Healing and Rebirth!
Like a phoenix out of the ashes, Island life appears to be heading in the direction of healing, especially with a new year on the horizon and a Covid vaccine on route. 2020 has been no picnic – nothing went as expected! A very hyper political year married with a reoccurring centurial pandemic has all equalled into much stress and anxiety for most. So what now? It’s time to look after ourselves and it’s more important than ever to come out on the other side of 2020 stronger and more resilient than we were before. It’s not easy, but step by step, we move forward. Move forward through healing ourselves and bring forward a time of restarts and rebirths for 2021! Stay well and in good health ~
”Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller
Gilakasla - Emote – Marsii!