April 2016 arts event magazine barbados

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April 2016

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events This is a completely free and unsponsored magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place. I encourage anyone with a creative event or a new piece of work to get in contact with me at corriescott@gmail.com and I will add a free page for you. Let’s get the arts out there! Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible. Corrie

Cover Art By Corrie Scott

All information correct at time of publishing. Please phone or email relevant galleries to confirm dates of events as they may be subject to change. Updates as news of arts events comes in each month may be viewed on http://corriescott.net/page28.htm Published by Corrie Scott



Heidi Berger's and Ancel Daniel's "Handmarks/Landmarks" at The Gallery of Caribbean Art March 2016 Online album of exhibition may be viewed here https://goo.gl/photos/s9hb1tvuUWmep37r5 Ancel and I come together in Barbados from different cultures, different backgrounds, different suns. Yet we share a common affinity for the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi Sabi, which finds perfection in the imperfect, the fleeting, that which has been marked by weather and time. Wabi Sabi favours natural materials, simple processes....landmarks and handmarks. Land/marks could refer to the marks the land and its people has left on us and our work....it is the source of our materials and our inspiration. Hand/marks are the mark of the maker which are deliberately obvious in our work. As an unknown someone once said, "Perfection is repeatable, only imperfection is perfect.‘’

“My paintings tell stories of women who have come to Barbados— stories of migration, of leaving home, and finding home. The paintings and monotypes are made up of fragments— bits and pieces of paper, fabric, letters, words, the detritus that clings to us which are pieces of life— that are reassembled to form something new. Together with the image, they tell a story, or part of a story. “ Heidi Berger

Huddled in a 140 sq foot room, converted to a mini pottery studio my imagination soar above the sealing as I think of the medicine woman and reminded of the poem titled Do Not Stare At Me. “Do not stare at me from your window, lady do not stare and wonder where I came from Born in this city was I, lady, hearing the beetles at six o'clock and the noisy cocks in the morning when your hands rumple the bed sheet and night is locked up the wardrobe. My hands are full of lines� Martin Carter

“I have spent the last year immersing myself in the mysteries of monotype...a monotype is a single print made from a copper plate which has been rolled with ink, then wiped to reveal the image. After the first print, a second, or ghost print may be possible....thereafter the plate is clean. A number of my pieces in the show are monotype/mixed media� Heidi Berger

"A sculptural examination and record of a Caribbean folk tradition and what role it plays in today’s society. A baton passed on for community self-preservation through homemade healing remedies from one generation to another. The medicine woman is one of my first sculptural pieces from a body of work, a portrait of the Caribbean folk medicine practitioner." Ancel Daniel

“Its all about the process using clay as a medium. The chalky Mount red clay and its awesome properties, I can manipulate and create narratives of stories told sometime before.� Ancel Daniel

"The Caribbean culture has been preserved more by the authentic voices of educators such as poets, musicians, writers and artist. Using clay as a medium I design and create sculptures that are narratives of my Caribbean experience, heritage and it's people. As a child I enjoyed story telling with my late grandmother, who sought to preserve Guyanese folklore under a moon lit night, with the scent of dry leaves and twigs burning in a heap at the end of the week backyard "pointer broom" sweep. Folklore I have grown to realize is a part of a rich Caribbean cultural heritage. In this image is a clay sculpture piece in progress.“ Ancel Daniel

BIBA charity fundraiser "AN EVENING WITH THE MASTERS" exhibition at The Mercedes Showroom. Opening reception Thursday April 7th. 6.30pm-8.30pm. Minimum donation : $100 ( includes wine and canapes) RSVP: BIBA tel 246 234 2422 or 246 436 2422 Dress: Cocktail Chic

BIBA charity fundraiser "AN EVENING WITH THE MASTERS" exhibition at The Mercedes Showroom. Opening reception Thursday April 7th. 6.30pm-8.30pm. Minimum donation : $100 ( includes wine and canapes) RSVP: BIBA tel 246 234 2422 or 246 436 2422 Dress: Cocktail Chic "The BIBA ( Barbados International Business Association) Charity specially invites you to "AN EVENING WITH THE MASTERS" exhibition featuring : Hilary Armstrong, David Alleyne, Fielding Babb, Maggie Bell, Heidi Berger, Virgil Broodhagen, Jeena Chatrani, Catherine Forter Chee-A-Tow, Neville Legall, Everick Lynton, Rupert Piggott, Corrie Scott & Heather-Dawn Scott The artists will be present to discuss their work and will donate thirty percent of all sales proceeds to the BIBA Charity Eunice Gibson Polyclinic Warrens Special thanks to IGN stage Lighting, Mercedes Benz, Relish, Renaissance Designs, Trident Wines."


