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• The Difference God Makes • The Naked Now


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• The New Life Fasting Book

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• What Your Money Means

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Gift ideas for yourself and others


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We promote reading as a time-tested discipline for focus and enlightenment. We help authors shape, clarify, write, and effectively promote their ideas. We conceive, create, and distribute books. Our expertise and passion is to provide healthy spiritual nourishment in written form.


Dear reader, In this catalog we have attempted the impossible, namely to present a few of our titles with the goal of representing our full list of books. These books have one thing in common: they invite you, the reader, to focus on things significant and lasting, to go deeper in your quest for the meaning of life, the importance of community, and the active compassion so desperately needed for peace in this world. We hope you will enjoy our books for your own reading pleasure and as gifts for those you care about.

Gwendolin Herder Publisher

T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

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Index n Classic Christian Spirituality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Focus on Father Timothy Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 n Contemporary Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Focus on Father Henri Nouwen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 n Catholicism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Focus on John Zmirak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 n Community & Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 n Family & Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Focus on Dr. Greg Popcak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 n Personal Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 n Theology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 n Mysticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Order form and ordering instructions on page 19. Get your free book! See page 20 for details.

n World Spirituality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 n The Church in the 21st Century Series and Milestones in Catholic Theology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S


“Where is the silence?”–Meister Eckhart CLASSIC CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY

Meister Eckhart

The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart Translated by Maurice O’C Walshe With a Foreword by Bernard McGinn

For the first time, you can own Meister Eckhart’s complete mystical teachings in one volume. With a new introduction by Bernard McGinn and Walshe’s elegant translation, this comprehensive and authoritative work is a blessing for every serious spiritual seeker, and the finest volume on Eckhart ever to appear in English.

Complete Edition

Meister Eckhart, the great Christian mystical writer and philosopher, presented his works in two forms. The Latin works introduce his thought in more analytic detail and precision. He used his German (vernacular and popular) works to introduce his more personal reflections—his mystical writings on the poverty of spirit, the birth of Christ in the soul, and other themes for which he is renowned. This new treasury contains the entire text of all the mystical works of Meister Eckhart, making it the authoritative volume on Meister Eckhart’s enduring legacy to Western Christianity and to all seekers of truth. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2517-0 $98.00 hc / 640 pages / metallicized jacket


“ If mysticism in the traditional Western sense implies communion with God, then there is a real sense in which Eckhart may be said to go beyond this, for according to him the soul has to proceed beyond ‘God’ to the nameless Oneness of the ‘Godhead.’ ... Eckhart speaks with authority born of personal experience. But the ‘object’ of that experience is strictly indescribable and ineffable. It can be hinted at and to some extent defined by what it is not. This, of course, is the way of the so-called negative (or apophatic) theology.” —from the introduction by Maurice O’C Walshe


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“I am not simply reading a book. I am meeting a person.”

–M. Basil Pennington

The Rule of Benedict

A Spirituality for the 21st Century “By offering informed commentary that links St. Benedict’s Rule with contemporary questions (stewardship, relationships, authority, community, balance, work, simplicity, prayer, and spiritual and psychological development), Sr. Joan succeeds in her task of making an ancient document accessible to a modern reading public.”–New Oxford Review

Anselm Gruen

Lectio Divina

Masterfully, monk and international bestseller Anselm Gruen reveals the Desert Fathers’ surprisingly modern approach to spirituality, relating their passion for God to modern spiritual seeking. The author’s profound knowledge offers you deeper insight into your own search for heaven.

A popular introduction to the “way of friendship,” the ancient meditative practice of the West, by the Trappist monk and co-founder of the Centering Prayer movement. No matter who you are, Lectio Divina offers you a timetested path to wisdom, guidance, and joy.

Heaven Begins within You

978-0-8245-2594-1 $16.95 pb / 192 pages (Spring 2010 release)

978-0-8245-2602-3 $14.95 pb / 128 pages (Available summer 2010)

Thomas Merton

Madonna Sophia Compton with Maria Compton-Hernandez and Patricia Campbell

Passion for Peace

Reflections on War and Nonviolence In times of violence we seek resources for peace, and America’s most celebrated Trappist monk, the poet, social activist, and prolific writer Thomas Merton, reflected deeply on war and peace throughout his life. This essential book presents the core of his insights for those passionate about the nature of violence, and the Christian call for active, non-violent engagement in the world. 978-0-8245-2415-9 $14.95 pb / 176 pages

M. Basil Pennington

Wisdom from the Desert Fathers

Women Saints 365 Daily Readings

“This book is truly a book where women (and men) can find an honestly ecumenical, timeless, cross-cultural, and cross-racial group of women of holiness. This book is meant to be a kind of abbreviated liturgical breviary, and accompanying a short biography of each saint are readings and prayers.”—Theandros.com 978-0-8245-2413-5 $19.95 pb / 544 pages

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S

Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures

978-0-8245-1736-6 $16.95 pb / 184 pages

Madeleine Delbrel

The Little Monk

Wisdom from a Little Friend of Big Faith “More than six billion people bear the burden of life. It helps to know that you’re no exception.” These and other guidelines for the modern reader are offered here in a charmingly illustrated edition sharing the deep faith of the famous French philosopher, convert from atheism, and Carmelite nun. In English for the first time! 978-0-8245-2310-7 $12.95 pb / 120 pages / full color illustrations 5


Joan Chittister, O.S.B.


