CCAD Viewbook

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Creativity is everything now.

 

It’s how you think that matters.

Bringing ideas to life, making them sharp, powerful, and compelling— this is what the world wants. And this is how you will change it.

Columbus College of Turning Observations Into Insights

WE HAVE A POINT OF VIEW— A STRONG ONE. We believe the most valued professionals are ones who contribute to the creative economy. (And it’s no surprise that we believe the success of the global economy goes hand in hand with the creative economy.) Today’s challenges, whether they’re community-focused, business-focused, or world-focused, require people like you who can sift through information and connect the dots, draw conclusions, and predict the future.

This is no small task, and we’re here to prepare you to think big, and to articulate your big ideas in creative, compelling ways. You’ll be challenging assumptions, initiating change, driving conversation, and changing the world—for the better.


“CCAD students interact with global brands all the time. Victoria’s Secret. Abercrombie & Fitch. Limited Brands. It’s project-based learning, and it’s one way CCAD taps into Columbus’s huge business community. And we’re taking it even further with the MindMarket. It’s a combination of thought lab, design lab, and new business incubator, right on our campus. Alumni and current students setting up shop, collaborating with industry, making the work real. It’s applied creativity at its best—and coolest.” —Dennison W. Griffith, President

“The interrelatedness of all things. You’re part of a tree with many roots. That’s the message of liberal arts at CCAD: Locate your life and your art in a cultural context. Nourish it.” —George Felton, Professor of Liberal Arts


“The teachers at this school truly care about your education. They will push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed, and continue pushing. They are people who love educating, and can motivate you in every class. That is something that cannot be overlooked, and I thank them all.” —Justin Brown, Industrial Design, Class of 2013

Columbus College of Ready to Rule in the Real World

THE INTERSECTION OF CREATIVITY AND BUSINESS IS A POWERFUL PLACE. It’s where the most innovative, collaborative, and solution-oriented thinking happens. The only way to truly leverage your skills and talents as a creative professional is to make sure you are equally knowledgeable about business. So business is not only a large part of our curriculum, it’s also a large part of your experience here. We’ve created a supportive environment that puts your knowledge to work for real companies, real communities, and real challenges.

CCAD is a place to take risks. Because we believe risktaking results in the most powerful ideas, the biggest impact, and the very best learning experiences. You can’t create what’s next without a strong foundation, a clear vision, and a giant leap of faith.


“I was initially drawn to CCAD because of the strong arts community in Columbus and how much of it had grown from CCAD. It was important to me that the city surrounding the school I was attending be worthwhile as well. I chose Advertising & Graphic Design because I realized during high school that even though I was doing more fine arts work, what I really liked was graphic design.” —Walker Crane, Advertising & Graphic Design, Class of 2013

—Antoiné Slater, Fashion Design, Class of 2013

“We have internship fairs where we meet with people who are looking to hire us. It gives you an idea of how the real world is going to be. You have to have your portfolio together. I know at CCAD they’re getting me prepared for that.”

“I feel like I’m ready for a real job because of my internship and CCAD. You learn how to control yourself—emotions, stress, and time management. I’ll be more prepared.” —Arianni Kurniawati, Animation, Class of 2013


Columbus College of “When Can You Start?”

These employers know art school isn’t easy, and that art degrees don’t come cheap. They know that it’s about more than drawing painting, and designing: it’s about thinking and solving and doing. They know all about CCAD.

Mention you’re pursuing a degree at a college of art and design, and the first question anybody asks is where you’ll end up. That’s not only a good question, it’s an exciting one. And a rewarding one. And a lucrative one. Because whether you major in Animation or Fine Arts, a degree from CCAD prepares you for a place in the creative fields: a broad category of careers comprised of hundreds of job titles and limitless opportunities to do work that matters. It’s time to move past the myth of the starving artist and the fool on the hill. Because today’s employers demand people with the courage to follow their passion and the guts to fight the uphill battle.

CCAD will show you how to recognize and create incredible work. To get you thinking with insight, speed, and versatility. To impart the knowledge you’ll need to rule your industry. To show you how to get your ideas out there, up front, and in the lead. The industries and institutions that seek out CCAD graduates range from well-established to expanding to exploding. A CCAD degree can help you land the job. What CCAD teaches you will help you build a career. The good, exciting, rewarding, and lucrative kind.


