19 March - 25 March 2019

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19 T H - 25 T H MARCH 2019 - ED 779

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ore than ten thousand people flocked to the Orihuela Costa on Sunday where they were treated to the biggest and the very best St Patrick’s Day carnival held in the nine year history of the Cabo Roig parade. Since those early beginnings in 2011, when less than 4,000 people saw Sligo Co. Councillor Jerry Lundy march at the front of the cavalcade, a small contingent from the Irish business community have worked tirelessly, year on year, to turn the event into one of the greatest show’s of its kind in Europe. Now listed by National Geographic as 9th in the top ten best parades in the world, and still climbing, watch out Dublin as Cabo Roig moves ever closer to overtaking the event held in the Irish capital. With almost 40 groups taking part in the parade, one of the most notable being the Moors and Christians contingent from Orihuela city, this was undoubtedly the most colourful and uninhibited parade that we have ever seen marching through the streets of Cabo Roig. Led by Grand Marshall Big Joe Egan, once described by former World Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson

as ‘The toughest white man on the planet,’ there was no shortage of music and drinks, dancing and laughter, as the community invited all comers, whatever their nationality, to join in with the craic. Representing the municipality of Orihuela were the councillors for Tourism and the Coast, Sofía Álvarez, who has done so much in circumnavigating municipal bureaucracy, and Luisa Boné, along with the Councillor for health, Noelia Grao. At a short ceremony prior to the parade getting underway both Sofía Álvarez and Ruth Egan, wife of the Grand Marshall, were presented with flowers by the organising committee. With the area awash with blue skies, and as the dignitaries marched proudly at the head, the parade got underway on the dot of 3 o clock. The wheeled brigade was, as usual, made up of a multitude of classic motorcycles, vintage scooters and cars followed by St Patrick himself, and the Irish Prison Officers Band which led the actual parade. Comprising a record number of over 40 clubs, associations, communities, dance schools and floats, the streets overflowed with

demonstrations of the many different aspects of Orihuela life. Maria and her Pink Ladies were the chosen aid organisation, meandering through the crowds as they sought donations for their very worthwhile cancer charity, while the novelty acts included colourful stilt walkers, mirrors and punks as well as Brazilian Samba dancers, angels and demons from Valencia, acrobats and performers from the Sparta Gym in San Miguel. There was the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums, Footwork Dance, Benijofar Dance as well as rythmic drummers provided by la Zenia Boulevard There were also veterans from the Irish Services, cartoon characters to occupy the kids, soldiers and cowboys from the wild west, and the best part of a dozen floats constructed and operated by members of the local business community. See pictures on page 10



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Bullfighting debate opened in Torrevieja

...It is no longer seen as a legitimate activity in developed countries in the 21st century. If you thought that bullfighting was on its way out in Spain then you might want to think again. The debate about the preservation of bullfighting is being raised across the country by the PP, the right of centre political party. In Torrevieja this January Eduardo Dolón has petitioned a motion for debate in the plenary meeting at the town hall in support of the activity. It reads: ‘A motion from the town Popular Party to require the national government to defend the art of bullfighting as an expression of culture and at the heart of the Spanish identity. Also for its contribution to the economy and employment in our country.’ The motion cites the following for the protection of bullfighting in Spain: • That it forms part of national history and the culture of the country • That it has been supported and recognised in the past by many important Spaniards • That it is of artistic and cultural interest • That it represents the liberty of the individual As such they are asking for: • The recognition of the value of bullfighting as a means of: o creating employment o reducing the flight from the country towns o economic growth o preserving the genetic bloodline of fighting bulls • The recognition of bullfighting as an art form that is ingrained in Spanish culture and tradition. It must be respected and protected by the public powers in order that the Spanish can continue to exercise their individual rights to follow the sport • A national plan to preserve and develop bullfighting that encourages innovation in the sector • This agreement to be taken to the national government The motion is signed by Eduardo Dolón Sánchez on behalf of the Grupo Municipal Popular.

The reaction The motion has been met with horror by other local councillors. In response the Green Party (Los Verdes) has written that the cruelty that bullfighting represents has not only been limited to Spain in the

past. Their letter describes how the practice of bullfighting was also evident in other countries including England, Austria and Italy. Awareness of the pain and suffering that it causes has led to its abolition in these countries along with other cruel sports such as cockfighting and foxhunting. It is no longer seen as a legitimate activity in developed countries in the 21st century. The response continues to consider what we mean by a country’s ‘culture’ and the extent to which it includes all manner of practices and ideas from ‘the theories of Pythagoras to the belief that the number 13 is bad luck’. The fact that something can be described as part of the culture of the country does not necessarily mean that it should be preserved or that it is inherently good. They point out that there are many cultural practices, for example female genital mutilation, that most countries recognise as being unacceptable in the modern world. They refer to the tendency of nationalism to blur reality and prevent rational thinking. Spain, they argue, has moved on and to support and develop bullfighting would be a retrogressive step bringing it back into the dark ages. The practice has been abolished in many Latin American countries that could also be said to carry some Spanish heritage. For example, it was abolished in Argentina and Cuba in 1899. Many modern Spaniards now stand against the practice. The Greens attack the PP’s economic argument by pointing out that there are other money earning practices that countries do not support because of their cruelty and inhumanity. For example, terrorism, drug and people trafficking, kidnapping and the destruction of forests. Those establishments where the bulls are currently bred could be compensated and the land used for the re-introduction, for example, of other animals that have been forced out.

A surprising choice The arguments for and against bullfighting are very similar to those used for and against fox hunting in the UK. Thankfully the ban on fox hunting was carried out and remains. It seems to be an unusual choice of campaign for a political party when there are so many issues to resolve both in Spain and abroad. Suzanne O’Connell


Turn to page 57 for publisher details.



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


BITE SIZE Do you use YOsalud? NEWS: It looks as though the disruption to town centre traffic is due to end. Many streets have recently been tarmacked and the road markings renewed. This much needed work has meant streets and roads closed off to traffic causing mayhem on some of Torrevieja’s already busy thoroughfares. It was important that this work was completed in good time before the Semana Santa processions. Areas that have been newly covered include calle Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Villamadrid, Diego Ramírez, Minerva and part of the calle Beniel next to the social security building. In total the work done has cost €106,000.

such as your discharge papers. Ribera Salud has now announced two new uses for the app. One of these is that you can access your X-rays on your mobile device. The second is that you will be notified through YOsalud about which consultation room you should go to when arriving at the hospital. This will prevent the need to register your arrival at the check-in machine.


An end to the road works

The Yosalud app is now claimed to be used by 70,000 residents in Torrevieja. This statistic has been released by the private company that is responsible for running health services in the town. Ribera Salud, who also run Torrevieja’s hospital, are celebrating the success of the app which they claim is transforming the way in which patients communicate with their health centres.

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According to a representative from the health service; ‘It is an easy and reliable way to communicate with professionals directly and quickly from wherever you happen to be.’ It is believed that just under half of the residents in the areas assigned to this health provider are now registered to receive it. Although the application does not replace the benefits of chatting with your doctor or nurse, it can remove some time consuming tasks from them and make communication easier for you. For example, not only can you use it to make appointments but you can see documents

If you are not already registered to use the app then you can do so by downloading it onto your mobile, tablet or by accessing it on a computer through the web pages www.torrevieja-salud.com. You must then enter your personal information including SIP (health card) details, mobile phone, health centre and date of birth. This data is then verified and you will receive a message on your mobile with the password that allows you access. If you do have any difficulties then you can get more information from your local health centre.



Companies come up with the cash A number of different companies and individuals have rallied round to stem the cash flow problems of Alimentos Solidarios. The charity kitchen, which provides meals for up to 370 people who struggle to provide their own, has had to close its doors. This essential service providing basic food of up to 200 daily meals has been asking for a subsidy of €20,000 whilst it waits to receive its annual grant from the town hall. In the meantime, people have been donating money towards the cause. In one and a half days €10,500 has been


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Suzanne O’Connell

Continued on page 5

7th October

14 May

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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019








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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

BITE SIZE Strictly Come Dancing NEWS: comes to Quesada Continued from page 3 raised, half of that aimed for if the charity is to re-open on 1st April as they are hoping. The biggest contribution so far has come from the TM Real Estate group which has donated €5,000. The Apymeco (the Association of Small and Medium Traders) is organising a raffle to raise money and the message is being spread by others such as Rubio Móvil.

Guardia Civil acquitted The five officers of the Guardia Civil accused of torturing a detainee in October 2009 have finally been acquitted. They had been accused of cruelty to a man arrested and jailed for two days before he went to court. He accused them of beating him and forcing him to urinate into plastic containers. He also accused them of not allowing him to take his medication. The court found that none of the allegations were proven. The lawyer of one of the accused spoke out about the impact that this pending court case has had on the lives and careers of the police officers. During the time that the investigation has been continuing, they have had their careers paralysed. They have not been able to seek promotion as well as having ten years of psychological damage.

World water day Friday, 22nd March will be the day on which to celebrate the importance of water in our world. In the town hall square from 5.30pm until 7.30pm there will be workshops and children’s entertainment. The workshops will also be aimed at children and will encourage them to recognise the value of water and the importance of conserving it. Water is very much taken for granted in our society. ‘For the last seven years we have hosted a Saharan child in our family,’ said Counsellor Fanny Serrano on announcing the events of the day. ‘What comes as most surprising to them is the fact that we can get our water from a tap and that it is always available.’

Owner of chiringuitos sues town hall The company owning the two chiringuitos closed down before the 2017 summer season is demanding money back from the town hall. It is claiming for the return of the money paid by the establishments to the local administration for the use of outside terraces during the time they were open. The beach bars were closed down due to the premises lacking a building and opening licence and being located, according to the town hall, on rustic land. The owners are now demanding the return of €114,000 for money paid over the last four years for occupying a public road with their terrace. They claim that they did not need to pay public road occupation fees as the land was not, in fact, a public right of way and so the money should not have been collected. They now want it returned along with interest on late payment.

Man injured in fire A man of 55 years old was seriously Continued on page 8

Do you remember, years ago, going to your local ballroom or dance hall taking your partner in your arms and waltzing or foxtrotting around the floor to a live band? Would you like to relive those days? Now you can. Every Sunday from 7pm – 10pm The Club in Quesada becomes that ballroom and you can, once again, take your partner in your arms and dance to live music in strict tempo time. The Strictly Tempo Dance Club is ready and waiting to welcome dancers of all nationalities and abilities for a glorious evening of dance incorporating everything from waltzes, quicksteps and foxtrots to the livelier latin and jive dances. Live music is provided by the Contrasts Duo with Derek Symonds on keyboards and Mike Reilly on drums. Derek was a well-known musician along the south coast of England playing keyboards in bands, duo’s and solo in hotels and ballrooms for many years. Mike Reilly (aka Mick the Stix) honed his strict tempo drumming skills playing in dance bands on P&O cruise ships but went on to carve out a career in many bands travelling all over Europe. The pedigree of these two

musicians is exceptional and dancers will revel in the quality of their musicianship. To allow dancers to get a taste of what they can enjoy every Sunday, their first visit will be free of charge and thereafter a nominal entry fee of 5 euro per person. You can become a loyalty member of the Strict Tempo Dance Club, absolutely free of charge, and for being a member every 5th then 10th, and so on, will get free entry. So dig out those dancing shoes from the bottom of your wardrobe, tell all your friends and come along and enjoy a lovely evening of music and dance. It promises to be the answer to all dancers’ prayers of a somewhere, at last, where dancing is the priority. If you’re not a dancer, then you can still have a lovely evening sitting back enjoying a nice glass of wine or two listening to songs you’ll remember relaxing in the ambience. Contrasts Duo are also available to provide music for any venue whether a tea dance or function for associations, clubs and organisations. For more information please telephone 688 387 490.

Darth Vader in town If you went shopping in Torrevieja between 13th and 17th March then you might have bumped into Darth Vader and you might have been wondering why. It was all part of an attempt to bring people into the town centre to do their shopping and the focus was on father’s day. Tuesday 19th March was the Spanish father’s day or Día del Padre and the campaign had the title of ‘Yo soy tu padre’ or ‘I am your father’. Two characters in fancy dress visited different shops handing out gifts to customers. One of these was dressed as Darth Vader and the strange pair could be seen in La Mata, Acequión, the Casagrande Industrial Estate as well as in the town centre itself.

The gifts included pens with the slogan ‘Compra in Torrevieja – Shopping Torrevieja’. The characters then went on to add a little drama to the streets, acting in role with children and their families. Where’s the link to father’s day? Well, the idea is that your father is also your super hero and as such, you might have been tempted to buy him a present in one of Torrevieja’s stores. The town centre, like many others, has suffered over the years from the development of out of town shopping centres with free parking and easy access. Local traders in Torrevieja are always on the look out for ways of encouraging people to shop in town. Suzanne O’Connell





An anonymous 1,000 euros donation to the Huntington’s Disease Association Members and friends came together for the fifth annual fundraising lunch hosted by John at Restuarante Giovanni's - and due to an amazing anonymous donation over €1,400 was raised. Charity President, Marion Smith, commented: “Thanks to John for his continued support and the hard work of all his staff, we have been able to raise a substantial sum of money at the lunch every year. As always we enjoyed lovely food in a fantastic atmosphere. This year however, we had the unexpected and very welcome surprise of a €1,000 anonymous donation, which the donor had asked John to present to our Association on his behalf. We will ensure this very generous gift, and other money raised, will continue to provide much needed support to people with Huntington's Disease, and their carers". Marion also praised all friends, family and others in the wider community for their continuing and generous support at fundraising events. If you would like more information about the work of the Huntington's Disease Association or would be interested in becoming a volunteer you can email our President at: marion.smith@hda.org.es or visit our website at www.hda.org.es

CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Salt trips start again Man arrested The Torrevieja salt works, Las Salinas, has reopened for visits. In 2018 the salt works attracted more than 30,000 visitors. The new season will see more visitors on the tourist train eager to find out about how the industry works and to see the salt mountain and lake landscapes. The train leaves from the town centre at 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm and tickets can be bought from its base on the Paseo de la Libertad opposite Plaza Waldo Calero. The trip costs €7.95 for adults and €6.95 for pensioners and children between the ages of two and 12. The trip lasts around 50 minutes and during this time you can see the different stages of salt production. You can listen to an explanation in English or Spanish about its origin and its fauna and you will

see many of the special features of the salt works and find out why the lake has a pink hue. The train stops inside the salt works and people can take photographs and can climb one of the prominent salt mountains. Councillor Fanny Serrano has been a strong advocate of the excursion, ‘The department of tourism has been working hard,’ she said, ‘to make sure that we could have all the licences and permissions that we needed to begin the trips again in 2019.’ Councillor Serrano also thanked the Las Salinas company which belongs to the multinational ‘Salins du Midi’. This is an organisation that also has salt extraction works in la Camarga. The company has marketed its salt installations heavily in

France and Councillor Serrano has visited the works there too. There are some new twists to the trip this year. One of the old salt trains has been restored and can be seen during the tour. The train was transporting salt down to the docks as recently as in the 1980s. Also restored is a ‘patacha’ which is a flat barge with a large wooden structure that was used to repair the electricity supply across the lake. The effort to retrieve some of Torrevieja’s meagre heritage continues with the intention of renovating the old chemical factory which is also in the grounds of the salt works. Now Councillor Serrano hopes that the trips are as popular this year as they were in the last. Suzanne O’Connell

in stabbing incident

A man has been arrested for stabbing another man in a squat in Torrevieja. It is believed that the victim is a house mate of the man who committed the offence. The incident happened on Friday 8th March when a call was received on the emergency number 112. The man, who was badly injured in the stomach, was at a house in Rambla Juan Mateo. The call was made at about 11pm and the Guardia Civil and Local Police went to the scene where they found the middleaged man of sub-Saharan origin badly injured. As the officers entered the building two men were trying to leave through the main door. Both were detained and it is believed that one of them was the person responsible for the attack. A knife was also found on the premises and the man was arrested and taken to the Guardia Civil Barracks. On the third floor of the property the officers found a man lying down with a serious knife wound in his abdomen. He was taken to Torrevieja hospital by ambulance. The building is occupied by subSaharan immigrants and there is some uncertainty as to the exact motive behind the attack. It was believed that it might have been caused by a relationship that one of the men was having but witnesses to the assault were reluctant to go into details. Suzanne O’Connell


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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019



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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

BITE SIZE Disagreement over use of building continues NEWS: Continued from page 5 injured in a fire in the El Limonar urbanisation in Torrevieja on 17th March. The fire brigade were alerted to the fire at around 4.30pm on Sunday in the property in la Avenida de las Grullas. The man was found unconscious by the emergency services and it is believed that the blaze was linked to two gas bottles which were discovered at the scene with the safety valves open. The property has been seriously damaged and several other nearby properties had to be evacuated by the Local Police and Guardia Civil. The man is a British national and has been transferred by ambulance to Torrevieja hospital in a serious condition.

A building originally designated for disabled people is currently under dispute. The building has been empty since 2012 but now the Valencian government has indicated that it might be used by both disabled people and as a juvenile centre for families and young people experiencing difficulties. The two associations of ALPE and APANEE, representing disabled people, are unhappy the centre is to be a shared resource. They feel that the placing side by side of vulnerable disabled people and

Valencia has identified the building as suitable as a family meeting point and as a centre for looked-after children. The building was built at a cost of 4.6 million euros in 2011 and there is no official agreement that identifies it as being solely for the use of people with disabilities. However, at the time of construction it was widely circulated that this was what it would be used for. The building has remained unused since 2012 due to a lack of public resources to get it started. It is thought

young people who may have behavioural issues, could cause difficulties. The two associations held a demonstration in Sunday in order to protest at this change of use which they see as detrimental. However, it is the regional government that has agreed the new use of the disabled centre on the Avenida de Delfina Viudes.

that the number of proposed users (80) was insufficient to enable the allocation of the money needed. The property now requires a significant investment due to the amount of time it has remained unused and the deterioration the building has suffered in the meantime.