Focus on Father Timothy Gallagher Why classic spirituality? Why Ignatian spirituality? Fr. Gallagher: Not many decades ago, the use of classic method in prayer appeared confining: such constraints once removed, a person would be truly free to pray in the Spirit. Uninstructed “freedom,” however, has proven inadequate, and today we witness renewed interest in classic teaching about prayer— classic, because such teaching answers the perennial questions: How do I begin to pray? Which approach is best suited for me? How may I understand my experience at prayer? My struggles in prayer? The artist taught by a skilled master is truly free to create beauty; the spiritual person, taught by a skilled master, is truly free to pray. Among these masters, St. Ignatius of Loyola excels in offering wise, flexible, and effective teaching about prayer.

Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV

Discerning the Will of God An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making

For everyone ready to make the shift from “What do I want for my life?” to “What does God want for my life?”, Fr. Gallagher offers this new book to help you make spiritual sense of your major life decisions. While this book focuses on major decisions such as marriage and career and vocation choices, the insights gained here can be adapted to other significant life decisions as well. “How many books have you read on the subject of discerning God’s will? Whether it is one or a hundred, you should read this book.” –Matthew Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life and The Dream Manager. 978-0-8245-2489-0 $16.95 pb / 176 pages

ABOUT THE AUTHOR In the few years since his first book appeared, Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V. has emerged as one of the greatest interpreters of the spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola. Tens of thousands of readers have already turned to Fr. Gallagher’s books for reliable, inspirational, and clear explanations of some of the most important aspects of Christian spirituality. Whether you’re a spiritual director, priest or minister, longtime spiritual seeker, or beginner, Fr. Gallagher’s books have much to offer you in different moments in life. To learn more about the work of this Boston-based scholar and popular retreat leader and lecturer, and to inquire about his availability for speaking, please visit http://frtimothygallagher.org


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“Which approach is best suited for me?”

Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual Exercises When you need short, practical exercises for young and old, this volume provides 40 short (2-page) Ignatian meditations, including scripture passages, meditative keys for entering into the scriptural story, and guided questions for reflection. For groups and individuals, whether beginners or experienced.

The Examen Prayer

Ancient Wisdom for Our Lives Today When you want classic spiritual discipline to apply every day, this highly practical book is an important resource. The examen prayer helps you discover the hand of God in your everyday life and learn to be receptive to God’s blessings. 978-0-8245-2367-1 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2487-6 $12.95 pb / 96 pages

Meditation and Contemplation

An Ignatian Guide to Prayer with Scripture To understand the two practices essential to Ignatian spirituality, meditation and contemplation, discover this volume. Fr. Gallagher explains what is unique to each practice, shows how you can profit from both at different times in your spiritual life, and reveals how their structure can be adapted to your particular spiritual needs. 978-0-8245-2488-3 $12.95 pb / 112 pages

“ It becomes clear in Gallagher’s work that a persevering practice of spiritual discernment helps us to gather the fragments of life into a pattern of greater freedom and hopeful living.” –The Way

The Discernment of Spirits

Spiritual Consolation

When you’re ready to move more deeply into Ignatian thought, discover this great favorite of spiritual directors, directees, and others who want to understand Ignatius’s Rules for discernment—their keen insight into the human soul and their ability to explain the real-life struggles of spiritual seekers today.

Those with some familiarity with Ignatian spirituality enjoy this book, which extends the approach of The Discernment of Spirits, interweaving stories and Ignatian principles for a more profound understanding of Ignatius’s Second Rule for discernment.

An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living

978-0-8245-2291-9 $19.95 pb / 232 pages

An Ignatian Guide for Greater Discernment

978-0-8245-2429-6 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S





An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer

Learning to See as the Mystics See... Richard Rohr, OFM


The Naked Now

Learning to See as the Mystics See The Naked Now explores the lost mystical traditions of Christianity—a powerful message that the physical sense and rational mind can only take one so far in one’s spiritual journey. Richard Rohr, a global leader in spiritual awakening, helps you recognize the forces (such as ego resistance and dual thinking) that separate you from your deeper self. Learn: • How you can grow in spiritual awareness without sacrificing reason • What is useful about popular ideas such as “the law of attraction” • What Jesus, the first mystical teacher in the West, has to teach us today 978-0-8245-2543-9 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

“ The Naked Now is a deep breath of fresh air. Richard Rohr invites us, all of us, to slow down and to find God, or be found by God, in all the places we never thought to look.” –Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners

#1 Title



“The great mystics of every tradition invite us to know better, to draw from the resources of our own tradition and see in a way that honors debate, reason, and order while also moving beyond them. Can we answer the mystics’ invitation? Can we begin to attain the mystical gaze?”

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest who considers the pro­ clamation of the Gospel to be his primary call. The founder of the New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati, OH and the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM, Fr. Richard has been a guest on the radio show Oprah and Friends, a regular contributor to Sojourners and Tikkun, and the bestselling author of many books and audio tapes.


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“Contemplation is a long, loving look at what really is.”

–Richard Rohr

Everything Belongs The Gift of Contemplative Prayer

The one book every Rohr reader must own. In this classic guide, his all-time bestseller, Richard Rohr goes to the heart of Christianity and teaches us what it means to be contemplative. 978-0-8245-1995-7 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

Anthony de Mello, S.J.