Columbus College of Sharing Thoughts Without Following the Herd

THE THINKING MIND IS AN ACQUIRED SKILL. And the foundation for that skill is built and refined here. It’s built through intensive exposure to the process of problem solving. It’s built through the creation of not just one solution to a problem, but many. It’s refined through collaboration, discussion, and an exploration of many viewpoints. And it’s refined through disruptive thinking that pushes limits into bold, new territory. This trains you to be nimble and find energy from change. You’ll learn to uncover solutions—sometimes in a nonlinear way—that are unexpected yet entirely strategic and often mind-blowing. When you spend a lifetime thinking of new ideas and solutions, your world knows no boundaries.

“In 2010, I took a motion graphics class and fell in love. I was making four videos per assignment. I was a mad man, working overtime on homework, completely obsessed. A year later, I created a piece called “The World is Obsessed With Facebook,” and it ended up on Vimeo’s Staff Picks, in Fast Company, and on Buzzfeed. It still gets me three to five freelance offers per week. I feel so grateful and lucky.” —Alex Trimpe, Cinematic Arts, Class of 2013

“My experiences here have been pretty much unforgettable. Meeting new people. Getting out of my comfort zone with art. Everything that I have under my belt can be used for my career.”

—Taylor Hicks, Illustration, Class of 2013



“I came here thinking I could just shoot whatever I wanted, but the early projects really pushed against that. And it helped my work a lot. I’ve had three internships so far. Each one was so different from school. It’s helped me get ready for the world, helped me feel more prepared. My confidence has skyrocketed.”

—Kelsey McClellan, Photography, Class of 2012

Columbus College of Knowing the Difference Between Good and Great

TO MASTER A SKILL IS TO KNOW IT INSIDE AND OUT. We supply you with everything you need to hone, grow, and perfect your talent. That means a rigorous curriculum, an environment filled with top-notch talent, and a supportive yet demanding atmosphere. In turn, you bring a passionate work ethic, an enthusiasm to learn more, and a strong desire to be the very best. This structure, paired with your raw talent and hard work, creates professionals who rise to the occasion at every turn. You’ll be confident in your skills and your ability to face new challenges. You’ll know the difference between good and absolutely incredible, and make every effort to achieve the latter. When you’re around some of the most talented people in the creative field, you tend to become one of them.

—Kyle Franklin, Fine Arts, Class of 2014

“Right now I’m interning with a gallery, working as a studio assistant. I handle a lot of the financial work and the research for grants and fellowships, but I also help with studio work, with photo shoots, and with the fabrications of sculptures and commission pieces. So I’ve learned what you can do with the business end of a fine arts degree.”


Photo courtesy of Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New york, Ny



“Our teachers really push us to never settle, to take it up a notch. My parents are both engineers, and they were extremely hesitant about sending me here. I felt I would get my best education here. Now they’re really proud that I got an internship and I’m doing great.” —Tom Holmes, Interior Design, Class of 2013


It’s not just ads, it’s full-on visual communication, creating concepts that influence ideas and move people to take action. CCAD’s Advertising & Graphic Design program arms you with the skills to make work that attracts, communicates, and persuades. From typography and color palettes to of-the-moment technology and brand building, we expose you to the endless possibilities of today’s media-saturated world and to the potential for design to influence it. Internships, freelance work, professional organizations, and participation in projects with off-campus businesses add real-world experience to your coursework. CCAD graduates work as designers, creative directors, and webmasters at agencies worldwide, including TBWA/Chiat/Day, BBDO, and Resource Interactive.


The curriculum provides opportunities to design furniture, products, packaging, display exhibits, toys, retail settings, and environmental graphics. Students also have the chance to help solve real-world challenges through internships—which are required—and participation in collaborative projects with industry. Our alumni are active in a wide range of corporate, independent, and consulting positions, including work for companies as well known as Disney, Nike, Hewlett-Packard, Ford, Rubbermaid, Mattel, Mead, and Motorola.


Interior designers create and influence the environments where people live, work, and interact with the world. Accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), CCAD’s Interior Design program focuses on industry-specific knowledge, design processes, critical thinking, professional practices, and career preparation. Students learn to design outstanding spaces that take into consideration aesthetic theories, historical precedents, human behavior, functionality, and professional directives regarding sustainability, health, safety, and welfare. Real-world techniques for research, planning, design, and problem solving are key: students develop both technical and design skills through exercises based on simulated clients’ goals and objectives. They also sharpen their ability to convey ideas clearly through hand sketching, computer modeling, and verbal and electronic communication.

