America’s Oldest Spiritual and Metaphysical Magazine Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian
Award Winning
Conscious Connection Conference May 9, 2015 Page 52
The Frequency Overload in Our High-Tech World by Phyllis Light, Ph.D. Page 20
FREE! March 2015 Volume 36, No. 7
Milwaukee • March 7- 8
30 TALKS &
Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport, 6331 S 13th St, Milwaukee, WI. Sat 10-6, Sunday 11-5 • Weekend Entry $10 •
Off entry price Good on one entry only Cannot combine
Conscious C mmunity FEATURES 20
REBIRTH AND RENEWAL by Chris Alexandria
COLUMNS COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS 6 Upcoming Events ALL ABOUT TOWN... by Theresa Puskar 8 Sound Frequence Healing, Yolanda Lozano ASTROLOGY BASICS 101 by Kaye Berjot 10 Wealth FROM THE HEART by Alan Cohen 16 Whatever Spirit Wants
THE SHARED HEART: New Dimensions of Relationship by Joyce and Barry Vissell 18 How We Internalize Blame SOUND MATTERS by Steven Halpern 22 Grammys, Entertainment, Entrainment and Subliminal Communication CYBERWEAVE: Spirituality and the Internet by Mary Montgomery 24 Animals in the Afterlife
THE MAGICAL WORLD OF NUMBERS by Elizabeth Summers 38 Number Three... Don’t Worry Be Happy COSMIC DAILY WEATHER: Depth Astrology Perspectives by Kelley Hunter, Ph.D. 44 March 2015
On The Cover
Healing Crystals
THE PULSE CALENDAR 30 MARCH Events, Happenings, and Announcements of Interest LIGHTWORKERS CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 34 Resources for Better Living
REVIEWS 42 4 Conscious Community - March 2015
IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock
Conscious Community March 2015 Volume 36, No.7
Art Department ROSS CORSON Web Designer ROSS CORSON Online
CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM Conscious Community is published 12 times yearly by Conscious Community 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 Tel: 847-966-1110 Email:
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Facebook ConsciousCommunity Pinterest: ConsciousCommunity © 2015 Conscious Community. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication.
Letter from the Publisher It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have been elected to the board of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. I am working to establish and maintain the legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard, the founder of the movement. Her teaching has already reached around the world and touched and influenced tens of thousands of people. The Spiritual Learning Center will be sponsoring a fundraiser for Barbara and the Foundation in early May in the Chicago area. If you are on our email list you will receive a notice with the date, time, and location. The Body, Mind, Spirit Expo is here again so I hope you receive your Conscious Connection Magazine early with the information regarding attending. I will be presenting two free classes, one each on Saturday and Sunday at both the Chicago (Northlake) and Milwaukee venues. Last year many Chicagoans made the trip to Milwaukee for the BMSE there because they were unable to see all the free programs they wanted to in Chicago because of scheduling conflicts or because Milwaukee was at a more convenient time or place. Please stop by our booth and say hello. See the full page ads in this and last month’s issue for more details of the conference. My Thursday meditation group is an inspiration to me and I believe to those in attendance. It is a great source of reality testing for all. The question, “What do people want from spirituality?” provoked an animated and extended discussion with some surprising answers. It helped everyone to focus on their group and personal issues while sharing the stories of others about their journey. Learning should be interactive to the extent possible. In some cultures and teaching philosophies the class structure is entirely asking questions and getting answers. Our western structure of lecturing may not be the most effective learning format for a lot of people. Never hesitate or be afraid to ask a question in a class. Sometimes a teacher will defer a question until later, but it should always be later in the same class. The best teachers relish questions because it makes their job easier and gives them important feedback on where the student is in the learning process. Our world continues its journey through chaos to a yet to be determined destination involving peace and safety. There is progress here on the home front in the United States, but the world picture continues to be grim with flashes of disaster. The Middle East situation is deteriorating, in part, a result of ineffective leadership there, and terrorism filling the power vacuum created by that ineffective leadership. ISIS is a genuine threat to world peace and it is not going to go away on its own. When reason is replaced by violence to convert the hearts and bodies of men and women, the only effective response may be violence itself. Perhaps it would be more effective to deal with the violence there before it spreads to our shores as it ultimately will. Pray for peace but keep Teddy Roosevelt’s big stick nearby just in case. Until next time,
Walter Conscious Community - 5
C mmunity Happenings Conscious Connection Conference is on Saturday, May 9th, 2015! Make sure you mark Saturday, May 9th on your calendar, and plan to attend Conscious Community Magazine’s 4th annual spiritual conference at the Odeum in Villa Park. There will be a whole new program, along with our popular free healing room for attendees. The new program will include Native American and mystical experience presentations, plus some of our readers’ favorite writers. Check out the Conscious Connection Conference ad for more information.
Big changes to come at the Rogers Park Meditation Center/Inner Metamorphosis University (IMU) 1418 W. Howard Street, Chicago, IL 60626! They have offered a place for spiritual learning, silence, and friendship since 2005. The IMU Meditation Space will continue to offer meditation classes (, however the storefront itself will become a Vegetarian Mexican Restaurant and Juice Bar starting April 1, 2015. The future restaurant owners currently serve at: Quesadilla La Reina del Sur, at 2235 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 (quesadillalareinadelsur. com/). This soon-to-come restaurant will inhabit the same space as the former Lake Side Café, which was very well known to the greater Chicago community until it closed in 2009, due to its unique Organic Vegetarian and Vegan Cuisine. The owner of the space and IMU host, Amona Buechler, will pack her bags to go on a journey, offering and refining her 20-year-long passion, the Feldenkrais Method (Awareness Through Movement). A group of people who have enjoyed the daily morning meditations for many years will continue to open the doors to the public early mornings. How wonderful, that the spirit of conscious care for and enjoyment of Life at this Rogers Park Howard Street location once again manifests in fresh ways!
“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” Eckhart Tolle
6 Conscious Community - March 2015
Burning Bowl Ceremony The Burning Bowl Ceremony is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. The equinox, solstice, and New Year all present opportunities for renewal, and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back; especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits, unhealthy relationships, old hurts, grudges, regrets, and anything that burdens your mind. Ask yourself these questions: What do I want to cleanse? What do I want to give up? What do I want gone from my life? The Burning Bowl Ceremony is also known as the Phoenix Ceremony. It is about letting go, but it is also about rising from the ashes, renewed as was the Phoenix. Join us in the powerful celebration of letting go and of rising renewed.
Spiritual Learning Center
Thursday, March 19, 2015 Time: 7-8 pm. $10. Location: Burr Ridge. Details available when registering at 312-786-0077, or send us email requesting the Burr Ridge address at: FREE PARKING.
Crystal River Gifts
Friday, March 20, 2015
Time: 7-8 pm. $10. Address: 310 N. LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708.
BMSE Lectures Lecture Schedule
Body Mind Spirit Expo Milwaukee, Ramada Plaza March 7 - March 8, 2015
Metaphysical Dream Interpretation Walter Perschke Publisher of Conscious Community and founder of The Spiritual Learning Center
Saturday, March 7, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Room 1 Dreams are messages from your soul. Our dreams speak to us, find out how to listen. Why do we dream and how can we best remember our dreams? What happens if we don’t dream? What is the secret language of our dreams? What are the archetypes that our dreams present to us and what do they mean? An introduction to metaphysical dream interpretation, complete with real life case histories. Attend this compelling presentation for answers to these and other dream questions. Dreamers welcome. Presented by the Emmy Nominated, Award Winning Publisher of Conscious Community, formerly The Monthly Aspectarian, and Founder of The Spiritual Learning Center.
Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-5
BODY, MIND, SPIRIT EXPO Milwaukee, WI March 7 - March 8 Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport 6331 S. 13th St. Milwaukee, WI Weekend Admission $10
Living Your Dream Sunday, March 8, 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM Room 1 Learn the secrets of how self-made millionaires think differently. Successful people really are different. Learn the secrets of how to manifest your hearts desire and how to consciously realize your dreams in your daily life, whether that be relationships, career or money. Learn the four easy actions you can take to achieved your goals, from someone who has done it, and how to start today! Also learn seven reasons why it doesn’t seem to work for you, even though it actually is. Presented by the Emmy Nominated, Award Winning Publisher of Conscious Community, formerly The Monthly Aspectarian, and Founder of The Spiritual Learning Center.
For more information call: 847-966-1110
All About Town…
Sound Frequency Healing Yolanda Lozano Chicago, IL December 7th, 2014 by Theresa Puskar “You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration.” - Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., Sounds of Healing
Several of the great masters emphasize that there is not only one path to spiritual wholeness, but many. Similarly, powerful healers tend to agree that there are also multiple paths to healing the mind, body, and spirit. I believe there is a smorgasbord of options with anything we do. Our job is to seek those that resonate most highly with us, and integrate them into our ongoing practices. Years ago I made a presumption regarding spiritual enlightenment that I later realized was not accurate. I thought that one would have to have their emotional blocks dealt with and cleared, before he or she could become an enlightened master. As an inspirational audiobook producer and writer, I have been graced to work with some of the most powerful and prolific authors/ practitioners in the business. In several instances, however, I noted that some individuals I worked with had experienced considerable spiritual awakening, or even enlightenment, yet still carried a great deal of emotional baggage. I remember how shocked I was when I experienced this. I came to the realization that emotional health is not a prerequisite for spiritual awakening. That being said, I believe it certainly makes the journey more powerful. While many have found deeper spiritual connection when struggling with their greatest physical and emotional challenges, I believe that clearing all channels of the self – emotional, physical, and spiritual – can only serve to enhance our life experiences, and strengthen our overall well- being. Having emotional clarity and physical balance can allow for greater ease on our spiritual path, as we are not encumbered by many distractions that can pull our focus away from fully engaging in the present. Throughout the years, I have had a great curiosity about the various types of healing options, and I’ve been graced 8 Conscious Community - March 2015
with opportunities to experience many of them. One of the healing modalities I have had an opportunity to experience was sound frequency healing. My first exposure to this form of healing came about while I was a producer at Nightingale-Conant. I was asked to produce three programs with the late Luanne Oakes. She was a powerful healer, and a remarkable woman. Her compassion, commitment, and knowledge of sound frequency healing were extraordinary. Throughout several years of working with her, she recorded many sound frequency healing CDs, along with explanations on the science of sound frequency healing. Fast forward five years, about a year ago I had an opportunity to experience sound frequency healing once again, through the expertise and artistry of Yolanda Lozano and her healing bowls. Yolanda has over 20 years of extensive bi-cultural training in the healing arts from master teachers in India, China and the United States. In the sound frequency healing that she practices, she integrates breathing techniques, toning, chanting, meditation, movement and vibrational energy healing combined with directives to listen to the wisdom of the True Self within. When I first experienced the healing energy that Yolanda facilitated, I was filled with a plethora of thoughts and emotions. With my eyes closed and ears wide open, I started by taking some deep breaths to shake off the strains and stressors of the day. I lay still, allowing my body, mind, and spirit to take in the sounds. Within seconds, I witnessed my mind as it clamored away at the resonances that were new to it: “What could this do? Oh, I like that sound. I wonder which bowl she is using and how she makes this sound. I wonder if it is doing anything to me physically. Hmm, let’s check in. Well, my body is kind of buzzing. Interesting… allow. I’m just going to sit back and allow the sounds to do whatever they are meant to. Who knows? It can’t hurt!”
To date, I have probably experienced at least 40 of Yolanda’s sound frequency healings. There are two things I have noted that have been most poignant with the healing experiences. First, I am always amazed at how calm and still my body becomes. The stresses that my mind has so thoroughly been gathering in my muscles throughout the day melt away. I especially notice that the stress I hold ever so tightly in my jaw with years of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) lets go of its reins. I feel my jaw loosen, and the tension releases. Secondly, I find my mind focusing on various parts of my body. I imagine golden light flooding my organs, bones, and blood. I see the music clearing and cleansing every cell of my body, moving any heaviness or toxicity out of it, and off to archangel Michael. I then see him transforming the energy to light and grounding it back into Mother Earth. One could say, “Well, that’s your imagination.” I believe that it is my imagination, which serves as a powerful portal to divine communication. Thus, if I imagine it working as such, it does.
To contact Yolanda Lozano or to learn more about her upcoming workshops, you can reach her at I will also be doing a workshop on March 7th from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Awakening to the Goodness in Grief at the Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E. Central Road, Des Plaines, IL. Theresa Puskar, our All About Town contributor, is a writer, trainer, speaker and inspirational audiobook producer. She has recently authored The Terri Series – seven children’s books that focus on social issues such as bullying, honoring diversity, celebrating creativity, non-judgment of emotions, finding alternatives to technology-based entertainment, discovering a non-judgmental God, and overcoming fears. She has also recorded a powerful experiential audio program, How to Declutter Your Mind and Live a Heart-Centered Life.
“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of his body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either wakens or soothes the nervous system. It arouses a person to greater passions or it calms him by bringing him peace. According to the sound and its influence a certain effect is produced. Sound becomes visible in the form of radiance. This shows that the same energy which goes into the form of sound before being visible is absorbed by the physical body. In that way the physical body recuperates and becomes charged with new magnetism.” - Hazrat Inayat Khan, Mysticism of Sound As a child, I remember being told that whenever I heard bells, they were heralding the presence of angels. When Yolanda plays her healing bowls, and the chimes sound, I know that there is a massive team of angels in our midst. I believe that each and every one of them works through her and her instruments, to transport healing love and light to everyone who has the privilege of receiving her divine gifts. Of course, on top of being so healing, the music itself is magical. It really has a celestial, “other-worldly” feeling to it. Music fills the soul, and I feel so graced to have ears to hear it and a heart to appreciate it. I know that with each and every sound healing with Yolanda, my body, mind, and spirit join in a delightful dance of divine healing and deepest appreciation.
