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‘WORKING FOR THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ALLOWED ME TO CONTINUE MY VOCATION OF SERVICE.’ WHEN MY FATHER passed away in 2004, I lost not only my friend but also my guide. I had just graduated from college and was newly married. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Shortly after, I met my general agent, George Spinelli, and things just clicked. I knew I was meant to be a field agent. My time in the Marine Corps had taught me to take care of those around me, and working for the Knights of Columbus allowed me to continue my vocation of service. My father’s memory stays with me and impacts my work. Whenever I meet with a widow of a brother Knight, I see my mother. And whenever I meet with someone who has lost a parent, I see myself, and I am better equipped to help, because I have experienced that same loss. That is what our job boils down to: taking care of those who have lost loved ones. I often tell people that I went from one fraternity in the Marine Corps to another in the Knights of Columbus. Though very different, they both teach us to take care of your fellow man, and it’s an incredible honor for me to be a part of both. Darin Reed Knights of Columbus Field Agent Ellis, Kansas
For more information, visit or call 1-800-345-5632.
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K N I G H T S O F C O LU M BU S march 2018 ♦ Volume 98 ♦ Number 3
‘I Will Take Care of You’ Grounded in prayer, Knights across Puerto Rico continue relentless relief and recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria. BY WALLICE J. DE LA VEGA
12 Love Saves Lives Knights and families gather in Washington for the 45th March for Life. BY COLUMBIA STAFF
16 Where the Word of God Walked An interview with Father Francesco Patton about the care for Christian shrines and pilgrims in the Holy Land. BY COLUMBIA STAFF
22 The Rosary Priest Venerable Father Patrick Peyton was a joyful apostle who promoted family prayer and devotion to Mary worldwide. BY FATHER RICHARD GRIBBLE, CSC
Sunlight glows behind a cross atop Nuestra Señora del Carmen Church in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The church, which lost its roof and suffered extensive damage during Hurricane Maria, will be repaired with assistance from a Knights of Columbus disaster relief campaign.
Building a better world Knights of Columbus insurance agents play a central role in the Order’s growth and charitable work. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON
Learning the faith, living the faith The Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving can renew our lives in Christ.
26 Fathers for Good St. Joseph’s humble, decisive witness speaks volumes to our culture today. BY SOREN JOHNSON
27 Knights in Action
Photo by Spirit Juice Studios
PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month
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Forming Families in Faith A 4-YEAR-OLD girl and her younger brother played with wooden figures on the living room floor while their parents and siblings sat on the couch and chairs. The father announced the next mystery of the rosary, and the youngest children quickly got to work, rearranging the wooden toys to correspond to the biblical scene. I saw this during one of the many times that I have been blessed to participate in the prayers of young Catholic families, often while visiting the homes of friends who are members of the Knights of Columbus. From a smiling toddler, not yet 3 years old, volunteering to lead a decade of the family rosary to kids arguing about who will get to read aloud a spiritual reflection during Advent, I have been amazed and amused by my friends’ domestic churches in action. Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, who was declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis this past December, spent most of his life promoting family prayer through his media apostolate and large “rosary rallies” around the world (see page 22). An honorary Fourth Degree member of the Order, Father Peyton coined the famous motto “The family that prays together stays together.” According to the Institute of Family Studies, based in Charlottesville, Va., research support Father Peyton’s motto. Religious attendance is tied to lower divorce rates; couples who pray together report happier relationships; and children whose parents pray more than once a day report better relationships with their parents.
Holy Cross Family Ministries, which was founded by Father Peyton and carries on his work, commissioned a survey of Catholic families several years ago. It found that family prayer is relatively rare, even though “the most common reason for [personal] prayer among parents is for the well-being of their family.” Still other studies have demonstrated that a father’s practice of the faith is the strongest predictor of whether or not children will continue to practice as adults. This highlights the vital role of the Knights of Columbus, which is committed to strengthening Catholic men in their faith and serving Catholic families. From the witness of charity to the Building the Domestic Church initiative, the Order helps men and their families to more faithfully live their vocation. With Lent drawing to a close, consider how you and your family can grow in faith together, or how you can help other families to do so. It can be as simple as setting aside a time to pray the rosary together; reflecting with your children about St. Joseph and the Holy Family (see page 26); or making time to attend the Good Friday liturgy as a family (see page 21). Growing closer to God by fostering a habit of prayer, however imperfect or even comical it may turn out in practice, will fill your home with a greater sense of peace and Easter joy.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI EDITOR
Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers The booklet Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers (#309) is an invaluable resource for growing in faith and devotion. Part of the new Building the Domestic Church Series published by the Order’s Catholic Information Service, it includes numerous traditional prayers and devotions, prayers for various intentions, helps from the Catechism, guidance on the sacrament of reconciliation and family prayer, and more. To download or order this and other Catholic resources, visit 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
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Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4210, option #3 PRAYER CARDS & SUPPLIES 203-752-4214 COLUMBIA INQUIRIES 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 K OF C CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 E-MAIL INTERNET ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER K of C General Agent José Lebrón-Sanabria stands on the roof of his house in Humacao, Puerto Rico, with a flag that he raised in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
COVER: Photo by Spirit Juice Studios
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An Ethics of Fraternity The Knights of Columbus is committed to Catholic values and leading by example by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
LAST MONTH, I shared some thoughts on the tremendous growth of the Knights of Columbus Insurance program since the year 2000: Our insurance in force has grown from $40 billion to nearly $110 billion, and our assets under management are up from $8.5 billion to nearly $25 billion. We can all be proud of this longterm, superior performance that, year after year, extends greater financial protection to the families of our brother Knights. I am also especially proud that once again this year we were selected as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute. We are one of only 135 companies named from 23 countries — and we are one of only three honorees in the life insurance category. This is the fifth consecutive year that the Knights of Columbus has been so honored. This designation recognizes that the Knights of Columbus continues to show “exemplary leadership” in such areas as “improving culture, leading authentically and committing to transparency.” At the Knights of Columbus, we share the Ethisphere Institute’s commitment to “continually raising the standards of corporate behavior” and to “values-based leadership.” And I am particularly grateful to have personally been named by Ethisphere as one of the “100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics” in 2014 and 2015.
As I have often said, we will not sacrifice our ethics in order to chase profits. On the contrary, we believe a values-based, ethical strategy in both marketing and investments is the best way to achieve sustainability and to remain competitive in a free-market economy. We are proud that the Knights of Columbus way of doing business is both ethical and successful. We maintain a decades-long tradition of superior performance in operations and on the balance sheet. Our designation by the Ethisphere Institute came soon after the release of the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, which found that the United States is enduring the worst collapse in trust ever recorded in the 18-year history of the survey. Most significantly, the survey found a 30-point decline in trust in government. The trust index ranked the United States lowest of all the 28 nations surveyed. The report stated: “In a year marked by turbulence at home and abroad, trust in institutions in the United States crashed, posting the steepest, most dramatic decline the Trust Barometer has ever measured.” It continued, “It is no exaggeration to state that the U.S. has reached a point of crisis that should provoke every leader, in government, business, or civil sector, into urgent action. Inertia is not an option, and neither is silence. The public’s confidence in the traditional structures of American leadership is now fully un-
dermined and has been replaced with a strong sense of fear, uncertainty and disillusionment.” Its conclusion was perhaps most interesting: “Today, business and NGOs are viewed equally as the institutions holding the most hope for our respondents.” This places a very special responsibility upon the Knights of Columbus as the greatest Catholic business and fraternal organization in the world. And it is a challenge that we will not turn away from. We will continue in our mission to maintain a strong, successful business model based upon an ethics of fraternity. And we will continue to promote our values of charity, unity and fraternity as the best foundation to rebuild trust in our social and governmental institutions. In fact, working to return these values to the center of our national life may be one of the most patriotic actions we can take today. Some may say that the values we cherish are becoming increasingly outdated. I would ask them to remember the words of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: “It is always the right time to do the right thing.” Today, we have a unique opportunity to bring our Catholic values into both the marketplace and the public square. Vivat Jesus!