From wide-release feature and independent short films to the exploding markets for computer gaming, advertising, online media, and television, Animation is an industry in motion, and we’re right there with it.

Internships are required, and the program’s strong ties to the design community create many opportunities for students to interact with professionals and design firms.

CCAD’s curriculum starts with a strong foundation in drawing and design, then builds your skills in storytelling, visual development, storyboarding, and animatics. Using industry-standard software and hardware, you’ll become fluent in 2D and 3D animation, hand-drawn and digital. But it’s not just technical skills: you’ll also learn how to market yourself and build a fan base.


The Animation program uses its strong industry contacts to provide professional development and networking opportunities, including participation in the local International Game Developers’ Association chapter; recruiter visits to campus; an extensive alumni network; and Animation on Location, a two-week course in Los Angeles that plugs you into CCAD’s professional network for the first week, then immerses you in the annual SIGGRAPH convention for the second.

In today’s image-driven environment, photography is one of the most expansive fields in art. CCAD Photography majors explore the vast possibilities of image making in courses designed to strengthen their technique, their knowledge of the photographic arts, and their ability to speak about their work. And when it comes to photo careers after school, our graduates are able to do a lot more than take pictures. There’s lighting, styling, retouching, editing, designing, illustrating, documenting, manipulating, processing, assisting, teaching, and more—in both the commercial and the fine arts worlds.


If you envision yourself in the film and video industry—whether it’s putting your name in movie credits as a director, cinematographer, or sound designer, or producing cutting-edge commercials, broadcast graphics, and music videos—the Cinematic Arts major can be your path to innovative and technology-savvy careers in both the commercial and fine art realms. Whether you’re in the studio, on location, or working with the latest technology to put it all together for the screen, the curriculum immerses you in both the tools and the environments to combine killer concepts, solid design, and awesome technical skills into a film production that’s a great mix. Along the way, you’ll develop a demo reel and portfolio that show your skills as a versatile cinematic artist who can adjust to today’s changing technological and cultural landscape—and it all culminates with showing your final project at the senior show on the big screen. CCAD graduates hold diverse positions in companies such as Pixar, DreamWorks, Spacejunk Media, Leftchannel, Microsoft, and Newsweek.


Fashion Design emphasizes both design and technical skills with a curriculum that leads students through all aspects of garment design and construction, whether their vision is more traditional and functional or untried and edgy. And to figure out their place in the global retail culture, students gain experience in merchandising methods and the psychology of trends and marketing. The program culminates with each senior designing and producing a personal collection that may then be juried into the annual senior fashion show. Presented on a professional runway, this show is one of CCAD’s most popular events, both for the public and for professionals in the fashion industry. Many of our graduates are independent designers; others work for well-known brands such as Limited Brands, Abercrombie & Fitch, Ann Taylor, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, and Pepe Jeans of London, as well as many smaller companies.


The Fine Arts major provides the conceptual, technical, and practical skills required for success as a fine artist. It begins with a broad-based sophomore year during which students expand their aesthetic awareness and essential material skills in 2-D and 3-D applications. A series of seminar classes on contemporary art criticism, art theory, and professional studio practice combines with classes in philosophy, psychology, and art history. As a whole, the curriculum supports a continuum from assigned projects to the creation of more individual and self-expressive objects and images in the junior and senior years, culminating with an individual student thesis show in a gallery setting.


From creating images for advertising campaigns and websites to designing heroes and monsters for children’s books and video games, the Illustration major introduces career possibilities across a variety of media and audiences. The curriculum includes a choice of studio work in traditional and computer mediums, humorous and cartoon styles, and 3-D models, to name a few, as well as projects and internships that build students’ skills at working with creative teams. Professional techniques are taught through a broad range of materials, including pencil, ink, paint, and the latest in computer imaging. The common ground is storytelling, concepts, and imagination expressed through drawing and image making. Many of our graduates start their own freelance businesses. Others work for employers including Sony Pictures, McGraw-Hill, Marvel Comics, American Greetings, and Hallmark.


The world is changing quickly, with complicated demands being made of people and their environments. Industrial designers are at the forefront of that change, because everything we work, play, and interact with must at some point be designed. CCAD’s Industrial Design program teaches students how to analyze, define, conceptualize, and implement the design process to arrive at the most appropriate solution for any given design problem. It all begins with research: identifying and investigating problems and situations. Students master 2-D and 3-D visualization techniques, like drawing, computer-aided design, and modeling, while at the same time learning to incorporate manufacturing, social, and environmental constraints into their design solutions.


