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Books for Spiritual Living and Religious Thought

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C a t a l o g

Gift ideas for yourself and others open Mind, Faithful Heart Begin again


When Faith goes Viral




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Catholic means universal. The word implies “wholeness,” “openness,” and “cosmopolitanism.” This range of meanings reflects our belief that Christ has come to and for the whole world. The Church has wrestled since her birth at Pentecost with the task of sharing Christ’s message with the diversity of peoples and civilizations, through the tumults of fallen human history. Vastly differing ideas persist among professed Catholics, who need to learn from each other. It is our mission to offer a forum where these ideas, experiences, and insights can find a space, and make a contribution. Please peruse our catalog to find the time-tested and the new, the proven and the daring, the living voices of a people.

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The Inside Story Stefan von Kempis and Philip F. Lawler

a Call to Serve

Pope Francis and the Catholic Future This thoughtful, lively introduction to Pope Francis’s life and his promising future in the Vatican details the historic events surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, the subsequent election of Pope Francis, and the particulars of the new pope’s spirituality and thought.

“Want to know the inside story of the recent abdication by one Pope and the election of a startling new one— complete with colorful photos and analysis by the noted journalist Philip Lawler? Well, here it is.”

The book, jointly crafted by a Vatican Radio editor and the editor of Catholic World News, artfully combines European and American perspectives and looks at the implications of the election of the first pope from the Americas who also is the first Jesuit pope in history. This beautiful volume features an accessible format, personal anecdotes, detailed background information, and full-color photography on nearly every page, all the while relating the gripping stories of a man who has confronted poverty, dictatorship, and revolution. 978-0-8245-5005-9 $16.95 pb/ 160 pages Full-color photography throughout

—Fr. C. J. McCloskey, church historian and research fellow at the Faith and Reason Institute in Washington, D.C.



The first book by Pope Francis available in English POPES AND THE PAPACY

POPE FRANCIS Jorge Mario Bergoglio

open Mind, Faithful Heart Reflections on Following Jesus

Introduction by Gustavo Larrazábal CFM Prologue by José María Arancedo Archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz this book is not just for reading. It is a path for prayer and a guide for life. Pope Francis connects with people, especially the young, the forgotten, and the forlorn. The cameras show him in Rome, in Brazil, in Lampedusa reaching out to the crowds, holding infants, embracing the disabled. What is the source of his energy, and his spiritual vitality? This book is perhaps the best introduction to what makes the Pope the engaging pastor he is.

“In this book is found the secret of Pope Francis.” —Archbishop Jose Maria Arancedo

FROM THE INTRODUCTION “Among the large number of publications that have appeared in the months since the conclave, we do well to distinguish between books ‘about’ the Pope and books ‘of ’ the Pope. . . the Pope’s own books, of which this is one, come directly from his own hand. . . . These are the books that show us all the depth and breadth of Francis, the new Pope...”

During his years as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio often spoke to those collaborating with him in pastoral ministry. His constant theme was how to follow Jesus unreservedly, even in the hectic turmoil of our modern world. The texts of these talks, handpicked by the author for this volume, reveal the spiritual depths of Pope Francis as perhaps no other work does. The strong scriptural orientation of the Pope is evident in the countless references to both Old Testament and New. To help the reader, this edition has supplemented the original text with appropriate scriptural citations. The language of these pages speaks to the heart as much as to the mind. These are meditations to be savored rather than just read quickly and filed away. 978-0-8245-1997-1 $29.95 hc / 320 pages

FROM THE BOOK We must encounter our faith, the faith of our fathers and mothers, which is liberating in itself, without any added quality or qualification. Th is is the faith that makes us just before the Father who created us, before the Son who redeemed us and called us to follow him, and before the Spirit who works directly in our hearts. In the moment of making concrete decisions, this faith will lead us, through the Spirit’s anointing, to a clear knowledge of the limits of our own role; it will make us wise and intelligent in choosing the means we use; in the end, it will lead us to evangelical effectiveness that is far removed from both emotional ineptitude and easy-going indifference. Our faith is revolutionary; it is a foundation unto itself. —Open Mind, Faithful Heart; “Chapter 5: Our Faith”



Popes John Paul XXIII and John Paul II POPES AND THE PAPACY

Eugene J. Fisher, Ph.D., Rabbi Leon Klenicki, editors Pope John Paul II

the Saint for Shalom

How Pope John Paul II Transformed Catholic-Jewish Relations This complete collection of Pope John Paul II ’s texts on Judaism and the state of Israel bears witness to the extraordinary contribution the beatified leader made to healing relations between Jews and Christians. A work of reconciliation and inspiration. Compiled and coedited by Eugene J. Fisher and Rabbi Leon Klenicki, this treasury of addresses, statements, and remarks spans the period from 1979 to 2005 and testify to Pope John Paul II ’s vital revisioning of a devastating, centuries-old religious conflict. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2682-5 $44.95 pb / 398 pages

“ A must read for everyone interested in the positive and historic role Pope John Paul II played in Catholic-Jewish relations.” –Rabbi A. James Rudin, author, Christians & Jews-Faith to Faith: Tragic History, Promising Present, Fragile Future Christian Feldman

Pope John XXIII A Spiritual Biography

Easily readable, this classic spiritual biography is illustrated throughout with b/w photos. Tracing the surprising life of a simple man, renowned scholar Christian Feldman reveals the secret of this remarkable man, who—thoroughly modern and thoroughly orthodox—guided the Church into the 21st Century. Roncalli introduced himself to the crowds in St. Peter’s Square on October 28, 1958 with the humble words “I am called John.” Already seventy-seven years old, this son of peasants was expected to oversee a merely caretaker papacy. Surprising many, he convened the Second Vatican Council in October 1962, which would open wide the doors of the Church and change Catholic life forever, inside and outside the Church. 978-0-8245-2356-5 $19.95 pb / 192 pages / 20 black/white illustrations 6


The papacy—the last 50 years

The Legacy of Pope John Paul II His Contribution to Catholic Thought

Expressed in encyclicals and books, in speeches and sermons, the thought of Pope John Paul II has enriched the Church in many ways. In this volume, scholars examine central aspects of the thought of John Paul II and explore its significance for the contemporary Church.

Carl J. Moell, S.J., editor

Holy Father, Sacred Heart

The Wisdom of John Paul II on the Greatest Catholic Devotion From his earliest writings, John Paul II has had a special devotion to the mystery of the sacred heart. Carl Moell, Vatican archivist, here assembles the Pope’s writings on the devotion. Arranged by major theme, these readings are excellent for daily devotional reading and instruction.

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.

Splendor of Faith

The Theological Vision of Pope John Paul II Avery Cardinal Dulles crystalizes the core components of the Pope John Paul II’s brilliant contributions to theology. Synthesizing a wealth of material, this resource conveys the essential teachings of one of the greatest leaders of the Catholic Church and the world. 978-0-8245-2121-9 $29.95 pb / 288 pages

978-0-8245-2147-9 $29.95 pb / 288 pages


John E. Crosby, Russell Hittinger, Joseph W. Koterski, David L. Schindler & William B. Smith

Pope Benedict XVI

The Yes of Jesus Christ

Spiritual Exercises in Faith, Hope, and Love Secular thought and optimism have failed to answer the great questions of human existence. In these spiritual exercises, Pope Benedict invites us to rediscover the distinctly Christian message: Our ability to say Yes to ourselves and to one another can only come from God’s Yes in Christ. 978-0-8245-2374-9 $19.95 pb / 144 pages

978-0-8245-1831-8 $12.95 pb / 128 pages

Gian Franco Svidercoschi

Letter to a Jewish Friend

The Simple and Extraordinary Story of Pope John Paul II and His Jewish School Friend Schoolmates “Lolek” Wojtyla and “Jurek” Kluger were boyhood pals in pre-war Poland—till their lives were blighted by invasion, war, and genocide. It took 50 years, but they reunited. A moving tale of friendship in the face of evil.

Pope Paul VI

Christian Values and Virtues Pope Paul VI affected every aspect of Catholic life, from the form of the mass to teachings on sexuality and social justice. Christian Values and Virtues is the first book to present his most memorable teachings and sayings. 978-0-8245-2450-0 $19.95 pb / 224 pages

978-0-8245-1482-2 $12.95 hc/ 108 pages SALES@CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM

Robert Royal

The Pope’s Army 500 Years of the Papal Swiss Guard

Wherever the Pope goes, the Swiss or Papal Guards have for centuries taken upon themselves final responsibility for the safety of the Holy Father. Their special combination of military virtues, idealism, and religious commitment is celebrated in this readable, richly illustrated history. 978-0-8245-2395-4 $19.95 hc / 224 pages / 8 pages full color insert

Pope Benedict XVI

A New Song for the Lord Faith in Christ and Liturgy Today

The pope’s definitive statement on liturgical reform. Pope Benedict XVI shows that in the controversies over liturgical reform and the Latin mass, liturgy is not just a pragmatic matter but a central feature in our relationship to Christ, the Church, and ourselves. 978-0-8245-1536-2 $19.95 pb / 240 pages 7

A remarkable teacher of Ignatian spirituality IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY

Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.

Begin again

The Life and Spiritual Legacy of Bruno Lanteri

as seen on EWtN

Bestselling author Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., assembles a remarkable biography of Father Bruno Lanteri, who while living within a context of exciting historical significance— with the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, and the Bourbon Restoration reshaping France all around him—overcame great odds to become the foremost spiritual leader of the age, ultimately founding the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Drawn from Lanteri’s own journals, letters, and correspondence, Gallagher offers a detailed spiritual portrait of a man once limited by his own impatience and lack of charity, who evolved into a man of fierce spiritual courage, religious reformer, defender of the Pope against Napoleon’s abuses and a symbol of perseverance who coined the term “begin again”—the official motto of the Oblates. Complemented by a timeline of historical events, photographs, and maps, Gallagher’s richly researched volume brings to light the ministry and legacy of a remarkable leader as never before. 978-0-8245-2579-8 $24.95 pb / 352 pages

Why classic spiritualit y? Why Ignatian spiritualit y? Fr. Gallagher: Not many decades ago, the use of classic method in prayer appeared confining: such constraints once removed, a person would be truly free to pray in the Spirit. Uninstructed “freedom,” however, has proven inadequate, and today we witness renewed interest in classic teaching about prayer— classic, because such teaching answers the perennial questions: How do I begin to pray? Which approach is best suited for me? How may I understand my experience at prayer? My struggles in prayer? The artist taught by a skilled master is truly free to create beauty; the spiritual person, taught by a skilled master, is truly free to pray. Among these masters, St. Ignatius of Loyola excels in offering wise, flexible, and effective teaching about prayer.



