Western Sydney Express - May 2023

Page 32

Sydney Hills Local Business Awards

Coming October 11 at Castle Grand

Big increase in nurse graduates


Partnership finders seek out those most at risk

YOUR Side has announced a new partnership with the Western Sydney Primary Health Network (operated by WentWest) to deliver the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care’s new care finders program. Your Side believes that every life can be a good one and is passionate about supporting people to navigate and access the support they need to live independently and contribute to our community. The new team of care finders will seek out older people from key groups at risk of isolation in Western Sydney and support them to access the aged care system and other valuable services. More: page 2.

Leisure & Lifestyle Courses Business Work & Computer Courses Foreign Languages NSW Government Funded Courses 2017 PCC.EDU.AU RTO 90276 E N R O L T O D A Y ( 0 2 ) 9 6 8 7 2 0 7 2 T E R M 2 O P E N F O R E N R O L M E N T S LEARN FROM A MULTI-AWARD WINNING EDUCATION SERVICE PROVIDER S C A N T O V I E W B R O C H U R E "WE EDUCATE FOR LIFE" P COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARRAMATTA

NEW SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP Finders seek out those in need

YOUR Side has announced a new partnership with the Western Sydney Primary Health Network (operated by WentWest) to deliver the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care’s new care finders program.

Your Side believes that every life can be a good one and is passionate about supporting people to navigate and access the support they need to live independently and contribute to our community.

The new team of care finders will seek out older people from key groups at risk of isolation and support them to access the aged care system and other valuable services.

They will work face-to-face with people in their own communities, delivering support to link people with aged care services and helping them to stay connected. They will also help increase community knowledge and understanding of the aged care system.

“Your Side knows that for some people who have experienced trauma or other disadvantages in their life, accessing the mainstream support designed to help everyone can be confusing, intimidating or trigger past bad experiences with institutions. Care finders will ensure that those most in need of the aged care services available to all can access that

support,” said Danielle Ballantine, Your Side’s CEO.

Your Side looks forward to working closely with the Western Sydney Primary Health Network and other community organisations and groups to deliver this much-needed new program.

Care finders will target vulnerable senior Australians who could otherwise fall through the cracks in the system. This will include people who are not yet receiving aged care services, as well as those who are, but may need additional support.

This could involve helping with the

My Aged Care registration paperwork, talking through local provider options, or attending an assessment at home alongside someone who finds the process difficult.

Those who are eligible include older people who are experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, alcohol or drug dependence, care leavers, people leaving incarceration, and culturally and linguistically diverse minority groups.

Some of these people may not know how to access aged care supports or mistrust the system in general. Care finders

provide direct face-to-face outreach to help people navigate, understand, and access the aged care system and get the proper care they need.

In the longer term, this program also aims to address opportunities to enhance integration between health, aged care, and other systems at a local level.

Care finders can also help find and connect people to other services like homelessness programs, mental health support, peer groups, alcohol and other drug programs, transport services or social groups.

For more visit: www. yourside.org.au

Published by the Community Broadcast Network.

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We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of our region and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture.

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The Exporess readers to appreciate and engage with the physical, community, cultural and business environments of one of Australia’s fastest growing regions, Greater Western Sydney. Greater Western Sydney footprint News 3 Business access 7 Newsbytes 10 Hills local business awards 11 Magazine 35 Healthy western sydney 36 Travel 38 Films 39 auto 40 Mental Health 43 Puzzles 44
Your side finders work to connect people. Your Side CEO Dannielle Ballantine.
WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 3 REGISTER NOW for The Hill’s premier business-community event! October 11, 2023 Castle Grand, Castle Hill IN THE HILLS TM For more information go to www.wexpo.com.au FREE Coffee Forum Easy Parking, FREE Admission More than 35 Exhibitors Workshops Chamber Breakfast

Author heads for the Hills A

UTHOR Sophie Cunningham will visit Castle Hill Library on May 27 as part of the Sydney Writers’ Festival, a celebration of all things writing, literature and creative ideas.

Sophie, the author of nine books, will discuss her latest page-turner, This Devastating Fever, which was shortlisted for a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, at the one-time special event.

The book follows the story of novelist Alice Fox and her struggles to write about Leonard Woolf, the husband of esteemed English writer Virginia Woolf. It also links the past to the present, with Alice struggling throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and Leonard grappling with what he and his wife would do if Adolf Hitler invaded England.

Sophie said she was delighted to be involved in this year’s festival, which provides a platform for

local authors to promote their ideas and books, and instil a love of reading.

“Festivals bring writers together, and they bring them together with their audiences,” Sophie said.

“They give us a chance to see what our friends and colleagues are working on and to hear what our readers think of our work.

This Devastating Fever took Sophie 15 years to write before it finally fell into place. Now she’s excited to share her work with the Hills community. This year’s Sydney Writers’ Festival will run from Monday, May 22 to Sunday, May 28, in different locations across the state, including The Hills Shire.

Book your place to see Sophie Cunningham on The Hills Shire Library website, www.thehills.nsw.gov.au/Library. Tickets cost $8.20pp.

WSROC welcomes tolling enquiry

THE peak body representing councils in Greater Western Sydney, the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC), has welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement of an independent review of motorway tolling in NSW.

The tolling review will be led both by Professor Allan Fels (former chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) and Dr David Cousins, who will look at streamlining motorway pricing across Sydney.

The review’s Terms of Reference were announced by the NSW Government on May b11, 2023.

“WSROC has been advocating for a review of road tolls over many years, urging the government to make

toll roads simpler and fairer,” said WSROC President, Councillor Barry Calvert.

“The people of Western Sydney are more greatly impacted by tolling issues than other parts of Sydney, due to their greater dependence on private vehicles resulting from Western Sydney’s lack of equivalent public transport coverage and capacity,” he said,

Tolls represent the second largest cost for most households in Western Sydney. WSROC is calling for:

• A fairer tolling system: including ‘Journey Caps’ (for commuters) and ‘Daily Caps’ (for small business operators such as couriers). Fairness, equity, and consistency must be a prime consideration in setting appropriate toll charges across

Town Centre Living

Live at the Park

Oran Park has a new land release positioned less than 500m from the Town Centre!

O ran Park is constantly evolving, so now is the time to take advantage of everything this great community has to offer. Here’s what you can look forward to while living at the Park:

• A variety of schools and future tertiary institutions

• Multiple pre-school and day-care centres

• Pedestrian-friendly streets, creating easy access to amenities

• 160km of paths and cycleways for you to explore parklands, playgrounds and sporting fields


• An award-winning skate park and splash park which includes flying foxes, table tennis tables, basketball courts, a ninja warrior course and a parkour course

• Oran Park Library

• Meeting friends and family at Oran Park’s major shopping centre, The Podium

• New dining experiences at the Oran Park Hotel, Atura Hotel and food precincts within The Podium

• State-of-the-art Leisure Centre which houses a 50m indoor Olympic pool, gym, four basketball courts, sauna and more

• Jobs close to home within the Town Centre and nearby Western Sydney International Airport

the entire tolled motorway network.

• Clarity and transparency: Toll roads are a major burden on individual households, and many people have no choice but to use them. Residents deserve transparency regarding road pricing.

• Smart tolls: Modern technology allows for different charges for different people depending on where they start and finish their journey, the time of day, whether drivers are on a low income, etc.

• More road revenue invested in Western Sydney’s public transport network: So that commuters have a viable choice of travel mode.

• World class fiber optic networks with high-speed internet

• An integrated health hub for your wellbeing needs

• Good public transport with a current rotation of buses and a future train station

• A fresh new start in a masterplanned community

Don’t miss out on the opportunity of securing a lot close to the Town Centre.

4 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au NEWS @oranparktown First release SOLD OUT Contact the Oran Park sales team on 9043 7500. Scan to learn more or to register your interest.
Popular author Sophie Cunningham.

Big increase in west nursing graduates

ASIGNIFICANT increase in nursing and midwifery graduates is set to strengthen the public health system in western Sydney.

This year, 520 graduates will begin their careers in the Western Sydney Local Health District, marking a 137 increase from last year.

The graduates will be stationed at various hospitals, including Auburn, Blacktown, Mount Druitt, and Westmead, as well as other healthcare services.

The group consists of 500 graduate nurses and 20 graduate midwives.

NSW Premier Chris Minns and Health Minister Ryan Park celebrated International Nurses

Day by visiting Westmead Hospital to meet some of the new graduates.

This intake of 520 is part of a record-breaking number of over 3,600 graduate nurses and midwives across 130 public hospitals and health services in NSW this year.

The government aims to recruit more nurses and midwives to reduce wait times in emergency departments and for elective surgeries.

The graduates will receive support and gain valuable experience in a range of clinical settings.

The initiative is welcomed as a step towards improving patient care and supporting healthcare professionals in their lifelong careers.

New settlement office investment


International (SSI), a major refugee resettlement provider in Australia, is investing in the Fairfield area by launching a new local location.

SSI supports around 20,000 refugees annually, with a significant number residing in western Sydney.

The new office space in Fairfield reflects SSI’s commitment to the community and its history of welcoming newcomers.

SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis praised Australia’s approach to settlement, which allows refugees to live close to family, friends, and their diaspora community upon arrival.

The investment in Fairfield aligns with the incoming NSW Labor Government’s funding commitments for infrastructure upgrades and support services.

The new office will house over 45 SSI staff, who will provide essential human services to various groups, including single parents, people with disabilities,

refugees, and asylum seekers.

SSI aims to strengthen partnerships and ensure that all members of the Fairfield community have opportunities to thrive.

“This rich, multicultural suburb shows that it is both possible for newcomers to build a sense of belonging in their new homes, while also remaining connected to culture, family and friends,”

“The beauty of Australia’s approach to refugee resettlement is that newcomers can choose to live close to family, friends and their diaspora community on arrival.”

Ms Roumeliotis said the Fairfield has not been exempt from the challenges that come with population growth in any area, but commended the incoming NSW Labor Government for funding commitments including upgrading Fairfield hospital and establishing a dedicated support centre for domestic and family violence in the suburb.

www.accessnews.com.au WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 5 NEWS BOOK NOW For more information, contact the Event Centre at Panthers on 02 4720 5511 or eventcentre@panthers.com.au. $80 per person Complimentary upgrade Book your next day conference or workshop by the 31st July, 2023 and get a complimentary upgrade from classic to premium day delegate package. Conditions apply. Minimum 20 guests per day. Not applicable to existing bookings. Valid for bookings from April to September 2023. Subject to availability.
SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis.

Strategic sale of airport land

AUSTRALIAN property funds and development firm Roberts Jones Pty Ltd (Roberts Jones) has announced the sale of a 17ha parcel of serviced land within its Burra Park development site at Badgerys Creek, to CDC Data Centres (CDC) for $150M.

Burra Park is Australia’s ground-breaking enterprise, logistics, and mixed-use employment precinct, strategically located near the Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport and the future M12 Motorway, in the heart of the Aerotropolis.

Property group Boyuan Holdings Limited (BHL Group), as the development agent for Roberts Jones, is managing delivery of the required infrastructure and civil works for the 280-hectare Burra Park project.

The sale to CDC, the leading sovereign owner, developer and operator of highly secure and connected large-scale data centres across Australia and New

Zealand, is the second significant land transaction within the Burra Park site, following exchange of contracts with global logistics operator DHL in 2022 for a 24ha portion of the site.

CDC’s Badgerys Creek campus would be its second major facility in Western Sydney, after its initial $1.5B investment at Eastern Creek.

Commenting on the sale, Roberts Jones’ Director, Jonathan Pan, said: “Rob-

erts Jones has taken the opportunity to capitalise on the strong, ongoing market demand for high-quality land assets in and around the Aerotropolis and divest a portion of our Burra Park site. We believe CDC’s core business aligns with our plans for Burra Park, as a world-class hitech enterprise, logistics and mixed-use employment precinct, in the heart of the Aerotropolis.”

BHL’s Chief Operating Officer, Paul

Major road reaches milestone

ANEW toll-free motorway for easy connection to the future Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport has reached a major construction milestone, with works now underway for a year.

The new 16-kilometre road is on track to open in 2026, and is a $2B investment in Western Sydney being

funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.

Expected to carry 52,000 vehicles per day by 2036, the new road will have connectivity via Elizabeth Drive to the east and The Northern Road to the west.

Current works are being delivered by contractors Seymour Whyte along the central section and

Hourigan said: “We look forward to continuing to work with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to progress plans for the Burra Park Project, but it is crucial that planning and approvals are expedited. Working in partnership with the NSW Government will ensure job growth and economic prosperity to the Aerotropolis and the wider Western Sydney region.”