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by Kaye Berjot In last month’s article we discussed the topic of love, and how
we will all have many opportunities to move towards greater love in unique ways. To continue along with the trend of one word topics in Astrology, we will discuss wealth and where it resides in charts. Wealth or indications of it can be found within the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th houses. This doesn’t mean that the other houses aren’t capable of helping you generate wealth, just that they are not particularly well suited for the task. In order for the remaining houses to come on board and contribute, planets, aspects, and transits will need to play a role. As you know from previous articles the 2nd house is the house of personal wealth and values. This house indicates wealth that you earn by performing tasks. For example, if you have Aquarius in your second house of earned income, you may work in a technology field, or in a field that is unconventional, unique, or cutting edge. It will most likely be in an industry that challenges the status quo, and if it’s not, then you might be the energy that is challenging the status quo. The 5th house is the house of creativity. This is the house that allows you to manifest wealth. Tapping into this energy is important because it’s naturally ruled by the sun, and if you remember from previous articles, the sun is needed in order to make planted seeds grow to their fullest potential. In addition, this house is ruled by Leo, and its motto is “I will.” Therefore if we look at things from a non-technical perspective, the 5th house is the house that “wills” wealth into action. A 5th house Virgo might will wealth into action through creative analytics, by solving complex issues, or even by deconstructing challenges into discernible components that are easy for individuals to digest. In western astrology, the 8th house is the house of other people’s wealth, and is usually wealth accumulated by others and distributed to you. Notice that I did not say that this was money earned by others, but wealth that was accumulated by others. Why is this important? It’s important because this house also rules insurance payouts, taxes, commissions, etc. In most cases the wealth that is dispensed from this house was earned by someone or something else and you are the recipient. An individual with an 8th house Leo might receive wealth once they’ve transformed their ideas about the value that others bring to them. For example, if you receive a large payout, you might reevaluate the level of effort that was required to receive that payout, and you may decide that it was worth the effort, or that 10 Conscious Community - March 2015
it was not worth the effort. In other words, how much of your energy was required. The 9th house is the house of higher learning and knowledge. You might be wondering why I have chosen to include this house as one that is influential in the accumulation of wealth. I’ve done this because the 9th house allows us to understand the value that we place on wealth, and therefore allows us to redefine what wealth is, once it’s been transformed. As a little reminder from Basic Astrology 101-The 12 Houses, the 8th house transforms. The output from transformation is understanding. Someone with a 9th house Taurus might choose to redefine their self-worth, and choose to seek out other opportunities to garner additional wealth because they’ve understood where they may have been devaluing themselves under previous conditions. The 11th house is the house of community. Regardless of the subject or topic the 11th house will for the most part signify how wealth is distributed, what wealth will be distributed, and to whom the wealth is distributed. In most cases, the 11th house will offer you the opportunity to increase your wealth while providing an opportunity for the community to adopt some of your methods of generating wealth. Sharing your methods with others will lead to the ability to create even more wealth. An individual with an 11th house Scorpio might choose to share previously hidden techniques with the community, thereby allowing the creative endeavors to be taken on in unique and creative ways. When evaluating the houses that help define or give insight into wealth, it’s important to keep in mind the 12th house. The 12th house represents the garden, and as we’ve discussed it needs to be cleared out from time to time. Therefore, in order to allow for the maximum opportunities to increase your wealth you must clear out 12th house energies that could place barriers and slow your progress. Summary: A quick and easy way to think of how the “wealth” houses work together is by using the following scenario: The 2nd house is the wealth that you have The 5th house is the wealth that you grow The 8th house is the wealth that you receive The 9th house is the wealth that you define The 11th house is the wealth that you multiply
With St. Patrick’s Day and the luck of the Irish working with us during the month of March, we at Conscious Community Magazine wish you continued blessings and greater abundance through your journey of self-discovery. We thank you for your continued support! Until next time… Kaye Berjot is a transformational astrologer who can be contacted for readings, lectures, and classes at
“Concentrate on what you want to say to yourself and your friends. Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don’t care who’s listening.” Allen Ginsberg
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We track & clear the above in your emotional & physical bodies, thru Timelines, propelling you forward, igniting your 5D Crystalline Self! ÒMy entire life, I felt fractured... NOW I feel whole!Ó Paula, SF, CA
2214 Kennedy Rd., Janesville WI 53545 Conscious Community - 11
Exploring Coaching With Horses by Blair McKissock, MSEd, RYT In this series of articles, we’ve been exploring how we can benefit from a stronger relationship with nature, and how we can strengthen that relationship through horses. Horses are not the only way to a deeper, more connected relationship with the natural world; however, the unique predator/prey relationship of horses and humans provides us with a vehicle for exploration of the self. Interaction with horses can create an opening for true change due to a sometimes intense vulnerability or exposing that we feel when we come face to face with this 1200-pound animal. If you have interacted with horses before, you know the feeling. There are so many dimensions that science is just beginning to explore and document. In the process of change, the horse can be the companion and even the guide. However, it can be helpful to have a coach serve as the navigator or interpreter. Coaches can often fill that role. You are the driver in the process of change, yet just as a horse asks questions during interaction such as “Are you going to be the leader?”, a coach can help ask that one question that reveals a new personal insight that can be the key to reaching your personal goals. A coach is not a therapist. They don’t process past trauma or past emotions. They do, however, help a client look to the future. Let’s take a closer look at how coaching and horse interaction can be a life- changing combination. Wellness or Life coaching has its beginnings in the study of neuropsychology, and focuses on behavior change as a pathway to good health and positive personal perception. Coaches draw upon a variety of tools and techniques to help a person reach their personal, health, and professional goals. Usually this involves exercises that help a person set goals, identify barriers that keep them from accomplishing those goals, and help create strategies to overcome them. The coaching process can be much more involved, as the process of personal change is never easy. What is equine assisted coaching (EAC)? According to the American Horse Council, there are over 9.2 million horses in the US, evidence of the desire for people to connect and interact with horses. Taking advantage of this abundant resource presents a creative opportunity for exploring the more emotional side of the self. Through this interactive process, participants interact with horses in ways that promote connection, with the horse leading the way. The coach then utilizes strategies to promote self-questioning and introspection about the barriers that keep the participants from moving forward toward their personal and professional goals. 12 Conscious Community - March 2015
What does it look like? To put into words exactly how the process works is not easy because there are many unexplainable things that happen during the interaction. How we interact with the horse often reveals patterns in our behavior and thinking in a quick and immediate way. Those are often the patterns that hold us back. The horse is a very authentic animal and always operates from a place of safety; is this person safe? This is the nature of the first interaction. If they determine that you are safe, they begin a conversation with you to determine who is going to lead, you or the horse. The conversation is where the human asks to interact, either through activity or riding, and the horse responds to the person’s body language, their intention, and their energy. Based on how this conversation goes, the coach can interpret the horse’s behavior and ask questions of the client as to why the horse may be responding in a certain way. The coach does not ascribe human emotions to the horse; yet they point out observable behavior of both the human and horse. The client draws the conclusion based on their personal experience. Sometimes the horse acts completely unexpectedly and creates an “aha” moment for the client. The sessions end with a discussion of how these insights can be applied to their everyday life. Interaction with the horses can be on the ground or mounted. Mounted riding can help the client discover somatically where in their body there might be blocks. Ground interaction really focuses on the art of relationship. Sometimes coaches will create activities or challenges the client works through with the horse, or employs a method of natural horsemanship. Some coaches work with HeartMath and neural congruence methods to help the client achieve a level of stillness and peace that they can carry into their daily life. The horse can act almost as a biofeedback mechanism. Other tools pulled from popular methods such as Gestalt Coaching, Yoga on Horseback, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), Centered Riding, and others will complete the tool bag. Through these techniques, coaches can address a variety of issues with clients including stress reduction, fear, personal growth, and inner landscape exploration. The great thing about this approach is that you don’t have to know anything about horses. Why the horse? Horses induce a certain awareness of our own vulnerabilities. They are an unpredictable variable in the equation creating a blank-slate effect. We don’t know how to act, and our most prevalent patterns surface and come to the forefront. In early experiential education research, experts defined a state of “optimal anxiety.” This state is the only place
where humans experience change. In a comfortable state there is no motivation to change, yet when we are pushed to an uncomfortable feeling that produces low anxiety, we are open to learning and change. If pushed too far, people shut down, and are again closed to change. Interaction with horses seems to induce this sweet spot state of anxiety from the start, and the change process is sped up. The involvement of a coach who is knowledgeable about horses and who has been through training in coaching methodology and facilitation helps the client find this sweet spot, helps keep the interaction safe, and helps the client create meaning from the session. Where can I find out more? Finding a coach who is qualified and knowledgeable is paramount. There are several coaches around the country who offer this service and have a range of certifications and training. It is the responsibility of the client to do their homework on a prospective coach. Some coaches have experience and training with both horses and coaching. Some coaches have coaching experience but no horse experience, and will often partner with an equine specialist to create a safe session. Both are acceptable. You can visit the following websites for resources to get started:,,,, eponaquest. com. The coaching process combined with the power of equine interaction and the connection to nature can often be the one thing that helps us examine what patterns hold us back and help us move forward toward a more fulfilling future. Blair McKissock, MSEd, RYT, is a speaker and author on experiential and naturebased learning. Learn more about coaching, OmHorse yoga, and upcoming equine assisted workshops at:
Experience a powerful Hawaiian healing treatment Treatments can heal anything on physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, subconscious & unconscious levels
Kathy Georgen
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CLASSES Kahuna ARCH Healing (Level 1) March 14-15
WORKSHOPS Beginning Meditation April 11 34930 Rt 45, Suite 102, Lake Villa, IL 847-687-7886
Conscious Community - 13
Crystal River Gifts 310 N. LaFox Street • South Elgin, IL 60177 • (224) 535-8708
March Schedule
Reiki Level 1 March 7th - 12:00-4:00 pm March 8th - 1:00-4:00 pm $150 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. After completing Level 1 Reiki you will know how to heal yourself, help your family and friends, manifest goals, use Reiki as a preventive tool. Instructor: Bharat Kalra
A Monthly Moon Goddess Gathering March 14th - 10:00-11:30 am $30 A Monthly Moon Goddess Gathering open to all levels of understanding. We will learn how to create and use a journal to deepen our relationship with the Moon and the 12 signs of the Zodiac as she passes through them, and use this information to deepen the connection between our inner selves and the outer world. No previous knowledge of astrology is required. Please bring a journal & a pen. Preregistration is required. Instructor: Marie Soriano
Chakra Mandala Journey March 14th - 12:00-4:00 pm $35 includes all supplies and light refreshments On this mandala journey, we will create precious pieces of art in which we will embed these intentions, as well as, visually express the full Celtic spiral, of our colorful and radiant chakras. These mandalas can later be used, for continued self-healing, self-
exploration, self-love, and self-expression. Please dress relaxed, and ready, to paint, move, and have fun. Taking home your own personal mandala, as well as having made new, and meaningful, connections with friends. Instructor: Kathleen Brigidina Haerr
In this guided meditation you will be led into a very relaxed state. Once there, you will go through each Chakra and remove any blockages and enhance the qualities of all the individual Chakras. Then incorporate them to work in harmony with each other, and in your life. - Crystal River Staff
Instructor: Diamond
FREE Reiki Share March 18th - 6:30-8:30 pm All Reiki Practitioners are welcome, no matter what level. Come, practice and receive some wonderful Reiki energy. No matter what level you are, it is always a wonderful feeling to get together with other practitioners and talk about your experiences and give and receive answers to questions you or another may have.
Burning Bowl Ceremony with Guided Meditation March 20th - 7:00-8:00 pm $10 Suggested Love Offering The Burning Bowl Ceremony is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. It gives the opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back, especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative experience. Come join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future. Instructor: Walter Perschke
ight*** ***New N
Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation March 5th, 6:30-7:30 pm $10
Feel the wave of tonal tranquility wash over you, melting your barriers to peace, allowing your Light of purity to shine forth - soothing, calming, healing, reconnecting you to wholeness and Holiness. Reclaim your birthright to a sound mind with Celestial Sound.
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls March 21st - 6:00-7:30 pm $25
Drum Circle March 27th - 6:30-8:00 pm $15 This is a great way to release energy, find your inner child, and meet new friends! If you’ve never touched a drum or if you are an experienced percussionist, this Drum Circle is for you!! I will prove to you that “EVERYONE IS A DRUMMER!” Bring your own hand drum or use the ones provided. Join me for an exciting hour of TRIBAL DRUMMING FUN! Then stay for an extra 30 minutes to just let loose and jam, dance, release the past week and welcome in the weekend. Instructor: Andre Peraza
How to Use Muscle Testing for Everyday Life! March 28th - 1:00-3:00 pm $25 This class is for everyone. Muscle Testing is Applied Kinesiology, a way to ask the body for information. Muscle testing is asking the body/mind to give a “yes” strengthening or “no” weakening response. Come and learn various techniques, such as self-muscle testing or testing another person. Learn and practice what questions to ask. Instructor: Sayle Moser
Thursday Night Meditations
Gong Journey March 12th, 7:30-8:30 pm $20
Physical Pain and Meditation March 19th, 6:30-7:30 pm $10
Detoxify your mind and body from the This meditation will help you clearly see stress of daily life. Enjoy a sonic massage the connection between body-pain-mind. that will soothe your soul and lift your If the mind (stress) can cause pain, it spirit. Experience the power of the gong can also alleviate it. Come and join to with Gong Guru, Andre Peraza, an discover your truth. experienced percussionist for over 30 - Bharat Kalra years. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your favorite pillow, blanket and an open mind. The Gong will do the rest. - Andre Peraza
bodyBUZZ March 26th, 6:30-7:30 pm $10 bodyBUZZ Sound Meditation is a musical journey through the Chakras. Participants lay on blankets or Yoga mats, (please bring your own), and meditate to a lovingly composed musicscape. - Marie and Antonio Soriano
Crystal River Gifts 310 N. LaFox Street • South Elgin, IL 60177 • (224) 535-8708
***New Ho
March Intuitive Gala
Saturday, March 21st from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm • Sunday, March 22nd from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm All readings and healing for the weekend Intuitive Gala are $35 for 25 minutes or $70 for 50 minutes Call Crystal River Gifts at (224) 535-8708 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT JOHN GRUBA - Aura Photo Analysis Aura/Chakra Analysis is a tool that uses “Biofeedback”, a sensor for your hand, and a computer screen to display your information. This allows us to see changes in your emotional state, live, as it happens and enables us to make adjustments to our personal vibrations. You will receive a picture and a print out with your analysis. 25 minute readings.
DARLA TEGTMEIER - Raindrop Therapy & Reflexology Raindrop therapy incorporates 9 essential oils with a gentle touch technique to receive numerous physical and spiritual benefits and is a great way to gain ‘inner quiet’. Reflexology stimulates internal organs by pressing on certain points on the feet that correlate to those organs. It also induces a deep sense of peace and relaxation.
DAVED BECK - Psychic Medium A Medium with over 20 years experience connecting with the whisper of LOVE, transforming emotional fear. In 2013, he was inducted into the Lightworkers Hall of Fame and is a recipient of the Lightworkers Life Achievement Award. People’s Choice Around the Globe: Honesty, Integrity, Efficiency, Services.
KEN BENTLEY - Intuitive Reader Being a Psychic with Medical Intuition and with the assistance of Spirit, Ken will guide those in need of direction. Spirit is here to tell you the things you need to hear, to guide you on the path that will bring you peace and happiness and inspire confidence in one’s self.
ROSEWOLF - Psychic and Physical Medium Bringing together messages from spirits & guides, the tarot & shamanic principles, RoseWolf finds the answers to the questions that haunt you most. Since 1994, RoseWolf has been a professional reader, teacher and as always, a student of the spiritual arts.
VERONICA MONTINOLA - Featured Guest Reader 25 minute reading: ONE ROOM FENG SHUI - This reading is designed to get you started with the basics in Feng Shui. 50 minute reading: LO SHU SQUARE MAP - An energetic map known as the Lo Shu square will be drawn onto the floor plan. This reading will include a handout.
FRAN VERZOSA - Psychic Palm Reader
ROXANNE BJORKLUND - Tarot Card Reader and Reiki Practitioner Saturday Only Drawn to the tarot at an early age, Roxanne bought her first deck at the age of 13. For the past 10 years, she has focused on her tarot studies and on doing readings. She believes the tarot cards are a wonderful tool for discovery and assisting others. Roxanne also offers Reiki energy sessions.
Saturday Only
For over seven years, Fran has been following her passion by performing palm/psychic intuitive readings. Fran is able to explain the lines/markings in the palms in order to read an individual’s life story. She is able to feel the psychic energy within people’s hands, see psychic images and predict future endeavors.
$5 off a $25 Merchandise Purchase Expires March 31st
Check out our newly renovated website!
