2 January - 7 January 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

King Felipe to open Corvera airport THREE BRITONS IN SPAIN ON HONOURS LIST Three British residents in Spain have been awarded honours by Her Majesty The Queen in the New Year Honours List 2019. Ricky Garland, Volunteer of HELP Vega Baja, Elaine Mary Horton, President of HELP Jalon Valley and Candida Jane Wright, President of HELP Denia and Marina Alta, have been honoured with a Member of the British Empire (MBE) award for their services to British nationals in Spain. The Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) is awarded for an outstanding achievement or service to the community.

The King of Spain, Felipe IV is set to officially open Murcia’s new Corvera airport at a special inauguration ceremony.


he new ‘Juan de la Cierva Region of Murcia International Airport’ will be opened by the monarch on January 15th 2019. The palace confirmed the presence of the King at the ceremony through an official communiqué released at the end of December. The Murcia Regional Government revealed the news on Twitter saying, “We have confirmed from the House of His Majesty the King, that hte King of Spain will preside over the opening ceremony of the International Airport of the Region of Murcia in Corvera.” President of the Murcian government, Fernando López Miras said, “The presence of His Majesty is the finishing touch to the work we have been doing for so many

years to make this infrastructure a reality.” Corvera airport will link Murcia with an initial twelve destinations in three countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland and Belgium. Aena, airport management company, has been working for months on the transfer of flights from San Javier to the new facilities in Corvera. The first flights were put on sale last September. It is expected that in summer 2019, the number of destinations to Spain and Europe will increase. "We have confirmed new flights and talks with the companies are still open," said the Murcian president. López Miras also said that "the International Airport of the Region of Murcia will be the gateway to more money, more employment and more opportunities for all of Murcia." In his opinion, it is "a key instrument for the present and the future of one and a half million Murcians".

King of Spain, Felipe IV




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


School teacher murdered by neighbour Bernardo Montoya, the neighbour of the 26year-old Spanish schoolteacher, confessed to the crime after lengthy questioning by the authorities. The prime suspect in the investigation into the death of Spanish schoolteacher Laura Luelmo finally confessed to her killing. Bernardo Montoya began by lying to Guardia Civil officers, according to sources from the investigation. But after hours of interrogation, during which his lawyer was present, and after offering several unlikely versions of events, he eventually admitted that he was responsible for the murder. Luelmo died at the age of 26 as the result of a blow to the head, according to the results of the preliminary autopsy. She went missing on the evening of Wednesday, 12th December but was not found until that weekend, leaving unanswered questions about her whereabouts over the space of those two or three days. In a case that has shocked Spain, the Guardia Civil arrested Montoya, 50, (right) who was living in the house opposite Luelmo’s rented property in El Campillo. Luelmo had only recently moved to the town, located in the southern Spanish province of Huelva, to take up a teaching position. Since Montoya’s confession, investigators have ruled out that Luelmo was held captive by the self-confessed killer, believing instead that he attacked her and stuck her in the trunk of his car shortly after seeing her leave her house on 12th December, the day she disappeared. The preliminary results of

the autopsy revealed that she did not die until 14th or 15th December, suggesting that she was left seriously injured at the location where Montoya abandoned her. Sources from the investigation revealed today that during his statement, Montoya admitted that he tried to rape the young woman. “She asked me if there was a supermarket near and I sent her to a blind alleyway,” he reportedly said. “I grabbed her and I smashed her head into the trunk. I tied her hands behind her back and wrapped her up in a blanket. I took her clothes off from the waist down and tried to rape her, but I didn’t manage it even though she was unconscious.” After a massive search operation by the authorities and volunteers, Luelmo’s body was discovered with visible signs of violence. She was found face down in bushes and half-naked. The fact that her clothing was found scattered around the crime scene – “her pants on one side, her underwear on the other,” according to sources from the investigation – and just meters from the corpse suggests that she was killed in the same place, and that her assailant used “extreme violence” to subdue the victim after a struggle. The same sources explained that there were marks on her neck, leading them to conclude that she “resisted a great deal.” The autopsy will determine whether there is DNA evidence

from the attacker present on the body. Investigators said that they were confident that such genetic evidence will be sufficient to prove the suspect’s guilt, since the body was discovered relatively quickly and there had been no rain, which will facilitate the collection of evidence. Montoya has a long criminal record, having been released from prison in October after serving a two-year, 10-month sentence for robbery. He had previously served 17 years and seven month for the 1995 killing of a woman in her 80s in nearby Cortegana, in a bid to prevent the woman from giving evidence against him in a robbery case. When he was out on parole in 2008, he assaulted a hairdresser from El Campillo with a knife, which put him in jail for another 18 months.

Shock Montoya was on top of the list of the Guardia Civil’s suspects in the Laura Luelmo murder case, and sources from the investigation said that they were following him and waiting to arrest him once the body was found. He was held near Cortegana after he abandoned his vehicle, having spotted Civil Guard officers, and tried to escape on foot. Montoya had aroused the suspicions

It’s low speed ahead on the CV-905

of residents of El Campillo after the attack on the hairdresser, and Luelmo herself had told her boyfriend that she didn’t like the way that he looked at her, according to sources from the investigation. He reportedly would spend a lot of time sitting in the doorway of his house – directly opposite the victim’s rented property – monitoring the movements of the teacher, who had lived there just four days. The crime has shocked Spain, which has seen several high-profile murders of women in recent years, including that of Diana Quer, an 18-year-old from Madrid who went missing in August 2016 while vacationing with her family in Galicia. In January of this year, the Guardia Civil found the body of the 18-year-old inside a well at the site of an abandoned warehouse in Rianxo and

arrested her suspected killer, a local man named José Enrique Abuín. The twin brother of the suspect in the Laura Luelmo case, Luciano Montoya, killed a 35-year-old woman in the year 2000. The modus operandi of Bernardo’s brother did not differ much from his own: he was sentenced to 15 years in jail for lying in wait for the woman, who he also killed as a reprisal for having reported him over the theft of a purse. Several media outlets in Spain had pointed to Luciano as the main suspect in the killing of Luelmo. But this would have been impossible, given that he was in jail at the time of the disappearance, and was not released until the day the body was discovered. Mireille Toddington

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ALL OF OUR SALES TEAM CARRY ID Claire Richards: Benijofar, Benimar, Quesada, Quesada Golf, Rojales, Formentera, Benejuzar, El Raso 607 031 113 claire@costablancapeople.com

The usually fast dual carriageway of the CV-905 has slowed to snail pace with the introduction of a new speed limit of 50 km/h. This major road, one of the principal routes into Torrevieja and onto the N332, has had its top speed reduced by almost half. Previously traffic could travel along its four lanes at speeds of up to 80km/h. The decision to lower the speed limit is not down to the town hall in Torrevieja or the Guardia Civil but is a decision taken by the government in Valencia. The decision by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport is controversial as the road caters for more than 30 thousand vehicles a day and there are worries that slowing down the traffic could lead to congestion. The decision has baffled some people, as this route is not particularly plagued by accidents. Where accidents do occur it is due to two factors. Firstly, misunderstanding about roundabout rules and secondly the jams caused by gridlock on the N332. Overall, traffic flows smoothly on the road itself. The CV-905 is also an important route to access the motorway at Quesada and during the holiday season sees the number of cars using it double. The large number of roundabouts along the 4km stretch

means that it has its own traffic calming measures. The urbanisations El Chaparral, San Luis, La Siesta, El Limonar, Parque Natural, Altos del Limonar and the Torretas are fed from this route along with Habaneras and Carrefour. Neither the Guardia Civil nor the town hall were consulted about the change in speed limit and the actual nature of the road means that officially a speed limit of up to 100km/h could be allowed. Now, car drivers must proceed at half the recommended maximum and at a speed that’s more suitable for a town centre road. The new limit has been criticised widely in social media and particularly by the British population who use this road frequently. The Spanish press has reported their concerns noting that they; ‘use it every day and want to scrupulously respect the Spanish traffic regulations.’ Although the road might cope with the speed reduction during these winter months, it will be the impact during the summer that will be closely watched by the critics of this surprising Valencian decision. Suzanne O’Connell

Jenny Grogan: La Marina, Guardamar, San Fulgencio, Torrevieja, Torrevieja Centro, San Luis, Quesada, Benimar, El Limonar, El Chapparal, La Mata, Torrelamata, Aguas Nuevas, Mar Azul 647 472 825 Sharon Jones: San Miguel, Torremendo, Entre Naranjos, Vistabella, Quesada, Benimar, Los Montesinos, Algorfa, Montebello, Almoradi 607 050 943 Mireille Toddington: Orihuela Costa 637 456 781

Suzanne O’Connell (News Reporter) 966 701 060 suzanne@costablancapeople.com Mireille Toddington (Deputy Editorial Manager) 637 456 781 mireille@costablancapeople.com Classified Advertising Enquiries: 966 701 060 (Mon-Fri*) *office closed Tues advertising@costablancapeople.com N.I.F. No.: X6230025-S, Deposito Legal: A 763-2015 Printed by Indugraf Offset S.A.

Claire Richards - Publisher

Costa Blanca People Centro Comercial Torreta Florida (Local 29) Avenida Miguel Unamuno s/n 03184 Torrevieja



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Shop window dressing winners Th e co u ncillor for commerce, M a n uela O su na , ha s announced t h e winner s of the annual co m p etitio n for C hristmas shop w i n d ow d isplays in Torreviej a. Th e re were 15 bu sin esses that a p p l i ed to ta ke par t and the judges were look ing for displays that best re pre sented the products they were selling whilst also brightening up the town in a festive way. S m a ll a nd medium-sized b us i n e sses have been e n co ura g e d to ta ke par t in the co m p etitio n which has been taking pla ce si nce 14th D e ce m be r. The ju r y gave first prize of €700 to the flourist shop, Ca r m i na . The se co nd prize of €425 we nt to the children’s clothes shop Lio y Lía and Óptica Mar was the third prize winner of €200.

Cabo Cer vera collapse Par t of the Cabo Cer vera cliff has f a l l e n a pa r t d u ring the last s to r m s to hit the coastline. A ro u nd t wo me tre s of rocks c r um bled a s a re sult of the strong waves and storms that hit the Vega Baja in November. Now, a decision will need to be made w h e t h e r pa r t o f this cliff is d e m o lished o r no t. The area is nor th of Torrevieja’s town centre b ut i s u se d by tho se living in n e i g hbou r ing ho uses and a p a r t m e nts. I t is also near a pedestrian and green area.

Ambulance accident in La Mata An ambulance was involved in a dramatic accident in La Mata on 19t h December. Th e accident happened on a junc tion of calle M ayo r a t a rou nd 7a m when the a m b u la nce co llid ed with a deliver y van at the crossing. The ambulance, which was moving a patient at the time, was lef t on its side. For tunately no one was seriously injured in the accident. The ambulance was not on an e m e rgenc y ca llou t but on a regular route, tak ing patients to t h e hospita l fo r their medical treatment. The impac t must have b e e n gre a t, however, as the ambulance ended up on its side i n t h e o ppo site lane. The a m b u la nce d rive r w as able to l e ave his sea t u na ided and the To r re vieja Loca l Police were summoned. The patient was taken to a local health centre for treatment.

Ski trip announced The annual Torrevieja sk iing trip has been announced by the town hall. The councillor for youth and s p o r t s, Vic to r Fer r ández, has declared that registration for the trip is now open. Those i n te re sted ca n sign up at the C I A J b u ild ing. The trip this year will be to the Sierra Nevada and w i l l t ake pla ce on th e weekend of the 1st to 3rd Februar y. Continued on page 5

The Department of Statistics has launched a campaign to encourage foreign residents to vote in both the municipal and European elections on 26th May. The Councillor for Statistics, Noelia Grao, presented the details of the initiative, which is focussed on people from countries that have an agreement with Spain, to encourage them to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. "We want Orihuela to grow with all citizens involved and this is a way of committing to the march of the municipality," said Grao. Foreign members of the European Union and residents of Spain have until 30th January to make the request. Citizens from Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Korea, Ecuador, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago, and who have lived at least five years in Spain, can make the request it until 15th January. The Department of Statistics, in collaboration of the Department of International Residents, posters will be

placed in the places where there is a greater density of foreign population such as Orihuela Costa, with the objective that this campaign reaches as many foreign residents as possible. Managing the orcess is simple and can be done electronically or in person by requesting a prior appointment at the Municipal Register. This request is nontransferable and can only be made if the interested citizen can visit in person. Anyone who is interested can find all the information on the website of the City of Orihuela: http://www.orihuela.es/alcaldia-y-atencion-alciudadano/concejalia-de-estadistica/campanya-de-empa dronamiento/


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Councillor Noelia Grao

A Christmas Eve helping those in need On 24th December many vulnerable and disadvantaged families had their Christmas spirits lifted by the actions of volunteers of Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja. Altogether 300 meals were handed out to 109 families across the town in a project organised by Hospital Quirón. The project had been called ‘Christmas Eve for everyone, no family without Christmas’ and was sponsored by El Corte Inglés, the Asociación de Inmobiliarias of the Vega Baja (Estate Agents Association) and the Información newspaper. On the 24th, Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja delivered a total of 311 Christmas meals for both adults and children to 109 families who are registered with this independent organisation. The contents of the meal had been provided by El Corte Inglés’ catering company under the supervision of head chef, José Manuel Martínez. The meals were then taken to the families between 12pm and 2pm along with presents and sweets that had been collected in the hospital during their 2018 Christmas campaign. The collection had been taking place between 3rd and 12th December and culminated with the performance of the British choir ICI.


BITE SIZE Foreign residents NEWS: encouraged to vote

The economic crisis of 2008 continues to see many families left without the means of supporting themselves. Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja is a charity that was created in 2010 by a group of volunteers.Their objective was to provideat least a temporary solution to the growing number of families who were finding themselves without food to feedthemselves. This isn’t just a struggle at Christmas. Every day, from Monday to Friday, the organisation distributes food to families on the breadline. These families can approach their centre to receive food they can then take away to eat at home. This enables them to maintain their selfrespect a little and is more comfortable for the children. The group works throughout the year and depends upon their 70 volunteers to provide manpower in the office, kitchen and serving. The only person who is contracted is the cook who caters for approximately 80 families a day. The organisation is mostly financed by private contributions as well as receiving a subsidy from the town hall. They also receive money when asked to cater at different events. Suzanne O’Connell

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TOURIST ACCOMMODATION APPLICATIONS ON THE RISE Torrevieja council is keen to establish a list of the properties that are available to rent and be used as tourist accommodation. As a result they have established a system that includes the presentation of different documents along with the payment of a fee to ensure that tourist accommodation is correctly registered. A new law has specified what people must present and from the 12th July this has been applied in Torrevieja. Those

seeking official approval must present a photograph of the front of the property, a ground plan, a photocopy of the Title

Deed and the habitation certificate or

first or second occupation licence. A fee of €54.10 is required for the processing of the application. There are now four people working on this in the department, including an architect. Already 366 applications have been presented and of these 125 certificates have been issued. Another 36 of the applications are missing a document and another 50 have a favourable technical report but are waiting for the certificate.

The certificate of urban compatibility is a requirement of the new Law 15/2018 for Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality in the Valencian Community. There are approximately 160,000 properties in Torrevieja of which up to 70% could have a current or potential use for tourism. Ensuring that there is an official register of these and that the required taxes are paid could provide beneficial income for the town. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


BITE SIZE Local football team NEWS: visit children’s ward Continued from page 3

The cost is €205 and includes lodgings in the Luna de Granada Hotel (4 stars) with half board on S a t u rd ay a nd breakfast on S u n day. I t a lso in cludes the return bus trip to Torrevieja, sk i pass and insurance. You can sign up to a fo u r hou r course at a p r i ce o f 41 eu ros a nd rent the equipment for 33 euros. P l a ces a re limite d and if you would like more information you can contac t CIA J on 965 714 072.

The CD Torrevieja management, coaches and players took a day off from football over Christmas to visit the children that are under the care of the University Hospital of Torrevieja. The children were delighted as the players in the first team signed autographs, posed for photos

their warmth and friendly welcome. The CD Torrevieja management team and players also visited the Occupational and Special Education Centre of Torrevieja recently, where they were warmly greeted by the centre’s manager, staff and students.

and handed out t-shirts as gifts. This was a unique experience for everyone involved, heightened by the fact that in many cases, these children have shown incredible strength in fighting against adversity. The club presented Pedro Munuera, manager of the Hospital a shirt signed by all the players, thanking him and all his staff at the hospital for

During the visit, the players posed for photos taken with the students and even made time for an impromptu game of football, which ended up in a penalty shootout, with the children making it really difficult for our players to win. The visit was an enjoyable one, where excitement, joyfulness and good sportsmanship were in play throughout.

Full moon O n S atu rd ay 22nd December it w a s a fu ll moo n that shone on Torrevieja. To recognise this first f ul l m oo n of winter, Torreviej a tow n ha ll orga nised a moon watching event on the Paseo J ua n A pa r icio. A couple of telescopes were installed by the s t a t ue ‘Ho mbre d el M ar ’ and p e o p le too k it in tu rn to take a look . A l o ng with the telescope t h e re wa s a ma p to h elp people s p o t d iffe re nt fe a tures on the moon’s sur face such as lakes and craters. The event star ted at 7pm and finished at 9pm.

Tor revieja’s spor ts personalities honoured O n 2 7th De ce m b e r Torreviej a celebrated its spor ts p e r s o n a litie s wh ilst also co l l e c ting fo o d fo r the needy. Th i s wa s the six th similar o cc a s ion held a t the spor ts ce n t re which t akes the oppor tunity to combine two ver y impor tant ac tivities. Th e fo o d collec tion last year saw 2,500 kilos of non-perishable items collec ted to be distributed to n e ed y fa milies li ving in the a re a . At the sa me time it p rov i de d oppo r tunit y for co un cillor s to a ck nowledge those with spor ting talents living i n t h e town. I t wa s pointed out by t he co u ncillor for spor ts, Vic tor Ferrández, that this event wouldn’t replace the Spor ts Gala w h i c h ta ke s pla ce at another time. A l o ng with the presentations t h e re were a number of exhibitions of different k inds of s p o r t s inclu d ing ju do, rhythmic g ym n a stics, ha nd ball, football, b a s k e t ba ll, te nnis, hockey, taek wondo, athletics and pádel. Eve r yone wa s inv ited to bring a l o n g their po r tion of food and w h e n the y ca me to see the exhibitions tak ing place.

Fire in hair salon Th e fire brig a d e attended a h a i rdre sser ’s sa lo n when smoke w a s se en co ming from the p re m i ses o n C hristm as Eve. The shop was closed for the holidays a n d no bo d y wa s on the site. I t was at about 9.40 in the morning when neighbours living close to t h e To r re m a r in a commerc ial ce n t re noticed the smoke. Two fire engines were called out and t h e f i re wa s ca u g ht in the early s t a g e s a nd so o n e x tinguished. Continued on page 8

Help with water supply for disadvantaged families Agamed has exempted 500 families from paying their water bills this year. The concessions amounted to a total of €215,000 in 2018. The help has gone to those who are classed as being vulnerable, pensioners and large families. ‘A total of 60% of this money has benefitted vulnerable families and large families and 40% has been of assistance to older people,’ explained Agamed’s director. Around 25% of the population of Torrevieja is considered to be in the category of ‘third age’ meaning they are senior citizens and are considered to be more vulnerable. The councillor for this age group, Fabiana Ibarra, explained that

the town is doing its best to cater for this growing percentage of the population through support such as this as well as cultural activities and events. The director of Agamed, José Manuel Nadal, went on to describe other projects that they are involved with. The water board works closely with the town hall on a number of initiatives, including those to address flooding. One project that may help households who struggle to manage their payments, is that of allowing them to pay their bills monthly. There is also an emergency fund for those who suffer a water leak. Suzanne O’Connell

Discover Spain

WINTER WALKS FOR THE NEW YEAR The Councillor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez, has launched the winter tourist routes, which are scheduled for January, February and March 2019. "We have continued to focus on the aim of placing Orihuela in one of the best destinations to visit, putting value into the districts, the coast and of course the monuments and heritage of the historic centre of the city, "said Alvarez. The main novelty for the winter routes

is the incorporation to the program of the Infant Routes, with 'Gabriela', a fictional character who will be a friend to the smallest tourists. "We want to promote family tourism, giving prominence to the youngest in the house, tourism with a more fun and educational twist ," said the Councillor of Tourism. Among the other novelties is a visit to La Almazara de La Aparecida and a Nordic

Walking Route on the coast, where nature and sports tourism mix with the coastal environment. In addition, the Hernandiana Route and the Monumental Route will return to be part of the programming, because "they have been in great demand by the visitors and local citizens taking part in the walks", the councillor has revealed. In order to participate in these activities, it is necessary for those

interested to reserve a place in the Tourist Office of Orihuela or by calling this contact number> 965 30 46 45. Increase in participation in routes Sofia Álvarez also took the opportunity to report that the new format of quarterly tourist routes has increased the interest of the Oriolans and tourists by the municipality, increasing the participation in the routes by 42 percent.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

National Trivia Day Here's a piece of trivia for you: National Trivia Day takes place on Friday, 4th January, 2019, and we're celebrating with some of the greatest fun facts about animals, food, music, and other topics worth knowing about.

