8 September - 14 September 2020

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Government extends restrictions for 21 days The Generalitat Valenciana has extended new restrictions, introduced in August, for another 21 days in an effort to curb coronavirus outbreaks in the region.

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Limitations, which are extended from this week for three more weeks, are also now expanded to casinos, bingo halls and gambling establishments, which must close at one in the morning. The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, made the announcement on Saturday, revealing an extension by a further 21 days of the latest safety measures. The restrictions for nightlife continue, the mandatory distance of 1.5 meters between tables on terraces and restaurants remains in place, as does the prohibition of smoking outdoors if there is not two meters of physical distance - these limitations are now also extended to gaming venues. The extension comes into force the same week in which the school year officially begins in the Valencian

community, which is scrambling to carry out PCR tests, at an average of 10,000 daily. The tests, which Puig says provide valuable information, are being carried out across the community but many of those tested complain of delays in obtaining results due to the heavy strain on healthcare infrastructure. Puig was keen to reassure the public that the curve grows “very smoothly” and has ruled out any situation of “alarm”. He said, “The situation is under control and we must be constant in restrictive measures to speed up control of the pandemic.” The extra restrictions, in place since August, extend to gambling casinos, bingo halls, game rooms, arcades and specific betting shops, which must close Continued on page 3


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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Elche couple found guilty of murdering two­year­old In the early hours of Sunday morning, a jury delivered the verdict on a harrowing case in Elche which saw the brutal death of a two year old boy in 2018. The child, Aaron, was beaten to death in a case which shocked the local community. His mother and her partner were arrested at the time, and this week, the case drew to a close with the jury finally delivering the guilty verdict at 1am on Sunday. The mother’s boyfriend committed the actual murder, but she too shares in the guilty verdict because, as stated by the jury she was “aware of habitual abuse, and did nothing to prevent it.” The jury ruled out applying mitigations for drug use and have concluded that the couple were “fully aware” of the damage caused. The verdict was delivered after six days of trial. The first session took place on Monday, when the two defendants testified. The stepfather of the child assumed responsibility for the beating, which he blamed on a fit of anger caused by the consumption of narcotics. The child's mother, stated that on the day of the events, September 13, 2018, she had left the home she shared with the accused and the child to go to the doctor and the pharmacy, and that upon her

return home discovered that the child had been injured. According to her version, it was then that they sought help from the neighbours. A woman took them to the Vinalopó Hospital, with the little boy already unconscious. On the way to hospital, near l'Aljub shopping centre, they had a traffic accident, and the driver they collided with was eventually the one who took the couple and the child to the hospital. It was there that the first alarm bells began to ring for healthcare staff: not all the injuries that the boy presented corresponded to that same morning. An investigation was then opened for an alleged crime of habitual abuse. The little boy died four days later in at Alicante Hospital as a result of his injuries, as he had serious brain injuries caused by suffocation, and forensic evidence pointed to the fact that the two year old had been strangled. Both the Prosecutor's Office and private accusations, which were levelled by the child’s biological father and grandmother, asked for the two

defendants to be tried for murder, as well as child abuse. The defendant had maintained throughout the trial that she was not aware of previous mistreatment, and that she had never seen marks or bruises on the child that made her suspect that he was a victim of beatings. Her partner, although he did confess to the fatal beating, denied that he routinely mistreated the child, and claimed that the events of that day were a one off, caused by mental breakdown related to drug use. Both have been in prison since the day were arrested, the same day that the boy was admitted to Vinalopó Hospital. Now that the jury has returned the guilty verdict, it will be the Seventh Section of the Provincial Court of Elche who will have to pass sentence. During the six days trial, a hundred people testified, including witnesses, police investigators and experts.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Potential DANA this week

Continued from page 1

High temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea in September have traditionally prompted intense storms at this time of year, especially when combined with high humidity. Many in the Vega Baja are still reeling from last year’s DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos Isolated Depression in High Levels) which caused devastating flooding in many towns and villages. Weather experts predict that conditions this week could provoke another DANA. Weather website, Meteored, warns that “Right now a good part of the western [Mediterranean] sector is more than 26 ºC” claiming that a new DANA could arrive early this week. Meteored’s spokesperson Víctor González said in a statement, "The forecasts for these next few days show instability” predicting that a depression will move slowly and erratically over the western Mediterranean. González continued, "The presence of a height depression of these characteristics could cause generalized and severe storms, affecting the Balearic Islands or even the east of the Iberian Peninsula.” Meteored is one of the world's leading meteorological information projects with more than 20 years of experience. González said, “Currently our predictions, models and news are offered around the world through different media and platforms. It is because of our experience, quality and dedication that millions of people trust us to plan their day to day.”

no later than one in the morning. The closing hours of hotels and catering establishments are maintained, also at one in the morning, as well as the recommendation to hold family or social gatherings of a maximum of 10 people, and limit visits to nursing homes to a single person. Puig also indicated that this week the Valencian Community’s agreement to join the Radar Covid app will be formalised, a project which will be rolled out progressively as different technical and compatibility aspects are resolved. “This tool will help us in early detection tasks, which at the moment are basic: early detection for early care,” said Puig. Also this week, the 150 trackers from the Ministry of Defense will begin to help with contact tracing, which will reinforce Spain’s Primary Care services, which are currently overloaded. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has previously called on all citizens to download the Radar Covid app. Sánchez highlighted the importance of the tracking app Radar Covid in curbing the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country. “Technology can also save lives if it is employed to face a challenge like the one we have before us. That’s why we have promoted the Radar Covid app,” Sánchez said at a press conference in August. The app is already in use in the regions of Andalusia, Cantabria,

Extremadura, Castilla y León and the Canary and Balearic Islands; and leaders say it is urgently needed across the rest of the country. “We urge the remaining regions who have not yet done so to incorporate the digital tracking system,” pleaded Sánchez, adding that “all citizens must download the application.” Radar Covid has been available to download from app stores for several weeks now. The app uses a mobile phone’s Bluetooth capability to work as an automatic and anonymous contact tracer. When the phones of two Radar Covid users are next to each other for at least 15 minutes within a two-metre distance, a file is exchanged via bluetooth that is saved for 14 days. If a person tests positive for Covid-19, the doctor or contact tracer issues the patient with a random alphanumeric number. It is hoped that the patient would then introduce this number into the app voluntarily. Subsequently, all users who have been in close contact with the patient will receive an alert. The app revises these codes twice a day to check for updates. At no point is the identity of the patient revealed. “According to the estimations we have, if more than 20% [of the population] downloads the app, it could reduce the impact of the pandemic by 30%,” claimed Sánchez. This estimate is backed by a study from Oxford University which found that, for the app to be most effective, it must be downloaded by 60% of the population, but a lower percentage will also help curb contagion.





CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020







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BITE SIZE NEWS: ‘Patera’ intercepted with minors and pregnant woman on board A ‘patera’, the term used to describe a small boat of the type used by people trying to gain entry to Spain by sea, was intercepted in Torrevieja last week. There were fifteen people on board in total, including four minors and a pregnant woman. The boat was one of the four sighted in the province, the others were off the coast of Benidorm, Calpe and Altea. Three of the boats were redirected to the Port of Alicante with a total of 38 migrants on board, all of whom underwent PCR tests within the framework of protocols established against the coronavirus. When the results are established, if there are no positive cases, the people who arrived by boat will be handed over to the Civil Guard, otherwise the health authorities will take action.

Torrevieja U3A Groups Fair Despite all the problems of the past few months the Torrevieja U3A group is proceeding with the Annual Groups Fair. As a result of the group’s usual base at the CMO building still being off-limits, organisers will be holding a reduced version of the event at: Hi Life Bar and Restaurant Calle Salvador Dali 20 Via Park 1 This will take place on Monday September 28th starting around 11.00am. Masks will need to be worn at all

times and all sanitation services will be available. Social distancing will need to be maintained and visitor numbers will be monitored to ensure compliance with all safety regulations. Food and Drink plus bathroom facilities will be available inside the bar. Organisers said, “We hope to see as many old and new 'friends' as possible and hope you will enjoy your visit.”

