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Article 24 Sick Leave
from IAFF
The parties agree to the following Administrative Policies with respect to sick leave:
Administrative Policy, Employee Sick Leave; Administrative Policy, Attendance Incentive Option; (See policy below) and Administrative Policy, Sick Leave Pay Out at Separation. Except as provided below.
Employees using sick time in the same pay period that they have overtime shall be paid at straight time for the overtime up to same number of hours as the sick time. In addition, sick time hours that equal the overtime hours in a pay period shall not be charged as sick time. This provision will not apply to City mandated overtime. The City may require members to bring in a doctor’s note explaining sick leave when the employees sick leave accruals are below 200 hours and the sick leave is two consecutive days/shifts (exclusive of shift exchanges), before or after a Kelly Day or vacation day(s), on a holiday or the shift before or after a holiday, or when the number of sick leave days/shifts exceed three (3) in a six month period or six (6) in a calendar year. Sick leave used on a holiday may require a doctor’s note (if requested), regardless of the amount sick hours accrued.
Administrative Policy, Attendance Incentive Option
The Attendance Incentive Option is intended to reward regular full-time employees with exemplary attendance by allowing them annually the option of either converting a portion of their unused sick leave to annual leave or receiving a lump sum payment for those eligible hours, but not a combination thereof.
1. Regular Full-Time Employee: An individual occupying a budgeted position and scheduled to work a minimum of forty (40) hours per work week.
2. Payroll Year: Period of time which includes all pay dates that occur during that year as reported to the IRS for income purposes.
3. Calendar Year: Period of time from January 1 to December 31 of the same year.
Shift Employees:
1. For employees whose sick leave accrual balance is greater than 576 hours at the end of the payroll year:
Unused hours earned and accumulated during the payroll year beyond 576 hours shall, at the employee’s discretion, be converted to either:
➢ Annual leave
➢ Lump sum payment
2. Payment must be in one (1) hour increments.
3. Employees may donate up to 16 hours of sick time per payroll year without jeopardizing their Attendance Incentive Option.
4. After the selection of an attendance incentive option, sick leave accruals over the 576 hours will be reduced appropriately.
Non-Shift Employees:
1. For employees whose sick leave accrual balance is greater than 480 hours at the end of the payroll year:
Unused hours earned and accumulated during the payroll year beyond 480 hours shall, at the employee’s discretion, be converted to either:
➢ Annual leave
➢ Lump sum payment
2. Payment must be in one (1) hour increments.
3. Employees may donate up to 16 hours of sick time per payroll year without jeopardizing their Attendance Incentive Option.
4. After the selection of an attendance incentive option, sick leave accruals over the respective 480 will be reduced appropriately.
Upon separation from the city, employees shall receive a Lump Sum that is equal to 50% of all accrued Sick Time, paid at the employee’s current hourly rate.