The largest known living organism is an aspen grove. Pando (Latin for "I spread out") is a group of genetically identical quaking aspens in Utah with an interconnected root system. It's an estimated 80,000 years old and takes up more than 100 acres.

You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.

The Crown Jewels contain the two of the biggest cut diamonds on Earth. They both came from the Cullinan Diamond, a 3,106-carat gem found in South Africa in 1905. The largest stone, called the Great Star of Africa, is in the Sovereign's Sceptre, while the second largest is mounted in the Imperial State Crown.

Baby sea otters can't swim. Their moms will wrap them in pieces of kelp while they hunt until the buoyant pups learn how to paddle around on their own. A raft of otters will also hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

If Facebook was a country, it would have 1 billion more people than China.

The world's largest animal's heart weighs about 400 pounds — approximately the size of a small piano.

At 2.3 billion monthly users, Facebookdwarves China's (1.4 billion) and India's (1.3 billion) populations. Even Instagram has three times as many people as the U.S. now. The United Kingdom's 66 million people currently stands on par with Twitter.

The lyrebird can mimic almost any sounds it hears.

There's a world record for the most world record titles.

Wildlife watchers have recorded the Australian species copying not only other birds but other animals, like koalas, and artificial sounds such as car alarms and camera shutters - and even a chainsaw.

It belongs to Brooklyn, New York resident Ashrita Furman, who's held more than 600 Guinness World Records in his lifetime, ranging from heaviest shoes walked in (323 pounds) to most baseballs held in a baseball glove (26).

Coca-Cola was the first soft drink in space.

Fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.

The Coca-Cola Company has made more than ten billion gallons of syrup since the formula's invention in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton. Now, that's a lot of sugar!

You can major in wine at Cornell University. Technically it's a degree in "Viticulture and Enology" (a.k.a. the cultivation of grapes and the science of winemaking), but we're still sending in our applications to enrol.

Irrationally scared of clowns? You might have coulrophobia. Oh, and gephyrophobia is a fear of bridges.

The odds of getting a royal flush are exactly 1 in 649,740. Poker fiends have a slightly better chance of laying down a straight flush: Try 72,192 to 1. Out of the 7,462 distinct five-card poker hands, you have a 42 percent chance of getting a single pair though. And don’t even ask about lottery wins!


Fire station opens its doors for a good cause On 22nd December, the fire station in Torrevieja opened its doors to the public to collect toys and raise money for people in need. It’s estimated that around 300 people attended, each bringing with them a toy to donate to those families in crisis. The toys that were collected were then handed out to Social Services, the Red Cross and to Torrevieja hospital. Those people who turned up enjoyed the exhibitions put on by the fire service, beginning with the arrival of the rescue helicopter Alfa 1. Other demonstrations included what happens following a road accident and how dogs play their part in identifying where people might be trapped in an emergency situation such as an earthquake. The dogs were asked to find children hidden in large flower pots and they did this with ease. Children were allowed to climb into the helicopter and there was a painting and drawing workshop. The councillor for emergencies, Javier Manzanares and councillor for social welfare, Fabiana Ibarra, were also present on the day. The fire brigade have an important charitable status as well as being a key emergency service. People should see them as part of the community and events such as this provide practical assistance to those in need as well as providing insight into the very important role that they play. Donations of toy fire trucks were made by the fire fighters themselves and those attending donated all kinds of different toys. Some people brought

table top games, others dolls, soft toys and even remote control cars. A toy high speed train and a bicycle were just two of the donations made. It wasn’t just children who attended, English retirees and former firefighters were also there to share their stories and join in on the day. The fire brigade visited children in Torrevieja hospital on Christmas Eve morning and brought with them some of the toys and gifts collected. Other donations were distributed by the Red Cross and Social Welfare department. Altogether it is estimated that 80 children received the gifts and the fire station would like to thank everyone who took part. Suzanne O’Connell

Counterfeit goods destroyed The G.R.O branch of the local police in Torrevieja has destroyed the fake goods seized during 2018. Altogether it is estimated that 35,000 different items were taken out of public consumption by the force. These included watches, glasses, CDs and DVDs, all the items offered by street sellers on the paseos. These counterfeit goods had a black market value of around €700,000. The goods must be destroyed as they are both illegal and put at risk the businesses of those working in the town centre. The mayor, José Manuel Dolón, added his support to the campaign and thanked the Grupo de Refuerzo Operativo (GRO) for their efforts in this matter. He was present as the tractor crushed the items, many of which seemed to be trainers. Not all the items seized ended up under tractor wheels. Those that had not been tampered with and didn’t have a brand name on them could be given to the Department of Social welfare for distribution amongst those in need. This included clothing and other accessories. Suzanne O’Connell

Classic car club celebrates Christmas Thirty two members of the ‘Club Torrevieja Classics and Specialists Cars’ and their guests celebrated Christmas on Saturday 15th December. They met at The Silverstones Bar and Bistro in Montebello near Quesada at 2pm, ready to enjoy their Christmas dinner. Everyone was greeted with a complimentary cava and canapés on the terrace and this was followed by a three-course meal. Although it was a little chilly, the sun shone and the setting was very appropriate with lots of Formula 1 memorabilia and model Ferraris. The entertainment was provided by Richie ‘C’ and many members took the opportunity to have a dance. After the meal the Vice President, Uta Kustner, presented an orchid to Gaynor, the club president in

thanks for all the work she has done over the year. The evening came to a close at 7pm, with everyone having enjoyed themselves. The next meeting will be held in January, one week later than usual on Wednesday 9th due to year-end festivities. If you are interested in cars and social events, especially if you have a classic car, please contact us by calling Gaynor on 966 717 924 or come along to one of the monthly meetings which are held the first Wednesday in every month at 7.30pm in the Cafeteria Marina Club in the International Marina in Torrevieja. You can also find out more about the organisation by visiting their website www.CarClubTorrevieja.com.


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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


BITE SIZE Playing video games Post-Brexit Britons NEWS: for the Red cross to pay to travel to

EU countries

Continued from page 5 Th e re wa s no ne ed for any evacuation as the centre was de s e r ted a nd there were no co n cer ns a bo u t ventilation.The c a us e o f the fire is being investigated.

Politician visits Tor revieja hospital Th e re gio na l cou ncillor for h e a l t h, Ana Ba rce ló, visited the hospital for the first time in four ye a r s. The ho spita l i s managed by the private organisation R i b e r a Sa lu d a nd the visit saw t h e co u ncillor meeting patients and congratulating staff. Before t h e tou r o f the hospital, the M i n i s ter o f Hea lth held a m e e t i ng with pa r t of the m a n a ge ment tea m of the h o s p i t a l to re v iew its 2018 priorities. Th e hospita l is now 12 years o l d a nd the re co ntinues to be some dispute over the claim that it is 30% more efficient that the o t h e r pu blic hospit als in the Va l e n cia n Co mmu nit y. There re m a i ns so me tension bet ween the Va le ncia n regional government and the Generalitat (Regional council) as the council h a s e xpre ssed the i ntention of re t u r n ing the hospit al to public management. Suzanne O’Connell

A charity and activity day was organised on behalf of the Red Cross on Saturday 29th December at the Virgen del Carmen cultural centre. From 10am until 8pm there was a number of different activities taking place aimed at young people. These included table top games, video games and an ‘escape room’. In order to take part there was no entry fee but you had to bring along at least 1kg of food to donate to those who don’t have enough over the festive period. The food had to be non-perishable. The councillor for youth, Victor Ferrández encouraged as many young people to get involved as possible. ‘As well as enjoying yourself you meet other young people of your age and collaborate to support others,’ he said. In a similar event last year a total of 350 kilos of nonperishable food was collected. We wait to find out what the total is for this year.

The ‘escape room’ is a popular activity now whereby a group of people are in a room and are required to solve various clues to exit. In this case the participants had to escape from a pyramid and there were four sessions in which people could take part. The first was at 4pm, then 5.30pm at 7pm and at 8.30pm. There were a total of 20 places for each group. Those under the age of 16 had to be accompanied by an adult. La Comarca association and Elda ACME collaborated with the town hall on this event. They also organised different video game tournaments, including Pokémon for Nintendo 3DS and Pokémon for Nintendo Switch. For those who weren’t interested in video games there were also table top games available. Suzanne O’Connell

Brits will have to pay to travel to EU countries after Brexit, it has been announced. Although UK travellers will not need a visa, they will have to pay a fee of €7 every three years. The European Commission has confirmed that Brits will have to apply and pay for a document called an ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System). This is expected to come into effect from 2021. The form is said to take around 10 minutes to complete and it is compulsory for anyone between the ages of 18 and 70 to pay the fee. Details needed for the form include passport information and background questions about criminal records and medical illnesses.

The EU says most applicants will find out if they have been successful within minutes, with more than 95 percent approved automatically. However, they can be denied and in worst case scenarios take up to four weeks to be processed. If successful, the ETIAS will be valid for three years and allow an unlimited amount of border entries. It will be checked when entering different countries. Under the Brexit deal EU citizens and UK nationals will still be able to travel freely with a passport or identity card until the end of the transition period in 2020. When the UK leaves the EU, the European Commission has announced Brits will be able to travel visa-free for short stays, as long as the UK offers the same in return. The form will be compulsory with or without a deal.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Festive fun at Fuego It was a full house at Fuego, La Fuente centre a few days before Christmas as regulars ad locals gathered to hear Christmas Carols played by the everpopular Just Brass. This is an annual event at the popular bar and the Owner Hazel and her team at Fuego worked tirelessly all evening, as always, to ensure a good time was had by all.

There was a mix of traditional carols such and popular Christmas tunes. Just Brass was formed in 2003 and has grown to become the leading brass band on the Costa Blanca and includes within its ranks musicians from many of the UK’s top brass bands such as Brighouse and Rastick, Black Dyke, Fodens and Faireys to name but a few. The evening proved a great success and proved a great crowd warmer for the Just Brass performance at the beach on Christmas day, which this year moved from La Zenia to Campoamor.

It was standing room only by the time the band stuck its first few notes and everyone quickly got into the festive spirit....helped by some, well, festive spirits. Song sheets were handed round and the crowd enjoyed providing the vocal accompaniment to the rousing music.

Local estate agent Christmas turkey give away was ‘bootiful!’ In order to show its appreciation for the continued support given to its business, local property expert Inmobiliaria decided to help 10 deserving families enjoy Christmas just a little more this year by giving away 10 turkey’s to Quesada families. The lucky winners were all nominated by friends and family in an on-line competition and invited to the Inmobiliaria offices on 21st December to receive their special gift. The presentation was a huge success and Iceland (Overseas Torrevieja) donated freezer bags, so everyone could easily take their gifts home. Rebecca Serwotka explained: There are numerous charities that help people in need at Christmas, but we wanted to search for those families that simply deserve a treat after experiencing a tough time or facing one

of life’s many diversities. Maybe the family was coming together for the first time after a long separation, or it was special celebration meal to mark a family milestone, or maybe the family has been hit by loss or illness and is in need of a wonderful day together to simply enjoy each other’s company. Whatever the reason, it gave us great pleasure seeing everyone so happy and helping people, even in just a small way, to celebrate.”

For further information on Inmobiliaria phone: 966 718 392 or call into the office located in Calle de los Arcos 1, local 3.

ELCHE TO GET NEW PROVINCIAL AUDITORIUM The city of Elche is to get a brand new auditorium, courtesy of the Provincial Government in Alicante. The Provincial government has agreed to build the new auditorium, which it says will be for all of the province’s residents to enjoy, in Elche. The decision is a blow to campaigners in Orihuela Costa who have battled to get such a facility built on the coast. The President of the Provincial government, César Sánchez of the PP, announced recently that the government will construct a Provincial Auditorium in Elche to be used for both for Culture and Congress. The building required the agreement of the local socialist government to provide the land, to which the Mayor, Carlos Gonzalez of the PSPV-PSOE, has agreed. The goal, as explained by Sanchez in a meeting with the Rotary Club of Elche, is

“to provide a strong cultural and business content in this space that would not only be focused on concerts and events, but also other congressional appointments”, presumably considering the International Auditorium in Torrevieja, which stands empty most of the time, too far away for these functions. The Provincial Government want to make it clear that It has advanced the investment, which they say will be the “most important in the history of the city”, and it has indicated that it is “pending squaring a working meeting with the mayor to outline this project.” “We will provide the city of Elche a large space for culture and for that we will face a major investment in the city for this audience that will cover the culture and the demands and needs from the business point of view,” Sanchez concluded.


In-depth study of murder rates in Spain released A new report from Spain’s Interior Ministry has produced an in-depth analysis of murder rates in Spain. The 85-page study is the result of three years of investigation into 632 police reports of homicides that ‘were gathering dust on bookshelves’ according to psychologist José Luis González. By analyzsing more than half of all murders – some of them multiple – committed between 2010 and 2012, the team of 50 researchers were able to create “the first national report on homicide in Spain,” says González, who coordinated the report. The report’s findings contradict popular notions on murder and its link to immigration and race. “This is science, not politics,” explains González. According to the report, only 7per cent of male victims are killed by women. The majority of murders (62 per cent) are men who are killed by men, 28 per cent are women killed by men and 3 per cent are women killed by women. From 871 cases of domestic violence, 131 were men who killed their female partner or former partner and just 17 were women who killed their male partner or former partner. The figures however can be misleading because they include young future mothers who hide their pregnancies then dispose of the child for family or religious reasons. The police reports included the murders of 24 babies, 12 committed by women and nine by men. Another surprise was the rate of sexual assault in murder cases. According to the report only three of the 661 murder victims (0.45 per cent) were sexually abused before being killed. “Fortunately in Spain, it’s not at all common to sexually abuse a girl and then kill her,” says González. The study found that men committed 89 per cent of murders and accounted for 61 per cent of murder victims. In 69 per cent of cases, the male murderers had a criminal record and in 31 per cent the homicide was related to drugs.

The report found that 35 per cent of murders were committed by foreigners. This figure reached 47 per cent in the case of murders related to criminal activity such as gang violence (59 per cent) and organised crime (95 per cent). But criminologist Jorge Santos explains that this is because “a larger per centage of foreigners are young people, who commit the most murders. It’s nothing to do with foreigners being more violent.” The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, suggested two months ago that migrants were to blame for most female homicide cases. “Who is responsible for the murders of women this year? Where do they come from? What nationality are they? Because more than a man’s DNA, cultural problems, immigrants who think that women are objects who can be assaulted, also play a role,” he said in an interview with the Spanish television network Intereconomía. The new report from the Interior Ministry has the answers to Abascal’s questions: Spanish men committed 68 per cent of murders relating to gender violence and 80 per cent of family or domestic homicides. “Cross-checking the nationality of the victims with the culprits, it’s apparent that Spanish women die significantly more at the hands of Spaniards (85 per cent) and vice versa. It’s much more probable for a foreign woman (77 per cent) to die at the hands of another foreigner,” the report states. What’s more, murders associated with criminal activity are the minority – only 18 per cent of the total. Most homicides occur during fights or brawls (22 per cent), as a result of gender violence (21 per cent) or domestic and family abuse (20 per cent). Researchers noticed “a certain seasonality” in murder rates, with figures peaking in September (9.8 per cent) and dropping in November (5.85 per cent). Most murders took place on a Sunday (16.3 per cent) and the fewest on Monday (11.5 per cent). Around 60 per cent of murders happened at night or in the early morning.

“Who is responsible for the murders of women this year? Where do they come from? What nationality are they?

Responsible animal ownership campaign The councillor for Health, Noelia Grao, has launched the campaign for responsible animal ownership ‘Animals are not toys’. The Councillor explained that the aim of the campaign is to make people aware that having a pet at home comes with responsibilities. The councillor said that leaflets with the campaign message will be distributed by the schools across the municipality to raise awareness among the youngest children with regard to pets and animals and with the aim of curbing animal abandonment. In Spain during 2017, close to 140,000 animals were abandoned, and the Animal Protection Centre in Orihuela currently has more than 400 animals in its care. The Councillor reminded people that this time of year is the most appropriate when it comes to responsibility to animals as Christmas kittens and puppies lose their appeal as the new year rolls on. Making a key decision regarding a new pet should be taken and agreed by the whole family to avoid abandonment. She said: "This is why we are carrying

out this campaign for the second year in a row in order to raise awareness to the people that the issue of giving animals is done responsibly.”

more options to help, such as shelters, being a walker or becoming a volunteer. Finally, the Councillor stressed that from the Department of Health there is a

Animals are not toys

Noelia Grao wanted to emphasise that the Animal Protection Centre is at the service of all those who want to collaborate as welcoming families for a new pet. In addition to adoption, there are

firm commitment "to work to alleviate animal abandonment and promote responsible ownership through campaigns like this one for the new year.”


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Sea lions MAN ARRESTED FOR SEXUAL help Elche ASSAULT OF MUM WALKING BABY man propose A young man from Elche proposed to his girlfriend with the help of the sea lions of Terra Natura Benidorm. Antonio Medina is pictured here with his partner Andrea. He had invited her to Terra Natura for a supposed ‘interaction activity’ with the sea lions. However, the surprise came when Antonio asked Andrea for her hand in marriage and the wedding ring arrived in a box carried in the mouth of one of the sea lions. Andrea accepted and they are set to marry later this year.

A 37 year old Spanish man has been arrested for the alleged sexual assault of a young mum out walking with her baby in San Pedro del Piñatar just before Christmas. The man was detained by a nearby resident who got out of his car and intervened after witnessing the attack. The attack took place in San Pedro when the woman was walking with her baby in a pram and was about to enter the home of some relatives. When she turned into the property, the man – who is unknown to her – approached her and began to grope her. The victim began to scream and hit her attacker, all the while not letting go of the pram for fear of what would happen to her infant son. A neighbour passing in his car saw the attack took place and stopped to intervene. The man fled the scene but the neighbour ran after him and managed to detain him until Policia Local and Guardia Civil arrived. Police in San Pedro del Piñatar are also

searching for a man who attempted to rape a young woman at knifepoint in early December. The young woman was out walking her dog when the attacker approached her and held a knife to her neck. She initially thought the man sought to rob her and urged him that she would not resist, that he could take her belongings if he did not hurt her. The man, again unknown to the victim in this case, replied that he didn’t want money and that “she knew what he wanted”. He then kissed her without consent before she managed to escape. Guardia Civil in San Javier are now investigating both cases. Officers are also seeking, since November, three men for the attempted rape of a woman in San Javier. Local Police found the victim lying on the ground after the attack, crying and screaming. She told officers that three men that she did not know followed her down a street, grabbed her and groped her. The woman was taken to Los Arcos hospital for treatment.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

WEEKLY EURO UPDATE It’s been an understandably quiet week for the pound and the euro, with much of the market taking a break for Christmas. There were some shockwaves following the US stock market crash just before the festivities, but these seem largely to have levelled out. Even with parliament on holiday, Brexit continues to hang over the pound. Over the Christmas period, the pound to euro (GBP/EUR) exchange rate was trending at less than a cent above its worst levels all year. The only bright spot came from an unlikely source – the US. Last week saw global stock markets plummet, and the US government also failed to push a funding bill through US Congress, causing a government shutdown. This influenced the global currency market movements but gave more benefits to the euro than the pound. The changes over Christmas may provide a hint of what is to come in 2019. During Wednesday’s American session, the US Dollar was briefly bolstered by a surge in US stock market support. However, the optimism lasted just a day before concerns about slowing global growth and a US-China trade war returned. In normal circumstances, the US dollar

would benefit from trade war jitters but these are not normal circumstances. Global growth concerns are weighing on the US currency and this makes it easier for the euro to make gains. This in turn helped to push the GBP/EUR rate lower as the pound had nothing to offer in retaliation. Despite climbing in the middle of the week as a brief boost in demand for safe haven currencies and the US dollar (USD) weakened the euro (EUR), the pound sterling to euro (GBP/EUR) exchange rate tumbled on Thursday morning. GBP/EUR has fluctuated since markets opened this week amid lighter trading volumes and Brexit jitters keeping pressure on sterling. Since opening the week at the level of 1.1106, a volatile GBP/EUR briefly climbed and touched on a high of 1.1211. This was the best GBP/EUR level since the first week of December. GBP/EUR has since slipped back from those highs though, and on Thursday morning had fallen below the week’s opening levels. Demand for the Pound to Euro exchange rate has been driven largely by shifts in global risksentiment and the strength of the US Dollar (USD), rather than any domestic UK or Eurozone news.

