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Article 25 Temporary Upgrades
from IAFF
1. City staff will review the accrued hours of all employees for each payroll year in order to prepare a list of those eligible.
2. Employees who elect the lump sum payment option will receive a check in January covering the Attendance Incentive Option earned in the preceding payroll year and payment will be made at the hourly rate in effect on the last pay date of each payroll year. Employees who elect to convert to annual leave will have the hours credited to their annual leave balance, not to exceed the maximum accrual amount.
3. Each employee must respond by the specified deadline to the Human Resources memorandum indicating the option chosen. If no option is selected, the accruals will remain in the sick leave account, subject to prescribed limits.
In the event that an employee is temporarily assigned to a position higher than the employee’s regular position, they shall be paid an additional percentage consistent with the promotional increase in Article 23 for the duration they are working out of class. A member in the Community Risk Reduction division who is temporarily assigned to a position higher than their regular position for will be paid an additional percentage consistent with the promotional increase in Article 23 for the duration they are working out of class. This additional compensation shall be paid to the employee in the paycheck covering the period in which the employee served in the higher position. In the event a Captain steps into a Lieutenant /Driver Engineer position, the member shall receive no reduction in pay. In the event a Lieutenant steps into a Driver Engineer position, the member shall receive no reduction in pay.
In the event that there are two (2) people holding the same job title on the same apparatus, the person scheduled to be in charge of the apparatus shall be in charge. At no time shall a member be selected for an overtime slot for a position they are not currently holding until the overtime list for members holding that position has been exhausted.
When using the promotional list for temporary upgrades, the temporary upgrades shall be on a rotating basis, beginning with the highest scoring person on the list and working down the list.
In order to ensure that members on the list are assigned to each shift, the City may