Special Olympics
JUNE 2009
And then there were four. Of the hundreds of insurance companies in North America, only four have maintained top ratings by A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s, as well as certification from the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association for ethical business practices. But only one gave $144 million to support Catholic and other charitable causes last year.
Knights of Columbus Insurance
A++ (Superior) A.M. Best
AAA (Extremely Strong) Standard & Poor's
IMSA Certified
JUNE 2009
IN THIS ISSUE OPENING ODE 2 Proclaiming the Dignity of Life BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI
BUILDING A BETTER WORLD 3 A Catholic response to self-destructive secularism BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON
LEARNING THE FAITH, LIVING THE FAITH 4 The Church, the Body of Christ, is a sign of the kingdom of God on earth BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN BISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI
PLUS Catholic Man of the Month, the Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions, Your Spiritual Action Plan and more
CHECKUP 7 Volunteerism: Giving the Gift of Self BY JOHN R. INGRISANO
FATHERS FOR GOOD 12 Special Challenges, Special Gifts BY NEIL SLOAN
Hearts of Gold
In its partnership with Special Olympics, the Order works to change lives and uphold the dignity of all. BY MIKE LATONA
24 Learning from the humility of St. Juan Diego BY MSGR. EDUARDO CHÁVEZ SÁNCHEZ
WELCOMING BROTHER KNIGHTS Some men with intellectual disabilities benefit from membership in the Order. BY ANGELA NOVAK AMADO AND PAM WALKER........................................13 ‘JUSTICE FOR ALL’ Rep. Henry J. Hyde, the late Congressman and Knight, on the defense of human life......................................................................14 A PORTRAIT OF PAUL Throughout the Pauline year, the Church has celebrated the person and teachings of the Apostle to the Gentiles. BY MSGR. JAMES C. TURRO ..........................................................................16
Supreme Council mourns passing of Paul M. McGlinchey • Knight instrumental in rescue from Somali pirates • Cardinal O’Connor Award for pro-life witness
25 REPORTS FROM COUNCILS, SECULAR INSTITUTES: LEAVEN TO THE WORLD Consecrated men and women in secular professions influence the world quietly from ‘within.’ BY GERALD KORSON .....................................................................................18
Preview of 127th Supreme Convention and International Marian Congress Thousands prepare to gather for the Order’s 127th Supreme Convention and first International Marian Congress in Phoenix this August. BY J.D. LONG-GARCÍA AND COLUMBIA STAFF .............................................................20
Proclaiming the Dignity of Life ope Benedict XVI’s first stop during his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land was not at a church or a sacred site where Jesus walked. It was, however, marked by the Lord’s presence. At the Regina Pacis Center, a home for youth with intellectual and physical disabilities in Amman, Jordan, the pope spoke to the young residents and affirmed the compassionate care offered there, saying, “God’s unconditional love, which gives life to every human individual, points to a meaning and purpose for all human life.” This message is of fundamental importance, and there is a desperate need to proclaim it in word and in action. After all, in much of modern society, the “value” of life is often seen as conditional — determined by factors such as a person’s intelligence and self-awareness, as well as by one’s usefulness to society at large. To the contrary, Pope John Paul II observed in his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) that Jesus, in becoming man, revealed God’s immeasurable love for us and the “incomparable value of every human person.” Thus, a person’s dignity is not founded on his intellectual or physical abilities at a certain moment, but rather by the very fact that he is a unique human being created and loved by God. Pope Benedict, like his predecessor, has decried the utilitarian mentality that so often justifies crimes against humanity, and he has called on Christians to both witness to the sanctity of life and to protect the “sanctuary of life,” the family. This call has been enthusiastically accepted by the Knights of Columbus, which from its founding has defended society’s most vulnerable citizens. In recent years, this has been evident in part in the Order’s numerous pro-life initiatives and in the personal efforts of Knights such as Rep. Henry J. Hyde, the late Congressman who fought tirelessly to promote the legal rights of the unborn (see page 14).
Supreme Officers
In a particular way, the fact that every person possesses inviolable dignity, is created in God’s image and is deserving of love has been emphasized by the Knights’ work with programs for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. One such program, with which Knights have assisted from its beginning in 1968, is Special Olympics, an organization that seeks to promote equality and opportunity for people with intellectual disabilities through sports (see page 8). In addition to the volunteer support offered by K of C councils everywhere, the Supreme Council announced a partnership with Special Olympics in 2005. That same year, the Order gave its highest honor, the Gaudium et Spes Award, to Jean Vanier. The sixth person — and first layman — to receive the award, Vanier is the internationally renowned founder of L’Arche, a network of faith-based communities that care for people with developmental disabilities. The second L’Arche community worldwide, and the first in Canada, was founded in 1969. Today, 40 years later, there are 27 such communities in Canada and 16 in the United States. Promoting the dignity of all in our families and in our communities is essential to building an authentic culture of life. Although some would have us believe that human life, dignity and personhood are of conditional and relative value, we must embrace ever more strongly the call to “respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life!” (Evangelium Vitae, 5).
Carl A. Anderson
— Alton J. Pelowski
How to Reach Us
Editor’s Note: Due to an error that occurred during the digital file preparation of the May 2009 issue of Columbia, many of the copies were regrettably printed with incorrect text on two of the pages. Please find the correct text in digital format at www.kofc.org/columbia, or request a corrected copy by sending your name and mailing address to columbia@kofc.org.
Supreme Knight’s Book Club - June 25 - 5 PM (ET) Kick off the Year of the Priest by joining Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson for a discussion of Priests for the Third Millennium (Our Sunday Visitor, 2000, ISBN: 978-0879733193), by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York. The book was compiled from talks that then-Msgr. Dolan presented to seminarians while serving as rector of the Pontifical North American College in Rome, yet its lessons are applicable to everyone. Submit your questions online at www.kofc.org and take part in the discussion Thursday, June 25, at 5 p.m. (ET).
Knights of Columbus
Supreme Knight
Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. Supreme Chaplain
Dennis A. Savoie Deputy Supreme Knight
Donald R. Kehoe Supreme Secretary
John “Jack” W. O’Reilly Jr. Supreme Treasurer
John A. Marrella Supreme Advocate
Editorial Alton J. Pelowski, Managing Editor 203-752-4562 alton.pelowski@kofc.org Patrick Scalisi, Associate Editor 203-752-4485 patrick.scalisi@kofc.org
Graphics Arthur F. Hinckley Jr. Art Director
Richard J. Cesare Senior Designer Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) — Parish Priest, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us.
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Columbia, 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 203-752-4398 FAX: 203-752-4109 columbia@kofc.org www.kofc.org/columbia CUSTOMER SERVICE: 1-800-380-9995 MOVING? Notify your local council. Send your new address and mailing label to: Knights of Columbus, Membership Records PO Box 1670, New Haven, CT 06507-0901
On the Cover Athletes compete in the Special Olympics USA National Games.
The Catholic Response As modern secularism leads to self-destruction, Catholics must work to build a new culture of life
CHRISTOPHER DAWSON, who The Newsweek article focused served as the first Chauncey mainly on the concerns of evangeliStillman Chair of Roman Catholic cal Christians, which it said “have Studies at Harvard University more long believed that the United States than 50 years ago, observed, “Human should be a nation whose political nature always retains its spiritual life is based upon and governed by character…. If it were to lose this, it their interpretation of biblical and must lose itself and become the sertheological principles.” The magavant of lower powers, so that a secuzine also quoted several evangelical lar civilization…inevitably leads to leaders who now refer to a postnihilism and to self-destruction.” He Christian America. continued, “If we look at the world To say that Catholics historicaltoday in isolation from the past and ly have never felt entirely comfortthe future, the forces of secularism able with the evangelical idea of a may seem triumphant. This, howevChristian America would be an er, is but a moment in the life of understatement. But if Dawson is humanity, and it does not possess the correct that secularism cannot propromise of stability and permavide a stable foundation for society, nence” (Dawson, The Formation of and American society appears to be Christendom, 37). rejecting Protestantism as a foundaThese words were written at the tion, what now is to be done? Is secheight of the Cold War, when the ularism or evangelical Christianity forces of militant the only alternatives atheism appeared in for the future? Can Catholics have many ways to be gainCatholics make a ing the upper hand. an opportunity unique contribution to They are worth recallthe common good? ing today, as we seem to help shape For me, the words to be entering a new the future of Pope John Paul II period of secularism. from his great encycliIn an April 13 cal on life, Evangelium Vitae, remain as relevant today as cover story titled “The End of when they were written in 1995: Christian America,” Newsweek “To all the members of the Church, magazine made much of a recent survey that found the percentage the people of life and for life, I make of self-identified Christians has this most urgent appeal, that togethfallen 10 points in the past two er we may offer this world of ours decades. Also notable, according to new signs of hope, and work to Newsweek, is that “fewer people ensure that justice and solidarity now think of the United States as a will increase and that a new culture ‘Christian nation’ than did so of human life will be affirmed, for when George W. Bush was presithe building of an authentic civilizadent (62 percent in 2009 versus 69 tion of truth and love” (6, emphasis percent in 2008).” in original).
Catholics are called to work continually to build up society, to provide new hope and to establish a new culture of life. The key to this, John Paul knew, was for Catholics to form a strong identity and to accept “the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally prolife” (28, emphasis in original). The present situation provides Catholics with an unprecedented opportunity to help shape the future of our country. John Adams once said that the U.S. constitution “was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If this remains true, then we must ask ourselves how Catholics can contribute to the building up of “a moral and religious people.” That answer, John Paul II reminded us, begins with a question that still echoes to us from the very beginning of human society: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9). The future of society depends on how we answer this primordial question. I believe there are no men better prepared to do this than those who live the principles of charity, unity and fraternity; who by their works witness to this truth expressed in Evangelium Vitae: “Yes, every man is his ‘brother’s keeper,’ because God entrusts us to one another” (19). Vivat Jesus!
columbia /june 2009
‘I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church’ The Church, the Body of Christ, is a sign of the kingdom of God on earth BY BISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI, SUPREME CHAPLAIN t Pentecost, the Holy Spirit over- make disciples of all nations, baptiz- times said to have nothing to do with shadowed the Apostles and the ing them in the name of the Father, her real mission. However, the Virgin Mary, and the Church’s and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Second Vatican Council and the mission began in earnest. Henceforth, teaching them to observe all that I Catechism of the Catholic Church Christ lives and acts in and with his have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20). explicitly warn against this error Church, especially through the preach- In preaching the Word and baptizing, (Lumen Gentium, 8; CCC, 771). ing of the Word of God and the celebra- the Church seeks to spread the king- There is only one Church, comprised tion of the sacraments. The Church dom of God among all the nations of of human and divine elements. The the earth. The Preface for visible is the sign of the invisible; the will come to fulfillment when, at the end of time, The 16th installment the feast of Christ the King human is the sign of the divine. she is gathered in exultant of Supreme Chaplain describes this kingdom (for We can see the significance of the which we pray daily when Church as the living sign and instruglory around the throne of Bishop William E. Lori’s faith formation we recite the Our Father) as ment of God’s kingdom when we the Triune God. “a kingdom of truth and reflect on the Church as the people of In the New Testament, program addresses life, a kingdom of holiness God. While we are each rightly conthe Greek word for questions 147-176 of the Compendium of and grace, a kingdom of jus- cerned for our individual salvation, church, ekklesia, is used the Catechism of the tice, love and peace.” 114 times — 65 times by Catholic Church. we are not saved “in isolation” but The Church, however, rather as part of God’s people. The St. Paul alone. The Archived articles are does not only point to the Church as the people of God “has for Compendium tells us that at www.kofc.org. this word “refers to the kingdom of God. Rather, its origin God the Father; for its head people whom God calls the Church is the kingdom Jesus Christ; for its hallmark the digand gathers together from every part of God in seed form. Her mission is to nity and freedom of the children of of the world.” To be sure, it is more engender the kingdom of God within God; for its law the new commandthan a group of like-minded people each of us so that we may live in ment of love; for its mission to be the gathered together to support a cause. “righteousness, peace and joy in the salt of the earth and the light of the Rather, it is an assembly of faith and Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17). At the world; and for its destiny the kingdom worship made up of those “who same time, the Church is an effective of God already begun on earth” through faith and baptism have sign and instrument in accomplishing (Compendium, 153-154). As members become children of God, members of God’s work of “delivering mankind of this people, we come to share in Christ, and temples of the Holy from the powers of darkness” and Christ’s role as priest, prophet and Spirit” (147). As “members of Christ,” transferring the human family “to king. We participate in Jesus’ priestly, we are to glorify God by living our the kingdom of his beloved Son” prophetic and kingly office by offering vocation, faithfully and robustly, for (Col 1:13). Thus we speak of the ourselves, body and soul, as a spirituthe common good. Church as “the universal sacrament al sacrifice to God; by bearing witness There are many beautiful images of salvation” and as a “mystery” in to our faith before the world, and by of the Church found in the New the sense that her spiritual dimension serving the needs of others (155). Testament that have their roots in the can only be understood by faith Old Testament and that attained ful- (Compendium, 151-152). BODY, BRIDE & TEMPLE fillment in Christ. As we will see, Today it is common to separate The principal image of the Church in these images fit together and high- the so-called “institutional” Church the writings of St. Paul is the “Body light a particular facet of the mystery from the so-called “spiritual” of Christ,” which describes the soliof the Church (Compendium, 148). Church. In other words, the day-to- darity of the members of the Church, day visible life of the Church is some- through whom Christ acts. Just as HUMAN AND DIVINE Jesus summarizes the mission of the The Church is an effective sign and Church entrusted to the Apostles in instrument in accomplishing God’s work. these words: “Go, therefore, and
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the human body has many members with different functions, so it is with Christ and his Body, the Church. Each member is to contribute to the life of the Church according to his or her vocation and out of concern for the common good. Just as the fullness of divinity is found in Christ, the head of this body, so too are its members filled with divine life. Christ’s Spirit is the animating principle. Indeed, so close is the union of head and members that St. Augustine spoke of “the whole Christ” and St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, “Head and members form, as it were, one and the same mystical person” (Compendium, 156-157).
