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Welcome to act. We couldn’t be prouder of our first year in operation, which has been both inspiring and rewarding for act. Our mission is to change banking for good. And throughout 2015 we have done just that. act. is the only financial institution in Australia giving choice and control to its customers - by allowing them to decide when and where their profit allocation is spent. act. is a unique blend of banking and crowdfunding, that empowers individuals to make a difference just by doing their banking. We’re giving our customers the opportunity to bank with their heart.
More than $150,000 has been successfully raised for not-for-profit and social enterprise projects ranging from $500 to $36,000. Project funding success rate is 72% which is well above the global crowd funding average of 44%. act. adopts the all or nothing crowd funding rule – where the project must meet its target to receive funds. In our first year of operation, we’re ecstatic to have been crowned with the Money Magazine’s 2016 ‘Best of the Best’ award for Best Innovative Banking Product. This award validates what we already know – that act. is creating significant impact by combining innovative digital banking solutions and the ubiquitous crowdfunding model.
365 days 2,067 r in the world of act. 1,532 1
To those who have joined us on the act. revolution by taking out our banking products, or have supported projects, we thank you for being part of this fresh new way of banking. Without doubt, our future is bright. With a strong pipeline of new banking customers and more critical social projects we are really excited about what 2016 will bring. Amanda Watt Head of Marketing, Communications and act.
A fresh way of banking – for good act. gives you the opportunity to earn and donate banking profits to a whole range of inspiring, socially-focused projects, simply by doing something you already do. As well as being super easy and super rewarding, act. includes plenty of great products all backed by Bendigo Bank.
act. transaction account Wrap it all into one with this feature-packed everyday transaction account.
act. online saver account One of our highest interest rates for an at-call account.
act. personal loan Enjoy flexible repayment options and great terms on secured and unsecured loans.
act. home loan Tell us what you need and we’ll find a competitive home loan package to suit you.
act. credit card
Meet Steve – an act. customer Steve has a $400,000 act. home loan for his pad near King Street Newtown earning him $49.86 Impact Dollars per month He also spends $3,000 a month on his act. credit card, earning him another $6 Impact Dollars monthly. That’s $55.86 Impact Dollars per month Steve earns through his act. banking products which he gets to donate to any of the awesome projects on letsact.com.au
Your go to credit card with everything you need and nothing you don’t.
act. platinum credit card Step it up a notch with a platinum card without the hefty price tag.
act. projects Funding positive change through banking. act. gives its customers (activists) the opportunity to earn and donate banking profits to a whole range of inspiring community focused projects. Each month, activists earn impact dollars which they can donate to any of the projects featured on letsact.com.au In 2015 we were proud to launch over 38 worthwhile projects. Here is a snapshot.
241 Bondi Road Ever wanted to change the way you think of food? Transition Bondi did! Crowdfunding a community garden in Bondi, this team of activists are now creating a sustainable alternative to food production and providing local community engagement. Raising more than $20,000 the garden’s construction is well underway, and the first crop is expected in early January.
ThankBank ThankBank is a mobile app that rewards and recognises people for doing good deeds, starting with blood donations. When donating blood and checking-in as a donor, the user is given 3 months access to discounts and coupons like movie tickets or food. ThankBank wants to reward people doing good. To fund further development of the app, ThankBank raised more than $10,000 in their act. crowdfunding campaign in mid 2015.
Help Abdul Salvos Legal Humanitarian helped Abdul apply for a partner visa so he could stay in Australia with his wife, Maria. Abdul is her primary carer and was facing difficulty getting a visa due to outstanding government debt received through immigration court costs. This project raised around half of its $11,500 funding goal within a week. It was act.’s first humanitarian project.
Piddington Justice Project In just 46 days this project passed its goal amount and was funded to the tune of $36,210 – the highest amount for act. so far! The project solves two important challenges within the WA community of providing work placement for law graduates and provides desperately needed resources to Community Legal Centres. $10,000 of this campaign was match funded by the English Family Foundation.
(Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities) Having completed two hugely successful projects, AMRRIC is one of act.’s most supported organisations with a very worthy cause. The One Health Project supports an integrated animal health program which contributes to an improvement in human health. AMRRIC vets and education officers are committed to providing effective, culturally appropriate programs and are experienced in working in remote communities. They are dedicated to improving the health of dogs and the lives of their owners.
Get into the groove with banking that gives back When you open a bank account with act., you’ll also receive an Impact Account. Each month, you’ll earn Impact Dollars into this account. You’re then ready to allocate these Impact Dollars to any of the great projects featured on letsact.com.au
You can choose where your donations go, how much and how often. It’s your choice. As well as being lots of fun and giving you an extra reason to feel great, act. puts you in charge of your banking and you decide where banking profits should go. Impact dollars are allocated monthly and customers can view how much each of their banking products generate onsite at letsact.com.au/banking
Bank with act.
Earn Impact Dollars
Fund Projects
All the banking products and features you need but with bonus heart and soul. Products issued by Bendigo Bank.
Every act. banking product earns Impact Dollars in your Impact Account monthly.
You choose where your Impact Dollars go, how many, and how often. You can even top up your donation with your credit card.
Ready to bank with act.? act. offers a great range of online and telephone banking services, with bonus heart and soul. Opening an act. account is easy. Call the act. team on 1300 ACT TODAY (1300 228 863) or visit letsact.com.au/banking to apply online.
Connect with act. letsact.com.au facebook.com/letsactau twitter.com/letsactau linkedin.com/company/act.
Any advice contained in this brochure is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal needs, objectives and financial circumstances. You should consider whether it is appropriate for your situation. Please read the applicable Disclosure Documents before acquiring any product described in this brochure. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. All loans are subject to normal lending criteria. You should also read the act. Terms & Conditions available at www.letsact.com.au. Community Sector Banking Pty Ltd ABN 88 098 858 765, Authorised Representative no 265317, Level 1, Wing C, Innovation Campus, Squires Way, North Wollongong NSW 2500. Community Sector Banking Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879. act. is a division of Community Sector Banking Pty Ltd. (S53196) (12/15)