ARTS DIRECTORY BARBADOS How It Happened I have, for so many years, wanted to create a free online reference book where anyone, in any part of the world, may access the creative people in Barbados. I could not do this on my own and Kathy Yearwood heard of my idea, offered to partner with me and I happily agreed. What started out in March as a small book of what I thought might be a maximum of one hundred and fifty pages turned into a tome of over three hundred pages. A mixture of excitement and fear at what we had taken on. And here we are in December 2011 with a book showing off the talents in Barbados. So exciting. The eight month adventure began. Finding artists, photographing them and their work. From March 2011 to October 2011 Kathy and I collated the artwork, the bios and statements and travelled around the island garnering images and information. Large collections of artwork in homes. Convincing people who thought they were too old and forgotten and watching them smile as their work was photographed and having them talk about themselves so that we could create a bio for them. Literally slipping down the hills of clay at Chalky Mount to see an original kiln and spend the day with the potters. Temple Yard with the Rastafarian community where they are blessed with talent, especially carving, and then coming away with gifts of pineapples and avocados. Photographing in the rain with an umbrella in one hand and a camera in the other to get the right angles. Going to openings and craft shows and talking to many. Coming to my home, going to Kathy’s, and going wherever was needed. Meeting the different personalities in so many locations as I photographed many of them for their portrait photo for the book. Remembering some who have left us. A labour of love, learning and fun. The thank you part as I could not have done this on my own. Norma Springer who encouraged me to “take the book and run with it”. Kathy Yearwood who offered to partner with me collating and to create the book for artists in Barbados. Alison Chapman-Andrews for helping Kathy and I proof read. Amazing how much you miss no matter how many times we went over it. Sue Bain for offering her professional opinion and suggestions as a copy editor. Peter Boos for all the encouragement. Laura Lin Hutchinson for her introduction. Finally, the most important people, the creative souls who put their trust in Kathy and I to show them off to their best. I hope we have done this. Corrie Dec 7th 2011

You are cordially invited to the opening reception of " SIXTY DAYS OF BLACK" exhibiting sculpture and paintings- a mix of old and new works by Oneka Small and Kenneth Blackman. Sunday April 10th, 4pm At The Gallery of Caribbean Art, Speightstown. Exhibition ends Sunday 25th.

SUSAN ALLEYNE-FORDE susanalleyneforde@hotmail.com










The National Cultural Foundation cordially invites you to the Private View 'ASHANTI UNMASKED': An Exhibition of Recent Work by Ashanti Trotman, Sunday April 10th 2016 at 6.30pm at the Queen's Park Gallery Pelican, Harbour Road, Bridgetown The exhibition closes on May 21st RSVP: QPG Pelican 427-2345

FESTIVAL ART GALLERY at Artsplash Gallery. March 28th - April 25th. Gallery open daily 9.30am - 3pm. Featuring the Art-works of thirty-eight different artists: Adrian Compton, Alison Chapman-andrews, Andy Peirce, Angela Simpson, Aziza, Barbara Pickering, Carol Cadogan, Caroline Gill, Cathy Alkins, Cathy Cummins, Cathy Alkins, Catherine Forter Chee-aTow, Debra Durant, Fielding Babb, Heather Dawn Scott, Jean Blades, Julia Seymour, Katalin Goddard, Kraig Yearwood, Kirstie Hiorns, Linda Tudor,, Liz Mackenzie, Lorna Wilson, Maria Stanford, Martina Pile Zahles, Michael Alkins, Morissa Singh, Norma Farmer, Patricia Browne, Patricia Creech, Raquel C. Marshall, Rodney Ifill, Rosanne Milligan, Roz Worme, Shari Garnes, Shirley Lashley,Sonia Marie Tuleja, Susan Alleyne Forde, Yolanda Lewis.