Walking on Water Indian Jesuit priest Anthony de Mello knew like few others how to engage Eastern and Western spiritual traditions in a gentle and truthful way. An exhilarating storyteller himself, in this gift volume he uses stories of monks and rabbis, soldiers, and fairy tales and legends, leading the reader through the basics of spiritual life to the place where “walking on water” is within our reach. 978-0-8245-2492-0 $14.95 hc / 208 pages

His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Path of Wisdom, Path of Peace A Personal Conversation

In this precious hardcover gift volume, UN correspondent Felicitas von Schonborn offers a rare, intimate, and wide-ranging sit-down interview with the Dalai Lama along with a compelling introduction to his thought. 978-0-8245-2311-4 $16.95 hc / 224 pages

Paula D’Arcy

Gift of the Red Bird

The Story of a Divine Encounter D’Arcy’s spiritual journey took a radical turn when she lost her husband and toddler daughter in a car accident. From that event, D’Arcy draws the hope and strength that have inspired so many readers. In this classic, she writes about venturing out into the wilderness on a vision quest to wait for God to speak. A red bird appeared and, without words, began to teach... . 978-0-8245-1956-8 $14.95 pb / 152 pages

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Aneela Khalid Arshed

A Spiritual Anthology

Daily Reflections from the Qur’an and Islamic Tradition

I Asked for Wonder One of the most influential Jewish theologians of the 20th century, Heschel captured the sense of mystical wonder in a way few writers can do. This anthology, edited by Rabbi Samuel H. Dresner, presents the finest meditations and insights from Heschel’s bountiful writing. 978-0-8245-0542-4 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S

The Bounty of Allah

The first collection of its kind, this masterfully selected book offers on each page (one for every day of the year) two quotations: one from the Qur’an, and the second from the Hadith (sayings of Muhammad) or a Sufi saint. 978-0-8245-2134-9 $16.95 pb / 408 pages



Richard Rohr


“Faith is strengthened by reading and meditation.” –Thomas Keating

David Steindl-Rast

Thomas Keating

Thomas Keating

The Essential Wisdom of David Steindl-Rast

An Introduction to Contemplative Christianity

An Introduction to Centering Prayer

Common Sense Spirituality

“Brother Steindl-Rast has earned a reputation as a bridge-builder between East and West in matters of religion and is considered by many to be the foremost bearer of standard Christian ecumenism laid down by Thomas Merton.”–Parabola Magazine. This authorized collection is introduced by Sr. Joan Chittister.

Intimacy with God

The Christian heritage is rich in contemplative wisdom literature and practices. As fresh and vibrant today as when it was first published, this classic book is essential to a deeper understanding of this spiritual center of Christianity.

A founder of the Centering Prayer movement, Cistercian monk and bestselling author Thomas Keating offers here an introduction filled with insight and practical advice. “This is perhaps Keating’s most readable and enlightening work.” –Spiritual Book News

978-0-8245-2495-1 $14.95 pb / 100 pages

978-0-8245-2529-3 $16.95 pb / 232 pages

Lyn Holley Doucet and Robin Hebert

Lyn Holley Doucet and Robin Hebert

Robert Ellsberg

Living Experiences of Biblical Women

Our Personal Stories of Extraordinary Grace

Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time

978-0-8245-2479-1 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

When Wisdom Speaks

Female voices of the Bible have been silenced throughout much of history. What would it be like to get to know the women of the Bible as real, living figures whose lives can challenge our own? Two lively spiritual directors break open these Bible stories and connect them with contemporary women, all of them longing after God’s own heart. 978-0-8245-2570-5 $16.95 pb / 192 pages 10

The Heart of the World

When Women Pray

“This lovely work prayerfully unfolds stories of fruitfulness, joy, pain, beauty, courage, doubt, angst, longing, confusion, and humor. Robin and Lyn recognize the grace that holds these stories together. They know it is all prayer.” –Macrina Wiederkehr 978-0-8245-2279-7 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

All Saints

This award-winning and best-selling daily reader presents short, comprehensive biographies of 365 saints and spiritual masters from Christianity and other faith traditions, including Mary Magdalene, Therese of Lisieux, Thomas Aquinas, Mother Teresa, Moses, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi. 978-0-8245-1679-6 $24.95 pb / 608 pages

T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“...the experience of hearing just the right word...” –Ronald Rolheiser

Gerald May, M.D.

The Freedom of Letting Go

The Spirituality of Mental Health

St. Francis’ ancient call to the simple life of freedom and happiness, as seen by America’s foremost Franciscan. Richard Rohr shows you how to: Recognize radical dependence on others; Understand why less is more; Break through to contemplation; Embrace deeper spiritual freedom. 978-0-8245-2115-8 $17.95 pb / 192 pages

Ronald Rolheiser

Simply Sane

Against an Infinite Horizon

At an early time Gerald May sought to integrate spirituality and psychology, and years after his death he remains a trusted teacher. Simply Sane was by his own account his favorite book, and it continues to offer helpful guidance for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Fr. Rolheiser speaks of the deepest human longing in words that have reached hundreds of thousands of readers. This book is an attempt to develop a vocabulary that can help decipher the accidents in every life everyday, that might aptly be called divine providence.

978-0-8245-1366-5 $19.95 pb / 180 pages

The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives

978-0-8245-1965-0 $16.95 pb / 240 pages

Robert Frager, editor

Gernot Candolini

Ronald Rolheiser

Current Approaches to Spiritual Direction

Walking Toward the Center Foreword by Paula D’Arcy

Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God

Sharing Sacred Stories

This rich and authoritative volume gathers leading practitioners and teachers in the field of spiritual direction, it explores new developments in spiritual guidance and, in particular, examines the interface of spiritual guidance and transpersonal psychology. Using sacred stories as the focus, the book offers wisdom from across religions and cultural traditions. 978-0-8245-2446-3 $19.95 pb / 184 pages


Part travelogue, part spiritual memoir, Candolini tells the story of packing his family into their car and heading out for a four-month tour of Europe’s rich and diverse labyrinths. This book is the fruit of his travel, filled with history, reflection, and personal insight—delightful reading.