Places for two year olds Thirty-one free classes for two year olds have been announced in the Valencian region. CEIP Nuestra Señora de Rosario in Torrevieja will be the local location for the new class which will take place in the 2019-20 school year. This will be one of nine new classes in the Alicante province offering 162 free places altogether. The regional government is committed to extending early years provision to include the youngest pupils and provide them with the best start. Children in Spain need not start formal education until they are six years old. However, most begin their school careers at the age of three as primary schools offer classes from this age. Suzanne O’Connell

Suzanne O’Connell


My Fair Lady

It’s almost time for the next production by Jávea Players being My Fair Lady with all the fantastic songs and costumes: some of the latter are a closely-guarded secret – no photography allowed, so you’ll have to come to the show to see them for yourselves! Professor Higgins is a total cad, a womanhating mama’s boy: in today’s world there’s no way he would be allowed to get away with his derogatory comments. He regards Eliza as an object, totally oblivious to the fact that even poor, unfortunate people have feelings. Our Henry Higgins is played by Roger Brown who says: “It’s such fun to be playing a misogynist

dinosaur like Higgins. Nowhere but on the stage could you get away with his extreme and out-dated views of the female sex. The trick is to try to gain some sympathy for such a rude and unlikeable character. I hope I can succeed”. A nicer character is Freddy, played by Alastair Wallace, who falls in love with Eliza. Alastair studied English at University but apart from a production of Waiting for Godot, has not done any theatre. He’s taking this role in his stride and sings well. My Fair Lady will be performed on 13th April in Rojales, Capitol Theatre, at 19.00. Tickets 12€ See myfairladycostablanca.com and www.TorreviejaInformation.com/myfairlady


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Preparing for the New tax general election office in Torrevieja is beginning to make preparations for the Spanish general election and regional elections to take place on 28th April. In order for Spanish nationals to vote they must be on the electoral register. In order to check if their name is there, the padrón office will be open until Monday 18th March for this service. The padrón office is located in calle Unión Musical Torrevejense, no. 22 and the census register will be available for Spanish nationals to check from 9am until 2pm on the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 18th March. On Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th March it can be viewed on the ground floor of the town hall building in the Plaza de la Constitución. Councillor Manuela Osuna has explained that at these times Spanish nationals can check to see whether they are registered enabling them to vote in the general and regional elections. If they are

not then they will need to present their DNI identification, passport or driving licence, documents which include photo identification. It is recommended that those who think they are eligible to vote in this election, check the list to make sure that the details are correct. This is particularly important for people voting for the first time and for those who have changed their address. This only applies to Spanish nationals. Those with residency in Spain but who are still British nationals, for example, are not entitled to vote in the national election but can currently vote in the local town hall elections which will be held in May this year. It is estimated that there are 43,690 Spanish nationals officially resident in the town although 2,137 of these do not actually live in Spain but are currently living abroad. Suzanne O’Connell


It has been announced that Torrevieja will have a new tax office managed by the Valencian regional government. This office will deal specifically with the management of la renta which is the annual income tax declaration required before the end of June for those who are resident in Spain. The office in Torrevieja will be located with the PROP office in la Plaza de la Constitución 2-3. There will be two desks and officials of the Ministry of Finance will be stationed there to take enquiries and advise citizens. The ‘La renta’ campaign will take place from May 14th until July 1st and the opening hours for the public will be from 9am until 2.30pm and from 4pm until 7pm on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays and from 9am until 3pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. The office will not only serve the people of Torrevieja. Residents of other local towns will also be able to use the service which has been created by the Valencian regional government. The intention to open local branches of the Valencian Tax Agency has been one of their goals. Previously the service was only located in Valencia city itself. This year 20 towns, including Torrevieja, will have their own outreach office. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

The next stage in a new plan for Torrevieja Seven companies have now applied to manage the development of the Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Torrevieja. This is the overarching plan which is intended to guide planning and development decisions in a town. The contract to revise the plan is worth €512,218 and the winning company will have 42 months in which to carry out the work. The current plan is one of the oldest in Spain and is very much out of date. It was put into place in January 1987, making it more than 30 years old. Because of this there have been many amendments to it with altogether more than a hundred modifications made over the course of its lifetime. The contracting decision will be made by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón, the councillor for contracting, José Hurtado, and four technicians. The current plan was driven by the demands of the construction industry and the town hall are keen to The contracting decision will be made by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón, the councillor for contracting, José Hurtado

see some of the blunders it created, put to bed. Some of the issues that have continued to cause problems over the years include the registration of the Las Torretas urbanisations and the Misol campsite. Other top priorities include the reorganisation of public and private spaces in some other urbanisations. In many cases there is lack of clarity about who is responsible for upkeep and administration. A new plan would address these anomalies. It is unlikely that much more land would be identified for building as Torrevieja has already exceeded the boundaries when it comes to urban land development. The plan is very much needed but we are still likely to see delays slowing its progress. Already, one of the firms that has submitted a bid is missing some paperwork and this is holding up the next stage of the process. We can expect to see many more hold ups before a new, effective plan is in place. Suzanne O’Connell




CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


GBP / EUR UPDATE Last week, the Lords passed an amendment to a trade bill, requiring the government to join a customs union after Britain leaves the EU. Although not binding without approval from parliament, the bill was a precursor to the focus on Brexit this week. Parliament had some big decisions to make. On Wednesday, the pound rose to fresh highs on hopes that there would be an end to the Brexit uncertainty, but comments from the Attorney General suggesting that the changes would have little impact on the Irish border led to a dramatic drop. The bill was voted down and lost by 149 votes. Next came the option to rule out a ‘no-deal Brexit’. Ahead of the vote, the chancellor’s Spring Statement was largely ignored. The headlines included a review of government borrowing - £3bn less than expected - and a downgraded forecast that gross domestic product will expand by 1.2% this year. In the end, MPs rejected the ‘no deal’ scenario with a majority of 43. The pound initially rose after the news, but fell back the next morning as the market acknowledged that the vote was not legally binding and much relied on the vote to extend the departure date beyond 29th March. The pound has stabilised after a brief fall ahead of the vote; MPs voted by 413 to 202 to request the delay. PM Theresa May is suggesting that Brexit could be

delayed by three months, to 30th June, if MPs back her deal next week, or may require a longer extension if there is no clear path ahead. Either way, the request must be approved by all 27 of the EU member states to be achieved. This has proven positive for the pound, although it is not quite out of the woods yet with more uncertainty and big decisions ahead for parliament and the EU. The dovish approach of the European Central Bank had an impact this week and the euro was slightly deflated by the ECB liquidity stimulus plan. The plans included maintaining currency interest rates and targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO-III) to "preserve favourable bank lending conditions and the smooth transmission of monetary policy". However, the euro was less unchanged after eurozone production data were released. Spanish inflation was steady at 1.1% and euro zone industrial production increased by a monthly 1.4%, more than the forecast 1.0%. The feeling that the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit had been averted had more benefit to the pound than the euro, and sterling made gains against the euro after the results were announced. The emerging picture of slowing growth across Europe was no match for the positive sentiment regarding sterling after parliament made their decision.

Protest against dangerous access to Orihuela Costa secondary school FRIDAY 22nd MARCH 2pm AT SECONDARY SCHOOL The Parents Association of the Playa Flamenca Secondary School, with the support of the Parents Association of the Playas de Orihuela Primary School, the Agrupacion de Electores Orihuela Costa 2019, the CLARO Political Party, Citizens Movement La Zenia, and the Neighbourhood Associations of La Florida, Villamartin and La Regia insist that the governing Popular Party and Ciudadanos coalition provide decent and safe access to the Playa Flamenca Secondary School. The present unsafe access affects hundreds of children, as well as those subject to the heavy traffic from las Mismosas to the Villamartin area. Access in general is in poor condition as is access to the Primary School Playas de Orihuela and of course all over Orihuela Costa the road conditions are in a disgraceful state with potholes everywhere. Requests for local government action have been made some going back 3 years. The government response has been silence and inaction. Much the same as in the case of the numerous demands for better services and investments in facilities such as a Cultural Centre and a second health centre. For these reasons, the Parents Association of the Secondary School, with the support of all those listed above, has called for a demonstration on Friday 22nd March at 2pm at the school to demand that the Orihuela Town Hall take immediate action to remedy the deplorable state of access to the School. Official permission for this peaceful demonstration has been requested.


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Seagate Wealth Management


SEAGATE WEALTH are very proud to announce that Edny Van Den Broek, Account Manager from Prudential International will be the guest speaker at the Finance & Tax Forum being held on Thursday 21st March. The event takes place at Hotel La Laguna in Ciudad Quesada and begins at 10.30am. The Prudential Group has been helping people plan for their future for over 166 years. Its size and experience puts it in a strong position to invest customers’ money wisely for the medium to long term. The Prudential Group has around 24 million customers worldwide and have £562bn of assets under management. They have 500 investment professionals across the world and is centrally co‐ordinated by the Prudential Portfolio Management Group which is responsible for all high level investment decisions. The With‐Profits Fund has produced a positive 5 year rolling return since 1946. For Spanish tax residents Prudential offer the International Prudence Bond, which offers life assurance as well as being fully tax compliant. For the opportunity to find out more about Prudential and how they can help you, register to come along to the event and talk to “the man from the Pru”.

Simply call 965 704 338 or email: Contact@Seagatewealth.es to reserve your place


Homes & Gardens

Homemade gift ideas for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day gives us the perfect opportunity to thank our Mums for everything they do and express our appreciation with gifts, cards and kind words. In the UK, this falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent and exactly three weeks before Easter Day, due to religious tradition. Centuries ago, people visited their “mother” church in the middle of Lent, often travelling far and wide to reunite with family in their hometowns. This was called "Mothering Sunday" and, according to historians, often saw children picking wild flowers for their mothers on the way to church. The Mother’s Day we celebrate today draws mainly from American tradition, which was passed along from American to British soldiers

during the Second World War. This year, Mother's Day falls on Sunday, 31st March in the UK. However different countries celebrate it at different times of year. In Spain Mother’s Day 2019 will be celebrated on Sunday 5th May but in countries such as the USA, Australia, Japan and New Zealand celebrate it on the second Sunday in May. The reason the UK has a different date for Mother’s Day is because historically people were given the day off to return to their home and worship with their families.

While this one involves a little bit of money you can do it cheaply and make good use of one of the thousands of photos you have on your phone. If you have a bit of extra time, think of making a photo album for her of the two of you together.

Mother's Day gift ideas Today, many feel that Mother's Day has become too commercial, favouring homemade or personalised gifts over spending money in the shops. So here's how to show your Mum how much she means to you without breaking the bank.

4. Write her a letter Perfect for if you live far away from your mum or if you struggle to articulate your feelings verbally, writing a mushy letter to tell her all the reasons you love and appreciate her will probably become one of her most prized possessions.

1. Bake her something There’s something about homemade baking that wraps you up in a cocoon of love. Whether it’s a cake or brownies, your mum will appreciate the gesture more than you know. 2. Frame your favourite photo of the two of you together

3. Make her favourite dinner Your mum spent your childhood making you dinners so it’s time to return the favour. Head round to hers and make her favourite mac and cheese or a roast if you’re feeling fancy - and be sure to do the dishes afterwards.

5. Make her a personalised cross stitch Cross stitching is not only a great way to relax but it can be the perfect personalised gift if you’re creative but not much of an artist. Everyone can cross stitch, so follow a pattern and stitch her favourite quote or get fancy and do mini characters of your family members.

CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Homes & Gardens




CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


Six Boeing 737 MAX grounded in Canary Islands Six Boeing 737 MAX 8 are stranded on the runway at airports in the Canary Islands now that the European Union has joined China, India, Mongolia, Ethiopia and Australia in grounding them all. Five at Gran Canaria airport and one at Tenerife South have been taken out of use – the latter being a Thomson craft and the others including a TUI and a Travel Service. Of the Gran Canaria Boeings, three are operated by the low-cost carrier Norwegian, which runs regular flights from several Spanish airports to and from the UK and is a relatively new service, having launched around seven years ago, and whose facilities include free-ofcharge on-board WiFi. The European Air Safety Agency (EASA) issued an emergency announcement recently calling for all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to be grounded. Spain’s airport governing body AENA says two Norwegian flights had to be cancelled at the last minute, although passengers were placed on other aircraft run by the same company and reached their destination with minimal delay. Also, says AENA, a TUI flight between Banjul (Gambia) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands) was given the order in mid-air to land immediately at the nearest airport, which turned out to be Gran Canaria. Passengers got an impromptu mini-break in the Canary Islands, as the sudden landing meant they had to be put up in hotels on the island and were due to take off around lunchtime last Wednesday. Two crashes in six months – a Lion Air internal flight between Denpasar, Bali and Jakarta, Java in Indonesia in October, and Monday’s Ethiopian Airlines tragedy which killed 157 passengers and crew, including seven Brits and two

Spaniards and dozens of United Nations employees and aid workers – have led to a dramatic halt in the use of these aircraft until technical reviews can be carried out. In both accidents, the aircraft were new or had only been in use for a year or so, and certainly in the case of the Ethiopian Airlines pilot, the company said his record was impeccable and he was very experienced, with over 8,000 flying hours under his belt. Air crashes are normally caused by technical problems, human error or, in some cases, natural disasters or weather conditions, although pilots will divert round these or request emergency landings if they are likely to pose a danger, aviation experts say. According to a report on British media channel, the BBC, crashes in new aircraft ‘just do not happen’. Spain’s foreign minister Josep Borrell had just left Addis Ababa airport hours before the doomed craft, destined for the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, took off and then crashed just six minutes into its flight 42 kilometres from the Ethiopian city. Although a handful of African airlines are on the European Union’s blacklist, Ethiopian Airlines was not one of them, and is a modern company which exceeds all international standards. Borrell said Addis Ababa airport is one of the most modern and high-tech on earth. He had been in Ethiopia for the AmChamSpain global business and competition conference along with every Spanish ambassador on the African continent. According to Borrell, a number of Spanish business professionals were due to fly to Nairobi on the ET302, but changed their tickets at the last minute, saving their lives.


Welcome to

CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Playa de la Granadella

This gorgeous beach near Jávea, on Spain's Costa Blanca coast, is known as La Granadella and its seagrass beds make it perfect for snorkelling. The horseshoe-shaped cove has calm, sapphire water and is flanked by a dense forest of emerald Aleppo pine trees.

What is there to do? Be sure to take a snorkel and mask. The seabed falls away quite steeply from the shore, but if you swim out for 65 feet or so the shingle is replaced by sand with posidonia seagrass beds. You can also walk through the woods behind the beach, breathing in the scent of the pine trees, or up to the castle or lookout point on the cliffs.

Why go? For its sheer beauty, even though it is shingly rather than sandy. The horseshoe-shaped cove with Blue Flag status has calm, sapphire water and is flanked by a dense forest of emerald Aleppo pine trees. The only problem is that it is so gorgeous it gets very crowded.

Bars and bites There is a shack on the beach and a few restaurants in the row of buildings behind the bay. Sur (00 34 965 771612) has lots of outdoor tables on its various terraces and serves fabulous paellas.

Who goes? Spanish and European families, both tourists and residents. There is a long-standing expat population in this area, from the UK, Germany and other northern European countries.

Getting there The beach is between Jávea and Moraira. Head towards the Cabo de la Nao headland and take the turning down the gorge through the pine forest to La Granadella. You need to get there pretty early in the morning to get a place in the car park and avoid being stuck in a jam.

New dates for wine tasting tour and brewery visit The well-known and much loved ‘Wine Tasting with a Difference´ tours are now offering the chance to experience not only a new and exciting Bodega but a beer brewery as well. Organised by local Spanish lady Begona Josa del Portillo, the this tour is the perfect way to discover the wider region as well as sampling the delights of one of the most prestigious bodegas and breweries in the area.

Begona has been hosting trips and tours for several years and has helped hundreds of people to enjoy a taste of the ‘real Spain’. Begona said: “Our trips to bodega Don Florentino were popular, but the new tour of bodega Casa de la Ermita, in Jumilla, offer something for everyone, whether they like wine or beer...or both and are already proving to be a big hit. This is a great ‘date day’ for couple or groups of friends alike and an opportunity to explore Spanish traditions and culture.” This wine of this bodega has an excellent

reputation and is very popular. Casa de la Ermita’s vineyards are farmed under the supervision experts to obtain the best grapes in the Jumilla region. While Monastrell is the most popular variety in the area, Casa de la Ermita has succeeded in adapting to other varieties from different parts of the world, such as Petit Verdot, Merlot, Syrah or Cabernet Sauvignon. The tour begins with your pick up from one of the local meeting points and travel to the Bodega, stopping for breakfast on the way, which is included in the price. Once in Jumilla the group will be given a guided tour of the old quarter of the city. The tour will be given in English by a local guide, who will point out the hidden gems, as well as all of the heritage and cultural landmarks. On arrival at Casa de la Ermita you will visit the onsite wine museum which tells the story of wine making from a centuries old farming tradition and its evolution into a state-of-the-art science and from there the tour will continue into the brewery which makes artesian beers. Although not as old as the wine making, Casa de la Ermita takes its beer brewing just as seriously and as passionately, both of which can be tasted in the quality of it beers. The tours will be followed by a three-courselunch of traditional local and regional dishes and, of course, a chance to taste the wines of the Bodega before ending the day at the Casa de la Ermita shop, where you can purchase the delights on offer. The next trip to Casa de la Ermita will take place on 12th April followed by another on 22nd April. Places are expected to book quickly, so please call Begona on 622 188 772 to book your places and arrange a pick up location. The vineyard and wine tasting tours are day-trips like no other – and at just 25 euros per person, are also excellent value for money.





CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


Orihuela launches virtual guided tours The Councillor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez, reported that the local government has launched a digital service of tourist routes with the purchase of forty tablets, which integrate sixteen points of interest with explanatory videos in three languages Spanish, English and French. The Councillor explained that this service provides a more comprehensive visit, since "it is not just an audio guide, but to be able to see the images, the visitor can see in advance the magnitude of the museum or the property of cultural interest, as well in this way you can choose the places to visit according to your interests, optimising your time ". As pointed out by the councillor, this new offer of a guided tour is aimed especially at the individual tourist who wants to explore the route on their own, being able to choose the totality of the offer presented or just select part of it. It also allows for visits on Mondays, the day that the museums and monuments are closed, but tourists can now make the cultural visits following the explanations and seeing the interior of the places through the videos. "Another advantage is that it is also aimed at people with visual impairments who will receive the information through the audio speakers of the tablet," said Sofia Álvarez. The Councillor for Tourism also explained that with these routes "we also intend to deseasonalise the cultural tourist offer, especially in the summer months which see an increase the demand for the sun and beach, and heritage becomes a complementary product. However, thanks to the use of this type of tour we can maximise the value of our tourism resources at any time of the year ". The sixteen points of interest are: Diocesan School of Santo Domingo, Miguel Hernández Museum House, Holy Week Museum, Cathedral of the Saviour and St. Mary, Episcopal Palace, San

Miguel Diocesan Seminary, Museum of the Wall, Parish Church of the Santas Justa and Rufina, Refuge of the Civil War of Santa Justa, Regional Archaeological Museum, Museum of the Reconquest, Parochial Church of Santiago, Sanctuary of Our Lady of Monserrate, Murals of San Isidro, El Palmeral and Museum Sorzano de Tejada. Finally, Sofía Álvarez thanked the other departments of the City of Orihuela for their collaboration in this project, such as the department of culture, with the scripts created by the cultural guides themselves and the Modernisation of the Administration Department for the installation of the videos on the tablets. In addition, the project was brought to fruition due to the receipt of a grant from the Turisme Comunitat Valenciana’s Help Plans, for investment in adaptation and improvement of tourism resources and services, with a contribution greater than 40 percent of the total amount of the project.