ARTHUR ATKINSON artatkinson@caribsurf.com

SHANNON SMART https://www.facebook.com/shann0n.smart




YASMIN VIZCARRONDO yasminvizb@gmail.com



KHARY DARBY https://plus.google.com/photos/105714821715531443977/albums/6252276421213598881

ANCEL DANIEL https://onbb15.wordpress.com/ancel-daniel/ daveann101@gmail.com

JEETA CHATRANI https://www.facebook.com/jeena.chatrani

TANYA FOSTER gaf@caribsurf.com




SIAN PAMPELLONNE https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sian-Pampellonne-Artist/856268574414449



KRAIG YEARWOOD kraigyearwood@gmail.com



HEIDI BERGER www.heidiberger.com Studio visits welcome +1 (246) 843 5296

ANN RUDDER heraldryannart2@gmail.com




CATHY CUMMINS cathy@designerscoast.com

ONEKA SMALL oneka@coredesignsandconcepts.com




ART FOR EVERYONE The newest Art Gallery in Barbados, owned and curated by artist Darla Trotman. Darla is a stylistic realist painter, her medium is acrylics and subject matter extensive. Art for Everyone Gallery was created for the sole purpose of promoting all artists of Barbados. At present over 50 local artists are being exhibited. Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm Telephone: (246) 435-9756 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Art-for-Everyone-833055910141173/ Highway 7, at the top of St. Lawrence Gap, Worthing, Christ Church. Parking is beside the Worthing Police station, and the Gallery is across the road on the sea. The building is black and white, with a lime green door


ROSEMARY PARKINSON rosemaryparkinson2004@yahoo.com


“Tribute to Louise”

GALLERY NuEDGE FINE ARTS Ltd Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James, Barbados Mon –Sat 10am – 7pm. Sunday: 10 am – 5 pm Tel: (246) 621-0067

Fax: (246) 621-0069



ABOVE BARBADOS Have a look at the higher resolution image (and zoom around) at http://www.abovebarbados.com/sites/default/files/batts_rock_panorama.jpg Would you believe this is a reduced/resized image - the original is double the width/height! Above Barbados offer high-definition aerial photography and video, packages available from $500BDS. Contact Above Barbados today on 231-9583 to discuss your requirements and let us get those stunning shots from a new perspective! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on Google+

https://www.facebook.com/AboveBarbados https://twitter.com/AboveBarbados https://plus.google.com/+AbovebarbadosPhotography




Shawn Fields I'm a professional photographer living in Barbados. Two of my greatest passions in life are travel and photography after my family of course. I believe that travel broadens one's view of the world. Experiencing other cultures, meeting people from other communities and other countries and seeing the beauty, and sometimes ugliness of the world has helped me understand that all of our lives are at once interconnected and individual. It has made me better appreciate my own home and culture as well as that of the people I've met and the lands I've seen and I have become a much more tolerant person as a result. Through my photography I seek to document my own personal experiences, to capture scenes and events as I see them and to share with others the beauty and diversity of the world I've seen. As the images of other photographers have inspired me to explore the world, I hope my own contributions will inspire others to do the same. Fashion photography is such a joy for me as it affords me the opportunity to meet more people than I possibly would’ve had I not been a photographer. Born in London, England and married with two (2) awesome kids I have been interested in photography for as long as I can remember however I never took it seriously. I consider myself new to the field of photography as I have only pursued it professionally for about four (4) years now, but the love for photography was developed from my early school days and then more recently with the assistance of New York Institute of Photography and Joel Brooks. Though originally trained as a computer programmer, I find myself engulfed in photography in recent times. I’ve been published in a few reputable magazines both locally and in the United States. Today I license images for all manner of commercial and editorial use. I specialize in fashion photography and have recently joined forces with Shabeau Magazine. Email: contact@shawnfields.info http://www.shawnfields.info











Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n has arrived! This amazing book by Rosemary Parkinson is on island. Two hard cover coffee table books, with a sleeve that encloses both, 656 pages and 1400 plus photos filled with history, tradition, culture, stories and recipes from Barbados. Book Set Price (2 books): US$150 or Bds$300 plus shipping for those overseas. Payment via PayPal, Western Union or cash.

