Columbia Novembre 2009

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K N I G H T S O F C O LU M BU S november 2009 ♦ volume 89 ♦ number 11


10 Celebrating the Message of Our Lady The Knights help thousands to discover and celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe’s message of unity and love. BY COLUMBIA STAFF

16 The Difference God Makes An interview with Cardinal Francis George about the Catholic Church, unity and communion in a fragmented world.

20 The Damien I Know St. Damien heroically embraced the call to serve those who suffered in exile. BY FATHER WILLIAM F. PETRIE, SS.CC.

22 Sacrifice of Enduring Love Eucharistic congress celebrates the vocations of priesthood, consecrated life and marriage. BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI


8 Weathering the Storm Following destructive floods in the Philippines, Knights work to rebuild. BY BRIAN CAULFIELD

A statue is seen in an art exhibit during the first International Marian Congress dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The congress was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and took place Aug. 6-8, following the 127th Supreme Convention in Phoenix.


Building a better world Christian roots are the key to true freedom. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON


Learning the faith, living the faith Going to Mass is much more than just an obligation for faithful Catholics.


Knights of Columbus News College Council Conference • Federal court victory in Pledge case • McGivney miracle information submitted • Knights sponsor religious liberty conference • Vice Supreme Masters’ Meeting

9 Fathers for Good


Balancing work and family doesn’t have to be a tightrope act.




Year for Priests A military chaplain’s heroic faith and courage are remembered. BY MARY ANN KUHARSKI


Scholarship Recipients


Star Council Winners


Columbianism by Degrees

PLUS Catholic Man of the Month NOVEMBER 2009



Transforming Culture THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL stated, “The Church, sent to all peoples of every time and place, is not bound exclusively and indissolubly to any race or nation, any particular way of life or any customary way of life recent or ancient. Faithful to her own tradition and at the same time conscious of her universal mission, she can enter into communion with the various civilizations, to their enrichment and the enrichment of the Church herself” (Gaudium et Spes, 58). On the one hand, the Catholic Church’s mission of evangelization might seem obviously countercultural to many people today. The modern divisions between faith and culture, and between morality and freedom, often observed by Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II, create a hostile atmosphere in which the Good News of salvation in Christ is difficult to proclaim and to receive. Nonetheless, the Church is not an enemy of culture. To the contrary, as John Paul II taught in his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), “The purpose of the Gospel, in fact, is ‘to transform humanity from within and to make it new.’ Like the yeast which leavens the whole measure of dough (cf. Mt 13:33), the Gospel is meant to permeate all cultures and give them life from within, so that they may express the full truth about the human person and about human life” (95). This power of the Gospel to transform culture was perhaps nowhere more evident than on the foot of a hill near modern-day Mexico City in 1531. There, the extraor-

dinary appearance of the Virgin Mary to St. Juan Diego led to an unprecedented number of conversions to Christianity. Our Lady’s message of God’s saving love resonated with the indigenous people, who perceived profound meaning through the numerous symbolic elements of the Guadalupe image, which was miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s cactus fiber cloak and has survived almost 500 years. In 2002, the bishops of Mexico said, “Christ’s message, through his Mother, took up the central elements of the indigenous culture, purified them and gave the definitive sense of salvation.” In this light, when John Paul II canonized St. Juan Diego in Mexico City on July 31 of the same year, he called the Guadalupe event a “model of perfectly inculturated evangelization.” Recognizing that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, continues to unite and transform cultures today, the Knights of Columbus recently sponsored a series of events to learn about and celebrate the Guadalupe message (see page 10). Indeed, Our Lady leads us to her Son, uniting various cultures while overcoming the (anti)culture of death. So, let us recall that the Gospel is meant for all people and for every age. Neither retreating from the world nor surrendering to prevailing worldviews, we are called to recognize what is good in every culture, to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Life and to transform humanity from within.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI MANAGING EDITOR

Supreme Knight’s Book Club – Nov. 24 Participate in a discussion of Scott Hahn’s new book, Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots (Doubleday, 9780385519496), online at Dr. Hahn is a professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville and a member of St. John Neumann Council 11828 in Steubenville, Ohio. Take part in the discussion Nov. 24 at 5 p.m. (ET). For more information, or to submit questions in advance, visit 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦



Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 PHONE 203-452-4398 FAX 203-452-4109 E-MAIL INTERNET CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 ________ MOVING? Notify your local council. Send your new address and mailing label to: Knights of Columbus Membership Records PO Box 1670 New Haven, CT 06507-0901 ________ Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER “Juan Diego: Servant of the New Evangelization,” a painting by Italian artist Antonella Cappuccio, commissioned by the Knights of Columbus.


Christian Conscience and the Future of Politics Christian roots are the key to true freedom by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson POPE BENEDICT XVI has long made The same day the pope spoke in Prague clear that Christianity does not believe in about religion and ethics in the public political messiahs. Recently, he reminded square, a symposium on religious liberty us that only faith in the true Messiah — sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Jesus Christ — can allow us to influence was held in Mexico City. It discussed the politics in a profoundly ethical way. history — and future — of religious freeHis words in September in the Czech dom in the American hemisphere. litical ethics” of the state. Republic — a country celebrating 20 In the Americas, as in Europe and the Long before there was a “left wing” or years since the fall of Communism — Philippines, the entire history is one of a “right wing,” there was the Gospel, and have important implications for all of “baptized Christians.” Christians long after these political labels have faded Europe, for the Philippines and for the founded each country in America, and, into oblivion, the Gospel will remain. As American continent, places whose his- equally important, each country has a people of faith, we all have the responsitory is inseparable from Christianity. strong Catholic tradition. bility of protecting the Gospel from maSpeaking there at an ecumenical meetIndeed, from the days of Bishop Juan nipulation by any political philosophy — ing, the pope noted, “As Europe listens de Zumárraga — the first bishop of Mex- including our own. to the story of Christianity, she hears her ico — to the important work for reliPope Benedict is calling us to continue own. Her notions of justice, what French philosopher freedom and social responsibilJacques Maritain called the ity, together with the cultural Our task as Knights is to continue “evangelization of the secular and legal institutions estabconscience” by applying “faith lished to preserve these ideas respectfully yet decisively in the this evangelization of conscience and hand them on to future public arena, in the expectation and to work for the protection of generations, are shaped by her that social norms and policies be Christian inheritance.” informed by the desire to live by religious freedom. Moreover, Pope Benedict the truth that sets every man explained, Christianity must and woman free” (cf. Caritas in not be limited to the margins Veritate, 9). of society. Religious liberty must be pro- gious freedom in the United States Our task as Knights is to continue this tected, and Christianity must have a carried out by Bishop John Carroll, our evangelization of conscience and to work voice in the public arena, in shaping the predecessors in the Knights of Columbus for the protection of religious freedom. conscience of the continent and in bring- and countless others, the Americas have In step with Pope Benedict and his preding moral consensus. been an important place for debates over ecessors, we embrace these responsibiliHe said, “I wish to underline the irre- conscience and religious liberty. ties. And in this light, we recall the placeable role of Christianity for the forIn the past century, the Catholic meaning of true freedom. During his mation of the conscience of each Church has been a witness to conscience, meeting with Czech leaders, Pope Benegeneration and the promotion of a basic whether the issue was civil rights, reli- dict put it this way: “True freedom preethical consensus that serves every person gious liberty or the right to life. supposes the search for truth — for the who calls this continent ‘home’!” So, what should the future of politics true good — and hence finds its fulfillWhat Pope Benedict said about Europe look like? ment precisely in knowing and doing holds equally true for the Philippines and We should start by considering how what is right and just. … For Christians, the Americas. Christians must bring the Catholic social teaching can inform the truth has a name: God. And goodness truth of their faith to bear on the forma- entirety of our political platforms. There has a face: Jesus Christ.” tion of their nations’ consciences. must be space for Christianity in the “poVivat Jesus!




Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth Going to Mass is much more than just an obligation for faithful Catholics by Bishop William E. Lori THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER is an especially fitting time to reflect on the meaning of the Church’s liturgy. This year, Nov. 29 marks the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year. Let us resolve to begin this year by deepening our understanding of the Church’s liturgy and her sacramental life. We can begin with the word “liturgy” itself, which comes from an ancient Greek word meaning “public service.” In general, it refers to the public prayer of the Church, such as the Mass and the sacraments. Delving into the Church’s sacred tradition, however, Pope Pius XII and the Second Vatican Council gave us a deeper understanding of the word liturgy, which is reflected in the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

of Christ. These outward signs, which are an essential part of the Church’s ceremonies, show us how Christ sanctifies us and are also the effective means by which he does so. Sharing in the holiness of Christ, the head of the Church, we are united as members of his Body in offering God fitting and acceptable worship (Compendium, 218). Thus, we can readily understand why the liturgy is rightfully called “the source and summit” of the Church’s life and mission. It is the font from which the Church continually receives Christ’s saving power, which is utterly necessary for her mission to proclaim the Gospel and to lead all people to salvation. The aim of all that the

labor, is distributed nationally and globally. In God’s saving plan, the sacraments, and especially the Eucharist, are the means by which the fruits of Christ’s saving work are extended and distributed among God’s people “until he returns in glory” (220). Of course, the liturgy and sacramental economy are interrelated: sacramental economy dispenses among the faithful the fruit of the saving events that the liturgy celebrates and makes present.

GOD’S WORK All too often we think of the liturgy as something we do for God. But in fact, the liturgy is first and foremost the work of the Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We see the The liturgy is, above all, role of each Person of the Trinity ‘SOURCE AND SUMMIT’ the celebration of the by considering the prayers of the The liturgy is, above all, the celebraliturgy itself. tion of the Paschal Mystery — Paschal Mystery — Christ’s Christ’s death and resurrection. It is Most liturgical prayers are adthe highest and best means by dressed to God the Father. The death and resurrection. which Christ, our high priest, conChurch begs the Father that we tinues to act on our behalf to sancmight share, through the power tify us, to redeem us from our sins of the Holy Spirit, in what Christ and to enable us to share in the life of Church does is to give honor and glory to has done to save us. Through the liturgy, God, both as individuals and as members God by gathering people everywhere to the Father “fills us with his blessings in the joined together in the Church, the Body share in what Christ has done to save us Word made flesh who died and rose for us through the liturgy (219). and pours the Holy Spirit into our hearts” Hand in hand with the liturgy is the (221). Filled with these blessings from The 20th installment of Supreme phrase “sacramental economy.” We are fa- above, we ascend in worship, praise and Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori’s miliar with the word “sacrament” and the thanksgiving to God, the Father of life and faith formation program addresses word “economy,” but many are not famil- love. questions 218-223 of the Comiar with the combination of the two. First, The second Person of the Trinity, Christ pendium of the Catechism of the recall that a sacrament is an effective sign the Son of God made man, is our great Catholic Church. Archived articles are of God’s grace entrusted to the Church by high priest who acts on our behalf in and at Christ. Among other things, economy through the liturgy. The “work” that refers to how wealth, the fruit of human Christ accomplishes in the Mass and 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦



sacraments is the re-presentation of the Paschal Mystery. In other words, the mystery of love at the heart of God’s plan for the world’s salvation — the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ — is “signified and made present” (222). This means that the words and gestures of the liturgy not only remind us of Christ’s saving deeds, but also make them active in our midst. How does this happen? “By giving the Holy Spirit to his Apostles, Christ entrusted to them and their successors the power to make present” his saving


Offered in solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI

PHOTOGRAPH OF POPE: CNS photo/Max Rossi, Reuters

ST. GERARD: Courtesy of Clonard Monastery, Belfast, Northern Ireland

GENERAL: That all people of good will, especially those who make political and economic policies, may commit themselves to care for all creation. MISSION: That believers of different religions, through the testimony of their lives and fraternal dialogue, may clearly demonstrate that the name of God brings peace.

work, through the Eucharistic sacrifice and, indeed, all the sacraments (222). In the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ acts through sacramental signs to give grace — a sharing in divine life — to his people of every time and place. Finally, we should have the highest appreciation for the work of the Holy Spirit in the liturgy and the Church’s sacramental life. As we have seen, the Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church and thus her living memory. The Spirit prompts the Church to ponder Christ in her heart; recalls and

re-presents Christ to the members of the Church already enlightened by faith; makes Christ truly present; unites the Church to Christ and his mission; and makes the gift of her union with Christ bear abundant fruit in the Church and in the world (223). May this new liturgical year be a time when we allow the Holy Spirit to deepen in us the new life Christ won for us by his death and resurrection, so that we may truly worship the Father “in spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:24).♦


St. Gerard Majella (c. 1726-1755) ST. GERARD MAJELLA was born in April 1726 in Muro, Italy, the son of a tailor. From his youth he was known to be fervent in faith and piety, often stopping at the local church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for long periods of time. After his father died, Majella withdrew from school and adopted his father’s trade, dividing his earnings among his mother, the poor and offerings for the souls in purgatory. In 1749, Majella was accepted into the newly founded Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists) and was taken under the wing of its founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori. Living as a lay brother in the community, Majella devoted himself to prayer, working in the tailor shop and infirmary, begging alms for the community, and aiding the poor. The faithful flocked to see Majella wherever he was assigned, because he possessed many extraordinary spiritual gifts and was known to be a powerful intercessor. He effected a miracle for a woman in labor through his prayers, and from that time forward, countless women have sought his intercession in times of infertility and difficult pregnancies. In 1754, Majella was falsely accused of sexual misconduct by a young woman and

refused to defend himself when questioned by his superiors. Silently, he endured penance with patience and equanimity, and the woman recanted her accusations several weeks later. Majella died of tuberculosis on Oct. 16, 1755, at the age of 29. At his beatification in 1893, Pope Leo XIII called him “one of those angelic youths whom God has given to the world as models for men.” Pope St. Pius X canonized St. Gerard on Dec. 11, 1904, declaring him the patron saint of motherhood. St. Gerard Majella is a model for the Knights of Columbus in our work to build a culture of life, especially when assisting women who experience trouble, hardship or difficulty during pregnancy.




College Knights urged to realize their potential as leaders

John Paul II Council 14188 at Harvard University was named Outstanding College Council at the annual Knights of Columbus College Council Conference Oct. 2-4 in New Haven. “MANY OF YOUR BROTHER KNIGHTS will tell you that the greatest way to realize [your] potential, the greatest way to implement so many opportunities, is to take seriously the vision of John Paul II, which is essentially the vision of the Catholic Church in our age,” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson told college Knights attending the annual Knights of Columbus College Council Conference, held Oct. 2-4 in New Haven, Conn. More than 143 Knights representing approximately 65 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Dominican Republic attended the conference. Conference Chairman Steven D. Bierschbach of Cardinal

John Henry Newman Council 10829 at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks and a seven-member coordinating committee made up of fellow college Knights, led attendees through a weekend that included seminars, an awards banquet and cultural events. Knights attended two days of presentations on topics that ranged from programming and membership to the leadership responsibilities of Knights on campus. Conference delegates also toured the Supreme Council office and the Knights of Columbus Museum, and attended Mass at St. Mary’s Church, where the Order was founded in 1882. Mass was offered in memory of Kevin Sinnott, deputy grand knight of Southern Catholic College Council 14496 in Dawsonville, Ga., who had planned to attend the conference but died tragically Sept. 21. The conference formally began with representatives gathering for “breakout” sessions and presentations on topics such as recruiting, Columbia magazine, Knights of Columbus programs, the Order’s investment department, employment opportunities, leadership development and officer training, the Order’s insurance business, and volunteer service. At St. Mary’s Church, Dominican Father Joseph P. Allen, pastor of St. Mary’s, celebrated Mass along with other college chaplains in attendance. Dominican Father Juan-Diego Brunetta, director of the Order’s Catholic Information Service (CIS), delivered the homily and spoke to attendees about the requirements of membership in the Knights of Columbus: “Being a faithful and practicing Catholic is a struggle in every age and time — for the struggle is within the human heart. It is what St. John depicts as the conflict between ‘those who follow the Light and those who are in the world.’”