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Taste and See As Holy Week approaches, we can take steps to be more attuned to the beauty and riches of the Church’s liturgy by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori LENT IS A SEASON of repentance Week. Nothing is more worthy of and renewal leading us to the apex of our time and attention. Some peothe Church’s liturgical life: Holy Week. ple, however, say they don’t get anyDuring that most sacred week in this thing out of the liturgy. They claim Year of Grace, we will gather to retrace that it’s boring, meaningless or baf- to the psalmist’s invitation to experithe way of Jesus from his entrance into fling, and they don’t find it spiritu- ence the Lord’s goodness requires Jerusalem in triumph to the institution ally nourishing. They are in the that, in God’s grace, we develop our of the Eucharist and priesthood at the presence of untold riches without re- inward taste for the sublime nourishLast Supper to his saving passion, alizing it. They are like people who ment available to us in the Eucharist. death and resurrection. In the liturgies arrive at a marvelous banquet without In a phrase, the psalmist is urging of Holy Week — Palm Sunday, the much of an appetite — or like those you and me to hunger and thirst for Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good who would prefer a sugary drink to holiness. Friday, and the Easter Vigil — we truly a fine vintage or fast food to gourmet How, then, do we develop our share in the great events that brought fare. Just as one’s appreciation for spiritual palate so that we might arus new life in Christ. Those savrive at the liturgy ready to paring events become present and take of its riches and more available to us in the power of fully “taste and see the goodBeing with the Lord, allowing the Holy Spirit. ness of the Lord”? While not Let us not take the Church’s ruling out the sudden inspirahis heart to speak to our hearts liturgy for granted. In and tion of the Holy Spirit, I in love, makes us long to know through the liturgy, we celewould argue that normally we brate the marvelous things God appreciate the Church’s liturgy and love him more deeply. has done to save us. To “celewhen we have an active life of brate” means to give joyful private prayer. When we pray thanks for these great events and to fine food and drink requires a devel- fervently in private each day, we truly render them present in the Church. oped palate, so too we must develop begin to internalize the beauty, This is true of every liturgical celebra- our “spiritual palate” if we would par- majesty and power of the Church’s tion, but it is especially evident during take well in the banquet of Christ’s liturgy — whether it is Holy Week or Holy Week. The rites of Holy Week are sacrifice. any other time. both solemn and beautiful, with a The psalmist calls us to “taste and power and majesty all their own. As see the goodness of the Lord” (Ps PREPARING OUR HEARTS one who has been privileged to cele- 34:8). For us as Catholics, this verse There are certain steps that we can all brate Holy Week liturgies for many stands as an invitation to participate take to grow in appreciation of the years, I remain humbled and awestruck in the eucharistic liturgy, wherein we liturgy. as the mystery of God’s plan of salva- partake of Jesus’ gift of self on the First, spend time every day being tion unfolds before the eyes of faith. cross and unite ourselves to his sacri- recollected in prayer. Take time to let ficial love. His presence and sacrifice the Lord speak to your heart and OUR SPIRITUAL PALATE become our spiritual nourishment as shed his light on the events of your I encourage everyone to attend and we receive the risen Lord’s body, life, your relationships, your strugparticipate in the liturgies of Holy blood, soul and divinity. Responding gles with sin and weaknesses, and 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
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your opportunities to love others or grow in virtue. Being with the Lord, allowing his heart to speak to our hearts in love, makes us long to know and love him more deeply. It prepares us to share in the liturgy more actively and, in turn, liturgical prayer enriches our personal life of prayer. Second, be sure to make regular use of the sacrament of reconciliation. This sacrament, in which our sins are forgiven, is like a cleansing of the spiritual palate. It rids us of the bad taste left by the “junk food” of sin and distracted living while
Offered in Solidarity with Pope Francis
POPE FRANCIS: CNS photo/Paul Haring — BlESSEd ClEmENS vON GAlEN: Photo by Gustav Albers/diocese of mü n ster
That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.
preparing us for the good things the Lord has in store for us. Third, engage in lectio divina (divine or spiritual reading). Think of how much more we would appreciate the liturgy if, in advance, we were to prayerfully read and reflect upon the Scripture readings and prayers to be proclaimed at Mass. If we took a little time to do this, we would arrive at Mass ready to listen and better prepared to take part in the liturgy. Fourth, why not dedicate some time to read and study what the
Catechism of the Catholic Church or the shorter Compendium teaches about the liturgy and the sacraments? The Catechism draws its teaching from the Second Vatican Council and other sources in the Tradition. Its teaching is reliable, profound and beautiful. All of this brings us back to Lent and Holy Week. This is preeminently the time for us to raise the bar of our life of prayer. As Holy Week approaches, may we truly “taste and see the goodness of the Lord!”♦
Blessed Clemens von Galen (1878-1946) CLEMENS AUGUST von Galen was born March 16, 1878, in Westphalia, a region in northwestern Germany. His father, a member of the imperial German parliament, and his mother, a countess, raised their 13 children in an affectionate and prayerful home. Educated by Jesuits in Austria, von Galen was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Münster in 1904. Father von Galen served in workingclass parishes in Berlin for many years, and during World War I, he volunteered as a military chaplain. Afterward, he organized programs to aid the hungry and poverty-stricken. Named bishop of Münster in 1933, the same year Hitler came to power, von Galen publicly condemned the “neo-paganism of the national socialist ideology.” Pope Pius XI asked him to help draft the anti-Nazi encyclical of 1937, Mit Brennender Sorge (“With Burning Anxiety”). In 1941, Bishop von Galen delivered sermons denouncing the totalitarian methods of the Gestapo, the confiscation of Church property and the regime’s euthanasia program targeting people with mental and physical disabilities.
“Once we admit the right to kill ‘unproductive’ persons, then none of us can be sure of his life,” he said. “Woe to mankind and the German people if we break the holy commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ that was given to us by God!” The sermons became an international sensation and inspired resistance movements when they were broadcast. Nazi leaders demanded the bishop’s execution, but Hitler feared that making von Galen a martyr would cause an uprising. The bishop remained under virtual house arrest until the end of World War II. “The Lion of Münster,” as he came to be known, was made a cardinal by Pope Pius XII Feb. 17, 1946. He died one month later, on March 22, and was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.♦
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‘I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU’ Grounded in prayer, Knights across Puerto Rico continue relentless relief and recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria by Wallice J. de la Vega | photos by Spirit Juice Studios
Field agent Héctor Lebrón-Sanabria stands in prayer before delivering food to families affected by the hurricane in Puerto Rico.
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t the break of dawn Sept. 21, some two dozen men emerged from their wind-whipped homes carrying chainsaws, hatchets and machetes. After sizing up the destruction that Hurricane Maria had swept across the island during the night, they set to work. For days, these members of San Benito Abad Council 9572 in Patillas, in southeastern Puerto Rico, cleared the way through fallen trees, downed power lines and the pieces of homes and other debris. Then came the mammoth task of supplying food and fresh water to a suffering population whose electrical grid had been wiped out. “We thank God who gave our council the opportunity to work together and show people the power of God and of faith through actions,” said Grand Knight Noel de León. De León and his brother Knights in Patillas were not alone. Throughout the island, Knights mobilized to serve their neighbors in the aftermath of the storm. Armando Vivoni Jr., grand knight of Monseñor José Torres Díaz Council 3836 in Rio Piedras, near San Juan, and K of C General Agent José Lebrón-Sanabria played pivotal roles, helping to orchestrate the distribution of two huge shipments of food and supplies donated by the Supreme Council. “When the first shipment arrived, Knights all across Puerto Rico rallied together in planning and putting our call to charity into high gear,” Lebrón said. “Councils, assemblies, state council officers, past state deputies, field agents and lots of wives of members joined forces as never before in the distribution effort.” The Knights have continued to support communities lacking basic goods and services. As of mid-February, thousands 8 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦
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of homes were still without electric power, and hardly anyone in the central mountains had running water. Ongoing local initiatives have been aided by the Supreme Council, which has committed more than $1 million in relief to the island, including material aid for those most in need and funds to help rebuild severely damaged churches and other Catholic institutions. CHARITY AND SOLIDARITY Two days after Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, the Supreme Council authorized a relief shipment consisting of 132,000 pounds of food and other goods, which reached the island in early October. A $100,000 donation was also sent to the Archdiocese of San Juan to assist with immediate needs. Vivoni was instrumental in coordinating the shipment from the U.S. mainland and distributing it to Puerto Rico’s interior, as his household hardware business is a certified freight company. “Thanks to the help of the field agents of the fraternal insurance, things started moving very fast,” Vivoni said. Lebrón, who is a member of San Francisco de Asis Council 15849 in Las Piedras, organized a convoy of 10 pickup trucks manned by Knights to distribute food and water along with power generators, batteries, portable gas stoves, roof tarps and flashlights. “That was one of the biggest challenges in my life, because no one had electricity,” recalled Lebrón. “We have 41 councils in Puerto Rico, so I divided up the shipment among the 10 trucks for distribution across the island. Those councils received the food, cooked it and delivered it to those in need,
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Opposite page: Father Jesús Negro, pastor of Nuestra Señora del Carmen Church in Ponce, stands with State Deputy Miguel Vidal-Lugo (center right), K of C insurance agents and other members of local councils. Knights provided the devastated parish community with a variety of relief in the wake of Hurricane Maria, and the roof of the church will be rebuilt with aid from the Order. Clockwise, from top: A food container bears a message in Spanish that reads, “Blessings, Knights of Columbus.” • K of C field agent Gerardo Gautier delivers hot meals to a family in need. • The massive Centennial Tree in Ponce is toppled to the ground as a result of hurricane winds. often for many weeks.” Members of Lebrón’s own council cooked and delivered thousands of free meals to the local community for eight weeks following the hurricane. Among the benefactors was Rafael Cordero-Tolentino, a paraplegic man who lives with his 79-year-old mother in Las Piedras. “It was a crisis situation for us because our stove was electric and we couldn’t cook,” said Cordero, who is also a member of Padre Agapito Iriberri Council 5014 in Humacao. “God bless my brother Knights for helping us.” Recently named disaster relief coordinator for Puerto Rico, Lebrón worked with Vivoni and state council officers to organize another convoy at the end of November 2017 to distribute a second large shipment of food and supplies from the Supreme Council.
Hurricane Maria
◉ made landfall in Puerto Rico Sept. 20, 2017, following hard on the heels of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which largely affected Texas and Florida, respectively. ◉ brought winds reaching nearly 200 mph, making it the strongest cyclone to slam Puerto Rico since the Category 5 hurricane of 1928. ◉ caused the entire island to lose electricity, leaving a population of 3.4 million in the dark. More than three months later, about one-third of residents were still without power. ◉ left an official death toll of 64 people, after which the island’s shredded power grid and massive infrastructure damage contributed to a spike in the mortality rate. ◉ resulted in an estimated $94 billion of damage across the island.