Dispute over 50 euro pensioner meal The centre for the third age based in the Acequión area has made a controversial decision. The centre, which provides recreational and meeting opportunities for retired people, was set to hold a new Years’ Eve celebration for which it charged €50 per person - whilst using public property to host it. The town hall has quickly declared that they are not responsible for setting the charge and that this is down to the discretion of the management board. However, the organisation used public facilities and

the opportunity to attend the meal had been publicised with the town hall logo. It isn’t only those who are attached to the Acequión branch that are invited. The advert for the dinner dance has been sent out to other Third Age branches too. The town hall has explained that the use of their logo on promotional material is because otherwise they would not be able to advertise in other Third Age buildings. ‘The Acequión dinner takes place every year,’ explained councillor Fabiana Ibarra (pictured above) . ‘They contract a catering company.’The council do not believe that any laws have been broken as this is a matter of the decision of the management and not the town hall. On the other hand, the Centro Municipal de Ocio is not able to organise a similar

event that charges in this way because it does not have a management board and the council pay for the food. However, those who are upset by the dinner dance find it controversial on a number of different levels. They say that it is using public property and that other decisions taken appear to contradict this one. Limitations on what can be sold in different venues because of concerns about self-interest and profitmaking have hit some other organised events. There is also anger over the fact that the cafes in the Third Age centres and the Centro Municipal de Ocio, are not open because there is no contract for them. Others argue that it isn’t fair to other establishments and restaurant owners in the vicinity who are offering a New Year’s Eve dinner as it has the stamp of the town hall and their apparent endorsement. However, complaints have not been lodged by these businesses. The president of the management board has explained that they are using the public premises for the meal because it is convenient and because they have been asked to have it there by the centre users. Many of them do not have the transport to reach other private venues. He claims that they had contacted the other Third Age associations and checked that they were not offering anything similar. The town hall had also been invited to take a look at the project and they had their agreement for it to go ahead. However, there is no written confirmation of this and any agreement was verbal only. The management board also claim that there is no financial benefit to the organisation and that the cost of the meal is for the cost of the catering. The organisation has no income of its own other than what it raises through activities such as bingo. The cost of the catering will be available for people to see through the issuing of an invoice. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


The trick to designing your garden with perennial flowers is making sure you have something wonderful in bloom all the time. Each season has its stars and autumn flowering perennials have some of the best. Autumn flowers have all season to grow, so many of them are tall and stately. They also tend to blossom in the jewel tones of the season, deep purples, rusts, scarlet and gold. When plants flower however, and for how long, will depend upon your individual climate. The perennial plants I have listed in this article are doing well in most climates:

Achillea (Yarrow) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 1 to 5 feet (0.3 to 1.5 m)

Water: Moderate Flowers in: Summer into early autumn Flower colours: Yellow, pink, red, white Culture: Yarrow grow best in reasonably good, well-drained soil. Once established they are drought tolerant, but they look better with moderate watering. Cut out the spent stems after flowering. Divide crowded clumps in the spring.

Agastache (Hyssop) Sun: Full / light shade Height: Varieties from 2 to 5 feet (0.6 to 1.5 m) Water: Regular to moderate Flowers in: Summer and autumn Flower colours: Red, purple, pink, blue, white Culture: Plant agastaches in well-drained soil. Plants usually tolerate some drought, but they grow and flower best with regular water. Full sun gives the most prolific show of flowers, but you will get good performance in light shade as well. Propagate by seed, division in spring, or stem cuttings.

Chrysanthemum (Painted Daisy) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm)

Water: Regular Flowers in: Spring, summer, autumn Flower colours: Pink, red, purple, yellow, gold, bronze, white Culture: Plant mums in good, welldrained soil. All but the lowest growing mums should be pinched back several times during the growing season to keep plants compact. After flowering has finished, cut back stems to about 8 inches (20 cm). When growth starts the next year, cut the remainder of the stems to the ground. Clumps will need dividing every other year or so. Divide in early spring. Note: Chrysanthemums can be transplanted while in flower, which makes them useful for instant landscapes in autumn. Water thoroughly the day before (or at least several hours before) digging plants, retaining as much of the root system as possible. Water thoroughly after placing the plants to settle them in. Monitor plants carefully for several days for wilting, and shade briefly during the hotter periods of the day, if necessary.

Coreopsis (Tickseed) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 6 inches to 3 feet (15 to 90 cm) Water: Moderate to little

Agastache (Hyssop)

Helenium (Sneezeweed) Flowers in: Spring, summer, autumn Flower colours: Yellow Culture: Coreopsis are trouble-free plants, thriving even in relatively poor soil as long as it is well-drained. Once established, they grow well with relatively little water. Remove spent flowers to prolong flowering. Most varieties spread rapidly and many need frequent division, as often as every 2 to 3 years, to stay in control. They can also be propagated from seed.

Helenium (Sneezeweed) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 2 to 5 feet (0.6 to 1.5 m) Water: Regular Flowers in: Summer and autumn Flower colours: Yellow, gold, red Culture: Plant helenium in average soil. Do not fertilize them much; they flower better with little feeding. Best performance comes where summers are hot, but plants do need regular water to look their best. Taller varieties require staking. Clumps become crowded quickly, and should be divided every 2 or 3 years in the spring.

Malva (Mallow) Sun: Full / light shade Height: Varieties from 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m) Water: Regular Flowers in: Summer and autumn Flower colours: Pink, blue, purple, white Culture: Give mallows full sun except in the hottest climates, where they prefer light shade. They grow well in average soil as long as it is well drained. Though short lived, these plants are easy to grow from seed - volunteer seedlings often provide replacement plants.

Rudbeckia (Coneflower) Sun: Full / light shade Height: Varieties from 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) Water: Regular to moderate Flowers in: Summer and autumn Flower colours: Yellow Culture: Coneflowers are easy to grow, requiring only average to good soil and moderate to regular water. To maintain good performance, divide clumps every 2 to 4 years in the spring.

Salvia (Sage) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 1 to 5 feet (0.3 to 1.5 m)

Water: Regular Flowers in: Spring, summer, autumn Flower colours: Purple, red, pink, blue, yellow, white Culture: Salvias need good drainage, moderately fertile soil, and in most cases, regular water. All salvias can be propagated by stem cuttings taken during spring or summer. Spreading types can also be divided in the spring.

Sedum spectabile (Stonecrop) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm) Water: Moderate Flowers in: Late summer, autumn Flower colours: Pink, red, white Culture: Sedums need well-drained soil but are not particular about fertility. Floppy stems and a decline in flowering indicate overcrowding. Divide clumps in early spring. Stem cuttings may also be taken in late spring to early summer.

Solidago and Solidaster (Goldenrod) Sun: Full Height: Varieties from 2 to 5 feet (0.6 to 1.5 m) Water: Moderate Flowers in: Summer, autumn Flower colours: Yellow Culture: Goldenrod are undemanding plants that grow well in wild gardens, or in borders - in either case, they accept average soil and are fairly drought tolerant. To control spreading and rejuvenate the clumps, divide them every 3 to 4 years in early spring. Believe it or not, we have only scratched the surface of perennials that have autumn flowers and colour during the cooler months of the year. There are many, many more including the ever popular asters, lilies, etc. The list above, however, is a very good starting place if you are looking for some plants to spruce up your garden after your summer plants have tired out Many of these perennial plants do well in just about any climate, and they offer a wide variety of colours, sizes, flower shapes, and foliage types. They really do offer infinite possibilities, and because of their versatility have been gardeners' top choice around the world. No surprise there! Marc Vijverberg


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Birth rate lowest in Spain since records began The natural demographic decline in Spain has reached a historic high, according to provisional data released by the country’s National Statistics Institute (INE) recently. In the first half of 2018, there were just 179,794 births in Spain, the lowest figure for the same period since records began in 1941, and 5.8 percent down from the first six months of 2017. What’s more, the number of deaths has also grown: in the first half a total of 226,384 people passed away. That’s the highest figure since 1941, when the population of Spain was 26 million. January saw a particularly high mortality rate. The natural growth for Spain – i.e. live births minus deaths – came in at -46,590, a statistical record. The negative trend began in 2015, and is forecast to last into the future. Childbirths fell compared to last year in all of Spain’s regions, but the highest drops were seen in La Rioja (-13.7 percent), Extremadura (-10.3 percent) and Cantabria (-7.8 percent). “It is no surprise to see the number of births continue to fall,” explains Diego Ramiro, the head of the Population Department at the Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography (IEGD), which is part of the state-funded Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He points out that the women currently in their fertile period were born from 1978 onward, “a small generation,” who were born in a time of low fertility. Since 1981, the birth rate has come in at below 2.1 babies per woman, which is the minimum needed to guarantee generational replacement. That figure in Spain currently comes in at 1.3, which has led to a progressively ageing population. A key factor in this change is that couples are having their first child later in life, something that reduces the probability of people having more children, according to Daniel Devolder, from the Demographic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. During the year 2017, first-time mothers were on average aged 32.1 in Spain, a record high. “The rise in the age when women are having their first child is the main problem that is affecting Spain’s fertility rate,” Devolder

explains. The economy has played a key role in this decline. The birth rate in Spain came in at the highest in three decades in 2008, with 519,779 births. Since then, “the number of births has fallen at a rhythm of between 3 percent and 5 percent on an annual basis,” explains Devolder. According to Ramiro, studies carried out at the CSIC have shown that the economic crisis drastically reduced the fertility rate among workers on temporary contracts and the unemployed, although not so much among employees on fixed contracts. “For fertility to rise there need to be conditions that allow couples to have a sense of security in terms of their medium-term financial outlook,” he says. Despite the negative natural growth rate, the population of Spain – around 46.6 million – is rising due to immigration. One in every five babies that were born in Spain during the first half of 2018 had a mother from abroad. They contributed roughly the same as last year to the birth rate, with the general decline this year attributed to the fall in births by Spanish mothers.

“It is no surprise to see the number of births continue to fall,” explains Diego Ramiro

Homes & Gardens


Busy Season of Concerts for Crescendo International Choir Crescendo International Choir has had a busy season of concerts this holiday season. In December, the choir, made up of basses, tenors, altos and sopranos, mostly from the United Kingdom, Holland, and Scandinavia, sang at the Catholic Iglesia Santiago Apóstol in Benijófar. Christmas Carols were sung in both English and Spanish. At the end of the performance, choir members spread out around the church and sang the Blessing of Aaron to concert attendees. This is a beautiful song that includes the words, “The Lord bless thee, the Lord keep thee. Make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” After the concert concluded, money was collected and donated to the Benijófar food bank. Bars of chocolate and other candies were also donated by choir members and given to local children. On 5th December, Crescendo International Choir gave a concert in La Siesta Church in Torrevieja, as a memorial for one of its dear members, Ken Webb. Ken was also a member of The Royal British Legion and the closing bucket collection was donated to Torrevieja Branch of the Legion. The choir’s final concert was held at the choir’s rehearsal home, Restaurante El Paraiso in Torrevieja, (near Carrefour), on Sunday the 16th of December. All

proceeds from this event are used to help fund the choir's expenses - remuneration for its Music Director, Irene Oliva, and Accompanist Toni Guillen, both Spanish natives, and for travel expenses to venues away from Torrevieja. Rehearsals for the concert season will be held at Restaurante El Paraiso starting Monday, January 14th from 5:30 until 7:45 pm. Newcomers are welcome to join the choir. For more information about Crescendo International Choir, see the web site www.crescendo-choir.com.

Crescendo International Choir December concert at Restaurante El Paraisoin Torrevieja.


Homes & Gardens

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Welcome to HANOI with Vivalia Travel Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and the country’s second largest city.

Its population in 2009 was estimated at 2.6 million for urban districts and 6.5 million for the metropolitan jurisdiction. From 1010 until 1802, it was the most important political centre of Vietnam. It was eclipsed by Huế, the imperial capital of Vietnam during the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802–1945), but Hanoi served as the capital of French Indochina from 1902 to 1954. From 1954 to 1976, it was the capital of North Vietnam, and it became the capital of a reunified Vietnam in 1976, after the North's victory in the Vietnam War. The city lies on the right bank of the Red River. Hanoi is 1,760 km (1,090 mi) north of Ho Chi Minh City and 120 km (75 mi) west of Hai Phong city. October 2010 officially marked 1000 years since the establishment of the city. The Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural is a 4 km ceramic mosaic mural created to mark the occasion. Modern Hanoi On May 29, 2008, it was decided that Hà Tây Province, Vĩnh Phúc Province's Mê Linh District and 4 communes of Lương Sơn District, Hòa Bình Province be merged into the metropolitan area of Hanoi from August 1, 2008. Hanoi's total area then increased to 334,470 hectares in 29 subdivisions with the new population being 6,232,940, effectively tripling its size. The Hanoi Capital Region (Vùng Thủ đô Hà Nội), a metropolitan area covering Hanoi and 6 surrounding provinces under its administration, will have an area of 13,436 square kilometres (5,188 sq mi) with 15 million people by 2020 Hanoi has experienced a rapid construction boom recently. Skyscrapers, popping up in new urban areas, have dramatically changed the cityscape and have formed a modern skyline outside the old city. In 2015, Hanoi is ranked # 39 by Emporis in the list of world cities with most skyscrapers over 100 m; its two tallest buildings are Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower (336m, tallest in Vietnam and second tallest in Southeast Asia after Malaysia's

Petronas Twin Towers) and Hanoi Lotte Center (272m, also second tallest in Vietnam) Location Hanoi is located in northern region of Vietnam, situated in the Vietnam’s Red River delta, nearly 90 km (56 mi) away from the coastal area. Hanoi contains three basic kind of terrain, which are the delta area, the midland area and mountainous zone. In general, the terrain is gradually lower from the north to the south and from the west to the east, with the average height ranging from 5 to 20 meters above the sea level. The hills and mountainous zones are located in the northern and western part of the city. The highest peak is at Ba Vi with 1281 m, located in the western part of the region. Climate Hanoi features a warm humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa) with plentiful precipitation. The city experiences the typical climate of northern Vietnam, with 4 distinct seasons. Summer, from May until August, is characterized by hot and humid weather with abundant rainfall. September to October is fall, characterized by a decrease in temperature and precipitation. Winter, from November to January, is dry and cool by national standards. The city is usually cloudy and foggy in winter, averaging only 1.5 hours of sunshine per day in February. Hanoi averages 1,680 millimetres (66.1 in) of rainfall per year, the majority falling from May to September. There are an average of 114 days with rain. Old Quarter Hoàn Kiếm Lake by night The Old Quarter, near Hoàn Kiếm Lake, has the original street layout and architecture of old Hanoi. At the beginning of the 20th century the city consisted of only about 36 streets, most of which are now part of the old quarter. Each street then had merchants and households specializing in a particular trade, such as silk or jewelry. The street names nowadays still reflect these specializations, although few of them remain exclusively in their original commerce. The area is

famous for its small artisans and merchants, including many silk shops. Local cuisine specialties as well as several clubs and bars can be found here also. A night market (near Đồng Xuân Market) in the heart of the district opens for business every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening with a variety of clothing, souvenirs and food. Some other prominent places are: The Temple of Literature (Văn Miếu), site of the oldest university in Vietnam 1010; One Pillar Pagoda (Chùa Một Cột); Flag Tower of Hanoi (Cột cờ Hà Nội). In 2004, a massive part of the 900year-old Hanoi Citadel was discovered in central Hanoi, near the site of Ba Đình Square. Lakes A city between rivers built from low land, Hanoi has many scenic lakes and is sometimes called "city of lakes." Among its lakes, the most famous are Hoàn Kiếm Lake, West Lake, and Bay Mau Lake (inside Thongnhat Park). Hoan Kiem Lake, also known as Sword Lake, is the historical and cultural center of Hanoi, and is linked to the legend of the magic sword. West Lake (Hồ Tây) is a popular place for people to spend time. It is the largest lake in Hanoi and there are many temples in the area. The lakeside road in the Nghi Tam - Quang Ba area is perfect for bicycling, jogging and viewing the cityscape or enjoying lotus ponds in the summer. The best way to see the majestic beauty of a Westlake sunset is to view it from one of the many bars around the lake, especially the Sofitel Plaza rooftop bar. Tourism Hanoi is a very picturesque city, the leafy metropolis sometimes dubbed the "Paris of Asia." With its tree-fringed boulevards, more than two dozen lakes and thousands of French colonial-era buildings, Hanoi is a popular tourist attraction and one of only a few Asian capitals to retain its historic charm amid rapid modernization and population growth.





CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

De-privatised motorways toll-free overnight Motorways that have been 'bought back' from toll companies by the State will be free of charge to use between midnight and 6.00am in the morning, the ministry of public works has announced. Following on from recent reports about a 30 percent drop in prices on nine of Spain's main highways, it has since been revealed that night driving will not carry a cost. Between 6.00am and midnight, discounts will be offered for frequent

users. The price changes will come into effect on 15th January. Motorways now free to use overnight and 30 percent cheaper during the day are listed as the AP-7 between Cartagena (Murcia) and Vera (Almería); the AP-7 Alicante ring-road; the AP-36 between Ocaña (Toledo province) and La Roda (Albacete province); Madrid's outersuburban 'radial' highways, the R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5, and the M-12 Madrid airport link.

Briton accused of trafficking cocaine was ‘big fish’ A British man charged with trafficking 1.3 tons of cocaine into France has been described in court as a “big fish” in the international narco-trade. Robert Dawes, 46, believed to have been one of Europe’s biggest drug traffickers, is alleged to have flown the drugs into France from Caracas, Venezuela, in 2013 in 30 unregistered suitcases aboard an Air France plane. British police officer Robert Hickinbottom, giving evidence by video link from to the special French court composed only of judges, said Dawes operated “at the top international level”. He said Dawes was suspected of involvement in the 2002 murder of a teacher in the Netherlands, moneylaundering operations in the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland and dealings with Colombian drug cartels.

Hickinbottom who works for the National Crime Agency (NCA), Britain’s organised crime unit, said he had been tracking Dawes’ criminal path for years. Dawes was arrested in November 2015 at his home in southern Spain and extradited to France. He is on trial alongside two other Britons and three Italians, who risk up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to 7.5 million euros if convicted. The Air France shipment caused outrage in Venezuela where the interior minister admitted the suitcases had gone through security scanners that had clearly showed the presence of drugs. Venezuelan police arrested 25 people, including members of the military and an Air France manager.

Petrol and diesel prices plummet Petrol and diesel have dropped in price and are set to remain this way until the New Year at least thanks to a fall in crude oil costs. Lead-free 95 petrol is down to an average of €1.224 per litre – 1.45 percent lower than at the beginning of the year – whilst diesel has fallen to €1.176 per litre, which is 2.62 percent higher than at the start of 2018 but a considerable drop on a month ago. In mid-November, petrol was 6.92 percent more expensive and diesel, 6.89 percent higher in price. Filling up an average tank to the brim – about 55 litres – now costs a typical €67.32 in petrol or €64.68 in diesel. Petrol has become slightly cheaper since a year ago – down by 0.81 percent whilst diesel has gone up by 3.8 percent,

and could well start to climb in the coming year due to government announcements about an additional tax on this type of fuel. Current prices remain well below their historic high of September 2012, when petrol was on average over €1.50 a litre, or nearly 20 percent more expensive than now, whilst diesel is 18.62 percent cheaper than at peak price time. The main reason for falling motor fuel costs is that Brent oil has plummeted in price by 30 percent, and is now fighting not to drop below US$60 a barrel. This is partly because of a spike earlier in the year, says analyst Victoria Torre of SelfBank – crude oil reached an unsustainable high of US$80 per barrel. Mireille Toddington


Spanish police break up Moroccan migrant smuggling ring Spanish police have announced that they have smashed an alleged people trafficking network which “operated like a travel agency” and smuggled around 600 Moroccans into Spain by sea this year. The ring recruited its “customers” mainly in the northern Moroccan city of Larache, charging “at least” 2,500 euros per person for the dangerous crossing, police said in a statement. “The organisation operated like a sort of travel agency” which took the migrants to Spain, picked them up from the coast and then transported them by car to “safe houses.” From there, they took them to their desired destination in the country, usually in Catalonia or the northern Basque Country, the statement added. Police arrested seven suspected leaders of the ring, including its Moroccan-based chief, who was charged with recruiting migrants as part of the operation. The network smuggled around 600 migrants into Spain this year, earning at least 1.5 million euros, the statement added. Spain has seen growing numbers of migrants after Italy began to stem the flow of sea arrivals from Libya last year. The International Organisation for Migration says that more than 55,000 migrants have arrived in Spain by sea this year, and that at least 743 have died or gone missing trying, making it the main entry point for migrants seeking a better life in Europe.