New creative inspirations often come from the past. All students at CCAD, regardless of their major, are required to take a total of 12 credit hours in the history of art and design. If courses are chosen carefully, an Art History minor can be earned by taking only two extra classes, for a total of 18 credit hours in art history.


Professional art therapists utilize the arts for health, healing, and diagnostic purposes. Students can minor in Art Therapy by taking one art therapy course and 15 credit hours of social sciences, for a total of 18 credit hours. (Note that all students, regardless of their major, are already required to take six hours of social sciences, so an Art Therapy minor requires only four additional courses.)


Some visual works are created to stand on their own, but many others only perform in tandem with words. Through careful course selection, students can earn a minor in Copywriting by taking two additional courses in English.


Writing imaginatively is helpful in most visual arts professions and can be an artistic end in itself. Students can attain a Creative Writing minor by taking at least three creative writing courses and at least one literature class, and completing 18 credit hours of English.


Each major requires students to study the history of that area. Students may earn a Design History minor by taking 18 total credit hours of courses in the history of art and design, allowing them to better understand the history of design as a whole.


A minor in Fashion Design allows students to enhance and broaden their portfolio work, gain insight into the fashion industry, and enhance their marketable skills. Students can earn a Fashion Design minor by taking a total of 18 credit hours in fashion design.


Fine Arts study beyond foundation classes can strengthen expressive and technical skills and enhance work in any other major area. Students may earn a Fine Arts minor by taking a total of 18 credit hours in fine arts. Many of these courses can be used towards art elective requirements in other majors.


The study of literary art can expand and deepen the mind as well as enhance artistic sensibility, an obvious benefit to people in creative professions. Students are required to take one literature class. A Literature minor can be earned by taking at least two additional literature classes and completing a total of 18 hours in English.


While the concepts of art and design remain consistent, the technology by which they are delivered is always changing. The Media Arts minor allows students in all majors to learn cutting-edge technology by taking a total of 18 credit hours in Media Arts. Many of these courses can be used towards art elective requirements in other majors.



Historic architecture. Culinary adventure. High art mixed with street culture. Professional sports and community events.

»» American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)

It’s all in a five-mile stretch on High Street called the High Five.

»» Animation Student Collective »» Anime Club

»» CCAD Nature Team


At CCAD, everything starts with the freshman year in Foundation Studies, when students polish their basic skills into the fundamental competencies needed by all successful creative professionals. Sequential courses develop versatile aesthetic understanding, technical proficiency, broad problemsolving ability, and awareness of our culture and times, as well as those of others.

»» Black Student Leadership Association


»» CCAD Film Society

»» Creative Coaches


While CCAD specializes in studio majors, there is much more to the undergraduate curriculum than studio course work. The BFA degree is 40 percent Liberal Arts requirements: writing, literature, social and natural sciences, math, business, and much more, including a strong art and design history component. The liberal arts help to create context for studio work, advanced critical thinking, and cultural awareness, and enhance verbal and written communication skills. They round out students’ education and are essential to quality careers and lifelong learning.

»» Dodgeball Club »» EGAD (Environmental Group of Artists and Designers) »» Gamers Club »» Gay Straight Student Alliance (GSSA)

But in addition to building intellect, the liberal arts have highly practical applications. This is true for everyone: from a fashion designer who needs to research and understand market psychology when forecasting fashion trends, to a fine artist who needs to be an effective writer when applying for grants.

»» Give Back (service programming)

»» Resident Student Association

»» International Students Association

»» Soccer Club


With students from 23 countries and 40 U.S. states, diverse perspectives contribute to every aspect of CCAD. Students from outside the United States who are interested in applying for admission should contact the Admissions Office for specific information about nondomestic applications. Once on campus, international students receive expert advice on immigration matters and cultural differences from an International Student Advisor and on educational and career objectives from Student Services staff.




Culinary. Historic. Fresh. Foodies. Purveyors. Artisans.



----------------------------Bohemian. Art. Boutiques. Restaurants. Gallery Hop.




GREATER COLUMBUS CONVENTION CENTER Unconventional. Events destination. Modern landmark.