Four month sentence for abandoning baby A judge in Lorca (Murcia) has sentenced a 19-year-old girl to four months in prison after she admitted in a recent trial that she had abandoned her threemonth-old baby at an ATM machine in the city. The court took into account the ‘drunkenness’ the mother presented as part of her defence strategy, claiming this as part excuse for her actions. As such, her sentence will be suspended and she will not have to enter prison on condition that she does not commit any crime for a period of two years. The baby was found alone at an ATM in the city. It is believed the baby had been on its own for around 40 minutes. Police were then able to locate the mother, a 19 year old South American woman, on another street in Lorca in a visible state of intoxication. The court commented that by her actions the young woman "seriously" ignored her functions and duties as a mother and that she was aware of the risks to the baby by leaving it abandoned.


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Stomach upset is key Covid symptom in children New research suggests stomach trouble more predictive of the Covid-19 virus in young people than a cough. A study was carried out in the UK with the participation of more than 990 children aged between two and 15. The results of the research has led to calls for the official NHS list of symptoms to be updated with experts saying that diarrhoea and vomiting could be an important sign of Covid-19 in children. The checklist for coronavirus in children currently includes just three symptoms: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, and a loss or change to the sense of smell or taste. The latter was added to the list in May. Generally, studies around Covid-19 in adults have flagged symptoms including muscle pain, fatigue, confusion, chest pains and often include stomach upset. A yet-to-bepeer-reviewed study by researchers at King’s College London, based on data from the Covid symptom study app, found that symptoms fall into six main groups in adults, one of them being mainly gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, researchers at Queen’s University Belfast say they have confirmed that an upset stomach is a symptom of Covid-19 in children, and revealed it appears to be a key symptom of the disease. “In our group, diarrhoea and vomiting were more predictive than,

say, cough or even changes in smell and taste,” said Dr Tom Waterfield, the first author of the research. “If you want to actually diagnose infection in children, we need to start looking at diarrhoea and vomiting, not just upper respiratory tract symptoms.” Dr Waterfield said that going by the current three recognised symptoms,

testing symptomatic children would identify 76% of cases, assuming a perfectly accurate test, while adding gastrointestinal symptoms to the checklist would bring the figure to 97%. The study took place over a four month period between April and July and involved more than 990 children of healthcare workers from across the UK aged between two and 15. None had been admitted to hospital with Covid19. All of the participating children had a blood sample taken, which was tested for antibodies to coronavirus, and data was also gathered on whether they had experienced any symptoms – important

to note is that this was done before antibody results were revealed. The team found that 68 children – 6.9% of the total – had antibodies for the disease, suggesting they had had Covid-19, and half of these 68 reported having had symptoms. Some symptoms were particularly common, especially fever and headache, but 19% of the children with Covid-19 antibodies reported gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps. For children without antibodies this figure was just 3%. While only 34 children were symptomatic in the study, Dr Waterfield said the findings were important, not least as diarrhoea and vomiting were clear and obvious problems to spot. Prof Tim Spector, of King’s College London, said the findings supported similar research by his team. “Our data on nearly 250,000 children from the Covid symptom study app suggest that children who test positive have a wide range of symptoms and that a cough is not as common in children as it is adults,” he said. We are also seeing gut symptoms and loss of appetite appear commonly as well as the classical fever,” Spector said, adding that while gastrointestinal problems were seen in both adults and children, they were slightly more common in children compared with other symptoms.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

New Covid outbreaks in Callosa de Segura, Dolores and Torrevieja The Ministry of Health confirmed on Friday that there are three new outbreaks in the Vega Baja, specifically in the towns of Callosa de Segura, Torrevieja and Dolores. All three of the new outbreaks are of social origin. In the case of Callosa de Segura there is a new outbreak with four positive cases confirmed by PCR. In Dolores the outbreak involves three people and in Torrevieja another three. According to the latest confirmed figures available, the Valencian Community registered 714 new coronavirus infections in 24 hours - confirmed by PCR test since the last update - which put the total number of positives at 26,746 people. By province, the distribution is as follows: 54 in Castellón (2,875 in total); 247 in the province of Alicante (8,334 in total); and 413 in the province of Valencia (15,531 in total). There are also 6 unassigned cases. On the other hand, 786 patients with coronavirus have been discharged, so the total number of people cured since the start of the pandemic stands at 28,118: 3,416 in Castellón, 8,755 in Alicante and 15,878 in Valencia. In addition, there are 69 ‘unassigned’ discharges. As far as Friday’s figures indicate, Valencian hospitals currently have 413 people admitted: 48 in the province of Castellón, with 4 patients in ICU; 132 in the province of Alicante, 25 of them in the ICU; and 233 in the province of Valencia, 30 of them in ICU. On the other hand, 8 more deaths from coronavirus have been registered, so the total number of deaths amounts to 1,529 people: 229 in the province of Castellón, 528 in Alicante and

772 in Valencia. Friday’s figures indicate the following new outbreaks: • Buñol: 11 cases. Workplace origin • Ondara: 4 cases. Workplace origin • Castelló de la Plana: 4 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 7 cases. Social origin • Callosa de Segura: 4 cases. Social origin • Dénia: 6 cases. Workplace origin • Valencia: 5 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Canet d'En Berenguer: 5 cases. Social origin • Torrevieja: 3 cases. Workplace origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 7 cases. Social origin • Vinalesa: 3 cases. Social origin • Vinalesa: 3 cases. Social origin • Pain: 3 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin

• Ontinyent: 5 cases. Social origin • Burriana: 3 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 5 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin • Castelló de la Plana: 3 cases. Social origin • Torrevieja: 4 cases. Social origin • L’Alcúdia de Crespins: 9 cases. Workplace origin • Torrevieja: 3 cases. Social origin • Oropesa del Mar: 5 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin • El Pinós: 4 cases. Workplace origin • Oliva: 6 cases. Origin other community areas • Valencia: 4 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Ondara: 5 cases. Workplace origin • Dénia: 6 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Valencia: 3 cases. Social origin • Gandia: 3 cases. Workplace origin

Man extradited on historical sex abuse charges A 65-year-old man appeared remotely via video link before a district judge in Belfast having been extradited from Spain to Northern Ireland in connection with historic sex offences. The man was arrested in Spain on a European Arrest Warrant sought by the Police Service of

Northern Ireland (PSNI). The man was extradited on Friday in relation to a number of historical sexual offences against a child, dating back to the 1980s. He appeared before Laganside court in Belfast via phone link from a PSNI custody facility on Saturday morning. No bail application was made

during the brief hearing before district judge Fiona Bagnell. The judge heard that under coronavirus regulations the man is required to spend two weeks in isolation due him entering the country from Spain. The case was listed for a further hearing on September 21.

Neighbours mistake barbeque for house fire An embarrassing false alarm occurred on Saturday in Torrevieja town centre when, just before 3pm, neighbours mistook barbeque smoke for a house fire. Reports claim that heavy smoke belched from the third floor of an apartment block on Calle de Los Molinos, prompting several nearby residents to call the 112

emergency services. Fire crews were immediately dispatched to the scene and two ladder vehicles were quickly in place to tackle the ‘fire’. At the same time, several units from the Local Police and Guardia Civil were dispatched to the scene to support fire crews in case the apartment block and adjacent buildings had to be

evacuated. As fire crews accessed the property, they realised that the cause of the smoke was not in fact a house fire, but a barbeque taking place on the balcony of the apartment. Fatty ingredients caused intense smoke which caused neighbours to believe that a house fire was underway.





CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Costa Blanca family quarantined, awaiting PCR results A family in the northern Costa Blanca has been in self isolation for over 20 days, without knowing if they have contracted Covid-19 due to the delay in receiving results from their PCR tests. The mother, from Finestrat, was the first to test positive and has been quarantined in a room at the family home since August 18th, unable to be in contact with other members of the family. The father and three children managed to eventually get a test done ten days later but are still waiting on the results to find out if they have the virus.

telephone number 900-300-555, the number set up by the Generalitat Valenciana to report suspected cases of the disease, and was informed that the entire family unit should remain at home and that mother had to go the following day to Benidorm health centre to undergo a PCR test. She went the next day and five days later, her worst fears were realised – she tested positive for Covid-19. They then began to try to find out if the rest of the family had been infected and three days later, were eventually summoned to undergo tests.

The family are awaiting contact from health authorities regarding tests they underwent on August 28th, a delay that the father considers ‘unacceptable’ and which he believes is causing the family serious physical, occupational and emotional damage.