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



Job celebration The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, has announced the granting of two subsidies to the City of Orihuela by the Valencian Employment and Training Service (SERVEF), within the Social Initiative Grant Program, for the promotion of employment. Alongside the Councillor for Employment, Víctor Valverde, and the councillor for Human Resources, Rafael Almagro, the Mayor explained that one of these grants, EMCORD, is for unemployed people who, having been the object of a personalised itinerary of job placement, are registered as jobseekers in the SERVEF centres of Employment of the Generalitat for at least 360 days in a period of 540. Whereas the second grant, EMCORP, is a grant aimed at hiring unemployed people aged at least 30 years old, in collaboration with local corporations. Councillor Valverde said: “It’s great news, since many of these people are long-term unemployed and have now seen their work life reactivated again.” These subsidies have been boosted by about 138,339 euros and 121,185 euros respectively. Therefore, the Councillor for Employment explained that “the City of Orihuela will hire for a period of

6 months to 10 people attached to the EMCORD and another 10 to the EMCORP.” The positions offered include different areas of the local government such as: painters, cleaners, masonry workers and labourers, plumbers, electrician technician, social worker, gardening labourer, administrator, administrative assistant, foreign trade, economist and forestry technician. From the area of Human Resources, Rafael Almagro wanted to thank the Department of Employment “because the City will have an important reinforcement of 20 people, and so we will be able to meet a great number of demands from the people of the municipality.” Finally, Emilio Bascuñana wanted to highlight the effort made by the government team “from the first moment this Government Team has strived for the best employment rates in our municipality.” To which he added that “we are aware that we have to continue working in this line to ensure the best employment situation of our citizens.” Mireille Toddington

Busy week for the Orihuela Costa RBL Two significant events for the Orihuela Costa Branch of The Royal British Legion took place in recent weeks: the ‘big reveal’ of the total amount raised by the 2018 Poppy Appeal and the very first appearance of the RBL Concert Band at the Town Hall Carol Concert over the Christmas period. Local Poppy Appeal coordinator Eddie Coleman, with the assistance of nine lady members, announced that the branch had once again surpassed all expectations with their Poppy Appeal by raising the incredible sum of €49,162.80, over 4,000 more than last year, which in itself was a record amount. From small beginnings only 9 years ago, when the branch was first formed, and supporters collected a little over

€6,000, the amount has increased year on year, thanks to the hard work and dedication of its enthusiastic members. Golf contributed €9,000 to the total amount thanks to the generosity of local societies and the efforts of Mick ‘the grip’ Reeves, Mick Gossage and Mike Probert. There was a sizeable amount collected at Iceland in San Javier by Diana Wiltshire and her army of volunteers while a number of other

branch members spent four days at Alicante-Elche Airport where the poppy boxes attracted worthwhile donations in both Euros and UK Sterling. In addition to the donations

gathered from the sale of poppies fundraising has continued all year round, one valuable source of income being the

bookshelves, managed by Don and June Williams and that are located in a number of bars around the region. A super evening also at the Playa Flamenca Town Hall where the RBL Concert Band were out once again, under the direction of David Last, to play a selection of Christmas Carols, along with approximately a hundred people of a variety of nationalities. Organised by the Councillor for Foreign Residents Sofia Alvarez, they played a dozen or so popular carols including the Spanish classic Fum, Fum Fum, although many of the traditional moves associated with the song were sadly lacking, presumably as a result of the gathered ensemble being 50 or 60 years older than the children who usually act them out. This was the first such gathering of carols organised by the town hall but it certainly won’t be the last. As the RBL MD said he now knows what is expected so there will be no excuse why the crowd can’t be multiplied tenfold when the

band plays again next Christmas. Perhaps the absence of a P.A. system will also be addressed for 2019 although, with a small choir provided by the Studio 32 Theatre Group encouraging the gathering to join in, it still proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Spain District North of the RBL has 19 Branches and all of them arrange regular and varied social events, as well providing support to our beneficiaries. Local Branches meet in Gran Alacant, Torrevieja and on the Orihuela Costa. New members are always welcome and you do not need to have an Armed Forces background to enjoy all the Branch has to offer. Locations and details of all the Branches can be found on the website: www.britishlegion.org. uk/counties/spain-north. For welfare support and information, please email: assistance.rbl.dns@gmail.com or call 676 451 780.

School bus driver tests positive for cocaine The driver of a school bus full of children has tested positive for cocaine. Guardia Civil stopped the driver during a routine traffic control in Requena when he was driving the youngsters to primary school. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning on a Monday, just before Christmas, when Guardia Civil were performing preventive roadside drug and alcohol checks. Among the vehicles stopped at random was a school bus full of children aged between five and twelve years old. The driver had just collected the children from various stops around the district to take them to primary school, as was the daily routine. However, officers became suspicious of the drivers manner and believing he had ingested some type of substance, did a roadside test for drug use. According to reports, the driver tested positive for cocaine which would imply recent consumption of the substance before getting behind the wheel of a bus full of children. In a similar case in Santa Pola in November 2017, a school bus driver was stopped by Local Police and found to have tested positive for drugs while behind the wheel. If the charge of drug driving can be proven, it could be punishable by imprisonment.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Should I ask for another chance?

Gift wasn’t for me

I’d been dating a girl for a few months and it had been going OK I guess, however I broke up with her before Christmas because I didn’t want to give her a gift that overstates how I felt about her. She’d been getting too serious and also wanted us to spend time with her parents over the holidays, and I‘d not met them before. Now I think I may have panicked and done the wrong thing as I hear she was very upset. Should I get back with her?

I suspected my husband of cheating. He’s been coming in late from work this past few months, being distant with me and the kids, everyone has noticed the change in him. Before Christmas, while he was out I went through his wardrobe and was thrilled to find a white gold necklace. However, as I discovered on Christmas morning, the gift was not meant for me. I didn’t want to upset things over the holidays because of the children, so I didn’t make a scene then. It was awful having to keep my feelings to myself and not tell anyone, but I want to end things this year. I kept the receipt for the necklace however, so I have proof of his adultery.

Christmas time and especially the New Year can make you reevaluate your life. If you were not feeling comfortable about what kind of present to buy your girlfriend, it says a lot about the depth of feeling you have for her. Whilst you owe it to her not to give her the wrong impression, I wouldn’t resurrect this relationship simply because you feel bad. She’ll probably be better off with someone else and so will you.

If you didn’t have children to consider you may have confronted your husband by now, and that says a lot about your selflessness. You will now need to see a Solicitor, and he/she will advise you what to do next. Be prepared, and know what is ahead of you before you tell your husband you know about his affair.





CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Independence leaders on hunger strike appeal to EU for help Four Catalan independence leaders who are on a hunger strike in prison awaiting trial for rebellion over their role in last year’s unauthorized referendum and subsequent unilateral declaration of independence have sent 40 letters to European Union authorities to denounce their situation. In their message to the heads of European nations and EU officials, the four men detail how Spain’s Constitutional Court is, in their view, “blocking” all their appeals, in order to prevent them from getting their cases to the European justice system. Ex-Catalan government members Jordi Turull, Josep Rull and Joaquim Forn, as well as Jordi Sànchez, former head of the pro-independence civic organization ANC and currently a regional deputy, want to draw attention to their “dire situation,” said Pilar Calvo, their spokeswoman. “There are nine of us and we have been in prison without trial for over a year, accused of rebellion for calling a peaceful referendum. Our rights to the presumption of innocence and to a fair trial are being violated,” says the letter, a copy of which has also been mailed to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. The letters say that their appeals to the Constitutional Court should normally be ruled on in 30 days, but have instead been on hold for over a year. For this reason, the activists say they will appeal the delay itself before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Calvo described the hunger-striking men as “strong, firm and determined.” Only one of them, Turull, has required hospital treatment since the group began their protest around two weeks ago. All four have ties to Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia), the political platform headed by former

regional premier Carles Puigdemont, who currently lives in Belgium after fleeing Spain to avoid arrest on the same charges as the others. The other jailed secessionist leaders – Oriol Junqueras, Raül Romeva, Carme Forcadell and Dolors Bassa of the Catalan Republican Left (ERC), as well as Jordi Cuixart, head of the civic group Omnium – have refused to join the hunger strike. The ERC deputy inside the Spanish Congress, Joan Tardà, called it “unnecessary.”

The trial The Spanish Supreme Court recently began preliminary proceedings by holding a hearing to determine whether it has the jurisdiction to try the accused. The defence claims that it does not, and that

their clients should be tried instead by the High Court of Catalonia. No date has been set yet for the trial itself, but sources familiar with the situation said that it is likely to begin this month (January). A total of 18 people are facing charges of rebellion, sedition, disobedience and misuse of public funds.

Road to prison On 1st October, 2017 a separatist government led by Carles Puigdemont organised an independence referendum in defiance of a court suspension on the grounds of its unconstitutionality. The vote was made possible by a law passed inside the Catalan parliament that did not achieve the two-thirds majority required by Catalonia’s regional charter, the Estatut.

The day of the referendum produced unprecedented scenes of violence as National Police and Civil Guard officers were sent in to stop the vote from taking place, while the regional police force was accused of standing by. Later that month, separatist parties made a unilateral declaration of independence based on the outcome of the vote, which, according to the Catalan government, received 90% support for independence. Spain revoked the region’s devolved powers and Puigdemont and several aides fled Spain to avoid rebellion charges, while other leaders who remained behind were arrested and placed in pre-trial detention. Direct rule by Madrid ended shortly after Catalonia held a snap election in December 2017 that gave separatist parties 47.5 percent of the popular vote, although this translated into a slim majority of 70 seats due to a proportional representation system that favours rural dominance. New leaders in Catalonia and in Madrid made initial overtures of friendship, but the relationship has become increasingly strained. Catalan premier Quim Torra recently defended “the Slovenian way” as a model for Catalan independence, alluding to a violent process that yielded dozens of casualties as the country split from Yugoslavia. This coming Friday will newly test the relationship as PM Sánchez has decided to hold a Spanish Cabinet meeting in Barcelona that pro-independence groups are promising to boycott with extensive street protests. Thousands of police officers from national, regional and municipal agencies are being deployed to keep the peace in the Catalan capital and across the region. Mireille Toddington



Giving you health, wealth and happiness. Happy New Year to you from all at Medcare!


his is the time of year to give to others, be it gifts or your time. But the staff at Medcare don’t want you to forget to give yourself the gift of health. Cliched as it may sound, your health is too important to push to one side. If nothing else, your family and friends will be overjoyed that you are still healthy and celebrating Christmas with them in 5 years time anyway! Medcare’s GP practice has launched the innovative Do Something campaign this month. Whereas normally there is one fully comprehensive health check available, now patients can choose between three checks, dependant on their health concerns and budget, but at least they can all Do Something! The Health Check initiative has been one of Medcare’s most popular campaigns since the clinic began providing GP services to ex-pats over a decade ago. It has not only helped hundreds of patients catch potentially dangerous issues at an early stage but it has also saved lives. One male patient had come for a check, stating that he thought he had tinnitus. After checking his blood pressure, it was found to be sky high. He was referred to the emergency department where he was put onto the correct medication. Another male patient came for a yearly full health check with no symptoms, and was found to have prostate cancer. He has gone on to have treatment and is doing well.

Also, one female patient had been for a health check, and found to have very high blood pressure. She was put onto the right medication and has been monitored successfully since. You can find all information about the Do Something campaign on Facebook or the website. Christmas is traditionally a joyful season, when smiling and merriment are infectious amongst friends and strangers alike. Regular visits to the dentist will ensure that you can be completely relaxed and confident with your smile all year round and especially this month. You can book a free dental examination with Medcare’s experienced British dentist team to get a check up and chat about any treatments you might be interested in such as teeth whitening, dental implants or invisible teeth straightening. Finally, the Christmas season can sometimes be a difficult time for anyone who is suffering from bereavement or depression. Often these emotions can be made to seem insurmountable over the holiday period, especially when everyone else appears to be so happy. The feelings associated with loss or ongoing sadness can be talked through with professional therapist, Steve Ashley. To book an appointment for your Health check, dental assessment or the psychotherapist call 966 860 258 or email: doctors@ medcarespain.com. Open Monday to Friday 09.00 – 17.00.

Call 966 860 258 or email doctors@medcarespain.com Clinics in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi. Monday to Friday 09.00 to 17.00 Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

1D debut Marbella mansion in most viewed properties this year The Marbella mansion where boyband One Direction made their debut performance has been one of the most viewed properties of 2018. On the market for a whopping €40 million, the 12-bed villa boasts 180-degree views of the Mediterranean.

stung by a local sea urchin, before his new band-mates carried him into the audition. The Marbella mansion’s musical legacy, after hosting the seven-time Brit Awardwinners, explains why the property is Rightmove’s second-most viewed outside the UK this year.

Perhaps most famous for hosting X Factor’s Simon Cowell in the ‘judge’s houses’ stage of the competition, the luxury pad has been hosting a stampede of viewings this year according to Rightmove. In a list compiled by Mail Online of the site’s most viewed houses currently on the market, the celebrity pad shares top popularity stakes with a Scottish castle and a Maldives island resort with an ocean waterslide. It was back in 2010 that music mogul Cowell was filmed relaxing by the pool with guest judge Sinitta as the pair scrutinised the baby-faced 1D boys at their first ever performance. The five-some famously performed after band member Louis Tomlinson was

It was pipped to the top spot by a 12bed villa on Kunfunadhoo Island in the Maldives, on the market for €12.6 million. With a swimming pool dining room, ocean views from the bedroom and even a private waterslide, it is easy to see why this house fit for a king is the most viewed abroad this year. Hollywood, Monaco and another Maldives house, were the other most viewed non-UK properties, while the UK’s most popular home is a 6-bed, €5.6 million family home in Greater Manchester. The group signed with Simon Cowell's record label Syco Records after forming and finishing third in the seventh series of the British televised singing competition The X Factor in 2010. Mireille Toddington


Spain accuses Shakira of 14.5 million euro tax fraud The public prosecutor in Barcelona has filed an accusation against Shakira for tax fraud. The written report concludes that the Colombian singer feigned tax residency in the Bahamas in order to avoid paying taxes in Spain. The amount that she evaded, according to a final report from the Spanish Tax Agency, is €14.5 million. The public prosecutor is accusing Shakira of six tax fraud offenses, committed between 2012 and 2014. The charges are also directed at a lawyer based in New York who allegedly helped her create a “web of companies” in order to commit fraud. Shakira joins a growing list of Spainbased celebrities to have been targeted by tax authorities over the years; these include soccer stars Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, tennis champion Rafa Nadal and opera singer Montserrat Caballé. The prosecutor considers that during the years under investigation the singer had a fixed abode in Spain, once her relationship with Barcelona FC player Gerard Piqué became public. The law states that once a citizen spends more than half the year in Spain, they must be considered a tax resident and pay the corresponding duties to the Spanish Tax Agency. In their own report, tax inspectors admitted that they were unable to prove that Shakira spent more than half the year in Spain in the three years under scrutiny. The closest was 2014 with 140 days. The tax agency nevertheless finds her a resident because the rest of the time she was only “sporadically absent” for work purposes. The written accusation underscores that since 2012 Shakira “had been living in Spain regularly,” first in Barcelona and later at a house she and Piqué bought in Esplugues and which “became the family residence.” Prosecutors note that the internationally acclaimed singer

spent “short stays” out of Spain “in different countries and for professional reasons.” With the exception of her sixmonth participation as a coach in the US television talent show The Voice, Shakira “effectively remained in Spain” most days out of the year. Shakira’s representatives told tax authorities “on numerous occasions” that her fiscal residence was in Bahamas, where she had bought a property many years ago with her former partner Antonio de la Rúa, the son of Argentine ex-president Fernando de la Rúa. Spanish prosecutors refute this and say that between 2012 and 2014, Shakira “had no physical presence for a single day” in the Bahamas. As such, she “had the obligation” to pay taxes in Spain “on the entirety of her global earnings,” including income tax and estate tax. Now a court will decide whether to accept the criminal complaint, which typically happens in the vast majority of cases brought by prosecutors. At that point, the singer will be summoned to court to give testimony.

Settlement In recent months the singer’s lawyers have been in talks with the tax agency to try to settle the matter in order to try and avoid criminal proceedings. Shakira has already paid €20 million to cover taxes for 2011 even though she cannot be held criminally liable for any alleged evasion prior to 2012 because it would fall outside the statute of limitations. But the tax agency believes that there was a deliberate intent to withhold taxes in 2012, 2013 and 2014, and said so in its report to prosecutors, who in turn used this as a basis for their own complaint. Mireille Toddington



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

Scarlett Moffatt thanks her ex-boyfriend Lee Wilkinson as she reveals she's going into 2019 happy, confident and with self-worth She was left heartbroken after splitting with her former fitness model beau twice, branding him a cheating pathological liar. Yet Scarlett Moffatt has taken inspiration from Ariana Grande as she thanked her ex-boyfriend, Lee Wilkinso, and shared a candid Instagram post summarising her 2018 on Monday. The I’m A Celebrity star, 28, took to the social media platform to reveal that she is going into 2019 happy, confident and with self-worth. She also hit back at cruel trolls, admitting that their opinions are genuinely irrelevant to her life. She said: ‘Ladies if you do one thing in

2019 be kind and forgiving to yourself. Give yourself as much love & attention as you give other people. I’ve learnt so much in 2018 1. That I don’t have time to hate people who hate me, because I’m too busy loving those who love me. 2. That trolls opinions are genuinely irrelevant to my life. 3. I’ve learnt to be as kind to myself as I am to other people. 4. And that sometimes by removing people from your life you actually gain so much self worth. ‘I’ve never felt as happy and confident in my life as I have the last 4 month and I’m gonna continue that in 2019.’ 'Starting the new year off in Hong Kong with my besties I feel on top of the world (oh and in the words of Ariana Grande “I’m so **in thankful for my ex, thank you next) #newyear #love #friends #family #hongkong #2019.'’ The TV star split from Lee for the first time in April after a whirlwind romance, she took to social media to hit out at the cheating pathological liar and posted a cryptic message referencing Henry VIII who had six wives. She said: ‘Just always seem to choose cheating pathological liars ... I just choose lying cheats it’s a skill.’

Ant McPartlin in high spirits as he returns to work Ant McPartlin pre-empted his imminent return to work by taking in the recording of a new show with his loved ones on Thursday afternoon. The presenter, who will resume presenting duties on Britain’s Got Talent in January, was joined by mother Christine Woodhall and girlfriend Anne-Marie Corbett at Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire. Ant, 43, was upbeat as he watched the recording of popular game show Replay 2018, which is developed by the production company he owns with close friend and fellow presenter Declan Donnelly, prior to its airing on Friday evening. A source told the Mirror: ‘Ant and Dec’s production company makes the show so they went for a night out to watch it being filmed. Ant was in high spirits and seemed to love being back in a working environment. It was great to see them back together again. They haven’t lost their sparkle.’ Taking to the Twitter account he shares with Dec, he wrote: ‘***exciting show alert*** Tonight ITV 9pm Re-Play 2018 with Richard Osman. Play along and see if you’ve been paying attention to 2018. Enjoy! A’

Ariana Grande politely turns down a Damehood in honour of Manchester terror attack victims and their families Ariana Grande has reportedly turned down a Damehood in honour of the Manchester terror attack victims, according to The Sun. A source told the publication that the 25-year-old singer told the committee is as too soon for her to receive the honour, as she was still grieving for those who lost their lives in the shocking attack. It comes after Ariana was praised for her response to the attack which took place at one of her concerts, holding the One Love Manchester benefit show, which raised millions of pounds for victims’ families. She explained she was still grieving. So were scores of families. ‘She feared some affected might see it

as insensitive. The committee wrote to her but she politely said no.’ Due to her US nationality, Ariana would have only been eligible for an honourary Damehood should she have accepted, meaning she would not have been able to introduce herself as a Dame, but could use the initials DBE after her name. The honours are normally conferred by the Queen, on the advice of the foreign secretary. Such an honour was given to Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie in 2014, for services to UK foreign policy and the campaign to end warzone sexual violence. It is unclear whether Ariana’s honorary Manchester citizenship would have made any change to this rule. Ariana was praised for her response to the attack, visiting survivors and fans as they recovered in hospital. She then set up the One Love Manchester concert two weeks later, which saw the entire audience who were at her show in attendance and all manner of stars take to the stage at the Old Trafford cricket ground, including Coldplay, Katy Perry, Liam Gallagher, Justin Bieber and Robbie Williams. Ariana made the brave decision to return to Manchester for the benefit concert, which raised more than £17 million for the victims families.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



Television: Wed 2nd Jan BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 4.35pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 1.20am 2.55am 3.00am

Breakfast Countryfile Winter Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Jane Eyre Escape to the Country Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Celebrity Mastermind A Question of Sport Holby City Luther BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Match of the Day Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.40am 8.10am 8.40am 9.10am 10.40am 12.00pm 2.00pm 2.25pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.20am 1.50am 2.50am 3.50am 4.50am

ITV2 7.00am 7.50am 8.10am 9.00am 10.00am 10.55am 11.55am 12.00pm 12.35pm 1.35pm 2.40pm 3.30pm 4.35pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 7.20pm 8.25pm 8.30pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 11.10pm 12.15am 2.10am 2.35am 3.05am 3.30am

Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Liar Liar FYI Daily Liar Liar Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace FYI Daily Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Pitch Perfect FYI Daily Pitch Perfect Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show Teleshopping





Pacific Rim Uprising


A Wrinkle in Time


Peter Rabbit




Avengers: Infinity War


Pacific Rim Uprising


Life Itself: Special


I Got Life!