THE SUPREME COUNCIL offered immediate aid and launched a fund drive for additional disaster relief while local Knights distributed food, water and household supplies to communities. The Order committed more $1 million to relief and recovery, allocating funds to restore churches and assisting K of C families and others in need. Maria’s impact is still acutely felt across much of the island, and recovery efforts are ongoing. For more information, or to make a donation, visit
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A Future Knight Comes to the Rescue TWELVE-YEAR-OLD Marco, son of General Agent José LebrónSanabria, attends a Benedictine school connected to San Antonio Abad Monastery in Humacao, on the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. It was here that Hurricane Maria first made landfall Sept. 20, 2017. Two days later, Marco had a sudden realization. “I noticed my school bag and thought, ‘Wait a second, my school is in the middle of a forest, and everything outside looks like the videogame Wasteland,’” he recalled. “And so I told my dad, ‘Hey, let’s go check on the monks to see if they are OK.’” As it turned out, a group of seven elderly monks had been trapped in their monastery, without food or water. “We were in a critical situation,” explained Father Oscar Rivera, abbot of the monastery for the past 21 years and postulator of the sainthood causes of Blessed Carlos Rodríguez Santiago, who was a member of the Knights of Columbus, and Venerable Rafael Cordero Molina. “At first, they couldn’t get out
because the road was blocked, so a group of us Knights and others cleared a narrow trail around the fallen trees,” said José. “The Knights took care of things quickly,” added Father Rivera, “and they even got a huge machine to push the debris to the side.” After clearing access to the Benedictine compound, Knights filled and delivered 55-gallon drums each day with fresh water from a spring located on a mountaintop 10 miles away. “To fill one drum we had to wait in long lines with small buckets and it took more than 20 trips walking up and down, which was exhausting,” José said. “We did that for 18 days.” Marco joined his father to fetch the water and also made trips with him to cook and deliver food to those in need. “My dad has really inspired me because every day he would just go out and help people,” Marco said. “One day, I would like to become a Knight of Columbus too, because I feel that I’ve been put here on earth to help everybody that I can.”♦
General Agent José Lebrón-Sanabria stands together with his son, Marco, and Benedictine Father Oscar Rivera, abbot of San Antonio Abad Monastery in Humacao, Puerto Rico, in the monastery’s chapel. 10 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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Every Sunday for more than three months, the seven K of C field agents of Lebrón’s agency also cooked between 150 and 200 hot meals in their own homes and distributed them after Masses in the parishes around the island. Thomas P. Smith Jr., the chief insurance officer for the Knights of Columbus, remarked, “We have always known that our agents are devoted members of the Order first, and dedicated to the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. These acts of assistance to their brother Knights during a great time of need demonstrate this. The entire field force is proud of what these men in Puerto Rico have done and continue to do.” Field agent Héctor Lebrón-Sanabria, who is a member of Council 5014 and José’s brother, noted that their service as Knights is rooted in faith. “I had hope in God that everything was going to be all right in my house with my family, but I still had to accept that it was getting worse,” he said, recalling his prayer as Hurricane Maria first made landfall. “It was so important to pray during the hurricane, as well as after, because we can hear God saying, ‘You are my sons, you are my people. You know I will take care of you.’” DETERMINED TO REBUILD Once the extreme flooding had subsided in Patillas’ rural areas, Grand Knight Noel de León and the members of Council 9572 delivered hundreds of pounds of food and dozens of cases of bottled water to a local shelter, where they cooked for families in need. As Christmas approached, the council then distributed Habitat for Humanity home repair kits, some 1,000 toys, and several thousand hot meals. In the western town of Aguada, where Christopher Columbus first set foot in Puerto Rico, Domingo Serra-López, grand knight of Fray Alonso del Espinar Council 6242, served as a municipal volunteer in the immediate aftermath of Maria. He visited urban and rural areas to assess the extent of material damage and people’s needs. This led members of Council 6242 to prepare hundreds of meals with food donated by the Supreme Council and the National Guard, delivering them to families in the hardest hit zones.
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K of C field agents and other Knights deliver food and water to a family in a remote and impoverished area in Patillas that lacks running water. • Armando Vivoni Jr., grand knight of Mons. José Torres Díaz Council 3836 in Rio Piedras, stands in front of a historic church in Aguada, La Ermita del Espinal, which was severely damaged by the hurricane. Vivoni played a vital role in coordinating the delivery of food and supplies from the Supreme Council.
“Maria did a lot of damage, but at the same time it was a blessing because people were helping each other,” said Serra. “It was brotherhood, completely brotherhood.” In the Diocese of Ponce, on the southern side of the island, the Knights’ cooking, aid distribution and physical labor were based in Nuestra Señora del Carmen Parish, located in the economically depressed Playa sector. The parish church, which lost its roof and was severely damaged by Maria, will be rebuilt with aid from the Order. “The people of this parish have deep Catholic roots, and the church is extremely historic,” explained State Deputy Miguel Vidal-Lugo. Luis Mercado-Pacheco, diocesan deputy and a member of Monseñor Ricardo Surina Council 5950 in Ponce, said that a trailer full of water received from the Supreme Council was “a godsend” to the locals. “We have been received with open arms here in Playa de Ponce, especially in the Puerto Viejo area, which was completely
destroyed,” Mercado added. Padre Antonio Uriarte Council 14281 in Ponce cooked about 200 meals a day for community members for several weeks. Once a month, on what they call Charity Sunday, they distribute free meals at Ponce’s town square. State Deputy Vidal expressed enthusiasm about the Knights’ ongoing efforts in Puerto Rico and what they have accomplished. “Things are moving along well,” he said. “There’s much sacrifice, and reaching homes sometimes is not easy, but we are doing it all over the island.” “Not easy” seems to be a challenge that drives Puerto Rico’s Knights, who continue the work of recovery with unshakeable faith and commitment to stalwart service in the face of disaster. “I’ve seen concrete houses that were demolished by the hurricane,” said Vivoni. “I’ve seen expressways covered with electrical poles that broke off, unbelievably. What I have seen breaks one’s heart. But the Knights’ first pillar is charity, and so we are determined to rebuild and get Puerto Rico back on its feet.”♦ WALLICE J. DE LA VEGA is a freelance journalist based in San Germán, Puerto Rico. MARCH 2018
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Knights and families gather in Washington for the 45th March for Life by Columbia staff 12 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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Photo by Spirit Juice Studios
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BELOW: AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta — OTHER: Photos by Matthew Barrick
s thousands began to assemble for a rally on the National Mall before the annual March for Life Jan. 19, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a pro-life bill just blocks away. Now in the hands of the Senate, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require that any health care practitioner who is present when a baby survives an attempted abortion must take measures to save, rather than end, that child’s life. Arriving to the rally with other pro-life representatives, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced the news to the cheering crowd, which he noted was filled with young, energetic faces. “Do you know why the pro-life movement is on the rise?” he asked. “Because truth is on our side: Life begins at conception. … Science is on our side: Just look at the ultrasounds that have shown us more about the pre-born child than ever before — how they develop, how they react, how they feel pain.” Ryan, who is a member of Father Gilbert Carlton Council 9360 in Janesville, Wis., then added, “Most importantly, the pro-life movement is on the rise because we have love on our side.” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and other supreme directors attended the rally and march, which drew several hundred thousand participants, including K of C members and families from around the country. Joseph Basalla, grand knight of The Catholic University of America Council 9542, opened the rally with the Pledge of Allegiance. And 14-year-old McKenna Donohue, whose father is a member of Bishop D.F. Feehan Council 2911 in Buzzards Bay, Mass., sang the national anthem. From Sister Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life to former NFL star Matt Birk, a member of St. John Council 11281 in Naples, Fla., speakers echoed the theme of this year’s march: “Love Saves Lives.”
President Donald Trump, live via video feed from the White House Rose Garden, addresses the March for Life rally gathered blocks away on the National Mall Jan. 19. Pictured right is Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly, chairman of the March for Life, and his wife, Vanessa, holding their youngest daughter.
“Love and sacrifice go hand in hand. Love and sacrifice bear fruit. Let’s be clear, folks. Choosing life — especially when a woman is facing an unexpected pregnancy — is not easy. No one said it was. But it is the right choice. It is the empowering choice. It is the loving choice.” Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund
“We are here today to finish the work Rosa Parks and Dr. King began. To make sure every person’s inherent dignity and worth is recognized. Join with me today as we, too, fight for the civil rights of the unborn!” Agnes Armstrong, native of Montgomery, Ala., sophomore at Auburn University
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Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson stands with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at the March for Life rally Jan. 19. • Sister Gaudia Skass, a member of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy who is serving at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, marches with Dominican Father Jonathan Kalisch, director of chaplains and spiritual development for the Knights of Columbus. 14 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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Knights ‘Walk for Life’ ONE WEEK AFTER the March for Life in Washington, D.C., an estimated 60,000 people walked 10 blocks through downtown San Francisco Jan. 27 for the 14th annual Walk for Life West Coast. Members of the Knights of Columbus play a significant role in organizing the annual event, assisting with security, transportation and cleanup, among other things. “To be able to promote pro-life in this city is very important to Catholics and non-Catholics alike who support the movement,” said Supreme Director James R. Scroggin of Fresno, who has participated 12 out of the 14 years. “It’s an important way to show our unity and fraternity in this area.”♦
Above: Knights and family members stand with a council banner in front of San Francisco City Hall Jan. 27.