Initially the family was informed that they had to go on different days because they had been assigned different doctors, although the complications for the father of having to bring each family member on different days led doctors from the health centre to at last reschedule the appointments for the same day and time. This was on August 28th and to date, the family still don’t know the results of those tests.

The ordeal of this family began on Tuesday, August 18, when the woman began to notice symptoms of Covid-19. The next day, when she did not see any improvement in her state of health, she contacted the

Dad Jorge explained that his wife is in a room without contact

with him or the children since day one. She has symptoms, he said, but not serious. Since his own self isolation began, Jorge himself noticed that during the first few days he lost his sense of smell and taste but nothing else. The children, age 6, 14 and 17 are not displaying symptoms but this is no reassurance to Jorge as often, the disease in children manifests with mild or no symptoms. "We could all be infected or none of us, but this uncertainty of not knowing is unbearable," said Jorge. Jorge is a waiter and has been unable to go to work since August 19. He managed to get time off, although he is conscious that "not all people who are in our same situation, which there are many, have managed this." Furthermore, the children will not be able to return to school this week. "If we knew that the children were fine, they would have been able to go with their grandmother or with some other relative so as not to be exposed to a possible contagion at home, but we cannot risk that they too might have the coronavirus and can infect someone," he explained.



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Whether you’re ready to start a full on renovation project on your home in Spain, buying a property to “flip,” or just purchased a property in need of a few repairs, you’ll need to have your business head screwed on tight. Will your project add real value, or are you at risk of spending more than it’ll be worth? Here are a few upgrades that are both good and bad for your investment: Kitchens & Bathrooms: Without hesitation, renovating these two rooms gets a thumbs up from me! The kitchen is the heart of the home. Even a modest renovation will add value like renewing the cabinet doors and hardware. Simple but effective! Bathrooms tend to look dated every 10 years. There’s always new designs hitting the market, from tiles to sanitary ware. Even giving a bathroom a minor facelift with fresh grout will make the room look newer. Best investment in this room would be to update the tiles. Most people are removing baths and replacing them with showers. Also a good investment! Open balconies: Enclosing an open balcony/terrace to make a sun room gets a thumbs up from me! You’re adding another room to the

property, so this is adding value. This is an easy extension to make, as there usually is no construction work involved. Aluminium frames and windows will get the job done with little disruption. Glass curtains are a popular choice that makes the room look opulent! Bedrooms: If you’re thinking of removing a bedroom wall to make a larger living room or dining room, beware! Creating bigger rooms will always be a welcomed upgrade however, if you’re doing this in order to sell the property then stop! More bedrooms will always attract more buyers. This type of investment is fine if you’re doing it for your own benefit. Doing it purely to the flip the house, will get a thumbs down from me. Some upgrades do add real value, but not all are guaranteed! Sometimes the best upgrade is to sell your existing property and buy a home that’s already been done! Before embarking on any projects, answer this: Will your upgrades make your home more comfortable for you to live in AND add value to your investment? Thinking of selling your property in Spain but not sure where to start? I have created a video for you to watch on demand from the comfort and safety of your own home! Head to: www.homes4u.es/HowToSellaPropertyInSpain You’ll discover everything you need to know from the paperwork that will be required to getting you the best deal!

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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Child drownings increase by 33% in Spain A total of 36 minors have died in swimming pools, beaches and rivers, 33% more than all of 2019 and the highest number in the last seven years, according to the official report on the drowning of minors in aquatic spaces. The report, prepared by the Abrisud de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat company, specifies that almost half of the deaths - in total 26 boys and 10 girls - took place in swimming pools (47.22%), 88.24% of them domestic pools; 19% on beaches; 11% in rivers; another 11% in reservoirs or swamps and the remaining 12% in different locations, such as water parks or the high seas. According to the report, the most child drowning occurred in the Valencian Community with eight deaths, followed by Catalonia with six, Andalusia with four and Madrid with three. The worst month was August, with ten drownings of minors, while the report indicates that there were a further 33 non-fatal drownings that required hospitalization; as well as 13 rescues that needed medical supervision; and 110 rescues without further consequences. The authors of the report were keen to highlight that "neither the decline in tourism nor the confinement that occurred in Spain have managed to reduce

the upward trend that has been recorded since 2016." The report highlights that the most common profile of minors who die by drowning is a child, between 2 and 4 years old, who dies in an unsupervised space or due to carelessness in adult supervision. This year, 16 children aged 4 or under died by drowning. Four of the drownings were children between 5 and 8 years old and another four were aged between 9 to 12 years, while twelve of the

deceased were adolescents. According to the report, a large proportion of the drownings occurred in the evening, with 20 fatal accidents occurring between 5.00pm and 9.00pm, while 13 occurred between 1.00pm and 5.00pm. Two took place early in the day (9am to 1pm) and one, at dawn. In the last 7 years, 243 minors have died in aquatic spaces in Spain, 180 boys and 63 girls, 63% of them during the summer period (May-September).



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Paediatricians will not issue certs to get children out of class Several paediatric associations revealed this week that as the beginning of the new school year approached, they were inundated with requests from parents asking for medical documents to excuse their child from attending class. In a statement, the Valencian Paediatric Society indicated that they will not be issuing medical certs to excuse children from school as it is not within their remit.

distance...all that is regulated by the Administrations, we can issue certificates from a medical point of view, but not decide whether or not they can go to school.” In its statement, the Valencian Society of Paediatrics reminds parents that schooling is compulsory from 6 to 16 years old. “The suspension of teaching in March was something exceptional, but it

Luis Blesa, president of the Valencian Paediatric Society, said “I understand the uncertainty of parents and the fear that children might be infected, and that they want to request these supporting documents to cover their backs, but we must avoid unnecessary bureaucracy. Parents need to know that making this request only consumes the time and resources of the health workers and right now, we need to dedicate ourselves to more urgent tasks.” Blesa emphasised to parents that paediatricians are not responsible for deciding whether or not a child should attend class. “We paediatricians can certify that the child has a disease, but the fact that this disease involves not attending school is difficult for us to control. We do not know the conditions of the classroom, if you have ten or twenty classmates or if you keep a safe

did not turn out to be anything good for children and adolescents, or for families. We paediatricians are the first to advocate that face-to-face classes be maintained,” explained Blesa. Lack of staff However, the barrage of such requests by parents is not the biggest problem facing paediatricians and healthworkers in the Valencian Community. It is the lack

of personnel and resources. As Blesa explains, “We have had a worrying staff shortage for several years. What has happened is that the pandemic has further aggravated the workload that we already had to do. It has been possible to postpone what is urgent, but that does not mean that it does not exist and that at some point we do not have to do it. Because patients will have to continue to be checked, vaccines will have to be given and all diseases that are not covid, that will not disappear either. Frankly, we are overwhelmed and on the verge of collapse.” Blesa said that paediatricians understand the anger and frustration of patient, but much of the administrative problems are out of the control of medical staff. He said “Patients get mad because we don't pick up the phone, but this is not because we aren't doing anything. We have switchboards that collapse easily, and while the administrators are making appointments, other calls cannot enter. Everything is saturated. Many of us are calling patients with our private numbers because the phone is continuously blocked. Nor do we have online platforms to attend by videoconference or receive images of patients and prevent them from coming to the health centre. We do what we can with the little they give us, and we are overworking to unsuspected limits.”

Russian vaccine prompts immune response A Covid-19 vaccine which has been developed and tested in Russia is reported to have generated neutralising antibodies in dozens of test subjects, according to new data published by medical journal The Lancet. Russia was heavily criticised when it announced the vaccine was approved for public use before crucial Phase 3 trials were complete. In Phase 1 and 2 studies of the vaccine which is named Sputnik V, all 76 of the participants developed antibodies to the virus. The data shows that levels of neutralizing antibody response in test subjects were similar to the immune response that people had after naturally recovering from Covid-19. The team of researchers also looked at responses from T cells, another component of the immune system. "[Outcomes from] the trial also suggest the vaccines also produce a T cell response within 28 days," the researchers wrote. Scientists not involved in the study said that, while these results are a positive sign, only larger, Phase 3 trials can confirm whether the vaccine actually prevents illness with Covid-19. "The data on the Russian vaccine studies reported in The Lancet are encouraging," said Brendan Wren, professor of microbial pathogenesis, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In the Russian study, half of the participants developed fevers and 42%

developed headaches. In addition, about 28% experienced weakness and 24% had joint pain.