Aquaman: Special


Peter Rabbit

Trust Me, I’m a Doctor See Hear on Tour Great British Menu Swallows and Amazons The Titfield Thunderbolt BBC Newsroom Live Coast David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities Kangaroo Dundee and Other Animals Kangaroo Dundee and Other Animals Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Flog It! Eggheads Galapagos University Challenge Christmas 2018 Tom Kerridge’s Fresh Start The Twinstitute Nile: Earth’s Great Rivers Insert Name Here Dragons’ Den NFL See Hear on Tour Spy in the Snow Grizzly Bear Cubs and Me School This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.35am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky 1

King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


Everybody Loves Raymond


The Day Henry Met


Everybody Loves Raymond


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom




The Secret Life of Puppies






The Great Muppet Caper


Noddy: Toyland Detective


Channel 4 News


Thomas and Friends






Fireman Sam: Alien Alert


A Place in the Sun


The Secret Life of the Zoo


Couples Come Dine with Me

5 News Lunchtime


Channel 4 News

The Yorkshire Vet Winter Special


Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it


Make You Laugh Out Loud


What Britain Bought in 2018






Paint by Murder


Travel Man




Rob Rinder’s Good Year, Bad Year




Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


5 News at 5


Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge




Virginia Mckenna’s Born Free


The Yorkshire Vet


The People’s Vet


5 News Tonight


Embarrassing Pets


Ultimate Megastructures: Colossal


Animals After Dark


The Big Fat Lies About About Diet

Modern Family


Total Goals


The Simpsons


Total Goals


Snake Boss


Big Beasts: Last of the Giants


NCIS: Los Angeles


Hawaii Five-0


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me

Hawaii Five-0


Sky Sports News




Sky Sports News


Modern Family


Sky Sports News


Modern Family

GPs: Behind Closed Doors




Jeremy Vine

12.15pm 1.10pm

Total Goals

Sky Sports News





Digby Dragon

The Simpsons


Football Centre

Paw Patrol







Total Goals

Football Centre

Channel 5





Channel 4

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Celebrity Catchphrase Tenable Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Bradley Walsh and Son: Breaking Dad Coronation Street Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Jackpot247 Lethal Weapon ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky Sports 1


Cruise Ship

and Exercise

This is BBC Four


Funniest Celeb Reality TV Ever!


Sky Sports News


The Simpsons



Sky Sports News at 5


The Simpsons


The Celts


Celebrity Game Night


Sky Sports News at 6




Sicily: Wonder of the Mediterranean


Super Casino


Soccer Special Pre-Match


The Simpsons


Waco: Madman or Messiah



Forrest Gump

Murder in Soho






Greatest Celebrity Wind-Ups Ever!

The Force

Shirley Bassey at the BBC

Barclays Premier League World




The Force

Synth and Beyond with

Tattoo Disasters UK





Best Pl Goals


A League of Their Own


Tattoo Disasters UK


Sky Sports News


Duck Quacks Don’t Echo


Sicily: Wonder of the Mediterranean


House Doctor


Live NBA: Minnesota @ Boston


Monkey Life


The Celts


Nick’s Quest






This is BBC Four


Wildlife SOS

7.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.00am 12.25am 12.50am 1.55am 3.00am 3.55am 4.20am 4.45am 5.05am 5.25am 5.50am

Hollyoaks Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Young Sheldon The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Inbetweeners 2 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Naked Attraction Gogglebox Tattoo Fixers The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Royal Stories


Goodbye Mr Chips


Goodnight Mister Tom


Agatha Christie’s Marple


The Royal




Classic Coronation Street


Classic Coronation Street


Midsomer Murders




Murder, She Wrote

9.55am 10.30am 11.35am 12.35pm 1.05pm 1.35pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 4.15pm 4.45pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.15am 3.15am 4.15am

Food Unwrapped A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun The Supervet The Supervet Grand Designs Hunt for the Arctic Ghost Ship Million Pound Mega Yachts 24 Hours in A&E 24 Hours in A&E 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 8 Out of 10 Cats

7.00am 7.45am 8.40am 9.35am 10.40am 11.40am 12.45pm 1.45pm 2.50pm 3.50pm 4.55pm 5.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 11.50pm 12.50am 12.55am 1.55am 2.55am 3.45am 4.00am 4.30am

The Chase The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney The Chase: Celebrity Special River Monsters River Monsters Passenger 57 FYI Daily Passenger 57 Hard to Kill FYI Daily Hard to Kill Minder The Sweeney ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping ITV4 Nightscreen

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Stephen Morris and Gillian Gilbert









ITV3 Nightscreen



More 4


SOAP watch

Emmerdale Harriet is impressed by Dawn’s attitude. Moira is thrown into panic. Vanessa is forced into a confession.

Coronation Street Audrey receives alarming news of her finances. Mary traces Jude to a bed and breakfast in Blackpool. Emma tries emulating Gemma to win Chesney’s heart. Audrey reports the theft of her money to the police. Mary and Roy find Jude up to his old tricks. Billy secures a job for Paul

Hollyoaks Harry returns, on a mission to win back former fling James. Romeo wants to expose Mac as the liar he really is.


BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 1.38pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.05pm 11.05pm 11.35pm 11.50pm 12.25am 2.15am 2.20am

Breakfast Countryfile Winter Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather The Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers EastEnders Celebrity Mastermind EastEnders Luther BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Mrs. Brown’s Boys Flatliners Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 10.40am 12.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4.20pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.25am 2.15am 3.15am 4.15am 5.10am

ITV2 7.00am 7.45am 8.40am 9.05am 10.05am 11.00am 12.05pm 12.10pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.50pm 3.45pm 7.10pm 8.15pm 8.20pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 11.10pm 12.25am 2.25am 2.50am 3.20am 6.50am

Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show What a Girl Wants FYI Daily What a Girl Wants Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones FYI Daily Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones Hot Fuzz FYI Daily Hot Fuzz Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen



Pacific Rim Uprising






Avengers: Infinity War


A Wrinkle in Time


Life Itself: Special




Pacific Rim Uprising




Avengers: Infinity War


Proud Mary




Moana: Special

Wanted Down Under MasterChef: The Professionals Angels One Five The Happiest Days of Your Life BBC Newsroom Live Coast Growing Up Wild A Place to Call Home The Odd Life of Timothy Green Hairy Bakers Flog It! Eggheads Galapagos University Challenge Christmas 2018 Back in Time for School Mississippi: Earth’s Great Rivers Island of Dreams The ‘Christmas’ Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan Ed Sheeran: Radio 2 in Concert No Activity Nadiya’s Asian Odyssey This is My Song Countryfile This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.40am 2.30am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Celebrity Catchphrase Tenable Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale The Cruise: Shanghai to Sydney Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip 20 Years of the Black Eyed Peas Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky Sports 1 7.00am











Sky Sports News

Sky Sports News at 5

Sky Sports News at 6


Premier League Greatest Games

Live PGA Tour Golf

NBA Action


Live NBA: Houston @ Golden State

7.00am 8.30am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.00am 2.05am 3.05am 3.55am 4.50am 5.35am

Hollyoaks The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory The Good Place The Inbetweeners The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox Naked Attraction The Good Place The Inbetweeners The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Television: Thur 3rd Jan

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Sky 1

Channel 4 7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.00am 8.25am 8.50am 9.20am 9.50am 10.20am 10.50am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 2.05am 3.00am 3.55am 4.50am 5.15am 5.45am 5.55am 6.50am


Channel 5

Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News The Princess Bride Countdown A Place in the Sun The Secret Life of the Zoo Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Food Unwrapped Diet Special 21 Kids and Counting First Dates at Christmas The Undateables Naked Attraction What Britain Bought in 2018 Supershoppers Sales Special The People’s Vet Embarrassing Pets Food Unwrapped Jamie’s Cracking Christmas Come Dine with Me Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


The Day Henry Met


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom


The Secret Life of Puppies




Noddy: Toyland Detective


Thomas and Friends


Fireman Sam


Shane the Chef


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom


Paw Patrol


Digby Dragon


The Secret Life of Puppies


The Secret Life of Puppies


Jeremy Vine


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


5 News Lunchtime


The Yorkshire Vet


Birds Make You Laugh Out Loud




The Wrong Babysitter






5 News at 5




The Yorkshire Vet


5 News Tonight




Modern Family


The Simpsons


Snake Boss


Big Beasts: Last of the Giants


NCIS: Los Angeles


Hawaii Five-0




The Dog Rescuers: Best in Show


Modern Family


Animals After Dark


The Simpsons


The Secret Life of the Holiday Resort




The Simpsons


Football’s Funniest Moments


Saving Private Ryan




The Force


The Force: Manchester


A League of Their Own


BBC 4 7.58pm

This is BBC Four




The Celts


Named and Shamed


Sicily: Wonder of the Mediterranean




Waco: Madman or Messiah




Basquiat - Rage to Riches


Christmas Cruising




Disco and Beyond with Ana Matronic


Tattoo Disasters UK

and Martyn Ware


Tattoo Disasters UK


Sicily: Wonder of the Mediterranean


House Doctor

Monkey Life


The Celts


The Great Artists




This is BBC Four


Wildlife SOS


Classic Coronation Street


Classic Coronation Street




The Royal




On the Buses


On the Buses


Rising Damp


The Royal




Classic Coronation Street


Classic Coronation Street


Midsomer Murders




Murder, She Wrote

9.55am 10.30am 11.35am 12.35pm 1.05pm 1.35pm 2.10pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 4.15pm 4.45pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.55pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 11.40pm 12.45am 1.50am 2.50am 3.50am

Food Unwrapped A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun The Supervet The Supervet Grand Designs The World’s Best Diet 24 Hours in A&E 24 Hours in A&E 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 8 Out of 10 Cats

7.00am 7.45am 8.40am 9.35am 10.40am 11.40am 12.50pm 1.50pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.05pm 10.10pm 10.15pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.05am 1.05am 2.00am 3.00am 3.45am 4.00am 4.30am

The Chase The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney The Chase: Celebrity Special Jaws 4: The Revenge FYI Daily Jaws 4: The Revenge Hard to Kill FYI Daily Hard to Kill Minder The Sweeney Better Late Than Never ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping ITV4 Nightscreen










ITV3 Nightscreen



with Jane McDonald

More 4


SOAP watch

Eastenders As Mel and Ray’s wedding day continues, tensions reach breaking point. Karen worries about Bernadette and tries to get to the bottom of what is happening

Emmerdale Dawn’s weakness is manipulated. Victoria is shocked. Cain reveals his true feelings. A life hangs in the balance. Cain endures an interrogation. Matty decides to protect himself.

Hollyoaks The Dog is in hot water with the police, which could spell trouble for Liam. Romeo causes chaos for Yazz.


Television: Friday 4th January BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.25am 12.50am 2.30am 2.35am

Breakfast Countryfile Winter Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather The Blake Mysteries Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Blue Planet II EastEnders Celebrity Mastermind Luther BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Graham Norton’s Good Story Guide Cuckoo You Again Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.00am 7.45am 8.45am 10.40am 12.00pm 2.00pm 2.25pm 3.25pm 4.20pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 1.20am 3.10am 4.40am 5.40am 6.40am

ITV2 7.00am 8.00am 8.50am 9.50am 10.15am 11.10am 12.20pm 12.25pm 1.00pm 2.05pm 2.35pm 3.30pm 6.45pm 7.20pm 8.20pm 8.25pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 12.25am 2.20am 3.15am 3.30am

Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax FYI Daily Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith FYI Daily Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith We’re the Millers FYI Daily We’re the Millers Family Guy American Dad! Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Teleshopping



Life Itself


A Wrinkle in Time


Pacific Rim Uprising


Life Itself


Life Itself: Special



7.10pm 9.00pm

Rampage Life Itself


Pacific Rim Uprising








Black Panther: Special

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.35am 2.25am 4.00am 4.50am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


The Day Henry Met


Everybody Loves Raymond


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom


Everybody Loves Raymond


The Secret Life of Puppies








Noddy: Toyland Detective




Thomas and Friends


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Fireman Sam


Undercover Boss USA


Shane the Chef


Channel 4 News


Peppa Pig


Come Dine with Me


Find it, Fix it, Flog it


Peppa Pig




Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom


A Place in the Sun


Paw Patrol


The Secret Life of the Zoo


Couples Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast



Digby Dragon


The Secret Life of Puppies


The Secret Life of Puppies


Jeremy Vine


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


5 News Lunchtime

Big Fat Quiz of Everything


The Yorkshire Vet


The Counsellor


Criminals Make You Laugh Out Loud


Rude Tube



Modern Family


The Simpsons


Pop, Pride and Prejudice


A Life of Deception


Snake Boss


Indian Summers




Big Beasts: Last of the Giants


The People's Vet




NCIS: Los Angeles


Come Dine with Me


5 News at 5


Hawaii Five-0


Kirstie's Handmade Christmas






The Yorkshire Vet


Modern Family


5 News Tonight


The Simpsons


Animals After Dark




Celebrity 5 Go Camping


The Simpsons


Jane McDonald: Cruising Down Under


Modern Family


Victoria Wood: Her Life as Seen on TV




Victoria Wood Live


The Late Late Show




A League of Their Own


GPs: Behind Closed Doors

Live PGA Tour Golf


The Force


GPs: Behind Closed Doors

Live NBA: Dallas @ Boston


A League of Their Own


Monkey Life



7.00am 7.25am 7.55am 8.55am 10.00am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.05pm 1.35pm 2.40pm 3.40pm 4.15pm 4.45pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.55am 3.45am 4.40am 5.35am 6.30am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat The Royal Lewis On the Buses On the Buses Rising Damp The Royal Heartbeat Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Midsomer Murders Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Endeavour Endeavour Vera The Secret Life of Cats Michael Flatley: A Night to Remember Road to Avonlea Road to Avonlea ITV3 Nightscreen

Good Morning Sports Fans Bitezise Good Morning Sports Fans



Football Centre


Sky Sports News at 5 Sky Sports News at 6


Live Star Sixes Soccer


Sky Sports News at Ten


Channel 5




Sky 1

Channel 4


Good Morning Sports Fans


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Celebrity Catchphrase Tenable Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Wade's Mighty Rivers Coronation Street Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip Happy Hour with Olly Murs Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Jackpot247 Celebrity Squares ITV Nightscreen



Good Morning Sports Fans Bitezise




7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.05am 3.10am 4.05am 5.00am 5.40am 6.00am

Hollyoaks Couples Come Dine with Me Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Young Sheldon The Big Bang Theory X-Men: The Last Stand The Big Bang Theory Naked Attraction Gogglebox Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

Wanted Down Under Dynasties Great Expectations The Lavender Hill Mob BBC Newsroom Live Coast The Pygmy Hippo: A Very Secret Life A Place to Call Home Into the Woods: Stage to Screen Flog It! Galapagos Celebrity Antiques Road Trip University Challenge Christmas 2018 Grand Tours of Scotland's Lochs Made in Scotland Billy Connolly: A Scot in the Arctic What We Did on Our Holiday The History Boys Victoria and Albert Doctor Who The ‘Christmas’ Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan This is BBC Two

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


BBC 4 7.58pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am

This is BBC Four The Celts Only Yesterday: The Carpenters’ Story Top of the Pops: The Story of 1987 Top of the Pops: 1987 - Biggest Hits The Kate Bush Story: Running Up That Hill Kate Bush at the BBC Only Yesterday: The Carpenters’ Story Top of the Pops: The Story of 1987 The Celts This is BBC Four


Food Unwrapped


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


The Supervet


The Supervet


Grand Designs


The Wolf of Wall Street


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA



House Doctor


The Great Artists


Wildlife SOS

7.00am 7.45am 8.40am 9.35am 10.40am 11.40am 12.45pm 1.45pm 2.50pm 3.50pm 4.50pm 5.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 11.10pm 11.50pm 1.00am 1.05am 2.05am 3.00am 3.50am 4.00am 4.30am

The Chase The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney The Chase: Celebrity Special The Chase: The Bloopers Passenger 57 FYI Daily Passenger 57 The Usual Suspects FYI Daily The Usual Suspects The Sweeney Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping ITV4 Nightscreen

More 4



Television: Sat. 5th January BBC1





Island Parish Sark Winter


Saturday Kitchen


All Over the Place


Tom Kerridge's Fresh Start


Wild and Weird 2


Football Focus


All Over the Workplace


BBC News


Show Me What You're Made of


Bargain Hunt


The Dog Ate My Homework


Escape to the Country


Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds


Money for Nothing


Final Score


One Million Snake Bites


Celebrity Mastermind


Homes Under the Hammer


BBC News


A Cook Abroad: Rachel Khoo’s Malaysia


Regional News and Weather


The Lady Vanishes




Talking Pictures


Snow Wolf Family and Me


Michael Mcintyre's Big Show


The Greatest Dancer


Back in Time for School




Catch Me If You Can


BBC News


Dad’s Army


Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights


Cities: Nature's New Wild


The NFL Show




Flying Blind


I, Daniel Blake


Weather for the Week Ahead


Safe Haven


BBC News


This is BBC Two

ITV2 7.00am 9.55am 1.15pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 4.20pm 5.05pm 6.10pm 6.15pm 7.15pm 8.15pm 8.20pm 9.00pm 10.05pm 10.10pm 11.45pm 12.40am 1.40am 2.45am 2.50am 4.00am

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

ITV1 7.00am 7.10am 7.25am 7.35am 8.00am 8.05am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 9.55am 10.25am 10.30am 12.40pm 1.35pm 2.05pm 2.10pm 4.10pm 5.10pm 5.25pm 5.35pm 6.35pm 9.00pm 10.35pm 11.35pm 11.50pm 1.35am 2.25am 4.00am

Dino Dana Super 4 Super 4 Make it Pop Mission Employable Mr. Bean: The Animated Series Horrid Henry The Bagel and Becky Show Ultimate Spider-Man v the Sinister Six Scrambled! Record Breakers 2 ITV News Saturday Morning with James Martin James Martin's American Adventure Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers ITV Lunchtime News Step Up Tipping Point ITV Evening News ITV News London The Chase: Celebrity Special Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them The Voice UK Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV News First Blood Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Jackpot247 ITV Nightscreen

Sky Sports 1

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Celebrity Catchphrase You've Been Framed! Babe 2: Pig in the City FYI Daily Babe 2: Pig in the City What a Girl Wants FYI Daily What a Girl Wants Liar Liar FYI Daily Liar Liar Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace FYI Daily Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Family Guy American Dad! Hellboy II: The Golden Army FYI Daily Hellboy II: The Golden Army Teleshopping






Live Netball Superleague


Live Netball Superleague


Live Netball Superleague

5.45pm 7.45pm

Live Netball Superleague Live Netball Superleague


My Icon


Live NFL Wildcard Game


Live NFL Wildcard Game


Sky Sports News

Sky Movies Premiere

Sky 1

The Big Bang Theory


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Great New Year's Bake Off


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


A Place in the Sun


The Secret Life of the Zoo


Channel 4 News


Britain’s Wildest Weather 2018


Star Trek: Into Darkness


The Crystal Maze

Football's Funniest Moments


Hollyoaks Omnibus


Duck Quacks Don't Echo


Best of Both Worlds


The Simpsons


Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free


Come Dine with Me


Modern Family


Monkeys and Apes: Chimpanzees


Gillette Soccer Saturday 8.00pm

Hidden Kingdoms


Wild Arabia


Black Lake


Black Lake


Licence to Thrill: Paul Hollywood

Top of the Pops: The Story of 1987



The Simpsons




Man of Steel


Hawaii Five-0


NCIS: Los Angeles


A League of Their Own



Street Crime UK


Top of the Pops 1987: Big Hits


Road Wars


Wild Arabia


Brit Cops: Frontline Crime


Hidden Kingdoms

9.55am 10.30am 11.30am 12.35pm 1.35pm 2.40pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.25pm 6.55pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.25pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.15am 2.15am 3.20am 4.20am

River Cottage Bites A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun Location, Location, Location Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed The Year Britain Froze 24 Hours in A&E The Beatles It Was Alright in the 1970's 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Food Unwrapped

Meets Aston Martin



Baby Daddy


Murder, She Wrote




Melissa and Joey


Agatha Christie's Poirot


Life Itself


The Goldbergs


Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express


Life Itself: Special


Young Sheldon


Midsomer Murders


Pacific Rim Uprising


The Big Bang Theory


Midsomer Murders


Truth or Dare


The Other Woman


Midsomer Murders




Gogglebox 6.00pm

Agatha Christie's Marple


Pacific Rim Uprising


Gogglebox 8.00pm

Agatha Christie's Marple


Midsomer Murders








Life Itself


Baby Daddy


Rising Damp


Life Itself: Special


Baby Daddy


Rising Damp




Baby Daddy


ITV3 Nightscreen


Aquaman: Special


Baby Daddy




The Big Bang Theory


Soccer A.M.