Another beautiful image of the Church is “the Bride of Christ,” found principally in the writings of St. Paul but also in the Gospel of Mark (2:19). This image draws on Old Testament passages that speak of the Lord’s spousal love for his people, Israel. In Ephesians 5:22 and following, St. Paul uses the relationship of husband and wife to show how deeply Christ loves the Church to whom he has joined himself in an everlasting covenant. His purifying and life-giving love has made the Church the mother of God’s children (Compendium, 158). A final image to be considered here is the Church as temple of the Holy Spirit. As noted earlier, the Holy
Catholic Man of the Month St. Thomas More (1478-1535) Feast Day: June 22
homas More was born Feb. 6, 1478, to Sir John More and Agnes Grainger in England. His father, a lawyer and judge, afforded Thomas an excellent education but did not believe in indulging his son. As a result, young Thomas became a man of outstanding learning who was also
a good steward and appreciated a simple lifestyle. And although he followed in his father’s footsteps and studied law,Thomas had a marked con-
Spirit dwells within the Church as her animating principle, or “soul.” Thanks to the presence of the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, the Church grows as a place of faith, worship and service constructed of living stones. It is built up by preaching the Word of God, by the sacraments, by virtue and by charisms, those special gifts of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon individuals for the good of others (see Compendium, 160). We give thanks for the Church as “a people brought into unity from the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Lumen Gentium, 4, citing St. Cyprian). May the Lord bless the Church and her members! ■
templative side. He even considered a monastic vocation before entering Parliament in 1504 and marrying in 1505. Due to his intelligence and talent, Thomas More soon attracted the attention of King Henry VIII, who appointed him to a series of prominent public positions. During this time, the Protestant Reformation was spreading across Europe, and More assisted Henry in drafting the theological treatise titled In Defense of the Seven Sacraments. The document, published in 1521, prompted Pope Leo X to confer upon King
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions Offered in solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI ➢➢ General — That international attention towards the poorer countries may give rise to more concrete help, in particular to relieve them of the crushing burden of foreign debt. ➢➢ Mission — That local Church communities serving areas torn by violence may be supported through the love and help offered by Catholics around the world.
Your Spiritual Action Plan Feed the Hungry
n a society marked by conspicuous consumption, it is shocking that so many experience hunger every day. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “the drama of hunger in the world calls Christians who pray sincerely to exercise responsibility toward their brethren, both in their personal behavior and in their solidarity with the human family” (2831). It is thus the responsibility of each Christian not only to “give us (and them) this day our daily bread” in prayer, but also to act decisively so that others may eat. Consider volunteering time and resources to a soup kitchen, food pantry or similar worthy cause. Read: Lk 16:19-31; Mt 25:31-46.
Henry the title “Defender of the Faith.” In 1529, King Henry appointed Sir Thomas More as Lord Chancellor of England, but the king’s personal life and decisions regarding his marriage to Catherine of Aragon soon put the two men at odds. As a result of the royal proclamation that named Henry the supreme head of the Church of England, Sir Thomas resigned as chancellor in 1532 and retired to his home to study and write. Because he refused to sign the Act of Supremacy, however, Sir Thomas More was eventually convicted of high treason and sentenced to death. His friend, St. John Fisher, the bishop of Rochester, likewise refused to sign the act and was beheaded on June 22, 1535. When Sir Thomas faced the same fate on July 6, his final words were: “The king’s good servant, but God’s first.” St. Thomas More was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935, and Pope John Paul II declared him the patron of statesman and politicians in 2000. His feast day is celebrated with St. John Fisher on the anniversary of Fisher’s martyrdom. In his life of ardent prayer and steadfast faith, St. Thomas More stands as a model not only for statesmen, but for all Knights. columbia /june 2009 5
Supreme Council mourns passing of Paul M. McGlinchey
aul M. McGlinchey, who worked at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council headquarters in New Haven, Conn., for 34 years, passed away May 1 after battling cancer. He was 71 years old. A native of New Jersey, McGlinchey joined the staff of the Supreme Council in 1971 as associate editor of Columbia. Paul M. McGlinchey In 1978, he was pro1937-2009 moted to assistant to the supreme knight, a position he held until his retirement in 2005. As administrative assistant to two supreme knights, Virgil C. Dechant and Carl A. Anderson, McGlinchey oversaw business from high-profile events and meetings to day-to-day correspondence, and represented the supreme knight around the world. He also served as a consultant to the Order’s Board of Directors on a number of committees. McGlinchey was past grand knight of Holy Family Council 8882, which is based at the Supreme Council headquarters. In 1985, he was named a Papal Knight of St. Gregory, an honor for distinguished laymen, by Pope John Paul II. Quiet, unassuming and hard-working, Paul McGlinchey was a true Knight and Catholic gentleman. He loved the Church and the Order, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to both. He was a dedicated husband to his wife, Lina, and loving father of three children and grandfather to three. The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by retired Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin of Hartford on May 6 at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, the birthplace of the Order. Supreme Chaplain Emeritus Bishop Thomas V. Daily of Brooklyn, who celebrated the anointing of the sick with McGlinchey days earlier, delivered the homily. ■
Supreme Knight and wife Dorian receive Cardinal O’Connor Award for pro-life witness
rchbishop Timothy M. Dolan, recently installed as head of the Archdiocese of New York, and the Sisters of Life stand with Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and his wife, Dorian. On Friday, May 1, at a banquet following a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dolan, Mother Agnes, superior general of the Sisters of Life, presented the Andersons with the John Cardinal O’Connor Award, given annually in recognition of the contributions of people who have heroically embraced the call to promote the sanctity of human life. The award is named for the Sisters’ founder, the late Cardinal John J. O’Connor, who served as archbishop of New York from 1984 until his death in 2000. The Andersons accepted the award on behalf of all “Knights of Columbus and their families who have exhibited such a stellar determination in the cause for life,” the supreme knight said. Cardinal O’Connor himself was a member of the Knights and received the Order’s highest honor, the Gaudium et Spes Award, in 1994.
Knight instrumental in rescue from Somali pirates
mdr. Frank X. Castellano III (left), commanding officer of the USS Bainbridge and a member of Patchogue (N.Y.) Council 725, stands with Capt. Richard Phillips of the Maersk-Alabama, who was rescued from Somali pirates on Easter Sunday, April 12. As commander of the Bainbridge, Castellano was on the front line of the rescue operation that freed Phillips from the pirates who had taken him hostage four days earlier. To read an exclusive interview with Castellano, visit www.fathersforgood.org. w w w. ko f c .o r g
Volunteerism: Giving the Gift of Self BY JOHN R. INGRISANO, CLU
olunteerism is at the son who has lost a job must feel. heart of the Knights of You may not be able to solve a Columbus. As Catholics person’s problems, but you can and men of faith, Knights are listen and offer support. called to imitate Christ and give • Shop with others in mind. generously of themselves. This When grocery stores offer a buyis especially important today, one-get-one-free special, considwhen so many are struggling er keeping one product for yourfinancially. Indeed, the need for self and donating the other to volunteerism has never been charity. Do the same with cleargreater, which is why Supreme ance sales. When shopping for Knight Carl A. Anderson has new clothes for yourself or your called upon Knights to make family, purchase something else this the Year of the Volunteer. for a family in need. Some may be tempted to • Go on a “shopping spree” ask, “What contribution can I Deputy Grand Knight Peter A. Lombardo of Cargill Council 64 with your children or grandin Putnam,Conn.,loads food into a truck during a K of C-sponpossibly make?” The answer is sored food drive March 21. Knights from Council 64, along children. Give them each a cersimple: If we each contribute a with St. James Council 2883 in Danielson and Msgr. John C. tain amount of money to spend bit of our time, a bit of our tal- Mathieu Assembly in Moosup,helped refill a local food pantry on other children, and then let ents and a bit of our resources, that was nearly empty due to increased demand. them donate the items they we can make an incredible difpurchase. Not only does this ference. Here are just a few ways to help: help those in need, but it also instills in children the • Organize a gleaning project. Talk to the owners and importance of service to others. managers of local grocery stores. Ask that they set Of course, there are countless other ways you can aside specials, clearances and other reduced-price make a difference. Be creative. As President Theodore items. The store can then donate these goods to your Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, where you council (and receive a tax deduction for their value). are, with what you have.” If you follow this advice, Your council, in turn, can deliver the items to local you can make a big difference during the Year of the food banks or other charities. If the store can discount, Volunteer. ■ but not donate the items, consider hosting a fundraisJohn R. Ingrisano is a financial writer and business consultant speer to purchase them. cializing in money management, insurance and retirement plan• Buy a cup of coffee for a neighbor in need and lend a ning. He can be reached at john@thefreestyleentrepreneur. com. listening ear. Imagine how alone and desperate a per-
Some Rules on Tax Deductions
t is important to keep in mind how donations to charity might affect your income tax. Be aware that deduction rules are complex and rife with exceptions. So, be sure to check with your tax advisor before claiming your charitable work and donations as deductions. Here are some rules on tax deductions in the United States, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): • You can only deduct charitable contributions if you itemize your income
taxes. Plus, you can only deduct a cash contribution, regardless of the amount, if you keep a record, such as a canceled check or other documentation that contains the name of the charity, the date of the donation and the amount. • You can deduct out-of-pocket expenses when you serve a qualified organization, such as the Knights of Columbus, as a volunteer. • You generally can deduct the fair market value of property at the time of the contribution. • Your deduction for charitable contributions is generally limited to no more than 50 percent of your adjust-
ed gross income. There are other limitations as well. • You can only deduct the amount of your contribution that is more than the value of any benefit you receive. For example, if you pay $65 for a ticket to a dinner-dance at your parish, and the ticket has a fair market value of $25, then your deductible charitable contribution is $40. • For auto use, you can deduct 100 percent of any out-of-pocket expenses not reimbursed, such as the cost of gas and oil, that are directly related to the use of your car in giving services to a charitable organization. Or you can deduct 14 cents per mile.
columbia /june 2009 7
Matt Carpenter (second from right) stands among medalists at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho, last February.
