07-08.2016——ISSUE 116
For the ver y best of Abu Dhabi
Ex per i ence
Ta s t e
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local luxury
Capital spas
For the very best of Abu Dhabi Licensed by international Media Production Zone
A b u D h a b i Ed i t i o n 07- 08.2016——ISSUE 116
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6/29/16 9:01 AM
7 J 7UJL UL 8 J 8UJL UL 9J9J 3 3 -2-2 14 1L4 L JU JUUL -UL J J 28 2U8G UG 6A6A
N -N JU JU 10 1J0ULJUL 10 10
DS DS IEN IEN FR FreR re & & t t IONIONhea heea e SH SHh T h Tatr atryed yed FAE FBAeacBeyaTc hye Tnhaet Znaat Za E t t i di a LIV LIVahaRachipaacliipaMliadM Y: Y: l RA l i ni in in unM utre tre ITTKIaTbTi -aAbin-M K n n n O LODh Dhl Ai l Aei Cee Ce L L L HE HEAbuAAbinu-AAin u- lAturultur Al Aila - Cia - C 6016 1 0 arb arb E 2NE 2 Ghl Gh l N A A ZONZOandand UL UL N A A l l 9J9J L F L F s Is s Is 8-8ALBAL , Ya , Ya B T T m m OO OO oru oru N FN F u F u F EAPEAbi - bdi - d P RO RO ha ha EU EUbu Dbu D A A UL UL
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E E IER IER EMREM R D P D P ce ce OL OL ala ala : GM: Gtes Ptes P M a L L I I ir ira E F E F Em Em IECPIECabi -abi P E E h h ON ONbu Dbu D A A
18 18SEPSTEPT 17 17
G G AU AU 11 11
RT RT CE CE ONCONalacaelace C IN IN s P s P IVE IVE ate ate N LAN LEmiEr mir A A A - SH SHhabhi abi uDuD Ab Ab
W W HO HO YSYS EDMEDeatreeatre M CO CO h Thh Th MA MA ac ac ARHARha Bhea Be H IL SIL S Ra Ra AP AP - Al - Al E K E K bi bi TH THu DhuaDha Ab Ab
L AL TA PIA PIT CA C slansdland E E I H H s sI N TN T Ya Ya 9 9 D IOD Irumr,um, O -1-1 O O Fo Fo 18 1U8G UG du- du LYLWLYW A A L i i BO BODhaDbhab u u Ab Ab
Spend Spendyour yoursummer summerininAbu AbuDhabi Dhabiwith withsuperb superb entertainment entertainmentacross acrossthe theemirate emiratefor forallallthe the family familyincluding includinglive liveconcerts, concerts,amazing amazingtheatre theatre shows, shows,great greatcomedy comedyand andyour yourfavourite favouritekids' kids' characters characterslive liveononstage! stage!
UG UG 9 A9 A
1 1
UP UP ND ND TASTA S e e S- Slac lac AN AN AYWAYEDYEDeYs Peas Pa W t t M M 10 10 ON ON O O ira ira RL RL C - CEm- Em 9 - 9P-T PT i i MA MA E S SE habhab uDuD Ab Ab
andand ICT ICT Isl Isl TRISTR, Yas, Yas S I E D E D um um T T TH THu Four For EP EP 9 S9 S - bdi - d i b a a h h uDuD Ab Ab
Al Al AinAin
LI LI L A L Atre tre Q AEQTAheTahea E R R l l TA TA na na E - E -atiNoaptiaolitpyality ALSAaLbi N S abinici nici R R FO FO Dh DhMu Mu RTAR-T Ab-uAbl uAinl Ain A HE HhEabhi abni - nA - A u D u D Ai Ai G- GAb Ab Al Al AU AU
nd nd sla sla WSOWYaSs YI as I d d O aye aye SH SH , , NI NI rumrumall ailnlat iZnat Z MI MuI Fou Foin Min M d d a a d d A A l, M i - i - Al Altel, M te habhabin - in -Ho Ho u Dbu DAl AAlsAternstern b A A e We W - 3 3 bia bia -1-1 har har 12 12G G Al GAl G
12 12
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nd nd N N IslaIsla TIOATI,OYas, Yas A N NNoNrum um FU FU F For du- du i i habhab uDuD Ab Ab
re re T T eat eat ERCER h Thh Th C N N c c CO CO BeaBea EID EIDRahRa aha l A Al bih-abi haD D bu bu IONION A A US US LL ILL G G I AU AU OF OF e e - 45 - 5 ERTERPalaPcalac T 4 S S MA MA atesates T T N - N - ir ir EP EP VEAVEi - Eim- Em 2 -S 2 S A R R b b a a 1 1 E E MI MI Dh Dh JA JA AbuAbu
9J9J 7-7-
Abu Abu Dhabi Dhabi
AL AL TIV TIV ESFESall all F DY DY M M ME ME Yas Yas COB COabi -abi B A A h h AR ARbu Dbu D A A
R R tre tre STASTA ea ea ERPERch Tchh Th P SU SU ea ea DY DY a B a B ME ME ah ah CO CO- Al -RAl R i i habhab uDuD Ab Ab
E E tre tre LINLINea ea NAENcAh Tchh Th E DR DR ea ea E A EaAha aBha B QU QU l RAl R A CIR CiIR - ihabhab uDuD Ab Ab
Official Official Hotel Hotel Partner Partner
Official Official Event Event Partners Partners
Official Official TV TV Partner Partner
Official Official Airline Airline Partner Partner
Organised Organised by by
Al Al Gharbia Gharbia
6/20/16 11:40 AM
7 J 7UJL UL 8 J 8UJL UL 9J9J 3 3 -2-2 14 1L4 L JU JUUL -UL J J 28 2U8G UG 6A6A
N -N JU JU 10 1J0ULJUL 10 10
DS DS IEN IEN FR FreR re & & t t IONIONhea heea e SH SHh T h Tatr atryed yed FAE FBAeacBeyaTc hye Tnhaet Znaat Za E t t i di a LIV LIVahaRachipaacliipaMliadM Y: Y: l RA l i ni in in unM utre tre ITTKIaTbTi -aAbin-M K n n n O LODh Dhl Ai l Aei Cee Ce L L L HE HEAbuAAbinu-AAin u- lAturultur Al Aila - Cia - C 6016 1 0 arb arb E 2NE 2 Ghl Gh l N A A ZONZOandand UL UL N A A l l 9J9J L F L F s Is s Is 8-8ALBAL , Ya , Ya B T T m m OO OO oru oru N FN F u F u F EAPEAbi - bdi - d P RO RO ha ha EU EUbu Dbu D A A UL UL
IVE IVE O L O L ace ace ZOR ZOs Pasl Pal R AU AU ate ate OS OS mir mir DINDINbi - bEi - E ha ha uDuD Ab Ab
3 3 -2 -2 14 1L4 L JU JUJULJ-UL 28 2U8G UG 6 A 6 A JULJUL 0 0 -3-3 27 27 AUGAUG 3 3 -1-1 10 10
J J 15 15
E E IER IER EMREM R D P D P ce ce OL OL ala ala : GM: Gtes Ptes P M a L L I I ir ira E F E F Em Em IECPIECabi -abi P E E h h ON ONbu Dbu D A A
18 18SEPSTEPT 17 17
G G AU AU 11 11
RT RT CE CE ONCONalacaelace C IN IN s P s P IVE IVE ate ate N LAN LEmiEr mir A A A - SH SHhabhi abi uDuD Ab Ab
W W HO HO YSYS EDMEDeatreeatre M CO CO h Thh Th MA MA ac ac ARHARha Bhea Be H IL SIL S Ra Ra AP AP - Al - Al E K E K bi bi TH THu DhuaDha Ab Ab
L AL TA PIA PIT CA C slansdland E E I H H s sI N TN T Ya Ya 9 9 D IOD Irumr,um, O -1-1 O O Fo Fo 18 1U8G UG du- du LYLWLYW A A L i i BO BODhaDbhab u u Ab Ab
Spend Spendyour yoursummer summerininAbu AbuDhabi Dhabiwith withsuperb superb entertainment entertainmentacross acrossthe theemirate emiratefor forallallthe the family familyincluding includinglive liveconcerts, concerts,amazing amazingtheatre theatre shows, shows,great greatcomedy comedyand andyour yourfavourite favouritekids' kids' characters characterslive liveononstage! stage!
UG UG 9 A9 A
1 1
UP UP ND ND TASTA S e e S- Slac lac AN AN AYWAYEDYEDeYs Peas Pa W t t M M 10 10 ON ON O O ira ira RL RL C - CEm- Em 9 - 9P-T PT i i MA MA E S SE habhab uDuD Ab Ab
andand ICT ICT Isl Isl TRISTR, Yas, Yas S I E D E D um um T T TH THu Four For EP EP 9 S9 S - bdi - d i b a a h h uDuD Ab Ab
Al Al AinAin
LI LI L A L Atre tre Q AEQTAheTahea E R R l l TA TA na na E - E -atiNoaptiaolitpyality ALSAaLbi N S abinici nici R R FO FO Dh DhMu Mu RTAR-T Ab-uAbl uAinl Ain A HE HhEabhi abni - nA - A u D u D Ai Ai G- GAb Ab Al Al AU AU
nd nd sla sla WSOWYaSs YI as I d d O aye aye SH SH , , NI NI rumrumall ailnlat iZnat Z MI MuI Fou Foin Min M d d a a d d A A l, M i - i - Al Altel, M te habhabin - in -Ho Ho u Dbu DAl AAlsAternstern b A A e We W - 3 3 bia bia -1-1 har har 12 12G G Al GAl G
12 12
Untitled-3 2-3
nd nd N N IslaIsla TIOATI,OYas, Yas A N NNoNrum um FU FU F For du- du i i habhab uDuD Ab Ab
re re T T eat eat ERCER h Thh Th C N N c c CO CO BeaBea EID EIDRahRa aha l A Al bih-abi haD D bu bu IONION A A US US LL ILL G G I AU AU OF OF e e - 45 - 5 ERTERPalaPcalac T 4 S S MA MA atesates T T N - N - ir ir EP EP VEAVEi - Eim- Em 2 -S 2 S A R R b b a a 1 1 E E MI MI Dh Dh JA JA AbuAbu
9J9J 7-7-
Abu Abu Dhabi Dhabi
AL AL TIV TIV ESFESall all F DY DY M M ME ME Yas Yas COB COabi -abi B A A h h AR ARbu Dbu D A A
R R tre tre STASTA ea ea ERPERch Tchh Th P SU SU ea ea DY DY a B a B ME ME ah ah CO CO- Al -RAl R i i habhab uDuD Ab Ab
E E tre tre LINLINea ea NAENcAh Tchh Th E DR DR ea ea E A EaAha aBha B QU QU l RAl R A CIR CiIR - ihabhab uDuD Ab Ab
Official Official Hotel Hotel Partner Partner
Official Official Event Event Partners Partners
Official Official TV TV Partner Partner
Official Official Airline Airline Partner Partner
Organised Organised by by
Al Al Gharbia Gharbia
6/20/16 11:40 AM
Tradition, with a twist
‘The Souk at Qaryat Al Beri’ is a unique venue and the first of its kind in Abu Dhabi. Built on two levels, The Souk is an interesting fusion of Arabian architecture with a Venetian theme, which together reflects traditional Arab hospitality. Water canals meander through The Souk and nearby properties with abra boats ferrying hotel guests from the Shangri-La Hotel to various locations. Several restaurants and coffee shops have alfresco dining terraces that overlook the waters and afford a view of the picturesque landscape.
Contact: +971 2 558 1670 www.soukqaryatalberi.com
The Souk at Qaryat al Beri.indd 10
3/20/16 10:14 AM
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6/26/16 2:46 PM
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6/16/16 10:17 AM
contents 07-08.2016——ISSUE 116
07——W E L CO M E 08—— F r o m t h e c o v e r
10——E s s e n t i a L S—— Events and attractions in the emirate 18——S h o p 20——I n t h e s p o t l i g h t——Talking milestones, meteors and movements with Omega 24——i n s e a s o n——Discover the latest in fashion, luxury accessories and beauty essentials 30——d e s i g n e r d r e a mS——Spend the day exploring the capital’s best shopping malls 34——NE W TI M EPIECES——Concierge reveals the year’s finest horological creations 40——s h o p p i n g s p a c e ——Peruse premium labels at retail haven The Collection 42——E x p e r i e n c e 44——S U M M ER IN THE CIT Y—— The annual Abu Dhabi Summer Season promises plenty of family fun 46——AT THE SPA —— Indulge in nature-inspired spa treatments in the capital 50——h O U SE O F TRADITION—— Leading architectural expert Yasser Eleshtawy discusses Emirati folk houses 52——PHOTO ESSAY——Concierge pays a visit to Al Ain’s date farms as harvest season approaches 60—— A L TERNATIVE VIE W—— Aldar headquarters from a different perspective 62——T a s t e 64——c h e f s p o t l i g h t—— Executive chef Kim Gates, Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche 66——L OCA L L U X U R Y——The capital is leading the culinary charge with its own caviar farm
71——T h e c o ll e c t i o n Our curated offering of the very best of Abu Dhabi
88—— AS K THE CONCIERGE——Belle Ruanran, chief concierge at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi offers her recommendations to enjoy summer in the emirate
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6/26/16 2:49 PM
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6/27/16 11:47 AM
Welcome —— As a visitor and guest in Abu Dhabi you are staying in a destination of distinction, which I hope you will find so engaging and exciting that you return time and time again. We in the UAE capital believe our homeland is something of a welcome contradiction for travellers. It is a place where deep-rooted Arabian heritage is deftly woven into a rich destination tapestry complete with luxury accommodation and world-class leisure attractions. Abu Dhabi is blessed with a diverse landscape. We have 400 kilometres of pristine coastline, over 200 natural islands, vast tracts of serene desert, tranquil oasis towns and a vibrant, cosmopolitan capital city. I hope during your stay you are able to experience as much of this variety as possible. In many ways, this emirate is several destinations in one, from the rustic charm of Al Ain, the birthplace of the country’s founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the breathtaking vastness of the Liwa Desert in Al Gharbia with its mountainous dunes, to the energising pace and brightness of our capital city. We all share a desire to make you feel as welcome as possible and hope you leave with a positive, lasting impression of our homeland, traditions and people. In the pages of this magazine, you will find an overview of the emirate’s widespread appeal and I’m sure you will find much to inspire and entertain you. I wish you a relaxing, enjoyable and memorable stay in Abu Dhabi.