A major center of technology, research, and education, Columbus is Ohio’s capital and America’s 15th-largest city. CCAD is located in the heart of downtown amid an impressive array of cultural opportunities and institutions of higher education. The Columbus Museum of Art is right next door, and the Columbus Metropolitan Library, the Ohio Statehouse, parks, theatres, shopping, and a multitude of historic buildings and landmarks are nearby. Campus is well served by the city’s bus system (COTA); all CCAD students can ride free with their student ID anywhere in the city.



--------------------------State Capitol. Historic theatres. Hotels. Riverfront.





------------------------Historic architecture. Brick streets. Restaurants. Boutiques. Shop. Dine. Stroll.




Getting involved on campus helps you connect with others, develop strong leadership skills, and have fun. Student organizations are plentiful and serve diverse professional, social, cultural, religious, and service interests. Student-led programs like the Student Programming Board and the Student Government Association allow you to help serve the varied needs of other students on campus. Regular campus events include movie nights, talent shows, laser tag, and the Big Boo! Halloween party.



CCAD stands for Columbus College of Art & Design. Located in Columbus, Ohio, a safe, easy-to-navigate city known for its vibrant economy and thriving arts scene, CCAD is within a one-day drive or a one-hour flight of 60 percent of the population of the United States and Canada, and at the forefront of teaching, technology, and creativity. And when you’re here, sports, music, galleries, and incredible dining are all right around the corner.

Vibrant. Happening. Buy it. Eat it. Play it. See it.









CCAD is authorized under U.S. federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students.








A full-service dining facility and an adjacent convenience store are located on the first floor of the Design Square Apartments. The Market, an all-you-care-to-eat dining hall, offers hot entrées, a made-to-order cooking station, a brick pizza oven, a grill, a soup/salad bar, a deli station, and desserts. Additionally, the Café in the Crane Center provides a diverse menu of coffee and other hot drinks, smoothies, and grab-and-go food items. All first-year residents must purchase the full meal plan (included in the room and board fee), which includes a fixed number of meals per semester, plus extra “flex dollars” to spend in other food-service venues on campus.




»» Video Game Club


A live-in residence hall staff—consisting of a director of residence life, a residence hall director, and student resident assistants (RAs)—attends to the safety, security, and living needs of the residents; conducts programming; and offers support for students living on campus at CCAD.



»» Student Programming Board



Contemporary. World-renowned. Artistic. Performances. Exhibitions. Films.

»» Student Government Association


CCAD’s newest housing option is the Design Square Apartments, located on Cleveland Avenue across from the campus quad. This residence hall provides apartment-style living for students of all classification levels, including some first-year students. Each fully furnished two- or four-bedroom apartment offers private bedrooms, a full bathroom for every two occupants, a kitchenette, and a living room. Additionally, each apartment has a swipe-card lock, wireless and wired Internet access, cable TV access, and phone service. Computers and a black-and-white laser printer are provided on the first floor for convenience. A private fitness room, lounge, and monitored front desk are provided on the first floor.

E 15TH


The Schottenstein Residence Hall offers incoming students convenient housing with security and a variety of special features. Each four-person suite contains two study/sleeping rooms, furniture (beds, dressers, and shared wardrobe), a workstation with stools, phone, cable, and Internet service, and a bathroom with shower. A lounge on each level is equipped with cable TV and vending machines. Designated lobbies can be used for work on group or individual projects or for lounge space. The residence hall also has a spray room for special artwork, a laundry facility, a fitness room, wireless and wired Internet access, secure building access, and air conditioning. Computers and a black-andwhite laser printer are provided on the first floor for convenience. Suites tailored for persons with disabilities are available.


--------------------------Eclectic. Ethnic. Music. Books. OSU campus. Late night.





On-campus living provides a supportive, fun, and convenient environment for students to get the most out of their college experience. Because the residential experience is so important to student success, full-time first-year students and transfer students under the age of 21 who have fewer than 24 completed semester credit hours at another institution are required to live on campus their first year. Students from central Ohio are exempt from this requirement.

