reconciliation action plan 2013-2016 launched May 2013
Shaquendra and Quaneishar’s family participated in financial literacy training through the In-roads program
real action. real impact. 2
our vision for reconciliation Australia is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, yet a disproportionate number of Indigenous Australians live with unacceptable gaps in health, income and living standards. Community Sector Banking believes true reconciliation requires action, and is committed to playing a significant role in seeking to close the gaps that currently exist between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people. We aim to create a more just, equitable and reconciled Australia.
Aboriginal In-roads participant, Robert heading to work
our business Community Sector Banking is Australia’s specialist banking service for not-for-profit organisations. We’ve been providing not-for-profit organisations with tailored banking since 2002. We are proud to assist over 6,700 notfor-profit customers around Australia achieve their goals. We have specialised knowledge of the not-for-profit sector, and our exhaustive knowledge of customers sets us apart from other financial institutions. In everything we do, we aim to make Australia a more just and equitable place. Community Sector Banking has 53 staff nationally and two employees identify as Indigenous. Since its inception, Community Sector Banking has worked closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and corporations to identify and develop strategies which will lead to greater access to finance and wealth generation for Indigenous people and their communities. In 2012, Community Sector Banking celebrated its 10th year of operation. We are now formalising our ongoing commitment to reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and non-Indigenous Australians through the development and implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan.
our rap During 2012, the Community Sector Banking Executive realised that for us to engage authentically with Indigenous people and organisations, it was necessary to develop a RAP that publically articulated our ongoing commitment to reconciliation. Community Sector Banking called for nominations from the staff body to create a RAP Working Group made up of a cross-section of the organisation. The group has both staff and Executive representation and has consulted broadly. Since inception, Community Sector Banking has worked closely with Indigenous organisations and individuals to identify, how financial services could be developed to be a tool for lasting reconciliation through increased social and economic development. This is also a key strategic priority for the organisation. One of the first steps in developing a RAP was to carry out a staff awareness and engagement survey. This was completed by more than 50% of staff and reflected a strong level of support for the RAP, and the proposed actions such as a staff awareness training program.
relationships Community Sector Banking is an organisation built on relationships, partnerships and working collaboratively on many levels. We see ourselves as strengthening the social change work of our customers. We were founded on social justice and equity principles and we see closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people as a core value. We are also committed to social finance and the possibilities for generating more resources into this purpose.
focus area: understanding and support Action build and maintain relationships Relationships 1 Develop stakeholder engagement and skills exchange program. Phase 1 – build relationships Celebrate National Reconciliation Week by providing opportunities for Aboriginal and
Responsibility All departments – driven by champions to be engaged
Timeline 2013-14
Target • Organise at least one internal event each year to celebrate National Reconciliation Week in each state where we have staffing present. • Increased opportunities for employees to build relationships
Torres Strait Islander employees and other employees to build relationships.
with Indigenous organisations. • Increase the understanding of the nature and extent of engagement with Indigenous focussed customers and stakeholders.
Map existing relationships, especially with customers. Identify opportunities for greater engagement, and for the development of stronger products and relationships.
• Better relationships with key organisations working in the area of Indigenous affairs.
Phase 2 – skills exchange Investigate respective needs with potential for skills exchange (eg Indigenous organisation that can deliver cultural awareness training but may need assistance with its financial planning)
• Program of skills exchange with organisations. As a minimum each of Community Sector Banking’s departments will be involved in actively seeking a skill exchange.
Phase 3 – in-kind support Where appropriate develop a volunteering policy to encourage corporate volunteering in Indigenous focused organisations.
• Staff volunteering policy developed. • Alert and assist Indigenous focussed organisations to access appropriate funding and capital generation methods. Note: the above targets will be measured through internal staff surveys. Please refer to Respect 4.
Relationships 2 Promote RAPs with stakeholders. Work with our shareholders and customers to encourage them to develop a RAP
CEO & Executive Director
November 2013
• Provide an advocacy role in encouraging our shareholders and customers to develop their own RAPs.
respect Respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culture, land and history is important to our organisation. It sits at the core of business activities through our commitment to social justice and equity and strategic priorities for improving financial inclusion for disadvantaged Australians.
focus area: cultural awareness Action Respect 1 Develop a cultural awareness policy and engage employees in cultural learning to increase understanding and appreciation of different cultural backgrounds in order to lay the foundation for other RAP actions to be achieved.