In its partnership with Special Olympics, the Order works to change lives and uphold the dignity of all B Y M I K E L ATO N A
or a few moments, Matt Carpenter literally disappeared into the mountains of Idaho. Suddenly he burst into sight, hurtling downward and showcasing his ever-improving skiing talent. “I skied in the fog. It was 10 to 15 degrees — very windy, very chilly. But I felt really happy,” recalled Carpenter, who competed in three Alpine skiing events at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise Feb. 613. He came away with two silver medals and one bronze, despite hailing from a warmweather climate and being only a three-year veteran of the slopes. Back in central North Carolina, members of Dr. John Carr Monk Council 7259 in Newton Grove were
surely smiling at the news of Carpenter’s success. These Knights have gotten to know the 25-year-old athlete from nearby Clayton quite well. Council members not only support Special Olympics as volunteers and donors, but also include Carpenter and his fellow athletes in their annual fund drive for people with intellectual disabilities. Carpenter was born with a chromosomal defect known as Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic condition marked by intellectual disability and speech difficulty. His mother, Jill Carpenter, explained that while some “people don’t know how to act around the athletes,” the Knights interact freely with her son and his Special Olympics companions. “They’re so kind and thoughtful,” she added. Council 7259’s efforts typify the massive Orderwide support for programs assisting people with intellectual and physical disabilities — the
leading category for K of C donations and voluntary service. Over the past four decades, the Order has raised and donated more than $382 million to such programs. Yet, it’s the physical presence that matters most of all, according to Timothy P. Shriver, chairman of Special Olympics. “The Knights of Columbus are right in there, rolling up their sleeves,” he said. “The money is important, but it means very little without the relationships. If we don’t have the person-to-person relationships, we will fail.” ‘CHANGING LIVES TOGETHER’ In 2005, nearly 25 percent of all councils and more than 55,000 Knights in the United States and Canada reported volunteering with Special Olympics. That year saw the beginning of a four-year (2005-2008) K of C partnership that committed $250,000 annually to grow Special Olympics in North America and w w w. ko f c .o r g
A Fourth Degree honor guard was present for the ceremonial torch run at the recent Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho. The Knights were invited to wear blue scarves made by people throughout the United States for Special Olympics athletes and volunteers.
other parts of the world, while pledging even more volunteers for state and local games. Earlier this year, the K of C board of directors voted to renew the Order’s partnership over the next four years. Knights and their family members also serve as trainers, coaches, officials, timekeepers, huggers and cheerleaders. They provide uniforms, assist with transportation costs, and stage send-off and welcome-home parties. Just a few of the recent examples of this generosity include: • Cardinal Bernardin Council 12263 in Bluffton, S.C., provided most of the volunteers for the Special Olympics regional track and field event April 24 at Hilton Head High School. According to council member Bill Jaillet, the Knights also ran a Special Olympics bowling tournament that raised $5,000. The council provided numerous volunteers for bowling as well as a road-race fundraiser and Special Olympics tennis competition. “Our brothers love helping the athletes. It gives you a special feeling to see a contestant with multiple handicaps knock down some pins, hit a ball over the net or finish a race,” Jaillet said. “The look on their face lights up the world, and their hugs fill you with a knowledge that God loves all of us.” • Also in South Carolina, Rev. Thomas Tierney Council 6884 in Seneca has assisted for 11 years at the regional Special Olympics at Clemson University — including a
competition April 24 — while also donating several thousand dollars toward operational costs. Council members Jack Concannon and Donald Ricken noted that Knights provide free lunch to all the athletes, volunteers and attendees. Ricken added that the Knights work closely with Special Olympics athletes “to help them improve the quality of their lives, to help them be a part of the community they live in and, most of all, to give them pride in what they are able to accomplish.”
‘The Knights are right in there, rolling up their sleeves. If we don’t have the person-to-person relationships, we will fail.’ • In Texas, members of the Tony Rangel Knights of Columbus Insurance Agency in Houston have cooked and served lunch at the regional Special Olympics basketball tournament for the past 12 years. Agents, their families and Knights from several area councils annually provide hamburgers and hot dogs for more than 650 athletes, coaches and spectators. • Seattle (Wash.) Council 676 served up hot food and refreshments to participants in the state’s Special
Olympics Polar Plunge Jan. 31. The Knights accommodated more than 100 participants, who raised $15,000 for Special Olympics. • In southern Illinois, Tri-Cities Council 1098 in Granite City recently held its annual Special Olympics dinner-dance. Knights served more than 350 athletes and their guests. “State and local council members can be found at virtually all events providing medals, serving food, helping with set-up and countless other volunteer jobs,” said Doug Snyder, director of Special Olympics Illinois. Snyder’s organization, with the assistance of the Illinois State Council, has produced a poignant 11-minute video, “Knights of Columbus and Special Olympics: Changing Lives Together” that features Shriver and Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. The video was released last year as part of Special Olympics’ 40th anniversary. • And at the World Games in Boise earlier this year, Knights volunteered on the slopes and made a splash with their full regalia during the ceremonial torch run, which involved Fourth Degree members from eight cities. “The Games were an incredible success, and there was a very obvious Knights of Columbus presence, particularly at the torch run,” said District Master Chuck Davlin, who coordinated the Knights’ involvement. “I was really pleased with our participation.” columbia /june 2009 9
Steve Goodwin (left), coordinator for Special Olympics in Brunswick County, N.C., presents sponsor plaques to Grand Knight Jack Dambaugh of Our Lady of the Rosary Council 9039 in Shallotte and to Grand Knight Rich Chickillo of Sacred Heart Council 12537 in Southport.
LONGTIME SUPPORT The K of C visibility extends back to the very first International Special Olympics Summer Games, staged at Chicago’s Soldier Field on July 20, 1968. Numerous Knights assisted at the inaugural event, which was conceived and executed by Timothy Shriver’s parents, Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Robert Sargent Shriver, who is a member of Mater Dei Council 9774 in Rockville, Md. The Shrivers launched Special Olympics based on their belief that the special-needs population deserved to be treated with dignity and not indifference, and that through sports their abilities — not their disabilities — would take center stage. Timothy Shriver contended that his parents’ efforts marked a complete reversal of societal attitudes up to that point, acknowledging that the Order took a risk by being involved. “The Knights, they’ve never been afraid,” he said. Approximately 1,000 athletes from throughout the United States and Canada took part in the 1968 Games. Since then, Special Olympics has become a true global movement, with some 3 million male and female athletes in 180 countries competing
in more than 30 Olympic-type sports. The World Games, which are held every two years and alternate between summer and winter, comprise one of the largest sporting events in the world. The recent Winter Games in Boise drew close to 3,000 participants from 100 countries. The 2011 Summer Games will take place in Athens, Greece. This growth has occurred thanks in no small part to the Knights. In fact, Eunice Kennedy Shriver famously stated in 1987, “I don’t think there’s any organization in the country that has given so much in personal help and in financial support to Special Olympics.” That year, the Order provided nearly one-third of the 15,000 volunteers for the International Special Olympics Summer Games at the University of Notre Dame. The Order also made a $250,000 donation, marking the first of several major financial commitments for the worldwide games. In 1995, the Knights contributed $1 million to Special Olympics, as the World Summer Games were held in the Order’s hometown of New Haven, Conn. Knights from across Connecticut and nearby states provided 7,000
volunteers as well as a number of social and cultural events for competitors. More recently, in 2003, the Order provided $1 million to send Team USA, Team Canada and Team Mexico to the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Ireland. How have the Knights come to believe so strongly in this program? A simple eyewitness account of a Special Olympics event is usually all it takes. There, one quickly sees the embodiment of the Special Olympics motto, “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” “The athletes are such a gift,” said Joe Jeronimo of St. Joseph Council 6361 in Bowmanville, Ont. “They are a reminder of what we can accomplish if we give it our best. They never seem to give up, despite their adversity. You watch them and you should be inspired.” Jeronimo’s council, along with two others from the area — St. Jude Council 6052 and St. Gregory Council 2671 — raised $15,000 last year in support of Special Olympics through a longtime cable-television bingo game they operate to raise charitable funds. Sacred Heart Council 12537 in Southport, N.C., regularly volunteers during the Brunswick County Special Olympics, which was held April 25. Mike Samide explained that Knights provide t-shirts and refreshments to athletes, serve as timekeepers, and push wheelchairrace participants. He added that the council expects to raise more than $30,000 this year for people with special needs. Samide said he has witnessed some athletes push themselves to the limit. “There are some kids, it takes them forever to get to the finish line. But you know what? It doesn’t matter,” he explained. “They get to the [award] presentation line with everybody else. They competed.” He added that K of C manpower is plentiful not only based on the Order’s belief in the intrinsic value of each human being, but also because being with the participants is simply a great time: “It’s fun to watch them. They compete against each other, but they support each other so much. It’s a neat thing.” w w w. ko f c .o r g
The Knights of Columbus Olympic Town was a place of relaxation and fun for the thousands of athletes who participated in the 1995 Special Olympics World Games, hosted in New Haven, Conn. More than 7,000 Knights and their families in Connecticut and surrounding states volunteered to make the World Games a success.
ACHIEVING DREAMS As happy as he is with the Knights’ constant support of Special Olympics, Shriver contended that school and governmental leaders have a long way to go toward fully accepting people with disabilities the way his famous family did in the late 1960s. “It’s still a challenge today,” he said. Perhaps more people would get on board with Shriver’s cause if they knew how significantly Special Olympics has changed the lives of people like Matt Carpenter. “Matt was so shy when he was little. He never wanted to have a birthday party because it would have drawn attention to him. That is almost all gone now,” Jill Carpenter said. “He’s got a lot of confidence. … He has tried so many sports and stuck with them.” Matt began competing in Special Olympics after moving with his family from New Jersey to North Carolina in 2001. Among his favorite activities are basketball,
bowling, golf, tennis, volleyball, and track and field. “I like doing everything I can do. I work very hard for it,” Matt said, adding that his current goal is “to get better at golf.”
‘Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.’ He has also made important social connections through Special Olympics, saying, “I know all these great athletes and play all these great games.” That was especially true in Idaho, where his best memories are of “all the great fans and all the cowbells ringing.” Carpenter’s proud family was part of that appreciative crowd. Though the day was foggy, it was very clear to Jill how important his
medal-winning accomplishments were, especially based on the feverish work he put in to master the difficult sport of skiing. “He would fall, and fall, and fall, and fall. Only through his own determination did he say ‘I am going to do this.’ I just think of how much courage he needed to do that,” she said. “I really didn’t know he was capable of all that. If you have children with disabilities you have so many aspirations for them, and then you learn to adjust your expectations. And then, when they go beyond that, it’s like a dam broke. “It was just joyous to watch him come down that mountain.” ■ Mike Latona, a staff writer for the Catholic Courier in the Diocese of Rochester, is a member of Our Lady of the Cenacle Council 3892 in Greece, N.Y. He is currently co-authoring a book titled J-Mac’s Miracle, about the autistic high school basketball team manager who famously scored 20 points at the end of a game in 2006.