When your life is at a crossroads Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.

If you are facing a turning point in life, you know how difficult it can be to try to hear God’s will amid the noise of other people’s expectations and your own wishes. Ignatius of Loyola developed a series of exercises and reflections designed to help you in these times so that your decision can be one that conforms to God’s will for your life. Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making is a trustworthy guide to applying those reflections to your own particular circumstances. This guide, which does not require any prior knowledge of Ignatian spirituality, can be used by people of any faith, though some elements will be more directly applicable to Catholic readers. 978-0-8245-2489-0 $19.95 pb / 172 pages

audiobook coming soon

The Discernment of Spirits An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living

When you’re ready to move more deeply into Ignatian thought, discover this great favorite of spiritual directors, directees, and others who want to understand Ignatius’s Rules for discernment—their keen insight into the human soul and their ability to explain the real-life struggles of spiritual seekers today. 978-0-8245-2291-9 $24.95 pb / 232 pages

The Discernment of Spirits: A Reader’s Guide An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living NEW! A companion to the bestselling Ignatian guide, this workbook provides a practical means of unlocking the wisdom of The Discernment of Spirits. Each chapter includes key concepts, additional case studies, and questions to consider in the personal application of the teachings. 978-0-8245-4985-5 $12.95 pb / 96 pages




Discerning the Will of god


Which Ignatian title is right for you?

Spiritual Consolation

An Ignatian Guide for Greater Discernment Those with some familiarity with Ignatian spirituality will enjoy this book, which extends the approach of The Discernment of Spirits, interweaving stories and Ignatian principles for a more profound understanding of Ignatius’s Second Rule for discernment.

The Examen Prayer Ancient Wisdom for Our Lives Today

When you want classic spiritual discipline to apply every day, this highly practical book is an important resource. The Examen prayer helps you discover the hand of God in your everyday life and learn to be receptive to God’s blessings. 978-0-8245-2367-1 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2429-6 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual Exercises

When you need short, practical exercises for young and old, this volume provides 40 short (2-page) Ignatian meditations, including scripture passages, meditative keys for entering into the scriptural story, and guided questions for reflection. For groups and individuals, whether beginners or experienced. 978-0-8245-2487-6 $16.95 pb / 96 pages

Meditation and Contemplation An Ignatian Guide to Prayer with Scripture

To understand the two practices essential to Ignatian spirituality, meditation and contemplation, discover this volume. Fr. Gallagher explains what is unique to each practice, shows how you can profit from both at different times in your spiritual life, and reveals how their structure can be adapted to your particular spiritual needs. 978-0-8245-2488-3 $14.95 pb / 112 pages

W H I C H I G N AT I A N T I T L E I S R I G H T F O R YO U ? When you need short, practical exercises for young and old: An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer Group leaders who are looking for practical exercises for groups, including groups who may not have much experience in spiritual development, will want to acquire An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer: Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual Exercises. Th is book features forty short (two-page) Ignatian meditations, including scripture passages, meditative keys for entering into the scriptural story, and guided questions for reflection. These exercises are also useful for individual reflection both for experienced persons and beginners: beginners will recognize and resonate with some of the evocative passages from scripture; those familiar with Ignatian teaching will appreciate the Ignatian structure of the guided questions. When your life is at a crossroads: Discerning the Will of God If you are facing a turning point in life, you know how difficult it can be to try to hear God’s will amid the noise of other people’s expectations and your own wishes. Ignatius of Loyola developed a series of exercises and reflections designed to help you in these times so that your decision can be one that conforms to God’s will for your life.



“You are like an artist when you pray.” – Ignatius of Loyola

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola With Commentary

This readable translation and step-by-step commentary unfolds the relevance of a spiritual classic to modern life—for every reader, Christian or not. Stories, analogies, and approachable language make this an ideal companion for anyone seeking inspiration and personal growth.

Hugo Rahner, editor

St. Ignatius Loyola Letters to Women

Reprinted by popular demand, this major volume in Crossroad’s library of Jesuit Spirituality unveils Ignatius’ spiritual wisdom for women. Rahner’s research and insights offer a priceless glimpse into Loyola’s relations with women—as spiritual directees, supporters, and confidantes. 978-0-8245-2475-3 $45.00 pb / 612 pages

Raymund Schwager

Jesus in the Drama of Salvation Toward a Biblical Doctrine of Redemption

A convincing scholarly picture of Jesus in relation to his Jewish historical context and to the beginnings of the Christian community. Schwager presents Jesus as the coherent message of God’s salvation to humankind. 978-0-8245-1796-0 $29.95 pb / 256 pages

978-0-8245-2539-2 $16.95 pb / 168 pages

Siegmar Dopp & Wilhelm Geerlings, editors

Dictionary of Early Christian Literature Explore the life and work of Christian writers up to the eighth century and their lasting influence—with complete, precise information and an updated bibliography. Articles unfold author’s lives, works, and impact, and analyze genres of Christian writing. 978-0-8245-2800-3 $65.95 pb / 640 pages

Michael Kennedy With Audio Narrated by Martin Sheen

The Jesus Meditations

A Guide for Contemplation From an inner-city Jesuit pastor, stories of struggle and consolation in America’s most violent places—and the power of the simple, classic Ignatian method of growing closer to Christ in our daily lives. The latest in Crossroad’s series on Ignatian spirituality. 978-0-8245-1929-2 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Mayeul de Dreuille

Msgr. Charles Murphy

Willi Lambert

The Founders of Christian Monasticism

A Personal Training Guide for the Deeper Catholic Spiritual Life

Discoveries with Ignatius Loyola

Seeking the Absolute Love

The author presents a loving introduction to the founders of the monastic orders and shows how St. Benedict and others made a skillful selection from the treasures of the ancients. 978-0-8245-1830-1 $17.95 pb / 160 pages


Belonging to God

Answering St. John Paul II’s call for “training in holiness,” Charles Murphy, former rector of the North American College in Rome, applies principles from the spiritual tradition to modern life—on the model of the ever-practical St. Francis de Sales.


Joseph A. Tetlow

Directions for Communication Willi Lambert’s exploration of the life and writings of St. Ignatius Loyola yields a fruitful and fascinating model of communication for people of all walks of life. 978-0-8245-1853-0 $18.95 pb / 256 pages

978-0-8245-2148-6 $16.95 pb / 184 pages


Now in paperback! RELIGIONS FOR PEACE

Francis Cardinal Arinze

Religions for Peace

A Call for Solidarity to the Religions of the World

“Arinze encourages religious leaders to ‘conscientize’ their followers, as well as to foster the study of other religions.” —Publishers Weekly

Drawing on his vast experience and deepseated Catholic faith, Francis Cardinal Arinze offers insights and ideas that give rise to a new, hopeful era of interreligious cooperation. Exploring the fundamental principles of several key religions, this chronicle pursues a singular message that emphasizes the fundamental requirement for peace—respect for God and respect for the human person. Referring to the exploding occurrences of sectarian-fueled violence in many countries, leaders of all faiths are forced to answer hard questions about the role of religion in a world that is increasingly becoming a base for unrest and war. Addressing these challenges directly, this thoughtful study simplifies the myriad abstract questions blocking world peace, while offering tested, real-world solutions—a refreshing reminder that people of all religious devotions can speak together in the name of common peace. 978-0-8245-4700-4 $16.95 pb / 165 pages

Francis Cardinal Arinze was born in Eziowelle, Nigeria. A convert from an African traditional religion, he was baptized at age nine by (the Blessed) Reverend Michael Tansi, and his conversion was followed by that of both his parents. Educated in Nigeria and Rome, Arinze holds a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Urban University. In 1965, at the age of 32, he was consecrated a bishop—making him the youngest Catholic prelate in the world. He attended the last session of Vatican II and became Archbishop of Onitsha in February 1967—the fi rst native African to head that diocese. Made a refugee by the Biafran War, Archbishop Arinze supervised what an international relief worker called one of “the most effective and efficient distributions of relief materials” in history. In 1979 Pope John Paul II appointed Arinze pro-president of the Secretariat for Non-Christians, now the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Archbishop Arinze was unanimously elected president of the Nigerian Bishops Conference in 1984. In 1999 he was honored by the International Council of Christians and Jews for his outstanding achievements in interfaith relations. He is prefect emeritus of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.



“Religion consists of God’s question and man’s answer.” –Abraham J. Heschel

Path of Wisdom, Path of Peace A Personal Conversation

In this precious hardcover gift volume, UN correspondent Felicitas von Schonborn offers a rare, intimate, and wideranging sit-down interview with the Dalai Lama along with a compelling introduction to his thought. 978-0-8245-2311-4 $16.95 hc / 224 pages

Diarmuid O’Murchu

Poverty, Celibacy, and Obedience

Poverty, Celibacy and Obedience; A Radical Option for Life Are the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience merely negative regulations? O’Murchu shows how such vows reflect values, not laws. He holds up each vow like a jewel, views each facet, and shows it to us anew.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Jacques Jomier

I Asked for Wonder A Spiritual Anthology

How to Understand Islam

One of the most influential Jewish theologians of the 20th century, Heschel captured the sense of mystical wonder in a way few writers can do. This anthology, edited by Rabbi Samuel H. Dresner, presents the finest meditations and insights from Heschel’s bountiful writing.

Jacques Jomier presents the history of Islam—from Muhammad’s birth in Mecca to modern-day Muslim practice. This introduction to the faith highlights commonalities and differences between Islam and Christianity and lays the groundwork for productive dialogue between religions.

978-0-8245-0542-4 $18.95 pb / 160 pages

978-0-8245-0981-1 $19.95 pb / 176 pages

Michael H. Crosby

Ben Witherington, III

The Paradox of Power Michael Crosby shows us how the creative energy of power can nurture healthy relationships, marriages, and families, and contribute to the success of organizations like corporations, churches, and even nations. 978-0-8245-2470-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-1473-0 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

The Many Faces of the Christ

The Christologies of the New Testament and Beyond In this volume the noted scholar Ben Witherington, III discusses in chronological order the New Testament evidence of what the historical Jesus did, what he said, and what those around him believed. Jesus was a complex figure and, like light shining through a prism, reflections on the man who fits no one formula have produced a variety of colors and depths of shade that cannot and should not be all blended into some monochromatic image.