A Wrinkle in Time

Tattoo Fixers

The Big Bang Theory








On the Buses

Truth or Dare



True Lies






Rude Tube

Everybody Loves Raymond

The Simpsons

Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas


Everybody Loves Raymond




Life Itself



Life Itself: Special


Channel 4





Sat 5th Jan. ITV2. 7.15pm

Sat 5th Jan. ITV. 9.00pm

Broad slapstick comedy. Fletcher Reade is the fastest, loudest, and brashest lawyer in town. He has a habit of lying to ensure his success; this includes lying to his divorced wife Audrey, and even to his son Max. When Fletcher misses his son's birthday party after yet another lie, Max wishes that his dad could tell the truth for 24 hours. A magical force makes the wish come true - and Fletcher cannot stand the results! Will nothing but the truth for a day finally set Fletcher straight?

The Voice UK is back with a bang as the blind auditions begin! Olly Murs, Sir Tom Jones, Jennifer Hudson and will.i.am take their seats in the iconic red chairs in a search for a singing superstar. Hopeful singers fight to make the chairs turn for a chance of winning a life- changing recording contract with Polydor. It's time to tune up and tune in!


Channel 5 7.00am 7.05am 7.10am 7.15am 7.20am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 8.00am 8.15am 8.25am 8.40am 8.50am 9.00am 9.10am 9.30am 9.45am 9.55am 10.15am 10.30am 10.45am 11.00am 11.15am 11.30am 11.45am 12.40pm 1.40pm 2.40pm 4.50pm 5.50pm 5.55pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.55am 1.55am 2.10am 4.10am 5.00am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am

More 4

Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Sunny Bunnies Sunny Bunnies Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Noddy: Toyland Detective Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Fireman Sam Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Paw Patrol Nella the Princess Knight Wissper Pirata and Capitano Paw Patrol Shane the Chef Floogals Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Britain's Greatest Bridges Police Interceptors Police Interceptors Police Interceptors Pan Oliver! 5 News Oliver! 5 News Weekend Tony Robinson's Time Travels Digging Up Britain's Past Cutty Sark: 150 Years of War and Speed Adolf and Eva Bog Bodies: Secrets Revealed Britain’s Greatest Bridges Teleshopping Celebrity 5 Go Camping Named and Shamed House Doctor The Great Artists Wildlife SOS

ITV4 7.00am 7.15am 7.40am 8.30am 10.30am 11.30am 2.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.05pm 7.10pm 8.15pm 9.15pm 9.20pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 12.45am 1.55am 2.55am 3.50am 4.00am 4.30am

World of Sport The Protectors Minder The Professionals ITV Racing: The Opening Show Pawn Stars ITV Racing: Live from Sandown River Monsters River Monsters Dirty Rotten Scoundrels FYI Daily Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment FYI Daily Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment The Blues Brothers FYI Daily The Blues Brothers An Audience with Billy Connolly The Sweeney Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping ITV4 Nightscreen


Television: Sun. 6th January BBC1

7.00am 9.20am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.50pm 3.35pm 4.35pm 5.05pm 7.35pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.05am 2.50am 2.55am

Breakfast Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Bargain Hunt BBC News Songs of Praise Escape to the Country Spy in the Snow A Question of Sport F.A. Cup BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Les Misérables BBC News Regional News and Weather Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights The Women’s Football Show Entrapment Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.25am 8.45am 9.15am 10.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.40pm 4.35pm 5.35pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.50pm 1.25am 2.20am 3.20am

ITV2 7.00am 7.25am 10.25am 1.50pm 2.50pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 5.35pm 7.15pm 8.15pm 8.20pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 12.55am 1.25am 1.50am 2.50am 2.55am 3.30am

Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus You've Been Framed! The Voice UK Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones FYI Daily Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith FYI Daily Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Ibiza Weekender Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show Piranha FYI Daily Piranha Teleshopping

Life Itself: Special


Life Itself


Pacific Rim Uprising




Life Itself: Special


Life Itself




A Wrinkle in Time


Pacific Rim Uprising


Life Itself




Truth or Dare




Proud Mary


A Wrinkle in Time

Hue and Cry Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein The Instant Gardener Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Mary Berry Cooks The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure Talking Pictures In Which We Serve Snow Wolf Family and Me Flog It! Ski Sunday The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway Top Gear Dragons' Den Cities: Nature's New Wild Semi-Detached Insert Name Here While We're Young Countryfile Holby City This is BBC Two

ITV1 7.00am 7.10am 7.35am 8.00am 8.05am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 9.55am 10.25am 10.30am 11.30am 12.30pm 2.05pm 2.20pm 4.25pm 5.25pm 5.45pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.15pm 1.30am 2.20am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 8.00am

Sky Sports News Good Morning Sports Fans


Good Morning Sports Fans




Rugby Union


My Icon


Live NFL Wildcard Game


Live NFL Wildcard Game

2.00am 4.00am

Dino Dana Super 4 Make it Pop Mission Employable Mr. Bean: The Animated Series Horrid Henry The Bagel and Becky Show Ultimate Spider-Man v the Sinister Six Spy School ITV News Ninja Warrior UK Big Star's Bigger Star The Voice UK ITV Lunchtime News The Incredible Hulk Tipping Point ITV Evening News ITV News London The Chase: Celebrity Special Dancing on Ice Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Manhunt ITV News Bridesmaids Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Jackpot247 You Saw Them Here First ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am

The Hour of Power




The Simpsons






Modern Family


The Simpsons




Hawaii Five-0

Sky Sports News


Sky Sports News

7.00am 9.20am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 11.50pm 12.55am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 4.00am 4.20am

Hollyoaks Omnibus Escape From Planet Earth The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Tooth Fairy The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Titanic Gogglebox Gogglebox The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rude Tube Rude(ish) Tube Hollyoaks Omnibus

CC Ramon de Campoamor C/ El Cipres Lomas de Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa. List of Activities: Commencing 7th January 2019. Monday : Room 5 Spanish Beginners Session.12.30pm till 2pm & 2.30pm till 4pm. Room 4 Spanish Intermediate Session. 2.15pm till 3.45pm. Room 4 Tai Chi Chuan. 1pm till 2pm. Room 3 Games and Quiz. 2pm till 4pm. Tuesday : Room 4.Tai Chi Chuan. 10am till 11am. Wednesday : Room 3. Art – Oils, Sketching & Watercolours.1pm till 3.30pm Room 5. Spanish Conversation Session.12.30pm till 2pm Room 4. Living in Spain – Information & Financial. 12.30pm till 2pm. Thursday : Room 5. Drumming & Percussion Workshop 12pm till 1.30pm Room 3. Card Making. 1.30pm till 4pm. Room 2. Exercise to Music 12pm till 1.15pm Room 5. Sponsored Slimming Session. 2pm till 3.30pm. TO JOIN €10 PER ANNUM. BRING YOUR OWN MATERIALS. Volunteer Tutors needed to give Spanish & English classes. If you can help please contact : by email: oc.communitycare@gmail.com Bereavement Counselling – by appointment. First Aid Courses - Dates to be confirmed.

Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond






The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


Sunday Brunch


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


Shark Tale


Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit


Channel 4 News


World's Weirdest Homes


George Clarke's Amazing Spaces


SAS: Who Dares Wins


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Tin Star


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Big Eyes


Best of Both Worlds




Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free




The Eagle Has Landed

BBC 4 10.10pm

A Very British Deterrent


How to Build...A Nuclear Submarine


Blackadder Goes Forth




Blackadder Goes Forth


The Force: North East


Treasures of the Indus


Brit Cops: Frontline Crime


Return to Betjemanland


Road Wars


A Very British Deterrent



9.55am 10.10am 11.10am 1.05pm 1.35pm 2.05pm 2.40pm 3.10pm 3.40pm 4.15pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.25pm 7.55pm 8.25pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 2.10am 3.15am 4.20am

Food Unwrapped Location, Location, Location Miracle on 34th Street Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Emergency Helicopter Medics 999: What’s Your Emergency? Les Miserables Emergency Helicopter Medics 999: What’s Your Emergency? Food Unwrapped



7.15am 7.40am

NCIS: Los Angeles

Sky Sports News

ITV3 8.40am





The Queen's Garden


The Secret Garden


Agatha Christie’s Marple


Agatha Christie’s Poirot




Midsomer Murders


The Royal Variety Performance 2018


Birds of a Feather


Birds of a Feather


Land of the Midnight Sun


Wire in the Blood


Wire in the Blood




Murder, She Wrote


Judge Judy


ITV3 Nightscreen


Channel 4

11.00pm Live PGA Tour Golf


Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Channel 5 7.00am 7.05am 7.10am 7.15am 7.20am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 8.00am 8.10am 8.25am 8.35am 8.45am 8.55am 9.00am 9.10am 9.30am 9.45am 9.55am 10.15am 10.30am 10.45am 11.00am 11.15am 11.30am 12.20pm 12.50pm 1.20pm 1.55pm 2.20pm 2.50pm 3.20pm 3.55pm 4.20pm 5.20pm 5.25pm 6.15pm 7.10pm 8.55pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.35am 1.25am 2.10am 4.15am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am

More 4

Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Sunny Bunnies Sunny Bunnies Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Noddy: Toyland Detective Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Fireman Sam Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Nella the Princess Knight Wissper Pirata and Capitano Paw Patrol Shane the Chef Floogals Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Animals Make You Laugh Out Loud Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Disney's Snow Dogs 5 News Disney's Snow Dogs The Wonderful World of Puppies Britain’s Favourite Chocolate Bar 5 News Weekend Kate v Meghan: Princesses at War Do the Right Thing with Eamonn and Ruth The James Corden Story The Last Days of George Michael Funniest Celeb Reality TV Ever! Teleshopping Victoria Wood: Her Life as Seen on TV Tattoo Disasters UK Tattoo Disasters UK House Doctor The Great Artists Wildlife SOS

ITV4 7.00am 7.25am 8.15am 9.05am 12.50pm 4.00pm 5.10pm 6.10pm 6.15pm 7.20pm 8.25pm 8.30pm 9.10pm 10.10pm 10.15pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.05am 1.35am 2.30am 3.20am 3.50am 4.00am 4.30am

The Protectors The Professionals The Motorbike Show Pawn Stars Columbo Mr. Bean Dirty Rotten Scoundrels FYI Daily Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment FYI Daily Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment Jaws 4: The Revenge FYI Daily Jaws 4: The Revenge Se7en FYI Daily Se7en Better Late Than Never Pawn Stars The Protectors ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping ITV4 Nightscreen

Ham, cheese and cocaine sandwich? Police in Benidorm arrested a young man who was carrying nine capsules of cocaine, concealed inside a sandwich. National Police arrested the 29 year old, identified only by his initials, J.A.V.P, in late April last year at Benidorm bus station. The accused was found to have had among his belongings nine cylindrical capsules full of cocaine, hidden inside a sandwich. The drugs weighed one hundred grams. Officers then searched the suspect’s home in Benidorm and found a further kilogramme of cocaine as well as a quantity of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. A laptop and several mobile phones were also seized during

the search. During the raid, the suspect’s flatmate, 20 year old C.H.M.A. was also arrested. Both detainees, of Colombian nationality, had criminal records for drugs crimes and


MIREILLE! Have a great day! Lots of love from all your friends at the Costa Blanca People x after giving evidence at Benidorm police station were remanded in custody before subsequently being sent to prison.

Television: Mon. 7th January

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.30am 1.20am 1.25am

Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown I Escaped to the Country The Farmers’ Country Showdown Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Match of the Day Live: Wolverhampton Wanderers v Liverpool BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You Graham Norton's Good Story Guide Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.25am 10.25am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.05pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.55pm 12.55am 1.25am 2.20am 4.00am 6.50am

The Planet’s Funniest Animals Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Superstore Dress to Impress Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone FYI Daily Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy The Cleveland Show Plebs Release the Hounds Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen

BBC2 7.00am 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 5.40pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am


Aquaman: Special


Pacific Rim Uprising


An Actor Prepares


Life Itself


Truth or Dare




Pacific Rim Uprising


An Actor Prepares


Life Itself


Truth or Dare




Proud Mary





Good Morning Sports Fans Bitezise


Good Morning Sports Fans Bitezise


Good Morning Sports Fans


Good Morning Sports Fans




Sky Sports News


Sky Sports News at 5


Sky Sports News at 6


Sky Sports Tonight


Sky Sports Tonight


Sky Sports Tonight



7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.10am 3.10am 4.00am 4.55am 5.35am 6.15am

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Sky 1


Brexit will not ruin Brits’ holidays Downing Street has slammed claims nodeal Brexit could shatter brits’ holiday plans. Ministers have denied claims that Brits could be warned not to book holidays after March 2019 in the event of a no-deal Brexit. It comes after the Sunday Times reported that senior officials had looked into the idea of a contingency plan. The paper said that MPs had considered warning UK holidaymakers not to book trips after the March 29 EU withdrawal date. However, a Downing Street spokesperson slammed the claims as ‘categorically untrue’. It is believed proposed guidelines were expected to be discussed at a recent cabinet meeting, which was cancelled due to a chaotic week in Westminster. The report also said that the idea had been analysed with at least one cabinet

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm

Sky Sports 1 7.00am

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minister and discussed the impact it could have on tour operators. In a bid to stop travel companies from going bust, ministers apparently considered paying out compensation. But travel agents’ body ABTA said: ‘The European Commission has said that even in a no-deal scenario, flights will still operate between the UK and EU, and a visa is not required.’ It follows news that Brits will pay to travel to EU countries after Brexit.

Channel 4 7.30am 7.55am 8.20am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 10.45am 11.10am 12.05pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.00am 2.55am 3.50am 4.15am 5.10am 5.35am 6.30am 6.50am

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BBC 4 8.00pm

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Fake or Fortune?


The Truth About Getting Fit




Premium Bond with Mark Gatiss


Battle for the Himalayas:


Natural World


The Truth About Getting Fit


A Place in the Sun

and Matthew Sweet The Fight to Film Everest


Channel 5 7.00am 7.05am 7.10am 7.20am 7.25am 7.35am 7.45am 7.55am 8.10am 8.20am 8.30am 8.40am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.40am 9.55am 10.05am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm

11.00pm 12.05am 1.05am 2.00am 4.00am 4.10am 5.00am 5.25am 5.45am 6.10am 6.35am

Peppa Pig Peppa Pig The Day Henry Met The Secret Life of Puppies Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Wissper Noddy: Toyland Detective Thomas and Friends Shane the Chef Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Top Wing Paw Patrol Digby Dragon Floogals Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine The Secret Life of Puppies Jeremy Vine GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5 News Lunchtime The Yorkshire Vet Home and Away Neighbours The Gourmet Detective Friends Friends 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights Police Interceptors Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys Raw Recruits: Squaddies at 16 Secrets of the SAS: In Their Own Words Police UK: Armed and Deadly Super Casino Access GPs: Behind Closed Doors Tattoo Disasters UK Tattoo Disasters UK House Doctor The Great Artists Wildlife SOS

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A Place in the Sun


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Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


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Car S.O.S


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24 Hours in A&E


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Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


Car S.O.S


8 Out of 10 Cats



Orihuela Civil Protection rewarded The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, has presided over this year’s annual tribute to the Civil Protection service. The ceremony was also attended the Councillor for Emergencies, Víctor Valverde, the coordinator of Civil Protection, Pepe Andúgar, as well as several municipal councillors and the Mayors of neighbouring municipalities Redován and Benferri, Emilio Fernández and Luis Vicente, respectively. "The daily work carried out by members of Civil Protection with the aim of guaranteeing our safety, is well worth a tribute in gratitude for their dedication and professionalism," said the Councillor of Emergencies. The Mayor of Orihuela said: “In emergency situations is when you feel more vulnerable and that is why the Civil Protection service is valued and the help received is appreciated". In addition, Mayor Bascuñana added that: "Orihuela will always be grateful to these volunteers who with their interventions help the rest of its citizens."

After the speeches, the awards were presented. He congratulated Víctor Manuel Martínez Andreu and Francisco Javier Riquelme Moreno for 20 years of service and Carlos Mestre Pacheco was congratulated for his 10 years of service. Volunteer awards were given to: José Andúgar, Ramón Rodríguez, Eduardo Faustino Zapata, Víctor Manuel Martínez, Francisco Javier Riquelme, Francisco José Martínez, Francisco Visiedo, Carlos Mestre, Alba Selma, Enrique Córdoba, Ginés Sánchez , Lucía Ballesteros, José Manuel Aracil, Alejandro Sampere, Celestino Rodríguez, Pedro José Lidón, Samuel Lizón and María Pacheco. In addition, police officers Joaquín Pérez Pérez

and Jersan Alarcón Brox were decorated for saving a person’s life on the beach of Dehesa de Campoamor. Finally, a thankyou plate was presented to the Department of Information and Communication Systems of the City of Orihuela (DSIC), as its staff have been in charge of creating and developing the emergency management software that will be released next week. This consists of connecting the different agencies that make up the CECOPAL, to facilitate the information, follow-up and resolution of the calls received in case of emergency. Emilio Bascuñana was in charge of closing the ceremony, and thanked the members of the Emergency Corps on behalf of the city of Orihuela "for your commitment to the city and to the Oriolans who you serve every day". At the same time he emphasised the preparation and support behind the team, explaining that it "greatly improves the service you render and the success of the actions you carry out".


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


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Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

The land of a bar on every street corner It is a commonplace belief that Spain is the “land of bars,” yet this is increasingly less so, according to the Spanish Hospitality Federation. Last year, the number of drinking establishments fell for the seventh year in a row to 184,430. Since 2010, Spain has 18,269 fewer bars, and the trend will continue this year. The industry blames not just the recent economic crisis, but also demographic shifts such as the rural exodus and an aging population. Despite this, the

hospitality industry as a whole – which also includes restaurants and hotels – continues to grow, with 5,000 new openings in 2017. Emilio Gallego, secretary general of the Spanish Hospitality Federation, and its president, José Luis Yzuel, explain what they feel are the causes behind the drop in that staple of traditional Spanish lifestyle: the bar de barrio. “The property bubble led to a reshuffle of city residents. The new neighbourhoods attracted people, and establishments moved there, while traditional

bars in areas with aging populations shut down,” says Gallego. “Those new establishments are generally larger and their offerings are more oriented to a new consumer,” he adds, illustrating his point with the case of Las Tablas, a relatively new residential area with many food and drink options. As for the older businesses, “unless they change and attract a new crowd, their future is very bleak,” notes Yzuel. “And then there is the demographic decline in rural areas. The local bar used to provide many services – it was a general store, it sold lottery tickets – but if there’s no more people in the village, the bars end up closing,” adds Gallego. Both experts also pointed at the rise of franchises against the decline of independent businesses. Employment Gallego and Yzuel underscore that the hospitality industry is a major source of jobs in Spain. According to statistics from the EPA workforce survey, in 2017 there were an average 1,637,100 workers in the hospitality sector, representing a 2.1 percent rise from the previous year and accounting for 8.7 percent of the entire Spanish workforce. “Hospitality is a sector with a social role,” says Gallego, noting that the industry hires young people, immigrants and other social groups with high unemployment rates. However, these jobs are highly seasonal and 39.3 percent of workers were on temporary contracts in 2017, compared with the average of 26.7 percent for the entire workforce.

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Don’t worry, be happy! It’s the time of year when resolutions are forefront of mind...try dry January, stop smoking, get fit...all worthy goals for the coming year. But this year many are making a much simpler New Year resolution to stop worrying and be happy! Worry is a funny thing. We know that it causes anxiety, which is detrimental to our health, and we know that things are going to happen as they will, regardless of whether we worry about them or not. And yet we continue to create mental checklists of all the things we could be worrying about, and we continue to struggle with how not to worry. So, here are some problems that we face in our daily lives, and the reasons not to worry about them.

Language barrier A common concern for many of us expats who are faced with the reality of not understanding what’s going on in certain situations. But the great thing about language is that it’s not only about the words. Yes, it is frustrating and exhausting to be immersed in a new language, but it’s also pretty amazing how much can be understood with a bit of context, and an ounce of effort. And when all else fails, Google Translate and a toothy smile go a long way!

handle the stress of success, though, starting with defining what it means to you and understanding why you are standing in your own way.

Work future Where are so many myths about the future of work that are not worth worrying about. Yes, it will look different from where we are today, but, no, you are not going to be rendered useless if you have a degree in social sciences or don’t have an aptitude for coding. While it’s smart to be aware of current and predicted trends, and continually invest in your own learning, there’s not much sense spending more energy on this one.

Other people’s decisions

While feeling like you have to do the dishes, clean the house, change the beds etc can cause a lot of anxiety. However, did you know the simple act of washing dishes mindfully has been found to relieve stress. Because of this, it’s more about reframing—doing dishes shouldn’t be a worry and doesn’t have to be done at any particular time, but if you’re feeling stressed or want to build a healthy morning routine, washing dishes is a great (and productive!) way to soothe the mind.

We tend to spend a lot of our energy trying to understand why someone said no, gossiped about you or was mean. Thing is, there are so many unique inputs and a history of events that go into each decision someone makes, and we have no way of truly understanding why they reacted to us in the way that they did. Sometimes it’s worth it to ask, but at the end of day it’s their decision, and it usually has nothing to do with you.

