Conscious Community Magazine - March 2020

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by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.





06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Quieting the Mind by Kasia Szumal

07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A

Ask Alecia – March 2020

by Alecia Rice




ALL ABOUT TOWN 1917 - Written and Directed by Sam Mendes

Movie Musings

by Theresa Puskar

12 FROM THE HEART Whenever You’re Ready by Alan Cohen

18 HEALTHY EATING Greenspiration by Betsy Bruns 4


MARCH 2020 VOLUME 41, NO.6

(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)


22 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

March 2020

by Bernadette Evans

CONNECTIONS 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 25

MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

March 2020


REVIEWS 26 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock

ON THE COVER Collective Evolution

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2020 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





few years ago, I had a car accident and I tore some back muscles. I was in my twenties and I thought my back would heal quickly without a need to decrease my athletic activity level very much. My mind was telling me to continue at my usual pace, but my heart was telling me to slow down and let the body relax and heal itself. I couldn’t give up exercise completely and I continued to run once a week, and bike twice a week, but my back was not happy about it. I felt discomfort and some pain after any exercise. Finally, after a month, I gave up exercise altogether and I started meditating to quiet my mind and let my body relax and heal itself. After three months of meditating and spending more time reading books or watching movies, my spine healed completely! Healing happened when I quieted my mind’s chatter and started to listen to what my body needed. This story reminds me how powerful the subconscious mind is, how it likes repetition, and how very scary it is to allow something new in our life.


In this issue, we have a few articles focused on how we can work with our subconscious mind, and reprogram them so that we may live our lives full of joy, abundance and happiness! The first article is Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s The Advent of Homo Luminous. Dr. Villoldo reminds us that we are more than homo sapiens. We are homo luminous—vibrant beings that have the potential to create our reality, to heal our bodies, or to communicate telepathically. We are extraordinary human beings, more extraordinary than any artificial intelligence gadgets out there. The second article is The Conditioned Mind by Jakeb Brock. Jakeb shows us how the subconscious mind works and how we can change it. Then he asks us to consider what role fear plays in our conditional world and how it impacts our rational thinking. Enjoy the March issue of Conscious Community Magazine and create your best life today! The Best,

Kasia Szumal




ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice

Q: I’m an only child. Mom’s aging and not in the best health. When I think of her passing, I get overwhelmed—not only with the heartbreak of it—but also the thought of dealing with her possessions and important paperwork because she’s terribly unorganized. Any advice on making this easier? ­— Thinking Ahead A: Dear Thinking Ahead, Due to the importance, size and scope required for organization, this could be a great intention to fulfill this year. It’s said that it can take from one to two years to wrap up the loose ends when a loved one passes. Therefore, having sensitive conversations early—along with action—can ease our process later on. Organizing the energy accumulation of life with forethought makes the path easier with the creation of something called an “End of Life File,” “Death Box,” or “Transition Trove.” This is a file that can be stored in a safe, filing cabinet or a digital file on the cloud. It can be a beautiful, ornate box or a shoebox listing instructions and providing information. The container doesn’t matter as much as the intention. Regardless of one’s age, most important is to gather together all of the most important information from one’s life, clearly labeled in one place that can be easily located when we pass over. We think about wills and hard copy documents while often overlooking items related to our digital lives like cell phones and social media accounts which can be even more difficult to deal with due to privacy issues, passwords and layers of security. Collecting these items in one place can save huge amounts of time, inconve-

nience and aggravation in the future when our hearts may be grieving and processing our loss. Some things to consider pulling together for your box: Legal Documents Copies of living and ethical wills, (Medical) Power of Attorney, life insurance and insurance policies, birth/death certificates, marriage/divorce and prenuptial paperwork, as well as Social Security information. Accounts Names, account numbers, PINs for checking and savings accounts, loans and debts, mortgages, credit cards, investments and utility bills, as well as funeral home paperwork for pre-purchased burial arrangements. Names of loved ones can be proactively added to accounts as joint owners to ease future interactions. Titles and Keys Car titles, house deeds, labeled keys for safe deposit boxes, safe combinations/keys, cars, houses and vacation homes. Sentimental Items and Heirlooms Create lists with pictures, where items are stored, the stories behind them so they’re not forgotten, and who they go to, if not listed in the will. Digital Life Logins, passwords, and/or PINs for computers, social media, cellphones, email accounts, as well as personal/business websites. Personal password vaults are an excellent place to store info all in the same place; one merely needs the master password.

Contact Information Important business cards, updated lists of phone numbers and email addresses for family and close friends who need to be notified. Miscellaneous Journals, letters to loved ones, sentimental items, specific instructions for pets or people, pre-written obituaries, information such as preferred songs, readings, prayers, and preferences for the memorial service. As far as belongings go, someone can be hired to come in to sell excess estate items short of what’s being given away. Having an experienced outsider perform this task is often easiest as they guide the process with questions and instructions that can help dilute the emotional confusion and overwhelm. Have a gentle conversation with your mom telling her that you’re gathering your important life documents and would also like to help her do the same. Suggest that you take baby steps together by meeting occasionally to complete this very important task. While doing so, discuss some of the finer, more intimate topics related to life and death, which will help you better understand each other. Make these times pleasant and special by doing something social like going out to dinner and a movie afterward as a reward. Once completed, both of you may feel a huge sense of accomplishment knowing that you were responsible and accountable to loved ones by taking the time to complete a not-so-pleasant task that many never follow through with. Those left behind often wish they had, as unfinished emotional business often wedges family fractures into chasms as arguments arise about how to handle sensitive subjective issues during deeply emotional and stressful times. This is a way of caring for our families making things easier on them after we’re gone. I suggest saving and sharing this column with others as a guideline for future reference. Alecia Rice integrates higher concepts with wisdom to bring forth balance, perspective and clarity. She’s a personal advisor, speaker and gatherer of women. For perspective on life issues, you’re invited to text questions and comments to 681-321-1109. Discussions continue at Ask Alecia on Facebook. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




1917 Written and Directed by Sam Mendes Movie Musings — February 3, 2020 by Theresa Puskar

“They have no idea what they are in for.” — General Erinmore (Colin Firth) I do not like to go to war movies. My “wasband” took me kicking and screaming, saying that 1917 won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture and that I had to see it. In truth, “seeing” it is not really accurate. With this movie, you are literally “experiencing” it. The director, Sam Mendes uses a one-shot camera technique that puts you, as the audience member, as a participant in the journey. It is revolutionary in the way it was directed and shot. But in all honesty, if you asked me if I’d rather feel like I was alongside a soldier in World War I, or dancing the native Hawaiian Hula with the warm breezes and the tropical sunshine kissing my face, I’d most definitely choose the latter. 8