His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Aneela Khalid Arshed

The Bounty of Allah The first collection of its kind, this masterfully selected book offers on each page (one for every day of the year) two quotations: one from the Qur’an, and the second from the Hadith (sayings of Muhammad) or a Sufi saint. 978-0-8245-2134-9 $19.95 pb / 408 pages

Jean Vanier

Jesus, the Gift of Love A luminous retelling of the life of Jesus by one of the 20th Century’s most revered spiritual figures. 978-0-8245-1593-5 $14.95 pb /190 pages

978-0-8245-1705-2 $29.95 pb / 272 pages SALES@CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM


The book that makes everyone want a Catholic Marriage M A R R I AG E A N D FA M I LY

Gregory K. Popcak , Ph.D.

Holy Sex!

A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving Common wisdom puts sex and the church at odds, but don’t be fooled! This witty, frank, and refreshingly orthodox book draws from core Catholic teachings to show people of all faiths the way to thrilling, satisfying, and intimate sexual connection. 978-0-8245-2471-5 $14.95 pb / 352 pages

From the Table of Contents: Part One: Christianity’s Best Kept Secret: Sex, Lies, and the Real Thing · Fool’s Gold: Holy Sex or Eroticism · What Are Infallible Lovers Made Of? · Climbing Higher: The Sexuality Continuum Part Two: The Five Great Powers of Holy Sex: Sex Makes Us Holy · Sex Is Sacramental · Sex Is a Sign of God’s Love · Sex Unites · Sex Creates

“Devout, married Catholics have the best sex of any demographic group, the Family Research Council said at an event Wednesday, pointing to a collection of studies from the last several decades….’Those who worship God weekly have the best sex,’ said Patrick Fagan, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council and a former George H.W. Bush official, in a talk hosted with the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education Wednesday. ‘I want to see this on the cover of Playboy sometime.’… The notion that Catholics have better sex isn’t a new one, especially coming from Catholics…. In 2008, Gregory K. Popcak, a Catholic pastoral marriage and family counselor, released a book with a [this] theme, called Holy Sex!: A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing Infallible Loving.” —U.S. News and World Report, July 17, 2013

Part Three: The School of Love: Questions about Natural Family Planning (NFP) · The Infallible Lover’s Guide to Pleasure · The Anatomy of Infallible Loving: Setting the Stage · The Anatomy of Infallible Loving: The Good Stuff Part Four: Overcoming Common Problems: Is There Sex After Kids? · When NFP Is Too Hard · You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling · Common Sexual Problems for Women · Common Sexual Problems for Men · Overcoming Infertility · Infidelity · When to Seek Help (And from Whom) · Holy Sex Is Your Inheritance Quizzes: Baker’s Quiz · Test Your Holy Sex Quotient (HSQ) · Maximizing the Senses of Taste and Smell in Foreplay· Maximizing the Visual Sense in Foreplay · Maximizing the Auditory Sense in Foreplay · Maximizing the Sense of Touch in Foreplay · How Engaged Are You?


Dr. Gregory Popcak is the author of eight popular books that integrate Catholic theology and counseling psychology. He is also the executive director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute, an organization that provides telephone counseling and other resources to Catholics worldwide.


“The home is the first place we learn to care for others.” —David Robinson

Prayerfully Expecting

A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be This beautifully crafted book is a reflection guide, keepsake, and prayer journal that offers inspiration for each month of pregnancy in the tradition of the popular nine-day prayer, the Novena. 978-0-8245-2459-3 $16.95 hc / 192 pages

Mary Ann Massey, Ed.D.

Aging Is a Family Affair

How to Prepare for Tomorrow’s Difficult Caregiving Conversations-Today

Patricia H. Berne and Louis M. Savary

Building SelfEsteem in Children New Expanded Edition

A classic in the field of fostering emotional well-being in children, this practical and profound guide is an invaluable asset for teachers, parents, and counselors of children. Learn to give the love and perspective that make all the difference. 978-0-8245-1549-2 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Gregory A. Popcak, Ph.D and Lisa Popcak

A Marriage Made for Heaven The Secrets of Heavenly Couplehood

Mary Ann Massey offers practical solutions for the complex problems of aging and end of life. Case studies illuminate simple and effective tools that encourage communication and support families facing the challenges of diminished health, loss of independence, and caregiver exhaustion.

Under the expert guidance of Gregory and Lisa Popcak, couples can now get the most from the spiritual significance of the bond of marriage. This leader’s guide shepherds spouses through twelve Heavenly Date Nights to address difficulties and find lasting passion and happiness.

978-0-8245-2623-8 $18.95 pb / 176 pages

978-0-8245-2532-3 $49.95 pb + DVD / 128 pages


David Robinson

The Busy Family’s Guide to Spirituality

Practical Lessons for Modern Living From the Monastic Tradition

Peter M. Kalellis

Why Have You Abandoned Me?

Discovering God’s Presence When a Father Is Absent

Drawing on timeless principles of monastic communal living, this spiritual guide for families offers effective tools to meet challenges and counteract the divisive forces that can splinter a healthy home.

Bestselling author Peter M. Kalellis offers an intimate look at troubled or distant relationships with parents— particularly fathers—and offers spiritual and therapeutic solutions for healing the wounds of abandonment and living a healthy, fulfilling life.

978-0-8245-2524-8 $16.95 pb / 248 pages

978-0-8245-2628-3 $19.95 pb/ 204 pages

David Code

Katherine Becker

To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First

A win-win approach to balancingrelationships within the family Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and his study of families around the world, David Code offers practical tools to nurture joy and harmony at home. Heal your primary relationship, your family, and your life with this vital resource.


Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

The Dating Fast

40 Days to Reclaim Your Heart, Body, and Soul Frustrated by failed relationships, unsatisfying dating, and casual sex? Take the 40-day dating fast to reconnect with your spiritual core. Katherine Becker’s daily readings will help you clarify your intentions and guide you towards the everlasting love you were made for. 978-0-8245-2692-4 $16.95 pb/ 128 pages

978-0-8245-2538-5 $16.95 pb / 288 pages


A book for people who talk to people CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY

Robert J. Cormier

Better than We Believed How to Apply the Vision That is Faith to the Struggle That is Life

Presuming nothing that both traditional believers and critical-thinking searchers will not find in their hearts, Better Than We Believed presents a strikingly clear concept of faith that answers the unhappiness of people you will recognize: • MARK, who struggles with anger • IRENE, who battles stress • HENRY, who is consumed by hatred • GLORIA, who has been betrayed • BRIAN, who suffers depression • MARY, who feels trapped by her duty to a loved one • JOY, who can’t get over a loved one’s death, and • JAMES, who knows that he is dying As we witness this faith applied to these and other serious struggles, we will see it can transform our experience, and offer us peace, purpose, and joy. 978-0-8245-4980-0 $12.95 pb / 192 pages

Robert J. Cormier

Robert J. Cormier

Reflections for Peace, Purpose, and Joy

Making Sense of Our Catholic Faith

A Faith That Makes Sense In this collection of simple, one to two-page reflections, Cormier takes elements common to many faiths and offers them in a way that can make sense to almost everyone. The simplicity of the reflections is a result of clarity that makes the texts easily accessible to a wide variety of readers. If read slowly and over time, they can inspire serious meditations. 978-0-8245-1875-2 $10.95 pb / 240 pages


Why We Look Up

People who want to make sense of their Catholic faith will cherish these inspiring reflections-proof that you don’t need to be a theologian to have a rich faith that nourishes the heart and mind. In the book’s three parts, Having Faith, Living Faith, and Practicing Faith, the award-winning author provides us with small gems for devotional readings and inspiration, on a wealth of questions that matter to us most, such as the meaning of suffering, the glory of creation, prayer and having a personal relationship with God. 978-0-8245-2120-2 $16.95 pb / 144 pages WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM

“It’s impossible to be grateful and not be happy.” – Anthony de Mello, S.J.

The Essential Wisdom of David Steindl-Rast This collection of David Steindl-Rast’s essays directs us back to the true authority—our inner core of knowing. An invitation to reconnect with the wisdom that grounds us, draws no limits, motivates moral actions, and makes us exhilaratingly alive. 978-0-8245-2479-1 $16.95 pb / 192 pages

Brother David Steindl-Rast

A Listening Heart

The Spirituality of Sacred Sensuousness

Anthony de Mello, S.J.

Thomas Keating

Walking on Water

The Heart of the World

Indian Jesuit priest Anthony de Mello knew like few others how to engage Eastern and Western spiritual traditions in a gentle and truthful way. An exhilarating storyteller himself, in this gift volume he uses stories of monks and rabbis, soldiers, and fairy tales and legends, leading the reader through the basics of spiritual life to the place where “walking on water” is within our reach.

Beloved author Thomas Keating helps us find the nourishment, fulfillment, and divine respite of interior silence. As fresh and vibrant today as ever, this illuminating work draws us towards an intimate understanding of the contemplative center of Christianity.

An Introduction to Contemplative Christianity

978-0-8245-1737-3 $14.95 pb / 208 pages

978-0-8245-2495-1 $14.95 pb / 100 pages

Anthony de Mello, S.J.

Thomas Keating

Praying Body and Soul

In this book, Brother David Steindl-Rast, who has been a monk for more than 50 years, argues that every sensual experience— whether the joy of walking barefoot or the fragrance of the season—should be recognized as a spiritual one.

Each chapter offers an awareness exercise, a mental focus, and an imagining exercise using stories from the Bible, and concludes with a short parable or text from tradition. The texts draw from the clarity of the Ignation Exercises and reflect an outstanding experience with prayer and meditation in today’s world.