CPB-Georgiou Group Joint Venture through the western section of the future motorway with more than 2000 people being directly or indirectly employed.

Major construction on the M12 will be complete prior to the opening of the new Western Sydney International Airport in 2026. For further information visit www.nswroads.work/m12.


His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Presiding Master:

Ven. Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche

Date : 18th May 2023 – 21st May 2023

Time : 9.00am – 7.00pm

Address : Club Merrylands Bowling Club 65 Newman Street, Merrylands, NSW, Australia, 2160



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6 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au NEWS Event Free Registration Kadri Bodhi Monastery Facebook
“ Kagyu Monlam is to spread the seeds of loving kindness and pure motivation, to activate their power, and hence bring about genuine peace, love, happiness and well-being in the world.”
Western Sydney Airport under construction. Paul Hourigan.

Amazon launches print on demand A

MAZON has opened its first Print on Demand facility in Western Sydney, the first for Amazon in the Southern Hemisphere.

The state-of-the-art printing service enables authors and publishers to print paperback books at its Kemp’s Creek Fulfilment Centre, making their selected catalogue of titles continuously available for fast delivery to Australian readers.

The launch sees customers have access to millions of books on amazon.com.au that will be delivered faster to customers in Australia, as the books will be printed locally.

With Print on Demand, once a customer places an order for a title enrolled in the program, Amazon.com.au prints the book and delivers it to them.

This eliminates the needs for manufacturing or storing surplus books, which help independent authors and publishers reach more readers.

Matt Benham, Category Lead for Media and Books, Amazon Australia, said: “We are continuously growing the delivery experience for Australian customers and our new Print on Demand facility means that we will be able to get millions of paperback titles to customers faster than ever before.

“We are also excited about the benefits Print on Demand brings to the thousands of Australian self-published authors who have been keenly waiting for the launch of an Australian facility.”

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Amazon’s self-publishing service, enables authors to publish in both print and digital formats, retain their copyright, get to

market fast, distribute globally and earn royalties.

Alongside better access to Australian readers through faster delivery of paperback copies of their work, KDP authors benefit from faster access to proof and author copies.

Christopher Cartwright, one of the thousands of Australian authors who are self-publishing via Kindle Direct Publishing

said: “The arrival of Amazon’s paperback printing facility in Australia is a huge milestone for Aussie self-published authors like me.

“Customers in Australia will now be able to buy a print copy of any of my books and have it delivered to them much quicker than before so I look forward to seeing what this will do for my sales on Amazon.com.au.”

About Amazon Australia

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth’s Best Employer, and Earth’s Safest Place to Work.

Minister halts premium increase

THE NSW Minister for Work Health and Safety, Sophie Cotsis, has stepped in to save small businesses from being hit with an average 20 per cent insurance premium increase.

Minister Cotsis wrote to icare, the state’s workplace injury insurer, directing it to limit average premium increase to 8 per cent in each of the next three financial years.

Minister Cotsis acknowledged this would still be tough on small businesses, but noted the an average increase was limited to 8 per cent in future years there was a lot more work ahead to put downward pressure on any average increase.

The Minister warned against false hope, saying it would still take years to fix a decade of dysfunction in the state’s injured workers compensation system.

Incoming briefs received by the new government warn that the nominal insurer is so seriously run down it will not regain financial sustainability without significant premium increases.

The briefings make clear that the primary reason for this is the previous government’s refusal to put in place adequate rate increases between 2014 and 2021.

The previous government was

The many benefits of Made In Australia

AUSTRALIAN Made Week 2023, taking place from May 15 to May 21, aims to promote local product purchases.

Previous campaigns have been successful in encouraging over 70% of Australians to prioritize buying Australian-made items. Research shows that if each household spent an extra $10 per week on Australian Made products, it would contribute $4.8B to the economy and create 9,500 jobs.

Most Australians have confidence in products displaying the green-and-gold logo, with 86% considering it important to buy Australian Made. Tasmanians rank highest in prioritizing local products, while concerns about overseas-made products and the importance of local manufacturing are widespread.

The Australian Made logo, introduced in 1986, is a recognized symbol verifying the product’s Australian origin and is used by over 4,200 businesses.

warned last year it would need to increase premiums by 15 per cent - and if it didn’t, even higher increases would be needed in future years.

Currently the average premium rate is 1.48 per cent of wages, well below both the break-even point of 1.91 per cent and the national average of 1.7 per cent.

This crunch point comes after years of scandal including a $140M IT contract awarded in a seven-day tender and an $18M printing contract awarded without tender to the Liberal Party’s printer and a major donor.

“Since taking office I have been advised of the parlous financial state of the workplace injury system. It is entirely unacceptable,” Ms Cotsis said.

“It will take years to fix a decade of decline in the workers compensation system, but the reform starts now.”

WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 7 Western Sydney Business Access www.accessnews.com.au
NSW Minister for Work Health and Safety, Sophie Cotsis. Amazon delivers. Australian Made Week ambassador, tennis legend and all-round good sport Ash Barty.

Westfield plans Penrith expansion

WESTFIELD positioning as major community destination for entertainment and leisure will be further enhanced by a new $18M expansion at the Penrith complex Scentre Group, the owner of the Westfield shopping centre chain, has lodged plans for the expansion to its Penrith complex, aiming to make it a “leading entertainment and leisure precinct.

Westfield’s company vision is: Creating destinations that reflect and support our communities.

Leading web site Urban Developer reported the redevelopment, at 565-595 High St partnered Sentre with the GPT Group, as well as planners Urbis.

The application, lodged with Penrith

City Council recently aims to “revitalise and activate” the existing shopping centre and establish a night-time economy in Penrith.

It will feature a new three-level dining precinct in addition to expanding the

cinematic offering of Hoyts.

The application seeks approval for refurbishment works to the cinema, adding two new Lux Cinema auditoriums and a lounge.

The plan would also include a reconfiguration of its Riley St Entrance and dining precinct, making room for three new restaurants.

The revamp aims to “establish the identity of the new dining precinct and expanded cinema offering”, adding a further five retail tenancies to the section.

Boosting the night-time economy was a priority of the Penrith Local Strategic Planning Statement, which said that a greater focus should be placed on diversifying offerings to expand visiting hours

into the night.

Penrith Westfield Shopping Centre is one of the largest regional shopping centres in Western Sydney, catering to a population of around 477,000 and has undergone a number of refurbishments in recent years.

Westfield Penrith was formerly Penrith Plaza and opened in March 1971 with Myer as lead tenant and was sold to the General Property Trust (GPT) in April 1971.

In early 2005, GPT reached agreement with the Westfield Group to sell 50% of Penrith Plaza after which it became known as Westfield Penrith.

Sources: Urban Developer, Wikipedia

Council invests $400M into City

PENRITH City Council at the May Ordinary Meeting released its Draft 2023-24 Operational Plan, outlining a significant investment of nearly $400M in infrastructure and operational works to meet the current and future service level requirements of the growing City.

The Draft 2023-24 Operational Plan is the second instalment of Council’s 4-year Delivery Program 202226 and contains specific actions for 2023-24 that aim to continue effective service delivery and progress action on the 136 identified priorities.

Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen encouraged the community to get involved in the consultation process which is open until June 1.

“The Draft 2023-24 Operational Plan and Draft 2023-24 Fees and Charges are essential documents that outline the priorities and actions of Council for the coming year,” Cr Hitchen said.

“We want to hear from our residents, businesses, and stakeholders to ensure that we are meeting their needs and expectations.

“Our City is growing, and we must ensure that we have the necessary infrastructure and services to support our residents and businesses. The investment outlined in this Draft Plan will enable us to meet the current and future needs of our community.”

The Draft Plan prioritises essential works and projects to ensure the City’s continued growth and develop-

ment. The proposed investment includes capital works, such as road upgrades, footpath improvements, and new community facilities, as well as operational works to maintain existing infrastructure and services.

It also includes initiatives to support the City’s sustainability goals, including investing in renewable energy and reducing the City’s carbon footprint.

The Draft 2023-24 Operational Plan and the Draft 2023-24 Fees and Charges documents will be placed on public exhibition from May 5 to June 1, 2023 (inclusive).

To view the plan and to submit feedback, go to www.yoursaypenrith. com.au/draftoperationalplan2023-24

8 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 Western Sydney Business Access www.accessnews.com.au

Council renews chamber alliance

THE Hills Shire Council is continuing its partnership with the Sydney Hills Business Chamber (SHBC), which has contributed significantly to supporting local businesses to grow and thrive and help shape local economic policy for the better.

Council has renewed its Alliance Partnership with the SHBC for another three years. This will provide even greater benefits to businesses and the wider Hills community, including activities and projects that aim to increase local jobs and attract suitable types of investment, such as businesses and industries, to the region.

Mayor Peter Gangemi said

he admired what the SHBC had achieved over its 30-year history and was proud of the relationship Council and the Chamber had built during this time.

“It is so important to have a united voice for local business,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“Through this partnership, we have supported our local businesses with educational events and workshops, as well as with roundtable discussions, jobs forums and much more.

“I would like to thank Chairman Kerrie Sheaves and the SHBC for their ongoing work and commitment to ensuring The Hills remains a great place to do business,” Mayor Gangemi added.

General Manager of The Hills Shire Council, Michael Edgar said the partnership with the SHBC was beneficial in supporting businesses to grow.

“The SHBC is about supporting and enabling our local business leaders to collaborate and grow,” Mr Edgar said.

SBC Chair Kerrie Sheaves said the Chamber was delighted to renew the Alliance Partnership with Council.

“The Alliance has been established in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation for the mutual benefit of both organisations and the business community,” Mrs Sheaves said.

“Both organisations will work together to develop and promote programs that align with the Council and SHBC’s strategic objectives and effectively serve the Hills business community.”

WEXPO In The Hills is on the way

BUSINESSES and the community are gearing up for the 2023 WEXPO in The Hills on October 11 at the Castle Grand function centre.

The day will be jam-packed with workshops, a regional jobs forum, special guest speakers, and a Sydney Hills Chamber of Commerce breakfast. Hills Shire council is the official partner for WEXPO In The Hills and Hills Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi is event Patron.

Lee Ussher – Creating Attraction Marketing

Australia’s only authorised Grow with Google trainer guides her audience through techniques and strategies to maximise attraction marketing. Focussing on digital media and building audiences, Lee calls upon her vast experience as a teacher, mentor, and business founder to share practical techniques that will have an immediate positive affect on your business’s digital attraction.

Farid Zaki – The Recipe for Business Success

What is business success and how do we achieve it? The definition of success is broad. In this entertaining presentation by respected MD of Western Sydney based ATP Accountants Farid helps clients achieve greater profits, enjoy greater wealth, minimise tax, while maintaining steady cash flow. Farid is a long-term member of the Sydney Hills Business Chamber.

If last year’s event at Blacktown was anything to go by, there will be huge interest for businesses who are part of the burgeoning Hills economy. More than 1000 people attended the sessions and media reach exceeded 500,000. Western Sydney Express and SWR 999 FM are the official media partners. WEXPO is free to attend for general admission. Confirmed speakers so far include:

Marcus Whelan – Start From Where You Are At

It’s fitting that in Mental Health month performance coach and psychologist

Marcus Whelan delivers a compelling presentation around calling time out conditions that could be holding you back – in business or personal life. Marcus is on a mission to help people grow and become the best they can be. His audience will take away useful insights to turn problems into opportunities.

New vision for The Hills

ALONG-term plan to create thousands of new jobs, drive economic opportunities, and position The Hills Shire as a region for innovation, health and science has been released for community feedback.

Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Peter Gangemi said the draft Economic Growth Plan aims to create 56,000 new jobs and attract new investment opportunities to the area by 2041.

The plan also details how Council aims to retain and enhance employment land, invest in people and their skills and grow opportunities for residents to work close to home.

“The Hills has always been a great place to live, but it’s increasingly become a great place to do business, spurred by major investment in infrastructure like the

Sydney Metro Northwest and bolstered by the growth of Norwest Business Park,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“Our draft Economic Growth Plan provides a vision to take that growth even further and establish The Hills as a leader in health, innovation, and science.

“Just as important as building new homes, it’s essential to also create opportunities for new jobs that residents can access, and that is why we are protecting and enhancing our business land by upgrading our green spaces, roads, pathways and cycleways – all the things that make our employment areas an attractive place to work and visit.

“We are also looking to capitalise on our already established health precincts and advocate for more infrastructure and transport routes, including connecting the

train line to the Aerotropolis and a new mass transit link between Norwest and Parramatta, via Baulkham Hills. This will enable better business-to-business links and increased accessibility to the Shire.”

Another focus will be providing more opportunities for residents to work close to their homes.