»» Student Alumni Advisory Board






»» Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA)

»» Sanctuary (Bible study)



»» Digital Painting Club










2012–2013 Tuition and Fees One-time fees

Application fee (nonrefundable and nondeductible) First-semester art supply kit and books (estimated)

$30 $995

•P ersonal statement — Submit a statement of no less than 500 words explaining your artistic, academic, and career goals and why you wish to pursue an education at CCAD. It is recommended that you type your personal statement in a separate document prior to starting the online application. •A pplication fee — A $30 application fee is required to submit your application. Additional materials will need to be gathered and submitted to CCAD via mail. The exact requirements vary depending on whether you are joining CCAD as a freshman or transfer student and then on whether you are a U.S. citizen or an international student: For Freshmen (U.S. Citizens) •C urrent high school transcript(s) or GED certificate — Ask your counselor or other high school official to submit your high school transcript (grades 9–12). If you have coursework from another high school which doesn’t appear on your current transcript, you will need to request that first transcript too. •C ollege transcript(s) if applicable — If you have received college credit as a high school student, you will need to request that an official transcript be sent directly to CCAD from each college you attended.

Ongoing fees Per semester

Per year

Scheduling deposit (nonrefundable, but deducted from tuition and fees once a student registers)



Residence hall security deposit (refundable; residence hall students only)


Tuition, undergraduate*



Room and board (freshmen and transfer students)



Room and board (upper-division students)



Registration fee (nonrefundable)



General fee



Health insurance (optional; estimated, coverage includes summer months)



International student health insurance: (optional; estimated, coverage includes summer months)

$582 ($679 if attending Spring Semester only)


Lab fees (approximate)




*The tuition above is for full-time students taking 12 to 18 credit hours; any credit hours over 18 may be approved for an additional $1,146 per credit hour charge. Off-campus private apartments for rent in the Columbus area range from about $250 to $550 per month; food and other basic living expenses range from $150 to $400 per month. All students receive a 10 percent discount on most items in the CCAD Supply Store.

•A CT or SAT standardized college entrance exam scores — Have the testing agency send your scores directly to CCAD unless the scores appear on your high school transcript. •F inal high school/college transcript(s) — Following graduation from high school, you will need to submit a transcript or transcripts that reflect your final grades. •A P/IB test scores — If you have taken Advanced Placement coursework through the College Board or participated in an International Baccalaureate program, you will need to request official test scores to receive credit. For Freshmen (International students) •C urrent high school transcript(s) or GED certificate — Ask your counselor or other high school official to submit your high school transcript (grades 9–12). If you have coursework from another high school which doesn’t appear on your current transcript, you will need to request that first transcript too. •C ollege transcript(s) if applicable — If you have received college credit as a high school student, you will need to request that an official transcript be sent directly to CCAD from each college you attended. •T OEFL/IELTS test scores — Proof of English proficiency is required. Students from countries where English is not the sole official language must meet the minimum required score on one of the following tests: – TOEFL iBT 61 – IELTS 6.0 • Final high school/college transcript(s) — Following graduation from high school, you will need to submit a transcript or transcripts that reflect your final grades. For Transfers (U.S. Citizens) OPTIONAL ADDITION TO THE ONLINE APPLICATION — You may wish to upload a resume, CV, or other documents with your application. • College transcript(s) — Request that an official transcript be sent directly to CCAD from each college you attended, with the most recent transcript reflecting a 2.0 minimum grade point average. • Current high school transcript or GED certificate if applicable — This is only required if you have completed fewer than 45 hours of college credit. • AP/IB test scores — If you have taken Advanced Placement coursework through the College Board or participated in an International Baccalaureate program, you will need to request official test scores to receive credit.

Questions? Contact the One-Stop Student Services Center at or 614.222.3295.

• Final transcript(s) — If you are currently enrolled in college-level work, you will need to submit a transcript that reflects your final grades.


For Transfers (International students) OPTIONAL ADDITION TO THE ONLINE APPLICATION — You may wish to upload a resume, CV, or other documents with your application.

In late March, all accepted students receive a pre-registration packet that includes tuition and room and board amounts for the upcoming academic year. May 3, 2013, is the deadline for Fall Semester 2013 students to pay the scheduling fee and residence hall security deposit. Because residence hall spaces are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, you are encouraged to send the residence hall security deposit well in advance of the deadline to avoid being placed on a waiting list. Tuition bills are mailed in July to accepted students who have paid their scheduling fee. Tuition must be paid (or payment arrangements made) by August 2, 2013. Contact the bursar at 614.222.3295 if you would like to discuss a payment plan. All payments should be mailed or dropped off to the Admissions Office. All accounts must be paid in full in order for students to enroll in succeeding semesters or to receive copies of diplomas and transcripts.