In this epic war movie, two young British soldiers (played by Hollywood unknown actors, George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman) set out to deliver a new order during WWI that could save thousands of lives, including the life of one of their brothers. The two young actors did a wonderful acting job, although the way the movie was scripted, I didn’t feel I knew them well enough to be fully vested in their well-being. “I hoped today would be a good day. Hope is a dangerous thing.” — Colonel MacKenzie This one line from the movie, “Hope is a dangerous thing” has since been echoing throughout the recesses of my mind. I don’t want hope to be a dangerous thing. As I work with today’s

teens, I’m seeing less and less hope in them and I find that is a dangerous thing. In the movie, the viewer is pulled into the drama. The way that Sam Mendes shot it, it is as if you are projected into it. Since this was the case, I never felt safe. I experienced an intense and constant adrenaline rush. While other movies have dramatized war with this one, I was there in the trenches or being fired at. As I sat there with the intense fear constantly coursing through my veins, I had a flash about our youth and how they feel like they are constantly being fired at in the myriad of battles that are projected on social media. They are on a heightened state of 24/7 alert and they don’t feel safe. I am not saying that social media is anything as intense as fighting in a world war, but I am suggesting that there is a constant state of alarm that they deal with on an ongoing basis. Over the summer, we hosted several teens for a weekend in the Wisconsin Dells. As we sat by the fire, eating our s’mores, my “wasband” asked the group where they saw themselves in 50 years. Their responses shocked us. Three of them said that they didn’t think that they would be alive in 50 years. They expected the world to be annihilated by then. I was shocked by their lack of promise for their futures. When I was 18, I was dreaming of travel and career exploration, of having a wonderful husband and family. There were no thoughts of catastrophes or my life abruptly ending. I ask myself how much of their hopelessness about the future comes from the media. I rarely watch television anymore because most of the shows are about evil, monsters, crime and the very worst of humankind. When I look at so many of the movies that are being shown, so many are about the end of the world or zombie wars. I just don’t see a lot of positivity being put out there by the media. Fear sells and our children are inundated with it.

“There’s only one way this war ends: last man standing.” — Colonel MacKenzie The other day, I was with friends and we were watching a show about the political circus here in America. I stayed and watched for two hours, longer than I ever have. I finally got to the point where I had to excuse myself and leave. The divisiveness and basic disrespect were so overwhelming that I just couldn’t watch it anymore.

Do I think that the way to fight the political battle that is going on right now in America is to turn it off and walk away? Not at all. However, at the same time, I don’t believe that spending my days glued to media coverage while getting constantly bombarded with negativity helps either. I watched my energy drain as I got entrenched into the drama. I left the movie exhausted. By the time I left the TV show the other day, I felt even more wiped out. The negative adrenaline rush that surged through my body during that two-hour media coverage I watched was not worth the loss of my life force. What I am most committed to is raising my consciousness and helping to raise the consciousness of others as much as I can at this time. As difficult as it is, after seeing my heart and body filled with white light, I see the loving light radiating into the hearts of those whom I see as divisive. I see loving-kindness filling their hearts and I imagine them becoming more conscious. Sending hatred towards those who are hating does not heal. Sending anger towards the angry, or closed-mindedness towards the closeminded only perpetuates the ugly, closedhearted cycle. Will I take a stand? Will I go out and vote? Absolutely, but I refuse to spend each day of my precious, wonderful life getting angered again and again by the insanity that I see being played out in our politics. “Some men just want to fight.” — Captain Smith I believe that war is crazy and futile. Perhaps I am a simpleton when I suggest that world leaders who want to put their countries through war each get a pair of boxing gloves, get a good trainer and then battle it out themselves. This would spare thousands of innocent lives that would forever be traumatized by what they experienced in warfare. Naïve, I know. There is so much more to warfare, especially the economics of it all. I’m hoping that we are reaching a tipping point in which higher consciousness will outshine the darkness. As shocked as I am about my neighbor displaying a flag that supports a politician that I do not respect, I am choosing not to hate my neighbor for their choice. I am choosing to allow them their opinion. I love them and I welcome them into my home. I see them as my equals, loving humans who are doing the best that they can with the life that they have at this time. These are all choices. Do we want to choose love, or do we want to be right? Theresa Puskar is an author, performer, speaker and motivational audiobook producer. She edu-tains her audiences, by touching hearts and minds in a way that is engaging, joyful and life-affirming. Her most recent endeavors are her solo show, Causeless Joy, and her children’s entertainment program, Power Princesses and Super Heroes. She has just completed two books on mindfulness (available in hardcopy, ebooks or audio) published by G&D media, 8 Ways to De-Clutter Your Brain and The Good Morning Mind: Nine Essential Habits for the Workplace. They are both available for pre-order on and For more information, visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



THE ADVENT OF HOMO LUMINOUS by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. For millennia, secret societies of Native American medicine men and women carefully guarded their wisdom teachings. These shamans, also known as Earthkeepers, existed in many nations and were called by different names. In the Andes and the Amazon, they were known as the Laika. In 1950, a group of Laika from the High Andes traveled to an annual gathering of shamans that occurred at the foot of one of the holy mountains. When the locals saw the ponchos the Laika were wearing they instantly recognized the markings of the highshaman priests. They realized that this was a group of medicine men and 10


women thought to have vanished after the time of the Conquest. These high shamans, foreseeing that humankind was on the verge of a huge upheaval, had finally come out of seclusion to reveal the hidden wisdom that would sustain the world through the great changes and challenges it was about to face—teachings that would help us alter our reality and give birth to a better world. These lessons were kept under wraps for a very good reason. With the arrival of the conquistadors in 16th century Peru, the Laika were relentlessly persecuted. Many were labeled as witches and

sorcerers, imprisoned, tortured and killed. Their knowledge was considered so dangerous and threatening to the Catholic Church that even now, 200 years after the Spanish Inquisition shut down everywhere else in the world, the Laika maintains an office in Lima, Peru. The secret knowledge that so worried the Church was that all of creation— the earth, humans, whales, rocks and even the stars—is made of vibration and light. Moreover, nothing that we perceive as material, and therefore real, actually exists. It is just a dream that we’re projecting onto the world, and we can easily change that dream and create a new world. This powerful wisdom

was carefully guarded, but the Laika also recognized that it belonged to all humankind. When they met a foreigner who did not possess the arrogant, hostile mindset of the conquerors, they were willing to share their knowledge.

time when the feminine aspect of the divine was recognized. I once told him that I felt lucky to have found him, and he said, “What makes you think you found me if the Church could not find us for the last 500 years?”

After the arrival of the Europeans, for instance, they took into their fold a Jesuit priest by the name of Padre Blas Valera, who was half Inka and half Spanish. Father Valera was initiated into the mysteries of the Laika and wrote four books about their teachings, three of which disappeared during the Inquisition. The fourth is held in a private collection in Italy.

Thanks to the discoveries of quantum physics, we’ve come to understand what the Laika knew all along—vibration and light can organize themselves into a thousand shapes and forms. First, there is a luminous matrix, and then this blueprint gives birth to life. Vibration and light swirl and condense around the luminous matrix and give birth to a whale, for instance, and then whales give birth to other whales.

