Continuity Consulting, Inc.
Transition/Change Management Process Enterprise Architecture Program: A Case Study
PMO Forum – Sacramento Valley Chapter March 24, 2010
Managing Change Desired Outcomes
of the need for change
to participate and support the change
Training / Knowledge
on how to change
Organization Readiness
to implement required skills and behaviors
to sustain the change
Success with change requires all elements of the Desired Outcome Model to be present 2
Managing Change Awareness
• • • • • •
Training / Knowledge Organization Readiness Reinforcement
Organizational Attributes
Change Characteristics
Desired Outcomes
Change Management Plan
Assessments Communications Sponsorship Training Coaching Resistance Management • Evaluation & Corrective Action • Recognition
TCM Process Steps 1. Assess change characteristics and organization(s) impacted
2. Define change management strategy o o o
Team structure Sponsorship model Special tactics
3. Prepare change management team 4. Develop sponsorship activities 5. Develop change management plans o o o
Communication Plan Resistance Management Plan Training Plan
6. Execute change management plans
7. Collect and analyze feedback and diagnose gaps 8. Implement corrective actions 9. Establish sustaining reinforcement processes 4
TCM Process Steps
1. Assess change characteristics and organization(s) impacted
Change Characteristics â—? Enterprise Architecture Program (EAP) Objectives o Develop, review, and recommend agency EAP work products, e.g. reference model inventories, reports, templates, instructions, EA life cycle maintenance
o Create and maintain the agency EAP architecture o Develop an agency EAP framework o Develop agency EAP guiding principles
o Develop and maintain an agency EAP migration plan o Develop an agency Enterprise Architecture Life Cycle (EALC)
Change Characteristics ● Groups Impacted o 15 Organizations ● Programs – BRM, PRM ○ Strategic planning
● IT – TRM, SRM, DRM ○ Apps development ○ PMO (least impacted)
● Number of employees impacted: ~1000 o Front line/staff employees: ~800 o Managers/Supervisors: ~150 o Executives and stakeholders: ~30
Change Characteristics ● Changes in the organization o o o o o o
Process Organization Job Roles Staffing Levels Systems and technology Control Agency expectations on the agency ● Intersection points: ITCP, portfolio management, work force development
● Amount of change o Dramatic and disruptive (as opposed to incremental and progressive)
Change Characteristics ● Timeframe for change Develop EAP Work Products – Research and determine work products – Conduct Environmental Analysis
Month 1
Develop agency Guiding Principles – Research Guiding Principles
Month 2
Align Strategic Plans – Research State Strategic Plans – Develop agency Strategic Goals
Month 3
Leverage and Consolidation Opportunities – Determine leverage and consolidation opportunities
Month 4
Develop Migration Plans – Develop agency Migration Architectures
Month 5
Develop EAP Planning – Research Enterprise Architecture Planning processes – Develop EAP process
Month 6
Assess Organization Impacted ● Organization change culture is generally change resistant o Fear of loss of control; resources, flexibility, ability to secure funding, etc. o Little incentive or motivation to change; more comfortable to keep status quo
● Employee value structure appears to be resistant to top-down changes o Changes from legislation are many and difficult/painful to execute o Not happy with current Government environment; personnel cut backs, loss of wages; expected to do more with less o Cynical and leery about “flavor of the month” change proposals with the constant changing of Executive administration ● The hope is usually “This too shall pass” with the new election 10
Assess Organization Impacted â—? Organization has limited capacity for change due to changes already underway o Budget shortfalls o OCIO changes to project funding approval o FSRs in-flight o Upcoming FSRs
o M&O activities o Legislative mandates
â—? OCIO EA Initiative could overlap with the agency EAP Project o Need to understand the environment and potential impacts
Assess Organization Impacted â—? Power and authority in the agency o resides with a few key individuals within senior leadership and o is spread among many managers in decentralized IT organizations (TCM is more challenging with multiple managers in decentralized organizations)
â—? Focus of communication (positions) o Chief Deputy Director o Deputy Director o CIO
Assess Organization Impacted ● Past changes in the agency have been broad and varied in scope; both successful and not so successful o Risk level of EAP project is suspect due to the complexity and broad scope of change
● Middle Manager challenges o They need to understand: ● “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) ● What’s the value….really? ● What are we doing….exactly? ● How is this not the “Flavor of the Month” ● How do we convince them to become change advocates?
Sponsorship Assessment CA Chief Information Officer
Agency Information Officer
Chief Deputy Director
Department Director
EA Office
EA Strategy Consultant
Chief Deputy Director
Deputy Director 1
Deputy Director 2
Deputy Director 3
Deputy Director 4
Deputy Director 5
Deputy Director 6
Deputy Director 7
IT Manager 1
IT IT Manager 2
IT Manager 3
IT Manager 4
TCM Process Steps
2. Define change management strategy o Team structure o Sponsorship model o Special tactics
TCM Team Structure ● Advantages Sponsor
Project Team
Better coordination between the Change Management team and the Project Team
Change Management team has more “ownership”
Project team members’ subject matter expertise
● Disadvantages Part or all of project team works on change management program
Requires change management training for project team members 16
Sponsor Model â—? Advantages Steering Committee
Expanded knowledge base, expertise of a cross-functional steering committee better suited for complex projects
Executive Sponsor
Decisions more broadly accepted by organization
â—? Disadvantages Project Team Change Management Team
Can slow pace of decision making
Special Tactics â—? Resistance points o
Identify points of resistance before project begins
Identify stakeholders who have history of resistance and those who pose a significant threat (renegades, villains)
What form is resistance likely to take and where in the organization is it likely to occur
â—? Special steps o
Does the type of change require special consideration?