“The Hills’ economic future will be built on our people’s talent, skills, creativity and education,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“Time and again, our talented residents leave our Shire for work, and while we understand the need for our young people to broaden their horizons through education and travel, we must create an economy with opportunities for them to return.

“That’s why a focus of this plan will be to grow local industry and attract more

Katherine Hawes – Unpacking Legal Complexity

The principal at Digital Age Lawyers focuses on making legal information meaningful and actionable for small businesspeople and individuals. In this engaging session

Katherine will lead her audience through key principles for creative solutions to everyday problems and discuss insights to common issues including social media, succession, contracts and property.

More information at: www.wexpo.com.au

businesses that can stimulate economic growth for the local area and increased job opportunities close to home that are matched with our highly skilled residents.”

The draft Economic Growth Plan will be available for comment via Council’s website, www.thehills.nsw.gov.au, under the ‘Have Your Say’ tab. Council will also be holding a workshop and drop-in sessions throughout the consultation period, which will run until July 31, 2023.

Council’s Economic Development Team will also be on hand to answer questions via the Forward Planning Hotline, 9843 0597.

Submissions and input from the consultation period will be considered by Council later in 2023 when deciding on whether to adopt the draft Economic Growth Plan.

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Sydney Business
Mayor Gangemi pictured with Kerrie Sheaves from the Sydney Hills Business Chamber

Get your blood pressure checked

CARDIOVASCULAR disease (CVD) is a major health issue in Australia, leading to the hospitalization of over 600,000 people annually.

World Hypertension Day, which was on May 17, aimed to increase awareness of the significance of knowing and maintaining a healthy blood pressure level.

About 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, with 46% of adults unaware of their condition and only one in five having their blood pressure under control.

Blooms The Chemist, a leading community pharmacy network, supports their local communities by promoting blood

pressure monitoring and encouraging individuals to visit their pharmacy for a blood pressure test.

This initiative aims to combat low awareness rates, particularly in low to middle-income areas.

Blooms The Chemist provides free blood pressure evaluation tests as a core health service across their pharmacy network, aiming to prevent future health issues through early detection and intervention.

Greyhounds off to America

IN a historic partnership, retired Australian greyhounds will be sent to the United States to serve as companion

animals for law enforcement officers.

The Pacific Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Greyhounds Australasia, Greyhound Racing NSW, and the US Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).

The FOP, with over 367,000 members across 3,000 lodges nationwide, aims to provide greyhounds as PTSD dogs and pets for its officers.

The initiative is inspired by successful programs in Australia with the Australian Federal Police Association and Police Association of NSW.

The partnership is seen as a merging of human and animal welfare, providing comfort to officers exposed to traumatic incidents. The initiative has attracted widespread support in the Australian greyhound industry.

Doctors back vaping crackdown

THE Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has expressed support for the Albanese Government’s crackdown on vaping.

The Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, has announced measures to curb the e-cigarette black market, including restrictions on flavors and colors, pharmaceutical packaging, limits on nicotine concentrations and volumes, and a ban on single-use disposable products.

The RACGP President, Dr. Nicole Higgins, welcomed these actions and emphasized the need to protect young people from nicotine vaping.

She praised the $63M advertising campaign aimed at discouraging vaping and smoking and highlighted the im-

portance of limiting the appeal of vaping products, which often target children.

Dr Higgins also emphasized the RACGP’s willingness to collaborate with the government and promote vaping as a smoking cessation strategy under medical supervision.

She encouraged individuals to seek help from their GPs for various quitting options.

$7M for disadvantaged students

THE NSW Government has allocated over $7M to support disadvantaged students in vocational training.

The funding will remove the cap on needs-based loadings for Smart and Skilled approved training providers, benefiting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students with disabilities, and the long-term unemployed.

Previously, providers could only receive one loading per enrolment, but the removal of the cap acknowledges that students may have multiple needs, allowing for additional loadings.

The decision is based on a report titled “Disadvantage, Disability, and Vocational Education and Training” commissioned by the NSW Department of Education, which found that disadvantaged students have a 15% lower completion rate.

TAFE NSW, known for training a higher proportion of disadvantaged students, will receive the majority of the additional funding.

The Department of Education will also establish a community of practice to share best practices and learnings among training providers.

10 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au Newsbytes



Best Hills businesses on show

HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Sydney Hills businesses, the annual night of nights is Tuesday May 30 at Castle Hills RSL.

That’s the date of the 2023 Sydney Hills Business Awards.

Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.

“That’s why the annual Sydney Hills Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.

“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”

Mr Loe said being a finalist at the Sydney Hills Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.

“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.

“Making it to the finalist presentation is a great reflection on their efforts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.”

All finalists in each category are an-

nounced, with their picture shown on the big screen.

“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”

“Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Hills Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.”

Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges

incredibly difficult.

“Western Sydney Express, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.

“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”

The Sydney Hills Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of Presenting Partner, Commonwealth

Bank and Major Partners, Hills Shire Council, NOVA Employment and BigClean and support partners, White Key Marketing, Cornerstone and Western Sydney Express.

“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the finalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Inner West Local Business Awards,” Mr Loe said.

“I would also like to thank the Inner West community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.

“Without them, these outstanding businesses would receive the recognition which they deserve.”

For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit www.thebusinessawards.com.au.

2023 3202
Scenes form 2022 gala awards night.
12 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 At FlexiHome Care, our goal is simple – we want our participants to be independent for as long as possible. We strive to get to know our participants and provide services that enable them to unleash their potential while making them feel comfortable with the support we provide. CONTACT Manjula Singh | 0426 866 005 | info@flexihomecare.org

We are very grateful and humbled to be finalists in the 2023 Sydney Hills Local Business Awards for Outstanding Professional Services, and would like to thank our wonderful team, clients and supporters who have motivated us to excel.

Our highly trained legal team includes experienced solicitors, barristers, conveyancers, migration agents, and affiliated legal experts to provide a wide range of legal services, including Wills and Estates, Commercial Law, Contract Law, Conveyancing, Criminal Law, Employment Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Litigation, Personal Injury and Workers Compensation.

We are happy to assist with your legal requirements and aim to ensure that your experience and results are the best that we can provide.

We are proud to be:

¾ Finalists in the 2023 Sydney Hills Local Business Awards – Outstanding Professional Services;

¾ Winner of the 2022 Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence in Small Business; and

¾ Winner of the 2022 Australian Small Business Champion in Legal Services.

WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 13 incorporating Collins Legal MLC Lawyers incorporating Collins Legal Suite 513 2-8 Brookhollow Avenue, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 02 9639 8101 admin.norwest@mlclawyers.net www.MLClawyers.net

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

Clube de lutas is Brazilian Jiu jitsu and Martial arts Dojo

A new wave of learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with a focus on mindset, maximising individual potential and optimising personal growth. At Clube De Lutas, we prioritise our students’ safety so that our gyms in Seven Hills and Rouse Hill become a safe haven for all to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and better themselves through martial arts.

Please reach out to find out more about how you can help with this charitable cause. 0456 945 477 |

Guide & Grow, teaching our leaders of tomorrow

Guide & Grow is an authentic Montessori 0-6 years early learning centre, tutoring service with a global online support community to help raise our future generations.

It provides parents and educators around the world with rich resources, live events, access to early childhood resources, expert insights, and a global support community.

“ This is all designed to help you nurture compassionate, resilient and confident children ready to make a lasting impact on the world,” a team member said.

Guide & Grow provides a holistic and revolutionary approach to guiding children, to enhance their curriculum and educators’ skills set in dealing with more challenging moments.

Contact us about a visit to our centre so you can understand how a Montessori based education can help create a more cohesive classroom, harmonious workplace and independent child. Email: marketing@guideandgrow.com

WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 15 We have been named a finalist in the Sydney Hills Local Business Awards in the outstanding Professional Services category for 2023! Thank you to our beautiful Hills community and to our clients for your love and support. We are honoured to be serving our community and clients the way that we do and making a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis. We specialise in family law, wills and estates and conveyancing, so feel free to reach out should you require any assistance in these areas of law. 02 8605 3437 G.05/14-16 Brookhollow Avenue Norwest NSW 2153 team@greenleaflegal.com.au www.greenleaflegal.com.au @greenleaflegal
16 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 Mon-Wed – 9am to 6pm + Thur-Fri – 9am to 7pm + Sat-Sun – 9am to 4pm HOURS OF OPERATION HOURS OF OPERATION LIVE LIFE MARKET Ph: 0474 000 058 Email: info@livelifestore.com.au www.livelifestore.com.au Live Life Organic Market Shop 67 Grove Square The Hills Shopping Centre 375-383 Windsor Road Baulkham Hills (we are located at the Coles end of Grove Square and next to Bakers Delight) We bring to you a fine array of ethically sourced nature’s produce, for a healthier, sustainable and conscious lifestyle. • Keto & Low Carb • Gluten Free • Vegetarian & Plant Based • Toxin Free


Best Liverpool businesses on show

HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Liverpool businesses, the annual night of nights is Wednesday, June 7 Holiday Inn at Warick Farm.

at’s the date of the 2023 Liverpool Business Awards.

Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “ere’s no doubt that local business owners and their sta work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.

“at’s why the annual Liverpool Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.

“It’s a gliering event that gives nalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”

Mr Loe said being a nalist at the Liverpool Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.

“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.

“Making it to the nalist presentation is a great reection on their eorts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.”

All nalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on the big screen.

“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”

“Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Hills Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.”

Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly dicult.

“Western Sydney Express, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the nalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.

“is is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become nalists.”

e Liverpool Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of Presenting Partner, Commonwealth Bank and Major Partners, Hills Shire Council, NOVA Employment and BigClean and support partners, White Key Marketing, Cornerstone and Western Sydney Express.

“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the nalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Inner West Local Business Awards,” Mr Loe said.

“I would also like to thank the Inner West community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.

“Without them, these outstanding businesses would receive the recognition which they deserve.”

For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit www.thebusinessawards.com.au.

Western Sydney Express congratulates all finalists in this year’s Liverpool Local Business Awards We are proud to be the offical media partner. www.westernsydneyexpress.au
Scenes from the 2023 gala event.
2 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Visit us at: Shop 4/501 Cow Pasture Road Len Waters Estate NSW 2171 Shop 9/180 Gould Road Eagle Vale NSW 2558 Phone number 1300MANOOSH Manoosh & Co Shop 3 46B Reservoir Road Mt Pritchard NSW 2170 Phone 02 9055 8387 Website www.trover.tax Local Business awards and would like to thank everyone who voted for us RM6901549 Your local tax and business advisory specialists Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023
4 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Royalcarpentry&construction | 0451 571 715
6 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 www.montielectrical.com.au Monti Electrical specialise in residential and commercial electrical contractors services, home automation and security. Seniors card accepted 10% oered Zippay merchant Zip Payments accepted Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023
7 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Netcorp are an Australian owned and operated IT and Telematics Solutions Provider. As well as providing IT infrastructure solutions, we are innovators in the telematics industry and specialise in customised system integration and Netcorp 7/10b Childs Road, Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Ph: 1300 722 127 • sales@netcorp.com.au

Linking People & Homes

Experience luxury living in the heart of the city with our stunning apartments! From the breathtaking views to the modern amenities, you won’t nd a better place to call home. Come see for yourself and schedule an inspection today! info@reyproperties.com.au 02 8750 8609 0450 944 407 3 / 39 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool BUY | SELL | BUILD | RENT www.reyproperties.com.au
9 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Call Us at: 012 3456 7890 00 Or Visit Us at: www.yourwebsite.com at: Us at: FREE CONSULTATION (02) 9601 7534 • CHILDREN DENTISTRY • DENTAL CHECK UP & CLEAN • DENTAL IMPLANTS • SMILE MAKEOVER • PORCELAIN VENEERS • DENTAL CROWNS • ROOT CANAL • WISDOM TOOTH EXTRACTIONS • CLEAR ALIGNERS • EMERGENCY DENTAL SERVICES SERVICES Get $500 OFF FOR NEW PATIENT Porcelain Veneers Treatment Get $300 OFF Dental on implant Suite 20-21/67 Elizabeth Drive, Liverpool NSW 2170 Suite 2A/130 Main Street, BlacktownNSW 2148 info@yfdl.com.au Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023 Services provided include: Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Behaviour Therapy, Music Therapy and Feeding Therapy One Stop Allied Health & Medical Centre 102 Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank (On the corner of Nuwarra Road and Maddecks Ave) Phone: 02 8734 3065 • Reception@AHPartnerships.com.au Immediate Availability for Speech Pathology via Telehealth - any location in Australia.

Kinderland Academy believes there is more to Early Learning than simply care – the Early Years are fundamental to a child's emotional, cognitive and social development. That is why we are focused on providing our families with quality programs to support children's learning and development from birth right through to five years of age.

