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From Russia with core strength RS-90 drill rig manufactured by Rusmining Export

From Russia with core strength:

RS-90 drill rig manufactured by Rusmining Export


by Rusmining Export Press Office

The revenue from mining operations is usually a large part of any country’s budget. Therefore, the top priority task is reprocessing and building up the mineral resources base. Exploration of new deposits, as well as their commercial development, requires innovative drilling equipment.

After the break-up of the Soviet Union and, therefore, the discontinuation of the domestic production of exploration equipment, only imported drills were used for these purposes over the last decades. The sanctions against the Russian Federation led to extremely long deliveries from foreign partners and importing substitutes required massive effort. A number of manufacturers stopped delivering exploration equipment altogether. This situation motivated the Rusmining Export (RME) team to create its own action plan. Designers and engineers were engaged to work on the development of in-house drill rigs by analyzing

↑ Rusmining Export’s workshop

the specification of foreign products. The resulting drill rig - RS-90 – not only covers but exceeds the needs of our customers.

Serial production of RS-90 has begun in the Khabarovsk Service Desk. RS-90 drill depth is 480 m (1575 ft) using P-size rods, 725 m (2380 ft) with H-size, 1080 m (3550 ft) with N-size, and 1400 m (4600 ft) in B-size with a drilling angle of 45-90 degrees. The basic specification is focused on high efficiency, reliability and safety. Drill rig components are made of high-quality steel. Most of the drill frame elements under excessive stress are reinforced. A special coating protects the equipment from corrosion, increasing the drill lifespan twice compared to similar equipment. The main components are supplied by Canadian partners. The engine in RS-90 from the famous American manufacturer Cummins - model QSB 6.7 - fully meets the high standards, used in production.

Due to a long analysis of competitors and feedback from customers, drillers, and those who work directly with the equipment, the designers have included significant improvements to the RS-90 drill rig. They improved the rotation unit lubrication system; modified the hydraulic chuck to prevent drilling fluid from getting into the gearbox through the top spindle seals; increased the space between the hydraulic tank and the control panel for better access to service the hydraulic pumps and valves; and installed the additional hydraulic oil filters. Furthermore, each RS-90 rig can be adapted to the specific operating conditions of each customer.

RME has been proving to its partners and competitors that Russian reliable equipment contributes to reducing costs and maximizing productivity. The results speak for themselves. RME is not just reaching the production target but overachieving it. For the last two years, RS-90 is widely used at the largest deposits not only in Russia, but also overseas. To date, more than 56 drill rigs have been sold. RME equipment, tools and spare parts are exported to Latin America, Africa, the Philippines and Malaysia. Large companies benefit from buying Russian drill rigs because every customer considers three things: delivery time, reliability and price.

Large subsoil users in Russia are setting records on this equipment. For example, in July 2020, OGK Group achieved the best result among Russian diamond core drilling contractors, having performed 4735 m (≈ 15 550 ft) of H-size drilling (95.6 mm) with one drill rig in just one month. RS-90 is also efficiently utilized both in Yakutia, Russia at critical low temperatures, often below −35°C (−31°F), as well as in the arid desert-like temperatures by our partners in Uzbekistan.

RME is not slowing down when it comes to manufacturing new equipment. This summer the new RS-90D was unveiled. It is optionally track-mounted and geared for operation in high ambient temperatures. The new RU-75 range is designed to work in underground mines. It can be optionally equipped with an explosion-proof design and different options of feed frames. Also, this rig can drill from surface if the power pack is replaced with an internal combustion engine. Simultaneously, the RME design bureau is working on RS-230 which has the capacity to drill more than 3400 m (≈ 11 200 ft).

The company also actively produces high-quality spare parts and tools for most of the famous exploration drilling rigs. RME provides prompt and good service due to the highly organized drill rigs spare parts warehouse. Having readily available Russian-made components allows for fast repairs and the Service Desk specialists are ready to visit any drill rig site to conduct troubleshooting.

RME operates in the drilling equipment market since 2019. Having accumulated experience, highly-qualified employees and stable business relations, besides equipment manufacturing, RME offers to its customers prompt and proper performance of orders on mutually beneficial terms. C

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