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Article 21 Overtime Distribution
from IAFF
Overtime is to be distributed on a rotating basis as equally as possible, by position. An overtime system will be maintained to keep track of an individual’s eligibility and amount of overtime. A separate overtime list will be maintained for members of the Community Risk Reduction Division which will include the CRR Captain, Lieutenant and Public Education Officer.
Where the City has advance notice of a need for overtime, the member at the top of the overtime list who meets qualifications for the position that was vacated has a right of first refusal. Should that member refuse the overtime, the City shall contact the next member on the list for the position vacated, and so forth until a person accepts the overtime assignment. Acceptance of an overtime assignment of ten (10) hours or more for shift employees (or three hours or more for non-shift employees in the Community Risk Reduction division) moves that person to the bottom of the overtime list.
If the City receives notice prior to 10:00 PM that it will need to use overtime the following day, the above procedure shall be used (employees shall not be called after 10:00 PM except in extenuating circumstances).
If the City does not receive notice prior to 10:00 pm, the opportunity for overtime shall be offered to the on-duty employees of that position, as listed in Article 1, according to the overtime list. If none of those employees voluntarily take the overtime opportunity, the least senior employee of that position may be held for mandatory overtime until otherwise filled.
In both situations as described above, should the list for a position be exhausted, the City shall then resort to the present promotional eligibility list, in which case overtime shall be offered first to the highest-ranking person on the list. Under this provision, members may be considered for positions in which they are qualified. In the event that there is no eligibility list, and/or all individuals have refused voluntarily to work overtime, the City shall call in the least senior employee in that position for mandatory overtime. In lieu of mandating a member to work, a member may voluntarily work down in a position in which they are qualified.
Mandatory overtime shall rotate beginning with the least senior person in that position, then move to the second least senior, and so on. A separate line shall be kept for all overtime lists with the date of the mandatory overtime included.
If department personnel are promoted, the overtime program will be adjusted accordingly, with the newly promoted employee going to the bottom of their new position’s overtime list.
In the event there is a need for “Emergency Overtime”, the above policy may be deviated from only so far as an employee, after being contacted, cannot report for duty