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Special Challenges, Special Gifts B Y N E I L S L OA N
times struggled because my son’s disability means t the moment a man becomes a father, he stands that he will not reach common milestones as quickbefore the greatest of mysteries: life itself. He ly as his peers, I have been encouraged by the love may feel the immense honor of the role he is to that my own father gave me. And I have been moved play for his child, yet he cannot help but recognize by the example of other fathers of children with disGod’s role. A father knows that he is not the ultimate abilities whose patience and perseverance with their source of his child’s life, but that there exists a children have helped me face my family’s own chalgreater source, a heavenly Father. lenges. I have seen that all father-son relationships Pope John Paul II reminded us that human fathers are unique and that there is no are called to reflect on the end to the ways in which a fatherhood of God. This is a father can love his son. tall order, a supernatural vocaFinally, I have sought to tion. After all, we are mere natcultivate my son’s personality ural fathers, and we enter to prepare him to become a fatherhood with a mixed bag of loving and valuable member of virtues and vices. We are called society. John Paul II once noted to serve our children with their that a man learns his fatherphysical and spiritual needs, hood through his wife’s mothand to be a source of stability erhood. Witnessing my wife’s and peace for our families. We dedication to caring for my are tested often, and we don’t son’s physical and developalways measure up to God’s mental needs, I have been standard of fatherhood. taught how to recognize my My test began the night my son’s special gifts. son was born. He was brought Having a son with a disabilinto the neonatal intensive care unit and doctors informed Neil and Melissa Sloan,and their son Eddie,live in Silver Spring,Md. ity brings its own particular trials, as well as its own gifts and my wife and me that our son joys. In bringing my son’s spehad Down syndrome. I was cial needs to God, in relying on the witness and supdevastated; I had no answers to the uncertainties port of other men, and in learning from my wife’s running through my mind. As a new father, I wanted motherhood, I have discovered that I have been to help my son and comfort my wife, but didn’t know entrusted with a truly special blessing. My son is a how. Yet over the past 15 months of fatherhood, I powerful witness to God’s love and to the immeasurhave experienced several gifts through which God able wealth of all human life. Seeing my family the Father supports human fathers in their earthly through numerous challenges has led me to recogmission. nize the many gifts God provides to fathers to In facing the challenges of my son’s diagnosis, strengthen their vocation. such as his heart defect and his developmental delays, My many worries about caring for my son’s I quickly discovered that I could not carry my famihealth and development are put in perspective when ly’s burdens alone. I learned to put my trust in the I recall that he, like all of us, is loved by God and is Lord, bringing my family’s needs to Christ through destined for eternal life. This gives me the hope to family prayer and the sacraments, especially the live out my fatherly vocation with the trust that God Eucharist. In praying together, my wife and I found will not abandon fathers in their mission. ■ the courage to move to a new town where our son would receive quality services to help him develop. Neil Sloan is pursuing advanced theological studies at The Catholic In addition, I discovered that a father can draw University of America and is a member of Father Joseph O’Connell strength from his own father, from fellow fathers in Council 3481 in Oceanside, N.Y. the community and from all fathers who are united in the communion of saints. Although I have some-
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Welcoming Brother Knights Men with intellectual disabilities benefit from membership in the Order B Y A N G E L A N OVA K A M A D O A N D PA M WA L K E R
on Witt proudly wears his Day, Gagnon takes his late father’s Knights of place alongside his Columbus ring to all his brother Knights to council meetings in Fairmont, march in the annual Minn. While Witt’s membership in parade. Joining the Order Fairmont Council 1575 may not seem unusual, Witt is intellectually has made a dramatic disabled and had lived for many difference in the lives years in institutions and large group of Don Witt and facilities that kept him isolated from George Gagnon. Both appreciate being valmainstream community life. When he moved to a small group ued members of their home in Fairmont, Witt was offered local councils, and Don Witt, Bob Stegar and Red Holland (l to r), members of more opportunities to become their volunteer work Fairmont (Minn.) Council 1575, display awards their council has involved in the community. He provides a meaning- earned through their fraternal and charitable activities. enjoyed attending Mass and volun- ful contribution to teering at church events. When staff the community as a met with him to discuss how he whole. Witt and Gagnon’s brother Witt’s gift of communication is a wanted to expand his community Knights agree that they “get back blessing “even when I don’t have time participation, Witt expressed his way more than they put in” in terms to talk, when I’m preparing for the of the effort needed to support the meeting.” O’Rourke added that makinterest in joining the Knights. ing time to talk with Witt is a good LeeAnn Erickson, who was work- two men. Although many Knights lend a reminder of living the Knights’ values. ing to increase community memberIn their respective communities, ship for people with disabilities in hand to the men when needed, particFairmont, asked one of the local ularly to help transport them to Witt and Gagnon greet other Knights Knights about having Witt join the meetings, they report that this is not around town and receive invitations council. Witt was thrilled to learn very different from the type of assis- to social events. Rather than being that he could become a member. tance they would give to any Knight. seen as “special” or “different,” That was 12 years ago. Since then, Knights also maintain ongoing com- brother Knights see Witt and Gagnon Witt has regularly attended council munication with support staff for as equal, regular members of the meetings, helped out with activities Witt and Gagnon in case any ques- council. As one Knight commented, tions or concerns arise. “Don is just another guy; he’s a KC.” and participated in social events. Membership in the Knights also As increasing numbers of people George Gagnon, a member of Fairview (Mass.) Council 4044 for supplies a network of friends and with disabilities move from separate acquaintances beyond facilities into the community, they more than 20 years, has a the human services sys- seek ways to form relationships and similar story. Like ‘Don is just tem. Perhaps one of the make a contribution to society. And Erickson, Karlene Shea important benefits as Don Witt and George Gagnon was helping people with another guy; most has been the breaking demonstrate, inclusion of people intellectual disabilities down of stereotypes. One with disabilities in the Knights of become involved in comhe’s a KC.’ Knight explained that Columbus and other community and munity groups before getting to know groups provides a highly positive and organizations. When she asked Gagnon what he liked to do, he Gagnon, he felt uncomfortable mutually beneficial experience. ■ initially replied that he enjoyed help- around people with disabilities. Now, ing out at bingo and that he had he says, “I will never cross the street Angela Novak Amado,Ph.D.,works at the Institute on Community Integration at the University of again when I see somebody with a Minnesota and conducts training internationally always wanted to march in a parade. To this day, in addition to compet- disability, because George taught me regarding inclusive communities for people with ing in the Knights’ bowling league and there are no differences in people, intellectual disabilities. Pam Walker, Ph.D., works at the Center on Human Policy at Syracuse participating in many council events, only differences in ability.” University and has written extensively about proPast Grand Knight Michael grams for people with intellectual disabilities. Gagnon helps with bingo each week at his council hall. And each St. Patrick’s O’Rourke of Council 1575 said that c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 13
‘Justice for All’ Rep. Henry J. Hyde, the late Congressman and Knight, on the defense of human life Congressman Henry J. Hyde (19242007), a member of Father McDonald Council 1911 in Elmhurst, Ill., spent his long political career as a dedicated defender of human life. A Knight since 1952, he faithfully served in the U.S. House of Representatives for 32 years. The Hyde Amendment, barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortions, was first adopted in 1976 and is considered one of the most important pro-life statutes ever enacted by Congress. Among Hyde’s most notable addresses to his fellow congressmen is the following speech, delivered Sept. 19, 1996, during a debate to overturn President Bill Clinton’s veto of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. This and many other of Hyde’s addresses are collected in the book Catch the Burning Flag: Speeches and Random Observations (National Review, 2008). It is available for $22.95 (including shipping) only from nationalreview.com/hyde.
n the classic Russian novel, Crime and Punishment, [Fyodor] Dostoyevsky has his murderous protagonist Raskolnikov complain that “Man can get used to anything, the beast!” The fact that we are even debating this issue — that we have to argue about the legality of an abortionist’s plunging a pair of scissors into the back of a child’s neck whose trunk, arms and legs have already been born, and then suctioning out his brains — only confirms Dostoyevsky’s harsh truth. We were told in the Judiciary Committee by a nurse in attendance during a partial-birth abortion that the little arms and legs stop flailing and suddenly stiffen as the scissors is plunged in. The people who like to say, “I feel your pain,” can’t be referring to that little infant. What kind of people have we become that this “procedure” is even a matter for discussion? Can’t we
draw the line at torpractice that Senator ture? And if we can’t, [Daniel P.] Moynihan what has become of called indistinguishus? We are incensed able from infanticide. at ethnic cleansing in Not that it will really the Balkans. How, matter to Mr. Clinton, then, can we tolerate but let me explain that infant cleansing here there is no moral or at home? medical justification There is no argufor this barbaric assault ment here about on a partially born when a human life infant. Dr. Pamela begins. The child who Smith, director of medis destroyed is unmisical education in the takably alive, unmisDepartment of Obstetakably human and trics and Gynecology A collection of Rep. Henry Hyde’s unmistakably, brutalat Chicago’s Mt. Sinai speeches, including the one fealy killed. tured here, was published Hospital, testified to I have finally fig- posthumously in 2008. that. ured out why supportQuite a different ers of abortion on “doctor,” the abordemand fight this infanticide ban tionist who is the principal perpetratooth and claw. It is because, for the tor of these atrocities, Martin first time since Roe v. Wade, the Haskell, has conceded that at least focus of the debate is squarely on the 80 percent of the partial-birth aborbaby and the harm that abortion tions he performs are entirely elecinflicts on the unborn child — or, in tive, and he admits to more than this case, a child who is four-fifths 1,000 of them. born. That child, whom the advoWe have been told about some cates of abortion have done every- extreme cases of malformed babies, thing in their power to dehumanize, as though life is only for the priviis as much the bearer of human rights leged, the planned and the perfect. as any member of this House. To But Dr. James McMahon cited nine deny those rights is more than the such abortions simply because the betrayal of a powerless individual child had a cleft lip. whom some find burdensome. It is to Other physicians have made it betray the central promise of clear that this procedure is never a America: that there is, in this land, medical necessity, but merely a justice for all. That is why advocates “convenience” for those who of abortion on demand, having choose to abort late in pregnancy, detached themselves from any sym- when it becomes physically difficult pathy for the unborn child, have also to dismember the unborn child in separated themselves from the the womb. instinct for justice that gave birth to The President’s claim that he our country. wants to “solve a problem” by adding President Clinton, reacting angrily a “health” exception to the legislato Congress’ challenge to his veto of tion is spurious. As anyone who has the partial-birth ban, claimed not to spent 10 minutes studying current understand the morality of our posi- federal law understands — and I tion. He asserts a morality of “com- know that includes Mr. Clinton — passion” for those who engage in a any “health” exceptions are so broadw w w. ko f c .o r g
ly construed by the courts as to make a ban meaningless. There is one consistent commitment that has survived the twists and turns of policy during this administration, and that is its unshakable commitment to a legal regime of abortion on demand. Nothing is, or will be, done to make abortion “rare.” No legislation or regulatory act will be allowed to impede the most permissive abortion license in the democratic world. Mr. Clinton would do us all a favor, and make a modest contribution to the health of the democratic process, if he would simply concede the obvious and spare us further exhibitions of his manufactured grief. In one of his memoirs, Dwight D. Eisenhower, writing about the death toll in World War II, said, “The loss of lives that might have otherwise been creatively lived scars the mind of the civilized world.” Our souls have been scarred by more than 1 million abortions in this country every year. Our souls have so much scar tissue that there isn’t room for any more. What do we mean by “human dignity” if we subject innocent children to brutal execution when they are almost delivered? We all hope and pray for “death with dignity,” but what is dignified about death by scissors stabbed into your neck so your brains can be suctioned out? We have had long and bitter debates in Congress about “assault weapons.” Those scissors and that suction machine are assault weapons worse than any AK-47. You might miss with an AK-47; the abortionist never misses. It isn’t just the babies who are dying for the lethal sin of being unwanted. We are dying, not from the darkness, but from the cold: the coldness of self-brutalization that chills our sensibilities and allows us to claim this unspeakable act is an act of “compassion.” If you vote to uphold the President’s veto, if you vote to maintain the legality of a “procedure” that is revolting to even the most hardened heart, then please do not use the word “compassion” ever again. I am not in the least embarrassed to say that I believe we will one day each be called upon to render an account for what we have done, and
During his 32 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, Henry J. Hyde (1924-2007) was known as an eloquent and ardent defender of human life.
what we have failed to do, in our lifetimes. And while I believe in a merciful God, I would be terrified at the thought of having to explain, at the final judgment, why I stood unmoved while Herod’s slaughter of the innocents was being reenacted here in my own country. This debate has been about an unspeakable horror. And while the details are graphic and grisly, it has been, I think, helpful for all of us, and for our country, to recognize the full brutality of what goes on in America’s abortuaries, day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year. We are not talking about abstractions here. We are talking about life and death at their most elemental. And we ought to face the truth of what we oppose or support, stripped of all euphemisms.
We risk our souls — we risk our humanity — when we trifle with that innocence or demean it or brutalize it. We have talked so much about the grotesque. Permit me a word about beauty. We all have our own images of the beautiful: the face of a loved one, a dawn, a sunset, the evening star. I believe that nothing in this world of wonders is more beautiful than the innocence of a child. Do
you know what a child is? He or she is an opportunity for love; and a child with disabilities is an even greater opportunity for love. We risk our souls — we risk our humanity — when we trifle with that innocence or demean it or brutalize it. We need more caring and less killing. Let the innocence of the unborn have the last word in this debate. Let their innocence appeal to what President Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature.” Prove Raskolnikov wrong. Declare that partial-birth abortion is something we will never get used to. Make it clear, once again, that there is justice for all — even the most defenseless in this land. Although House members narrowly voted to overturn the veto the day after this speech was delivered, the Senate failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority. The bill was again passed and vetoed in 1997, with the same result. Eventually, a bill banning partial-birth abortion was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2003, but three U.S. District judges immediately struck it down as unconstitutional. Finally, on April 18, 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, reversed the lower courts’ decisions and upheld the ban. Henry Hyde received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, on Nov. 5, 2007. He died Nov. 29 of the same year, following complications from open heart surgery. ■ c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 15
A Portrait of
Paul A statue of St. Paul stands outside the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, located at the site of Paul’s burial in Rome.