Kinderland Academy Liverpool 41 Mclean Street, info@kinderlandacademy.com.au
Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

Sydney’s number one premium pool and spa services and products provider, operating for over 25 years.

The Business started informally 40 years ago however, with Directing Manager George winding back pool pump motors, which ultimately lead to his decision to open a pool shop 15 years later.

We deliver quality expertise and knowledge in-store and on-site, performing regular pool and spa cleaning and maintenance, equipment installation, pool plumbing & repairs, electrical work, and in-store equipment repairs for most areas in Sydney.

We are one of the leading consumer pool products supplier, providing high-quality products at aordable pricing.

02 9790 1563 | info@pumpandpoolpeople.com.au

1/167 Newbridge Rd, Chipping Norton



Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023


Located in the heart of Moorebank. Our family welcomes you to indulge your senses in a modern and contemporary Mediterranean alike atmosphere.

OPEN DAILY from 6.30am till 10pm

Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Catering - Functions

Family Orthodontics welcomes everyone into our clinic.

We devise a treatment plan that best ts with your life style as we work together to create a beautiful smile to boost the condence of all our patients.

There is nothing more satisfying than the happy, condent smiles of our patients at the end of their treatment.




Carlingford: 02 9873 2226

Suite 13, 835-839 Pennant Hills Rd

Carlingford NSW 2118

Liverpool: 02 9821 2413

Suite 11, 170 George St, Liverpool NSW 2170

Shop 35/32-36 Stockton Ave, Moorebank | (02) 9734 7753 MEDITERRANEAN CAFE, RESTAURANT
BAR Located in the heart of Moorebank.
15 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 1800 898 899 bombbq.com.au eat@bombbq.com.au EdSquare Shopping, Level 1, 52 Soldiers Parade, Edmonson Park NSW 2174 All you can eat Korean BBQ Cocktail bar. f baaoinkmoo bomkbbq

Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

2023 Honor Role of Finalists

Automotive Services

■ICare Windscreens

■Mobile Mechanics To You


■Liverpool Smash Repairs

■Phil Johnson Smash Repairs

■Ace Action Motors

■Liverpool Auto Care

■Highway Truck Driving School

■Carasel Towbars Moorebank

■ Greater West Outdoor Power Equipment & Hire

■Dent Guru

■Best Buy Autos Prestige

Bakery/Cake Business

■ Pasticceria Dolce Vita - Carnes Hill Market Place

■ e Doughnut Mum - Hometown Warwick Farm

■Pella Burek - Liverpool Plaza

■Miller Bakery - Miller Central

■Lisle’s Quality Cakes

■Cake In A Box

■Manoosh & Co



■Migas Custom Cookies

■Highteas Catering and Co

■Lion D’Or Beauty Services

■Laser Sydney - Carnes Hill Marketplace

■Adorn Laser Clinic - Casula Mall

■Inglot - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Blush Nails & Beauty - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Neo Body Laser Clinic - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ NU Skin Laser & Beauty Clinic - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■DeLush Laser & Beauty - Miller Central

■Gloss Beauty Salon

■ Melissa Lashes - Cosmetics Eyebrows & Lips Blush

■Blue Lagoon Nails - e Valley Plaza

■Lailas Beauty and Laser


■Haus of Beauty & Sculpting

■Lash Evolution & Beauty

■Laser Cosmetic Clinic

■Beauty by Feliciti

■Glam Makeup By Mervat

■Shadow Ink

■Allure Beauty Bar

■Bling Em Claws

■Lashes By Shana

■GetReadyWithReddy Cafe

■Gloria Jean’s Coees - Casula Mall

■Cafe 4se7en - Casula Mall

■ e Shed Cafe - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Blueprint Cafe - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Degani - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Garden of Eden Cafe

■Miller Cafe - Miller Central

■e Hive Cafe Hammondville

■Lab Kitchen - e Valley Plaza

■ Macchiato & Co Green Valley - e Valley Plaza

■XS Espresso e Valley Plaza

■Way 2 Live

■e Pallet Cafe

■Hox Cafe

Dance Studio

■ Storm the Stage Performing Arts Academy

■Australian Dance and Drama Co

■Kookies N Kream Dance School

■Wanderlust Pole Studio

Early Childhood Centre

■Kids United OSHC - Liverpool

■Sloosh Kidscare

■Joey’s Coage Preschool

■Kinderland Academy Liverpool

■ Community Kids Greenway Park Early Education Centre

■Young Minds Academy

■e Grove Academy - Edmondson Park

■ Prestons Early Education and Care Centre

■Step Ahead ChildCare

■Smart Cookies Early Learning Centre

■Annabelle Childcare Centre

Education Service

■HSC Success Tutoring - Green Valley

■James An College


■Onroad Driving Education - Liverpool

■Growth Academy

■Leading Edge Tutoring

■Australian Forkli Training

■Upli Education

■Sam’s Tutoring

■First Aid Competency Training

■Fun Messy Mates

■REACH For Training (Liverpool)


■ Quickt Clothing Alterations - Casula Mall

■Spendless Shoes - Casula Mall

■Forcast - Westeld Liverpool

■Estila Boutique

■Mysha Collections

■Designer Indo West Collections

Fast Food/Takeaway

■Sheikh Shack - Carnes Hill Market Place

■Sydney Manoosh - Chipping Norton

■Ogalo - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Fishery & Co - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Juice & Me - Wale Grove

■Top Juice - Westeld Liverpool

■Cali Burgers Sydney

■Harrys Cafe De Wheels - Liverpool

■Mina 1 Bakery Bros Lurnea

■El Jannah Liverpool

■Cup Ten

■Larouche Restaurant & Bakehouse

■e Krispy Grillz

Fitness Services

■Ultim8 Fitness

■KX Pilates - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Fitness Forum Health Club

■Anytime Fitness - Miller Shopping Centre


■F45 Training Liverpool

■Commit2t Personal Training

■FS8 Liverpool

■Bossley Volley

■Fit Clinic

■Michael Clarke Recreation Centre

■F45 Training Moorebank

■Santosa Yoga


■Snap Fitness Casula

■IMC Liverpool Martial Arts Centre

Floor Coverings & Window Furnishings

■InVogue Rugs & Flooring

■Hi Tech Flooring Solutions

■Sculli Blinds and Outdoor Awnings


■Cassie’s Country Florist - Casula Mall

■Caie Florist - e Valley Plaza

■5th Avenue Florist

■Leppington Florist

■Euphloria Florist


■Hair Matrix - Casula Mall

■Finest Hair - Liverpool Plaza

■Ombre Hair - Liverpool Plaza

■Unbreakable Cutz - Liverpool Plaza

■ Unique Hair by Laura - Cecil Hills Shopping Village


■RamiFadez - Westeld Liverpool

■Hair Colosseum - Westeld Liverpool

■United Artists Hairdressing

■Hair Insider

■Miss Kim Hair Design and Beauty

■Try African Look


Health Improvement Services

■Austral Dental Care

■ Ed Square Dental - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Belal Ali & Associates Psychology

■Activ erapy Moorebank - Liverpool

■City Cave Liverpool

■SummitCare - Liverpool


Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

■Access Disability Services

■ Enunciate Speech Pathology & OT Services

■Access Disability Services

■Family Orthodontics

■ Flex Physiotherapy Elite Allied Healthcare

■Foot Lab Podiatry

■Austral New Age Physiotherapy

■Iogha Mental Health Services

■One Stop Allied Health & Medical Centre

■Nursing Group

■Your Family Dentist Liverpool

■Growth Psychology Consulting

■Leppington Allied Health Centre

■Dune Health and Wellbeing

New Business

■Chubby Buns Burgers Hoxton Park

■Shisha Hut

■Monti Electrical

■Power Enclave Support Services

■Triple Terror Trends

■e Oasis Wellness Spa

■Access Care Services


■ Priceline Pharmacy - Carnes Hill Marketplace

■Priceline Pharmacy - Casula Mall

■ Chemistworks - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Blooms e Chemist - Miller Central

■Priceline Pharmacy - e Valley Plaza

■Wale Grove Village Discount Pharmacy

■Amcal Pharmacy - Moorebank

Professional Services

■ Carnes Hill Eyesense - Carnes Hill Market Place

■Super Smiles Dental

■Medispecs - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Elite Supplements - Westeld Liverpool

■Silvertouch Creation

■Finance Hub & Networks

■Higgins Tonna & Co

■Silver & Young

■Synergy Legal - Casula

■Arrow Lawyers

■Trover Tax

■Flexi Financial Services

■ SDS Accounting & Bookkeeping Solutions

■ Karma Germanos Professional Photographer

Expert services for community

DUNE Health and Wellbeing provides psychological services to children, adults and families in Australia.

“We are passionate about providing inclusive services to diverse and multi-cultural clients with a strong focus on socially and culturally competent care,” Director Dr Tinashe Dune said.

“DHW started with a focus on the Liverpool area and Western Sydney. Dr Tinashe Dune, a multi-award winning academic, spent many years dreaming of a health clinic where people were accepted for who they are, and their culture and ethnicity was a strength.

“Since those humble days, the practice has grown to include nine sta and has supported nearly 300 clients from the area and across Australia.

■Netplanet Digital

■First Brick Property Buyers Agency

■ Top Notch Accountants & Tax Professionals

■Simply Numbers

■Dental On Demand

■Prime Design Studios

■Brainiact Hoxton Park

■Feel Good Production

Real Estate Agency

■ Multi Dynamic - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■Wiseberry Acclaim Real Estate - Prestons

■Century 21 Combined - Liverpool

■LJ Hooker - Leppington

■Benchmark National - Moorebank

■Sydney West Real Estate

■Property Plus 977

■McGrath Real Estate Agency - Liverpool

■Boka Real Estate

■Sapphire Estate Agents - Leppington

■Rey Properties

■ Laing + Simmons - West Hoxton & Austral

■Domaine Plus Real Eatate


■ anh Binh Asian Fusion - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ BaaOinkMoo Korean BBQ - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Loaded by BL - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■e Warwick

■ Madera Lounge - Hometown Warwick Farm

■Pho More

■Pho 76 - e Valley Plaza

■e Newmarket Room

■Yummy Bite Pizza

■e Paper Mill Food

■e BNK Cafe Restaurant

Service & Trade

■Dtech Joinery

■EVH Construction

■Milo’s Cleaning Services

■Dr Bugs

■Jonathan Homes

■APH Plumbing Services

■Prominent Kitchens and Joinery

■Handy Photography

■Royal Carpentry & Construction

■Pro Flush

■Mint Graphics

“Our future focus is to support as many people as possible and continue to raise our community. We plan to expand our team to include other allied health professionals which will help us to continue to expand our collaborative and wholistic health care approach for our clients at DHW,” Dr Tinashe said.

“In the next decade, we hope to open multiple DHW clinics across Australia to provide our face-to-face services nationally. e DHW community has provided people with #timetothrive and to live their lives to the fullest.

“We continuously strive to provide the highest quality of care to our clients, and we are excited for the future of DHW.”

■TFR Plumbing

■Pump and Pool People


■T&R Mechanical Repairs

■DJJecoat Constructions

■Ballard’s Carpentry

■KILR Glass & Fencing

■Opal Mowing & Landscaping

Sole Operator

■South Pacic International Freight

■Ruth Matos Civil Celebrant

■Karem Photography

■NSW Oce Solutions

■Rebecca Jane Singh Design

■Luxury Balloons Sydney

■Angel TraShell International Psychic

■Stylish Events By Steph


Specialised Business

■Lux Events Co.

■iCare Community Services

■JustMed Group

■Creative Culture HQ

■Green Valley Spices - Liverpool

■Netcorp GPS

■Visualised Concepts

■Monkey Play Mobile Play Centre

■Giuseppe Brothers Coee Roasters

■e William Inglis Hotel

■Scrub by Damian

■Lula Group

■Mobility Masters Australia

Specialised Retail Business

■Optus Casula - Casula Mall

■ Candy Smash - Ed. Square Shopping Centre

■ Independent Living SpecialistsHometown Warwick Farm

■Jolyan Phones - Miller Central

■Green Valley Spices - e Valley Plaza

■Vodafone SmartPhones - e Valley Plaza

■ Glitch Techs Specialists - Westeld


■Yakuza Motorsports

■Rampage Clothing & Co

■Moonie Bridal

■Udaya Spices

■Mr and Mrs Boss Cleaning Services

Visit: www. dunehealthandwellbeing.com

Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

Putting smiles on faces

FAMILY Orthodontics experts at Liverpool and Carlingford enjoy producing beautiful smiles for their clients.

“Here at Family Orthodontics we welcome everyone into our clinic,” a Team Member said.