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS scored an important victory in federal court in New Hampshire on Sept. 30 when U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe upheld the constitutionality of the words “under God” in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance. Atheist Michael Newdow had filed the lawsuit against the school system in Hanover, N.H., on behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation in a case that mirrored his earlier lawsuit against schools in and near Sacramento, Calif. As with the California case, the Knights of Columbus received permission from the court to become a “defendant-intervenor,” allowing attorneys representing the Order (from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) to participate directly in the court proceedings. The California case, argued before a panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court



of Appeals in December 2007, has still not been decided. In 1954, the Knights of Columbus was the leading proponent, along with 110 other fraternal societies, to add the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance.

PLEDGE: CNS file photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic

Federal court victory in Pledge of Allegiance case


McGivney miracle information submitted to Vatican OFFICIALS of a supplemental tribunal constituted by the Archdiocese of Hartford formally sent a new report to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints concerning the cause for canonization of the Order’s founder, Father Michael J. McGivney. The tribunal — a panel tasked with gathering additional testimony — interviewed witnesses, including several medical doctors, about the circumstances of a reported miracle attributed to Venerable Michael McGivney’s intercession. The report was signed and presented to Archbishop Henry J. Mansell of Hartford, Conn., on Sept. 22 and was affixed with the archbishop’s seal. The postulator of the cause, Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, traveled from Rome to Hartford for the occasion.

The event was held in the chapel at the archdiocesan chancery and was attended by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, other Supreme Officers, relatives of Father McGivney and archdiocesan officials. For more information on the cause for Father McGivney, or to join the Father McGivney Guild, visit

Knights co-sponsor religious liberty conference

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS and the Archdiocese of Mexico City co-sponsored a conference on religious liberty in the Americas, Sept. 25-26, in the Mexican capital. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which has held similar conferences in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, organized the event. “Today, in an age of globalization, we see the question of religious freedom take on new importance,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, when delivering the opening address. “Especially in secular cultures and in countries that are by their nature pluralistic, the danger is the

marginalization of Christianity and religious liberty.” Other speakers included Harvard Law Professor and former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Mary Ann Glendon, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission J. Kenneth Blackwell and former U.S. Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom Robert Seiple. Professors from universities in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Canada also made presentations. A special Web site,, features complete details of the conference program.

‘Religiously devoted and patriotically proud’ “YOU ARE A UNIQUE FRATERNITY of Knights of Columbus leaders,” Supreme Master Lawrence G. Costanzo told current and former vice supreme masters of the Fourth Degree at the 99th Supreme Assembly meeting in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 25. “Religiously devoted and patriotically proud” is the description now given to Sir Knights, Costanzo added, stating that 310,719, or 17.4 percent, of the total Knights of Columbus membership has taken its Fourth Degree, the Patriotic Degree of the Order.

True charity is ‘an authentic gift of self’ SUPREME KNIGHT Carl A. Anderson spoke Aug. 28 at the annual gathering of Communion and Liberation, telling the story of the founding and growth of the Knights of Columbus and emphasizing the organization’s devotion to charity. “Each encounter with those in need is actually an opportunity to create a civilization of love, one person, one act at a time,” Anderson said. The weeklong “Meeting for Friendship Among the Peoples” in Rimini, Italy, drew as many as 700,000 people to the city on Italy’s northeastern coast. A special multi-lingual Web site — — provides additional details. In his address, Anderson also noted the personal nature of true charity. “Our members,” he said, “are active in what the pope has emphasized in his most recent encyclical as charity in truth — ‘an authentic gift of self ’ that goes beyond the mere social work that can be done by a state.” Communion and Liberation, a lay movement within the Catholic Church, was founded in Italy in 1954. It now has members in more than 80 countries around the world.




Weathering the Storm Following destructive floods in the Philippines, Knights work to rebuild by Brian Caulfield

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES suffered devastating losses amid the worst flooding in Manila in more than 40 years, but their spirit and faith remained strong as the waters receded from a series of destructive tropical storms. Knights of Columbus in Metro Manila were among the first to respond to what many are calling “the Katrina of the Philippines,” handing out food bags to the most needy, though many of these same Knights saw the destruction of their own homes and property. Tropical Storm Ketsana, known locally as Typhoon Ondoy, dumped more than 16 inches of rain on Metro Manila in the space of 12 hours, Sept. 26, equaling the average rainfall for the whole month of September. Rivers overflowed, sewers backed up, dams were drained and water covered about 80 percent of the capital city, bringing the teeming metropolis to a virtual standstill. In low-lying areas outside the city, thousands of families were forced to the roofs of their homes as water levels reached 20 feet. About 300 people were reported dead, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. The efforts of Filipino Knights paralleled those of the Supreme Council in New Haven, as Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson authorized the immediate release of $50,000 to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to assist their humanitarian efforts. Two additional payments of $20,000 each were sent later to the bishops’ conference to reflect donations provided by state councils and individuals in the United States and Canada to the Order’s Philippine Disaster Relief Fund. Moreover, all donations to the Knights of Columbus United in Charity fund were targeted for the Philippines during the month of October. Exactly two weeks after the first storm hit, Knights gathered 8 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦


as scheduled, Oct. 10, for the 10th Luzon Jurisdiction Convention in Manila, which drew 535 delegates and was chaired by Luzon State Deputy Alonso L. Tan. Although the recovery process was underway in Manila, with the streets mostly cleared of water and mud, 90 delegates from the rural provinces north of Manila were unable to attend due to the destruction caused by another storm that had hovered for weeks along the coast. During the opening convention Mass, celebrated by Bishop Jesse E. Mercado of Paranaque, prayers were said for the storm victims and for the health and safety of survivors. In a video message that was played afterward, the supreme knight recognized the resilience of Knights, and assured them of the solidarity and support of Knights throughout the Order. “Alleluia, we are here and alive!” said Tan at the beginning of his state deputy’s report. Tan gave details of the four food bag distribution efforts that Knights had organized in the days immediately after the storm, and said that a large van of food and supplies had been provided by Knights from the Visayas jurisdiction. He also recounted the many achievements of Luzon over the past two years and set an agenda for continued growth and charitable activity. For more information, or to donate to the relief effort, visit♦ BRIAN CAULFIELD is a communications specialist for the Knights of Columbus and editor of the Order’s fatherhood Web site, Fathers for Good ( He attended the Luzon State Convention on behalf of the Supreme Council.


Balancing Work and Family It doesn’t have to be a tightrope act

PHOTO: Jupiter images

by William Gonzalez IT WAS TIME to make another dreaded phone call to tell my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, but it didn’t make it any easier for me. For four years I felt the strain that my frequent and sometimes unpredictable absences would render upon my family. I decided something had to change. I chose to take a position that meant a significant reduction in pay but would require far less travel and allow much more control over my schedule. Doing what was right for my family — and what I believe was God’s will — brought serenity and relief. My father-in-law served as an admirable role model in this regard. A busy doctor with his own practice for years, he made the sacrifice of taking a much less desirable position as a prison physician. In doing so, he was able to work a more regular schedule and be present to his eight children. Naturally, the work environment presented its share of sufferings, but he was home everyday when his kids were coming home from school. Steve Woods, in his book, Christian Fatherhood, remarked, “For our children, love is a four letter word spelled ‘T-I-M-E.’” This resonated deeply with my wife, who still talks about her father’s heroism with heartfelt gratitude. While changing jobs is not a necessity or even an option for most, all of us should take time to evaluate the importance we place on our work and family. As we consider the task of “balancing work and family,” the word “balance” seems to infer a kind of equality. However, as husbands and fathers, our wives and children need to be a higher priority. No matter how much you pour into your job, in the final analysis, the day will come when you are no longer fulfilling that position; someone else will fill your shoes, perhaps even doing it better. On the other hand, no one can step into your role as father. Pope John Paul II observed that “the place and task of the father in and for the family is of unique and irreplaceable importance” (Familiaris Consortio, 25).

At the same time, work and family should not be looked upon as opposing forces. Both duties are part of our vocation as fathers and a means of our sanctification. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “By enduring the hardship of work in union with Jesus, the carpenter of Nazareth and the one crucified on Calvary, man collaborates in a certain fashion with the Son of God in his redemptive work” (2427). In the daily struggle to do well in our careers and attend to the needs of our families, we can follow some helpful tips: 1. Put God first. He will give you the grace to properly order your life. Research daily Mass times in your area and attend when you can. If you have a long commute, try using that time to pray or listen to spiritual books on CD or tape. Cultivate a devotion to St. Joseph, who is both the patron of workers and our exemplar of fatherhood. Finally, as the spiritual head of your family, learn to lead your family in prayer at home. 2. Be organized and use time efficiently at work. When at work, work! Stay focused on your task and don’t waste time with other distractions. Avoid the “water cooler syndrome,” where more time than water gets swallowed up. This will aid in your ability to accomplish your duty and leave work on time. 3. Live within your means. I have been asked by my co-workers, “How can you afford to not work all the pay periods available to you?” The answer is simple: We are content to live with less. This removes the inevitability of working overtime to pay for items that aren’t necessities. Meeting the needs of both work and family is a continual challenge, but with God’s grace and a willingness to follow his will, it doesn’t have to be a tightrope act.♦

WILLIAM GONZALEZ writes from Enfield, Conn., where he lives with his wife and six children. He is a pilot with the Air Force Reserves at Westover Air Reserve Base and is a member of Father John B. O’Connell Council 14600 in Enfield.




CELEBRATING OUR LADY’S MESSAGE The Knights help thousands to discover and celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe’s message of unity and love by Columbia Staff


n an exceptional effort to underline the Catholic character of the Western Hemisphere, the Knights of Columbus hosted the first International Marian Congress dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe and a Guadalupe Festival in Phoenix, following the 127th Supreme Convention last August. These events, along with a Guadalupe Celebration in New Haven, Conn., one month later, highlighted Our Lady’s enduring message of unity and salvation in Christ. Nearly a decade after Spain’s conquest of Mexico, during a time of great turmoil and hostility, an extraordinary event took place Dec. 9-12, 1531. The appearance of the Virgin Mary to a humble Indian, a Christian convert named Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, changed the face of the continent. Our Lady appeared as a mestiza, or mixed-race woman, to Juan Diego, and left a message and sign for Mexico’s first bishop, Friar Juan de Zumárraga. In response to Our Lady’s request, a church was built by Tepeyac Hill, and her message of divine love and the image she left on Juan Diego’s tilma, or cloak, soon inspired millions of conversions. Today, devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, remains as vibrant as ever. Amid the moral and cultural challenges of our own time, she is looked to as model of furthering the new evangelization and building the culture of life. Each year, millions of people make pilgrimages to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. And when Carl A. Anderson was installed as supreme knight there in 2000, he entrusted the future of the Order to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s maternal care.

More than 20,000 people packed Arena in the Phoenix suburb of Glendale for the Guadalupe Festival, Aug. 8. The historic celebration, which featured performances, talks and prayer, followed the 127th Supreme Convention and first International Marian Congress dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

A MEETING IN THE DESERT More than 1,000 Knights, their families and area Catholics attended the Marian Congress that commenced shortly after the close of the 127th Supreme Convention, Aug. 6. Co-sponsored by the Diocese of Phoenix and the Institute of Guadalupan Studies, the congress continued with academic conferences on the image of Guadalupe, an art exhibit and the screening of a film about the Guadalupe event. A small piece of St. Juan Diego’s tilma was on display for veneration throughout the congress and the Guadalupe Festival that followed it. The only known relic of the tilma in the United States, it was generously loaned from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Received in the 1940s as a gift from the Archdiocese of Mexico, the relic is normally on display in Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral. Opening the congress, Supreme Knight Anderson explained that the apparition and indelible image of Guadalupe helped convert millions of indigenous Mexicans to the Catholic faith, and emphasized that Our Lady’s message is still of relevance. “It is a call to respect all life, in any condition, born and unborn,” Anderson said. “If [Our Lady] could heal the divide between Aztec and Spaniard, she can heal the rifts on our continent today.” Msgr. Eduardo Chávez, postulator of the cause for canonization of St. Juan Diego and rector of the Institute of Guadalupan Studies in Mexico City, spoke about the significance of the Guadalupe event over the course of a multi-part presentation. A member of Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe Council 14138, Msgr. Chávez called the Knights of Columbus “modern Juan Diegos” for their part in hosting the Marian Congress and promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Just days earlier, the bestselling book titled Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love (Doubleday), NOVEMBER 2009

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co-authored by Msgr. Chávez and Anderson, was published and made available to Congress participants. Proceeds from the book are donated to Knights of Columbus Charities. On Aug. 7, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix celebrated the votive Mass of St. Juan Diego. Drawing on natural images from the Arizona landscape, Bishop Olmsted compared the saint to a “pincushion cactus,” which is so small that its flower hides the body of the cactus in springtime. Unlike the huge saguaro cactus, which can grow up to 50 feet tall, the pincushion catches the attention of passersby with its diminutive beauty. Such “littleness and simplicity” was the key to St. Juan Diego’s service to Jesus and his mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, said Bishop Olmsted, who is a member of Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral Council 12708 in Phoenix. “Because he was humble, he was able to put aside his own affairs and respond to Our Lady’s call.” As the congress reconvened, Msgr. Chávez continued his presentation on Mary’s apparition and the meaning of the message given to Juan Diego. “The Aztecs had taken the heart and blood of human victims to feed the gods of their religion. Now, Holy Mary of Guadalupe was showing them the real sacrifice in the blood of Jesus Christ,” Msgr. Chávez said. “She is saying you don’t kill victims to feed gods, but the Son of God will give you his own flesh and blood in the Eucharist, to nourish you with eternal life.” The Aztecs were defeated and fatalistic after the Spanish con12 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


querors took away their altars of sacrifice and smashed their temples, Msgr. Chávez explained. In requesting a shrine of her own, Mary was asking her followers to establish a new civilization in the heart of the New World. “This would be a civilization of love for all people,” Msgr. Chávez said. “We still need to build this civilization in obedience to the request of the Mother of God.” Talks continued later that day and into the next, highlighted by a presentation by José Aste Tonsmann. A civil engineer with a doctorate from Cornell University, Tonsmann employed digital image processing to examine the unique nature of the Guadalupe image. Using methods that he learned at Mexico’s IBM Scientific Center, Tonsmann famously discovered 13 human figures in the corneas of Mary’s eyes in the Guadalupe image. He believes that these figures correspond to the people who were present when the image on Juan Diego’s tilma was first revealed in 1531. On Saturday, Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., celebrated Mass and delivered a homily reflecting on his memorable visits to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Finally, and in anticipation of what was sure to be a grand fiesta, Anderson closed the congress with remarks about building the civilization of love. He said, “Let us grow in faith. It is up to us to take Our Lady’s message to all people; it is up to us to ensure that the future of this continent is one of hope and one of love.”