HE Saif Ghobash Director General——Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority
6/26/16 2:55 PM
From the cover
c a p i ta l o f c u l t u r e An arresting contrast to the emirate’s towering skyscrapers and modern architectural icons are its cultural landmarks and intriguing historic sites. Al Ain, the heritage heartland, features ancient forts and palaces that have been carefully restored and decorated with vibrant artwork, presenting an inimitable sense of the old and new.
Photography——Alamy Images
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6/27/16 3:43 PM
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6/23/16 3:30 PM
Essentials Jul y – Au gu st 2016
S c u ba d i v i n g
—— Beneath the sparkling turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf lies another world waiting to be explored. With summer temperatures soaring above ground there’s no better time to dive down and explore the cool, shadowy depths of the ocean. Discover the diverse aquatic life that thrives in these parts on a coral reef dive in Fujairah or for an adventure further afield, join a wreck dive and explore the sunken vessels resting just off the country’s shore. Visit: alboomdiving.ae
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6/26/16 2:31 PM
Ta s t y ta pa s
—— Co m m a n d at t e n t i o n
—— For a fast-track solution to injecting your wardrobe with an unmistakable dose of edginess, Tom Ford should always be your first port of call. The current summer collection has the fashion circuit abuzz thanks to a bevy of glamorous evening looks that echo a distinctly urban appeal. What else would you expect from the designer who shunned the traditional runway platform in favour of a fashion collection video featuring Lady Gaga? Visit the Tom Ford boutique at The Galleria on Al Maryah Island. Contact: 02 6771500
Enjoy delightful flavours and a welcoming atmosphere at Bravo in Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort. Specialising in authentic Spanish fare, visitors can pair cheese and spicy chorizo with fine vintages and savour specialities such as seafood paella and pulpo á la gallega – octopus garnished with a medley of diced potato and paprika. Contact: 02 6773333
s pa i n t h e c i t y
—— A luxury spa treatment is a great way to escape the summer heat and revive lacklustre skin. Head to ESPA at Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi Grand Canal and try the leisurely ESPA Body Ritual. This relaxing two-hour session includes either a nourishing marine algae or mud wrap, body exfoliation, scalp massage and personalised aromatherapy massage. Contact: 02 8188051
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6/26/16 2:32 PM
Ta rg e t pr ac t i c e
—— Stay active at K halifa City’s Al Forsan International Sports Resort, which features several archery ranges. This month take aim at the indoor 15-metre archery range designed to be completely windproof to ensure an accurate as possible aim. The venue also stocks recurve and compound bows, so visitors can brush up on both discplines. Contact: 02 5568555
E i d A l Fi t r
—— Also known as the ‘festival of breaking the fast’, Eid Al Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Depending on when the moon is sighted, Eid Al Fitr is expected to begin on July 6. In addition to an impressive selection of traditional feasts at restaurants across the city, the emirate will also celebrate with firework displays, concerts and plenty of family-friendly festivities.
E s s e nt i a l s
—— Ferrari World Abu Dhabi on Yas Island boasts not one but two record-breaking rides. Formula Rossa (pictured) reaches speeds of 240 kilometres per hour in under five seconds, while our new favourite is Flying Aces, another gravity-defying rollercoaster that features the world’s tallest loop at 52 metres as well as the steepest and fastest cable lift incline at 51 degrees. Visit: ferrariworldabudhabi.com
myconc ierge recom m en ds
One for the whole family, head to Irish haunt PJ O’Reilly’s at Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi to enjoy the Friday picnic and BBQ brunch with pool access starting from just AED200 per person. myco.ae/pjoreillys
t h e R i v i e r a E FFEC T
—— Vilebrequin has teamed up with savvy seaside photographer Massimo Vitali to create a capsule collection bursting with summer style. Featuring a dreamy shot of the famed Provençal Hotel in the Giens peninsula (pictured), the range includes the brand’s signature Moorea swimsuit and beach tote. Shop the collection at the Vilebrequin boutique in Abu Dhabi Mall. Contact: 02 6445696
N e e d fo r s pe e d
—— Prepare for a night of breathtaking entertainment as the producers behind the hugely popular show The Illusionists and Le Noir bring their latest extravaganza, Cirque Adrenaline, to the capital. Sit back and witness spectacular theatrical and aerial performances as well as stunts by flame-wielding fire spinners, trapeze artists, contortionists and daredevil motorcyclists. Taking place on August 20 and 21, this is one of Abu Dhabi Summer Season’s must-see events. Visit: visitabudhabi.ae J e w e l i d e nt i t y
—— Bulgari continues its journey of haute perfumery with the release of Le Gemme Imperiali. Take a trip through Asia as the exotic world of precious jade stones provides the inspiration for three new fragrances, green Splendia, white Irina and purple Desiria. Discover these new fragrances at the Bulgari boutique at The Galleria on Al Maryah Island. Contact: 02 6761414
G o w i t h t h e flow
—— Summer calls for unrestrained shapes and ultra-soft fabrics, which is why we’re loving the latest collection from Liu Jo. Snap up the Italian label’s everyday staples in flattering, super feminine designs and fabrics. Head to the boutique at The Galleria on Al Maryah Island to take your pick. Contact: 02 6266619
C a pi ta l to u r
—— Visitors looking for an alternative way to take in the capital’s sights can hop aboard the new Jalboot ferry service. Abu Dhabi’s only private scheduled passenger service can be boarded at four key locations – Abu Dhabi Mall, Yas Marina, Fairmont Bab Al Bahr and Eithad Towers – and covers up to 100 kilometres. Operating daily, tickets start from AED40 per person and can be bought from Abu Dhabi Mall, Al Wahda Mall and Mushrif Mall. Visit: jalboot.ae
E a s t e r n pro m is e
—— Delighting lovers of Asian cuisine, Talay at Le Méridien Abu Dhabi in Al Zahiyah boasts a range Southeast Asian cooking influences with authentic flavours from Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia. Although for those with a hankering for traditional Thai, the menu is bound to be a hit. Think classics including tom yum soup, yellow curry with stir-fried local blue crab and spicy seafood noodles with prawns, calamari and mussels. Contact: 02 6440348
E s s e nt i a l s
A c h a r m i n g l i fe
—— Well-loved for its playful designs and adorable charms and trinkets, Pandora boutique celebrates its effervescent summer spirit with several new jewellery lines. Choose from four collections, including the covetable Poetic Droplets stacking rings set with bright gems and a selection of gorgeous charms, complemented by a new style of bracelet. Visit the Pandora boutique at Al Wahda Mall to build on your collection. Contact: 02 4458141
myconc ierge recom m en ds
The perfect pick for the summer, visit the famed Yas Marina Circuit to test your driving skills in an Aston Martin Vantage which sports a 4.7 litre V8 engine. For just AED1,750, feel an electrifying thrill as you career around the circuit’s famed twist and turns. myco.ae/aston
Fa r m fr es h
—— Popular maritime-inspired venue Cipriani at the capital’s famed Yas Island boasts a menu brimming with delectable Italian dishes that champion fine, classic ingredients. Think 100 percent buffalo milk mozzarella and the creamy ricotta used in Cipriani’s baked cheesecake. With ingredients like these, delivered within in a day straight from the Italian farmlands, you can be sure you’re in for a true feast. Contact: 02 6575400 Sky high
—— Set a soaring 62 floors up at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers, Ray’s Bar offers one of the best vantage points in the city. Firmly established on the radar of Abu Dhabi’s glam squad, this chic hangout is the perfect spot for everything from special occasions to mid-week socialising. Accompanying the great bar bites menu, cocktail lovers can take their pick from artfully created drinks served by the venue’s expert mixologists. Contact: 02 8115666
E s s e nt ia ls
I n fo c us: ro b e r to co i n ’s fa lco n Co l l ec t i o n
—— Charismatic and engaging, much like his inimitable designs, Italian jeweller Roberto Coin is known for making an instant impression. Visiting the emirate to launch the Falcon collection, Coin enthused that his love for the region and his eagerness to cement relationships with his growing clientele in the Middle East was the inspiration behind this current collection. “I wanted to do something for our customers in the region. Of course many have honoured the falcon before, but this is jewellery and it does not naturally lend itself to the falcon’s shape,” says Coin. “Everything about it, the form, the colour, is done in a different manner. And with the falcon, like many of my other animalier designs, it was very important to get the proportions right. The eyes must come alive.”
The limited-edition collection, which first launched exclusively in Dubai, features a stunning statement ring, bracelet and cuff links – all crafted from rose and black gold, sprinkled with white, brown and black diamonds, as well as onyx. “To create the likeness of the falcon we studied many different photos and images. We studied the birds in different positions, different proportions and colours,” Coin explains. In addition to the Falcon collection, jewellery aficionados are spoilt for choice. Undoubtedly one of the biggest fascinations with Roberto Coin collections, aside from the creativity and quality craftsmanship, are the dazzling array of designs. Coin adds: “We create 600 new models every year and unlike many other brands we want to dress you differently. That is our mentality. We want to give you the opportunity to have something unique, something you want to buy. For me, innovation is the future, if you don’t innovate you don’t become efficient.” View the latest Roberto Coin collections at the Damas boutique at Marina Mall, 02 6813770
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6/26/16 2:35 PM
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07- 08.2016——issue 116
6/26/16 4:03 PM
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6/26/16 4:43 PM
SHOP C o a ch
Coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s statement satchel The Rogue has been refreshed for the pre-fall season with new bold embellishments and luxurious materials including printed haircalf, patchwork leather and soft suede. Available in three different sizes to suit every occasion, discover the latest collection at the Coach boutique in The Galleria on Al Maryah Island. Contact: 02 6351776
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ——— Talking Omega’s milestones and movements with Stephen Urquhart
A winning combination of technical excellence and use of novel materials reflects the strength of Omega today, largely thanks to the leadership of former president Stephen Urquhart who retired from his post in June after more than 15 years at the helm and is now succeeded by Raynald Aeschlimann. Urquhart began his career at Omega in 1968 and left to join another maison, only to return to Omega in 1999 – the same year that the famed Co-axial calibre was introduced. “I would say that material innovations and movements go hand in hand. While we haven’t changed the movement per se this year, we’ve continued to develop what we set out to do in 1999 with the Co-axial, by introducing it across the board – not making it just a one-off limited edition piece but making it part of our mission statement,” says Urquhart. From crafting the first minute-repeating wristwatch to the first timepiece on the moon, Omega has always been synonymous with innovation. Founded in 1848, Louis Brandt was just 23 years old when the firm he created, Louis Brandt et Frères, emerged as a key player in watch design. He took the fledgling company from its humble roots assembling key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen to the beginnings of the global brand it is today. A landmark moment came in 1894 with the creation of the now-famous Calibre 19 watch named Omega, which in 1903 inspired the company’s current name. The timepiece was famed for the ingenuity of its mechanisms such as setting time using the winding stem. After an impressive expansion the firm’s progression fell to Paul-Emile Brandt in 1903 who, aged just 24, became the architect of Omega’s evolution, leading the company for half a century. Now owned by the Swatch Group, Omega continues to forge ahead, building on its rich 168-year history.
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6/26/16 2:59 PM
In the spotlight / Shop
The Co-A xial Escapement, l aunched in 1999, represented the first pr actical new mechanical watch escapement to be l aunched in 250 years
1 & 2 Historical images of Omega Speedmaster 3 Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600m Master Chronometer 39.5mm 4 Watchmaker George Daniels who invented the Co-axial escapement 5 & 7 METAS testing 6 Seamaster Planet Ocean Master Chronometer GMT 8 Omega Speedmaster Moonphase Co-Axial Master Chronometer Chronograph
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6/26/16 3:00 PM
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In the spotlight / Shop
“Now with the M aster Chronometer, it’s a new standard for Omega and I think the certification is very meaningful for the consumer. it’s not just Omega saying ‘we are good’ or ‘we’re the best’ but having an outside, independent feder al Swiss body certifying qualit y”
Omega’s most recent innovations reflect this illustrious heritage. The Co-axial Escapement, launched in 1999, represented the first practical new mechanical watch escapement to be launched in 250 years, and continues to make waves in the industry. Quality and precision remain key factors at the brand. At Baselworld 2016, Omega unveiled six new movements as well as several models that now carry the Master Chronometer rating – the entire collection of new Seamaster Planet Ocean watches, the new Constellation Small Seconds model for ladies and the Speedmaster Moonphase timepiece. Omega has also reiterated plans to certify the majority of its mechanical watches as Master Chronometers, the official certification from the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS), by the year 2020. “Now with the Master Chronometer, it’s a new standard for Omega and I think the certification is very meaningful for the consumer. It’s not just Omega saying ‘we are good’ or ‘we’re the best’ but having an outside, independent federal Swiss body certifying quality. People might say who needs this, but the whole idea is to give the consumer who’s buying it a work of art and emotion, that the basic value of the product he’s buying can be maintained for hopefully decades,” says Urquhart. Omega’s deep-rooted connection to space is also celebrated this year with the new Speedmaster Grey Side of the Moon ‘Meteorite’ that houses an incredible meteorite dial made from a solid piece of extra-terrestrial stone. For the dial, slices of the Gibeon meteorite that fell in prehistoric times in Namibia were used and features a striking Widmanstätten pattern of ribbon-like flecks.
Another highlight of the year from Omega is the Speedmaster ‘CK2998’ Limited Edition that is set to be a new collector’s edition. Inspired by the original Speedmaster CK2998 that was released in 1959, which remains one of the most sought-after vintage Speedmasters in the world, only 2,998 of this new edition have been produced. It’s already caused a stir among discerning clientele reflecting the fact that, at the heart of it, emotion is what sets a luxury timepiece apart from other technical devices today. “That’s the beauty of the product we sell. In the world we live in, everything else can become obsolete or weak, or better in some respects. Maybe the cars of the future don’t need to be driven by us and that’s great, but it’s so different from our job. Omega’s vocation from day one is to make a movement and a watch that could really be rare. We’re not a workshop brand, we don’t have a little atelier up in the mountains, we’re the first really industrial brand there was,” explains Urquhart. “Our mission has always been to make the best movements. That’s why NASA chose us to go to the moon and why the International Olympic Committee chose us for the Olympics. I think that’s also why the Co-axial is so important for Omega, to continue on that road.”