978-0-8245-1780-9 $15.95 pb / 144 pages

978-0-8245-16734 $15.95 pb / 144 pages



David Steindl-Rast

Common Sense Spirituality

Intimacy with God

An Introduction to Centering Prayer Founder of the Centering Prayer movement and bestselling author Thomas Keating offers an introduction to Centering Prayer and explores the roots and development of the practice as well as addressing the unfolding process of integrating contemplation into a daily routine. 978-0-8245-2529-3 $16.95 pb / 232 pages


What God means when He lets us fail CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY

Maria Boulding

gateway to Hope An Exploration of Failure

Sister Maria Boulding’s poignant reflections on loss and its meanings create a spiritual, contemplative framework against which readers can interpret their lives’ troubles and setbacks. Each passage embraces human failure and loss and speaks gently and eloquently to many forms of suffering. Those who set their goals high, yet struggle to grasp their own limitations and reconcile them with God’s will, those who second-guess their paths in life, and those who mourn failed relationships, careers, or the premature loss of friends and family, will find comfort in the pages of this volume.

“Thoroughly biblical, theologically sound and informed by the liturgy and personal prayer, [her books’] appeal seems to lie in the way they combine depth and universality with a tone that is both personal and affective, recalling that of medieval Cistercian Fathers.” —The Times (of London)

“Maria Boulding was one of the finest exemplars of the Benedictine monastic life, and a Christian spirit of quite rare depth and insight . . . Gateway to Hope is a book about failure which is pastorally sound, sympathetic, but never colludes with self-pity or the paralysis of mind and heart that failure can trigger. ‘Failure or disappointment may be God’s chance to open us more effectively than we can ever open ourselves, and to stretch us beyond our small hopes and expectations.’ ” —James M. Gordon, author, Evangelical Spirituality


Table of Contents 1. Only One Chance? 2. God’s Friends Sometimes Succeed 3. Prophetic Failure 4. The Failed Messiah 5. Let Him Easter 6. God’s Risk 7. A Celebration of Failure 8. “I Can’t Pray” 9. The Eastering Spirit 978-0-8245-2698-6 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B. (1929-2009), was a contemplative nun at Stanbrook Abbey, England. She is the author of Marked for Life, The Coming of God, and Gateway to Resurrection. She was also the translator into English of a number of works of St. Augustine.


“Sustaining a life of generous service requires a spirituality.” —Dean Brackley

the Call to Discernment in troubled times New Perspectives on the Transformative Wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola

A new classic, this groundbreaking book by esteemed pastor and teacher Fr. Dean Brackley shines the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola on the social and spiritual crises of our era to lend hope and heart to our difficult times. Confronting complexities and problems in our lives can be overwhelming. We can face discouragement about a whole spectrum of issues from personal relationships to violence, greed, poverty, environmental crisis, and intractable injustice in the world. Fr. Brackley helps us bring faith and insight to the small and large conundrums in our lives so that a spirit of discernment can sustain us even when we experience pain or confusion.

“This is it—genuine spirituality, intellectual integrity, and committed pastoral practice. It really works.” –Michael Kennedy, author of The Jesus Meditations

“A new kind of spiritual classic.”

Fr. Brackley’s inspiring examples and lucid reasoning point us beyond paralyzing fear and emotional withdrawal to inner freedom, constructive response, and hope. This book can strengthen us to answer our callings, lend our hands to service, and discover a sense of true purpose. 978-0-8245-2268-1 $19.95 pb / 320 pages

–Richard Cassidy

Remembering Father Dean Brackley, S.J. (1946–2011) Father Dean Brackley moved to San Salvador University in 1990 to take up the work of six Jesuit priests who had recently been murdered there. His tireless efforts brought a spirit of peace to an extremely tense and volatile situation. Before settling in El Salvador, Brackley taught at Fordham University and was employed by South Bronx People for Change, a church-sponsored group that offered rehabilitation programs to drug addicts, helped tenants organize, and mediated community and law enforcement disputes. Brackley died of cancer after 11 years of teaching, writing, and devoted service in El Salvador. His life is a testament to his transformative vision for personal and social change in the world.




Dean Brackley, S.J.


The passionate and holy women of the Church

Christian Feldman

Siobhan Nash-Marshall

Love Stays

A Spiritual Biography

Mother Teresa The great spirit whose love embraced and uplifted the poor, sick, and orphaned shines from the pages of this accessible and comprehensive biography by Christian Feldman. The inspiring account includes eyewitness reports, photographs, and Mother Teresa’s own timeless words. 978-0-8245-1738-0 $15.95 hc / 144 pages

Madonna Sophia Compton with Maria Compton-Hernandez and Patricia Campbell

Joan of Arc

A vivid image of the young country girl who accomplished unprecedented victories for her country comes to life in this moving biography. Witness the spirit and faith of the maid of Orleans in Siobhan NashMarshall’s carefully researched page-turner. 978-0-8245-9905-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Women Saints 365 Daily Readings

Daily inspiration from women of great spirit. Madonna Sophia Compton recounts the mysterious and faith-filled lives of women saints—from St. Germaine Cousin, the humble, French shepherd with a withered hand, to the world-renown Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. 978-0-8245-2413-5 $19.95 pb / 544 pages

Joan Ohanneson

Asta Scheib

William Kelley

Hildegard of Bingen: A Novel

The Love Story of Martin Luther and Katharina von Bora

The Life of Henriette Delille

Scarlet Music

Joan Ohanneson brings to life the “feather on the breath of God” —Hildegard of Bingen, the prophet who shattered stereotypes of women, saints, and even God. This gripping memoir includes the saint’s own vivid accounts of her visions and thoughts. 978-0-8245-1646-8 $24.95 pb / 280 pages


Children of Disobedience From the heart-pounding escape from the cloister to the romance and marriage with the great reformer of Christianity— Asta Scheib’s lively and intimate portrait of Katharina von Bora draws us close to the heart and soul of this important historical figure. 978-0-8245-1695-6 $19.95 hc / 240 pages

A Servant of Slaves In this new novel, Oscar-winning writer William Kelley, tells the true story of a young, southern, female quadroon who overcame the racial prejudice of the pre-civil war era to create a religious order dedicated to caring for destitute and dying blacks. 978-0-8245-1998-8 $19.95 pb / 224 pages


The Spiritual Legacy series

Robert Barron

Divine Comedy, Divine Spirituality

Spiritual Master

Dante Alighieri

Dennis E. Tamburello

Thomas Aquinas

Bernard of Clairvaux

A careful, reader-friendly exploration of The Divine Comedy as well as a fine biographical portrayal of Dante—the man, writer, and spiritual lover extraordinaire. Royal reveals how the psychological reality of Dante’s story unfolds within the context of God’s universe.

In this award-winning book, Robert Barron shows how Aquinas’s profound understanding of Christian mystical life animates his writings on Jesus Christ, creation, God’s “strange” nature, humanity—the wonderful hybrid of flesh and spirit, and the divine’s powerful call to ecstasy.

Conceived during the religious renewal of medieval monasticism, the sensual and vibrant theology of Bernard of Clairvaux still speaks to our times. Tamburello’s narrative explores the themes of the saint’s work to achieve a vivid and inspiring portrait of the radical mystic.

978-0-8245-1604-8 $24.95 pb / 248 pages

978-0-8245-2496-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2516-3 $16.95 pb/ 160 pages

Kieran Kavanaugh

William H. Shannon

Doctor of Light and Love

The Joy of Faith

John of the Cross A thorough, engaging, and accessible introduction to the defining themes in the life of John of the Cross, revealed through the perspective of his writing. Text is prefaced by a translation of the saint’s poems and his drawing of the mystical ascent of the soul. 978-0-8245-2515-6 $16.95 pb / 216 pages


Essential Writings

“a warm and lively book, sprinkled with anecdotes and illustrations from the author’s Roman Catholic tradition. Anslem is shown as a gracious and gentle person, as a writer who challenged his readers with new ideas and as a holy man of faith with a ‘courageous willingness to submit that faith to reason’s scrutiny.’” –Steven R. Hill, Church and Synagogue Library Association

The singular and passionate personality of Anselm, the twice-exiled Archbishop of Canterbury, comes to life in William H. Shannon’s thoughtful biography. An intellectually and spiritually enriching account of the life and writings of the 11th century genius of Christian theology. 978-0-8245-2513-2 $15.95 pb / 192 pages




Robert Royal

Learning to see as the mystics see... CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY

Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

the Naked Now

Learning to See as the Mystics See The Naked Now explores the lost mystical traditions of Christianity—a powerful message that the physical sense and rational mind can only take one so far in one’s spiritual journey. Richard Rohr, a global leader in spiritual awakening, helps you recognize the forces (such as ego resistance and dual thinking) that separate you from your deeper self. learn: • How you can grow in spiritual awareness without sacrificing reason • What is useful about popular ideas such as “the law of attraction” • What Jesus, the first mystical teacher in the West, has to teach us today 978-0-8245-2543-9 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

National Bestseller

“The Naked Now is a deep breath of fresh air. Richard Rohr invites us, all of us, to slow down and to find God, or be found by God, in all the places we never thought to look.” –Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners

Richard Rohr’s spiritual classic— revised and with a new reading guide

Everything Belongs

The Gift of Contemplative Prayer The one book every Rohr reader must own. This bestselling guide goes to the heart of Christianity and teaches us how to let go of ego and open to the connecting and integrating power of contemplation. 978-0-8245-1995-7 $17.95 pb/ 192 pages

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest who considers the proclamation of the Gospel to be his primary call. The founder of the New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati, OH and the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM, Fr. Richard has been a guest on the radio show Oprah and Friends, a regular contributor to Sojourners and Tikkun, and the bestselling author of many books and audio tapes.



Focus on Richard Rohr

The Enneagram A Christian Perspective

Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert’s runaway bestseller unveils the dynamic, personal evolution that the Enneagram offers. This updated resource discusses the applications of the ancient tool for discernment and reveals the harmony between its principles and the core truths of Christian thought.

Richard Rohr

Quest for the Grail Using the mythological investigations of Joseph Campbell and Robert Moore, Richard Rohr brings alive the ancient legends of knights and the search for King Arthur’s grail, and shows how they can serve as models for a journey of the psyche and spirit. 978-0-8245-1654-3 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Grace in Action Inspired reflections by Richard Rohr and his colleagues at the Center for Action and Contemplation on how to be a healing presence in the world today, Grace in Action is a hopeful book that looks to the Church community as a positive change agent--a place where justice, healing, love and faith are ushered into a world hungry for meaning and direction. 978-0-8245-1379-5 $14.95 pb / 214 pages

Richard Rohr

Job and the Mystery of Suffering

Spiritual Reflections Richard Rohr plumbs the depths of the Job’s story to reveal its relevance for us today. This important book shows how the tension between suffering and faith can be a powerful means to an authentic connection with the divine. 978-0-8245-1734-2 $19.95 pb / 192 pages


Richard Rohr

Contemplation in Action


Where else can you find spiritual inspiration from Richard Rohr, Edwina Gateley, Thomas Keating, Basil Pennington, Paula D’Arcy, and others in one accessible volume? This book, designed for bedside devotion, offers the best of Richard Rohr’s Radical Grace newsletter, published by Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation.