Clockwise from the left: Father Eduardo Chávez, postulator of the cause for canonization of St. Juan Diego, delivers an address. • Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix celebrates a votive Mass of St. Juan Diego Aug. 7. • Matachines dancers and international recording artist Dana perform at the Guadalupe Festival. • Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivers an address. • Women from East Asia recite the Hail Mary in their native languages during an international rosary.

PRAYER AND CELEBRATION When the Marian Congress concluded Aug. 8, Our Lady and St. Juan Diego’s tilma took center stage, literally, when thousands of Catholics gathered at the Arena in Glendale, Ariz. The venue, which seats more than 16,000 spectators, was filled to capacity as people of all ages and many ethnic backgrounds came to enjoy an afternoon of song, dance, prayer and testimonies. The focal point of the event, though, was the solemn procession of the tilma relic. Encased in a reliquary and draped by a chain, the relic was placed over a 17th-century statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which remained on the arena’s stage throughout the festival. The arena was also filled with an atmosphere of fun and celebration as an international array of performers and speakers inspired the crowd. Musical tributes to Our Lady of Guadalupe included those performed by Alexander Acha, Dana and Filippa Giordano. A colorful highlight was also the drumming and performance of Matachines dancers, who were dressed in the traditional garb of native Mexicans. Speakers included actor Eduardo Verástegui, star of the film Bella, Immaculée Ilibagiza and Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix. “Prayer has the power to change us,” said Ilibagiza during her address. A survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, she spoke about how prayer sustained her while she lived in hiding for three months in a minuscule bathroom with several other women. “I was very angry,” Ilibagiza recalled. “I thought, ‘If I come out I will be a killer.’ I would just shoot everybody for what they did.” Hav-

Photos counter clockwise: Latin pop star Alexander Acha performs. • Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori processes with the tilma relic. • Italian singer Filippa Giordana sings a Marian hymn in front a 17th century statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe that holds the tilma relic. • Actor Eduardo Verástegui shares his testimony. Facing page: Speakers at the Guadalupe Festival included Rwandan genocide survivor and author Immaculée Ilibagiza; Retired N.Y. Fire Dept. Capt. Alfredo Fuentes; Hon. Hilario G. Davide Jr., U.N. Ambassador and former Chief Justice of the Philippines; and Miss Mexico (2008) Elisa Nájera Gualito. • A Mariachi band and Fourth Degree Knights lead a procession of the tilma relic through the streets of New Haven, Conn.

ing received a rosary from her father, Ilibagiza prayed during the hardest periods of her enclosure, when her enemies were literally one room away. “To tell you the truth, if it wasn’t for Our Lady, for the rosary, I wouldn’t be here today,” she said. Supreme Knight Anderson also spoke about the significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe with regard to the changing face of America. “We might think of Hispanics in the Church in terms of the mythical phoenix,” he said. “Nearly 500 years after Our Lady of Guadalupe’s transformation of this hemisphere, our Hispanic brothers and sisters represent the rebirth of Catholicism in the United States. Our Lady of Guadalupe points us to her son, but she also points us to unity in her son. For Catholics, this unity must transcend borders.” The festival concluded with an international rosary, with prayers read in 26 languages from around the world. Prominent Catholics from the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Philippines also shared meditations on the mysteries of light. “We as Catholics must come to realize and be grateful that the kingdom of God is reached through our understanding, acceptance and personal renewal that is achieved when performing the will of God,” said Capt. Alfredo Fuentes, a retired member of the New York Fire Department who was among the first wave of responders to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. A member of George W. Hudson Council 3701 in Woodside, N.Y., Fuentes was buried alive when the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. “Having sustained numerous, near-fatal injuries,” Fuentes added, “being buried and alone — all alone during this time of need — I instantaneously reached for my faith and I recited my favorite prayer

to my favorite lady, the Blessed Mother. I prayed over and over. I soon recognized that I was not alone and I felt a sense of strength and comfort.” JUAN DIEGO COMES TO NEW HAVEN Amid mariachi players, Mexican dancers and more than 2,200 pilgrims and onlookers, St. Juan Diego’s tilma then traveled to New Haven, where it was again the centerpiece in a Guadalupe Celebration sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The faithful came from all across Connecticut and neighboring states, Sept. 9, to celebrate Mass and take part in a procession from St. Mary’s Church, where the Order was founded in 1882, to the Knights of Columbus Museum. Archbishop Henry J. Mansell of Hartford, Supreme Chaplain Bishop Lori and Hartford Auxiliary Bishop Peter A. Rosazza carried the relic beneath a canopy on the mile-long route through downtown New Haven. As participants marched joyfully behind, filling two city blocks, the procession was a visible sign of the unity of all Americans under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Before the procession, the Guadalupe Celebration began with Mass at St. Mary’s Church. Bishop Lori delivered the homily, urging all those who were packed inside the church to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ through Our Lady of Guadalupe. Immediately following Mass, Msgr. Chávez gave a 30-minute talk that condensed many of his previous presentations on the history and significance of the tilma and the Guadalupe event. “The apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe was an important moment, an encounter between God and human beings,” said Msgr.

Chávez, noting that the black sash around the waist of Our Lady indicates that she is pregnant with Jesus. “Jesus Christ is at the center of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe,” he said. “He is at the center of her message to Juan Diego. He is at the center of the Church and her message to us.” At the end of the procession, a prayer service and blessing ceremony with the relic was held in the museum’s underground parking lot, followed by a lively fiesta with Mexican food, music and dancers. From the Marian Congress in Phoenix to the fiesta in New Haven, these Knights-sponsored events showcased the very best of American Catholicism: a coming together of various cultures to celebrate one faith, one Church and one Mother of all. For additional photos, videos and resources, visit♦

OUR LADY’S IMAGE Full-size, unframed images of Our Lady of Guadalupe (#40104), consisting of a highquality digital reproduction on a textile fabric (approx. 3.5’x 6’), may be ordered from the Knights of Columbus Supply Department for just $75 USD each — including shipping and handling — using a Form #1 requisition or the form on page 31. For more information, e-mail


Difference God Makes An interview with Cardinal Francis George about the Catholic Church, unity and communion in a fragmented world 16 ♌ C O L U M B I A ♌


assessment in his new book, titled The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture (Herder and Herder, 2009). Although the book was written almost entirely before Caritas in Veritate was released, it builds on the same tradition of Catholic social teaching and thus shares many of the same insights and observations. In this exclusive interview with Columbia, the cardinal discusses the ongoing task of the Church to transform our culture in charity and truth. COLUMBIA: You begin your book by discussing the Christian understanding of creation, the incarnation and communio. Why are these concepts foundational to how we see God and the world? CARDINAL GEORGE: People understand God in different ways, but the constant tendency, if we let ourselves go, is to reduce God to our size and see him as just one more fixture in the universe — bigger and more important, but just one more. Yet, God both transcends his creation and is present within it, as the cause of its very being. This relationship to God, first of all, brings us into relationship with everyone else and with all of creation. This is done through Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, and he enables us to understand how our neighbor is also our brother or sister.


lthough religion is often looked upon with suspicion in the world today, the Catholic Church still boldly proclaims the Gospel and presents a universal vision of God’s plan for humanity. This is evident, for instance, in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, which state, “The truth is that only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light” (Gaudium et Spes, 22). In his latest encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), Pope Benedict XVI articulates how this Catholic vision pertains to the most pressing social issues of our time and how it ultimately has the power to unite the human race. The pope writes, “The earthly city is promoted not merely by relationships of rights and duties, but to an even greater and more fundamental extent by relationships of gratuitousness, mercy and communion” (6). Cardinal Francis E. George, archbishop of Chicago and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), echoes this

COLUMBIA: You also explain that the modern idea of the person is focused on individualism and subjectivism, in contrast to seeing our identity in terms of relationship. How do we see that individualistic worldview play out in our society today? CARDINAL GEORGE: If we are individuals for whom relationships are just added on, rather than being persons who are born related, then we start with rights and not with duties or obligations to others. Since rights have to be protected, we get into a legal framework that is almost always adversarial. Society becomes brittle and violent. Natural community, such as marriage, is much weakened. People’s mobility and pursuit of one’s own dreams, even in conflict with others, have become something of a priority in our culture. This doesn’t foster the kind of relationship that is necessary to live humanely. You can see it in all kinds of ways. Violence is the most obvious. Modern culture is based upon opposition and contention: the media needs oppressors and victims or there isn’t a story; courts are set up for winners and losers; and politics is those in power and those who have lost power. It’s all conflict. The Church’s role is to say, while there is conflict to a certain level, the highest level is one of harmony and peace, mutual love and love of God. Our job is to call people to that level, which isn’t only higher, but also more global. It is more universal. It is broader. That is what is sometimes missing in the public conversation and in the institutions of our country. COLUMBIA: How is the relationship between church and state affected by the modern understanding of freedom, rights and voluntary association? CARDINAL GEORGE: The relationship between church and state is a constitutional way of talking about what is far deeper, namely faith and culture, which is the way Pope John Paul II used to raise the question. If we forget that man is a social being, first of all, and we begin to think we are antagonistic beings in competition with others NOVEMBER 2009

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COLUMBIA: You go on to talk about the importance of evangelizing culture. How do we proclaim the distinctiveness of the Church’s message and the Catholic way of life? CARDINAL GEORGE: Pope John Paul II was always interested in seeing how we were fostering a culture that was more Gospelfriendly, because if we had that, many other things would take Young men and women in traditional dress pray before the start of Mass with Pope Benedict XVI in Brno, Czech Re- care of themselves. Evangelizapublic, Sept. 27. During his three-day visit, Pope Benedict urged his listeners to rediscover spiritual and moral values. tion involves not just converting individuals, but changing the culture so that society is transin order to establish our rights, then the separation between church formed into a place that is a little more just, loving and generous. The message is relational. The Church is not sectarian. It extends and state necessarily becomes antagonistic rather than one of beyond every community, even national communities. Pope Benecooperation. In the beginning there was cooperation because the spheres were dict XVI made that very clear when he visited the United Nations. delimited, and the church was free to pursue its own life without in- The nation-state is not nearly as important as the global human famterference from the state. In the last 50 years there has been more ily. That is a sense of catholicity, of universality, of global solidarity interference by the state in the life of the church, and freedom of re- that the Church has been talking about for a very long time. ligion has been reinterpreted to mean freedom of individuals to exCOLUMBIA: How does that concept of global solidarity relate to press themselves using religious terms — but never to do that publicly because it may somehow infringe the rights of others who the challenges and opportunities that are presented with regard to want to be free of religion. This has created a situation of antagonism religious dialogue? CARDINAL GEORGE: Unlike national identities, all of the great faiths that wasn’t there before. are global. If we can cooperate on a social level, even though we aren’t COLUMBIA: There is also a trend in contemporary society to see going to believe the same things entirely, then the world will be a marriage and family as exclusively voluntary, rather than as natural more peaceful place. We will be able to create a sense of identity that transcends other divisions. The differences between religions will still institutions. CARDINAL GEORGE: It is true, in fact, that you choose freely to remain, but along with that sense of mutual respect comes a convicmarry someone, but once you do, that relationship is normative for tion that religion can never be used to justify violence. We will bethe rest of your life. Marriage means growing not only to live with come peacemakers even with differences and disagreements. someone but also through someone else, having their self-consciousCOLUMBIA: What role can the Knights of Columbus, and the ness become part of your self-consciousness. The same thing is true of the Church, where we bring into our self- laity in general, have in this new evangelization and the task of consciousness the mind of Christ, as St. Paul says, and therefore every- transforming culture? CARDINAL GEORGE: I think Knights will come up with the right one whom Christ loves. The Church is a network of relationships, called communion, and the human race is a network of relationships, answers, because they are connected to the Church and are men called solidarity. The two should complement one another. At that of faith. We have to allow a lot of subsidiarity. Evangelization is a point there is no separation; there is cooperation, a recognition of dif- global vision with a lot of actions that take place in homes, in ference — and the difference is important. The Church isn’t just a de- parishes, in cities and in councils. I always count on the Knights partment of state, and the state shouldn’t make itself into a kind of to be there when I need them, but more than that, they do good things entirely on their own. They do good things for the Church church, which is sometimes our temptation here in America. Meanwhile, many immigrants come to the United States with a because they are good Catholic men. Christ shapes our minds and our hearts if they are open to him sense of family that is still very strong. They come here so they can send money back to their family, not in order to pursue their own in prayer. We should all pray together and pray to understand what 18 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


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goals. Behind this is a sense that the family is the basic unit of society in ways that aren’t always true for Americans, who think that individuals and their rights are the basic unit.

our roles are. We also have to study the Catechism, for example, so that we can be of one mind with the Church. Ordinary people live their lives, and religion is integral to that, but they aren’t always thinking about it theoretically. They’re living it. People go to Mass regularly, do their best to build up their family and contribute to society. Catholicism is a way of life, a way of thinking and a way of loving.

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COLUMBIA: Beyond the contemporary idea of liberal and conservative Catholicism, you say the answer is “simply Catholicism.” How would you define this concept, “simply Catholicism”? CARDINAL GEORGE: Liberal and conservative are, first of all, political terms, so you have to get behind them to understand Catholicism because it isn’t primarily political, although it influences politics like any other realm of human experience. The “simply Catholicism” part is a community that is formed by sharing the gifts that Christ gives us: the Gospel, the sacraments, the pastoral governance of the successors of the Apostles. The means of Christ’s grace that make us truly one are now present. The way of life can differ within the Church but the goal of life is always sanctity. I see that as I go around the parishes in Chicago. There are a lot of holy people here. They might not know it and don’t always make the headlines, but they are there — fathers and mothers of families, and people dedicated not only to their faith but also to their work in society and to helping others. It’s very encouraging. COLUMBIA: One of the major challenges facing the new evangelization is the disconnect of freedom and truth, of which John Paul II so often spoke and what Pope Benedict XVI refers to as the dictatorship of relativism. How do we share the Gospel message when people are suspicious of claims of truth — especially those that pertain to religion or morality? CARDINAL GEORGE: A lot of people do not believe that you can accept a truth that you have not created for yourself and still be free. Yet, I think that people who try to live their own truths and their own dreams recognize, when they reach a certain level of maturity, that this path is a trap. To be ourselves, we have to be something more than ourselves. We come forward with the truths of who we really are in Christ and our destiny for all of eternity, and that is liberating. That is the truth that sets us free. We have to watch for people when they are ready to hear that message. It may be years, but we have to look for places where we can proclaim it. We must do what John Paul II always said: “Propose and never impose.” Goodness has its own attractiveness. We have to be better witnesses than we have often been, and then enter into dialogue. That’s the Catholic way of life, and that will draw some and perhaps repulse others. That’s what God expects us to do, and we leave the results in his hands.♦

Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, delivers an address at the opening session of the U.S. bishops’ general fall meeting in Baltimore last November. NOVEMBER 2009

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Damien I Know St. Damien heroically embraced the call to serve those who suffered in exile by Father William F. Petrie,


St. Damien de Veuster poses for a photo at the Kalaupapa leper colony on Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands weeks before his death in 1889. The Belgian missionary priest was beatified in 1995 and recently canonized at a Vatican ceremony Oct. 11. 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


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t 16 years old, as a high school student in Phoenix, it was not expected that I should make a decision or commitment about my future. Nonetheless, that is what happened. On the day my religion teacher read excerpts from the life of Father Damien de Veuster, my own life was transformed. I decided to become a priest, a missionary, and to work with people with Hansen’s disease (historically known as leprosy). Amid challenges and ongoing discernment, I pursued my newfound vocation. In 1873, Father Damien stepped onto the Hawaiian island of Molokai to begin his special mission to serve at a settlement of more than 800 people afflicted with leprosy. One hundred years later, in 1973, I had my first experience visiting a leprosy settlement started by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. When I entered into the same religious family as Father Damien, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I never thought I would live to see Father Damien canonized. While I was in the seminary, however, thousands of people with Hansen’s disease from around the world petitioned Pope Paul VI for the canonization of Damien de Veuster. That event rekindled the knowledge of Father Damien and his heroic love. If I know Father Damien, it is first of all because of the 25 years of experience that I have working with people with Hansen’s disease, which has given me a comprehensive understanding of the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those afflicted. In the beginning years of my work, therapies that were later implemented in the 1980s had yet to be perfected. Now, we have taken steps to eradicate Hansen’s disease worldwide. I also came to know Damien through the letters he sent to his brother, Father Pamphile, who was also a member of the Congregation. It was Father Pamphile who was initially appointed to Hawaii — then known as the Sandwich Islands — but because of illness, was replaced by his brother Damien.