BOTTOM LEFT: Photo by Matthew Barrick — TOP: Douglas Zimmerman
President Donald Trump also addressed the March for Life rally via a live video feed — the first president to do so. Joining a number of other families and pro-life witnesses, Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly, chairman of the March for Life, was present in the White House Rose Garden with his wife, Vanessa, and their three children as President Trump delivered prepared remarks. “You come from many backgrounds, many places,” the president said. “But you all come for one beautiful cause: to build a society where life is celebrated, protected and cherished. The March for Life is a movement born out of love. … And you love every child — born and unborn — because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God.” After the rally concluded, participants traveled the march’s nearly two-mile route from the National Mall to the Supreme Court building, passing the U.S. Capitol and other federal buildings. More than 20,000 Knights of Columbus “Defend Life” and “Choose Life” signs distributed by the D.C. State Council stood out amid a sea of pro-life signs and banners. In a statement on the March for Life, Supreme Knight Anderson said, “We can find a better way than abortion. We can give hope to every woman and every child. Today, we see thousands of helping hands ready to make this hope a reality, and we know there are millions more willing to give. Together we can bring change.”♦
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A group of college Knights representing several universities gather with a banner and K of C “Choose Life” signs before the March for Life Jan. 19.
‘An Amazing Opportunity’
TOP: Photo by Spirit Juice Studios
Following this year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C., Columbia spoke with Erin Donlon, past grand knight of Maine Maritime Academy Council 16173 in Castine and last year’s college advisory board chairman, about his membership in the Knights of Columbus and his first experience attending the annual march. I JOINED THE KNIGHTS of Columbus when I was 18, back in my home parish in Biddeford, Maine. The pastor invited me to join the council, which is very active in pro-life and community service. During my freshman year at Maine Maritime Academy, I was very unhappy with the lack of Catholic community on campus. It was just my twin brother, two other people and I who would go to Mass every Sunday. The next year, I started a college council there and became the grand knight. Since then, we’ve consistently had 20-25 students at Sunday Masses and have done a lot to create Catholic fellowship opportunities on campus. This year was my first time attending the March for
Life. I never had the opportunity to go in college because the schedule at the maritime school didn’t allow it. For me, the best part was the vigil Mass and meeting so many Knights and others from all over the country. Coming from Maine, one of the least religious states in the country, seeing younger people excited about their faith was very inspiring and motivating. The sheer number of people at the march was really incredible. I had come down by myself and ended up merging with the West Point Catholics and the Military Archdiocese for the march. West Point is such a great group, and marching with Archbishop Broglio was fantastic. We prayed a couple of rosaries; did a chaplet. It was awesome. During my cadet shipping, I saw the desperate need for full-time chaplains dedicated to serving the military community. I recently commissioned as a reservist and am now a third-generation Navy officer. I’ve also applied to seminary, and if I am accepted, I will pursue the Co-Sponsored Seminarian program [through the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA].♦ MARCH 2018
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An interview with Father Francesco Patton about the care for Christian shrines and pilgrims in the Holy Land
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ranciscan Father Francesco Patton was named the Custos of the Holy Land in May 2016. A native of Italy, he is charged with leading a Franciscan province that has overseen the region’s sacred shrines for the past 800 years. Known as the “Custody of the Holy Land,” its apostolate is carried out in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the islands of Cyprus and Rhodes. In November 2017, Father Patton and the Custody of the Holy Land awarded Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and the Knights of Columbus the Grato Animo Award for the Order’s work to end persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. Columbia recently corresponded with Father Patton about the history and work of the Custody.
Memorial of the Conversion of St. Paul and the House of St. Ananias, which marks the place of St. Paul’s baptism. All of the shrines demand constant maintenance, while others are in need of highly specialized works of restoration and expert archaeological studies. There is also work linked with rendering these shrines more welcoming to pilgrims. COLUMBIA: What are some of the most notable restoration initiatives in the recent past and the near future? FATHER PATTON: The most recent and important works of restoration have undoubtedly been those of the Edicule of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. We are also continuing work in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem and concluding restoration of the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth. There are continuous works even in the smallest shrines, which are an important memory of the facts narrated in the Gospel.
COLUMBIA: How did the Franciscan presence in the Holy Land begin eight centuries ago, and what have been its most defining characteristics? FATHER PATTON: It began as a missionary presence after the COLUMBIA: A hallmark of the Custody has always been Chapter of Pentecost of 1217, when Franciscans set out to hospitality and spiritual care of pilgrims. How common are evangelize the known world. The first such pilgrimages today? Franciscans arrived under the direction FATHER PATTON: More than 400,000 of Brother Elias of Cortona, one of the pilgrims from all over the world and most trusted brothers of St. Francis. St. from all Christian confessions booked HE HOLY LAND IS Francis himself came to the Holy Land celebrations in our shrines in 2017 in 1219, and we remember his peaceful through the services of the Franciscan THE CONCRETE PLACE IN encounter with the Sultan Malik alPilgrim Office. In this past year, the Kamil in Damietta, Egypt. number of pilgrims coming from the WHICH THE GOSPEL HAS From the very beginning, St. Francis United States, the most represented BEEN ANNOUNCED AND wanted our presence to be in service of country, has doubled. all for the love of God and with a clear Many of our brothers from the WHERE IT TOOK FLESH. Christian identity. It was his love for the United States lead groups of pilgrims, mysteries of the incarnation, passion, and our brothers present in the Holy death and resurrection of Our Lord Land often meet with the groups as Jesus Christ that led to our special bond well. We also welcome pilgrims to with the holy places of Christianity. Franciscan centers of hospitality known as “Case Nove.” Our fraternal presence is rooted in and around the shrines It is important for us to be able to offer an experience of in the service of evangelization and pastoral ministry, but also faith, of prayer and of welcome in our shrines. as a social presence through schools, institutions, charitable activities and other initiatives. COLUMBIA: How crucial is the Holy Land collection on Good Friday in supporting the Custody’s work? COLUMBIA: What is the current scope of the Custody’s reFATHER PATTON: The Good Friday collection is the princisponsibility for the care of the Holy Land’s shrines? pal instrument by which Divine Providence serves to support FATHER PATTON: We are presently taking care of around 70 our presence in the Holy Land. It is the means through which shrines, the majority of which are found in Israel and Pales- the solidarity of all the Church with the “Mother Church” of tine. The most famous are the Basilica of the Annunciation Jerusalem is realized. Concretely, without the Good Friday in Nazareth, the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the collection the maintenance of the shrines would become more Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. difficult and our efforts would have to be drastically reduced. There is also a very important shrine in Jordan, namely the We would have to close many of our schools and suspend soMemorial of Moses, and two shrines in Damascus, Syria: the cial projects that aid local Christians and the poor.
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is pictured from the ninth station of the Via Dolorosa, traditionally marking the site where Christ fell for the third time on the way to his crucifixion.
COLUMBIA: What has been your own experience of visiting, and now living in, the Holy Land? FATHER PATTON: My first experience in the Holy Land was in 1997, when I came as a pilgrim. I arrived in Jerusalem on Continued on page 20
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Shrines of the Holy Land The Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher
The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth stands on the traditional location of the Virgin Mary’s home, where she said “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement that she was to become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God (cf. Lk 1:26-38). The first church there dates to 427, and the site has been administered by the Custody since 1620. A modern basilica was completed in 1969. 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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TOP: CNS photo/Sebastian Scheiner, Reuters — BOTTOM: Thinkstock
in Jerusalem is built on the traditional site where Jesus was crucified (Calvary or Golgotha) and also encloses the nearby tomb where he was buried and rose again (cf. Jn 19:41-42). The first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great, began building the first church there in 326. Control of the church today is largely shared among the Greek Orthodox, the Custody of the Holy Land and the Armenian Patriarchate, together with the Coptic, Syrian and Ethiopian Orthodox. The Edicule, the shrine of Christ’s tomb within the basilica, underwent significant restoration work that was completed March 2017.
TOP LEFT: © Stanislao Lee/Custody of the Holy Land — TOP RIGHT: © Mauro Gottardo/Custody of the Holy Land — MIDDLE RIGHT: © Jerzy Kraj/Custody of the Holy Land — BOTTOM: Thinkstock
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The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem marks the traditional birthplace of Jesus (a 14-point silver star beneath the altar in the grotto indicates the precise location). The original church was constructed by St. Helena in 339 and has been a pilgrimage destination ever since. The Franciscan presence in Bethlehem began in 1347, and today the Custody of the Holy Land shares ownership of the basilica with the Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox Patriarchates. Ongoing major restoration work began in 2013 after the site was listed as endangered by UNESCO.
The Memorial of St. Paul was built in 1964 on Custody land on the outskirts of Damascus, at the site where the conversion of St. Paul (cf. Acts 9:1-22) is commemorated. Blessed Pope Paul VI requested and funded the memorial, which provides a venue for spiritual exercises and theological, pastoral, ecumenical and archaeological meetings.
The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo in Jordan marks the place from where God showed Moses the Promised Land (cf. Deuteronomy 34) and where Moses died. A community of monks settled on the site from the fourth to the ninth century. The Custody of the Holy Land acquired ownership of the site in 1932 and brought to light the ancient monastery, the basilica and its wonderful mosaics.