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CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


I am so awkward

At a family get-together recently my sister made an out of the blue comment about how I had a nose like the men in our family. I haven’t always seen eye to eye with my sister, but as adults I thought her snide comments were in the past. I was very upset but didn‘t let her know it. I told my husband what she’d said, and he said that my nose was perfectly fine, and that he thought my sister was jealous. But I am always pleasant whenever I see her, and I would never behave that way towards her.

I get very nervous around girls. It has only really come on in my teens. When I feel like this, I need something to do with my hands because I get fidgety. I have no ideas what do to. It’s affecting my social life as I am now tending to back out of things like going out in a group, unless I know the people well.

Your husband could be right your sister may be jealous. Feelings of jealousy and inadequacy can stretch back a long way, and if she displayed this kind of behaviour when you were both young, then perhaps she still feels the same at times. There’s not a lot you can do about these things when you are older. As an adult she should try and deal with her feelings and keep them under wraps. Something you might want to tell her one day if she persists.

It could well be a lack of self confidence. As a long term project, try to focus the mind try learning a musical instrument. Learning to play drums or may be guitar in particular would be good for hand coordination. And also it’s something cool that the girls (and boys) would be impressed by. As for dealing with social situations, when you meet girls for the first time and get anxious, have you thought about doing magic tricks? Keep a couple of tricks in your pocket, one which the other person participates in, and you’ll never be without something to do with your hands. This is a great way of breaking the ice too.




Five-million-year-old whale fossil found in Mallorca quarry A fossil of a whale’s head dating back approximately 5.7 million years has been found in a limestone quarry in Santanyí on the island of Mallorca. The first of its type ever to be found in the so-called ‘chalk strip’ across the Mediterranean, the skull was discovered inside a chunk of stone weighing three-quarters of a metric tonne in a mine near s’Horta, part of the town of Felanitx.

Members of the archaeological team, from the University of the Balearic Islands’ (UIB’s) Earth Sciences Research Group – part of the Faculty of Biology – say there is absolutely no doubt the fossil is that of a skull of a sea creature of the Mysticeti sub-order, which refers to baleen whales, sonamed because of the series of baleen plates along their upper jaws which act as a filter system. This sub-order is also known as ‘whalebone whales’ or ‘great whales’ and, in the case of the head found, shares features typical of the Balaenopteridae family – referred to as ‘rorquals’ and covering the fine whale, humpback whale and the blue whale, which is the largest species on earth and grows to 25 metres (82 feet) in length.


CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Sightings of fin whales, which grow to 21 metres (just under 69 feet), are fairly common in around September in the western Mediterranean, especially near the Cabo de la Nao cove between Dénia and Jávea (northern Alicante province), mainland Spain’s easternmost point, since the area is directly on their migration path south from the Ligurian Sea. It is thought the giant whales which would have been native to the area became temporarily extinct during the Salt Crisis, but started to reappear there once normal sea conditions began to return. The whale found in Santanyí is thought to be one of those which died out during the Salt Crisis, especially given its location in the limestone strip which formed around the same time. But as yet, it is the first fossil of a great whale to be found there, and the first from so long ago, the UIB team reports. The dimensions of the fossil, compared with others of the Balaenopteridae family and to skeletons of much more recent examples, have led the researchers to believe the creature whose skull they have found would have been about eight metres (26 feet) long and around seven or eight metric tonnes in weight. These features are similar to the modern-day species known as the Common Minke – a type which lives in any kind of ocean, from tropical to polar, and which is the smallest of the rorqual family: up to 5.5 metres (18 feet) long and 5.6 tonnes in weight when fully grown.


Zara-owner Inditex still top Modern day of heap as growth shrinks Robin Hood

Spain’s retail giant Inditex saw slower growth in 2018 as the Zara owner invests heavily in developing online sales, the group and analysts said. The company, whose brands include Massimo Dutti, Pull&Bear, Bershka and Oysho, said Wednesday net profit rose 2 percent to 3.44 billion euros and sales increased 3 percent to 26.15 billion euros, below analyst forecasts. But it still did better than its main rivals, Sweden’s H&M and Japan’s Fast Retailing, both of which posted sales below the 20-billion-euro mark. But Inditex confirmed its trend of slower growth as its profit increase slowed from 15 percent in 2015 to 7 percent in 2017. Shares were down 3.73 percent to 25.29 euros at midday on Wednesday despite a pledge by the group to increase dividends. Rafael Sambola, economics professor at Barcelona’s EADA Business School, said the dividend increase was “a way to make the shares attractive” as the group awaits better results from its online sales. “This is a company that has made great strides, and obviously there is now a moment of pause,” he told Spanish news agency AFP. Inditex underscored the effects of

exchange rates, saying that without these, its profit would have leapt 12 percent. For Neus Soler, a textiles expert at Catalonia’s Open University, the growth slow-down is also due to the group’s digital transformation, which needs a lot of investment. She told AFP Inditex’s main objective is to link online sales and those in stores so that “customers can look at the product on the internet and then buy or collect it in the store.” “And vice-versa… check the quality, colours, which they may not see so well on the screen, and then buy it calmly at home.” In order to do this, Inditex said it invested 1.6 billion euros in 2018 with the aim of developing online sales in all its markets and brands by 2020. “We operate a unique global platform that fully integrates stores and online and offers a huge growth potential,” Inditex CEO Pablo Isla said at an analysts’ conference. Online sales increased 27 percent to 3.2 billion euros in 2018. The group’s operating costs also rose 4 percent as it increases store space and the number of employees as part of a strategy to privilege bigger, flagship shops in city centres.

Village in Spain ‘bewildered’ as a Robin Hood-style mystery figure slides cash envelopes of up to €100 under doors. In the tiny village of Villarramiel in Castile and León, home to just 800 people, residents are trying to work out why they are being given the money. Since Wednesday last week around 15 seemingly unconnected people have each been gifted up to €100 in notes. Local mayor Nuria Simon said: “We’re all bewildered and expectant as we don’t know where this money comes from or who the benefactor is.” She added that the recipients include, ‘a widow living with her son, couples with small children, elderly couples and middle-aged couples without kids’. Some of those benefiting from the surprise cash received messages as well, including one that said, to ‘the princess of the household’. A couple of residents reported the bizarre charity spate to the police, but Simon said there was no ongoing investigation, because as far as they were aware, no crime had been committed.



CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Shocking rescue for Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre

On the night of 6th March EHCRC received a frantic phone call from the Police in Almoradí: two equines were running wild on the roads, they reported, and they needed help. As always, EHCRC responded immediately. What they found is what they believe is a little family - mum, a 9 year old tiny little pony and her son, a mule less than a year old, the centres vet also believes that she could also be in foal. Both equines are absolutely terrified and have been appallingly treated. The pony’s hooves are in a dreadful state which must be causing incredible pain, in addition to the long term complications for her health. Centre staff are currently waiting for the results of x-rays to determine the extent of the damage. Once the results are known the farrier and vet will be able to decide

on the best way forward. The mum also has painfully sore skin caused by a parasite infestation; she is malnourished and has sores on her face from a badly fitting head-collar. The young mule has had half of his coat cut or shaved off, which has left lacerations all over his young body. He also has scarring on his nose from an ill fitting head collar. The pair are inseparable and any attempts to divide them is fruitless. Once they are more settled and stabilised they will have further tests to determine their ongoing treatment and care. Sue Weeding, EHCRC Co-founder, said: “The Police as always were very thankful for our help and we would like to extend our thanks to them. Our relationship with the Police, Guardia

Civil and local Authorities is increasingly improving as animal welfare becomes more of a priority for those concerned. The Police know we will do everything possible for an equine in need.” Without the services of EHCRC these types of rescue would just not be possible and the Police would not have anywhere to take them. But it comes at a price: currently the basic running expenses for the 120 equines at the Centre are €5,000 per week and that does not include the extras like when an animal needs intensive veterinary treatment, hospitalisation or when fodder needs to be bought in bulk as and when it is available. The outstanding bills at the moment come to a whopping €15,000 on top of the €5,000 per week. Now with two more in need of a lot of care and probably costly ongoing treatment, EHCRC can only keep going with the support of the public. “We already have a fantastic following of supporters and an incredible group of volunteers who help us make all this possible but we need more assistance from more people,” Sue Weeding said. If you can help in any way, such as donating good quality furniture or donating financially, it would make a huge difference to these animals, every little helps and especially at this time with so many extra expenses. Please get in touch by phoning 652 02 19 80, by emailing rescue@easyhorsecare.net or our web page www.easyhorsecare.net.


Local government promotes responsible animal ownership The Councillor for Health, Noelia Grao, has presented a new campaign to promote responsible animal ownership to children through the use of a story of animal protection entitled "The story of Gilda and Colmillito". This will be sent to schools to encourage animal safety and protection, in line with the Councils policy of coexistence. Noelia Grao was accompanied by Cristina Osuna, a volunteer from the Animal Protection Centre, who is also the author of this story. "Although the applicable legislation provides us with sanctioning tools against mistreatment and abandonment of animals, we understand that this problem must also be addressed through prevention, for which it is necessary to develop activities aimed at social awareness regarding the responsible possession of companion animals and pets" , informed Grao. As the councillor explained, this work is important at school level, since

this group has a natural interest and affinity for everything related to the animal world and because young people are specially receptive to an awareness of society as a whole". It is for this reason that it was deemed necessary to develop a didactic tool for work in the classrooms and publishing this story aimed at the school population was the perfect solution. Cristina Osuna said that the idea of making this story about animal protection ‘aims to educate children and raise awareness about the responsibility of having an animal. The story tells the tale of abandonment and irresponsible ownership to how the animals are collected, their stay in a centre and the subsequent adoption process.’ Finally, Noelia Grao wanted to emphasise that the objective of this story is "to continue to educate didactically, in this case, the children of the municipality of Orihuela in matters of responsible animal ownership".


CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Online househunting? Three things you should ignore

Rebecca Serwotka

Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward – 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today! Featured on Best Buy Spain – Property TV – Sky Channel 189.


hen searching online for your home, you rely greatly on listing photos and virtual tours to narrow down your favourites. So if they’re not clear and clutter free images, you may just pass by on what could be your hidden gem! Here are 3 instances, that could be off putting when you’re searching online for your home, but shouldn’t stop you from viewing it, and consider making an offer, particularly if you love the style, layout or location: 1. Rooms Not Being Used In The Way For Which They Were Intended – A bedroom could be being used as a dining room, or a dining room could be being used as an office. Just because the current homeowners are using their space for what best suits their lifestyle, doesn’t mean to say that you have to keep it that way. Try to imagine your own furnishings in the room. If you’re one of the many people that find it difficult to imagine what the room could look like, I do know Ikea has an App that can help you design your own room with furniture. 2. Wall Colours – Today’s buyers are always pushed for time. So they are looking for something that’s ready to move into, or at least would see them through the first year without having to do many improvements to the

home. If you, as a buyer, are seeing listing photos displaying walls that are an array of unwelcoming colours, then try to imagine what a fresh coat of white paint will look like! It’s a win, win situation. Not only will your home seller need to adjust their asking price, but once you’ve repainted, you’ll have the exact colour you like, and you’ll have a fresh smelling room, ready for you to move into! 3. Lots Of Personal Items On Display – Some buyers do have a hard time trying to imagine themselves in their future home, so leaving personal photos and souvenirs on show can be a little off putting. Homes that sell quickly have one thing in common. They offer a neutral ambience. From the colour scheme to the lack of personal items on display that relate to the owner. If you’re looking at a home that’s full of clutter, don’t swipe past it – it could be a keeper! Most buyers today find it hard to see through a homeowners mess or unique style, so as a seller, make the effort to present your property at it’s best! And to you the buyer, if you see a home online that’s in a great location, go see it! Ignore the things you can change, and consider whether you can make the home your own! Buying a property? We have a beautiful selection of quality homes. See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper or head to our website:www.homes4u.es For more information and guidance on buying and selling, log on to: www.homes4u.esto request the downloadable link of our book “Moving Forward – 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy” or call us on 966 718 392, today.



Bingeworthy Box Sets

The Crown Stranger Things In a small town where everyone knows everyone, a peculiar incident starts a chain of events that leads to the disappearance of a child, which begins to tear at the fabric of an otherwise peaceful community. Dark government agencies and seemingly malevolent supernatural forces converge on the town, while a few locals begin to understand that there's more going on than meets the eye

The Crown focuses on Queen Elizabeth II as a 25-year-old newlywed faced with the daunting prospect of leading the world's most famous monarchy while forging a relationship with legendary Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. The British Empire is in decline, the political world is in disarray, and a young woman takes the throne....a new era is dawning. Peter Morgan's masterfully researched scripts reveal the Queen's private journey behind the public facade with daring frankness. Prepare to be welcomed into the coveted world of power and privilege and behind locked doors in Westminster and Buckingham Palace....the leaders of an empire await





Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, south facing, immaculate condition, air conditioning, rooftop solarium, 167m2 build, 514m2 plot, enclosed terrace, off road parking, garage/storage, large underbuild, private pool 8 x 4.

Seni-detached quad, 3 bed, 2 bath, immaculate condition, rooftop solarium, gated parking, underbuild, 78m2 build, 110m2 terrace, extended, security grills, hot & cold AC, storage, comm. pool

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, corner plot, good condition, underbuild, off road parking, 80m2 build, 207m2 plot, east facing, air conditioning, open views, space for a pool.

Walking Distance to Amenities 259,000€

2 Minutes drive to Shops 109,999€

Reduced from 129,995€ NOW 124,995€




uEnd Townhouse u3 Bed u3 Bath uImmaculate Condition uBalcony uCovered Porch uSpace for a Pool

u132m2 Build u147m2 Plot uEast Facing uOff Road Parking uAir Conditioning uRooftop Solarium uPanoramic Views

An east facing 3 bed, 3 bath end townhouse in La Marina Urb. Located just 270 metres to amenities that include a supermarket. Accommodation is over 2 floors, starting with a large lounge/diner and a separate kitchen. 3 double bedrooms all with fitted wardrobes, an en-suite bathroom and a family shower room. Access to a balcony with views, stairs to a large rooftop solarium with breathtaking views of the sea and mountains. A fully tiled garden with outdoor dining area and has plenty of space for a private pool, which includes off road parking. Sold fully furnished and under the property and open area that could be enclosed for a garage. A beautiful property that must be viewed to be appreciated.

REDUCED WAS 169,000€

NOW 135,000€

Large detached villa, 4 bed, 5 bath, immaculate condition, enclosed terrace, off road parking, spacious garden, 300m2 build, 960m2 plot, south facing, open views, oil central heating, garage/storage, 11 x 5 private pool.

Large detached villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, immaculate condition, south facing, open views, pool 8 x 4.5 metres, 250m2 build, 820m2 plot, quiet location, security shutters, solarium, garage, off road parking.

Detached villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, good condition, secure parking, space for a pool, 76m2 build, 207m2 plot, south facing, extended, rooftop solarium, sea views.

Reduced WAS 409,995€ NOW 398,000€

A few minutes drive to Amenities 359,995€

Just 120 metres to Amenities 109,000€

MORE PROPERTIES ALWAYS WELCOME Listings on Rightmove, Zoopla, Kyero, Thinkspain & many more.

Contact Us for A FREE Valuation TODAY! NO SALE NO FEE. 779

CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

28 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Tuesday 19th March 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.05am

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Good Morning Dagenham Dom on the Spot Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Shetland BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Eating with My Ex The Man Who Used

7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.45pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.10am

The World's Most Photographed Good Morning Dagenham Money for Nothing Great British Menu River Walks BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Politics Live The Super League Show The Great British Year Caribbean with Simon Reeve The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Top Gear Inside the Factory The Great British Sewing Bee The Mash Report Newsnight Weather

6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.15am 1.15am 2.05am 4.00am 4.45am 6.05am

The Jeremy Kyle 7.30am 8.45am Show Good Morning Britain 10.10am Lorraine 10.40am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.10am This Morning Loose Women 12.05pm ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London 1.00pm Judge Rinder 1.05pm Tenable 2.05pm Tipping Point 3.10pm The Chase 4.00pm ITV News London 5.00pm ITV Evening News Emmerdale 6.00pm 6.30pm Save Money Lose 7.00pm Weight Harry's Heroes: The 7.30pm 8.00pm Full English 9.00pm ITV News ITV News London Out of Their Skin 10.15pm Tenable 10.45pm 11.20pm Jackpot247 12.20am All Star Family 1.20am Fortunes ITV Nightscreen 2.15am The Jeremy Kyle 3.10am Show

Cheers Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Ramsay's Hotel Hell Celebrity Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun Escape to the Chateau: DIY Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer Derry Girls Home Gogglebox First Dates Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Food Unwrapped George Clarke's Amazing Caravans

8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am

Good Morning Britain 7.30am 7.55am Lorraine 8.20am The Jeremy Kyle 8.45am Show 9.10am This Morning 9.40am 10.10am Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News 10.40am ITV News London Judge Rinder 11.10am Tenable 12.05pm Tipping Point The Chase 1.00pm ITV News London 1.05pm ITV Evening News 2.05pm 3.10pm Emmerdale 4.00pm Coronation Street 5.00pm Britain's Brightest 6.00pm Family Coronation Street 6.30pm 7.00pm The Bay 7.30pm ITV News at Ten and 8.00pm 9.00pm Weather 10.00pm ITV News London Peston 11.00pm La Liga Highlights 12.00am 12.30am Jackpot247 1.30am Lethal Weapon 3.20am ITV Nightscreen 4.15am

Cheers Cheers Cheers Frasier Frasier Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Ramsay's Hotel Hell Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun Escape to the Chateau: DIY Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet Married at First Sight Mums Make Porn Derry Girls Gogglebox Insidious 2 Inside Out Homes Coast v Country

8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am

9.55am 10.05am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.15pm 11.15pm 12.15am

Shane the Chef Peppa Pig Top Wing Paw Patrol Digby Dragon Floogals Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine The Secret Life of Puppies Jeremy Vine Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours Deadly Duplicate Friends Friends 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Alaska: A Year in the Wild The Yorkshire Vet London: 2,000 Years of History The House of Extraordinary People My Obese Life