9, 10, 12 & 13 Craftsmanship at Omega 11 Former president of Omega Stephen Urquhart 14 Omega Speedmaster Grey Side of the Moon ‘Meteorite’ 15 Omega Speedmaster ‘CK2998’ Limited Edition 16 Constellation Small Seconds 17 Omega Globemaster Annual Calendar
Discover the latest Omega watch collections at Rivoli Prestige, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island. Contact: 02 6432204
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6/26/16 2:59 PM
looking ahead ——— From quirky vintage vibes to soft and supple silhouettes that flatter every woman, this month’s edit brings together the very best in pre-fall style
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6/26/16 3:01 PM
In season/ Shop
1. Ralph Lauren Pre-Fall 2016 — The American designer was inspired by the ‘purity of clean lines and classic shapes’ for this ultra-feminine collection. The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6266734 2. Valentino Pre-Fall 2016 — Worn as a dress or cover-up, this printed taffeta kimono is perfect for carrying on summer’s boudoir theme. Marina Mall, 02 6816025 3. Dior Pre-Fall 2016 — Throw the layering rule book out the window, it’s time to get playful and creative with your designer pairings. Marina Mall, 02 6817477 4. Coach Pre-Fall 2016 — Up your accessories game by getting to grips with Coach’s new collection of brilliantly versatile bags in rich autumnal hues. The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6351776 5. Diane von Furstenberg 2016 — The luxe leather look gets a urban reworking with this edgy two-piece ensemble. This will take you from sunrise to sunset. The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6767071 6. Giorgio Armani Pre-Fall 2016 — Knife pleats are big news this winter and this fabulously printed frock combines not only our growing love for the accordion-like folds but also gets the longer length trend on point. Mall of the Emirates, 04 3951373 7. Gucci Pre-Fall 2016 — Continuing the retro rewind, Gucci debuts yet anther enviable collection of throwback prints, magpie detailing and covetable accessories. Marina Mall, 02 6816844
it’S time to get pl ayful and creative with your designer pairings 4
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shimmer and shine ——— 3
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For the perfect finishing touch, embrace a summer full of sparkle with this month’s edit of statement jewellery designs and glitzy luxury timepieces
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In season/ Shop
this limited edition design delivers m a ximum impact thanks to its striking fr a me
1. Bulgari Diva’s Dream — Fall in love with this model’s mood-boosting burgundy hue and radiant dial that features 79 brilliant-cut diamonds on its case. The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6761414 2. Carl F. Bucherer Pathos Swan — Boasting a mesmerising display of 922 diamonds and sapphires on its case, dial and strap, this standout timepiece is truly one to treasure. Rivoli Prestige, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6432204 3. Glashütte Original Lady Serenade — Perennially stylish, a palette of precious noir and metal offers a sense of elegance. This collection has all the makings of a modern day classic. Rivoli Prestige, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6432204 4. Roberto Coin Snake Haute Couture — This limited edition design delivers maximum impact thanks to its striking frame crafted from 18-carat rose gold, crystal rock, diamonds and rubies. Damas, Marina Mall, 02 6813770 5. Fabergé Treillage — Inspired by the maison’s famed Diamond Trellis Egg, these stunning rings, with distinctive gem-set quilting, marry past and present to glorious effect. Damas, Abu Dhabi Mall, 02 6450700 6. Piaget Limelight Stella — Unmistakably alluring, revel in the details of this Piaget masterpiece. Avenue at Etihad Towers, 02 6670044 7. Chopard Red Carpet Collection — Radiate Petra Nemcova’s arresting star quality with Chopard’s exquisite haute joaillerie pieces. Marina Mall, 02 6813232
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6/26/16 3:02 PM
uptown girl ——— For unmistakable evening elegance, this month’s edit of after-dark beauty is all about creating that enviably smouldering finish. Perfect your gorgeously groomed look with our pick of rich, berry-hued lips and shimmering shadows.
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In season/ Shop
2 3 5
1 Watch your eyes pop with the new Clarins Mascara Supra Volume, Sephora, Yas Mall, 02 5651690 2 Double up with the Yves Saint Laurent Baby Doll Kiss And Blush in 17 Nude Vibrant, Paris Gallery, Abu Dhabi Mall, 02 6507115 3 Keep in line thanks to the Marc Jacobs Fineliner Ultra-skinny Gel Eye Crayon in Blacquer, Sephora, Yas Mall, 02 5651690 4 Create luscious lashes with Dolce & Gabbana Passioneyes Waterproof Mascara, Paris Gallery, Marina Mall, 02 6816662 5 For high-colour impact look to Gucci Eye Magnetic Color Shadow Duo in Primrose 025, Paris Gallery, Marina Mall, 02 6816662 6 Wield the Estée Lauder SuperNoir Shadow & Liner to build dramatic effect, Tryano, Yas Mall, 800 879266 7 Discover the duality of woody and floral notes from the new Jo Malone Orris and Sandalwood Cologne Intense, Jo Malone, Yas Mall, 02 4926607 8 Go for gold with the Lancôme Ombre Hypnôse Stylo eyeshadow stick in Pepite Amazone, Sephora, Al Wahda Mall, 02 4453690 9 The Christian Louboutin Nail Colour in Lady Page plum is perfect for an evening rendezvous, Christian Louboutin, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 4124030 10 Craft eye-catching looks with the Dior Addict It-Line eyeliner, Tryano, Yas Mall, 800 879266 11 Look the part in gorgeous Burberry Eye Colour Cream in Charcoal, Paris Gallery, Marina Mall, 02 6816662 12 Give smoky eyes a fresh spin with the illuminating Dior Eye Reviver Palette, Tryano, Yas Mall, 800 879266 13 Perfect your pout with the rich Tom Ford Lips & Boys Lip Colour in Jay, Tryano, Yas Mall, 800 879266 14 For lips that sparkle after dark, try the Chanel Levres Scintillantes Gloss Aqua in Dzhari, Sephora, Al Wahda Mall, 02 4453690
6/26/16 3:04 PM
DESIGNER DREAMS ——— Discover the finest in luxury shopping at retail havens across the capital
Abu Dhabi is a city of surprises. From towering skyscrapers and fine dining restaurants to world famous theme parks and cultural sites, there’s something for everyone. The retail scene continues to shine with a wonderful selection of boutique stores, mega malls and shopping avenues that house an enviable selection of luxury labels alongside regional fashion. Here in these shopping havens, visitors can spend an entire day browsing the latest collections while enjoying a host of entertainment that range from VIP cinema experiences and children’s play corners to regular music and dance shows as well as celebrity appearances thanks to the annual Abu Dhabi Summer Season. Concierge highlights the best retail destinations with a designer edge. T H E GA L L E R I A O N A L M A RYA H I S L A N D
—— A five-star lifestyle and shopping destination, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island stands out for its capital mix of luxury brands. Visitors can spend hours browsing more than 100 boutiques and stores housing the latest fashions including Alexander McQueen, Carolina Herrera, Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Tom Ford and Burberry. Many boutiques here also boast VIP rooms for a more premium shopping experience, which adds to the air of exclusivity. Gentlemen can order made-to-measure suits and customised accessories from Ermenegildo Zegna, Ralph Lauren and Gucci, while women can choose to have leather handbags embossed with their initials at Louis Vuitton and Fendi or pick up sparkling jewellery designs from Cartier, Graff Diamonds and more.
The Galleria on Al Maryah Island also features lovely terraces and cafés where you can take a bit of time out. For a memorable dinner, head to trendy Zuma, famed for its take on Japanese izakaya-style dining, or book a table at Leopold’s of London for hearty, brasserie-inspired food. YA S M A L L
—— Located in the heart of Yas Island, Yas Mall has quickly become one of the capital’s most exciting shopping destinations. Over 350 brands call this mall home, including a number of global names such as American label BCBG Max Azria, Italian style favourite Elisabetta Franchi and Munich-based fashion house Laurèl. Other fashion highlights include the multi-brand stores House of Fraser and Boutique 1 that feature the latest lines from some of the world’s most prestigious designers. For luxury timepieces and jewellery, visitors are spoilt for choice with dedicated Omega and Versace accessories boutiques, while a wider selection of sparkling accessories can also be found at top retailers such as Al Manara International Jewellery, Damas Jewellery, Rivoli, Watch Gallery and Mohammed Rasool Khoory & Sons to name a few. Stop by the mall’s famed Town Square, which regularly hosts exciting community events. Alternatively, enjoy dining at the Cascade Dining area, designed to resemble European street style cafés, or book a table at Rogos, a restaurant with a fun rollercoaster concept that sees dishes travel round intricate tracks to be delivered straight to your table.
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1 & 2 The Galleria on Al Maryah Island 3 to 6 Yas Mall 5
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9 10
7 to 11 Marina Mall 12 & 13 Avenue at Etihad Towers
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The chic space features 36 luxury brands housed across two floors where grand chandeliers and gold -dusted décor add to the elegant feel
Located on the iconic Corniche Breakwater, Marina Mall is a capital landmark in its own right boasting a host of attractions from the recently launched Marina Eye Ferris wheel, educational mammoth exhibit, as well as the famed revolving restaurant, Tiara, that is perched 110 metres on top of an observation tower. Many more surprises await inside. With a fantastic edit of high fashion brands, Marina Mall’s gleaming corridors are home to luxury labels including Valentino, Prada, Emporio Armani, Chanel, Dior and Fendi to name just a few, while local boutique concepts such as s*uce feature exceptional fashion from regional designers that also make ideal souvenirs of your time in Abu Dhabi. If it’s an exclusive timepiece or jewellery design you’re after, make your way to one of the many prestigious boutiques housed here including Montblanc, Omega, Blancpain and IWC Schaffhausen, with each showcasing a covetable range of international collections, as well as Middle East-inspired pieces. Marina Mall also features a variety of stalls and kiosks that champion homegrown talent and locally-sourced products. Visit Balqees Honey to check out the many different varieties of honey available or stop by the Made in UAE kiosk for unique gifts including camel milk soaps and cute charm bracelets with Arabesque designs.
Housed in the grand Etihad Towers, discover the finest in jewellery and timepiece collections at this designer paradise. Here you’ll find the latest timepieces from Omega, Glashütte Original and JaegerLeCoultre, as well as glittering designs from Cartier, Bulgari and Van Cleef & Arpels. This chic space features 36 of the best luxury brands housed across two floors where grand chandeliers and gold-dusted décor add to the elegant feel. One of the many highlights here is the world’s first and only Stéphane Rolland boutique. The celebrated French designer has enjoyed an illustrious career that saw him take on the role of Balenciaga’s creative director at the age of 20 and work for Jean-Louis Scherrer, becoming the youngest French couturier on Avenue Montaigne in Paris, before going on to debut his eponymous label. In Avenue at Etihad Towers, the Stéphane Rolland Abu Dhabi boutique features the designer’s latest prêt-à-porter lines, fine leather goods, shoes as well as signature perfumes. Take a break from shopping and wander into Fauchon for a delightful Parisian café experience or head to the five-star Jumeirah at Etihad Towers property for afternoon tea at Observation Deck at 300. Located on the 74th f loor, the venue is a popular vantage point, presenting stunning views of Abu Dhabi’s cityscape and surrounding islands.
The Galleria on Al Maryah Island / 02 6166999 —— Yas Mall – 800 9276255 Marina Mall / 02 6812310 —— Avenue at Etihad Towers / 800 3844238
6/26/16 3:06 PM
WORK OF ART ——— Blancpain raises the standard of creative excellence yet again with The Great Wave
B l a n c pa i n M e t i e r s d ’ A r t T h e G r e at Wav e
—— The latest Métiers d’Art creation from Blancpain is a creative ode to the sea. Crafted meticulously using the famed Japanese rokusho¯ patina technique, the engraving is inspired by The Great Wave off Kanagawa, a famous Japanese woodblock print created by ukiyo-e artist Hokusai. Metiers d’Art The Great Wave also makes use of Mexican silver obsidian, a semi-transparent volcanic rock, which adds to its allure. The powerful shimmering wave design contrasts brilliantly with the grey obsidian, while the expertly crafted storm grey calfskin strap complements the effect.
—— Rivoli Prestige, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6432204
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TERRIFIC TOURBILLON ——— Breguet’s new grand complication timepiece houses a host of innovations
Breguet Tradition Répétition Minutes Tourbillon 7087
—— Founder Abraham-Louis Breguet patented the tourbillon in 1801 and the manufacturer continues to pay tribute to the invention with extraordinary timepieces. The latest jewel in the crown is the Breguet Tradition Répétition Minutes Tourbillon that boasts six new patents and five major innovative elements never before seen in a wristwatch repetition mechanism. First introduced last year, the timepiece once again won us over at Baselworld 2016 with its many innovations and significant improvements on its sound and performance.
—— Rivoli Prestige, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island, 02 6432204
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6/26/16 3:08 PM
LUMINESCENT CHARM ——— Enjoy new adventures with the iconic Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer
Rolex O y s t e r P e rp e t u a l E x p l o r e r
—— Renowned for accompanying Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on their landmark expedition to reach Mount Everest’s summit in 1953, Oyster timepieces continue to stand the test of time. We’re particularly impressed with the new Rolex Oyster Perpetual Explorer that features luminescent indices with a deep long-lasting blue glow. Unveiled at Baselworld 2016, the model is waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet) and is equipped with the calibre 3132, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex, and a power reserve of about 48 hours.
—— Mohammed Rasool Khoory & Sons, Marina Mall, 02 6818188
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TEXTILE TOUCH ——— Intricately woven designs shimmer in Harry Winston’s new Premier timepieces
Harry Winston P r e m i e r P r e c i o u s W e av i n g A u t o m at i c 3 6 m m
—— Harry Winston’s new Premier Precious Weaving Automatic 36mm timepiece features stunning textile work that has been created using a rare Japanese weaving technique that took the house a year and a half to perfect. The method sees gold wire intertwined with the delicate sheen of natural mother-of-pearl, a nod to the brand’s New York artistic jewellery roots. There are four distinct dial designs in white gold and rose gold to choose from including a Chrysanthemum flower, a shimmering abstract motif (pictured) and two fish scale designs in vibrant colours.