Valera claimed that the Inka were as civilized as Europeans and were even able to write using a complex system of colored strings tied into knots, known as Quipus. When Valera’s order discovered what he was up to they incarcerated him. He died in custody six years later. Many questions remain: Why did the Jesuits silence one of their own? Why were they so afraid of the wisdom he was recording for the benefit of all? And, why did they forbid the ordination of any other mestizo or indigenous priests after Valera was defrocked? I was another non-native taken into the fold of the Laika, initiated into the lineage of the Wisdomkeepers in the Amazon—yet it was never my intention to become part of this lineage. As a medical anthropologist, I was only interested in studying the healing practices of the shamans. As fortune or destiny would have it, a Laika named don Antonio took me under his wing and mentored me for nearly 25 years. He was a man of many lives—a university professor by day and a master medicine man by night. Born in a high mountain village, don Antonio worked with the tools and practices of the 15th century, yet he was conversant in the ways of the 21st. Although he was descended from the Inka, he taught me that the Laika were much older than the Inka, whose culture was masculine and militaristic. The Laika’s teachings were from an earlier

The human body also has a luminous matrix: We’re enveloped by a luminous energy field (LEF) that manifests the form and health of the body. The LEF organizes the body the same way that energy fields of a magnet arrange iron filings on top of a piece of glass. And just like the whales, humans give birth to other humans. But the Laika—like the Inka, the Maya, the Hopi—also knew that at the culmination of a period of great turmoil and upheaval, a new species of human would give birth to itself from a new luminous matrix. We are about to take a quantum leap from Homo sapiens to Homo luminous, beings with the ability to perceive the vibration and light that make up the physical world at a much higher level. For the first time, humanity will evolve not between generations but within a generation—which contradicts our beliefs about how evolution works. We’ll take a biological quantum leap within our own lifetimes and the physical, emotional and spiritual traits we acquire will be passed on to our children and our children’s children. If this sounds hard to believe, consider that we create a new copy of our body about every eight months, as our cells replace themselves. We can manifest a physical body that is free of the tyranny of the genes we inherited from our parents and the medical maladies they bring us. But even more important, we

can unchain ourselves from the limited emotional and spiritual stories we inherited or bought into during the course of our lives. I know this because I have lived it, and I have witnessed others living it. This is also part of the wisdom the Laika kept secret for thousands of years until the time was right to share it with the world. They knew how to heal disease and create extraordinary states of health, as well as how to craft and shape their personal destinies by changing their LEF. They also understood how to access the biological blueprint of light and assist Spirit in the unfolding of creation. Mastery of the insights revealed by the Laika not only allow us to free ourselves from the stories we inherited and from reliving their same physical ills and emotional ailments, it allows us to become Homo luminous. In doing so, we’ll give up the ways of the conquistador and discard the masculine theology that justifies the exploitation of the earth’s rivers, oceans and forests because they’re seen merely as resources for human consumption. Instead, we’ll embrace an older mythology that has become lost to most humans, a feminine theology of cooperation and sustainability. We will become the ones we have been waiting for. Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. is a medical anthropologist who has studied the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon and Andes for over 25 years. He is the founder of the Four Winds Society, an organization dedicated to the bridging of ancient shamanic traditions with modern medicine and psychology. The Four Winds Society’s Light Body School is internationally recognized as the Gold Standard in shamanic education, preparing wise and ethical energy medicine practitioners. Villoldo is author of numerous books, including Shaman, Healer, Sage; The Heart of the Shaman; A Shaman’s Miraculous Tools for Healing; The Four Insights; Courageous Dreaming; and his latest release, Grow a New Body. Visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




WHENEVER YOU’RE READY by Alan Cohen I met a fellow who had been diagnosed with a rare debilitating disease. For seven years, Stan consulted with over 100 doctors, submitted to endless tests, ingested more than 100 pills daily and tried a wide range of treatments— none of which helped. He kept losing weight until he was down to 120 pounds. A final experiment with a risky drug failed. His doctor told him, “You will soon die.” At that moment, Stan became fed up with depending on doctors to save him and he turned within instead. He affirmed over and over and over again, “I am healed.” After six weeks of intensive introspection and affirmation, Stan began to feel better and his symptoms started to disappear. He gained weight. Eventually, he was restored to perfect health and felt 12


fantastic. Now Stan looks radiant, lives a full life, works from home and spends many valued hours a day with his wife and children. He is a walking miracle. A Course in Miracles urges us to remember, “I am under no laws but God’s.” It tells us that the many laws we believe we are subject to—such as nutrition, economics, and reciprocity— are not the ultimate dynamics that govern well-being. There are vaster, deeper universal principles that make our lives work. When we discover and live by them, we enjoy a freedom that lesser laws cannot deliver. The Course explains that it is the mind of the patient that chooses to be healed or not. We enlist doctors and medicine as agents—or permission slips—to serve our inner choice for wellness

or sickness. Such professionals and methods are not the source of our health but channels through which life force delivers our well-being. We can also access healing energy directly without employing an external agent. This principle does not discredit doctors who help in huge ways. More fundamentally, it empowers patients. I know a massage therapist who was assigned to work on a terminal cancer patient in a hospital. Emma supposedly had a week to live. While Jane was massaging Emma, the patient revealed that she had had a fight with her sister 25 years earlier, and the two had not spoken since that time. Jane used some coaching skills to help Emma admit that she really loved her sister and wished to reconcile with her. She decided to phone her and make amends.

A week later, Jane was in the hospital and she passed Emma’s room. To her astonishment, the woman was standing before a mirror dressed nicely and applying makeup. “What’s happened to you?” asked Jane, amazed at Emma’s vitality. “I’m going home,” she replied. “I had a heart-to-heart talk with my sister, and we made up. I can hardly describe the relief I felt in releasing this burden. The next time I went for x-rays, the doctors found no sign of cancer and released me.” We have been taught that external conditions determine our state of mind; favorable conditions make us well and happy, and unfavorable conditions damage or depress us. Yet, it is the other way around: It is our thoughts that create or attract conditions, and our internal choices that make us happy or not. While some people interpret this dynamic as a cause for guilt or blame for negative events, it is supremely empowering. If in the past you have used the power of the mind to cause problems, you can redirect that very power to create solutions. As author Mike Dooley says, “Blame is not in the vocabulary of a spiritually evolved person.” While it appears that things happen to us, they actually happen from us. If everything is a choice, why would some people choose illness? No one, of course, would consciously choose illness, but there are subconscious motivations that might make illness attractive. You get out of going to school, work or other activities you would rather not do. You get attention, sympathy and favors. You get money. You get to be “right” or gain revenge by blaming someone who hurt you. You get to “prove” that your body has power over your life and mind. This is not to say that people who get sick do not deserve time off or emotional or financial support; compassion sees beyond blame and gives love where it is called for. Yet, at a deeper level, choice plays a far greater role in health than most people recognize. If you are dealing with a lingering physical, emotional, financial or rela-

tionship challenge, consider how an attitudinal upgrade might accelerate your healing process. Healing functions at an entirely different frequency from illness. Fear, anger, resentment and blame match and sustain the illness frequency. Love—including self-love—joy, creativity, passion and forgiveness match and sustain the healing frequency. Your radio cannot be tuned to two different stations at the same time. Like Stan, who found seemingly impossible healing by claiming wellness, your choice for wholeness could prove to be the turning point you seek. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books including A Course in Miracles Made Easy. Join Alan for his life-changing Holistic Life Coach Training beginning September 1, 2020. For information on this program and his books, videos, audios, online courses, retreats, and other inspirational events and materials, visit