Shane the Chef Peppa Pig Top Wing Paw Patrol Digby Dragon Floogals Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine The Secret Life of Puppies Jeremy Vine Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours Her Evil Twin Friends Friends 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Alaska: A Year in the Wild GPs: Behind Closed Doors Critical Condition The House of Extraordinary People Benefits: Millionaire


9.00am 9.25am 10.25am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.10pm 11.15pm 12.25am 12.55am 1.25am 1.50am 2.20am

You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street DeGeneres Show Superstore You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! The 40 Year Old Virgin FYI Daily The 40 Year Old Virgin Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! You v Chris and Kem


The Guide to You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Gold DeGeneres Show Superstore You've Been Framed and Famous! Gold Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Gold DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold Horrible Bosses FYI Daily Horrible Bosses Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show Superstore


7.30am 7.55am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 11.25am 12.00pm 12.35pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses Rising Damp George and Mildred Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie's Poirot DCI Banks DCI Banks Agatha Christie's

Wednesday 20th March 7.00am 10.15am

Breakfast 7.00am Crimewatch Roadshow 7.30am 11.00am Homes Under the Hammer 8.15am 12.00pm Good Morning 9.00am Dagenham 9.30am 12.45pm Dom on the Spot 1.15pm Bargain Hunt 10.00am 2.00pm BBC News at One; 11.00am Weather 12.00pm 2.30pm Regional News and Weather 12.15pm 2.45pm Doctors 2.00pm 3.15pm Shakespeare & 2.45pm Hathaway - Private Investigators 3.45pm 4.00pm Escape to the Country 4.45pm 4.45pm Money for Nothing 5.30pm Flog It! 6.15pm Pointless 5.15pm 7.00pm BBC News at Six; Weather 6.15pm 7.30pm Regional News and Weather 7.00pm 8.00pm The One Show 7.30pm 9.00pm Holby City 10.00pm MasterChef 8.00pm 11.00pm BBC News at Ten 9.00pm 11.25pm Regional News and 10.00pm Weather 11.00pm 11.35pm Glow Up 11.30pm 12.35am Tiredness, Tears and 12.10am Tantrums: Diary of a New Mum 12.15am

The World's Most Photographed Good Morning Dagenham Money for Nothing Great British Menu Great Canadian Railway Journeys BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Politics Live Think Tank The Great British Year Caribbean with Simon Reeve The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu Motherfatherson White Gold Newsnight Weather Rome Unpacked

7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.40am 1.35am 4.00am 4.45am

9.55am 10.05am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am

9.00am 10.00am 10.25am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.05pm 12.05am 12.30am 12.55am 1.25am 1.55am 2.25am

7.25am 7.55am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 10.55am 11.25am 12.00pm 12.35pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 5.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.20pm 1.20am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses Rising Damp George and Mildred Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie's Poirot Lewis Law and Order: UK

The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People


CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

30 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Thursday 21st March 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.35am

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Good Morning Dagenham Dom on the Spot Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders DIY SOS Stabbed: Britain's Knife Crime Crisis BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week

7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.25pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.15pm 11.30pm 12.10am 12.15am

The World's Most Photographed Good Morning Dagenham Money for Nothing The Great British Sewing Bee BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Politics Live Think Tank The Great British Year Talking Pictures Whisky Galore! The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Match of the Day Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse Great British Menu Pose Pose Newsnight Weather Race Across the

Good Morning Britain 7.25am 7.55am Lorraine 8.45am The Jeremy Kyle 9.10am Show 9.40am This Morning 10.10am Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News 10.40am ITV News London Judge Rinder 11.10am Tenable 12.05pm Tipping Point The Chase 1.00pm ITV News London 1.05pm ITV Evening News 2.05pm Emmerdale 3.10pm Tonight 4.00pm Emmerdale 5.00pm Australia with Julia 6.00pm Bradbury 6.30pm Fraud: How They 7.00pm Steal Your Bank 7.30pm Account 8.00pm ITV News at Ten and 9.00pm Weather ITV News London 10.00pm The Late Debate Harry's Heroes: The 11.00pm Full English Football Genius 12.00am Jackpot247 Tonight 1.05am

Cheers Cheers Frasier Frasier Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Ramsay's Hotel Hell Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun Escape to the Chateau: DIY Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 60 Days on the Streets 24 Hours in Police Custody Married at First Sight 999: On the

8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am

7.00am 9.30am 10.25am

Good Morning Britain 7.25am 8.45am Lorraine 9.10am The Jeremy Kyle 9.40am 10.10am Show

11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm

This Morning 10.40am Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News 11.10am ITV News London 12.05pm Judge Rinder 1.00pm Tenable 1.05pm 2.05pm Tipping Point 3.10pm The Chase 4.00pm ITV News London 5.00pm ITV Evening News 6.00pm Euro 2020 Qualifier 6.30pm 7.00pm Live: England v 7.30pm Czech Republic 8.00pm ITV News at Ten and 9.00pm Weather 10.00pm ITV News London 11.00pm Euro 2020 Qualifier 12.05am Highlights: England v 1.10am Czech Republic Harry's Heroes: The 2.45am Full English 3.10am

Cheers Frasier Frasier Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Ramsay's Hotel Hell Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun Escape to the Chateau: DIY Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Can I Improve My Memory? Gogglebox The Last Leg The Big Narstie Show Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension Home Traitors

8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am

7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.10am 1.30am 1.55am 4.00am

9.55am 10.05am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am

Shane the Chef Peppa Pig Top Wing Paw Patrol Digby Dragon Floogals Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine The Secret Life of Puppies Jeremy Vine Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours The Nightmare Nanny Friends 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Alaska: A Year in the Wild Secrets of Your Supermarket Food Mega Volcano: Draining the Pacific The Sex Business Die Hard with a Vengeance

8.10am 9.00am 9.25am 10.25am 11.20am 12.15pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.35pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 12.20am 12.50am

You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Superstore You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Family Guy Celebrity Juice Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!


Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You've Been Framed and Famous! Gold Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Gold The Ellen DeGeneres Show Superstore Superstore You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Gold The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold Crazy, Stupid, Love FYI Daily Crazy, Stupid, Love Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!


7.25am 8.00am 9.05am 10.05am 10.35am 11.00am 11.25am 12.00pm 12.35pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses Rising Damp George and Mildred Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Vera Law and Order: UK Law and Order: UK Scott and Bailey

Friday 22nd March 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 1.35am

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Good Morning Dagenham Dom on the Spot Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather Regional News and Weather The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders MasterChef BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Iron Man 3 Weather for the

7.00am 7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm

The World's Most Photographed Good Morning Dagenham Money for Nothing Antiques Roadshow BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Politics Live Think Tank The Great British Year Talking Pictures Rio Conchos Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Mastermind David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities Great British Menu Gardeners' World Australia: Earth's Magical Kingdom QI Newsnight

11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm


9.55am 10.05am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am

Shane the Chef 7.45am Peppa Pig Top Wing Paw Patrol 8.10am Digby Dragon Floogals 9.00am Ben and Holly's 10.00am Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine 10.25am The Secret Life of Puppies 11.20am Jeremy Vine 11.50am Nightmare Tenants, 12.15pm 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay? We'll Take 1.15pm it Away! 1.45pm Home and Away 2.15pm Neighbours Twisted Sisters 2.45pm Friends Friends 3.40pm 5 News at 5 Neighbours 4.45pm Home and Away 5 News Tonight 7.00pm Alaska: A Year in the 8.30pm Wild There's a Croc in My 9.00pm Kitchen 10.05pm Eamonn and Ruth: In 10.10pm Search of George 11.25pm Clooney 11.55pm Meghan and Harry: 12.25am Inside the Palace 12.50am Magic Mike XXL 1.15am

7.25am 7.55am 9.00am 10.00am 10.25am 10.55am 11.20am 11.55am 12.30pm 1.05pm 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 3.05am 4.00am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Doc Martin Lewis Agatha Christie's Poirot Liverpool 1 Secrets of Growing Up

The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

Overdue return for Melody Makers International

Book now In January of last year Melody Makers International gave their last concert in the Orihuela Costa Resort. Director and conductor Nigel Hopkins then flew back to the UK immediately for much needed Immunotherapy and radiotherapy for a cancerous tumour, which had been diagnosed some months prior to the concert. After nine months of treatment oncologists have given Nigel the all-clear and he returns this month in readiness for a big celebration concert to be held in the Centro EcumÊnico church in C/ Diamante, Le Zenia. Featuring the Costa’s leading choir, Melody Makers International and the very popular Orihuerla Costa Male Voice Choir, there will be two performances on the

day, at 3pm and 7pm. The programme will include songs from many popular musicals and the Male Voice Choir will entertain with their own special arrangements. As always, the best soloists on the Costa will support the choirs providing a varied programme and a musical treat for the audience. Matthew Hopkins, who is no stranger to Costa audiences, is due to fly in to play the piano for the concerts. Tickets are now on sale from La Ponderosa Gift Shop at La Zenia and Card Place at Punta Prima and Benimar. As the concert is being held at a smaller venue than usual, patrons are urged to book early to avoid disappointment.





CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


No. FOR 30 YEA





2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Roof Solarium + Lake & Pool views ♦ Beautifully Tiled Garden ♦ Off Road Parking + Car Port ♦ Direct Access To Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Beautiful, Quality Upgrades ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Large Sun Room + Roof Solarium ♦ Private Swimming Pool





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ 2 Communal Swimming Pools ♦ Gated Community


OFFERED AT: €99,700

OFFERED AT: €117,000

OFFERED AT: €200,000


2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Golf Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk to Local Amenities

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Modern Design ♦ Roof Solarium + Sea & Lake Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Ducted Air Conditioning Controlled by Your Phone

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Ben Afflek defends tattoo

Corrie actor’s wife has nose broken

Coronation Street’s Simon Gregson’s wife has her nose broken by thug while protecting her brother ... as the actor is left furious at the attack. Emma Gleave was protecting her brother, who has learning difficulties, after an awful man was attempting to goad him. She was then punched in the face and left in a lot of pain with a bloody nose.

Ben Affleck defends his giant back tattoo as he hits out of critics of his meaningful phoenix inking. He previously lied about his giant back tattoo, claiming the inking was fake and only drawn on for a role. Yet Affleck changed his tune on Wednesday’s episode of Ellen, as he defended his artwork and hit out at critics of the giant depiction of a phoenix. The actor, 46, divided fans when the full extent of the tattoo was unveiled during a trip to the beach in March 2018, but he has now insisted that he loves it, and the tattoo is real.

CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Paris Jackson defends pictures

Paris Jackson denies she’s a junkie meth alcoholic party raver and claims she and rocker boyfriend were play-acting a sad movie break-up scene after shock drinking and arguing pictures emerge. The 20-year-old reportedly checked herself into rehabilitation at the end of last year for alcohol abuse, emotional health and to reboot and aid her wellness plan. Paris has refused to comment on the resurfaced allegations that her father Michael abused young boys but has taken to Twitter. The rising actress has invited people to chillax and said that her father had a good heart.

Lisa made him wait

MasterChef star John Torode reveals fiancée Lisa Faulkner waited three hours before she accepted his sweet Christmas Day proposal. He shared his delight with his Instagram followers as he revealed his engagement to his long-term partner on Christmas Day. John Torode has admitted his fiancée Lisa Faulkner was so shocked when he got down on bended knee as she waited three hours to say yes on Thursday’s edition of Good Morning Britain. During his joint appearance with co-judge Gregg Wallace, the MasterChef star, 53, also teased viewers with details about the competition series quarter-finals, which will see contestants get their first taste of professional cooking at Ella Canta.

costablancapeople.com | 19th-25th March 2019

BBC one

BBC two

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide 35


Channel 4

Channel 5



Saturday 23rd March 7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.50pm 7.00pm 7.05pm 7.10pm 7.50pm 8.20pm 9.25pm 10.15pm 11.15pm 11.30pm 11.35pm 1.05am 1.10am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Mary Berry Quick Cooking Football Focus Money for Nothing BBC News Weather Live Gymnastics Escape to the Country Impossible Celebrities BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather Pointless Catchpoint All Together Now Casualty All Round to Mrs Brown’s BBC News Weather Little Fockers Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.45am 8.15am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.05pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.45pm 12.15am 1.30am

All Over the Place: Asia Wild & Weird Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom Top Class The Dog Ate My Homework Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole Nature’s Microworlds Natural World Homes Under the Hammer Rick Stein’s Long Weekends Nigellissima Talking Pictures The 39 Steps Nature’s Great Events Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago James May’s Cars of the People The Great British Sewing Bee Race Across the World Dad’s Army A United Kingdom Live at the Apollo Pose Passion

7.00am King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond 1.10pm 10.25am ITV News 9.05am Frasier 3.45pm 10.30am Saturday Morning 10.30am The Big Bang with James Martin Theory 6.15pm 12.40pm Ainsley’s Caribbean 111.50am The Simpsons 8.05pm 12.50pm Four in a Bed Kitchen 3.30pm A Place in the Sun 1.40pm ITV Lunchtime News 4.30pm Sun, Sea and Brides 8.55pm 1.50pm On Her Majesty’s to be 9.00pm Secret Service 5.35pm Location, Location, Location 4.35pm Tipping Point 6.35pm The Secret Life of 5.35pm The Chase 10.50pm the Zoo 6.40pm ITV Evening News 7.30pm Channel 4 News 12.05am 7.00pm Regional News and 8.00pm Great Canal Journeys Weather 1.05am 9.00pm Warcraft 7.10pm Despicable Me 2 11.25pm The Take 9.00pm The Voice UK 1.15am The Cabin in the 2.00am 11.00pm The Jonathan Ross Woods 4.00am Show 2.50am The Last Leg 4.10am 3.45am Hollyoaks Omnibus 12.05am ITV News 5.00am 5.50am Kirstie’s Vintage 12.25am Hard Target Gems 2.05am Jackpot247 5.45am 6.00am The £100k Drop 4.00am WOS Wrestling 6.10am 6.55am The Big Bang Theory 4.50am ITV Nightscreen 6.35am 7.00am



7.00am 7.50am

Children’s programmes Friends Live Premiership Rugby The Yorkshire Vet Around the World by Train 5 News Weekend Elizabeth: Our Queen - Wife, Mother, Monarch The Royal Family at War Meghan and Harry: Inside the Palace There’s a Croc in My Kitchen Teleshopping Access The Sex Business Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole House Doctor Divine Designs Wildlife SOS

7.00am 9.35am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.35pm 3.40pm 4.45pm 5.45pm 5.50pm 6.40pm 7.45pm 7.50pm 9.00pm 10.05pm 10.10pm 11.55pm 12.40am 1.40am 2.35am 3.35am


Emmerdale 7.00am Omnibus 7.20am Coronation Street 7.40am Omnibus 8.05am The Voice UK 8.40am BGT: Top 10 9.10am Astonishing Acts 9.45am Celebrity 11.35am Catchphrase You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Gold 1.40pm Ella Enchanted 3.40pm FYI Daily Ella Enchanted The Mummy Returns 5.40pm FYI Daily The Mummy Returns 6.50pm Spectre FYI Daily 8.00pm Spectre Celebrity Juice 10.00pm Family Guy 12.00am American Dad! Release the Hounds 2.00am 2.30am Totally Bonkers 2.55am Guinness World 3.25am Records 3.30am Teleshopping

MORE NEW GREAT WATCHES ... Dirty John Starring Connie Britton and Eric Bana, Dirty John is based on a true crime story about a woman who suffers severe psychological manipulation in her relationship.

Dating Around If Take Me Out is your ultimate guilty pleasure then listen up because Netflix have just release their first original dating show and it is uh-mazing. The unscripted series will see one singleton go on five respective dates, before deciding who to enjoy an offscreen second date with. Prepare to be hooked! Pure Marnie has a form of OCD where she experiences intrusive x-rated thoughts. As she reaches breaking point, Marnie moves to London in attempt to build a new life. Not only does this show offer an

important voice in the mental health conversation, but it also breaks down warped stereotypes surrounding female sexuality. The Marvellous Mrs Maisel An uptight housewife in 1950s New York uptown becomes a stand-up comedian after her husband walks out on their marriage.

Little Fires Everywhere If Big Little Lies hadn’t already confirmed our girl crush on Reese Witherspoon, she’s now joined forces with Kerry Washington to produce the TV adaptation of Little Fires Everywhere, the best-selling novel by Celeste NG about a single mother who moves to the suburbs in Ohio with her teenage daughter. Go girls!

Big Little Lies, Season 2 The ladies of Monterey are back! After the extraordinary success of season one, Big Little Lies is set to return to our screens in 2019 for season 2, and this time Meryl Streep is joining the all-star female cast. What more could you ask for?

Luther DCI John Luther is a master murder detective whose charged emotions threaten to jeopardise him.

Liar, Season 2 The end of season one left us on the edge of our seats with the murder of Andrew Earlman so it feels like we’ve been waiting an eternity for news of season two. Will Laura have committed the crime? Let the speculation begin.

Shipwrecked Was eight weeks of Love Island enough? Hell no, so thankfully Shipwrecked is making a comeback. After a seven year hiatus, the original paradise island reality TV show is returning to Channel 4. Major news.

Game of Thrones, Season 8 Brace yourselves because the longawaited final season of Game of Thrones will finally be gracing our screens on the 14th April. The three second sneak peek shows Sansa and Jon Snow engaged in a frosty reunion. Winter is coming!

Judge Judy Judge Judy Rising Damp Rising Damp George and Mildred George and Mildred Bugsy Malone Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Vera Vera Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Summer of Rockets Set in the UK during the Cold War period, Samuel, a Russian Jewish émigré, inventor and designer of bespoke hearing aids is approached by MI5 to demonstrate his work in this star-studded BBC Two drama. Fargo, Season 4 Fargo creator Noah Hawley has confirmed Fargo will be returning for a fourth season with Chris Rock playing the head of a crime family in the 1950s. Hallelujah!

Peaky Blinders, Season 5 Now airing on BBC One, the awardwinning drama Peaky Blinders will return with the Shelby family facing the turmoil of the financial crash of 1929. Cillian Murphy’s bone structure will be flanked by Sam Claflin who is the newest cast member to join the series. MotherFatherSon Richere Gere, Helen McCrury and Billy Howle star in this BBC Two drama about a self-made American businessman, his estranged wife and their son who is set take over his father’s business. The eightpart series is created and written by Tom Rob Smith, the mastermind behind The Assassination of Gianni Versace.

