Learning from Home
Parent Handbook 2022
Contents Introduction 2 Overview 3 Assessment 4 IT Platforms 5 Support Services 6 Independent & VET Services 7 Learning Safely from Home 7 Instrumental Music & Year 4 Music Immersion
Enrichment Unit 9 Primary Specialist Lessons 9 Agreement for Parents 10 Undertaking for students Year 5 & older
Introduction Cooloola Christian College continues to provide excellence in student wellbeing and learning. CCC has successfully established Learning from Home programs that have catered for student needs, whilst also prioritising the demands of family life. Our staff are highly competent in utilising technology platforms, and adaptable to quickly adjust the way we ‘do’ school if the need arises. We have always valued building community and we will continue to support students and families through existing strategies and some new, exciting initiatives. All students will have equitable opportunities, whether learning from home or learning at school. There will be high quality tuition, pastoral care, healthy connections with peers and rich, engaging learning experiences. CCC is committed to providing familiar routines for your child whether at school or at home, through consistent timetabled lessons, direct teaching (virtual or in-person), meaningful structure, daily devotions and familiar faces.
Through the efforts of our staff and volunteers over many years, Cooloola Christian College has positioned itself as a leading school in Gympie. We have embraced technology and flexibility as a normal part of learning which has prepared us well for the challenges ahead. Finally, we want to assure you that we are committed to regular and clear communications, giving our whole community a voice and to ensure up-to-date messaging.
“I want to assure you that our team of experienced staff at Cooloola Christian College is prepared for all contingencies moving forward.” - Ross Waltisbuhl (Principal)
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you.” you.” Philippians 4:4-8
Overview Schooling is always a partnership. When Learning from Home, this partnership becomes even more important. Our teachers partner with parents/caregivers to engage students in experiences that stretch their understanding and expand how they approach learning. Teachers have a critical role in guiding, supporting and challenging students to take on new responsibilities and to engage with new learning. Our families will have options for flexibility that will give them choice and ownership as the Learning from Home experience progresses. Teachers will continue to connect regularly with students through both online and recorded lessons, email and MSTeams.
CCC staff will monitor learning through: • • •
Data on student engagement from digital learning platforms – MSTeams, emails and Office 365; Feedback from students and parents; Digital learning submissions.
DAILY TIMETABLE MAY INCLUDE: • Morning Devotions/Chapel; • Tune-in live lessons; • Pastoral Care check-ins; • Learning support; • IT support; • Specialist lessons.
STAYING IN TOUCH: • College email is the communication tool used to contact and communicate between students, teachers and staff; • MSTeams and Parent Lounge are also used regularly to stay in touch; • The CCC Weekly Connect is released every Wednesday and communicates all key messages, events and news in one place.
“The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.” — Josh Waitzkin
In addition to the above resources, we encourage students and parents to contact helpdesk@ccc.qld.edu.au for any IT related questions. This email account is managed by our Online Technical Support Team. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you.” you.” Philippians 4:4-8
Assessment Where students are required to submit assessment tasks while learning from home, teachers will ensure full instructions for all assignments and exams are provided. We remind students and parents that assessment of student learning occurs continually throughout the school year. Teachers gather evidence using a wide variety of tools and samples of student work, building profiles for assessment and monitoring. Assessment preparation and submission will follow the expectations and conditions described in our College Assessment Policy (see Parent Lounge). Prep to Year 6 A wide range of activities and tasks will be used to monitor and assess students while learning from home. Depending on the age of your child, it may be appropriate for parents to read instructions but we ask that parents do not assist with the completion of tasks.