—— The Dubai Mall, 04 3398972
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6/26/16 3:09 PM
GOOD SPORT ——— Celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympics with Omega’s latest limited-edition Speedmaster
Omega S p e e d m a s t e r M a r k I I ‘ Rio 2 0 1 6 ’
—— Inspired by the 1969 model of the OMEGA Speedmaster Mark II and crafted especially for the Rio 2016 Olympics, the excitement of podium finishes lives on thanks to this impressive timepiece. Sporting a distinguished matte black dial, the 30-minute recorder, 12-hour recorder and small seconds sub-dial at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock are decorated with a bronze, 18-carat yellow gold and 925 silver ring respectively. Housed under the 42.40mm stainless steel case is the Co-Axial calibre 3330. Adding to its exclusivity, only 2,016 models will be produced.
—— Rivoli, Marina Mall, 02 6813035
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VERY VINTAGE ——— Channelling times past, Longines Heritage 1918 is an ode to fine watchmaking
Longines L o n g i n e s H e r i ta g e 1 9 1 8
—— With a dial reminiscent of pocket watches from the start of the 20 th century, the new Longines Heritage 1918 is inspired by the rich history of the brand and early bracelet chronographs. Striking blued steel on the hands and large numerals painted in honey brown stand out in style against the white dial. Available in two sizes for men and women (38.5 or 41mm), the stunning timepiece houses a L615 automatic winding mechanical calibre. For added flair, the women’s version of the new Heritage timepiece comes adorned with a row of sparkling diamonds on the case.
—— Rivoli, Yas Mall, 02 5650435
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6/26/16 3:09 PM
ESSENTIAL E DIT ——— Discover a chic shopping experience at The Collection on Saadiyat Island
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s h o p p i n g s pa c e/ s h o p
The Collection, which enjoys close proximity to The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi, is the destination of choice for many visitors to the capital. As the first retail complex to be built on Saadiyat Island, The Collection is home to an enviable edit of fashion, accessories and gifts. If you’re looking for an authentic cultural experience, Heritage for Henna at The Collection is the place to visit. Using natural henna, intricate temporary body tattoos are applied by talented artisans. For more cultural insight, Yas Perfumes presents a wonderful selection of scents that make use of traditional oudh, saffron and other exotic ingredients sourced from the region. Luxury brands are also well represented here. Al Manara International Jewellery boutique features the latest from Piaget, Baume et Mercier and Hublot as well as sparkling jewellery from Chopard and Graff Diamonds. Rivoli Arcade is another top choice, with the latest watches from Omega, Longines and Montblanc.
During cooler months, lively local farmer’s market RIPE sets up shop with tantalising displays of farm-fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are several other stalls selling locally made arts and crafts, jewellery and gift items. Make sure to stop by Salwa Zeidan Gallery where the walls are filled with colourful artworks from up and coming talent in the region. The gallery’s accessible prices make it the ideal destination for art collectors as well as visitors looking to purchase artwork as an alternative souvenir of their time in the capital. First opened in 1994, today it is regarded as one of the country’s most famous galleries. After a memorable day spent shopping, enjoy a delicious meal at KOI Abu Dhabi, famed for its innovative Japanese cuisine, or sample regional favourites from Lebanese restaurant Abd El Wahab and popular Indian eatery Avasa that features a menu of authentic ethnic specialities.
IF you’re looking for an authentic cultur al experience, Heritage for Henna at the collection is the pl ace tO visit
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6/26/16 5:04 PM
Experie nce C a l l igr a p hy
One of the most ancient art forms, Arabic styles of calligraphy date as far back as 2,000BCE. Beautiful examples of this special script can be seen throughout Abu Dhabi, particularly on mosque ceilings, around souks and even on important documentation. These beautiful calligraphic scripts make for a wonderful personalised gift this season or a uniquely expressive piece of art.
marina mall, abu dhabi
Summer in the City ———
As the capital gears up for its annual Abu Dhabi Summer Season, we round up the best activities in the months ahead
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s u m m e r s e a s o n / ex p er i en c e
visitors and residents across the emir ate will be tre ated to a m a m moth line up of sum mer entertainm ent with every thing from world - cl ass illusionists to big screen comedians
Dynamic and exciting, the UAE capital has plenty to offer all year round and Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority’s thrilling Abu Dhabi Summer Season shines a spotlight on a wide range of engaging indoor activities for the whole family. From July 7 to September 11 visitors and residents across the emirate will be treated to a wonderful line-up of summer entertainment with everything from world-class illusionists to big screen comedians and fabulously festive celebrations for India’s Independence Day on August 15. It’s safe to say there’s plenty vying for attention. The Eid Al Fitr weekend kicks things off with two top nights. On July 8, a celebration of Arabic music gets underway as superstar Myriam Fares headlines a special concert at Al Raha Theatre with the support of Iraqi signer and composer Waleed El Shami. Also on July 8 and 9, British illusionist Jamie Raven will make his Middle East debut at Emirates Palace when audiences can look forward to a night of visual tricks and entertainment. Later in the season, Indian Independence Day comes into focus. On August 11 Bollywood singing sensation Shaan takes to the stage at Emirates Palace. The award-winning vocalist is well known for hits such as Roop Tera Mastana and Loveology. The extravaganza of Indian music continues with Bollywood in the Capital on August 12 and 13. Held at du Forum, the two-day event will feature performances from Vishal and Shekhar, Farhan Akhtar, and musical trio Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy. This summer season will certainly appeal to comedy fans as the event brings a host of
hilarious performers to the city. First up, GCC favourite Tarek Al Ali will bring his unique sense of humour to Abu Dhabi during his three-hour Heart for Sale show. The UAE premiere of this theatrical production will be held first at Abu Dhabi’s National Theatre on August 4 and 5, followed by two shows in Al Ain on September 1 and 2. Al Raha Theatre is gearing up to host a stand-up comedy show with top Indian comedian Kapil Sharma on August 12. Hollywood regular Marlon Wayans prepares to delight audiences with his wacky wit on August 19, while the Arab Comedy Show at Yas Mall on September 9 and 10, starring popular comedians such as Rajae Qawas and Fahad Al Butairi, will help draw the season to an entertaining close. The emirate is renowned for its family friendly vibe so there’s also plenty to keep the younger ones entertained. Packed with interactive elements, shows such as Hello Kitty – Fashion and Friends and Dinosaur Zoo Live will take place over the first weekend, from July 7 to 9. Meanwhile Fun Nation, held at du Forum, provides a month-long programme of enjoyable activities ranging from cooking sessions and appearances from best-loved characters like Dora the Explorer, SpongeBob SquarePants and Shaun the Sheep. For teenagers, The District presents a showcase of workshops including photography and fashion design. Split into five areas, this innovative event will take place daily at du Forum from August 18 to September 17. Also be sure to visit Abu Dhabi’s bevy of impressive malls to take advantage of the season’s many retail discounts and promotions.
For more information, please visit: abudhabisummerseason.ae
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ANANTARA SPA, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara
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At t h e s pa / Ex p e r i e nc e
Natural beauty ——— Discover luxury spa treatments that give a nod to nature
From good nutritional awareness to ta rget ted beaut y reg i mes, we have become increasingly aware of what we allow into our bodies. It stands to reason that this rationale should also extend to the products we use on our skin. While there’s certainly a place for state-of-theart technology and new age therapies in the cosmetic world, nature’s back to basic approach can sometimes be the best. With a whole host of spa treatments favouring au naturel remedies, spa enthusiasts can take their pick from facials, scrubs, herbal compresses and steam baths that champion organic elements. From naturally refreshing citrus fruit extracts and tea infusions to healing mud masks and soothing floral oils, visit these luxury spas in the capital to indulge in treatments that celebrate a more holistic approach to beauty.
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1 & 2 Atarmia Spa, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas 3 to 5 Anantara Spa, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara
EMBR ACE A SENSE OF AR ABIA WITH THE Anantar a Signature Ha m m a m
A n a n ta r a S pa
Ata r m i a S pa
An elegant fusion of Arabian culture and warm Thai hospitality, this five-star spa, nestled within Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara, provides an all-encompassing experience. Embrace a sense of Arabia with the Anantara Signature Hammam. This ancient Turkish ritual has long been revered for its skin revitalising properties and the spa aims to elevate the tradition by evolving the hammam session into a comprehensive six-step treatment that pampers guests from head to toe. Highlights include a jasmine and rose Rhassoul clay mask, a body polish with lemon, coffee and olive stone, as well as a hair shampoo, conditioning and scalp mask. The experience is then perfectly rounded off with a 45- or 75-minute detoxifying massage that nourishes and soothes the skin using a special blend of cardamom, amber oil, rich tangerine and fig-infused shea butter. Afterwards, enjoy light Turkish refreshments as you appreciate your body’s newfound bliss.
As you’d expect from a spa located within the luxurious Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas on Saadiyat Island, Atarmia Spa promotes wellness in a wonderfully lavish way. Here the spa prides itself on championing the latest in cutting-edge cosmetic and beauty innovation. That’s not to say however that there isn’t plenty of choice for therapies promoting natural elements. Using pure crystalised honey particles that melt into the skin, the Honey Magnolia body treatment delivers a gorgeously radiant glow and a subtle magnolia scent as it moisturises and softens the skin. Then, for guests seeking a gentle detox treatment, the 90-minute Energising Spirulina session uses the powerful algae to cocoon the body while a sea salt scrub and juniper essential oils increase circulation and an intensive massage serves to tone the skin’s appearance. Atarmia Spa also features an upscale beauty salon for guests who wish to carry on their afternoon of pampering.
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At t h e s pa / Ex p e r i e nc e
S o S pa
H e av e n ly S pa
Set within the luxurious confines of Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche, So Spa is an urban retreat that boasts several bespoke spa and beauty services to address all of your pampering desires. And what better way to kick start your session than with an invigorating body scrub. From the starters menu, So Spa’s Signature Body Scrub presents two options for silky smooth skin. Choose either a unique blend of spices and sea salt from the Indonesian isle of Java to deeply exfoliate, or opt for a scrub with an infusion of mint and basil to boost circulation. The 60- or 90-minute Five Flower Facial Ritual is then the perfect follow up. Inspired by an ancient Balinese practice, the purifying facial uses extracts of tropical flowers to deeply cleanse the pores and also includes a face, neck and shoulder massage. If you’d prefer a full body massage, the Relaxing North African Massage Ritual champions expert massage techniques with subtly fragranced Argan oil to nourish.
Located within the Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa, Heavenly Spa boasts a welcoming vibe thanks to its warm, neutral hues and offers a wide range of treatments that are brilliantly suited to guests looking to unwind after a busy day. Whether it’s after a round of golf or a sun-kissed afternoon at the pool, there’s no better way to round off your day than with a relaxing body treatment. Try the Topical Oasis for instant refreshment. The one-hour session includes a cool yoghurt wrap that sounds almost good enough to eat. Packed with mango and passion fruit extracts, it’s specially blended to revive and brighten the skin. The Anti-Ageing Salt Mousse Glow is also great for boosting skin tautness. With sea salt, vitamin-enriched fruit extracts and carrot seed oil, the ritual helps to polish dull skin to leave the body feeling fresher and firmer. For full head-to-toe indulgence, Heavenly Spa’s aromatic hands and feet express treatment is a great little add-on.
whether it’s after a round of golf or a sun-kissed afternoon at the pool, there is no bet ter way to round off your day than with a rel a xing body treatment
Anantara Spa / 02 6561000 —— Heavenly Spa / 02 6169770 —— So Spa / 02 8137799 —— Atarmia Spa / 02 4071170
6 & 7 So Spa, Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche 8 to 10 Heavenly Spa, Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa 8
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HOUSe of TRADITION ——— A new exhibition on historic architecture presents a unique insight into Emirati culture
While the UAE is famed for its dramatic skyscrapers and record-breaking towers, the country’s humble homes of the past are currently enjoying the spotlight at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia. Here the National Pavilion for the United Arab Emirates is showcasing Transformations: The Emirati National House exhibition, curated by Yasser Elsheshtawy – a leading authority on urban planning and architecture in the region. The exhibition highlights the sha’abi (folk) housing model and how it has been adapted by residents for individualised homes, reflecting local culture and lifestyle over the years. “The UAE’s urban centres are known for their gleaming skylines, spectacular architecture and iconic buildings. They are evidence of a rapidly urbanising society and representative of a country that is looking confidently towards the future. Yet on the fringes of the hyper-modern city centres, traditional residential areas known as sha’abiya neighbourhoods continue to thrive. The rich history and contemporary life of the Emirati sha’abi house forms the focus of the National Pavilion UAE’s participation at the Venice Biennale,” explains Elsheshtawy. Elsheshtawy, an associate professor of architecture at the United Arab Emirates University, also runs the university’s Urban Research Lab, which studies the urban environment of regional cities. With the Transformations: The Emirati National House exhibition, he presents case studies on how constructing a flexible model can be used to address the universal concern of adaptable social housing. It is an often overlooked aspect of local culture, but sha’abiya neighbourhoods were planned across the UAE from the early 1970s as part of late president Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s grand nation-building vision to house a mostly transient
population living in arish (palm leaf ) houses or tents. Elsheshtawy explains: “Architects, in collaboration with local decision makers, developed a housing model composed of a series of rooms that overlooked a central square courtyard within a 24 metre by 24 metre plot of land. These came to be known as sha’abi houses, and proved highly adaptable. Many residents carried out alterations to make the basic concept more compatible with changing Emirati lifestyles and tastes by adding different rooms, decorative elements, changing colour schemes and landscaping gardens. “The extent of change varied from one city and neighbourhood to the next, yet the main idea remained – an architecture that families could personalise to their lifestyles. The pre-fabricated elements of the housing design functioned as a blank slate for residents’ needs, whether functional or aesthetic. The result is an environment that is both practical for living and visually interesting in its architectural variety.” Addressing the complex relationship between built environments and quality of living, Elsheshtawy is also keen to showcase an alternate side to a country that is often associated with excess. “For many, the UAE is associated with headline-grabbing clichés of artificiality, ultra-luxury and mass consumption – an environment of exclusion, transience and anomie. “Throughout my years of research and in curating this exhibition, I have sought to engage more substantively with the UAE’s social and architectural landscapes. The International Architecture Exhibition in Venice offers an opportunity to paint a different picture of our environment at one of the world’s most prestigious architectural events. By exploring sha’abi houses more deeply,
Transformations hopes to present an unexpected perspective on the diversity of the UAE’s built environment.” Over decades, the sha’abi house has evolved from being a standardised model into an expression of local lifestyles. “Many of these traditional neighbourhoods and houses still thrive today in the UAE and remain occupied by Emirati families. They are brought to life, so to speak, by strong attachments and vivid memories. And while newer developments that dot the landscape today provide all the modern amenities imaginable, they lack the same sense of community and rich visual diversity that prevails in sha’abi neighbourhoods. This presents a successful example of socially conscious architecture and one that is not necessarily speculative or iconic.” Today the open spaces and street corners found across the country feature charming gardens, ad hoc decorations and the accumulated personal touches that together represent the UAE’s diverse and living history. They are proud homes to vibrant, thriving communities that have evolved from the nation’s traditional architectural concepts such as sha’abiya, adds Elsheshtawy. He says: “The continuous use of this model is a rare example of an ongoing architectural experiment, which demonstrates the necessity of a flexible model that responds to the developing needs of residents. Highlighting such examples moves the discourse away from a focus on spectacular architecture and towards the spaces of the everyday.”
