Construction Review Africa

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MANAGING EDITOR Robert Barnes COUNTRY EDITORS Kenya - Francis Makari Uganda - Samuel Bujingo Nigeria - Boladale Ademiju South Africa - Newton Mthethwa WRITERS Jimmy Swira, Thunile Alletta Nkosi Lindsay Wagner, Yvonne Andiva Erick Mongare, Hope Simuli Dorcas Kang'ereha


WEB & GRAPHIC DESIGN Augustine Ombwa Bonface Kimunyi

Africa needs water

ADVERTISING Kenya William Mutama, Fred Okoth, Frances Lagoussis (Mombasa), Trizah Njoroge, Joseph Mwangi

The continents water supplies to cater for the rapidly growing population is grossly inadequate raising the spectre of a crisis in the future that could have catastrophic effects.

South Africa: Manoko Thosago, Happy Mokoena Shepherd Mthethwa, Winnie Sentabire, Angeline Ntobeng, Nqobile Ndlovu Uganda: Dan Nsalasata,Bill Collins Musaazi Botswana: Dickson Manyudza, Gerald Mazikana Ethiopia: Haimanot Tesfaye, Ruth Girma Tanzania: Tom Kiage Malawi: Anderson Fumulani Ghana: Samuel Hinneh Zambia: Susan Kandeke Zimbabwe: Chiedza Chimombe Rwanda: Collison Lore

Cover Picture The cover picture shows a public water tap in one of the low income settlements that are prevalent in all major towns.

12 REGULARS Editor's Comment




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Corporate News


Guest: Brief case contractors killing the construction sector in Uganda


Nigeria: Seni Bello China:Weng Jie

The editor accepts letters and manuscripts for publication from readers all over the world. Include your name and address as a sign of good faith although you may request your name to be withheld from publication. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted .

Send your letters to: Construction Review is published eleven times a year and is circulated to members of relevant associations, governmental bodies and other personnel in the building and construction industry as well as suppliers of equipment, materials and services in Africa, the Middle and Far East. The editor welcomes articles and photographs for consideration. Material may not be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of advertisements or contributions contained in the journal. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Š All rights reserved.

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Pride Inn Resort to Embody the Allure of Kenyan Coast


Crowne Plaza Annexe, Nairobi


Kenyan construction industry thriving but...,


says owner of Brickface Studio Architects Crystal Rivers project set to change the face of Machakos county


Property Services Ltd


Building for upmarket clients

Published by Group Africa Publishing Ltd Consollidated Bank House, 4th flo oor, Koin nange Street, Nairob bi 00100 0 Kenya a, Tel: +254 7726420 042, groupa africapu ublishin Email: info@g Uga and da Offi fice e SM MG Ugan nda Lim miteed Kam muk kam mu Plazza, Enttebb be Road d Kam mpa ala-U Uga and da, TEL L: +256 6 77 74 079 804 4, Em mail: uga and da@ @gro oupa africcapu ubliishin ng.ccom m Uga and da Age entt Pro ojectts Unussua al Ug gand da Ltd.. Jem mba a Pla aza, Lu uwum m Stt. Kam mpa ala, Uga and da bettty@ @con nstrructtionrreviiewo m

Ma alaw wi Offi fice Cen ntree forr Meedia a Ad dvoccacyy P.O O. Bo ox 1732 2, Blanttyree, Malaw wi 6599 9548 854 4 Tel: 26 E-m maill: malaw wi@ @gro oup pafriicap m Bottsw wan na Office Cad dline (P Pty) Ltd d. P/B Bag 494 4 Ga abo oron ne, Botsw wan na. 267 318 8 7101 I Fax x: +267 7 3118 10 02 Tel: +2 E-m maill: bo otsw wan na@g grou upa africcapu ublisshin ng.ccom m


October 2015 Volume 26 No.10

Editor's Comment

Geosynthetics add value

China’s slowdown, Africa’s nightmare Geogrids can improve the quality of pavement layers in order to avoid the use of crushed stone, while geocomposites for drainage can intercept seeping water.

China’s economic slowdown is now in full bloom and the effects of this for Africa will be far reaching when you consider that bilateral trade with China stood at US$200 Billion in 2014. For most of Africa, China has become a major - if not the number one - trading partner and this is more evident in resource rich countries of Zambia and South

18 Underground Cable Laying for Telecommunications Projects

Africa. Already lower commodity prices and reduced demand from China has had a significant negative impact on their currencies. China has also invested heavily in infrastructure projects in Africa and as funds become scarce it is inevitable that several projects could be put on hold slowing down vital capital inflows into Africa. The USA is expected to begin raising interest rates


The belief that a ‘one-size-fitsall’approach in the ground cable laying works is nothing but a myth. Cable requirements differ from client to client depending on the need for specific routes.

after decades of near zero rates which could threaten to turn the current outflow of capital into a fully fledged stampede which will further dent Africa’s economy as investment money seeks safer ground. It is not all doom and gloom however because Africa can try to diversify its trading partners in order to mitigate the China effect while regional trade between

GHK Architects Limited, Nigeria


Shelving and Racking


African countries should now benefit significantly from the present environment.

Making the most of shrinking space Cold Storage for Industrial & Commercial Projects


Experience brings product precision Modular Buildings


Robert Barnes

Prefab and remote locations make perfect sense together

Sou uth h Affric ca Office Colllegee Pu ublissheers CC 1st Floor, 267 7 Oa ak Aven nue,, Oak kfiellds,, Ra andb burg g, Jo oha anneesbu urg Tel: +2 27 11 78 81 4253 3 Fax x: +2 27 11 78 81 4287 Em mail: sou utha afriica@ @gro oupafriicap m Eth hiop pia a Offfice e Hayymii Ad dverrtisiing Servvicees 22 Mazzoriia, Gen net Bldg g 4th h Fllr P.O O. Bo ox 1316 6 - 1110 0 Ad ddis Ab baba a Tel: +2 251 118 955 85 55 Celll: +2511 930 0 099 152 Em mail: eth hiop pia@ @gro oup pafriicap publish m

Zim mba abw we Offi fice J.S.. Reecon nnecct (Pvt)) Lttd 436 6 Ettting gton n Ro oad, Grreysston ne Park,, Ha ararre Zim mbab bwee

Nig ger ria Offi fice

Ken nya a Offfic ce Norrthw westt Veentu uress Ltd d P.O O. Bo ox 164114 Nairrobii 00100 0 Tel: +2 254 20 267 79809 I 26 6798 808 8, 20 0913 305 5 Em mail: ken nya@ @grou upaffrica apub blishing om

Ifak ko Ij Ijayee Lg ga,A Ageg ge, Lago os.

Gh hana a Offic ce Ima age Con nsorrtiu um 1st Floor, TheeEccoba ank Buiildin ng, Tessano o. Tel: 23 33(0 0)30 0 22 23 2728 8 I Fax:: 233(0)24 4 88 82 8286 6 Em mail: gha ana@g grou upaffrica apub om

Rah hma a Asssocciatees B23 3/24 4, Aishetu u Em moew wa Plazza 196 6, Iju u Wateer Work ks Road d, Tel: 23 34-11-73478 860 Em mail: nig geria a@grou upa africcapu ubliishin ng.ccom m Rw wan nda Offi fice e Kolllinee & Hem med d In nc., B.P.. 33 328,, Kig gali, Rw wand da Tel: +2 250 03 748 8106 6 E-m maill: rw wand da@ @grroup pafriicap pub blish hing m Weebsitte: www w.k kollin neh hemeed.o org



South Africa

Largest biogas plant to be built in Naivasha

Amakhala Emoyeni Wind Farm nears completion Germany to support renewable energ sector

Africa’s largest biogas plant is to

Construction work on the US $0.30bn Amakhala Emoyeni Wind Farm in South Africa is in progress with commercial operations set for 2016. Cennergi’s Amakhala Emoyeni Wind Farm project is a 134 MW installed capacity wind farm located near the town of Bedford in the Eastern Cape. It has an excellent wind resource and close proximity to infrastructure, most importantly the national electricity supply grid. Fifty-six turbines, each with a 91 m hub height and 2.4MW capacity are being supplied and installed on a site comprising seven commercial farms by German wind turbine manufacturer Nordex. According to Thomas Garner the CEO of Cennergi the owners of the project, the wind farm will help solidify the country’s in-house project execution thus delivering world class wind facilities on time with the appropriate budget and high standards of safety. South Africa currently hosts the largest wind farm in Africa. At 138mw Jeffrey's Bay wind farm, located between the towns of Jeffreys Bay and Humansdorp in South Africa's Eastern Cape province, was officially inaugurated last year

be constructed in Naivasha and will add an additional 2.2MW of power to the national grid once complete. Tropical Power managing



McMillan confirmed the news and said that the project which is named Anaerobic Digester plant will cost US$ 7m and is part of the Gorge Farm Energy Park. He further said that 50% of the power produced will be sold to the Gorge Farm, and the rest to Kenya Power. Mr. McMillan pointed out that plans to build other renewable power assets


they are projected to produce

World Bank to boost construction of Azura power project

over 130 megawatts of clean

The Federal Government of Nigeria has signed an agreement with the

energy by 2018 including in

World Bank Partial Risk Guarantees (PRGs) to boost the construction

other countries like Ghana.

progress of the 450MW Azura Power Plant in response to the power

across Africa were ongoing and

50,000 tonnes of organic

sector reforms in the country. The agreement was concluded by

waste will be consumed per year

the Finance Ministry on behalf of the Federal Government and the

by the new Digester plant. “More

Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc (NBET). The World Bank will

than 35,000 tonnes output from

provide the guarantees for the construction of Azura power since the

the process could be used as

project is also being sponsored by several institutions among them

rich, natural fertilizer to improve the crop yield for local farms,” McMillan said. The Gorge Farm Anaerobic Digester plant will be

the Azura Power West Africa Ltd (Azura), the Standard Chartered Bank, the Rand Merchant Bank, the Standard Bank, JP Morgan and the Siemens Bank. The power construction project includes an open cycle gas turbine power station; a short transmission line linking the power plant to a local substation and a short underground gas pipeline

owned and managed by Biojoule

linking the country’s main gas-supply and the power plant. The Azura



power project is situated on the outskirts of Benin City. Phase I of the

power producer and part of The

power project is expected to open employment opportunity to over

Tropical Power Energy Group.

1000 citizens who will contribute to the completion of the project

“It is a big win for Kenya to get

which is eventually expected to be operational come 2018.



a ground-breaking project like this. It needs the developers, researchers, government

suppliers to


and hand

in hand. We look forward to working with Tropical Power, Kenya Power and the Ministry of Energy on more ground-breaking projects,” he said. 4


Germany has announced support for the renewable energy sector in Tunisia applauding the country for adopting the green energy. According to German’s Parliamentary State Secretary to the German Federal Minister for Economic Co-operation and Development Thomas Silberhorn during his visit to Tunisia Germany is currently focusing on cooperating with African countries to improve the renewable energy sector. He added that Germany has succeeded in implementing strategies that have seen them succeed in the renewable energy sector and the same was adopted in Tunisia and has resulted in positive improvement in the sector. He also noted that the two countries are currently taking a pilot study to see the most successful part of the partnership in the renewable energy sector and the one that will be adopted. The partnership will see Tunisia install a photovoltaic plant which will have a capacity of 10 MW in the Southern parts of Tunisia and another one which will be installed in the Northern part of Tunisia which will be the largest one in North Africa. A British company is also seeking funding incidentally from the British government to set up a solar power plant to supply power to Britain. The TuNur project which plans to generate 2Gw of power hopes to win funding from the British government. Currently more than 150 German companies or joint ventures are present in Tunisia. They employ nearly 55,000 people, particularly in the sectors of leather and footwear and mechanical and electronic industries. October 2015




Construction of new airport terminal set for completion

Construction of Second Niger bridge halted The ongoing construction project of the Second Niger Bridge in Nigeria has been put on hold until further notice by the federal government. This was announced by Aminu Diko the Director-General of Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission, who attributed the project delay to the non-issuance of the Certificate of Compliance, non-compensation of the host community, nonadherence to due process in the award of contract and the actual cost of the bridge. The Federal Government of Nigeria has so far issued US$91.35m out of the planned US$149.75m towards the project construction. The Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) provided the US$2bn which is being managed by the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) under the joint venture of the public, private partnership between the Nigerian Government and some private equity capital firms, including the NSIA. The total cost of the construction of the second Niger bridge in Nigeria was initially estimated to cost US$539.1m but due to the falling value of the Nigerian currency in relation to other world currencies the cost has risen to US$ 588.52m. Obinna Ihedioha, the Vice President, Infrastructure Investment also clarified that the initial project cost did not include the VAT and when the VAT was included the cost went up by US$49.42m. Even though the affected communities have not yet been compensated adequately , the Niger Bridge in Nigeria will be constructed and operated on a Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis. October 2015


Grand Egyptian Museum nears completion The construction of Grand Egyptian museum is coming closer to completion having failed to meet earlier deadlines. The cost of the new museum has risen from $US 800 million to $US 1.1 billion. Antiquities Minister Mamdouh Al-Damaty has said. Described as the largest archaeological museum in the world, the museum is scheduled to be partialy open in 2018. The museum is sited on 50 hectares (120 acres) of land approximately two kilometers from theGiza pyramids and is part of a new master plan for the plateau. The building is shaped like a chamfered triangle in plan. It sits on a site two kilometers west of the pyramids, near a motorway interchange. The building's north and south walls line up directly with the Great Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Menkaure. In front of the building is a large plaza, filled with date plants. One of the main features of the Museum is the translucent stone wall, made of alabaster, that makes up the front facade of the building. Inside the main entrance is a large atrium, where large statues will be exhibited. The new museum is designed to include the latest technology, including virtual reality.