Throughout the Pauline year, the Church has celebrated the person and teachings of the Apostle to the Gentiles BY MSGR. JAMES C. TU RRO
he Year of St. Paul is drawing to a close. Special envoys appointed by Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate closing ceremonies at Pauline sites throughout the world on June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. One trusts that during this past year, which has marked the 2,000year anniversary of Paul’s birth, more people have come to know and appreciate the greatness of Paul and his importance to Christians who 16
are serious about deepening their faith. As this special jubilee year ends, and the Year of the Priest begins, let us very briefly consider the magnanimous personality of St. Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles to whom Christianity owes an enormous debt. First, we observe that St. Paul was a highly effective evangelist. Any number of Christian communities in Greece and the Near East owe their origin to him, even though by his own admission he was not an especially dynamic
speaker. Although focused on the people of his time, Paul’s theological reflections and ideas resonate to this day. Paul was remarkable for the richness of his life and thought; the mind that crafted his sparkling insights was surely not sluggish or dull. Paul was unique in other ways as well. He had an intense and captivating personality. He could also make an honest, unflinching assessment of himself: “The good thing I want to do I never do, the evil thing which I do not want — that is what I do” (Rom 7:19). In addition, Paul was the first New Testament author to put into w w w. ko f c .o r g
writing the thrust and meaning of Jesus’ mission. He was the first to write about baptism and Eucharist as sacraments. In short, he was the first to give us a theology, a systematic, in-depth explanation of our faith. Subsequent theologians built on the foundations that Paul laid. As a general rule, Paul was also very decisive. When reports of a scandal in Corinth reached him, he was quick to write and make his position clear. He felt that firm action should be taken against the offender and said as much. He could be painfully direct if he thought the situation warranted it. Consider, for instance, Paul’s castigation of the “stupid” Galatians for letting themselves be led astray by the Judaizers (Gal 3:1). One reason why Paul could communicate so effectively with so many was that he possessed an uncommon strength of will. He was not easily diverted from the road he felt he needed to travel. Chapter 17 of the Acts of the Apostles recounts his narrow escape from mob violence in Thessalonica. Fortunately, the local Christians succeeded in hiding him and then spiriting him away under the cover of darkness. As soon as he arrived at his next stop — Beroea — Paul set about evangelizing as if nothing had happened.
Although focused on the people of his time, Paul’s theological reflections and ideas resonate to this day. Paul was nothing if not adaptable. He wrote to the Philippians, “I have learned to manage with whatever I have. … In every way now I have mastered the secret of all conditions: full stomach and empty stomach, plenty and poverty. There
St. Paul, traditionally depicted with a sword and a Bible, is shown here being received into heaven.
is nothing I cannot do in the One who strengthens me” (Phil 4:11-13). Likewise, the ultimate statement of Paul’s adaptability is found in his first letter to the Corinthians: “So though I was not a slave to any human being, I put myself in slavery to all people, to win as many as I could” (1 Cor 9:19). Finally, there is much evidence that Paul’s people genuinely loved him, despite his occasional severity with them. For example, Paul noted that the Galatians would have plucked out their very eyes and given them to him (see Gal 4:15). The very fact that his letters have been preserved tends to show a measure of admiration. Clement of Rome, writing at the end of the first century, acknowledges Paul and Peter as the greatest athletes of the faith. And the Acts of the Apostles reports that the Christians in Miletus broke into tears at the thought that they might not see him again (see Acts 20:37-38).
The personal greatness of Paul and the magnitude of his achievement are of such dimensions that no single book or article can do justice to the man and his work. In the wake of the various initiatives and ecumenical celebrations that have marked this Pauline year, the Church will not cease to study Paul’s teachings or strive to imitate his apostolic zeal. The story of Paul that culminated in his martyrdom at Rome, during the reign of the emperor Nero, is one of the great ironies of history. It has been shrewdly observed that, at that time, Nero’s fame was worldwide and Paul was a relative unknown, yet “the day would come when people would call their children Paul and their dogs Nero.” ■ Msgr. James C. Turro is a Scripture scholar who for more than 50 years has taught at numerous seminaries in the United States. He is a member of Trinity Council 747 in Hackensack, N.J.
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Secular Institutes:
chastity and obedience while pursuing their ordinary professional careers. Their apostolate, said Father Hazler, “is to influence the world quietly from ‘within’ — as stated in Canon Law and quoted by several popes — ‘as leaven in the dough.’” The canonical form of the secular Consecrated men and women in secular professions institute was established by Pope influence the world quietly from ‘within’ Pius XII in his 1947 apostolic constitution Provida Mater Ecclesia. It was refined in later documents, affirmed B Y G E R A L D KO R S O N by the Second Vatican Council and enshrined in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Its roots, however, reg Kremer was a date back much further. self-described lukeFour hundred years ago, St. Francis de Sales warm Catholic who wrote Introduction to the loved the great outdoors. Devout Life for laymen Searching for answers to his and women who wanted deepest spiritual questions, to seek holiness in their he picked up an audiobook ordinary lives and occupations. Likewise, St. Private Prayers: called Angela Merici (1474– Mountaineers of the Spirit 1540) envisioned that because he had a gift certifiwomen could practice cate to use and happened to the evangelical counsels like the title. while carrying on an apostolate in the secular “Little did I know it was a book world, without formally of prayers and talks by Pope John Paul II directed to the promotion of Teresa Monaghen (right), director of the Apostolic Oblates secular living in a religious secular institutes as part of his call institute, leads Camp Fun and Faith for Girls on a 20-acre farm in community. During the French for a ‘new evangelization,’” Elkorn, Neb. Revolution, Jesuit Father Kremer recalled. “That book not Pierre-Joseph Picot de only opened up a new vocational possibility for me, it left my heart on and fell in love with the mission of Clorivière founded societies much like today’s secular institutes to avoid fire and yearning for this close con- this movement.” Within the Pro-Sanctity Move- the notice of France’s anti-religion nection with Christ and humanity.” Kremer’s search eventually ment is a secular institute, the statutes. Many similar associations brought him to the secular institute Apostolic Oblates, and it was there were founded beginning in the 19th Voluntas Dei in 2004, where he found that Monaghen finally found her century, particularly in Italy and joy, peace and a means to live the vocation. “The Lord called me,” she Germany. Today, some 60,000 Catholics consecrated life within his secular said. “I followed.” Today, 33 years profession as an associate professor of later, she serves as national director belong to more than 200 secular instifor both organizations. tutes worldwide, about 30 of which engineering at Ohio University. are active in the United States. Each “Once I saw the Institute’s comhas its own charism and spirituality mitment to imitating ‘the Virgin of ANSWERING GOD’S CALL the Annunciation’ and doing the will Although not well understood in the directed toward personal holiness and of God, I was convinced that this was Church today, a secular institute is a the sanctification of others. More than the way God wanted me to live out form of consecrated life by which lay three-fourths of all secular institutes men and women can respond to the are for laywomen only; some are my vocation,” Kremer said. Teresa Monaghen had a similar universal call to holiness that is theirs exclusively for laymen or diocesan clergy; some include all three. A few experience in the 1970s, when after by virtue of baptism. “It seems that this is a vocation welcome married couples, who do not checking out a number of young-adult groups in southern California, she yet to be discovered in the Church,” embrace celibacy but rather live their was introduced to something called said Father George Hazler, a member matrimonial vows to give greater glory of Voluntas Dei and president of the to God and witness to the true meanthe Pro-Sanctity Movement. “I learned of its mission of pro- U.S. Conference of Secular Institutes. ing of faithful love. Members usually Members of secular institutes live go through a discernment and formamoting the universal call to holiness,” she recalled. “I fell in love with Jesus the evangelical counsels of poverty, tion process that lasts three to five
Leaven to the World
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years before their first commitment to the institute. A secular institute normally evolves from a “public association of the faithful,” or “pious union,” which has approval from a local bishop. Once the association is well established, the bishop may elevate it to the status of a “secular institute of diocesan right.” Finally, as it grows nationally and internationally, the Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life may decree it to be a “secular institute of pontifical right.”
A secular institute is a form of consecrated life
Greg Kremer,an engineering professor at Ohio University and a member of the Voluntas Dei Institute, talks with a student as they make adjustments to an electric race car. Members of secular institutes are consecrated persons who live their vocation in the world and through their professional activities.
by which lay men and women can respond to the universal call to holiness. LIVING THE WITNESS Those who have found their vocation in a secular institute find it provides an ideal connection between their chosen profession and their interior lives. Monaghen describes her life as a member of a secular institute as “very active and deeply prayerful.” Monaghen founded and directs Camp Fun and Faith for Girls, a 20-acre farm in Elkorn, Neb., and offers retreats, spiritual direction and parish missions for adults, consecrated and clergy across the country. She even has a regular show on a local Catholic radio station. “It is the joy of my life,” Monaghen said of her consecrated commitment. “In 33 years, I have had good times and bad, but I knew and still know that this is where the Lord called me.” Kremer, the engineering professor, believes teaching and administration are the charisms God has given him. He extends those gifts throughout his parish and diocese as a catechist, youth minister and chairman of a diocesan catechetical planning team. He also introduces his mechanicalengineering students to service projects that include designing assistive technology devices for people with ABOVE: PHOTO BY RICK FATICA
disabilities, developing sustainable and bio-friendly energy sources, and improving water quality for a village in Ghana. “The real power of a vocation to a secular institute is the way the vocation is made manifest in the secular world and in our daily occupations,” Kremer said. According to Father Hazler, all Catholics can find inspiration in the apostolate of those in secular institutes, even if they do not feel called to the consecrated life themselves. A member of St. John Council 11281 in Naples, Fla., Father Hazler
Consecrated, but not religious
ince their members undergo a period of formation, profess the evangelical counsels and sometimes include ordained clergy, secular institutes are often confused with traditional religious institutes of priests, sisters and brothers. While some characteristics are common to both, secular institutes are distinct by design. Here are some of the key characteristics that distinguish secular institutes from religious institutes: • Members share a commitment and spirituality, but do not have a common institutional apostolate. • Members do not wear a habit and generally do not live in community; they usually live alone or with their families and are self-supporting. They gather on occasion for days of recollection and retreats.
believes the mission of the Knights of Columbus bears a certain resemblance to that of secular institutes. “A Knight of Columbus is someone who has already made a commitment to bring the love of Christ into the world in a very special way,” he said. “Knights have the potential to be incredible role models in our society.” Father Hazler added, “I think we all need to ask ourselves the question: ‘Is the life I live believable, credible in today’s world?’” ■ Gerald Korson writes from Fort Wayne, Ind.
• Whereas religious life involves a degree of separation from the world, members of secular institutes are fully immersed in the world. • Members make private vows or promises rather than public vows. Reforms in some religious orders and congregations over the past few decades have blurred some of the above distinctions, and some religious institutes have even sought to convert themselves into secular institutes. It is important to note that while secular institutes are not expressions of “religious life,” both religious and secular institutes come under the umbrella of “consecrated life,” as clarified by the Second Vatican Council’s decree on the adaptation and renewal of religious life (Perfectae Caritatis). Visit www.secularinstitutes.org for more information. c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 19
Thousands prepare to gather for the 127th Supreme Convention in Phoenix, where they will enjoy a picturesque landscape and the hospitality of a flourishing Church B Y J . D. L O N G - G A R C Í A
or Jesuit Father Eusebio Francisco Kino — a wellknown missionary in Arizona some 300 years ago — serving Christ was more than simply bringing souls to the faith. Along with the Gospel, he taught the indigenous people about livestock and basic farming. His ability as a rancher led some to later refer to Father Kino as the “first cowboy.” While the setting has changed drastically over the past three centuries, the mission of the Church in Arizona remains the same. And it would be a challenge to find a better embodiment of Father Kino’s spirit than the 14,400 Knights of Columbus serving the state. 20
When thousands of Knights and their families converge in Phoenix Aug. 4-6 for the 127th Supreme Convention, which will be followed by the first International Marian Congress (see page 23), they will find a sampling of the cultural influences that have guided the budding Church there. And their Arizona hosts will ensure that visitors get a taste of what it was like during Father Kino’s time. EXPLORING ARIZONA “We’re following a rich Catholic heritage that began with the establishment of the missions, like San Xavier de Bac and Tumacácori,” explained Supreme Master Lawrence G. Costanzo, who served as state deputy of Arizona from 1999 to 2001. San Xavier de Bac Mission, “the White Dove of the Desert,” will be the destination of one of the convention tours. The mission, originally founded by Father Kino in 1699, is a beacon in
the Santa Cruz Valley, nine miles south of Tucson. The Franciscans built the present church in the late 18th century and still serve the community there today. “[Attendees] will be able to see some of the missions established by Father Kino, walk around and experience what life was like during that time,” said Past State Deputy Michael H. Kingman (2005-07). On the same tour, visitors will enjoy galleries, shopping and dining in Tubac, Arizona’s oldest European settlement. Guests can also learn more about the region’s Native American history at the Heard Museum, which is well known for its artifacts and fine art, including baskets, jewelry, pottery and textiles. The Church in Arizona continues to be influenced by these roots, supporting missions throughout the state that serve Native American communities. w w w. ko f c .o r g
Red Rocks Country looms over the Sedona landscape outside of Phoenix.
