Santa Steams into Tamar View WOW !!!!!!!
inspiration here for everyone.
I have just been to Tamar View Nurseries at Saltash
And the festive approach does not just stop in
and you should see what the Christmas Elves have
the Christmas department, from the gift area to
done this year. It is AMAZING!!!!!
the restaurant to the plant area everyone and
Christmas has taken over nearly all of the centre and
everywhere is involved.
is a completely different look to past years. For those of you that know the centre at Christmas do not
The Elves put so much hard work and effort into the
worry; all the moving animals and old favourites are
grotto it is a shame not to share it with everyone all
still on display with a brand new feature in the grotto.
of the time.
This year children board the carriage pulled by a
One of the biggest differences to their grotto is
train, yes a train, complete with smoke and noise
that it is designed to be viewed and enjoyed all of
which takes them to the North Pole to visit Father
the time by everyone visiting the centre whether
Christmas on his sleigh.
Father Christmas is in residence or not . When Father
From the lighting department, to the many decorated
Christmas is there everyone can watch the children
trees to the patterns of baubles on the walls to the
up and see them talking to him and share in the
many themes from woodland animals to gonks to
magic he creates.
Christmas angels, they have really gone over the top
Owners Mike and Pauline Hooper first started
this year.
collecting their animated characters over 35 years
Whether you are a Christmas traditionalist or prefer
ago and now have over 60 pieces! One of the most
a modern take on decorations there is definitely
popular are the singing reindeer introduced two