The Shattered Lantern

This evocative, readable book looks at how practical atheism and disbelief have crept into our world and how, in the face of it, we can restore the “shattered lantern” and bring back the light of God. 978-0-8245-2275-9 $14.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2102-8 $16.95 pb / 144 pages

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S



Richard Rohr, O.F.M.


Focus on Father Henri Nouwen Henri J. M. Nouwen


In the Name of Jesus Reflections on Christian Leadership

In the Name of Jesus is Henri Nouwen’s bold, honest, and heartwarming message about Christian leadership. According to Nouwen, Christians must give up their desire to be powerful and embrace authority based on prayer and forgiveness. His emphasis on a vigorous Jesus-centered life will be helpful to every committed Christian and in particular to all leaders and teachers in the Christian faith. 978-0-8245-1259-0 $14.95 pb / 120 pages

Translated into 26 languages FROM IN THE NAME OF JESUS:

Invited to Washington, D.C., to give a lecture on Christian Leadership of the Future, Nouwen demonstrated his own style of leadership by bringing with him a member of the community of the mentally handicapped he served at Daybreak, in Toronto. What is he to do when, standing at center stage and acknowledging the applause following his lecture, Bill walks up to him and asks if he, too, may address the audience? Here is a lesson in Christian leadership the reader will never forget: identifying the three temptations that everyone faces, Nouwen shows us how to make leadership truly Christian, by admitting our weaknesses and embracing Christ as the source of forgiveness and integrity.

“Only Thomas Merton and C.S. Lewis have had a comparable impact on Christian spirituality in the United States.” –America Magazine ... Michael, a core member at L’Arche community near Toronto who cannot walk or speak ... Hillary Clinton, then First Lady in Washington D.C., one of the most listened-to people in the world ... The late Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, a beacon of forgiveness and charity to millions ... Whether it is a famous politician, a volunteer in Namibia, or a seminarian in England, people around the world share admiration and enthusiasm for the life and work of the internationally renowned priest and author, professor Henri Nouwen. Without doubt, Father Nouwen has shaped the spirituality of several generations.


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“Listen to a spiritual book as a voice that addresses you directly.” –Henri Nouwen

Spiritual Living in a Secular World

This spiritual classic began as a simple request from one friend to another. Fred Bratman, a secular journalist and writer, asked Henri Nouwen to write a book explaining the spiritual life in terms that he and his friends could understand, avoiding theology and technical language. Nouwen’s answer has become one of the most cherished books of our era.

The Only Necessary Thing

Finding My Way Home

This meaningful collection of Henri Nouwen’s best writings on prayer and meditation was edited with love and care by one of his close friends, Wendy Greer.

Bringing together four core essays of Henri Nouwen’s work, The Path of Peace, The Path of Power, The Path of Waiting, The Path of Living and Dying, this book “allowed Henri Nouwen to speak about our collective sense of homelessness and the universal thirst for the experience of truly being at home.” –Sue Mosteller C.S.J.

Living a Prayerful Life

978-0-8245-2493-7 $15.95 pb / 224 pages

Encounters with Merton

Our Second Birth

Encounters with Merton brings together two of the 20th century’s most important and articulate Christian voices. Henri Nouwen explores themes of solitude, nonviolence, and the encounters between Eastern and Western spirituality as presented by Merton.

Taken from Henri Nouwen’s diary of his last year on earth, the inspirational readings of Our Second Birth throw light on the meaning of life, friendship, and the love of God, and are seen from the perspective of the life to come.

978-0-8245-2149-3 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

Show Me the Way

Readings for Each Day of Lent Share the forty-day Lenten path with Henri Nouwen, from the solemn beginning of Ash Wednesday to the joyous climax of Easter. Each daily section offers a paragraph from the Bible, a Lenten reflection by the author, and a prayer. 978-0-8245-1353-5 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2274-2 $15.95 pb / 160 pages

978-0-8245-1986-5 $15.95 pb / 160 pages

Spiritual Reflection

Pathways to Life and the Spirit


Life of the Beloved

Christian Reflections on Death and New Life

978-0-8245-2365-7 $14.95 pb / 224 pages

Here and Now Living in the Spirit

Henri Nouwen wrote this book to express what mattered to him most. He shares new insights, new stories, and new information not to be found elsewhere. Now with reflection guide. 978-0-8245-1967-4 $16.95 pb / 232 pages

S E E PAG E 1 9 F O R O R D E R F O R M A N D I N S T R U C T I O N S

Beyond the Mirror

Reflections on Life and Death Foreword by Robert Durback “With his brutal self scrutiny and honesty, Nouwen takes us through the interior meaning of his trip to ‘death’s portal,’ and gives us courage and hope for our own encounter some day.”–Church and Synagogue Library Association 978-0-8245-1961-2 $14.95 pb / 96 pages


Catholicism Means Living in Relationship Francis Cardinal George, OMI

The Difference God Makes


A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture

The National Bestseller

Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., the arch­bishop of Chicago, combines robust scholarship with pastoral warmth in this new book. As one of the leading intellectuals in the Catholic hierarchy, he has a vision of the Catholic faith influenced by the greatest theologians and authors in the Church’s two-thousand-year tradition, from the scripture writers and Church Fathers to modern-day saints such as Katharine Drexel, as well as Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The central theme of the book is universal communion. “The deepest truth that Catholics proclaim is that of communio,” he writes. “All things and all people are ordered to God and ordered in love to one another.” This shared identity calls us to see every aspect of our lives differently, whether the upheavals of globalization, the increasing role of the laity in the Church, interreligious dialogue, or the conversation between liberal and conservative Catholics. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2582-8 $26.95 hc / 368 pages


“At the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest lifts the consecrated host and the chalice and tells the people that we glorify God the Father ‘through, with, and in’ Christ Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. These words proclaim the very life of the Blessed Trinity and call believers to a deeper understanding of the Church’s own life and nature. To live at the depth necessary to establish ecclesial communion, believers have to live not just with others or in community with them. They must live through others.”