“We devise a treatment plan that best ts with their lifestyle as we work together to create a beautiful smile to boost the condence of all our patients.

“ere is nothing more satisfying than the happy, condent smiles of our patients at the end of their treatment.

Leader in GPS tracking eld

“Orthodontics is not only implemented to achieve straight smiles but also through early diagnosis, prevent developmental irregularities of the teeth and jaws to improve oral and general health.

“At Family Orthodontics, you can expect to experience a very real dierence when it comes to the level of your treatment and care.”

Visit: www.familyorthodontics.com.au

Vipin’s passion for photography

OCTOBER 2020 marked the start of Vipin Mathew’s photography business, and journey began with a deep passion for the art of photography.

“I have been involved in this industry for over ve years and it has been a thrilling experience ever since. I started out small, with just a few projects here and there, but gradually built my portfolio and grew my client base,” Vipin said.

“From engagement and wedding shoots to family portraits and maternity shoots, I have had the privilege of being part of so many important moments.

“My love for photography has only grown over the years, and I am so happy that I was able to pursue my dreams and turn them into reality.

“Feel Good Productions strives to provide the highest level of customer service possible. I understand that my customers are looking for a unique and personalized experience and I am commied to delivering that,” Vipin said.

In addition to providing a high level of customer service, Vipin also ensures that his photography and videography services are of the highest quality.

“All of my equipment is of the latest technology and I use professional editing soware to ensure that the results are perfect. I work hard to capture the best possible shots, so that my customers can be proud of the nal product.”

ESTABLISHED in 1999, Netcorp GPS is an Australian owned company specializing in GPS tracking and vehicle telematics solutions.

With more than 20 years of industry experience, Netcorp GPS has established itself as a leader in the GPS tracking eld, with innovative solutions that provide peace of mind, safety, and security.

Netcorp GPS designs, develops, manufactures and installs its solutions in-house, using its experienced development team. e company operates in ve locations across Australia and serves 10 dierent industries.

ese industries include concrete and aggregate supply, waste management, construction, eld workers, government, personal tracking, plant machinery, sales sta , service vehicles, and transport.

For concrete and aggregate suppliers, Netcorp GPS provides solutions that offer operators transparency of their eet.

e company’s waste management solutions monitor waste types and

report issues in real-time, while its construction solutions increase productivity and protability. For personal tracking,

Netcorp GPS ensures safety and corporate responsibility. e company’s plant machinery solutions allow customers to set up geofences and track heavy machinery, while its eld worker solutions provide premium tracking systems to help workers stay safe.

Netcorp GPS’s government solutions monitor assets and manage employees, while its sales sta solutions ensure awareness and responsible driving.

e company’s service vehicle solutions allow managers to make informed decisions and allocate resources, while its transport solutions provide eet tracking and route optimization.

To connect with Netcorp GPS, customers can contact the sales team at 1300 722 127 or via email at sales@netcorp.com.au

More information about Netcorp GPS and its solutions can be found on its website at: www.netcorpgps.com.au.

Excellence in service provision

ONE Stop Allied Health has once again been awarded a nalist position in the Liverpool Small Business Awards.

Following their win in 2021, One Stop Allied Health and Medical Centre has continued to grow and achieve outstanding results for their clients.

ey are a community friendly Allied Health service provider in the heart of Moorebank. eir experienced, collaborative and accessible services include Speech Pathology, Occupational erapy, Psychology, Behaviour erapy, Music erapy and Feeding erapy.

All services can be provided face to face at their clinic, as home consultations, school support or via Telehealth.

One Stop Allied Health has been operating from 102 Nuwarra Rd, on the corner of Nuwarra Road and Maddecks Ave, for the past seven years.

e centre has become known for excellence in family centred care for individuals with developmental, learning or complex needs, as well as for their excellent group programs.

One Stop Allied Health has been providing Telehealth services well before

lockdowns occurred, which places them as one of the most experienced telehealth services.

ere is currently no wait list for Speech Pathology Telehealth appointments. Services are provided through NDIS funding, Chronic Disease Man-

agement plans through Medicare, Private Health funds and any other funding sources.

For more information, please phone 02 8734 3064.

Vipin Mathew
One Stop Health team

Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

The avours of the Middle East

“IT all starts with the secret famous dough, made fresh every morning through heart and hand.”

“We take it back to basics, then we add a whole lot of love,” a team member at Manoosh & Co said. “is is the foundation to the perfect avor.”

Located in one of Liverpool’s newest upcoming food district, Manoosh & Co brings all the right avors to the party.

Proudly creating handmade authentic Middle Eastern cuisine, they deliver a delicious experience with every bite.

“With the perfect blend of traditional and modern mouth-watering dishes, there’s an array of options to enjoy for everyone.’

“Whether it be starting your day with a generous breakfast banquet to be shared with your friends and family, the traditional made to order manoosh which melts away with every bite, or the hearty lled and insanely tasty burgers, Manoosh & Co has all you need to satisfy anyone’s hunger.

“Celebrating the diversity of the local community while preserving the traditional Middle Eastern avors is the proud recipe that is served daily.”

Our new store set to be opening in around 7 weeks in Eagle Vale.

Visit: www.manooshandco.com

PUMP and Pool People

Karma makes positive impact

RMA Germanos is a professional photographer who has made an impressive name for herself in the industry.

She captures memories for families and through her art. Her unique approach to photography has helped her stand out in a crowded eld and has made her one of the most sought-aer photographers locally.

What sets Karma apart is her ability to show the world the power and message of her clients through her photographs. She understands that every person has a unique story to tell and she uses her talent to help them share that story with the world.

Her portraits are not just prey pictures; they are powerful messages that speak to the heart and soul of her subjects.

In a world where social media is oen used as a tool for self-promotion, Karma’s work is a refreshing reminder of the power of photography to make a dierence in people’s lives.

She has used her talent to empower women, showcase the beauty of diversity, and capture the essence of

family relationships. Through her photographs, she has helped her clients feel seen, both ‘heard and valued.’

In a time when the world is still recovering from the eects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Karma’s work has taken on even greater importance. Her ability to capture the beauty of human connection and the power of resilience has helped upli people, and families and bring hope back into their lives. She is an example of how photography can be used to make a positive impact.

Primed to take on any project

Pump and Pool People is a reputable family-owned business providing exceptional pool and spa services and premium products for all consumers.

Feel at ease with their expertise and knowledge, due to Directing Manager George possessing over 40 years of experience and passing this down to all of his employees,” a team member. said

“For over 25 years we have provided regular pool and spa cleaning and maintenance, equipment installations, pool plumbing and repairs and electrical work, in areas ranging from Sydney’s west, south, south-west and inner west.

“Our retail and repairs warehouse is situated in the heart of Chipping Norton, holding all pool and spa products at aordable prices, as well as our reliable in-store equipment warranty and repairs sector.

“From our humble beginnings rst opening in 1997, Pump and Pool People is now still a family-owned and operated business, progressing rapidly in the pool and spa industry with exceptional products, services and expertise!

“Our business is unique as we have all come together from separate work backgrounds to develop this business into a powerhouse organisation.”

Areas sta come from include: Sports marketing, Corporate marketing, Ecommerce, KYC compliance, banking, Corporate sales, Finance, Accounting, Electrical, Laboring, and Warehousing Plus, several members have only ever worked in the pool industry

Visit: www.pumpandpoolpeople.com.au

PRIME Design Studios is a building design company that holds oces based in Liverpool and Condell Park.

It was founded in 2020 during the dicult times of COVID-19 and is directed by a passionate owner Elizabeth Soliman.

With more than eight years of experience in residential and commercial projects this young team is condent about taking on any project.

e dierence Prime Design Studios holds compared to any other is that no job is just a number, no project is just a design.

“Our clients are building their homes and we are there for such a personal experience so we take pride in our work as owners would take pride in their homes,” Mrs Soliman said.

“e primary goal is to provide service so expectational that building no longer becomes a scary idea,” she said.

is young company has achieved great success and continue to strive. e experience they hold with projects spanning across all of Sydney they aim to continue to expand.

It would be hard to nd another Design company that will guide you through the process from building bricks of design to the footstep of construction.

With such passion and drive it is no surprise that the team at Prime Designs are a nalist in the 2023 Local Business Awards.

Visit: www.primedesignstudios.com.au

Prime Design Studios Karma Germanos


Niranjan was was very professional and polite. Amazing service from him and I loved the communication as he always responded to me. Easy to reach and willing to help.

Niranjan is one of the best sales agents, very professional, he explained everything in a way that was easy to understand from the making of the oer, to working with settlement. Nirajan helped me every step of the way.

20 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Why Choose Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd to sell your property? Property prices rise and fall, but one thing that should remain consistent is good customer service. Acting as your property partner in the sale of your property is a big responsibility, one we take very seriously. We believe in gaining your trust, exceeding your expectations and trying to make the whole experience less stressful. 6 Carnelian st ,Leppington NSW 2179 +61 0421 462 655 info@sydneywestrealty.com.au Scan QR code to book an appraisal.
you Niranjan
The best real estate company I have ever dealt with.

Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

Austral Dental’s 35-year history

AUSTL Dental Care has been providing expert dental health care for the community for the past 35 years.

e legacy of Dr Karen Sloan lives on through Dr Elvis and Brendan with their amazing team at Austral Dental.

“ey are so grateful to be carrying on her legacy for those 35 years,” a Team Member said. “ey both were born and raised in Liverpool and have seen the massive changes this LGA has experienced in the last few decades.”

“We would like to thank Dr Karen, Mahmoud and Sherif for giving us this

opportunity to represent Austral Dental Care. We wish to continue to uphold their great reputation and legacy by providing the best comprehensive and multi-disciplinary care possible in a calm, caring and comforting space.”

“Dr Elvis is also a hospital pharmacist and understands that great service creates strong health relationships, and this starts at the community level. His time not only extends to his patients but to young budding dentists at Sydney University for which he is a Lecturer and a tutor.

“We are so grateful to have the loveliest and loyal patient base for they are the

reason we live and breathe what we do.

“Our whole team is pivotal in providing the best possible dental care in a calming and relaxing environment. is all begins from our Front Desk Coordinator Taylor to our awesome dental assistants Helen, Elvisa, Vivienne and Mays.

“We understand it may be dicult to get to the dentist during work hours, so to allow easier access for our patients, we have extended our operating hours on weekdays from 8-6pm and are Open on Saturdays.

“Free Unlimited Parking is available on site. Same day emergency appointments

Best all you can eat KBBQ

BaaOinkMoo (BOM) at EdSquare is Liverpool’s liveliest Korean BBQ joint serving fun, food and entertainment.

It is an All-You-Can-Eat buffet lled with neon lights, disco balls, quirky animations and a soju cocktail bar. Equipped with an expansive VIP room, BOM is the perfect place for larger group celebrations of up to 20 guests.

Owner Bailey Wang was inspired by everything K-Pop when BOM was rst conceptualised.

He brought his creative vision to life through the decor and atmosphere of the restaurant, “It’s the modern celebration of Korean pop culture.”

You can feel the vibe the moment you set foot into BOM with eye-catching bright neons shooting across the

room and stunning decor and features like a hand painted wall mural of pixelated cows and pigs.

BOM prides themselves on not only being family friendly and fun, but for also being exible by taking on board customer feedback and delivering the best possible service.

“When we rst opened, we had an a la carte menu. Our customers told us they wanted an All-

and consultations are available. We also have online bookings on our website.”

Address: Shop 13 / 394-400 Fifteenth Avenue

Austral, NSW, 2179. Corner of Fifteenth Avenue and Edmondson Avenue - Austral Town Village (near Home Hardware and Speedway). Visit: www.australdentalcare.com.au

You-Can-Eat buet instead, so we adapted and it’s been a success.”

ese guarantees diners have a wide variety of choices

of premium cuts and condiments.

Visit: www.bombbq.com.au. www.instagram.com/bomkbbq

21 LIVERPOOL LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS 2023 Carnes Hill Marketplace Phone 0411 452 105 www.lasersydney.com.au Thank you to all our loyal clients at Laser Sydney for your continuous support and trusting us with all your laser and beauty needs
We would like to thank all of our valued customers for voting for us in the Local business awards 2023 Unit 1/8 Dampier Place Prestons Phone 0467 185 110

Liverpool Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

Experts in construction

ROYAL Carpentry & Construction is your local carpentry business specialising in Structural frame carpentry and custom woodworking.

It is owned and operated by Gaby Odisho, a qualied carpenter who has many years of experience covering all aspects of carpentry.

Gaby’s passion for carpentry means he is continually honing his cra and learning new techniques and skills. is, in turn, means he can always provide you with the best products and services.