Which organization attributes require special attention?
Will different groups be moving through the change at different times? 18
TCM Process Steps
3. Prepare change management team
Prepare Change Management team ● Acquire change management resources ● Assess team competencies in change management
● Prepare the team o Train on change management fundamentals o Assign areas of responsibilities o Understanding of the business issues and the solution Goal: Turn the Red and Yellow boxes to Green! 20
TCM Process Steps
4. Develop sponsorship activities
Sponsorship Activities â—?
List of typical/traditional Activities o
Provide necessary resources and funding
Stay involved; attend key project meetings, review project status and hold team accountable for results
Remove roadblocks and help manage conflicts and political issues
Provide senior managers with a clear roadmap for sponsoring the change with their direct reports
Communicate frequently with employees; make personal commitment visible, including face-to-face conversations
Enable employee participation and involvement
Recognize the good work that employees have done
Listen to what employees have to say; take the pulse of the organization and collect feedback
Manage resistance from middle managers; correct or remove managers who will not support the change
Communicate and celebrate success stories 22
Sponsorship Activities â—? EAP Project team did not create a formal Sponsorship Activities Plan o Due to funding and timing constraints the decision was made to manage the key Sponsorship activities through the Resistance Management Plan and Communications Plan
TCM Process Steps
5. Develop change management plans o o o o
Communication Plan Resistance Management Plan Training Plan Coaching Plan (not used)
Communication Plan
Communication Management Plan Project Project manager Project artifacts
Communication Department Introduction
EAP Program Jamie Barrett
Project # Sponsor Updated
Description Enterprise Architecture - What and Why
OCIO EA Provide a status on the EAP program Communications EAP Work Group Develop and review EAP deliverables EAP Sub Groups The Subgroups will be used to develop EAP deliverables and increase the Departments knowledge of the Subgroup topic
N/A John Doe
Frequency Format
Recipient/ Attendees
Bill Smith
John Doe
Department Chief Deputy and Department CIOs OCIO Attendees
Bill Smith
Work Group Attendees
As needed
Jamie Barrett
Sub Group Attendees
Resistance Management Plan Resistance Management Plan Project: EAP Program Project manager: Jamie Barrett Project artifacts Potential forms of resistance Reluctance to provide program resources to the agency EAP initiatives.
Project # Sponsor Updated Where resistance is How resistance likely to come from will be identified Program Directors
staff meetings
N/A Jane Doe
Process for managing resistance
Communication Topics
agency EAP Work Group EA: What and Why? (b, c, presentations e)
Owner Jane Doe
Program Managers Staff 1:1 meetings Questions / Concerns: IT Managers a) How many program resources are required to support agency EAP? b) What role do program resources play?
FAQs to directly respond agency EAP Work to all the likely questions. Group Executive Sponsor (AIO) 1:1’s to ensure project “buy in” and cooperation.
Roles and Responsibilities (a, b, d, e) Governance (b, e)
c) How can I meet my program objectives if I have to divert resources to agency EAP especially given the budget constraints and furloughs? d) Will I get additional headcount to support agency EAP? e) It’s difficult enough to manage what’s already on our plate in this environment; how can we realistically add such a large initiative as agency EAP? Lack of understanding of the agency EAP benefits and/or “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM). Questions / Concerns: a) How do we ensure the agency EAP initiative is doesn’t become IT bureaucracy that will slow us down and get in the way of accomplishing our program objectives?
Program Directors
staff meetings
agency EAP Work Group EA: What and Why? (a, b) presentations Program Managers staff 1:1 meetings Governance (a) FAQs to directly respond IT Managers agency EAP Work to all the likely questions. Group Executive Sponsor (AIO) 1:1’s to ensure project “buy in” and cooperation.
Bill Smith
b) What are the tangible benefits of agency EAP; how does it help my business and make things easier or better for me?
Training Plan (Outline) 1. List of audiences that require training
2. Training requirements o o o o o o o o o
Dealing with transition Managing resistance (supervisors and sponsors) Big picture overview of the new environment Basic or requisite skills/knowledge Temporary work processes Handling exceptions Process, System, and Technical skills/knowledge Organizational skills/knowledge Problem resolution
3. Delivery method, location, and timing 4. Training development schedule 5. Training budget 27
TCM Process Steps
6. Execute change management plans
7. Collect and analyze feedback and diagnose gaps 8. Implement corrective actions 9. Establish sustaining reinforcement processes 28
TCM Impact on Project
● Thorough stakeholder assessment facilitated more effective Communication Plan ● Better understanding of the impacts to the individual stakeholder helped the Project Team manage resistance ● Successful implementation and adoption
Questions? For more information on TCM please contact: Barry Vroom Continuity Consulting, Inc. 2250 East Bidwell – Suite 100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 458-5151