Academy of Engineering Mexico Special Edition - 27JUL16

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Academy of Engineering Mexico - Special Edition No. 002 School of Engineering and Sciences

Monica Arreola | Communications Coordinator

Science Behind Mexican Digital Television

It is a privilege to be a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico. This is a result of many years of work

Cesar Vargas Rosales is a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico. He joined the Academy as a Full Academic in the Commission of Communications and Electronics. Cesar Vargas is a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico. He is a Full Academic in the Commission of Communications and Electronics (CEICE, in Spanish). In the subspecialty of Wireless Communications. During the ceremony in the Palace of Mining, Mexico City, he presented "The Exploitation of Television White Spaces in Mexico." Which was about the cognitive radio system used in broadband Mexican TV. The system allows an efficient connectivity and the expansion of broadband access. This could be possible by using Wireless Regional Access Network (WRAN) under the IEEE802.22 norm. His work aims to the "development of an area that combines research efforts, innovation, engineering education with social commitment. With the final goal of helping the country's development," said Vargas.

Industry Solutions are Born in the Academia

To be a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico is an opportunity to have a positive impact in the application of knowledge

The Academy of Engineering Mexico has five members from Tecnológico de Monterrey University. Ruben Morales Menendez joined the academy after the oficial ceremony in the Palace of Mining. Ruben Morales is a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico. He is one of the five members that belongs to Tecnológico de Monterrey. When accepted he realized that “there are many professors with an excellent professional performance at Tecnológico de Monterrey that can participated in the academy” said Morales. The researcher presented “Monitoring and Diagnosis of Hybrid Dynamic Systems Failures” in Mexico City. This work is born from the premise that it is hard to have an exact diagnosis of an industrial process. By using numerical approaches like particle filtering and the Theorem of Rao-Blackwell is possible to have precise solutions of low variance. Being an academy member is “the result of years of professional work in the industry,” concluded Morales.

Mathematics Make Possible the Resource Optimization of Mobile Networks

It is an honor to be part of the Academy of Engineering Mexico. The Academy brings together the most distinguished engineers of the country

Ramon Martin Rodriguez Dagnino joined the Academy of Engineering Mexico as a member of the Specialty Engineering Commission of Communications and Electronics. Ramon Martin Rodriguez Dagnino is a member of the Academy of Engineering Mexico in the Specialty Engineering Commission of Communications and Electronics. “I found the Academy dynamics very interesting. We are studying the current state of the country telecommunications” mentioned Rodriguez. His presentation was titled “Users Movement Analysis in Mobile Networks and Resources Optimization.” This work focuses in mathematical models that optimize resources in wireless mobile networks. The research on the topic is important due to the need of knowing the sizing of the networks and the reduction of the user signaling. The professor is looking to “join and promote the opinion of experts in the decision making process in the universities and in the governmental policies.”

The Academy of Engineering Mexico brings together outstanding professionals. Five professors from Tecnológico de Monterrey are members of this Academy. David Muñoz Rodriguez was the first researcher to be part of the organization. Later on Arturo Molina Gutierrez and Juan Arturo Nolazco became members. This year Cesar Vargas Rosales, Ruben Morales Menendez y Ramon Martin Rodriguez Dagnino of the School of Engineering and Science joined the Academy of Engineering Mexico.

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