Years 11 – 12 Years 11 and 12 have assessment mandated by the syllabus, external to the College. Where possible we will continue to administer these by remote learning. Where this is not possible, for example a student experiment that requires specialised scientific apparatus and facilities, we will reschedule these to ensure that final results are not compromised. Students will be informed of any rescheduling well in advance. All changes and adjustments will reflect QCAA advice for statewide quality assurance. Thank you for your support, as we work together to deliver a strong continuity of learning. Please raise any queries or concerns through: admin@ccc.qld.edu.au or sue.waltisbuhl@ccc.qld.edu.au
Years 7 – 10 Assessment will occur as listed in the assessment schedule. These will either be administered online, or if a paper version is needed, downloaded, written and then uploaded (scanned or photographed) to Student Cafe. Where the assessment requires specific conditions we would ask that, where possible, parents supervise without direct assistance. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you.” you.” Philippians 4:4-8
Parent Lounge is our TASS Parent Portal. In Parent Lounge, families can view any relevant notifications or daily notices, as well as keep up to date with assessment tasks and activities. To access Parent Lounge, you can go to https://portal.cccgympie.qld.edu.au/parentlounge/login.cfm or click the link in the top-right corner on the CCC Website. We recommend bookmarking / adding this as a favourite in your web browser so that you can access it easily. If you are unsure of your username or password, please contact Administration. Student Café is our TASS Student Portal. Secondary students are already familiar with using Student Café to view daily notices, their class timetable, and to complete and submit activities and assessment tasks online. Most students should already have a link to Student Café saved on their device. If you don’t have a link saved, you can go to https:// portal.cccgympie.qld.edu.au/studentcafe/login.cfm or click the link in the top-right corner on the CCC Website. We recommend that students bookmark / add this as a favourite in their web browser so that it can be accessed easily. Students sign into Student Café using their 6-digit student number and their CCC password.
All parents
Year 5-12
All students
All parents
for Parents & Students
Secondary only
IT Platforms
MSTeams is an all in one tool that is part of CCC’s Office 365 platform. MSTeams allows teachers to live-stream their lessons to students and have recordings of these lessons available for students to play back on demand, as well as allowing teachers and students to work together. MSTeams also facilitates one-on-one communication via audio or video between students and teachers in real time. This guide from Microsoft explores Teams in more detail. Students sign into MSTeams with their CCC email address and password. Most students should already have the Teams app installed on their device. If students do not already have the MSTeams app on their device, they can sign into the Office 365 portal at www. office.com with their CCC email address and password then click on the MSTeams icon. After signing into MSTeams, the app can be downloaded by clicking the Download desktop app icon at the bottom left of the Teams interface. MSOneNote is another tool in CCC’s Office 365 platform that allows teachers to share resources and instructions for completing class tasks with their students within a Class Notebook. The Class Notebook also provides a space for students to complete class tasks and for teachers to provide ongoing feedback. This is a program that teachers and students have already been using for a few years at CCC. Most students in Secondary will already have the MSOneNote app installed on their device and will be engaging in their Class Notebooks using this. MSOneNote can also be accessed by students via the web by signing into the Office 365 portal at www.office. com with their CCC email address and password, then clicking on the MSOneNote icon. Education Perfect is a fun, responsive and effective way to learn online. We are constantly updating the CCC Website with new information as it comes to hand. Our https://ccc.qld.edu.au/covid-19/ page provides updates, FAQs, parent resources, and important information on how we can stay connected as a school community and how learning will continue this year. We also have information about our direct care hotline and a prayer request form that can be filled out so that a member of our Support Services Team can be holding your family before the Lord in prayer.
Support Services
for Parents
Cooloola Christian College Student Support Services is committed to providing Pastoral Care for our CCC families and students during these unpredictable times. Should you have any concerns please make initial contact via: Pastoral Care Call Centre: Phone: 3154 6888 Email: supportservices@ccc.qld.edu.au Fee Enquiry: Contact Business Manager, Mr Paul Suffolk Phone: 3154 6877
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 Our Pastoral Care teams will be actively checking in with students and available for chats during the daily breaks (see timetables).
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you” you” Philippians 4:4-8
Independent Learning & VET Courses
for Parents
As a school we are implementing strategies to effectively maintain continuity of teaching and learning in the months ahead. We acknowledge that there are many students at CCC engaging in rich learning experiences outside our classrooms through VET, TAFE, Traineeships and HeadStart programs. Our College is committed to supporting our students and their families, and we encourage all students to be actively involved in following up on class lessons, emailing teachers, and planning for productive use of non-class time (ILC lessons). We remind students that any changes to learning should be communicated directly with the learning provider and CCC (admin@ccc.qld.edu.au) as soon as possible. Each RTO, TAFE or University is also best placed to provide specific information about individual courses and academic programs. As we become aware of any changes to course delivery, work expectations or practical assessments we will share this directly with students and families involved.