Sunday 24th March 7.00am Children’s 7.00am Totally Bonkers 7.00am Rising Damp Breakfast 7.20am A to Z of TV 7.00am Children’s 7.20am The Big Bang BBC News Theory Guinness World programmes Gardening programmes 7.25am George and Mildred The Andrew Marr 8.05am Great British 7.40am The Simpsons Records 11.20am Make You Laugh Out 10.25am ITV News 8.20am Heartbeat Show 8.35am Frasier 7.40am You’ve Been Framed! Loud Garden Revival 10.30am Parveen’s Indian 12.00pm Sunday Politics 10.20am Britain’s Favourite 9.30am Everybody Loves Gold 11.40am Police Interceptors 9.05am The Edible Garden Kitchen London Raymond 8.05am Emmerdale Dogs: Top 100 12.40pm Police Interceptors 9.35am Gardeners’ World 11.30am This Morning On 12.30pm Walks of Life 10.30am Sunday Brunch Omnibus 11.25am Agatha Christie’s 1.40pm Friends Sunday 1.30pm Homes Under the 10.05am Countryfile 1.30pm Jamie’s Quick and 10.40am Coronation Street 4.10pm Winter in Alaska: 11.00am Saturday Kitchen 12.30pm Ainsley’s Caribbean Hammer Marple Easy Food Omnibus 2.00pm BBC News A Year in the Wild Best Bites Kitchen 2.30pm The Simpsons Agatha Christie’s 12.45pm BGT: Top 10 Comedy 1.25pm 2.10pm Weather for the 5.05pm Spring in Alaska: 12.30pm The Hairy Bikers’ 1.35pm Australia with Julia 3.30pm Doctor Dolittle Corkers Marple Week Ahead A Year in the Wild Chicken and Egg Bradbury 5.15pm A Place in the Sun 1.50pm Celebrity 2.15pm Songs of Praise 3.25pm A Touch of Frost The Great Celebrity 6.05pm Summer in Alaska: 1.30pm My Mediterranean 2.00pm ITV Lunchtime News 6.15pm Catchphrase 2.50pm Lifeline Bake Off for Stand 7.55pm Agatha Christie’s A Year in the Wild with Adrian Chiles 2.15pm The Voice UK 2.50pm You’ve Been 3.00pm Bargain Hunt Up to Cancer 7.05pm Autumn in Alaska: 4.15pm Diamonds are Framed! Gold Poirot 4.00pm Money for Nothing 2.30pm Gymnastics 7.30pm Channel 4 News A Year in the Wild 4.00pm Figure Skating Forever 3.20pm Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 9.00pm Vera 4.45pm Escape to the 8.00pm Escape to the 8.00pm Building the World’s 4.20pm FYI Daily Country 6.00pm World’s Busiest Cities 6.30pm ITV Evening News Chateau 11.00pm Grantchester 5.45pm Pointless Most Luxurious Ship 4.25pm Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 7.00pm Australia: Earth’s 6.50pm Regional News and 9.00pm Secrets of Egypt’s 12.00am Grantchester 6.35pm BBC News 5.05pm Happy Feet Two 8.55pm 5 News Weekend Magical Kingdom Weather Valley of the Kings 6.50pm BBC London News; 8.00pm Inside the Factory 7.00pm The Family Chase 1.00am Wire in the Blood 9.00pm Britain’s Favourite 6.05pm FYI Daily 10.00pm Traitors Weather 6.10pm Happy Feet Two Crisps 9.00pm Dragons’ Den 8.00pm What Would Your 11.00pm 999: What’s Your 2.50am Agatha Christie’s 6.55pm Weather Shrek 11.00pm Black Hawk Down 7.10pm 10.00pm Race Across the Kid Do? Emergency? 7.00pm Countryfile Poirot FYI Daily 1.50am Britain’s Greatest 8.10pm World 9.00pm Coronation Street 11.55pm 8 Out of 10 Cats 8.00pm Antiques Roadshow 3.40am Classic Emmerdale 8.15pm Shrek Does Countdown Bridges 11.00pm The Misadventures 10.00pm Victoria 9.00pm Blue Planet Live 9.00pm Rock of Ages 4.10am Classic Emmerdale 1.00am Ramsay’s 24 Hours 2.05am Teleshopping 10.00pm Baptiste of Romesh 11.00pm ITV News 10.05pm FYI Daily to Hell and Back 11.00pm BBC News 4.35am Classic Emmerdale 4.10am GPs: Behind Closed 10.10pm Rock of Ages Ranganathan 11.20pm Joanna Lumley’s 1.55am Ride Upon the Storm 11.20pm BBC London News; 12.00am White Gold Doors India 5.00am Classic Emmerdale 11.20pm Family Guy 3.00am Hitchcock Weather 12.30am The Reluctant 12.15am The Bay 5.30am Classic Emmerdale 4.40am Come Dine with Me 5.00am Get Your Tatts Out: 12.50am American Dad! 11.25pm Weather Kavos Ink Fundamentalist 1.10am Jackpot247 1.50am The Cleveland Show 5.55am Classic Emmerdale 5.35am Kirstie’s Handmade 11.30pm Pirates of the 5.45am House Doctor 4.00am ITV Nightscreen 2.45am Timewasters Treasures Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2.30am Question Time 6.20am Classic Emmerdale 6.10am HouseBusters 3.30am Holby City 6.05am The Jeremy Kyle 3.15am Teleshopping 5.55am The £100k Drop 1.35am The Celebrity 6.50am ITV3 Nightscreen 6.35am Wildlife SOS 4.30am This is BBC Two Show Apprentice USA 6.45am ITV2 Nightscreen 6.50am Countdown The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People 7.00am 10.00am 11.00am

19th-25th March 2019 | costablancapeople.com

36 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Monday 25th March 7.00am 10.15am

Breakfast 7.00am Good Morning 7.00am Good Morning 7.30am Cheers 7.00am The Planet’s 7.00am Classic Coronation 7.00am Children’s Murder, Mystery Dagenham Britain 8.45am Frasier Funniest Animals programmes Street and My Family 7.45am Money for Nothing 9.30am Lorraine 10.10am Everybody Loves 10.05am The Secret Life of 7.20am Totally Bonkers 11.00am Homes Under the 8.30am Great British Menu 10.25am The Jeremy Kyle Raymond Guinness World Puppies 7.55am Heartbeat Hammer 9.30am The Week in Show 11.10am Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 10.15am Jeremy Vine Records 9.00am Murder, She Wrote 12.00pm The Sheriffs are Parliament 11.30am This Morning 12.05pm Undercover Boss 12.15pm The Nightmare 8.10am You’ve Been Coming 10.00am BBC News at 9 1.30pm Loose Women USA Framed! Gold Neighbour Next Door 10.05am Judge Judy 12.45pm Dom on the Spot 11.00am Victoria Derbyshire 2.30pm ITV Lunchtime 1.00pm Channel 4 News 1.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 9.25am Coronation Street 10.35am Judge Judy 1.15pm Bargain Hunt 12.00pm BBC Newsroom Live News 1.05pm Come Dine with Me 1.15pm 10.25am The Ellen Can’t Pay? We’ll 2.00pm BBC News at One; 1.15pm Politics Live 2.55pm Regional News and 2.05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it DeGeneres Show Take it Away! 11.00am Judge Judy Weather 2.00pm Eggheads Weather 3.10pm Countdown 11.20am Superstore 2.15pm Home and Away 11.30am Agatha Christie’s 2.30pm Regional News and 2.30pm Royal Recipes 3.00pm Judge Rinder 4.00pm A Place in the Sun 2.45pm Neighbours 12.15pm You’ve Been Weather 2.45pm The Manor Reborn 4.00pm Tenable 5.00pm Escape to the Framed! Gold 3.15pm My Ex is Watching Marple 2.45pm Doctors 3.45pm Street Auction 5.00pm Tipping Point Chateau: DIY 1.45pm Coronation Street 5.00pm Friends 1.40pm Heartbeat 3.15pm Pitching In 4.30pm Shark 6.00pm The Chase 6.00pm Four in a Bed 2.45pm The Ellen 6.00pm 5 News at 5 4.00pm Escape to the 5.30pm Going Back, Giving 7.00pm Regional News and 6.30pm Come Dine with Me 6.30pm Neighbours DeGeneres Show 2.45pm Classic Emmerdale Country Back Weather 7.00pm The Simpsons 3.40pm The Jeremy Kyle 7.00pm Home and Away 3.50pm Classic Coronation 4.45pm Money for Nothing 6.15pm Put Your Money 7.30pm ITV Evening News 7.30pm Hollyoaks Show 7.30pm 5 News Tonight 5.30pm Blue Planet UK Where Your Mouth Is 8.00pm Euro 2020 Qualifier 8.00pm Channel 4 News 7.00pm Take Me Out 8.00pm Gallagher Street 6.15pm Pointless 7.00pm Richard Osman’s Live 9.00pm Dispatches Premiership Rugby 8.00pm Take Me Out: 10th 7.00pm BBC News at Six; House of Games 11.00pm ITV News at Ten and 9.30pm Food Unwrapped Anniversary Special 4.55pm Agatha Christie’s Highlights Weather 7.30pm Britain in Bloom Weather 10.00pm 24 Hours in Police 9.00pm Police Interceptors 9.00pm You’ve Been Marple 7.30pm Regional News and 8.00pm The Chronicles of 11.30pm Regional News and Custody Framed! Gold 10.00pm Around the World by Weather Mourne Weather 11.00pm Women Who Kill 10.00pm Family Guy Train 6.55pm Heartbeat 8.00pm The One Show 8.30pm Only Connect 11.45pm Euro 2020 Qualifier 12.00am Mums Make Porn 11.00pm Traffic Cops: Under 10.30pm American Dad! 8.00pm Murder, She Wrote 8.30pm Fake Britain 9.00pm University Highlights 1.00am 60 Days on the 11.00pm Timewasters Siege 9.00pm EastEnders Challenge 12.45am Bear’s Mission with Streets 11.30pm Family Guy 12.05am Rise of the Krays 9.00pm Endeavour 9.30pm Panorama 9.30pm Mary Berry Quick Gareth Southgate 2.00am The Crystal Maze 2.15am 12.30am American Dad! Teleshopping 10.00pm Warren Cooking 1.35am Football Genius 2.55am Undercover Boss 4.20am Criminals Caught 12.55am The Cleveland Show 11.00pm Scott and Bailey 10.30pm This Time with Alan 10.00pm Newsnight 2.00am Jackpot247 USA 1.55am Superstore on Camera 12.00am Scott and Bailey Partridge 11.00pm The Mash Report 4.00am The Jeremy Kyle 3.45am The Big Narstie 2.50am Totally Bonkers 4.45am Access 1.05am Lewis 11.00pm BBC News at Ten 11.30pm Newsnight Show Show Guinness World 5.00am Get Your Tatts Out: 11.25pm Regional News and 12.10am Weather 4.55am ITV Nightscreen 4.40am Coast v Country Records Kavos Ink 3.00am ITV3 Nightscreen Weather 12.15am Sicily: Wonder of the 6.05am The Jeremy Kyle 5.35am Kirstie’s Handmade 5.45am House Doctor 3.20am Teleshopping 3.30am Teleshopping 11.30pm Weather Mediterranean Show Treasures 6.50am ITV2 Nightscreen 6.10am HouseBusters The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

TOWIE STAR REDUCED TO TEARS Towie star Georgia Kousoulou has admitted she was reduced to tears by social media trolls after they slammed her 2017 nose job. The Essex beauty said that people need to get over her decision to have the procedure, adding that she is abused every day. Last year Georgia revealed that she underwent a nose job after years of being unhappy with her look, and despite

confessing she initially regretted the procedure, she is now satisfied with the results. Georgia spoke candidly about the abuse she received on social media after deciding to go under the knife, saying it’s a challenge reading the comments on a daily basis. She said: ‘I never used to get it but I got my nose done about a year ago and since then people can’t get over it. Stop talking

about my nose. Why are you not over it?' When asked whether the trolling had ever reduced her to tears, Georgia said: ‘Of course it has. Sometimes I wonder if I like this life. Especially when you are happy and then someone tries to bring you down. It really upsets me.’ ‘I go out of my way to make it as normal as possible and talk about my spots, cellulite and not looking great.

I think it’s important to show girls that we aren’t perfect. ‘I had my nose done 18 months ago and I have filler in my lips. That’s it. Get over it. I’ve always had big cheeks it annoys me that people are always claiming I’ve had fillers in my cheeks.Let me own them. ‘It is catch 22 because you admit it because it is good to be honest but then everyone just constantly goes on about it. Every day I get abuse about it’.


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Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


WEIRD AND WONDERFUL EASTER EGGS As Easter rolls around again and the chocolate eggs are back on our shelves, so are the weird, wonderful, and downright disgusting ones too - of course this year is no different. With so many of us popping back and forth to the UK coupled with the benefits of internet shopping all those eggs are easily in reach ...

Heston The Chocolate Scotch Egg, Waitrose, £6 A picnic favourite in chocolate form, behold the chocolate scotch egg. A milk chocolate and caramel ganache coated with maple sugar, the mango and yuzu fondant is the replica egg yolk. Dark Chocolate Avocado Easter Egg, Waitrose, £8 A smooth Belgian chocolate shell with white chocolate flesh (that’s supposed to be the avocado) and a cocoa-dusted stone. Prosecco Egg, Marks & Spencer, £5 A colourful combination of prosecco and berries in a hollow chocolate egg decorated with pink colouring. Available in store only. Lindt Lindor Irresistibly Smooth White Chocolate Easter Egg with Lindor Truffles, Asda, £8 A white chocolate egg with accompanying white chocolate truffles. Here’s a fun fact for you, it was recently awarded the title of 2019’s Best Easter Egg. Extra Special Hand-Finished Belgian Dark Chocolate Egg with Cherry, Asda, £5 A decadent dark chocolate egg with dried cherries, white chocolate drizzle and cherry flavoured truffles. Pineapple Gold Easter Egg, Morrison’s, £8 A hollow chocolate egg with a dusting of gold on the body and a fetching frones (that’s the green leaves to you and I). Available in store only.

Cocoa et Co. XL Belgian Milk Chocolate Splatter, Sainsbury’s, £16 An award-winning milk chocolate hollow egg with a rather fancy splatter decoration. Flat Pack Bunny, Ikea, £2.95 A milk chocolate flat pack bunny that comes in three parts. Assembly required. Available in store only.

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Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

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Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019



The kitchen is known as the heart of the home but also the space in which tempers have a tendency to flare amongst couples, say researchers leading a study of top 20 fall-outs. The study, which looked at the relationship dynamic of 2,000 men and women, found the most common disputes stemmed from who would play chef, the mess and the quantity of hot spices to use during preparation of meals. Researchers found bust-ups would also erupt when one partner attempted to interfere in the culinary creation of the other - and even during conversations about what to eat for dinner. Lack of inspiration and variety when it comes to culinary choices are at the heart of many dinner-time disagreements with many couples complaining they eat

the same meals time after time, and the dishes are always boring. It also emerged the average couple will talk about what to eat for the evening meal for at least 10 minutes a day, the equivalent of 61 hours a year. Andre Dupin, head chef at HelloFresh UK, which carried out the study, said: “Food is central to most people’s lives - we think, talk and disagree about food all day every day. “For many people, the evening meal is the prime time to catch up with their partner after a long day. “Finding something tasty to eat that you will both like and is easy to cook is a way to avoid daily disagreements about food.” Other arguments which regularly blow up in kitchens up and down the country are what time to eat, wasting food by not

eating it all and whether or not someone is a good or bad cook. As a consequence of these rows, 12 per cent of unhappy couples have ended up eating separately, while a further 13 per cent have refused to cook for their other half altogether. More than one in 10 adults have gone as far as ordering a takeaway for themselves, but not one for their partner when disagreeing about what to have for dinner. Researchers at OnePoll also found the average couple has the same five meals every single week, changing just two for something new. Meals on rotation include roast dinner, spaghetti bolognese, fish and chips, pizza and a sandwich. One third of couples admit they would be more adventurous with their food choices if given the chance, but blamed their partner for being awkward and stuck in their ways A quarter said new ingredients are too expensive, while 24 per cent are too tired at the end of a busy day to start experimenting. Fifteen per cent said they do not have the energy to start researching new recipes, and when they do, they lack the impetus to find all the necessary ingredients to make the dish. Mr Dupin added: “Often the lack of variety at dinnertime is simply down to a lack of time, energy and inspiration. “There’s really no need to fall out with the one you love over boring dinners. There are ways of mixing up mealtimes, such as having fresh ingredients delivered or trying out different recipes, which will

solve those daily dinnertime debates. “This means less time arguing, and more time with a loved one over a meal you'll both enjoy.”

The kind of things that couples will bicker over in the kitchen 1. What to eat 2. What time to eat 3. Leaving the kitchen looking like a bomb has hit it 4. Interfere while the other is in the process of culinary creation 5. Whether a takeaway is a better idea 6. Whether a meal should include an item the other person does not like, such as mushrooms 7. Who should wash up 8. How spicy a meal should be 9. Who should cook 10. Who let the food go off 11. Unhealthy meal options

12. Who eats all the snacks in the cupboard without replacing them 13. The quality of washing up 14. Wasting food by leaving it on the plate 15. Hoarding a certain ingredient and then buying more of the same 16. Eating the same meal every week 17. The food is boring 18. Whether ,meals should be planned for the week ahead 19. Who buys the most junk food 20. Who should shop for the food 21. If meals are too healthy 22. Whether or not there is enough sauce 22. Milk going off before being used 24. Debating whether someone is a good or bad cook 25. Taking the culinary crown by stepping in when all the hard work is done to add the finishing touches

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

2019 COSTA BLANCA PEOPLE CULINARY AWARDS The nomination forms are in and currently being counted for the 2019 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards. Once again this year, we received an astounding number of nominations for restaurants on the Costa Blanca. The 2019 Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards, sponsored by Moneycorp, recognize excellence in the local dining industry, offering restaurateurs a standard to strive for and diners a gauge by which to choose their eatery. Managing Director of the Costa Blanca People, Claire Richards, said “The Costa Blanca People Culinary Awards are a huge talking point within the industry and we hope that 2019’s awards continue to be an enjoyable and uplifting

community event. The atmosphere is one of support, positivity and of course, healthy competition and it is a chance for restaurant owners to have a rare night off and be waited on for a change! The finalist restaurants in each category will soon receive a secret visit from one of our judges, posing as an ordinary diner in order for the judging process to be as true to life as possible.” Claire continued, “We are thrilled to announce that the awards gala is being held at Finca Rebate. After a five year break, we are delighted to return to Rebate - it is a magical place with incredibly high standards of food and service and is the perfect setting for the

Culinary Awards. A three course meal is on offer, followed by entertainment.

If you’d like to be part of the fun, tickets priced at €25 per person are now on sale for the Culinary Awards 2019 Gala Dinner. For reservations, call 966 701 060.