From the Heart Whatever Spirit Wants by Alan Cohen A friend of mine was eager to get her book published, so she attended a panel discussion by successful inspirational authors at a large publishing convention. The authors went into gnarly detail about all the requirements for a new author to be published. As prerequisite piled upon prerequisite and the number of hoops she would have to jump through added up, my friend grew discouraged. “I’ll never be able to do all these things they are telling me I need to do!” she anxiously thought. Then the spotlight turned to panel member Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of the hugely popular Women Who Run with the Wolves. Her comment was brief: “If Spirit wants your book published, it will be published.” And so it is. When I wrote my first book, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, I submitted the manuscript to a dozen publishers, all of whom went thumbs down. So I published the book myself, using money my mother gave me—her life savings. As I was about to leave the printer’s office after making the deal, he said to me, “You know they say you don’t make any money until your third book.” Not what I wanted to hear. I replied, “That’s what they may say, but what they may not know is that my agent is God.” I was not being arrogant; I just had to uphold my work rather than letting it fall prey to negative limiting beliefs. Soon after the book was printed I found a brochure from the company that printed and distributed A Course in Miracles and related books. I considered sending my book to this company, but being shy to promote myself, I tossed the brochure in the wastebasket. The next day I received a letter from a friend, containing a copy of the exact brochure I had tossed. “I think you should send your book to this company,” she told me. Taking the clue, I sent the company my book. They printed and distributed the book and sent out gratis copies to churches and spiritual centers. Before long ministers were quoting the book from the pulpit, it became a bestseller, I received a multitude of invitations to speak, and my life changed in amazing ways. In the musical Damn Yankees, seductress Lola sings, “Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets.” We might even more authoritatively say, “Whatever Spirit wants, Spirit gets.” A Course in Miracles tells us that there are not conflicting wills in the universe. There is only the will of God. What God wills is always good, and it will always happen. Bob Friedman, then-president of Hampton Roads, the company that published the wildly popular Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch, was giving me a tour of the company’s facilities. “When I received Neale’s manuscript, I was not impressed, so I tossed it in the wastebasket,” he told me. “Then my daughter, who was working for me, noticed it and was 16 Conscious Community - March 2015
intrigued by the title. She took the manuscript home, read it, and the next morning told me, ‘Dad, you have to publish this book.’ I reconsidered and published it.” Bob laughed as he pointed to the warehouse full of Conversations with God. “This is the house that Neale built.” More accurately, “the house that Spirit built.” Higher Power gave that book to Neale, who eloquently followed through and did his part. That same Spirit worked through Bob Friedman’s daughter. It was no accident that that book and Neale’s subsequent books have been so successful. Whatever Spirit wants, Spirit gets. If your life and your work are aligned with the intentions of Higher Power, the same Force will give you all you need to succeed. God will help bring your creative expression to the people who can benefit from it. You don’t need to manufacture success alone. You are in partnership with the Intelligence and Love that guides the entire Universe. Great events are not random. They are a part of a divine design. Author Ayn Rand found her way to America from her native Russia in 1926. Struggling to earn a living, she landed in Los Angeles. On her second day, she missed an early bus and took a later one. As she walked along a street in Hollywood, iconic movie director Cecil B. DeMille was exiting his driveway. She said hello to him, they chatted, and he invited her to go to the studio with him, where he was filming King of Kings. DeMille gave her a job as an extra and later hired her as a junior screenwriter. Rand worked her way up to being a screenwriter and eventually wrote the classic novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, two of the most intellectually influential books of the twentieth century. None of the events in that chain were an accident. They were all Spirit’s will. If Spirit wants your book published, or your song, or your art, or for you to be with a particular partner, it will happen. Don’t be daunted by all the human rules you are told you must follow. Humans make up human rules, and God makes up God rules. A Course in Miracles tells us, “Your holiness reverses the laws of the world.” Listen to the lecture on how things get done, but remember how things really get done. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including Relax into Wealth. Join Alan’s upcoming Life Coach Training Program to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your career or personal life. For more information about this program, Alan’s books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit, email
Spiritual Learning Center March 2015 Calendar of Events Guided Meditation with Walter Perschke
Thursday, March 5,12, 26 • 7-8pm • Suggested Love Offering $5
“Now is the time to build bridges. Because when the flood comes, and it will come, you need to be ready. It will be too late to prepare.” Walter Perschke Be a learner to prepare for the changes our world is experiencing now and the changes to come. Learn how to center yourself and enter the inward journey we are all on. Join the peaceful future rather than the chaotic present. The answers are there for us to find. Let us help you to find them. Location: Burr Ridge, details available when registering 312-786-0077 or send us an email requesting the Burr Ridge address to FREE PARKING
Burning Bowl Ceremony with Guided Meditation
Thursday, March 19 • 7-8pm • Suggested Love Offering $10
The Burning Bowl Ceremony is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. It gives the opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back, especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative experience. Come join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future. Instructor: Walter Perschke Location: Spiritual Learning Center, Burr Ridge. Details available when registering 312-786-0077 or send us email requesting the Burr Ridge address to FREE PARKING.
Burning Bowl Ceremony with Guided Meditation @ Crystal River Gifts, South Elgin
Thursday, March 20 • 7-8pm • Suggested Love Offering $10
The Burning Bowl Ceremony is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. It gives the opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back, especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative experience. Come join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future. Instructor: Walter Perschke Location: Crystal River Gifts, 310 N. LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. FREE PARKING. Email: 312-786-0077
The Shared Heart
N ew D i m e n s i o n s o f R e l a t i o n s h i p by Joyce and Barry Vissell
How We Internalize Blame We all carry some degree of self-blame, ways we accuse or condemn ourselves. Often these feelings come from our childhood, where we were blamed for mistakes we made. It’s sad how other people’s blame of us can turn into our blame of ourselves, which then often becomes our secret shame, and can keep us from the happiness we want. When we blame ourselves, it’s then easy to go to step two, which is unworthiness. Rather than seeing ourselves as good people who make mistakes, we can easily choose toxic blame which says we didn’t make mistakes, we ARE the mistakes. With toxic self-blame, there is the deep and hidden feeling that we don’t deserve to be happy and free. When I was somewhere between 10 to 12 years old, my mother described me as “very hard to handle and too strong-willed.” Now I understand this was my mother’s (and father’s) problem, not mine. They just weren’t strong enough, and didn’t have the tools, to set clear limits for me. I vividly remember one incident. My mother was standing in the kitchen cutting vegetables for dinner. I wanted something that she didn’t want me to have. I was hoping I could wear her down until she gave in to me. So I persisted with my begging and pleading. She just stood there cutting the vegetables, without saying another word. I didn’t know she was having a very hard day. I didn’t know how close she was to the breaking point. I simply wanted what I wanted. I could never have been prepared for what happened next. Without warning, her hand shot out and the knife plunged into my right forearm. Shocked at what she had just done, she pulled out the knife, while I stared in disbelief at the stab wound in my arm that was beginning to bleed. Next thing I knew, she was pulling me into the bathroom, and trying to stop the bleeding with a wet towel. My arm hurt, but didn’t have near the life-long impact as the words I heard her say, “Now look what you made me do!” In my childlike mind it seemed crystal clear. My mother stabbing me was my fault! And in the years that followed, my mother often spoke about how incorrigible and stubborn I was at that age. Even Joyce heard about this early in our relationship. Of course, in my mature adult mind, I understood the stabbing was a significant mistake my mother had made. Yet I still carried my mother’s words with me in some deep childlike part of me. Selfblame was buried deep in my feelings. 18 Conscious Community - March 2015
One day in one of our workshops, when I was 50, I had an epiphany. I saw how I still held on to my responsibility in the stabbing. I realized what I had needed as a child instead of this violence. I needed to hear something like, “Barry, I’m getting so upset that I could lose it right now!” I needed her emotional honesty. I needed clear limits. I knew I needed to confront my mother. The timing was good. My mother had just broken her ankle, and I flew to San Diego to help her out. I worked up my courage during the visit, sat down on the couch next to her, and opened with, “Mom, remember the time when you stabbed me in the arm?” Her response was immediate and almost automatic, “That was a time when you were so difficult…” I was now prepared for that response, for the years-old story. I reached out and gently stopped her with my hand and spoke, “Mom, it’s never a child’s fault when a mother stabs a child.” I spoke without anger, just a certainty of the truth. What happened next was what I had needed for the last 40 or so years. She started to cry, and very vulnerably said, “For two years after I stabbed you, I felt so bad about what I had done that I cried myself to sleep every single night. Barry, I’m so sorry.” My heart melted. All I needed was for her to take responsibility for her own mistake. I suddenly felt closer than ever to my mom. I held her while she cried. I forgave her for stabbing me, for blaming me, for it all. Seeing her authentic pain, shame, and remorse opened my heart to forgiveness. At times I tell the stabbing story in a workshop to emphasize the need to take responsibility for all our actions and words. Sometimes during a phone call with my mother, I’d say, “Mom, I told the story about the stabbing in our last workshop.” She’d say, “Oh Barry, people must think I’m a horrible mother!” I’d reassure her, “No, Mom, we all see you as a mother who made a big mistake, yet you’re not defined by that mistake. I see you now as a mother who has more than made up for all the mistakes. You haven’t been a perfect parent, yet who is? I feel deeply loved by you, and for that I am very grateful.”
Self-blame will never serve you. Look within to see if you, too, carry a long-held story where you have been blamed, and now are blaming yourself, perhaps in the same way. No matter what mistakes you have made, you deserve love and forgiveness. Come to think of it, so do your parents, and anyone else who has wronged you.
Chicagoland’s Golden Innovator Awards with
Barbara Marx Hubbard
The Global Voice for Conscious Change
My mother died last September, three days before her 95th birthday. When I look at the healed half-inch scar on my right forearm, I’m so glad I was able to heal this emotional wound with her. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: July 19-24— Shared Heart Summer Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR; Oct. 14-20—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy for individuals and couples; Jan. 31-Feb. 7, 2016—Hawaii Couples in Paradise Retreat.
“Awakening the Power of our Social Potential” May 3, 2015 ~ 2:00-8:00 PM
Register & Details: 847-660-4454
Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift.
Bruce Lipton
BioLife Organic Skin Care "Your Body, Your Skin, Your Self-Image Deserve the Best"
Transcending Beliefs Live a Life Overflowing with Love, Peace, and Happiness Daylong Workshop: Saturday, May 16
Miguel Ruiz jr LIVE Living in Awareness Make new agreements that are inline with your authentic self. Skype mediation with Miguel Ruiz Sr. Daylong Workshop: April 18 Limited Space, Register Today: 847.831.8828 org 847 831 8828 guide with 50+ courses, Free course c events & more. CEUs av available.
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Conscious Community - 19
The Frequency Overload in our High-Tech World by Phyllis Light, Ph.D. Do you ever feel overwhelmed in life? Exhausted? Like you don’t have enough time or energy to get everything done? Do you ever wonder, deep down, if life is worth living like this? Life in our world today can be quite overwhelming and exhausting. But it is not because of what you may think. The culprit happens to be completely invisible, and thus often eludes us, as we seek solutions to alleviate the stress we feel. Think about how often you interact with anything electric, electronic or battery-powered? You probably carry a cell phone with you all the time. There is a battery in the cell phone, and there are electronic frequencies that get broadcast to the cell phone that allow it to function. Some people even sleep with their phone under their pillow, or beside their bed, exposing themselves, throughout the night, to the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that the phone generates. You may use that cell phone or other wireless device daily, checking your emails, texting your friends and family, or connecting with Facebook and other social media. Or you probably use a computer daily, at home or work. When you get in your car, you may listen to Sirius radio, filling you with electronic frequencies from overhead satellite transmissions. When you go to your local coffee house, those same electronic frequencies usually fill the air. You may enjoy movies and videos that are streamed to your TV, computer, or other mobile device, via the internet, which is loaded with all kinds of detrimental fields and frequencies from all the electronic devices connected to it. Some people use a VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol), where they communicate on phone lines via the internet, also exposing themselves to the internet’s myriad of electronic frequencies. Often people use Skype, or post videos of themselves online, putting their faces and bodies in the electromagnetic fields of the camera, computer, and internet as well. So what is the problem with being exposed to all these EMFs? Isn’t this just a “normal” part of life? Here is the problem: Anything electric, electronic, or battery-powered creates an unnatural electromagnetic field that has a weakening effect on the human energy field surrounding a person’s body. The more your energy field gets weakened, the more health problems can ensue—fatigue, headaches, eyestrain, allergies, asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and a variety of autoimmune system disorders that plague people in our world today, as a result of the frequency overload. In addition to creating health challenges, exposure to EMFs also creates depression, irritability, and stress. How many people feel the need to take anti-depressant medication, but can’t figure out what’s making them feel depressed? When you fight an 20 Conscious Community - March 2015
“invisible enemy,” you have no idea what you are up against or what you can do to win the battle. We are swimming in a soup of life-damaging frequencies daily, from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep, and throughout the night as well! Here are some suggestions as to what you can do to alleviate the stress to some degree: - Limit your use of electronics. Take a 30 minute rest from your computer or other mobile device every 30 minutes. - Don’t give up your land line (i.e., use your cell phone only for emergencies). - Install your wireless internet in a way that you can turn it off at night, so that the frequencies don’t continually bombard you while you’re sleeping. - Get a regular alarm clock to help you wake up, and turn your cell phone off at night. - Don’t sit with the TV remote control on your lap (remember, it has a battery in it.) - Don’t post “a million photos” of yourself—or your newborn baby—on the internet or on your cell phone! - Talk with your neighbors about turning off their WiFi at night (since their networks are usually generating frequencies in YOUR place as well!!) These suggestions may seem impractical, but any steps you can take to reduce the enormous amount of life-damaging bombardments you sustain daily can only bring relief and alleviate suffering. We are being unbelievably challenged in our world today on so many levels, and the more you can reduce your exposure to all the high-tech frequencies, the more your mind, body, and spirit will thank you! Phyllis Light, Ph.D, in Psychology, counselor, and author, is an expert in “Telepathic Healing.” With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Light has done pioneering subtle energy research, creating the Rejuvenizer technology, to protect from and repair damage to a person’s energy field from life in a high-tech world. For more information: 512-301-2999 or
The Gateway to Heaven on Earth Exists in Your Mind
by Dr. Michael Cotton
Lately I have been thinking about ‘heaven on earth’ and I am wondering how many of us really truly believe this to be a possibility. We say things like, “we want to transform”, and “the world can become a place of joy and abundance and possibility for all”…. But do we believe it? Do we truly believe it? What if it were true? What would we do then? What if… The demanding and complex modern world we live in has exceeded the capacity of our lower primitive brains processing system. The result to this overload is quite naturally increased stress, anxiety, foreboding and apathy in our daily lives. Researchers tell us that the stress will kill us and we must change our habits or die. New-age gurus tell us to change our thoughts and we be fulfilled. Good information, except it’s not working. A recent Harris Poll found that two-thirds of American adults are not very happy. This is tragic. It’s tragic in light of modern neuroscience. You and I (and all of humanity) have brain structures, referred to by esteemed brain researcher Dr. Paul McLean as ‘angel lobes’. The name was given to this newly evolved area of our brain, due to the association in these brain structures with higher consciousness, deeper meaning in life, joy, spiritual connection and purpose. When engaged and energized these dormant new brain areas lead to a profoundly enhanced way to experience the world. We, modern humans, have a brain designed for transcendence, joy and meaning and yet, we aren’t even happy…. what’s wrong here? Alexandrian philosopher, Plotinus stated; “mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beast”. I think that’s right and I think modern neuroscience confirms it. The lower survivalbased brain (having evolved at a time when the environment was predator-rich) is primitive and outmoded but is still the major influence on the experience and direction of our lives. Fear-based lower brain mechanisms arrest our forward momentum, cycling us back into a life of familiar habits (even if they are negative) because to the lower brain ‘sameness equals safety’. In our 21st century lives these primitive lower brain survival mechanisms are at war with higher brain growth and evolution. The higher brain wants to change and grow, but below our conscious awareness the old lower brain says “oh no you don’t, change is scary, let’s stay the same.”