The Lancet article did not say how long these side effects lasted but said "most adverse events were mild." A press release from the Lancet revealed that the vaccine was registered in Russia in August, before it had gone through large-scale trials. The researchers at the Gamaleya National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia received approval on August 26 to do a Phase 3 trial, which is expected to have 40,000 volunteers. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) is financing Russian vaccine research. Head of RDIF, Kirill Dmitriev revealed that researchers are already distributing the vaccine to high-risk groups. Dmitriev, CEO of the RDIF, said that the trial results confirm the "high safety and efficacy" of the vaccine, adding that the

results are "a powerful response to skeptics who unreasonably criticized the Russian vaccine." Russia has previously said it plans to begin mass vaccination of citizens in October, and the country's health ministry has said the country's frontline medical staff and teachers will be the first vaccinated. Post-registration trials of the vaccine will begin in Moscow this week, revealed mayor, Sergey Sobyanin. More than 5,000 people have already signed up to participate in the trials, according to Sobyanin, who spoke during a video conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sobyanin also announced that he himself had been vaccinated with the first of the vaccine's two doses. The mayor also discussed the scepticism surrounding the vaccine, with about half of those polled doubtful about its efficacy. "According to the polls, around half doubt whether they need to get vaccinated for coronavirus, whether it is developed enough or not. Two months ago, there were almost 90% skeptics," said Sobyanin. Russia is not alone in fast tracking a coronavirus vaccine. China approved an experimental vaccine for members of the military with news emerging recently that it has already been using the vaccine on those working in high risk professions such as frontline medical workers and border patrol and inspection workers.


Escapee from Fontcalent prison arrested in Almoradí National Police in Almoradí have detained a 47-year-old man who escaped from Alicante’s Fontcalent prison at the beginning of August, taking advantage of a prison permit. While on the run, the escapee stole a vehicle knifepoint and committed several other crimes until he was finally arrested. According to Radio Alicante, initial investigations were able to locate the fugitive in the Alicante province, so investigating officers focused their efforts on narrowing down the search area. A few days later, a woman reported that her vehicle had been stolen at knifepoint. Subsequently, Elche City Council workers reported an incident involving the same vehicle. They were going to fine to the driver for being parked in an accessible parking spot but he fled the scene. The fugitive then tried to run over several officers who were blocking his path before managing to escape, leaving a trail of destruction to vehicles and

hitting a city bus. Police officers then verified that it was the stolen vehicle but had changed the registration number plates. Officers then decided to go undercover and dressed in civilian clothes and in an unmarked car, they followed the stolen vehicle to Almoradí, where they proceeded to make the arrest. The detainee had an extensive criminal record. The 47-year-old man, of Spanish nationality, was placed at the disposal of the Orihuela Investigating Court, which ruled that he be immediately returned to prison.


Summer school at home programme draws to a close

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councillor for Social Welfare, Tomás Ballester, presented diplomas to the monitors who participated in the Summer School at Home programme in the town. The main objective of the programme, aimed at children from 3 to 12 years old, was to offer Torrevieja families with financial difficulties a resource in the summer to help their children with school work. The Mayor and Councillor for Social Welfare presented the diplomas the 20 monitors of the project which replaced the traditional municipal summer school on account of Covid-19.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

"En Casa como en el Cole" was aimed at children from 3 to 12 years old, and offered support to families in Torrevieja with financial difficulties, whose children had not been able to participate in online classes. The scheme allowed the children of low income families to avail of a teaching resource in a period summer that will serve to help and reinforce their schoolwork. In addition, participating children received school dinners at home. The project was free to participants and involved monitors coming to the homes of families for an hour and a half at a time to deliver school related creative activities as well as study reinforcement, board games and craft projects.

Callosa police officer tests positive The positive result of a Covid-19 test in Callosa de Segura has created a staffing problem for the local police force. One of the officers tested positive for coronavirus on August 21, which then led to a forced quarantine of the rest of the officers who had been in close contact or shared a shift with this individual. In total five policemen, plus the one affected, have had to undergo quarantine. According to municipal sources, three of the five agents who had had contact with the police officer who tested positive for Covid-19 were on vacation anyway so their absence did not diminish the already stretched police force. The other two have undergone the serological test. One of them has tested negative in that first test and the other is at home waiting for the results due to a backlog in test results. As for the officer who tested positive, this individual has been self isolating since August 21, and has just received a

medical discharge to return to work. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Callosa, Manuel Martínez (PP), has once again demanded from the Department of Health, more resources for the municipality's Health Center. This is the third letter the Mayor has sent since the summer, the second in a few days. The Mayor says “the situation of the Health Center is unsustainable for the population, the complaints from local people continuous, the telephone attention is deficient and we are very worried about the situation. The City Council has provided new telephone and mobile lines to attend to the monitoring of Covid patients and health care, but there is a lack of staff.”


Man fined on return from Spanish holiday A man from Fermanagh in the north of Ireland has been fined £1,000 for breaching Covid-19 travel rules - the first person in NI to be sanctioned in this way. It is understood that the man went out socialising in Enniskillen on Sunday after returning from holiday in Spain, before later testing positive. Anyone travelling to the north of Ireland from countries not on the socalled ‘green list’ of exempted countries is required to self isolate for two weeks on arrival or face a fine. It is understood the man who was fined had recently returned from the Balearic Islands, as first reported by the Belfast Telegraph. ACC Alan Todd said the management of Covid-19 travel rules was a matter for UK Border Force, and police acted on its recommendation about potential breaches. He said police would also "act on any significant concerns raised by members of the public". "As always, our approach remains to engage, explain and encourage and, only where necessary, enforce," he said. "Everyone needs to continue to follow the government's guidance to help suppress the transmission of the virus and support our NHS." He added it was "encouraging to see" that there had been a high level of compliance with the mandatory quarantine on travellers to Northern Ireland.

Discover the Real Spain: two new hidden gems Following the success of the first ‘Discover the Real Spain’ tours organised within the guidelines of the new normal, new trips and tours are being added. The desire to escape after a long confinement, but in a safe and healthy environment, has seen many locals contact local Spanish lady Begona Josa del Portillo who organises the range of ‘Discover the Real Spain’ trips and tours. These aim to allow hidden gems to be explored expats and holiday makers alike. In response Begona organised two trips in August and due to demand is now adding two more.

Caves of Canelobre The picturesque town of Busot is home to the spectacular Canelobre Caves. Only 24km from Alicante, these breathtaking caves are believed to date back to 740AD, but to have taken more than seven million years to be created by the water eroding limestone rock and are a magnificent example of a karstic period.

Visitors are always mesmerised by the strange and unique shapes that have been created over time within the walls of these incredible caves. The entrance used by visitors was created during the Civil War, when Canelobre provided refuge for the Republican troops and was used as an aircraft factory and a powder keg. The interior has been compared to a great Gothic Cathedral and in fact the acoustics are so good inside that concerts are held here on occasion. Canelobre Caves are the highest caves in Spain, a 45 meters tunnel takes you into the 70 meters Vault cavern, a space with more than 80,000 m². Following the tour of the caves, the group will explore the nearby city of Alicante for tapas or maybe a little retail therapy... or you might want to wonder around with Begona and make the most of her insider knowledge! This trip will take place on 24th September and costs just 25e. Book now to avoid disappointment and to arrange you pick up/drop off point between Los Alcazares and Quesada. Safety precautions in place. Call Begona on: 622 188 772.

