About the World Peaces Zine: World Peaces created a Zine to connect with our community. We are always looking for ways to help people understand Fair Trade more acutely, to meet those active in Fair Trade in Columbus, and to share the stories of our partners all around the world. We plan to publish quarterly, both hard and digital copies. Pick up a copy at World Peaces in Clintonville at 15 W Dunedin Rd., at our collaborators’ locations, or online. We invite you to visit all our Fair Trade friends and collaborators, online or safely in person, so that you might deepen your positive impact on the world. We hope this publication serves to introduce you to a new place, person, or practice that inspires you to take action, think more deeply about your choices for purchases, donating time or money, or to simply enjoy learning. We are all World Peaces, thanks to you!