ROSEMARY PARKINSON + 1 246 436 5865 – + 1 246 264 7448 www.rosemary-parkinson.com www.facebook.com/BarbadosCulinaryJourney

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n, a collector's item, has won 4 awards for Barbados – Best Photography, Best Design, Best Historical Recipes, Best Self-published Book – then against 5 of the best books in the world WON Best Self-Published Book In The World and honoured at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 with Best of the Best In The World by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015. Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n has been called "a national treasure" and is being used by our BTMI and BIDC as gifts for dignitaries. The book costs BDS$300 in Barbados, and is available at Cloister Bookstore, Relish Limegrove, Sandy Lane Golf Club, Cafe Coffee at Washington House, Barbados Golf Club (Durants), Holders Farmers Market (Sunday), Artsplash Gallery (Hastings), just to name a few. For wholesale enquiries (3 or more) call HILARY KNIGHT at 246 432-1169 OR MESSAGE ROSEMARY PARKINSON ON Facebook. BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLAND.








MIKE EVANS https://me-photos.smugmug.com https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=624146708





JOHN GOODING jgooding@caribsurf.com



ROGER HANNANT rogerhannant45@gmail.com







JULIAN MOORE jem_systems@yahoo.com


‘Images by Hugh’

A Selection of Premium Fine Art Prints on Metal, Canvas, Acrylic, Glass & Fine Art Papers http://1-hugh-walker.artistwebsites.com/index.html Hughwalk@gmail.com





JENNY GONSALVES mammy_apple@hotmail.com

HASANI McCLEAN www.facebook.com/hasani.mcclean





JASON HOWARD Info@chefjasonhoward.com

GAVIN HINKSON ghinkson@hotmail.com





TIYI BY DESIGN www.tiyibydesign.com

SUSAN MAINS www.susanmains.com

ASHER MAINS www.ashermains.com

THE FESTIVAL ART GALLERY At Hastings Farmers Market, Artsplash, Hastings, Ch Ch

EVERY Wed & Sat The Festival Art Gallery is a mobile art gallery showing in excess of 50 local Barbadian artists who are painters, ceramic artists, sculptors and photographers. Bringing Art To The People kathymyearwood@gmail.com

'The Coral Stone Village Meeting' by Unknown artist Each piece which has been positioned and topped with other pieces of coral stone. In rows. The front row close to the sea appear to be 'the elders' as they have a little more space between themselves and the 'people'. Created by an Philip King who lives up by Cave Hill. who comes during the week to Batts Rock Bay to build these 'meetings' of coral. It is ever evolving as some are vandalised or the sea knocks them down.


kharydarby@gmail.com 572-0579 or 282-3302 https://www.facebook.com/kharydarbyartist


nsdesigns74@gmail.com www.facebook.com/pages/NS-Designs/4

ON THE WALL ART GALLERY On The Wall Gallery at Champers A charming gallery and throughout the restaurant at Champers Restaurant, located on Accra Beach, Rockley, Christ Church has been fully renovated. Monday - Friday Noon-4pm and 7pm-11pm . Please call for weekend hours. 246 234 9145 Champers gallery is accessible during Restaurant hours. Actual gallery operations are 12noon to 4pm and 7 pm to 11 pm all year November to April On The Wall Gallery At Earthworks. Earthwork continues to be the mainstay of our operations as we continue to add new lines to our already eclectic mix of hand made crafts, jewellery and fine art. Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 1pm Closed Sunday Vanita Comissiong

tel 246 234 9145




FRANGIPANI ART GALLERIES 1. Sugar Cane Club, Maynards, St Peter,Tel. 422 5026, Ext.5037 2. Savannah Hotel, The Garrison, St M.Tel. 228 3800, Ext. 3823 3. Almond Beach Resort. Heywoods, St. Peter.Tel. 422 4900, Ext. 5864 All galleries open every day except Sundays from 9am to 5pm, closed for lunch 1 to 1.30 pm., with the exemption of Almond which is open on Sundays also. marilda@bernmar.com www.frangipani-art.com