Kenya Serena Hotels and Lodges in expansion mode The Serena Hotels and Lodges in Kenya is set to construct more properties and expand some of its existing ones, this is after it receives a US$ 20m loan from the French fund Proparco. TPS Eastern Africa which owns Serena Hotels and lodges in Kenya confirmed the reports and said that the loan will fund capital expenditures over 24 months as from 2016. The TPS Managing Director Mahmud Janmohamed was pleased with the initiative, he said that most of the money will be used in Kenya, including on expansion of Nairobi Serena Hotel which is estimated to account for 28.8 per cent of Kenya’s room nights. Expansion and refurbishment will include building of new conference and banqueting facilities and renovating bedrooms and public areas. Additional 32 new bedrooms, food, beverage and meeting facilities will also be built at its Kampala Serena Hotel over the same period. The Dar es Salaam Serena Hotel is also scheduled to undergo refurbishment and extension of the dining areas, spa and public areas starting January next year.

Construction work on the new airport terminal in Zambia at the Harry Mwanga Nkumbula International Airport located in Livingstone, is set to be complete by the end of the coming month. The terminal will be commissioned in October. According to the Managing Director for Zambia Airport Corporation (ZACL), Robinson Misitala, the construction of the new airport terminal in Zambia will be complete by September. This is because they are already through with 90 percent of the construction works and the remaining 10 percent entails repainting of structures, tile and ceiling placement. Misitala also noted that the radar installation in the airport construction had reached 98 percent and was ready for functioning while staff on set was being trained in South Africa. In addition to this, Mr. Misitala noted that they had received additional finances to enable them complete the remaining construction work in the building with the equipment for the relevant work already onsite. The remaining work would be during the night hours to avoid inconveniencing of activities happening in the airport during the day as it was already functional. This move to work at night was so as to improve on the number of travelers as the International Airport was receiving 250,000 passengers yearly but this had dropped to 200,000. The new airport terminal in Zambia is set to boost the capacity of the airport in Zambia and consequently boost tourism. 5


South Africa


New standards set for construction industry

Shanzu Beach Resort to construct new block of apartments

New service standards for the construction industry in South Africa has been set in a move to improve performance for housing contractors. The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) would be brought on board to assist with inspections on housing projects and the approval processes. This will be part of the department’s strategy of



performance in order for them to be able to fully deliver megaprojects. According to Gauteng Human Settlements MEC, Jacob Mamabolo, the department had not been able to deliver enough houses for the last five years yet the money spent on construction of houses had increased over the








declined. Mamabolo also noted that change has to be noticed by close of the financial year with an increase in number. The gap between expenditure and output of projects had to of






be analyzed through the use of a revised Service Level Agreement (SLA) which they would all need to sign. This will enable the contractors commit to deliver projects on target and as agreed by the parties that are in charge of the project. However, the SLA’s will not interfere with the contracts already given. Mamabolo further noted that the







of 41 percent during the first quarter of the year as compared to the previous year while at the same time getting an unqualified audit outcome. 6

Pangoni Beach Resort in Shanzu, Mombasa

Shanzu Beach Resort is set to construct a new block of apartments at the Kenyan Coast in a bid to boost their high end property development. The development which is dabbed The Shaza project will consist of 18 apartments comprising of two and three bedroom that will go for between Sh32 million and Sh42 million respectively. The Shanzu beach resort blocks will be constructed in Mombasa County and will be completed by October this year. Executive director Mr. Mike Karanja confirmed the news and said that the firm settled on this initiative after it sold out its first block from December 2014 which consisted of 46 units. “Demand is coming from premium buyers looking for properties with a good beachfront view in accessible areas, most of the buyers are from the mainland and that is what they are looking for,” said Mr. Karanja. He further pointed out that the program is part of a multibillion investment plan that was started three years ago. Currently, there is an increasing demand for properties especially at the Coast where most people are being attracted to invest in the real estate business and the English Point Marina and the upcoming Sultan Palace by Chinese firm Sultan Palace Development have not disappointed as they are some of the construction projects that are improving the coastal skyline.

Zimbabwe Construction of low-cost houses The Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe is spending US$8,3 million in construction of low-cost houses in Zimbabwe. According to governemnt officials, discussion is ongoing between the CBZ authorities and the ministry of housing to acquire more land so that the construction of the houses kicks off. The CBZ bank CEO Never Nyemudzo said, in spite of the effects of the liquidity crisis, the uptake of housing in Gweru’s Senga high-density suburb and Mutare’s Chikanga high-density suburb was relatively high. Nyemudzo said that his bank is partnering with the government to obtain more land, adding that the cost of land is a major determinant of what the constructed houses would cost. According to the chief executive the bank is set to obtain two hundred stands to construct affordable houses in Kwekwe. He said the bank has received a US$46 million loan facility at a 7 percent interest annually from PTA Bank, and will direct US$10 million towards small and medium enterprises. The moves comes against the backdrop of increased rural-to-urban migration in Zimbabwe causing shortage of houses in urban areas in the country.

Egypt Construction boom Construction boom in Egypt especially the real estate sector, is set to greatly boost the economy of the country that largely depends on the construction industry for revenue. Many construction companies in Egypt such as Arabtec have won various tenders to construct modern houses and this is expected to show growth in various sectors. The countries real estate sector is currently serving as the backbone of its economy despite various challenges that are being observed such us political instability and economical constraints. According to a recent report Egypt’s value of real estate has recorded a sharp increase over from the year 2000 from €890m to €3.5bn by the end of 2012, representing a growth rate of 27.5%. The construction boom in Egypt has also increased jobs in the country and more foreign companies are in the country to ensere they are not left behind with the opportunity. Labour markets in Egypt have been favorably assisted by buoyancy in the country’s property market. In 2012, the real estate sector absorbed as much as 14.9% of total employment, hiring an equivalent of 3.2 million people and in 2013 the sector contributed 8.3% to national GDP. Industry insiders have since adjusted their outlook for Egyptian real estate, projecting the sector to grow 70% from €6.3bn in 2012 to just over €10bn by 2020. There are several factors attributed to the strength and importance of the real estate sector in Egypt not least of which is the fact that contributes to more than 90 industries related to construction. October 2015


AEA opens the 17th annual convention and Exhibition

National Housing Enterprise Board of Namibia gets new leader

The Association of Ethiopian Architects (AEA) opened the 17th Annual Convention and Exhibition with the promise of better opportunities to architects and other professionals to release their potentials in design, contract management and others. The opening which was held at Sheraton Addis saw many officials come together and discuss the current unethical practices in the construction industry as the body is expected to play a leading role in design and construction activities and to build upon integrity within the AEA among architects. The Association of Ethiopian Architects is an umbrella organization that comes together to discuss various issues with respect to their profession, the demand of the construction industry and the complementary techniques.

Sam Shivute is set to lead National Housing Enterprise Board.

The troubled National Housing Enterprise Board of Namibia has received a new chairperson after The Deputy Director for Banking for the Bank of Namibia, Sam Shivute was appointed as the board's leader . This announcement was made recently by the Minister for Information, Tjekero Tweya. Shivite was appointed as part of the new board formed for the organization after the previous one was mired with favouritism, corruption, rife cronyism in dealing with state funds and projects which include the mass housing programme. The other members for the new formation include civil engineer Elton Gaoseb, lawyer Aisha Isaak and Petrina Nakale from the industrial policy, planning and development department of the industrialisation ministry. The Chief Financial Officer of FNB Namibia, Oscar Capelao comes in as the firth board member. Shivute replaces former National Housing Enterprise Board of Namibia chair Jason Nandago, who was seen by some members as being sympathetic to the former CEO Vinson Hailulu. The new board is tasked with the appointment a new CEO for National Housing Enterprise.

The association of building and civil engineering contractors in Zambia (ABCEC) has hailed construction internship schemes saying they will go a long way to promote skilled manpower in the country. Zambian president Edgar Lungu recently launched the 2015 national youth policy and action plan for youth empowerment, which seeks to create an estimated 500,000 jobs by the end of 2016. According to ABCEC, this development is a land mark achievement by the country which needs support from all well-meaning Zambians. ABCEC notes that the government needed to be commended for developing the 2015 youth policy. From a perspective of contractors, the construction industry stands to benefit from the launched youth policy through apprenticeship and internship scheme,.



- Tanzania Institute of Quantity Surveyors

- Architectural Association of Kenya

- Institute of Botswana Quantity Surveyors

- Construction Regulation Board (CRB)

- Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya

- Tanzania’s Registration Board of Architects

- Institute of Engineers of Kenya


- Association of Consulting Engineers of - Kenya

- Construction Contractors Association of Ethiopia

- Association of Professional Societies of East

Association Partners

ABCEC hails construction internships

and Quantity Surveyors (AQSRB)


Africa APSEA)


- Kenya Property developers Association

- Zimbabwe Institute of Quantity Surveyors

- Association of Consulting Engineers Nigeria

- Institution of Surveyors of Kenya

- Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers

- Association of Professional Women

- The Construction Industry Federation of

South Africa - ASAQS


Zimbabwe (Cifoz)

- South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession - Khuthaza ( Women for Housing)

Ghana - Ghana Institute of Engineers

Engineers Of Nigeria - Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria - The Nigerian Institute of Architects - American Association of Petroleum Geologists Africa Region

- Concrete Manufacturers Association

- Architects Registration Council

- Green Building council of SA

- Ghana Institute of Surveyors

- Nigeria Society of Engineers

- South African Property Owners Association

- Ghana Green Builders Association

- Nigeria Institute of Architects

- Master Builders South Africa

- Ghana Institute of Planners

- Building and Construction Skilled Artisans

- Association of Building and Civil Engineering

Association of Nigeria (BACSAAN)


Contractors of Ghana

Institute of Surveyors of Uganda


Zambia - Zambia Institute of Architects (ZIA)


Institute of Namibian Quantity Surveyors

- Association of Ethiopian Architects

Association of Consulting Engineers of Namibia

- Association of Building and Civil Engineering

- Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers


Contractors (ABCEC).

October 2015



SharpEye 40/40 Optical Flame Detectors Spectrex has recently supplied the Ghazlan Power Plant with SharpEye Optical Flame Detectors. The SharpEye Optical Flame Detectors will protect the four new 600MW oil and gas fired steam turbines, as well as the fuel handling infrastructure and transmission equipment being installed at the plant. These expansions make Ghazlan Power Plant the largest power generation facility in the Middle East and the 48th largest in the world. Due to the immense size and the variety of challenges on site, engineers selected a combination of the advanced IR3 SharpEye 40/40I and the UV/ IR design SharpEye 40/40LB with the combined 4-20 mA and HART communication to allow remote setup, maintenance and diagnostics. The 150,000 hour MTBF and 5 year warranty were important factors in selecting Spectrex as this environment is tough on instruments. Spectrex Inc. is a technology leader in optical Flame and Open Path Gas Detection (OPGD). Our patented optical UV/IR and IR3 Flame Detector designs, and pioneering patented Xenon Flash designs in OPGD detectors are now the standard for Oil & Gas projects. A wide range of flame detectors are available, from ultra fast (msec) detection time to high sensitivity hydrocarbon and hydrogen flame detection, alongside the equally large OPGD range that can detect hazardous gases.

Smart Airports Africa 2015 event Date: 16 – 18 November 2015 in Nairobi Kenya Venue: InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya Contact Mayvis Motaung Email: Website:

Smart Airports Africa 2015 event that is set to take off in Nairobi will be a timely one. Volatile fuel prices, strong growth in air traffic, and the continent continued progress towards development and economic growth have reshaped the African aviation industry. From airlines and their global alliances, to airports and mega hubs, the African aviation’s wide ecosystem of partners is now being forced to implement new strategies to assert itself as a key driver of economic development. Over the past decades, airports have gained more stakeholders, with increasingly complex operations. In so doing, they have honed their capabilities to focus on effectiveness rather than mere efficiency. This new approach has resulted in commercial airports now competing to become travel and logistics hubs while acting as economic engines that drive national and regional economy through the movement of people, goods and services around the world. African airports are well on their way in attracting major interest from different stakeholders as well as investors and development agencies from across the globe in their expansion and upgrades projects, moving beyond their physical boundaries to enhance their passengers and partners experience.