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a Friday afternoon, and the first thing I did was go and pray at the Holy Sepulcher, which during that moment was practically empty. I entered the Edicule and knelt down in prayer with my head resting on the marble slab that protects the rock upon which the body of Jesus was placed. Even today, that place is for me a place of great peace and Christian hope, because in that place death has been conquered. Living in the Holy Land in my responsibility as Custos entails helping my brothers to live their own Franciscan vocation. It is a service to the small local Christian community and to the pilgrims who arrive from all over the world, and it is also a service linked to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, placing me in contact with the civil and political realities. It is certainly a more complex and demanding experience than that of my first pilgrimage. However, it still continues to be, first and foremost, an experience of faith and an authentic experience of grace. COLUMBIA: How significant is the presence of Christians, who now comprise a very small percentage of the population in the Holy Land? FATHER PATTON: As Christians in the Holy Land, we are now about 2 percent — but the most important thing is not our numbers but rather the quality of our evangelical life. Jesus began his mission with the Twelve Apostles and a group of women who followed him. He exhorted them to be salt, leaven and light. This is the true challenge for Christians in the Holy Land, who have a special vocation and mission of living and sharing the Gospel message in the land where Jesus lived. 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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COLUMBIA: What role has the Custody played in promoting dialogue and peace among people of different faiths? FATHER PATTON: Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue in the Holy Land is an activity of daily life. Our schools, for example, are a place where children and young people from all confessions grow up. With the Jewish culture, we have occasions for dialogue thanks to the cultural interest that some of our activities and our shrines present. On the ecumenical front, our privileged relations are with the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate, since we share with them the care of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. However, there are also friendly relations with the other Christian communities present in Jerusalem, including the Copts, the Ethiopians, the Syriacs, the Anglicans and the Lutherans. The Custody plays its positive role precisely because it is appreciated as open to dialogue, to peace, to the service of all. COLUMBIA: What more would you like to say to our readers? FATHER PATTON: What I desire to add is simply a heartfelt invitation to come to the Holy Land as pilgrims in order to see the places of the Gospel and touch the stones that conserve the memory of our salvation. Blessed Paul VI called the Holy Land the “Fifth Gospel” because it is the concrete place in which the Gospel has been announced and where it took flesh. My great wish is that pilgrims to the Holy Land have powerful experiences of faith inspiring a deeper commitment of witness of one’s love for the Lord Jesus.♦
Photo by Thomas Charrière, courtesy of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Franciscan Father Francesco Patton stands among other friars at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher during a solemn ceremony June 7, 2016. As the new custos, Father Patton made “solemn entrances” to several shrines in Jerusalem beginning June 6 and then to other Holy Land shrines throughout the month.
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‘Come, Let Us Worship’ The Liturgy of Good Friday helps us to meditate on the Paschal Mystery and open ourselves to Christ by Franciscan Father Greg Friedman
t is early morning on Good Friday, and I am part of a procession of Franciscans moving through a nearly empty street in the Old City of Jerusalem. We arrive with the Latin Patriarch in front of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and after a clattering of locks, the doors swing wide. We ascend the steps to Calvary, passing an array of silver-covered icons and hanging lamps until we enter the Franciscan chapel, the site where Jesus was nailed to the cross. The Good Friday liturgy proceeds much like it does in any Catholic parish on this day, except the Latin prayers include the word hic — that is, the death of Jesus took place here, in this sacred space that covers what remains of the rock of Calvary. In ancient times, Good Friday was simply a day of fasting for those preparing to celebrate the Easter feast. Over the centuries, as Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem visited the shrines during this season, a liturgy developed with lengthy prayers and readings. From these came much of our Good Friday service, which is one moment in the Easter Triduum, the solemn commemoration of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. The Triduum invites us to treat these three days as one sacred time. We celebrate several formal liturgies and spend the hours in between reflecting on this central event in time and eternity. After the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist is not celebrated again until the Easter Vigil — though a Communion service was added to the Good Friday liturgy in 1956. The Triduum culminates with the sacraments of initiation — baptism, confirmation and Eucharist — at the Easter Vigil. On Good Friday, the mood is one of emptiness, filled with a stillness that allows us to meditate on the cross. All unneeded decorations in the church have been stripped away. We gather in silence, with no greeting, genuflection or opening song. The ministers simply enter and prostrate in humble submission before the Word and the glorious cross of Christ. After the prostration and the simple opening prayer, we hear a stark Liturgy of the Word, with an emphasis on the Suffering Servant, Jesus. John’s magnificent and glory-filled passion account brings out the dignity of Jesus as the Lord who reigns from the cross. Our formal prayers of intercession turn us outward to the needs of the Church and the world. The central symbol of today’s prayer is the cross, which may be carried in procession or simply unveiled in the sanctuary. The faithful may come forward to reverence the cross with a touch, a kiss or a bow. It is a moment to consider, in solemn
Every council is asked to encourage Knights and their families to make time for the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, March 30. Posters have been sent to grand knights to post in your council meeting place, church vestibule (with the pastor’s permission) and/or at other gathering spots around your parish. A digital 8.5 x 11” version of the poster is also available at
prayer, the symbol which adorns our homes and churches, and which we use daily to sign ourselves. Here, in our parishes, the Good Friday liturgy shows its connection to the ancient prayer of pilgrims in the Holy Land through the centuries. In the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Patriarch presents a richly decorated relic of the True Cross. The custom goes back to the days of early pilgrims to Jerusalem, who would venerate the relic for one or two hours and then listen to the bishop preach for three. Today, the Patriarch lets the liturgy speak for itself. He intones the hymn of veneration in the Gregorian melody, and we respond here at Calvary as the faithful do throughout the world: “Come, let us worship.”♦ FATHER GREG FRIEDMAN, OFM, serves at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America, in Washington, D.C. He is also editor of The Holy Land Review. MARCH 2018
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The Rosary Priest Venerable Father Patrick Peyton was a joyful apostle who promoted family prayer and devotion to Mary worldwide by Father Richard Gribble, CSC
he green hills and rocky seacoast of County Mayo, in western Ireland, have been a seedbed of the Catholic faith for centuries. Devotion to the Mother of God took on special significance in the area when the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist, appeared to a group of country dwellers in the village of Knock in August 1879. One son of Mayo, the Irish-American priest Father Patrick Peyton of the Congregation of Holy Cross, inspired Marian devotion around the world. A self-described “mule for Mary,” Father Peyton became internationally renowned for his work popularizing the family rosary during his 50 years of ministry, until his death in 1992. Father Peyton, whose legacy continues to inspire, was declared Venerable by Pope Francis on Dec. 18, 2017. 22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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UNDER MARY’S MANTLE The sixth of nine children, Patrick Peyton was born Jan. 9, 1909, in Carracastle, on the eastern border of County Mayo. Like many in early 20th-century Ireland, Peyton’s family, led by his father, John, gathered every evening to pray the rosary. This became the foundation of his famous phrase, “The family that prays together stays together.” Peyton’s priestly vocation began to develop during his childhood, as he assisted the priest at his local parish. Because of his family’s poverty and the fact that older brothers stood ahead of him to inherit the family farm, it became clear that his future was not in Ireland. When he was 19, he and his brother Thomas immigrated to the United States. They settled first in Scranton, Pa., where their older sister Beatrice and her family had arrived earlier. Peyton worked
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Photo courtesy of Holy Cross Family Ministries
Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton speaks at a rosary rally in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 16, 1962.
briefly as a sacristan at the local church, but a mission preached by members of the Congregation of Holy Cross convinced him that priesthood was his true vocation. He and Thomas journeyed to the University of Notre Dame and entered Holy Cross Seminary in September 1929. Peyton’s vocational dream progressed positively until October 1938 when, as a seminarian at Holy Cross College in Washington, D.C., he was diagnosed with an advanced case of tuberculosis. Doctors held little hope that he would survive. Encouraged by a priest, Father Cornelius Hagerty, Peyton prayed to the Virgin Mary, asking her intercession for his recovery. When Peyton’s tuberculosis soon disappeared, doctors could not explain it, but he certainly knew the reason: Mary had answered his prayer, and he would respond by dedicating his priestly life to fostering family prayer and love for the Blessed Mother.
THE FAMILY ROSARY After his ordination in June 1941, Father Peyton received the rare privilege of beginning an independent apostolate. Based on family prayer and the rosary, the work was initially centered in Albany, N.Y. “My work,” Father Peyton later wrote, “is to urge families throughout the world to pray united as families so that they can experience the family rosary for what it is, a powerful prayer to bring joy, peace and unity to troubled homes.” He arranged for a national radio broadcast on May 13, 1945, with Bing Crosby as the host. The program was well received, leading Father Peyton to expand the scope of the apostolate and travel to Hollywood, Calif. At first, he knew virtually no one of significance, but famous personalities, Catholic and nonCatholic alike, soon became captivated by Father Peyton’s MARCH 2018
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charm and total dedication to Mary and family prayer. Father Peyton secured the service of dozens of stars — Jimmy Stewart, Gregory Peck, Shirley Temple and Maureen O’Hara, to name just a few — and inaugurated the “Family Theater of the Air” in February 1947. The actors volunteered their time to participate in weekly half-hour radio broadcasts that promoted family prayer and proclaimed, “A world at prayer is a world at peace.” From radio, Father Peyton moved into the new medium of television. He sponsored several 30-minute television specials, beginning with “The Road to Peace.” Again, celebrities came out in force to support Father Peyton, whose faith and dogged dedication were infectious. A WORLDWIDE CRUSADE While his radio ministry was ongoing and the television specials aired, Father Peyton started his most significant venture, which made him internationally known. In 1948, in London, Ontario, he inaugurated the first Family Rosary Crusade. Leading a team of priests, religious and dedicated laity, and 24 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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aided by the production of 15 special rosary films used for catechesis, Father Peyton crisscrossed the globe numerous times in the years that followed. A lead team would come to a particular diocese a few months in advance to promote a rosary rally through newspapers, school conferences and preaching in parishes in North America, Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia and, finally, Latin America. Each crusade concluded with an impassioned and heartfelt message that Father Peyton delivered to massive crowds, in some cases in excess of 2 million people. Working with Father Peyton on the rosary crusades was joyfilled, but it was also a tiring labor of love. On one occasion, after Father Peyton had given his patented talk at a crusade in Spain in 1954, a gentleman named Jesús invited the exhausted workers to relax and attend a soccer match. Father Peyton, however, proposed that all should stay and pray the rosary in thanksgiving, suggesting that the Blessed Mother would approve. His team responded, “Mary might want us to pray, but ‘Jesus’ wants us to go to the soccer match.”