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THE CONDITIONED MIND by Jakeb Brock In attempting to delineate some of the causes that impede spiritual progress, we tend to blame two of our prominent created human attributes, our body and our mind. To some degree, this makes sense, since the human body can certainly be a source of distraction, embarrassment and pain; while the mind is often so out of our control that it is like a runaway train. The more we learn to transcend these strictly human functions, the more we come to understand that the true culprit in these matters is not our body; nor is it the mind per se. Rather, it is the conditioned mind. When we are born into this world, our minds and bodies are neither good nor bad, beneficent nor troublesome, helpful nor hindering. They just are. They are what they were created to be. They are fully primed at that point to perform their functions, according to their created mandate. But then a couple of things happen in our experience—and at present, there are very few born into this world who do not share this experience—that throws everything outof-whack. One thing that happens is that we lose touch with our spiritual consciousness for a time, and the second thing, which is very much related to the first, is that our minds become inundated by and imprinted with the cultural reality view of our world. Neither of these infantile experiences is the product of our own choice; nor are they the result of some wrong we have done. Rather, they simply happen as a result of the reality of life on this earthly plane. Therefore, they are neither condemnatory nor deserved. They just are. Mental conditioning is a relatively easy concept to grasp. In recent centuries, this concept has not only become widely recognized and acknowledged; it has even been codified into a science—the science we now call psychology. Thus we can readily understand how our infantile inundation overpowers us and sears our minds with a reality imprint that is very difficult to change and reprogram. A newborn infant is in no way capable of choosing, reasoning, filtering out, exercising spiritual discernment, etc. He or she is quite helpless and thoroughly vulnerable. So it is that this imprint upon our minds takes place fluidly and without any countering influence whatsoever. We can also understand why such an imprint would prove to be so tenacious when we later attempt to reprogram it. Psychological research into the workings of the human mind has discovered a vast complexity to its functions, including a subconscious aspect that can lie so deeply buried within us that we not only lose touch with it; we lose all capability of changing it. A more difficult concept to grasp is how and why we lose touch with our spiritual consciousness for a time after we are born. 16


Basically, what happens is that our spiritual consciousness—that which constitutes our true undying individual identity—is unable to be itself and function according to its created mandate in the life experience of a newborn infant. This is because our spiritual consciousness expresses itself at least to some degree through our minds. And the infantile mind is not yet biologically developed to be able to receive input from and interact with our spiritual consciousness. In fact, with most people, this mental capacity is not developed until their teen years. So there is a definite temporal gap after our birth, in which spiritual consciousness’ hands are tied. It can do nothing but wait. Of course, were it not for the elements of infantile conditioning assailing us, this constraint upon our spiritual consciousness would not be terribly problematic. If human children were allowed to grow up free and shielded from the effects of cultural inundation, they would remain perfectly innocent. Then when the time came, during which they were biologically capable of receiving spiritual consciousness’ input, they would fluidly embark upon the journey of spiritual maturation and fruition—a journey that would be traversed with very little difficulty or opposition. Moreover, our world would then be reflective of an entirely different energy than it is now. The human race would have spiritual values and priorities. Attaining spiritual enlightenment would be almost automatic. It would be the birthright of every human being and would be attained effortlessly and, in some cases, instantly. And so we come to understand that it is not the body or the mind that make spiritual fruition so elusive. It is the conditioning of the mind—the cultural inundation that assails us when we are in our most vulnerable, impressionable state and causes us to be imprinted with a reality view not our own in the deepest recesses of our subconscious. Be all this as it may, our situation would again not be so troublesome if the reality view imposed upon us was somewhat expressive of spiritual values. If such were the case, we might still have work to do to achieve spiritual fruition, but it would in all likelihood be a good deal easier for us than it is now. Thus we deduce that it is not just the fact that our minds are conditioned at birth that proves problematic; it is the utterly unspiritual quality of that conditioning. In other words, it is the substance of our cultural reality

view that derails us spiritually. This aspect of substance is what overpowers us and causes our inner world to essentially become a house divided. Furthermore, it is the substantial quality of our conditioning that is responsible for most of our glaring societal plagues, such as poverty, war, disease and death. Poignantly, ever since human beings began the practice of infantile psychological conditioning, life in our world has become like a revolving door. We each enter this world only to be overwhelmed and overpowered by its cultural inundation. Then once we have become thoroughly imprinted by and sold to this reality view, we become willing participants in the conditioning of our children. And so a circular outworking of futility is perpetuated. In the East, this circle of futility is sometimes referred to as the cycle of birth and death. Why is this? Because under the constraints of our conditioned mind a death experience is unavoidable and inevitable. Thus we learn that one of the foremost characteristics of our conditioning is its unquestioned loyalty to temporality. As long as the clock is always ticking, our reality view will include death as an inevitability. It is this obsession with time and death that has caused the conditioned mind to be constantly operating in a fearful mode. The idea of death’s inevitability is such a cruel taskmaster over our psyche that we naturally come to fear not only death itself but also everything that reminds us of death. This is why we fear disease and financial insolvency. They forcefully remind us of our mortality. And so it is fear that has become the dominant substantial quality of our conditioning, and it is this substance that we pass onto our children. To inculcate our present cultural reality view as parents is to overwhelm the pristine minds of our young ones with the terrible foreign darkness of fear. But there is more. Fear is not just a powerful emotion. Rather when it comprises the substance of our conditioning it becomes a perpetual mindset, through which we filter all our perceptions. As such, it not only distorts our perceptions; it creates our life’s circumstances. Fear causes misperception, and together, these tend to create truly hellish conditions. In truth, human beings would never have known poverty, disease or death, were it not for our misperceiving, fear-obsessed conditioned mindset. It is a misperception caused by fear that has been the impetus behind the establishing of our present Darwinian economic system—a system in which every man and woman on this planet feels that they must make their own way and sometimes strive, scheme and fight to earn their daily bread. This terrible perversion of our inbred biological survival instinct may lead to a few strong ones among us becoming wealthy and powerful, but for most of us, it has the opposite result. For most of us, it evokes a palpable and persistent sense of lack and limitation—the misperception that there is simply not enough to go around. It is also a misperception of fear that causes disease and death. These plagues have come about on account of a general misperception about the makeup of the human body. Fear has caused us to perceive the human body as being materialistic and dense, somewhat like a solid rock, only one with internal processes. This misperception has actually lent a sense of bulk and heaviness