We are indeed ‘poised midway between the gods and the beast’, midway between the higher and lower brain. Stuck. We see glimpses of our transcendence and yet are pulled back down into old familiar patterns. We are living from a state of fear, sameness, stress, anxiety and apathy, instead of joy, purpose, passion and meaning. Enough is enough. Isn’t it time we bring our awareness to this uniquely human predicament and take up a path that awakens our (dormant) higher brain? Imagine a world where the highest part of our brain was awakened in all of humanity and we brought that empowered state to all areas of life. Could we create heaven on earth? If enough of us committed to this shift from the lower stress brain to the higher enlightened brain, not only would our own lives transform, but the ultimate result could only be a beautiful new world for all of us. I am on fire with this possibility! Will you join me? The Higher Brain Living® system is one such path to individual and collective transformation. HBL is designed to promote a gentle surge of energy into the latent potential of our higher brain and provide a revolutionary new way to bring that empowered higher brain state to all areas of our lives. To pre-register for our next event in Chicago click here: Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the Founder of Higher Brain Living®. He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic and is the Creator of the revolutionary Higher Brain Living® Technique.
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Conscious Community - 21
Sound Matters: by Steven Halpern
Grammys, Entertainment, Entrainment and Subliminal Communication As in 2013, “music’s biggest night” took place at the same time as the final day of the amazing Conscious Life Expo, where I was presenting a workshop. I’ll share some Expo highlights, including Gregg Braden’s masterful keynote talk, in a future article. One of my friends asked as I left the expo early to watch the show in my hotel room, “Why would you, a sound healer, watch the Grammys?” I don’t recall ever being asked that before, and as I replied, I thought that might be a good way to begin. Did you watch the Grammys this year? Do you usually watch? I ask that because the only one I missed was the 2013 show, when it conflicted with the after-party that I, as a nominee for Best New Age album, had tickets for. (I had to leave the live show due to the pain I experienced due to the high volume.) First and foremost, I’m a musician, and the Grammys usually feature some one-of-a-kind moments when master musicians perform together for the first and only time. My teachers and mentors, including jazz greats Ron Carter and Larry Coryell, encouraged me to listen to all kinds of music, especially when played by top tier artists. I appreciate being able to hit the mute button on my TV when some of the performances don’t resonate with me. Audiences are accustomed to spectacle at these award shows, and I expected the featured artists to step up their game. Some did, yet many did not. I watch to see how many times the word “healing” is used throughout the evening, with LL Cool J referencing the power of music, on many levels. I watch to see how many gospel choirs might be included, which use visual entrainment of coordinated arm movements to enhance the rhythmic entrainment of the rhythms of the music to enhance the entertainment value. (Sic) Longtime readers of my articles will recall that I discussed this in relation to Fantasia’s performance on American Idol. In that commentary, I referenced amazing cross-cultural ethnomusicology research, which I was introduced to in 1973, 22 Conscious Community - March 2015
that traced the lineage from indigenous cultures through to current gospel and pop music. Researchers such as Morton Marks link the use of certain rhythms, movements, and gestures to facilitate a connection to the divine, and to healing through music. Many writers, such as Mikael Wood, writing in the Los Angeles Times, commented on the difference this year in the quality of the spectacle we were presented with. He, like many others, could not miss the obvious symbolism that audiences were greeted with, from the opening performance by AC/DC, through Madonna, to Katy Perry. When AC/DC played their classic, “Highway To Hell”, the camera panned to a number of attendees suddenly wearing little red horns on their head. The stage set was all red and black, as it was for Madonna. (Was I the only guitarist who was counting how many iconic Marshall amplifiers were stacked on stage? I wondered how loud that must have been, and how that industrialstrength volume would affect the hearing of the older artists sitting in the front rows, like Richard Perry and Tony Bennett?) As Wood writes, “And let’s not forget the vaguely satanic phantasmagoria Madonna devised for the performance of her new single, “Living for Love”.” Later on, he used almost the same words as I did to describe Annie Lennox’s performance of the Screamin’ Jay Hawkins classic “I Put a Spell on You.” I saw him perform that in person back in 1965, and Annie took it to another level. Wood noted, “She sang with a growl in her voice, and a possessed look in her eyes.” Was she in the zone as an amazing artist, or was there another level at play, beyond the metaphor of the title? Do we see a theme here? Is this all just coincidence? If so, what does it mean?
What would Joseph Campbell say? I wondered if anyone else wondered about these things, as I watched alone on Sunday night. I didn’t have my computer with me, so I was isolated from the blogosphere in the immediacy of
titled song, “Take Me to Church”, sung earlier in the show. Why was it sung by Beyoncé, rather than Ledisi, who actually sang the gospel standard, “Take My Hand, Precious Lord,” in the film Selma? After all, they had John Legend and Common, who wrote and sang the song in the movie, reprise their soundtrack performance.
the moment. At the airport flying home the next day on a delayed flight, I had time to read a lot of commentaries, and wow, there were way more than I would have expected. I was reminded of the famous Bob Dylan “Ballad Of A Thin Man” song lyrics, “Because something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Jones?”
Yours in the resonance,
If Joseph Campbell were alive, I’m sure he’d be commenting on the mythological context that we were witnessing; referencing ancient cave paintings of bulls, and other ritual ceremonies. I’m not an expert in this field, so I’ll leave it at that. If you’re interested in finding out more of what was going on behind the scenes, or subliminally (or not-so-subliminally), you may want to do your own internet search. It may be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were, yet you may find food for further thought.
Steven Halpern Steven Halpern is a leading expert in the healing and transformative powers of sound and music. He is currently celebrating his 40th anniversary as a founding father of New Age music. His upcoming release is Among Friends: 19752015, featuring Paul Horn, David Darling, Jai Uttal, and others.
Workshop & Expo with
Bottom line: With the Grammys, or Super Bowls, we often see amazing visual symbolism tied to the music. Is there more here than meets the eye and ear? With reference to Freudian psychology, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” But sometimes there are other levels as well. How can you tell? How can you use healing music to restore balance? Let me know what you think. Medium and Healer
I also wondered about the closing performance, which took us back to church, more so than Hozier’s similarly-
Patty Horton
Medium & Healer Patty Horton Body Mind & Spirit Expo North Lake, Illinois February 28 & March 1 Booth #11 Using Energy to Enhance your Intuition and Psychic Development….. May 3rd 2015 Mixin Mingle Woodstock, IL 60098 For tickets and info on all local Workshops, Classes, Services & Special Events go to:
Attend Our FREE Introductory Course! ‘The Matrix Energetics Experience’
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Conscious Community - 23
CyberWeave: Spirituality and the Internet by Mary Montgomery
Animals in the Afterlife I recently tuned in to a podcast that featured Lori Spagna, an animal communicator and author of the eBook, Animals in the Afterlife ( Lori’s topic was “The Secret Energy of Money,” yet it was her bio that got me thinking about the idea that humans are not the only ones to populate the afterlife. The idea of animals in the afterlife is not new to me. A few years ago, I had some startling evidence that our animal friends survive on the other side. My elderly cat Zen was very sick, yet hanging on. As I did my daily meditation, I would suddenly feel a cat brushing against my leg. I would quickly open my eyes and look around. No cat was in sight. Not old Zen, or the young guy, Merlin. This happened over and over, and I got a strong feeling that it was Zen’s old pal Sylvester, who was hanging around to help guide her over. I was there when Zen passed away. She had crawled onto my enclosed back porch, and as she took her last breath, she stretched out toward the wall, like she was trying to go right through it. It reminded me of those near death stories where the folks in transition try to move up and out of their death beds just before they die. The most startling evidence, however, occurred the evening after Zen died. I was sitting watching TV, and my young cat, Merlin, was sleeping on a chair opposite me. Suddenly Merlin looked up with a startled look in his eyes. For a full 10 minutes, his head kept going back and forth as he followed something that zoomed around above him. Then, just as suddenly, he stopped and resumed his calmly curled up and relaxed position. I just knew it was Zen, saying goodbye, and letting us know that she was just fine now. I’m a Spiritualist, and we believe that animals go to an afterlife. Therefore, I wasn’t too surprised when one of our National Spiritualist Association of Churches ( mediums brought up Zen, and said that she would bring me a new cat. I really didn’t think too much about that prediction until I went to my vet to pick up Zen’s ashes. The first thing he said was, “Mary, I have a kitten for you.” I wasn’t planning to get another cat just yet, yet that’s how my black cat, Glenda (Glinda) the Good Witch became part of my family. 24 Conscious Community - March 2015
These memories inspired me to devote this month’s CyberWeave column to my Internet exploration of animals in the afterlife. Here are some highlights from that exploration: YouTube ( I did a search for animals in the afterlife and right near the top of the list was Lori Spagna’s documentary, “Animals in the Afterlife.” The entire video in eight parts can be viewed on YouTube. There are several other videos about animals in the afterlife that can be accessed at YouTube. One rather interesting one was a segment from Catholic Answers (, which answered a listener’s question, “Is there an afterlife for animals.” The answer, given by Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin: “Historically, Catholic theologians have recognized that all living things have souls of one kind or another…human beings have rational souls. According to the historic theological understanding only rational souls survive death. On that reckoning, only human beings survive physical death…but, I cannot say from my own knowledge that that’s the definite teaching of the church…” I found this video particularly fascinating because of a fascinating article that was published in the Jan. 18, 2015 edition of the Ironton Tribune ( The article, “Is there an afterlife for animals?” by Michelle Goodman, features this intriguing bit of information: “Pope Francis said something this past December to a little boy whose dog recently died. He said, ‘One day, we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.’” Ah, leave it to that Franciscan, Pope Francis, to push the envelope on this. It’s not surprising, though. St. Francis of Assisi was known for being able to communicate with the animals, and feeling at one with creation. And Pope Francis seems to be following in that saint’s big footsteps. Afterlife TV with Bob Olson ( This is one of the go-to websites for afterlife interviews. It is not surprising, then, that an excellent two-part interview with Danielle Mackinnon, “Do pets go to the afterlife?” can be found there. Mackinnon is a Soul Contract Intuitive, Animal Intuitive, and Intuitive Coach ( Here is a tiny, yet significant excerpt from that interview:
us to ponder this striking and somewhat unexpected quote from Albert Einstein: “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
Bob Olson, Afterlife TV: “…we talk about pets and usually people think cats and dogs…where do we draw the line as far as what animals go to the afterlife?” Danielle MacKinnon: “There is no line. In my experience it’s every animal, every insect, every fish. It’s everybody with a consciousness can cross to the other side and can actually still be connected to and communicated with. There is no line…” One thing I really like about the Afterlife TV website is the fact that you can read the transcript of the interview as well as view the video.
My Advice: I’ve only scratched the surface on the topic of animals in the afterlife. What I want to hear are your thoughts and stories about animals in the afterlife. Please send them to me at so I can share them with my readers. In the meantime, I think I’ll take advantage of that Amazon gift card I got for my birthday, and download some of those animals in the afterlife books to the Kindle app on my iPad.
After Death Communication Research Foundation (adcrf. org): I was expecting great things from this site. After all, it is one of the go-to sites for researching After Death Communication (ADC) and, therefore, the afterlife. I know there must be some interesting animal ADCs among the thousands of stories. There is a search function at the top left of the page where you can search on “animals”, “pet”, “cat”, or “dog” for each batch of published ADCs. (Editor’s Note: I searched “animal afterlife” and found ADC (and Related) web links, yet none of the links worked.)
Mary Montgomery’s company, Montgomery Media Enterprises, specializes in public relations, writing projects, and web authoring, development and publicity, especially in the non-profit sector. Ms. Montgomery has a Master’s Degree in religious studies from Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS), and is working on a Ph.D. with a focus on the scholarship of Unlimited Love and the Other Regarding Virtues. Contact her via email at Please use CYBERWEAVE in the subject line.
Amazon ( Wow! If you want to find a treasure trove of resources on animals and the afterlife, this is the place! You can download them all to your Kindle if you have one, or buy some in paperback. Here is just a partial list: Animals and the Afterlife: True Stories of Our Best Friends’ Journey Beyond Death by Kim Sheridan; Animals in the Afterlife by Lori Spagna; Animals in Spirit: Our faithful companions’ transition to the afterlife by Penelope Smith; “I’m Home!” a Cat’s Never Ending Love Story: Pets Past Lives, Animal Reincarnation, Animal Communication, Animals Soul Contracts, Animals Afterlife & Animals Spirits by Brent Atwater, (there is also a companion book “I’m Home!” a Dog’s Never Ending Love Story); and There is Eternal Life for Animals by Niki Behrikis Shanahan. There is also one entitled, Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven by Steven H. Woodward. Compassion Circle ( I am concluding this column, not with an animals in the afterlife website, yet with this one, which is dedicated to creating awareness and expanding compassion toward all beings with whom we share this planet. The site and the movement were founded by one of the above named authors, Kim Sheridan. Kim learned to love all animals, including rats, at a very young age. Therefore, the Compassion Circle focuses not only those animals that are commonly accepted as companion animals, yet also those that are often overlooked, and whose abuse is often unfairly justified,(sic) such as cows, pigs, birds of all types(including chickens and turkeys), fishes, and even rats. The Compassion Circle is more than a website. It is the home to a Rat Refuge and Fish Refuge. They also sell a line of crueltyfree foods, supplements, and other products for companion animals. They invite you to sign up for their emails and explore their site. I did both and so can you. The home page also invites
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Crystal River Gifts 310 N. LaFox Street • South Elgin, IL 60177 • (224) 535-8708
FREE Tuesday Night Program Tuesday Nights in March 7:00 - 8:30 pm BELLY DANCING - March 3rd Come and learn the history, as well as the benefits of belly dancing. Find out what it is and what it is not. If you have ever thought about taking a belly dancing class, but were hesitant for any reason, come to this workshop and have all your questions answered by the highest rated belly dance instructor in the Chicagoland area. Celebrating confidence, femininity, and vitality in women of all ages, sizes, and fitness abilities. No prior dance experience necessary.
Instructor: Serafina
THETA HEALING - March 10th Theta Healing is a multi-faceted mind and body technique that allows for immediate transformation on all levels of our being. Based on principles of quantum physics and epigenetics, this scientifically proven method can effect instant changes in the physical body as well as emotional, psychological, intellectual and spiritual well being. With Theta Healing, changes occur on a deep cellular and DNA level, permanently changing the makeup of one’s physical and energetic body. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, Theta Healing is currently one of the fastest growing modalities in the world. Being taught in over 30 countries to thousands of people every year, it has become one of the most powerful, potent and cutting-edge energy healing paradigms around. Come learn about the transformation that is possible in your life NOW.
Instructor: Adrianna L’Amour
LEARNING TO LET GO: Life-Affirming Techniques for Change and Transformation March 24th From relationships to our careers and jobs, spirituality and our well-being, our lives can be one big, evolving set of changes. When change is overwhelming and stressful, our energy can get depleted, and our enthusiasm for life can fall into depressive states of consciousness. In this class, learn basic techniques on how to embrace change that will lead to positive life-affirming transformation. Soul Clearing practitioner and spiritual educator, Catherine Filarski teaches how to embrace change and transformation by using powerful techniques that can be used in daily life.
Instructor: Catherine Filarski
HYPNOSIS; What is it and Why Do I Care? - March 31st I don’t need to cluck like a chicken. Is it some kind of mind control? Will I blurt out secrets? I’m too smart to be hypnotized. Those people are weird. I’m not letting anyone else loose in my mind. What if I get stuck? Don’t look in her eyes. Come learn the real truth about what hypnosis is and isn’t. Did you know you can learn to hypnotize yourself? Understand how your mind works and how hypnosis can help you with your everyday life issues like stress and fears. It’s not just for stage shows anymore; businessmen and athletes use hypnosis to up their game. Students use it to help with study skills and test taking. What could you use it for?
