YEAR 23 | ISSUE 5 SEPT / OCT 2022 Subscribe at

6 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 CONTENTS 62 FEATURE HOME Arches & Alderwood BUILDING A NEW MULTIGENERATIONAL GATHERING SPACE by Angela Garvin Cover photo by Kip Johnson 14 FIREPLACES Over the Top Fireplaces: WHAT'S TRENDING IN FIREPLACE DESIGN by Alicia Underlee Nelson BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Timber & Ash Designs by Andrea Canning FEATURE HOME The Cabin in the Pines THE BOOS HOME ON TEN MILE LAKE by Alicia Underlee Nelson 12 | FROM THE OFFICE 24 | INTERIOR DESIGN Maximizing your Space by Alicia Underlee Nelson 32 | INTERIOR DESIGN Unique Finds to Brighten Your Home by Dawn Duncan 42 | INTERIOR DESIGN Where to Splurge and Where to Save by Danae Branson 50 | EXTERIORS A Change in Chimneys by Patrice Peterson 58 | THREE WAYS 3 Ways to Upgrade Your Headboard by Alicia Underlee Nelson 66 | RECIPES Seasonal Flavors 70 | SHOWCASE Candles and Holders 102 | LAKE GIFTS 109 | SERVICE DIRECTORY 110 | FEATURED LAKE Ten Mile Lake 2022OCT/SEPT•5ISSUE•23YEAR www.lakeandhomemagazine.comat:onlinesubscribe 88 WHAT’S INSIDE 76

PUBLISHER & CREATIVE - Kip Johnson EDITORS - Brent and Jennifer Rogness LAYOUT & DESIGN - Aaron Burgener LAKE & HOME MAGAZINE – ADVERTISING SALES Jerry Shea • 218.205.7454 • Becky Haarstad • 262.994.8744 • Renee Redenius • 701.212.7227 • Terri Jo Peery • 320.491.5618• SUBSCRIPTIONS In the U.S., one year $24.95; two years $43.50; three years $55.00. Elsewhere add $5.00 per issue. Back issues are available for $5.00 per issue, plus shipping and handling. Subscriptions can be purchased online at LAKE & HOME MAGAZINE Published bimonthly by Compass Media | 126 S Vine St | Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Year 23, Issue 5 • SEPT / OCT artwork@lakeandhomemagazine.comwww.lakeandhomemagazine.com2022 Unless previously agreed, all rights remain the sole property of Lake & Home Magazine. ©2022 Compass Media. Except for purposes of review, material contained herein may not be reproduced without prior written consent. Printed by Midstates, Inc, USA

From the Office
12 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
Photos by Kip Johnson
While designing the fireplace, remember the chimney. Sitting atop the roof like a top hat, the chimney can be just as classy as it is sturdy.
L&H written by Bekki Newbrough
It’s harvest season; a time of shifting focus from the relaxing calm of summer to the sense of urgent doing. The colors are bright reds and yellows mixed with the soft and muted browns of sleepy leaves, but there are still green pops here and there of those resistant to change. We are focused now on putting the summer toys away, and eating the bounty of the harvest. Here in the fall, people huddle a little clos er, as if silently preparing for the coming of winter. Gatherings move indoors. We light a fire and set the table, thinking of bright things. Every now and then the air gets a chill, and we shake it off trying to ignore the early warning signs. There's still some time to enjoy a nice walk without too much lay ering, even if we grab a hat or scarf on the way outside. Although summer’s glow is coming to a close, this is the best time of year to marvel at a brilliant, almost surreal spectacle; the fall sunset. If a fireplace is at the center of your dream home, this issue is a great one for you to take home. From the wood-burning stove to the modern smooth and white look, we discuss fireplaces in ways that make sense around the house. The beauty in design is that a fireplace can become a part of the home or be added to an existing wall. Occasionally, there's that fireplace that takes over a room in a grandiose way that can be summed up in just one word; impressive. It doesn't have to be the entire wall, but why shouldn't it be? Fireplace design can be beautiful and func tional, so make it both. Make the mantel one that strikes a pose, or create a long line straight to the ceiling for that endless ef fect. Add a bread-rising cabinet or a warm ing shelf. Why not? The choice is yours.
See more from this home on page 88
I have to admit, there is one article that speaks to me as the giddy organizer that I am. Maximizing your space in a housing de sign has always amazed me. I've seen kitch en cabinets and drawers containing sliders and racks that would make Tetris champions envious, so why not in the rest of the house?

We invite you to walk through the lake area homes in this issue, not only to see the in credible designs from our local builders but also to take a chance at your very own inspi ration. After things start to quiet down from the doing to the deep breath sighs at the end of the day, take a little time to relax and look around at what you've accomplished. You've worked hard to get from there to here, and it shows. Wait, was that a snowflake?
I love winter projects, so this is where I'll drum up a new idea for where to add stor age in my home. It also looks like a great place to collect ideas for a new build and how to start out with brilliant space-saving.

14 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 FIREPLACES

T here’s something almost primal about gathering around a fire. We appreci ate the warm glow flickering against the pages of a favorite book, and crave the heat on our faces on a cool fall night. The crackle of the logs on the fire and the wood smoke that lingers in our hair stay with us all year long. But we don’t always want (or need) all of these sensory pleasures simultaneously. The heat and wood smoke we love in a campfire isn’t welcome indoors. Inside, we want soft light, and less maintenance, to create a new gathering space without a lot of fuss or upkeep.
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“I highly recommend a fireplace,” says Kelli Wegscheid of Harmonious Architecture in Perham. “Even if people haven’t had a fireplace in their lake home in the past, it’s especially inviting to have one for those long winter nights.” The experts we spoke with emphasized that modern houses are built so efficiently, that most fireplaces only need a moderate amount of heat (measured in Brit ish thermal units, or BTUs) to provide the warmth and coziness we crave. A fireplace is an investment you’ll enjoy for years – and one that could pay off big when it’s time to sell.
“Heat and ambiance are the top two ben efits, in my opinion,” agrees Jay Schueler from Alex Brick & Stone in Alexandria. “Each fireplace becomes the focal point of any room. And with the added energy efficiency you can't go wrong. They are also a great backup heat source during a winter storm.
Another added benefit is resale value — a perfect addition if you plan to sell your home.”
16 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
Thankfully, a cascade of advancements in modern fireplace technology allows homeowners to choose the elements they want and skip the ones they don’t, both inside and out. Customers have more variety in both form and function than ever before. We asked the experts to tell us what’s trending in fireplaces right now.

Double-pane glass that stays cool to the touch eliminates the need for a fire screen. It’s also a reassuring addition for parents, “Even if people haven’t had a fireplace in their lake home in the past, it’s especially inviting to have one for those long winter nights.”
“We’re doing a lot of them with a cool touch glass,” says Dan Berglind of Hebron Brick Supply in Fargo. “People really like the larg er fireplaces with the larger features and the larger flame, but they don’t necessarily want the heat that goes with that. They want the look but not the heat.”
Kelli Wegscheid
Harmonious Architecture photo provided by photo provided by Up North Fireplace Gallery Alex Brick & Stone


grandparents, and pet owners. Construc tion advancements keep the surround ing wall cool, too. That has big benefits for “ allows you to install a TV or other heat-sensitive materials just inches above the fireplace, with no mantel required, and run combustible materials like barn wood or paneling right up to the fireplace opening,” explains Kevin Pietz of Up North Fireplace Gallery in Brainerd. That’s great news for homeowners with a lot of art, electronics, or rustic wood incor porated into the room.
“Linear direct vent gas fireplaces are a huge hit right now,” agrees Schueler. “They are sleek and contemporary and a very efficient way of adding heat into your home.” photo provided by Alex Brick & Stone photo provided by Up North Fireplace Gallery
If you have less space to work with, try a lin ear fireplace. This style is a long, horizontal rectangle that’s installed directly into the wall. One of the key benefits of a linear fireplace is that it can fit in a smaller room, so it can be installed in more spaces. Another benefit is that this fireplace’s clean lines work with a variety of aesthetics. That combination has done wonders for its popularity. “The linear fireplace segment of the fire place market is experiencing significant growth in both new and existing homes,” says Pietz. “Many consumers are drawn to linear fireplaces thanks in part to the wealth of options available today. From con temporary, sleek designs to more tradition al-looking fireplaces, linear fireplaces offer something for everyone.”
“Perfect for a kitchen, bathroom, or a small office,” Schueler says. “We love to see all the creative spaces homeowners and designers put these units in.”

Brick is a traditional fireplace look. Concrete feels modern, industri al, or minimalistic. Many customers prefer the natural look of stone, from rugged granite and limestone to sleek marble. Metal is trend ing, too. “There are so many options in finishing the wall, thousands of tradi tional and modern stone options,” says Pietz. “Our showroom fea tures a beautiful copper panel wall, a steel panel wall, and a wall mixing stone with steel panels.”
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New fireplace styles and smaller units mean homeowners can put a fireplace in more places than ever before – even in rooms they previously thought were much too small. When it comes to choos ing materials for these fireplaces, the options are almost unlimited.
To go even smaller still, Schueler recommends a cast iron gas stove (“perfect for small, intimate spaces”) or a small portrait-style unit. Its vertical layout looks fresh and contemporary. And the very small size makes it extremely versatile.

20 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
“A lot of people match the fire pit or retainingtheirtheiroutsidefireplacetoeitherlandscaping,paversorwall.”
“Our time outside here is limited, so people try to make the time we do have really nice, wheth er it’s with an outdoor kitchen or an outdoor fire place,” says Berglind. “People try to make the most of it.”
Outdoor spaces are no longer an add-on or an afterthought. Homeowners are spending as much time as possible outside, especially in lake homes. Amenities like fire tables, outdoor kitchens, fire pits, and pizza ovens help them enjoy every moment of good weather.
Dan Berglind
“A lot of people match the fire pit or fireplace outside to either their landscaping, their pav ers, or retaining wall,” says Berglind. “And some people will match the exterior of their home, whether it’s brick or stone.”
Hebron Brick Supply photo provided by Alex Brick & Stone photo provided by Alex Brick & Stone
Natural stone never goes out of style. Cus tomers especially love a new take on a clas sic look.
“Gas fireplaces allow us to add the features into the smart home, so you can control them from an app on your phone,” says Berglind. “It’s be coming more and more popular.”
SMART FIREPLACES Whether you choose a traditional or a contemporary look, your fireplace can be completely modern. Add extras like built-in bluetooth speakers or lights to take the am biance to the next level.

These outdoor entertaining spaces and relax ation zones are integrated into the rest of the home. This integration can take the form of in door/outdoor spaces like a screen porch. It also often involves visual and aesthetic integration as well.
“Multi-colored chromotherapy LED lighting uses light in the form of color to balance ‘en ergy’ in a person's body by enhancing relax ation or invigoration with a remote control to change lights to different hues to match any mood or color scheme,” says Pietz. Turning the fireplace on is even easier.
“Uniform ledge is very popular right now,” says Schueler. “This style is a natural stone, but with a sawn ledge on the top and bot tom of each stone. This creates a super tight fit and clean look, which has not always been something you find with natural stone trends.”

“Outdoor gas fire pits are extremely popular, both round and rectangular,” says Berglind. “Some of those are a manual light, but a lot of people are looking for an automatic light. You just want to make sure they get enough heat.
Dan Berglind Hebron Brick Supply photo provided by photo provided by Tichy Stone and Brick Tichy Stone and Brick
There are many types of outdoor fireplaces to choose from. What you choose depends on the size of your yard, patio, or screen porch, and what functions you want the fireplace to serve. But don’t get overwhelmed by the options. Wegscheid explains that the type of fireplace you choose often dictates its place ment. Just tell the experts what you need. “There are three options for outdoor fire places,” explains Wegscheid. “If you wanted a fire pit out with your landscaping, that’s kind of different.” (Keep reading to learn more about fire pits.)

22 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
The heat is very important in an outdoor fireplace. While experts often minimize the heat indoors, they recommend the opposite approach outside. “A base is 65 or 70 BTUs,” explains Ber glind. “But we can get burners that go into the 200,000 to 300,000 which will give you more flame, but also more heat when you’re Effectiveoutside.”
Once you find the perfect unit, sit back and en joy the warmth, ambiance, and time with peo ple you love. Whether you choose an indoor or outdoor fireplace (or maybe one of each), you have more options than ever before. L&H “Outdoor gas fire pits are extremely popular, both round and rectangular.”
Those BTUs just go straight up into the air, so you need to make sure you have enough BTUs to get that circle of radiant heat.”
“Number one would be an actual wood-burn ing fireplace. The wood-burning fireplace could have a pizza oven insert or it could just be for visual ambiance and heat. Most of the time we’re going to set that off to the side of the house so it’s not obstructing the view.” “If it’s a gas fireplace unit outside, then that’s usually butted up to the house because of the gas line access,” Wegscheid continues.
“The third option is a gas or wood-burn ing freestanding stove that you can move around on the patio. These freestanding units are pretty popular because they don’t take up a lot of room, but they can give off a lot of heat when needed.”
heating can be a little more chal lenging with fire pits. But the experts say there are many new models that give home owners plenty of heat and the convenience they love. (You can even control some with a smartphone app.)

24 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 INTERIOR DESIGN S
pace and stuff have a complicated relationship. Most of us lack the former and have way too much of the latter. And lake cabins, retirement homes, and historic homes can take the storage crunch to extremes. So for real-life storage solutions, we went to the experts. We asked Kelli Wegscheid, AIA, architect/owner of Harmonious Architecture in Perham and Jody Keppers, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB, and licensed architect of Keppers Design Architecture in Duluth for advice on how to make the most of the space we have, whether we’re remodeling or building new.
Wegscheid: In remodels, most often there is a tiny kitchen. They’re remodeling a kitchen and dining room into a very large kitchen with an eat-in island, so there’s room for multiple people to cook at one time.

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“The living room is often a challenge because it serves so many functions.”

26 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
Keppers: Doors on cabinets. For example, those open shelves that are popular in kitchens these days are great if you have an artistic flair and items worthy of display. But garden-variety dishes will likely just be Also,clutter.utilizing roll-outs instead of doors at kitchen lower cabinets, makes it easy to access the whole depth of the cabinets. Items stored in the back don’t get lost in the Considerclutter. using tall narrow roll-outs in kitchen pantry cabinets. It is an ideal way to access shallow items like canned goods in a deep cabinet, and all the labels are right up front and easy to see.
Wegscheid: The cabinetry under the kitchen island adds a lot more storage. I also recommend taking over any close-by closets as a pantry. It doesn’t have to be big; even two feet wide by two feet deep is enough to store additional paper products you don’t want to run out of for big group gatherings. People have a lot of items like slow cookers and large serving plates that they need for the holidays, but that they don’t use the rest of the time.
Jody Keppers - of Keppers Design Architecture
Keppers: Run the kitchen cabinets all the way up to the ceiling, even if you have the taller 9 or 10-foot ceilings that are popular today. It’s great for those seasonal items that you only bring out for the holidays. Also, it eliminates a horizontal surface that tends to accumulate dust.

Kelli Wegscheid - Owner of Harmonious Architecture
28 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
Wegscheid: A lot of people would say that we don’t need a dining room, we eat outside. And I’ll say, yes that might have been the case with your seasonal cabin, but as you’re here more in the winter, it might not only be an eating space — it might be a game table or a place to put together a puzzle on a rainy day, Sometoo.people think they can just get rid of the table altogether. But in a new lake home, I would still recommend a table space, even if it’s small. Maybe incorporate it into an eat-in kitchen, but don’t get rid of it altogether. A dining room doesn’t have to be big or formal, but at least having a table space somewhere is good.
Keppers: The living room is often a challenge because it serves so many functions and links to so many other spaces in modern open room formats. You may have three features competing for attention. Will the TV, the fireplace, or the window view be the most important? It’s vital to have a direct connection to the kitchen and dining areas - and possibly a deck too - but you need to also have space for furniture so people can sit!

Wegscheid: When people come over, they want to take their purse out of the car and into the house, and lay their phones and their sunglasses on the table – and the kitchen clutters up. It’s nice to have a hallway drop zone that’s near the kitchen but not in the kitchen that’s kind of the designated phone jail or electronics area.
“Some people think they can just get ridof the table all together. But in a newlake home I would still recommend a table space, even if it'’s small. ”

Wegscheid: It’s important to have room to create some type of mudroom because as people are doing more water sports and activities, they need room for the beach towels, snowmobile helmets, and all of the flip-flops. So whether that’s a closet or a bench or hooks, you need somewhere you can house all that gear for all the activities, especially if you’re there all year long.
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Keppers: Cubbies in the mudroom. Each person has their own space for coats and boots, and the regularity of the cubbies gives structure to the space. A drop zone counter just inside the mudroom door provides a great space for putting keys or that bag of groceries while you organize yourself on the way into the house.
Photo Supplied by: Harmonious Architecture

Keppers: Use a hot roof or parallel chord trusses on the upper level of a home. This turns cold, unusable attic space into habitable space — you can actually use all the space under the roof! Sloped ceilings make room forms more dramatic. And it creates opportunities for storage at the edges of the rooms. Creating more storage space doesn’t have to be complicated. By maximizing the space we already have and thoughtfully designing or remodeling new places to stash and stow our goods and gear, we can make sure every square inch of our house or cabin is used as efficiently as possible. L&H

30 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
Keppers: Be thoughtful about your space planning. Cluster functions so that you minimize hallways. Use the space under the stairs. It can be awkwardly shaped, but it’s great for luggage and other seldom-used items. Built-ins are a good way to combine functions. For example, a window seat can combine the functions of seating to appreciate a view, a comfy and sunny day bed, and provide storage underneath.
Wegscheid: Minimize closets and maximize sleeping space. I try to design bedrooms that fit one queen bed and one twin bed so a whole family could stay in a bedroom if needed. The twin bed might change from a crib to a bunk bed over time, so on the rare occasion when you have a full house, like on the Fourth of July or on other holidays, an entire family of four could fit in a bedroom. We’ve also done a lot of bunkrooms. They seem cool to the kids and you can fit a lot of kids in them. For example, one bunkroom has three sets of bunk beds, so six kids can fit inside. Another has two queen beds with a twin over each one, so they can fit two sets of grown-ups in a queen with a twin bed above each one. That sleeps six, too.


hen a home isn’t necessarily ready for a remodel, but it’s needing a breath of fresh air, there are several ways to rejuvenate spaces to feel aligned with seasons and trends.
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Design2Sell in Detroit Lakes is known for its interior design expertise and well-equipped showroom. In addition, their retail boutique and online store are filled with fun, whimsical, sophisticated, and quality goods that are an instant upgrade in the style department when replacing décor that needs a pop of freshness. One way to instantly add to the color palette and seasonal impact of a room is to change out throw pillows, and beach-inspired themes are perfect for lakes area homes. From a life preserver theme to a bright beach chair, to word graphics such as “LAKE,” these accent a room with texture and visual appeal, while also offering comfort. Also available is the white raised scallop motif pillow, which is made to resemble fish scales.
Perhaps décor has become a bit dated or pieces have started to look tired; there are endless options, including locally, that can elevate a home’s style status and bring it forward into today’s on-trend looks.