THE FRAME & ART COMPANY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432

In an effort to cultivate discussions about the arts starting at a young age while engaging with the community, Fresh Milk will implement an outreach programme using the resources available in The Colleen Lewis Reading Room (CLRR). One of the many challenges faced by young creatives is, despite their artistic gifts, they often struggle when it comes to speaking and writing comprehensively about their work. This is a skill that would benefit immensely from reading, whether specifically arts oriented texts or even well written fiction; gaining an appreciation for articulate material is imperative to mastering one’s own practice. Fresh Milk proposes to be the go-to point for refining these skills, beginning at CSEC level when children are expected to take their research and written abilities to a higher standard, all the way up to providing MA or PhD candidates with a deep pool of knowledge and unique material which they can draw upon. The Fresh Milk team will work with secondary school teachers in this area to construct a programme which will bring the students to Fresh Milk to show them the studio and reading room, letting them know that there is an environment available which can cater to their academic and creative needs. To keep up to date with our other activities, visit: http://www.freshmilkbarbados.com and like our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/FreshMilkBarbados

THE CRANE GALLERY The NEW Crane Gallery. is the centre piece of the historic Crane Resort and hosts the work of an eclectic mix of established and up-and-coming Barbadian artists. For more information call 423-6220 or email gallery@thecrane.com.

GALLERY OF CARIBBEAN ART The Gallery Of Caribbean Art Galleries presents the works of a variety of artists Northern Business Centre, Queen Street, Speightstown, St. Peter GCA at Tides, Tides Restaurant, Holetown, St James, 432 2084 www.artgallerycaribbean.com

Tel: (246) 419-0858

Tides Gallery Tides Restaurant Balmore House, Holetown, St. James Tel : (246) 432-2084 Email: tidesart@caribsurf.com

Cell (246)230-1968

April 4 - April 29 Group show May 2 - May 14 Open for rental May 17 - May 28 Group show June 6 - June 25 Our Heritage (group show) June 27 - July 9 Open for rental July 11 - Aug 6 Crop Over (group show) Aug 8 - Aug 20 Open for rental

BARBADOS ARTS COUNCIL BAC Gallery, Pelican Craft Centre, Bridgetown (246) 426 4385 thebarbadosartscouncilgallery@gmail.com

BLACK ART STUDIOS Durants Village, Holder's Hill St. James www.facebook.com/oneka.small

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world. We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others. We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers. Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive. Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire. 246-2332173 paulhoad@caribsurf.com

THE ARTSPLASH CENTRE Paint * Draw * Create & Have Fun! artsplashbarbados@gmail.com www.artsplashbarbados.com

To boldly and brilliantly pursue the adventure in everything artistic and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados. www.artsetcbarbados.com


A monthly programme is produced of all lectures, music and theatre events . To receive it by email or post please email fchmail.com or tel 436 9083 or 84


Celebrate Culture... Celebrate Life! The Frank Collymore Hall is the premier venue for cultural performances, conferences, lectures and more, in Barbados. The multi-purpose facilities are perfect for your dance, drama, music or exhibitions. The Hall comes fully equipped with State of the art equipment, 500 seating capacity, High-quality acoustics, Multiuse Grande Salle 9-foot Orchestral Steinway Concert Grand piano FRAN WICKHAM MANAGER | Tom Adams Financial Centre| Spry Street | Bridgetown | BB 11126 246-436-9083 francine.wickham-jacobs@centralbank.org.bb

Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, UWI For further information, contact De Carla Applewhaite at 417-4776 decarla.applewhaite@cavehill.uwi.edu www.cavehill.uwi.edu/ebcci


MISSION The Mission of the League of Extraordinary Poets (LXP) is threefold; 1. To nurture those involved in the arts, with a special emphasis on poets and spoken word artists; 2. To edutain the public through exposure to our art, and 3. To use the voices of the artists to bring awareness to, and to actively work towards addressing issues of importance in our society. VISION The LXP was founded on the principle that no art form exists in a vacuum. It is inexplicably tied to society, culture and time in which it is created, and that artists can improve their skills, and inspire one another when they operate in a close knit community of other like-minded artists, committed to positive feedback and professionalism in pursuing their art to its highest and best potential. The LXP sees spoken word and other forms of poetry and lyrical commentary as art forms which are not only able to express the personal vision, emotions and stories of the individual artist, but also as vehicles to speak to social issues not addressed in other forums and to educate the public in the hopes of bringing positive change to the society in which we live.