Francis Cardinal George, OMI, is the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. A native of Chicago, he has served as vicar general of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate; bishop of Yakima, Washington; archbishop of Portland, Oregon; and archbishop of Chicago. He was elevated to the College of Cardinals by Pope John Paul II in 1998.


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“For Therese, paradise was first and foremost one immense family.” –Bishop Gaucher

Robert Royal

Richard Gribble, C.S.C.

With an introduction by Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.

A Comprehensive World History

The Life of Patrick J. Peyton, C.S.C.

The Passion of Therese of Lisieux

“Bishop Gaucher’s haunting account of Therese’s final eighteen months, when tuberculosis was consuming her young body and the ‘night of nothingness’ tortured her soul, reveals her at the summit of her journey, when she became the saint for the next millennium.”–Bishop Patrick V. Ahern, D.D. 978-0-8245-0987-3 $18.95 pb / 272 pages

The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century In the twentieth century, more Catholics were persecuted, tortured, and martyred than in any previous century. Robert Royal, president of The Faith and Reason Institute, traces the specific situation of each area and time when martyrdom occurred, and studies the political system and the reason for confrontation. 978-0-8245-2414-2 $19.95 pb / 440 pages

American Apostle of the Family Rosary

First place Catholic Press Award. The official biography of this great American priest. For over 50 years, Fr. Peyton criss-crossed the world proclaiming a simple message: “The Family that Prays Together Stays Together.” Through the media and international rosary crusades, Fr. Peyton converted millions and continues to inspire today. 978-0-8245-2289-6 $45.00 hc / 496 pages / 32 photos

Jim Langford and Jeremy Langford

Bernard McGinn

Robert Barron

Inspirations from One of America’s Most Beloved Universities With a Foreword by Regis Philbin

Thirty-Three Men and Women Who Shaped Christianity

Experiencing the Spirituality of the Great Cathedrals

The Spirit of Notre Dame

Engaging, inspiring, and even amusing, this book shares the compelling, unforgettable stories that unite Domers in their contributions to sports, politics, intellectual life, and religion, and memorably personify the character that is uniquely Notre Dame. 978-0-8245-2542-2 $24.95 hc / 304 pages

The Doctors of the Church


Guy Gaucher, O.C.D.

Heaven in Stone and Glass

Written by one of the great authorities on Catholic wisdom, this user-friendly resource is designed as a general introduction to the 33 remarkable individuals who shaped the understanding of the Church’s faith.

Word on Fire host Fr. Barron offers us a perfect guide for reading the secrets of the Gothic cathedral, with insights into Christ, faith, and the soul’s yearning for God. “Charming and appealing.”–Library Journal

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Pope Benedict XVI

Christoph Cardinal Schonborn

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Marie T. Oates, Linda Ruf, and Jenny Driver, M.D., editors

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“The sacraments are visible carriers of an invisible reality.”

–Mitch Finley

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Bishop Edward Wm. Clark

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Mitch Finley

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Discerning the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit...

Diarmuid O’Murchu

Robert McClory

Ronald Rolheiser, Author and Editor

Spiritual Implications of the New Physics

The Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church

Being Missionaries to Our Children

Quantum Theology

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As It Was in the Beginning Topics of this award-winning book include: The essentially democratic character of Christianity; Church origins; Bishops elected by the community; Community participation in the Middle Ages; The Third Lateran Council; The Second Vatican Council; The American Catholic Experiment in Democracy. 978-0-8245-2419-7 $19.95 pb / 240 pages

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Christopher Ruddy

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First place Catholic Press Award winner. Every aspect of parish renewal is included in this volume, from the articulation of a mission that moves people into action, to the formation of a structure that links all aspects of parish life together, along with a style of leadership that brings out the best in the pastor, staff, leaders, and parishioners.

978-0-8245-2427-2 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

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Out of the Depths

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Angels Calling

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“Humor is the best catechist.” –John Zmirak Q: “Why do you call your books The Bad Catholic’s Guides?


John Zmirak: “The answer is honesty. Take our faith seriously, and you’ll find yourself falling short, and conceive of yourself as a sinner. I also think that humor is the best catechist. Modern Americans don’t lose their faith by reading Jack Chick pamphlets or Christopher Hitchens books, but after watching dozens of George Carlin routines that render the Church ridiculous. In these books I turn the tables, and show up the absurdity of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil… so people can laugh themselves right back into good habits… maybe even monastic habits.” www.badcatholics.com

John Zmirak and Denise Matychowiak

John Zmirak and Denise Matychowiak

A Loving Look at the Lighter Side of the Catholic Faith, With Recipes for Feasts and Fun

A Spirited Look at Catholic Life and Lore from Apocalypse to Zinfandel

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living

Jump right into this hilarious new book and celebrate Catholicism in a whole new way! An indispensable resource for observing the feast days of the saints, The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living unveils the history and humor behind the Catholic faith. 978-0-8245-2300-8 $14.95 pb / 240 pages

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Wine, Whiskey & Song

National bestseller! An intelligent and church-loving introduction to Catholic faith that explains the difference between God and vodka, and why Benedictines make the best beer. 978-0-8245-2411-1 $14.95 pb / 416 pages