Royal Carpentry & Construction oers a wide range of carpentry services and operates mainly in the southwestern suburbs of Sydney.

‘Whether your project is big or small, you can rest assured your home is in safe hands,” Gaby said.

Chubby Buns gourmet treats

e Owner and Manager of the food truck is Berkay Eskin. He is 23 years old and aer two years working for the Franchisor at the main store at Lidcombe, he decided to establish his own business.

“We are a small family business that took on this food truck franchise and started operating in April 2022. Our hours are 5.30pm to 2am Sunday to urs-

Rey of hope for property buyers

IF you are looking for your dream home or an investment property then look no further than Rey Properties.

“Our team of experienced real estate agents is dedicated to helping you nd the perfect property to meet your need,” a team member said.

“We specialize in a wide variety of properties, including residential homes, commercial spaces and investment properties.

“At Rey Properties, we pride ourselves on our personalized approach to real estate. We take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences and work tirelessly to help you achieve your goals.

“Whether you’re a rst-time homebuyer or a seasoned real estate investor, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed.”

In addition to this personalised service, Rey Properties also oers access to cuing-edge technology and marketing tools.

“From virtual property tours to targeted advertising campaigns, we use the latest tools and techniques to ensure that your property gets maximum exposure to potential buyers or tenants.

“So why choose Rey Properties for your real estate needs? Because we’re more than just a real estate agency – we’re your partner in achieving your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you buy sell or invest in real estate.”

Visit: www.reyproperties.com.au

day and to 3am on Friday and Saturday,” Berkay said.

“We specialise in freshly made to order charcoal grilled Wagyu beef and Chicken burgers on a gourmet milk bun with a range of fries to choose from. We also have a variety of Chubby shakes choose from.”

Phone: 0493470725

For good customer service

THERE are many reasons why you should choose Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd to sell your property.

“Property prices rise and fall, but one thing that should remain consistent is good customer service,” a Team Member said.

“Acting as your property partner in the sale of your property is a big responsibility, one we take very seriously. We believe in gaining your trust, exceeding your expectations and trying to make the whole experience less stressful.

Exceeding Expectations

“Customer service plays a vital role in Real Estate. At Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd we have always gone out of our way to oer an all-encompassing service to every client and are oen lauded for exceeding our client’s expectations.”

Accurate analysis

“Sydney West real Estate Pty Ltd carry out hundreds of market appraisals every single month, giving us an intimate understanding of property prices in your area. Our evaluation process involves numerous factors and is designed to provide the most up-to-the minute market advice.”

One Team ,One Platform Office

“Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd actively encourage solidarity amongst our

offices, resulting in your property being promoted by our entire network. Our office network is growing all the time however our goal is not to be the biggest but to be the best!”

Always one step ahead

“Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd have always been a company that leads rather than follows and are constantly at the forefront of modern techniques and technologies, while still maintaining our traditional values and integrity.”

Made to Measure Marketing

“Let’s face it, when selling or leing your property the main priority is achieving the highest price. At Sydney West Real Estate Pty Ltd we understand that every property is dierent, so every Marketing Campaign needs to reect this.”

Partners by name and by nature

“Our ethos has always been that we work ‘with’ our clients, opposed to working ‘for’ them. By carefully listening to your needs and by working together we will maximize the chances of getting you the best price.”

Book an Appraisal or visit our website: www.sydneywestrealty.com.au/about-us/

CHUBBY Buns Burgers Hoxton Park produces gourmet burgers which are a favorite meal for local diners. e food truck outlet is located at 490 Cowpasture Rd Len Waters Estate at the Xtreme Car Wash and Café with entry via the and entry via Ampol service station. The team at Royal Carpentry and Construction The Rey Property team

Online retail continues to grow Most have protection plans

IF the pandemic taught business owners managers anything, it is to be prepared for anything.

Many learnt the lesson the hard way, but as they face a potential financial slump later this year 90% are prepared this time around.

New research reveals that two out of three Australian online retailers increased their revenue in 2022 despite inflation and rate rises, and nine out of 10 plan to invest more in their business to protect against current economic pressures.

These include expanding their product ranges, improving their customer experience online, and offering more delivery options.

The findings were derived from a survey of 200 online retailers by leading parcel delivery service CouriersPlease.

Business owners and senior decision makers across different retailer sizesmicro (one-15 employees), small (16-50 employees), medium (51-200 employees) and large (more than 200 employees) - were asked whether their revenue increased in 2022 and what investment plans they had to help protect their revenue this year.

Nine in 10 online retailers have at least one business investment plan this year, to help protect their business from lower consumer spending. A breakdown of their responses are as follows:

• 42% will expand their product range.

• 38% will improve their E-Commerce stores.

• 34% will invest in marketing.

• 31% will expand into new markets.

• 31% will implement new technology such as customer service chatbots, automated fulfilment in their warehouses to improve

their customer service.

• 18% will introduce more delivery options.

• 15% will create a better returns or exchange processes.

Richard Thame, CEO at CouriersPlease said the results were encouraging and indicated online retailers’ commitment to their business growth.

“Online retailers are still enjoying the positive effects of the E-Commerce boom, and total revenue for the Australian market is forecasted to continue growing steadily year-on-year, with the market projected to reach US$35B by 2025,” he said.

“But the survey shows that retailers are not naïve to economic fluctuations and are acting now to prepare for potential future challenges.”

Micro businesses are most likely to neglect the need to invest in their business to generate sales in a tough economic pe-

riod, with one fifth of this group admitting they will do nothing to hedge against an economic slowdown.

This was followed by only 10% of medium-sized businesses and four per cent of small businesses. Zero per cent of large businesses are willing to resign to fate in the event of economic turndown.

The proactive planning and resilience of these online retailers is exemplified by their positive results for 2022. Twothirds (64%) of online retailers reported increased revenue in the last calendar year, despite inflation and increasing interest rates throughout 2022.

Just over a quarter 28% of respondents said their 2022 revenue remained the same as in 2021, and only eight per cent of online retailers reported lower revenue in the last calendar year.

A closer look at the data reveals 69 % of online retailers based in NSW report-

ed a revenue increase in 2022, closely followed by Victoria with 66%, then Queensland with 58%.

Given online retailers in these States are already planning ways to tackle recessionary impacts for the year ahead, it is arguable that NSW, Victorian and Queenslander online retailers will report another positive revenue year for 2023.

Larger retailers were more likely to have increased their revenue in 2022 from 2021 levels, chosen by an impressive 91% of large retailers, 68% of medium-sized retailers, 62%cent of small retailers and 53% per cent of micro retailers.

Similar proportions of micro, small and medium-sized retailers achieved the same levels of revenue in 2022 as in 2021, all between 30-32 per cent. This compares with just 5 per cent of large businesses whose revenue did not change in the same period.


WEXPO at Blacktown
Club www.wexpo.com.au | Exhibitor enquires: info@wexpo.com.au Register now for 2023
The NEW Honda coupe-SUV. TRAVEL: New world of cruising

Healthy Ageing:Backing Brain Health in Western Sydney

Dementia is an umbrella term for around 100 different disorders that affect the brain and cause a wide range of symptoms, including impacting people’s memory, decision-making, language, and behaviour. Dementia impacts each person differently, and can also cause changes in people’s physical health, wellbeing, social skills, and everyday functions. Despite common misconceptions, dementia is not a normal part of ageing and help is available for those affected.

Dementia in Australia

Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia and the leading cause of death in Australian women1. There are approximately 401,300 people living with dementia in Australia and this is expected to rise to over 800,000 by 20582. Currently, two-thirds of people living with dementia live in the community3 Within residential aged care facilities, over two-thirds of residents have moderate to severe dementia4

Reducing Dementia Risks

Some risk factors for dementia cannot be changed, such as age, genetics and family history of dementia. However, other dementia risk factors can be modified through healthy lifestyle choices. Focussing on having a healthy brain is important for people of all ages, but especially those who are middle-aged and older. To optimise your brain health, have regular check-ups with your GP, ensure that you are a healthy weight, be physically active, have a healthy diet, reduce alcohol consumption, and quit smoking. Participating in social activities and brain stimulation exercises are also important ways to improve your brain health.

If you would like to improve your physical activity, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network proudly funds ‘Live Life, Get Active’ (LLGA) free classes across Western Sydney. For more information, visit wentwest.com.au/LLGA

1,2,3,4 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2023), Dementia in Australia, Summary, available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/ reports/dementia/dementia-in-aus/contents/summary


Recognising the Signs of Dementia

If you are experiencing changes in your thinking or memory, it is important to speak with your GP. Your doctor needs to rule out other potential causes of your symptoms such as fatigue, stress, depression, infection, or nutrient deficiencies. In many cases, these can be treated or managed. If your GP does identify that you have dementia, early treatment can help slow the disease’s progression. Having an early diagnosis can help you to plan your future, including developing an Advance Care Directive to provide health care staff guidance about your preferences if you are ever unable to speak for yourself. You can call Advance Care Planning Australia on 1300 208 582 or visit bit.ly/advancecareplanning-nsw

The following are signs to speak with your doctor:

9 Difficulty remembering the day and date, or recent events

9 Trouble managing your finances

9 Problems with participating in or following conversations, especially in group settings

9 Loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed

Getting Help

Western Sydney Primary Health Network commissions the Care Finder program in Western Sydney to assist older people who would not be able to arrange services without intensive support and do not have family members or friends who can help. The service connects people with a ‘care finder’ who will meet them and ask questions to understand their situation. The care finder will then support them in working through the steps to address their needs.

Information on the Care Finder providers in Western Sydney is available at wentwest.com.au/carefinder

For clients with a new or ongoing diagnosis of Dementia, we commission Dementia Australia to provide ongoing counselling, support, and service navigation to clients, families and carer. Further information on this service, and the referral pathway, is available at wentwest.com.au/agedcare

WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 37 Healthy Western Sydney is delivered by WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network. Specific dementia support is also available via the National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500 | dementia.org.au/support/programs

Welcome to the new world of cruising

Life onboard - post COVID

MILLIONS of Australians cruise every year but in 2023 they are finding it’s a new world on the ocean waves as the post-COVID period takes hold.

I have just witnessed firsthand this new order of COVID protocols on a short cruise aboard PO’s megaship Pacific Adventure.

And straight up, let me say I was pleasantly surprised by the discovery that it was largely business as usual on board.

The biggest hurdle was actually preparing for and undertaking the tasks necessary to pass the COVID protocol prior to the cruise. This included full proof of COVID vaccines and a negative COVID test a couple of days before boarding,

P&O uses the Verifly system to register guests as COVID free, but I found it tricky to navigate at first. So, I printed out all my documents so that I had them in hand at embarkation…just in case.

Once on board, it was obvious that P&O took it very seriously with most staff wearing medical facemasks.

Most passengers didn’t wear facemasks, but I recommend you take them just in case, especially if you need to avoid COVID at all costs.

Pacific Adventure is a modern ship which was formerly Golden Princess. And let me say, it is the

best P&O ship I have ever sailed upon.

Anyone who has experienced one of these luxurious floating resorts as part of the Princess line will understand just how stunning they are.

It has four pools – one indoors and one adults only, stunning water slides, a breathtaking nightclub high above the rear deck and multiple dining options.

These include Luke’s Bar & Grill by Luke Mangan, The Dragon Lady Chinese restaurant, Angelo’s Italian, the Waterfront and 400 Gradi gourmet Pizza Restaurant.

The big COVID enforced change is the Pantry on Deck 14 which is first choice for passengers for breakfast and lunch.

It is now a full-service facility with the famous self-service smorgasbord style meals now dumped.

Pacific Adventure has whole decks dedicated to the new cruising ‘rage’--mini suites.

They are worth the extra fare cost being twice the size of a normal cabin including a double size deck.

Mini suite passengers even have their own breakfast venue known as the Byron Bay Beach Club. Here you get a full-service breakfast without the crowds.

Cruise Magazine has a 22-page Ultimate Guide to Pacific Adventure at:

https://www.australiancruisemagazine. com.au/pacific-adventure.html

38 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au Travel
Above and right: aboard the Pacific Adventure.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 - 4 Stars


The Guardians gang are back! Quill (Chris Pratt) is devastated by his loss of Gamora (Zoe Saldana), and the rest of the team are trying to hold it together.

When Adam Warlock (Will Poulter) throws Rocket (Bradley Cooper) into a coma, however, the team has to travel across the Galaxy to track down a piece of code to save the deadly racoon - in the process, discovering the horrors perpetrated on the animal, by the nefarious High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji).

The beauty of James Gunn’s work with Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 (hereafter, GOTG3), is that he never shies away from the painful, tortuous and emotional.