Roof tile machines take advantage of concrete’s green Independent research from the Öko-Institut Freiburg (Ecological Institute) in Germany places concrete roof tiles well ahead of clay roof tiles in the categories of greenhouse effect, acidification potential, eutrophication, photooxidation and fine dust. These important facts led to PMSA entering into a partnership with world-leading



tile machines expert ABECE to




in Africa. “The emphasis on infrastructure in




development particularly



projects, means that we foresee tremendous growth opportunities here,” ABECE Area Manager Fredrik Toftemo comments. “Working closely with an established




PMSA allows us to remain at the forefront of this market,” Toftemo adds. PMSA Marketing and



Nuclear Africa Build 2015 event to be held in South Africa Nuclear Africa Build 2015 event is set to be held in South Africa on 25 – 26 November. The move comes even as Africa’s pursuit of nuclear energy dates back decades with South Africa spearheading the campaign to begin building new nuclear reactors in the following years. Closely following this agenda are countries such as Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and Ghana all of which are making headway to start the process. However, new nuclear projects are not without challenges. Seldom meeting commissioning deadlines, the low capacity of highly skilled nuclear reactor construction staff and high construction risks and costs often cause many to speculate whether new nuclear power projects are a plausible solution financially. Africa’s electrical consumption has been on the rise with the





Quintin that


the been

collaborating successfully since 2005, and have worked on fully automated roof-tile plants in South Africa with capacities of up to 140 tiles a minute. PMSA is the largest supplier of concrete brick, block and paving manufacturing machinery and technology on the continent. It recently displayed ABECE equipment at its stand at Totally Concrete 2015 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg in mid-May.

significant growth in urban population areas. The reliance on conventional fossil fuel is not sustainable, especially given the crisis currently faced by the global mining industry. Low commodity prices have resulted in multinational mining companies downsizing their various operations globally. In a country like South Africa, where this coupled by rolling load-shedding, productivity in the coal mines has been adversely affected. 8

October 2015


Dangote Cement signs deal with Chinese firm to construct factories


igerian based company Dangote Cement has signed a US$4.34bn contract with a Chinese based construction company, Sinoma International Engineering Company

Limited, to construct 11 new cement plants in 10 African countries including Nepal in Asia. The Nigerian based Dangote cement ,is focusing to multiply its cement production capacity to 100 million tonnes by 2020. This was revealed by the Group’s president and owner, Aliko Dangote in regards to his massive investment of cement plants across Africa. Presently, Africa greatly needs to boost its infrastructural development by stimulating further demand and forcing down rising cost of the commodity through increasing its capita consumption of cement. Not long ago the group commissioned its 1.5 million metric tonnes grinding plant in Douala, Cameroon which was commissioned by the country’s President Paul Biya. Philemon Yang the country’s Prime Minister represented the President at the commissioning ceremony and laid the foundation stone for the jetty in Base Elf area, Port Autonome De Douala. According to President Biya, Dangote’s investment is right in line with his Government’s policy of inviting industries to contribute to the growth of the country’s gross domestic product. Moreover, the country is open to investors from the private sector from Nigeria and other countries in Africa. As described by the Group’s President, the recently commissioned plant in Cameroon is the largest Greenfield project whereby the two countries not only share a boundary but also a long history of brotherly relationship dating from their colonial days adding that Nigeria has a better understanding of Cameroun. However, the group is now looking at commencing the phase II of the plant to double its current capacity production of 1.5 million metric tonnes to 3 million metric tonnes per year given that Cameroun has the largest economy in Central Africa and is well endowed with abundant natural resources October 2015

KenGen wins big at East African Power Industry Awards

Plans to construct 500 housing units in Nigeria in top gear

The Kenya Electricity Generating Company scored a double win at the inaugural East African Power Industry Awards in Nairobi on Thursday evening when the utility won the Outstanding Clean Power Award and also took top place in the Excellence in Power Generation category.Other popular winners were Dr Albert Butare, former Energy Minister of Rwanda who won the Lifetime Achievement Award for East Africa, as well as H.E. Dr Elham Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim from Ethiopia who is the African Union’s Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy who won the Outstanding Woman in Power, Regional Award East Africa. The awards honour the outstanding power professionals and projects in the East African region and the sold-out gala dinner took place during the East African Power Industry Convention.

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in Nigeria has partnered with the B.A.M Projects and Properties, an Abuja-based property developer to construct 500 affordable housing units in Nigeria for the FCT residents. The project is part of a wider plan by the government to reduce the housing deficit gap already existing in the country. According to Kelvin God’swill Musa, the B.A.M Projects and Properties Communications Officer, the project will be located at Belham Estate in Karsana District near Gwarimpa Estate. However, the project construction will be executed on a 45 hectares of land that will contain 2-bedroom apartments, 3-bedroom town houses, 3-bedroom luxurious apartments, 4-bedroom detached bungalows and 5-bedroom villas. Abba Mohammed, the B.A.M projects and properties director says that the company started eyeing the mass housing project in Nigeria three years ago and are now ready to execute the construction project having secured a development and leasing approval from the Nigerian Federal Capital Territory Administration under the mass housing scheme of the FCDA. B.A.M has a clean record in developing mass housing units in the FCT a move that gave them a competitive edge over other companies in Nigeria eyeing a similar project. Mohammed said that the company is an emerging mass housing developer in the FCT having complied with the necessary procedures for registration such as payment of compensation to original settlers, approval of the engineering design and a certified development plan.

Arabtec to construct housing project in Egypt Leading construction company in the UAE Arabtec, will proceed with the construction of a housing project in Egypt a statement from the company has confirmed. Arabtec has rubbished a section of media claims that they were pulling out of the agreement signed by Egypt to carry out the multimillion dollar project in Egypt. The Dubai listed company aims to construct a million housing units in Egypt. In a statement released by the company it denies the withdrawal plans published in a section of media and says they are currently in discussion with relevant bodies and parties in Egypt to ensure the project kicks off.



Brief case contractors killing the construction sector in Uganda

U Mutabazi Sam Stewart , Executive Director of Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative (URSSI

The brief case contractors, when allowed to flourish, can completely distort the market rendering it unpredictable and volatile. They breed corruption and malign competent companies through unnecessary administrative reviews 10

ganda National Association of Civil Engineering Contractors (UNABCEC) has of recent been engaged in a constructive debate on how to promote the construction sector in Uganda. They were particularly concerned with the advertorial of the Roads Industry Council (RIC) that appeared in the daily press headed “Why change is needed: challenges facing Uganda’s roads industry” For clarification purposes, I am a member of RIC. I am, however, not its spokesperson and neither am I authorised to speak on the council’s behalf. The contents of this rebuttal are, therefore, my personal views and not of RIC. RIC, which is a five-year old advocacy think tank, works as an advisory board of the Cross Roads Programme and uses a multipronged approach in influencing government policy on road infrastructure development and maintenance. One of the core areas of focus for RIC and indeed the Cross Roads Programme is to strengthen the capacity of the local construction sector in Uganda. The construction sector in Uganda faces major impediments some of which are interrelated. The situation was worse six years ago before the Government’s decision to prioritise the sector by allocating more resources. Though somehow improving, it has not reached anywhere near the desirable level. Key among the challenges the sector faces are weak local contractor capacity,(many small SMEs briefcase contractors and speculators) inadequate resources, lack of prioritisation and systemic intervention, weak procurement systems and lack of a strong government regulator to steer and guide the industry to prosperity. The works and transport sector players including UNRA are in agreement that there is need for close regulation of the construction sector in Uganda to guide its growth. Given the amount of resources that the Government has committed to the sector, many speculators commonly referred to as

“Brief Case Contractors” have come up to cash in into the sector with the largest national budget. In 2012, UNRA attempted to classify and grade contractors with an objective of identifying genuine contractors according to their expertise and experience. This would ease the pressure that come with speculator firms that are more often created for the sole purpose of winning certain tenders at the expense of seasoned companies. It should be noted that the construction industry is very fluid. Any construction company that is not assured of business for years cannot sustain itself because it cannot retain its skilled staff, nor pay its day-today costs. Over 95% of all road construction firms derive their incomes from government (UNRA and local governments) because it (government) is the monopoly owner of most roads in the country. Construction companies can only survive when they have work. According to UNRA, there are approximately 800 local construction firms in Uganda currently. Yet not all the 800 contractors can all have projects. The brief case contractors, therefore, when allowed to flourish, can completely distort the market rendering it unpredictable and volatile. They breed corruption and malign competent companies through unnecessary administrative reviews because they feel they must always win. The sector is in advanced stages of establishing a very important institution called Uganda Construction Industry Commission (UCICO) which will regulate all construction companies in the country. Cabinet has already approved the UCICO Bill now due for debate by Parliament. Whenever UNRA puts out a tender, the agency is overwhelmed with the number of bidders with many claiming to be what they are not in order to be selected. To read more and to comment on this story visit

October 2015

Davis & Shirtliff is the region’s largest water & energy equipment supplier with an unmatched product range, a wide network of branches and stockists, extensive stocks, full service support and ISO 9001:2008 certification. Contact the Professionals for the best water and energy management solutions available! October 2015



Africa needs water what are the issues?


ven as Africa is applauded for its economic growth and development over the last decade several key pillars required for sustainable growth have come

under increasing pressure. These are adequate housing, power and transport infrastructure but arguably the one requiring the most urgent intervention is water supply. According to a 2012 water conference dealing with water scarcity in Africa, out of Africa’s 800 million inhabitants over 300 million live without adequate water supply and

The poor quality water that is obtained from pools and streams shared with livestock on the other hand are sources of disease which further compound the problem by having a major impact on the population’s health. Africa being predominantly an agriculturally based economy, it means that due to inadequate water supply for agricultural production the threat to food security is always just over the horizon and becomes manifest when there is either famine or flooding due to erratic and seasonal rainfall.

the situation is expected to deteriorate even further by 2030 with the possible threat of mass displacement of people. Several reasons have been brought forward to explain Africa’s predicament not least of all being rapid population growth and climate change. In urban areas there is a huge disparity between the cost of clean water for the poor who do not have running water in their homes and the more affluent with the poor paying over 4 times more for water than their rich counterparts. In addition, in the rural areas where the larger portion of the population live, piped water is not available and in many instances women and children spend a large part of their day trekking long distances to fetch water meaning that no economic activities or schooling can be undertaken. 12

Lack of investment Water supply systems in Africa can be described as an area where under investment is rife. Though South Africa has one of the cleanest water systems in the world it is ranked as the 30th driest country in the world as well. Currently there is a real threat of a crisis emerging that would affect the country’s 49 million people. This state of affairs has been blamed on lack of adequate investment in the water sector, leakages and theft as well as infrequent rains that have left dam waters at historically low levels. In Nigeria an estimated $500 million of budgeted funds is annually sunk into the water sector though government claims $2.05 billion is the annual figure needed in October 2015

investments to attain the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. However experts insist that the sector’s problems are less about availability of funds and more about mismanagement of resources and poor utilization of available finances. According to the Water and Environmental Affairs in South Africa, over R570Bn(US$57Bn) will be needed for investment across South Africa’s water value chain, in the coming 10 years. The money would go into water resource infrastructure, services and conservation. Increasing population Populations in Africa are exploding coupled with economic development as well as urbanization and this has raised more problems. A look at the Nile Basin shows that pollution and environmental degradation are decreasing water availability for Egypt. Egypt is facing an annual water deficit of around 7 billion cubic metres. Infact, United Nations is already warning that Egypt could run out of water by the year 2025. This is also true for many other countries in Africa Conflict Because of all these factors the available water has become a source of conflict between communities and even countries. The Nile for instance has seen protagonists issue threats of war should its flow be interrupted by countries further upstream. Running through Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan, the Nile's water has the potential to spark conflict and unrest. In Western Africa the Volta river basin that extends from Guinea through Mali and down to Nigeria is vital for food, water and transportation, this is especially true for Mali which is one of the world's poorest countries, but the river’s over-usage is contributing to an increasingly polluted and unusable water source. In southern Africa, the Zambezi river basin is one of the world's most over-used river systems, and Zambia and Zimbabwe compete fiercely over it. To date countries have resolved their differences

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Did you know? Africa is the world´s second-driest continent after Australia. About 66% of Africa is arid or semi-arid and more than 300 of the 800 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live in a water-scarce environment – meaning that they have less than 1,000 m3 per capita per year. 115 people in Africa die every hour from diseases linked to poor sanitation, poor hygiene and contaminated water. 35% of Water and Sanitation aid commitment on MDG goes to Africa with Sub-Saharan having 27% of the financial allocation. In Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, more than a quarter of the population spends more than half an

October 2015

Water supply systems in Africa can be described as an area where under investment is rife.

but with the sustained demand for water, the situation could degenerate to outright hostility and aggression. The Nile basin is a good case study of the threat of conflict over water. Egypt controls majority of the water resource extracted from the Nile River due to a colonial-era treaty, which guaranteed Egypt 90 percent share of the Nile, and prevented their neighbors from extracting even a single drop from the Nile without permission. However, countries along the Nile such as Burundi, and Ethiopia have taken advantage of the political strife that had engulfed Egypt and are gaining more control over the rights for the Nile. With the Nile supplying 95 percent of Egypt’s freshwater, losing some of the water

hour per round trip to collect water. Africa’s rising population is driving demand for water and accelerating the degradation of water resources. By mid-2011, Africa’s population (excluding the northern-most states) was around 838 million and its average natural rate of increase was 2.6% per year, compared to the world average of 1.2%. By one estimate its population will grow to 1,245 million by 2025 and to 2,069 million by 2050. The urban slum population in sub-Saharan African countries is expected to double to 400 million by 2020 if governments do not take immediate and radical action. Source UNDESA 13

In the rural areas where the larger portion of the population live, piped water is not available

supply can cause additional problems for Egypt. In the long-term however, it will be necessary to create a legal order on national and regional level that regulates the fair distribution of water in the region. Water loses Africa is a hot continent and water losses from evaporation in dams and water pans is high. In addition old and dilapidated piping systems contribute to the loss of millions of litres of water annually. In South Africa the government has shed the spot light on leakages and water theft in recent years and has set targets to reduce water losses. It is estimated that a third of all water goes to waste due to leakages in aging pipelines that were laid over 80 years ago. In Emfuleni Municipality which is one of three municipalities that comprise the Gauteng region, it was noted that at night when there is less demand for water, pressure build up in the pipes increased leakages and so a pumping station was innovatively set up to reduce the pressure and this has resulted in savings of millions of litres of water which translates to US$ 3million a year. Water losses due to evaporation are also an issue in Egypt where the country receives less than 80 mm of rainfall a year, and only 6percent of the country is arable and agricultural land, with the rest being desert. This leads to excessive watering and the use of wasteful irrigation techniques such as flood irrigation. Nowadays, Egypt’s irrigation network draws almost entirely from the Aswan High Dam, which regulates more than 18,000 miles of canals and sub-canals that push out into the country’s farmlands adjacent to the river. 14