Wine Tasting Tour – New bodega The next Wine Tasting Tour will take place on 2nd October. The day begins with a visit to the beautiful Gaudi-style church of Santa Maria Magdalena, where the group can enjoy a morning coffee taking in the stunning views from the terrace. And the day just gets better with a tour of a local vineyard on the outskirts of Novelda. The informative tour, in English, takes in the vineyard and the winery and gives an insight into the art of wine growing and production. The home-grown wines will accompany a light lunch at the bodega made with traditional, local produce. The lunch will end with the opportunity to taste an exclusive dessert wine, with a slice of cake...and of course to buy a bottle (or four) of your favourite tipple. Tickets for the day trip cost 35e and due to sanitary restrictions places are limited – so book now to avoid disappointment and arrange you pick up/drop off point. Call Begona on: 622 188 772.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Ryanair will leave Ireland if restrictions not lifted Budget airline Ryanair has warned that it will look at the possibility of leaving Ireland if Covid-19 travel restrictions remain in place. The airline says it will move capacity out of Ireland during the winter season unless the government's Green list of countries deemed safe for travel is removed. This would be a devastating blow for Irish people with second homes in Spain, many of whom fly with Ryanair to spend the winter months on the Costa Blanca and further afield. CEO of Ryanair, Eddie Wilson, says the government should act on the final report of the Taskforce for Aviation Recovery published last month which was put together in "double quick time by the best brains in the aviation industry". "We haven't heard anything. And now we're going into the winter and we're going to have to move that capacity out of Ireland. You can't do business with a 14day quarantine," said Wilson. The company claims Ireland has

become a laughing stock in Europe due to the caution it has taken with regards to overseas travel. Irish citizens are being actively encouraged to have a ‘staycation’ this year instead of travelling overseas and with most holiday hotspots not appearing on the so called ‘green list’ of safe countries for travel, many

passengers are having to change their holiday plans rather than face a 14 day self isolation period on return from their trip. The requirement to self isolate for two weeks, Ryanair claims, is vastly discouraging travel and damaging business and tourism in Ireland. Back in July, the company issued an ultimatum to the Irish government, demanding they

expand their green list or they will leave the country. Ryanair said the green list had done more harm than good to Ireland's tourism industry and will continue to have a "severe, detrimental effect" on the sector, leading to further job losses. "Ryanair recently cancelled 1,000 flights between Ireland and the UK and allocated that traffic elsewhere, more of that is to come, not just in Ryanair but inevitably every other airline that currently operates in and out of Ireland," they said in a statement. "The Government should offer incentives in the form of cuts to airport charges in all airports across Ireland for the next three years. "If Ireland doesn’t act now with incentives to attract traffic this winter and for next year and beyond, then airlines will plan accordingly and migrate that traffic to the other 27 EU countries and the UK where there will be incentives to increase traffic, but more importantly - no travel restrictions."



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

ABOUT US Go Satellite was set up in 2000 by Ian. Ian has more than 25 years experience , having spent over 10 years working for Sky in the UK running his own successful business before moving to Spain.


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Hats off to the Rojales Vega Baja Ecopark goes mobile Pantomime Group!

For over 12 years The Rojales Pantomime Group have been thrilling audiences both old and young with a yearly pantomime, raising over €18,000 for various local charities, bringing happiness and laughter to all their audiences who loved to participate with booing and hissing at the baddies and cheering for the goodies. But alas, the evil King Corona Virus has put the kaibosh on their next production which was to be the very hilarious TREASURE ISLAND due to be performed in January 2021. After losing their rehearsal venues and the production theatre the Group had no alternative but to cancel the pantomime until, hopefully, a date in the future. These intrepid thespians will not be beaten….. oh no they won’t.... so to

ensure that the group that plays together stays together, monthly social events are being arranged by the very busy Social Secretary, Dee such as the dinner enjoyed at the Indian Ocean at Doña Pepa. Members were all tasked to make and wear a hat and, as you can see from the photo, everyone rose to the challenge, some even making their hats from scratch out of old newspaper. The winner was the fabulous tall pink and white striped creation made by the Group’s Secretary, Sue, who also happens to be the very talented wardrobe mistress. The group is looking forward to next month’s entertaining event and if you would like to join the group to be involved in future productions please email rojalespantomime@gmail.com

The mobile ecopark, an intitiative by the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, is returning to the area this month. The project was presented by the consortium president Teresa Belmonte as well as one of its members, Juan José Fuentes, who revealed that the educational mobile recycling facility will tour the 27 municipalities of the Vega Baja region throughout the month of September and the rest of the year. Juan José Fuentes said “it is a service that allows the citizens of Vega Baja to improve the responsible attitude they have when carrying out recycling, an important environmental challenge, and a fundamental basis of our future development.” Already around the Vega Baja, households deposit general waste in the gray container, the yellow one for light packaging, the blue bin for paper and cardboard and the green bin, which is for glass collection. As Teresa Belmonte explained, “The rest of domestic waste, some highly polluting and that worsens the quality of the environment, may be thrown into the mobile eco-park since then its subsequent treatment will be carried out in an appropriate manner.” The state of the art mobile eco-park is equipped with containers, cages and bins of different types and sizes for special waste such as fluorescent lamps,

batteries, tires, paint, cleaning products, containers contaminated by chemicals, ink cartridges, X-rays, household appliances, mineral oils, plastics, metals, textiles, used vegetable oils, bulky waste, appliances or home furnishings, wood, green waste, debris and construction debris from minor works. Belmonte has also revealed that work is being done so that through the use of the mobile eco-park users can obtain discount by using a mobile application. An important step this year is that in addition to this mobile eco-park, a second mobile eco-park has been acquired that will be used for environmental education in schools. Belmonte explained “We know that for there to be changes in behaviour, education at an early age is important, environmental awareness is already an immediate need, climate change is a reality. I hope that this project that was

going to start last year can be carried out, but due to the health crisis it had to be paralyzed. Now they are working on the new calendar, so that children can take their household waste to this service and learn proper recycling.” During the school visits, the mobile eco park will create awareness about the environmental impact of improper management of residual waste and the need to recycle correctly. Children will be taught how to distinguish the different sections of waste that have to be separated such as organic matter and hazardous waste, and the way in which it should be brought to recycling centres. It is hoped that the project will make people understand that citizens are vital to the success of such services and that their contribution is paramount in achieving proper waste management. The mobile ecopark during September will visit the following towns: Wednesday 9, Callosa de Segura Thursday 10, Albatera Friday 11, Dolores Saturday 12, San Isidro Monday 14, Cox Tuesday 15, Orihuela Wednesday 16, Algorfa Thursday 17, Bigastro Friday 18, Redován Saturday 19, Almoradí The opening hours to the public are from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020




CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Is My Final Salary Pension Safe? Some industries, such as travel, instead of their guaranteed income for life. hospitality and retail have been severely impacted by the lockdown, which is As interest rates are still at record lows, causing concerns about the financial the lump sum option may seem attractive security of these companies, in particular as it could mean a larger transfer value. their pension schemes. There’s no doubt that schemes will be Those with larger pension entitlements under more stress, due to the fall in are understandably concerned about this interest rates which may be compounded – if their employer went bankrupt, the by the down-turn of equity markets. scheme may end up in the Pension Protection Fund, but in most cases benefits It’s a complicated process that is highly are capped and inflationary increases tend dependent on the individual and their to be less generous. pension. Sometimes, the advice will be to not transfer at all, and stay in the scheme. The worry among savers has left them questioning whether they should transfer There are a number of financial advisers out of the scheme and take a lump sum on the Costa Blanca so the question is “why

choose Seagate?” I believe that we offer a unique service to our clients. We have a fully staffed local office in Benijofar with a back-up admin team, a Client Account Manager and a Relationship Manager. This means that we have a team that will support you with six monthly reviews of your investment or pension and we provide full administration for withdrawals, encashments and tax guidance. Do not delay making a decision, call us today. For a free no-obligation chat with a UK qualified adviser, call 965 704 338 or email: contact@seagatewealth.es



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Shop Local The Costa Blanca People is launching a ‘Shop Local’ campaign, in an effort to empower local businesses, and encourage locals to buy, eat and enjoy locally rather than online. We are seeing, and experiencing, the negative impact of the global pandemic and believe that we as a community can come together, even in some small way, to make a difference to the local economy by fuelling local support. Readers will begin to see our shop local logo and campaign articles in forthcoming editions and online. With local businesses still reeling from lockdown, the UK quarantine on arrivals from Spain and the subsequent slump in tourists arriving to the area, this summer has been difficult for us all. However, it is our hope that together, the local community can help sustain the local economy through the winter months. Why have we launched this campaign? As the global pandemic continues to bring drastic changes to life on the Costa Blanca, we all need to do everything we possibly can to help our local economy bounce back stronger than ever. That’s why we’ve launched our Shop Local campaign. We want to

engage in partnership with local business leaders to give our towns, commercial centres, retailers, small businesses and charitable organisations a boost. We want to help businesses, shops, restaurants and entrepreneurs the support they need to continue to make the southern Costa Blanca a great place to live, work and socialise.

your business. Let your customers know you are open along with promoting business offers, discounts and opening hours.

Use the hashtag #CBPShopLocal in your social media posts.