Missing out

What to have for dinner

You’re planning your week and realise that you’re triple-booked and have three or four more events on your radar that you absolutely have to go to. Decision time is painful, so you try to fit it all in. Hello burnout. Instead, embrace some JOMO (joy of missing out). A particularly satisfying trend in self-care, JOMO gives you permission to say no and let the worries slide away.

The bane of the household, what to have for dinner is one of those endless questions that leads to far too many squabbles and headaches. If you’re not one for planning ahead, or perhaps the week just got ahead of you. The solution: pick three items from the fridge and type these into Google. Et voilà! Let the internet do the thinking and provide a recipe!

The dishes

What’s done is done What’s done is done. Every decision has a consequence that falls onto a spectrum of what you expected—all you can do at this point is decide if you need to follow up or not. This is essentially the famous lesson of Buddhist master Shantideva, who said, “If the problem can be solved, why worry? If the problem cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good.”

The unknown Whether you call it risk aversion or the ‘ambiguity effect,’ the result is the same—we tend to choose the option that we are more familiar with; if there’s any uncertainty, we shy away. It’s that voice in your head telling you to always order the same thing or to stay at that job you hate five years longer than you should. But the worst thing that will happen is that you won’t like what you learn, which means that you’ll have more information to make a better decision next time. That doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

Failure Everyone has their own definition of failure, but generally, “fear of failure (also called "atychiphobia") is when we allow that fear to stop us doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals.” It’s a debilitating experience, and one that many people have felt—or been accused of—at least once in their lives. It’s obvious why failure is not worth worrying about—this fear holds you back from exploration and adventures and does far more harm than good.

Indulgence We all have our guilty pleasures. Whether it’s bingewatching your favourite show, treating yourself to a monthly massage, or absolutely destroying the bag of buttery popcorn, once in a while it’s worth it to ignore the nags and simply indulge. It’s called mindful indulgence, and it’s absolutely glorious.

“I don’t understand” Three little words that can feel absolutely crippling. But then again, maybe not. It’s actually pretty freeing—and completely human—to admit that you don’t understand and ask for help. And people really love to give advice and talk about themselves, so in asking for help you’re giving them permission to indulge in themselves as well. Win, win.

Being ridiculous Truth is, no one cares all that much about what you say or do—they have their own lives to worry about— and being a bit ridiculous might just inspire others to do the same. Dance it out, sing in the supermarket, and eat that triple chocolate milkshake. I dare you.

Laughing out loud There are so many great reasons to laugh, including that it can reduce anxiety and blood pressure, and generally makes other people feel good as well. So, laugh it out and disregard any looks of surprise or disapproval. Chances are, your laughter will lead to a happier and healthier life than those people have anyways.


Making a mistake

Much like failure, many of us also fear success. But why? Success means something different to everyone, but generally it comes along with greater responsibility, making an impact, and/or reaching a seemingly unattainable goal. It always feels like something just out of reach, so what happens if we reach it? The unknown. There are plenty of tools to

Making a mistake is an invaluable opportunity to learn. It’s unfortunate that most of us have been taught otherwise, but more and more we’re seeing events, books, blogs and TED Talks all about the mistakes people have made, and how learning from those mistakes was the key to their success, however they happen to define that. Reframing this one is

Bars & Restaurants


difficult, but it’s definitely worth it

A dead battery So, your phone died, and you forgot your external battery. There are very few instances where this means the difference between life and death. Instead of worrying, put the phone down and look around. You can’t do anything about it at this point anyways, so you may as well enjoy the scenery.

Getting messy When we were kids, getting messy was expected— frowned upon at times, but expected. We played with finger paints, jumped in puddles, and generally ruined every outfit our parent(s) put on us. Over time we learned that getting messy is only for kids, though, which is a shame given that it’s just as fun to find yourself covered in paint and mud as an adult as it was as a kid—perhaps more so!

Laugh lines Also known as wrinkles, of course, but there’s no harm in renaming them! As humans, we use our face every day to express our thoughts and ideas. When you use anything enough, there’s going to be some wear and tear, and it’s actually pretty amazing that it doesn’t happen sooner! I’m all for applying nourishing creams and getting a facial once in a while, but at some point, there’s just no use worrying too much about those lines. They tell the story of you.


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


CAMELOT THE PANTO comes to Los Montesinos There’s a very important event taking place in January when The Rojales Pantomime Group will be bringing the full tradition of the pantomime season for you to enjoy and join in all the fun. In days gone by when times were filled with myths and legends, when brave knights slayed dragons and rescued fair damsels in distress, there lived a great wizard called MERLIN who fought off a bad witch and her evil sisters who wanted to destroy the good of the land and do evil deeds. There`s a castle called Camelot where Prince Arthur grew up and where the fair maiden Guinevere arrives to be married…but to whom? Trouble is afoot and young love does not run smooth as you will see in this very funny plot. Will the Bishop finally be able to marry the happy couple or will evil prevail? Marvel at the enchanted forest where the evil sisters brew up their spells to aid Valerin the Vicious who has captured fair Guinevere in his Misty Mountain Castle, who will save her…will it be the dancing bear called Teddy or his nurse Connie Clatterbottom who spend a very scary night in the Haunted Hotel in the Shrieking Bog? Will there be a happy ending? Come and see for yourselves…Oh, and audience participation is compulsory…oh yes it is! All will be revealed at the Musica Y Cultura, Los Montesinos on the 17/18th January at 7.30pm or Saturday 19th at 2.30pm. Tickets are 7€ adults, 5€ children and are on sale at – Card Place, Benimar. Post Box, Dona Pepa. Post Room, Benijofar. Quentines, Algorfa. Redz, Quesada. Cards and More, La Marina. Chimes Bar and Food and Drink Stores, Los Montesinos. Bargain Books, San Miguel To reserve your tickets ring the Ticket Hotline 678 212 034 rojalespantomime@gmail.com / www.rojalespantomime.com

Rojales Pantomime Group needs you, the audience, participating to ensure that this is a truly MAGICAL Pantomime. Proceeds from the performances will go to local charities.

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Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Safe socialising: Going out, having fun and staying safe Some vital tips from the Costa Blanca People on staying safe while socialising.

Weekends (and even weekdays!) here on the Costa Blanca can be festive affairs with parties, drinks and clubbing the top of many of our social agendas – especially at this time of the year. We all like to let our hair down but this can have disastrous consequences if we allow ourselves to become vulnerable by our behaviour. This week, the Costa Blanca People offers some important information on staying safe while out at night.

Plan ahead Before you even leave the house, make sure you have a plan which includes where you are going, who you are going with and importantly, how you plan on getting home. If you are going on a date with someone new, or socialising outside of your usual group of friends, try to find a friend who will be staying in for the evening (and therefore not drinking) and keep them up to date on your whereabouts and sobriety. Text message or whatsapp is probably the simplest way to do this. Letting others know your plans is absolutely key to staying safe while you are out.

Know your limits – use your head Before you go out for a drink, make decisions about

how much alcohol you can drink and still remain in control of a situation. This way, you can avoid making bad judgements while you are out. The world often seems a friendlier place when you’ve had a few drinks but the reality is that you can become an easy target the drunker you become. Use your head – avoid drinks which look like they have been tampered with. Never leave your open drink unattended on a table or a bar – even if you are simply dancing nearby. Never accept drinks or drugs from strangers. If you know not to do something while you are sober, avoid doing it while you are drunk.

Drink aware Be aware of your drink at all times. Don’t leave it unattended. Although it isn’t an everyday occurrence, there have been times when drinks are spiked. This means that drugs are surreptitiously placed into someone’s drink, usually with the intention of sexually assaulting the person once the drugs kick in. If you think you have had your drink spiked, alert a trusted friend or the bar staff immediately. You may also need medical attention – acting fast is in your interest.

Stick together Going out in a group is great fun. Staying with that group is important for your safety. Stay in touch with your friends throughout the night and if, at any time, you want to leave – make sure that everyone knows you are leaving and how they can reach you.

Watch out If you are using a cash machine, be aware of your surroundings. If you feel someone is watching you, walk away and come back later. Never reveal your PIN number and try to be discreet when you are putting

your money away. No matter where you are, if you see suspicious characters lurking on a corner, or in a car, take steps to protect yourself – have your mobile phone out, at the ready; walk on the other side of the street; be aware of where you are (are you approaching a laneway/dead end; are there houses/shops nearby where you could seek help if necessary, etc) If you have a personal alarm, bring it with you. Ensure it has batteries and be prepared to use it.

without you realising why. • You might pass out, not be able to defend yourself or black out and not remember what happened. • The most common drug to be used in drink spiking is alcohol although prescription and illegal drugs can be used. • Drugs used to assault someone can be colourless, tasteless and without a smell. • Someone might spike your drink as a joke or when planning to attack or sexually assault you.

Getting home safely

Drug rape

Getting home can be the most complicated part of the night out. If you’ve been drinking, you can’t drive. Walking alone isn’t a sensible option either. There are a number of options; you can arrange for a designated driver, you can book a taxi or you can arrange for a family member to collect you. There are a number of unlicensed taxis doing “runs” in the area. We don’t recommend you use these as you’re probably not properly insured and if anything were to happen on your journey, there is no way of tracing the so called taxi or its driver. If you are walking home in a group, remember basic road safety – especially around the busy N-332. In urban areas, avoid shortcuts or badly lit streets where you’ll be more vulnerable.

Drug rape isn't all that common but it IS a risk. Drug rape or assault can happen when somebody deliberately spikes your drink or if they take advantage of you when you’re already drunk or drugged up. Young people are the most common victims of drug rape and both men and women are at risk from this sort of attack. You can be drug raped in bars, nightclubs, parties, social events, on holiday and even at someone’s house.

Remember – just one bad decision can change the course of your evening, or your life, forever.

More about spiked drinks If you start to feel out of control, sick, very sleepy, lose consciousness or feel dizzy then stay with friends and ask them to keep an eye on you.

What is a spiked drink? • If alcohol or a drug is put in your drink without you knowing, then it’s a spiked drink. • It will probably make you drunk or drugged

If you have been sexually abused or raped: • Tell someone you trust. • If you’ve been assaulted or raped (or think you might have been) then report it to the police immediately. Don’t worry if you were drunk or taking drugs, the assault is much more serious. • Reporting a crime means you’ll be asked a lot of detailed questions and should carefully read through your statement when it’s finished to make sure there are no mistakes. Bring a translator if your Spanish isn’t up to scratch. • Remember that it’s never your fault, even if you feel guilty. • If you think you’ve been drug raped ask for a medical examination or urine sample to be taken so they can check for traces of the drug.

‘Zero’ food and drink may not be sugar-free Consumer rights organisation the OCU has warned that 'zero'-branded food and soft drinks are not necessarily sugar-free. No law is in force obliging manufacturers and brand designers to guarantee products labelled as 'zero' do not contain sugar, even though the average shopper would automatically assume this to be the case. In many cases, 'zero' is merely an advertising message and is not linked to the nutritional content, the OCU reveals. To guarantee food or drink is low in sugar, fat, salt or similar elements, consumers should look out for the words sin ('without'), bajo contenido ('low content'), bajo valor ('low amount'), or valor reducido en ('reduced'), none of which can be used as mere publicity claims and must, by law, be followed through in the ingredients used. The OCU says manufacturers 'should not be allowed' to use labels in a font four or five times larger for the nature and quality of a product and then use much smaller print to explain the content when the advertising label leads the customer to believe this is something different – such as calling a product 'zero' in large letters, then in small typeface referring to the true sugar, fat or salt content. Another trick is to use different colours for each of these texts, with the 'misleading' label in a brighter shade to draw attention to it. In a bid to stamp out advertising that is deceptive – albeit not illegal – and to ensure consumers know what they are buying, the OCU has set up the Twitter hashtag #NoCuela ('Don't fall for it') enabling it to clarify ambiguous or false information concerning all types of products. Consumers themselves can join in by sending the OCU details of any misleading or confusing

packaging information so that it can be investigated, either by using the hashtag or emailing the organisation on nocuela@ocu.org.

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The 2019 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards Costa Blanca restaurants are once more in line to receive prized accolades which celebrates all that is good about the dining scene in Spain. The 2019 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards recognize excellence in the local dining industry, offering restaurateurs a standard to strive for, and diners a gauge by which to choose their eatery. Fresh ingredients, imaginative recipes and mouth watering menus from around the world are available to diners in the Costa Blanca region. We are spoiled for choice when it comes to lunch menus, evening meals and even a quick and tasty snack. With so much on offer, it can be a minefield choosing a restaurant or café that suits your needs. The Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards are a mark of excellence which diners can rely upon to guide them to a quality restaurant. Managing Director of the Costa Blanca People, Claire Richards, said “Last year’s Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards were a runaway success with hundreds of nominations received for restaurants and chefs up and down the Costa Blanca. The atmosphere the awards ceremony created was electric – people were

cheering and clapping and up on their feet for our winners, the attitude was positive and uplifting and everyone had a good night. 2019’s Awards will serve as a great platform for bar and restaurant suppliers and servicers to promote themselves directly to restaurant owners in a friendly and upbeat environment.” Claire continued, “We feel that having such a benchmark will

really help consumers in choosing excellent restaurants. For restaurateurs, the winning of a Culinary Award will boost morale for staff and owners, and will offer restaurants a tangible ‘seal of approval’ which they can strive to win again and again as the years go on.” The 2019 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards are broken into a number of categories:

Best Newcomer (open less than 12 months) Best Indian Restaurant Best European/International Restaurant Best Cafe/Bar Best Sunday Roast Best Coffee Shop Best Gourmet Restaurant Best Chef Front of House Award for Outstanding Service Once nominations have been processed and the finalists chosen, a panel of judges will begin reviewing each restaurant in secret before a grand gala dinner where the winners will be announced. If you think your favourite restaurant should be in the running too, then get nominating! It couldn’t be easier - simply log on to www.costablancapeople.com and fill in the online form, or download a printable version of the form to distribute to your clients and encourage them to nominate you. If you do not have internet access, we are delighted to take nominations by phone on 966 701 060.

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



INGREDIENTS (MAKES ALMOST 2 LITRES OF SOUP PLUS HAM IN THE CASE OF USING A GAMMON JOINT) 500 GRMS OF YELLOW SPLIT PEAS 1 OR TWO HAM HOCKS (OR A GAMMON JOINT ABOUT 1 KG OR MORE IN WEIGHT) 2 CARROTS DICED (OPTIONAL) 1 SMALL ONION CHOPPED FINELY (OPTIONAL) 2 CELERY STALKS DICED (OPTIONAL) 1 BAY LEAF BLACK PEPPER TO TASTE 2 LITRES OF WATER Method Place the ham hocks or gammon joint in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to the boil and then pour away the frothy water. This is to remove any excess salt from the meat. Now place all the other ingredients in the pan plus the two litres of water and bring to the boil. It may look strange that the vegetables in the list of ingredients are classed as optional but the soup is fantastic without them; however if you want to add even more flavour then put them in.Cover and simmer for about three hours stirring occasionally until the peas are tender and the soup has thickened. If you have a pressure cooker the time taken for this part of the recipe can be shortened considerably. Take the meat out and in the case of using ham hocks strip the flesh off and chop into pieces. If using a gammon joint then go on to roast the joint in an oven. Remove the top layer of skin first and score the remaining fat underneath. Brush the surface with a glaze of honey or a mixture with mustard and stud with cloves if you wish. Bake at 180ºCfor about 30 to 45 minutes until the joint is golden brown. When cool cut a couple of thick slices for the soup and cut into chunks. Normally I would ‘blitz’ the soup with a hand

blender before adding back the meat but depending on the texture of the soup after cooking and your own personal preferences the blending can be left out. Check for seasoning and adjust as necessary. Reheat the soup as necessary before serving. The soup should be thick and filling, ideal for a cold winter’s day. Goes well with parmesan crisps.

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

VOICE PITCH MAY REVEAL ATTRACTION It's not about what your date is saying, but the pitch of their voice. If they lower their pitch, it could be a subtle, subconscious sign they find you attractive, a study, in The Royal Society Proceedings B journal, suggests. Experts say it is probably an evolutionary tool to attract a mate. The researchers listened in on 30 speeddaters meeting at a cafe. Each date lasted six minutes, with the men rotating around the tables until they had dated all of the women in the room. Between each interaction, the men and women indicated their preference for the person they had just met - whether they liked them and would want to meet again - marking a "Yes" or "No" next to the date's name. When the researchers listened back to the conversations, they found that men and women tended to adopt a slightly lower voice during the dates with a partner they fancied. Men also spoke at a lower pitch with women who had received lots of "Yes" responses from the other men in the dating room, even if they rated her with a "No" themselves. Women, by contrast, lowered their voices only for men they both found attractive themselves and who had been rated highly by the other women in the room too.

It's not the only study to find this phenomenon but it is the first in a real-life setting, says lead researcher Katarzyna Pisanski from the University of Sussex School of Psychology. And although it didn't include a large number of people, the hundreds of dates observed between the participants provided enough data to give a significant result. "I was a little bit surprised that women also lowered their pitch if they liked a man," she said. "Quite a few studies have shown men tend to favour a higher pitch in women because it is feminine and youthful, while women tend to like men to have deeper voices that are seen as more masculine and linked to testosterone." Research suggests women today speak at a deeper pitch than their mothers or grandmothers. For that work, Cecilia Pemberton, at the University of South Australia, compared archival recordings of women talking in 1945 with recordings taken in the early 1990s. Dr Pisanski said: "Perhaps things are changing and women are trying to portray other values when they use a lower pitch. "It might communicate competence, maturity or even dominance."

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

Fanny via email asks; Hello Aunty. I have a program on my laptop called Advance System Care which I think my unhelpful neighbour installed to speed up my laptop but it has made it 100 times worse. I cannot open any of my other apps and going on the internet with Chrome is so slow. I don’t particularly want to ask him to have another look so could removing this be something I could do? I have very basic computer skills but I can find my way around Windows 10. Aunty Says; Hi Fanny. This is one of those apps that offer to fix all of your computer problems but end up making worse by loading loads of crap your computer. Go to “settings” and “apps” and click on anything in the list that is from IObit as most of there apps have some kind of payload. Follow this with a full scan with an updated Malwarebytes and your chosen antivirus program and you should be ok. Frank from La Siesta asks: Hello Aunty. I’ve been having an ongoing row with my nagging wife as to whether it is safe

for her to use a vacuum cleaner to clean out all of the crumbs and dust that has accumulates on my laptop keyboard? I heard somewhere that you can damage computers by using a hoover. It is a small hand held one from Lidl. Aunty Says: Hello Frank. I’ve always used a hoover and have never caused any damage. There is a theory that; the air being sucked in by the hoover spins into a spiral vortex which apparently can cause static electricity which sounds like a load of baloney to me. But just to be safe, make her a tinfoil hat that she wears whilst hovering and that should also help stop her nagging. Stick with the hand held though as I’ve seen keys sucked off laptop keyboards by the high powered vacuum cleaners. Glenda via email asks: Hi Aunty. My pictures that I download from email attachments have started saving on my screen and now my computer looks a mess and I can’t find anything. Is this an easy fix? Aunty Says: Hi Glenda. This is easy to change via the

settings option in Chrome. Click on the 3 small dots in the top right corner and go to “settings” and at the bottom, click on the “Show advanced options” and look for the section called “Downloads” where you can specify where you want any downloaded stuff to go. I have set mine to “Ask where to save each file before downloading” in an attempt to keep my films, music and photos in their respective folders. Pete from Denia asks: My insurance company are asking for documents to be signed and faxed but I cannot find a fax machine anywhere in Denia! Is there a way I can turn a scan into a fax and send it via the internet? Aunty Says: Hello Pete. It will probably easier for you to find a time machine and travel back to the 1980s. I used to use www.myfax.com to get around this and if I remember correctly they let me use it for 30 days for free and after which I simply signed up with a different email address.

Adrenal Fatigue – A Hidden Cause of Chronic Tiredness Harry’s

Bar Quiz The adrenal gland Night for produces the hormones Reach Out cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands are over-worked, leading them to produce very little adrenal hormones. This triggers a lowered metabolism and reduced energy levels. The adrenal gland produces the hormones cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Cortisol is crucial for controlling stress levels. It regulates, influences and modifies many of the changes that occur in the body in response to stress, changes that impact sugar levels, immune response, blood pressure and even emotions. Studies show that cortisol level peaks by 8AM and is its lowest around 4 AM. The body reacts to stressful stimuli by raising cortisol levels. This is a normal part of your bodily process. However, it is important that the levels of cortisol come down after the stressful event has passed. Unfortunately, due to the high stress world we live in, cortisol levels can

continue to remain high. Too much cortisol will cause health problems such as diabetes, immune depression, high blood pressure, and eventually will burnout the adrenal gland. This is what causes adrenal fatigue. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are related but separate hormones and neurotransmitters that are particularly useful for preparing the body for what is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. This is a primal response to danger. These hormones serve as chemical mediators by transmitting nerve impulses to the organs thereby conveying messages to the organs that the body is in a dangerous situation. Epinephrine increases heart rate, reduces food digestion, increases lung capacity and muscle contraction. While these changes are essential to prepare the body in times of stress, the body will suffer dire health consequences

if the changes continue without end.One such problem is the eventual burnout of the adrenal gland, resulting in adrenal insufficiency and chronic fatigue. Adrenal fatigue will also result from failure of the adrenal glands to produce adequate hormones. A primary cause of this is taking medications, especially statin drugs prescribed to reduce cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is the primary nutrient required to produce all hormones in the body including the adrenal hormonescortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It is not surprising that many of the side effects of low cholesterol are the same as those seen in adrenal fatigue – including chronic fatigue, susceptibility to infections, blood pressure changes, thyroid problems etc. Stress causes far more harm to the body than most people realise, making it vital that we take out time to relax the

body. A good way of tackling stress is to take daily walks in nature. A healthy diet is also important. The body requires nutrients to produce the hormones listed abovethat it requires to function adequately. Cholesterol lowering drugs such as statins should be avoided at all costs because of the harmful effect they have on the bodily process. And for those that have to take such medications, there are natural alternatives that are better than statins - and even these should not be taken continuously.