THE 127th SUPREME CONVENTION PROGRAM JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort PHOENIX, ARIZONA • AUGUST 4-6, 2009 FRIDAY, JULY 31 Noon – 8 p.m.
Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information
SATURDAY, AUG. 1 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information SUNDAY, AUG. 2 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
MONDAY, AUG. 3 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. – Noon 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
“We’ll also have tours to the Grand Canyon,” Costanzo said. “For many people, that will be a once-in alifetime opportunity.” One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring place that frustrates photographers — pictures never do it justice.
‘The annual convention is a way for brother Knights throughout the world to come together.’
The same can be said of Sedona’s Red Rocks Country, another tour location. The cliff faces are canvases for God’s brushstrokes, and the monoliths’ nicknames — “coffeepot,” PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ARIZONA OFFICE OF TOURISM
TUESDAY, AUG. 4 7 a.m. – 9 a.m., Noon – 8 p.m. 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 1 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information Adoration Chapel Official Registration of Delegates, Supreme Secretary’s Office
Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information Official Registration of Delegates, Supreme Secretary’s Office Adoration Chapel Membership Seminar Souvenir Exchange Arizona State Council Welcome Party
Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information Official Registration of Delegates, Supreme Secretary’s Office Concelebrated Opening Mass Adoration Chapel Opening Business Session (Open session, families invited) States Dinner
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 5 7 a.m. – Noon Arizona State Council Registration, Ticket Sales and Tour Information 8 a.m. Concelebrated Mass Adoration Chapel 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Business Session 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Arizona State Council Ladies Luncheon 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Awards Session (Open session, families invited) THURSDAY, AUG. 6 8 a.m. Annual Memorial Mass 10 a.m. – closing Final Business Session Event locations will be posted on the in-house informational systems. c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 21
“cathedral” and “thunder mountain” — fail to capture the indescribable majesty that can only be witnessed in person. “A lot of people think Arizona is one big desert,” Costanzo said. “They all know it’s hot, but they don’t realize we have four seasons and snowballs and that sort of thing. We want to give them an opportunity to check it all out.” Convention guests will also get a chance to shop southwest-style in Scottsdale, take in the sun at a nearby water park and learn about space exploration at the Challenger Space Center. “We have these tours to help our brothers and sisters in Christ really experience the warmth of Arizona,” said State Deputy Stanley J. Schroeder. “If you look at what we have here, you’ll realize we have a rich background for our Catholic faith.” A THRIVING COMMUNITY The Church in Arizona is growing rapidly. Membership in the Knights of Columbus has also increased steadily over the past 10 years, and councils are present in 83 percent of parishes. “Coming up from Mexico with Father Kino and the missionaries, the Church continues to grow today,” Schroeder said. Part of that growth can be attributed to the influx of Catholic immigrants. “We’re getting people from the Filipino community, the Korean and Polish communities, as well as the Hispanic community,” Costanzo explained. “When people find out what we do, they join us.” Indeed, the Knights in Arizona are carrying on the Order’s mission, which Father Michael J. McGivney founded in part to serve the Catholic immigrants of his time. “The annual convention is a way for brother Knights, the leaders of all the different jurisdictions throughout the world, to come together,” Schroeder said. “We’re expressing it all. It’s fraternity. It’s brotherhood. We’re coming together to celebrate the Catholic faith.” ■
Above: Mexico is one of Arizona’s most significant cultural partners, and Mission-style architecture can be found throughout Greater Phoenix. Below: Saint Mary’s Basilica, founded in 1881, is the oldest Catholic church in the Phoenix area. It was designated a basilica in 1985 by Pope John Paul II, who visited Phoenix and Saint Mary’s in 1987.
J.D. Long-García is the managing editor of The Catholic Sun, the newspaper of the Diocese of Phoenix.
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1st International Marian Congress and
Guadalupe Festival T
he Knights of Columbus will hold its First International Marian Congress on Our Lady of Guadalupe Aug. 6-8, immediately following the 127th Supreme Convention in Phoenix. The Congress will conclude with a Guadalupe Festival at the Jobing.com Arena Aug. 8. More than 15,000 attendees are expected from throughout the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico.
Co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, the Diocese of Phoenix, the Archdiocese of Mexico City and the Center for Guadalupan Studies, the Congress will feature talks by experts from throughout the United States and Latin America on Our Lady of Guadalupe. “The centrality of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the Americas as ‘the Christian Hemisphere’ is clearly evident throughout North and South America,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who will speak at both the Marian Congress and the Guadalupe Festival. “Her message is one that has as much importance and meaning today as it did nearly 500 years ago.” Our Lady of Guadalupe is honored as the Empress of the Americas, and devotion to her is widespread throughout the hemisphere, particularly in Mexico and the Southwestern United States. “[The congress] specifically aims at presenting Holy Mary of Guadalupe as Our Mother in this continent,” explained Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico, one of the event’s speakers. “She certainly was the origin of our people from those who were far away, from those who were separated. She united us.” In addition to Cardinal Rivera Carrera, other speakers include Dr. Jose Aste Tonsmann from Peru, who has done extensive studies of the eyes in the Guadalupe image; Msgr. Eduardo Chavez, who oversaw the cause for canonization of St. Juan Diego — the Indian to whom Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in December 1531 (see page 24); and other experts on key elements of Our Lady of Guadalupe and her message. These lectures will focus on the meaning of the Guadalupan message, some of the scientifically inexplicable aspects of the image that was imprinted on St. Juan Diego’s tilma, and the relevance of Our Lady of Guadalupe in today’s world. TOP LEFT: BABE SARVER BOTTOM LEFT: DOWNTOWN PHOENIX PARTNERSHIP
1st International Marian Congress • Aug. 6-8 JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort
Guadalupe Festival • Saturday, Aug. 8 Jobing.com Arena, doors open at 2 p.m. www.guadalupefestival.org At the conclusion of the congress, the Guadalupe Festival will feature an afternoon of musical performances, prayer and inspirational speeches by guests that include actor Eduardo Verastegui, star of the film Bella; best-selling author Immaculée Ilibagiza, a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide; and performers such as Dana, the international Catholic recording artist from Ireland, as well as a mariachi band and matachin dancers. “All we need to do is to open the door of our heart to Christ,” said Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix, who will speak at the congress’ opening session. “Christ does the rest. He comes with his mercy.” Admission to the three-day congress costs $25 per person, but admission to the Guadalupe Festival is free. To view a full schedule, read biographies of speakers, view devotional materials and register for both events, visit www.guadalupefestival.org. ■ c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 23
OUR LADY’S HUMBLE SERVANT Learning from the humility of St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, 1474-1548 BY MSGR. EDUARDO CHÁVEZ SÁNCHEZ
EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the sixth in a series of articles by Msgr. Eduardo Chávez in anticipation of the first-ever International Marian Congress devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The congress will take place Aug. 6-8 following the 127th Supreme Convention in Phoenix. For more information, visit www.guadalupefestival.org.
tity; only God can truly form us to be his chosen people, to be his friends, to be his children. The life of Juan Diego further demonstrates that prayer is essential to a life of humility and sanctity. Luis Becerra Tanco, a 17th-century priest who compiled documentation on the Guadalupan event, described St. Juan Diego’s prayerfulness in this way: “He had time ope John Paul II canonized St. Juan Diego on July 31, for prayer in that way in which God knows how to 2002, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, make those who love him understand, according to north of Mexico City — the very location where each person’s capacity, when to exercise deeds of virtue Our Lady asked that a church be constructed when she and sacrifice.” Likewise, in the imporappeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill tant Guadalupan document known in December 1531. At the Mass of canas Nican Motecpana, we read how onization, the pope acclaimed Juan St. Juan Diego strived to deepen his Diego as a great model of holiness, spiritual life: “He would prostrate himespecially for our times. After all, Juan self before the Lady from Heaven and Diego was a layman who humbly invoke her fervently; frequently accepted the mission entrusted to him he would go to confession, receive and persevered despite many obstacles. Communion, fast, do penance…and His disposition to charity was boundhide in the shadows in order to give less as he cared for his dying uncle, himself up in prayer alone.” Juan Beraridino, who was later healed In the important mission entrusted by the Virgin herself. to Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe Weeks after John Paul II’s first visit confirms his dignity and casts away his to the basilica in 1979, the pope reflectfear. She is his mother, just as she is the ed during his Angelus address on the importance of humility: “Humility…is A detail from a painting of St. Juan Diego mother of all who place themselves not identified with humiliation or resig- at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe under her protection. In choosing Juan Diego, God again chose the humble and nation. It is not accompanied by faint- in Mexico City the unpretentious to manifest his heartedness. On the contrary. Humility omnipotence, his eternal wisdom, his constant love. Jesus is creative submission to the power of truth and love. praises the Father with these words: “I give praise to you, Humility is rejection of appearances and superficiality; Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have it is the expression of the depth of the human spirit; it is hidden these things from the wise and the learned you the condition of its greatness.” have revealed them to the childlike” (Mt 11:25, Lk 10:21). It is this humility that characterized Juan Diego’s Through her message to St. Juan Diego, Our Lady of life. He had a good indigenous education, and as a Guadalupe makes us aware of our own mission, our own macehual commoner he was a responsible steward of participation in God’s great love. As with Juan Diego, several possessions inherited from his ancestors. she has placed us, her many children, in the cradle of her Nevertheless, he set everything aside after the appariarms. She is our protector and reveals our dignity, for she tion to live in a small hut next to the Our Lady of comes to place deep within our hearts her own son, Guadalupe hermitage. He gladly became the humble Jesus Christ, who is the very reason of our existence. In servant of Our Lady, who desires to console us and this way, we can see that we are all brothers and sisters, make us conscious of God’s immense love for us, callcalled to conversion and participating in the construcing us to conversion. tion of that divine church, the civilization of love. ■ To live in humility demands much fortitude, since it involves fleeing temptation and ridding one’s life of sin. Monsignor Eduardo Chávez Sánchez is postulator for the cause of It is an arduous battle to uproot injustices and live honSt. Juan Diego. He is the author of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan estly, to grow in virtue daily so as to live in true freedom. Diego: The Historical Evidence (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006) and a member of Council 14138 at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Humility is essential and glorifies God precisely because Mexico City. it is only the divine potter who can mold us with sanc-
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Reports from Councils, Assemblies and Columbian Squires Circles
Chili Cook Off Santa Clara Valley Council 6016 in Newhall, Calif., hosted a chili cookoff to benefit the diocesan fund for retired priests and religious. Attendees were able to sample chili cooked by nine different teams, and the event raised $300.
Centennial Wall
Father Richard W. Beck of St. Veronica’s Church in Paupack, Pa., blesses a new organ that was donated by Philip Varricchio, a member of St. Francis of Assisi Council 13456 in Henderson, Nev. Varricchio donated the organ in memory of his wife of 53 years, who passed away after a battle with stomach cancer. The Varricchios attended St. Veronica’s Church until 2005 when they sold their summer residence in Pennsylvania.
Special School
Culture of Vocations
South County Council 8251 in Churchton, Md., donated more than $6,500 to the Central Special School, a school for children with intellectual disabilities. The money was raised during the council’s annual fund drive.
Fred L. Westbrook Sr. Council 5654 in Ocean Springs, Miss., teamed with the Biloxi Serra Club to initiate a traveling chalice program. The chalice, called the Elijah Cup, rotates among families, who take it home and pray for vocations. The chalice is also accompanied by a CD on the Eucharist and a vocation prayer to be said at family meals.
Combating Illness Holy Ghost Council 10325 in Wood Dale, Ill., donated $500 to the family of Joey Lopez-Evena, a local boy who has cancer.
Funds for Recycling Our Lady of the Sierra Council 12085 in Oakhurst, Calif., donated $4,000 to the Heartland Opportunity Center. The funds are earmarked for making site improvements to Heartland’s Oakhurst Recycling Center.
Ranger Rosaries Father John S. Nelligan Council 5730 in Scotch Plains, N.J., makes ranger rosaries for U.S. soldiers serving in and around Baghdad. Each rosary is made of black parachute cord, black beads and a black crucifix. The program is headed by Ernesto Hernandez, a veteran of the first Gulf War.
Members of St. Anthony Council 12482 and an honor guard from Pope John Paul II Assembly, both in Des Moines, Iowa, attended the dedication of a wall of honor for ordained priests and religious at St. Anthony Church. The wall honors clergy everywhere and specifically those from the parish. Council 12482 created the wall to celebrate the parish’s 100th anniversary.