Sure, the movie may be overstuffed. Sure, some of Rocket’s old friends will give you nightmares by virtue of their likeness to Toy Story characters that traumatized you as a kid. But ultimately, Gunn succeeds where so many directors of the past few MCU films have failed, by engaging honestly and authentically with the material.

There’s witty quips all around here, and Chris Pratt is mercifully back in the Star Lord box that he seems to have drifted from as a side character in recent adventures. But the star of the show is Rocket Racoon, and the character (and voice actor Bradley Cooper) do a fantastic job of grounding the film and tugging on the heart strings.

Visually, the film continues the trend


of the GOTG films - expansive and panoramic space sequences, coupled with gorgeous set design, crazy characters, and every colour imaginable. The music is also, as always with this franchise, on point; a hodgepodge of classic bangers. All that said, the film is undoubtedly jam packed and does run long. It’s tough, at this stage of the MCU, to feel fresh

- 4 Stars

and exciting again. At some point during this film, those familiar thoughts of ‘Oh, I know what’s going to happen now’ pop up.

The movie plays by the rules, despite its claims of breaking them, and that remains the ultimate stumbling block in this cinematic universe.

GOTG3 is a welcome return to qual-

A distinct lack of actual book references in this film.

The gang is back together again. This time, Vivian (Jane Fonda) is getting married, and Diane (Diane Keaton), Carol (Mary Steenburgen) and Sharon (Candice Bergen) take her to Italy for her bachelorette. There, they find stunning landscapes, oodles of prosecco, drama in a pair of dastardly porters, and romance - new, old and rekindled.

Look, this film is going to appeal to a certain type of person no matter how terrible it is. And it is objectively terrible. The plot is borderline nonexistent, t he jokes are the lowest of low hanging fruit, and the performances are borderline sleepwalking. Indeed, one of the funniest parts of this film is watching these characters suddenly break out into ‘tears’ - quotations needed, as the performance level here never allows for real tears, sounds that could really indicate tears, or indeed any change in facial expression.

The film also has a series of tremendously annoying habits. The first is that it insists on using predominantly film

quotes as dialogue for its character (contrary to the media referenced in the title), and having its characters immediately reference what film it came from.

Think nearly 2 hours of “Of all the gin joints. Casablanca.” The second gripe is that halfway through the film, Diane and Vivian just go stand on a balcony

ity entertainment from Marvel, but the fact it isn’t bad doesn’t mean it is close to as good, groundbreaking, or strong as the original.

and explain the plot of the previous half of the movie, and then literally say “I wonder what will happen next”. We get it. It’s a movie. Some things have happened. Some things have happened. Don’t pad the runtime with this.

Finally, and perhaps most frustratingly, Candice Bergen delivers a speech in prison that stops and starts more times than the ending of Return of the King.

The most important thing to remember though, is that none of this matters an ounce. The cinema we saw it in, full of people geared towards this exact sort of completely banal, inoffensive, afternoon content, absolutely loved it.

They roared with laughter at all the right moments, and to be fair probably shed a tear. If you loved the first movie, you’ll love this movie too.

www.accessnews.com.au WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 39
MCU returns to its former prowess, with a fun, funny and emotionally powerful installment of our favorite wacky outer space heroes.
Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.com Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.com

Further specifications, including paint colours and pricing, offered for the NEW coupe-SUV

HONDA Australia has this week confirmed pricing for its forthcoming ZR-V coupe-SUV, a model it says will slot between the HR-V (from $36,700 d/a) and next-generation CR-V (pricing TBA) in its SUV portfolio.

Priced from $40,200 drive-away, the ZR-V will be offered in four trim grades and with petrol and petrol-electric (hybrid) drivelines. The flagship e:HEV LX (hybrid) tops the range at $54,900 drive-away.

Honda says the range features various safety, interior and exterior specification details, but is holding information close to its chest until the model’s official launch on May 19.

Colour choices for the model include Crystal Black, Platinum Grey, Platinum Crystal Blue, Platinum White and Premium Crystal Garnet.

“The new Honda ZR-V offers optimal balance of fuel efficiency and dynamic performance, from day to day commuting in city and suburban environments, to weekend adventures on highways and winding coastal and country roads,” said Honda Australia in a statement.

“The petrol variants (VTi LX, VTi L & VTi X) feature the 1.5-litre VTEC turbocharged engine and the e:HEV LX sports a two-motor hybrid system with a 2.0-litre direct injection engine. Both systems deliver an impressive driving experience.”

Honda has previously confirmed the ZR-V will offer features that include Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity via a 9.0-inch colour touchscreen, front and rear parking sensors and reversing camera, and LED headlights. However, it is not known if these features are standard across the board, or grade dependent.

Viewing overseas model specifications, it is understood the ZR-V will receive as standard safety equipment including AEB, traffic sign recognition, blind spot monitoring and adaptive cruise control, though again it is not known how these features will be distributed across the Australian ZR-V line-up.

The Honda ZR-V will rival models including the Nissan Qashqai, Mazda CX30 and Skoda Karoq, but offer its own, unique coupe-like proportions.

The ZR-V features a vertical grille which blends seamlessly with the bumper surround and is flanked by narrow, wideset headlights like those found on the latest Civic and HR-V. Honda says the front of its latest SUV is meant to convey “highly sophisticated expression, yet with stature and a strong presence”.

With a widened stance, the rear of the body aims to add volume to the ZRV’s proportions, the rear haunches and tailgate culminating in a smooth, upswept look that is neither as edgy as the HRV, yet as stylised as many competitors’ coupe-SUV offerings.

Inside, the link between other new-generation Honda models is evident. The cabin of the ZR-V is spacious and open with an instrument panel that stretches out horizontally across the dashboard, and a well-presented array of functional elements finished with their own high-quality design.

Like the CR-V, the ZR-V features a high-deck centre control to separate the front seats and create individual zones for the driver and front-seat passenger.

The model also promises an elevated view of the road and a wide, horizontal field of vision thanks to drawn back A pillars and door-mounted wing mirrors, again like those of the Civic, HR-V and forthcoming CR-V.

40 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au Auto
2023 Honda ZR-V pricing*: VTi LX (a) $40,200 New variant VTi-L (a) $43,200 New variant VTi LX (a) $48,500 New variant e:HEV LX (a) $54,900 New variant *National drive-away price.

Low impact exercise with many benefits Swim to your heart’s content

SWIMMING is a low-impact form of exercise that has numerous health benefits for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

Whether you are an experienced swimmer or just starting out, incorporating swimming into your fitness routine can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

In this article, we will explore some of the many health benefits of swimming.

First and foremost, swimming is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. It can help improve your overall heart health by increasing your heart rate and strengthening your heart muscle.

Regular swimming can also help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve circulation throughout the body.

In addition to its cardiovascular benefits, swimming is also a great way to build strength and tone your muscles.

The resistance of the water provides a low-impact workout that is gentle on your joints, making it an ideal form of exercise for individuals with arthritis, joint pain, or other mobility issues.

Swimming can also help improve posture and balance, as well as increase flexibility and range of motion.

Swimming is also a great stress-reliever. The rhythmic movement of swimming and the sound of water can

be incredibly calming and meditative, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

Swimming has also been shown to increase the production of endorphins, the body's natural mood boosters, which can help improve overall mood and reduce feelings of depression.

For individuals looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, swimming can be an effective form of exercise.

Swimming burns a significant number of calories, with an hour of moderate swimming burning around 500-600 calories. It can also help boost metabolism and improve overall body composition by building lean muscle mass.

Swimming is also a great form of exercise for individuals with respiratory issues such as asthma. The warm, humid environment of an indoor pool can help improve lung function and reduce symptoms of asthma.

Swimming can also help improve overall lung capacity and endurance, making it an ideal form of exercise for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other respiratory conditions.

Swimming is a fun and social form of exercise that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

Whether you prefer swimming laps,

water aerobics, or just splashing around with friends and family, swimming is a great way to stay active and connect with others.

Swimming is a versatile and effective form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits. From improving cardiovascular health and building strength to reducing stress and improving mood, swimming can help individuals of all ages and fitness levels lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.

So, whether you are a seasoned swimmer or just starting out, grab your swimsuit and jump in – your body and mind will thank you!

www.accessnews.com.au Fitness

Podcast and video recording made easy

BREED Australia launches studio

BREED Australia, a Quakers Hillbased charity, has launched a new, community-focused podcast and video recording studio at the BREED Business Centre located at Nirimba Educational Precinct.

Named the Sunrise Studio, the facility is designed to provide creators and businesses with a professional and fully equipped space to produce high-quality podcast and video content.

With the growing popularity of podcasts as a medium for content creation and marketing, BREED Australia recognised the need for a dedicated space that meets the needs of podcasters and video producers.

The Sunrise Studio, partly funded by the federal government's Stronger Communities Program, is fully equipped with cutting-edge technology and equipment, including high-quality microphones, a podcast mixer, a video recording camera, and a professional lighting setup.

The studio includes recording and editing software, free parking, amenities, and tea/coffee-making facilities.

The Sunrise Studio also features a comfortable and inspiring space for creators to work in.

The studio is designed to be a welcoming, creative environment that encourages productivity and collaboration.

Studio users can also access house experts to provide mentoring and guidance to take their projects to the next level.

"We're thrilled to offer podcasters and video content creators a functional and modern studio designed specifically for their needs," said Amber Carlson, Operations Manager of BREED Australia.

"Our studio is designed to help creators produce high-quality content in a comfortable, inspiring environment that encourages creativity and collaboration.

“We believe our studio will empower our wider community, including students, freelancers, small businesses, and commu-

nity organisations, to take their content to the next level. We're excited to be a part of their journey."

"The Sunrise Studio is the only facility of its kind in Western Sydney and is aligned to BREED Australia's mission to provide solutions to increase employment opportunities, build mental resilience and develop youth pathways," said Emmanuel Martin, General Manager of BREED Australia.

"As an organisation that exists to serve

communities, we will provide generous discounts to BREED Business Partners, students, other charitable organisations and disadvantaged groups."

BREED Australia currently accepts bookings for Sunrise Studios and provides affordable and flexible co-working spaces, virtual office solutions, and meeting room hire at its BREED Business Hub.

For more information on BREED Australia and their new podcast studio, please visit www. breedaustralia.com.au.

42 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 www.accessnews.com.au Media
The new BREED podcasting studio.

Establish control without judgement

The power of mindfulness

MINDFULLNESS is a powerful practice that has been gaining traction in recent years for its ability to reduce stress, increase focus, and improve overall well-being.

The practice of mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment, without judgment, and with a sense of curiosity and openness.

In this article, we will explore what mindfulness is and the benefits that can be gained from incorporating it into your daily life.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years, with roots in Buddhist meditation. It involves bringing your attention to the present moment, focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and sensations, without judging or trying to change them.

Mindfulness is not about stopping thoughts or emotions from arising, but rather about learning to observe them with an open mind and heart.

Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways, including meditation, yoga, and mindful breathing exercises. The key is to find a method that works for you and to make it a regular part of your routine.

Benefits of Mindfulness

The benefits of mindfulness are numerous and have been backed by research. Here are just a few of the many ways that mindfulness can improve your life:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by helping people to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions.

By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts without judgment and to let them go, rather than getting caught up in them. This can lead to a greater sense of calm and well-being.

Improves Focus and Attention

Mindfulness has also been shown to improve focus and attention. By training your mind to focus on the present moment, you can improve your ability to concentrate on tasks and to stay focused in the face of distractions.

Enhances Self-Awareness

Mindfulness can also enhance self-awareness, helping you to become more in tune with your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. This can lead to greater self-understanding and a greater sense of control over your life.

Improves Sleep

Mindfulness has been shown to improve sleep by reducing stress and anxiety and by promoting relaxation. By practicing mindfulness before bed, you can help to calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep.

Boosts Immune System

There is also evidence to suggest that mindfulness can boost the immune system. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, mindfulness may help to improve the body's ability to fight off illness and disease.

Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Life

If you are interested in incorporating mindfulness into your life, there are many ways to get started. One of the most popular methods is through mindfulness meditation, which involves sitting quietly and focusing on your breath or a specific object.

There are also many mindfulness apps and guided meditations available, which can make it easier to get started and to stay consistent with your practice. Additionally, incorporating mindfulness into your daily activities, such as mindful eating or mindful walking, can help to bring greater awareness and presence to your life.


Mindfulness is a powerful practice that can bring numerous benefits to your life, including reduced stress, improved focus and attention, and enhanced self-awareness. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can experience greater

well-being and a greater sense of control over your life.