Will the campaign make a difference? We certainly hope so! Sometimes, all it takes is a reminder to make buyers pause to think twice about whether to buy online or locally. If we can all get on board, and become our own advocates - ambassadors for the local economy if you like – together, we can keep our local economy, and all of our livelihoods, afloat. Making this campaign visible – on your social media (check our our ‘frame’ for your profile picture, search for ‘Shop Local Costa Blanca’ in frame options when you edit your profile picture to add a frame), in your window or place of business will help ensure it works and stays in the forefront of people’s minds. Don’t forget, if you have an offer or special deal to entice new business, let us help you shout about it! Tag us in your social media posts promoting your deals or offers and we’d love to share them to our followers!

Buy locally from other businesses when purchasing goods and services for

Why shopping local works Shopping at local businesses puts

How can local businesses get involved? Display a Shop Local poster to promote your local business and neighbourhood so residents invest in the local economy by shopping locally. Collect a free poster from our office or, email us and we will send you a copy to print for yourself. Alternatively, go to our website to download a free copy. Use our Shop Local Shop on your website, email signature and social media to promote the campaign. Feel free to copy the logo from our website or social media, or email us and we will send you a copy.

“It’s vital now more than ever that we do what we can to support our local small businesses. The past few months have been among the most difficult that businesses have ever had and as we slowly reopen, the public can help by supporting their local businesses. On the Costa Blanca especially, our bars and restaurants are at the heart of our community and at the Pines, we are ready with all the safety measures in place to welcome back customers old and new. Please drop in and see us, and help kickstart the local economy once more.” Nicki and Steve, The Pines, Benijófar “As small businesses get back on their feet and reopen with new safety measures in place, consumers can lend a hand by shopping local – supporting local companies and jobs. At Kosta Kitchens, we are taking great care to ensure our customers are safe and we'd be delighted to see you at our showroom in Torrevieja.” James and Claire Woodham, Kosta Kitchens

money right back into the local economy, and by spending money in our local shops, restaurant, café or bar, we can all do our bit to help revive our local economy. Supporting our local businesses creates jobs in local communities. Helping to grow the number of jobs in our local areas makes for a better place to live and work, which then creates a healthy economy for the community here on the Costa Blanca. Small businesses are often run by people who live in or near our local community. As the southern Costa Blanca continues to recover from the pandemic, the experience of buying locally from a friendly face offers a dose of normality that many people may have missed. Shop local, Costa Blanca It is our hope that Shopping Locally becomes a daily practice to grow a stronger community for us all. Across the southern Costa Blanca region, we value our local businesses and understand the impact that every one of our hard-earned euros can have on the vitality and survival of the places where we live. We all know that spending our money locally not only supports our

“After lockdown, we re-opened and were busy for 5 weeks until the quarantine was implemented by the UK government, that week we saw 82% of our customers cancel. We are gradually getting busier so now more than ever is the time to support your local business.” Mike Haynes, Coys Rent-a-car, Torrevieja

Advocates We are looking for advocates for our Shop Local campaign. To get involved, all you need to do is display the campaign poster in your business and social media. Use the hashtag #CBPShopLocal and tag us in your posts so we can share your business with our followers – this applies to all local businesses, not just those who currently advertise with us. Together, we can ensure that our local economy not only survives, but thrives.

“I was crazy enough to open a new business during a global pandemic! But thankfully, I have been able to welcome my customers to my new salon safely. It's so important for people to feel normal, and getting your hair done, or a treatment can do wonders for your mental health. I fully support this Shop Local campaign - it makes absolute sense that as a community, we pull together to protect our economy and our livelihoods.” Indiana, Indiana’s Hair and Lash Boutique, Benijófar

“It’s a scary world we’re living in right now, especially if you read the news morning, noon and night! Talking local, there isn’t one business that hasn’t been affected by the pandemic, even ours. It’s times like these that we need to pull together and support one another. The problem is we’ve all become too used to staying and eating at home. Even myself, I have to admit I’ve been buying more online than venturing out to the local stores. But we need to pull together as a community. Every single local business needs each and every one of us. There are enough of us that live here without having to rely on visitors. So come on, instead of reading a magazine online, go out and buy one. Instead of trying to make your own tapas, go and support your local tapas bar and order something to take home if you don’t feel comfortable dining out yet. Every little gesture helps. Each and every one of us make up our community. Businesses can’t survive on fresh air. Taxes still have to be paid. Salaries still need to be paid. Without the support of the public, these businesses will not survive. Let us show the world how great our community is by pulling together when we all need it the most! #ShopLocal” Rebecca Serwotka, Inmobiliaria Estate Agents, Quesada

friends and neighbours who run the businesses that make our communities unique, but also the critical public services that keep us safe and uphold our quality of life.


Consumer concerns ahead of Bankia­ CaixaBank merger Consumer watchdog Facua has warned of a potential negative impact of a Bankia-Caixabank merger on customers. The eventual reduction in the number of branches could reduce the quality of service, but the shareholders would benefit, says the group. The purchase-merger of Bankia by CaixaBank has already prompted first alarm bells about the effects of a financial operation of this magnitude. The consumer association Facua has warned of the detrimental effects that a Bankia CaixaBank merger could mean for consumers, which could result in the closure of branches, higher commissions and worse service to users. Facua has issued a summary of points of concern, with most planned action points intending to strengthen the group for the future and benefit the thousands of small shareholders who have already seen share prices soar. Facua spokesperson Rubén Sánchez has described everything that has happened with Bankia so far as a "joke". He says that 8 years later the vast majority of the more than 20,000 million euros injected


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

into Bankia has not been recovered and added that this possible merger means "saying goodbye" to a public bank. After the operation - which if it goes ahead, will create the largest bank in Spain - Facua believes that there are many uncertainties for consumers and foresees widespread closure of offices, which would harm employment and damage customer service. "The move will end up harming

consumers due to the loss of bargaining power in this sector and may end up translating into an increase in the commissions paid by consumers and which has been experienced in recent years with the different entities", Sánchez added. Meanwhile, professor at the IEB (Institute for Market Studies) Juan Abellán, considers that the operation "makes sense for both parties." Abellán explained that

with Bankia, the State had "an uncomfortable position vis-à-vis the European Central Bank" that was demanding that it reduce the 61% that the entity had. "Now it would be left with 14-15% in the new entity and that would allow it to delay the sale and get rid of that stake." For Investing.com experts, the coronavirus crisis has visibly affected the activity of financial institutions and "has opened the season on a possible era of bank mergers." This situation benefits investors, many of them small shareholders who have their savings in equities. Consumer defence association Asufin said that the merger between Bankia and CaixaBank is worrying and limits competition. In Asufin's opinion, these types of operations generate entities that are too large and represent a risk for the consumer. The association also highlighted that both entities have a high level of litigation due to the commercialization of their mortgages and other financial products with clauses that have been declared void in the courts.



NEW STOCK NOW IN Open to the public and wholesale for market traders/ shops. We specialise in end of lines and clearance stock. All goods are new and mostly branded. SALE NOW ON ALL TOYS 1/2 PRICE OPEN Tue ­ Sat 10am ­ 2pm

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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

GBP / EUR UPDATE Sterling had a good month, outperforming the euro in August due to sustained rallies that saw the pound rise 0.75% against the central currency. As autumn approaches, there are signs that sterling may not hold on to these gains. News of possible tax hikes to pay for the lockdown support package and the rapidly approaching Brexit deadline appear to have undercut the updates on the pace of the UK’s economic recovery in July and August and the Bank of England’s stance of refraining from cutting interest rates to 0% or into negative territory. An increase in house prices of 2% MoM was attributed more to behavioural shifts than clear signs of a recovery and comments from the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England this week which suggested additional monetary loosening all pointed to the fact that there may be a hard road ahead for the pound. A significant pressure on the pound is the progress of the Brexit negotiations. EU Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier expressed “concern and disappointment” that the UK was unwilling to negotiate on a number of areas including fishing rights, environmental standards, state aid restrictions and legal dispute arbitration. The clock is ticking and while sterling shrugged off the latest round of frustrated talks, it may not be able to do so indefinitely, particularly against

the backdrop of a post-lockdown economy. The Services sector PMI showed the sharpest increase in activity since 2015, coming in at 58.8, but it missed estimates and with job losses accelerating as the furlough scheme winds down, it wasn’t enough to boost the pound as the first week of September drew to a close. The big news for the euro this week was the slump in provisional August Eurozone consumer price inflation. This took the headline rate back beneath zero for the first time in four years. It wasn’t quite balanced out by the German government’s revision to their 2020 economic forecast, from April’s prediction of 6.3% to yesterday’s -5.8%. While the revision indicates that Germany is set to outperform its Eurozone counterparts, investors kept their eye on the continent as a whole and the troubling rise in coronavirus cases led to a muted mood despite a rise in Eurozone services PMI figures. The meeting next week of the European Central Bank may be a significant one for the euro; while investors aren’t expecting any great revelations from the meeting on the 10th September, any changes to policy in the light of recent ecostats could have an impact on the euro.