Bars & Restaurants




CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


UK investigates cases of drug­ resistant gonorrhoea linked to Ibiza Health authorities in the United Kingdom are investigating several reported cases of gonorrhea that were highly resistant to antibiotics. At least four people, all UK residents, were involved in the transmission of the infection following travel to the Balearic Island of Ibiza, or after having sexual contact with people who spent time in the popular Spanish tourist destination. The cases, which are believed to be linked through a common sexual network, were described in the European public health journal Eurosurveillance, which said two women tested positive for Neisseria gonorrheae after having had unprotected sex with male partners. In both cases, the infection proved resistant to the standard antibiotics. The first woman had been to Ibiza on vacation, where she had intercourse with more than one male partner, none of whom have been located for testing. The second woman had unprotected sex with a UK man who “had been in Ibiza and had links with the same sexual network as Case 1.” This man tested negative, but doctors believe he was probably the source of the second woman’s infection, and that “his own infection spontaneously cleared up.” The sexually transmitted infection (STI), which is caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus, can cause pain and discharge in the genital area, throat and rectum. The World Health Organisation estimates that

more than 106 million people contract it worldwide each year. In Spain, there were more than 5,000 recorded cases last year. The strain involved in these cases is the FC428 clone, which first emerged in South East Asia and had sporadically turned up in other parts of the world. But this is the first known instance of “sustained local transmission,” according

(ECDC), which contacted us in January as a country that could potentially be affected,” said Julio Núñez, head of Spain’s National Microbiology Centre. The next step was alerting the regional government of the Balearic Islands, where none of the strains isolated in recent months at Ibiza’s Can Misses hospital or in the public health

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to Eurosurveillance. Health authorities in the Balearic Islands said they have no reports of FC428. When British authorities concluded that all the cases were linked, they triggered European alert mechanisms. “The British warned the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control B U S I N E S S

surveillance network have shown resistance to drugs, or any ties to the UK cases, said Núñez. “This clearly illustrates how the problem we face is global,” said Adrià Curran, of the infectious disease unit at Vall d’Hebron hospital in Barcelona. “The strain emerged in Asia, arrived at a tourist


Disgruntled pensioner denounces 300 illegal extensions


N INDIVIDUAL DENOUNCED 300 ILLEGAL EXTENSIONS TO PROPERTIES AFFECTING 800 OWNERS AFTER BEING FINED WITH €18,200 FOR GLAZING IN A PATIO WITH NO LICENCE. The Spanish news has reported on a scandal that happened in Salamanca, where a pensioner named Tristan glazed in his patio to extend his property by 18sqm. He was denounced and fined €18,200 by the Town Hall for not having a licence. After the fine was notified, the gentleman was so upset that he made the decision to walk around the streets randomly denouncing all enclosed terraces, porches and extensions he could see. Finally, the national news reported he had denounced 300 properties with over 800 owners affected. The Town Hall is enforced by law to take action and fine after a denuncia has been made and as a result of Tristan’s massive denouncing process, a neverending queue of denounced owners has caused the planning department of the Town Hall to collapse and it has now become a political issue in the city. However, the Spanish planning system allows owners to retrospectively obtain a certificate to avoid being fined. Whenever the property has been extended, altered

or had a pool built without a proper building licence, by having a Retrospective Licence/Antiquity Certificate building works already done become unobjectionable and they can no longer be fined. The Antiquity Certificate/Retrospective Licence is also the document needed at the Notary to update the Title Deeds (Escritura) with any alterations introduced to the property and vendors use it to avoid putting off potential buyers, due to the existence of undeclared or unlicenced building work. The requirements to obtain a Retrospective Licence for any alterations, extensions or pools are as follows: •Murcia: The extension or pool needs to be over four years old •Almeria: The extension or pool needs to be over six years old

•Alicante: The extension or pool needs to be over four years old, before the 20th August of 2014 (minimum 9 years). Martinez de la Casa Architects is one of the most prominent and respected practices in the area, providing all types of Certificates and Licenses, amongst other services. They are the Number 1 company in EPC Certificates (121 € inc IVA) and Number 1 for Antiquity Certificates (pools 229 € inc IVA, extensions 326 € inc IVA) and Habitation Licences (from 118 € inc IVA, Town Hall tax not included, depending on each municipality) For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment, please call 665 810 411 or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see over 200 testimonials on their services.

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

destination, Ibiza, and was carried to the UK, where heterosexual women have been diagnosed with it. For years we have been warning about the rise in STI cases. This proves that it is not reduced to a few countries, social groups or specific practices.” Reversible resistance José Miguel Cisneros, president of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, said these cases evidence “the need to systematically implement tools of molecular diagnosis.” “Resistance is reversible. If we stop exposing bacteria to many antibiotics, they’ll go back to being sensitive to them again. That’s the good news at the end of the road,” he said. “But in order to get there, it is necessary to have better knowledge of what we are dealing with, to fight it with the antibiotic that fits the bill the best. Genomic sequencing is the way forward.” The ECDC is concerned that several of the last known cases have required intravenous treatment with ertapenem, an antibiotic that José Miguel Cisneros said is “strategic and should be used as sparingly as possible.” The Cases The first case was detected in October 2018 at a sexual health clinic in the UK, the public health journal reported. The patient had had unprotected vaginal intercourse with more than one male partner while on holiday two months

earlier in Ibiza. These partners were normally resident in the UK. This woman initially received a single dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone (500 mg) and oral azithromycin (1g) in line with standard national guidelines, but tests conducted two weeks later showed that the bacteria were immune to the first antibiotic and showed intermediate resistance to the second one. A month later, another woman went in for a health screen at a different clinic in the UK. Although she had no symptoms, she said she had had unprotected sex with a man who had been to Ibiza that summer “and had links with the same sexual network as Case 1,” according to the journal. Tests showed that this woman carried the bacteria, and subsequent analyses proved that both women were infected with the same pathogen. In the second case, treating the infection proved much harder. She was treated with a single dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone (1 g) but relapsed, and then received intramuscular gentamicin plus oral azithromycin. This treatment failed as well, and doctors then administered three doses of intravenous ertapenem. The fourth person involved is another man who had sexual contact with the second woman while she was free from symptoms. He was also treated with three doses of intravenous ertapenem.

CIA implicated in attack on North Korean embassy in Madrid Investigators from the Spanish police and National Intelligence Center (CNI) have linked an attack on the North Korean embassy in Madrid on 22nd February to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). At least two of the 10 assailants who broke into the embassy and interrogated diplomatic staff have been identified and have connections to the US intelligence agency. The CIA has denied any involvement but government sources say their response was “unconvincing.” If it is proven that the CIA was behind the attack, it could lead to a diplomatic spat between Madrid and Washington. Government sources say that it would be “unacceptable” for an ally to take such action. Not only would it mean that the US agency had operated on Spanish soil without asking for authorisation or informing the authorities, it would also be a violation of the international conventions that protect diplomatic delegations. What’s more, unlike other intelligence activities – such as cyberattacks, which are characterised by their discretion, the attack on the North Korean embassy was especially violent. On 22nd February at 3pm, 10 masked men carrying alleged imitation weapons broke into the embassy, located north of the capital in the residential area of Aravaca. They tied up the eight people inside and put bags on their heads. The victims were beaten and interrogated. A woman managed to escape from a window on the second floor and her screams for help were heard by a neighbour, who contacted the police. Officers arrived at the scene but when they tried to enter the embassy a man opened the door to them and told them that there was nothing going on. Minutes later, two luxury vehicles sped out of the embassy. The cars used for the

getaway belonged to the diplomatic mission and were later abandoned in a nearby street. Police found the eight victims inside. Two of them required medical attention. Investigators from the General Information Office (CGI) and CNI ruled out the idea that the attack was the work of common criminals. The operation was perfectly planned as if it were carried out by a “military cell,” said sources close to the investigation. The assailants knew what they were looking for, taking only computers and mobile phones. The highly secretive investigation will be heard at Spain’s High Court, the Audiencia Nacional, which could order the arrest of the identified assailants. Government sources, however, admit it would be difficult to prove the CIA was involved in court. Kim Hyok Chol Sources believe that the goal of the attack on the North Korean embassy was to get information on Kim Hyok Chol, the former North Korean ambassador to Spain. Kim Hyok Chol was expelled from Spain on 19th September, 2017 by the then-Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis given that the nuclear testing that the country was carrying out at the time was in serious breach of United Nations Security Council resolutions. Kim Hyok Chol is currently one of Kim Jong-un’s highly trusted diplomats, and one of the architects of the failed nuclear summit between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jon-un in Vietnam. In February, Kim Hyok Chol also led the North Korean delegation that negotiated a nuclear disarmament plan with US special envoy Stephen Biegun in exchange for sanctions to be lifted.



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

Crescendo International Darkness into Choir Concert in Early April Light annual walk Crescendo International Choir will be performing its first spring concert Saturday, April 6 at Iglesia de Santa Maria Del Mar on Calle de Elcano in La Zenia at 7:30 pm. Tickets are 10 euros a person. Money raised at this concert will go towards supporting the church building fund of The Parish of the Risen Christ, also in La Zenia. The Parish of the Risen Christ Ecumenical Temple hosts services for people of the following faiths: Catholics, Romanian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Lutheran and Anglican, according to church member Maggi Bray. Part of the building is also used to host meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, a drug-related support group as well as periodic community association meetings. Using the church to reach out and serve the community is important to the Parish of the Risen Christ. “This is what Christianity is about, isn’t it?” asked

Maggi Bray. For more information about the concert or for tickets, you can contact Ms. Bray at 672-827-668. As for Crescendo International Choir, this singing group rehearses at Sacko’s Bar in Plaza International, in the El Limonar Urbanization in Torrevieja. Newcomers are welcome to join. We especially encourage men to join us. Rehearsal times are from 5:30 to 8 pm

on Mondays. We are made up of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses from different countries in Europe. We sing a wide variety of music,including modern and classical, spiritual hymns and pop music as well as songs in different languages such as Spanish, English and Dutch. For more information, go to www.crescendo-choir.com.

Darkness into Light, the global campaign to promote awareness of suicide and self harm prevention has announced that they have formed a charity partnership with Spanish Charity AFESOL Salud Mental, an organisation that looks after all aspects of mental health. The Darkness Into Light charity walk was formed 11 years ago in Ireland with the charity Pieta House. From its first walk with 400 participants, this has now escalated into a global movement. In 2019, more than 200 venues around the globe, with an estimated 200,000 walkers will be taking part in the global walk. Following a good attendance in 2018, the Costa Blanca Darkness into Light team will be hosting the second annual walk, which takes place on Saturday 11th May. The walk will start from Gogarty's Bar, La Zenia at 5:30am and the 5km silent walk will commence towards Cabo Roig, with a beautiful reflective pause at La Zenia beach, where walkers see the

darkness turn into light as the sun rises. To register for the walk and for more detail: https://www.darknessintolight.ie/event/c osta-blanca The DIL team can be contacted by email at: dilcostablanca@gmail.com or costablanca@darknessintolight.ie


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

Health & Beauty


How to tell if you're dry, oily, Improve your combination, or sensitive wellbeing For some people, their skin type is obvious. If you always look shiny, it's safe to say you fall on the oily spectrum; skin that's constantly cracked and flaking is likely dry. Do you always break out when you try new beauty products? Hello, sensitive skin. Still, it's not always easy to pinpoint exactly which skin type you have, especially if your skin is more combination. (And if you have normal skin, well, lucky you.) Everyone's skin contains sebaceous glands, which produce oil. Some people have more active glands, so their skin looks more oily and pores more prominent. On the other hand, skin water content determines whether skin is dry or not; people with dry skin tend to have flaking and tightness, he says. Combination skin usually means oiliness in the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin) and dryness in the cheeks. A simple way to test skin type without a trip to a dermatologist is "The Pat Test." Gently wash your face and pat dry. If your skin feels tight within 45 minutes to an hour, you probably have dry skin. If your skin feels oily after washing your face, you likely have oily skin. If the oiliness is only in the T-zone area, your skin is probably combination. Knowing your skin type is important, since it helps you refine your routine so you're using products that are effective and won't cause irritation or breakouts. Oily skin The signs: You're probably a member of the oily skin club if your skin often looks shiny, you have large pores, and makeup has zero staying-power on your face. Another dead giveaway? Blotting papers absorb excess oil within an hour after washing your face. Skincare tips for oily skin: You'll want to look for oil-free, non-comedogenic (read: won't clog pores) products and those featuring ingredients like salicyclic acid, glycolic acid, and aloe, says Dr. Jaliman. Powdered foundations are great for oily skin and less likely to clog pores, and you should swap heavy creams and ointments for lightweight lotions. Also great? Retinoids can decrease oil production over time. Some of Dr. Nazarian's favorites: ProactivMD Adapelene Gel Acne Treatment and Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair AntiWrinkle Night Accelerated Retinol SA Facial Moisturiser. What to avoid: It sounds counterintuitive, but experts caution against using aggressive cleansers or alcohols, since they can strip skin's natural oils and actually encourage more oil production. You should also consider your diet as aaving a poor diet, eating too many sweets and sugary drinks can exacerbate oily skin. Dry skin The signs: If your skin often appears matte or flaky and feels dehydrated after coming out of the shower or washing your face, chances are you have dry skin. Skincare tips for dry skin: Use products with hyaluronic acid (the ingredient has hydrating and anti-aging properties), ceramides (to protect skin's barrier and lock in moisture), shea butter and

squalane (both are extremely moisturising), and glycerin, a humectant which draws water from air into skin's outer layer. It's also essential to invest in a moisture-rich cream, such as Cerave Moisturising Cream. The best time to apply is right when you get out of the shower, since this helps bind water molecules to skin. Pick cleansers that won't strip skin's natural waxy barrier, like the original Dove Beauty Bar. And remember to drink plenty of water and use a humidifier to prevent skin from drying out while you sleep. What to avoid: Don't use alcohol-based products or those with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid, since these can dry out skin even more. Combination skin The signs: Oily in summer and dry in winter? If your skin changes with the weather or seasons, you probably have combination skin. Another telltale sign is skin that's greasy in certain spots and flaky in others. Skincare tips for combination skin: Combination skin can worsen when someone is using many different products that are adding or removing oil too aggressively, or creating too much inflammation in skin. Experts recommend looking for a gentle cleanser that doesn't disrupt the natural waxy barrier, and follow with an oil-free moisturiser that helps rebuild the pH balance of skin. Other key ingredients for combination skin include squalane, apricot kernel oil,

vitamin E, avocado oil, lactic acid, green tea, collagen, niacin, and hyaluronic acid, since they won't cause breakouts. Also a good choice? Products that contain prebiotics or probiotics such as La Roche-Posay Lipikar Balm formulated with La Roche-Posay prebiotic thermal water, lipid-replenishing shea butter, and niacinamide to replenish skin's essential lipids and provide long-lasting hydration. What to avoid: Don't use products that are alcohol-based, have fragrance, or contain oil. Sensitive skin The signs: While sensitive skin often has underlying redness to it, the true test is how it feels when products are applied. People with sensitive skin often report that many products give a slight “burning” sensation with use. Skincare tips for sensitive skin: Dehydrated skin can cause inflammation, so reach for a moisturiser that decreases inflammation, like La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturiser or Vanicream Moisturising Skin Cream. Products with shea butter, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides are gamechangers for sensitive skin types. These ingredients are super hydrating and help rebuild skin’s protective barrier and add moisture back into the skin. You should also use a gentle cleanser, such as Dove Sensitive Skin Beauty Bars. What to avoid: Make sure the products you're using are hypoallergenic and free of fragrance, parabens, and essential oils.

Meditation Meditation is an ancient practice, essentially training your mind to focus on a single thought or activity. Practitioners claim it helps them feel calm, happy and mentally clear. Numerous government health bodies and psychotherapy groups have recommended meditation to combat anxiety and depression. It’s also purported to boost productivity and cognitive function, as well as lower blood pressure.

Sleep Sleep is one of the most important factors in good health. The best approach is to cultivate a set routine and to sleep for a period of about eight hours. A busy schedule, insomnia or even phone addiction can keep you awake way past your bedtime. High-intensity interval training

Although there are different approaches, HIIT involves alternating bursts of extremely high-intensity anaerobic workouts. Some experts consider HIIT the most effective way to exercise: CrossFit uses elements of HIIT; Orangetheory, a gym franchise which focuses solely on HIIT, is the fastestgrowing franchise in the U.S. For HIIT to be effective you need to achieve a heart rate at least 80 percent of your maximum capacity for a few minutes between short rests. Training sessions usually last under 30 minutes but proponents claim they're more effective than longer workouts and metabolise glucose better. Cold therapy Cold therapy is pretty much what it sounds like—exposing your body to cold or even freezing temperatures for short time periods. It’s an ancient technique mentioned in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, dating from 3500 B.C. Interest was reignited in the 1980s, when studies indicated exposure to low temperatures protected against brain injury. Today biohackers use cold therapy to treat depression and boost metabolism and the immune system. It's also purported to improve circulation, reduce inflammation and even stimulate endorphins.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Tattoo by Royal appointment Thinking of getting a tattoo to show off on your summer holiday? You'd be in good company with some royals, as tattoos have a long and in-depth history within the royal family. One of the first royals that we know of to be inked is King Edward VII. Back in 1862, he had a Jerusalem Cross tattooed on his arm during a visit to the Holy Land and twenty years later, in 1882, King George V was tattooed during his trip to Japan. Today, despite usually covering them up well, the Royals continue to be partial to a little motif. Here’s who’s rocking an inking… The Duchess of Sussex During the royal couple's trip to Morocco, Meghan was given a henna tattoo by 17-year-old Samira who has lived in Asni for 6 years - the henna flower was created on Meghan’s right hand to celebrate her pregnancy as per Moroccan tradition. When the artwork was completed, Meghan said: "That’s really lovely," and proudly showed it to husband Prince Harry, who was sitting next to her. Meghan

added: "It will dry for a little bit and then we can walk through." Samira explained: "It is a traditional practice for pregnant women in Moroccan. It is to bring luck for the baby." The Duchess of Cambridge Shocked? Don’t be. We’re not about to tell you Kate has a constellation of stars up her spine,

but she has been partial to semipermanent inking. In February 2018, while 7-months pregnant with Louis, the Duchess received a small henna tattoo while marking the opening of new artist’s residence up north in Sunderland. Wonder how it faded so fast? Henna is a natural dye that only lasts around one to four weeks. Lady Amelia Windsor Something of an it-girl, Lady Amelia Windsor is the granddaughter of the Queen's

cousin, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and isn’t shy of expressing her personal style. Inked in more places than one, the 23-year-old recently showed off her rib-cage tattoo at the Serpentine Summer Party. She also has tattoos on each of her wrists and also a tiger on her left-hand shoulder blade. Princess Stéphanie of Monaco The youngest daughter of American actress Grace Kelly and Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, Princess Stéphanie was lovingly called ‘wild child’ by her mother when she was growing up. After her mother was killed in a car accident in 1982, while Stéphanie was riding with her, she reportedly grew more rebellious and opted for several tattoos including a floral bracelet, two jumping dolphins on her foot and a motif on her back. "I realised how lucky I was to have life," Stéphanie later said in an interview. "I had my arms open to the future and I said to myself, 'This could be all over tomorrow.' Nobody has really tried to understand me or my behaviour, which just reflected my decision to enjoy life to the full."