D ARTS LIME - BY D ARTISTS, 4 THE ARTISTS & ABOUT D ARTS! Come share your work be it physical pieces or performance pieces, from fashion to poetry to music to artwork. We host the lime EVERY LAST SUNDAY of the month at Jago's Bar and Grill, located in Chapel Gap #1, Paynes Bay St. James. Feel free to sell your art work as well. For more information, like D ARTS LIME on Facebook. www.facebook.com/chameleon.arts.lime Admission is FREE. Please tell a friend! Join us as weSupport Creative Growth in Barbados and Beyond chameleonartsbarbados@gmail.com

Beyond Publishing Caribbean is a group of artists, illustrators, graphic novels,graphic artists from Barbados and you can contact them or liking their page by click on the link, Matthew Clarke Tristan Roach Rivenis Black Julian Moseley https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beyond-Publishing-Caribbean/218731298152892?ref=ts&fref=ts

Our Mission To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries. The Role of the NCF The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions. FUNCTIONS of the NCF are: To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government To organize cultural festivals Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression. OBJECTIVES of the NCF are: To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry Rodney Ifill, Cultural Officer Visual Arts 424-0909 ext.234 rodney-ifill@ncf.bb www.ncf.bb Annette Nias Cultural Officer - Film and Photography 424-0909 Ext 238 annette-nias@ncf.bb


Queen's Park Gallery is temporarily(?) located at Pelican Craft Centre #12 on Harbour Rd, Bridgetown

FRAMING YOUR ART FINE ART FRAMING LTD, Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325 FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ AA FRAMING & DECORATION. #4, 1st Avenue Belleville, St. Michael, Tel: (1-246)-435-0513 Fax: (1-246)-426-6004 | E-mail: aaframing@caribsurf.com www.aaframingartonglass.com FRAMING STUDIO At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A421-6900 ext 29 THE FRAME & ART COMPANY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432 ART SUPPLIES THE ART HUB ( 2 locations) 1. James Forte Building Hincks Street Bridgetown, Tel: 436 2950 cell 231 6847 2. Sunset Crest # 163 Amaryllis Row,Sunset Crest, St. James. THE ART DEN

421 1019

LAURIE DASH, Bay Street, Bridgetown.


Visit www.nagc.bb - website for the National Art Gallery Committee in Barbados for NEWS on current happenings. The site includes ArtistNet, the database of Barbadian visual artists; a click on ‘Artists’ will take you there. Visual artists are invited to post their profile and images on ArtistNet. Artists already on ArtistNet are reminded to send in their profile updates and new images. ArtistNet is a FREE NAGC service for artists. For further information contact the NAGC at +1 (246) 310 2700 or e-mail contact@nagc.bb



ISLAND FURNITURE LIMITED www.islandfurnitureltd.com

RAMELTON ESTATE A place to create or just to be www.rameltondominica.net

unhurried, unworried, unspoiled


eat. drink. play

www.scarletbarbados.com +1 (246) 432 3663 scarlet@caribsurf.com

The quintessential guide to contemporary Caribbean chic. Caribbean travel, homes, cuisine, and people.


ONLINE NEWS, JOURNALS & BLOGS WHO SUPPORT THE ARTS BAJAN REPORTER Supporter of the arts in Barbados. Wonderful New On Line Newspaper http://bajanreporter.com Congratulations to Bajan Reporter who has been a wonderful patron to the arts in Barbados by giving all art forms exposure in his newspaper and so helping our culture get out there. Wonderful advertising prices too. PROMOTE YOUR EVENT AT TOTALLY BARBADOS AT NO COST ! Do you have an event that you want everyone to know about? Then list your Event on the Totally Barbados Events Calendar and let us help you generate more public awareness of what’s going on in Barbados at any given time. Simply click on the below link to Submit An Event� at no cost to you and be a part of our Monthly Events Calendar; one of the largest event calendars for Barbados! No event is too big or too small - simply fill in all relevant information such as the date, time and descriptions of each event to let it be known throughout Barbados and across the World Wide Web. www.totallybarbados.com/cgi-bin/barbados/addurlevents.cgi

www.whatsoninbarbados.com For calendar of events in Barbados. Postings on www.whatsoninbarbados.com are free. Facebook page www.facebook.com/WhatsOnInBarbados



Published by Corrie Scott Barbados, West Indies www.corriescott.net

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