Photos courtesy of Holy Cross Family Ministries
Clockwise, from top: American actors and comedians Jack Benny and Lucille Ball join Father Peyton at a Hollywood studio in the late 1940s for a recording of Family Theater of the Air. Dozens of celebrities assisted with the radio program, which aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System from 1947 until 1957. • Father Peyton gives a rosary to a young girl during a Family Rosary Crusade in Africa in 1955. • Standing in front of a banner featuring his famous motto, “The family that prays together stays together,” Father Peyton speaks during a rosary rally May 12, 1968, in Milwaukee.
Knights of Columbus Multimedia Archives
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‘THE NARROW WAY’ While worldwide devotion to Mary through the rosary has waned in the last 50 years, the words of Father Peyton still ring true: “The person with the rosary in hand has the key to learning the most important of all lessons: the love of God for us, the destiny he has in store for us and the way he is helping us to reach that destiny.” Father Peyton died peacefully on June 3, 1992, with a rosary in his hand. The organization that he started in 1942, Family Rosary, still operates today as part of Holy Cross Family Ministries (HCFM), which also includes Family Theater Productions and the Father Peyton Family Institute. Active in 16 countries with headquarters in North Easton, Mass., HCFM continues Father Peyton’s mission by means of counseling and spiritual assistance to families, media productions, online initiatives, and, of course, the promotion of family prayer. During one of his talks at a rosary crusade, Father Peyton said, “The restoration of family prayer is a basic need, and if it is given the chance it will prove itself to be the most efficacious and powerful protection against the dangers of our age.” As the world becomes more secular and the challenges for Catholic families increase, Father Peyton’s wisdom remains an inspiration to continue walking the path of discipleship. “The essence of the Christian life is only this — the spirit of sacrifice,” Father Peyton taught. “There is no other way to bridge the gap between heaven and earth except by the narrow way of the cross.” And in the words of Holy Cross Father Basil Moreau, founder of our congregation, “The cross is our only hope.” Let us believe and profess the same. Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, pray for us!♦ HOLY CROSS FATHER RICHARD GRIBBLE is the author of American Apostle of the Family Rosary: The Life of Patrick J. Peyton, CSC (Crossroad, 2005).
Decades of Support Father Peyton and the Knights of Columbus From Father Patrick Peyton’s longtime friendship with Past Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart to collaborative efforts between the Supreme Council and Holy Cross Family Ministries today, the Order has been a strong supporter of Venerable Father Peyton’s mission for nearly 75 years. Here are 10 highlights. 1 Father Peyton wrote to then-Supreme Advocate Luke E. Hart July 16, 1944, to introduce the Family Rosary campaign and ask for the Order’s support. At the Supreme Convention in Toronto weeks later, the Supreme Council adopted a resolution to “endorse and recommend the program of the Family Rosary,” kicking off decades of support for Father Peyton’s ministries.
2 The Order sponsored a month of Father Peyton’s Family Theater radio program, supporting broadcasts in March 1948. Additional support followed, and in subsequent years councils played a role in coordinating broadcasts of the ministry’s programming on local stations.
3 Dawn of America, a film telling the story of Christopher Columbus and the role that the Catholic faith played in the discovery of America, aired on 286 stations during the week of Thanksgiving in 1953. The Order partnered with Holy Cross Family Ministries to bring an English-language version of the film, originally in Spanish, to American audiences.
4 The Knights of Columbus Board of Directors named Father Peyton an honorary Fourth Degree Knight in January 1956 — one of the few times the distinction was bestowed. 5 In a 1956 letter to Supreme Knight Luke Hart, Father Peyton wrote, “Only God and Our Blessed Mother will ever know how grateful I am for all that you, dear Luke, the Supreme Board and all of the Knights of Columbus have done to further the Family Rosary Apostolate. You will always be in my Masses and prayers.”
6 In a Feb. 26, 1962 letter, Luke Hart described spending time with Father Peyton: “His great piety, his unflagging zeal and his
Father Peyton greets Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart in January 1956, upon being declared an honorary Fourth Degree Knight. intense earnestness carry you away. You feel that you are in the presence of a saint and you want to share with him his hopes and aspirations and contribute what you can to the success of his efforts.”
7 In 1965, the Order donated $25,000 toward a series of rosary films that Father Peyton used to highlight Marian devotion around the world. 8 Father Peyton’s strong relationship with the Knights continued after the death of his longtime friend Luke Hart. He visited Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt in New Haven, Conn., in 1974 and Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant in 1989. Dechant’s promotion of Marian devotion complemented Father Peyton’s mission, and the Order continued its support of Family Rosary programs.
9 In 1992, the year Father Peyton died, the Order promoted the Family Rosary’s initiative to send rosaries to nations formerly part of the Soviet bloc, where Catholicism had suffered suppression under communism. 10 Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson was a speaker at the 2007 Rosary Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., a gathering sponsored by Holy Cross Family Ministries that brought some 50,000 people to pray the rosary together in the tradition of Father Peyton’s rosary crusades.♦
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Joseph Shows the Way St. Joseph’s humble, decisive witness speaks volumes to our culture today by Soren Johnson s Catholic fathers, one of our main responsibilities is Protective. Our kids can feel vulnerable amid what Pope to pass on the faith to our children. We do this best Francis calls a “throwaway culture,” which does not respect by living the faith in an engaging way and by attending the dignity of the human person — especially the unborn, Mass with our family. But we also need to teach our kids the poor, the elderly, the sick and others on the periphery. the basics of the faith at a young age and make sure their In the face of harmful influences such as cyberbullying and Catholic knowledge grows as they do. online pornography, we should apIn teaching about Jesus and Mary, peal to our children’s desire for proa summary of Gospel stories and a retection. St. Joseph was the guardian, view of the mysteries of the rosary or custos, of Jesus, and he is now the provide an excellent primer. What patron of the universal Church. As a can we say about St. Joseph, the husfather, show your children that you band of Mary and adoptive father of stand strong with Joseph. Jesus, who has no words recorded in Hardworking. Although life today the Bible? In our online age in which is vastly different than in the time of every stray thought can be texted or St. Joseph, the demands of hard work tweeted, we can present Joseph as a are still essentially the same. “Work model for our times — a man of acwas the daily expression of love in the tion who goes against the tides and life of the family of Nazareth,” wrote trends of the world. St. John Paul II. While our virtual age As we approach St. Joseph’s feast seeks pleasure first and is quick to deday March 19, consider these five mean or outsource menial labor, “countercultural” qualities of Joseph Joseph the carpenter rolls up his that can be instructive to our chilsleeves and reveals the dignity of St. Joseph is depicted leading Mary and dren, as well as to us. human work. He is an example of Jesus into Egypt in this mosaic at the Coptic Attentive. Our kids are bombarded someone who knows that hard work Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in by distracting media, yet they long can be its own reward. the Cairo suburb of Maadi. Tradition holds for peace of heart and mind. As Pope Loving. Our world is filled with that the Holy Family rested at this site. Francis has observed, Joseph was distorted images of love that can “constantly attentive to God” and recause our children great harm and sponded with courage to heavenly messengers who told heartache. Joseph is an antidote. Love for him was not red him to put aside the opinion of others. St. John Paul II hearts and arrows but self-giving for the good of others. also said that because of his attentiveness, Joseph had the He also expressed a “tenderness,” notes Pope Francis, a “power of making great decisions.” Our children, too, can “strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compasdo great things with St. Joseph at their side. sion, for genuine openness to others, for love.” Through Humble. Social media, as forums for idealized personas St. Joseph, your kids can learn the true nature of love that and perfect images, are not noted for fostering humility. is rooted in his care for Mary and Jesus. With a little guidance, our children can see through the Presenting St. Joseph with these countercultural online posturing and appreciate the value of honesty, the virtues, we fathers should seek to imitate him in our own foundation of humility. Setting aside his own plans in lives. That will be a win for our children, our families order to follow God’s will, Joseph “lowers himself and and ourselves.♦ takes this great responsibility upon his shoulders,” explains Pope Francis. St. Joseph teaches us that humility does not SOREN JOHNSON is associate director of the Saint mean passivity. Rather, his hidden life was defined by in- Thomas More Institute of the Diocese of Arlington and a tegrity and strength. member of Holy Family Council 6831 in Leesburg, Va. FIND ADDITIONAL ARTICLES AND RESOURCES FOR CATHOLIC MEN AND THEIR FAMILIES AT FATHERSFORGOOD. ORG . 26 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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Father John J. Walsh Council 7052 in Venice, Fla., hosted its 36th Annual Charity Golf Outing. It was the most successful year yet, with 99 golfers and more than 20 local sponsors. From the proceeds, the council made donations totaling more than $8,000 to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mercy House Residence, Our Mother’s House and Venice Area Pregnancy Care Center.
