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Article 44 Uniforms and Equipment
from IAFF
An employee that is transferred from one shift to another will be assigned to a station for the remainder of the fiscal year. If a Station Assignment becomes available due to transfer, promotion, retirement, or resignation that vacated Station Assignment will be offered to the most senior float, the second most senior float and so on in that same position and same shift until filled.
Employees may arrive at work and leave work in civilian clothing. Employees shall be in the “uniform of the day” at shift exchanges. (Coming on duty and going off duty). If an employee is found to be in either partial uniform or civilian clothes other than as provided above, and in the Department Rules and Regulations, he may be subject to disciplinary action. Uniform of the day is defined as City issued t-shirts and shall be worn throughout the year during normal operations and details that are outdoors in heat conditions. Class B uniforms shall be worn at special events, special recognitions, indoor public education events, City Commission meetings, and indoor details. Fire Inspectors may wear t-shirts for outdoor and multi-family inspections, Polo shirts for normal operations and may wear city-provided jumpsuits for after-hours callouts.
All combat firefighting rescue personnel, including members of Community Risk Reduction, shall be provided with protective clothing and equipment as follows:
• Helmet • Fire Gloves, and Extrication Gloves • 2 Bunker coats, 2 Bunker pants with suspenders, (For members of CRR 2nd set will be Wildland Firefighting Gear) • Boots • Protective hoods • Air mask • 20 feet of 1” tubular webbing • Gear bag or box for float personnel • Personal flashlight • Protective rain gear (upon request). • Radio strap assembly • Traffic vest • Bailout harness • Any new equipment purchased and issued by the Fire Chief or designee
All In-service Units shall be equipped with sufficient quantities of the following for each member on the unit: • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (S.C.B.A.), • Portable Radio • Hand light
• Personal thermal imager • Bailout Kit
All protective clothing and equipment shall meet and if possible, exceed applicable N.F.P.A., Federal or state standards when purchased.
All bargaining unit employees shall be issued the following uniform items upon initial employment. The City will make every effort to issue these items prior to first duty date/shift:
Job Shirt, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 short sleeve uniform work shirts (Class B), 1 long sleeve uniform dress shirt and tie (Class B), 5 pairs of uniform work pants, 1 uniform work belt (buckle color to be appropriate for position), 5 short sleeve, long sleeve or a combination thereof, work t-shirts (design subject to approval), 1 baseball cap, if requested (City issue only may be worn while on duty), and All necessary uniform hardware for the employee’s position. 1 wide-brim boonie hat, subject to policy specifying when can be worn, and issued only upon request.
In addition to the above items’ members of the Community Risk Reduction Division shall be issued 5 short sleeve, long sleeve or a combination thereof polo style shirts.
Upon contract ratification, all current employees will be issued additional uniform items in order to meet the above initial employment allotment upon request.
Upon completion of position probation for the rank of Lieutenant and above, the department will order a one-time issue of the following items (may be re-issued upon change in position or other circumstances as determined by the Fire Chief):
1. 1 full Class A dress uniform, coat, shoes, tie, pants and hat, and 2. All necessary uniform hardware for the employee’s position.
The employee shall receive the following uniform items annually on an as-needed basis:
3 pairs of uniform work pants, 4 short sleeve, long sleeve or a combination thereof work t-shirts 1 baseball cap 3 Polo style shirts for members of Community Risk and Reduction 1 wide-brim boonie hat, and Replacement of any worn or ill-fitting items.