John Zmirak

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins Hilarious sketches of history’s greatest saints and sinners, theological insights, and cringeinducing quizzes of virtue and vice so you can discover just how close to the precipice you are. With activities and adventures to help you crawl your way back to solid ground. Self-help has never been so fun. 978-0-8245-2585-9 $14.95 pb / 240 pages (Spring 2010 release)

John Zmirak and Carla Millar

The Grand Inquisitor The world’s first African pope is elected by the conclave of cardinals —who is trying to stop him, and why? This first great Catholic graphic novel is an exquisitely illustrated volume that will change the genre forever. “At once terrifying and invigorating, The Grand Inquisitor tells an unforgettable story of the Catholic Church in a time of intrigue and betrayal. Haunting and vivid, and not to be missed.”–Thomas E. Woods Jr., author of How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization. “Stunning blank verse and striking graphics.”–Roy Schoeman, author, Salvation Is from the Jews 978-0-8245-24357 $19.95 pb / 76 pages

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“He does not possess wealth that allows it to possess him.”

–Benjamin Franklin

Frank J. Hanna

What Your Money Means And How to Use It Well


As featured in Reader’s Digest and the PBS program The Call of the Entrepreneur, venture capitalist Frank Hanna explains the meaning of money and how to deal with it constructively in good times and bad. Hanna offers a persuasive argument in favor of giving even when money is tight, for the good of others and the quality of your own life. In What Your Money Means learn about: • The goodness of money and what it means • The call to create wealth • The fundamentals of non-essential money • Giving as a school of virtue • The ten rules of thumb for donors 978-0-8245-2520-0 $21.95 hc / 256 pages / illustrated with cartoons from The New Yorker

As featured in

Reader’s Digest

“ A wonderful book with an engaging style and practical value for every reader, whether wealthy or more modest of means.” –Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Denver

“ Hanna clearly explains how much money is enough, whether it is being spent well, and what having money means. The book features an easy-to-use layout and superb design.” –Catholic News Agency


Frank J. Hanna is the CEO of Hanna Capital, the recipient of the William B. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership and the David R. Jones Award for Philanthropy, and cofounder of the Solidarity Foundation. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

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“...a love for life, a desire for happiness, a passion for freedom.” –Lorenzo Albacete

God at the Ritz Attraction to Infinity

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Dean Brackley, S.J.

The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times

New Perspectives on the Transformative Wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola

George Weigel

Against the Grain

Christianity and Democracy, War and Peace

A compelling re-introduction to Christianity as a lived experience. In times of spreading violence, poverty, and environmental crisis, Fr. Brackley points us beyond dogmatic withdrawal and paralyzing fear to inner freedom, constructive response, and hope.

“A bracing collection of pieces worth reading–and remembering.”–Jon Meacham, Editor of Newsweek “Invaluable to all who ponder how to bring Christian social teachings to bear on the most urgent political, economic, and cultural issues in contemporary life.”–Mary Ann Glendon, Professor of Law, Harvard University

978-0-8245-2472-2 $14.95 pb / 208 pages

978-0-8245-2268-1 $19.95 pb / 320 pages

978-0-8245-2448-7 $24.95 hc / 352 pages

Gil Bailie

Patrick Fleming, Sue Lauber-Fleming, and Mark T. Matousek

John Polkinghorne

Stories of Pain, Hope, and Healing from Clerical Abuse Survivors and Abusers

Questions to Science and Religion

Violence Unveiled

Humanity at the Crossroads “The single most important book of social analysis and prophetic theology to appear in a generation.”–Sam Keene. By synthesizing an astounding array of seemingly discordant perceptions ranging from Bob Dylan songs and Aztec myths to Greek tragedy and the Hebrew prophets, Bailie presents a gripping Christian analysis of rising violence. Winner of the Pax Christi USA Book Award. 978-0-8245-1645-1 $29.95 / 312 pages

Broken Trust

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Quarks, Chaos, & Christianity

Theoretical physicist and ordained Anglican priest John Polkinghorne explores the gap between science and religion: “Do we have to choose between the scientific and religious views of the world, or are they complementary understandings that give us a fuller picture than either on their own would provide?” 978-0-8245-2406-7 $14.95 pb / 128 pages 23


Lorenzo Albacete

“Be best friends with your spouse so you can be a parent to your child.” –David Code David Code


To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First David Code draws from the latest research in neuroscience and his study of families around the world to show that parenting can be marriage-friendly, offering much practical advice on how to make your marriage happy—and your children, too.

As seen in

Parents Magazine

From the Table of Contents: • When It Comes to Attention Less Is More • Kids Pick Up On Everything: Mirror Neurons • Weaning: A Crucial Step for a Child’s Independence • Why We Hurt Those We Love Most • Common Ways We Distance Without Realizing It • How We Pass Our Baggage On to Our Kids • The Grass Is Not Greener: You’ve Already Chosen Your Ideal Mate • Creating a Lifelong Friendship with Your Spouse • The Shortcut to Marital Bliss: Visit Your Parents • Eat, Walk, and Talk Your Way to a Happier Family • What True Compassion Means • Want Happy Kids? Get a Life Yourself 978-0-8245-2538-5 $16.95 pb / 288 pages

“ You will never look at your family’s problems the same way again. David Code is a big-picture thinker with a gift for translating scientific facts into practical solutions. His new solutions to common family problems can help solidify your marriage and improve your parenting.” –Jaak Panksepp, neuroscientist and author, Affective Neuroscience

“ Every parent, and every couple, should read this book to prevent them from having an affair with their child[ren]. What misery and suffering for all concerned, for generations to come, when couples put their marriage anywhere but first. A must-read.” –Harville Hendrix, PhD, author, Getting the Love You Want and Giving the Love that Heals: A Guide for Parents 24

David Code, founder of the Center for Staying Married & Raising Great Kids, is an Episcopal minister and family coach whose writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and the Christian Science Monitor. He blogs on the topics of marriage and parenting for a Pennsylvania newspaper site.

