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Article 9 Paid Leave
from IAFF
the Union President), will evaluate the candidates based on experience and knowledge of the needed assignment. Each panel member will make a recommendation to the Fire Chief, who will make the final selection.
Except as provided below, the parties agree to Administrative Policy 06.04.02 (Annual Leave) with respect to annual leave, Employees with greater than ten years of service shall have the ability to sell back sixty (60) hours of annual leave for shift employees and fifty (50) hours of annual leave for non-shift employees.
Employees may select advance annual leave as follows:
Annual leave shall be selected by department seniority. Bids for Annual Leave will take place between. September 1st and September 7th annually. Annual Leave shall be awarded and posted by October 1. Alternative dates may be utilized only if mutually agreed upon by the Union and the Fire Chief. Selection is on a shift- by-shift basis or day- by-day (for non-shift employees), with the employee with the greatest department seniority selecting first. Members may schedule up to 72 hours in a block of time or three separate shift choices for annual leave per bid selection. For those bids that involve a City recognized holiday, members shall only be allowed to bid for one holiday per selection. Once all bid selections have been completed, then the process will start again using the same process as outlined above. An employee may skip advance annual leave selection, but in the event he/she does so, he/she moves to the bottom of the list for selection purposes. Once each employee has either used up to 72 hours or skipped their right to select twice, the list is closed. Upon completion of the bid process, and no later than October 1, the annual leave schedule will be reviewed and approved by the on-shift Assistant Chief or his/her designee, who shall have the ability to deny bids based on departmental need. Any denials will be based on departmental seniority.
Requests for annual leave, outside of the bid process described above, are to be submitted to the immediate supervisor. for non-shift employees. Shift employee’s leave requests are to be submitted to a Shift Chief or through the current electronic staffing program. All leave requests which are submitted less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time requested must be submitted to a Shift Chief, (Immediate supervisor for nonshift employees) for final approval. Approvals or denials shall be issued, in writing, within seventy-two (72) hours of the employees’ request, (Except for requests made less than seventy-two (72) hours prior), with the grounds for the denial set forth, if the request is denied. Any request by a member to cancel scheduled annual leave must be made to a Shift Chief at least 72 sixty (60) hours prior to the start of the shift for which the leave was scheduled (excluding members of CRR and Training).
Except as provided below, six (6) members per shift, and no more than one per position, except three (3) for the position of Firefighter, may be granted annual leave.