"Baskets in differentshapes and sizes, somewith lids and others with handles (or not) can be grouped together to give texture, storage,and color to a room."
Roxanne Kirby - Interior Designer

Roxanne Kirby, an interior designer at Design2Sell in Detroit Lakes, commented that baskets in different shapes and sizes, some with lids and others with handles (or not) can be grouped together to give texture, storage, and color to a room. Artisan-crafted items such as the set of three painted clay shoreline birds mounted on rocks are another type of accent that provides an opportunity as a conversation piece and that also is an inexpensive way to change the visual of a room. Whitewashed driftwood garland can be strung over a mantel, draped across a shelf, wound inside of a large glass candle lantern, or used as a filler in a basket. Texture is what makes a room stand out from being ordinary and it adds a visual fullness to the setting. Even inexpensive touches of palm fronds and artificial plants can add the perfect pop of color and texture to a room, making a plain space come alive with exciting hues and shapes.
Natural elements continue to be a popular choice in décor and handmade baskets in differing colors, various dried plants such as palm fronds, and other foliage bring the outdoors in, which gives a home a spa or resort-type look and feel.

From quirky ceramic fish to a retro-inspired globe lamp, pieces that are different and conversationsparking bring life into the home through whimsy and artistic touches; these are encouraged by designers and seasoned decorators, eager to forego the common themes and styles that may be trending in stores. Instead, following trends more as inspiration and then creating or locating items that are perhaps rare, artisan-crafted, or otherwise rather unusual by comparison, they add the special effects that make a home a standout in personality. Visual artists encourage finding items that have a story, rather than mass-produced, manufactured ones and Detroit Lakes botanical bas-relief artist Deanna Joy has built her business of “floristry”, Rolling Meadows Art, by working with the natural elements that surround us in Minnesota. Leaves, branches, pinecones, herbs, and flowers take center stage in Joy’s work, an art form that she began developing as a child when she received a flower press as a gift.
36 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022

Joy loves to capture nature in plaster cement, taking fresh flowers and other natural pieces from being freshly picked all the way through the process, finishing a piece with a hanger on the back. Botanical bas-relief is an ancient art form first used to catalog plants and trees and it offers perspective, depth, and movement while showcasing the fine veins and delicate textures of the plants. Joy sands and paints her artwork and some finishes contain metals that verdigris with acid, while others are hand-layered with oil-based, acrylic color and paint containing metals. Each one is then sealed.
Visual artists encourage finding items that have a story, rather than mass-produced, manufactured ones.
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Audubon metalworker and artisan Kasey Larson, owner of MedicMetal (a division of p51 Products) creates customizable metal décor, patio chimneys, and more in his local production facility. An EMT by trade, Larson branched into metalwork as a secondary business venture, which he is now rapidly growing through local and online sales on Etsy and his website. His main products are collapsible chimneys in several sizes ranging from a tabletop version to large ones that are designed to add warmth and beauty to various outdoor spaces. Each piece can be customized with cutout graphics, symbols, words, or names; many of MedicMetal’s customers choose to put their family name and a favorite image, such as an animal graphic or nature symbol, on their chimney. The chimney’s panels easily assemble through locking slide hooks and are a sturdy framework to house a fire; they are for year-round use. In addition to the popular chimneys, Larson also designs and creates many cutout, mounted family name signs; these are typically mounted
38 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022

SEPT / OCT 2022 on various types of wood as a verticallystanding piece, or have holes drilled into the sides for easy mounting on a wall space. Beyond adding touches to spruce up the home, at times a full remodel of a room or home may be desired. Liz Carlson and Amber Peluso of Center of Design overhauled this kitchen to include fresh paint on all of the walls, new cabinetry, replacement of half of the upper cabinetry with a tile accent wall and range hood, plus added open shelving. Cabinet storage was not lost; the new plan simply expanded the cabinetry and created a buffet and office area in the dining room, making full use of the square footage available and yet not making it look cluttered. The green paint on the cabinets rejuvenates the space with lively color and antiqued lighting adds the right balance of texture and tone to the
40 Lake & Home Magazine
Fromkitchen.a remodel, to shopping for accents that reflect personal experiences and style, possibilities abound when it comes to bringing vibrance and new energy to the home. Whether changing a room’s color or discovering an unexpected art find at a local market, unique pieces are key to telling a story and making the home center stage. L&H

42 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 INTERIOR DESIGN

The great news is there are so many ways to save right now and a few ways that, if you splurge now, will save you money down the road.
DECORATING A Home is no easy feat and can be expensive unless you know where to splurge and where to save. We draw inspiration from so many mediums including this magazine, social me dia, and our friends and family, but until we get into it we don’t always know how expensive it can be to decorate our homes.
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44 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
hat’s a splurge-worthy item? Here are a few ideas: Anything you plan on keeping for a long time, frequently used items, things that attract the eye, and naturally higher ticket items. I also recommend neutrals and classic pieces when you reach deeper into the pocketbook, as you will plan on keeping these items for a very long time. You can always swap out lower-priced décor to add pops of color as your interests change. Also, take into consideration your lifestyle. You want your splurge items to be able to stand up to children and pets if you have them. Rugs – The rugs in your home should be high quality. There are some beautiful lowcost rugs available but many of them only look great for a few months. Splurge on rugs that can stand the foot traffic and last for years to come. Sofa – Like rugs, an inexpensive sofa can look great for a few months but then start to look worn and will quickly lose its comfort. People tend to spend a lot of time on their sofas, so you will want to invest in a comfortable high-quality one.

Dining Table and Chairs – The table where the family gathers should be high quality, sturdy, and last decades. For as many hours as people spend around the table enjoying food, games, company, homework, office work, etc., you’ll be happy you splurged on a nice dining set.
Window Treatments – There is a huge difference between premium window treatments and inexpensive ones. The inexpensive ones typically aren’t even that cheap and don’t last very long at all. Window treatments give your space a curated look, so you’ll want high-quality window treatments that last and won’t fade or break down due to the sun’s rays.
Paint and Wallpaper – The walls are the backdrop to your entire design. They are challenging to hide unless you have a lot of stuff. Not only does quality paint and wallpaper make your home look absolutely amazing, but it will last for years. It’s no fun having to repaint or re-paper frequently and it can get very costly over time. Plus, if you are doing it yourself, it’s a lot of Remember,work.splurging now can save money down the road. Buy one really nice expensive rug that can last 20 years, versus buying 10 cheaper rugs in that same amount of time. Chances are, the 10 lesser expensive rugs will add up to way more than purchasing the high-quality expensive rug the first time.
Statement Pieces – Focal points are a splurge in my opinion. This is the first thing people see when they walk into a room. A visually appealing statement piece will look amazing surrounded by the décor you can save on in the ‘Where to Save’ portion of this article.

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WHERE TO Save W hen considering opportunities to save money, anything that is rarely used, frequently swapped out or replaced, and considered more of an accent piece than a staple, is pretty safe.
Lamps, Mirrors, and other Lighting – Lights are lights and mirrors are mirrors. They typically work the same whether they are high-priced or not. You still want to have a quality look which can be achieved by saving and not spending top dollar.
End Tables and Coffee Tables – These are tables that are rarely used but hold décor or possibly a drink or two. They make inexpensive, nice-looking accent tables that are perfect just to hold a lamp, décor, your morning coffee, or a nightcap.

Top-Notch Artwork – Artwork would typically be a splurge BUT I put it in the Save section because you can find some amazing pieces for reasonable prices at estate sales, secondhand shops, antique shops, and garage sales. An impeccably designed home doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Hopefully, with these tips, you can create a curated look in your home without breaking the bank. L&H
Throw Pillows, Throw Blankets, and other Décor Accessories – All of these items tend to be replaced frequently due to season, change in taste, or desire to refresh. Since these options typically just sit and aren’t touched often you can find inexpensive, nice-looking options.
Rarely Used Side Chairs – There are a lot of side chairs/accent seating in homes that rarely ever get used. In some homes, they are more for aesthetic purposes. Most living rooms don’t just hold a sofa and no other seating. If you are needing side chairs/ accent chairs more for design aesthetic, by all means, feel free to save. Unused furniture stays nicer longer, which is why years ago people used to cover their expensive sofas in plastic.


Fireplaces can be a focal point in a home, and many fireplace options are available when building a new house or renovating an existing home. With those choices, decisions also have to be made about the type and style of that fireplace. For most people, however, not much thought goes into the chimney. In fact, many homeowners don’t think much about chimneys at all. “MOST PEOPLE BUILDING A HOME GENERALLY DECIDE ON THE FIREPLACE TYPE, BUT BEYOND THAT, THE CHIMNEY KIND OF DISAPPEARS INTO THE HOME,” SAYS DAN ZIERDEN, MANAGER AT FERGUS HOME & HARDWARE IN FERGUS FALLS. “TYPICALLY, WHEN YOU SAY CHIMNEY, PEOPLE GO BACK TO WHAT THEY ENVISION AS THE BRICK STACK UP ON THE ROOF, BUT TODAY’S FIREPLACES DON’T REQUIRE THAT.” So, what is a chimney? According to Wikipedia, “A chimney is an architectural ventilation structure made of masonry, clay or metal that isolates hot toxic exhaust bases or smoke produced by a boiler, stove, furnace, incinerator or fireplace from human living areas.” Zierden says that 50 years ago when fireplaces were used to heat your space, most chimneys were built on the outside of the home, and that was how the smoke was exhausted.

