International Knowledge
Egzakta Advisory is a team of professional consultants, analysts and experts in management consulting who are highly dedicated to their clients and help them overcome current challenges and improve performance
he domestic consulting market is becoming more mature – more and more companies are today planning annual budgets for local consulting to continuously improve their company and utilise its full potential ■ You are seen as the fastest growing consulting company in the region, with a brilliant portfolio. Is your team really able to compete with big global players on the market? - We take care of a holistic approach to projects in which we use workshops with clients to come jointly to solutions and the successful implementation of their most demanding projects. Every time we strive for the same goal - to transfer knowledge to our client. We believe that only then do clients feel the true value of working with consultants. We today have 15 consultants engaged in the region. They work with some of the most famous companies on strategic national projects in digitalisation, the IT sector etc. We have proven that beginning with intensive teamwork and educating our people, both through training, scholarships for the best business schools, our mentoring programmes, an intensive approach to work and insistence on quality and detail can yield results that are no different from those of a global consulting company. We plan to expand our business to markets in the region, primarily North Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia, where we believe we can be very competitive. ■ Due to specific and challenging economic opportunities, many companies are opting to transform their
and implemented if we are to meet the demands of the global market. What was acceptable as a practice until yesterday probably has to change today or in the near future. When we talk about transformation, I don't mean only digitalisation, which is one of the imperatives and the most recognisable changes in business models. I also mean transformation like changing the approach to staff, understanding new consumer habits or the requirements of public sectors. We set ourselves up as a 'devil's advocates', we lead clients in the direction of reviewing all their processes and reviewing all their habits, in order to realise the full potential of the company, and not just individual segments.
We plan to expand our business to markets in the region, primarily North Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia business models. Egzakta deals with that business as well, but in its own way... - We believe that transformation is necessary for all kinds of work, regardless of the sector. Initiatives must be adopted
■ You have your own methodology and rich practise, but the speciality you bring to your clients is your knowledge of local markets. Is that the best combination? - At the very beginning, we set up our company as a local management consulting company based on international knowledge and many years of experience. Knowledge of local markets and culture is certainly a great advantage. Bringing international knowledge to the local level leads to modernisation, catching up with new trends and expectations. The changes we have foreseen in the management consulting industry itself include an even greater focus on our clients, who have been expecting an even greater presence of consultants in their companies lately. In this way, clients want us to provide a new view of things and new knowledge for which they do not have time due to ongoing work.