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HIS CALL… Damien received permission to go to Hawaii even thought he was not yet ordained. Ten religious sisters, five priests and two religious brothers made the journey with him. Before departing, Damien wrote to his parents on Oct. 30, 1863: “The sacrifice is great indeed for one who tenderly loves his parents, his family, his brethren and the land of his birth. But the voice that has called upon us to make a generous sacrifice of all is the voice of God Himself.” Father Damien worked on Hawaii’s Big Island for 10 years before he received a second call. In 1873, a church was to be dedicated on the neighboring island of Maui. Father Damien was invited to be present there with Bishop Louis-Désiré Maigret and other members of the clergy. At the event, Bishop Maigret expressed his sorrow at not being able to help the patients of Molokai. It was at this time that Father Damien volunteered: “I will go to Molakai and labor for the poor patients whose wretched state of bodily and spiritual misfortune has often made my heart bleed within me.” Father Damien embarked that very day for Molokai with the bishop and 50 leprosy patients. Upon their arrival, Bishop Maigret said to the patients: “You shall no longer be alone. I have brought you one who will be a father to you and who loves you so much that for your welfare and for the sake of your immortal souls, he does not hesitate to become one of you to live and die with you.” Bishop Maigret returned to Honolulu, and Father Damien was left behind without a house or a friend, but determined to face any difficulty. HIS WORK… In his new ministry, Father Damien had to build his own living quarters, repair a chapel, celebrate daily Mass, visit the bedridden, wash and bandage patients, dig graves, build coffins, and construct houses. The raw wounds and repugnant odor of those afflicted often made it challenging to hear confessions and administer last rites. In his first letter home, he wrote: “Without the Blessed Sacrament, a position of mine would not be tolerable. But having the Lord with me, I am happy and work cheerfully for the relief of the unfortunate patients.” In 1884, Father Damien began to suspect that he had contracted Hansen’s disease, a diagnosis that was confirmed one year later. Yet, he was not distressed. He felt he was more closely united with his people, who became dearer to him than ever before. It was with real satisfaction that he knew he would lay down his life for them. “I am in my daily occupations as usual,” he wrote to his brother in 1887. “I myself have been chosen by Divine Providence as a victim to this loathsome disease. I hope to be eternally thankful to God for this favor.” Though leprosy began to disfigure him, the disease had not distorted Damien’s hands, and he continued to celebrate daily Mass. “This privilege is my greatest consolation for my own sake as well as for the benefit of my numerous fellow sufferers,” he wrote. Before his death on April 15, 1889, Father Damien praised God for having two priests at his side. He acknowledged he was “no longer necessary” on earth and promised to continue interceding from heaven. Today, those who continue to work with people with Hansen’s disease and AIDS, and those stigmatized by society, rely on Father Damien’s prayers.

Like St. Paul, St. Damien has become all things to all people. The love of God in his heart directed him to the service of others, and he was singled out by God to illuminate the world through his sanctity. He realized that his strength came from spiritual nourishment and that circumstances do not affect one’s happiness. The salvation to which we are all called is meant to be a joyful and fulfilling journey. God’s love invites us to have that abundant life wherever we are and in whatever we are doing.♦ FATHER WILLIAM F. PETRIE is the provincial superior of the Eastern United States Province of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and a member of McMahon Council 151 in New Bedford, Mass. The work that he began more than 35 years ago with people with Hansen’s disease continues in India today.

A HISTORIC CELEBRATION On Oct. 11, in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI canonized St. Damien of Molokai along with four others: St. Rafael Arnaiz Baron, a 20th century Spanish Trappist; St. Francisco Coll y Guitart, a 19th century Spanish Dominican and founder of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; St. Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński, an archbishop of Warsaw in the 19th century and founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary; and St. Mary of the Cross (Jeanne) Jugan, founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor. St. Damien — originally from Tremelo, Belgium — was declared venerable by Pope Paul VI in 1977 and was beatified in 1995 by Pope John Paul II in Brussels. His feast day is May 10. St. Damien’s canonization has been the cause of much celebration by the Church in Hawaii, including the Knights of Columbus who look to the saint’s example of charity. Meanwhile, Our Lady of Peace Council 5000 in Honolulu sponsored a Boy Scout troop to attend the historic event in Rome. Along the way, the Scouts posted videos, photos and journal entries on their blog: Devotion to Father Damien, though, extends far beyond Hawaii. Several K of C councils throughout the United States are named after him, including Council 11411 in Rochester, N.Y., and Council 4190 in Mattapoisett, Mass.

Hawaiian dancers perform at a special Mass for pilgrims from Hawaii at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome Oct. 12. NOVEMBER 2009

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Sacrifice of Enduring Love Eucharistic congress celebrates the vocations of priesthood, consecrated life and marriage in light of Jesus’ gift of himself by Alton J. Pelowski


undreds of religious sisters and thousands of guests gathered Sept. 11-12 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., to reflect on and celebrate the sacrament of the holy Eucharist. The eucharistic congress, titled “Sacrifice of Enduring Love,” was sponsored by the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR). Taking place five years after the first CMSWR-sponsored eucharistic congress, the event focused on the source and meaning of the universal call to holiness and, in particular, the vocations of priesthood, religious life and marriage. Speakers reflected on how these three ways of living the Christian life have certain things in common — namely, “an irrevocable commitment,” “an identification with Christ in his submission to the will of the Father,” and “a complete gift of self in love.” ‘THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO BE’ In her words of welcome, Mother Mary Quentin, chair of the CMSWR and a member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich., officially opened the congress and explained that, “Full participation in the Eucharist requires each one of us to embrace our vocation.” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivered the congress’s opening keynote address in which he observed that the various states of life — lay, ordained and consecrated — “are different manifestations of the vocation we all have in common: the vocation to love.” 22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


This common vocation is central to what it means to be created “in the image and likeness of God,” he said. Moreover, “Living out our own vocations well helps other people live theirs.” Especially during this Year for Priests, it is fitting to recognize the essential connection between the priesthood and the holy Eucharist. At the same time, the entire Church “draws her life from the Eucharist” and every Christian vocation finds its meaning in Christ’s sacrifice (cf. Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 1). In this light, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop of Quebec and primate of Canada, told congress participants that if the family is to embrace its “mission to guard, reveal and communicate love,” it will require “re-centering marriage and the family on Christ and the Eucharist” (cf. Familiaris Consortio, 17). Mother Ann Marie Karlovic, prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of St. Cecilia in Nashville, further explained, “Baptism makes each of us one with Jesus in his sacrifice offered to the Father. This is true of all Christians.” Yet, through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the consecrated person lives this call in a particular way. “As a sign to the Church,” said Mother Karlovic, “the entire being of the religious says something vitally important to the world: ‘This is what you are called to be: living temples of God, living sacrifices wholly belonging to the Lord, marked out for this by the seal of your baptism.’”

(From left to right:) Religious sisters of various congregations participate in the eucharistic congress hosted at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Sept. 11-12. • Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivers a keynote address on the universal vocation to love. • The shrine’s Crypt Church is filled to capacity as Laura Molla Pannuti, daughter of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, and her husband, Giuseppe, reflect on the life of Laura’s mother. Thus, while marriage is often seen in terms of pursuing one’s own happiness, and the vocations of priesthood and religious life are often seen in terms of what a person “gives up,” the Eucharist reveals that the inner form of each vocation is gift; authentic joy comes only from saying “yes” to God in love. The fathers of the Second Vatican Council put it this way: “[M]an, who is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself, cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself” (Gaudium et Spes, 24; cf. Lk 17:33). WORSHIPPING TOGETHER Many of the 126 member communities of CMSWR, representing more than 10,000 active women religious in the United States, were present at the congress, which featured a combined choir of more than 100 sisters from twelve communities. Meanwhile, many cloistered religious communities prayed for organizers and participants. “We were being carried on the wings of those powerful prayers,” said Sister Mary Kathleen Ronan, R.S.M., one of the congress organizers. While the eucharistic congress offered a privileged occasion for religious sisters to celebrate together, numerous clergy and lay people also participated in the various events, which were televised internationally. Masses celebrated by Cardinal Justin F. Rigali of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pietro Sambi, apostolic nuncio to the United States, each drew crowds of more than 2,000 people, filling the National Shrine’s Great Upper Church.

Local Knights offered support in varied ways, including help with transportation, and the Supreme Council provided organizational support and assistance with printed materials, such as the congress booklet. Fourth Degree honor guards were also present for the Masses and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Additionally, Knights coordinated the display of a small relic of St. Juan Diego’s tilma in the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Following a series of Knights of Columbus-sponsored events, the eucharistic congress was the last stop before the relic was returned to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (see page 11). In addition to the main addresses, numerous workshops that further explored the congress themes were held Sept. 12. For example, hundreds of people came to hear Laura Molla Pannuti speak about her mother, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, who was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004. Immediately after the closing Mass, Archbishop Sambi led a candlelight eucharistic procession to the outdoor steps of the shrine, as participants sang hymns and prayed. Religious, clergy and laity alike, embracing the gift and task of their respective vocations, were thankful for the opportunity to join together in worship of Christ in the Eucharist, the Sacrifice of Enduring Love.♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI is managing editor of Columbia and a 2006 graduate of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C.

NORTH AMERICAN CONGRESS ON MERCY ♦ Nov. 14-15 As follow-up to the first World Apostolic Congress on Mercy, which took place in Rome in April 2008 with support from the Knights of Columbus, a North American Congress on Mercy will be held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Nov. 1415. For more information or to register, call 1-800-462-7426 or visit


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A Priest’s Sacrifice for God and Country A military chaplain’s heroic faith and courage are remembered.

I WILL NEVER FORGET the last time Father H. Timothy the field. Gravely wounded, he lost an eye and incurred severe Vakoc, known as Father Tim, celebrated Mass at my parish. He brain damage. Before being transported for medical care, he mancame down from the pulpit to deliver the homily and strolled to- aged to utter, “Take care of my boys!” ward the center aisle as he spoke. Spotting a young family in the Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, then-head of the Archdiocese first pew, he scooped up an infant being held by the mother and for Military Services, USA, visited Father Tim at the Walter Reed delivered his entire sermon on the importance of family and chil- Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. There, he told him, dren. The whole congregation was captivated, including the baby, “Tim, you are still a priest. This bed is now your altar.” This who never uttered a peep. phrase was later written on the program at Father Tim’s funeral. Indeed, Father Tim seemed to make an Even in his darkest hours, when he impression wherever he went. could not respond or communicate, and Vakoc grew up in Robbinsdale, Minn., his body could do little more than fight the youngest of three children. At the age off infection, there was an awareness, of 18, he joined the Knights of Columupon entering his room, that God was bus, and after college and a few years in with Father Tim. the work world, he entered the seminary “Nurses and hospital workers would at the encouragement of his boyhood go into his room, pull the curtains and pastor. just sit there,” his mother said. “They While studying to become a priest, said they could just feel that there was Vakoc entered the U.S. Army Chaplain something special about him.” Corps. He was ordained in 1992 and, Father Tim began to make a remarkwhile serving at local parishes, he realized able, almost miraculous, recovery in the great need for military chaplains. He the five years after his injury. He reentered the Army full-time in 1996, the gained limited use of his hands and same year he joined the Fourth Degree could even navigate his own motorized Father Tim Vakoc, left, is promoted to the rank of wheelchair. Though a tracheotomy — the patriotic degree of the Order. Father Tim’s military assignments in- Army Reserve captain in this 1996 file photo. limited his ability to speak, his free cluded Germany and Bosnia. Once, after spirit and teasing personality often hearing of his mother’s concern for his safety, he told his sister, came through as he communicated with his eyes, a nod of his “The safest place for me to be is in the center of God’s will, and head and hand gestures. if that is in the line of fire, that is where I will be.” On June 20, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Following service at military bases in the United States, Father and just one day after Pope Benedict XVI initiated the Year for Tim was called to serve in Iraq in 2003. His goal, he said, was to Priests, Father Tim died unexpectedly at a nursing home in New be “an intentional presence” to the military men and women Hope, Mo. He is the only chaplain to have died from injuries there. Often, he would wait outside the mess hall and tell soldiers sustained in the Iraq War. that he was available for confession or simply to talk. Father Stan Mader, a seminary classmate and friend, delivered In May 2004, an inquiry was sent to chaplains about the im- the homily at Father Tim’s funeral Mass. “Tim went to Iraq not portance of their military service. “The chaplains, Catholic and for war, but to provide the possibility of peace,” Father Mader others, hold the light of Christ in a dark place,” Father Tim wrote. said. “He was a priest, and answered the call to minister in a dif“There is a spiritual battle going on here, not between religions, ferent and powerful way…. Tim died to so many things when he but between the light of Christ and darkness…. As one of my was injured, but rose to a new ministry as a powerful witness to soldiers who recently died said, ‘Every day counts!’” the value of life.”♦ Just days later, on May 29, the eve of the 12th anniversary of MARY ANN KUHARSKI is the author of several books and serves as the his ordination, Father Tim was injured by a roadside bomb that director of Prolife Across America, a national educational organization in Minexploded near his Humvee. At the time, he was returning to his barracks after celebrating Mass on a makeshift altar for troops in neapolis, Minn. OBSERVE THE YEAR FOR PRIESTS WITH A SPECIAL PRAYER CARD AVAILABLE AT WWW.KOFC.ORG/YEARFORPRIESTS 24 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦


PHOTO: The Catholic Spirit/Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis

by Mary Ann Kuharski


Supreme Council Awards $1.6 million in College Grants FOR THE 2009-10 academic year, the Knights of Columbus has awarded scholarships totaling more than $1.6 million to 190 students. Most recipients are the children of Knights or Knights themselves attending Catholic universities or Catholic colleges in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico or the Philippines. These figures include $105,000 in grants to 42 seminarians in the United States and Canada. Additionally, nearly 500 existing scholarships will be renewed, provided the recipients maintain their current academic status. At the grassroots level, K of C councils and assemblies reported distributing more than $7.1 million in scholarships during the 2008-09 fraternal year, according to the 2008 Survey of Fraternal Activity. For more information about the Order’s scholarship programs, visit and click on the “For Members” link.