Instructor: Olivia Shelkey
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Conscious Community
Pulse Calendar
March 2015
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August 2014 Volume 35, No. 12
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On The Cover Healing Crystals
15 16 17 • EFT FULL LEVEL ONE Willowbrook
22 23 24 • MARCH INTUITIVE GALA South Elgin
5 6 7
NG - South
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21 • BACK & SHOULDER PAIN RELEASE - Homewood • FREE REIKI SHARE - South Elgin
25 26 27 28 • HIP & KNEE PAIN RELEASE - Homewood
• DRUM CIRCLE - South Elgin
1 2 3 4
8 9 10 11
Pulse Calendar Monday, March 2 RELEASE OF STRESS, HEAVEN MEETS EARTH YOGA Evanston, 1-3pm, & 4-6pm, $30/$20, $30 for 2, 2CE’s for Yoga Instructors & Massage Therapists, Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Tuesday, March 3 BELLY DANCING - 7 – 8:30 Come and learn the history, as well as the benefits of belly dancing. Find out what it is and what it is not. If you have ever thought about taking a belly dancing class but were hesitant for any reason, come to this workshop and have all your questions answered by the highest rated belly dance instructor in the Chicagoland area Instructor: Serafina. Free. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Thursday, March 5 CHAKRA BALANCING GUIDED MEDITATION - 6:30 – 7:30 $10 In this guided meditation you will be led into a very relaxed state. Once there, you will go through each Chakra and remove any blockages and enhance the qualities of all the individual Chakras. Then incorporate them to work in harmony with each other, and in your life. Instructor: Crystal River Staff. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. We ask that you please call Crystal River Gifts at 224-535-8708 to reserve your spot for our meditations. Space is limited and we do not want you to be disappointed upon your arrival. GUIDED MEDITATION WITH WALTER PERSCHKE Thursday, March 5, 12, 26 7-8pm Suggested Love Offering $5 “Now is the time to build bridges. Because when the flood comes, and it will come, you need to be ready. It will be too
late to prepare.” Walter Perschke Be a learner to prepare for the changes our world is experiencing now and the changes to come. Learn how to center yourself and enter the inward journey we are all on. Join the peaceful future rather than the chaotic present. The answers are there for us to find. Let us help you to find them. Location: Burr Ridge details available when registering 312-786-0077 or send us email requesting the Burr Ridge FREE PARKING. FREE PARKING. 312-786-0077. Saturday, March 7 FREE ONLINE SELF-HELP HYPNOSIS GROUP WITH DR. GILES -All welcome. We meet using free video software at 10 am. Space is limited. Our March focus will be “Energy Drains.” To register go to and click on Groups. WAKENING TO THE GOODNESS IN GRIEF - 10:30am4:30pm, with writer Theresa Puskar at The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E. Central Rd, Des Plaines. You will inevitably experience grief. Whether expected or not, any deep loss is difficult. Explore grief from a new paradigm, and uncover a portal to richer insights and deeper awakenings. $65, ARE members $55. 847-299-6535. Saturday-Sunday, March 7-8 REIKI LEVEL ONE TRAINING - Saturday March 7th 12 – 4 & Sunday March 8th 1 – 4 $150 Instructor Bharat Kalra. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-5358708.
Attention Advertisers Did you know that the Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with 20 words minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card must accompany calendar listings.
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March 13th 6:30-9:30pm Friday Night Mixer! Come celebrate Friday the 13th in a unique way. Join us for the first of many Friday Night Mixers at Crystal Earth Rock Shop. We will be joined by several practitioners who will be offering 10-15 minute sessions. More Events to come! For more information about these events at Crystal Earth Rock Shop, join our Facebook page!
Tuesday, March 10 INTRODUCTION TO EFT - Leaning Tower YMCA, Niles, 8-10pm, 2CE’s, free, Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Wednesday, March 11 UFO’S, CROP CIRCLES, ST. MALACHY, LAST POPE, JESUS, MAITREYA - How are they all related? 6:30-8:30pm, Garrett Wellness, 3020 N. Kimball, Chicago. Free. , Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Thursday, March 12 GONG JOURNEY - 7:30 – 8:30 $20 Detoxify your mind and body from the stress of daily life. Enjoy a sonic massage that will soothe your soul and lift your spirit. Experience the power of the gong with Gong Guru, Andre Peraza, an experienced percussionist for over 30 years. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your favorite pillow, blanket and an open mind. The Gong will do the rest. Instructor: Andre Peraza. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. We ask that you please call Crystal River Gifts at 1-224-535-8708 to reserve your spot for our meditations. Space is limited and we do not want you to be disappointed upon your arrival. GUIDED MEDITATION WITH WALTER PERSCHKE Thursday, March 5, 12, 19, 26.See Thursday, March 5th listing for full details. LIVE DEMONSTRATION OF HIGHER BRAIN LIVING® 7:00-8:30pm. Upgrade Your Life! , Chicago. RSVP:
CandlesZodiac Chakra Affirmation & Blessed Herbal Beeswax
Saturday, March 14 A MONTHLY MOON GODDESS GATHERING - 10 – 11:30am $30 A Monthly Moon Goddess Gathering open to all levels of understanding. We will learn how to create and use a journal to deepen our relationship with the Moon and the 12 signs of the Zodiac as she passes through them. We will learn to set intentions for ourselves, recognize our patterns of emotion and thought, and use this information to deepen the connection between our inner selves and the outer world. This gathering will be experiential and held in a manner that offers safety and respect, in a nonjudgmental environment. No previous knowledge of astrology is required, however, to deepen your understanding of astrology, private consultations are available by appointment. Please bring a journal & a pen. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Marie Soriano. CHAKRA MANDALA JOURNEY - Noon-4pm $35 per person includes all supplies and light refreshments. Join us for a fun half day experience of unleashing our unique creativity, visualizing new possibilities, and expanding our own inner growth and healing. As we will be entering the time of the Spring Equinox, we will set intentions for the new beginnings we desire in our lives. On this mandala journey, we will create precious pieces of art in which we will embed these intentions, as well as, visually express the full Celtic spiral, of our colorful and radiant chakras. These mandalas can later be used, for continued self-healing, self-exploration, self-love, and self-expression. We will listen to music, share a few energy techniques, and movements, as well as briefly explore the history, meanings, and uses of mandalas in various cultures around the world. Please dress relaxed, and ready, to paint, move, and have fun. Taking home your own personal mandala, as well as having made new, and meaningful, connections with friends Instructor: Kathleen Brigidina Haerr. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Conscious Community - 31
CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR NEARDEATH STUDIES (IANDS)/INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCES (ISEE), support/ study group/resource/forum for spiritual experiences, neardeath experiences, out-of-body experiences, losses, research. Saturday, March 14, 2015: Guest Speaker: ALMA BLAZQUEZ, Intense NDE 3 years ago. Don’t miss it!... Frank Auditorium in Evanston Hospital. 2-5 pm. Free covered parking. For more info: 847.251.5758 or PSYCHIC FAIR - Enlightened Balance @ 30 F North Williams, Brink Street Market, Historic Downtown Crystal Lake. First Come First Serve from 11 am until 6 pm. 815-307-1180. Sunday, March 15 EFT FULL LEVEL ONE - SoderWorld Wellness, Willowbrook, 10am-4pm, 6 CE’s, $89, Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Wednesday, March 18 BACK & SHOULDER PAIN RELEASE - Insight Awareness, Homewood, 4-6pm & 6:30-8:30pm, $30/$20, $30 for 2. 2CE’s, Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, FREE REIKI SHARE - 6:30 – 8:30 All Reiki Practitioners are welcome, no matter what level. Come, practice and receive some wonderful Reiki energy. No matter what level you are, it is always a wonderful feeling to get together with other practitioners and talk about your experiences and give and receive answers to questions you or another may have. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Thursday, March 19 AWAKEN YOUR POTENTIAL THROUGH THE POWER OF YOUR BRAIN - 7 - 8:30 pm. Attend a live demonstration of a revolutionary gentle-touch method that energizes the most evolved part of your brain. $75, but FREE if you register at least 72 hours in advance. 5225 Old Orchard Rd., Suite 36, Skokie. Pre-registration is required. (847) 834-9073 or GUIDED MEDITATION - PHYSICAL PAIN AND MEDITATION - 6:30 – 8 $10. This mediation will help you clearly see the connection between body-pain-mind. If the mind (stress) can cause pain, in can also alleviate it. Come and join to discover your truth. Instructor: Bharat Kalra. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. We ask that you please call Crystal River Gifts at 224-535-8708 to reserve your spot for our meditations. Space is limited and we do not want you to be disappointed upon your arrival. THE BURNING BOWL CEREMONY is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. It gives the opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that 32 Conscious Community - March 2015
is holding you back, especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative experience. Come join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future. Instructor: Walter Perschke. Time: 7-8pm. Location: Burr Ridge details available when registering 312-786-0077 or send us email requesting the Burr Ridge FREE PARKING. PRACTICE YOUR INNER GUIDANCE - Learn how thoughts and emotions affect your body. Learn Muscle testing. Release negative energies attached to you., Infinity Foundation, Highland Park, 7-8:30pm, 2CE;s, , Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Friday, March 20 SACRED ASCENSION HEALING BREATH WORKSHOP 7-9:30 pm Sohmar Massage School... 515 Ogden Ave...Suite 300 Downers Grove Register: Shirlee Hall 630-202-3818 $65 THE BURNING BOWL CEREMONY is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. It gives the opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back, especially negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative experience. Come join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future. Instructor: Walter Perschke. Time: 7-8pm. Location: Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Saturday, March 21 A NEW NATIVE WAY ONE-DAY WORKSHOP 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Immerse yourself in a holistic experience of sensory and spiritual exploration as we examine the mysteries of the heart, mind, body, and spirit through shamanic journeys and practices. Join us at Tau Center, 26W171 Roosevelt Road, Wheaton Illinois. Visit: for details and registration. CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS - 6 – 7:30 pm $ 25 Feel the waves of tonal tranquility wash over you, melting your barriers to peace, allowing your Light of purity to shine forth; soothing, calming, healing and reconnecting you to wholeness and Holiness. Reclaim your birthright to a sound mind with Celestial Sound. Instructor: Diamond. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Saturday-Sunday, March 21-22 MARCH INTUITIVE GALA - Saturday March 21st 10 – 5, Sunday March 22nd 12-5 All readings and healings are 25 minutes for $35 and 50 minutes for $90 Featured Reader John Gruba Aura Photo Analysis (25 minute readings) Aura/Chakra Analysis is a tool that uses “Biofeedback”, a sensor for your hand, and a computer screen to display your information. This allows us to see changes in your emotional state, live, as it
happens and enables us to make adjustments to our personal vibrations. You will receive a picture and a print out with your analysis. Other Readers Daved Beck, RoseWolf, Ken Bentley, Roxanne Bjorklund (Saturday only) Veronica Montinola (Saturday only), Fran Verzosa (Saturday only). Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Sunday, March 22 MERIDIAN TOUCH QIGONG - 2 - 4 pm. Be guided through a restorative series of movements that balance energy flow in your body and promote awareness. Fee: $50. Receive a 75% discount if you register at least 72 hours in advance. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd., #1, Highland Park. Pre-registration is required. (847) 834-9073 or HOW TO START AN ORGANIC GARDEN - 2-5pm, with Master Gardener Paul Dennis at The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E. Central Rd, Des Plaines. Planting, fertilizing, rotating, what grows well together, sunlight requirements, heirloom seed sourcing. Also, the role of the organic garden in caring for our bodies, minds and spirits. $25, ARE members $20, (includes an ARE donation for promoting future organic gardening and health programs). 847-299-6535. Wednesday, March 25 HIP & KNEE PAIN RELEASE - Insight Awareness, Homewood, 4-6pm & 6:30-8:30pm, $30/$20, $30 for 2. 2CE’s, Tom Masbaum, EFT-ADV. 708-955-3634, Thursday, March 26 bodyBUZZ SOUND MEDITATION IS A MUSICAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHAKRAS. 6:30 – 7:30 $10 Participants lay on blankets or Yoga mats (please bring your own) and meditate to a lovingly composed musicscape. Instructors: Marie and Antonio Soriano. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. We ask that you please call Crystal River Gifts at 1-224-535-8708 to reserve your spot for our meditations. Space is limited and we do not want you to be disappointed upon your arrival. GUIDED MEDITATION WITH WALTER PERSCHKE Thursday, March 5, 12, 26. See Thursday, March 5th listing for full details. Friday, March 27 DRUM CIRCLE - 6:30 – 8:00. $15. This is a great way to release energy, find your inner child, and meet new friends! If you’ve never touched a drum or if you are an experienced percussionist…..this Drum Circle is for you!! I will prove to you that “EVERYONE IS A DRUMMER!” Bring your own hand drum or use the ones provided. Join me for an exciting hour of TRIBAL DRUMMING FUN! Then stay for an extra 30 minutes
to just let loose and jam, dance, release the past week and welcome in the weekend. Instructor: Andre Peraza. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Saturday, March 28 HOW TO USE MUSCLE TESTING FOR EVERYDAY LIFE! 1 – 3 pm $25. This class is for everyone. Muscle Testing is Applied Kinesiology, a way to ask the body for information. Muscle testing is asking the body/mind to give a “yes” strengthening or “no” weakening response. Come and learn varied techniques, such as self-muscle testing or testing another person. Learn and practice what questions to ask, such as “Is this food or vitamin in my highest or best interest?” I love muscle testing and I am so grateful to have this useful tool. I look forward to sharing the basics of this technique with as many people as possible. : Instructor: Sayle Moser. Crystal River Gifts 310 N LaFox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. Saturday, May 9 CONSCIOUS CONNECTION CONFERENCE is on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park. Save the date! Friday-Sunday, June 12-14 LEVEL I CHICAGO HEALING TOUCH FOR ANIMALS® COURSE - Contact Kathy Tanouye, 847-373-9255 or to learn energyhealing techniques to help our animal companions. Wednesday-Sunday, July 22-26 THE SCIENCE OF BEING IN SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY Ignite your awareness and reorient toward a deeper purpose at a gathering of scientific, environmental, and spiritual luminaries. Don Miguel Ruiz, Barbara Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Edgar Mitchell and others impart tools and insights. Join IONS and experience the science of being and spirit of community. Save $50 in March. Conscious2015. Location: Oak Brook, Illinois. Saturday-Sunday, August 1-2 THE WORLD OF FAERIES11TH FESTIVAL is now taking early bird applications to be a vendor at the festival August 1st and 2nd, 2015. Call 815-788-1630 if interested. ONGOING INTERNET RESOURCES CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM Conscious Community online includes our print edition plus links to past issues.
Conscious Community - 33
Lightworkers Classified Directory
AKASHIC RECORDS ILLUMINATIONS ON YOUR PATH THROUGH SHERYL RAK - sharing information, suggestions, and answers to your questions and concerns through Spirit and the Akashic Records. By phone, skype, or in person Chicago: 773-283-8349, $60 PayPal or Cash.
STYX AND STONZ, 1758 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60195. 847-358-9975. CLASSES & WORKSHOPS
strives to provide learning opportunities based on expansive concepts that challenge and amplify mainstream knowledge and experience. We offer the chance to learn about things that you may have always been curious about, but haven’t known where to go for answers. To check our classes, please go to our website at or call 312-786-0077. 47 W. Polk Street, Suite 153, Chicago, IL 60605.