Dr Mannu is a medical doctor at MedB Clinic. To book a Full Body Diagnostic Scan Call 965071745,966189074 or visit www.medb.es


On Thursday 13th December more than 70 supporters gathered in Harry's Bar , Quesada to partake in a Quiz Night in Aid of Reach Out. Joanne and Harry arranged the quiz, devised by Dan, after supporting Reach Out for a year and wishing for something different to bring supporters in and raise a few Euro for the charity. Even in the cold evening air quizzers sat in the courtyard and enjoyed a 7 part quiz which got the old grey matter working. After a very close fought contest, and a raffle which lasted for ‘yonks’ Joanne announced that the evening had raised €350 for Reach Out, and the Darts Team donated a further €50 to make a grand total of €400 raised on the night. A collection tin which had been on the bar for a few weeks, added a further €186 making a great total donation of €586. Davy Young, Secretary of the Charity received the funds and thanked everyone for their sterling efforts and hoped they would continue their support in the New Year.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


48 CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January

2019 The Year to Slow Down to Save Lives

As we headed full speed towards the end of 2018, one thing started to become apparent, that one of the key factors for reducing road fatalities was to slow vehicles down, and so, as we head into 2019, that is precisely what the law will start to enforce. The speed on secondary roads was one matter that the Director General of Traffic, Pere Navarro, vowed to control. These roads are the location of the majority of fatal and injury incidents. Reducing the maximum permitted speed should contribute to fewer incidents, although the responsibility still remains with the driver to comply. A second area where focus is to head is towards the protection of more vulnerable road users, from pedestrians and cyclists upwards, to personal mobility vehicles, toys and motorbikes. Towards the end of December, the Interior Minister, Fernando GrandeMarlaska, announced that the DGT were working on the reform of driving laws which would also reduce the maximum permitted speed in towns, to which a limit already applied in some towns and cities would become a national standard, specifically reducing the inner city maximum permitted speed from 50 kilometres per hour to 30. Grande-Marlaska explained the broad social agreement that exists around this reduction in speed, and recalled that “cities such as Madrid, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Malaga or Valencia, as well as associations and user groups, have addressed the Ministry of the Interior to request this regulatory reform, which shows that there is a broad consensus on the need to protect the most vulnerable users of our streets.”

The announcement was made during the conference From Zero Vision to Zero Goal? Global leadership in improving road safety, organized by the Mapfre Foundation with the collaboration of the Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Commission of the Congress of Deputies, and inaugurated by Grande-Marlaska. The minister took advantage of the fact that the conference was dedicated to the zero accident objective and the road safety challenges to advance the measures in which the DGT works with the aim of reducing accidents and victims. Among these reforms, the minister also stressed that in the near future the limit will be reduced on 7,000 kilometres of these conventional roads, where currently the limit was 100 kilometres per hour, i.e. roads without other restrictions where a hard shoulder of 1.5 metres or more exists. The minister explained that this decrease in speed is in line with the European standard, stating how 14 European countries share a generic limit of 90 kilometres per hour, whereas another 8 restrict it further to 80, and one, Sweden, has a maximum permitted speed on these roads of 70 kilometres per hour. In fact, within the continental spectrum, Spain is one of the few with a limit of 100 kilometres per hour, a situation that will be corrected. Explaining the reasoning behind the objective, the minister pointed out that it is not the purpose of the Government to impose a certain model of mobility, but recalled rather that it is widely documented that the risk of dying in an incident on these types of roads is reduced by between five and eight times

when the speed of impact with the pedestrian goes from 50 to 30 kilometres per hour. In this same line, Grande-Marlaska announced that in the first half of 2019 plans will be ready to reduce road traffic incidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists, who already represent, along with pedestrians, 46% of all deaths. “The recent evolution of the number of victims on the roads, in Spain and in many other countries, has not been the one we would have liked, we have to act, and we have to be able to learn from each other,” Grande-Marlaska insisted, describing the model of road safety inaugurated more than 20 years ago by the Swedish Parliament when it approved the Vision Zero program, named for its purpose to end victims of traffic accidents. Regular obligatory face-to-face training to obtain the licence, the bonus of two points on the permit for taking safe driving courses or persistent driving to a required standard are the most effective safety systems and are amongst other measures that the minister listed as part of the current work of the DGT.

49 CostaBlancaPeople 2nd-7th January

Check your screen wash levels Whatever the time of year, one part of the car receives a considerable amount of abuse, and yet it is one part that must remain clear and clean in order for it to perform its function safely, that is the windscreen. During the height of summer we find flies and bugs splattered as we drive along, park near a tree and the birds seem to use us for target practice. In the winter we have grit and debris flying from the road and even on the inside, particles from the very fact we need to breathe can also cause problems, particularly when there is then a difference between the interior and exterior air temperature. However, all of that aside, we want to remind you of the importance of keeping your screen wash topped up. It ought to be one of your (at least) monthly rituals, when you check your lights, oil and tyres as well as other parts, making sure that your vehicle is maintained in a safe and roadworthy manner. Although the engine compartment is not an area many of us are familiar with, nor do many of us want to be, there are certain areas that are a must for every driver. Luckily, most vehicle manufacturers make the bits we need both easily accessible and easy to identify, so that we don’t have to “fiddle” with anything unnecessary. Check with your vehicle owners manual for the location of your screen wash tank, although it is often identified by a standard symbol, and then keep a check on the levels, topping them up as needed, but at least once a month, so as you are never caught out. Once you know that the levels are okay, and with approved liquids only in there (hint: washing up liquid doesn’t work as well as you might think), you then need to use it. Find out the different setting on your vehicle so that you know how to use the screen wash feature. Some vehicles also have them on the rear, so check that out too. Then use the wash to keep your windscreen clear of any obstructions. It is also worth remembering that if you use your screen wash when the vehicle is moving then the trajectory of the spray may differ to that of a standing vehicle. It is also worth keeping two other points in mind if the vehicle is moving too, such as if you spray too much, it may obscure your vision, which could be dangerous. Also, the spray may go too high and even over your vehicle, spraying whatever is behind you. Okay, that might mean the car behind gets a free windscreen wash, but for a two-wheeled vehicle that could result in dangerous conditions. That said, the screen wash is there

for a purpose, because our windscreen must be kept clean at all times, so use it. By the way, remember to keep all windows clean and clear, as well as

lights, mirrors and the number plates, as these all form essential functions on the vehicle, and some of which are mandatory requirements to do so.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


El Plantio 2 GS The Plaza Golf Society A decidedly wintry Spanish morning, resulting in a 45 minutes delay due to frost, greeted 18 El Plantio 2 members, some dressed in festive gear, for their annual 'Turkey Trot'. The idea of the competition is that whatever the game, the winner has first choice of a prize above a certain value, donated by each of the other players with the second player the next choice etc. To avoid the occurrence of a few years ago when one of the ladies received a nice set of screwdrivers, the 3 ladies competed in their own mini game. Today's enhanced Joker Competition with nominated Joker holes counting triple Stapleford points rather than double saw serial winner Alistair Douglas win by one point with a triple tie for second spot - the unlucky fourth place being filled by club captain Mike Davies. Nearest the pins, Hole 1, Bryan Watson, Hole 3, Allen Robinson, Hole 5, Alistair Douglas, Hole 8, Alistair Douglas.

Third Place, Handicap 13, Allen Robinson, 41 points C/B.. Second Place, Handicap 6, John O'Brien, 41 points C/B. First Place, Handicap 7, Alistair Douglas, 42 points. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230.

Wild and wooly conditions awaited our 31 players who signed up for Vistabella this week. The wind didn’t put anyone off, they donned their ‘Benny’ hats and could be heard quoting ‘Nice and Easy when it’s Breezy’ as they set off! With only 7 stableford scores above 30 the best player of the day was Guest Joe Millar with an amazing 39 points off his 18 handicap. At the other end of the spectrum the worst player was new Member Robbie Cooke with 16 points off his 25 handicap. The Ale House kindly sponsored our NTP’s, Callum Hitcham taking 2, Phil Sully, Ronaldo Temple, and Dodgy Declan winning one a piece. Ronaldo was the only player to have a 2 which meant he alone took the 2’s pot of €62. Our best lady on the day was Jane Cowan, Jane also

The Celts Club de Golf What a fantastic end to our competitive year of 2018. We had our annual Christmas Hamper competition and Dinner Dance at La Serena, with over 80 participants. The day was perfect for playing golf and the format, a pairs Texas scramble has proven over the years to be the ideal format for the tournament. With Camillus on babysitting duty, Philip and Terry had the event running like clock work as is

their normal. Many thanks to the competitions committee for all the work, especially throughout the year. The course was in fantastic condition prepared to the nth degree. Well done Wayne and your team. Jean, Paul and Jose looked after us as usual and we really appreciate your professionalism. Our presentation was in the clubhouse and the general manager was on hand to cater for our every need. We were treated

to a sumptuous meal which was really appreciated by all those present. Enhorabuena to all the backroom staff in the kitchen, the waiting staff and Bruno. The nights entertainment was provided by our very own Jackie Whyte, who had us all up dancing until the wee hours. It was our largest attendance for our Christmas dinner and the compliments were well received. Thanks to all those who participated and helped make the night so very special. Our results on the day were as follows. NTP’s Karl DiMascio , George Thomas, Kjell Mundheim, Bob Smith and Gary Conroy. We had five hampers in total and the winning pairs were, in 5th John Walsh and Eddie Stapleton 68.2, 4th Kevin Fitzpatrick and Darren Holden 67.8, 3rd Alan and Rose Walker 67, 2nd Kjell Mundheim and George Thomas 66.6 and the winners with a fantastic 63 Bob Smith and Gary Conroy. Well done to one and all. May I take this opportunity of wishing all our members a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to meeting you all in the New Year.

Las Ramblas Golf Society ‘On Cue’ and despite Terry Field’s early reservations about the playing abilities of his team members in Monday’s 6x6x6 he finished up on the winner’s rostrum! Ably assisted by Peter Wickham, Annemarie Weisheit and yours truly a score of 85 points took the ‘frame’. Annemarie managed 13 points over just three holes which included a 2 for 5 points! However, I was reminded that not so long ago Reg Akehurst played the ultimate ‘trick shot’ and scored a 2 for 6 on the par four 7th (A nett zero!) With a comfortable ‘cushion’ on the pinkspot, with 76 points, were Geoff Biggerstaff, Ron and Yvonne Phipps and the fictional Albert. Not to be ‘baulked’ at. Before Wednesday’s stableford commenced we welcomed two new members to our gang; Pat Cassidy and a certain Mr Willie Thorne. I had the pleasure of playing with Willie this morning (omg! did I really just

say that?) I think he might have been going for a 147 until we told him that was a different game! And so, to the day’s results. Alan Douglas ‘chalked up’ the only ‘2’ of the day (So he’ll be having steak with his black pudding tonight!) The first three places were decided on countback with 32 points each. Peter Wickham ‘potted the black’ first and was followed by Ron Phipps and Annemarie Weisheit (she’s making a habit of this!) Onto Friday which saw us compete in a ‘Bowmaker’. That’s three out of four scores to count on each hole. The winning team, with 114 points, (after four attempts at filling in their scorecard correctly) were John Dobson, Reg Akehurst, Marleen Billen and Yvonne Phipps. The ‘green baize’ was obviously very kind to them today! Pues, hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

came 3rd in the Silver division with 29 pts off her 31 hdcp, 2nd on countback off his 15 hdcp was Barry Mitchell with first place going to Jim Bowman, 30 pts off 26 hdcp. The Gold division fared better with the top players all scoring more that 30 ! 3rd place Warren Harris 31 pts on countback, hdcp

8, 2nd place Theo Boelhouwer 32 pts off 12 hdcp, with Russell Bailey taking first place with 33 points off 14 hdcp. Well done lads ! To book any future event please log on to our website www.theplazagolfsociety.com

SAILING Proud Winners receive their Trophies The SAMM Autumn Series racing finished late last year. Of the planned 22 races, only 11 were completed, the others having had to be cancelled due mainly to adverse weather conditions. Fixed Lap races (normally 4 laps) were the norm at the beginning of the season but the Race Committee switched to Average Lap racing for the final 6 races as this was thought to make for closer completion between the very wide range of boats in the fleet. The smallest being the little 3 meter Seahopper of Mick Burgess, through the privately owned dinghies, the Shoestring Group owned Lasers and Gambas to the 6 meter Balaton Group owned Sailfish and Arraez Arabel. The group boats were sailed by many different members as the season progressed because not all members live permanently in Spain. A total of 28 SAMM members took part at some time during the season. The races are scored using the “low score” and the 3 worst scores for each boat were dropped to calculate the final scores and positions. First with just 13 points (4 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds and 1 fifth) was the Balaton Arraez Arabel “Lavanter” mainly skippered by Robert Hudson but with various crew. Second with 23.5 point, the Topaz Duo sailed by Julian Singleton and third with 33 points, the Shoestring Laser 2000 “Dos” sailed by Dianne Hardwick and Brian Murray. The results were announced and the trophies presented at the SAMM meeting on December 12th. Robert and Dianne collected theirs but Julian was unable to attend because he is one of those people who still have to do something called work. The Spring 2019 Series will start sometime in March. You can find out all about SAMM and the 2019 race dates on the website www.sailingmarmenor.com


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2nd - 7th January




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Marta, a beautiful black and tan German Shepherd cross, medium sized, very gentle and affectionate, would be very loyal to her owners. She is good with other dogs and very shy towards people to start with. Call 600 845 420 for more information.

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Devoted 7 month old sisters Dilly and Dotty are beautiful, sociable kittens, desperate for a loving home. They are fully vaccinated and neutered and ready to go. Please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.












2nd - 7th January






Murray, 2½ years old and very playful, he is also very loving and loves to have his gorgeous coat brushed. He is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated and weighs around 27.5 kilos. He is a clever boy and quick to learn. Please ring or email: info@satanimalrescue.com

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Emily, a 3 month old happy, healthy pup who loves a cuddle. She is now fully vaccinated and microchipped so can go to a new family. If you think she is the girl for you then please contact the kennels in Dolores on 966 710 047 (leave a message) or email info@satanimalrescue.com

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Coco is 6 years old and needs a new home due to his owner going into a care home. He is negative for Mediterranean diseases and good with other dogs and cats. Coco is medium size, neutered, has microchip and vaccinations. Call: 645 469 253

APAH’s kittens are all happy and very loving young cats who are fully prepared for their life in a new loving home. If you are looking to adopt a kitten, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

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Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

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A minimum of 15 words is payable (4.20 euros plus 21% IVA)

Tel No. CIF/NIF No.

Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

Building maintenance + Plastering. Smooth walls, renewed ceilings and general building repairs. E-mail: mcqbuild406@gmail.com 681 660 834/966 394 380 (772)

ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITOS

Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Speaks 3 languages. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (803)

Attractive girlfriend for hire Speaks 3 languages. Professional masseuse. Tel 693 357 526 (803)

Experience the best with a one hour unique massage with Veronica. Appointments call 679 292 678 (772)

Playa Flamenca (Zenia Mar) Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking, has medical cert. Call Ana 657 603 495 (769) Eloise. Oriental beauty. Fully qualified masseuse. now in La Zenia. Expert in delaying your happy ending. Tel 671 185 543. (780)

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For Sale

Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. Tel: 688 462 720 (785)


Properties for rent

Properties for sale

Torrevieja. Lovely mature lady. Massage, tantra, relax. Soft hands. Also waxing. Home /Hotel. 687 131 005 (780)

Property wanted

Situations vacant/wanted

Business opportunities





€5.45 €4.20






Please use BLOCK CAPITAL letters

Prices are per week exc. IVA


Name Address

The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Motorised Gates, Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)

Super Spanish Property www.superspanishproperty.com Tel: 607 031 113 Email: info@superspanishproperty.com

Ref: 884 - Ciudad Quesada 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished 212m2 Private Plot Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Price €122.000 Ref: 880 - Lo Crispin - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Roof Solarium Tiled Garden with Room


3 Bed, 1 Bath Apartment in La Mata, Alicante SSP22/CGP-JLM3068 €106,000

Ref: 892 - Ciudad Quesada -2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Golf Views Communal Swimming Pool Off Road Parking Price €77,000 Text CASA 49 To 34668 690083


One word per box only

For further details call Inmobiliaria Quesada on 966 718 392

Ref: 901 - Doña Pepa 2 - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Fully Furnished Off Road Parking Communal Swimming Pool Sought-After Location Price: €115,000


Need a home improvements specialist? Kitchen, bathroom, tiling, painting and much more for only 8€ hr. Just give me a call and enjoy your perfect home! All works guaranteed. Free quotations for larger projects. Tel 664 339 684/whatsapp Thomas. (773)

Ref: 879 - Doña Pepa 2 - 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow Fully Furnished 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Extension (Almost Completed) Superb Location Opposite Communal Swimming Pool 2 Minute Walk to Consum Supermarket Price €99,000

Ref: 905 - Ciudad Quesada - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Off Road Parking Panoramic Sea & Lake Views Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Price €135,000


The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Motorised Gates, Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsApp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)

for Private Swimming Pool Cul-de-Sac Location Communal Swimming Pool Price €125,000 Text CASA15 To 34668 690083


Number of words: Number of inserts: From: To: TOTAL:



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966 701 060




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 7th January


Volkswagen Polo - 2013 - 1.2 Petrol - 99.050km Radio/CD, central locking, AUX/USB, alloys, electric windows WAS 8.495€ NOW 7.995€

Volkswagen Beetle - 2003 - 2.0 Petrol 163.224km - Convertible, radio/CD, A/C, alloy wheels Was 6,995€ now 5,995€

Range Rover Sport - 2007 - Auto- 2.7 Diesel 171.000km - Leather interior, cruise control, climate control. WAS 16,495€ NOW 15,995€

Seat Ibiza hatchback saloon 2016 – 1.4 Diesel, 89,463km – ABS, power steering, central locking, Radio/CD WAS 10,495€ NOW 10,195€

Hyundai IX35 - 2013 - 1.6 Petrol - 70.000km Cruise control, climate control, navigation, bluetooth, handsfree, parking sensors WAS 13.995€ NOW 13.495€

Peugeot RCZ - 2011 - 1.6 Petrol - 122.603km Parking sensors, cruise control, climate control, radio/CD, bluetooth WAS 13.495€ NOW 12.995€

Lancia Delta - 2012 - 1.6 Diesel - 134,273km Multifunctional steering wheel, cruise control, radio/CD, A/C WAS 8,495€ NOW 7,495€

Volkswagen Beetle - 2012 - Auto 1.6 Diesel 51.162km - Leather int, Sat Nav, bluetooth, parking sensors, radio/CD, A/C WAS 13.995€ NOW 13.695€

Lexus RX300 automatic, 2005, green, 162,366 km, petrol 204CV, 4 x 4, 3 litre, ABS, navigation, climate control, cruise control WAS 9.995€ NOW 9.495€

Citroen c5 estate 2011, 168.500km, 2.0 Diesel, Cruise control, climate control, heated seats, rear and front parking sensors, bluetooth, radio/CD WAS 8.995€ NOW 7.995€

Renault Megane - 2006 - Auto - 1.6 Petrol 138.180km - Radio/CD, electric windows, climate control WAS 5.495€ NOW 4.995€

Chevrolet Aveo - 2006 - Automatic - 1.4 Petrol - 143.776km - Climate control, radio/CD/AUX, electric windows 4.495€

Fiat Punto - 2013 - 1.2 Petrol - 109.911km Radio/CD, A/C, electric windows, central locking WAS 6.995€ NOW 5.995€

Opel Corsa - 2012 - 128.000km - 1.3 Petrol Alloy wheels, multifuncion steering wheel, radio WAS 6.495€ NOW 5.995€


Opel Corsa hatchback 2013 – 1.3 Petrol – 126,746km – ABS, power steering , A/C, Central locking – Was 6,995€ now 6,495€

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