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Fergus Home & Hardware
CHIMNEY HISTORY Evidence of stove and fireplace chimneys dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries. Ever since fire was first used indoors, it has always been necessary to find a way to direct the smoke away from the room, and then find a way to eliminate it from the home. In many different shapes and forms over the years, chimneys were developed for that purpose. As an essential part of the fireplace, the chimney is a way to exhaust the smoke. As the heat from the fire rises up the chimney, it takes the smoke with it. By drawing the smoke up and out of the room, however, much of the heat has often been taken away along with the smoke, making residential stoves and fireplaces inefficient for many years.
“Fifty years ago,when fireplaceswere used to heat your space, mostchimneys werebuilt on the outside of the home, andthat was how the smoke Danexhausted.”wasZierden

NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PAST 50 YEARS HAVE ALTERED BOTH THE FUNCTIONS AND THE LOOK OF A CHIMNEY. MOST OF TODAY’S CHIMNEYS ARE EFFICIENT, AIR-TIGHT SYSTEMS. WITH A SECONDARY REBURN SYSTEM THAT HEATS THE AIR TO CREATE A CLEANER, MORE COMPLETE BURN CYCLE, THESE SYSTEMS CAN REDUCE HYDROCARBON AND PARTICULATE EMISSIONS. Depending on the type of materials used, the life of a chimney can go anywhere from 15-60 years. Various types of chimneys include: • Masonry Chimneys • Metal Chimneys • Factory-Built/Prefabricated Chimneys • Fireplace Insert Chimneys • Freestanding Stove Chimneys • Wood-Burning Stove Chimneys

2. Schedule an annual chimney inspection.
SEPT / OCT 2022 55 Whatever material it’s made of, the many parts of a chimney work together to keep it safe and efficient. Some parts are necessary, while others are cosmetic. “Whenever you’re dealing with fire inside the home, there are always risks,” says Zierden. (See Sidebar: Chimney Safety) “You need to be able to maintain clearances and make sure it’s assembled and installed properly. There are certain requirements for air spaces around each chimney product, and different specifications for each one, which vary with every manufacturer. They can be rated differently, and it’s important to find the brand/model/information ahead of time to determine what kinds of clearances are necessary.”
4. Install a chimney cap (or shroud).
3. Clean your chimney when walls have a ⅛-inch layer of build-up.
The newer chimney systems have metal chimney pipes that exhaust the air out of the roof. They’re not exactly a focal point or design element of a home, and they’re quite different from the old-fashioned masonry chimney – like those envisioned with images of Santa Claus and his reindeer on the roof. “The object on the outside of the top of the house is called a chimney, but it’s really the chimney chase,” explains Derek Lidstrom, president of Chimney King, LLC, which designs and manufactures decorative chimney shrouds. “Most pre-fab fireplaces were not originally designed to be used with shrouds. The first thing a homeowner should ask is, ‘If I’m using a pre-fab fireplace, is it one that allows me to use a shroud to hide the chimney pipe?’”
5. Use safe fire starters to avoid unwanted chimney fires.
“When you install a decorative chimney shroud, and it’s not installed correctly, it can have a restrictive effect and hold the flue gases in place,” warns Derek Lidstrom, president of Chimney King, LLC. “Instead of using ambient air to cool it, the chimney can pull it down one side and up the other, leaking smoke into the chimney chase, turning the wood black, and eventually becoming a fire hazard. I wrote international fire codes for chimneys to help prevent this type of 6tragedy.”WaysTo Stop Chimney Fires Before They Start ( from Bob
1. Minimize creosote build-up to prevent chimney fires.

6. Employ clean burning techniques.
One of the functions of a chimney is to safely carry dangerous gases from a fireplace or wood stove up and out of the home. Most chimney fires start inside the flue, either from a creosote buildup or a flue Creosoteblockage.isahighly flammable, dark brown substance that coats chimney walls when by-products of fire (smoke, vapor, and unburned wood) condense as they move from the hot fireplace or wood stove into the cooler chimney. If the temperature in the chimney flue is high enough, and the creosote build-up is thick enough, creosote can catch fire, so it’s important to keep a chimney properly maintained and free of creosote. The factory-built metal chimneys must pass special tests, requiring each one to withstand certain high temperatures without sustaining damage. When adding a chimney cap or shroud to hide the pre-fab pipes, however, it’s important to ensure those items are designed around the chimney specifications, and safety tested to the international fire code.
1. The fireplace or stove in the home that burns the fuel 2. A chimney flue pipe (terra cotta or round metal) to get the smoke out of the room
Chimney King, LLC
Chimney King has been in business since 1992, and Lidstrom has worked closely with the international fire codes to ensure that any chimney caps or shrouds that are added to these systems are done properly, meet the codes, prevent fires, and are also attractive .
Lidstrom believes that a good chimney includes these five elements:
3. A good, strong main chimney chase, which the smoke goes through (can be finished in brick, stone, stucco, or most commonly, siding)

5. A decorative chimney cap or shroud (to hide the pipes sticking out of the top) to improve drafting, and keep out rain and critters, but mainly to give the home a polished roofline appearance
“It takes some planning to safely add a shroud to cover the ‘non-attractive’ pipes on your roof,” says Lidstrom. “The market is correcting, and we now have more than 150 styles to choose from, covering every material and color you can imagine. Most chimneys are not as beautiful as they could have been – we want to bring back the beauty.” L&H “It takes some planning to safelyadd a shroud to cover the Derekonattractive’‘non-pipesyourroof.”Lidstrom
COMBUSTIBLES IF NO DECORATIVE CHIMNEY CAP IS USED,” SAYS LIDSTROM. “IF YOU WANT SOMETHING TO HIDE THE PIPE, IT TYPICALLY REQUIRES A 40 PERCENT LARGER CHASE TOP, SO NEW DIMENSIONS NEED TO BE CONSIDERED DURING THE DESIGN PHASE.” Most fireplace stores haven’t been in the business of selling chimney caps, he says. When prefab chimneys were first introduced, it wasn’t technically legal to add any kind of chimney cap to those systems.
4. Top-of-chimney waterproofing treatment and cornice detail, which the pipe goes through (usually concrete or metal)
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An intriguing headboard is like an exclamation point. It’s not necessary, but it adds excitement and empha sis to a room. Gone are the days of heirloom furniture and matchy-matchy bedroom sets. Today’s head boards speak to your sense of style and accent your unique aesthetic. 58 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 DO IT YOURSELF

The texture of this headboard adds tactile interest without pulling focus from other elements in the room. Use it to complement pillows, a knitted throw, or even the art work in the space.
Natural, neutral materials like twine, wicker, and jute are surprisingly versatile. In their undyed state, they have a soft, soothing color that complements almost any palette. They’re a natural fit for clean, contemporary rooms and homes that contain coastal, bohemian, or global influences. They also mix well with warm, neutral color schemes that include shades of ivory, off-white, sand, ecru, or gold.

In general, the smaller the fibers and the tighter the weave, the more the headboard will appear to recede into the background. Thicker fibers and bold woven patterns can really make a headboard pop.
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A live edge headboard preserves the beautiful contours and textures of wood’s natural state. It’s a stunning, sculptural ac cent piece that almost reads as art. It provides a nice sense of contrast in contemporary and industrial rooms, as long as there are other natural elements present throughout the home. It also works well in rustic, Northwoods, and farmhouse dwellings.
60 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022
A soft, smooth expanse of fabric provides a very differ ent texture as well as an uninterrupted visual effect. One of the key benefits of a fabric headboard is that you have as many options as you have fabrics. Your choices are basically unlimited.
Florals can read as traditional or contemporary, while classic motifs like stripes, plaids, and polka dots can feel stately or fun-loving, depending on the scale of the print and the colors used. Try velvet for a quick infusion of Hollywood glamour or choose ikat, oilcloth, or kantha cloth for international flair.
If that feels a little too unconventional, try an intricate inlaid de sign. Crisp, clean lines are a call back to Arts and Crafts and Art Deco motifs, but they feel utterly modern. And they blend in with almost any interior almost effortlessly. L&H
Calming, classic wood shows no sign of going out of style. It works with every aesthetic and is a logical addition to any bed room. But instead of limiting yourself to traditional, understated styles, give yourself permission to think outside the box.
Choose a neutral fabric in a complementary color to ground a calm, contemplative room. Or pick a strong shade as an accent piece.

photos provided by Timber & Ash Designs
WHEN DID TIMBER & ASH BEGIN, AND HOW HAS IT GROWN OVER THE YEARS? Deep down it began when I was a little kid, maybe 3 or 4 years old, when my dad would let me tag along with him to his work projects. As a building contrac tor in a small town, he could do a little bit of everything, from pouring concrete to small home remodels, and building new construction. He did all of this while also doing small wood repair jobs for customers. My childhood of learning from him is what set the foundation for craftsmanship that guides me today. In 2014 when my wife and I purchased our first home, we started building small furni ture pieces and floating shelves to deco rate. It wasn’t long before we started getting requests from family and friends to make similar pieces for them. Within 12 months we were shipping products nationwide out of our single-stall garage. By 2016 Timber & Ash Designs was officially born, and we continued to work out of our garage until 2019 when we moved the shop into our current space. This move allowed us to create some of the larger 15 to 20-footlong tables, and also gave us a space for a permanent showroom.
WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY THAT DRIVES TIMBER & ASH DESIGNS? We strive to build original, one-of-a-kind pieces that are built to the exact specifica tions and desires of our clients. Building a few higher-quality pieces that can be en joyed, ones that will stand the test of time and become heirloom pieces is what drives everyone at Timber & Ash Designs.