about our bodies, which when combined with the scientific law of gravity that roots all matter to the earth’s surface (and keeps it from floating out into space) weighs upon us and causes us to relate to our bodies as physical or materialistic entities—entities that naturally decay and decompose. Then as we age, having come to believe in the inescapability of decay, we manifest this belief through various internal dysfunctions and external changes. Thus it is the belief that our bodies must, over time, decay and decompose that actually causes them to do so. In truth, our bodies are not physical; they are spiritual. They are reflections of light that portray the image of our individual spiritual identity and essence. It is a scientific property of matter to decay and change form, but an image of light is not subject to this same property. Therefore, there is no reason that it cannot endure forever. Physical bodies malfunction, breed disease, grow old and die. But bodies of light are not only immune from this familiar progression; they actually need very little in the way of maintenance and attention. What then can we do to counteract this and other deleterious misperceptions of the conditioned mind? The key to our liberation is in the development of our spiritual consciousness awareness. The conditioned mind thrives on two factors unconsciousness and false identification. When we are unconscious and unaware of what our mind is doing we tend to automatically identify with it. In other words, in relation to our conditioned mind, we come to believe that we are it. Then this strong identifying belief leads to an acceptance of our conditioned mind’s activity and substance regardless of its harmful quality. Logically then, the liberating solution to this predicament lies in conscious awareness and rightful identification. By becoming aware of our conditioned mind’s activity and substance, we come to recognize that it is dominantly fearful and dark and we begin to question its inviolability. We are appalled to realize that we have been accepting this disturbing mindset and relating to it as selfdefining. This then leads to the discovery and nurturing of an identity that is based on spiritual truth—a new sense of Self, which, as it expands and grows, undermines the influence that the conditioned mind has wielded over us since the day we were born. The most efficacious method for developing this self-awareness and facilitating the shift in our identification is meditation—the practice whereby we learn to quiet our minds enough to be able to witness our thoughts. Meditation also works to strengthen and nurture our new emerging sense of spiritual Self-hood. The conditioned mind is a force with which all of us on the spiritual path must reckon. Though it can appear at times to be too great an obstacle for us to tackle, it is, in truth, only a phantom force— one that quickly loses its largesse as we begin to see it for what it really is. Thoughts and beliefs, no matter how daunting they appear, are never set in stone. They can be changed and overcome. When we can do this, our minds will no longer enslave us but will instead become servants of the highest order. Jakeb Brock is the author of the recently published book, The New Consciousness: What Our World Needs Most. For more about Jakeb and his book, visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]


In the United States, the month of March brings the promise of Spring and all things green. March usually has us thinking of St. Patrick’s Day. It sure does for me. I grew up hearing tales of our Irish ancestors fleeing the Emerald Isle for greener pastures during the potato famine of the 1840s. My mother and her father, Poppy Joe, would put on an impressive Irish brogue as they told tales of Irish immigrant life in New York City towards the end of the 19th century. Back then, the Irish were considered dirty. There were even signs hanging in windows that said, “Irish need not apply.” This was all fascinating and 18


baffling to me. Why such discrimination? Who were these people that were my relatives? What was this faraway land? Growing up, I had the most amazing time taking Irish dancing lessons in the basement of a neighboring family’s house. The parents of this large brood of six kids were Irish, and they had real brogues— not the made-up kind of my mother and Poppy. I learned the jig. It was great fun!

All this said you would think I’d be going on and on about St. Paddy’s Day. (I’m now typing in an Irish accent if that’s possible.) But no, I want to talk to you about a different kind of green inspiration. Not the dyed liquid green stuff people consume in all too great quantities this time of year but the vegetable kind—the kind of which 90% or more of Americans don’t get enough. Green vegetables. Green vegetables have magical powers, and that’s not blarney.

Later, I married an Irish lad (the American kind) with red hair. I leaned into this heritage of mine. We even honeymooned in Ireland. It was my idea!

Greens fight disease. Greens give you energy. Greens are associated with a reduction in food cravings and enhanced mood. Not bad.

Green veggies offer an abundance of fiber, vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants and phytochemicals that have been associated with lower cholesterol, heart disease prevention and reduced cancer risk. Greens also provide nitric oxide, which is vital in making sure our blood vessels are wide and dilated. They also help to reduce inflammation, the root of much of our dis-ease. At 100% of nitric oxide, our vessels are flowing. At 80%, the thickening of the arteries begins. At 50%, inflammation increases and plaque builds up, at 35% the stiffening of walls and calcium buildup and at 15% you get increased ruptures and heart attacks. See how important this is? Are you now a little keener on eating greener? Did you know that there is a vast array of green vegetables and some aren’t even green? • Arugula • Asparagus • Bok choy • Broccoli • Brussels sprouts • Cabbage • Cauliflower • Chard • Collard greens • Dandelion Greens • Endive

• Herbs (parsley, cilantro, basil, oregano, mint, thyme, etc.) • Kale • Leaf lettuce • Microgreens • Mustard greens • Pea shoots • Spinach • Watercress

How to eat more greens? Dip them in hummus. Whip them into smoothies. Try adding more of them to soup, stir fry, pasta, pizza, sandwiches and grain bowls. Bake spinach into your brownies or breads. Throw more herbs on your salads. Stuff them into potatoes, and in or around wraps. If you manage to ingest six handfuls a day, you are veggie-mite! If you are cringing at the thought of eating more greens, you are not alone. Keep trying different ways to incorporate them. Brussels sprouts were once my nemesis and now they are my friend. You might discover that some of the foods you used to find unpalatable are now tolerable—or even good. Need a little more “greenspiration?” Give these recipes a try.

BROCCOLI BURRITOS* Makes 4 Servings Ingredients

2 Broccoli stalks 1 15-ounce can garbanzo beans (or 1½ cups) ½ cup roasted red peppers 2 tablespoons tahini 3 tablespoons lemon juice 4 flour tortillas 6 tablespoons salsa (or more to taste) Directions

Cut or break broccoli into florets. Peel stalks and cut into 1/2-inch rounds. Steam over boiling water until just barely tender, about five minutes. Drain garbanzo beans and place in a food processor with peppers, tahini and lemon juice. Process until completely smooth, about two minutes. Spread about one-quarter of the garbanzo mixture on a tortilla and place in a large heated skillet. Heat until tortilla is warm and soft, about two minutes. Arrange a line of cooked broccoli down the center, then sprinkle with salsa. Roll tortilla around filling. Repeat. Serve warm.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit

GREEN NICE CREAM** Makes 2 Servings Ingredients

4 bananas, ripe to overripe, peeled, sliced and frozen 1 large handful fresh spinach 2 to 4 mint leaves ½ teaspoon vanilla Plant-based milk-substitute of choice to achieve desired creaminess



Place ingredients in a food processor. Add splashes of plant-based milksubstitute and process until smooth and creamy with a consistency resembling soft-serve ice cream. * Broccoli Burritos – Recipe and photo credit Physicians Committee – ** Green Nice Cream – Photo and recipe by Betsy Bruns

Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the ConsciousCommunityMagazine consciouscommunitymagazine/ NjCdjxQldeXCL1FjA CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



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ASTROLOGY OMARI MARTIN, MAFM, LPMAFA - business professor and certified professional astrologer offers consulting services and strategic guidance for novice and professional astrologers and entrepreneurs desirous of developing a prosperous and profitable business. Contact: omari@soular, or 773-432-8308.

BODYWORK ANGELIC HEALING Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact website: or call 262-581-3606.

BUSINESS SERVICES MARMEL ACCOUNTING, LLC, accounting with heart provides QuickBooks accounting, tax research and business consulting for small businesses.100% of every invoice you pay is first loaned out on kiva. org as a microloan to people in developing countries. Location: Chicago, IL. Phone: 773-456-9729,

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in conscious20


ness to reawaken your Soul’s powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. Location: 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemeditation or 708-622-8453.

CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson@, or 608-359-4720.

DIVINE CREATIVE SYNERGY. Diann Squiers, CRMP, CRMT, CA, O.M. Reiki Aromatherapy sessions by appointment. First phone consultation is free. Visit website for more information on workshops and events. Location: Divine Creative Synergy, 707 Chicago Ave, Evanston, IL 60202. Website: or 312-391-8740.


ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. Location: 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, See display ad. Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Website:, or 224-293-2373.

INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Road, Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24 hours a day: Infinity Foundation http://infinity or 847-831-8828.

HOLISTIC HEALING FOR ANIMALS ANIMAL REIKI WITH AMBER SHANER - Reiki Master Teacher. Through energetic healing, Amber helps to provide a restorative balance for your pet companion on a social, emotional, and physical level. Sessions, classes, workshops offered. All animals welcome. Location: Naperville & Chicagoland surrounding areas. Website: or 630-835-6727.

HOLISTIC HEALTH HEMAVEDA AYURVEDIC HEALING for a healthier and happy life. Swati Mhaske is a Certified Ayurveda Doctor and

Clinical researcher and an Herbalist. Swati specializes in Gut health, Female health and nutrition, autoimmune disorders, allergies, anti-aging, joint health, skin disorders and hormonal imbalances. Location: Yoga Seva Studio, 407 E Terra Cotta Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Contact:, Email: or 224-829-8185.



PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, or 630-854-3175.

HAPPINESS IS CHOICE, LLC, a Relationship & Life coaching boutique that provides strategies and solutions for life, dating and finding love. Location: Chicago, IL. Contact: Website: or 312-846-0061.

SOUL ADVISOR LLC TRICIA RUITER was born with these gifts from God. I can connect you with anyone who has passed - and animals. Location: Plainfield, IL. Phone: 815-529-1887. Website:

JULITA MACHALSKI. Intuitive Coach + EFT Practitioner Helping you to release emotional pain and supporting you in the process of personal transformation. Chicago area/worldwide via Skype or in person. Both English & Polish. julita. or 773-844-0053.


MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER LOOKING FOR A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? Contact Michael “The Energizer” Applegate! The author of Work for God and The One Minute Energizers. Contact: or 773-326-8195.

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WILD RASPBERRY RESALE SHOP with gently used designer label clothing, jewelry, books, music, coffee bar, mini-workshops. Come and taste the Wild Raspberry experience! Location: Arlington Club Commons, 9 Huntington Lane, Wheeling, IL 60090. Contact: 224-676-1125, or

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COSMIC DAILY WEATHER March 2020 by Bernadette Evans

Overview Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, at least that’s what the calendar tells us. The Spring Equinox means that the day and evening hours are of equal length. While the Northern Hemisphere prepares for summer, the Southern Hemisphere has its fall equinox, preparing them for the coming winter. This month, Saturn makes its return to the sign of Aquarius. The last time it made its appearance here was in 1991–1993. Saturn is known for being “the great timekeeper.” He expects you to show up and do the work, if you do, you’ll reap the rewards. Saturn in Aquarius idealizes freedom and altruism, wanting what’s best for society as a whole. At this time, we may see more technological advances and space-related discoveries. In 1991, the Hubble Telescope was launched. Computers were just beginning to be a more common item in the home. Who knows what the next two and a half years will bring? You’ll only get a brief taste of Saturn in this sign. It goes retrograde in May, moving back into Capricorn until mid-December. Then he will be ensconced in Aquarius for approximately the next two years. The other news this month is that Mercury finishes its retrograde. It will take till the end of the month before he starts rolling and communications hopefully become clearer. Now, onto the month, have a good one everybody! The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign it’s in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is Void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time.



Sunday, March 1 The Moon-Saturn trine could provide some assistance for finishing up a project. There may be a feeling of relief that the project or situation has come to an end. This leaves space for you to start something fresh. There’s a good possibility of making money from either endeavor. The Moon-Saturn aspect may also bring up feelings of having to do it all on your own. Moon VoC in Taurus at 9:52 a.m., until it enters the sign of Gemini at 1:21 p.m.

Monday, March 2 Creating what you love is the focus when the Moon squares the Sun. It’s the Second Quarter Moon, meaning the Moon is building towards a Full Moon. What are you building towards? Everything is possible when you have a dream or a goal in mind.

Tuesday, March 3 There’s the potential for experiencing difficulties in some of your relationships when Venus squares Saturn. Could it stem from miscommunications or misunderstandings? You may prefer to be alone today, and that’s okay, but you may benefit from putting in the energy to maintain your relationships. On another note, be mindful of your spending habits at this time. You could be feeling the pinch so don’t make any unnecessary

purchases which cause you to stress out. Moon VoC at 8:20 p.m. until it enters the sign of Cancer at 10:25 p.m.

Wednesday, March 4 Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Aquarius at 5:08 a.m.; while Venus enters the sign of Taurus at 9:07 p.m. Venus is very happy being in her sign of Taurus. While it’s there you may want to slow things down with regards to your relationships. You’re not putting the brakes on, just enjoying your friend’s or partner’s company. Taurus is a sensual sign, so, giving your partner a massage or a foot rub fits in with the day. Venus also enjoys luxury, whether it’s a nice meal, a comfy couch or a beautiful painting, but be conscious of your spending habits and what your limits are. Today’s energy is about enjoying the good life…in moderation.

Thursday, March 5 When the Moon trines Neptune you could be seeing a person or a situation through rose-colored glasses. Your unrealistic expectations may be impossible for others to live up to. Also, you could healthfully use this energy by creating something beautiful on paper, canvas, tarot reading or some other means.

Friday, March 6 The focus is on relationships and finances when the Moon squares Venus. You’re in the mood to socialize. Go have fun! You could also be examining your relationships to see which ones nurture you. Finances may be a concern at the moment. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons of your purchases before pulling out the credit card. Moon VoC at 1:11 a.m., until it enters the sign of Leo at 3:27 a.m.

Saturday, March 7 The Moon is in Leo today and you could find yourself torn between what you’d like to do and what you think you should do. Making adjustments and compromises with others and yourself may be the way to handle the energy today. Try and find the balance between meeting your needs and wants and those of others.

Sunday, March 8 Your dreams of expanding your horizons by dabbling in mystical, spiritual or creative pursuits are front and center when the Sun conjuncts Neptune. There are so many different avenues to explore, you could have trouble picking just one. When Venus conjuncts Uranus, there’s the possibility of an

unexpected love interest suddenly appearing. If attached, you may feel the need for some excitement in your relationship, just be mindful of creating unnecessary drama. Moon VoC at 3:12 a.m., until it enters the sign of Virgo at 5:47 a.m.

harmonious. Get in touch with your intuitive side by doing some meditating or just being still. Then wait for it…and listen to what the Universe has to say. It’s up to you to put the answers to good use and build on it.