Base School Cristo Rey Council 13435 at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Ariz., donated $759 to Borman Elementary School. The school, which is located on the base, will use the funds to offset its operational expenses.
AEDs Donated Our Lady of Guadalupe Council 12605 in Oklahoma City donated an automatic external defibrillator (AED) to Immaculate Conception Church. St. Patrick Council 8404 in Houston donated $1,000 to purchase an AED for Holy Name School.
Special Disbursements At the council’s annual spaghetti dinner, St. James Council 7152 in Statesville, N.C., distributed more than $960 each to four charities, including Autism Services of North Carolina and Special Olympics.
Seniors’ Night Father Eugene O’Reilly Council 4973 in Brampton, Ont., hosted an evening of food, dancing and entertainment for 200 area senior citizens.
Members of St. Mark Council 12553 in Denton, Texas, take a break while performing repairs at their parish. Knights corrected a serious drainage problem that had begun to erode several portable buildings used by St. Mark Church. The council built a terrace to divert water away from the buildings and laid new sod to prevent further soil erosion.
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Members of Father Francis Lawless Council 1534 in Moose Jaw, Sask., surround the new tractor they purchased for St. Joseph Church. The vehicle, which features a sweeping broom and bucket, will aid with snow removal.
Sweats for Vets Bishop Thomas E. Gill Assembly in Federal Way, Wash., held a “Sweats for Vets” drive to benefit the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma. Knights raised $6,500 — enough to purchase more than 300 sweat suits for injured veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Support the Troops Robert E. Grannan Council 109 in Arlington, Mass., co-sponsored a benefit evening with the Arlington Police Department’s patrolman’s association and with American Legion Post 39. The event included entertainment and raffles, and raised $10,000 for “Local Heroes,” a charity that provides support to soldiers and their families.
Welcome Home Kingston (N.Y.) Council 275 hosted a welcome-home party for 70 members of the Army National Guard’s 104th Military Police Battalion, based out of Kingston. Knights and their wives hosted a buffet for soldiers and their families following a welcome-home parade.
he tremendous charitable work the Order conducts annually is a by-product of continual membership growth. Members raise funds for the needy, volunteer their time and support a wide range of programs. This section of “Knights in Action” highlights those members who have made a concerted effort to grow the Order. Growing up, Harold L. Foote’s father always told him that if he was going to join an organization he had to do it right and not half way. That advice has guided his efforts on behalf of the Order and St. Edmond Council 10293 in Lafayette, La. “When I was first asked to join (in 1990), I had my job and family to think about. I didn’t think I’d have enough time,” Foote said. Nonetheless, he decided to become a Knight. Shortly after, he was asked to become the council’s membership director. He brought in 12 new members his first year and has recruited 76 Knights since. Part of Foote’s strategy comes with his duties as a parish usher, where he is one of the first to learn about new parishioners. After a few weeks, he approaches the potential Knight and asks if he’d be interested in coming to an admission committee meeting to learn about the Order. He also offers him a form #100 membership document. Along with his efforts in membership, Foote has served the Order as a grand knight, as the faithful navigator of his assembly and as district deputy. He also serves on area degree teams. “Having a well-run First Degree team is very important to making a good impression on the candidates and also allows the council to bring in new members on a monthly basis,” Foote said. The one activity he is most proud of is the council’s Christmas basket program for the needy. The council gives out approximately 100 baskets each year. Foote likes to send out new members to deliver the baskets so they can see firsthand what the Order does. He recalled one member who expressed his satisfaction with joining the Knights after a particularly successful basket delivery. “That’s the kind of thing that makes recruiting worthwhile,” Foote added.
Flying High
Lyrical Stylings
As a visible show of patriotism, Bishop Frank A. Thill Assembly in Concordia, Kan., began selling and installing flagpoles in its community. The poles cost $175 and include a 12-inch concrete base. Money raised from the sales is added to the assembly’s charitable fund. Father Don C. Shepanski Assembly in San Antonio, Texas, donated two flagpoles and U.S. flags to the athletic fields at St. Matthew Church and St. Paul Church, respectively.
Marjie Higgins and members of St. James Council 9849 in Ogden, Utah, have composed a pro-life song titled “Please Don’t Say No,” that was written by Knight Michael Wooden. Knights have helped promote the song, which was sent to councils throughout the state and to several pro-life organizations. Marjie is the wife of Robert Higgins, a member of Council 9849.
Cleaning Up Members of St. John Francis Regis Council 7914 in Hollywood, Md., cleared downed trees at their parish and the adjacent cemetery following a fierce windstorm.
Members of Holy Infant Jesus Council 12142 in San Antonio, Luzon, erect a highway safety sign along a busy road. Knights built two signs on a road that is very prone to accidents.
Crab Feed St. Joseph’s Council 9202 in Lincoln, Calif., held its annual crab feed fundraiser, which raised more than $12,000 for the council’s charitable fund.
Bible Fund The Rhode Island State Council donated $1,700 to the Diocese of Providence to purchase Bibles for the diocese’s youth ministry. Each Bible is stamped with the emblem of the Order on the inside front cover.
Helping the Needy Limoilou (Que.) Council 4494 raised more than $44,000 for three organizations that work with the needy: La Bouchée Généreuse, L’Évasion St-Pie X and the Missionaries of Charity. w w w. ko f c .o r g
S P OT L I G H T O N . . .
n occasional series about Knights and Squires working tirelessly toward the same noble goals. This month we spotlight activities that focus on people with intellectual disabilities.
• Five councils from in and around Wantagh, N.Y., teamed with other local organizations to co-sponsor the I. John Lane Memorial Fundraiser to benefit the Association for Children with Down Syndrome (ACDS). More than 300 people attended the event, which raised $18,200. • Archbishop Schlarman Council 3507 in Pekin, Ill., distributed $11,000 to area agencies that work with people with intellectual disabilities, including the Ann Benjamin Camp, the Schramm Education Center, the Children’s Center of Tazewell County and others. • Coral Gables (Fla.) Council 3274 held a barbecue fun day to benefit the art department at Community Habilitation Center, a training center for people with intellectual disabilities. The event raised $3,700 to purchase new art supplies. • Rev. Thomas Tierney Council 6884 in Seneca, S.C., raised more than $34,000 during its annual fund drive for people with intellectual disabilities. The funds were distributed among 18 area schools, many of which cannot provide adequate outreach due to recent budget constraints.
Bill Keller, Bob Amory, Ken Wrangler and Ray Tonucci of San Antonio Council 12456 in Port Charlotte, Fla., recondition used cassette players. Knights spend part of each week repairing the players, which are provided by the National Library Service so that people with visual impairments can listen to books on tape.
Cowboy Up
Statue Purchased
San Antonio Council 786 held its annual Dallas Cowboys Weekend to benefit the Ralph Saenz Emergency Food Pantry. The event raised $14,000 to provide food to needy families in and around San Antonio. The food pantry is named for Ralph Saenz, a deceased member of Council 786.
Rosary Council 3741 in Henderson, Nev., donated $822 to St. Peter the Apostle Church to purchase a statue of the Blessed Mother that was placed outside the parish’s religious education center.
PH Balance Bishop Charles P. Greco Council 9499 in Clemmons, N.C., and its ladies’ auxiliary helped plan, sponsor and conduct the North Carolina Cure Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Golf Tournament. Knights sponsored a team for the event, provided items for the tournament’s silent auction and made other monetary donations. The tournament raised more than $12,500 for PH research.
Charitable Aid Sacred Heart Council 12537 in Southport, N.C., distributed more than $25,000 to nine charitable organizations. Among the recipients were Special Olympics, the Interchurch Food Pantry and the Brunswick County Adult Free Medical Clinic. Money for the donations was raised during the council’s annual fund drive and golf tournament.
Pancake Breakfast Tallmadge (Ohio) Council 5613 held its annual pancake breakfast, which raised more than $500 for the religious education program at Our Lady of Victory Church.
• St. Matthew Council 9893 in Glendale Heights, Ill., donated $10,000 to RRAF, a program that provides on-site and communitybased day programming, in-home support and overnight care for people with intellectual disabilities.
School Days
• Blessed Mother Seton Council 5410 in Chester, N.J., donated approximately $600 each to ARC and to United Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey.
St. Philip the Apostle Council 9884 in Lewisville, Texas, donated $9,000 to its parish. The funds are earmarked for general maintenance to the church and grounds.
St. David Council 4435 in Noëlville, Ont., donated $500 to Rivière des Frençais School. The council also sponsored a drug and alcohol awareness day at the school.
Parish Donation
N.J. State Treasurer Herb Meyer (second from right) stands with Auxiliary Bishop John W. Flesey (second from left) of Newark and some of the priests who participated in a Divine Mercy novena at Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Franklin Lakes. Knights from throughout Bergen County gathered to pray the novena. Also pictured are: Father Seraphim Michalenko, Father Benedict Groeschel and Father John F. Murray, state father prior of the Columbian Squires.
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Bike Blessing
Cooking for a Cause
St. Patrick Council 13971 in Arcola, Ind., held its annual blessing for area motorcycle owners. Knights also raised $1,000 for its parish youth group by selling raffle tickets at the event.
Helping a Wounded Warrior
[Left] Lou Carnoali of Edwardsville (Ill.) Council 1143 cooks bacon during the annual Catholic Men’s Mass and Breakfast at St. Mary’s Church. Edwardsville Assembly provided an honor guard for the Mass, followed by breakfast for all attendees. [Right] Paul Panebianco and Rich Romano of Father John G. Seyfried Council 821 in Kings Park, N.Y., cook pancakes during a breakfast to benefit a local family whose father died. The event raised nearly $20,000.
The Texas State Council, along with St. Anthony Claret Council 10090 in San Antonio, presented Jason Gamez with checks totaling $600. Gamez is a U.S. soldier who was wounded in Iraq when his squad was attacked by a roadside bomb. Gamez’s father, Ted, is a member of St. James Council 14064 in Beeville.
Monastery Support The Old College Try
Let There Be Light
St. Pius X Council 6531 in Baton Rouge, La., prepared and served approximately 400 lunches at Christ the King Church for students at Louisiana State University. The students enjoyed a home-cooked meal of spaghetti jambalaya, salad, bread and cookies.
Trinity Council 747 in Hackensack, N.J., provided funding to replace all of the incandescent light bulbs at Holy Trinity School with low-cost fluorescent lighting. Based on eight hours of use per day, Holy Trinity stands to save approximately $3,000 per year in energy costs.
Miss Shaw Day
Community Fitness
West (Texas) Council 2305 hosted a dinner to benefit Martha Shaw, a teacher at St. Mary’s School who was forced to retire due to health reasons. Ineligible for Medicare, Shaw was without health insurance when the community learned about her situation. The dinner raised $30,000 to offset Shaw’s medical expenses.
Father Paul J. F. Wattson Council 8919 in Windsor, Ont., launched a community fitness program at its parish. Participants work their way through a stretching and lowimpact cardio routine aimed at promoting general health. The class is run by Penny Dumouchelle, wife of Knight Dan Dumouchelle.
New Toys
Chalice Restored
Heart of the Valley Council 10760 in Waynesboro, Va., purchased an adaptive tricycle and mini-trampoline/rebounder for a local girl with intellectual disabilities. Both items provide the girl with therapeutic exercise and interaction with other neighborhood children.
Good Shepherd Council 6358 in Schertz, Texas, along with the deacons of Good Shepherd Church, restored an antique chalice for their pastor, Msgr. Roger Robbins. The chalice, which was presented to Msgr. Robbins when he was ordained, dates from the 1920s and was starting to show serious wear.
Autism Benefit
Kitchen Raffle
Msgr. John Eppenbrock Council 3615 in Trenton, Mich., held a spaghetti dinner to benefit Jake Gilstorf, a local boy who has autism. More than 200 people attended the event, which raised $3,800. With $3,700 in matching funds from the Michigan State Council, Knights presented the Gilstorf family with $7,500.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 10778 in Salina, Kan., sponsored a 50-50 raffle to raise funds for a new kitchen at its parish. Knights sold 432 raffle tickets for $50 each, collecting $11,600 for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. A member of Council 10778 held the winning ticket, worth $10,000, and donated the funds back to the parish.
Deacon Raphael “Ray” Longpre Council 10441 and Msgr. Don H. Hughes Assembly, both in Tucson, Ariz., donated $12,590 to the Benedictine Monastery in Tucson.
Keeping Cool Msgr. Paul J. Meyer Council 4916 in Preston, Ont., donated $4,000 to St. Mary’s of the Visitation Church to offset the cost of a central air conditioning system. The donation was made to coincide with the parish’s 150th anniversary.