St. Francis’s ancient call to the simple life of freedom and happiness, as seen by America’s foremost Franciscan. Richard Rohr shows you how to: recognize radical dependence on others; understand why less is more; break through to contemplation; embrace deeper spiritual freedom.

978-0-8245-2388-6 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

978-0-8245-1950-6 $19.95 pb / 320 pages

Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr

The Freedom of Letting Go

978-0-8245-2115-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr

Spiritual Reflections

The Five Promises of Male Initiation

The Good News According to Luke Richard Rohr shares his understanding of Luke’s message for today’s reader. Grounded in scholarship, but accessible to a general audience, this commentary sheds light on the main themes of Luke’s gospel. 978-0-8245-1966-7 $19.95 pb / 192 pages


Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert

Adam’s Return

Richard Rohr, a leader in the men’s spirituality movement, shares the key concepts of traditional male initiation, and shepherds readers toward an awakening into a conscious, alert, and mature masculinity. A catalyst for a transforming revelation of true self—from a master. 978-0-8245-2280-3 $19.95 pb / 224 pages


This little gem belongs on every Christian’s shelf CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY

Henri J. M. Nouwen

In the Name of Jesus Reflections on Christian Leadership

When Henri Nouwen moved to L’Arche Daybreak, a community where intellectually disabled people and their caregivers live, work, and learn together, he found that outward qualifications and symbols of status and relevance had little meaning to people whose disabilities kept them very focused on the present moment. The beloved priest and author shares the experiences and insights that he gained at L’Arche and helps us see how we can refocus our lives so that our actions reflect what is truly meaningful. The book is drawn from a presentation on Christian leadership that Nouwen made at the Center for Human Development. Bill, an intellectually disabled member of the Daybreak community traveled with Nouwen to Washington D.C. for the presentation and Bill’s participation, both on the trip and at the conference, bring a depth and poignant humor to this little powerhouse of a book. 978-0-8245-1259-0 $14.95 pb / 120 pages

“Nouwen’s trademark honesty and compassion permeate every page… Every church library should have a Nouwen collection, and this title should be in it.” “Only Thomas Merton and C.S. Lewis have had a comparable impact on Christian spirituality in the United States.” –America Magazine


–Church and Synagogue Library Association

translated into 26 languages

This experience was and, in many ways, is still the most important experience of my new life, because it forced me to rediscover my true identity. These broken, wounded, and completely unpretentious people forced me to let go of my relevant self—the self that can do things, show things, prove things, build things—and forced me to reclaim that unadorned self in which I am completely vulnerable, open to receive and give love regardless of any accomplishments. I am telling you all this because I am deeply convinced that the Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self. 24


Life of the Beloved Spiritual Living in a Secular World

This spiritual classic began as a simple request from one friend to another. Fred Bratman, a secular journalist and writer, asked Henri Nouwen to write a book explaining the spiritual life in terms that he and his friends could understand, avoiding theology and technical language. Nouwen’s answer has become one of the most cherished books of our era.

The Only Necessary Thing

Finding My Way Home

This meaningful collection of Henri Nouwen’s best writings on prayer and meditation was edited with love and care by one of his close friends, Wendy Greer.

Bringing together four core essays of Henri Nouwen’s work, The Path of Peace, The Path of Power, The Path of Waiting, The Path of Living and Dying, this book “allowed Henri Nouwen to speak about our collective sense of homelessness and the universal thirst for the experience of truly being at home.” –Sue Mosteller C.S.J.

Living a Prayerful Life

978-0-8245-2493-7 $15.95 pb / 224 pages

Encounters with Merton

Our Second Birth

Encounters with Merton brings together two of the 20th century’s most important and articulate Christian voices. Henri Nouwen explores themes of solitude, nonviolence, and the encounters between Eastern and Western spirituality as presented by Merton.

Taken from Henri Nouwen’s diary of his last year on earth, the inspirational readings of Our Second Birth throw light on the meaning of life, friendship, and the love of God, and are seen from the perspective of the life to come.

978-0-8245-2149-3 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

Sabbatical Journey The Diary of His Final Year

The complete, unabridged journal of Nouwen’s last year of life. His struggles and joys, and hopes and fears come into vivid relief as each moment unfolds. An intimate encounter with the beloved spiritual guide who has inspired millions of readers. 978-0-8245-1878-3 $22.95 pb / 240 pages

978-0-8245-2274-2 $15.95 pb / 160 pages

978-0-8245-1986-5 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

Spiritual Reflection

Pathways to Life and the Spirit


“Listen to a spiritual book as a voice that addresses you directly.” –Henri Nouwen

Christian Reflections on Death and New Life

978-0-8245-2365-7 $14.95 pb / 224 pages


Here and Now Living in the Spirit

Henri Nouwen wrote this book to express what mattered to him most. He shares new insights, new stories, and new information not to be found elsewhere. Now with reflection guide. 978-0-8245-1967-4 $16.95 pb / 232 pages

Beyond the Mirror

Reflections on Life and Death Foreword by Robert Durback “With his brutal self scrutiny and honesty, Nouwen takes us through the interior meaning of his trip to ‘death’s portal,’ and gives us courage and hope for our own encounter some day.”–Church and Synagogue Library Association 978-0-8245-1961-2 $14.95 pb / 96 pages


Proven tools for the spiritual life CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY

Joan Chittister, O.S.B.

the Rule of Benedict A Spirituality for the 21st Century

Joan Chittister, an award-winning author and world-renown spiritual leader, shares Benedict’s extraordinary vision in this daily reader. Volume includes the complete Rule of Benedict as well as ample commentary to reveal the relevance of the ancient wisdom to our lives. To download the selection of accompanying Gregorian Chants, please go to: www.milanrecords.com/crossroadruleofbenedict 978-0-8245-2594-1 $16.95 pb / 328 pages

“Any religious or lay person will welcome and identify with her book’s universal themes and concrete examples. Its message is profound and yet accessible to those ‘beginners’ for whom Benedict intended his Rule in the first place.” —Review for Religious

M. Basil Pennington

lectio Divina

Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures Lectio Divina, a spiritual discipline practiced for more than a thousand years, has undergone a recent resurgence in popularity. Father Pennington introduces the method of contemplative listening that opens us to an experience of God’s presence through the sacred scriptures. 978-0-8245-1736-6 $16.95 pb / 184 pages



Focus on Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

A Mother’s Journey Through Grief and Beyond

The Story of a Divine Encounter

Song for Sarah

D’Arcy’s collection of letters written before and after the death of her daughter trace her search for strength and hope through times of anguish. We walk with the young mother through the horror of the accident and like her, find our way illuminated by faith. 978-0-8245-2523-1 $12.95 pb / 144 pages

Gift of the Red Bird

D’Arcy’s spiritual journey took a radical turn when she lost her husband and toddler daughter in a car accident. From that event, D’Arcy draws the hope and strength that have inspired so many readers. In this classic, she writes about venturing out into the wilderness on a vision quest to wait for God to speak. A red bird appeared and, without words, began to teach... 978-0-8245-1956-8 $14.95 pb / 152 pages

Paula D’Arcy

Sacred Threshold Crossing the Inner Barrier to a Deeper Love

When life asked Paula D’Arcy to yield to immutable events she learned to listen to a quiet, guiding voice within. Heed your own inner wisdom, take courage, and be inspired by the experiences and insights of this beloved author. 978-0-8245-2465-4 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

Encountering God’s Presence Today

Encountering the Hidden God

The Power of Love in the Midst of Pain

Seeking with All My Heart Paula D’Arcy gathers insights, parables, and meditations from the Christian spiritual and literary tradition to reveal manifestations of the divine in the world around us. 978-0-8245-2599-6 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

A New Set of Eyes

When People Grieve

D’Arcy catches fresh and original glimpses of God and shares them in a series of highly intuitive meditations. This popular author’s insight and vision unlock the secrets of joy that reside in a true experience of the moment.

When People Grieve offers guidance for some of the hardest moments of our lives. Caring for those facing the death of a loved one can be a challenging labor of love. This helpful book offers guidance that every counselor or friend of the bereaved should have.

978-0-8245-2573-6 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

978-0-8245-2339-8 $12.95 pb / 144 pages




Paula D’Arcy


Focus on Barbara Fiand

Barbara Fiand

In the Stillness You Will Know

Exploring the Paths of Our Ancient Belonging Popular spirituality writer Barbara Fiand is back with a moving book inspired by the death of her dearest friend and soul mate. Shadowed by grief, Fiand uses her friend’s untimely passing as the starting point for ponderings about the nature of hope and the solace that comes from the beauty of nature speaking to us.

Barbara Fiand

Barbara Fiand

From Religion Back to Faith

Refocusing the Vision

Sister Barbara Fiand shows us that as seekers we need to move beyond the rigid and self-serving answers many religious systems perpetuate to embrace the unfolding enunciation of spirit and love each other as extensions of God’s love.

A revision and expansion of the best-selling Living the Vision, this book by a ground-breaking religious sister addresses the controversies and developments in female religious life of the past 10 years, and expands on her provocative agenda for reform.

978-0-8245-2417-3 $16.95 pb / 200 pages

978-0-8245-1890-5 $19.95 pb / 272 pages

Barbara Fiand

Barbara Fiand

A Journey of the Heart

Religious Life into the Future

978-0-8245-2650-4 $16.95 pb / 176 pages

Barbara Fiand

Embraced By Compassion

On Human Longing and Divine Response Employing a ‘theology by immersion’ tactic, this inspirational guide reveals how our search for ourselves can and should lead us to God, and how our search for God will be rooted in our own deeply personal experience, revealing the ways in which faith development and human development can, and do, mutually enrich each other.