Monday, March 9

When Mars sextiles Neptune you’re being given the opportunity to follow your passion. Be brave and step forward into the limelight to offer your work up for the world to see. It’s often scary speaking up or being seen, especially in these days of social media. Add the Sun-Pluto sextile to the mix and you have the determination to succeed. Don’t let doubts creep in, you’re the creator of your own story. Moon VoC at 5:06 a.m. until it enters the sign of Sagittarius at 6:09 a.m.

Mercury stations direct at 10:49 p.m. Be patient, as it will take a while before he picks up steam and communications go more smoothly. There’s a Full Moon in Virgo at 12:48 p.m. Take time to quiet your mind to search for what you’re yearning for. Following your heart’s desire is what keeps you going. There may be times you beat yourself up, thinking you or your work aren’t good enough, always working harder, seeking perfection. Perfection is nice, but not at the cost of your self-esteem and beating yourself up. Give yourself and others room to grow and make mistakes. That’s how everyone learns. The Full Moon in Virgo also highlights having empathy and being there for others. Make sure you have healthy boundaries in place, so you don’t burn yourself out. The shadow side to watch out for is becoming a martyr when you help others.

Tuesday, March 10 An unexpected situation may arise that has you stressed and wishing for an escape hatch when the Moon quincunx’s Uranus. Try not to over-react and do something impulsive. Count to 10 and find a solution that works for everyone. Moon VoC at 3:32 a.m., until it enters the sign of Libra at 5:03 a.m.

Wednesday, March 11 The Sun-Jupiter sextile could bring opportunities for recognition and rewards. Your optimism and excitement about your newest venture are contagious. Someone may be thrilled to help you on your journey. Enjoy the ride.

Thursday, March 12 You may be craving some alone time when the Moon opposes Uranus. There’s a need to just get away from it all and hide. You could go so far as to say something impulsively, which will certainly get you that alone time, but you’ll regret it later on. Look for the balance between freedom and connection. Moon VoC at 3:12 a.m., until it enters the sign of Scorpio at 4:28 a.m.

Friday, March 13 Despite any silly superstition that Friday the 13th is a bad day, the energies today are all

Saturday, March 14

Sunday, March 15 The Moon-Neptune square could spark feelings of confusion. You’re having a hard time trying to figure out what’s real and what isn’t. By being calm and grounded you’ll know how to discern between illusion and reality.

Monday, March 16 It’s the Last Quarter Moon. What do you need to finish? Has there been something that’s been nagging at you? Now is the time to put your foot on the gas pedal and focus because this lunar cycle is near completion. Then the cycle will start again with the New Moon in Aries in a week. Mercury enters Pisces at 2:42 a.m. Moon VoC at 4:34 a.m. until it enters the sign of Capricorn at 11:25 a.m.

Tuesday, March 17 When the Moon trines Venus, your hard work could be noticed by higher-ups who may give you the recognition and rewards you deserve. Romance could be on your mind; you may want to plan a romantic night out…or in. Today is also St. Patrick’s Day, making it a great time to hang out with friends and generally have fun. Just be careful of over-indulging.

Wednesday, March 18 Emotions are amplified and possibly intense when the Moon conjuncts Jupiter and Pluto. Pay attention to obsessive thinking as well as any needs to control a situation. You’re enthusiastic about sharing what lights you up with others; your enthusiasm may spark something in them too. If your emotions overwhelm you, go for a walk, meditate or whatever else works to ground yourself. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Moon VoC at 7:48 p.m. until 8:16 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius.

Thursday, March 19 Happy Birthday, Dear Aries! The Sun enters the sign of Aries at 10:50 p.m. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this means it’s time to celebrate the Spring Equinox. The Sun sextiles Saturn which can motivate you to put your head down and concentrate on the task at hand. This is a great time to keep working away slow and steady to help you build a strong foundation. You’re not in the mood for sitting still, you have a job to do.

Friday, March 20 The Mars-Jupiter conjunction could give you an extra boost, whether it is in your professional life or your personal life. There is an optimism to the day that fuels your spirit and keeps you energized. All this positivity may make you think you can leap tall buildings in a single bound…you can’t, so be careful and pay attention to your environment to stay safe. Moon VoC at 4:00 a.m. and void the rest of the day.

Saturday, March 21 There’s a dreamy feel to the day when the Moon conjuncts Mercury. That’s the Pisces energy. You’re feeling generous and optimistic and ready to receive the gifts of the Universe, as well as share your good fortune with others. Embrace all the possibilities that are offered to you. Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius at 10:58 p.m. The Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 7:33 a.m.

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Sunday, March 22 You may find you’re receiving flashes of insight when Mercury sextiles Uranus. Take the time to write some of this down. They can disappear as suddenly as they came in. Meeting new and interesting people fosters stimulating conversations and new ways of doing things. Be mindful of blurting something out that may upset someone.

Monday, March 23 When Mars conjuncts Pluto you’re feeling driven to act. There’s an element of control and power when Mars and Pluto join forces; either you’re the one wielding it or someone is exerting pressure on you. You can still accomplish whatever you set out to do without running over anyone else in the process. Moon VoC at 9:51 a.m. until it enters the sign of Aries at 7:58 p.m.

Tuesday, March 24 The New Moon is in Aries at 4:28 a.m. You may be excited about a new venture and its limitless potential. Your passion, creativity and energy are the real driving force behind it all. With focus, determination and your sheer will, you’re able to breathe life into it. It may take time to build up momentum. The gears are just starting to turn, but you’ll get there. The Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron, which could speak to the fact that once you step into doing what you love—what you’re meant to do–it aids in your healing.

Wednesday, March 25 The emphasis is still on Aries and forging your own path. The opposite sign of Aries is Libra which speaks of relationships. Being a leader means knowing when to ask for assistance from others. It’s not a sign of weakness but one of strength to ask for guidance on your project. So, don’t be shy to ask for help or offer a helping hand to someone else.

Thursday, March 26 Feelings of isolation and loneliness may surface when the Moon squares Saturn. You’re being called to dance to the beat of your own drum and sometimes that means you need to be on your own. Don’t force yourself to engage with others if you’re not feeling up to it. Moon VoC at 2:16 a.m. until it enters the sign of Taurus at 8:37 a.m.

Friday, March 27 When the Moon is in Taurus, you may feel the need to slow down and connect with your body. You could do something physi-

cal or relax in a tub with some music in the background. Getting outside and connecting with nature can also help reset your body and mind.

Saturday, March 28 There’s a focus on friendships and relationships when Venus trines Jupiter. It’s time to get out and spend time with those you love. Enjoy the energy of today! It feels fun, generous and optimistic. Relationships need tending to so that they may flourish, grow and become stronger. Moon VoC at 6:05 p.m. until it enters the sign of Gemini at 8:38 p.m.

Sunday, March 29 Your attention may wander today when the Moon is in Gemini. It’s not that you’re not interested but that you are interested in everything and want to know a little about a lot of things. Focus on nothing heavy today; keep it light and fun. Enjoy learning and communicating about everything that grabs your interest.

