Volume 2 Issue 2 September 2019

Page 30

TELLING IT LIKE IT IS #Tellingitlikeitis feature guest this issue is Lenneal Howden, Virtual Executive Assistant. A master time wizard with a passion for “office optimization” to help entrepreneurs and executives focus on what is important to them. She understands how challenging it is to find time to complete administrative tasks that are tedious, yet essential for any business. That’s where she happily comes in. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xNPLYjAMkc 1. People are very busy in today’s world. Time

3. Do you focus on specific industries, or do you

waits for no one, and it is our most precious

cast a wide net?

commodity. Having someone like yourself, is priceless; please share what you do and how you help people become more efficient?

Some background knowledge can be helpful when coming to language/lingo, terminology and processes, however most administrative tasks

The best way for a Virtual EA to help individuals

transfer over from industry to industry. Many

is by doing the things that they shouldn’t” be

administrative tasks are more person specific and

doing. If you notice while completing a task you

personal to each individual’s needs.

find yourself saying “this is not where my time is being best spent”, these are some of the best tasks to start with to give your Virtual EA. Completing tasks such as, scheduling, travel bookings, research, presentations, delegating these little things that take up time allow the individual to spend time where their time is best spent for their business and their life. 2. Most people sit in an office., do you find that

4. With you being a solopreneur, do you market yourself differently? How do you market your services? Typically I network online since most services are Virtually offered. However this year I have been networking more in order to help people gain knowledge as this seems to be a newer industry in Canada that could use the exposure.

your clients appreciate you being remote?

5. What is next for you?

I find being remote allows me to be more

Growing and helping as many people as I can.

accessible. Being remote actually allows me to build and grow an even better personal relationship to give that person the exact support

Helping people to make a list and put their time where they really want to!

they need without all the regular distractions

6. I am going to change this a bit, if you had one

from an office. In addition, there are also financial

piece of advice for small businesses or startups

benefits to having contractors vs paying to have a

about saving their time, what would that be?

staff member.

Do what matters most you! Do whats going to make the most impact in that moment for you.

Jade Alberts Jade Alberts Consulting 403-771-1301• www.JadeAlbertsConsulting.com • www.LinkedIn.com/in/JadeAlberts

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