Where Two or Three Are Gathered Community Life for the Contemporary Religious

Wrestling with God Religious Life in Search of Its Soul

In a clear, systematic and appealing style, Barbara Fiand presents an analysis of community within a human, cultural and religious framework of consciousness.

Barbara Fiand calls readers to a deeper awareness of the transformation of consciousness that is beckoning everywhere. She invites us to let this transformation affect our lives and shape our priorities.

978-0-8245-1151-7 $12.95 pb / 112 pages

978-0-8245-1620-8 $15.95 pb / 208 pages

Barbara Fiand

On Becoming Who We Are

Passionate Musings in the Winter of Life Barbara Fiand examines developments in the church today and draws on the findings of science to posit the idea that ancient religions can be better understood and even become more vibrant, when they can contemplate and integrate innovation, research, and cultural change. 978-0-8245-0024-5 $19.95 pb / 240 pages

Barbara Fiand

Prayer and the Quest for Healing

Our Personal Transformation and Cosmic Responsibility With her usual courage and insight, reforming religious sister Barbara Fiand explores the experience of prayer in all its power and intimacy, and delves into the often unseen connections linking prayer, personal healing, and cosmic redemption. 978-0-8245-1812-7 $22.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-1382-5 $14.95 pb / 144 pages 28


“Faith is a way of seeing things.” —Ronald Rolheiser

Quantum Theology Spiritual Implications of the New Physics

Drawing parallels between the behavior of subatomic particles and the essence of spirituality, Diarmuid O’Murchu knits together the substance and source of creation, showing that new findings in science only lead us to deeper truths about the nature of the divine. 978-0-8245-2263-6 $19.95 pb / 256 pages

Diarmuid O’Murchu

Reclaiming Spirituality

In this thought-provoking follow-up to Quantum Theology, an English priest and social psychologist connects the spiritual renaissance of our time to the themes of native religions, especially in the embrace of pre-patriarchal values of relatedness, passion, feeling, imagination, and justice. 978-0-8245-1723-6 $19.95 pb / 208 pages

Ronald Rolheiser

Ronald Rolheiser

Ronald Rolheiser

The Shattered Lantern

Secularity and the Gospel

Against an Infinite Horizon

In this Catholic Press awardwinner, Ronald Rolheiser, author of The Holy Longing, looks at how atheism and disbelief has crept into our world and how, in the face of it, we can restore the shattered lantern and bring back the light of God.

Leading Catholic scholars share strategies and reflections on bringing the mission of the church to the First World. A vibrant discussion of how faith can engage secularity, quickening the popular imagination and offering real meaning and sustenance to everyday people.

978-0-8245-2275-9 $14.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2412-8 $24.95 pb / 240 pages

Fr. Rolheiser speaks of the deepest human longing in words that have reached hundreds of thousands of readers. This book is an attempt to develop a vocabulary that can help decipher the accidents in every life every day that might aptly be called divine providence.

Gernot Candolini

Gerald May

Walking Toward the Center

The Spirituality of Mental Health

Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God


Gernot Candolini tells the story of his family’s journey in a borrowed camper to visit historic labyrinths across Europe. Each new labyrinth is a revelation that informs the family’s quest and deepens the author’s understanding of labyrinths as maps of the soul. 978-0-8245-2102-8 $16.95 pb / 144 pages


Being Missionaries to Our Children

Simply Sane


Diarmuid O’Murchu

The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives

978-0-8245-1965-0 $16.95 pb / 240 pages

Kenneth Leong

The Zen Teachings of Jesus

Renowned author Gerald May offers a path toward freedom and authenticity in this updated and expanded version of his bestselling classic. Let go of fixing and controlling and find the peace and fulfillment at the core of your existence.

“I left Jesus to search for the Tao when I was sixteen,” writes Kenneth Leong. “Now I am forty and realize that I could have found the Tao in Jesus.” This is an intriguing book that reveals how Zen philosophy parallels the core message of the gospel.

978-0-8245-1366-5 $19.95 pb / 216 pages

978-0-8245-1883-7 $24.95 pb / 240 pages


The hidden ideological roots of modern biblical criticism TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS

Scott W. Hahn and Benjamin Wiker

Politicizing the Bible The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture 1300-1700

Penetrating the pretense of objectivity often presented in secular studies, Hahn and Wiker bring to light the appropriation of scripture by politically motivated interests and show connections between approaches employed at divinity schools today and the philosophies of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke.

“Dr. Scott Hahn has a way, which is both readable and scholarly, of inspiring his readers to discover the great treasure of Scripture. His insights and contributions to biblical scholarship in this work will not go unnoticed or unappreciated. With the touch of a master’s pen, he explains some very important and yet complex concepts concerning the reliability, efficacy, meaning, and importance of Sacred Scripture for Catholics. We should rejoice and thank God for the wondrous gift of God’s revelation to us in Sacred Scripture. We can also be grateful for scholars such as Scott Hahn, who help us open the Scriptures in continuity with the living Tradition of the Church.” –Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D., former archbishop of Washington

“Over the last 20 centuries, no book has been researched, pondered, and prayed over as intensely as the Bible. Dr. Hahn has done all these things himself; but, more importantly, he has studied the work of many generations of Christians and Jews who have gone before him. Then he gathered the best of all that study to help you in your own reading. Because we’re Catholic, we need to become biblically literate. We need to know the Bible well because we hunger for abundant life— because we want to know Jesus, which is the same thing. Scott Hahn does a superb job of feeding his readers with the Word of God in this immensely useful guide.” —Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., archbishop of Philadelphia 978-0-8245-9903-4 $59.95 hc / 624 pages

Scott W. Hahn is a professor of theology and scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville, the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and the author of numerous books. He lives in Steubenville, Ohio. Benjamin Wiker is an author and senior fellow with the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College, the Discovery Institute, and the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Among his books are A Meaningful World and Moral Darwinism. He lives in Hopedale, Ohio.



Catholic social teaching for a new generation tea Party Catholic

The Catholic Case for Limited Government, a Free Economy, and Human Flourishing Samuel Gregg draws upon Catholic teaching, natural law theory, and the thought of Catholic founding father Charles Carroll of Carrollton to develop a Catholic case for free economy, limited government, and ordered liberty in America. Examining core tenets of the Tea Party movement, and exploring political economy and economic history, Samuel Gregg makes the case for a new breed of conservative—the Tea Party Catholic. Long married to the conventional liberal ideologies of the past, many American Catholics aspired to the political ideals of John F. Kennedy. Increasingly, a growing number of Catholics have gravitated to the conservative side of American politics.

“A stimulating reading of Catholic social teaching and the American Founding and its application to some of today’s most sharply contested public policy issues, particularly those touching on economic and religious freedom. Give it to your favorite Commonweal reader and let the debate begin!” —George Weigel, papal biographer and author of

Adding his voice to the popular chorus of conservative Catholics—which include contemporary bestselling authors Michael Novak and Robert Sirico—Gregg examines the economic and social positions of the United States and defines where the Catholic church falls on a host of issues, including a free-market economy, the welfare state, the role and size of government, and the very definition of freedom. 978-0-8245-4981-7 $24.95 pb / 272 pages

Evangelical Catholicism TA B L E O F CO N T E N T S Samuel Gregg is director of research at the Acton Institute and the author of several books, including John Paul II and the Development of Catholic Social Teaching, The Modern Papacy, and On Ordered Liberty. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Foreword by Michael Novak Introduction 1. Catholic and Free 2. An Economy of Liberty 3. Solidarity, Subsidiarity, and the State 4. The First Freedom 5. But What About…? 6. A Patriotic Minority Acknowledgments



Samuel Gregg

The New Evangelization in action TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS

Philip E. Lawler, editor

When Faith goes Viral

11 Success Stories of the New Evangelization from Alabama to Vladivostok A team of Catholic journalists across the globe inquire: Where is the Catholic Church advancing, and why? Read real, nitty-gritty stories of apostolic Catholic laity and clergy in the field from Siberia to Peru to U.S. college campuses. No hype, wishful thinking, or nostalgia—just real faith, spread by hard work. 978-0-8245-4982-4 $24.95 pb / 232 page “Th is is the kind of book that makes one want to run out and celebrate all that is new and exciting in the world of evangelization. A real shot in the arm, a must-read.” —Judie Brown, president, American Life League

During this Year of Faith, when Catholics from all walks of life have been called to participate in the “new evangelization,” a question naturally arises: What sort of evangelization works? Are there any proven programs that have demonstrated the power to attract people to the faith? N E W E VA N G E L I Z AT I O N S U CC E S S STORIES FROM • Vladivostok, Russia • The South Side of Chicago

“Few U.S. Catholics have written with as much balance and insight as Phil Lawler about what’s wrong with the Church in America. That’s why he just might be the best person alive to help the faithful see what the Church is doing right.” —Rod Dreher, senior editor, The American Conservative “Phil Lawler is one of the most trusted Catholic journalists in the world today. Without fear or favor, he reports what is troubling in the Church, but he also pursues, as in this book, her points of light.” —George Neumayr, contributing editor, The American Spectator

• A secularized Catholic college campus in the Midwest • Birmingham, Alabama • Central America • Eastern Europe • The slums of Nairobi, Kenya • The jungles of India


Philip F. Lawler is the editor of Catholic World News and the author of The Alternative Influence: The Impact of Investigative Reporting on American Media and The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston’s Catholic Culture. He lives in South Lancaster, Massachusetts. WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM

Catholic scholarship and living

The Virtues We Need Again

21 Life Lessons from the Great Books of the West

Dwight Longenecker

The Quest for the Creed

What the Apostles Really Believed, and Why It Matters

George Weigel

Practicing Catholic Essays Historical, Literary, Sporting, and Elegiac

Charting a course from the 1960s crack-up of social certitudes through current political meltdowns, George Weigel’s whirlwind tour of Catholicism, politics, literature, sports, and society yields telling insights from a keen observer and a master of the art of the essay.

An enthusiastic advocate for the edifying effects of reading, Mitchell Kalpakgian looks at the admirable qualities of mankind through the perspective of the great characters of Western literature. Find out how fiction informs and inspires fact in this enlightening work.

Exploring the startling statements that the Apostles ’ Creed makes about the nature of God, man, and the universe, this guide reveals the challenge and paradoxical beauty of a Christian cornerstone. A fresh, appealing examination of an often overlooked prayer.