For more information, visit: labiennale.org
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a r c h i t e c t u r e / Ex p e r i e n c e
1 to 2 1980 - Today: Exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates at the 2015 National Pavilion United Arab Emirates la Biennale Di Venezia 3 Yasser Elsheshtawy
“The extent of change varied from one cit y and neighbourhood to the next, yet the m ain idea rem ained – an architecture that fa milies could personalise to their lifest yles” 7
9 4 to 7 1980 - Today: Exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates at the 2015 National Pavilion United Arab Emirates la Biennale Di Venezia 8 & 9 Examples of sha’abi folk houses, courtesy of Yasser Elsheshtawy
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6/26/16 3:19 PM
DATEs WITH HISTORY ——— Concierge visits date farms across the country as harvest season approaches
P h o t o e s s ay / Ex p e r i e nc e
“dates are a power fruit and offer all sorts of health benefits. For a long time, the local tribes relied on them for food and their cultivation in this region dates back centuries”
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Dates have been consumed in this part of the world for thousands of years and were a vital lifeline for Bedouin tribes surviving in the harsh, arid desert environment. Still revered in the region today, the fruit remains a regular feature at mealtimes and have become symbolic with UAE culture. It’s a tradition that is based on necessity as well as religion. Dates, as Tina Memic, general manager – retail & operations at gourmet date boutique Bateel, says, have a high nutritional profile that provided an essential source of sustenance for early Bedouins surviving against the odds in the desert. “Dates are a power fruit and offer all sorts of health benefits. For a long time, the local tribes relied on them for food and their cultivation in this region dates back centuries.”
In Al Ain and Abu Dhabi, large swathes of land are given over to date palm plantations, a number of which, some claim, have been there for several thousand years. It’s only very recently, however, that the fruit has begun to be produced for the mass market. There isn’t a long standing tradition of commercial farming in the UAE. Most of the farms here are small family-run entities that were started about 40 years ago as part of a social welfare programme designed to settle the roaming Bedu people. Once established, the farms were used as vehicles to distribute surplus income from oil to the people via government-financed development and support initiatives, most of which have since been dismantled. The result today is that many of
the country’s nearly 25,000 date groves are hobby farms and, while some fruit goes to commercial markets, much of the yield is still consumed by the larger family or used as animal feed if the quality is poor. Now, the UAE capital is looking to develop this natural resource and the Abu Dhabi Farmers’ Services Centre (ADFSC) is working to reform the capital’s farming system with the aim of encouraging local date producers to harness the massive earning power of their product. The heavy use of water is of particular concern to experts at ADFSC who point to a general misconception among local farmers that the more water lavished on date palms the better. Many of the farms use water to excess, which is disastrous for the health of the trees and the quality of the yield.
The Liwa Date Festival will take place from July 20 to 30 and presents valuable insight into the history behind the fruit. Visitors can enjoy a host of family activities and cultural entertainment with an on-site market selling unique products derived from palm trees and dates. Visit: liwadatesfestival.ae
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The soil structure here is extremely fragile and, when over-saturated, cannot retain the nutrients necessary for the date palms to thrive. As part of ADFSCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Date Improvement Program, a team of dedicated experts travel from farm to farm educating workers and owners about best practices, including proper irrigation techniques, in addition to offering fertiliser and pesticide spraying services. Slowly but surely, ADFSC is making headway, as one by one the local farmers begin to appreciate the economic potential of their date palms and consequently take better care of them. Larger varieties, such as the glossy Medjool dates, an import from North Africa, fetch the best prices on the market while local tastes tend towards UAE varieties including Khalass, Khenaizi, Fard and Dabas.
Here in the UAE, Khalass dates are the most planted and popular as the warm, dry conditions are ideal for cultivation. The date farming cycle begins in January when the palms begin to produce flowers and are ready for pollination. In March, when the fruit starts to appear, farmers thin the stalks by hand to ensure a quality yield. At different times of year the crop is at risk from a variety of pests and diseases and must be sprayed regularly. After this the fruit is covered with protective nets until harvest time in August when farmers deftly scale the palms using only a rope for leverage. Date palms in the UAE grow up to around 30 feet in height and, if properly cared for, carry on producing dates for up to 150 years. One of the most significant changes in date farming since Bedouin
times has been the introduction of modern drip irrigation to avoid over-saturating the soil, which creates ideal conditions for diseases and washes away nutrients resulting in a weaker crop. With over 100 varieties of dates grown in the country alone, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot for visitors to discover. The Fruit and Vegetable Market at Mina Zayed often sells seasonal varieties or, alternatively, visitors can purchase beautifully packaged boxes of luxury dates from specialised boutiques such as Bateel and enjoy them dipped in chocolate, sprinkled with nuts or stuffed with candied orange. A growing number of date-themed products, such as date mustard and date jam offer multiple ways to enjoy this delicious fruit and provide the ideal gift to take home for a taste of Arabia.
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P h o t o e s s ay / Ex p e r i enc e
Pick up luxury gift boxes filled with delicious varieties and gourmet date-inspired hampers from Bateel boutiques across the United Arab Emirates, including Abu Dhabi Mall, Khalidiya Mall, The Galleria on Al Maryah Island and Al Ain Mall. Visit: bateel.com
visitors can purchase beautifully pack aged boxes of luxury dates from specialised boutiques such as Bateel and enjoy them dipped in chocol ate, sprinkled with nuts or stuffed with candied or ange
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A l t e r n at i v e v i e w/ Ex p er i e n ce
SILVER LINING ——— The iconic Aldar headquarters paints a striking silhouette in the city
As the first, upright circular building of its kind in the Middle East, the distinctive disc shaped headquarters of leading property developers Aldar has garnered plenty of international acclaim and is often considered among the world’s most recognised corporate offices. Designed by MZ Architects, the sleek, curved façade of this capital landmark is a dazzling display of architectural ingenuity while the building’s sustainable strategies make it one of the emirate’s f irst ecofriendly buildings. Upon closer inspection, the vast external frame is constructed using a complex geometric grid of glass and diamond-shaped steel. Situated in Abu Dhabi’s popular Al Raha beach area, from inside, this futuristic skyscraper grants spectacular views of the capital’s skyline and picturesque waters of the Arabian Gulf.
Taste C r u st
Head to market-inspired Crust at Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island for a contemporary culinary experience. Savour a menu of international fare with highlights including delicious chicken parmigiana, delicate goat cheese crusts and a flavourful kale salad (pictured) served with a breaded and fried duck egg and lemon vinaigrette dressing. Contact: 02 3332222
world of inspiration ——— Executive chef Kim Gates brings his global experience to Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche
It was a chance conversation that set his culinary career on course. Kim Gates, executive chef at Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche, explains: “I remember listening to a conversation about a neighbour whose son was working in the Maldives as a chef. At the time I didn’t know where the Maldives was so I began investigating. It was then that I started to think about becoming a chef, beginning first by working weekends at a small local restaurant before landing an apprenticeship in the city, when I was 16. Two decades later I was the one working in the Maldives!” “I’d say probably the biggest turning point in my career was being offered my first overseas posting as executive sous chef in Sochi, Russia in 1994, for the opening of a large seaside resort on the Black Sea. It was the first westernmanaged hotel resort of its kind at that time and a real adventure.” Aside from honing his skills in his native Australia and then Russia, in both Sochi and Moscow, Gates also worked in Republic of Vanuatu, Dubai, the Maldives and the Kingdom of Bahrain. Along the way he’s also cooked for some rather interesting characters, including celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and George Michael as well as famous figures George Bush, Bill Clinton and members of Bahrain’s royal family. Having arrived at Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche in September 2015, Gates takes full culinary charge over the property and its restaurants. “A typical day starts at 7.30am and finishes 12 to 14 hours later. We have five restaurants at the hotel, Silk & Spice serving Thai, Italian restaurant Saluti, Saray al Basha a popular Lebanese venue, Grills@Chill’O is our poolside restaurant and then French Bakery Corner which offers homemade breads and pastries.”
Chatting about his creative process, Gates says: “Coming from Australia, which has a strong multicultural society, has definitely impacted my style of cooking. I was influenced a lot by the use of Asian ingredients. In this part of the world, I learnt a lot about Middle Eastern cooking. I believe Arabic cuisine is best when it is authentic, but I have to admit I like experimenting with Middle Eastern spices to give western dishes a twist. “Inspiration for a new dish can come from past experiences such as travelling or something as simple as a new product becoming available in the market. I encourage even the younger chefs in our team to also create their own dishes and quite often we develop the dish from there. “A walk in the market is also a place to come up with a new idea. At the hotel, we try to use local produce as much as possible, sourcing some of our vegetables from Abu Dhabi Farmers Association and the local seafood we get from the market not far from our hotel.” Gates’ passion for creating new dishes is clear when he reveals some of his top menu picks. “One of my current favourites was created in collaboration with our two French pastry chefs – we wanted to create a classic French pastry with an Arabic influence and we came up with ‘Paris Abu Dhabi’ served at the Le Café lobby lounge. At Grills@Chill’O the charcoaled seafood platter is extremely popular with guests and I love the salmon and scallop carpaccio with yuzu jelly edamame and chioggia gazpacho. It’s light and healthy, a great dish for summer.” —— For more information or to book a table at any of the restaurants at Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche, contact: 02 8137777
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C h e f s p o t l i g h t/ Ta s t e
1 Le Café 2 Kim Gates 3 Seafood platter at Grills@Chill’O 4 Salmon and scallop carpaccio at Grills@Chill’O 5 Grills@Chill’O 6 Paris Abu Dhabi, Le Café 7 Silk & Spice 3
“Inspir ation for a new dish can come from past experiences such as tr avelling or something as simple as a new product becoming avail able in the m arket”
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Five-star chefs in Abu Dhabi, home to the largest indoor caviar farm in the world, champion a sustainable food industry
From the lively atmosphere at Abu Dhabi’s Fruit and Vegetable market at Mina Zayed to the many community-led showcases of seasonal produce around the city, there’s growing enthusiasm and support for local organic farms. While the ‘homegrown’ movement is by no means new, there’s renewed passion to lead a culinary charge whereby both boutique cafés and five-star gourmet restaurants present a menu of locally-grown fruit, vegetables, meat and spices. The capital, however, brings an added dose of decadence with its caviar offering. While many top chefs might say that the finest caviar comes from the icy waters of the Caspian Sea, there’s growing interest in caviar from Abu Dhabi. Located in the heart of the desert, the Emirates AquaTech farm and its team of highly trained experts, use sustainable production methods to create a premium product, Yasa Caviar. Launched in 2013 and considered the world’s largest aquaculture farm, Emirates AquaTech covers an area of over 56,000 square metres and has the capacity to annually produce up to 35 metric tonnes of caviar. It also boasts an environmentally-friendly production process as over 90 percent of its water is recycled. “The idea for the farm was conceived when my brother was reading about the supply of caviar and quite simply became interested in the market,” explains Emirates AquaTech managing director Ahmed Al Dhaheri. “Viability studies revealed the huge possibilities in this field and, before long, a marketing strategy had been devised and the project was underway.”
The process of breeding sturgeon to produce caviar is both intricate and precise, which is why many of the functions are automated where possible to eliminate the capacity for human error. Tasks such as regulating the water’s PH levels and temperature – which emulate Siberian waters and range between 13 and 20 degrees Centigrade, depending on the age of the fish – are computer-controlled. Meanwhile feeding robots distribute nutrient-rich pellets simulating the food sturgeon consume in the wild. However intervention is still required on many levels to carry out tasks such as cleaning, weighing and checking of the fish, as well as the collection, preparation, treatment and packaging of Yasa Caviar. Siberian caviar was chosen because of its global popularity and by farming this product, which is produced by the sturgeon fish, Emirates AquaTech is helping support global efforts to protect an endangered species. “The fish are left to grow safely in a natural habitat,” continues Al Dhaheri, adding: “Most of the Siberian caviar consumed today is farmed and people are more keen to accept this type of production when they know there is a good cause behind it.” Yasa Caviar is already proving a hit among several high-end hotels in the capital, where chefs are intrigued by its light salty flavour that boasts a rich, creamy feel and lingering taste of hazelnut. Two of the capital’s leading chefs reveal the impact Yasa Caviar is having on the local culinary scene.