Whether through meditation, yoga, or other mindful practices, mindfulness is a skill that can be developed and honed over time, leading to greater peace and happiness in your life.

www.accessnews.com.au WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 43 Mental Health


1. What is the most popular sport in Ethiopia?

2. What is the name of the children’s book written by Neil Gaiman (pictured), that features a boy named Bod?

3. Which Australian actress starred as Kate McGregor in Sea Patrol?

13 Job testimonials (10)

14 Establish in advance (9)

15 Flying machine (9)

17 Education (9)

21 Bird call (5)

23 very keen; ardent (4)

24 Descends underwater (5)

25 Ran away quickly (4)


4. What type of government controls Lebanon?

5. What is the name of the new Los Angeles stadium that is home to the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers?

6. Which Ancient Roman goddess is the equivalent to the Greek Athena?

7. The first commercial CD release was a recording of waltzes by which composer?

8. Apia is the capital of which country?

9. Who created the T v series Gilmore Girls?

10. Which Middle Eastern country has been ruled by the Al Khalifa dynasty since 1783?


1 Grains

5 Pain

6 Pine (e.g.)

7 Fibrous plant DOWN

1 Promise

2 Land area

3 Those people

4 Leak


The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list?

The centre letter must be included, and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

No. 028 1

Secret message:

ACROSS 1 Plate (4) 3 Broken (9) 9 Tradesman (9) 10 Savoury meat jelly (5) 11 Arranged (6) 12 Drink (9) 14 Crossing; corridor (7) 16 Recruits (7) 18 Ratify (7) 19 Incinerated (7) 20 Prison-breakers (8) 22 Renowned (6) 26 Mediterranean island (5) 27 Impact; crash (9) 28 Stated (9) 29 Ova (4) DOWN 1 Quacking birds (5)
Startled (9) 3 Destiny (4)
Mutual arrangements (10)
Wayfarer (9) 6 Animal protection group (1,1,1,1,1) 7 Fell; lessened (9) 8 In this place (4) 94 16 54 46 39 1 61 82 5 86 2 83 5 58 26 4 6 7 4597 9 74 5 237 9 3 614 531 4 9 286 59 6 No. 028 No. 028
7 words: Good 26 words: Very good 35 words: Excellent QUIZ





No. 037

16 Acclaimed 1994 crime film featuring characters Marsellus Wallace and Winston Wolfe (4,7)

17 Long-running English police drama set in the ’60s (9)

18 Aussie–American actress of the Netflix series Bloodline, Jacinda – (7)

Each number corresponds to a letter. Can you crack the code?


1 2012 film starring Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz and Alan Rickman (6)

19 British historical fiction series based on Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories series of novels, The – Kingdom (4)

22 Aussie actress who starred in the TV series Damages, Rose – (5)

24 Oliver Stone’s 1991 political thriller (1,1,1)

26 Long-running Neighbours character played by Tom Oliver, – Carpenter (3)


5 He played Judas in the 2018 biblical drama Mary Magdalene, – Rahim  (5)


7 Actress and theatre director born in Ivanhoe, Victoria, – Blanchett (4)



9 Aussie actress who won the third season of Dancing with the Stars, – Nicodemou (3)

10 2012–13 US military drama series (4,6)

12 English actor who died while filming Gladiator, Oliver – (4)

Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.

13 Star of Olympus Has Fallen and its sequels, –Eckhart (5)

Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

14 2012 Norwegian supernatural horror (5)

15 2018 Netflix horror film, The – House (4)

18 Winner of a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in Vice, Christian – (4)

20 Starred as Ted Taylor in Packed to the Rafters, Michael – (5)


e G


21 Australian actress also known by her rap name MC Dusk, – Cornish (5)

23 Comedy-drama starring Channing Tatum (pictured), Magic – (4)


25 Actor, playwright and filmmaker who played the titular character in Alex Cross (5,5)


27 Long-running Home and Away character played by Ray Meagher, – Stewart (3)



8 L e TT e RS


10 L e TT e RS

28 Popular US crime drama, Law & Order: Special Victims – (4)

6 L e TT e RS


29 Neo in the Matrix films, – Reeves (5)

7 L e TT e RS








30 2015 US found-footage horror thriller starring Ashley Benson (6)

2 Star of Big Eyes and Arrival, Amy – (5)

3 Actor who plays the lead character in the series Ozark, Jason – (7)

4 2013 British–Australian war film starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman (3,7,3)

5 Thriller starring Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst, The – Faces of January (3)

6 Name of the 1960s group of entertainers featuring Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, The – Pack (3)

Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.

1 A square is a — with four sides

2 Something you put on an envelope

3 Sour fruit

4 Book that tells stories about Jesus

5 Someone who looks after kids, like Mary Poppins

6 Trimmed the grass

7 Thoughts, brainwaves

8 Side dish with mixed lettuce and dressing


1. In what year was Thornton awarded an Order of Australia?

3. Besides Wentworth, Thornton starred in which prison drama?

7 Actor who played Bill in Tarantino’s Kill Bill films, David – (9)

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words –five reading across the grid and five reading down.

A. 2019

B. 2015

C. 2009

A. Prisoner

B. Cop Shop

C. Matlock Police

8 The fifth and final film in the Dirty Harry series (3,4,4)

D. 2005

D. All of the above

NOTe: more than one solution may be possible

11 Star of Tammy and Hereditary, – Collette (4)

14 1996 rom-com starring David Schwimmer and 11-down (3,10)

2. Which iconic Aussie film did she star in?

A. Strictly Ballroom

B. Muriel’s Wedding

C. The Man from Snowy River

D. All of the above

4. Who does Thornton play in Wentworth?

A. Sonia Stevens

B. Vera Bennett

C. Marie Winter

D. None of the above

CODEWORD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Q F No. 028 942357186 219534768 426871539 675418392 764189253 831945627 183692475 358726941 597263814 189245637 648519273 927864315 374196582 253678491 836951724 562387149 791423856 415732968 SUDOKU MEDIUM SUDOKU HARD qUICK CROSSWORD qUIZ 1. Football (soccer) 2.  The Graveyard Book 3. Lisa McCune 4. A parliamentary constitutional republic 5. SoFi Stadium 6. Minerva 7. Chopin 8. Samoa 9. Amy Sherman-Palladino 10. Bahrain 4x4 ACROSS: 1. Oats, 5. Ache, 6. Tree, 7. Hemp. DOWN: 1. Oath, 2. Acre, 3. Them, 4. Seep.
ENTERTAINMENT CROSSWORD CODEWORD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 R T A X H M J N K C Y S P I B Z L G W D O U E Q V F 2701
Sig R i D Th ORNTON TODAY’S SOLUTiONS WORD FIND Secret message: Keep warm HIDDEN WORD Shape, stamp, lemon, Bible, nanny, mowed, ideas, salad, (SPLENDID) 9-LETTER WORD emit, emoting, feint, figment, foment, FOMENTING, font, gemot, gent, gift, ingot, into, intone, item, ment, mention, meting, mint, mite, mote, motif, note, noting, often, omit, tenon, time, tine, tinge, toeing, tome, tone, tong, toning, tonne ANSWERS: 1A, 2C, 3D, 4A. P Uzz LES AND PAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P T y LTD. PAGEMASTERS COM CROSS MATH 5x5 WORD FILL No. 002 No. 004 3 L e TT e RS ACE ADO ARE COB CPA DIN EKE GAL GEE HEW LEE LET NUT OUT OVA PIG ROE RUE SAD SOB
Puzzles Pag I nat I on Pty ltd Pagemasters.com 2901 –÷ 4 × + –× × 280 × + + × × 108 120 12 2 S P R A T W e I G H A S S A I S T e I N H O R N S CODeWORD –÷ = 4 × + –× × = 280 × + + × × = 108 = = = 120 12 2 WORDFILL CROSS MATH 5x5 6 5 4 1 2 7 8 9 3 0523




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1. Which decorated Carlton player married his longtime girlfriend in December?

2. Untold: Deal with the Devil is a 2021 documentary film about which former professional boxer?

3. What was the reason for a 40-minute delay during an NBA match in January between Denver Nuggets and Boston Celtics?

5. Which NBL team does Xavier Cooks currently play for?

6. Which European golf legend recently passed away at the age of 62?

7. Which team does Qatari Rally driver Nasser Al-Attiyah race for?

8. Which ex-AFL star and analyst announced he was taking a break from his media career and moving his family overseas?

Steve Carell plays unconventional boxing enthusiast John du Pont in which 2014 film?

Cleveland Cavaliers star Donovan Mitchell made history after scoring how many points against Chicago Bulls?

Which Australian sporting league recently announced its season would be reduced from 61 to 43 games in future seasons?

12. Which AFLW team finished at the bottom of the ladder during season seven in 2022?

13. In what year did Cadel Evans win the Tour de France?

14. Kerri Pottharst and Natalie Cook won a Gold Medal in what event at the 2000 Sydney Olympics?

15. Alexei Popyrin represents Australia in which sport?

16. Which AFL team did Australian test wicketkeeper Alex Carey once play for?

17. Which car company is a major sponsor of the Australian Open tennis?

18. 'Mankading' is a term used in which sport?

19. The Australian Diamonds netball team took part in a quad series in January held in which nation?

20. Earlier this year, which Australian cricketer tested positive for COVID on the first day of the Third Test against South Africa?

21. Which American businessman is president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship organisation?

22. ICC Cricket Hall of Fame member Vinoo Mankad played 44 Test matches between 1946 and 1959 for which nation?

23. In 1966, with her attempt to register for the race refused, who became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon?

24. And in 1967, despite interference from a race official, who became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon with an official race registration?

25. Which 1989-founded tennis tournament was replaced by the ATP Cup from 2020-22, which itself was replaced by the United Cup?

26. Which South African bowler was struck by part of a cablesuspended camera system as it filmed the 2022 Boxing Day Test?

27. Australian motorcyclists Daniel Sanders, Toby Price and Andrew Houlihan competed in the 2022 edition of which off-road endurance event?

28. The Motor City Cruise is an NBA G League team affiliated with which NBA team?

29. Which Portugal-born Australian cricketer captains the Sydney Sixers in the Big Bash League?

30. Pelé played three seasons for which now-defunct North American Soccer League club?

WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 Change lives for the better Donate today at betterfoundation.org.au Some examples of where your donation saves lives: ✔ 18 month reduction in waiting times for children’s allergy testing at Mt Druitt Hospital ✔ Support for head & neck cancer patients with access to specialised feeds ✔ ECG machine for newborn care to diagnose heart disease
1. Patrick Cripps 2. Christy Martin 3. Crooked hoop 4. 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney and the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens 5. Sydney Kings 6. Barry Lane 7. Toyota Gazoo Racing 8. Nick Riewoldt 9. Foxcatcher 10. 71 points 11. Big Bash League 12. Sydney 13. 2011 14. Beach volleyball 15. Tennis 16. GWS Giants 17. Kia 18. Cricket 19. South Africa 20. Matt Renshaw 21. Dana White 22. India 23. Bobbi Gibb 24. Katherine Switzer 25. Hopman Cup 26. Anrich Nortje 27. Dakar Rally 28. Detroit Pistons 29. Moisés Henriques 30. New York Cosmos Donovan Mitchell 1301 Cadel Evans
QUIZ May 2023 0-10: Rookie 11-20: Off the bench 21-25: Rising star 26+ Most valuable player

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48 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS May 2023 Brought to you by
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Articles inside


page 47


page 46

Establish control without judgement The power of mindfulness

pages 43-44

Podcast and video recording made easy BREED Australia launches studio

page 42

Low impact exercise with many benefits Swim to your heart’s content

page 41

Further specifications, including paint colours and pricing, offered for the NEW coupe-SUV

page 40


page 39

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 - 4 Stars

page 39

Life onboard - post COVID

page 38

Healthy Ageing:Backing Brain Health in Western Sydney

pages 36-37

Online retail continues to grow Most have protection plans

page 35

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

page 34

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

page 33

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

page 32

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

page 26

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

pages 22-25

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

pages 20-21

Hills Local Business Awards Finalists 2023

pages 14-18

BUSINESS NIGHT OF NIGHTS Best Hills businesses on show

pages 11-13

New vision for The Hills

pages 9-10

WEXPO In The Hills is on the way

page 9

Council renews chamber alliance

page 9

Council invests $400M into City

page 8

Westfield plans Penrith expansion

page 8

The many benefits of Made In Australia

page 7

Minister halts premium increase

page 7

Amazon launches print on demand A

page 7

Major road reaches milestone

page 6

Strategic sale of airport land

page 6

New settlement office investment

page 5

Big increase in west nursing graduates

page 5

Town Centre Living

page 4

WSROC welcomes tolling enquiry

page 4

Author heads for the Hills A

page 4

NEW SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP Finders seek out those in need

pages 2-3


page 1
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