Learning Safely from Home
for Parents Some learning will involve practical activities. In these cases, parents are encouraged to responsibly assess the risks and monitor the safety and care of their children at home. Teachers may provide a guide to risks associated with specific activities so that you can make an informed decision on how your child engages with that activity. Students are expected to be dressed in their sports uniform in their learning space. Students are expected to uphold classroom expectations and school values at all times. Livestream MSTeams will be recorded by the College to support student safety. CCC staff will follow CCC students protection policies for all communication with students. Please be vigilant regarding cybersafety. More information is available on the eSafety website.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you” you” Philippians 4:4-8
Instrumental Music & Year 4 Music Immersion
for Parents
Instrumental Music At CCC we value Music and other Creative Art forms. This is why we will continue to provide Instrumental Music lessons. If students are required to learn from home, these lessons will be delivered through MSTeams or another video format. Concert & Jazz Band will be suspended during Learning from Home disruptions and school absences. Year 4 Music Immersion This will continue. Year 4 students are reminded to check instrumental lesson times to be sure to meet online with tutors throughout the school week.
Learning Packs
for Parents
Some year levels or subjects will provide learning packs at different stages through the term. Specific details will be updated and communicated as needed.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you” you” Philippians 4:4-8
Enrichment Unit
for Parents
At CCC we are committed to supporting students and families throughout the year. Our Enrichment Unit team will make use of ‘Consolidation’ time to connect with students. Activity packs, information about learning programs, links to online tools and pre-recorded tutorials will also be made available to students who currently benefit from learning support at CCC. Families are encouraged to check emails and take advantage of live ‘MSTeams’ sessions to stay connected and raise queries or share celebrations. Speech & Occupational Therapist sessions - check directly with your provider.
Primary Specialist Lessons
for Parents
Primary HPE will feature in our daily program. Details will be communicated through MSTeams and visible in the P-6 Learning Grid. Spanish and The Arts will be available as learning options in the Prep to Year 6 Learning Grids. Teachers will provide activities and ideas to maintain healthy and creative connections with family members at home.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... And the God of peace will be with you” you” Philippians 4:4-8
for parents
As Parent/s / Carers we agree to: 1. Provide a suitable learning space in my home with minimal distractions; 2. Ensure my student is dressed in sports uniform and ready for learning; 3. Ensure my student watches the live or recorded ‘Explicit Teaching/Tune In’ (focus for the learning session); 4. Acknowledge that any online or live lessons with my student will be recorded and archived by the College for online safety purposes; 5. Provide a device and internet connection with family safe filtering software. (This can be shared by multiple children across different sessions through the day); 6. Remind my student and monitor for eSmart use of technology as per our Technology Policy; 7. Assist my student to engage with the assigned learning activities on a daily basis; 8. Discuss with my student a brief summary of: •
the learning he/she is engaging in for each session,
his/her understanding of the content,
and how they are demonstrating their learning (eg. Homework task, activity or assignment);
9. Assist my student to plan their independent work to ensure they meet deadlines for assessment submission; 10. Remind my student to seek help from our Support Services Team (supportservices@ccc.qld.edu.au) if they are struggling with learning or wellbeing concerns; 11. Support my student to maintain: •
a good balance between screen time, outdoor/other activity;
healthy eating at appropriate intervals;
healthy sleep patterns;
physical fitness activities;
quality time with family.
for students Yr 5 & older
As student/s in Year 5 or older I/we agree to: 1. Dress in my sports uniform for learning each day; 2. Be ready for learning every weekday morning; 3. Engage with the morning devotions and chapel or pastoral care lessons according to class timetables and teacher notification; 4. Acknowledge that any online or live lessons will be recorded and archived so classroom behaviour expectations must be maintained; 5. Engage in all the learning sessions as per my timetable; 6. Follow eSmart guidelines when using my device and the internet and to avoid unsafe online behaviour; 7. Request help from the assigned Education Support Officers or Enrichment staff if I don’t understand the learning in that session (you will be given contact details for this support); 8. Plan my study to ensure I meet assessment deadlines; 9. Seek help from the Support Services Team supportservices@ccc.qld.edu.au (or from a trusted adult) if I am concerned about my own wellbeing; 10. Adhere to assessment conditions (refer to Assessment Policy). Students agree to maintain: 1. A good balance between screen time, outdoor/other activity; 2. Healthy eating at appropriate intervals; 3. Healthy sleep patterns; 4. Physical fitness activities; 5. Quality time with family.