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C AV I A R / ta s t e
1 Emirates AquaTech managing director Ahmed Al Dhaheri 2 Emirates AquaTech caviar farm in Abu Dhabi 3 & 4 Yasa Caviar 5 & 6 Caviar canapés
“Most of the Siberian caviar consumed today is far med and people accept this t ype of production when they know there is a good cause behind it”
alamy images
alamy images
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7 The Park Bar & Grill, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas 8 Beef tartar with Yasa Caviar premium, quail egg and roasted almonds, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas 9 King prawn cocktail with Yasa Caviar elite, grapefruit and avocado, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas 10 Executive chef Guillaime Joly, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas 7
11 Salmon rolls with avocado mousseline and black caviar, Zaya Nurai Island 12 Executive chef Marc Abed, Zaya Nurai Island 13 Scallops carpaccio with avocado purée topped with black caviar, Zaya Nurai Island 14 Beach view at Zaya Nurai Island
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C AV I A R / ta s t e
“Caviar is one of those timeless ingredients that will always represent luxury and sophistication. It is also a very delicate ingredient that is well respected in the culinary world as it’s easy to get it wrong”
M a rc A b e d
G u i l l au m e J o ly
E x e c u t i v e C h e f, Z aya N u r a i I s l a n d
E x e c u t i v e C h e f, Pa r k H yat t A b u D h a b i H ot e l a n d V i l l a s
“It is extremely important to have the freshest ingredients to give our guests, so local products are a must for us at Zaya Nurai Island and we also adapt our menus to the seasons and products available in the market. Pure and natural caviar is a very rare product, with a very distinctive taste. For a long time, people have tried to substitute natural caviar with artificial flavours although the results are different. In my view, the culinary world has in a way abused the use of caviar, creating a shortage in supply during the years between 2008 and 2011. I however believe more and more chefs now understand that using caviar doesn’t necessarily mean your dish will be perfect – you have to showcase the caviar’s flavours to have a beautiful dish, not vice versa. The Emirates Aquatech farm in Abu Dhabi is a great addition to the local culinary scene and will provide one of the most prestigious and refined food supplies locally, allowing us to use the freshest products for our guests. We are looking forward to working on some exciting new additions to our menus in the near future considering the farm’s products. Abu Dhabi’s gourmet scene is booming at the moment and has improved a lot over the last couple of years. We see the development of healthier options and the use of locally grown products – this is in line with our belief at Zaya Nurai Island. Restauranteurs understand that a beautiful and tasty dish is no longer enough; you need to provide a memorable experience with outstanding décor, ambience, music, perfect service and of course perfectly cooked dishes.” —— To book a table at any of Zaya Nurai Island’s restaurants, contact: 02 5066212
“Using local produce is extremely important to me and I have even started my own vegetable garden at the hotel. I believe it enriches the dish if the ingredients are fresh and organic. Wherever possible, I choose local ingredients, and I hope to grow this even further in the future to produce a menu completely from our own hotel’s vegetable garden. Caviar is one of those timeless ingredients that will always represent luxury and sophistication. It is also a very delicate ingredient that is well respected in the culinary world as it’s easy to get it wrong. I’m so proud that the city has such as successful and well-recognised caviar farm. It’s very exciting to see such beautiful produce coming from right here in the UAE and the farm in Abu Dhabi will simply help in our quest to put the capital on the global foodie map. At Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas, we offer exclusive made to order caviar menus for niche events in the Private Dining Room of the Park Bar & Grill, and we already use local caviar as part of our offering. Going forward, I believe that more venues in Abu Dhabi will be created using unique concepts and considering the whole experience, rather than just focusing on the food. When people dine out they want to feel inspired by what they see and eat and this will reflect in the types of concepts that crop up. I also believe there will be an increase in local produce that’s grown and used in the UAE as people are becoming more conscious of where their food comes from.” —— To book a table at any of Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas’ restaurants, contact: 02 4071138
6/27/16 12:00 PM
Concierge magazine is also available in Russian, Arabic, and Mandarin languages. Please request a copy from the concierge desk in the hotel lobby. Журнал «Консьерж» также издается на русском, арабском и китайском языках. Вы можете попросить экземпляр журнала у консьерж-службы в вестибюле гостиницы. . أطلب نسخه من مكتب االستقبال في بهو الفندق.مجلة كونسيرج متوفرة باللغة العربية كذلك <<Concierge>> 杂 志也 以俄 语﹑中文 ﹑阿 拉伯语出版,请 联系 您 所 下榻 的 酒 店 前台索 取。
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6/26/16 4:49 PM
S h o p p i n g s pa c e / S h o p
A curated selection of the best of Abu Dhabi
malls / souks / boutiques / fashion / culture / tours / museums / adventure / activities / sports / brunch / fine dining
Call: 800-CONCIERGE E-mail: concierge@myconcierge.com
6/26/16 3:37 PM
1 Souk Qaryat Al Beri 2 The Souk at World Trade Centre 3 Madinat Zayed Gold Centre
MARKETS & SOUKS Our selection of artisanal finds at inspired shopping destinations
For a unique insight into traditional craftsmanship, head to Women’s Handicrafts Centre at Al Mushrif. Here you’ll find Emirati women demonstrating their skills while the small store on-site here is the ideal place to pick up unique souvenirs including Arabian oils and woven baskets. The centre is open Sunday to Thursday from 7am to 3pm. Contact: 02 4476645
bespoke jewellery
old world charm
If you’re looking for expert jewellers to craft a custom piece of jewellery, Madinat Zayed Gold Centre should be your port of call. Shops here present a diverse range of gold, diamond and pearl creations while also accepting orders for bespoke designs. The centre is open daily from 9am to 10.30 pm, except Fridays when it is open from 4pm until 11pm. Contact: 02 6333311
Souk Qaryat Al Beri is one of our favourite modern souks because of its mix of old and new. It also offers traditional abra boat rides where you can glide through meandering waterways. The souk is open daily from 10am to 10pm, except Fridays when it is open from 3pm until 11pm. Contact: 02 5581670 plenty of character
The Souk at World Trade Centre houses some of the best souvenirs in the capital. We love the traditional ‘sougha’ woven products available here, including colourful beach bags and bracelets. The souk is open daily from 10am to 10pm on weekdays and 10am to 11pm on weekends. Contact: 02 8107810
Heritage feel
Strolling through Souk Al Bawadi is like travelling back in time. We always find lovely traditional items here that make ideal gifts. The souk is open daily from 10am to 11pm on weekdays and 10am to midnight on weekends. Contact: 03 7840000
6/26/16 3:39 PM
S H O P / T H E C O L L EC T I O N
4 & 7 Frédérique Constant Delight Automatic, Mohammed Rasool Khoory & Sons 5 Omega Seamaster Ploprof 1200M, Rivoli 6 Rolex Cellini Time, Mohammed Rasool Khoory & Sons 8 Parmigiani Fleurier Tonda Metropolitaine Selene, Damas Jewellery
luxury of time
Discover the finest timepieces available at prestigious retailers across the city Da m as
—— T he Watch H o u s e
With stylish boutiques dotted across the UAE, The Watch House is renowned for its collection of cool, contemporary brands. Offering a mix of urban designs along with classical elements, discover brands including Seiko, Raymond Weil, Espirit, Fossil and Kolver. Visit: watches.ae R i v oli
One of the largest luxury retailers in the region, Rivoli Group’s Prestige concept features worldfamous designer watchmaking brands. Discover the latest timepieces from Breguet, Blancpain, Glashütte Original, Jaquet Droz, Omega, Zenith, Jaeger-LeCoultre and more. Visit: rivoligroup.com
Watch G a ller y
Owned by the prestigious Paris Gallery Group, Watch Gallery is a haven for true timepiece fans. Whether you’re after a fashion-forward piece from the likes of Fendi, Versace, Burberry and Swarovski or you’re seeking out the distinguished designs of Raymond Weil, Bell & Ross or Movado, this contemporary boutique caters to every demand. Visit the Watch Gallery’s sleek showroom in Yas Mall to pick up your perfect piece. Visit: parisgallery.com
One of the Middle East’s leading watch and jewellery retailers, Damas boasts around 300 stores in the region, including several in the United Arab Emirates. The latest Fabergé, Parmigiani Fleurier and Louis Moinet collections can be found here while the brand’s own jewellery lines – Farfasha, Hayati and Ananya – feature exceptional ethnic and Arabian-inspired designs. Visit: damasjewellery.com Mohd. R a s ool K hoor y & Son s
A respected name in luxury watchmaking circles, Mohammed Rasool Khoory & Sons represents some of the best international brands from Rolex and Parmigiani Fleurier to Frédérique Constant, and boasts a number of boutiques across the capital. Visit: mrkhoory.com
6/26/16 3:40 PM
9 9 LA Rags 10 & 11 Mosaique 12 Feathers Fashion 13 Minbart
Boutique charm Enhance your shopping experience at these niche boutiques
—— 13
F e at h e r s Fa s h i o n
Tucked away on the first f loor of Dalma Mall you’ll find Feathers Fashion, a high-end accessories boutique specialising in fine jewellery, wallets, pens and handbags. The brainchild of Emirati entrepreneur Khalid Basaeed, Feathers Fashion is the first ever homegrown luxury goods brand and it has taken the UAE shopping scene by storm. “The concept behind Feathers Fashion is to reflect the culture of the UAE. The heart of the brand is local, from the raw materials we use to the Arabian pattern designs. Our products make wonderful gifts and mementos, because you won’t find these pieces anywhere else in the world,” explains Basaeed. We love the camel leather wallets and funky watches here. Contact: 02 5507556
Home décor enthusiasts will be in heaven at Mosaique, a high-end boutique at Nation Galleria. With an eclectic choice of accessories and furniture, everything in the store has been carefully selected by owner and creative director, Lama Qaddumi-Shahin. She says: “Whether visitors are looking for alternative gift ideas, an original mix of home accessories, interesting art or interior design consultations, Mosaique specialises in the unique.” The store is one of the highlights of Abu Dhabi’s home-fashion scene – offering pieces from all over the world, Mosaique currently stocks more than 20 designers from as far as the US and Thailand, and many places in between, making it very much an east meets west story. Contact: 02 6655144
L A R ags
A labour of love is perhaps the best way to describe multi-brand boutique, LA Rags at Al Seef Village Mall on Salam Street. The California-inspired fashion store, which started life in the living room of part-time designer and personal shopper Salma Saad, was originally called Mirabelle Boutique, but was re-branded when the store moved premises and introduced menswear to its range. The boutique stocks everything from floaty maxi dresses to shoes, swimwear and accessories, and Saad travels far and wide to acquire her carefully curated selection. Contact: 02 6586512
The first of its kind in Abu Dhabi, Minbart is a boutique and gallery at Al Raha Beach that acts as a creative platform for artists and designers to display their pieces. “There are lots of creative communities around and they were lacking a platform to showcase their work – hence the idea for Minbart was born,” says founder and owner, Sheikha Alia Al Qassimi. The boutique collaborates with a number of local, regional and international designers and now stocks an upbeat collection of fashion pieces, artworks and furniture items. Contact: 02 5522332
6/26/16 3:40 PM
S H O P / T H E C O L L EC T I O N
14 Salwa Zeidan Gallery 15 Etihad Modern Art Gallery 16 & 17 N2N Gallery
in the frame Browse regional and international contemporary art collections at these exceptional galleries
The gallery opened in 1994 at a time when the UAE’s art scene was still being established and is today one of the most famous galleries in the country. Now located in The Collection at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, founder and director Salwa Zeidan offers a wealth of knowledge about local art trends and opportunities as well as up and coming talent to look out for. Specially curated collections adorn the walls of this serene space, and a lot of pieces are available at accessible prices making it the ideal destination for first-time art buyers and collectors in the city. Contact: 02 6659858
N 2 N G a lle r y
e T I H A D M O D E R N AR T G A L L E R Y
Showcasing a stellar mix of local and international artists, N2N Gallery in Abu Dhabi’s Nation Galleria is perhaps best known for its selection of Ukrainian and Crimean art. Look out for modern artworks by Petro Bevza, Kateryna Kosyanenko, Mykola Zhuravel, Igor Shipilin and Stepan Ryabchenko. The gallery recently opened a second space in Al Ain Tower in Khalidiya with changing displays each season. N2N Gallery also runs art classes with visiting artists. Contact: 02 6659858
Tucked away in the bustling Al Bateen district is a charming villa that houses the Etihad Modern Art Gallery. Here visitors can discover some of the best up and coming Emirati and regional talent as the gallery hosts regular exhibitions and events aimed at enticing art collectors. Spend an afternoon at the gallery before enjoying lunch at the quirky Art House Café next door where the eclectic furniture is made from reclaimed and recycled material. Contact: 02 6660175
6/26/16 3:40 PM
1 & 2 Namm Spa, Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi 3 Anantara Spa, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara 4 Rayana Spa, Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi 5 The Spa at Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island
T he S pa at R a d iss o n B l u h o tel
2 4
HEALING ELEMENTS Indulge in five-star spa treatments that are far from ordinary in Abu Dhabi
—— N amm S pa
For an indulgent treat, the Ultimate Namm Spa Journey at Namm Spa in Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi won’t disappoint. The ritual begins with a luxurious soak using nourishing oil that is infused with fragrant tiare flowers. Afterwards a body polish with enriched sea salts and a pink kaolin clay wrap helps to nourish dehydrated skin, followed by a blissful body massage. The treatment ends with a brightening facial using icy cryotherapy cubes to contour and firm skin. Contact: 02 6988888
Immerse yourself in the decadent surrounds of the Anantara Spa at Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa in Abu Dhabi. Enjoy some quality relaxation with a long 90-minute massage from the menu that is inspired by indigenous rituals from the Middle East to Thailand. Book through myconcierge and members can enjoy an additional 30 minutes of spa time with a complimentary add-on of your choice. Take your pick from a selection of premium spa services, including a full body scrub, foot reflexology, hand and scalp massage, aromatic milk bath, back and shoulder massage, Thai herbal compress and more. Visit: myco.ae/120mins
Spend a relaxing day at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island. Choose the signature Indigo Ice Indulgence treatment that uses products from the haute French beauty brand Anne Semonin. The water-inspired treatment uses a combination of active serums and advanced cryotherapy ice cubes to improve skin elasticity and encourage a youthful glow. Contact: 02 6562494 R ayana S pa
The luxurious Rayana Spa at Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi offers a signature Dead Sea Mineralogy spa treatment that includes an effective scrub that expertly exfoliates while offering deep nourishment. This is followed by a comforting mud wrap as well as a relaxing ‘renewal’ massage that helps to ease stress and relieve muscle tension. The indulgent treatment ends with servings of healthy Rayana Spa refreshments. Contact: 02 5961100
6/26/16 3:41 PM
E X P E R I E N C E / t h e c o l l ec t i o n
6 Wadi Adventure 7 & 8 Yas Waterworld 9 Flyboarding
su n s e t c ru i s e
MARINE ADVENTURES Enjoy a range of exhilarating watersports in the capital
—— A c t i o n - pa c k e d
For sporty types looking to try their hand at something new, Wadi Adventure is a must-visit. Located in Al Ain, at the foot of Jabeel Hafeet Mountain, this popular attraction boasts several global feats, including the world’s largest surf pool and the world’s longest combined channels, perfect for whitewater rafting and kayaking. With three separate levels of whitewater rapids, it caters to all manner of enthusiasts and skills. There’s also an Airpark, climbing wall, zip line and an open beach to enjoy. Book the Adventure Package for AED195 per person. Contact: 03 7818422
Experience the latest watersports trend with Flyboards UAE. Wearing special equipment, visitors will be able to defy gravity by flying 60 feet above the water with the help of powerful jets that propel enthusiasts along using water pressure. Flyboarding is a unique mix of wakeboarding and jet skiing and requires a combination of strength, skill and balance. It is relatively easy to pick up and, like us, you’re sure to quickly gain confidence and try a few tricks. Enjoy 30 minutes of flyboarding and 30 minutes of jet-skiing for AED500 per person by booking the experience at myconcierge.com. Visit: myco.ae/seadventure