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“ The home is the first place we learn to care for others.” –David Robinson

Tian Dayton

Practical Answers to Questions Every Parent Asks About Their Kid’s Education

How to Teach Kids to Say What They Feel and Feel What They Say

In this helpful resource experienced teacher and headmaster Keith Frome “calmly answers parents’ most distressing and vexing questions.” –Vanity Fair. Topics range from classroom and discipline questions, to social and moral issues, including school choice, how to get homework done, communication with teachers, video games and many more. 978-0-8245-2424-1 $14.95 pb / 208 pages

Modern Mothering

In this tender and wise book, educational psychologist and Montessori teacher Dr. Tian Dayton—familiar to millions of readers from her appearances on Montel, Geraldo, John Walsh, MSNBC, NBC, and CNN—discusses the latest techniques for nourishing sound emotional development in our children. 978-0-8245-2340-4 $16.95 pb / 168 pages

Patrick A. Means

Peter M. Kalellis, Ph.D.

Twenty Uncommon Tips for Reducing Conflict, Developing Healthier Relationships, and Enjoying Life More

Five Things to Try Before You Say Goodbye

The Boundaries Book

“With both humor and wisdom Means exposes his human failings in a way that helps us all let down our emotional walls. If we even attempt to practice his Twenty Tips, we are assured greater intimacy, peace, and joy in our relationships.” –Claudia Black, Ph.D., author of It Will Never Happen to Me 978-0-8245-2318-3 $16.95 / 160 pages

Restoring Relationships

Psychotherapist, and experienced marriage and family counselor, “Dr. Kallelis is refreshing! He offers a wise, warm and deeply informed useful guide to better relationships.” –Ernie Anastos, Emmy award-winning NY TV news anchor. The five things: Surrender; Dispense Your Anger Wisely; Forgive; Communicate; Love And Live Longer. 978-0-8245-1880-6 $16.95 pb / 176 pages

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David Robinson

The Busy Family’s Guide to Spirituality

Practical Lessons for Modern Living from the Monastic Tradition “The most innovative book I have seen in the area of family spirituality.” –Spiritual Life. Drawing on the timeless principles of monastic communal living, this spiritual guide for families offers effective tools to meet many challenges and counteract the divisive forces that can splinter a healthy home. 978-0-8245-2524-8 $16.95 pb / 248 pages

Holly van Gulden and Lisa M. Bartels-Rabb

Real Parents, Real Children Parenting the Adopted Child

Required reading for adoptive families, and those considering adoption. This practical, informative book covers topics of vital importance to adoptive parents with sensitivity and insight. The authors bring years of experience to the complex emotional issues involved, and expert advice on establishing a healthy, loving parent-child relationship. 978-0-8245-1514-0 $19.95 pb / 288 pages 25


Keith W. Frome, Ed.D.

How’s My Kid Doing?

Focus on Dr. Greg Popcak Gregory K. Popcak , Ph.D.

Holy Sex! FA M I LY & R E L AT I O N S H I P S

A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving You don’t have to be Catholic to find this witty and frank book an eye opener and a surprisingly practical guide to the best sex possible. However, if you are Catholic you will find it the most candid, orthodox and fun book on sex you have seen. While common wisdom portrays sex and church to be at odds, studies have shown that married Catholic couples tend to have better sex, more often. Learn why and how... 978-0-8245-2471-5 $14.95 pb / 352 pages

“Think of this book as Thomas Aquinas meets Dr. Ruth, and enjoy!” – John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter Sr. Correspondent

From the Table of Contents: • Part One: Christianity’s Best Kept Secret: Sex, Lies, and the Real Thing · Fool’s Gold: Holy Sex or Eroticism · What Are Infallible Lovers Made Of? · Climbing Higher: The Sexuality Continuum • Part Two: The Five Great Powers of Holy Sex: Sex Makes Us Holy · Sex Is Sacramental · Sex Is a Sign of God’s Love · Sex Unites · Sex Creates • Part Three: The School of Love: Questions about Natural Family Planning (NFP) · The Infallible Lover’s Guide to Pleasure · The Anatomy of Infallible Loving: Setting the Stage · The Anatomy of Infallible Loving: The Good Stuff • Part Four: Overcoming Common Problems: Is There Sex After Kids? · When NFP Is Too Hard · You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling · Common Sexual Problems for Women · Common Sexual Problems for Men · Overcoming Infertility · Infidelity · When to Seek Help (And from Whom) · Holy Sex Is Your Inheritance • Quizzes: Baker’s Quiz · Test Your Holy Sex Quotient (HSQ) · Maximizing the Senses of Taste and Smell in Foreplay· Maximizing the Visual Sense in Foreplay · Maximizing the Auditory Sense in Foreplay · Maximizing the Sense of Touch in Foreplay · How Engaged Are You?