FOURTH DEGREE PRO DEO AND PRO PATRIA SCHOLARSHIPS A total of 197 U.S. students received Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships of $1,500 each. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence to incoming freshmen in bachelor’s degree programs at Catholic colleges or Catholic universities. The recipients are Knights of Columbus or Columbian Squires, the son or daughter of a Knight in good standing, or the son or daughter of a Knight who was in good standing when he died. Contingent on satisfactory academic performance, scholarships are renewed for a total of four years. This academic year, 45 new scholarships were awarded and 152 were renewed. The following are first-time recipients: Maurice B. Aufderheide, Kris-

ten G. Bachteler, Thomas L. Barnes, Allison Behette, Nicholas F. Blank, Thomas W. Brown, Laura M. Caporaletti, Matthew P. Charnley, Jacob R. Clark, Ryan M. Coppola, Alexander F. Crawford, Ellen C. Dechant, Katherine A. DeGreef, Sabina DeMatteo, Kimberly A. Doudna, Brett R. Garland, Luca Giani, Katherine A. Griffin, Karolyn J. Halpin, Elizabeth E. Herbert, Christen N. Heye, Michael C. Hogan, Ritamarie Holden, Sean Holden, Kathleen M. Hull, Joshua K. Jacques, Kaitlin M. Kent, Michael E. Kilner, John D. Lamansky, Dominic M. Mason, Marie E. Meyer, Evan W. Oliver, Theresa C. Palid, Megan M. Para, Andrew J. Patton, Katherine A. Ritchey, Rebecca Rougler, Karalyn G. Stauffer, Rachel A. Steenson, Robert F. Thompson III, Patrick N.

Tomassi, Joncarlo Villegas, Joseph R. Wawrzynski, Matthew J. Windels, Andrea J. Zinn FOURTH DEGREE PRO DEO AND PRO PATRIA SCHOLARSHIPS (CANADA) These scholarships are for students entering colleges or universities in Canada, with requirements regarding Knights of Columbus membership the same as for their U.S. counterparts. Ten new scholarships were awarded and 36 renewed for a total of 46 grants for the current academic year. New recipients are: Rachael M. Berger, Kelsey C. Doiron, Barbara M. Forbes, Jillian M. Hanson, Rochelle S. Jalbert, Ariel Leyson, Jackie A. McGrath, George L. Worthen, Marisa L. Yang, Nicholas J. Zambon JOHN W. MCDEVITT (FOURTH DEGREE) SCHOLARSHIPS This scholarship was established in 1998 in honor of the Order’s 11th supreme knight. Recipients must be enrolled at a Catholic college or Catholic university in the United States and be a Knight, the wife of a Knight, or the son or daughter of a Knight. Widows and children of members who died in good standing are also eligible. In addition to the 30 new recipients listed here, 100 scholarships were renewed, for a total of 130 awarded. New recipients are: Katherine A. Baglini, Donald J. Barron III, Denis J. Berry, Victoria M. Bonutti, Kelly S. Brakora, Halley E. Chavey, Daniel L. Cruickshank, Christopher K. Delisle, Gregory A. Doonan, Kasey A. Duncan, Michelle C. Ginter, Maureen F. Hansen, Michael P. Hinnenkamp, Kaitlyn M. Holyfield, Paul E. Kaefer, Joseph P. Knowles, Timothy W. Lilley, Nathan M. Maurer, Andrew J. Nalepa, Marienicole T. Nowak, John

P. Otto, Courtney L. Rauch, Jessica A. Stangl, Evan P. Thompson, James T. Tighe, Grant T. Van De Casteele, Jonathan J. Wadle, Matthew M. Winterhalter, Scott N. Wisniewski, Michelle A. Young ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS The Percy J. Johnson Scholarships are awarded to young men attending U.S. Catholic colleges or Catholic universities and are funded by a 1990 bequest of Percy J. Johnson, a member of Seville Council 93 in Brockton, Mass. Five scholarships were awarded and 16 renewed for a total of 21 awarded for the 2009-10 academic year. New recipients are: David J. Benedetto, Lance J. Glunz, Benjamin C. Starnes, Nicholas B. Vipperman, Nicholas J. Webber In 2000, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received a $100,000 donation from Frank L. Goularte. A scholarship fund in his name was established to provide $1,500 in need-based grants that are administered, in general, according to the rules of the Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships. One new scholarship was awarded for the current academic year and two were renewed. The new recipient is Adriana M. Grecco From 1995 to 1997, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received bequests totaling nearly $200,000 from the estate of Anthony J. LaBella. In his will, LaBella remembered the kindness shown to him by Knights when he was an orphan in Farmingdale, N.Y. The bequests have since been used by the Knights to establish a scholarship fund in LaBella’s name. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships for undergraduate study in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships. Three new scholarships were awarded


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SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS and nine were renewed for the current academic year. Firsttime recipients are: Kayla C. Becker, Zirca S. Godenciuc, Amy L. Narges In 1997, Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. received a bequest from Dr. Arthur F. Battista to establish scholarships for graduates of the Cornwall (Ontario) Collegiate and Vocational School. These $1,500 and $2,000 annual scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit, financial need, community service and extracurricular activities. Preference is given to Knights; to the children or grandchildren of members; to students recommended by the Ontario State Council; and to students bound for Catholic colleges or Catholic universities. For the current academic year, 29 new scholarships were awarded and 30 grants were renewed. New recipients are: Aliya Abdur-Rahim, Faizan Ali, Muhammad Amjed, Katelyn Beaudette, Shane Besner, Kevin Brady, Amina Choudhry, Shelby Commodore, Michelle Desjardins, Tracy Handy, Kaytlie Harpur, Olivia Jonkman, Saadia Khilji, Erin Lee, Kayla Markell, Lydia McIntosh, Meghan McRae, Nicholas Merizzi, Nusha Mubarak, Sadaf Munir, Rubab Nadeem, Jessica Price, Anil Ravindran, Ayman Shahein, Heather Spencer, Jessica Tang, Linda Tchen, Jessica Wilson, Natalie Zimmer GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS The Order has an endowment at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., that provides Knights of Columbus Graduate Fellowships. Two new fellowships were awarded and three renewed. New recipients are Alexandra Lupu and James Tillman. A fellowship for the John Paul II Institute for Studies on

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Marriage and Family, on the Catholic University campus, was renewed for the current academic year. Full-time students in a master’s degree program for classroom teachers of persons with intellectual disabilities are eligible for the Bishop Charles P. Greco Fellowship, named for the former supreme chaplain. One fellowship was renewed for the current academic year. SISTER THEA BOWMAN FOUNDATION KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIPS This scholarship is named for Sister Thea Bowman (1937-1990), an AfricanAmerican religious who inspired many people with her urgent and uplifting call for better education for children of the black community. In August 2005, the Board of Directors approved a fouryear grant in the amount of $37,500 per year for five single black mothers to study at the College of St. Mary in Omaha, Neb., while their children attend daycare offered through the college’s Living and Learning Program. The scholarships, each in the amount of $7,500, were awarded in 2006 and will be renewed for the 2009-2010 academic year. MEXICO SCHOLARSHIPS Five new scholarships were awarded in the amount of $500 each, renewable for up to four years. In addition, seven were renewed for a total of 12 scholarships. New recipients are: Mariana I. Díaz-Garza, Mónica E. Domínguez-Andazola, Jesús O. García-Castillo, Zelma S. Guzmán-Escobedo, Diana Rodríguez-Sánchez PUERTO RICO SCHOLARSHIPS For the 2009-10 academic year, four new scholarships of $500 each were awarded and


Educational Trust Fund THE FRANCIS P. MATTHEWS and John E. Swift Educational Trust offers scholarships to the children of members who are killed or permanently and totally disabled by hostile action while serving with the armed forces during a covered period of conflict. In 2004, the Order deMatthews clared that military conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan would be covered under the trust fund. Also eligible are the children of members who are killed as a result of criminal violence directed against them while performing their duties as full-time law enforcement officers or full-time firefighters. An application must be filed within two years of the Swift member’s death or the determination of his total and permanent disability. As of June 30, 805 children have been recorded as eligible for benefits from the trust fund since its establishment in 1944. Thus far, 341 eligible children have chosen not to use the scholarships, three have died and 125 who began college either discontinued their studies or fully used their scholarship eligibility before graduation. There are 48 future candidates. To date, 279 students have completed their education through the fund. During the 2009-10 academic year, nine students will pursue undergraduate degrees through the MatthewsSwift fund — seven renewals and two new recipients. The new recipients are Christina M. Booth and Ethan E. O’Flaherty.

12 were renewed. New recipients are: Jean C. Rivera-Durán, Glorimar Rodríguez- Sánchez, Carmelo Serrano-Figueroa, Francisco Vélez-Rivera PHILIPPINES SCHOLARSHIPS For the 2009-10 academic year, nine new scholarships of $500 each were awarded and 27 were renewed. New recipients are: Jussel A. Basanta, Dean M. Garcia, Gerald S. Martinez, Christian S. Maybuena, Bernice M. Reyes, Sol George A. Sombilon, Wally Villaflor, Jirwell L. Villanueva, Jessa Mae P. Virtudazo


Scholarship applications for the 2010-11 academic year are available. Contact: Department of Scholarships Knights of Columbus PO Box 1670 New Haven, CT 06507 1-203-752-4332


Star Councils Awarded A TOTAL of 1,425 councils earned the Star Council Award (including adjustments), the highest distinction available to a local K of C council, for the 2008-09 fraternal year. These councils, led by the grand knights listed here, conducted the required charitable and fraternal programs in the “Surge…with Service” areas, and also achieved their membership and insurance quotas. Each council will receive an appropriately engraved plaque from the Supreme Council in recognition of its accomplishment. Of these councils, 531 earned the Double Star Council Award for meeting 100 percent of their insurance quota and 200 percent of their membership quota. Councils that achieved the Double Star Council Award are indicated with an asterisk. Additionally, 3,707 councils earned the Columbian Award for excellence in programming; 3,539 attained the Father McGivney Award for meeting their membership quota; and 2,212 earned the Founders’ Award for meeting their insurance quota. ALABAMA 2736 raymond e. bogan 3038 James v. love* 4083 Steven r. Griffin* 4304 John T. Spratley* 7270 John l. Swan Jr. 8551 David W. Hester 9550 mark S. Kielbasa 9676 edward J. langan 10354 Kenneth T. Friedrich 11366 Andrew l. bouchard 11480 robert G. Sitze 11537 nicholas Cvetetic* 11554 Jacob G. oestriecher 11672 John A. bellono 12150 richard J. ragaller 12270 James W. Gregg 12765 Steven C. Anthony 13085 James T. Pacher 13174 e. bryan Pate 13367 Gregory e. Smith ALASKA 11745 Calvin e. Williams ALBERTA 3241 Joseph A. novakowski* 4788 Joseph bacac* 4878 michael A. Driscoll* 6994 ricardo Giammarino 7432 Paul W. Schulz* 8470 rick r. Schuh* 10014 vittorio Cerminara 10547 James P. Wensveen 12353 michael David Ho 12658 Paul l. Cavaliere 12904 manuel e. Ibasco* 13226 Kurtis e. briscoe 13312 Gregory W. Amerongen* 14497 John F. majowski* ARIZONA 1229 Dennis J. revering

6848 7521 7562 8305 8813 9312 9482 9485 10062 10070 11738 12144 12246 12345 12696 12708 12856 13286 13719 13841 14157 14230 14357

Wayne m. Glembin richard valencia Sean A. baldwin edward J. nelson* Alexander W. barber II* Joe r. rios Todd A. Huffman* Dante S. romeo* William J. Drummey* Pedro A. Alaniz* brother leonard W. rheaume eugene S. Cirzan Paul A. Spatz Albert l. Tucker* richard T. Poirier* luigi J. baratta James r. Sallmen James C. Gragnano Shawn P. masterson* George A. Fisher Jon l. Gordon richard D. Winkel Joseph m. link*

ARKANSAS 812 Danny P. naegle 6609 bernard W. Krumpelman* 6615 William l. Durbin 8815 Francis A. Grillot Jr. 7258 leroy J. Anderle 10167 michael D. Halter 10208 ronald m. boudreaux 10908 Alan l. Halman 11604 James e. mcClain* 12458 Trey m. Willis 14010 Jimmie W. rofkahr 14609 Godwal J. viera BRITISH COLUMBIA 1256 roland Wauthy* 4712 Paolo C. Suraci 6767 Paul A. Theberge

6855 8853 8927 8943 9703 10500 10681 12861 13072 14652

Americo C. Silva* Jude H. noronha robert A. bigelow Dennis r. ranada rheal J. Henri Koon-ming lau* melvin W. Dear* ben m. Santos renato v. montilla* Felipe P. Siglos Jr.