Smudge free mascara We've all been there - you're super late, running to get out of the house and hurriedly applying your mascara as you're literally half out of the door when BAM, you get mascara all over your eyelids. Cue five minutes of careful scrubbing to remove the smudges without ruining your lashes... But fear not, people – there is a hack! This is actually the trick that's most

applicable for everyday life because it's not at all time-consuming and only requires a business card. Simply place the business card on the top lash line and apply your mascara the wand will hit the card rather than your eyelids. Repeat the same step with the lower lash line et voila - smudgefree. Try it, it really works.




Price Euros

1-star Aids *

2-star Aids **

3-star Aids ***

4-star Aids ****

5-star Aids *****






Domestic Situations 1-1 conversation TV Shopping Public places



Active Social

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Restaurants Parties Social gatherings Noisy places

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Demanding Situations Public meetings Concerts Theatre Orchestra

€695 single aid €1,290 pair

€845 single aid €1,590 pair

€995 single aid €1,890 pair

€1150 single aid €2,200 pair

€595 single aid €1,090 pair


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

Health & Beauty



CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


Tech Fact on your PC as they will most likely try to install spyware which will definitely cause your computer to slow down. You should be able to completely remove this software from Control Panel – Programs and Features. Do a full scan with your security programs just incase it has left any nasties behind. Janet via email asks; Hi aunty. I want to use my Ebay and Paypal when I am in Spain for 4 or 5 months of the year and I want it in English and pounds sterling but I keep getting it in Spanish with prices in euros! Aunty Says; Hello Janet. This problem is due to Windows detecting the Spanish IP address of your internet connection and assuming you want everything in Spanish. The easiest way round this is to type www.ebay.co.uk into your browser address bar and it should go to the UK page. This also works with Google, Hotmail and Amazon. Steven from Quesada asks; I keep receiving a message popping up from PC Optimizer Pro that tells me I have loads of registry problems which are “slowing down my computer and could cause system failure”. I’m guessing this is some kind of scam and I think I accidently installed it when I downloaded a PDF editor. How do I go about removing this without causing any problems? Aunty Says; Hi Steven. You should always be cautious of any unfamiliar programs that pop up and warn you of problems

Barry via email asks: Hello again Aunty. Can you recommend what free security software I need to install on my new Windows 10 Acer Laptop as there are so many of them to choose from? I use my laptop for banking and buying stuff on Ebay and Amazon so I’m fairly conscious of the risks. Aunty Says: Hello Barry. I’m still a big fan of the free built in Windows Defender that has come pre-installed with your Windows 10. However if you don’t mind forking out a few bucks then the Kaspersky Internet Security app seems to get good reviews, you can download it from www.kaspersky.co.uk and it will set you back about €35. Install a copy of the free Malwarebytes as well and remember to scan once a week and you should be fine. Glen from Benidorm asks: Dear Aunty, I have an HP laptop that (surprisingly) is 3 months out of warranty and has started shutting down after 20 minutes. I have to restart it again with the on/off button and it will work for maybe 5 minutes but then it won’t do anything for hours no matter what I try. I haven’t tried hurling it into the neighbors’ pool but that is definitely

on the cards. Please help me as it is driving me mad. Aunty Says: Hello Glen. Normally when a computer consistently shuts down it is a sign of something overheating, and an even more sure sign is if it gets more frequent as the computer heats up. Try blowing any dust and fluff from the air vents around the sides and underneath and a good test is to prop the laptop up slightly so that some cool air can flow underneath. Your description has this kind of pattern so I’m fairly confident you will see an improvement. Let me know how you get on. Reg via email asks: I have recently upgraded to a new laptop with Windows10 and before that I had XP and if I ran into problems I could restore my computer to a previous time by using System Restore. How can I do this in Windows10 as I can’t seem to find it in the same place? Aunty Says: Hi Reg. You can but it’s a little more difficult to find than in XP but thankfully it is still there. The easiest way to find it is by holding down the Win key (looks like a flag) and press X and chose “System” from the list. From the window that pops up choose “System Protection” and click on the “System Restore” button. Tick the box “Show more restore points” and you should be good to go. Well that’ll do for another week, email your problems to auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com and I will see what I can do.

DID YOU KNOW? • There are approximately 6000 new viruses released every month. • Computer programming is currently one of the fastest growing occupations related to technology. • 28% of IT professionals hide their career from friends and family to get

out of giving free tech support. • The 30th of November is known as “Computer Security Day”. • Technophobia is the fear of technology, Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone, Cyberphobia is the fear of computers.


CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019


54 CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

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STOCK LIST 2016 FORD FOCUS ECOBOOST 125bhp slate great metallic with USB BLOOETOOTH climate cruise etc 5-door as new condition ..........................................................11,995€ 2015 FORD FIESTA 1.25 TREND 45,000kms in Silver metallic 5-door USB climate control multi function steering wheel ..........7,995€ 2015 NISSAN JUKE ACCENTA TURBO with only 37,000kms from new climate control cruise control Finished in Arctic white 13,995€ 2014 FIAT 500C 1.2 Lounge AUTOMATIC Convertible with Biscuit Leather Only 22,000kms one owner Arctic white with Claret roof ......................................................................10,500€ 2014 FORD FOCUS 1.6 VCT POWERSHIFT AUTOMATIC finished in silver metallic 5-door 42,000kms climate Cruise USB ETC.10,995€ 2011 PEUGEOT 308 1.6HDi 110 Sport AUTOMATIC with only 56,000 Kms Climate & Cruise control Silver metallic with beige Leather ..........................................................................................7,495€ 2011 ASTON MARTIN V12 VANTAGE Carbon Edition with only 25,000kms one owner full history 2 seat MANUAL gearbox 110,000€ 2009 FORD MONDEO 2.0Tdci AUTOMATIC Station wagon in metallic black cruise climate etc lovely smooth drive 130,000 Kms ....................................................................................7,995€ 2007 KIA CARNIVAL EX CDRi 7-SEAT finished in platinum silver fantastic driver and economical front and rear climate control ..........................................................................3,595€ 1995 FORD MUSTANG GT 5.0 V8 Lovely condition very well cared for and very healthy. Ideal to join a car club... ready to go ........................................................................6,995€ 1999 MERCEDES SMART FOR TWO LIMITED/1 Special edition White with black chassis classic Smartcar rare to find one of these ........................................................................................2,995€ 1989 CITROEN 2CV in old Paris White fully restored available again for sale on English plates RHD Ready for Summer..................5,995€ 1973 SEAT 600L in cherry red paint work in original condition very clean for its age ... appreciating classic. !! ..................................3,200€ 1966 ROVER COUPE MKIII 3.0 SE Manual transmission left hand drive lovely condition perfect classic project car........................................................................REDUCED 8,500€


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55 CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019

Staying Safe at Party Time Once again, the Orihuela Costa Taxi Association has teamed up with N332 as part of the #chooseright campaign, reminding everyone that taking a taxi is the safest option if you´re out to enjoy yourselves. This year´s campaign was launched in conjunction with the Cabo Roig St Patrick´s Day fiesta on the Orihuela Costa, with the event organisers themselves also behind the campaign, featuring the poster in the official guide, as did the Costa Blanca People who is also officially supporting the campaign. Taxis across Orihuela will be displaying the N332 #ChooseRight stickers, reminding drivers to make the right choice when partying. Alcohol or drugs have no place in driving, and are one of the biggest contributing factors to serious and fatal road traffic incidents. Some people still think that “one for the road” is an acceptable practice, especially as if is not always easy to recognise how alcohol, drugs, or both,

affects us. Spain has a much lower permitted alcohol limit than some other countries, including the UK, but the only safe limit is zero. That is why if you are going out, for any celebration, it is important to

#chooseright. Taking a taxi is one option. You could also designate a driver who won´t consume alcohol, a generous thing might also be for a group to pay for the driver´s soft drinks during the event.

Have you got your eBook update? As of January, 2019, the maximum permitted speed on secondary roads of Spain changed, and was reduced. The idea was to simplify the understanding of the speed limits and, primarily, slow down vehicles on these roads where the most injury and fatal incidents occur. If you have downloaded the Spanish Traffic Law eBook, then this has changed in view of this amendment. The change is to ARTICLE 48 - Maximum Permitted Speeds on Roads Out of Town. In the eBook, these are pages 133 to 139.

You can get the update to the eBook by visiting the website, n332.es, where you can choose to download the full eBook once again, although this is a very large file, or you can just download Part 3, which is where the amendment is. Alternatively, you can just download the affected pages in a single file. Although you won´t be able to insert them into your existing eBook, unless you have a very good knowledge of how PDF´s work, it will save you the time of downloading the entire book from scratch.

Tiredness and Driving – A Deadly Combination Tiredness, or fatigue, resulted in 177 deaths and 4,063 injuries, of which 589 were serious enough to require hospitalisation, in a total of 2,722 road traffic incidents in 2017, the last year for which complete data is currently available. Of the total number of incidents, 2,722, the majority were on the secondary road network, the location where more serious incidents occur than any other road type. Of that total, 2,351 incidents with victims

were on secondary roads, where there were 165 deaths and 3,574 people injured, of which 523 were serious. July, August and September were the months of the year in which there more injury incidents due to fatigue than any other, whereas November, March, February and January respectively saw fewer incidents. In terms of fatalities, the figure recorded month by month is very similar, although August and November stand out, both with 19 deaths. Similar to the number of incidents per month, February and March saw the least fatalities with 6 and 8 respectively. Although the majority of fatigue related incidents occur during daylight hours of the working day, between Monday and Friday from 07:00 to 20:00, when there were 1,695 injury incidents which resulted in 105 deaths and 2,471 injuries the days with the highest number in a 24-hour period corresponds to weekends, and in particular Sundays, where there were 556 incidents, then Saturdays with 471 accidents, totalling 1,027, compared to 1,695 incidents between Monday to Friday. The riskiest time of day is between 07:00 and 14:00, when 852 incidents and

70 fatalities were recorded. Aside from the statistical data, fatigue is one of the most dangerous and common contributing factors to road traffic incidents, mostly because it is impossible to react to the situation until it is too late, resulting in very serious consequences. Despite the risks, 55% of drivers in Spain admit to continue driving despite feeling drowsy behind the wheel, according to a study by Linea Directa which reveals 17 million drivers have suffered drowsiness behind the wheel and 8 million have experienced micro dreams. Some of the habitual recommendations to fight drowsiness include resting well before undertaking a trip, and planning to avoid the most dangerous hours or long trips, especially at night. Make sure that you take a break every 2 hours or 200 kilometres travelled, do not tilt the seat too far back, ventilate the interior well, do not eat a large meal before driving, talk to your passengers and stay properly hydrated during driving. It is also important to try to avoid long and boring stretches, or take more frequent breaks, always respecting the rules of the road.


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CostaBlancaPeople 19th-25th March 2019



www.costablancapeople.com 19th-25th March 2019










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suzanne@costablancapeople.com Claire Richards: Benijofar, Benimar, Quesada, Quesada Golf, Mireille Toddington Rojales, Formentera, Benejuzar, El Raso 607 031 113 claire@costablancapeople.com (Deputy Editorial Manager) 637 456 781 Jenny Grogan: mireille@costablancapeople.com La Marina, Guardamar, San Fulgencio, Classified Advertising Enquiries: Torrevieja, Torrevieja Centro, San Luis, Quesada, Benimar, El Limonar, El Chapparal, 966 701 060 (Mon-Fri*) *office closed Tues La Mata, Torrelamata, Aguas Nuevas, Mar Azul, advertising@costablancapeople.com El Raso, Playa Flamenca, Punta Prima, La Zenia, N.I.F. No.: X6230025-S, Los Dolses Deposito Legal: A 763-2015 647 472 825 Printed by Indugraf Offset S.A. Sharon Jones: San Miguel, Torremendo, Entre Naranjos, Vistabella, Quesada, Benimar, Benijófar, Los Montesinos, Algorfa, Montebello, Almoradi , El Raso, Playa Flamenca, Punta Prima, La Zenia, Los Dolses 607 050 943 Mireille Toddington: Orihuela Costa 637 456 781

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968

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Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968

Fleur is a very affectionate young lady, 1 year old. Fleur is fine with other cats but would love a home where she can get lots of attention. Call 600 845 420.

Sebastian is a 9 year old Norwegian Forest cat in desperate need of a new home. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Sebastian loves attention, getting groomed and needs a home with no other pets. Email: info@petsinspain.com



19th-25th March 2019








Tobi came to us as sadly his owner is having to move into a nursing home. Tobi is a happy little dog whose needs are very few and he would make a super companion for anyone looking for an older dog; he is 11 years old and is now fully vaccinated, microchipped and has been neutered.

Frank is a magnificent boy, very affectionate and gentle and just loves everybody. He is fully vaccinated vet checked and would make a wonderful pet.

Advertise in The


966 701 060


Marta - D.O.B. Oct. 2010 Marta is a beautiful German Shepherd cross, medium sized. She is a very gentle and affectionate, is good with other dogs and very shy towards people to start with. If interested in adopting Marta, call 600 845 420.

Sammy, an 18 month old little boy. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Sammy is good with other dogs and loves attention. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

Born in 2013, Freddie is a great little dog. He has a wonderful personality and loves being with people. He is house trained and is very good in a home. Freddie likes being with female dogs, but doesn’t like male dogs or cats.

Sira, 7 years old, fully vaccinated and spayed came from a home where children pulled her about, so not suitable for a home with children or dogs.She has become very loving towards our managers, is used to being an indoor cat and is really lovely.


www.costablancapeople.com 19th-25th March 2019 REMOVALS/STORAGE

Luna and Sol, 8 year old Bichons, need of a new home together. They were previously kept outside so they will need some training. They are both chipped and vaccinated and Luna is sterilised. Call: 645 469 253 email: info@petsinspain.com


– Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com

Servicio de traducción gratuito

Basil, 10½ years old, came to the kennels after his owner died, so we really hope that he will be in another loving home soon. He loves to go for a walk and walks well on the lead. Basil is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated.






19th-25th March 2019


We accept PayPal


Kala came into the kennels as her owner no longer wanted her or his two other greyhounds. He used them for racing She is 6 years old and fully vaccinated, microchipped and spayed and loves to play with her toys as does Tarzan (see video on our facebook page) www.facebook.com/satdolores


We accept PayPal



Lucy and Lilly are sisters, Lucy is the confident one, Lilly is very shy, but in the right calm, loving home she will be a beautiful companion for someone.



– Tlf: 966 701 060 –



Servicio de traducción gratuito




Beautiful, gentle Cinders, now 7 months old, is fully vaccinated and neutered and looking for her first loving home. If you would like to meet Cinders and the other APAH cats and kittens, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.


Advertise in The

Gypsy, still here at the kennels arriving in 2012, she will be 12 in February. We would love for her to spend her remaining years in a home as she loves human company and you can do anything with her but she just does not like other dogs.


966 701 060


Dixi, born 11th January with her four brothers and three sisters. The litter have just had their first vaccination and although they are still not ready to be rehomed, they can be reserved. Call the kennels in Dolores on 966 710 047 or email info@satanimalrescue.com


Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the CostaBlancaPeople

966 701 060



www.costablancapeople.com 19th-25th March 2019 BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 35 years experience, with 15 years in Spain. All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification All works guaranteed. Competitive prices. Ring now for free no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489, WhatsApp or email: gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) General construction. We guarantee all our work. We beat most quotes. 697 834 934. (786)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Traspaso! Great opportunity to be the first owner of of a bar/restaurant in the best area of Cabo Roig. Call 966 941 073/650 359 377 (779) Language school for sale. Well established. Good income. €19,000. Tel: 697 834 934 (781)

BUY & SELL Single seater golf buggy with caddy call/32AH 24 volt lithium battery package. Price 1,500€. Buyer to collect. Tel 966 197 655. (783)

Need a home improvements specialist? Kitchen, bathroom, tiling, painting and much more for only 8€ hr. Just give me a call and enjoy your perfect home! All works guaranteed. Free quotations for larger projects. Tel 664 339 684/whatsapp Thomas. (782)

Pet Travel UK. Family pet transporters. Spain/ UK. Travel with your pets for free. Email: info@pettraveluk.co.uk, website: www.pettraveluk.co.uk. Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel: UK 00 44 120 963 0604 or Spain 00 34 960 130 537 (789)

Fully legal. Private and comminity pools. Including regrouts, pressure testing, and leak repairs. 965 725 565/693 370 601. (781)

PROPERTY FOR SALE Ref: 906 - Doña Pepa 2 -3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex Fully Furnished Roof Solarium Off Road Parking South Facing Communal Swimming Pool Price - €125,000 Ref: 905 - Ciudad Quesada - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Off Road Parking Panoramic Sea & Lake Views Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Price €135,000 Ref: 904 - Doña Pepa 2 -2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex Furnished Private Garage Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Very Short Walk to Local Amenities Price - €105,000 Ref: 902 - Ciuidad Quesada-2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Golf Course Location Communal Swimming Pool Short Walk to Local Amenities Price 68,000. Text: CASA46 To 34668 690083. Ref: 901 - Doña Pepa 2 - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Fully Furnished Off Road Parking Communal Swimming Pool Sought-After Location Price: €115,000 Ref: 895 - Ciudad Quesada - 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex Fully Furnished Front Tiled Garden Immaculately Presented No Community Fees Close to Local Amenities Price €118,000. Text CASA 48 To 34668 690083

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FORM A minimum of 15 words is payable (4.20 euros plus 21% IVA)

Ref: 879 - Doña Pepa 2 - 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow Fully Furnished 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Extension (Almost Completed) Superb Location Opposite Communal Swimming Pool 2 Minute Walk to Consum Supermarket Price €99,000 For further details call Inmobiliaria Quesada on 966 718 392

Ref 4706 Benijofar Quality Build 3 storey 176m2 townhouse, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, A/C, u/flr heating, underbuild, cloakroom, terraces, communal pool. 185,000€ Ref 4830 Entre Naranjos Corner Garden Ground floor spacious apartment, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, separate kitchen, glazed terrace, courtyard, communal pool. 69,500€ Ref 4834 Montemar Secure Gated Complex Ground floor apartment, terrace with views across the communal pool area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, garden, great value. 69,950€ Ref 4824 La Siesta Detached Villa 123m2 build, 2 bedrooms (3rd bed/dining room), bathroom, A/C, spacious terrace with mountain views, 398m2 plot with pool.199,950€

Tel No. CIF/NIF No.