Monday, March 30 The Moon-Neptune square may amplify your emotions and your intuition. You could feel overwhelmed and just want to walk away from others and situations. There’s also the possibility of escaping through addictive habits such as drugs or alcohol. Mars enters the sign of Aquarius at 2:43 p.m. Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius for approximately five weeks. You’re drawn to take actions in new and maybe unorthodox ways. The old tried and true method has no hold on you, you’re chucking it out and forging new paths. Moon VoC at 10:10 a.m. and void the rest of the day.

Tuesday, March 31 When Mars conjuncts Saturn, you may want to move forward but in a focused and controlled way. Or, you may want to move forward and either stop yourself or you’re blocked by circumstances. You may feel someone or something is slowing you down and grow impatient and want to push back. Take a breath, slow down and conserve your energy until another time when it feels easier to get things going. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 6:43 a.m. Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor and writer. To schedule a consultation, call 780-289-7398 or email Visit

Midwest Pulse Calendar Friday, March 6

Saturday, March 14

Saturday, March 21

CLEAR, CONNECT AND THRIVE WITH GRACE AND EASE. 7:00 - 9:30 pm. Cost: $85/75 payment 10 days in advance. Enhance and expand your life into a greater fullness. Gain a stronger sense of purpose and knowing with three dynamic experientials to clear what no longer works for you, connect more deeply with Source, and thrive in your daily life. Unburden yourself and release old stale emotional energies to open to new possibilities. Like a clean slate, source a deep inner connection and alignment to thrive with your intentions to enhance and expand your life. Register online,

CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body & spiritual experiences, losses. 2-5 pm. Donation: $20. Guest Speaker: Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP - Interfaith Clinical Chaplain, Grief & Trauma Counselor, Author, Founder of The Afterlife Conference. Location: Frank Auditorium in Evanston Hospital, 2650 Central St, Evanston, IL 60201; Central St. “L” stop (Purple line). Free covered parking. For more info: 847-251-5758 or

“EFT WITH A GUARANTEE”. 9 am-5 pm. $95. Certificate of Completion. For EFT newbies and professionals. Experience/learn EFT basics. Counts as day 1 or 2 of 12 hours required for certification. Location: SoderWorld, 9500 S. Rte. 83, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Contact: Tom 708-955-3634.

Sunday, March 15

FREE EFT WORKSHOP. 6:30-8 pm. Experience RELEASE of Grief, Stress, PTSD, Digestion Issues and More. Location: SoderWorld Wellness,9500 S. Rte. 83, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Contact: Tom 708-955-3634.

CHICAGO IANDS, Big Grief Event! 1-9 pm. Grief Workshop. 1-5 pm. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP, audience readings 7-9 pm with Suzane Northrop. Location: Both events are at Mallinckrodt College, 1041A Ridge Rd. (South Entrance), Wilmette, IL 60091. Free parking. For more info and tickets: or 847-251-5758.

Thursday, March 12

Thursday, March 19

FREE EFT WORKSHOP. 7-8:30 pm. Experience RELEASE of Grief, Stress, PTSD, Digestion Issues and More. Location: Infinity Foundation, 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact: Tom 708-955-3634.

FREE EFT WORKSHOP. 7-9 pm. Experience RELEASE of Grief, Stress, PTSD, Digestion Issues and More. Location: Garrett Wellness, 3020 N. Kimball, Chicago, IL 60618. Contact: Tom 708-955-3634.

Wednesday, March 11

Saturday, May 9 THE INVOKE YOGA EXPERIENCE FUNDRAISER. Time: 4-8 pm. The INVOKE Yoga Experience combines various modalities of music to cultivate an internal shift. Participants will be guided through purposeful yoga movements and feel the collective sound of electronic beats and live classical instruments. Proceeds support our expanding services. Admission to the event includes Yoga, music, social hour with featured spirits, take home swag bag, and a yoga mat raffle pull with grand prize drawing. Conscious Community Magazine is a media sponsor. Location: Fulton Street Collective,1821 W. Hubbard St., Suite 307,
Chicago, IL 60622. Contact information: The PiE Project Foundation, 630-415-4331, or

AT T E N T I O N A D V E R T I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

The Angel Experiment:

The Evolutionary Empath: A

A 21-Day Magical Adventure to Heal Your Life, by Corin Grillo (New World

Practical Guide for Heart-Centered Consciousness, by Rev. Stephanie Red

Library, $15.95, Paperback)

Feather, Ph.D. (Bear and Company, $18.00, Paperback)

Having directly experienced divine intervention in her own life, Corin Grillo feels it is important that she share her knowledge of the angels with others. She teaches readers how to create rituals that invite angels into their lives, how to experience the angels through various senses, and which angels are best suited for specific intentions. The book is based on a successful 21-day course that Grillo has been offering since 2015. Some of her successes include manifesting financial abundance, eliminating addictive behavior and facilitating deep healing on all levels.

Beyond the Mat: Don’t Just Do Yoga—Live It, by Kali Om (Kal Om, $19.98, Paperback)

Yoga is now an important part of the lives of millions of Americans, as they work towards sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Yet, how many people know that what we typically think of as yoga—the poses we flow through on our mats—is only a small cog in a much bigger wheel? Kali Om shares various articles from Yoga Chicago Magazine released over the last decade that aim to introduce readers to the wide expanse of yogic living. Kali Om breaks the articles into these categories Virtues, The Seasons, Yoga Lifestyle, Yoga Concepts, as well as Diet, Health and Healing.

When Antidepressants Aren’t Enough: Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness to Alleviate Depression, by Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD (New World Library, $18.95, Paperback)

For many people with clinical depression, medication alone simply isn’t enough to eliminate the symptoms. After decades of research, Dr. Stuart J. Eisendrath has shown that teaching people with depression about mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) can help to significantly improve their quality of life and produce measurable changes in the brain. Eisendrath explains what mindfulness is and provides multiple MBCT meditations to help those wanting to incorporate mindfulness into their daily rituals. 26


As we begin to enter the Age of Aquarius, the number of empaths within our human population is rapidly rising. Stephanie Red Feather affirms the difficulties of being an empath and teaches readers how to restore their energy field, how to prevent energy drainage, as well as how to find themselves within an overwhelming world of emotion. She provides practices to help readers hone their empathic gifts so that they can effectively serve their role in the ascension of humanity.

Chinese Astrology: 2020 Year of the Metal Rat, by Donna Stellhorn (ETC Publishing, $19.97, Paperback)

Donna Stellhorn has been sharing her predictions and Feng Shui cures with the masses for a decade now. In this comprehensive guide, she aims to help readers in every aspect of life. She provides predictions for each month and shares specific Feng Shui cures for each Chinese Zodiac sign in 2020. Furthermore, Stellhorn gives tips on topics ranging from Mercury Retrograde care and relationships to legal matters and career prospects—all of which are meant to help her audience further align with the cosmos and become powerful manifestors.

Yesterday’s Voices on the Inner Life: A Prose and Poetry Anthology, by A.A. Willis (Luminare Press, $15.95, Paperback)

Find inspiration in this collection of prose and poetry from literature spanning over the last few centuries. A.A. Willis chooses selections focused around peaceful living that prove that the significance of spiritual wonder remains a constant in our everchanging, ever-challenging world. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.






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