CALIFORNIA 920 michael W. Crough 1311 luis P. barboza 1346 Steven l. Heitzman 1875 robert J. Smearden* 1990 ranil m. Fernando* 2431 Dean J. Smith* 2498 raymond J. o’Toole III 3073 rommel S. valarao 3162 Charles r. Abood 3517 mark e. Padilla 3523 Israel Fonzalez 3526 Juan F. baca 3601 oscar Garcia 3926 raymond Jackson Jr. 4060 ronald m. Cortez* 4793 Gerald n. balagna* 4901 James P. Howley Jr.* 4929 James F. lima* 4936 matthew D. bell 4970 richard S. Schultz 5322 Paul l. labbe* 5568 bruce A. Killian* 5696 robert D. byrne 5803 ronald D. browne 5978 robert P. Cortese 6028 efrain Delgadillo 6043 mark J. Kotch* 6066 Joseph P. van Zant* 6095 John C. norton Jr.* 6322 Aurelio C. Jimenez 6922 Francis T. Zawalick Jr. 7412 michael n. okafor 7683 ruben A. Galindo 7759 rolando P. Castillo* 8424 Jeffery C. Greco 8599 Kenneth l. Peterson* 8879 michael D. Slavin 9065 Gary F. Andrews* 9159 Joseph r. roano* 9195 Anthony Depaola* 9202 Gerald l. Zimmerman 9206 James W. radding* 10067 Andrew v. Stay* 10234 Paul C. Diaz 10925 Joseph e. Syms 10948 edmundo I. Dantes 10991 edward l. Clark 11033 Jesus S. Ty* 11137 Trent J. benedetti* 11465 Felix l. Zamora 12221 melchor P. Camua* 12394 Thomas r. Waller 12527 Jesse Saldivar* 12805 Danny I. Flores 12887 mario e. Cateriny* 12975 Dionisio m. Dela Cruz 13195 ernest W. Strongman 13672 Joseph W. luchi 13756 rufino murillo 13765 David A. brandt* 14541 Jeffrey r. Stamp 14554 Castrenze D. lombardo* 14581 barry G. Crawley 14699 Albert o. lee COLORADO 557 Frank G. romero* 1188 Steve e. monjaras 1498 John C. Whattam* 2096 Jacob D. ortiz 2688 Climaco velasquez 4699 Jerome D. Sundee* 4844 Alfonso S. marquez* 5064 Ian J. buljung*

5512 5757 5768 6393 6905 7640 8200 9349 9993 10937 11730 11732 12020 12063 12228 12335 12392 12425 12567 12979 13099 13301 14338 14398 14407 14436 14443

Armando e. marquez Dennis l. Kreller mark b. broeckelman Charlie C. valdez Jr.* lawrence K. Peterson* Donald b. Ferega Joseph r. baldwin* John r. eiler* Gregory v. Schymanski ronald J. rietsch* John m. mcGuire Alan K. mitten* David A. layden* Joseph Phillips morton van Sims Guy r. Green* larry A. ottele* Arthur I. valencia Jesse Taitano* Thomas e. lyons Douglas J. marsh John J. Hilton John P. lopez* robert G. Archibald Jr. Thomas J. Zink John J. Doherty Gerald l. Dreher*

CONNECTICUT 10 Joseph D. nardini 1943 James A. bbbiati 2883 michael G. Schaefer Sr.* 2968 Steven J. Collison 3600 michael A. Deconti 4313 Albert landry Jr. 6107 Jeffery l. Fiducia 6190 robert l. Ashton Jr.* 9921 Anthony J. bozzuto* 10267 Steven Garofalo* 10651 norman e. noel 10817 michael J. Howard 11245 Joseph P. monico* 11913 robert S. Terry 13862 Thomas K. varney 14014 bernard H. mcGorty* 14216 Christopher r. randall* 14590 Peter A. Sonski Jr.* DELAWARE 6543 Kevin F. Corcoran* 7517 richard C. de Zao* 7990 Henry F. Kordik* 11285 John J. mcGinley 12374 michael F. o’Connor* DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 417 David I. merriwether* 433 edward m. Sullivan 11302 mauro n. Farinelli* DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 10708 emeterio Taveras romero* 11795 Toribio Acevedo 12247 William A. rosario-Pujols 12614 robert H. Campusano Pérez* 13231 Julian Frias 13541 Juan J. reynoso 14252 Jorge l. Amadis nuñez 14253 melvin m. lara ureña 14296 miguel A. Calderón* 14532 Gilberto Sánchez mesa 14533 leonidas lópez García 14668 Atanacio D. oleo rodríguez* 14633 Carlos Sánchez Figuereo*

FLORIDA 2105 James e. Gillis 4800 Paul rod 5131 leonard J. romano 5399 William e. Craig* 5407 Pete J. Grondin* 5629 John F. Fitzgerald 5644 William e. eager* 5737 Peter F. rocca Jr. 5758 Joseph F. Welsh 5960 Joseph S. Ivaskewitz* 6032 James H. Starkes 6274 Henry b. Gurney Iv 6800 michael e laird Sr. 6988 Donald H. rochon 7027 ronald l. Winn 7109 John r. Papa 7121 Daniel e. Floryan 7621 Alfred r. Anci 8074 ronald J. muschong* 8120 Chet Sedke* 8791 Frederick D. Weston 9618 Joseph r. Campobasso* 10377 Charles r. Wills 10484 robert J. Thies 11046 Allen J. mcCaffery 11211 Frank r. mazzie 11410 David J. Gleinn 11448 Charles F. Henault III* 11483 roger Chavez* 11877 Wade P. Pacuch* 12155 John r. Hansen 12306 Frank J. Dillon* 12402 Cody J. Pitre* 12456 Charles P. mclaughlin* 12664 Carlos Irene 12956 Douglas D. Gephart* 13018 Jeff m. Harris 13045 michael P. lynch 13047 Kevin W. Cahill 13139 louis A. manz 13209 mariano m. Caltabiano* 13277 michael W. Pinter* 13300 Frank m. Kosa* 13307 Peter Pezzati Jr.* 13338 Donald C. Galloy 13369 Paul m. Walkington* 13389 Tristan J. Thomas* 13527 Thomas r. Sanders Jr.* 13571 Arthur C. broska Jr. 13639 ronald A. Klaasse* 13654 miguel Santibanezleon* 13657 edward m. meza* 13996 Andrew J. Youngross 14084 Julio l. Alvarez Jr.* 14086 Timothy P. raines 14132 John G. ricci 14178 Dennis m. Kelly* 14212 Johannes meijer* 14295 Charles F. belinski* 14390 W. Clenworth Francis 14391 eugene A. Dolecki* 14415 Carlos J. Gutierrez* 14456 Dennis J. lynch* 14485 victor J. Jamnik* 14573 William r. Post* 14730 James A. buzzella Sr. GEORGIA 660 matthew A. Schuh* 9458 robert D. Pratt* 9792 Joseph F. Costa 10633 Patrick J. Gannon Sr.* 10821 Phillip S. Weatherford* 11340 Thaddeus J. mcCaustland 11746 William F. rogers 11768 Joshua Gregory* 12580 Steven b. martin* 12826 William A. Grasse 12883 lawrence Kozlowski* 12942 David burgett


♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 27

S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 13052 13204 13217 13457 13491 13808 14181 14275 14425

Phillip F. Gasior George D. Yourick* Steven Z. Walters David A. Pazienza* edwin T. Dibble* Arthur l Hargrove III* Harrell r. newbury* edward m. brussard Stephen P. landkamer

HAWAII 11485 Gilbert K. Jose* 11636 ben G. Adona* 13227 Gary m. Davis* 14663 Clyde r. Sauget IDAHO 1663 ronald o. Denney 11548 Daryl m. Staskey 12172 eduardo l. Herrera* ILLINOIS 182 Gerald P. baggot 661 roger l. newenham 805 Chester r. Wasik 1005 James e. machan* 1143 Jerome A. Hengehold 1704 Jason r. Kuhl 4007 Philip A. Schmillen 4024 michael J. Drake 4175 James T. meyer 4179 Christopher l. reichert 4338 Dennis C. martin 4372 Timothy l. berry 4836 Cristov Dosev 4837 norman J. Schaeff 4977 Daniel J. Kliarsky 5025 roger T. Stachnik 5572 Andrew e. nelms 5732 Daniel A. macShane Sr. 5918 Kenneth J. bastuga* 6481 Gary J. St. onge 7072 Daniel r. Poncin 7580 edward J. Dennis 7624 Kenneth G. mattson 8473 Steven Saunders* 8596 Daniel J. biggins 9167 ronald W. marulewski 9266 Frederick m. Schreiber* 9768 Joseph r. obernuefemann 9770 Timothy A. mack 9806 John C. molin 9893 Frank bruno* 10944 leo J. Cisco* 11091 Timothy D. o’neill 11112 Joseph A. Falotico 11582 Paul C. Whitley* 11666 David A. Parmer* 12302 Howard e. emery* 12407 everett Fritz II* 12639 Todd m. benzschawel 13123 othello G. Garganera 13216 Jonathan H. Hicks 13448 michael bryscan 13476 robert C. marks* 14024 Daniel S. blentlinger* 14171 Timothy J. rogers* 14284 Charles J. Calcitrai* 14373 norman m. Fruhauf* 14463 Jerome T. Heitschmidt* 14553 Henry F. montoya 14562 richard G. Prete INDIANA 565 Thomas e. Anslinger 1096 robert P. muldoon* 2111 J. David Wismann 2957 James Almeda 3283 Harry e. Slease Sr. 6323 brian e. Weideman 7473 bruce J. Spindler*

28 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

7839 8487 9114 12387 12540 13968 IOWA 707 1164 1168 2144 2818 4132 4151 4248 4287 5390 5513 7294 7459 8227 8269 8384 8702 9574 10069 11038 11222 11296 11942 12422 12432 12482 13108 13109 13503 14393 14481

James D. mueller William J. mcDonald Gilbert e. Spisak mark K. Peterson* mark e. Alexander* Albert J. Hodgen Jr.* James e. Horst Todd b. roecker leone D. vargason Frank e. belloma Daniel l. lillis* Dan l. Jarrens* ralph J. Scheve Jr. michael C. Wilkins Alan l. lansing John T. Stapley robert r. Hammel Stephen P. Slobodnik mark F. Kerkhoff Thomas C. mcGlaughlin Paul H. Gerlach Kevin r. Althaus michael l. evink martin T. Pieper* vincent F. meis* michael Skaggs* Wayne C. Helmle roger F. Harvey nicholas G. volk* Scott l. Cahill* Karl D. ehlers David m. miller* William A. Talken* Thomas l. brandt* roger l. lortz Gerald J. loew ricardo rangel

KANSAS 534 matthew J. Chappell 657 John r. Simecka 883 Douglas K. Stuckey 902 lawrence l. bach 1052 ryan J. Tastove 1149 James l. Pritchard 1370 eric K. Schwein 1383 James n. Schmitz* 1392 robert b.miller 1510 Thomas o. melroy 1521 Gregory o. Willis 1832 Jerome beihl 1993 eugene l. becker 2131 brian b. Stegman* 2133 Wade A. King 2296 Jerry A. urton 2614 Daniel n. Givens 3033 Thomas P. marks 3114 matthew T. baalmann 3146 edward b. Hoffman 3316 William Forrest 3423 Gerald A. vinduska* 3828 John m. mackey 5631 Fred J. Keener 6618 William D. Hrencher 6660 John W. boyington 6665 michael C. Antholz 6761 reay F. Cano 6817 lewis J. Scully 8488 Kelly J. Adams* 10755 marvin e. burgett 10786 ricky l. Hudson 10834 ernest e. Petite 10932 Joseph P. Kennedy* 11352 mark J. rucker 11661 Gregory l. miller* 11692 bernard l. Wolters* 12858 Duane F. Koehler 13012 michael e. barnard* 13354 Gregory T. beck* 14218 James H. Douglas KENTUCKY 5453 Dean r. Adams 6317 Darin D. Pendergraft


10682 Douglas W. moeller 12852 Kenneth D. Schwendeman 13917 randy e. Kraemer* 14372 Cameron G. Peck* 14471 Alfonso A. Fiorucci Jr.* LOUISIANA 1710 Patrick vidrine 2398 bart J. Hebert 3857 Darryl J. Fontenot 4683 emile F. Prejean 5352 Troy m. lake* 5747 Darrel C. Gonzales Sr.* 6326 Anthony J. labello 7557 michael P. malagarie 8901 Jarreau m. villere III* 9016 Joseph A. mannino 9384 leroy Jackson Sr. 10178 Philip o. brabham 10293 e. richard Yandle 10349 nicky J. bourgue 10728 melvin l. Westerfield 12163 larry J. bernard 13931 Paul D. Farnell 14542 Alexander m. Albert* LUZON 1000 3654 3655 3696 3710 3713 3937 3941 3951 4073 4105 4275 4288 4318 4610 4640 5234 5377 5433 5579 5617 5622 5774 5973 5993 5996 6080 6115 6178 6185 6259 6287 6303 6613 6677 6737 6775 6821 6953 7126 7286 7398 7415 7664 7758 7813 7844 7957 8210 8444 8447 8573

noel S. lacanilao* ortiz rodolfo J. Cal richard b. Diolazo* Jesucrates m. Carolino rasul Joselito A. Abayan Ferdinand T. linatoc Angel m. Tolentino* Fernando S. Galsim Antonio u. Abagat bonifacio C. enriquez Jose rodrigo A. Francisco* Herculano S. malana Jr.* Tito Z. Quinagutan bienvenido A. estrada* michael P. bautista Susano v. bihag Jr. mario G. Hipolito* Julio o. Gonzaga romulo C. buquid Gregorio D. Yao* ricardo C. Garcia* Gilberto G. Amadure manuel C. mesina* Danilo l. Gob roberto C. Pabustan* mariano T. machacon* ramon T. Asprer* rogelio Domingo* Teodoro b. Yangco Jr. Ivan richard A. viray* ruben P. Inocencio* Francisco v. Caoili* noel r. maniacop* edwin S. mendoza Arnold J. valenzuela* Adriano Santos reginal S. del rosario D. G. nazareno Jr. reynaldo e. Acu* Alberto r. Arrojo lope T. Trajeco Jr.* Wilfredo l. lopez* ronilo S. barashari marcial b. Plando Jorge P. Jimenez* Patricio T. Tenedor* nicanor C. Felix Alejandro r. elazegui victor H. Torres* Terence v. Abueva* Antonio S. marifosque Jr.* vicente e. Aceveda*

8618 8693 8708 8751 8754 8757 8922 8996 9006 9015 9057 9101 9118 9160 9189 9348 9353 9366 9390 9414 9440 9491 9591 9877 9926 9934 10104 10173 10438 10550 10582 10695 10734 10735 11124 11183 11249 11297 11322 11444 11754 11791 11847 11852 11894 11931 11953 11990 12051 12125 12162 12308 12442 12461 12466 12513 12714 12757 12770 12810 12890 12908 13137 13213 13298 13536 13548 13725 13776 13852 13853 13883 13919 14020 14177 14194 14258 14323 14528

eleno b. Calongui* victor m. villostas* rolando D. bambilla* Serafin A. ramirez Jr. benedicto D. Avellanosa* rodrigo n. Quiambao* eugene A. baltazar Carlito e. manabat* Antonio C. mendoza Gervacio S. Santiago* Artemio l. Juliano* edwin C. Zaldivar* Alfonso C. Cruz II Jose r. balete* rosendo o. Chaves marcelito G. Talabong* Wilfredo S. Santos* Prudencio m. marcial* romarico u. Saquing* Paul Gaffud Antonio manzano Isidro P. reyes* edgardo o. luna oscar P. Paguinto edwin C. boneo* raul S. venturina luis rodel T. del rosario victorio S. Garcia rodolfo I. Caballero* Jeremias b. berdin Gonzalo r. malonzo* ramon o. Giron* Dionisio C. buhay* ernesto b. Perez* Dante n. macaibay virgilio m. Gonzales edwin A. Gregonia* ramon A. Gabat* lamberto r. Almero rodrigo C. rosqueta* Federico m. Arboleda Jr. melvin P. nechaldas* Tirso m. Sulanguit* Amador I. reyes michael b. baronda mariano m. David ernesto b. rodriguez Jerry r. Tugade* nilo l. Cabreros ernesto m. Tolentino Plaribel D. rellosa Danilo F. del rosario bonifacio e. Ferrancol Jr. enrico S. bautista Jose v. Tan mario A. engracial* Arturo r. Tumambing* rizal C. morales Ponciano b. Josef Aleleio r. Tullao rolando e. Hernandez Domingo T. Pantino Donailo m. Agravante roldan l. Alburo* rolando l. Duque manolito m. magsino luis C. Pangulayan* Dominador r. rescate renato u. Coronel Hernanie P. lagdamen moises G. Pangan ernesto F. Festin restituto S. San Pedro* Albert Paz de Dios* leandro Flores virgilio A. Hernandez Cipriano evangelista rosendo r. Pagcaliwagan Cesar P. Arcilla*