Mike Williams (left), Past Grand Knight Kerry Erickson and Ferdinand Mata of Crescenta Valley Council 3254 in Montrose, Calif., collect donations during a food drive at St. James the Less Church. Council 3254’s 40 Cans for Lent drive netted more than 2,100 pounds of food, which was delivered to the Catholic Charities food bank in Glendale.
Holy Ghost Council 4977 in Palatine, Ill., raised funds to donate an ultrasound machine to a pregnancy resource center in 2014. With the help of St. Liborius Council 14562 in Steger and Holy Family Council 11981 in Inverness, Council 4977 soon achieved the goal of funding a second machine. A third followed in response to the pregnancy care center’s needs, making three ultrasound machines procured over four years of pro-life work. WILD SUCCESS
St. John de Brebeuf and Companions Council 8233 in Kingsville, Ontario, hosted more than 600 people at a Wild Game Dinner. Council 8233 donated
$10,000 of the proceeds to The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc.’s Erie Shores satellite campus. The Hospice is a communitybased palliative care center that provides compassionate end-of-life care. PARISH RESTORATION
Parkland Council 6815 in Minnedosa, Manitoba, assisted the community of St. Mary’s Polish Church, located 4,000 kilometers away in Sydney, Nova Scotia. After St. Mary’s burned down, parishioners seeking to rebuild the church learned that two historic altars — designed and built in the early 20th century under the direction of Father Antoni Plucinski, who served at both St. Mary’s in Sydney and St. Peter and Paul’s Church in Wisla,
Manitoba, — were in storage at St. Peter and Paul’s. Council 6815 teamed up with other ministries for a fundraising garage sale to assist with delivery and restoration costs, and the grand knight and his wife drove the items across the country in a cargo trailer. St. Mary’s is now fully rebuilt, and the garage sale has become an annual fundraiser for the council. FISHY FUN
Mother Teresa Council 8972 in Tyrone, Ga., held a charity bass fishing tournament at Highland Marina in LaGrange. The profits, totaling $1,065, were donated to Special Olympics-Area 10 of Columbus. Twenty-seven boats registered on a cold and windy morning, and the competition for the “Big
Members of St. Daniel’s Council 11725 in South Mountain, Ontario, send 850 rubber ducks on a voyage downstream at the council’s 21st Annual Duck Race. The council has raised money for multiple local charities through the event, which has grown over the years into a “Super Saturday” that includes neighborhood yard sales, a silent auction and a barbecue. This year’s raceday netted $3,900 for charity.
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annual event and was attended by more than 80 Knights and their families.
Each year, the ArrowheadDesert Valley Chapter of the Knights of Columbus, which serves the Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif., raises funds to support diocesan seminarians. The chapter recently presented Bishop Gerald Barnes a check for $16,000.
Denver (Colo.) Council 539 worked with its affiliated parishes to collect approximately 330 clothing items, some 350 diapers, 100 toiletry and food items, 300 books and toys, and $50. The drive benefited the Gabriel House of Denver, a Catholic Charities organization whose mission is to help pregnant women and families with infants and young children in need.
Notre Dame Council 7036 in Houston, Texas, donated $500 to a Catholic radio station (and EWTN affiliate), the KSHJ 1430 AMGuadalupe Radio Network. The contribution, designated toward the purchase of an FM transmitter, supports the ongoing effort to widen the range of the station’s evangelization broadcast.
Members of Nortonville (Kan.) Council 2093 gather to erect a pro-life billboard. The sign questions why a child’s heartbeat in the womb is not recognized as a sign of human life.
Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 in Norwalk, Conn., hosted its inaugural “Patriot Dinner.” The fundraiser supported Homes for the Brave, which offers permanent and transitional housing in Bridgeport to veterans and others experiencing homelessness. The sold-out dinner included a talk by a former resident, who noted both the life-changing ministry of Homes for the Brave and the camaraderie he experienced talking with a veteran Knight. The dinner raised $1,200. CHAPLAIN COMMEMORATED
Steve Patton of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Council 15693 in Sacramento, Calif., shows young students a model of a baby’s development at 28 weeks. The visit to Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary School followed the council’s investment in fetal model sets and DVDs for a yearround, pro-life education and evangelization program that serves all classes of the parochial school.
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Governor Dongan Assembly 697 in Staten Island, N.Y., held a prayer ceremony and placed flowers on the grave of Servant of God Father Vincent Capodanno, Medal of Honor recipient and native of Staten Island. The memorial, a solemn tribute to a true hero and man of God, is an
Monsignor Grant Council 11540 in Wilmington, Del., prepared and served lunch to 189 people at Emmanuel Dining Room, a part of the Ministry of Caring. The organization serves by the directive of founder Brother Ronald Giannone, OFM Cap.: “The poor should never be treated poorly.”
Rick Pearrow of Missouri Headwaters Council 10432 in Belgrade, Mont., and his service dog, Shanda, present the proceeds of the council’s annual fund drive for people with intellectual disabilities to Jamie Balke of Reach Inc. The organization is a local, private nonprofit in Bozeman that has been providing services to adults with developmental disabilities since 1974.
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Father Joseph A. Gallen Council 5494 in Jamison, Pa., hosted monthly pancake breakfasts with the help of young adults from St. Cyril’s of Jerusalem Church youth ministry. The event supported students who could not otherwise afford to travel to the youth ministry’s threeday retreat in Steubenville. CELEBRATING SERVICE
Pope John Paul II Council 13808 in Greensboro, Ga., hosted more than a dozen charitable organizations in the area for a brunch. The event was a chance a variety of education, pro-life, youth ministry and other groups to give updates on their services and build community. Danielle Castellon of Pregnancy Services of Gratiot County accepts the results of a twoweek diaper drive from Grand Knight John Raducha of Ithaca (Mich.) Council 8785 and Josh Mikulka, project chairman. Pregnancy Services of Gratiot County, a pro-life resource center, offers pregnancy testing, baby supplies, adoption support, education and more to assist women and families.
Deputy Grand Knight Leon Macias of St. Mary’s Longmeadow (Mass.) Council 5406 shows items the council prepared for 40 families that were victims of a major apartment fire in Holyoke. The council donated funds for pots and pans, and together with its home parish, also purchased many other household necessities. Additionally, the council collected gently used household goods — sheets, towels and other items — for the more than 100 people affected by the tragic fire.
Star of the Sea Council 11940 in York, Maine, donated the first permanent memorial for the military servicemen and servicewomen buried at First Parish Cemetery in York. With approval from the cemetery board of trustees, the council designed and installed a granite marker inscribed with a prayer for members of the armed forces. The monument will remain in perpetuity in the ceremonial area of the cemetery.
parish. More than 50 people attended the event, at which the council presented special certificates of appreciation, prepared by members, to the priests and deacons. LONGTERM SUPPORT
Sts. Philip and James Council 11037 in Canal Fulton, Ohio, held its latest fund drive for people with intellectual disabilities to benefit Echoing Ridge Community, a nonprofit that offers many services to adults with disabilities. Over 15 years, the council has raised $20,000 to support the community’s ministries.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 13047 in Port St. Lucie, Fla., hosted an appreciation dinner at a local Italian restaurant to honor priests and deacons of its
Christ on the Mountain Council 7640 in Lakewood, Colo., donated $147,000 to Christ on the Mountain
Church to fund the repair of the roof, exterior finish, drainage system and more. The council’s contribution covered roughly 80 percent of the cost of the parish improvement project. Council 7640 also contributed $20,000 toward a new organ. UPGRADES OF ALL KINDS
Knoxville (Tenn.) Council 645 made a $500 donation to St. Joseph School to pay for a new camera security system. The council also renovated an old house on campus grounds that had fallen into disrepair. The home can be used for small meetings, has a restroom that can be used for home soccer games, and provides a kitchen and barbecue pit for picnics and soccer matches.
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equally matched by a donation from the Supreme Council. Thanks to many different fundraisers, the Knights provided funds for a new mobile ultrasound unit for Rhode Island Right to Life. GO ON GOLFING
Traverse City (Mich.) St. Francis Council 13958 conducted a Golf-A-Thon. Golfers sought sponsors and each played 100 holes to help raise funds for the Grand Traverse Area Right to Life and the Pregnancy Care Center of Traverse City. Over $3,600 was collected for these worthy causes. Members of St. Andrew’s Council 7131 in Cape Coral, Fla., gather for the construction of a Habitat for Humanity home. The Knights spent a morning working on the new home for a local family.
King (N.C.) Good Shepherd Council 12267 continued its tradition of serving free hamburgers and hot dogs at the Stokes County Little Folks Festival. The festival, sponsored by the Lions Club and highlighting the resources of many community organizations, serves as a schoolreadiness forum for families with young children. The day provides activities and games for kids while adults gather information on early care and education, literacy, family support and health.
St. Padre Pio Council 12926 in Chicago, Ill., held a pancake breakfast to benefit the Chicago Police Department’s safety vest program, through which gear is purchased for local officers. Aided by Boy Scout Troop 475, the Knights served breakfast to more than 400 people at the event. Many local businesses contributed pastry goods to compliment the meal. The combined ticket sales and donations allowed the council to donate $7,400 to the program. ALL HANDS ON DECK!