HOW TO APPLY The application process starts with the completion of an application (surprise!), which is described in detail below. Then you need to begin the Financial Aid application process by filling out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); see “Financing Your Education” on the next page for more information. A personal visit to campus is highly recommended, although not required. To schedule an appointment or attend one of our events, please go to or http://www.ccad. edu/admissions/events or contact the Admissions office. CCAD admissions officers travel throughout the U.S. for portfolio review days, college fairs, school visits, and other presentations. These are a great way to learn about CCAD. A full schedule is available at display?q=admissions-traveling-calendar.


Create an account and then complete the application online at Applicants must also submit: • A portfolio — Made up of 10 to 20 pieces of your strongest work. An effective portfolio demonstrates technique, conceptual thinking, a certain amount of risk taking, and dedication. CCAD values and demands academic and artistic integrity. Students who submit false records and/ or artwork that is not their own may be subject to disciplinary actions, including dismissal and loss of financial and scholarship assistance. • Letters of recommendation — We require at least one letter of recommendation from an art instructor, guidance counselor, professional artist, or employer who can speak to your abilities and talents. You will need contact information (full name, title, email address, and mailing address) for each person from whom you plan to request a recommendation.


• College transcript(s) — Request that an official transcript be sent directly to CCAD from each college you attended, with the most recent transcript reflecting a 2.0 minimum grade point average. • Current high school transcript or GED certificate if applicable — This is only required if you have completed fewer than 45 hours of college credit. • TOEFL/IELTS test scores — Proof of English proficiency is required. Students from countries where English is not the sole official language must meet the minimum required score on one of the following tests: – TOEFL iBT 61 – IELTS 6.0 • Final transcript(s) — If you are currently enrolled in college-level work, you will need to submit a transcript that reflects your final grades. CCAD Test Score Codes You will need the following codes when requesting test scores: • ACT 3281 • SAT/PROFILE/TOEFL 1085


Telephone: 614.222.3261 Toll free: 877.997.CCAD (2223) Fax: 614.232.8344 Mailing address: Columbus College of Art & Design 60 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Email address: Website:

IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES For spring 2013 December 1, 2012 Application Deadline January 14, 2013 Spring semester classes begin

For fall 2013 December 1, 2012 Early Action Application Deadline For students who have a fully developed portfolio and want to be considered for our highest scholarship programs February 15, 2013 Priority Application Deadline For students who have submitted the FAFSA and want to ensure full consideration for financial aid August 1, 2013 Final Domestic Freshman Application Deadline Final Transfer and International Student Application Deadline August 26, 2013 Fall semester classes begin

FINANCING YOUR EDUCATION Higher education is one of life’s most significant investments. The Financial Aid Office is here to help students and their families develop the best financial plan for that investment. Financial aid can take the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and on-campus employment. Currently, approximately 90 percent of all CCAD students receive some form of financial aid. The backbone of the CCAD financial aid process is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which all students and prospective students are required to file each year. This form can be filed electronically at Results from the FAFSA are then sent by the U.S. Department of Education to CCAD’s Financial Aid Office for use in determining the total financial aid package. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to apply for financial aid as soon as possible. Families should complete their income tax returns early so that they can use that information for completing the FAFSA. Visit for current information, deadlines, and forms. All questions regarding the application process for financial aid and the different loans, grants, and payment plans available should be directed to One-Stop Student Services Office at 614.222.3295 or


Loans must be repaid after graduation. Here are some commonly used loan programs: FEDERAL PERKINS LOAN Federal Perkins Loans are low-interest, long-term loans made through the Financial Aid Office to undergraduate students with financial need. Perkins Loans are guaranteed by the federal government, and have an initial nine-month grace period before repayment begins. The grace period starts when a student’s enrollment at CCAD drops below half-time or he or she leaves the college. The Perkins Loan Program offers unique deferment and cancellation benefits based on borrower situations and employment. FEDERAL STAFFORD LOAN The Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program is administered by the U.S. Department of Education and provides educational loans through private lenders. It encompasses Stafford Loans (for students) and PLUS Loans for parents and graduate students. For more about PLUS Loans, see below. Funds for a Stafford Loan come from a bank, credit union, or another participating lender. Loans may be subsidized (need-based) or unsubsidized (not need-based). The federal government pays the interest on subsidized loans while the student is enrolled at least half-time and during the six-month grace period after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. Unsubsidized loan borrowers are responsible for interest that accrues from the time the loan funds disburse. The Financial Aid Office recommends an amount to be borrowed based on a student’s need as demonstrated in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Each scholarship program has specific deadlines and requirements.