The creativity behind Timber & Ash Designs of Grand Forks, N.D., can be fully traced to the chief designer and builder, Jacob Bar ney. This local craftsperson has built a solid following for his original and hand-built fur niture that will not only withstand the daily joys of life but is meant to be enjoyed for generations to come. Lake & Home spoke with Jacob Barney and he shared the pas sion behind his company and the purpose that each piece he creates exceeds his cli ents’ design dreams.
The biggest reasons are quality and work manship. In today’s world, so few things are built to last, or created to be handed down to the next generation. Our furniture pieces are built to be enjoyed today and long into the Buildingfuture.a custom piece of furniture allows people to be a part of their design process. This is an opportunity to have an exact din ing room table to host everyone in the family for holiday dinners, or the perfect side table to have a buffet station in a small space. We take the time to understand their vision and desires and use that as our starting point to design what they want and need. Custom ers can then choose the big live-edge ta bles; they get to pick their exact slab from a variety of pieces we have on hand and are a part of the entire process.
The creativity starts with the client. They may not know it when they come in, but everyone has a vision for what they want. My job is to work with those clients and find out what that vision is and how to make it a reality.

We listen to our customers and ask them insightful and thoughtful questions. What is the overall aesthetic of your home? Will this new piece be a standout or a blending feature to coordinate with other design el ements? What does the space look like for this furniture piece, the dimensions of the room, and the space needed for chairs and guests to move freely around it? By understanding how a piece will be used, the space it will reside in, as well as the ex act dimensions of the room, we can make sure we will create what they not only want but exceed their expectations. We want our custom-made pieces to fit just right in their home or cabin and meet their personal and family needs. Often our customers want to purchase one of our mantels and wish to install it them selves. To make this process as seamless as possible, we worked with a fabricator to have an easy-to-install wall mount for our entire array of mantels. We can meet any need or design that cli ents request. From side tables to coffee ta bles, mantels that originate from a long-ago barn, and rough-sawn, big heavy beams that can be manipulated to fit any personal décor dreams.
One of the most appreciated parts of our builds is that we use hardware on all our pieces that people can take apart and put back together. For ease of moving if the need should arise, we want to enable our customers to easily take their heirloom fur niture to their next home to enjoy. The solid wood construction of our furniture is meant to last a lifetime and beyond.
We are proud to be a part of responsible sourcing from Costa Rica for some of our larger slabs. Decades ago, the trees that were harvested from Costa Rica resulted in heartbreaking deforestation. After years of progress and innovation, the country now has the highest reforestation rates in the entire world. Every tree that comes down is only from natural causes, or it was certified to be taken down. Each tree is given a serial number which allows it to be followed and traced from exportation to its final point of sale. It’s an amazing process that allows for the ethical and fair trade of wood products to be enjoyed.
The best part is being able to be creative with my job, and help my customers bring their ideas and creative wishes to life.
WHAT IS THE LENGTH OF TIME FOR A CUSTOM PIECE TO BE CREATED? We have some small items in stock, as well as several mantels readily on hand for those DIYers that can be taken home the same day. For our custom tables, the average is between 6 and 8 weeks. Customized man tels can be a 2 to 3-week project from start to completion.
One of the big things I tell our clients with young children or grandchildren is that our tables are absolutely sturdy for active and lively homes. Because our tables are made of thick solid hardwood, if there is ever a worst-case scenario with the table (a sci ence project gone wrong, or a craft project cuts through the wood) we can sand it down and you get essentially a brand new table top! A standard big box store table cannot be sanded down due to the pressed wood underneath. Our tables could be refinished dozens of times and look as beautiful as the first time you laid eyes on them.
Others stop in to check on their piece when they are in town, while others want a sur prise reveal when the piece is finished.

Customers can text or call with questions about their piece, and we are proud to maintain our relationships long after an item has been delivered.
We try to make this a one-of-a-kind mo ment for our clients so they can get exactly what they want. Every decision is theirs, and we want it to be an extraordinary experi ence so they are a part of the entire process. We have some clients who want to stay in contact and have updates and photos sent to them as they anticipate the final product.
We are active on Facebook and Instagram, and we love seeing our clients share pho tos of them enjoying their custom furniture Wepieces.look forward to meeting with you and can’t wait to get started on creating a customized piece of furniture for your lake home or cabin. Taking the first step to contact us by calling our store, stopping by, or messaging us through one of our social me dia pages can get the ball roll ing on creating the beautiful table of your dreams. L&H

66 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 photo and recipe by Alicia Underlee Nelson 1 cup dry wild rice (prepared according to package directions) ⅓ cup apple cider vinegar ¼ cup sugar 1 cup mayonnaise 2 ½ cups cooked, diced chicken (canned is fine) 1 cup matchstick carrots ½ cup dried cranberries ½ cup golden raisins Salt and pepper to taste
Prepare wild rice according to package di rections. It’s done when it splits open and is still a little chewy. Drain if necessary. Fluff with a fork and set aside to cool. Dissolve sugar into apple cider vinegar in a large bowl. Add mayonnaise and stir until well mixed. Add cooked chicken, carrots, cranberries and raisins. Stir until combined. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Stir again. Place in the refrigerator to chill for one hour. Serve on toast and/or fresh greens.

ild rice is an excellent source of protein and fiber and it’s packed with antioxidants, manganese and other nutrients. It’s also vital to the diet of the Ojibwe nations that share Minnesota’s geography. Some tribes still hand harvest wild rice in late August and early September. You can find it at grocery stores, farmer’s markets and farm stands across the state. No matter which wild rice you use, follow the directions on the package exactly. Wild rice requires more water and a lon ger cooking time than white rice, but it’s simple to do and well worth the wait. This recipe is inspired by a chicken salad I enjoyed on the rooftop patio at the original Grandma’s Restaurant and Sa loon in Duluth’s Canal Park. The nutty, toothsome wild rice complements the chewy sweetness of cranberries and rai sins perfectly. It’s certainly not an exact copy, but when I close my eyes, I can almost hear the clang of the Aerial Lift Bridge. L&H

Istumbled upon a recipe for honey cookies in a copy of the excellent “Flapper Pie and Blue Prairie Sky,” cookbook by Canadian blogger and food writer Karlynn Johnston and quickly became obsessed. Why had I never heard of these? But when I consulted my stack of vintage and church cookbooks, I realized they’d been there all along, hiding in plain sight. German and Ukrainian immigrants and the Germans from Russia have made honey cookies for centuries. I sorted through recipes that included whiskey, whole wheat flour, walnuts, cooked flour, anise oil and dozens of other ingredients. But the cookies I liked best were soft and pillowy. So I set out to create my own interpre tation of what is clearly a classic.
The honey is the star. It determines the color and taste of the cookies, so choose one you really like. I added a pinch of nostalgia-inducing spices and a dip in cinnamon and sugar to create a sunny and bright cookie that tastes like summer all year long. L&H

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photo and recipe by Alicia Underlee Nelson
Preheatminutes.the oven to 350°F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Combine sugar and cinnamon topping ingredients into a small bowl. After 30 minutes, roll 1-inch balls of chilled dough between your palms to make them smooth. (Don’t overhandle it – the batter will be a bit sticky.) Dip the tops in the cinnamon sugar mixture and place them on the cookie sheets a few inches apart. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the tops are light brown. They will be soft and cake-like fresh out of the oven.
RECIPES 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup honey 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs 4 cups of flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon allspice ½ teaspoon cloves Topping ¼ cup white sugar 2 tablespoons cinnamon Mix butter, honey and brown sugar until creamy. Add eggs. Combine flour, cinnamon, allspice and cloves in a separate bowl. Add to butter mixture slowly, until the batter is smooth. Place bowl in the refrigerator to chill for at least 30

70 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 PRODUCT SHOWCASE
or a presence of calm and serenity, nothing offers a soft glow like a candle. Pair it with a holder that raises it to the next level, and your flame will be fearless.

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If your nose needs a spa day, a scented candle can flood the room with beauty imperceptible to the eyes. Smells can let your daydreams drift into the most exotic of places. It is even possible to alter the way we feel welcomed with the right scent at the door. If you need an unscented candle, you're not left in the cold. Colored wax can offer a brilliant display to the eyes that won't cause an allergic reaction. From bright to gentle tones, the outer wax of a candle can be molded, folded, and trimmed to just about any heart’s desire. Shapes are optional, too!

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Let not the modern conveniences be ignored. An electric candle offers a warming glow to rival a true flame. Some are quiet and still, and others flicker even with a total lack of breeze. Set the mood without an afterthought. These candles won’t melt into the mantel. Place these pieces in candle holders around your home, having fun with colors or the traditional creamy wax candlestick.
The lantern has been a symbol of light and home for many generations. It's no wonder this has become a well-loved way to display candlelight in décor. It's also one of the most versatile holders. Add a detailed and aged metal lantern with glass doors and a top vent, and your candle will have a beautiful home with a view. Go for an open-air frame to make lighting a breeze. Perhaps a filtered light speaks to you, and this almost carved basket look is exactly what you need.

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Mirrors reflect light in a room. Glass candle holders enhance light from a small flame to a rich radiance. A glass holder also handles heat well and could be as wildly imaginative, or subtly elegant as one craves. Colored glass adds a tone to the luminescence, and filtered glass can soften the sharpness of the flame's brilliance.
A pedestal is a place where your candles can rise to any occasion. With numerous styles and colors, these stands offer either a cohesive design element to blend into the candle you chose or a pop of color on its very own. L&H

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very lake cabin begins with a vision. This dream can be sparked by anything: a memory, a paint color, a particular shoreline view. For Dan Boos, the vision began with a child hood dream.

