2 minute read
Article 37 Minimum Response Staffing
from IAFF
employee may not “bump down” another employee unless they have served in that classification during their employment with the City.
The City will to the best of its ability attempt to recall bargaining unit members to bring the Fire Department back to its original makeup. Recall shall be in reverse order of layoffs.
If the employee is unable to return to work when recalled because of a physical or mental disability but subsequently recovers prior to 18 months following the day of layoff, at that time the employee shall be entitled to replace the employee with the least seniority if less than his/her own, when working. If such employee is not recalled within 18 months following the day of layoff, the employment relationship shall be terminated.
The laid off employee, in order to maintain the right of recall, must:
A. Not give notice to retire or resign during the period of layoff.
B. Maintain all required certifications.
Time in layoff status shall not count for the purpose of earning any benefit, unless the specific benefit plan expressly provides otherwise, and an employee on layoff status shall not enjoy economic benefits other than those earned while in active employment.
Employees retain recall rights for up to eighteen months after the date on which they are laid off. Employees have the duty, during lay off, to keep the City informed of the address and phone number at which they may be contacted in the event of a recall. In recalling employees, the City shall contact an employee by certified mail to inform them of the recall. The employee shall have ten days from the receipt of the letter informing them of their recall rights. If the employee does not inform the City of their desire to return to the department within that time frame, by phone or letter, the City may then move to the next person on the recall list. Employees “bumped down” as a result of a layoff will be returned to their prior classification before any new promotions are made.
Under no circumstances shall the City hire any new employee in any position covered by this agreement while any bargaining unit member is laid off. The City may hire a new employee only after all employees on the recall list have been contacted and offered the opportunity to return to work. In the event of a recall, the parties agree to bargain the impact of wages for recalled employees.
In order to maintain the utmost level of service to the citizens served by the Coral Springs Fire Department and to promote the safety and well-being of the community, the City agrees the following staffing levels will be maintained: