwards — PEARSON: Photo by Leonard Lueras
North American Martyrs Council 8718 in Williamstown, N.J., hosted a beef and beer fundraiser for a 20year military veteran who was exposed to chemical weapons while serving in the Middle East. George A. Bushman Jr. now has terminal cancer and is facing mounting medical bills. The fundraiser netted more than $5,500 to help Bushman and his family put his affairs in order. ‘TAPS AND TAILS’
In partnership with Ogden Tap Room, Father Bernadine Golden Council 12921 in Wallace, N.C., co-hosted the first-ever Taps and Tails Festival to raise more than $550 for Catholic Charities. The event featured a low country shrimp boil; beer, wine and liquor tastings; and entertainment from local musical groups. HONORING PRIESTS, RELIGIOUS
Bishop W. Thomas Larkin Council 4727 in Jacksonville, Fla., hosted a special Mass,
ceremony and dinner in honor of local priests and religious. Knights, with assistance from Arlington Circle 2121, prepared and served a pork loin dinner for all those in attendance. The Boys Choir from Resurrection Church provided the evening’s entertainment.
April 1973
FEATURE ARTICLE In the first major pro-life issue following the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling on Jan. 22, 1973, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Willke penned the article “Abortion is Killing,” for the April 1973 issue. International experts on human sexuality who had spoken at the 1972 Supreme Convention, the couple wrote: “The whole question of human life comes down to this. When a woman begins to suspect she is pregnant, what is she expecting? In her own mind, is it a fetus or an embryo? No. It is only one thing: It is a little baby, and it is going to continue to grow inside her during the days and weeks to come. Proponents of abortion can try to tell women that it is only a fetus, it is only an embryo. But deep inside of them they know it is a baby. It is new life. It is human life. And abortion is killing.”
Bishop Dingman Council 10805 in Council Bluffs, Iowa, held a wild game feed with a variety of exotic dishes that included pheasant enchiladas, moose wellington, Cajun gator, spicy wild boar and venison meat loaf. The event raised $31,000 for 21 charitable organizations in the Council Bluffs area.
kofc.org exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at www.kofc.org/ knightsinaction
FIGHTING FOR LIFE Much like the very issue you’re holding, the Columbia of April 1973 also featured the work that Catholics were doing to preserve life from conception to natural death. In the article “One Man’s Love for Life,” writer Leonard Lueras profiled Robert J. Pearson, a building contractor from Maui, Hawaii, who had set up a home for women in crisis pregnancies. Speaking about his impetus for establishing his pro-life facility, Pearson said in the article, “Lots of people I talk to say: 'You’re against abortion. You must be a Catholic.' But when I was in Salt Lake City, everyone said: 'You must be a Mormon if you're against abortion.' It's a shame that the abortion fight is being pegged as Catholic, Mormon or anything. Although I am glad to hear that many Catholics are standing up for what they believe in, to me it's definitely not a matter of religion. It's simply a matter of human respect for another human being."
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K OF C ITEMS OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS IN THE UNITED STATES THE ENGLISH COMPANY INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment 1-800-444-5632 • www.kofcsupplies.com
LYNCH AND KELLY INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment and officer robes 1-888-548-3890 • www.lynchkelly.com IN CANADA ROGER SAUVÉ INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment and officer robes 1-888-266-1211 • www.roger-sauve.com
Please enroll me in the Father McGivney Guild:
A. Ice Scrapers. This heavy-duty classic ice scraper has a sure-grip ribbed handle and a tough scraping blade made from 1/4” thick polystyrene. The scraper is 10” long and 4” wide with a translucent blue blade and red handle that is printed with the emblem of the Order in white. (A personalized version is also available at KnightsGear.com for bulk orders of 200 pieces or more.) — $2
NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POSTAL CODE Complete this coupon and mail to: The Father McGivney Guild, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326 or enroll online at: www.fathermcgivney.org
OFFICIAL JAN. 1, 2015: To owners of Knights of Columbus insurance policies and persons responsible for payment of premiums on such policies: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Section 84 of the Laws of the Order, payment of insurance premiums due on a monthly basis to the Knights of Columbus by check made payable to Knights of Columbus and mailed to same at PO Box 1492, NEW HAVEN, CT 06506-1492, before the expiration of the grace period set forth in the policy. In Canada: Knights of Columbus, Place d’Armes Station, P.O. Box 220, Montreal, QC H2Y 3G7 ALL MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOS, ARTWORK, EDITORIAL MATTER, AND ADVERTISING INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MAILED TO: COLUMBIA, PO BOX 1670, NEW HAVEN, CT 06507-0901. REJECTED MATERIAL WILL BE RETURNED IF ACCOMPANIED BY A SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE AND RETURN POSTAGE. PURCHASED MATERIAL WILL NOT BE RETURNED. OPINIONS BY WRITERS ARE THEIR OWN AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES — IN THE U.S.: 1 YEAR, $6; 2 YEARS, $11; 3 YEARS, $15. FOR OTHER COUNTRIES ADD $2 PER YEAR. EXCEPT FOR CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PAYMENT IN U.S. CURRENCY ONLY. SEND ORDERS AND CHECKS TO: ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, PO BOX 1670, NEW HAVEN, CT 06507-0901.
32 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
B. Warm Winter Jacket (personalized). With this jacket, you’ll stay warm and dry, and look good too! It has a 100% ripstop nylon shell with Taslan nylon accents and is fully seamed for added waterproof protection. Two ounces of polyfill insulation in the body with a 100% polyester Sherpa fleece lining, and three ounces of polyfill in the sleeves will keep you warm. The jacket features a zip-off hood, a storm flap, four zippered pockets, and a drop tail hem with drawcord and toggle for adjustability. It is available in black with either the emblem of the Order or the Fourth Degree emblem on the left chest. Your council or assembly name and number will be embroidered around the emblem. — XS-XL: $75, 2X: $77, 3X: $78, 4X: $79
C. Camo Fleece Beanie. Made of 100% polyester fleece, this beanie has an anti-pill finish for lasting wear and is perfect for times when you want warmth without bulk or weight. Great for early morning outings or layered under a helmet or hat. Official licensed Mossy Oak pattern and embroidered with “Knights of Columbus” in bright orange thread. — $9 each
Order these and other items online at:
knightsgear.com Questions? Call: 1-855-GEAR-KOC (855-432-7562)
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Building a better world one council at a time Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.
Alfredo G. Illustrisimo of San Isidro Magsasaka Council 13150 in Ibabang, Luzon, holds the Philippine Flag while parishioners sing the national anthem during Sunday Mass at St. Raphael the Archangel Church. Knights donated a flag, complete with flagpole and stand, to the church since the national anthem is always sung at Sunday Mass.
“K NIGHTS IN A CTION ” H AVEN , CT 06510-3326
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DAN ROGERS Seminarian, Diocese of San Bernadino, Calif.
Photo by Daniele Rose
I think deep down we all want to make a difference. Through grace, I was able to honestly ask God what this would mean for my life. After working with NET Ministries for two years and helping to lead retreats for young Catholics around the country, I decided to pursue a vocation to the priesthood in 2008. I have long been drawn to using media as a tool for evangelization, and I have had many opportunities to incorporate this passion throughout my seminary formation. I have used my talents to create films, websites and presentations, and in 2012, I even helped to co-found a national organization that promotes consecrated life through new media. These experiences have confirmed my desire to bring Christ and his Church to others in a language they can understand. To think that God could use me in such a way brings about a sense of great joy and profound humility. “Lord, your will, not mine!” Responding to a vocation means to enter into a creative relationship with the Holy Trinity: Cooperating with God’s grace, we can transform the world.