This system is highly inefficient, losing as much as 3 billion cubic meters of Nile water per year through evaporation and could be detrimental by not only intensifying water and water stress but also creating unemployment. A further decrease in water supply would lead to a decline in arable land available for agriculture, and with agriculture being the biggest employer of youth in Egypt, water scarcity could lead to increased unemployment levels. Corruption Arguably Africa’s greatest nemesis is corruption and the loss of funds earmarked for water supply projects has caused projects to stall or not to take off altogether. In Nigeria for instance, issues revolving poor operation and maintenance, inept institutions, insufficient technical capacity and persistent implementation failure are tied into the fact that the financial management structure in the water and sanitation sector is largely described as opaque while uncoordinated water policies facilitate replication of efforts; weakening intersectoral harmonization as every tier of government pursues its own water agenda. The result is that 70 million Nigerians live without access to safe drinking water while 102 million don’t have access to improved sanitary services. To read more and to comment on this story visit

October 2015

for but ensure that reference is made to the

Lifting Equipment Maintenance

manuals so as not to overlook anything. In





lifting equipment is Europa Infrastructure Technologies. They source their equipment from Europe and other than cranes and hoists they also stock various other equipment used in the construction industry. Amit


s with any mechanical equipment maintenance of cranes and hoists is vital to ensure a longer and more efficient lifespan. In Africa as countries continue on an upward development trajectory, the growth in demand for heavy equipment has also kept in step both in industrial facilities and construction site. The uppermost issue when carrying out maintenance is to ensure that the process is organized and not haphazard. A maintenance checklist that includes critical safety components as specified by the manufacturer is necessary along with a maintenance logbook to record problems encountered. The need to follow the manufacturers manuals cannot be overstressed.

October 2015

The typical things to check for once you start is the wire rope, crane structure and accessories, hydraulic systems, control systems and monitoring devices. Along with inspecting the sheaves and sockets, lubrication of the cable is essential to prevent damage and replacement will be necessary if the rope has increased in length while reducing in diameter as this means it has become defective. Proceed to check the crane structure for deformations, cracks or corroded members in the structure and boom, check the bolts and rivets as well. Ensure that the hydraulics do not have evidence of leakage and also check the level of fluids. Clean or replace the air cleaners. These are just some of the items to look out

Raikundalia (Goldie), the managing director says the key advantage of their products is that they are from Europe which in most cases is synonymous with quality. “We have lots of advantages, the main being that we only deal with purely European products, not that China or India is a bad market but a European product is always built much better and is more reliable and comes with European certification.� He said when speaking to CR. They have more recently begun providing factory refurbished equipment which are better priced while ensuring quality.


An overall view of the site as seen from the north western corner.

Drilling for the installation of the strand anchors. In instances, 25m long anchors were installed.

Gunite being applied to the trimmed face along the southern portion of the site.

Franki’s Discovery Work Shines in Sandton


ranki Africa has dominated the geotechnical industry in the plethora of major developments that have been taking place in Sandton in the recent past. Two of its most recent contracts include the 170 000m³ basement for the new Sandton premises of petrochemical giant, Sasol, and the 60 000m³ basement for the new head office of legal firm Webber Wentzel. A third, perhaps the largest basement project undertaken ever in South Africa, the mammoth 550 000m³ excavation and 15 300m² of lateral support basement for the new Discovery head office, has been a prime example not only of Franki’s ability to work under pressure, but also to find the right solution in the face of challenging geological conditions. Discovery Basement – a mammoth excavation “While this is certainly one of the largest ever basements in this country’s history, it is definitely the largest ever for Franki,” says Franki’s Gavin Byrne. “The vast scale of the project is brought into clear perspective on the realisation that this will have required 110 000 X 10m³ truck trips (there and back) to dispose of the soil. Given that the site is in one of the busiest traffic areas in all of Africa, it is no wonder that this element of the contract was crucial in its overall ‘critical path’. The development is being undertaken by Growthpoint Properties and Zenprop Property Holdings who awarded the contract to the JV of Diesel Power and Zero Azania, with Franki Africa as a nominated sub-contractor. The western boundary of the site, where the excavation is at its deepest (32m) is on Rivonia Road, the northern boundary on Katherine Street, the new IBM development is on the southern border while on the eastern side there is a series of office blocks. Byrne says that the available geotechnical information showed that the site was underlain by a granite bedrock at an average depth of about 15m below natural ground level, similar to several sites in the immediate vicinity of Discovery. “We decided on a well-established solution for this situation - soldier piles drilled to bedrock with 16

ground anchors over the upper circa 15m and rock bolts and shotcrete below the pile-toe level within the granitic bedrock zone of excavation,” Byrne said. The excavation face comprised a flat gunite surface proud of the soldier pile line to allow the gunite to be the final finish of the multi-level basement parking. “This, a departure from the more traditional soldier pile and gunite arch solution which has been in use for the last 20-30 years, results in an exceptionally smooth and aesthetically pleasing surface,” Byrne said. The project commenced in February 2014 with the installation of 216 (No.) soldier piles of 600mm diameter down to bedrock approximately 15m-18m deep. The excavation followed in bench heights of about 2m around the perimeter with the ground anchors and gunite face being installed from the benches. Unforeseen Challenges and the Revealing of Diabase Dyke Normal earth-moving equipment was used for the excavation down to bedrock level but the hard granite bedrock had to be removed using controlled blasting techniques. “The shallowest bedrock was encountered on the the north-western corner of the site and blasting commenced from approximately 6 meters below surface level. He adds that it was also noted at this time that rock levels on the south-eastern portion of the site were much deeper than had been anticipated from the initial geotechnical investigations. “This significantly deeper soil profile was also accompanied by a much higher localised water table condition resulting in substantial movement of the lateral support system,” Byrne said. These complex Geological conditions meant additional geotechnical investigation of the site needed to be undertaken. “The geotechnical conditions highlighted by the additional investigative drilling undertaken by Franki revealed a very complex Diabase dyke along most of the Rivonia Road boundary.

October 2015


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Solutions include: Piled Foundations; Rigid Inclusions; Jet Grouting; Lateral Support; Underpinning; Deep Soil Mixing; Soil Improvement; In-situ Replacement; Pipe and Culvert Jacking; Environmental Remediation; Marine Foundations and Structures; Geotechnical Investigations; Geotechnical Advice & Design and more. Franki ad 2 297 x 210 Feb 2015.indd 1

2/16/15 1:35 PM


Geosynthetics add value


Geosynthetics comprise of more than 100 different products available in the market and these can be categorized as Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geonets, Geomembrane, Geosynthetics Clay Liner and Geocomposite. Products differ as well from the raw materials, such as polyolefin (Polypropylene and Polyethylene) or polyester, changing the mechanical and chemical behaviour of such products. Usually in the overall project, geosynthetics are categorized through their role or function in the design or project such as any other engineering materials. There are 7 functions recognized for geosynthetics and they include the following: Filtration; Separation; Reinforcement; Drainage; Barrier; Surface erosion control and; Protection. At the beginning, geosynthetics were not used in critical applications or they were mainly used as “buffer� for safety, usually to cater for incorrect installation or poor quality workmanships. Almost 100 years later, geosynthetics are now widely used in many civil and mining sectors as a key-role player in the overall project, which can be the reinforcement of roads, lining of a heap leach pads, or just a simple erosion control on the shoreline. Geosynthetics in Africa The development of African infrastructure such as roads, bridges, railways and annexes offers the best opportunity for geosynthetics. Roads are the key for the development of a business and the Romans understood it many years ago and till today Europe is linked through these routes. Africa desperately needs roads and railways but tropical soils are a challenge when building roads or even railways due to the high swelling and low mechanical performances.


Geotextiles can be placed as a separator creating a stable platform for the contractor to work. Geogrids can improve the quality of the pavement layers in order to avoid the use of crushed stone, while geocomposite for drainage can intercept seeping water and geomembranes helps in avoiding any moisture getting into the pavement. Geosynthetics in mining Mining is big business in Africa and this has seen the demand for geosynthetics products such as geomembranes for the containment of the leaching zone where the loss of minerals due to seepage in the ground means millions of dollars lost for the mine as well as a potential hazard for the environment. Tailings storage facilities are regulated by severe environmental acts to avoid dispersion of hazardous element into the environment. Geomembranes together with geocomposite clay liners deliver higher quality materials (being manufactured in a controlled environment) in respect of compacted clay for instance, reducing the barrier layer and therefore increasing the containment volumes Tipping walls are built to give access to the biggest trucks in the world to the crusher plant. Geogrids which can reach tensile strength up to 160 tonne/m holds back the soil vertical reaching 30m high with minimum margin of error being just hundreds of millimetres away from the crusher. Dam liners Dam liners are essential for preventing water loss from reservoirs and ponds; however it is essential that high quality dam liners are purchased if a long term waterproof October 2015

Dam liners are essential for preventing water loss from reservoirs and ponds.

solution is required. Predominantly manufactured from Polyethylene and Polypropylene, these geomembranes are used extensively for the containment of liquids, solids and gases in a variety of applications, including Attenuation Tanks, Flood Alleviation, Dam Liners, Gas Barriers and Landfill Capping. These liners will normally be provided in rolls which have to be welded together. This requires an experienced technician so as to ensure a proper bond is attained at the seam. Low quality brands offer poor adhesion properties, resulting in leaks from the seams over time. Replacing or repairing leaking linings can be very expensive, in addition to being time consuming and inconvenient. A little extra investment in a high quality liner should keep repair costs to a minimal level. Ideally pond and dam liners should be fitted in one continuous sheet, although the weight of the liner and the resources available may prevent this from being possible. A 4-man team can install sections of lining up to 3000 square meters and must join any seams between sections on-site to create a waterproof seal. Polyethylene plastic linings can be sealed onsite using double-sided adhesive tape, although factory hot wedge and hot air sealing creates a more permanent bond and is preferable for improved waterproofing. It is essential that new water retention structures and excavations are properly planned to prevent headaches with the installation of liners. The area must be cleared of rocks, tree roots and any material which could damage the polyethylene liner. Once the area is cleared and the liner is laid it must be covered with a layer of soil. It is important that the liner is protected from exposure to sunlight, as even UV stabilized liners can degrade over time. Typically a layer of 100mm to 200mm of soil is sufficient to protect the lining. Suppliers of pond, dam and building liners can be consulted for advice on a new projects and can help contractors to anticipate problems with an installation. However, it is best to use a professional company to complete all but 20

small scale one-man installations. An experienced team of fitters will ensure a fully waterproof seal is made and headaches with the installation can be prevented. Some of the major suppliers and manufacturers of geosynthetics products in Africa includes Maccaferi Africa, Kaytech Engineering as well as Fibertex Geotextiles Africa. Fibertex Geotextiles Africa Fibertex Geotextiles Africa, a division of Fibertex South Africa (Pvt) Ltd, has established itself as a major manufacturer and supplier of comprehensive geosynthetics products. It has further formed strong partnerships with leading and local geosynthetic specialists enabling it to offer beneficial advice and value-added solutions for major infrastructure projects throughout the mining, civil engineering, construction and environmental fields. The company’s environmentally friendly products include both woven and non-woven Geotextiles, Geogrids, HDPE Slotted and Unslotted Pipe, HDPE Pipe Fittings, Cellular Confinement Systems, Composite Drainage Systems, Gabions and Mattresses, Erosion Control Blankets, Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) as well as HDPE Geomembranes. In order to strengthen and increase its manufacturing capacity, the company has invested in a state-of-the-art production line. This is an Andritz NSC needle punch line that is regarded as the most modern in the southern hemisphere, with a capability of being able to supply a variety of high-tech product types to the automotive, industrial and geotextiles segments. The line is also unique as it has the ability to manufacture products wider than 6.0m and also in weights from 65gsm to 1.200gsm. The line is equipped with optimisation software which keeps the product weights into a tight set of parameters and this results in cost advantages versus competitor products. October 2015

Supplying all your Geosynthetic Products à à à à à à à à à à à Ã

Woven & Non-woven Geotextiles HDPE Slotted & Unslotted Pipe Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) Cellular Confinement Systems Composite Drainage Systems Erosion Control Blankets Vegetation Protection Gabions & Mattresses Geomembranes Pipe Fittings Geogrids Geocells

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A division of:




Titus Kipsang MD Symbion Mombasa Ltd

Pride Inn Resort to Embody the Allure of Kenyan Coast “Luxury is anything that feels special. It can be a moment, a walk on the beach, a kiss from your child, a beautiful picture frame or a special fragrance. Luxury does not necessarily have to be expensive.” children, an outdoor water play area with a Savanna Big Five animal theme, a swimming pool and an interactive play area. Off-shore water sport activities such as surfing and sky diving will be also available. Pride Inn Resort is designed to remain regionally competitive offering unparalleled and cost effective yet luxurious packages to majorly the business traveller, but will also cater for tourists and families wishing to sample the sumptuous glamour Mombasa has to offer. The Wellness Centre will have a holistic selection of spa experiences set in vernacular Balinese theme designed in tranquil surroundings ensuring complete wellbeing and serenity. It will feature a natural product line, Healing Earth, a premium organic spa brand inspired by Africa’s and Swahili ancient energy, healing tradition and natural richness.

environment from the vagaries of climate change. Due to the complexity of the coastal market influenced by climatic conditions, diversity of cultures and the economic labyrinth it encountered, the firm had to develop character of versatility while still upholding its core principles in quality. The firm has over the years stuck to its core values and believes that ‘customer experience is the next competitive battleground’, a belief deeply enshrined in the business etiquette of its founding partners and is expected to be the firm’s principal competency ad infinitum. This belief has been the main cornerstone of the firm’s steady growth seeing it through the design and supervision of projects ranging from Educational, Industrial, Hospital and Residential to Commercial office buildings.