CRYSTAL RIVER GIFTS offers an eclectic assortment of books, meditation CD’s, essential oils, jewelry, crystals and much more. The services that we provide ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR include astrology sessions, tarot readings, psychic readings, pet readings, Reiki, and HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR reflexology. Address: 310 N. La Fox Street, TAI CHI CH’AUN/QIGONG. 65 y/o ANIMAL! Through me your animal South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. practitioner and teacher will teach his will answer all you questions regards system to you . Easy to learn. Many to health, behavior, attitudes and more! health benefits. Seniors and special needs Psychic readings for people too! ENLIGHTENED BALANCE IS A welcome. Intrigued? Contact Dr. Dave 773-499-4909 SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT 773-769-3588. DESTINATION - featuring a wide variety BOOKS & METAPHYSICAL STORES of Nurturing Classes, Natural Products, PAST LIFE REGRESSION Eclectic Gifts, Local Artist’s Art and CRYSTAL EARTH ROCK SHOP 1125J S. Jewelry and Private Wellness in a truly GREGORY PAXSON: Past Life Main St., Lombard, IL. 60148. Unique “BOUTIQUE” Environment! Regression since 1977. Quickly achieve 630-588-4009. PSYCHIC Intuitive Readings and Reiki freedom from a myriad of issues and along with other Wellness Options offered situations. Gain real spiritual growth. CRYSTAL RIVER GIFTS offers an DAILY. Please learn more about us at See your life with new eyes. See me on eclectic assortment of books, meditation or stop YouTube. Information or appointment: CD’s, essential oils, jewelry, crystals and in and see us at 30 North Williams Street 773-262-1168. much more. The services that we provide in the Brink Street Market in Historic include astrology sessions, tarot readings, Downtown Crystal Lake. 815-307-1180. SUSAN WISEHART, LMFT, 25 years psychic readings, pet readings, Reiki, and licensed therapist. Past/Between Lives reflexology. Address: 310 N. La Fox Street, THE SPIRITUAL LEARNING CENTER regressions. Trained by Brian Weiss and South Elgin, IL 60177. 224-535-8708. (SLC) is here to offer you the opportunity Michael Newton. Des Plaines/Mundelein. to study with like-minded people in 847-438-7878. emotionally safe environments. SLC
The Lightworkers Classified Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products, and services available to our readers. Lightworkers listings are $1.00 per word with 20 words minimum. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing.
Please call: 847-966-1110 or send your listings to: by the 10th of the month prior to publication. 34 Conscious Community - March 2015
COUNSELING JOEL GRONER PSY.D. - 25 years Licensed Psychologist. Whole body, mind, spirit transformation. Free 20 minutes emotional balancing phone introduction. Transform your mind and life! Create joy and inner peace you deserve! Insurance accepted. Locations: Arlington HeightsNorthbrook. 847-604-4069. ENERGY HEALING NAN ACTIPES, Certified Master Practitioner of Yuen Method, Balances Body, Mind and Spirit on 6 levels. For Information Call: 312-802-6244. J O H R E I – EXPECT A MIRACLE! Relieve Stress – Improve Health – Enjoy Well Being! A Holistic therapy to balance mind, body & spirit. Physical, emotional & spiritual health can then improve. JOHREI is FREE, love donations deeply appreciated. NORTHSIDE-CHICAGO by appt: contact Joe Jarnol (773) 465-9014 - SOUTHSIDE-CHICAGO: Peggy Ford (708) 776-3139 - 12757 S Western Ave Suite 224. Open Saturdays 10am to 2pm, Tuesdays 10am to 1pm, Third Sunday of month 11am to 1pm. [Para Español – (773) 505-4335-Ramon].
Learn Energetic Healing! Did you know that Medical Qigong is the oldest branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, yet relatively few practitioners exist outside of China? Now you too can learn the secrets of this ancient healing system! Tranquil Cloud Temple offers certification towards becoming a Medical Qigong Practitioner (MQP): • First course, Introduction to Medical Qigong Therapy, begins Apr. 23-27, 2015. • No prerequisites required! • The full 200-hour certification program including clinical internship available. First course is 50% off the regular price! (Space is limited to 20 participants.) We also offer state CEU’s for acupuncturists.
For more information, call 815-463-0122 or visit: 13959 W. IL Hwy., Suite 2 | New Lenox, IL 60451
and healing sessions throughout the day. Art, essential oils and other products to support your spiritual practice. A variety of speakers that will share anecdotes and insights on: cultivating greater inner knowing; how to increase your energy and decrease stress; how to live consciously and abundantly…and much, much more!
LINDA KLEYMAN, HEALING TOUCH PRACTITIONER - Gentle, powerful healing facilitates flow through the chakras and energetic system to release pain, stress, THE WORLD OF FAERIES 11TH and limitations. Lakeview and Skokie. FESTIVAL is now taking early bird 872-216-5756 applications to be a vendor at the festival August 1st and 2nd, 2015. FAIRS & EXPOS Call 815-788-1630 if interested. CONSCIOUS CONNECTION CONFERENCE is on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park. Save the date! JOIN THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY FAMILY as we honor our caretaker, the great Mother Earth. The focal point of this conference will be the Earth Honoring Traditions. Included are: Guest speaker Renowned Native Shaman and spiritual teacher, Oli White Eagle. Practices and tools that will assist you in gaining deeper connection and a greater understanding about your life’s purpose. Strategies that will provide you with greater clarity, focus and balance. Free energetic cleansings
AL PERALTA: RADIONICS AND GEOPATHICAL STRESS BALANCING - Balance your body and mind. Balance your subtle bodies, house, business, environment and pets energies with BioResonance (MARSIII) and Geopathic Stress techniques. Call 708-704-3088; DR. THERESA R. PETER, D.C., M.S., REIKI MASTER, AND CERTIFIED ACUPUNCTURIST is dedicated to finding a holistic, comprehensive solution to your unique needs by way of Clinically Designed Nutrition, Muscle-Testing, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture. Also a provider of Lipo-Laser and Zaaz Whole Vibration Machine. Visit or call 773-481-3950. HYPNOSIS ADVANCED HYPNOTISM by awardwinning, Board Certified Diplomate of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Specializing in difficult cases, including supportive medical hypnosis. Get our Free Report to learn more. or call (630) 668-1141. SELF HYPNOSIS - Ever attempted to change a behavior without results? Self Hypnosis can help you make real and lasting changes! Einstein said, “You cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them.” Change your thoughts; change your life… Free Consultation Call Karen Marie CH 312-882-1552.
Conscious Community - 35
HOUSE CLEARING HOUSE AND SPACE CLEARING AND BLESSINGS: For more than a decade Catherine Filarski has cleared thousands of homes and properties around the United States. She offers a 100% money back guarantee! Her book “Freedom From Haunted Houses” is coming soon! Call (847) 242-1662. Or email Catherine@ Websites: or INTERNET RESOURCES CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY ADVERTISERS: Tap into an open and aware community by advertising your message in the Conscious Community Magazine! Calendar and Lightworkers Directory listings are due by the 10th of every month. Call Conscious Community at 847-966-1110 or see for advertising information. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
Conscious Community online includes our print edition plus links to past issues. INTUITIVE ARTS HEATHER FAUN BASL Intuitive and Medium of 11 years. Akashic Records, Card Readings, Energy Healing, and Psychic Work. GRACE ANGELS www. 630.210.8688 SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE CONSULTATION WITH SHERYL RAK - answering your questions, concerns through Spirit and Akasha, by phone, Skype, Chicago in-person. $60 PayPal or cash. 773-283-8349. MEDIUMS BRITISH-TRAINED SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM AND CHANNELER. Available for readings addressing life issues by phone and Skype. Call Andrea at 312-328-6655. MARK OFFERS EVIDENTIAL MEDIUMSHIP READINGS everyday via Skype or in person readings near Oak Lawn, IL. 36 Conscious Community - March 2015
MEDIUM AND LICENSED SOCIAL WORKER - Have you wanted to contact your deceased loved ones? Available for individual appointments, parties and events. Call Andrea at 312-328-6655. MEDICAL INTUITIVE
for answers. To check our classes, please go to our website at or call 312-786-0077. 47 W. Polk Street, Suite 153, Chicago, IL 60605. VIDEO PRODUCTIONS
ANGEL MESSAGES - 815-3150025. Love Offering. “Your intuition is heightened, the moment you call in!” Private Sessions with Cellular Memory Release available via Skype (IntuitiveStrategist). Share your love, encouragement and insight with us at
PRANAYAMA PRODUCTIONS is a fun and professional conscious video production company. We specialize in creating video content for products & services that aid in the growth of humanity. Video is key in today’s world, and the world needs to know about you. Visit us @ or 872-484-4561. Together We Are Stronger!
LICENSED SOCIAL WORKER will help you set up a mental health plan and find mental health professionals and services for you or your loved one. Call A. Cooke, MSW, LSW at 312-328-6655.
ARE YOU A MOVER AND A SHAKER? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Social Media, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar Coordinator, IT Expertise, Conference Coordinator, or Copy editor. Whether you can give 1 hour a month or 10 hours a month, we would love to have you join our team. Please contact Kasia at or call us at 847-966-1110.
PAST LIFE HEALING BARRET HEDEEN - YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY but your past-lives can keep you from seeing all possibilities. Free 10-minute phone reading for you! Are you ready for a soul healing? Call 847-951-6328. SHAMANIC HEALING LAUREN TORRES, SHAMANIC HEALING in your home, Chicagoland, NW-Indiana, Joliet. Shamanic Workshops, drumming circle, see for details, email: SCHOOLS & LEARNING CENTERS THE SPIRITUAL LEARNING CENTER (SLC) is here to offer you the opportunity to study with like-minded people in emotionally safe environments. SLC strives to provide learning opportunities based on expansive concepts that challenge and amplify mainstream knowledge and experience. We offer the chance to learn about things that you may have always been curious about, but haven’t known where to go
Help Wanted Volunteers Needed Are you a mover and a shaker? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: • ADMINISTRATION • SOCIAL MEDIA • EVENT SCHEDULING • EVENT SPONSORSHIP • NATIONAL CALENDAR COORDINATOR • IT EXPERTISE • CONFERENCE COORDINATOR • COPY EDITOR
Whether you can give 1 hour a month or 10 hours a month, we would love to have you join our team. Please contact Kasia at: or call us at 847-966-1110
Soul Proprietor Holistic Center
Supporting you on your personal/spiritual journey.
Magical, Mystical March Denise Sutherland - Angel Intuitive March 8
Omar Returns Offering Einstein Healing Method Make Your Own Drum Astro Chat Melt Your Troubles Away – Make & Take Art w/ Mini Mermaid Reading Create a Mandala for Luck Drum Circle Intuitive Development Shamanic Journey Work – Using the Love and Power Journal New Moon SoulCollage® Reiki Share Burning Bowl for Spring GPS for Success Vision Board for Spring Not My Circus, Not My Monkey – Step Away from the Drama Gong Meditation w/ Andre of Sound Journeys For more information check our website:
Private Session with Joan Zabelka or Dawn Wrobel by appointment: Life Coaching, Spiritual Direction, Wisdom and Angel Card Readings, Reiki, Akashic Readings, Animal Communication, and Lympia Cleanse. Spiritual Lending Library Email: Call or text: 708-277-4958 8695 S. Archer Ave. Willow Springs, IL 60480
THE MAGICAL WORLD OF NUMBERS Number Three... Don’t Worry Be Happy by Elizabeth Summers T
he mantra for March… “Don’t worry be happy”… is the energy of the Number Three. Even Mother Earth knows this is a time to spring into action and get her life going forward again! The fun and expansive energy of the Number Three lifts us all to a level of bringing on the new...that’s why we call it a “spring” season. In Tarot cards, the Number Three is the Empress card and that girl loves to shop! Beyond this exuberance, March and the Number Three encourages a time for growth and the establishment of concrete plans for the future. Resolve old problems and difficulties, forget them and develop your talents. Be sure to birth those new ideas and concepts knowing that Lady Luck will be smiling on you favorably because this is the energy of Number Three. Should you need to travel during this energy, even if it is for business, fun and partying can be part of the whole experience. Astrologically, the planet of expansion and abundance I call “big daddy” Jupiter is represented by the Number Three. Currently Jupiter is sitting in the sign of Leo so all Leos have the “force with them” to make good things happen. Be sure to stay positive because the energy of Jupiter is like a helium canister that blows up the life issues of your thoughts like a big balloon. The happy smiley face we see all around us is the perfect icon for the Number Three. This energy, that is the actor on the stage of life appearing to be everybody’s friend, has the possibility of talking away but frequently saying nothing of note. It is this very use of conversation that frequently hides the Number Three’s true feeling that it seems to have difficulty expressing. Therefore, in an attempt to communicate these feelings, the Number Three personality dances around leaving its listener scratching one’s head trying to figure out just what Number Three was really talking about! In addition, a young Number Three will frequently giggle at the most inopportune times raising the ire of its elders. Know they will outgrow this as they mature. All of this is a “smoke screen” because the birthday Number Three has a deep shyness about them that can be difficult to overcome. As the hummingbird flits from blossom to blossom scattering its nectar, so too the Number Three scatters it energies everywhere from project to project. The problem arises in that they do not complete any of their works unless the subject really of interest them. Thus, the Number Three can become a “jack of all trade and master of none”. A child born in March or December is influenced by the Number Three energy. Often these children are called frivolous, silly, often being told to “grow up”, stop daydreaming and to “take life seriously”. What is being exhibited, however, is the 38 Conscious Community - March 2015
lighter sunshine energy of a happy-go-lucky vibration of the Number Three influencing their souls. These children are early talkers, messy, artistic and fidgety. The refrigerator door will be in constant camouflage from all their art pieces. Parents should forget about having a neat bedroom during childhood as every corner will be filled with creative clutter. The full impact of the Number Three energy will be felt during ages Thirty to sixty. During these productive years they will learn through experience to think and concentrate and not be so scattered. Not satisfied to be in subordinate positions, their aim is to rise in the world to give the orders not take them. Interestingly, may Number Threes have very successful careers in the military. In addition, any occupation requiring communication skills or creative writing, art, music or self-expression will bring success to the Number Three. Sales is a great career choice as is teaching. An urge from within to be proud, trustworthy and responsible are attributes that prompt Number Three to harness their scattered tendencies. Their ability to lighten up and laugh as a being is a healing service to everyone. One who experiences the high energies of March and the Number Three or has a birthday Number temperament of Number Three may feel drawn to brighter colors this month; begin thinking about flowers, gardening and the upcoming BBQ parties down the line! The Number Three can be the proverbial “party animal!” Don’t be concerned about the day dreaming and enjoyment connected to March. Set out on this exciting energy, sing out loud and let your favorite inspirational song have the lyric:
“Happy days are here again, the sky above is clear again, so let’s sing a song of cheer again…happy days are here again!”
Spiritually guiding clients since 1988, Elizabeth Summers provides practical information by combining Numerology, Astrology and Tarot interpretations in her personal readings. For a private Numerology reading with Elizabeth Summers please contact her directly 303-702-5420 or by email at:
Akashic Records Foundation Class
March 01, 2015
Healing Touch Level 1 -Mercy Hospital
March 14-15
Bio-Energetic Scans*
Mar 1-31, 2015
Cost $165.00
DNA Activation
March 30, 2015
Cost $155.00
Akashic Records Certification Class
March 27 6-9:30 & March 28 9:30-6:30
Cost $270.00
Akashic Records Foundation Class
March 22, 2015
Cost $170.00
Akashic Records Foundation Class
March 01, 2015
Cost $170.00
Past Lives
Ancestral Patterns
Soul Clearing (3 sessions)
Call for Appointment
Dates$599.0 and Aroma 1 Foundations of Aromatherapy Call for Class Cost Location (773-216-9882)
Cost $170.00
Cost $365.00
Cost $675.00 Cost $599.00
This Course is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. This class is approved for 30 CE Credits. Pathways to Light in partnership with The East West School for herbal and Aromatic Studies is approved by Commonwealth Educational Seminars to provide 40 continuing education credit for Nursing through California Board of Registered Nursing and Social Workers through ASWB. Please call for details. Essential Oil Kit must be purchased separately from Wisdom of Light prior to class. Please call for details (773) 2169882.
