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Article 17 Prevailing Benefits/Policies
from IAFF
purposes of overtime wage calculations. Employees must be in pay status on December 1 in order to receive this benefit. If not in pay status on December 1, the employee must be in pay status at least thirty calendar days after returning to pay status before receiving this benefit.
In addition to the benefit described above, employees hired prior to June 1, 1993, will receive a cash Lump Sum Bonus on or about their hire anniversary date beginning with the 10-year hire anniversary as follows:
Hire Anniversary Lump Sum Bonus
10,11,12,13,14 years $500 15,16,17,18,19 years $1,000 20 plus years $1,500
Section 1 The parties refer to those benefits and policies listed in Section 3 of this Article and agree to those policy conditions during the term of this agreement.
Section 2 The City is not bound to provide benefits not listed within this agreement.
Section 3 The following policies are recognized:
3.1 Administrative Policy 06.02.01 (Equal Employment Opportunity Statement) 3.2 Administrative Policy 06.11.03 (Leave of Absence/FMLA) 3.3 Administrative Policy 06.04.04 (Funeral Leave) 3.4 Administrative Policy 06.11.07 (Military Leave) 3.5 Administrative Policy 06.01.03 (Political Activity) 3.6 Administrative Policy 06.04.09 (Tuition Assistance) 3.7 Administrative Policy 06.01.02 (Anti- Harassment)
3.8 Administrative Policy 06.01.05 (Violence in the Workplace) 3.9 Administrative Policy 06.11.08 (Gainsharing) 3.10 Administrative Policy 06.01.06 (Outside Employment) 3.11 Standard Operating Procedure (Recall of Off-Duty Personal) 3.12 Standard Operating Procedure (Severe Weather Operations) 3.13 Standard Operating Procedure Firefighters) (Funeral Service Guide for Coral Springs 3.14 Administrative Policy 06.01.08 (Ethics) 3.15 Administrative Policy 06.01.07 Media) , 06.01.09 and Fire Department Policy (Social