About the Architects Symbion Mombasa Limited was founded a decade ago during a time of change. In 2005 when Kenya ratified the Kyoto Protocol

Pride Inn Project Team Consultants Architect: Symbion Mombasa Ltd. Structural Engineer: Interphase Consultants Mechanical Engineer: Gamma Delta Eastern Africa Ltd Quantity Surveyor: Harold Fenwick Project Manager: Midas Ltd. Interior Designer: Studio 62 Ltd Landscape Architect: Lariak Landscapes Ltd October 2015

that highlighted the need to protect the

Projects handled so far include Links Plaza Development, Sheheena Apartments, Bomu Medical Centre and Crest Apartments Kizingo among many others.

Construction Main Contractor: Mulji Devraj & Bro. Plumbing Sub-contractor: Pioneer Plumbers Electrical Sub-contractor: East Africa Infrastructure Services Structural Roofing Sub-contractor: Khiljil Construction Aluminium Works Sub-contractor: Cannon Aluminium Solar Sub-contractor: Chameleon Solutions Joinery Sub-contractor: McZam Kenya Ltd. Generator Sub-contractor: Familiar Ltd. 23



his statement sums up the concept behind Pride Inn Paradise resort, a 300-room development tucked in the cove of Shanzu in Kenya’s largest coastal city, Mombasa. Designed by Symbion Mombasa Limited, the luxury resort borrows its architecture largely from the indigenous Swahili culture through its poetry and craftsmanship in tune with the shadows and undertones of the Arabian castles. The new facility will take holiday seekers from the hustle and bustle of the City Centre to wellmanicured lawns and pristine beaches. Pride Inn rooms include three mini presidential suites designed and finished in rich red hues and set in Swahili theme with natural finishes. The resort, once complete, will boast the region’s largest ultra modern conference facility (1,000-seater) complete with 600-seater break away rooms flowing into an exquisite 24 hour bistro serving local and international cuisine. The resort will have children’s entertainment provisions including a buffet restaurant ideal for dining with young


F rom 1983

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Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers

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Bringing Spaces to Life October 2015



Crowne Plaza Annexe, Nairobi


rowne Plaza Annexe is a project coming up on Nairobi’s Upper Hill. It consists of a hotel, parking and office space on the 9th to 14th floor measuring approximately 30,000 square

feet with flexible internal layouts. The Annexe is connected to the already existing main hotel building. The building has an international appeal in design and finish. It has plenty of parking, power back up systems, borehole and water storage, adequate security provisions and other attractive features. The following hotel facilities will be offered at discounted rates to office tenants: In-house laundry and dry cleaning facilities, membership to top of the line gym (techno gym equipment), lap pool, sauna, steam room, salon, and spa facilities, 3 state of the art boardrooms, 1 large ballroom that splits into 3, 5 small and medium sized meeting rooms, 206 Guest rooms, Award winning Sikia Fine Crowne Plaza Annexe is a project coming up in Nairobi’s Upper Hill area. Kenya

dining restaurant, Alabaster Café, Soon to come rooftop bar and a new dining restaurant in the Annexe. Additional services provided include onsite banking facilities (DTB), onsite Taxi services, Business Centre and concierge and onsite travel desk. Attractive Location Crowne Plaza Annexe is centrally located within the Upper Hill section of the Kenyan capital, along Kenya Road. Upper Hill is Nairobi’s bustling new business hub where leading banks and insurance firms have moved their headquarters to. The building is located in close proximity to essential services. The area has good road connections to hospitals, banks, hotels, malls, clubs, airports, the law courts, a sports complex, residential apartments, schools and even a golf course. Crowne Plaza Annexe Summary • • • • • • • •

5,200 to 30,000 sq ft Access control and CCTV surveillance. 24 hr security Provision of air conditioning Fire alarm and detection system Ample onsite parking provision for tenants and visitors Fibre optic ICT cable Executive wash facilities

October 2015

We are proud to be associated with Crowne Plaza Annexe as their preferred Electrical Sub Contractors


KENYA HEAD OFFICE, NAIROBI P.O. Box 976-00606 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254774137828/+254705976976/ +254731976976 Fax: +254-20-3756280 Email:

MOMBASA P.O. Box 95864 Mkomani, Mombasa Tel: +254710670384/254734976976 Email:

KAMPALA P.O. Box 7715 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256-006414 566020/030 Fax: +256-41-4566040 Email:


An ISO 9001:2008, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO &HUWL¿HG &RPSDQ\




ƨ˷Ƨ˷ΎƚȽɆΎ̴̰̰̲̯˴ΎƤȯȼȵȯɂȯ˴ ƦȯȷɀȽȰȷΎ˹Ύ̯​̴̸̯̯Ύƣȳȼɇȯ˷ ƬȳȺ˶Ύ̴̱̳́Ύ̱̯Ύ̴̵̷̱̲̱̲ ƥȽȰȷȺȳ˶Ύ̴̱̳́Ύ̶​̶̲Ύ̴̱̰̯​̴̷ ƝȻȯȷȺ˶ΎȻȲɁɃɀɂȳȱȶ˲ɁɅȷȴɂȹȳȼɇȯ˷ȱȽȻ ƯȳȰɁȷɂȳ˶ΎɅɅɅ˷ɁɃɀɂȳȱȶ˹ȯȱȳɁ˷ȱȽȻ

We ar are re pro re pr proud pro roud ouudd to ou t be associated ass as sso ss soc oci cia iat ate ted ed with wi with ith the thhe he Crowne Cro Cr row ro own wne ne Pl Pla Plaza laz la aza za Ho Hot Hotel ote ot tel el Annex Ann An nne nn nex ex pr pro project rojje roje roj jec ect ct

R.K. Boga Consulting Engineers

Westlands Avenue, P. O. Box 22, Sarit Centre, 00606 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: + (254 20) 444 4440 / 444 2248, Fax : + (254 20) 444 0871 / 444 2250, Mob: +254733 638293. E-mail: MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF KENYA (ACEK) AND FIDIC

Principal: R K Boga (BE, MSc, REng, CEng, FIStructE, MICE, MIEK, MAAK, MIET)

We are proud to be associated with Crowne Plaza Annexe as their Consulting Engineers

Kenya 26

October 2015



Kenyan construction industry thriving but..., says owner of Brickface Studio Architects not been implemented. “We are still using 1967 statutes”, he says and expresses his disappointment with Local Authorities’ tendency to change bylaws haphazardly. He laments the lack of a clear revision of Nairobi Masterplan in the wake of rapid development in the city, citing Dubai’s which “was done in the 1980s but is quite effective”. “Public Private Partnerships have been used the world over for development of crucial infrastructure and City Hall's continuing adherence to old financing models has put the pace of its infrastructure program many steps behind that of the real estate sector”, he adds. To read more and to comment on this story visit



rickface Studio Architects is a Kenyan design studio founded by Architect Amos Orie in 2005. Arch. Orie, who was registered by the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors (BORAQS) earlier in 2001 and is the sole proprietor, has always had an interest in clay brick production and construction. He traces his interest in the building industry to his grandfather. “My grandfather burnt bricks in order to educate my father”, he reveals, insinuating that it was only natural that he studied a related trade. Orie is a graduate of the University of Nairobi where he obtained his Bachelor of Architecture degree. He prides himself in providing services with honesty and dignity. His forte is designing technically superior, sustainable buildings with low lifecycle cost. Besides Arch. Orie himself, Brickface Studio Architects comprises one Assistant Architect, a Draftsman and a Clerk of Works. Extra professional human resources are hired whenever needed. The firm not only scouts for technical expertise in Kenya but also sources specialist services such as animations, digital artists’ impressions and international standard models from as far afield as China and India. Brickface Studio Architects provides the following services: Architectural and Interior Design; Town Planning; Feasibility Studies and Project Planning; Construction Supervision and Joint Venture Agreements. The firm is currently specializing in residential developments as well as factories and warehouses. Among the projects the consultancy has been involved in are: • DulDul Industrial Park Mombasa Road • Royal ICT Building Mombasa Road • Joinven 360 Syokimau • Milimani Housing Nakuru • SkyRock Apartments Lavington According to Arch. Orie, Brickface Studio Architects is for the time being a local operator but would branch out in the region and even elsewhere should opportunities present themselves. He says he would also like to go into Arbitration at some point and discloses that although he is not a developer at the moment, he has designed some low cost modular houses that he plans to put into production a few years down the line.

We are proud to be associated with Brickface Studio Architects

Industry Perspectives Arch. Orie has mixed views on the construction industry in Kenya and particularly within the County of Nairobi. On legislation, he observes that new bylaws drafted around the turn of the millennium have still October 2015




Crystal Rivers project set to change the face of Machakos county A one-of-a-kind mixed use development is coming up in Machakos County, Kenya, courtesy of the Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme. The multi-billion Kenya Shilling Crystal Rivers residential and commercial development project is another indicator of the growing confidence investors have in Machakos.

A Qs David Gaitho, the Development Manager


rapidly growing middle class in Kenya has continued to fuel demand for property. Construction is surging, with many shopping malls, office parks and residential developments under construction. It is a sector that continues to surprise experts with its see-sawing performance making their predictions of impending slumps or bubble bursts come to naught. It is therefore no surprise that many investors including groups of individuals, savings societies, insurance companies, pension schemes and many others are turning to property development to maximize yields for their members or stakeholders. One such investor is the Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme. Over the last few years, the scheme has registered tremendous growth in the traditional asset classes and its trustees

now feel that the time is right to diversify into real estate development so as to realize the aspirations of members, which include being at the forefront of property development in Kenya. The Ksh.3.48B (US$34m) project comprises a shopping mallandresidential houses. The anchor tenant in the mall is a leading Kenyan retail supermarket, with banks and ATMs, retailers, eateries, entertainment outlets, clinics and a conference/exhibition facility also expected to set up in the commercial space. Why Machakos? Machakos County has received favorable ratings since the devolved system of government in Kenya became operational and the first county governments created following 2013 General Election. The October 2015


Government of Machakos has created an environment conducive to business, which not only encourages property development but also fosters a mutually beneficial engagement with businesses; all aimed at enhancing rapid development of the County. The choice of location was also influenced by the fact that it is a fast developing transport corridor with readily available and suitable land for both residential and commercial development. The county, about 25 kilometers from Nairobi’s Central Business District, has witnessed exponential growth in property development and an increasingly large number of people are opting to buy or build in the area, not only because land is available at reasonable prices but also to escape congestion in the city’s suburbs. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Crystal Rivers project took place in mid-June this year at a ceremony presided over by Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua and Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore, as well as Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme Chairman Les Bailie. The project itself commenced three weeks later. It is expected that the Mall component will be complete by mid-2017 and the residential units at the end of 2017. Extentand Architectural Aspects The Crystal Rivers Mall and Residences are being built on 25.3 acres of land, with a mall whose lettable area totals 200,000 square feet. The residential units will comprise 267 October 2015


An artists impression of Crystal Rivers Project.

3rd Floor, Kiganjo House, Rose Avenue, off Denis Pritt Road. P.O. Box 75079 Nairobi 00200 Kenya. Tel: +254 20 246 5567 Email:

We are proud to be associated with the Crystal Rivers Project 29


The Crystal Rivers Mall and Residences are being built on 25.3 acres of land


units of 3 and 4 bedroom maisonettesmeasuring114.5 and 150 square meters respectively, each with parking space as well as servants’ quarters. Crystal Rivers is the only development of its kind in Machakos designed to effortlessly fuse suburban living with commercial activity, with the layout of the development leaning on contemporary architecture to provide panoramic views of the fast-growing Machakos County from the Crystal Mall. The residential units are tastefully designed with spacious rooms. Unlike in regular residential developments, each four bedroom unit at Crystal Rivers has three levels to make optimal use of the land. In addition, the inclusion of a reclaimed water front, park and jogging track for use by residents provides the allure of a modern gated community just a few minutes away from the capital city. The optimal use of natural light and adoption of other green technology (solar water heating, biodigester) throughout the development cuts down energy consumption by reducing the need for air conditioning and electric water heating, setting it apart from other large developments. Various factors influenced design decisions by the architects, including results of a market study and the river frontage. Given that the site itself is low-lying, appropriate elevations are being undertaken to ensure an effective drainage system. According to Amazon Consultants – who are the Development Managers– all construction materials to be used at Crystal Rivers will be sourced locally, a departure from many other upcoming developments that depend heavily on imported materials.

slots while the mall will be able to accommodate at least 1000 vehicles. Boreholes are to be sunk to guarantee constant water supply while a standby generator will take care of power needs should supply from the national grid be interrupted. Twenty-four -hour security on the premises will also be provided, backed by CCTV and Access Control systems. The project sponsor, Safaricom, will also be introducing SMART CITY installations for integrated internet and WIFI access. Challenges While the site is generally good for development, being a low-lying area in proximity to a river poses a flood risk and that has been given great consideration, while other areas with a weak bearing capacity require heavy foundations to ensure stability. Lessons Learnt So Far According to QS David Gaitho of Amazon Consultants, Crystal Rivers is a fast-paced project that requires highly competent team members as well as the support of the surrounding community, which the Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme hopes to involve by providing job opportunities. To ensure the success of the development, the Pension Schemehas embraced a Development Manager approach, which is an end to end mode of project delivery that considers site selection, best use of site, business case development and review. The Development Manager is

Facilities and Conveniences Residents and visitors to the mall and will also enjoy adequate parking, with each home allocated two parking 30

also instrumental in the selection of the core and support teams, statutory approvals, project management, close out and disposal. October 2015

HEADER Project Team

Consultants Development Managers: Amazon Consultants Limited Architects: MutisoMenezes International& Paragon Architects (South Africa) Quantity Surveyors: M & M Construction Consultants Civil/Structural Engineers: Xenocon Consulting Engineers Services Engineers: Gill Consult Consulting Engineers Access Improvement Engineer:

Lifts & Escalators:

Terms Kenya Ltd

Schindler Limited Main Contractor Landmark Holdings Limited

Air Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation: Vio-tech Ltd

Subcontractors Electricals: Jupiter Electrical & General Contractors Ltd Plumbers: Trident Plumbers BMS, ICT, CCTV, Fire Alarm, Access Control: East Africa Infrastructure Services Ltd Generator Installation: Achelis Materials Handling Ltd

Electrrical & Mechanical Electrical Engin ineering Consultants Engineering

Solar Water Heating: Sun-trap Solar Engineers Ltd Elevated Water Tank: Strucon Ventures Ltd Borehole: Water Leaders Ltd Bio Digesters: CESP Ltd Letting & Selling Agents: Gimco Ltd Advent Valuers Crystal Valuers

Applewood Park, 4th Flr Wing B Wood Avenue, Kilimani P.O. Box 28341-00200 Nairobi, Kenya ya Tel: +254 20 3544776, 0722 387814 14 Fax: +254 20 241 5006


Client The Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme

We are proud to be associated with the Crystal Rivers Project

Xenocon Consulting Engineers Limited AACC Building, Waiyaki Way, Westlands. P.O. Box 59385 Nairobi-00200 Kenya Tel: +274 723 580925 Email:

We are proud to be associated with the Crystal Mall Project

October 2015




Schindler Limited We are proud to be associated with Safaricom Pension Scheme on their Crystal Rivers Project Longonot Place, 1st Floor, Kijabe Street, P.O. Box 43410 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Pilot Line: 3340819. Tel: 3340669/3312115/2226938, Fax: 3313279. Email:


P.O. Box 65132 -00618 Nairobi. Tel: +254700 567 909, 254722 661 886. Email address: Website: Off Thika Road, Garden Estate, Mukima Drive Mukima Lane - Mukima Close

We are proud to be associated with Safaricom Pension Scheme on the Crystal Rivers Project Kenya

Proudly Kenyan Tel: +254 20 6550276 / 7 Email:

We are proud to be associated with the Crystal Rivers Project as the Main Contractor


October 2015


M & M CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS East Africa Infrastructure Services Ltd

Samaria Properties, Unit B-4 Kusi Lane, off 2nd Parklands Avenue P.O Box 66561 – 00800, Nairobi, Tel. +254 717 027 328/ 0756-111281 Email:

Building Economists, Quantity Surveyors & Project Managers Kindaruma Road/Kamburu Drive Junction Off Ngong Rd, Blue Violets Plaza, 5th Floor, Suite 502 P.O. Box 4677-00506, Nairobi - Kenya Telephone: +254 (20) 655 0188, 655 0208 Wireless: (020) 528 3105, Cell: 0701 946020 Email: Website:

Our Services Renewable Energy Electrical installations Structured Cabling and IT solution services Access control and CCTV installations

We are proud to be associated with the Crystal Rivers Project




The Green House, 3Rd Floor, Suite 18, Ngong Rd, P.O. Box 1756-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 3860839/40, Fax: +254 20 3860840, Wireless +254 20 2453081 Office Mobile: +254 722 398 215, +254 733 714035 Email:, Website:

We are proud to be associated with Crystal RiversMall & Residences project as the Development Managers. We are providing the following services:

'(9(/230(17 0$1$*(0(17 ϐ ϐ ϐ ϐ ϐ ϐ ϐ ϐ October 2015





Industry leader in Solar Energy Solutions in East and Central Africa Over 10 years experience We are proud to be associated with Crystal Rivers as the Solar Water Heating Contractors

Kenya 34

October 2015


Property Services Limited Building for upmarket clients

D Uganda

riven by the need to fill the gaps in Uganda’s infant construction industry, Property Services Limited was founded in 1904 as a small company in Kabale town in western Uganda. Despite the country’s political instabilities, the company never left and was determined to thrive. This saw its growth and later establishment as a brand in 1990 as a land and estates management company with the purpose to not only help clients get back their property lost in 1972, but also refurbish this dilapidated property. And, today, 111 years later, PSL Limited is a major force in the country’s real estates industry.


UGANDA LTD Sets The Standard

The Art of proving complete solutions that meet customer’s needs

Overview of Projects undertaken by Property Services Limited. Building for upmarket clients, PSL has contributed to the development of many properties that have gone on to become notable landmarks within Kampala. The company also traces its successful journey to the management of some factories set in the 60s and the 70s. Office projects With swift deliverance of good products at the right price, and the persistence to its goals and value, Property Services Limited has established itself as Uganda’s largest developer in terms of output and management delivering over 2000 business units in Uganda with more 200 to be delivered late 2015 and early 2016. Amongst some of the services PSL undertakes include: property management, purchase and sell within Uganda. And with a mission to become the region’s leading property developers, the company has witnessed a swift change in the country’s fast growth stirred by a fast consumer demand for office, retail, industrial and residential space, and the emerging middle class spending money to build homes and educate their children. The company has completed numerous projects in Kampala and other projects are ongoing whereas others are upcoming.

Plot 95, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Tel: +256 712202050, +256 414 232158


P.O.Box 75578, Kampala - Uganda Fax: +256 414 232158, www.

Environmental awareness. Aware of the need to care for Mother Nature, Property Services Limited has enforced certain measures to ensure urban sustainability, especially with their real estate development projects. With more modern designs, proper planning for car parking and space for October 2015

spacious gardens, have been created. And in some cases water from the washrooms is recycled to irrigate these gardens. Low energy efficient lights have been placed in different properties. Generators and sensors are always available to ensure uninterrupted power flow and security for the clients. With matters of people with disabilities, services such as elevators and special

Project Management & Engineering Consultants We congratulate Property Services Limited on your 25th anniversary and we are proud to be associated with you.

toilets have been put in place to meet their needs as well as easing mobility and sanitary services. Account for PSL’s Success Property Services Limited’s success is attributed to its happy clients, who recommend them to future clients, which has kept the company prosperous. The company scarcely advertise. Also a dedicated and skilled staff accounts for the company’s success, and this can be backed up with some of the staff members that have been with the company for 44, 25 years. The company’s ability to pay its long serving staff on time, create strong lasting working relationships with clients and partners has seen it grow. Being a family run business, every step to its development is also attributed to the personal touch it’s given.The company has been

Proman Consult Limited Plot 799, Rubaga Rd. P.O. Box 7810, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 0392 778211

working with the same people for a long time: the contractors, material quality, deliverance and a satisfactory level of financing. With its sister company, Nationwide, PSL has proved its worth. With a hands



providers, engineers and surveyors; which has ensured, consistency,


on approach to every development they undertake, Property Services Limited st`rives to achieve a level of quality. In addition to providing


a quality result and effective management services, the company employs skillful advice from consulting architects, structural and civil engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers and quality surveyors. Challenges faced in the business Just like any other business narrative, Property Services Limited’s

Roko Technical Services, the trading division of Roko Construction Limited and the sole distributors of Schindler products in Uganda, Rwanda, Southern Sudan and Burundi. We congratulate Property Services for making 25 years of good service in Uganda and we are proud to be associated with them. Roko Technical Services aims to deliver, install and maintain competitive and quality elevators equipped with the latest safety and operational features.

success has not been one smooth ride. There has unavailability of some materials. ‘You have to import some of the materials and sometimes skill.’ He explains. ‘Unfavourable government policy on mortgage rates that has to be worked on in order for the mortgage

Realiable, moving and trailblazing

industry to flourish’ he adds. There is also the electricity challenge, and sometimes power failure delays construction. The situation of the country’s economy has seen the dollar rate rise which has proved to be a hurdle. Also lack of water in certain areas, poor roads is a setback during construction. And on rentals, some clients delay payments. The increasing number of counterfeit products on the market poses a challenge too because they have to import some of the products needed during construction. Because every good work is recognised, PSL has a number of awards to its name and amongst some include: Top country tax payers star award, Uganda Chamber of Commerce award, best developer of the year 2014, and Uganda Manufacturer’s Association awards. Etc. October 2015

Tel: +256 414347130/132 Fax: +256 414347131 Email: Web: 37


Industrial Dev. Guinness Nig. Plc Ogba.

Residential Dev Nigeria Breweries.

GHK Architects Limited, Nigeria


rchitectural practices in Nigeria have raised the bar in the robust construction activities currently taking place in the country. One

practice involved in the current spate of activities is GHK Architects Limited in Lagos. GHK is a firm of Architects, Urban Planners and Project Managers. Evolution The firm came into being on 1 January 1989 when two

Nigeria Ghana

practices, Godwin and Hopwood and Tunde Kuye Associates merged. For administrative purposes, it was decided to retain the corporate structure of Godwin and Hopwood but to change the name to reflect the participation and commitment of Arc Kuye and his practice. Prior to the merger, Arc. Tunde Kuye had been involved professionally with Godwin & Hopwood since 1978.It was therefore a natural union having shared similar professional vision, interests and commitments for a long time. Godwin Hopwood Kuye in 2011 changed its name to GHK Architects to reflect the participation and commitments of Arc. Kuye and his practice, while maintaining the acronym to show the relationship with the founding Directors. Services The GHK’s mission is to offer professional services in the aforementioned Architecture, Urban Planning and Project

Arc. Biola Fayemi,mnia, Head of Lagos Office Dev. Murtala Muhammed Road Ikoyi. Office


Management to the satisfaction of their clients and to impact directly on the improvement of the quality of the human environment. It has since kept faith with this, using its main office in Lagos and associated firms abroad. Over the years, the Company has provided Architectural and Project Management services to the construction industry, with emphasis on the Architect as the organiser, taking the initiatives necessary to produce successful buildings. The company`s design approach, which has evolved through time reflects the changing needs, not only of clients but of the building industry generally and together with the tropical climate constraints, the practice has pioneered new solutions which have given the work of the practice its’ distinctive appearance. Recent changes have however embraced the sophisticated outlook of clients without compromising on the core solutions to design briefs. With a wide circle of professional contacts in many fields of specialization throughout the world; GHK Architects have a pool of professional support in specific and specialized areas as and when needed. Using this International network, the practice was placed “Third" in a competition held in 1994, organised by the European Union for the design of their Embassies and Headquarters Building in Abuja. To read more and to comment on this story visit

Industrial Dev. MIlling Plant Nestle Nig. PLC Agbara.

October 2015


A typical example of optimising space in a warehouse. There is ample space to allow for movement as well as storage (Image credits: ACROW South Africa).

South Africa

Making the most of shrinking space The greatest challenge with industrial and commercial warehouses in Africa these days when space has to accommodate more goods is to make the most of what’s available through creative racking and shelving. Contactors with the right wherewithal to realise this are in high demand, Construction Review discovers.


ne has to be wary, shelving and racking seems to be viewed as rich pickings for charlatan ‘contractors’. Sadly, tales of hundreds of

millions or thousands being spent on expensive contracts are just one too many to be ignored. This is why racking and racking has to be sought from the right service provider with a credible industry track record. One does not have to go to the lengths of reading “An Idiot’s Guide to choosing a cladding and racking service provider”. It’s a no brainer that applying due diligence would save unplanned costs.

Innovation is needed to ensure that every square centimetre is not 'wasted' (Image credits: Southern Storage SolutionsDEXION)


What is expected of contractors? After chatting to some of the leading contractors that work on big commercial and industrial projects in African countries, Construction Review has gone ahead to tick the key procurement boxes. i. Under-one-roof convenience Some of the leading organisations that work on big commercial and industrial racking projects in Africa, provide designing, engineering, installation inspection and post-installation with ‘under one roof’ convenience. ii. Time and quality are of the essence A contractor taking eons to finish a project inconveniences the end-user (clients) who wants to stock goods and start trading. There is no exaggeration that time is money. But expectations of quality have to be met. The end product does not have to be compromised. This factor was underlined when Universal Storage Systems, one of South Africa’s storage solutions manufacturer, supplier and installer, was working on a project to revamp a warehouse belonging to pharmaceutical distributor, Dischem, into a clad-rack facility in a space of six weeks without compromising October 2015

Expertise, innovation and Integrity ACROW has set the benchmark for practical and cost effective shelving and racking systems for commercial and industrial applications.