Come and explore the journey of your soul for and spiritual growth, personal development and conscious awareness. Call Ellie Stewart (773) 216-9882 for Registration, Cost and Details. Or Call (773) 455-3444. Ellie Stewart, MHPE, HTCP, CCH, ACM, CCA Certified Advanced Practice Akashic Records Practitioner/Advanced Practice Instructor
*We are proud to announce our affiliation with Edwin Miller, Medical Director of Healthy Alternatives Integrated Medicine Practice. Come visit our new location at 30 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 304, Chicago, Illinois or 7000 W. North Avenue Suite 2B, Oak Park, Illinois.
REBIRTH AND RENEWAL by Chris Alexandria
As winter continues its laced frosted glass and snowfall dance, dreams of spring begin to emerge. Dreams leading to frolicking towards rebirth and renewal. Isn’t that what spring represents? Rebirth, Renewal and Transformation? Just as a flower can push through the frozen tundra at the first sign of warmth, so can you. Now is the perfect time to set the stage and plant your seeds of renewal and transformation. Just take that first step and the rest? It becomes as easy as dancing in a field of daisies. How can you reinvent yourself and is it even possible? Without a doubt it is possible! People, like yourself, do it all the time. They lose weight, change careers, change spouses, and more. The result? They end up reinventing themselves completely. They have transformed. They realize that life wasn’t exciting them as it ought and they decided, and rightfully so, they deserve better! The biggest hurdle was to change the mindset from ‘it is difficult or worse yet, impossible’ to ‘WOW, I’m excited and CAN do this!’. What makes them succeed and you fail? Very simply it is a belief in self. Belief that all is indeed possible and you are worthy to live life on your terms. That is one of the energies that 2015 is all about -
Living Life on Your Terms Does it happen overnight? No, if it could and did, it really wouldn’t be that transformational and exciting now would it? I mean, it would be kinda cool to transform overnight, but then again, after thinking about it for three seconds, it really doesn’t entice and excite the soul. Part of the fun of transformation is the journey. It’s the excitement of achieving a goal. It’s the exhilaration of stepping outside the comfort zone and doing something different, something daring even if it’s going to the movies by yourself. What does need to happen to start this glorious journey is commitment to self. Taking one step daily towards your goals. I often tell clients, if you can’t take one step daily towards your dream, then that dream and goal really isn’t that important to you. Oh, now that is something to think about, isn’t it? Take one step daily towards your dream. It can be simple and small steps. A step could include clearing out your closet - who doesn’t have an article of clothing in there labeled under the 40 Conscious Community - March 2015
‘What If’ or ‘One Day’ Clause? After we moved to our beach home, we downsized considerably and I can tell you, it was extremely cathartic! When you clear out clothes, decor items, junk, papers, books etc. you are making room for the new to come in. Think of it this way, a bookshelf can hold only so many books, right? Even if they are stacked on top of each other, there is only so much room. However, when you donate to your local library or sell those books, you are now making more room and inviting additional wisdom to be part of your life. Let’s say you wish to have your own business. Snag that domain name you’ve been thinking about. Nobody has to know you’ve done it, but it’s a step. Have a few names in mind? Snag them all. An old friend had over three dozen domain names; just in case. Over kill? I think so too, but she was prepared! You can then go to your local Small Business Administration. They frequently offer free sessions to budding entrepreneurs and help to build a solid business plan. One step daily will have you running your business like a pro in no time. Implementing Askfirmations™ is another way you can kickstart your transformative journey. They will certainly help you along the way. Use Askfirmations such as: Why am I worthy of all I desire? Why is it so easy for me to live life on my terms? Why does life flow with such joy? Why is it so easy to take one step daily towards my dreams? By asking these questions, you have opened yourself to receive the kind of answers you have been searching for. Then wait for the magic to happen and the angels to answer. Yes, the angels. Specifically I’d chat with Zadkiel for transformational changes and Auriel to assist in illuminating the perfect path for you. Zadkiel, among many things, is well known to help clear the crap not only out of closets, but life. He can assist in ridding of relationships that aren’t in your best interests. He assists greatly in helping you speak your truth and help you to rise up like a phoenix from the ashes and rock your world. Chat away with him for clearing away unwanted energies. If you are one of the fortunate that sees energies and/or colors, expect to see more violet and purple when working with Archangel Zadkiel. If you love working or wearing crystals, amethyst is the crystal of choice. Its high vibrations naturally clear its surrounding energies.
As for Auriel, she is well known to help those claim their path of heart choice with great conviction and energy. She works with the energies of the moon’ so as the moon ebbs and flows in its own brilliance, so will your energy. It’s a lovely lesson in honoring what you need on any given day. Again, if you see colors, you’ll be seeing more of an opalescence sheen when chatting with Auriel. Her crystal of choice is moonstone. It helps to connect more deeply with the intuitive side of self while softly illuminating the correct path. Are you ready Goddess? Are you ready to embrace life like you never have before? I hope so, for NOW is the time!
Chris Alexandria is Your Transformational Coach with Angelic Insights. She is the co-creator of Angel Chatter; your place of empowering products for the heart and home. Chris is the author of an award winning book and the Angel Chatter Oracle Cards. She is also the designer of jewelry, candles and more. She is a sought after radio guest and lecturer around the country. Chris can be found via her website, and at various social media sites.
Conscious Community - 41
In Print
by Kayla Hancock
Trapped:Visitor From Heaven by Sherlee Hall (The Green Lady Press, $14.96 on Amazon, Paperback) Through the narrator, Archangel Ramiel, Shirlee Hall shares with readers her abusive past and how her uprising led to a persistent need to find truth and a complete surrender to the universe’s healing powers. These stories give us hope and remind us that there is healing possibilities for us all. Hall teaches us that when we take responsibility of our lives and choose to unconditionally love who we truly are, our suffering will lessen and even disappear completely. Caught Between Two Worlds: A Journey Through Time by Judith L. Cameron, PH.D. (Balboa Press, $19.99, Paperback) This book tells the real story of Judith Cameron, who, as a young girl, was told her life’s purpose through a dream. She was told that she would act as a liaison between extra-terrestrials and humans, and has been communicating with them ever since. Here, she shares what she has learned throughout her experiences with these beings and encourages us to expand our thinking so that we, too, can allow such experiences and wisdom into our lives. The Light: A Book of Wisdom: How to Lead an Enlightened Life Filled With Love, Joy, Truth, and Beauty by Keidi Keating (New Page Books, $13.42 on Amazon, Paperback) This book features spiritual teachers such as Don Miguel Ruiz, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and many more discussing various topics such as forgiveness, purpose, health, the mystery of the Kundalini, and co-creating a peaceful world. The inspiring words of these renowned luminaries empower readers to take that next step towards connecting with their inner light and reach their highest potential.
42 Conscious Community - March 2015
Choosing a Good Life: Lessons from People Who Have Found Their Place in the World by Ali Berman (Hazelden, $14.95, Paperback) A life full of gratitude, fulfillment, and peace. Sounds nice, right? Surely we can all agree that those feelings are worth seeking out. Thence, this book was created. Ali Berman’s desire to discover the secrets of real people who have mastered finding these states of being within themselves resulted in this incredible collection of interviews meant to help inspire readers help them discover the happiness in their lives that they deserve. The Alchemy of Self Healing: A Revolutionary 30-Day Plan to Change How You Relate to Your Body and Health by Jeannine Wiest (New Page Books, $15.99, Paperback) Our bodies are constantly listening to us, whether we realize it or not. This book is meant to help readers to reconnect with the wisdom within and engage in self-transformation on multiple levels. Because the mind runs on old programming, many of us get caught living only what is familiar to us, even if what is familiar is pain. Moreover, our bodies have become conditioned to react ineffectively to stress and trauma, resulting in inertia concentrations within the body. This book offers a self-healing treatment that will help readers clear these energy blocks and create a new way of being. The Multidimensional Traveler: Finding Togetherness, or How I learned to Break the Rules of Physics and Sojourn Across Dimensions and Time by Khartika Goe (New Page Books, $12.50 on Amazon, Paperback) An experienced astral traveler, Khartika Goe shares with us in this book her wisdom and knowledge she has received from different dimensions. As she guides readers to their own path of expanding their minds and extra-sensory abilities, she also recounts her amazing adventures through time and space. This account of her journeys offers the chance for a global audience to enhance subtle-energy awareness and realize their energies’ true potential.
Your Yin Yang Body Type: The Korean Tradition of Sasang Medicine by Gary Wagman (Healing Arts Press, $19.95, Paperback)
Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable by Louis Proud (New Page Books, $16.99, Paperback)
According the the Korean art of Sasang medicine, we each are born with a specific body type. In this book, Gary Wagman explains how energy imbalances within our organs are oftentimes what cause emotional and psychological issues to manifest. Two quizzes are included to help you discover your own body type. By knowing our Yin Yang body type and correctly utilizing the Sasang approaches and knowledge provided, we can optimize our feelings of well-being and bring about long-term change. Switch On: How to Ignite Your Creative Spirit With the New Science of Breakthrough by Nick Seneca Jankel (Watkins Publishing, $14.95, Paperback)
In this book, Louis Proud shares the effects that electromagnetic energy on humans. After conducting research, he concluded that people are becoming more “electric” and experiencing phenomena such as psychokinesis and ESP while they are consequently experience lower levels of physical health. Recalculating...The GPS for the Soul by Andrea Stauch and Samantha Schachtel (BalboaPress, $11.99, Paperback) This book shares the personal stories of mother and daughter, Andrea Stauch and Samantha Schachtel, as they integrate numerology and metaphysics into their lives. Stauch retells moments of tragedy and personal growth that lead her to become an empowered women and explains how her own new and personally designed method of Numerotherapy will allow you, as well, to create the life you desire.
Learn how to use your creativity to get through any setback, heal emotional scars, find peace, embody mindfulness, and eliminate stress from you life. In this novel, Nick Jankel presents a concept based off of 20 years of research and experience in personal, social, and corporate change known as Breakthrough Biodynamics. This integration of neuroscience, ancient traditions, and philosophy will allow us to let our creativity flourish and pave the way for powerful, positive transformation.
Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit: The Secrets of Erotic Magic by Jason Miller (New Page Books, $15.99, Paperback)
Breath to Consciousness: Sistar Julia’s Testimony~A Soul Journey (Balboa Press, $19.13 on Amazon, Paperback)
The magical powers of the sexual act has always pervaded as a potent gateway to the divine in many belief systems. In this book, Jason Miller uses clear language to unlock the secrets that lie within the realm of sexuality that will enable readers to take their own magic to the next level. Different elixirs, spells, rituals, and dangers alike of sexual sorcery are shared here to help us attain high levels of spiritual attainment and pleasure in our own lives.
Enthralled and moved at a Bob Marley concert when she was 15 years old, Sistar Julia began her spiritual journey. In this book she shares some insight on the beauty of the Rastafarian faith and culture, her connection with music, and her transformation from living a life of routine to allowing the very essence of faith be her guide throughout life.
The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln: Historical Evidence of Past Lives by Richard Salva (Crystal Clarity Publishers, $18.95, Paperback)
Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke (New Page Books, $17.99, Paperback) This book includes the adventures that author Ardy Clarke experienced whilst traveling seven years throughout Mesoamerica collecting accounts of encounters between humans and other worldly beings from the sky. What came from her long journey through Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico is a fascinating selection of true stories about giants, little people, space travelers, and UFO’s that will open your mind and change how you perceiv e the world.
Is it possible that Abraham Lincoln reincarnated in the 20th century as Charles Lindbergh? This book provides an astonishing account of similarities between the two, including their personalities and life circumstances. These stories demonstrate how karma and reincarnation play out in our own lives and will help us understand why we come back in the first place and how to ensure we live up to our own greatness.
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March 2015
NOTE: Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00am on March
8th. Times given are adjusted accordingly.
Overview This is a dynamic month for two main reasons: the last exact Uranus-Pluto square occurs on the 17th and a total solar eclipse takes place right on Spring Equinox. A total eclipse on a seasonal turning point signifies more than a typical change of seasons. We are passing the peak of the Uranus-Pluto compulsion as we redesign our ways of living. The “old days” are done. Best to be present in the moment of NOW. Emotional fireworks burst with revolutionary verve. The brave lead the way, amidst a level of chaos. Let’s follow leaders of heart rather than the rash and brash. Saturn turns retrograde on the 14th, just 5 degrees into Sagittarius. This is as far as we can see ahead on the trail for now. It is time to consolidate our progress and make sure we are honestly walking our talk. Some people just won’t believe what is happening. Denial is rampant. Several planetary sign changes keep things moving and shape shifting. Mercury, in Aquarius for most of the year so far, moves into Pisces on Friday the 13th (the second such magic day in a row! we had one in February), shortcircuiting rationalization with a strong plunge into the irrational. The Goddess puts her foot down. Can you discern the boundaries between reality, imagination and wishful thinking? Venus steps into down-to-Earth Taurus on the 17th, supporting joyful productivity, tree-hugging and good eating. Mars follows on the 31st to plant seeds that sprout into April. The Equinox New Moon encourages further initiatives as various ideas and projects get the green light to move ahead. This is an exciting time.
FULL MOON—March 5, 15 Pisces-VIRGO NEW MOON Total Solar Eclipse March 20, 29+ PISCES Sunday, March 1
The new month starts with an open agenda, under a Void of Course Moon. We finally get into gear when it moves into fiery Leo at 5:34pm. This spacious day gives us time to reflect on what 44 Conscious Community - March 2015
by Kelley Hunter
we experienced over the short but dynamic month of February, as we head toward spring. Still, with many planets in fire signs, some of us are inspired to get out there and do something. Others feel more quietly tuned in and creative. Whatever you cup of tea, have some fun and play.
Monday, March 2
The Sun may be in watery Pisces, but the Moon and four planets in fire set this day alight. There are so many bright-burning, exciting planetary interactions, we can hardly go wrong—unless we get too pushy. Frustrations build up if we sit around, as the day is full of verve and get-up-and-go. Wherever you go, whatever you do, go and do in style.
Tuesday, March 3
The Moon is Void of Course as of 2:47am, lasting through another open agenda day. There may be some testy wires crossing in terms of communication, leftovers of last month’s Mercury retrograde that we need to wrap up. Take a moment to tune in to the other person before you restate your position in soft yet clear tones. Tie up any loose ends that have been persisting or dangling for the last six weeks. Creative, unusual ways of approaching old issues solve problems, so that we are free to move on.
Wednesday, March 4
With the Moon moving into common sense Virgo at 5:58am, prepare your most pragmatic self to take on the day as we head toward tomorrow’s Full Moon. Put in your best efforts, walk your talk, and demonstrate the best of what you can do and be. Appreciate each moment and encounter, and see how you can approach situations in ways that foster harmony and cooperation. In the face of challenge, rein in your reactive self and consider what can work and feel better. Consider today a values clarification exercise. Reality is plastic and elastic. We can impress it with our creative vision. An unexpected encounter can make your day. Who knows, you may meet someone who changes your life!
Thursday, March 5 Full Moon, 12:05pm CST, 15 Pisces-VIRGO
Practical Virgo brings Pisces vision into manifestation, revealing the divine nature of Earth. This Full Moon is empowered by Pluto in Capricorn’s mandate for simplicity and back-to-the-
Monday, March 9
basics in the way we live our lives. This Moon is a turning point, as we apply our values clarification of the last few days into our daily lives. We need to keep on it. Further action is required as the Moon wanes over the next two weeks. The Moon goes Void shortly after fullness, at 12:36pm, prolonging our awareness of Pluto’s agenda for taking responsibility for how we are living, what and whom our daily activity is serving. In the Arthurian legend of the Quest for the Holy Grail, the key question is “Who does the Grail serve?” How do you answer that question in terms of what you are doing on a daily basis?
The Moon moving into Scorpio at 8:10am gets the day going with an undercurrent of intensity. We are likely still processing insights from the weekend, with more to come this week, as Mars begins to synchronize with the Uranus-Pluto activity. Anything that is simmering below the surface is soon to erupt and change the landscape. Take it easy and let tonight’s dreamtime renew and guide you.