978-0-8245-2655-9 $24.95 pb / 288 pages

978-0-8245-2674-0 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Thomas Day

Elizabeth Ficocelli

Bernard McGinn

How Your Family Can Find Healing, Strength and Protection in the Sacraments

Thirty-Three Men and Women Who Shaped Christianity

Why Catholics Can’t Sing

Revised and Updated With New Grand Conclusions and Good Advice In this informative and entertaining critique of music in the Catholic church, Thomas Day outlines a stinging indictment of the influence of popular culture on American Catholicism, particularly as expressed in church music. 978-0-8245-4984-8 $24.95 pb / 272 pages

Seven From Heaven

Award-winning author Elizabeth Ficocelli offers the seven sacraments as opportunities for powerful encounters with Christ as well as practical blueprints for joyous family living. Touching accounts from Ficocelli’s own experience refresh and deepen our understanding of these important Christian rites in daily life. 978-0-8245-2707-5 $16.95 pb / 176 pages


978-0-8245-0022-1 $24.95 pb / 312 pages

The Doctors of the Church

Written by one of the great authorities onCatholic wisdom, this user-friendly resource is designed as a general introduction to the thirty-three remarkable individuals who shaped the understanding of the Church’s faith. 978-0-8245-2549-1 $29.95 pb / 280 pages


Mitchell Kalpakgian

Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.

The Difference God Makes

A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture Penned by a leading intellectual in the American Catholic church, this collection brings together Francis Cardinal George’s most influential writings on Catholic faith, communion, and culture, and stresses the importance of ecumenism and community among people of all beliefs. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2627-6 $19.95 pb / 384 pages

Robert Royal

The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century A Comprehensive World History

In the twentieth century, more Catholics were persecuted, tortured, and martyred than in any previous century. Robert Royal, president of the Faith and Reason Institute, traces the specific situation of each area and time when martyrdom occurred, and studies the political systems and conditions that gave rise to the persecution. 978-0-8245-2414-2 $19.95 pb / 448 pages 33

“A love for life, a desire for happiness, a passion for freedom.” TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS

–Lorenzo Albacete

Lorenzo Albacete

Frank J. Hanna

Attraction to Infinity

And How to Use It Well

Wayfarers in the Cosmos

From Charlie Rose and the NY Times to CNN and Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, Albacete, a NASA physicist and Catholic priest, is a leading voice on the reason and necessity of religion. “The book, like the monsignor, crackles with humor, warmth, and intellectual excitement.”–Hendrik Hertzberg, The New Yorker

As featured in Reader’s Digest and the PBS program The Call of the Entrepreneur, venture capitalist Frank Hanna explains the meaning of money and how to deal with it constructively in good times and bad. Hanna offers a persuasive argument in favor of giving even when money is tight, for the good of others and the quality of your own life.

In this eye-opening book, two astronomers from the Vatican’s observatory present their views on the profound developments in our knowledge about the world—from the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo, to the wonders of quantum mechanics and the expanding universe.

978-0-8245-2472-2 $14.95 pb / 208 pages

978-0-8245-2520-0 $21.95 hc / 256 pages / illustrated with cartoons from The New Yorker

978-0-8245-2537-8 $24.95 pb / 184 pages

Gil Bailie

Patrick Fleming, Sue Lauber-Fleming, and Mark T. Matousek

John Polkinghorne

Stories of Pain, Hope, and Healing from Clerical Abuse Survivors and Abusers

Questions to Science and Religion

God at the Ritz

Violence Unveiled

Humanity at the Crossroads “The single most important book of social analysis and prophetic theology to appear in a generation.”–Sam Keene. By synthesizing an astounding array of seemingly discordant perceptions ranging from Bob Dylan songs and Aztec myths to Greek tragedy and the Hebrew prophets, Bailie presents a gripping Christian analysis of rising violence. Winner of the Pax Christi USA Book Award. 978-0-8245-1645-1 $29.95 pb / 312 pages 34

George V. Coyne, S.J. and Alessandro Omizzolo

What Your Money Means

Broken Trust

In the pages of this Catholic Press Awardwinner, abuse survivors and abusers tell their stories, unfiltered. The authors, trained counselors with experience dealing with abusers and survivors, provide the needed context for these complex and devastating stories, and point the way to possible recovery. 978-0-8245-2410-4 $19.95 hc / 240 pages

The Human Quest for Meaning

Quarks, Chaos, & Christianity

Theoretical physicist and ordained Anglican priest John Polkinghorne explores the gap between science and religion: “Do we have to choose between the scientific and religious views of the world, or are they complementary understandings that give us a fuller picture than either on their own would provide?” 978-0-8245-2406-7 $14.95 pb / 128 pages


“Our existence, in its totality, is a free gift.”–Robert Barron, Word on Fire

Robert Barron

A Theology of Transformation

Experiencing the Spirituality of the Great Cathedrals

And Now I See

Humans yearn for communion with the sacred but are also plagued by sickness of the soul. Award-winning author Robert Barron examines literature and liturgy to guide readers towards healing and transformation by encouraging surrender to the playful, unpredictable, and relentless love of God. 978-0-8245-1753-3 $29.95 pb / 296 pages

Benedict J. Groeschel

Spiritual Passages

The Psychology of Spiritual Development A bestseller since its publication, this groundbreaking integration of religious thought and psychological research is a classic in the field of human development. Christian seekers will find nurturance, stimulation, and inspiration in Benedict J. Groeshel’s illuminating explanation of the process of spiritual growth. 978-0-8245-0628-5 $19.95 pb / 224 pages

Robert Barron

Heaven in Stone and Glass

Word on Fire

Word on Fire host Fr. Barron offers us a perfect guide for reading the secrets of the Gothic cathedral, with insights into Christ, faith, and the soul’s yearning for God. “Charming and appealing.”–Library Journal

This collection of sermons from awardwinning author Fr. Robert Barron invokes the word of God through scripture and calls on every reader to heed the message of Christ and be changed. Homilies, arranged by theme, are taken from Barron’s popular radio show.

978-0-8245-1993-3 $14.95 pb / 128 pages

Proclaiming the Power of Christ

978-0-8245-2453-1 $19.95 pb / 240 pages

Keith D. Lewis

Dave Durand

Legend and Reality

Make the Most of Every Second by Putting Christ First

The Catholic Church in History In an uncompromisingly honest examination, Keith D. Lewis looks at the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, Pope Urban’s battle with Galileo, and other harms that the Catholic Church has inflicted through out its history, to dispel denial and bring reconciliation, clarity, and healing. 978-0-8245-2389-3 $24.95 pb / 192 pages


Time Management for Catholics

Dave Durand, Relevant Radio host and personal leadership expert, shows how putting God at the center of your life will help you discover your mission, establish priorities, and avoid burnout. Free up your time for what really matters with this useful guide. 978-0-8245-2663-4 $16.95 pb / 224 pages 35


Robert Barron

Faith, life, and lore from one of the funniest authors alive. TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS

John Zmirak

the Bad Catholic’s guide to the Catechism A Faithful, Fun-Loving Look At Catholic Dogmas, Doctrines, and Schmoctrines

Masquerading behind the guise of the oldfashioned Catechism that generations of Catholic school kids in plaid skirts or clip-on ties had to memorize, this candid handbook provides a witty take on the teachings of the Catholic faith. Objections from relativist, New Atheist, dissenting Catholic, and other points of view are featured, with intellectually sound questions and bracingly funny answers.

“John Zmirak is easily one of the funniest writers alive . . . smart, well-grounded in his Catholic faith, and not hesitant to share it . . . He attacks the subject matter with the best of his doctrinally sound depth of knowledge and relays it with maximum humor.” –Thomas McArdle, former White House speechwriter and communications director, Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights

Penned by a Yale-educated author who worked both in the mainstream, secular media as well as for Catholic outlets, the study reveals the whole range of contemporary criticisms aimed at the church—and how to answer them in kind. Using both a rapier wit and the strong left hook of a blue-collar kid from Queens, this guide defends its faith with good humor and sincere respect at every turn while illustrating the difficulties modern believers face. 978-0-8245-2680-1 $14.95 pb / 272 pages

“John Zmirak is one of the sharpest, funniest, and most gifted Catholic writers of our generation…” –Brian Saint-Paul, editor, Crisis Magazine, InsideCatholic.com

The Bad Catholic’s Bingo Hall

Fans of Catholic satire and hard-hitting commentary should visit The Bad Catholic’s Bingo Hall (www.badcatholics.com) where author John Zmirak will be posting his latest writing. Play Bad Catholics Bingo by answering Church trivia, and win expired indulgences, blank annulments, and ringtones of Zmirak’s beagles howling. Watch videos like: “The Secrets of the Vatican Space Program” and “How to Explain Papal Infallibility in 3 Minutes.” 36


“Humor is the best catechist.” –John Zmirak

John Zmirak and Denise Matychowiak

A Loving Look at the Lighter Side of the Catholic Faith, With Recipes for Feasts and Fun

A Spirited Look at Catholic Life and Lore from Apocalypse to Zinfandel

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living

Jump right into this hilarious liturgical calendar and celebrate Catholicism in a whole new way! An indispensable resource for observing the feast days of the saints, The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living unveils the history and humor behind the Catholic faith. 978-0-8245-2300-8 $14.95 pb / 240 pages

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Wine, Whiskey & Song

John Zmirak

The Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins

National bestseller! An intelligent and church--loving introduction to Catholic culture that explains the difference between God and vodka, and why Benedictines make the best beer.

Hilarious sketches of history’s greatest saints and sinners, theological insights, and cringeinducing quizzes of virtue and vice so you can discover just how close to the precipice you are. With activities and adventures to help you crawl your way back to solid ground. Self-help has never been so fun.

978-0-8245-2411-1 $14.95 pb / 416 pages

978-0-8245-2585-9 $14.95 pb / 320 pages

John Zmirak and Carla Millar

The Grand Inquisitor The world’s first African pope is elected by the conclave of cardinals —who is trying to stop him, and why? This first great Catholic graphic novel is an exquisitely illustrated volume that will change the genre forever. “At once terrifying and invigorating, The Grand Inquisitor tells an unforgettable story of the Catholic Church in a time of intrigue and betrayal. Haunting and vivid, and not to be missed.”–Thomas E. Woods Jr., author of How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization. “Stunning blank verse and striking graphics.”–Roy Schoeman, author, Salvation Is from the Jews 978-0-8245-24357 $19.95 pb / 76 pages John Zmirak is an editor, journalist, screenwriter, political commentator, and writer. He is the author of The Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins and the coauthor of The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living; The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Wine, Whiskey, and Song; and The Grand Inquisitor. He has contributed to Investor’s Business Daily and the National Catholic Register. He lives in New York City.




