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October • NOVEMBER
Every Saturday Now – October 31
Now – October 31
Shop from over 60 local vendors including produce, meat, eggs, bakery, pantry items, household goods, art and more. Pick up breakfast, lunch, coffee or drinks to-go. The Red River Market and its vendors are taking precautions to ensure that the season is safe for all, including a new layout that will provide double the square footage to allow for social distancing. Though family programming will not take place, three live music performances per market will be held on the stage to enjoy while shopping. Visitors can find all of the vendor requirements and visitor guidelines online at redriver.market/covid. All vendors accept SNAP/EBT on eligible products and Red River Market matches purchases up to $10 per person per visit at the information booth.
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Downtown Fargo 63 5th St N | redriver.market
October 12 & November 2
GRIEF 101: How to Help Ourselves and Others
Free, online virtual class
When grief enters our lives, our world changes. Learn the basics of grief and how to manage it in your life or help those around you. Attendees will explore the grief process, learn self-care strategies and discover ways to help others who are dealing with grief. This online virtual class is free and open to the public. Registration is required one day prior to the class date. Call 800-237-4629 or visit hrrv.org/events/category/ grief-support/ to register.
October 12 (5:30 – 7:00 PM)
November 2 (1:00 – 2:30 PM)
October 15
Rescheduled and now virtual HERO will host its annual Bash fundraising event to raise awareness for our mission and the services we provide. The Bash is a chance to celebrate HERO and our impact in the community, while honoring the many hearts and hands that make our mission possible. Join us in this virtual event for a silent auction and a program with special guests! Call 701-2121921 or visit herofargo.org for more information.
5:00 PM Silent Auction Opens
7:00 PM Online Program
October 15, 22 & 29

Free, online virtual class series
This is a free series of classes designed for those who are recently bereaved. It is intended for adults 18 years and older who have experienced the recent loss of a loved one. The three Thursday sessions will help you better understand the grief process, explore methods of self-care, and embrace and carry memories with you as you move forward. This series of online virtual classes is free and open to the public. Registration is required one day prior to the first class date. Call 800-237-4629 or visit hrrv.org/events/ category/grief-support/ to register.
6:00 – 7:30 PM
October 19, 26 &
November 2, 9, 16, 23
Free, online class series
Parents will learn a powerful set of skills to help transform the intense child and create inner wealth in all children. Registration required. Contact Cass County Extension at 701-241-5700 or herdingd@casscountynd.gov.
6:00 – 8:00 PM
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Then you will seek me and find me: when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord." JEREMIAH 29: 11-14
October 20
MEMORY PILLOWS: A Virtual Grief Group Activity for Kids
Free, online virtual class
Youth ages 8-16 are invited to join us for a session focused on discovering what grief is and learning how to identify personal grief feelings and reactions. Participants will also learn the importance and benefits of keeping memories alive, as well as how to practice good self-care and positive ways to cope with grief. This class will involve group participation and discussion, and making a personal memory pillow. We recommend an adult be nearby or accessible during the class to assist the child, if needed. Registration by October 6 so arrangements for class supply pick-up can be made. Call 800-237-4629 or visit hrrv.org/events/ category/grief-support/ to register.
6:30 – 7:30 PM
Throughout October
OKTOBERFEST at Holy Cross Catholic Church
On specific weekends during October there will be kid’s activities, homemade baked and canned goods, bingo, jewelry, cork pull and homemade crafts. Throughout weekends in October you can register for the cash raffle, silent auction items, 50/50 chance raffle, chance baskets, etc. Please call the church for details and questions at 701-282-7217.
Holy Cross Catholic Church
2711 7th St E, West Fargo (just south of Costco)
October 25
A homemade Swedish Meatball take-out only dinner with all the trimmings will be served. Adults $10; ages 10 and under are $5. This is a take-out meal only.
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Holy Cross Catholic Church
2711 7th St E, West Fargo (just south of Costco)
November 6-7
AN ECO CHIC CHRISTMAS TOUR featuring Thomsen Homes
Tour three unique houses decorated by Eco Chic, shop the items in each house, enjoy some treats, and get in the holiday spirit! Visit facebook.com/ecochichome or email hope@iloveecochic.com for more information.
Friday 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 – 4:00 PM
The Wilds, West Fargo (home addresses available at later date)
Free, online virtual class | Hospice of the Red River Valley is offering a one-session seasonal art project accompanied by teaching moments for grieving individuals. Research says intentional hands-on activities help not only comfort us in our grief, but also help to integrate our sense of loss and facilitate moving toward healing. Registration is required by October 28; participants will pick up class supplies prior to the class. In some cases, the packets may be mailed. Call 800-237-4629 or visit hrrv.org/events/category/grief-support/ to register.
5:30 – 7:00 PM
November 10 & November 16
Free, online virtual class
Managing grief in times of celebration can be overwhelming. Suffering the loss of a loved one is difficult any time of the year, but the holiday season can intensify feelings of loss. This virtual presentation will enable attendees to identify and learn how to manage the mixed emotions that can surface when grieving during the holidays. Participants will also learn important self-care strategies. Registration is required one day prior to the class date. Call 800-237-4629 or visit hrrv.org/events/category/ grief-support/ to register.
November 10 (1:00 – 2:00 PM)
November 16 (6:00 – 7:00 PM)
November 20
An elegant evening of gourmet food, specially paired wines, live and silent auctions, games and more — all in support of an important cause. Wine and Dine is a yearly event featuring the perfect marriage of food and wine, with proceeds benefiting kids and families served by The Village Family Service Center. For more information and to register contact thevillagefamily.org/ fmwinedine or 701-451-4957.
5:30 PM Social, 7:00 PM Dinner
The Delta by Marriott 1635 42nd St S, Fargo