Tuesday, March 10
Friday, March 6
The Moon is VoC all day until it moves into Libra at 6:52pm to finish the working week. How much have you accomplished in this fairly open agenda time? Even if it’s been mostly background considerations and increased clarity on how you are feeling about your circumstances and relationships, it’s been a worthy week. Sometimes it’s not about getting things done, but rather about gaining perspective, polishing our attitude and revving up a positive outlook. This evening we change our focus to relationship, and finding balance between work and play. It’s play time!
Saturday, March 7
More of a balancing act today as the Moon in Libra through the weekend moves into direct interface with the Uranus-Pluto Square. These two major change planets are in close conference as they head toward their last peak moment. With Venus and Mars both in Aries, along with Uranus, all kinds of emotional fireworks are likely, starting tonight. Important conversations may take place, as we act on feelings that have been bubbling up for over a month. Aries stands up for personal integrity and what’s right “for me.” We need to be clear on that before we can know what’s right “for us.” We also need to know how the other person is feeling and what s/ he wants. This may be a good time to put your cards on the table. There are things you need to know.
Sunday, March 8
Hopefully sleep and dreams enhanced with guidance have set you up for a good, successful day. Approach it with confidence. The pace picks up by late morning. Don’t let the behavior of others grate on you and get you off-rhythm. It’s their stuff, but yours may be triggered. Awaken your psychic martial artist and slide aside so you don’t take a direct hit. Keep this spiritual warrior in you on active duty, as you might need him/her as the week goes on.
Wednesday, March 11
Mars sparks the Uranus-Pluto dynamic with potential dynamite of some sort or other. Be prepared for action on many fronts. Take charge of what is going on with you, as you remain centered in your integrity. May the Force be with you. Revolution shoots up in the grass roots. Literally. The roots of vetiver grass, for instance, regenerate damaged topsoil and prevent erosion, healing the earth, and produce a rich and sensuous golden oil that nourishes and heals us. This is a good lesson from Pluto’s Capricorn agenda to renew and revitalize Earth. Earth will support us as we appreciate and support her. The Moon goes VoC at 2:46pm, leaving us with some potentially challenging news and conversations in limbo. We may find that we need to put a stop to some activity in order to enhance positive growth. This can be global and on the collective level. We can cast our “vote” by making meaningful change in our own lives. As Neil Armstrong said when he stepped onto the Moon: “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” The Moon takes a step into Sagittarius at 6:30pm, with many more steps to be taken to reach the goal.
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00am, becoming CDT. It is International Women’s Day. What does that mean to you? Whether major media report on related activities or not, many people around the world are honoring this day. The revolution is on, largely led by women and men who seek balance and harmony in the traditional Peruvian way of “ayala,” right relationship on all levels. This carries on from the conversations that may have been started yesterday. Today there is more urgency and confidence, as things need to be said and just can’t wait. News on the global front echoes these themes. Unprecedented agreements and exciting new liaisons take us into new territory, individually and globally. A Void of Course Moon at 8:24pm leaves us with some good conversations under our belt and information to mull over.
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Thursday, March 12
The Moon meets up with Saturn at 3:48am. Yesterday’s major activity has kept some folks up all night to get things done. The morning is slow, with some confusion or distractions. Give yourself and others some slack, but when you are driving, do keep your eyes on the road. By tonight things are feeling better and we feel a difference. Mercury entering Pisces at 10:52pm suggests chill time. Many of us are already asleep and dreaming. Our nervous systems, as well as our spirits, need both. Pisces is the dreamtime sign. Dream well and beautifully.
Friday, March 13
FRIDAY the 13th! We just had one in February, remember? The Goddess is having her way with us. The history of this “unlucky” day involves an honoring of the feminine, as Friday is the day of Venus and 13 is the number of Moon cycles in a year. Such a womanpower day was given negative superstitious connotations by misogynistic patriarchal powers to vilify women, herbalists, witches, wizards and pagans. These are just the people we need today. The Moon goes Void of Course at 6:11pm, just in time to end the working week. And, appropriate to the day, the Moon makes a high five with Venus, leaving us with a lovely dose of magic. This is a fine night to spend with someone special. Bring chocolate, wine and roses (or your equivalent) to make it extra special. Anything could happen.
Saturday, March 14
The Moon moves into Capricorn at 1:40am, preparing to weave further implications of the Uranus-Pluto cycle into our day-today. Saturn ups the ante by going retrograde at 10:02am. Forward progress is on pause, as we focus over the next few months to consolidate our gains and weed out what is not going to work in the long run. Thus we will clarify our goals and be able to move on with more confidence in the fall. Take it easy later today, to be in good shape for tomorrow, one of the major power days of the year.
Sunday, March 15
Today and tomorrow we experience the last big hurrah of the Uranus-Pluto dynamic, as these two power players make their last exact square, the seventh since 2012. These planets orchestrate large global trends. They meet up every 125 years to indicate new major developments. Their last meeting was in the mid1960s, that memorable decade of cultural transformation. These two planets are now in “square,” a 90-degree angle between their positions in the Zodiac. This angular dynamic sets up a friction that compels us to action. This is the next level of their 125-year cycle, like the 1960s gone viral. Revolutionary Uranus and volcanic Pluto are in cahoots to deconstruct and reconstruct the worldwide systems we live under. As global systems show increasing dysfunction on so many levels, radical new approaches are necessary. We are each involved in the process of letting go of what isn’t working, to restructure and redesign our lives. This can be an exciting time, but also one of stress and pressure. Magic is happening above our heads in the Heavens and right here on Earth below our feet. Let’s “Be Here Now,” as we cross this quantum threshold, creating a renewed world step by step. 46 Conscious Community - March 2015
Today the punctuation point of the Capricorn Moon brings the impact down home and personal. Red planet Mars is in the thick of things, calling for action. Though some trigger-happy people are likely to act rashly (people can only handle so much sugar and caffeine before things get out of hand), Mars incites more of us to radical and random acts of kindness and heroism. Call again on your inner spiritual warrior and stay alert. Can we channel all this energy into celebration and love of life?
Monday, March 16
The Moon is Void of Course for only a few short hours, from 3:02am until it enters Aquarius at 5:14am, a slightly uncomfortable interlude. We need to turn up the volume of our gratitude attitude. Meditation is a fine way in these special hours, the darkest before the dawn. Play some lovely music as you wake up. The news can wait, especially as it may be jarring this morning, which just makes it that much tougher to get the day going. Why doesn’t the media report more good news? The powerful energy of the Uranus-Pluto Square hangs in the air all day, exact at 8:50pm. This is our last wake-up for a redefined brave new world. If the Age of Aquarius hasn’t already dawned, this could be it. Note this day in your diary.
Tuesday, March 17
Venus enters Taurus, its own sign, at 5:15am. This very grounding energy suggests a slow and steady pace, focusing on the basic, good things in life. Let’s appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and infuse social encounters with love, patience and acceptance. There is a level of excitement in the air and a keen readiness to try new and different things. What road shall we take? We want to be heading in a worthy direction. Venus, planet of values, helps us determine which of the many options will be most rewarding. The Moon goes Void of Course at 1:18pm, leaving us feeling that we are on the road to somewhere.
Wednesday, March 18
Does everything look different today? Maybe not, though the global tide has turned in some definitive way. There are new colors in the air. The most significant change is in how we are living, what and how we are thinking and feeling. With the Moon entering Pisces at 5:58am, and Mercury joining Neptune, this is a good day to tune in to those thoughts, even if they are vague, about how we feel now as compared to 2012 (if we can remember back that far!). Let impressions come, along with healing dreams. The unified field is vibrating, perceived by our subliminal senses. After a very slow start, the day gets necessarily into gear by early afternoon, as responsibilities call. Reality does feel a bit unreal, doesn’t it? Can you put it into a poem? Thankfully by evening, most of us can relax. Many seek escape. A tendency to overindulge in addictive comforts may make you uncomfortable, as the subtle energies are increasingly finely tuned. Can you focus your longing into more rewarding channels? Every moment we make decisions that affect our lives. Some moments are major turning points. This month we have many such opportunities. Like tonight.
Thursday, March 19
The Moon remains in Pisces, with the shamanic reminder that “The world is as we dream it.” Dial in to your true dream and live it as fully as you can. Venus in earthy Taurus helps keep our feet on the ground, if not in it. Hug a tree and feel its ancient heartbeat and know its roots connect with a global network around the world. On such a day this is all possible. Let this last day of the Moon cycle unfold at its own pace toward tomorrow’s total eclipse. A chapter is ending. Aren’t you excited to see what happens next in this page-turner of the great mythic story that is your life?
ARIES, the RAM Friday, March 20 New Moon Total Eclipse, 4:36am CDT, 29+ Pisces Spring Equinox
The New Moon at 4:36am is not just another New Moon; it’s a total eclipse of the Sun. And this is not just another day, but a brand new season—and a brand new movie. At the farthest edge of Pisces, the New Moon eclipse turns off the Sun, closing a door as it darkens the sky. Not many of us see this eclipse— total in Norway and the Faroe Islands, partial in Europe, north/east Asia, north/west Africa and Greenland—yet its effects ripple around the globe. Soon thereafter birds chirp open the gates of spring. The Moon enters Aries at 5:28am, soon followed by the Sun minutes later at 5:45am. “For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come,” as we read in the Biblical Song of Solomon. This is a rare and exciting Spring Equinox ushered in by a total eclipse! In Western Astrology, we think of Spring Equinox as the start of the sign Aries. However, the signs no longer match up with the constellations they were named for. In the Great Round of the Astrological Ages, the constellation behind the Spring Equinox sunrise changes every 2160 years, circling through the Zodiac constellations over the course of 26,000 years. Now the Spring Equinox Sun is in the overlap between the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius, announcing the imminent change of an Age. There are various thoughts about when this actually starts, and it may have already. In any case, we are clearly in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Make a fresh start today, for the Age, the season and the New Moon eclipse!
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"After all...YOU deserve a little W.O.W. in YOUR life." Conscious Community - 47
Saturday, March 21
A wow day! First thing in the morning, the Moon in Aries rushes in where angels fear to tread, flying banners of revolution with Uranus and rattling sabers at Pluto. Imagine the army of Joan of Arc, or another passage from the Song of Solomon: “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners?” Clearly we still feel effects from the Eclipse. Clearly the morning news is going to have something meaningful to report. Take the media spin with a large grain of salt. By evening, the Moon joins Mars, a hot and spicy combination that begins an overnight Void of Course period. Many will stay up late, as if on the edge of their seats. “Wise men say, ‘only fools rush in,’ but I can’t help falling in love with you.”
Sunday, March 22
The Moon into Taurus at 5:40am settles things down, and keeps the love vibe going as it joins Venus later this afternoon. We can’t have a nicer combination that the Moon and Venus in Taurus for rich, satisfying experiences, sensual pleasure, good food and financial gain. Enjoy the bounty of the Earth Mother and get the most out of the best of what is going on today.
Monday, March 23
The Moon goes VoC at 9:24am, leaving a lot of good ideas on the table to work on the rest of today and on into the week. Think out and discuss how to proceed to get the most done. Employ methods and strategies based on Earth-honoring values and you will be rewarded. Affirm that your motivation is honorable. With generosity of heart, creativity flair, enthusiasm and inspiration, nothing can hold you back but laziness. Stay with the program to see results.
Tuesday, March 24
A Gemini Moon starting at 8:22am gets busy bees up and out the door, with a buzz on. Today we need to get off our butts, move around, chat, and find fresh stimulation. Any meetings today will generate lots of stimulation and ideas. By late afternoon, we’ll be weeding out some ideas and synthesizing workable ones, with a presentiment of a focused goal. If we’re not there yet, the discussion is tabled for now, to give us time to consider all the angles. Tomorrow is another day. There are more places to go, people to see, before the clock runs down on this day and we melt into dreamland.
Wednesday, March 25
We continue where we left off yesterday, networking, conversing, generating ideas and various points of view. It’s getting pretty exciting by midday, when a lunch date may change things up and add new input. Meeting new people, investigating interesting streams of thought, starting or offering a fresh educational opportunity, web surfing—these are all great activities for this open-minded, fresh approach energy. Otherwise we may get dreadfully bored. We’ve had enough by late night. Our minds are saturated and can’t take in another word. Forget the news. Relax and don’t even try to articulate the swirl of thoughts, unless through poetry or music. Meditation is a good choice for calming an active mind. 48 Conscious Community - March 2015
Thursday, March 26
Our minds are still spinning from the last couple of days and all the information we have taken in. The Moon is Void of Course from 7:35am to 2:45pm, giving us some space to stitch the patchwork quilt of ideas together. Then it moves into its home sign, Cancer, quieting the mood for reflection. We need a change of pace, good company and a good meal.
Friday, March 27
Mixed messages from the planets change things around as the day goes along. A slow and fairly smooth beginning leads to an unsettled evening, and a potentially surprising end. It’s not the best Friday date night, as we may feel extra sensitive and take things personally that are not meant that way. But if we can make it through that, we can get to a new place in our capacity for love. The Moon is thick into the Uranus-Pluto square, which has not lost any of its potency yet, casting us into urgency for change. We may feel like we’re being turned inside out. Such uncomfortable feelings lead to growth potential. Be joyful and embrace it in the spirit of spring.
Saturday, March 28
Take it easy today. Sleep in if you like and stretch luxuriously like a cat. You may want to stay home or make it a family day, spending it with people you feel close to. We are likely to need more reflection time to digest all that has been happening lately. This has been quite a month. Energy perks up as the day goes on. The Moon goes Void of Course at 8:58pm, leaving a lingering frustration or moodiness with a feisty edge. The urge to DO something is strong and may keep us up late.
Sunday, March 29
Emotional undercurrents ripple like waves, as an overnight change of Moon into demonstrative Leo at 12:48am gives more confidence to express deep feelings that have been stirring. Find a way to share your heart. Sing it, dance it, paint it into being. Many of us sleep through this Moon change, and wake up from colorful, meaningful dreams. Use this Sunday for art, for love, for fun. Find some way to channel the power of what you are feeling. The cosmic fires are burning bright. This might be a joyful evening for night owls, artists and lovers.
Monday, March 30
Fiery energy remains stoked up high, becoming even more stimulated tonight when Mercury goes into Aries at 8:44pm. Meanwhile the day is full of activity, even with an all-day Void of Course Moon, starting at 8:57am. There’s just too much inspiration to stop the momentum. “Follow your highest excitement,” as Bashar says, pursuing your own unique, radical trail into the new and different. Be a little wild. You would not have expected it would turn out how it does! Fireworks are on display in your imagination or in “real” life. People may be gathering in the streets for any reason at all.
Tuesday, March 31
This morning, we’re still in the throes of fiery excitement exploring what life has to offer outside the box. Soon, however, things settle down. Mars enters Taurus at 11:27am, calming and
grounding the energy, encouraging us to plant the seeds of our inspirations. The Moon remains Void of Course until it enters Virgo at 1:12pm. We don’t likely feel like doing much work until then, but as afternoon moves on we become quite productive. By night we are much more focused, realistic and practical about what we need to do to manifest our vision. The month ends on this pragmatic note, as we head into April and another total eclipse.
Kelley Hunter, Ph.D., is an internationally known astrologer and mythologist, enriching her offerings in Depth Astrology with perspectives from psychology, cosmology and consciousness studies. Author of Living Lilith: Four Dimensions of the Cosmic Feminine and Black Moon Lilith, Kelley has a special interest in women’s spirituality. She offers personal consultations that illumine the potential of current planetary cycles in your life and relationships. Visit her website at or on FaceBook: Kelley Hunter, AstroMythology. You can contact her by email at
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