We think the romantic sunset cruise with Captain Tony’s is the best choice for a memorable evening in Abu Dhabi. Book with myconcierge for AED2,500 per couple and you’ll be welcomed onboard with not only a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates but also a chilled bottle of bubbles. Toast to a wonderful evening as you enjoy a relaxing cruise along the inshore islands of Abu Dhabi, past Raha beach and around Samaliyah Island as you enjoy spectacular views. Visit: myco.ae/sunset Ride it out
Experience the exhilarating rush of Yas Waterworld’s impressive selection of 45 slides, rides and attractions. For thrill seekers there’s plenty to quicken your pulse, including the world’s fastest tornado waterslide and the region’s first looping waterslide. There are also kid friendly splash parks and play areas, so it’s a great day out for the whole family. Snap up an all-day pass for just AED240. Visit: myco.ae/yasdaypass
6/26/16 3:41 PM
10 Heritage Village 11 Abu Dhabi Fishing Harbour 12 & 13 Ferrari World Abu Dhabi 14 Al Jahili Fort 15 Yas Marina Circuit 16 Etihad Antiques Gallery 17 Abu Dhabi Pearl Journey 18 Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
CAPITAL attractions Spend a memorable weekend discovering the best of Abu Dhabi
—— S H E I K H Z AY E D G R A N D M OS Q U E
While the mosque is a striking monument to view from afar, we recommend having a tour of the mosque as it exceeds all expectations. To get a closer look at its many facets and gain a deeper understanding of Islam, join one of the complimentary guided tours that take place every day in the mornings and evenings. Contact: 02 4191919 H E R I TA G E V I L L A G E
Step into Bedouin life at the Heritage Village on the Corniche Breakwater which has been designed to present a traditional feel. There is a small souk here that sells interesting souvenirs. Contact: 02 6814455
Earlier this year we had the privilege of attending Abu Dhabi Classics’ fantastic Staatskapelle Dresden concert at the historic Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain. The setting was spectacular and made us appreciate the charming fort even more. Al Jahili Fort also houses a permanent exhibition on British adventurer Sir Wilfred Thesiger’s famed journey across The Empty Quarter desert. Contact: 03 7843996 F E RR A R I W OR L D A B U D H A B I
Test your skills at the world’s largest indoor theme park, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. With a host of Scuderia-themed rides and attractions to choose from, you’ll be spoilt for choice. We love the recordbreaking rollercoaster Formula Rossa and new ride Flying Aces. Book with myconcierge and secure a day pass to Ferrari World for just AED250 per adult and AED205 per child. Visit: myco.ae/ferraridaypass
As host of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Yas Marina Circuit is famed for being the motorsports venue of choice in the capital. Try something different this season and go drag racing in a Chevrolet Camaro with myconcierge for just AED450 per adult. This powerful car is a favourite among drag racers all over the world, featuring a 400-horsepower 6.2-litre V8 engine. After a technical briefing and a session of reaction training in the simulator room, you’ll be tearing round the track. Visit: myco.ae/chevcamaro
6/26/16 3:41 PM
E X P E R I E N C E / t h e c o l l ec t i o n
17 18
Pearl diving
Delve into the UAE’s rich pearl diving past with the expertly guided Abu Dhabi Pearl Journey tour. Taking a traditional dhow boat along the Eastern Mangroves, this informative trip offers a glimpse into the treacherous world faced by the region’s pearl divers and includes authentic Arabian snacks and drinks as well as a souvenir pearl. Visit: myco.ae/pearldiving
A b u D h a b i F i s h i n g Ha r b o u r
An offbeat cultural attraction, this quaint harbour by the Mina Zayed port is a hive of activity. We recommend heading there early in the morning to beat the heat and watch the traditional abra boats set sail or later in the evening after sunset as catches are offloaded. The scene presents a striking contrast between the past and present.
E t i h ad aNTI Q UES Ga l l e r y
Walking into the Antiques Gallery feels like wandering into a scene from the Arabian Nights classic. A treasure trove of historic artworks awaits in each room in this villa, along with magnificently hilted swords and centuries-old stately ornaments. You could be forgiven for rubbing an old-style lamp at the gallery in the hope of being offered three wishes by the resident genie. Contact: 02 6671229
This cultural gem can be found at the heart of Al Ain’s serene Al Qattara Oasis. Specialising in local and Arab art, we’ve loved the calligraphy workshops and community art events at the centre. During the cooler months, the weekend handicrafts market in the neighbouring Al Qattara Souk is also worth a visit. Contact: 03 7618080
6/26/16 3:41 PM
th e c olle cti on /EXPE R I ENC E
19 Al Ain Palace Museum 20 Jebel Hafeet 21 Al Hili Archaeological Park 22 & 23 Al Ain Zoo
20 21
Around Al Ain
Jebel Hafeet
Explore the best of the UAE’s ‘Garden City’ with Concierge as your guide
A 15-minute drive up a steep winding road leads to the summit of Jebel Hafeet – one of the highest peaks in the country from which the whole of Al Ain is visible. It’s a worthy way to round off a day spent visiting the capital’s second city and a perfect place to catch the sunset. If you’d like to make a day of it Green Mubazzarah at the foot of Jebel Hafeet is a wonderful picnic spot during the cooler months.
—— Al Ain Zoo
Elegant pink f lamingos, Indian tigers, African giraffe and Arabian oryx are among the many exotic creatures that call this 400-hectare park their home. Al Ain Zoo’s bird house is a highlight for anyone with an interest in feathered creatures and we also recommend booking a fantastic night tour to witness the nocturnal habits of animals at the zoo. Contact: 03 7992000
Al Ain Palace Museum
Built in 1937, the historic building was originally the palace of the late UAE president HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Now open to the public as a museum, the palace has been painstakingly restored and houses a large collection of key artefacts that tell the story of the nation. Visitors are free to roam and explore its various residential quarters, traditional majlis areas and tranquil courtyards. Contact: 03 7517755 Al Hili Archaeological Park
Discovered in the 1960s when archaeologists began excavating the village of Al Hili in Al Ain, the Al Hili Archaeological Park, as it is now known, offers an insight into ancient life in the emirate. Open to the public, visitors can wander round the historic structures which are thought to have been built to protect the trade routes. Contact: 02 6664442
6/26/16 3:42 PM
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6/22/16 9:49 AM
Sweet temptations Concierge presents a five-star selection of desserts to savour in the capital
—— T h e S t. R e g i s S a a d i yat Is l a n d R e s o r t
Catch up with friends at The Drawing Room and experience the resort’s signature afternoon tea prepared by a dedicated sommelier. Guests can immerse themselves in the same refined rituals that were experienced at the first St. Regis during New York’s Gilded Age in the early 1900s. Bespoke infusions are chosen and prepared from different types of teas, and served alongside sumptuous scones with clotted cream and decadent pastries. When booking with myconcierge.com for a minimum of two guests, enjoy with a complimentary glass of bubbly for AED163 per person. Visit: myco.ae/regis
1 Afternoon tea, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort 2 Pearls by Michael Caines, Jumeirah at Etihad Towers 3 Salted caramel ice cream sundae, Market Kitchen 4 Market Kitchen, Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi 5 Tuscan raspberry semifreddo cake, Circo
C i rco
Circo, which means circus in Italian, brings its carnival vibe to InterContinental Abu Dhabi. Here the Tuscan raspberry semifreddo cake offers a burst of flavours as it combines a sweet, gooey heart of honey gelato with Italian meringue and fragrant vanilla sauce. Contact: 02 6666888
P e a r l s by M i c h a e l C a i n e s
One of the capital’s culinary highlights, a sweet highlight at Pearls by Michael Caines at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers is the decadent white chocolate candle. This striking looking dessert, crafted to resemble a melting candle, offers a delicious burst of rich white chocolate perfectly accompanied by a sprinkling of tart raspberries and a delicate rose infused mousse that gives this signature dessert a deliciously refreshing twist. Contact: 02 8115666
M a r k e t K i tc h e n
Stop by the Market Kitchen at Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi for the salted caramel ice cream sundae which has big dollops of smooth ice cream on a bed of chocolate fudge sauce generously sprinkled with peanuts and salted caramel popcorn. Another culinary treat to try here is the caramelised banana cake that is perfectly paired with hazelnut ice cream and crunchy praline. Contact: 02 6950300
6/26/16 3:42 PM
ta s t e / t h e c o l l ec t i o n
6 & 9 BOA Steakhouse, Eastern Mangroves Promenade 7 The Forge, The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal 8 55&5th, The Grill, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi 10 Marco Pierre White Steakhouse & Grill, Fairmont Bab Al Bahr
impresses with its dark wood fixtures and intimate lighting including a dramatic flame-lit wall. With the recently made over menu, diners are sure to find themselves enticed by the likes of 9+ marble Master Kobe beef, Wagyu Chateaubriand and the sizable one kilogramme cowboy steak for two. And with an award-winning wine list boasting more than 500 varieties, you can rest assured each dish can be expertly paired, should you wish. Contact: 02 6543238
High steaks Savour top quality fare at five-star steakhouses across the capital
55&5th, The Grill
B OA S t e a k h o u s e
Hailing from the sunny shores of Los Angeles, BOA Steakhouse at Eastern Mangroves Promenade keeps much of its focus on American-inspired dishes and fabulous prime mid-western cuts. With stunning views of the mangroves, book BOA’s al fresco Friday brunch with myconcierge for a complimentary package upgrade as you feast on black Angus, 40 day dry-aged New York strip, premium Blackmore Wagyu and master Kobe beef, all grilled to perfection. Visit: myco.ae/boa
its culinary philosophy. Promoting an impressively global feel, menu highlights include French Charolais beef, Spanish Iberico beef and Welsh lamb. For a twist on an old favourite, try the ‘Wow’ Wagyu beef burger decadently dressed with panfried duck liver and truffle sauce. Located within The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal, the venue itself radiates a refined sense of style with plush interiors. Contact: 02 8188282
The Forge
M arco Pierre White Steakhouse & Grill
Forging is the elaborate procedure in which a high quality blade, such as a steak knife, is shaped and crafted. So, as you’d expect from a restaurant that takes its name from such a specialist process, The Forge holds all things meaty at the heart of
As the youngest chef to ever be awarded three Michelin stars, the Marco Pierre White name is synonymous with a certain standard of fine dining. Nestled within the luxurious Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Marco Pierre White Steakhouse & Grill instantly
With its grandiose art deco interiors, complete with jazz music, ball-drop chandeliers and plush leather furnishing, 55&5th, The Grill offers a classy nod to its original New York City namesake. A signature restaurant of The St. Regis group, this chic venue at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi oozes after-dark sophistication. The exceptional edit of steaks, including the Cabassi Wagyu tenderloin and the famed dry aged Côte de Bœuf, are prepared in a Josper charcoal grill. Although the steaks rightly take centre stage, there are also a great selection of accompaniments, including béarnaise, truffle hollandaise and chimichurri sauces as well as sides of crispy French fries espelette, truffle macaroni and cheese and cauliflower gratin. To make your evening even more memorable, diners can book into the private dining room, complete with a personal sommelier. Contact: 02 4988888
6/26/16 3:42 PM
11 Li Beirut, Jumeirah at Etihad Towers 12 Amalfi, Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi 13 & 14 Inakaya, Venetian Village 15 & 16 Theme nights at Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche 11
14 15
Li Beirut 13
International feasts Eat your way around the world at these choice capital hangouts
You’ll experience a taste of the region and beyond at Li Beirut. The restaurant, at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers, takes traditional cooking methods from the Middle East and adds ingredients from around the world to sensational effect. The excellent menu features a host of innovative creations such as meat kebbeh with foie gras and zaatar-crusted lamb. Contact: 02 8115666
I n a k aya
s o f i t e l ab u d h ab i c o r n i c h e
Nestled within Venetian Village, adjoining The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal, Inakaya offers authentic Japanese robata-yaki style cooking – robata meaning ‘around a sunken hearth’ and yaki meaning ‘grilling’. Perfect for diners looking for a little joviality with their meal, take prime position at the counter and enjoy the showmanship of the grill masters in action as they expertly prepare skewers of succulent cuts that are enthusiastically served straight to your plate on long wooden paddles. Robata ingredients range from the menu’s Kobe beef and free-range chicken to black cod fillet and King crab leg. Contact: 02 4041921
The five-star hotel on the Corniche presents a gourmet buffet that celebrates a different cuisine each day of the week and myconcierge members are offered a complimentary upgrade to the alcohol package, which makes it a wholly satisfying affair. The week starts with scrumptious Mediterranean fare served up every Sunday night and moves on to American favourites on Monday. Tuesdays are dedicated to Moroccan tagine dishes, couscous and other North African treats, while diners can expect Arabic fare on Thursday, Asian delights on Friday and international favourites on Saturday. Visit: myco.ae/themenights
A m alfi
We can’t think of a better way to kick off the weekend than by tucking into tasty antipasti and sipping on free-flowing wine. Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm, Amalfi at Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi hosts it’s Vino Per Tuti evening. With great nibbles and cool vibes, this is a fantastic venue for a catch up with friends. Book with myconcierge and members can enjoy the night for just AED174 per person. Visit: myco.ae/amalfiad
6/26/16 3:43 PM
ta s t e / t h e c o l l ec t i o n
19 17 Oléa, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi 18 Ginger, Park Rotana Abu Dhabi 19 Koi Restaurant & Lounge, Eastern Mangroves Promenade 20 Market Kitchen, Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi
time to brunch Concierge recommends the best brunches to try in the capital
Koi Restaurant & Lounge serves up some pretty spectacular contemporary Japanese cuisine in an equally spectacular setting at the heart of Saadiyat Island. On Fridays, an eclectic à la carte menu is brought to your table with unlimited servings. Enjoy as many dishes as you like and taste your way through Koi’s contemporary takes on Japanese dishes such as Koi’s dragon roll and spicy rock shrimp tempura, as well as cripsy rice and lobster tacos. Book with myconcierge for a complimentary upgrade on your package. Visit: myco.ae/koiauh
t h e s t. r e g i s s aad i yat i s l a n d
Standing out in style, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Friday brunch features a variety of cuisines from the hotel’s top venues: Sontaya, Turquoiz, 55&5th, The Grill, Oléa and Manhattan Lounge. But that’s not all – there are nine bars at this hotel-wide brunch so you can pair each dish with a creative cocktail, adding to the epicurean adventure. Taking place every Friday from 1pm to 4pm, brunch prices start from just AED395 per person with house beverages. Contact: 02 4988443
L e R o ya l M é r i d i e n A b u D h a b i
Pa r k R o ta n a A b u D h a b i
The laid-back feel and cool interiors are reason enough to visit Market Kitchen, add to that its sumptuous brunch offering and you have the makings of a great afternoon. The menu is packed with dishes crafted from fresh, locally produced ingredients and there’s plenty to pique the interest. Enjoy the brunch for AED231, inclusive of a complimentary beverage package upgrade when you book with myconcierge. Visit: myco.ae/mktkitchen
When it comes to weekend plans, we can’t think of anything better than lounging by the pool and enjoying a sumptuous, leisurely lunch. Which is why we’re particularly taken with the Friday brunch at Ginger complete with pool access. There’s also a kids’ club to keep the little ones entertained as you tuck into the international buffet. Members can snap up this fantastic package for just AED150 per person. Visit: myco.ae/rotanaauh
6/26/16 3:43 PM
HERITAGE VILLAGE Designed to resemble a traditional oasis village, this quaint attraction provides an interesting glimpse into the emirate’s past. There’s a Bedouin tent, reconstructions of original date-palm houses, an example of the ancient falaj irrigation system and a small spice shop selling dried herbs and other trinkets.