Quality assurance All its portfolio of products are made to high quality standards, in accordance with SABS ISO 9001 of 2008 (Manufacturing and Quality Control Plan), Construction Regulations (2014) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. To prevent premature corrosion, products are epoxy coated (pre-galvanized material or hot dipped galvanized material is available on request). After-sales services With follow-up site visits of operational installations, ACROW is able to audit the condition and safe use of the racking installation.

Well-resourced for turnkey delivery Drawing on its 69 years of local and international experience, ACROW has the necessary wherewithal – builders, software designers and installers, material handling equipment and shelving and racking - to provide a turnkey package that encompasses project conception to commissioning.

South Africa


ou have to trust ACROW Limited to provide you with top-drawer shelving and racking products wherever you are located in Africa. As one of South Africa’s largest and oldest Racking and Shelving manufacturers, the company has been supplying the retail, wholesale, distribution, commercial and domestic sectors locally and internationally with state-of-the-art storage and material handling equipment solutions for over half a century. From its extremely versatile manufacturing facility in Wadeville, Germiston, Johannesburg, ACROW supplies over 1000 different products and accessories, with a growing scope throughout the continent via accredited agents. In South Africa, ACROW has branches in Cape Town, Kwazulu-Natal, East London and Port Elizabeth. Internationally, it is represented in Botswana, United Kingdom, Italy and Namibia.

Product portfolio ACROW ensures that a client is spoilt for choice, with a vast array of shelving and racking products, as well as accessories on offer. Through ongoing research and development, the company keeps abreast of contemporary customer demands, and further designs products according to client specifications. 1.


Standard pallet racking (any system can be

S70 and S75 Pallet Racking

S94 and S90 Pallet Racking

Drive-in racking

Mobile racking

Industrial racking

Pallet flow racking

Carton Flow Racking




Gondola Shelving and industrial shelving.


Mezzanine Flooring


In addition, ACROW supplies the equipment with accompanying accessories.

For more details on ACROW’s industrial and commercial shelving and racking solutions, kindly contact: Head Office: 37 Dekema Road, Wadeville, Germiston, Republic of South Africa, Telephone Number: +27 11 824-1527, Fax: +27 11 824-3681, Website: October 2015


Ample space not just for forklift movement, but packing as well (Image credits - Southern Storage Southern-DEXION).

on the client’s brief. The warehouse features very narrow aisles, its racking reaches 20m and holds 22,000 pallet positions. It has a wide aisle racking that reaches 12m and holds 10,480 pallets. This is the only-clad rack warehouse in the country. South Africa

iii. Service provider credibility You wouldn’t want a plumber to be your dentist, or would you? So, there is no alternative to using the best service providers in the game. In fact, the contractor’s calibre is best reflected in the work they produce. In a nutshell, a developer should look for the client with a track record of quality work, good safety record and the right processing technology. This will ensure that work is delivered on time, within budget and to the expected quality standards. iv. Innovation, innovation, innovation What one gathers from service providers is that clients need service providers that would enable them make the best of the space they have, and this can be achieved by utilising cutting edge solutions. This can be illustrated by

‘modular’ solutions which are being introduced over and above conventional shelving and racking. v. After-sales inspection Anything can happen, even to the supposedly ‘perfectly’ installed work that has passed stringent tests. For this reason, an assurance that the shelving and racking installation wont be an accident waiting to happen is important. This is achieved by regular safety inspection. Functionality Primarily, warehouses are needed for nothing beyond their functionality. And so, clients ensure that they are paying for what they really need to use. Aesthetic considerations are not really a top priority. State of projects There are a number of developments taking place in Africa particularly in the commercial and industrial construction sector. This means there will be opportunities to be had into 2016, bar unforeseen economic circumstances. The clad rack innovation Although not very popular in South Africa, clad rack building, or clad rack warehousing, is popular worldwide, as it offers optimal cubic area storage space, and is relatively fast to erect and cost effective. The Dischem warehouse epitomises this. The clad rack warehouse comprises racking as the main structure, with cladding sheets added for the walls and roof. The structures are easy to extend and it is this adaptability and flexibility that makes rack cladding

Accommodating forklifts movement (Image Credits: Southern Storage Solutions -DEXION)


appealing. October 2015

Bulk racking

VNA racking

Drive in rack.

Bespoke storage space optimisation Equipped with the latest technology, Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION is able to provide a broad range of tailor-made shelving and racking solutions for commercial and industrial building applications in South Africa and beyond.

“Our solution goes beyond the scope of ‘ordinary’ shelving and racking,offering the convenience of ‘a diversity of products’ under one roof,” he says. The following are Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION range of products: 1. Shelving Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION’s shelving includes bolted steel, clip adjustable and gondola. i. Bolted steel Recommended for file and archive storage, steel bolted is a general purpose shelving system ideal for stores, archives, picking as well as for the garage (DIY). ii. Clip adjustable Clip adjustable generally used in office environments for file and archive

Staff lockers

storage. The side and back panels can be clad to match the office furniture.


iii. Gondola The gondola is typical retail shop shelving, with a wide arrange of accompanying accessories and colours.


iv. Mobile Mobile shelving provides an increased storage capacity without having to increase the floor space.

with an equal variety of bins in a

Available in different configurations. Plastic



louvredpanels Ideal for small parts. Variety of louvred panels (free standing or wall mounted) South Africa


on, Managing Director of Southern Storage SolutionsDEXION, tells Construction Review that thecompany has been constantly expanding its scope of turnkey solutions to ensure that it meetscontemporary storage demands for commercial and industrial building projects in Africa.

number of colour options 6.

Steel stillage bins

Steel stackable stillage bins in a range 2. Racking As diversified as possible, the racking encompasses: • Light duty racking • Conventional pallet racking. • Narrow aisle racking. • Mobile racking • Drive-in racking • Push-back racking. • Gravity flow racking. • Cantilever racking

of sizes and colours.

3. Mezzanine floors Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION specialises in three types of Mezzanine floors: • Rack supported. • Single or multi-tier structural with variable capacity. • Rack supported multi-level archive storage facility.

12 month guarantee.

After-sale service Post-installation, should be



inspected, and a report

detailing correct measures provided. This






health should

and be

continued throughout the life span of the racking. Further, Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION’s products have a

From production to dispatch Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION provides advice on requirements from production to dispatch, specifying the correctly matched lifting equipment and storage type to be used to create the optimal solution.

Southern Storage Solutions-DEXION can be reached through the following contacts: Tel: 021 552 0220, Fax: 0865172949, Email:, October 2015



Meticulousness is key in cold storage projects as can be seen above (Image credits: Marine & Refrigeration Engineering Ltd).

Experience brings product precision South Africa

Two veteran players, Barpro Storage SA and MRE, say years of experience have brought about much desired precision in their delivery of cold storage solutions for industrial and commercial projects. Is this reflected in the quality of their products? So they say. Barpro: Installations and proactive maintenance inspections


acked by twenty years of experience, Barpro Storage SA, based in Cape Town,specialises in the design, installation and maintenance of Storax Mobile Racking. With over 230

The Storax equipment is reliable and safe to use. Barpro has several maintenance teams available for installations and pro-active maintenance inspections. Renowned for their versatility, Storax mobiles can

Storax Systems around Southern Africa, Barpro has

be installed in both new and existing warehouses and

supplied storage solutions for fruit stores, freezer / cold

cold stores depending to some extent on the free height

stores, warehouses and distribution centres makingit an

available. Storage capacity is increased by up to 100%

experienced player in this market.

while at the same time maintaining immediate individual






453 Buick Street / Markman Industrial / Port Elizabeth / 6001 Tel 27 41 461 1016 Gregory Green / 082 848 1962 /

Unit D Mokopane OďŹƒce Park / 222 14th Avenue / Anderbolt / Boksburg / 1461 Tel 27 11 894 1932 Fax 27 11 894 1946 Jason Riley / 083 721 3156 /

Unit 9 Four Towers / 5 Valley View Road / New Germany / 3620 Tel 27 31 705 1734 Fax 27 31 705 1704 Grant Delaney / 072 809 3200 /

Unit 1 Trio Park / Prime Park / Printers Way / Montague Gardens / 7441 Tel 27 21 551 0575 Fax 27 21 551 0556 Dennis van der Westhuizen / 082 490 2872 / Sandro Biccari / 082 800 7677 / Christo van der Merwe / 073 308 9150 /

October 2015

pallet access. Stock rotation and control issues disappear! The Storax bases, which are electrically driven, can be controlled manually via push button stations or remotely from reach or stacker trucks. Larger systems can be controlled by a warehouse management system. With over 3500 systems installed around the world, Storax is a very cost effective solution for cold and freezer stores. Barpro Storage SA is also the exclusive African importer of DelfFreezer Wear from the UK. DelfFreezer Wear incorporates the latest European health and safety requirements into their PPE and uses a special fibre blend which includes hollow fill.The tough and durable Delf range includes jumpers, jackets, boots, gloves and head gear to keep cold store workers warm and increase productivity. As a team, Barpro Storage SA, says it boasts over 100 years combined experience – in just the technical and marketing departments. For more info please visit the company’s website at www. or contact James Cunningham on +27 (0) 21 5529190 or via email

Involved in design, installation and maintenance of plants to respective customer requirements, van der Westhuizen believes MRE is amongst industry leaders in the provision of cold storage for industrial projects. Customer-centered mindset The first mindset that the company has when approaching a client’s order is to treat each job on its own merit. “Each of the designs is customer-made to suit a customer’s requirements,” says van der Westhuizen. Adequately resourced Manufacturing and assembly locally, above and beyond, having service and installation crews locally works to the company’s advantage and gives it an edge over competitors. Abreast of latest technology MRE ensures that it is abreast of the latest technology and control systems to ensure efficient operation of its refrigeration plants, says van der Westhuizen. Notably, MRE imports the bulk of its refrigeration equipment from

In the delivery of cold storage solutions, treating a client’s project according to its own merits is key, Dennis Westhuizen, Managing Director of MRE, South Africa’s second largest refrigeration contractor and compressor packager, tells Construction Review. The provision of cold storage solutions for demanding industrial construction projects can be quite a challenge. Delivery has to be done on time, to the specific quality standards and within the specific budget with no cost overruns. Hence, service providers have to rise to the challenge, without failing, says Westhuizen.

October 2015

reputable companies, as well as local partnerships where necessary. South Africa

MRE: On the client’s orders

The company strives to keep up with latest automation technologies. It also uses energy efficient technology wherever possible through heat recovery ventilation. This ensures that not only fresh air is and improved climate control are provided in the plants, but also save energy by reducing the cooling and heating elements. In the final analysis, van der Westhuizen sees MRE’s growth in South Africa as a springboard for growth in the African market. “There is really significant potential and this is just the tip of the iceberg.”



Prefab and remote locations make perfect sense together South Africa

Prefabricated buildings or modular buildings have been common over the past several decades with some structures erected in the 1950s still standing even today.



ewton Mthethwa from Construction Review speaks to Felix Clemens, Director for Fabricated Steel Manufacturing Company (Pty) Ltd better known as FSM about the current trends as well as significant benefits and opportunities offered by prefabricated buildings, especially in remote locations. Prefab and remote locations make perfect sense together, especially in instances where accommodation needs to be erected in a short time in remote locations. Examples include, dam construction sites, rural road construction sites, new mines or mine expansions, where accommodation is required or before the main workforce moves in. Prefab buildings has been used as temporary site offices, clinics, classrooms as well as accommodation for employees in a number of areas. Their use has also come into the spotlight as a possible solution to medium and low cost housing needs in many African countries. In addition, they offer many advantages over traditional construction methods, since greater work can be prepared

off-site, this limits site work, the level and amount of skilled workers required on site,reducing site disruptions, as well as reducing health and safety risks as most of the preparation work is completed in a safer factory environment, explains Felix Clemens. Prefab buildings aim to maximise value and minimise waste, as materials used are premeasured, scheduled and prefabricated at the factory. This results in more consistent quality and financial savings as well as the ability to send large quantities of modular building panels to site at once. Assembly rates on site can exceed 1000m2 per week with a workforce of 200. Assembling does not require complex skills, and it is ideal in remote locations where skilled labour tends to be scarce and expensive. Certainty of timescales for the delivery of projects is maximised through efficient manufacturing, on time delivery of significant quantities per truck load and speedy assembly on site, with the limited resources available in the remote location, adds Felix Clemens.

Modular Buildings image Mozambique hotel.