MAINE 680 bruce A. rioux 7300 robert m. bizier 13861 Daniel J. rooney* MANITOBA 9790 Ted Jendras* 10551 leonard J. mariash* MARYLAND 1384 lee r. Heath 1393 mark A. Hall 1622 William W. Wierzbicky* 2002 John Paul Correri Jr.* 2065 micheal W. Thumm 2427 Kenneth l. van Golen 2797 Joseph G. Doniger* 4011 Joseph e. Stout 5547 Innocent Chukwu 5564 edward D. Tirador 7612 Thomas o. Greul 8159 Paul J. Zimmerman 8251 lawrence J. Giglio 9302 Andrew J. Smith 9729 Thomas r. Wojtek 9968 ronald S. Sableski 10100 ronald J. Perzinski 10137 Keith m. Wolf 10525 Donald C. D’valle 10966 michael l. ragolio 11214 James l. Quick Jr. 11304 Joseph o. Thomas 11372 William o. elliott 11484 Philip G. Desmarais 11552 Joseph m. Sudo 11615 Jason J. Karolkowski 11703 Thomas Candelaria* 11898 Francis W. Curran 12054 Christopher r. Spinner 12127 James P. barr* 12128 William J. Goodwin Jr. 12254 David F. russo 13008 John H. o’Donnell 13091 William A. Waldron 13290 James J. Zik 13294 Fred W. Haley 13295 Christopher J. mcGrath* 13859 Joseph G. noppinger 14011 Joseph J. Wiggins 14102 Franklin m. Taylor Jr. 14297 Stanley A. Fisher* 14455 George H. Johnson* 14534 Jeffrey r. Denzel* 14572 Arthur r. masoero Jr.* 14612 edward F. Huelsenbeck 14775 larry J. Clark MASSACHUSETTS 202 Thomas A. Anthony 228 Paul J. Perry 365 John l. brouillard 1619 Frank P. lattuca II 1701 barry e. rodgers 1721 roger r. roux 3745 bruce K. Healey 5004 Thomas e. Foley 5188 Terrance F. Keeney 6064 Albert A. Hanlon III 9275 eugene F. bartos 10877 James A. mcKain 13140 Gary J. lizotte 13966 Allan J. Gillis 14298 Frederick F. Davis* 14557 Steven n. Guillotte* 14725 richard r. Dube MEXICO SOUTH 13910 Yuri Alberto Alamilla-Schrund* MICHIGAN 414 Donald H. Francis 521 Pietro v. Cervini* 575 Gregory m. Finnila

S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 744 788 1120 1546 1585 1802 1987 2173 2659 2781 2890 3092 3615 3823 4693 4764 5981 5999 6314 6687 6694 6824 6865 6980 7018 7200 7237 7304 7311 7329 7413 7561 7591 7717 7761 7796 7869 8117 8489 8659 8695 8820 9131 9526 9568 9937 9962 10006 10170 11099 11113 11432 11658 11689 12423 12850 13319 13360 13362 13419 13453 13475 13485 13579 13600 13950 13958 13983 13992 14211 14404 14586 14642

William m. Hielscher David l. luedtke Jack e. Holbert* raymond l. Geiger Dan l. Cahee* David n. Sledge vincent J. Klusek David C. Schmidt* Thomas G. Wittstock* raymond J. Sroka Gene K. Pline Gregory P. de Draff Thomas F. Jackson Calvin e. Stacer Phillip r. Parrish Kenneth e. Simpson michael C. Cousins David l. Fountain John Czarniecki* Charles A. de boe Joseph F. Sollinger Gary l. Schafer John m. Corbat ronald m. Harwood ronald D. Stec Timothy F. bussineau James r. Sigmon James P. osborne Stephen P. mcCarthy8 James e. Krcmarik Thomas J. Kleparek Joseph P. bova James m. Klepoch David l. Currie William J. Koltak Donald W. leveille John r. nowak Arnold C. Zueger John T. Howe russell H. e. Coy-burt matthew r. Cebulski* mark A. Dye Jonathon e. Ferguson Webb T. Coates Paul S. rogers* robert m. Tooman* Jeffry J. Cypher John r. le Fevre michael J. brown Thomas J. Fox* ralph l. Westbrook Tom A. opaka William G. Dorne Kenneth H. Grobbel eugene J. Cianek* Gerald l. Sweeney Christopher J. Pawloski* eugene C. mcKay* mark e. vogel* Gerald Wilczynski* mark S. brezenski Jeff e. Dombrowski* Joseph J. Salvador Garret A. Kelenske* Dennis Dopke* edward G. ratzenberger James m. Hanes* Patrick W. Wosek michael A. Hughes michael T. Ambroziak* lawrence D. Adams Julius A. Horvath* robert C. Grove Jr.

MINDANAO 3417 Dela Dexter b. riarte 3504 Samson e. murillo* 4409 Pedro e. Trinidad Jr.* 4576 Danilo F. Aranez* 4639 rafael o. bolabon* 5331 lawrence J. Paradina* 5339 lino C. ragandang

5905 6511 6512 6974 7004 7658 7892 7994 8006 8134 8167 8202 8206 8209 8330 8406 8764 8824 9063 9480 9517 9566 10059 10159 10237 10359 11031 11039 11048 11783 11842 12506 12736 12978 13211 13546 13648 14287

Alric A. r. Abellanosa* roqueto e. Actub Adrian b. boston Fausto A. labado roland G. Duran* Joseph T. Arandia* Sheldon l. Calonzo vincent e. ubas bienvenido F. Yamis* rogelio D. belacaol edito m. Seares* Alijandro Telmo* Placido J. Jayoma* Alfredo C. Sebastian Alejandro C. navato elias A. Alimboyong vivencio C. Cadorna* Jose A. b. mangune Yobolo b. Tabaranza* Danilo A. Guigayoma* Ponciano J. Dawal* Alberto m. malcampo* edwin b. Pelosas Alexander S. Talidro* Alvin b. vacalares Adelberto G. Samuya victor D. montero* Paul A. rosacena* Celso b. osmena Arthuro T. borneo Ponciano Q. Joven* Armando P. Pagdato* Pio n. ong Jr. Inhelberto m. Cuevas* nazario P. Acu*t romeo m. llacuna* vincent r. Sanchez* Federico b. Deocampo 14364 Santiago e. Tagalogon 14438 Wendell C. Catam-Isan MINNESOTA 2029 bernard F. Schulte 3657 Charles J. Kropelnicki 3949 George A. Hoene 4374 Gregory r. mencke 4718 Harvey C. Chermak 5202 Jacob m. rose* 5296 John W. lyrenmann 6374 lloyd J. moosbrugger 6608 robert J. nosbush 8367 Jay A. ostergaard 8571 Dennis J. Dehn* 9261 Jamie D. ranweiler 9552 raymond n. burwell 9905 Terry G. meyer* 10732 Steve J. Philion* 12519 Gary l. Stuckmayer 13529 Henry lubbesmeyer 14145 John A. Tanaka* 14250 Alan J. Gregerson* 14460 Paul A. leska 14574 Donald F. Ahlstrom* 14616 James J. Sinclair MISSISSIPPI 802 John l. bennett* 848 Guy J. Heying 6765 Daniel m. Setaro* 8912 Stephan D. Clapp 9094 David A. Seymour* 9124 Daryl l. ladner* 9543 Charles W. Wilkerson Jr.* 10216 Kevin m. o’Donnell* MISSOURI 846 Jimmy r. Dick 876 Gary e. Arth 1171 ron J. berhorst 1270 Alvin J. Schafer 1321 bernard J. Schlager 1339 billy D. Ingels* 1376 Joe S. Poelker* 1587 robert J. Kemna

2044 Gerald A. beck 2269 William D. Schwendeman 2440 William r. Deutsch 2619 James J. madden 3267 Delbert J. evers 3375 William r. Crnic* 4858 richard J. Seidel* 5898 ronald l. Wesbecher 6506 louis J. Soliz Jr. 6550 michael G. Tesmer 6794 lawrence G. boeh Jr. 7133 Jimmy D. Godfroy 7231 Jacob S. Fowler 8334 Thomas J. Dedonder 8400 richard P. Hentges 8588 James m. reiter 8887 Gale G. Wessling 9522 David Shaw 9981 Scott J. Arbaugh* 10154 Gregory r. lippert* 10381 Gene Hanrahan 10794 Thomas W. Wardenburg 11139 bernard Schmidt* 11794 Steve T. Topping 12992 brian D. Johnson 13270 Scott r. boner 13604 William C. meirink 13671 John T. lynch 13823 robert J. Goeke 13901 George D. Heib 14067 James P. Kahre* 14264 ray e. Cassidy* 14270 eugene J. Twellman* 14414 Stephen J. Sutter 14489 John Parks* NEBRASKA 1128 Jim r. Gardner* 1904 David l. Wiedel 2716 ronald K. Kluck 3736 Joseph G. raus 6192 Charles m. Karnik 7021 eric T. Fulton* 7704 raymond J. Chrastil 7740 raymond K. Honaker 8469 Terry Wehrs 9264 Chris r. maul 9518 mark A. Gerow* 9563 David m. vifquain 10000 robert J. Steinauer 10108 Allen J. Ihnen 10305 Garrett J. Flynn 10815 Joaquin G. Garcia 10894 ralph meister 10895 Woodrow G. Armentrout 10909 Thomas l. Tokos 10913 John F. Pfeiler* 11001 Timothy W. Hindman 11312 Gregory C. Kozakiewicz Sr. 11879 David J. o’Kane 13576 Craig A. Arent* 14077 michael J. matukewicz NEVADA 3741 Wilfred bocage Jr. 4828 robert S. Greer 12845 John e. Solt 13456 John C. rios* 13842 William G. Kraus* 14544 John P. Privitera* NEW BRUNSWICK 8654 Daniel m. Atkins 8704 Jean Guy Godin 9270 John r. Coughlan 12215 Jeremie J. Theriault NEWFOUNDLAND/ LABRADOR 3742 Irving m. Campbell 7405 ronald J. mcCarthy 7702 Douglas Furey 10599 Patrick G. Power

11776 George J. Hynes NEW HAMPSHIRE 2179 Glen e. White Jr. 6850 richard J. Cabral* NEW JERSEY 262 edward J. maksym 474 James W. martin Jr. 588 Kevin J. Cavanagh 1672 Stan J. buraczynski Jr. 2248 John l. Costello 2393 Albert A. licata 2858 owen P. mcKenna Jr. 2976 michael W. Walter 3451 matthew r. Gagnon 3632 Charles J. Collins* 3665 Thomas r. migliorino 3784 norman r. Glenn 3826 John D. Pescatore 3962 Joseph P. reap 4154 Douglas r. Stetser 5170 William G. Wargin Jr.* 6139 robert m. Gamble 6201 Thomas b. Sheridan* 6296 Harry r. Cross* 6336 richard rendeiro 6342 matthew J. Simons 6364 Joseph P. Gehousky 6380 Gerald S. Hrycyshyn 6462 Timothy F. Kearney 6552 Albert Fiorello 6572 John D. Chiappetta* 7046 Scott C. Williams* 7103 Joseph A. melillo Sr. 7333 Angelo J. battisti 7429 William H. Harle* 7463 michael J. Querubin 8982 Stephen Hutnik 9021 rudolph J. richter* 9199 Frank brzychcy 9852 Alvin C. miester Jr. 10627 Wayne J. mcKay 11349 Joseph J. mendryk* 11386 raymond Goger 11409 robert morgan 11529 George becker 11671 Carlos A. roco* 11873 Thomas D. Amico 12004 Henry J. Wieck* 12430 Andrew Smith 12769 neal m. mcGarrity 13264 martin J. Carrara* 14191 martin m. brady 14291 James P. Fernandez* 14483 michael Hellrigel 14493 Joseph Hofmann* 14615 Thomas e. Hartley Jr. NEW MEXICO 3355 benito A. montoya 4227 Henry J. Drees Jr.* 4256 rick J. Kocab* 6696 Allen J. rowbotham 9527 Silvestre Sanchez 10517 lee A. Garcia* 10560 Paul G. brachle 14254 Patrick b. Griego 14410 Albert n. Griffin* NEW YORK 207 John b. oliver 312 Andrew r. Giacomazza Jr.* 1106 lohn F. Carey 1206 James J. murphy Jr. 1662 richard l. Cole* 2122 John m. lokay Jr. 2147 Frank Alessio 2204 Patrick J. Flannery* 2228 Charles v. rosaschi 2458 Walter n. Kedjierski* 3102 William J. mitchell 3536 Dominick D. ruggiero* 3852 William l. Christensen

4126 4255 5314 5917 6802 6844 6911 7006 7266 7551 11449 11950 12223 12993 13127 13410 13588 14219 14520 14578 14666 14687

Dominick Peppaceno robert m. Hogan* Paul J. Capobianco Daniel T. Clifford Frank P. Antun richard m. burke Joseph A. bonarrigo* ramesh D. ramlogan roy J. Wood Jr.* Peter J. Stafford barry e. Ferguson Stanley m. burghardt* richard K .Campbell Dennis J. Colichio* Peter b. Guibord vincent Genna* leroy A. Fonfara* James r. Giustizia* Peter J. Sammarco* John r. mohr* Kevin m. lyons Thomas J. behan

NORTH CAROLINA 1074 edward v. Grace 2838 mark m. Falcon 3303 maurice P. Casem 3498 mark A. bailey 3574 Dale e. Graf 4600 Paul Gemberling* 4660 John A. mezera 6451 James W. rand* 6717 robert l. bridwell 7024 Daniel J. Shipko 7152 Kenneth J. Jewell 7186 Patrick l. Caporale 7232 edwin P. nealis 8363 Daniel r. Allegretti 8680 James m. Sabo 8684 Anthony C. maturo 8759 Timothy G. Gregory* 8886 Thomas l. Fortener 9039 norman r. melanson 9364 michael e. malloy 9570 ronald J. Carney Sr. 9579 John H. lefeber 9746 ricky D. White* 9847 ernesto r. Chapa* 9880 Joseph S. Smith* 10495 Thomas r. Horten 10783 Wilbur C. Stovall III 10891 Thomas A. murphy 10910 James b. boyd* 11101 Thomas J. Heslin 11494 John A. Castillo* 11683 riley r. Williams Sr.* 11911 Thomas e. Kotz 12017 John P. lilienthal* 12119 bruce e. meyer* 12455 Terrance e. Whalen* 12478 Anthony J. minniti 12537 richard A. Chickillo 13220 leonard m. Quemuel* 13488 Kenneth S. Fischler 13812 Peter T. marino NORTH DAKOTA 4690 Joseph m. Hastings NOVA SCOTIA 5449 merlin A. macAulay 7077 robert J. Jenkins 13017 Gordon r. Jewers OHIO 847 910 2374 3123 3376 3754 4130 4168 4324 4603 4731 5023


Jeffrey W. briggs michael J. nester myron l. Flaugher* robert A. Carlson* larry e. Schmolt* Peter G. Snyder Paul J. Pirrone michael P. Conley* Charles l. Kramer* robert G. neider Jr.* James l. Sanzi John v. busam

♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 29

S TA R C O U N C I L W I N N E R S 5139 5253 5534 7970 7981 10215 10765 10792 10876 11187 11207 11208 11275 11355 11445 11550 12359 12900 13586 13608 13984 14282 14400 14406 14416 14457 14491 14502 14504 14545 14551

Charles l. Gibbons Phillip r. Siedlecki Duane K. lord Andrew A. rak* Timothy J. mangan raymond J. mock II Herbert l. Thorndal III* James P. Gero roy G. Sabo Jr.* Frank J. Piper Thomas e. Deliduka* lawrence m. Hanchin* Paul F. breen* William F. Johansen Cyrus J. Cottrell Scott e. beetz* nicholas l. mcCarroll vincent m. lombardo Terrence e. bogan Jerry l. Trumpey* nicholas m. Gresko* louis J. Griffith Jeffrey m. rohde* David b. Zuber* Dale m. Delgado* Donald e. Postiy Kevin r. Greer Wayne T. vreeland* michael D. Freil* John e. brannon Thomas l. bader*