Contact Vincent Real Estate: 966 712 440 info@vincent-realestate.com (779)

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Motorised Gates Electric motors now in stock to supply and fit including track and 2 remote controls. Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L) Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

REMOVALS & STORAGE Spanish Moves. Small removals and deliveries Spain/UK budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Email: info@spanishmoves.net. Website: www.spanishmoves.net. Pet transport also arranged. Tel: UK 00 44 1209 630 604 or Spain 00 34 960 130 537. (789)

PERSONAL SERVICES ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Attractive girlfriend for hire Speaks 3 languages. Professional masseuse. Tel 693 357 526 (803) Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady Speaks 3 languages Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits Tel 693 357 526 (803)

Ref 4836 Doña Pepa 600m2 plot Family detached villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 ensuite), A/C, private pool,

Experience the best with a one hour unique massage with Veronica Appointments call 679 292 678 (784)



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external kitchen, garage, solarium, lake/mountain views. 339,950€

Ref KR1602 Doña Pepa Brand New Modern spacious 112m2 semi detached villas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 ensuite), A/C, 198m2 plot with drive, solarium, private pool. From 260,000€


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Ref: 880 - Lo Crispin - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Roof Solarium Tiled Garden with Room for Private Swimming Pool Cul-de-Sac Location Communal Swimming Pool Price €125,000. Text CASA15 To 34668 690083


Eazy Lawns - the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification. Specialising in Motorised Gates,Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings. Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsApp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)

Ref: 884 - Ciudad Quesada 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished 212m2 Private Plot Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool - Price €122.000




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CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019

Imanyo Golf Society “St Patrick’s Shield” This was the fourth time the St Patrick’s Shield has been played for, 29 players met at Imanyo’s where the day started with the usual full English breakfast, the format was full handicap Stableford split into three groups with one overall winner. The venue was Font Del Llop where we were greeted by David and his staff, as usual everything was ready and waiting for us, the course was in excellent condition and the weather was sunny but very breezy which affected some of the scores. Winner of the “St Patrick’s Shield” was group A winner, John Palmer with 39 points, runner up of group A was Dave Martin with 34 points. Group B winner was last year’s winner Ian Bell with 37 points, runner up was Alan Byrne with 35 points. Group C winner was Mo Chaplin with 29 points; runner up was Terry Fitzgerald with 27 points. Nearest the pins winners were hole 3 Tom Goulden, hole 7 Martin Gadney, hole 8 Annemie Verhaeghe, hole 12 Chris Baillie,hole14 Chris Houghton, hole16 “Keep it in the Family” Wendy Ralph and hole 17 Alan

Martin. The football card was won by Allan Boyden with Sheffield Wednesday winning €40 and raising €40, we also raised €45 by fining players for balls in the water making a total raised of €85 for our

chosen charities 2019. We would like to thank Ronnie King for sponsoring the day with some great prizes and Antonio, Norma and staff at Imanyo’s for the good food and great hospitality.

Ronnie King presenting the shield to John Palmer.

Rory wins Sawgrass golf championship Rory McIlroy has won the Players Championship, beating 48-year-old Jim Furyk by one shot after a thrilling final round at Sawgrass. The Northern Irishman's two-underpar 70 gave him victory on 16 under. It is his first win in a year and sets him up for an attempt at the career Grand Slam at the Masters next month. "I feel like I'm playing some of the best golf of my life right now and I just need to keep doing the same things," he told Sky Sports. "If I hadn't won, I'd have said I didn't need one going into Augusta but it's nice to win on a course that will play similar to Augusta in a few weeks." Only five players have won the modern era career Grand Slam of Open Championship, US Open, Masters and US PGA Championship - Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. McIlroy, 29, won the US Open in 2011,

US PGA in 2012 and 2014 and The Open in 2014 but is yet to win the Masters, which starts on 11 April. He has finished in the top six of all his tournaments in 2019. The Players Championship is often referred to as the 'fifth major' and is the most prestigious of the regular PGA Tour events on the American calendar. England's Eddie Pepperell finished two behind McIlroy, tied third after a 66. Pepperell holed a 50-foot putt on the 17th to briefly join McIlroy in a tie for the lead before the four-time major champion pulled clear with birdies on the 15th and 16th. Overnight leader Jon Rahm fell away in the closing stages and finished on 11 under after a four-over 76, while Tommy Fleetwood struggled to a 73. McIlroy is just the second United Kingdom golfer to win the Players Championship, following Sandy Lyle in 1987.

Vettel knows Leclerc will put the pressure on Sebastian Vettel says his new Ferrari teammate Charles Leclerc will push him hard throughout this season. Leclerc, who has replaced Kimi Raikkonen, was told to stay behind fourth-placed Vettel in the closing stages of the Australian Grand Prix. Vettel said: "He'll put a lot of pressure on me the whole season. It will be very close. He is very talented. I am sure we will have tough and tight battles but more than that I hope we have a lot of fun together." Leclerc, 21, has been drafted into Ferrari in only his second season in F1, after starring on his debut for Sauber last year. At the season-opening race in Melbourne last Sunday, Leclerc qualified two places behind Vettel after making an error on his final qualifying lap. In the race, the two men narrowly avoided a collision at the start as Leclerc tried to pass Vettel around the outside of the first corner, and Leclerc had a trip across the grass later during his first stint. But in the second stint, after making a later pit stop than Vettel, Leclerc closed a 12-second gap to the four-time world champion before asking on the radio whether the team wanted him to hold position and not try to pass his teammate. He was told to stay in fifth place. Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto said he was "happy" with Leclerc's performance on his debut. "If we judge his entire weekend, it was a pretty strong one," Binotto said. "His qualifying wasn't perfect; he is aware of it. He drove well all through Q1 and Q2, maybe not perfectly in Q3, but generally speaking he had a good weekend and his second stint he was performing well."

Las Ramblas Golf Society Hola! and welcome to the Las Ramblas Golf Society report. This week we are kindly sponsored by that famous Peckham based, international conglomerate, Trotter’s Independent Traders! Monday saw Bryan (Boycie) Neal together with Marleen (Marleen) Billen take the top spot in a ‘two ball better ball’ with 44 points. Crème de la menthe! Although a good score it still fell 9 points short of our record set by John (Dukey) Conway and Donna Campbell last year. In second place (on countback) were Rodney (Dave) Pulling and Mike (this time next year) Chapman. It was noted that Terry Field (or should that be Tony Angelino) complained about the ‘gween, gween’ greens again. Wednesday was round 3 (of 6) in our Eclectic ‘Joker’ Stableford competition. Scoring 8 points on the 7th hole, ‘Del Boy’ Chapman won the day with 44 points. Ménage a tois! Hot on his toes was Friedel Knebel with 42 followed by Rodney Pulling with 40 points. Three ‘2’s today of which Geoff (Arnie) Biggerstaff got two (another gold chain for Dee

then!) It certainly didn’t help Uncle Albert (or should I say Alan Douglas) shaving off his beard as he had a very ‘sacre blue’ round today. Unfortunately there was no sign of Trigger (John) Dobson back at ‘The Nag’s Head’ as he had to leap into his ‘Capri Ghia’ for an airport run. Heinz Lei arrived on Friday and obviously had the wrong sitcom in mind as he was wearing his ‘Don Estelle’ shorts. Playing a ‘Dusty Bin 3-2-1’ our winners, with 80 points, were Arnie Biggerstaff, Paul Brown, Pete Dunn and Olga (Raquel) Douglas. Nick (Micky Pearce) Campbell came close to hitting the group in front on a couple of occasions and had to be spoken to quite sternly by ‘Grandad’ Reg Akehurst whilst Nigel (Slater) Price was ready to throw the book at him. John Shervell took the day off from painting a Chinese takeaway but his team couldn’t manage much better than 5th place. Bain Marie! Por ultimo, in the words of Paul Harvey ‘Golf is a game in which you yell four, shoot six and write down five’ Pues, hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell


Mike Chapman

At the start of the race weekend, Vettel had said the two Ferrari drivers were "free to race", even though Binotto had said the German would have "priority in certain situations". Asked why they had asked Leclerc to hold position in the closing laps, Binotto said: "I don't think it was really a decision - it was not a difficult one. "Sebastian was managing his pace because of poor grip and bringing the car home. Charles did a great second stint. But 10 laps to go there was no reason to take risks. We were not battling for the first position, but fourth and fifth. Scoring points was the main priority today." Ferrari's performance over the weekend was a disappointment, after they had appeared to have the fastest car in pre-season testing. Vettel was 0.7secs slower than Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton's pole position time, and the Ferrari drivers finished nearly a minute behind the race winner, Hamilton's team-mate Valtteri Bottas. Vettel and Binotto said they did not yet know what had gone wrong in Australia to cause the car to have less grip and poor balance compared to in pre-season testing in Barcelona. "Clearly we are missing something," said Vettel. "Right now we don't have an answer. We need to get back and have a good look. But I am sure we will find something because we know the car is better than what we have seen. "We have a good car, we know it - this weekend we didn't and overall we were not competitive enough but we will be back."



CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


Tales from the Top Flight â– CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Dear reader, I said it last week but I do not think anyone listened. Manchester City do not need any help winning

ridiculous errors. So why, oh why, is it not being used in every single match at this stage of the FA Cup? Don't give me the 'oh, it's only at Premier League grounds' chat, Mr FA. I can just about get my head around that the old Plough Lane might not have

right on a football pitch these days but he did manage to score an injury-time winner for ten-man Leicester City against Burnley. Burnley have now conceded ten goals in injury time this season and not all of them have been Joe Hart's fault. Speaking of injury-time kicks in the

been quite there enough to accommodate such technology. But Swansea's ground was a Premier League ground last season. And it's the quarterfinal of the FA Cup for crying out loud. Either everyone has it or nobody does, surely? Anyway, Liverpool fans are getting quite upset at how much 'help' City are getting right now, not quite cottoning on to the fact that it is probably preferable that City stay in as many cup competitions as possible right now. Speaking of Liverpool, they nearly made a dog's dinner of their chance to go back to the top of the Premier League against Fulham. They needed a late penalty from James Milner to take all three points after Ryan Babbel treated the away fans to something they won't have been used to seeing him scoring a goal. Does this count as a new Manchester United crisis? I mean, since they beat PSG to 100% confirm that they are 'back', United have lost to Arsenal and been knocked out of the FA Cup by Wolves. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was honest enough to admit that Wolves deserved their 2-1 win but United need to sort themselves out quickly otherwise they won't have much fun playing Barcelona over two legs in the Champions League. Watford knocked out Crystal Palace in a tie that went close to being the one fewest people cared less about this weekend. The winner of that dubious title was Millwall vs Brighton, which saw Millwall also ship a two-goal lead to a Premier League side and then lose on penalties. Back in the Premier League, West Ham were about to achieve peak West Ham status for the season in allowing Huddersfield to score what must have been close to 50% of their total goals for the season in their match at the Athletics Stadium. Huddersfield led 3-1 but then forgot to do the rest of it, including defending. West Ham managed to turn it around and win 4-3. If there was any doubt about whether Huddersfield would get relegated, this removed them for sure. Wes Morgan doesn't do a great deal

teeth, Matt Ritchie supplied one to his former employers Bournemouth by scoring a fine equaliser for Newcastle on the South Coast. The game finished 2-2. Oh, and Chelsea lost to Everton. Chelsea losing isn't that much of a surprise anymore but Everton winning? Dear reader, I said it last week but I do not think anyone listened. Manchester City do not need any help winning football matches. They are perfectly capable of doing it themselves without the referee's assistance. Would City have beaten Swansea anyway, even without two howlers from the man in the middle? Quite possibly, but maybe, just maybe not. Fresh from battering Schalke by the odd Champions League goal in seven during the week, Peppy G's boys rolled into Wales understandably expecting a lower-end Championship side to be almost as easy to squeeze past in the FA Cup. It didn't really work out that way initially as Swansea found themselves two goals to the good through a penalty correctly given and a team goal that had City scored it themselves, fanboys the world over would have been hyperventilating over on social media. Of course, 2-0 up against City when you're not seeing a great deal of the ball is never really a safe position to be in, even if they have got Fabian Delph in the side. Pep threw on Raheem Sterling and Sergio Aguero to sort out the mess and it wasn't long before things looked completely different. At 2-1, Sterling was tackled in the box and both the referee and his assistant were unable to spot the fact that he hadn't actually been fouled. He hadn't dived either, before the Daily Mail get on to Sterling about that too, but he hadn't been fouled. Aguero's penalty hit the post and then went in off the 'keeper's heel. Did anyone else just instinctively know at that point that Swansea's game was up? It was the Argentine who netted the late winner for the FA Cup favourites, despite being offside and despite it (again) not being spotted.

Aguado misses penalty

football matches. They are perfectly capable of doing it themselves without the referee's assistance. Would City have beaten Swansea anyway, even without two howlers from the man in the middle? Quite possibly, but maybe, just maybe not. Fresh from battering Schalke by the odd Champions League goal in seven during the week, Peppy G's boys rolled into Wales understandably expecting a lower-end Championship side to be almost as easy to squeeze past in the FA Cup. It didn't really work out that way initially as Swansea found themselves two goals to the good through a penalty correctly given and a team goal that had City scored it themselves, fanboys the world over would have been hyperventilating over on social media. Of course, 2-0 up against City when you're not seeing a great deal of the ball is never really a safe position to be in, even if they have got Fabian Delph in the side. Pep threw on Raheem Sterling and Sergio Aguero to sort out the mess and it wasn't long before things looked completely different. At 2-1, Sterling was tackled in the box and both the referee and his assistant were unable to spot the fact that he hadn't actually been fouled. He hadn't dived either, before the Daily Mail get on to Sterling about that too, but he hadn't been fouled. Aguero's penalty hit the post and then went in off the 'keeper's heel. Did anyone else just instinctively know at that point that Swansea's game was up? It was the Argentine who netted the late winner for the FA Cup favourites, despite being offside and despite it (again) not being spotted. You had to feel for Swansea who had given everything and, had VAR been in action on the night, might have come away with at least a penalty shoot-out. Which brings me on to the whole VAR thing. I am a fan of VAR, I think it does bring something extra to the game and stops teams, theoretically, getting knocked out of competitions and missing trips to Wembley due to

You had to feel for Swansea who had given everything and, had VAR been in action on the night, might have come away with at least a penalty shoot-out. Which brings me on to the whole VAR thing. I am a fan of VAR, I think it does bring something extra to the game and stops teams, theoretically, getting knocked out of competitions and missing trips to Wembley due to ridiculous errors. So why, oh why, is it not being used in every single match at this stage of the FA Cup? Don't give me the 'oh, it's only at Premier League grounds' chat, Mr FA. I can just about get my head around that the old Plough Lane might not have been quite there enough to accommodate such technology. But Swansea's ground was a Premier League ground last season. And it's the quarterfinal of the FA Cup for crying out loud. Either everyone has it or nobody does, surely? Anyway, Liverpool fans are getting quite upset at how much 'help' City are getting right now, not quite cottoning on to the fact that it is probably preferable that City stay in as many cup competitions as possible right now. Speaking of Liverpool, they nearly made a dog's dinner of their chance to go back to the top of the Premier League against Fulham. They needed a late penalty from James Milner to take all three points after Ryan Babbel treated the away fans to something they won't have been used to seeing him scoring a goal. Does this count as a new Manchester United crisis? I mean, since they beat PSG to 100% confirm that they are 'back', United have lost to Arsenal and been knocked out of the FA Cup by

Wolves. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was honest enough to admit that Wolves deserved their 2-1 win but United need to sort themselves out quickly otherwise they won't have much fun playing Barcelona over two legs in the Champions League. Watford knocked out Crystal Palace in a tie that went close to being the one fewest people cared less about this weekend. The winner of that dubious title was Millwall vs Brighton, which saw Millwall also ship a two-goal lead to a Premier League side and then lose on penalties. Back in the Premier League, West Ham were about to achieve peak West Ham status for the season in allowing Huddersfield to score what must have been close to 50% of their total goals for the season in their match at the Athletics Stadium. Huddersfield led 3-1 but then forgot to do the rest of it, including defending. West Ham managed to turn it around and win 4-3. If there was any doubt about whether Huddersfield would get relegated, this removed them for sure. Wes Morgan doesn't do a great deal right on a football pitch these days but he did manage to score an injury-time winner for ten-man Leicester City against Burnley. Burnley have now conceded ten goals in injury time this season and not all of them have been Joe Hart's fault. Speaking of injury-time kicks in the teeth, Matt Ritchie supplied one to his former employers Bournemouth by scoring a fine equaliser for Newcastle on the South Coast. The game finished 2-2. Oh, and Chelsea lost to Everton. Chelsea losing isn't that much of a surprise anymore but Everton winning?



The 1st round of the Spring Series was fished at the El Bosquet Complex Section B on the 12th March. The weather was again bright and sunny but with a blustery breeze, however the water temperature at mid day has now reached 16 degrees, but the fishing remains patchy with some anglers struggling to get a bite. Bill Reade back once again on top form to take first place with 21.100kgs coming in second spot was Dave Hutchinson with 14.960kgs and closely followed in third place was newcomer Keith Hirst with 14.100kgs well done!! 1st Bill Reade with 21.100kgs fishing the Pole using bread 2nd Dave Hutchinson with 14.960kgs fishing the pole using pellet 3rd Keith Hirst with 14.100kgs fishing the pole using bread and pellet There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.es or from me on 965328368

Our 11th round of the Winter Championship was also fished at El Bosquet Complex on Section A on the 13th March. Section A water seems to have picked up a bit with the middle pegs fishing quite well and producing better weights. Ian Brown took the top spot with a weight of 19.080kgs, Bill Reade pushing hard but just missed out on the first position with 18.020kgs to take second place and Mick Hill coming in third with 15.300kgs 1st Ian Brown with 19.080kgs fishing the pole using bread and pellet 2nd Bill Reade with 18.020kgs fishing the pole using bread 3rd Mick Hill with 15.300kgs fishing the pole using bread There are still some vacancies at the Club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Richard Wood on 611451423

Tight Lines. TERRY SCREEN.


CostaBlancaPeople 19th - 25th March 2019


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