Responsibility People & Culture
Timeline August 2013
Target • Develop, implement and communicate a cultural awareness policy to include training and protocols. • Also inclusive of regional traditional nations/peoples, acknowledgement of/welcome to country, when to invite traditional owners, display of artwork, and cultural celebrations. • Policy to be communicated to employees and made available on intranet. • Review and update other policies to align with a focus on cultural awareness.
Respect 2 Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are respected and celebrations acknowledged.
People & Culture, Marketing & Communications
July 2013
• Appropriate declarations on materials and website. Important cultural occasions acknowledged and stakeholders encouraged to take part.
Respect 3 Ensure respectful recruitment, training and retention of Indigenous employees
People & Culture
July 2013
• Review HR policies to ensure alignment with cultural awareness policy. • Extend advertising job vacancies to Indigenous publications and networks.
To create a culture and environment that is attractive for Indigenous people to work in.
• Produce an addendum to the Bendigo Bank policy on workplace diversity.
Provide opportunities for Community Sector Banking’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to engage with their culture and community through appropriate events.
Respect 4 Measure changes in cultural awareness among employees during the RAP time period
• Ensure leave entitlements include culturally appropriate practice. • Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in local cultural events in each state where we have staffing present. People and Culture, Marketing & Communications and RAP Working Group
May 2014
• Follow up employee survey conducted
opportunities Community Sector Banking will scan the horizon for opportunities that have potential positive impacts for Indigenous people, organisations and communities and assist working towards financial and digital inclusion and, ultimately, full social inclusion.
focus area: meeting the needs of Indigenous customers Action Opportunities 1 Meeting needs of Indigenous customers.
Responsibility CEO/Executive Committee
Timeline May 2014
Target • Create an Indigenous banking service • Develop, design and implement products and services for Indigenous organisations through an Indigenous banking service.
Work with Indigenous organisations and communities with the objective of creating an Indigenous banking service.
• Collaborate with Indigenous organisations to deliver long-term financial solutions. Opportunities 2 Meeting needs of Indigenous customers
Executive Director
July 2013
Community Sector Banking understands that issues such as financial exclusion and digital exclusion will exacerbate social exclusion. Community Sector Banking is committed to identifying these issues in order to close the gap.
• Through the development of products and services, assist in the delivery of financial inclusion and build financial capacity. • Community Sector Banking will contribute to the development of strategies for more positive outcomes on issues that affect Indigenous people, such as the carbon economy and digital inclusion.
Community Sector Banking will assist in the delivery of products and services that build financial capacity in Indigenous communities.
• Our commitment to affordable housing will ensure that an appropriate focus is made on the needs and requirements of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.
Opportunities 3 Investigate opportunities within Community Sector Banking to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment opportunities.
People & Culture; Executive Committee
July 2013
• In consultation with People & Culture, the Executive and the Board, seek to establish baseline data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.
Opportunities 4 Investigate the mutually beneficial opportunities that supplier diversity will provide to Community Sector Banking.
Executive Committee
July 2013
• Investigate becoming a member of the Australian Indigenous Minority Supplier Council.
tracking progress and reporting Community Sector Banking will strive for measurable and achievable outcomes and will monitor the success of the plan and redevelop areas that do not meet targets. Action Tracking 1 - Development A Working Group, comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians, is established to support the development of the RAP.
Responsibility RAP Working Group, Endorsed by Executive Committee & CSE Board
Timeline May 2012- 13
Target • Meeting every 10 days to assist in the development of the RAP. • Working Group to engage wider organisation through RAP/Indigenous awareness survey. • Engage with Reconciliation Australia.
Tracking 2 - Implementation & Monitoring Continuous monitoring of the implementation of the RAP
RAP Working Group, employees & stakeholders – action owners to be identified
ongoing for life of RAP
• Monitor RAP implementation: RAP Working Group liaise with stakeholders to ensure the implementation of key actions. • RAP Working Group progress meetings to be held quarterly. • Quarterly reports produced on progress and distributed to employees, the Executive Committee and the board. • Communications template developed to report to Executive and CSE Board on RAP implementation. • Regular staff communications on a quarterly basis. • Follow-up staff survey.
Tracking 3 – Reporting Report achievements, challenges and learnings to Reconciliation Australia for inclusion in the Annual Impact Measurement Report.
RAP Working Group
May 2014
RAP progress is reported each year in the RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire.
Aunty Mary with her daughter, received financial assistance through In-roads
contact details Communications and Media Manager Community Sector Banking t 03 8414 7963 m 0466 217 801 e for enquiries.
1300 CSBANK (1300 272 265)