Dan, his wife Nancy, and their children, Abby, Carly, and Louie, have a long history in the region. So when it was time to build the next chapter of their lake lives together, they didn’t want to go far. “Growing up, I had a family cabin on East Twin in Nisswa,” says Nancy. “When Dan and I got married, we knew we’d want our own space. We had a cabin for 19 years on Stony Lake, which is also in Hackensack, right across 371.”
“From the time I was little, I dreamed of having a cabin in the north woods,” he says. “While growing up, our family took sev eral fishing trips to Leech Lake and Can ada. I loved the pristine lakes and the tall pines. Ten Mile Lake has that same feel with the clear water and towering pines.”
Nancy is a first-grade teacher at Horace Mann School in St. Paul, so she’s been able to savor her summers off for years. In 2016, Dan retired from the Voya Financial office in Minneapolis. For the first time in 35 years, his summers were wide open as well. It seemed like the perfect moment to make his dream of a little cabin in the woods a re ality. The Boos family quickly found the per fect spot close by, just across Highway 371.
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“When Dan and I ownwantknewmarried,gotwewe’dourspace.”
“Our property was once part of Hillaway, a girls’ horse camp that was operated here until the 1970s,” Dan explains. “At that time the Crabb family along with six other fam ilies purchased the property — and several family members still have cabins here to day. The property includes several lots with some of the original Hillaway cabins. We now have 11 property owners that form a small association.”

An association is an unconventional model for a lake home community. But it provides many benefits.
There’s something to do here in every sea son, so the family is at the cabin several weekends a month. “It’s a really neat com munity,” Nancy says. “We love to have fam ily pickleball tournaments. We take a lot of walks in the wintertime. We like to snow shoe and walk on the lake. We have a surf boat, we have paddle boards, we have a kayak. We like to float around on the rafts. We have a lot of campfires.”
The couple wanted a home that wouldn’t distract from the landscape they loved. While Dan’s dream influenced the lot they chose and the overall size of the cabin, Nan cy’s dreams determined the details and at mosphere.

The cabin in the woods is a favorite gath ering place now. But it was hard to see its potential at first. “We first visited our lot when it was for sale in 2016,” says Dan. “It had a very small orig inal Hillaway cabin in tough shape, and the lot was so thick with trees that you could barely see the lake. Our 15-year-old son at the time asked us why we were even con sidering this property. However, Nancy and I were able to look past it all and envision our cabin in the woods with the towering pines.”
“ The lot was so thick with trees that you could barely see the lake.”
“Association members have access to ten nis and pickleball courts,” says Dan. “The Association also includes over 60 acres of woods. Our family enjoys walking nu merous trails through the woods through out the year, as well as snowshoeing and cross-country skiing during the winter.”

“I wanted something that looked rustic and didn’t look like a house,” says Nancy. “I want ed something that felt warm and cozy, but yet worked for our family.” They turned to John Dotty, owner and pres ident of Dotty Brothers Construction in Pequot Lakes, to help them translate that vision into a reality. The result is as charm ing and approachable as the couple them selves.
With two bedrooms, three bathrooms and 1,563 square feet of graciously appointed space on the main floor and basement, the Boos home doesn’t sprawl. Instead, it’s wel coming and comfortable, the kind of place that invites you to come in and stay awhile. A 232-foot loft sleeps three and a gracious screen porch adds 217 square feet of living Fiks-Conspace.

Rockwater Irrigation and Landscape craft ed rough-hewn retaining walls that feel like they were built for the old horse camp in stead of new additions. The Pequot Lakesbased company also installed the stone path that winds from the cabin down to the waterfront, where a grouping of Adirondack chairs looks out over the property’s 150 feet of lakeshore.
“They wanted a house with character,” he says. “It’s got that true cabin, kind of chalet feeling, with a mix of cedar and timber and stone and the galvanized metal and metal chimney caps. They wanted something that was very visually appealing, but they didn’t want it gigantic.”
Inc. installed the metal roof and striking chimney caps. Pella windows in brick red add a subtle pop of color that complements the cedar and stone.
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A stately two-sided fireplace from Up North Fireplace Gal lery in Brainerd graces both the great room and the muchloved screen porch. It’s wood burning on the screen porch and gas in the living room, so the family can curl up by the fire both indoors and out. This feeling of easygoing, indoor/ outdoor living was central to the home’s design. “With that screen porch being on the lake side, it really be comes an extension of the living room,” says Dotty. “You open those doors up and you're outdoors all day. The idea was to make this house so you don’t have to have air condi tioning constantly. And it worked.”
There are views of the water and the trees from almost ev ery corner of the house, including the screen porch. A sleek, modern cable railing was selected to open up the sight lines as much as possible.

Because the Boos were adamant about not building spaces they wouldn’t use, they were able to invest in quality through out the home. Luxuriously rich engineered wood flooring (Modern Rustic in Dark Ci der) from Design Tile and Flooring in Waite Park, welcomes guests onto the main floor. Appliances from Warners' Stellian gleam against soothing subway tile and calming white cabinets in the kitchen. Sculptural fix tures from Southern Lights in Burnsville act as decorative grace notes and let the lake views take center stage. The Dotty Brothers team installed millwork and trim from Brain erd Hardwoods and enveloped the entire home in warm wood, from floor to ceiling.
Nancy balanced high-end finishes with homey, tactile touches like open shelving and potted cacti in the kitchen, comfy leath er furniture and cozy sheepskin throws. This is a cottage where a table and chairs from Restoration Hardware anchor the dining room while Nancy’s first apartment couch reaches the end of its second (or maybe third or fourth life) out on the screen porch. That couch isn’t the only piece of screen porch furniture with a long and colorful his tory. “The table was my grandmother’s,” says Nancy. “I just stripped it down. Every year I have to do another coat of chalk paint on it, but it takes me two minutes.”

“They picked very nice products and it’s top notch all the way,” says Dotty. “A lot of times, you’ll see people really do a nice job on the main floor and cut way back upstairs or downstairs, where they’re not as public of a space. They kept it consistent all the way through. They didn’t have to scale back or cut corners downstairs or upstairs. That doesn’t always happen.”
“It was really about not blocking the view and what gave us the most open feeling from inside the screen porch,” Dotty ex plains. “The cable railing just kind of disap pears as you sit and look out.”
Nancy says she didn’t overthink what made the cut. “Just choose things that you really love, things that make you happy,” she sug gests.
(The second replica is displayed in Louie’s room at the family’s primary residence.)
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This mix of old and new gives every cor ner of the cabin on Ten Mile Lake meaning.

Prints from Minneapolis artist Mark Her man’s “The Landmark Series” perch above the shuffleboard table. The art’s vibrant col ors complement the bold textures of the Smash Hit flooring by Provenza Uptown Chic Style, which was also sourced from Design Tile and Flooring.
Over the years I had gotten to know Chris at Detour North in Hackensack and had seen firsthand his wonderful artistic ability to do wood carvings. He carved and paint ed my awesome replica. The Doctor Spoon lure I caught it with hangs with it. In 2016, my 16-year-old son also caught a 44-inch Northern Pike on a Canadian fly-in trip. We had Chris make a replica of that one as well.”
Nancy isn’t afraid of the occasional DIY project or home décor treasure hunt. She sourced a couple of vintage oars in the mas ter bedroom from a Walker antique store and Facebook Marketplace, whitewashing one with her trusty Annie Sloan chalk paint for emphasis. (A pair of new oars from the Sanborn Canoe Company in Winona in the stairwell provide a modern counterpoint to the artfully weathered set in the master.)
“Back in 1989, I did a fly-in fishing trip to Utik Lake in Manitoba,” says Dan, setting the scene. “On that trip, I caught and released a 44-inch, 20-pound plus Northern Pike.
The cabin’s art reaches back into meaning ful Minnesota memories.
A map of the Chippewa National Forest hangs in the dining room. If you look closely, you’ll spot Ten Mile Lake. The wooden fish hanging above the fireplace on the screen porch commemorates a particularly mem orable catch.
NANCY BOOS - HOMEOWNER CouLDn’t have done it without: Dotty Brothers | BUILDER Up North Fireplace | FIREPLACE • View our ad on page 79 Brainerd Glass | SHOWER DOORS Brainerd Hardwoods | SUPPLIED MILLWORK TRIM MATERIALS • View our ad on page 83 Geo Paint & Finish | PAINTING/STAINING Larry Blaeser | PLUMBING Air Concepts | HVAC Masonry By Hines | MASONRY MCI Carpet One | FLOORING/TILE • View our ad on page 87 Northland Drilling | WELL SYSTEM Pella Windows | WINDOWS Builders First Source | FINANCING Rockwater Landscaping | RETAINING WALLS Fiks-Con Inc. | ROOFING
Every inch in the Boos’ cottage is well used and every object is well loved. So it’s no surprise that this space makes people feel welcome. It didn't take long for the cabin in the woods to win over the skeptic. The cou ple’s son Louie was one of the first to come “Ouraround.son never visited the property again until building was complete, and loved the results,” says Dan. “He is now in college and spends almost every summer weekend with us at the cabin. Most of the time he brings four or five friends. Our older daugh ters also often make it on weekends. It can get a little crowded, but it has become a great gathering spot for our family.”