Circa Edge AI – Our exciting new hearing devices with Artificial Intelligence We at Apple Hearing & Healthcare, alongside our manufacturer, Starkey Hearing Technology continuously striving to introduce our customers to the latest hearing devices available on the market. Therefore, we are extremely excited to introduce CIRCAEdge AI which was voted as the TIME Magazine 100 Best Inventions in 2019. This technology is the world’s first Health-able Hearing Aid with artificial intelligence and embedded sensors, addresses the deep connection between hearing and overall health. This device will empower users with life-changing features and sound performance never before possible but the most exciting news is this is just the beginning! Our manufacturercontinues to deliver the best hearing health solutions with the most advanced technologies. A growing evidence points to a connection between hearing health and overall wellbeing. People who treat their hearing loss not only hear better, they lower their risk of serious health issues such as cognitive decline and heart disease. It is quite

common that people with hearing difficulties to have an above average chance of suffering from isolation and depression which, according to medical professional, may lead to an increase chance of dementia.

It means that people who can hear can engage with the world around them and live better and healthier lives. So, why not book a hearing test and let our audiologist demonstrate our latest devices.We at Apple Hearing & Healthcare offer FREE, NO OBLIGATIONflexible hearing test appointment at one of our hearing test centres or home visits. In most cases, we can guarantee your hearing will improve significantly and with our 30 days free trial, you can be assured that the aid we prescribed is suitable for you. We strive to providing the best after care service which means that

our relationship with our customers do not end at the point of sale, but we endeavour to continue taking care of the servicing, retesting and repairing of the hearing aids as and when necessary during the lifetime of your devices.

Tel: 965 020 813 Email: info@applecares.eu Website: https://www.applecares. es/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.co m/ApplecaresSpain/ OPENING: Monday to Friday – 10am to 2pm QUESADA ONLY – Saturday – 11am to 3pm CIUDAD QUESADA Calle de Los Arcos 5 03170 Ciudad Quesada BENIDORM Avenida Doctor Severo Ochoa 7 03503 Benidorm CABO ROIG Calle Isla Tabarca 15 Urb. La Regia 44 03189 Cabo Roig

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020



The Importance of Swimming Pool Maintenance. If you want to keep your pool in the best possible shape, then pool maintenance is of utmost importance. Proper professional weekly pool maintenance will keep the pool water properly disinfected and the water quality at optimal levels at all times. Not only is pool maintenance an aesthetic issue, but it is also a health issue because if we do not keep our pool clean, it can become a source of infections such as eye and ear infections, itchy skin, and maybe even worse. In order to avoid this, on a weekly basis, all year round, we must perform some basic steps to help us keep it clean throughout the year. it is highly recommended that pool maintenance be done weekly, regardless of whether or not the pool is in use. Pool water is not like the running water from our taps. It is more or less stagnant water and there is a greater risk of it becoming unhealthy pretty quickly if not maintained adequately. An ill-maintained pool can quickly become a nightmare. Also, if the pool is not attended to regularly, cleaning it up after a long period of time would become an overwhelming and costly task. The damage that can be caused by not maintaining a pool regularly, far outweigh the costs of regularly pool maintenance costs. Swimming pools can turn very quickly if not correctly maintained, hence, the need to do this on a weekly basis. Pool water needs to be disinfected weekly to prevent it from becoming home to unwanted guests such as bacteria, algae, fungi etc. The less pollution there is in the pool, the less the quantity of


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

chemicals you will need to keep your water perfectly balanced. Thus, weekly maintenance will save you money in the long term.

Regular Pool maintenance will help detect any possible leaks in the pool. If you suspect a leak, the first step in confirming your suspicion or a pressure test can be carried out by our professionals, which will pinpoint exactly where the leak is. How You Get Sick from a Day in the Pool? Because pathogens float around in pool water, everyday swimming actions - like getting dunked, spitting water, or just taking a swallow of pool water can be infectious. In addition to crypto, the types of illness you could bring home from a pool include: • Outer ear infection: Germy pool water trapped in the ear canal causes infections. • Diarrhea: Like crypto, Giardia, noroviruses, and E. coli can all cause disease, even in a wellmaintained pool — it only takes a mouthful. • Respiratory infection: Legionella, better known as Legionnaires' disease, can be caught through inhaling aerosolized droplets in swimming pools or hot tubs harboring the pathogen. • When planning water-based fun this year, keep a heads-up for microbes. • Germs that turn up in

swimming pool water include bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, Camplobacter, noroviruses, and parasites. While treatment with chlorine can kill germs in swimming pools, it takes time for the chlorine to do its job. Sometimes enough time for you to become sick from a mouthful of water you accidentally swallowed. A safe pool must be well maintained by knowledgeable and qualified professionals. At Paradise Pools and Gardens we are more than just a swimming pool and garden maintenance contractor. Our business is built on the promise that above all other things customer service makes the difference. We aim to be the best at going the extra mile to deliver the personal and professional level of service that exceeds our customer´s expectations. Paradise Pools and Gardens provides the very best in pool services – including inspections, service, leak detection, repairs, LED colour changing lights Etc… Our PROFESSIONAL services will keep your pool sparkling clean, chemically balanced, and safe for everyone.

Paradise Pools and Gardens are fully qualified and registered with Generalitat Valenciana.

For a FREE quotation call 698384449. www.Paradisepoolsandg ardens.net Email: Info@ paradisepoolsandgardens .net

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

This Week´s Movie Picks Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Saturday 12th September – Channel 4, 10.00 pm

Sunday 13th September – ITV2, 6.00 pm

This sequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service has just as much slick, inventive, crazy action and is just as much fun. After enemies blow up their headquarters, the surviving agents of Kingsman band together with their American counterpart to take down a ruthless drug cartel. Eggsy (Taron Egerton) is attacked by a former trainee who manages to steal the Kingsman agency's secrets. Soon, missiles appear out of nowhere and destroy all their hideouts -and most of the group's agents, as well. Only Eggsy, who was dining with his girlfriend, Princess Tilde (Hanna Alstrom), and her parents, and Merlin (Mark Strong) survive. Eggsy and Merlin learn that the evil Poppy (Julianne Moore), who controls all of the illegal drugs in the world, has set out to kill all her customers via a deadly virus. Symptoms begin with a blue rash. Poppy's demand is the end of the war on drugs -and if the U.S. president complies, she'll release the antidote to the virus. But when Princess Tilde comes down with the blue rash, Eggsy knows he must save the world in order to save her.