OKLAHOMA 767 louis G. Slater* 962 Alan T. Zbavitel 1287 leo J. meyer 11237 Dennis r. Kunnanz 11909 Henry C. evans III 11959 randall Young* 14106 David valenzuela ONTARIO 2004 marinus T. vanden Heuvel 2444 raymond J. leclair 3515 A. Wayne Sczepanski 5420 robert n. morris 5957 Peter J. binelli 7570 William e. Thuss 7969 Danyl o. lohin 8008 michael P. mcCarthy 8360 roland A. bedard* 8661 Denis F. o’Sullivan 8783 edward J. richardson 9005 Shane J. Silva 9108 John W. Watts 9295 Gilles l. boisvert 9447 rodney P. Fraser 9544 Gilbert l. roy 9612 George H. Presz* 10619 Florencio C. Hidalgo 10956 John mattaroccia 11086 John matser Jr. 11525 rupert b. Johnson* 11752 Albert Corace* 12067 valens W. Almeida* 12106 Father Hugh J. macDonald 12249 Thomas r. burnett 12859 Claude bruneau* 13630 Tony Genco* 13701 Jean Pierre leury 13896 Giovanni F. rossetti* 14421 marcel J. lemmen 14540 michael A. rodriguez OREGON 1307 ray A. Prom 1785 Douglas e. Johnson 5511 robert A. St. Jean 8355 michael I. laird PENNSYLVANIA 956 michael J. lucas 1083 ralph J. Troiano* 1275 Joseph W. Korelko III*

30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

1426 2194 2555 3862 4609 4738 10921 11018 11051 12043 12250 12406 13141 13241 14035 14078 14081 14082 14161 14349 14392 14395 14397 14464 14524 14527 14654

Joseph Fields John J. Siget Jr. robert m. Tyrseck* edward J. Schellhammer Drew D. Schauble* mark v. Schall Craig J. Traverson* Kenneth T. Sobeck* Harry J. Hartman Stephen e. rash richard P. Heibel Donn P. Tourscher Harry J. Tucci Jr. William G. Chesson James A. mcFaul William l. Hilderhoff* edward C. Yescavage* eugene P. Clarke louis A. odorizzi* Charles A. becker Frank J. manole Sr. michael J. moglia matthew J. Kloiber Kenneth J. boyce James m. Graham brother Angel r. Sanchez* John n. Cocco

POLAND 14002 marek malawski* 14023 ryszard nosowicz* 14567 Krzysztof Wąsowski* PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 824 G. David Abbott* PUERTO RICO 5014 Jorge C. Santos-Sostre* 6580 Juan de Jesus luciano-Plaza 11706 Felix J. FuentesTorres* QUEBEC 284 brian o. mcbrien 2015 etienne monette 3258 Albert Duchesne* 5661 Jacques Claveau 12222 Gustave Drapeau 13881 Irenio S. nacino* RHODE ISLAND 3547 James P. raviele SASKATCHEWAN 6381 Jerome Kress 8279 Dean Graham 8547 Antonio H. Gareau 8638 earl W. Synkiw* 12415 efren A. Alejandria 13214 lorne r. Kirzinger* SOUTH CAROLINA 3067 raymond C. Fischer 5026 Francis X. Pastore 5086 lawrence P. Flood 6756 brian Garscadden 6884 ray r. Stimart 7531 Joseph m. Dumovich* 9575 louis m. Alberta 9576 richard J. Whitaker 10668 robert C. oppenheimer 12263 richard m. bachner* 12366 John J. Dugas* 12554 James J. Corbett 13713 michael A. Allen 14475 vincent J. Poto* TENNESSEE 1101 michael C. Solberg 5062 robert W. raiteri


6645 ronald D. Sykes* 8354 ronald C. Wagner 11424 Douglas W. Schott TEXAS 1289 1422 1450 2597 2623 2698 2776 2791 2801 2902 3008 3203 3205 3365 3367 3412 3910 4157 4497 4550 4771 4843 5052 5967 6366 6527 6557 6878 7099 7386 7600 7641 7736 7850 7965 7983 8156 8157 8225 8298 8327 8404 8482 8493 8494 8771 9041 9151 9291 9337 9368 9902 9903 9930 9967 10181 10245 10373 10413 10420 10524 10555 10574 10624 10720 10764 10816 10836 10861 10930 10959 10995 11026 11107 11293 11423 11620 11716

Frank Conti* David H. Zeigler larry v. Gray Arnulfo A. Gonzalez valdemar Sanchez oton J. Guerrero* Gregory J. batenhorst leonel A. Ibarra ron F. Hollas ernest J. Kutac Andreas A. neuber Joe A. Jacobo russell v. Kellen Wayne G. Cromis Jose G. Cortez* David A. rogers Jack e. Ferguson bill r. Klepac Jose T. ortiz Thomas J. Horrell David W. Petty michael W. Duarte Anthony A. leto robert A. berend* Stephen A. Kocurek matthew b. Kirsch Daniel J. Armbruster Philip Ardoin Jr. ruben v. Cisneros bernabe r. Davila James r. Poche leslie r. ewell Christopher G. Heath* George T. eldridge* Caesar bustos richard Delgado Jr.* Glenn J. Dobmeier Chris A. edwards robert r. Wenske* mario l. Contreras robert e. vega Sr. Pedro A. Davila* Peter H. Craney David n. Dillon Anthony P. Scarpa* richard J. Thompson Flenard J. bush* William nance Joseph l. Zimmer Francis H. Sarmiento Stephen H. George Apolonio l. Fernandez Jack l. Clapp* Charles D. Fitzpatrick* valentin C. Arias Clayton A. Ainsworth III William S. morris* Sammy G. levario* eduardo benavidez Sr.* roger Hovis* richard o. Haynie* John Sifuentes Jr. Gregory T. Treacy* Christopher m. Drury Clyde J. Harper Carlos S. Cano* ernest J. Duran Gregg r. Kronenberger Gerald H. Kastner* Philip W. Talbert edgar C. Aguilar Dominic D. Palazzolo robert J. Winkler* Arthur J. valdez michael e. Steffens George T. Webster* Antonio martinez* David Carr*

11862 11866 11905 12040 12300 12327 12480

14549 14617

Gary F. labac* ronald r. Kmiec James r. ott oscar lopez* William m. Kane Jr. John r. bundscho Stanley J. Zmorzynski* Sean A. Stenovitch valentine J. eschenburg leon e. rieger roy rodriguez Cody W. Wilson owen l. Glover Jr. James J. rieger richard b. mcCaffrey Jr. Alan e. mcIntyre* billy b. Simmons Philip P. Hoffman* Christopher J. Diaz Anthony W. Ingram Francis J. Holguin* edward W. Hurta Jr. Phillip C. Johnson* Joseph P. ortiz Stephen l. Schwieterman* Anthony W. martin* Gary G. bentz*

UTAH 602 5214 6147 6966 9849 12181 14239

Paul A. Yribar* elmer F. Downs* John m. Axelsen robert e. Smith John r. valdez* larry Jones edward r. Goffaux

12553 12558 12601 12632 12657 12672 13005 13044 13408 13447 13470 13520 13534 13704 13902 13940 14055 14426

VERMONT 10417 Kevin J. barron* 14351 Keith e. Grimes VIRGINIA 511 John r. nicholson 4034 loui J. Stevens* 6457 Samuel Patterson III 6546 David W. robinson 6828 barton P. Crews 6936 Kenneth J. Perrault Sr.* 7165 John J. Dubelko 7363 Joseph A. Dobbins 7771 raymond A. newcomb* 7812 Steven A. Heitmeyer 7877 Shon A. ramsel 7992 George J. Getek 8240 William A. meznarich Jr.* 8600 Paul A. maltagliati 9002 lawrence P. Kreitzer 9056 Thomas r. Tumilty 9259 Hal H. Hanna 9407 John e. Thibeau 9428 Joseph W. Shabbott 9655 Phung m. nguyen 10015 Daniel r. mcbride 10515 earl G. reid III 10601 mike P. Paselio* 10723 luis e. vega* 10947 richard J. Kovaleski 11136 David A. miles* 11170 Kevin J. Palgutt* 11533 A. Francis Guidarelli* 12117 robert b. Storms* 12378 marcelito Y. Sangalang 12525 raymond A. Smith 12579 russell T. Gustin 12791 Andrew m. Altman 13170 James P. Yosh Jr.* 13467 vincent m. Kapral* 14263 ralph orzo 14516 Gerard P. romanko

VISAYAS 4327 lino Francisco C. Gonzalez 5028 mike I. Chin Jr.* 5308 renato C. Cagalawan 5395 raul W. leberiaga 5684 Alex m. Gane 6048 Isidoro m. espinosa* 6070 roberto r. Somosa 7204 Albert S. Quinanola 8185 Felino b. Canete 9466 noeni S. nepomuceno* 10095 melchor Jan T. minerva 12363 nicholas D. Asparen* 13261 russel P. rupecio* 14044 Jose benito D. madrones III* WASHINGTON 829 Gary D. metcalf 1460 ray W. Wolf 1565 Gregory J. Schultheis 3455 Agapitos Hernandez Jr. 3598 brian e. Steele 4367 Scott J. olson 4385 Tuan A. nguyen 7642 Andris Galvins 7863 James v. Taylor* 8179 Jeffrey l. Hylden* 8201 robert J. Joy* 10653 Kenneth r. Wise 11085 Frank b. Jones 11134 Francis A. malone 11642 George l. Doyle* 11789 John F. Guerrero 11906 raymond e. bly* 12273 robert n. mcKellar 12591 ronald b. Johnson* 12983 Ygnacio m. Calderon* 13374 lawrence e. Frampton Sr. 13395 James m. michaelis 13606 Shawn F. Peake 13794 renato e. Sacramento* 14046 Thomas J. o’brien 14510 Dean r. martinez WEST 603 7772 10545 12036 12195 12830

VIRGINIA Francis G. Koenig* Jack W. Wroten michael l. Fleming Harold S. Gibson Alan A. lander richard rinschler Jr.

WISCONSIN 719 Kenneth l. King 746 bryan J. Thompson 1257 roger T. langkamp* 1471 neal l. Schwartz 2854 Theodore A. Palzkill 3099 eric l. breunig 3492 edward J. Pulvermacher 5438 Thomas Hogan 5456 Duane l. Hanson 6371 James b. Tillman 6690 louis G. Dunning 6718 richard A. Janiszewski 7827 Calvin e. lukasavitz* 8810 edward W. Fischer* 9230 Kevin S. o’leary 9360 mark r. lessner* 10552 William J. Cowans 13733 David K. Kirner 13880 Gary D. Wolf 14478 Kevin l. Harvancik WYOMING 2441 Stewart H. miller*


K OF C ITEMS Available from the following designated official suppliers CAPES, CHAPEAUX, SWORDS, FLAGS, PLAQUES AND MORE Call THE ENGLISH COMPANY INC. at 1-800-444-5632 or visit Free catalog available. ROBES, FOURTH DEGREE ITEMS Call LYNCH AND KELLY INC. at 1-888-548-3890. Catalog available FOURTH DEGREE TUXEDOS Approved K of C Dress Code Call CHILBERT & CO. at 1-800-289-2889 or visit Free catalog available.


OFFICIAL NOV. 1, 2009:




C. A. Chasuble & Stole. Machine-washable, off-white chasuble with gold metallic embroidered Celtic Cross on front and emblem of the Order on rear. Unlined with rolled collar and metallic trim. A perfect gift for council chaplains! PG-553 — $150.00 B. Heavenly Mother Figure. 2009 annual figure from the Millennium® Collection. Resin-stone mix. 6 ½ inches H. PG-560 — $17 C. Holy Family in Angel Wings Arch Figure. Wood-carved look. 8 ¾ inches H. Resin. PG-564 — $20 Control No.

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♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 31


Unity RETIRED AUXILIARY Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan of San Antonio sits in his new golf cart while surrounded by archdiocesan employees and members of the Knights of Columbus. Knights from the San Antonio Chapter donated the golf cart for Bishop Flanagan’s transportation use between the archdiocesan Pastoral Center and surrounding buildings. • After a devastating tornado swept through their community, members of Windsor-Johnstown (Colo.) Council 11575 provided relief and aid to victims. Funds received from the Colorado State Council and from other local units totaled $23,300, which Knights distributed to those affected by the disaster.




MEMBERS of St. John’s Council 8917 in Interlachen, Fla., work to waterproof the outside of their parish buildings. After sustaining years of wind and water exposure, St. John’s Church was in need of repair. Knights stripped, waterproofed and repainted the church, rectory, church hall and administrative offices, saving the parish an estimated $20,000. • St Joseph’s Council 11611 in Otis Orchards, Wash., repainted the backyard deck at their parish rectory. Knights spent the day refinishing and repainting the deck for their new parish priest.

CHILDREN of K of C members help folk singer Tony Prophet perform his set during a family picnic cohosted by New Westminster (B.C.) Council 1283 and Blessed Joseph Allamano Council 11359. Knights and their families enjoyed an afternoon of food and entertainment. • Each year for the past 50 years, Quincy (Ill.) Council 583 has sponsored a retreat for members and their families at the Jesuit-run White House in St. Louis. Attendees embark on a three-day silent retreat of reflection, prayer and meditation.

MEMBERS of Brunswick Assembly in Southport, N.C., stand with wounded Marines during a barbecue hosted by the Knights. The assembly treated 45 Marines from Camp Lejeune to a steak barbecue. All of the Marines are recovering from wounds received in Iraq or Afghanistan. • Members of Bishop Charles M. McLaughlin Assembly in Brandon, Fla., and their families regularly visit patients at the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital and the Fisher House. Knights also provide care items and toiletries for distribution.

32 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦



Building a better world one council at a time Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.

Katie Wellmann (front) participates in the 19th annual MS Walk with her husband, Michael, and Knights from 11 councils throughout the Diocese of Salt Lake City. Fifty-five Knights walked in honor of Katie, a parishioner at St. Joseph the Worker Church in West Jordan who has multiple sclerosis. The council raised $1,800 for the Utah Chapter of the MS Society.



♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 33



‘ONLY A DEEP RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST WILL DRAW OTHERS TO FOLLOW HIM.’ My father, in particular, is a strong role model for me. He recently became a Knight of Columbus, which is a great grace considering he was raised with no religious training and did not consider entering the Catholic Church until he met my mother. In 1983, both he and my eldest brother were baptized. Since that time, he has striven to grow in his faith — a daily commitment to struggle ever onward in a genuine relationship with the living God. This has deeply inspired me in my vocation. Throughout my novitiate, two K of C councils in Tucson supported me financially and spiritually. Many times I was reduced to tears at the enormous generosity of these men who had adopted me. Each of their little notes of encouragement made Jesus’ love for me very tangible. These Knights are very much like brothers and fathers to me. I professed my first vows on July 16, 2008, and it is with much love and gratitude that I strive daily to grow closer to Christ. Only a deep relationship with him will draw others to follow him.


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