al mina
18 19 12
al hosn palace & cultural foundation
4 9
6 c ni
1 2
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al dhafrah
al wahdah 5
al nahyan
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al ittihad
rd bi ra la la ee al kh al
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1 1
hadbat al zafaranah
to danat jebel dhanna resort ● to desert islands resort & spa by anantara
al s al a m
22 sh
shid rd (abin al irpo mak rt r toum )
kh al ifa
al bateen airport
pa rk
al safarat
31 1
abu dhabi national exhibition centre
bu al siaief
48 30 al matar 14
zayed sports city
al muzoon
al madina al riyadiya
r ba tee n
officers city
6 11 19
to danat Tilal Liwa Hotel ●
8 A
al zahraa
qaser al shatie
EMIRATES PALACE The iconic palace takes pride of place at the tip of the Abu Dhabi Corniche and embodies the luxury lifestyle the capital has cultivated. Until recently, the most expensive hotel ever to be built, the impressive structure is richly adorned with precious materials. Twelve different shades of marble can be spotted in the cavernous atrium, while the central dome holds dual records as both the largest in the world and the greatest gilded expanse ever created in one building.
al ghaf park
sh r a
al shatie picnic area
et re st
23 rd
al mushrif
al muroor
s th (30
al rodhah
al mussala
ROADad ro th ur MUROOR ( fo
al bateen
al zaab
reem island
al baladia
al 12 manhal MOHAMMAD
35 34
al khubeirah
presidential court
r 44 FIRST ) co THE STREET al al khubeirah (7THkhalidiyah garden ZAYED STREET 29 61
corniche west street
t es
et re
al ras al akhdar 23
to zaya nurai island
15 10 madinat
al hosn MUBARAK
2 10 38 13 53 11 9
17 52
1 8
Al Zahiyah
al markaziyaH 13
8 kasser al amouage
58 59 37
ST m ) la sa al TH STREET (8
o c
TO saadiyat beach club
al maryah island
42 51 27 33 64 36
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56 et re
saadiyat island
25 th s
str eet
62 46 4 10 9
31st stre et
29th stre et
to Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort By Anantara ●
Abu Dhabi VISITOR MAP HOTELS Al Ain Rotana M8 Al Maha Arjaan by Rotana C3 Aloft Abu Dhabi F7 Al Raha Beach Hotel M5 Al Rawda Arjaan by Rotana D4 Armed Forces Officers’ Club G8 and Hotel 7 Ayla Hotel M8 8 Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi D3 9 Centro Capital Centre by Rotana F7 10 Centro Yas Island M4 11 City Seasons Al Hamra C3 Hotel Abu Dhabi 12 Courtyard World C3 Trade Center, Abu Dhabi 13 Cristal Hotel Abu Dhabi C3 1 2 3 4 5 6
14 Cristal Salam Hotel 15 Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi 16 Crowne Plaza, Abu Dhabi
D3 C3 M4
17 Danat Al Ain Resort 18 Danat Jebel Dhanna Resort 19 Danat Tilal Liwa Hotel 20 Desert Islands Resort &
M8 A7 E8 A8
Yas Island
Spa by Anantara 21 Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi E5 22 Eastern Mangroves G6 Hotel & Spa by Anantara 23 Emirates Palace A5 24 Fairmont Bab Al Bahr H7 25 Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island D2 26 Grand Millennium Al Wahda D4
27 Hala Arjaan by Rotana D2 28 Hili Rayhaan by Rotana M8 29 Hilton Abu Dhabi B4 30 Hilton Capital Grand Abu Dhabi G7 31 Hyatt Capital Gate Hotel F7 32 InterContinental Abu Dhabi B5 33 Jannah Burj Al Sarab D2 34 Jumeirah at Etihad Towers B5 35 Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan B5
by Rotana
36 Le Méridien Abu Dhabi 37 Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi 38 Mercure Centre Hotel 39 Millennium Corniche
D3 C3 C3 C3
Hotel Abu Dhabi 40 Novotel Abu Dhabi Gate I8 41 Hotel Novotel Abu Dhabi F6 Al Bustan
42 Oaks Liwa Executive Suites D2 43 One to One Hotels - The Village D4 44 Oryx Hotel B4 45 Park Arjaan by Rotana H6 46 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi F1
Hotel & Villas 47 Park Inn by Radisson M4 Abu Dhabi Yas Island 48 Park Rotana H6 49 Qasr Al Sarab Desert F8 Resort by Anantara 50 Radisson Blu Hotel, M4 Abu Dhabi Yas Island 51 Ramada Abu Dhabi Corniche D2 52 Rosewood Abu Dhabi D3 53 Royal Rose Abu Dhabi C3 54 Saadiyat Beach Club F1
55 Shangri-La Hotel, Qaryat Al Beri H7 56 Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort C2 57 Sheraton Khalidiya C4 58 Sofitel, Abu Dhabi Corniche C3 59 Southern Sun Abu Dhabi C3 60 Staybridge Suites, M4
Abu Dhabi Yas Island
Grand Canal
61 St. Regis Abu Dhabi B4 62 St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort F1 63 The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, H7 64 The Royal Hotel Abu Dhabi 65 The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf
D3 J6 Resort & Spa 66 Traders Hotel, Qaryat Al Beri H7 67 Yas Island Rotana M4 68 Yas Viceroy M4 69 Zaya Nurai Island F1
6/27/16 3:35 PM
N 6
YAS MARINA CIRCUIT Home to the annual Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Yas Marina Circuit is one of the capital’s most famous sporting attractions. Visitors can experience it all year round at one of the many events on the annual calendar or on a tour that takes in its state-ofthe-art facilities, from the drag strip and karting centre to the track itself, which boasts the longest straight in Formula 1.
5 SHEIKH ZAYED GRAND MOSQUE Built by the late Sheikh Zayed to help create a bridge between faiths and create greater cross-cultural understanding, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is a must-see for any visitor to Abu Dhabi. The third-largest mosque in the world, this majestic structure is comprised of over 1,000 columns and 82 domes embellished with semi-precious stones, gold and marble. Inside, the spectacle is equally impressive with glittering chandeliers, spectacular floral motifs adorning the walls and a vast hand-woven Persian carpet in the main prayer hall.
13 12
FERRARI WORLD ABU DHABI The first ever Ferrari theme park is home to Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster on the planet, which reaches speeds of up to 240 kilometres per hour as well as the Fiorano GT Challenge, which offers an exhilarating simulated racing experience. There are rides for all the family here, from fastpaced coasters to leisurely tours and interactive games.
yas island
50 47
67 60 16 21 5
4 to d
umm al nar
khalifa city
6 48
THE SOUK AT QARYAT AL BERI Traditional, market-style shopping meets luxury retail at this modern waterfront souk. Visitors can hop on an abra and enjoy a leisurely cruise around the ornate Venetianinspired property. Inside, shops and boutiques offer everything from designer clothing to antique ornaments and furniture.
4 66
al maqtaa
55 20
Khor Al Maqta
SHOPPING 1 Abu Dhabi Mall 2 Al Muhairy Centre 3 Al Raha Mall 4 Al Wahda Mall 5 Avenue at Eithad Towers 6 Boutik Mall 7 Carpet Souk 8 Dalma Mall 9 Fotouh Al Khair Centre 10 Hamdan Centre 11 Iranian Souk 12 Khalidiya Mall 13 Liwa Centre 14 Madinat Zayed Shopping
and Gold Centre
D3 C4 M5 D4 B5 E3 D2 J8 C3 C3 C1 C4 C3 C4
to dalma mall
ab i u dh to abairport 'l t in
15 Marina Mall A4 16 Paris Gallery B4 17 The Galleria D3 18 The Mall at World Trade Centre C3 19 The Souk at World Trade Centre C3 20 The Souk at Qaryat Al Beri H7 21 Yas Mall M4
HERITAGE/CULTURE 1 Al Hosn Palace 2 Cultural Foundation 3 F alcon Hospital 4 Gallery One 5 Ghaf Art Gallery 6 Heritage Village 7 Manarat Al Saadiyat
C4 C4 N5 A5 C5 B4 E1
8 Qasr Al Muwaiji 9 Salwa Zeidan Gallery 10 Warehouse421 11 Zayed Centre
Abu Dhabi City Golf Club Abu Dhabi Golf Club Al Ghazal Golf Club Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Yas Links
M8 F1 C2 B5
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre
to al ain rotana to danat al ain resort
to hili rayhaan by rotana to ayla hotel
Qasr Al Muwaiji
D6 J6 N5 F1 M4
2 Al Bateen Dhow Yard 3 Al Maqtaa Bridge 4 Breakwater 5 Bus & Taxi Terminal 6 Emirates Palace 7 Ittihad Square 8 Khalifa Mosque 9 Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque 10 Sheikh Zayed the
Second Mosque
Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club Abu Dhabi Sailing & Sub Aqua Club 3 Al Ain Zoo 1 2
M B5 H6 A1 D5 A5 C3 C3 H7 C3
GOLF 1 2 3 4 5
1 17 28 7 3 8
to int'labu dh airp abi o rt
Download the Visit Abu Dhabi mobile app to find out all the city has to offer from cultural attractions to nearby dining options
na ya
D6 D2
N Al Forsan International Sports Resort Art Marine yacht charters Emirates Park Zoo Falcon Aviation Services (helipad base) 8 Ferrari World Abu Dhabi 9 International Marine Sports Club 10 Saadiyat Beach Club 11 Caracal Shooting Club 12 Yas Marina Circuit 13 Yas Waterworld 14 Zayed Sports City
5 6 7
M4 N1 B4 M4 B4 F1 G8 M4 M4 G7
6/27/16 12:00 PM
Belle Ruanran, chief concierge at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi offers her recommendations to enjoy summer in the capital
July is the start of the Abu Dhabi Summer Season, a must experience programme of seasonal events and activities for guests to enjoy occurring across the emirate from July 11 to September 5. Much of the event has a big family friendly focus as the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) hosts a range of international performers, concerts and children’s stage shows as well as special shopping promotions. To take advantage of the incredible retail offers I suggest heading to Yas Mall. With more than 400 shops and 60 food and beverage outlets and great entertainment facilities, there really is something for everyone to enjoy. The Galleria on Al Maryah Island is a great place for fans of luxury shopping. The two-tier retail space houses some of the world’s most desirable designer labels. Another recommendation is Marina Mall, which is a lovely retail destination with a vibrant community feel. Abu Dhabi’s picturesque Saadiyat Island is becoming an increasingly popular destination
1 Sontaya, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi 2 Marina Mall Abu Dhabi 3 Saadiyat Beach Golf Club
for both residents and tourists. Here you’ll find The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi which is a true luxury beachfront property. Guests can enjoy stunning seaside views, gourmet dining options and the surrounding 18-hole Saadiyat Beach Golf Club which is the Gulf’s first beachfront course. Manarat Al Saadiyat is a fantastic addition to the island. The purpose-built art and culture venue is home to various gallery spaces that regularly host interesting exhibitions and workshops. The hotly anticipated Louvre Abu Dhabi is also expected to open on Saadiyat Island by the end of the year. A trip to our spa is the perfect way to escape the summer heat or relax after a day touring the city. Iridium Spa offers a wonderful choice of treatments and body rituals. An all-time favourite is the Asian Spell – created by our in-house experts the session uses a blend of Thai, Shiatsu and Balinese techniques. The spa also recently added a beautiful hammam and I really encourage guests to give this treatment a try. When it comes to grand dining experiences, visitors are truly spoilt for choice. My top recommendations would be Sontaya at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi which serves authentic Thai cuisine amidst an enchanting poolside location. Another popular venue is Hakkasan at Emirates Palace and is famous for its Peking duck with caviar and a new selection of dishes that have been created especially for local clientele. Pearls by Michael Caines at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers delivers amazing Michelin-star quality food by the world famous chef. Afterwards I would recommend you head up to the hotel’s 62nd floor to Ray’s Bar to enjoy city views and cocktails.
CONC_AUH_JUL-AUG16_REGULARS_Ask the Concierge_Belle Ruanran_The St Regis Saadiyat Island Resort_v1_TSCM.indd 88
6/26/16 3:54 PM
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