John Zmirak and Denise Matychowiak

Herder & Herder–Books For Theology and Church THEOLOGY

Dominic F. Doyle

the Promise of Christian Humanism Thomas Aquinas on Hope

Dominic Doyle calls on Thomas Aquinas’s revelations and gleans additional insight from Charles Taylor and Nicholas Boyle to show how the Christian virtue of hope can breathe new life into humanism, empowering believers to understand God as the human good. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2469-2 $34.95 pb / 248 pages

“a lively and learned discussion of the most important topic of theological reflection in the present age—our understanding of God’s relation to humanity… This is a book that is a must-read for serious theologians, philosophers, and ethicists.” –Stephen Pope, Boston College

Patricia A. Sullivan

Why We Venerate the Saints In a careful biblical, historical, and systematic study of the ancient and enduring tradition of veneration of saints, Patricia Sullivan illuminates the compelling and transformative roles of the saints in the lives of individuals and in the life of the Church. A Herder & Herder book 978-0-8245-2436-4 $34.95 pb / 305 pages

“This is an extraordinarily rich resource for informed teaching, writing, and thinking about saints, sanctity, and the call to holiness at the heart of Catholic faith.” –Wendy M. Wright, professor of theology, Creighton University



“Where shall we pick up and read?” –Brian D. Robinette THEOLOGY

Rodney A. Howsare, Ph.D. and Larry S. Chapp, Ph.D.

How Balthasar Changed My Mind

15 Scholars Reflect on the Meaning of Balthasar for Their Own Work

Elizabeth A. Johnson

Brian D. Robinette

The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse

A Christian Theology of Presence and Absence

She Who Is

This volume is both a first-rate introduction to Balthasar and a window into the way that great theologians understand the driving questions of their work. “Read this book at your own risk, for you will be different after setting it down.” –Edward T. Oakes, S.J

Winner of the Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion. “The most substantial and sophisticated effort yet undertaken to connect ‘feminist and classical wisdom’ in a synthesis at once bold and discerning, critical and doxological, at once engaged with the classical sources of Christian theology.” –Commonweal Magazine

978-0-8245-2569-9 $34.95 pb / 312 pages

978-0-8245-1925-4 $32.95 pb / 344 pages

Catherine Cornille

Benezet Bujo

The im-Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue “Cornille is a key player in the enterprise of interreligious dialogue... In her new book she projects a radiant and persuasive vision of the virtues required for this dialogue and the blessings which it yields...” –Joseph O’Leary, Sophia University 978-0-8245-2464-7 $24.95 pb / 280 pages

Foundations of an African Ethic

Beyond the Universal Claims of Western Morality In this groundbreaking book, Benezet Bujo, a leading voice in African Christian theology, offers an informed critique of Western ethics and lays the theoretical groundwork for a new African ethic. 978-0-8245-1905-6 $24.95 pb / 232 pages


Grammars of Resurrection “Quite simply remarkable. It will, I predict, establish Robinette as one of the best Catholic theologians of his generation. It demonstrates the workings of a powerfully synthetic theological mind, and displays as pleasing a writing style as one is likely to find in a contemporary theologian.” –Cyril O’Regan 978-0-8245-2563-7 $78.00 pb / 456 pages

Matthias Scharer and Bernd Jochen Hilberath

The Practice of Communicative Theology

An Introduction to a New Theological Culture With a foreword by Bradford E. Hinze Members of a growing international theological movement consider how, in a globalized world, communication about faith can be intelligent and effective. This remarkable book will deepen our conversations and strengthen our communities. 978-0-8245-2560-6 $29.95 pb / 204 pages 39


A History of Western Christian Mysticism

Bernard McGinn

The Flowering of Mysticism Men and Women in the New Mysticism: 1200-1350

Bernard McGinn

Bernard McGinn

Origins to the Fifth Century

Gregory the Great Through the 12th Century

The Foundations of Mysticism

The Growth of Mysticism

“Bountiful, detailed, and exhaustive. Covers the rich terrain of Franciscan mysticism and introduces female mystics great and small. McGinn expands immensely an area previously including only the well-known, such as Hadewijch of Antwerp and Mechthild of Magdeburg. Literate, scholarly, and profound.”–Library Journal

McGinn explores mystical texts and their place in the tradition: early Judaica, preChristian Greek works, the New Testament, Greek and Latin patristic writings, and early monasticism. “An erudite, sober-minded, balanced work sure to become a standard resource for scholars and students.” –Library Journal

978-0-8245-1743-4 $49.95 pb / 542 pages

978-0-8245-1404-4 $49.95 pb / 516 pages

“A seminal study from the leading authority on Christian mysticism.”–Publishers Weekly. A spectacular tour of Christian mysticism as it evolves from 500 C.E. to 1200 C.E. The volume examines the unique contributions of such figures as Pope Gregory the Great, John Scotus Erigena, and Bernard of Clairvaux. 978-0-8245-1628-4 $49.95 pb / 648 pages

“To say that McGinn tells his story well would do him an injustice. He has simply offered the best available account of the symbolic crucible from which Christian mysticism sprang.” –Word & World

Bernard McGinn

The Harvest of Mysticism in Medieval Germany A tour-de-force study of medieval German mysticism from Thomas Aquinas and his master, Albert the Great, to Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, and including Jan van Ruusbroeck, Meister Eckhart, and John Tauler. 978-0-8245-2345-9 $49.95 pb / 768 pages


Bernard McGinn

The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism 1350–1550

More than 25 years in the making, this groundbreaking volume reveals the innate genius of the mystical teachers of the late medieval period in Europe. A wealth of information sheds new light on a seminal period of mysticism in Christian history. 978-0-8245-9901-0 $70.00 hc / 864 pages


“Good will cannot miss God.” –Meister Eckhart, The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart

“This gem of a volume will doubtless become the classical presentation of a man most scholars believe to be the greatest medieval Western mystic.” –Choice

Bernard McGinn and Patricia Ferris McGinn

Bernard McGinn

The Divine Vision of the Spiritual Masters

The Man From Whom God Hid Nothing

Early Christian Mystics

The McGinns are uniquely qualified to introduce us to the rich tradition of the mystics in this accessible book on the insights of the great early Christian mystics and how we can apply that wisdom to our lives today. 978-0-8245-2106-6 $18.95 pb / 256 pages

The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart

“Without doubt this will long stand as the best comprehensive introduction to Eckhart’s thought in any language.” –Oliver Davies, The Eckhart Review 978-0-8245-1996-4 $32.95 pb / 320 pages

“This study will surely take its place as the best comprehensive introduction in English to this renowned mystical preacher and teacher.” –America

“An unparalleled resource for studying Eckhart.” –Religious Studies Review

Mystical Classics

Friedrich von Hügel

The Mystical Element of Religion

As Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her Friends This book remains the authoritative study of the spirituality of Catherine of Genoa. First published in 1908, this seminal work develops the author’s major theory of the three basic elements of religion—institutional, intellectual and mystical.

Anselm Stolz

The Doctrine of Spiritual Perfection Stolz balances his approach to mysticism with both the psychological insights of his day and theological insights from the church fathers and medieval scholastics. 978-0-8245-1887-5 $24.95 pb / 272 pages

978-0-8245-1790-8 $39.95 pb / 944 pages SALES@CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM



Praise for The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart:


The World Spirituality Series A multivolume series with more than 500 contributing scholars worldwide, presenting the spiritual wisdom of the human race in its historical unfolding, from prehistoric times, through the great religions to the meeting of traditions today.

African Spirituality

Louis DuprĂŠ, Don E. Saliers, & John Meyendorf, editors

Takeuchi Yoshinoori, editor

Post Reformation and Modern 978-0-8245-1144-9 $49.95 pb / 592 pages

Jacob K. Olupona, editor

Forms, Meanings, and Expressions 978-0-8245-0780-0 $45.00 pb / 512 pages

Buddhist Spirituality, Vol. I Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetian, Early Chinese 978-0-8245-1452-5 $37.50 pb / 456 pages

Takeuchi Yoshinoori, editor

Buddhist Spirituality, Vol. II

Christian Spirituality, Vol. III

Tu Weiming & Mary Evelyn Tucker, editors

Confucian Spirituality, Vol. I 978-0-8245-2111-0 $50.00 pb / 408 pages

Tu Weiming, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, editors

Later China, Korea, Japan, and the Modern World 978-0-8245-1596-6 $49.95 pb / 574 pages

Confucian Spirituality, Vol. II

Bernard McGinn, John Meyendorf & Jean Leclercq, editors

Seyyed Hossein Nasr, editor

Christian Spirituality, Vol. I Origins to the Twelfth Century 978-0-8245-0847-0 $49.95 pb / 528 pages Jill Raitt, Bernard McGinn & John Meyendorf, editors

Christian Spirituality, Vol. II

High Middle Ages and Reformation 978-0-8245-0967-5 $49.95 pb / 504 pages


978-0-8245-2254-4 $60.00 pb / 576 pages

Islamic Spirituality, Vol. I Foundations 978-0-8245-1131-9 $49.95 pb / 480 pages

Islamic Spirituality, Vol. II Manifestations 978-0-8245-1724-3 $29.95 pb / 576 pages

Arthur Green, editor

Jewish Spirituality, Vol. I

From the Bible Through the Middle Ages 978-0-8245-0891-3 $37.50 pb / 488 pages

Jewish Spirituality, Vol. II

From the Sixteenth-Century Revival to the Present 978-0-8245-0965-1 $29.95 pb / 480 pages Antoine Faivre & Jacob Needleman, editors

Modern Esoteric Spirituality 978-0-8245-1444-0 $45.00 pb / 448 pages

Gary H. Gossen & Miguel Leon-Portilla, editors

South and Meso-American Native Spirituality From the Cult of the Feathered Serpent to the Theology of Liberation 978-0-8245-1662-8 $65.95 pb / 576 pages Peter H. van Ness, editor

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