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Kruna Gavović is a young businesswoman, a licensed mediator, the mother of a beautiful little girl and someone who believes in hard work, education...

Ithink it is important to set priorities, to organise ourselves well, to have a few hours during the day that we dedicate to ourselves and to realise that we are wonderful even though we are not equally perfect in all our life roles, says Mrs Gavović.

Is it more difficult today for women to harmonise their career and family commitments? It is very difficult today for women to harmonise their business obligations with their family life. Striking a balance between their career and family demands all of their energy – and that can be very frustrating for the work team and the family. As a working mother, it sometimes seems to me that 24 hours is not enough to do all my daily activities. I think it is important to set priorities, to organise ourselves well, to have a few hours during the day that we dedicate to ourselves, and to realise that we are wonderful even though we are not equally perfect in all our life roles. I have always been willing to help others and have always believed in hard work and in myself. Nevertheless, alongside all my life and daily roles, one role in my life is eternal – that of a mother. And as one wonderful song goes:

“In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero, and I know no fear, but the truth is plain to see, she was sent to rescue me.”

I think that my daughter is my reflection and in every blink of my daughter I see whether the path I’m taking is the right one.

The need for balance between career and family mostly affects women, but not only women

Is the Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate particularly important for companies in which women comprise the majority of employees? The need for balance between career and family mostly affects women, but not only women. Investing in the happiness of employees is beneficial for all companies. When companies recognise the importance of their employees’ work-life balance, they recognise the employee as a person, as a social and an emotional being and not just a “human resource”. We need to change the culture of cooperation with employees, which means shifting from seeing an employee as a human resource to seeing an employee as a human being. That is a win-win process.

Do you consider that investments in knowledge pay off? By investing in your own education you receive a constant reminder that there are things that you’re not good at and can improve on. Investing in yourself helps to create a strong foundation upon which we can build our future. I have been dedicated for years to learn how to better listen to others, maintain a sense of empathy, learn to deal with change, rationalise expectations, block sources of negative energy and strengthen relationships. Only in this way can you be sure to get the most out of yourself.

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