Clergy Night Holy Cross Council 2739 in Detroit held an appreciation dinner for 117 priests and religious. The event featured food and bingo, and Knights presented gifts to all those in attendance. In addition, members of Father Daniel A. Lord Circle 801 served as waiters and busboys during the event.
Edward A. Hohman Jr. of Brother Vincent Council 7517 in Smyrna, Del., collects a donation during the council’s annual fund drive for people with intellectual disabilities. Knights solicited funds outside a local supermarket and raised more than $4,400.
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New Robes Mary, Queen of Heaven Council 12253 in Malakoff, Texas, held a spaghetti luncheon to honor local altar servers. Proceeds from the event were used to purchase new robes for the 30 young people who volunteer as altar servers.
Veterans Tourney St. Patrick’s Council 13307 in Sarasota, Fla., held its annual golf tournament to benefit several veterans’ organizations. The tournament and silent auction raised funds for Southeastern Guide Dogs and for American Veterans Adaptive Golf (AVAG).
Relay for Life Father Hart Council 4856 in Dalhousie, N.B., participated in and volunteered at a local Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer research. Knights served food throughout the event and donated $1,000 toward the reception that was held before the relay began.
For Life Holy Cross Assembly in Detroit helped sponsor the annual benefit dinner hosted by Right to Life of Michigan. Knights donated $2,500 in support of the dinner.
Having A Ball Texarkana (Texas) Council 1003 co-hosted a free throw competition with Challenger, a local sport and recreational group for people with disabilities.
John Weldon, Tom Murray and Louis Dumais of Mother Cabrini Council 12155 in Parrish, Fla., unload bags of trash at the council’s collection point. Knights clean a portion of U.S. Route 301 four times each year.
Benefit Supper
Bottle Drive
St. Agnes Council 2043 in LacMégantic, Que., co-sponsored a dinner with the Lac-Mégantic Lions Club to benefit Michel Therrien, a local man who has cancer. Funds raised at the event will offset Therrien’s medical expenses while he awaits a bone marrow transplant.
Father Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100 in Mount Olive, N.J., held a baby bottle drive to benefit two pregnancy resource centers. Knights donated $1,750 to each organization as well as several baby clothes and blankets knitted by the St. Jude Women’s Club.
Watch Your Health
Voices Lifted High At the request of a Catholic chaplain stationed at the Al Taji Army Airfield outside of Baghdad, St. Thérèse Council 13389 in Pensacola, Fla., donated a new tape player and recordings of traditional hymns to the base chapel.
Church Work Pere Jacques Robichaud Council 7529 in Riviére-du-Portage, N.B., donated $10,000 to Immaculate Conception Church. The funds will be used to perform maintenance to the church building and grounds.
Knight Riders
K of C councils in southwest Kansas funded the printing of “Priests on the Prairie,” a necrology with biographical sketches of more than 300 priests who served in the Diocese of Dodge City. Pictured is Tim Burke of Sacred Heart Council 2955 in Dodge City, Bishop Ronald M. Gilmore and author Tim Wenzl. Bishop Gilmore is a member of Wichita Council 691.
Lipa City (Luzon) Council 6122 formed a traffic assistance force called “Knight Rider” to provide volunteer traffic enforcement. Knights render aid when needed to the city’s Traffic Management Division.
Scholar’s Breakfast Our Lady of Lourdes Council 13080 in Omaha, Neb., held a pancake breakfast that raised nearly $1,250 for its scholarship fund.
Risen Lord Council 13553 in Southville, Luzon, sponsored a medical mission for needy members of the community. More than 100 people received free examinations courtesy of volunteer doctors. Blessed Sacrament Council 12318 in Sañto Tomas, Luzon, also offered free medical screenings to the needy.
Communion Breakfast St. Katharine Drexel Council 3968 in Bustleton, Pa., sponsored a Mass and Communion breakfast at the St. Katharine Drexel Shrine. During the event, Knights presented the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament — who run the shrine — with a check for $2,000.
Missionary Priest St. Patrick’s Council 3464 in Elkhorn, Wis., donated $1,000 to Father David Linder for his work in Ghana, West Africa. Father Linder is a missionary priest, but was home in Wisconsin to celebrate his parents’ 60th wedding anniversary. He is also a member of Council 3464. c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 29
Wheelchair Ramps Built
Local residents wait outside a Catholic Charities truck while delivering donations. Santa Maria Council 6065 in Plano, Texas, hosted its semi-annual HUGS truck, which collects used furniture, clothing and household goods for Catholic Charities of Dallas. Knights collected two truckloads of goods for the needy.
A Special Night Cardinal Richard Cushing Council 6267 in Pembroke, Mass., sponsored a prom at its hall for people with intellectual disabilities. Nearly 75 people, ages 15-28, attended the event. Attendees enjoyed a dinner followed by dancing.
Getting an Education Luke Killoran Council 4510 in Wainwright, Alta., began collecting funds to establish a school in Cunen, Guatemala. So far, Knights have collected $6,000, which will provide materials for an entire classroom.
School Breakfast Marian Council 3881 in Oakville, Ont., prepares breakfast at St. James Elementary School three times each week.
Our Lady of the Angels Council 12184 in Cape May Court House, N.J., built a ramp at the home of a man who uses a wheelchair. The man was homebound prior to having the ramp installed. St. Mary, Queen of the Universe Council 8196 in Salina, Kan., built a wheelchair ramp for Leland and Bertha Letourneau. Knights provided all the tools and manpower necessary to complete the project. And St. Charles Council 2409 in Luling, La., built a wheelchair ramp for Lucille Clark with help from the United Way.
Riding Mower Blessed Sacrament Council 7016 in San Antonio, Texas, raised $2,500 to purchase a new John Deere riding mower for its parish. Knights presented the mower, along with a utility trailer, to Father John O’Donoghue.
Nature’s Classroom St. Frances de Chantal Council 6526 in Wantagh, N.Y., donated $250 to fifth-grade students at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School. The funds will offset the cost of a weeklong ecology field trip at Nature’s Classroom in Connecticut.
Sanctuary Renovated Our Lady of the Grace Council 13243 in Palm Bay, Fla., and its ladies’ auxiliary helped renovate the sanctuary at its parish following the installation of new tile and carpet.
Hospital Bed Our Lady of Sorrows Council 4189 in Aylmer, Ont., donated funds to purchase a new hospital bed at Elgin General Hospital. Knights estimate they have donated more than $150,000 to the hospital in recent years.
Leukemia Benefit
Members of Wall (Texas) Council 4316 install insulation at a new storage facility they built for Meals for the Elderly. Knights solicited materials and performed most of the labor themselves. The facility will house the organization’s van and other supplies. Meals for the Elderly is a non-profit group that provides meals for the homebound in and around San Angelo.
Rantoul (Ill.) Council 4450 held a benefit dinner and raffle for Luke Remington, a local boy who has leukemia. Knights served more than 800 meals and raised $35,000 for the Remington family.
Basement Painting Altoona (Pa.) Council 551 painted the basement of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, mother church of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown.
Lawrence DePalma (left) and Joseph Cesta of Leisure Village West Council 9134 in Lakehurst, N.Y., stand with some of the eyeglasses their council collected for the needy. To date, Knights have collected more than 2,000 glasses for residents of the retirement home where the council is located and for needy members of the community. Also pictured is Joseph Lambarski (far right), who originally conceived the program.
Parking Bumpers Members of Father Robert Rittmeyer Council 10671 in Zephyrhills, Fla., repaired and repainted more than 500 parking bumpers at St. Joseph’s Church. By doing the work themselves, Knights saved the parish approximately $1,200.
Rosaries for Soldiers Chesapeake (Va.) Council 8240 and All Saints Assembly supplied 200 rosary beads to outgoing soldiers at Naval Station Norfolk. Knights supplied the rosaries after learning that soldiers on their way to Asia and Africa did not have access to religious materials.
Coming Home Donat Robichaud (N.B.) Council 9178 raised $900 for Bliss Arsenault, a Knight who needed to purchase medical equipment for his home. Arsenault suffered a long illness but couldn’t leave the hospital until he obtained certain equipment at his house. Council members raised the funds necessary so Arsenault could finally come home.
>kofc.org exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at www.kofc.org/ knightsinaction
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c o l u m b i a / j u n e 2 0 0 9 31 BASKETBALL COURT: JUPITER IMAGES
COLUMBIANISM BY DEGREES C HARITY [Left] Members of Jimenez Council 6697 in Misamis Occidental, Mindanao, repair the house of an indigent parishioner. Knights solicited funds for the repairs and performed most of the carpentry work themselves. • In 1983, Knights from the P.E.I. State Council instituted the K of C Foreign Mission Fund to provide financial assistance to seminarians and religious in the Catholic missions of third-world countries. The mission fund supports more than 100 priests and religious with $190,000 in scholarships and grants.
U NITY [Right] Peter McCann (left) of Msgr. John A. Welsh Council 4312 in Memphis, Tenn., stands with Senior Patrol Leader Jake Penn of Boy Scout Troop 274 in front a pro-life display jointly assembled by Knights and Scouts. The two groups placed 50 white crosses on the lawn of Holy Rosary Church to spread awareness of pro-life issues. • San Antonio Maria Claret Council 8827 in Zamboanga City, Mindanao, made renovations and repairs to the Immaculate Mother Chapel, located at the Bureau of Transportation compound. Each council member provided funds for the chapel restoration.
F RATERNITY [Left] Syrian Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan (right) holds his pastoral staff at his installation Mass at Our Lady of the Annunciation Syrian Catholic Church in Beirut, Lebanon, Feb. 15. Patriarch Younan, who is a member of St. Rosa de Lima Council 6209 in Union City, N.J., was installed as the leader of the Syrian Catholic Church. • Archbishop Drossaerts Council 2490 in El Campo, Texas, co-sponsored a dinner-dance to benefit Louis Buzek, a council member who was seriously wounded in a hunting accident. Buzek sustained a gunshot wound in the abdomen Jan. 28 and has undergone nearly 40 surgeries to repair the damage. The event raised more than $66,000 to help Buzek and his family.
P ATRIOTISM [Right] Paula Devereaux, Samantha O’Leary and Kathryn O’Leary display some of the religious articles they collected for U.S. and Canadian troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Grand Knight John O’Leary of Cabot Council 6001 in Avondale, Nfld., received a request for religious articles for the troops, the three girls jumped into action. Council 6001 supplied several rosaries for the cause and helped the girls collect 13 bags of religious articles. Also pictured are (from left): Genevieve Smith, Father Deodoro Cago, who blessed the items, Billie Smith and Grand Knight O’Leary.
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OF COLUMBUS In service to One. In service to all. Members of St. Padre Pio Circle 4992 in Henderson, Nev., pack and sell programs for a NASCAR event at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Squires and Knights from St. Francis of Assisi Council 13456, along with the council’s ladies’ auxiliary, raised $10,000 for charity by selling programs throughout the day.
Building a better world one council at a time. Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.
To be featured here, send your council’s “Knights in Action” photo as well as its description to: Columbia, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326 or e-mail: columbia@kofc.org.
I believe that Jesus is calling me to bear witness to the great
vocation. I encountered Jesus more profoundly in the sacra-
depths of his love by living the simple, yet extraordinary, life of a
ments, in eucharistic adoration, in serving daily Mass at the
priest. Thus, I understand that I must become a priest in order to
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and
experience the true happiness in my life that God plans for me.
through the many people who affirmed my vocation, including the Knights of Columbus.
My parents were, in a sense, my first vocation directors. They planted the seed of a priestly vocation and nourished it by their exam-
After two years of undergraduate studies, I entered the Theological
ples of sacrifice and fidelity. They brought me to Mass every
College, the national seminary at Catholic University, where I am
Sunday, sent me to Catholic school and taught me to pray. Growing
joyfully preparing for priestly service for my home diocese. I am
up, however, in the secular environment of a large U.S. city, amid
truly happy because I realize that I am fulfilling God’s will for me. If
harsh opposition to our faith, I was too afraid to respond to Jesus’
you think you may be called to the priesthood, pray constantly, sur-
invitation for some time. Yet, God’s will was victorious.
round yourself with supportive people and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the grace to respond with courage and generosity.
After high school, the Lord brought me to The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where I confidently embraced my BRANDON E. MACADAEG, SEMINARIAN Diocese of Oakland, Calif. Theological College, Washington, D.C.
Keep the Faith Alive www.kofc.org
Please, do all you can to encourage priestly and religious vocations. Your prayers and support make a difference.