PARENT LOAN FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (PLUS LOAN) Parents with an eligible credit history can take out a PLUS Loan to help pay undergraduate education expenses for their dependent children who are enrolled at least half-time at CCAD. Parents must submit a PLUS Loan application, available from the CCAD Financial Aid Office, their lender, or their state guaranty agency. After CCAD completes its portion of the application, it is sent to a lender for evaluation.

CCAD SCHOLARSHIPs Each year, CCAD awards four-year merit scholarships to incoming freshmen as a part of the application process. Comparable scholarships are available for transfer students. The portfolio represents the largest factor in determining these awards, but the applicants’ entire file is considered. Scholarships range in value from $28,000 to $60,000 and are applied toward the cost of tuition. The application process and deadlines are described above.

ALTERNATIVE STUDENT LOAN Private lenders can provide so-called alternative loans to fill gaps between students’ financial aid packages and their total educational costs. These loans can be used for more than just tuition, including expenses such as room and board, travel, study abroad, computers, and art supplies. Applicants must have an established, positive credit score. A student with no credit will usually need a cosigner.

SCHOLASTIC ART AWARDS CCAD offers five two-year full-tuition scholarships to students who have been designated portfolio winners at the national level of this juried exhibition program. Following notification from the national committee in New York, CCAD will contact those students with scholarship information. Students should see their high school art instructor or guidance counselor for more information.


OHIO GOVERNOR’S YOUTH ART EXHIBITION This juried exhibition program for Ohio high school students takes place at both regional and state levels. CCAD offers $2,000 scholarships to award winners in the state-level exhibition in Columbus. For entry information, students should contact their high school art instructor or guidance counselor.



ARTS RECOGNITION AND TALENT SEARCH CCAD awards two-year full-tuition scholarships to high school seniors who are acknowledged on the national level of this National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts program. Students should contact their high school art instructor or guidance counselor for entry information. NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY CCAD offers two-year $4,000 scholarships to students in this program. Students who qualify should forward a copy of their National Art Honor Society certificate to the Admissions Office. Students should contact their high school art instructor or guidance counselor for more information.


Grants are funds that do not have to be repaid. The programs described below are available to students with financial need, and will be incorporated into each student’s financial aid package by the Financial Aid Office. FEDERAL PELL GRANT Students must be enrolled, pursuing a degree, and demonstrate exceptional financial need to qualify for a Pell Grant. Application is through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANT Requirements for this grant are similar to those for the Pell Grant. FSEOG awards are determined by the CCAD Financial Aid Office after review of each student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). STATE GRANTS Many states provide need-based educational grants to their residents. Eligibility is typically determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) according to deadlines established by each state. For example, the Ohio College Opportunity Grant Program (OCOG) provides need-based tuition assistance to Ohio residents in undergraduate programs at eligible institutions. Students apply by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); the application deadline is October 1 of each year.

CCAD GRANTS CCAD offers a limited number of grants based upon a review of each student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

On-campus employment through the Federal College Work-Study Program is a part of many CCAD students’ financial aid packages. Students may work up to 15 hours per week during the school year, and up to 40 hours per week during summer and holiday breaks. The CCAD Financial Aid Office will notify students if they qualify.

CCAD is approved by the State Approving Agency and the Veterans Administration for educational benefits for veterans. Students should first be accepted to the college before applying for benefits at the Veterans Administration office. Individuals qualifying for benefits must then submit a certificate of eligibility or letter of authorization from the Veterans Administration prior to, or at the time of, registration for classes.

Columbus College of Making a Difference Columbus College of “You Get Paid to Do This?” Columbus College of Blowing Minds on a Daily Basis Columbus College of Loving My Career Columbus College of Making Beautiful Sense of the World Columbus College of Unlimited Possibilities Columbus College of Learning How to Think Columbus College of Getting Your Hands Dirty Columbus College of Opening Minds and Dropping Jaws Columbus College of Not Trading My Life for Anybody Else’s

Columbus College of Leaving My Mark Columbus College of Making My Folks Proud and a Little Jealous Columbus College of Creative Swagger

Admissions 60 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215 614.222.3261 © 2012 Columbus College of Art & Design

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