Dr. Gregory Popcak, the author of eight popular books integrating Catholic theology and counseling psychology, is the Executive Director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute, an organization providing telephone counseling and other resources to Catholics worldwide. He and his wife, Lisa Popcak, host the call-in programs Fully Alive! daily on The Catholic Channel–Sirius 159/XM117 and Heart Mind and Strength daily on the Ave Maria Radio Network. Lisa Popcak is the co-author of Parenting with Grace: A Catholic Parent’s Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Kids, a family life coach, and a professional educator as well as a homeschooling mother. www.exceptionalmarriages.com


T H E C R O S S R OA D P U B L I S H I N G CO M PA N Y 2 0 1 0 C ATA LO G

“There really is a uniquely Catholic perspective on living family life.” –Greg Popcak

Greg Popcak: Many people are surprised at the idea that there is really a uniquely Catholic perspective on living family life. Catholics have a tendency to be Catholic in piety but to mirror the popular culture as far as the way we approach marriage, parenting, and family life in general. But when we do this, we miss out on a vast bounty of resources that can help Catholics create uncommonly rich and joyful family lives. Catholics have very different insights into family life from our secular and even Protestant Christian counterparts. What makes the Catholic family different? How can Catholics create the “communities of love” that enable them to experience all the virtues that enable them to live life as a gift? When we dive into the deep water that is Catholic tradition and our theology of family life, we discover new and exciting ways to experience the fullness of family relationships.

“ I can safely guarantee that all who read Holy Sex! will find something new and helpful, will laugh a lot and may even be shocked at what Dr. Popcak reveals to be compatible with Catholic teaching.” –Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Gregory K. Popcak , Ph.D and Lisa Popcak

A Marriage Made for Heaven The Secrets of Heavenly Couplehood

Finally, a parish-based program for couples who are already married. This 12-month marriage enrichment program comes complete with leader’s guide, couple’s workbook, and DVD presentations. With imprimatur and a video introduction by the most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop of Steubenville, OH.

By participating in this program, you’ll: • Explore foolproof techniques for effective communication and problem-solving • Expose the secrets of lifelong passion • Discover techniques for greater intimacy • Win the battle of the sexes • Supercharge your spiritual life • Make the most out of marriage after kids • And much more.

Leader’s Guide: 978-0-8245-2532-3 $49.95 pb + DVD / 128 pages

Couple Workbook: 978-0-8245-2533-0 $12.95 pb / 128 pages (Special group pricing available)

Gregory K. Popcak

Gregory K. Popcak

Making Peace with Difficult People

Finding Balance Through God’s Grace

God Help Me! These People Are Driving Me Nuts “We all talk about the people in our lives who make us want to tear our hair out, but nobody has any clue what to do with them. Greg Popcak is a wonderful antidote to this problem, sharing a wealth of insights and solid wisdom.” –Mark Shea 978-0-8245-2594-2 $14.95 pb / 160 pages (Spring 2010 release)

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God Help Me! This Stress Is Driving Me Crazy

When stress threatens to overwhelm you, this book comes to the rescue with practical tips and tools for lessening anxiety. Using the best of psychology and spirituality—and throwing in a good dose of humor—Greg Popcak shows how to avoid stress and maintain a healthy balance. 978-0-8245-2598-9 $14.95 pb / 160 pages (Spring 2010 release) 27


Q: What makes the Catholic family different?

“ Fasting is experienced as the process of one’s own development.” –Hellmut Luetzner

Hellmut Luetzner, M.D.

The New Life Fasting Book Seven Days to a Slimmer, Younger, Happier You


Fasting stimulates your own healing forces, detoxifies your body and regenerates your mind. Fasting creates overall wellbeing, rejuvenates your skin, restores your spiritual balance and positive outlook on life. Fasting can work miracles when done responsibly and wisely. The New Life Fasting Book is the most successful fasting guide to self-directed fasting and has been used for over 30 years across Europe. Fasting need not come with feeling hungry: Daily plans, recipes and detailed advice for body, mind and spirit guide you through one week of fasting. 978-0-8245- 2590-3 $16.95 hc / 125 pages / fully illustrated (Spring 2010 release)


2 million copies in print!

“Every person carries within the ability to change to fasting mode. We just need to relearn how to activate the switch. Certainly, a trained body switches more easily than when one fasts for the first time. The formula “Fasting = Living without Food” is a natural part of our being on this earth. Therefore, it seems strange that most people still do not know about this possibility. The idea that one can live without food and even be productive seems unfathomable. Some fear hunger, sickness, even death. While such prejudices still seem to hold up, we just need to look around in nature to learn better.”

Dr. Hellmut Luetzner specializes in internal medicine with a focus on fasting. From early childhood, he learned about fasting from his parents who were regular practitioners of the discipline. Since 1975, he has lead and developed the Fasting clinic in Ueberlingen at the Lake of Constance, a center for practical fasting in Germany. Parallel to a TV series on the subject, Dr. Luetzner produced this bestselling book that has been updated and further enhanced over the last quarter century. Together with Dr. Luetzner’s cookbook, developed with a renowned Berlin chef for “Eating after Fasting,” this book has become the main textbook for the education of Fasting Counselors as offered by the Academy of Fasting in Jena, Germany.


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“ Balance in life leads directly to success.” –Dave Durand

Paula D’Arcy

What • Why • How

Guidance for Grievers and the Friends Who Care


To begin the practice of fasting, you first need to clear your mind of misconceptions and learn the basics. This short, no-nonsense introduction from a longtime pioneer and Zen master presents the physical, spiritual, and political dimensions of fasting. 978-0-8245-2540-8 $14.95 pb / 112 pages

When People Grieve

This valuable guide should be in everyone’s library. The book offers a simple introduction to loss and the grief process, and most useful, practical suggestions for how to deal with one’s own grief and that of others, be it a loved one, a neighbor, or a friend. 978-0-8245-2339-8 $9.95 pb / 144 pages


Niklaus Brantschen

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