Important Considerations It is imperative for the clients to know what they wantthere is a wide choice available in prefabricated buildings produced by each manufacturer and also between various reputable manufacturers. Choices include portable or non-portable buildings, the material composition of the buildings and methods of construction. Some systems carry AgrĂŠment certifications, some manufacturers are ISO 9001:2008 certified and all should be capable of October 2015

Modular Buildings image Dept of Heath doctors consulting room NW.

being certified under rational design criteria by a certified Engineer. Further considerations by clients relates to the flexibility of the system and the relocatability of modular components which add to the cost-effectiveness over time. Export clients need to carefully consider transport costs as flat pack systems offer significant cost savings as transport distances increase. In addition, track record, quality, affordability as well as after sales support are key, and customers should look at a company’s project history to gauge its level of expertise and if possible select a supplier which is ISO certified and affiliated to credible industry bodies.

to these demonstrations convinced Frans that there was a ready market for welded structural steelwork. As a result, he decided to start his own company, Fabricated Steel Manufacturing Company (FSM) in 1933. In 1941, FSM was involved in the construction of the Everite fibre cement factory. Being an innovator and a talented engineer, Frans J realised the need for a prefabricated building system using a steel structure and fibre cement walls, hence he proceeded to design and patent the system. His patent was the first industrialised building system in South Africa. FSM’s major breakthrough came when the company was commissioned by the then ISCOR to supply and erect 30 prefabricated houses for the new Van der Byl township. Since then, FSM has continued to grow, is now ISO 9001:2008 certified and has 7 products, 2 of which are Agrément Board of South Africa certified. Its latest Agrément certified product is the FR Polycore Building system which has only recently been launched on the market and of which FSM is justifiably proud, notes Felix. FSM’s main production facilities are in Germiston in Gauteng on the same site that it started on in 1933. The facility is massively expanded and now covers around 48 000m2 of which almost 24 000m2 is under roof. FSM also has a 2000m2 assembly plant in Atlantis near Cape Town. Over the years, FSM has participated in many projects in South Africa and other parts of Africa, including Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, DRC, Guinea and Mali to name a few. One of the biggest individual projects ever undertaken by FSM was the accommodation camp for both skilled and semi-skilled staff at Eskom’s Medupi power station project. In total, FSM supplied accommodation for 6500 to 8000 staff depending on room configuration. FSM is also truly proud of its involvement in the roll-out of the National Department of Health's doctors consulting rooms linked to the existing clinics in mostly rural areas throughout South Africa.

Sustainable designs With the global focus on the need to reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants, as well as limiting the use of non-renewable resources, prefabricated buildings are moving towards a greener identity with most of these structures boasting low-carbon footprints. The components used to manufacture the panels are environmentally friendly, and the steel used is recyclable. The modular buildings can be fitted with energy saving lighting, solar panels, inverter air cons, evaporative coolers as well as solar geysers or heat pumps. In addition, prefab buildings are manufactured off-site, this will almost certainly mean that there will be minimal site disturbance, especially in comparison to traditional construction methods. Reduced site traffic is also another significant factor- fewer site trips for workers and vehicles. FSM’s Journey FSM has a proud heritage spanning over 80 years. The founder of the company, Frans Janovsky, came to South Africa representing the ELIN Company. His task was to promote ELIN electric arc welding machines which was a relatively new technology at the time. To demonstrate the advantages and practical aspects of welding, a number of welded steel structures were produced. The response October 2015

South Africa

Modular Buildings image Medupi semi skilled accomodation.






'4. is a market leader in the supply of Prefabricated Building solutions. Our production facility is the single biggest in South Africa and our dedicated and committed team is ready to provide you with the right solution for your project.






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For over 80 years, Fabricated Steel Manufacturing Company has specialised in the manufacturing, supply and erection of prefabricated building solutions in Southern Africa. We have a building system to suit any of your business needs!

MODULAR BUILDING SYSTEM A precision-made building system with a steel structure, double skinned fibre cement walls, and a proven life span of over 50 years. IDEAL FOR: t 1FSNBOFOU BOE MPOH UFSN QSPKFDUT t $BNQT EPSNJUPSJFT BCMVUJPOT LJUDIFOT BOE EJOJOH SPPNT t 4DIPPMT BOE DMJOJDT AgrĂŠment Certificate 90/205

POLYCORE BUILDING SYSTEM A cost effective accommodation solution that uses a chromadek and polystyrene sandwich panel and a choice of 3 different roofing options. This system is supplied in knocked down form to be erected on site. IDEAL FOR: t %PSNJUPSJFT t "CMVUJPOT t 0Gm DFT

FAST SPACE MOBILES A custom designed building system that is delivered ready to use, fully wired and plumbed for immediate occupation. Available for rental or purchase. IDEAL FOR: t )PNFT t 4JUF PGm DFT t $MJOJDT t $MBTTSPPNT t #PBSESPPNT

INTERLOCKING PANEL SYSTEM A single skinned interlocking building system that requires no nuts or bolts, and can be erected with unskilled labour. It is easily dismantled and relocated. Available for rental or purchase. IDEAL FOR: t &NFSHFODZ UFNQPSBSZ IPVTJOH t 4UPSFSPPNT BOE TJUF DBOUFFOT t 0Gm DFT BOE BDDPNNPEBUJPO

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South Africa

A cable ready to be placed (Image credits: Light Fibre Infrastructure).

Innovation, experience and compliance Light Fibre Infrastructure (LFI) says the intricacies of underground cable laying requirements for African telecommunications projects can be handled with the right resources. These will ensure that environmental compliance, cost containment and timely delivery are accomplished in a project.


“Our Staff have intimate knowledge of our equipment

ncrease in telecommunication projects, as African countries strive to bridge the digital divide, has created a steady demand for underground cable

and the various capabilities of each, they ensure that the

laying systems. This ‘massive’ opportunity equally poses

minimise the environmental impact, reduce cost and

big challenges for service providers to ensure quality

ensure compliance,” he explains.

correct equipment and methodologies are deployed to

projects are delivered in accordance with environmental requirements, cost effectively and to the expected quality

Each project by its own merits

standards. Experienced organisations should be able to

The belief that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach in the

manage this task capably, though only a few do it, the

underground cable laying works is nothing but a myth,

Managing Director of Lightfibre Infrastructure (LFI),

Naude cautions. How, then, does one approach a client’s

Grant Naude, tells Construction Review.

unique underground cable laying requirement? Naude’s

“Deploying the correct design methodologies and

explanation is that, as cable requirements differ from

equipment ensure environmental compliance and contain

client to client depending on the need for specific routes,

project costs.

an organisation should be equipped to install all types of

Minimum environmental impact with

maximum output is the basis of Lightfibre’s criteria when

sleeves and fibre cable.

tackling any project. 52

October 2015

Keeping abreast In a field in which new developments pop up at the blink of an eye, international trends should be closely monitored for new installation methods and equipment to ensure that one is at the forefront of route deployment demands. Relating to Africa, this point could not have been more relevant, Naude notes. “Organisations looking forward to playing a pivotal role in the provision of quality telecommunications to areas in Africa, which are lagging behind in ICT development should utilise their expertise in the speedy deployment of high quality low cost fibre backbones which are utilised by major Telecommunication providers. They should have sufficient multi-skilled staff with enough equipment to take on multiple phases within a large turnkey projects in order to achieve these goals. “They should adhere to clients’ needs by significantly reducing the time to market through the use of an array of state-of-the-art machinery and equipment,” says Naude. He mentions that LFI utilises Direct Laying Spider Ploughs, Rock wheel Trenchers, a fleet of TLB’s and excavators and the latest fibre and test equipment to name a few. Experience counts In the rigorous field of underground cable laying, there is no substitute to relevant experience. Thus, Naude believes that the experience gained in the successful deployment of over 2,000 km of fibre in Africa and staff which have October 2015

South Africa

Trench digging in progress. This has to be done properly at all times (Image credits: Light Fibre Infrastructure).

collectively and successfully deployed over 5,000km sets LFI apart from any other fibre deployment company. “The state-of-art machinery and equipment also defines Lightfibre as a unique company able to offer high quality installations with minimal time to market with the added benefit of a guaranteed and cost effective deployment which ensures that LFI is an African Company suited to African requirements,” he adds. Asked to reveal LFI’s aspirations, Naude says: “We aim to be part of delivering ICT to each and every person in Africa and thus enjoy the growth of our continent and its economy.” Industry track record The following projects are amongst the numerous projects that illustrate LFI’s industry track record: • Pretoria to Beit Bridge – 480km in just over 10 months • Springs to Ermelo – 198km in just over 5 months • Mtunzini to New Germany 158 km in around 6 months • LFI was the preferred contractor to relocate existing live fibre for a client in time for the road contractor to start. Direct laying Spider Plough was used with installation rates of 4km per day; and • Designs initiatives to install fibre through road tunnels and mountain passes which were accepted by SANRAL. 53

South Africa Consequences of a shoddy job are difficult to address.

A badly-done job comes back to bite As any organisation involved in cable laying in African

project more or less mirrors what is experienced in African

countries would confess: mediocre underground cable

countries as they undertake ground cable laying projects in

laying job has its own way of coming back to haunt the

the vast expanse of the continent. The experts recounted:

contractor, at best, and, the client, at worst. This might take years to surface, but it is a matter of when, not if, when it will occur. And the consequences can be very costly to manage, the biggest one being financial.

“A wind-generating farm was installed with underground cables tied directly to a main feeder cable. Unfortunately, the cables were simply placed in a trench using native

While overhead cables are bare, very visible in the

soil backfill with minimal soil compaction. Ampacity

open, hence easy to detect and fix in the event design

calculations were performed using typical soil values, but

and installation problems surface, fixing underground

thermal properties were not measured. Since wind turbines

cables can be quite an involving task; they can be quite “a

operate almost continuously, the feeder cable often ran at

different kind of a beast”, as the saying goes.

maximum capacity. The heat generated from the feeder

Imagine the cost and burden involved, if the underground cables belong to a utility organisation which expects them to have a long life cycle. In an article they have produced on the subject published in T&D World, Deepak Parmar and Jan Steinmanis,experts from US-


An experience they had with a half-done cable laying

cable dried out the surrounding soil completely. Because the native soil was poorly compacted fine silt, it acted like an insulating blanket and the cable failed prematurely.” In the main, the main mistake was using native soil

based organisation, GeothermInc in an article, note:

backfill with minimal soil compaction and overlooking

“Although utilities design their underground circuits for

thermal properties. Evidently, from this description,

a 30-year life, improper installations often can lead to

though it refers to a wind farm, similar oversights can also

premature field failures.”

be encountered in African projects. October 2015


Underground buried cable conduit Kabelflex is a revolutionary, purpose designed flexible cable conduit system developed in Germany and manufactured in South Africa. Kabelflex has a unique double walled corrugated construction and is manufactured from high density polyethylene (HDPE).




Jointing Joined with push fit couplings providing IP30 index protection Impact resistance Far superior to uPVC sewer pipes Excellent compressive resistance Due to the reinforcing effect of the external corrugations



UV Resistance Can be stored outdoors for up to one year Installation Light, clean and easy to handle

Technical Properties HDPE Property Density Tensile strength at break Ball indentation hardness Notched bar impact strength Thermal conductivity Coefficient of elongation Dielectric strength Specific insulation resistance



appr. 0.95 23 – 30 30 – 65 >5 0.40 – 0.46 1.5 – 2.0 x 10-4 800 – 900 appr. 1016

g/cm N/mm2 N/mm2 mJ/mm2 W/m K K-1 kV/cm Ohm . cm

Technical data:

Kabelflex conduit size

Standard conduit colour is black, other colours available on request. All specifications are subject to manufacturing tolerances.

Outside diameter (mm) Inside diameter (mm) Standard straight length (m) Standard length coils (m) Min. bending radius (mm) 6m length Min. bending radius (mm) coils

Nex duraline Kabelflex Eng news 1 1

Test method DIN 53 479 DIN 53 455 DIN 53 456 DIN 53 453 DIN 52 612 DIN 52 328 DIN 53 481 DIN 53 482






For further info:

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8/24/2015 9:24:20 AM


Amazon Consultants Ltd......................... .........................33 33

Landmark Holdings ................................32 ................................ 32

Athi Steel ............................................ ............................................OBC OBC

Lariak Landscapes .................................. ..................................24 24

Barpro Storage SA (Pty) Ltd................... ...................45 45

Light Fibre Infrastructure ........................50 ........................ 50

Britech Limited .......................................26 ....................................... 26

Maccaferri Africa ....................................19 .................................... 19

Davis & Shirtliff ..................................... .....................................11 11

Master Power Systems Ltd ..................... .....................25 25

Dotwood Designs .................................... ....................................26 26

Mindshare/FUSO .................................... ....................................35 35

Dunhill Building Contractors..................26 .................. 26

M&M Construction Consultants .............33 ............. 33

East Africa Infrastructure Services ......... .........33 33

MRE ........................................................ ........................................................44 44

Elalan ...................................................... ......................................................39 39

Nextube ................................................... ...................................................55 55

Europa .....................................................15 ..................................................... 15

Noorani Engineering Consultants ........... ...........24 24

Executive Investments Ltd ...................... ......................27 27

Polad Uganda Ltd ...................................36 ................................... 36

Fibertex South Africa.............................. ..............................21 21

Proman .................................................... ....................................................37 37

Franki Africa ........................................... ...........................................17 17

R.K Boga................................................. Boga.................................................26 26

FSM......................................................... FSM .........................................................48 48

Roko ........................................................ ........................................................37 37

Gamma Delta .......................................... ..........................................24 24

Schindler .................................................32 ................................................. 32

Gill Consult .............................................31 ............................................. 31

Suntrap Solar Engineers .......................... ..........................34 34

Gundle Geosynthetics .............................22 ............................. 22

Smart Cities Africa 2015 ........................34 ........................ 34

Hafele .................................................... ....................................................IFC IFC

Studio 62 ................................................. .................................................24 24

Hung Pump .............................................11 ............................................. 11

Tile and Carpet .......................................... ..........................................11

JC Realty .............................................. IBC

Viva Africa Consulting ...........................29 ........................... 29

Jupiter Electrical ..................................... .....................................32 32

Xenocon Consulting Engineers............... ...............31 31

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July - August 2014, Volume 8 No. 4

Loulo-Gounkoto Mine Complex Mali's key gold producer

Inside: Collision Avoidance Technology Dealing with corrosion Minesite catering




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