“We have a bedroom downstairs, some of the kids sleep on the couch, and then our loft has three beds,” says Nancy. “We make it work! We didn’t know that so many people would want to be up at the cabin.” Everyone likes it at the lake so much that the couple recently commissioned Dotty Brothers Construction to build a garage with a living space above it so there’s a little extra wiggle room for friends and family. It will be built in the style of the main house, preserv ing the little cabin in the woods feeling the family loves. Dotty says the atmosphere of this lake home leaves a lasting impression on “It’svisitors.reallyset up for a quiet, peaceful type of living,” he says. “It’s for that person who really just wants to get away and find that peaceful solitude.” When Nancy and Dan Boos first set eyes on the shaded lot on Ten Mile Lake, they could see its potential as a haven for their family. Now their dream of a little cabin in the woods is a reality. Its crackling fires and cool lake breezes welcome loved ones in all “Weseasons.wanted someplace that the family could gather,” says Nancy. “It’s just very re laxing. It’s our happy place.” L&H “ It's just very relaxing. It's our happy place.”
86 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022

there is an area of farmland that has been in Paul Reece’s family for more than 100 years. The original family home was built in the 1930s, and then later renovated in the late 1960s to accommodate the growing family and their many gatherings throughout the years.


Clint Bachmann, of CB Designs, LLC, in Al exandria, worked with the Reeces to take Ronita’s graph paper drawings and ideas, and design them into the dream home they were “Theirenvisioning.ideaofthis place was to be able to use it with lots of family there, and to have a separate suite on the lower level, with a pri vate entrance, for Paul’s mother to live,” he says. “My goal was to be able to incorporate as many of Ronita’s ideas as possible into the design, for a multi-generational look, and to make it all flow correctly.”
90 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT

“Paul’s mom, Rebecca, was still living in the house, and they didn’t want to move her somewhere else during the construction, so she remained in her original home, just 16 feet away, until it was completed,” Haabala explains. “The orientation from the massive windows looks directly down the center of Talgren Lake, and they built this home not only to enjoy the view but also to be able to continue their traditions of family gather ings at this spot.”
“Their idea of this place was to be able to use it with lots of family there, and to have a separate suite on the lower level, with a motherentrance,privateforPaul’stolive.”
Clint Bachmann / CB Designs, LLC
2022“My father, Phil, grew up on the other side of that small, private lake, and was involved with the remodel in the 1960s,” says Jon Haabala, of Haabala Construction in Alex andria. “Paul and Ronita Reece came to us a few years ago when they were considering another complete remodel.” Although the memories and nostalgia were strong pulls for restoring rather than replac ing the home, Haabala says the combination of a 1930s foundation, along with the need for complete updates on every fundamen tal aspect, forced them to consider building a new home instead.
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This was the first home the Reeces had ever built, so Ronita says she spent hours wading through sites like Houzz and Pinterest, building her dreams one photo at a time.
92 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 Ronita also worked closely with designer, Beth Finley, CKD (certified kitch en designer), to pull together the final touches on the floor plan, along with the interior design of this home.
“Although many people want to define the style they’re trying to achieve when building and decorating a home, I’ve found that you don’t always have to label style,” says Beth Finley, who owns Finely Designed, an interior design business in Garfield. “Ronita had her own ideas of how she wanted this home to look and feel, but it didn’t fit in with any particular ‘popular’ style. If I had to, I would call it Modern French Country – more of a Europe an look versus American Farmhouse. Overall, it’s stunning.”

“One of the things that stood out for me is that I wanted a level of simplicity, with kind of a mix of French Country and traditional, with elements of old-world style,” she says. “Beth was invaluable and helped me stay on course when I would start to waver. She understood what I wanted, and her gut in stincts helped us pull it all together.”
“I designed the cabinets with the old-world look in mind,” she says. “These particular cabinets from Crystal Cabinets are called beaded inset cabinetry, where the door closes into the frame of the cabinet, rath er than overlaying it, so it’s flush with the frame.”

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According to Finely, the cabinets are paint ed maple, with Van Dyke Brown Brushing.
From the flooring to the stonework, to the lighting, nothing about this home is run-of“Thethe-mill.alderwood trim throughout the living areas, along with the hickory hardwood floor, helps give us the rustic look we want ed, but in a more simplistic, stately way,” says Ronita. “Then, when we were consider ing the cabinetry, I had trouble, at first, envi sioning any kind of painted cabinets, but we love how it all turned out.”
“Although many people want to define the style they’re trying to achieve when building and decorating a home, I’ve found that you don’t always have to label style.”
The great room and the kitchen blend to gether for an expansive, wide-open space that flows into an archway to the front foyer, one of many arches both inside and outside the Rustichome.beams add focus and attention to the high ceiling.

“We really wanted some interior timber beams to coordinate with the timber and beams on the exterior,” says Ronita. “To pro duce the look we wanted, Jon and his crew custom built the interior ‘faux’ beams.”
Although beaded inset cabinetry isn’t new, Finely says it’s a timeless look that takes a lot more fine tuning to achieve.”
The kitchen island is a dark rustic alder wood, contrasting with the glazed cabinets. Granite countertops tie it all together. Instead of a tile backsplash, Finely says that using the countertop material – running the granite straight up the walls – is another way to incorporate a timeless look. Finely also designed an appliance “garage” that is set into the wall and recesses into the pantry. It’s accessed by lifting up a door – a place to keep some appliances out of sight.
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“I do like that oldworld character. I did some online shopping, where I found the ‘fandelier’ that hangs in the great room.”
LIGHT FIXTURES Ronita’s love of the old-world and glamlook shines through in her choice of lighting throughout the home. Crystals hang from the chandelier over the dining table, but that chandelier also has metal work that gives it a rustic feel. The stylish wall sconces in the bathrooms and hallways, along with the dis tinctive overhead lighting in the bedrooms, all reflect that style. “I do like that old-world character,” she says. “I did some online shopping, where I found the ‘fandelier’ that hangs in the great room (a ceiling fan designed to look like a chandelier). I also did plenty of shopping at Southern Lights in Burnsville, where I pur chased most of our lighting fixtures.”
A different kind of statement is made in the master bath. With larger-than-usual 2 x 4-foot tiles and a very thin line of grout, the marble look in that room is a “show-stop per,” according to Finely. “The tile installer from Arnquist CarpetsPlus did an exceptional job making the grain consistent, giving it a ‘marble-y’ style that feels like it’s flowing throughout the large master bath.”
Ronita Reece / HOMEOWNER

A hickory staircase, with an open-style rail ing, leads upstairs to the bonus room, and downstairs to the lower level. Besides the private apartment for “Grandma” on the lower level, there is a great room, two bed rooms, and a bath. One of those bedrooms contains a large storage area, along with a bunkroom (with built-in double bunk beds) that is separated by a hanging barn door. With vinyl plank flooring and casual fur nishings, it also has a view of the lake and farmland and is built for durability and large family Upstairs,gatherings.thebonus room provides two different sleeping areas, plus a nice open space for lounging.

One of Ronita’s favorite things about the house is the exterior stonework, as well as the stonework on the fireplaces in the great room and master bedroom.
“Wekeeper.initially rented a house nearby, helping his mother, who still had children at home,” says Ronita. “She was not only a baker and a seamstress, but she also grew and raised extensive flower and vegetable gardens.” In the winter, they went south to Texas with the bees. Ronita explains that in Texas, the hives are divided and queen cells are added.
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“We home."childrenwhohisnearby,rentedinitiallyahousehelpingmother,stillhadat
Ronita Reece
“I had talked with Bitzan Ohren Masonry about our love of the old-world look, and I asked if they would be able to mix the shapes of the stone to reflect that,” she says. “I consider Nathan Uecker a true ma son artist, as I watched how he chipped and shaped each stone as he was laying it.”
When Paul and Ronita Reece were married in 1980, he was beginning a career as a bee
The arched domed deck ceiling is another of her favorites. Jon and the crew from Haa bala Construction custom built this tonguein-groove barrel roof, which is “a wonderful framework for the lovely view of the rolling hills, trees, and the environmental lake.”
“I heard one of the contractors mention, ‘I like the fact that you took it all to a certain step…. But you didn’t take it TOO far.’ For me, it’s just right. It’s not only timeless, it’s graceful. I think of it as ‘Arches and Alderwood.’” L&H

“Paul, along with his brother, Dave, started with a few bees and grew to a large commercial operation, with seasonal workers, who helped make it successful,” she says. “They also added a third destination when they started traveling to the San Joaquin Valley in California for pollination. Later, another brother, Phil, joined the operation.”
Although the double-wide was “cozy,” and Grandma’s big house was only a stone’s throw away, Ronita began dreaming about a house of their own. As Paul’s family moved on, and their own kids were grow ing up and going to college, the dreams grew, but it was still Grand ma’s house.
“Texas is a great place for dividing the bees,” she continues. “We would get a honey crop there and also sell wax. We dabbled in dif ferent aspects of grafting and making our own queens, all while we were raising (and homeschooling) our five children, then transitioning back and forth from Minnesota to Texas.”
By that time, they had purchased a double-wide mobile home in Min nesota and lived in that on the family property.
“I had my graph paper, and I kept drafting out plans,” she adds. “Be cause I had so much time and so many years in my dreaming process, we were able to tweak, tweak, tweak.”
There are no regrets now.
SEPT / OCT 2022 101 CouLDn’t have done it without: Haabala Construction | BUILDER • View our ad on page 91 CB Designs | Bitzan-OhrenARCHITECTMasonry | MASONRY • View our ad on page 95, 109 Ellingson | HVAC • View our ad on page 95 Hirshfield’s | PAINTING • View our ad on page 57 Arnquist CarpetsPlus | FLOORING • View our ad on page 97, 109 Berg Plumbing | PLUMBING T+S Electric | ELECTRICIAN Waldorf Excavating | EXCAVATING Hilltop Lumber | BUILDING MATERIALS • View our ad on page 7, 91 Nyberg Surveyors | SURVEYOR Cullen’s Home Center | APPLIANCES Swedberg Wood Products | CABINETS • View our ad on page 109 Finely Designed | CABINET DESIGNER Viking Garage Doors | GARAGE DOORS • View our ad on page 95 Landscape Creations | LANDSCAPING Alex Brick & Stone | FIREPLACE • View our ad on page 17 Alex Glass & Glazing | SHOWER DOORS • View our ad on page 101