Our Lady of Angels Council 13044 in Allen, Texas, donated a new state-of-the-art soundboard to enhance the quality of the spoken word and music at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church. The soundboard comes as part of a planned overhaul of the sound system. 30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦
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Queen of the Apostles Council 11076 in Belmont, N.C., undertook the rebuilding of a 1,200-squarefoot deck at the Camp Hope recreational facility of Holy Angels of North Carolina, which cares for residents with intellectual disabilities. Eighteen members of the council donated
more than 300 hours of labor to disassemble an unsafe, old deck and to replace the decking, stairs, handicap ramps and 300 feet of railing. The required materials were solicited from 84 Lumber, saving $4,600 in material costs. The total project saved Holy Angels close to $10,000 and has made the facility safe for upcoming activities. FAMILY AID
Turners Falls (Mass.) Council 737 hosted a benefit Ham & Bean Supper on behalf of a family in need of a wheelchair-accessible van for their son. Held at Our Lady of Peace Church, the dinner yielded $2,000 for the family. UNITED FOR ULTRASOUND
Councils across Rhode Island teamed up to raise funds for the Order’s Ultrasound Initiative, knowing that their efforts would be
Greg Ricks of Our Lady Queen of Peace Council 10687 in Savannah, Ga. and Dale DeRoia of St. Boniface Council 14439 in Guyton work to remove a pole left over from a destroyed chain-link fence at Our Lady of Confidence Carmelite Convent. After the convent was struck hard by Hurricane Matthew, members of council 10687 and St. Anne’s Council 10866 in Richmond Hill volunteered to cut up and cart off the many oak trees that were toppled on the monastery grounds. The Knights also cleared the remnants of several fences to make way for replacements.
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pro-life campaign, raising $877 for Toccoa Life Pregnancy Resource Center. The monies will be used to support the center’s ministry of assistance and training for pregnant women and young mothers. Toccoa Life Pregnancy Resource Center is the premier pro-life facility serving Stephens County and the surrounding area with pre- and postnatal care.
Anchor Bay Council 5981 in New Baltimore, Mich., spent a Saturday morning beautifying Walter and Mary Burke Park in downtown New Baltimore. Members and their families cleaned out the landscaping, spread new mulch and planted flowers. The Knights also joined other community organizations to fund the installation of a 160-foot-tall flagpole and flag.
San Mariano (Isabela, Luzon North) Council 8567 constructed a one-room house for Marilou Pabular, a widow living alone. The council installed water pipes, providing lumber and hardware in addition to labor. Members also planted mahogany trees as part of the council’s ecological program and repaired chairs for a school.
St. Joachim Council 2517 in Newman, Calif., teamed up with Council 221 of the Young Ladies Institute to hold a benefit car wash and bake sale. The car wash raised $2,792, and the bake sale earned $1,300, to provide aid for the family of a Knight in treatment for cancer.
Joseph M. Malik Council 9975 in Toccoa, Ga., took part in a statewide K of C
Holy Spirit Council 6792 in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland and Labrador,
Kenneth Nath of Bishop William Connare Council 15373 in Slickville, Pa., uses donated granite to construct steps at Old Saltsburg Cemetery. Spearheaded by Knight Chuck Colton, the council contributed to a long-term restoration project of the abandoned cemetery, which dates back to 1811 and is the resting place of veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Its restoration has been a community project.
held its annual Walk-A-Thon fundraiser. Despite bad weather, Knights and supporters gathered at Octagon Pond to walk, raising $1,300 for council charities. Participants gathered at Holy Family Parish afterward to warm up with tea and coffee.
from councils around the diocese gather with their guests — the priests, sisters, deacons and seminarians who serve the diocese. The Knights also showed their support for vocations by collecting $10,000 in donations from local businesses and supporters.
When the altar of Sacred Heart Church in Glendale, N.Y., was rebuilt, the church became coated with building dust. Msgr. Sherman Council 5103 in Glendale teamed up with other ministry teams at the parish to clean the sanctuary from top to bottom in time for Sunday Mass.
Woodland (Calif.) Council 2143 helped finance and install security cameras at Holy Rosary Church and its parish office, community center, faith formation office, school and rectory. The effort followed the Diocese of Sacramento’s clergy workshop on physical security for parishes.
The young daughter of Harry Swenson of Our Lady of Good Counsel Council 15658 from Southampton, Pa., displays one of the 181 bears that the council delivered for children being treated in the Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Following his daughter’s own treatment for leukemia, Swenson petitioned the council to make a donation to purchase bears for hospitalized children. The initial donation of $500 was matched by a number of Knights and local businesses, for a total of $2,715 in less than six weeks.
Bishop Allen J. Babcock Council 7341 in Caledonia, Mich., hosted the annual Grand Rapids Diocesan Knights of Columbus Priests and Clergy Appreciation Dinner. Begun nearly 50 years ago, the annual tradition honors the diocese’s clergy and supports vocations. Knights exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at knightsinaction
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K OF C ITEMS OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS IN THE UNITED STATES THE ENGLISH COMPANY INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment 1-800-444-5632 • LYNCH AND KELLY INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment and officer robes 1-888-548-3890 • IN CANADA ROGER SAUVÉ INC. Official council and Fourth Degree equipment and officer robes 1-888-266-1211 •
Personalized Cap Perfect for any council or assembly, this structured mid-profile 100% cotton hat comes in many colors and is sturdy and easy to wear. Featuring a hook and loop closure, it adjusts to various sizes so one size fits most, and is personalized with your council or assembly name on the front and your name on the back. Please allow 10-12 business days for your custom order to be produced. Available in royal blue, khaki, charcoal, red, Texas orange, purple, Kelly green, maroon and Carolina blue. $21 each
Please enroll me in the Father McGivney Guild: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POSTAL CODE Complete this coupon and mail to: The Father McGivney Guild, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326 or enroll online at:
Bible Cover
OFFICIAL MARCH 1, 2018: To owners of Knights of Columbus insurance policies and persons responsible for payment of premiums on such policies: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Section 84 of the Laws of the Order, payment of insurance premiums due on a monthly basis to the Knights of Columbus by check made payable to Knights of Columbus and mailed to same at PO Box 1492, NEW HAVEN, CT 06506-1492, before the expiration of the grace period set forth in the policy. In Canada: Knights of Columbus, Place d’Armes Station, P.O. Box 220, Montreal, QC H2Y 3G7 ALL MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOS, ARTWORK, EDITORIAL MATTER, AND ADVERTISING INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MAILED TO: COLUMBIA, PO BOX 1670, NEW HAVEN, CT 06507-0901. REJECTED MATERIAL WILL BE RETURNED IF ACCOMPANIED BY A SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE AND RETURN POSTAGE. PURCHASED MATERIAL WILL NOT BE RETURNED. OPINIONS BY WRITERS ARE THEIR OWN AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES — IN THE U.S.: 1 YEAR, $6; 2 YEARS, $11; 3 YEARS, $15. FOR OTHER COUNTRIES ADD $2 PER YEAR. EXCEPT FOR CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PAYMENT IN U.S. CURRENCY ONLY. SEND ORDERS AND CHECKS TO: ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, PO BOX 1670, NEW HAVEN, CT 06507-0901.
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MARCH 2018
This soft, black leatherette Bible cover with white stitching features the Order’s emblem in silver printed in the bottom right corner. It is 6.75 by 9.25 inches and zips to protect your Bible. There is a handle attached to the spine so you can easily carry it. It’s a really nice gift for someone who likes to keep their Bible handy. (Bible not included.) $35 each
Sweater-Fleece Vest Perfect for layering, the light heathered gray Knights of Columbus sweater-fleece vest is a fantastic option for a cool day in the spring or any season. Made of 100% polyester sweater fleece, it has a smooth sweater finish outside and a warm, brushed interior. Embroidered with Knights of Columbus text on the left chest and the emblem of the Order over the right shoulder blade, it has a vertical chest pocket and two zipper pockets on the sides. Available in S, M, L, XL: $45 each, 2XL: $47, 3XL: $48 Questions? 1-855-GEAR-KOC (855-432-7562) Additional shipping costs apply to all orders. Please call before mailing in an order.
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Knights of charity Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.
Members of Marbel Council 7658 in Koronadal City, Mindanao, serve children at a community outreach program at Supon Child Development Center in Barangay San Jose. Knights teamed up with a local radio station, Brigada News FM, for the event, which began with parlor games for children and adults. More than 100 residents of the depressed area, plus 30 preschoolers, each received a pair of slippers, assorted school supplies, food packs and gifts. Reading eyeglasses were also given to most of the elderly attendees. The activity ended with a Filipino tradition of salu-salo, a banquet of locally prepared food.
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FATHER CHRISTOPHER FLOERSH Diocese of Knoxville Holy Family Council 6099 in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Photo by Innamorata Photography
As a young adult, I practiced mixed martial arts and worked in the film industry. I was a non-practicing Catholic, and after finding a rosary that I had carried around for a number of years, I began contemplating why I had always considered myself Catholic yet neglected my faith. When I decided, by the grace of God, to pray that rosary, I realized that my love of material comforts was rooted in my desire for the infinite and that I would never be fully satisfied without God. I began attending daily Mass and, for about two years, asked God what he wanted for me. The answer became clear, and I entered the seminary, where I received support from many people, including the Knights of Columbus, who made me part of their family and prayed for me throughout my studies. I am now a happily ordained priest, teaching religion and martial arts at a Catholic high school. To those discerning, I simply say, “Live every day as though you are being called for greatness. Don’t be afraid of what God desires for you.”