102 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 We have the most accurate hydrology maps available on the market! Our designs fit any home or office, and they make excellent gifts. We offer a complete map of the U.S., or any of the 50 states. We print on museum-quality canvas using archival inks in black or blue — which are guaranteed to last 100 years, with frames in black or silver that are shipped ready to hang. U.S. River Maps are: • Framed canvas hydrology maps • Great conversation pieces or accurate wall art • The continental U.S. — all 50 states, every county is available, plus any specialty area • Any specialty area of interest. Examples include: Boundary Waters Canoe Area, The Driftless Area, Adirondack Park Area, Great Lakes Watershed, etc. • Your map can be personalized with GPS coordinates to mark specific locations such as your home, cabin, property or places visited or planned, making them unique one-of-a-kind pieces of art. US RIVER MAPS THE MARKET OF BATTLE LAKE 122 Lake Ave S | Battle Lake, MN 56515 218-864-2555 | Stop by The Market in Battle Lake and pick up new summer décor for your lake cabin. Follow us on: OTTER TAILMINNESOTACOUNTY CROW WING COUNTY BOUNDARY WATERS LAKE GIFTS | SHOPPING | LAKE GIFTSL

Frappuccinos218-342-4702TryOurOtter Affogato "A espresso"shotcreamofscoopicewithaofOtter Explosion 14 Flavors of Ice Cream for $24 Pretzels with Cheese Available at Otter Coffee OTTER COFFEE AND ICE CREAM 118 E Main St | Vergas, MN 56587 218-342-4702 | www.ottercoffeevergas 16 Flavors of Hard CreamIce Otter Coffee (plant“Sweeties”Sorbetbased,vegan,glutenfree)YUM! Dot & Minnie's is a true boutique - you'll find Joseph Ribkoff, Sympli, Luukaa, Kozan, Tulip, Bodil, Chalet, Fenini, Cut Loose, Liverpool, FDJ, and many other unique lines all in one store in downtown Perham. Explore a wide range of classic styles and an unbelievable variety of jewelry. Not quite your style? Try our sister store across the street, Level iii. There we stock trendy styles in an industrial setting. Whatever your style, we have something for you! Most of our styles are available for purchase from our extensive websites, and
SEPT / OCT 2022 103

Otter Coffee Vergas is more than a coffee shop it is an Otter Tail County experience! Enjoy several products from throughout Otter Tail County. Fresh Stumbeano’s coffee, scones, and muffins are featured. Honey, raspberry syrup, maple syrup, and wild rice are in-store staples. Fresh Bread Fridays from Falls Baking Company are a great time to try our delicious local jellies. You can treat yourself to ice cream, milkshakes, and smoothies. Browse the local art and jewelry. Need a hostess gift? Everyone loves a taste of Otter Tail! Gift baskets and coffee are all available online and can be shipped. Dogs are welcome and “puppachinos” are our specialty! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up-to-date activities and specials. Otter Coffee has the “Best Milkshakes” in Otter Tail County! We ship custom gift baskets–let us help you with gift ideas. Check Facebook for current hours and activities. Take out/curbside delivery available, call ahead

Shop by type of item or by brand; have it shipped, or held for pickup! Need additional information on an item? Email or call and you’ll have your answer within 24 hours—we try on more for customers than for ourselves! DOT & MINNIE’S AND LEVEL III | 148 1st Ave S | Perham, MN 56573 | 218-346-4180 GIFTS | SHOPPING | LAKE GIFTS | SHOPPING

We are a boutique located in beautiful downtown Alexandria, offering home décor, clothing and gifts. We’re proud to offer cute, comfortable and affordable styles helping women look and feel their best. We carry a large section of Minnesota clothing and décor. You’ll find T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats for the entire family. You will also find home décor items that feature many of the Minnesota lakes such as our best selling barrel lake map signs. We feature a large section of seasonal décor to help you keep your home beautiful all year long. We’ve also added a children’s section complete with infant and girls’ clothing, quilts and blankets, toys, books and Warmies. It’s the perfect shopping stop for the entire family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest new arrivals and sales. Shop with us online at or shop seven days a week with us in-store!

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104 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 L LAKE GIFTS | SHOPPING | LAKE GIFTS

Openwww.creativetouchboutique.comsevendaysaweek|Follow us on A little off the beaten path, but well worth the trip. Open the door to a shop with beautiful quality merchandise and a few surprises. You will be sure to find just the right piece for your living room or bedroom. You can even have that perfect picture framed for your living room with personal service. Beyond the Mitred Corners, Fergus Falls-the shop you will be glad you stopped. Beyond The Mitred Corners is a locally owned and operated custom framing and gift shop. Owner, Lisa Anderson, will help you with a personal touch. She will assist you every step of the way with all of your framing needs. One stop shop for Fusion Mineral Paint!

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Open at 10am and Saturday Open at 9am Open Late ‘Til 8 (Memorial Day Thru Labor Day)

SEPT / OCT 2022 105 Welcome to Periwinkle! All Things Lake! Periwinkle Marketplace is an Ottertail city shopping favorite. Find women’s clothing, jewelry, kids, home décor, and all things lake! Stephanie Ellingson Dykhoff and her crew are known for making a walk into the store a great experience! “It’s been 22 years (since 2000) and it feels like only yesterday that we started Periwinkle in Fergus Falls! Thanks for supporting our stores throughout the years! We would not be here without you! You are the reason we continue to grow!” GIFTS | SHOPPING | LAKE GIFTS | SHOPPING PERIWINKLE MARKETPLACE 328 MN Hwy 78 | Ottertail, MN Open218-367-39007Daysa Week | Mon thru Sun | 10am - 5pm Memorial Day to Labor Day | 9am - 6pm Daily The Bric in downtown Fergus Falls was again voted Otter Tail County’s Best Woman’s clothing store! We offer extra small3xl, but the fun doesn’t stop there. We continue to expand your shopping experience with... • Baby Gifts • Bridal • Anniversary • Girl Friend • Kitchen • Gourmet/Candy • Jewelry • Shoes • Bath & Body Gifts for men, women and children as well as special occasions like birthdays, showers, weddings and anniversaries. As always, the latest decor trends too! You’ll find unique, on-trend décor throughout both levels of our store! The only disappointment our customers ever experienced is not having enough time to stay longer! And if that happens, we invite you to stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram. Shop The Bric in downtown Fergus Falls. THE BRIC 215 W Lincoln Ave | Fergus Falls, MN Open218-998-2225Monthru Fri 10am - 6pm | Sat 10am - 4pm

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6th & Broadway Clothing and Décor in historical downtown Alexandria is your destination for exquisite women’s clothing, accessories and home décor. After a warm, cheerful welcome you will find yourself immersed in color, texture and style. Comfortably shop our boutique with confidence and discover a seasonal style as beautiful as you. Fall is in the air... Let us help you dress to reflect your beauty with gorgeous autumn colors. Have you heard... Our private or small group personal style experiences are incredibly fun. Give us a call to get scheduled. Be prepared for an amazing denim shopping adventure! As a proud Destination Liverpool Shop (DLS), we offer on-trend tops, skirts, jeans and jackets that fit to flatter. Capture nature's elegance with your own Jay Rasmussen aluminum photographic image.

106 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022

SEPT / OCT 2022 107 GIFTS | SHOPPING | LAKE GIFTS | SHOPPING Forest Edge Gallery is a fine art and fine crafts gallery just 4 1/2 miles northwest of Vergas, Minn. The gallery features the artwork of the owners – Patrick Shannon and Helena Johnson, as well as artists from the area and across the U.S. You will find metalwork, pottery, paintings, jewelry, fused and blown glass, laser art and much more from many talented artists. The gallery has beautiful floral gardens with Patrick Shannon’s copper and steel sculptures on display. FOREST GALLERYEDGE 46461 295th Ave | Vergas, MN 56587 (218) 342-2681 | Open Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend Tues – Sat 11-5 | Sun 11-3 | Closed Mondays After Labor Day through the end of October Open Weekends: Sat 11-5 | Sun 11-3 Open by Appointment Also | Follow us on: Shop our unique multi-vendor store. We sell a variety of vintage, repurposed, painted and new products. Something for the whole family! The Shed — NOW OPEN — Flowers and Garden Gifts RUSTY ANCHOR 227 West Main Street | Ottertail, MN 56571 218.367.3931 | Find us on Facebook Open 7 Days a Week

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Ten Mile Lake is the headwaters of the Boy River which flows south from Ten Mile and then east and north through a chain of 15 or 16 lakes before emptying into the east side of Leech Lake.
110 Lake & Home Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 FEATURELAKE

Ten Mile Lake is located between the cities of Hackensack and Walker, in Cass County, north-central Minnesota. The lake is named “Ten Mile” because it is located ten miles south of a historical trading post on Leech Lake.

Size: 5080.43 Acres Max Depth: 208 ft. Shore Length: 24.83 mi. Clarity: 17.3 ft. Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Ten Mile Lake has a surface area of 4,669 acres making it one of the largest lakes in the state and the seventh largest in Cass County. It is also one of the deepest lakes in Minnesota, with a maximum depth of 208 feet and a mean depth of 53 feet (Hodgson and Heiskary 1991). About 30 percent of the lake is less than 15 feet in depth and shallow areas include the bays and nearshore sites. The shoreline of Ten Mile Lake is primarily forested but also heavily developed with residential homes. L&H

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