Coronation Street and Emmerdale will return to their usual SIX episodes a week on September 14th as ITV soaps get back on track amid COVID-19 ITV has confirmed that both Coronation Street and Emmerdale will return to six episodes a week this month. Set to start on September 14, the soaps will resume their usual schedule, after the COVID-19 pandemic forced them to reduce broadcasts before running out of episodes altogether. The two soaps had to cease filming its episodes while cast and crew were sent into lockdown, with the rest of the country. Love Island's Alexandra Cane displays her bloated stomach after 10,000-calorie challenge and reveals she suffered from 'headaches, brain fog and nausea' in the aftermath She lost a staggering two stone in just three months after overhauling her lifestyle and diet earlier this year. But Alexandra Cane

revealed the results of what happens when she doesn't stick to her healthy lifestyle as she showed off her bloated stomach following an epic 10,000 calorie challenge. The former Love Island 29, listed a host of ailments she suffered with after overeating in an Instagram video, which included brain fog, headaches and nausea Following a previous 'how to get abs' video shared on her YouTube channel, the beauty decided to challenge herself once again, this time attempting to consume a whopping 10,000 calories in 24 hours. In her YouTube clip, she told her followers that her test would exclude liquid calories and that she would eat sugary foods Alexandra Cane

In SHREK 2, Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers) and Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) are blissfully married and honeymooning in a gingerbread house, Hansel's Honeymoon Hideaway. When they get back to the swamp, Donkey (Eddie Murphy) is waiting to welcome them home, but trouble begins when Shrek finally meets Fiona's parents, King Harold (John Cleese) and Queen Lillian (Julie Andrews), who were expecting a human princess married to Prince Charming, not two big green ogres. The queen sees how happy Fiona is and tries to adjust, but the king, pushed by Fairy Godmother (Jennifer Saunders) does everything he can to get rid of Shrek, even hiring a hit man, or, more properly a hit cat -- none other than the swashbuckling Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas). But the bigger obstacle to the couple's living happily ever after is Shrek himself, who worries that Fiona would be better off married to a handsome prince. So he sets out in search of a magical solution. And before we get to the happily-everafter ending, there will be encounters with Pinocchio, the three pigs, Sleeping Beauty, and the Gingerbread Man, and a bunch of new characters, including a growly voiced wicked stepsister (Larry King) and a very vain Prince Charming, who tosses his hair in slow motion (Rupert Everett).

that wouldn't fill her up and leave her craving more. She revealed that she hoped the challenge would be informative for her fans as there would be some 'really interesting information' that will come from the challenge. Alexandra then proceeded to eat all manner of foods throughout the day including chocolate, ice cream, McDonald's, Burger King and Pot Noodles. However, in the end, she only managed to consume 6,055 calories, adding that there was 'no way in hell' that would reach 10,000. Over on Instagram, Alexandra showed off the aftermath of her failed challenge, as she rubbed her swollen tummy for the camera. Donning a pair of tiny white shorts, Alexandra turned to the side while filming herself, as she displayed her slighting protruding stomach. Captioning the clip, she penned: '10,000 CALORIES AFTERMATH... So following on from the video I posted yesterday on YouTube (which I’m super pleased you’re loving btw!) I thought I would update you on how I’m feeling and how I’ve recovered!'

She then went on to reveal the at Extra, amid claims he struggled living downsides to day of bad eating as she apart from wife Michelle Keegan. said: 'MENTAL: The day after I had a However it looks like the reality splitting headache, brain fog, tiredness, personality it set to have another crack at cravings for more sugary processed breaking America, and this time Michelle, foods, low mood, no motivation to also 33, might be going with him. workout, negative thoughts about my bloating (which isn’t fat - just water retention but it can really affect your mood as gut inflammation contributes towards mood disorders). 'PHYSICAL: I had severe bloating, water retention, gas, constipation, nausea, breakouts of spots, dehydration, sinus Christine McGuinnes with husband Paddy inflammation, gut inflammation, puffy face. It's hit me hard' Christine McGuinness says her mum has been diagnosed with Mark Wright 'lands role fronting a new breast cancer in heartbreaking post as American pilot as he pursues dream of she explains her social media absence cracking the U.S and plots move with wife Christine, 32, shared the news in an Michelle Keegan' emotional Instagram post on Wednesday Mark Wright has reportedly landed role The mother-of-three said her mum fronting the pilot for a new show in the shares a 'magical bond' with her children United States after winning over She described her mum as her 'best producers with his 'cheeky persona'. friend' and her 'rock' in the sweet tribute The former TOWIE star, 33, returned to Christine admitted she was still reeling the UK last year after leaving his position from the news as it was 'hitting her hard'

costablancapeople.com | 8th - 14th September 2020

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Tuesday 8th September 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 The Stars of Verona 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Monday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Ill Gotten Gains 12:45 Britain's Housing Scandal 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Land Girls 15:30 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 Eat Well for Less? 22:00 Sue Perkins: Along The US-Mexico Border 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Skin

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Louis Theroux 01:30 Countryfile 02:30 Home Is Where the Art Is 03:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Gardeners' World 09:15 The Super League Show 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 ITU World Series Triathlon 15:30 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 18:05 Royal Recipes 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 The Farmers' Country Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 This Farming Life 22:00 Manctopia: Billion Pound Property Boom 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:45 Newsnight

00:15 Inside Britain's Food Factories 00:45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 01:35 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 02:25 Ideal World 04:00 Tour de France Cycling 04:50 Parveen's Indian Kitchen 05:35 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Supermarket Sweep 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA Nations League Football

02:55 Come Dine with Me 03:50 This Is Us 04:40 Work on the Wild Side 05:35 Fifteen to One 06:30 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:55 Mike & Molly 08:15 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier 12:10 Undercover Boss USA 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 River Cottage 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 Call the Cops 23:00 Bring Back the Bush: Where Did Our Pubic Hair Go?

08:15 PAW Patrol 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 Pirata & Capitano 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Floogals 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Shane the Chef 10:05 Peppa Pig 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 Traffic Cops 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Garage Sale Mystery: A Case of Murder 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 All Creatures Great and Small 23:05 Fergie & Andrew: The Duke & Duchess of Disaster

00:20 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:45 The Cleveland Show 02:10 The Cleveland Show 02:40 Two and a Half Men 03:10 Two and a Half Men 03:35 Roswell, New Mexico 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 Roswell, New Mexico 12:25 Dinner Date 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Ellen's Game of Games 16:50 The Masked Singer US 17:50 Dress to Impress 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island USA 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 Little Boy Blue

05:50 Fifteen to One 06:45 Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:55 Mike & Molly 08:15 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier 12:10 Undercover Boss USA 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 River Cottage 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Can We Cure Kids' Cancer?

08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 Pirata & Capitano 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Floogals 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Shane the Chef 10:05 Peppa Pig 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 Traffic Cops 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Boyfriend's Deceit 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack 23:00 Ambulance: Code Red

00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 The Cleveland Show 01:55 Two and a Half Men 02:25 Two and a Half Men 02:50 Roswell, New Mexico 03:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 You've Been Framed! 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 Roswell, New Mexico 12:25 Dinner Date 13:25 You've Been Framed! 13:55 Catchphrase 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Ellen's Game of Games 16:50 The Masked Singer US 17:50 Dress to Impress 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island USA 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 Little Boy Blue

02:00 Come Dine with Me 02:55 Lodgers for Codgers 03:50 The Sessions 05:30 Fifteen to One 06:25 All Star Driving School 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:55 Mike & Molly 08:15 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier 12:10 Undercover Boss USA 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 River Cottage 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Council House Britain 23:00 The Black Full Monty

08:15 PAW Patrol 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 Pirata & Capitano 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Floogals 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Shane the Chef 10:05 Peppa Pig 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 Traffic Cops 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Killer Family: A Nanny Nightmare 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Wild Britain 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Elephant Hospital 23:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

01:25 The Cleveland Show 01:55 Two and a Half Men 02:25 Two and a Half Men 02:50 Roswell, New Mexico 03:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 Roswell, New Mexico 12:25 Dinner Date 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Ellen's Game of Games 16:50 The Masked Singer US 17:50 Dress to Impress 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island USA 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy

00:05 Little Boy Blue

01:05 Inspector Morse 03:10 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:00 Bless This House 04:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:00 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:35 Bless This House 11:10 George and Mildred 11:40 Agatha Christie's Poirot 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 DCI Banks

Wednesday 9th September 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Ill Gotten Gains 12:45 Britain's Housing Scandal 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Land Girls 15:30 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Our Lives 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 Reported Missing 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Motherland: Fort Salem

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 International T20 Cricket 01:30 The Diagnosis Detectives 02:30 Top Gear 03:30 Beechgrove 04:00 Celebrity MasterChef 05:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 The Repair Shop 09:00 This Farming Life 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Politics Live 14:00 The Boss 14:45 Make Me a Dealer 15:30 The Cruel Sea 17:30 Blitz Cities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 The Farmers' Country Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Mary Berry's Simple Comforts 21:30 Nadiya Bakes 22:00 Harlots 22:55 Harlots 23:45 Newsnight

00:45 Tour de France Cycling 01:35 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 02:25 Ideal World 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Supermarket Sweep 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport 21:30 Coronation Street Icons 22:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 Peston

01:05 Inspector Morse 03:10 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 09:55 Bless This House 10:25 Bless This House 10:55 George and Mildred 11:25 Agatha Christie's Poirot 13:20 Heartbeat 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Emmerdale 17:30 Emmerdale 18:00 Coronation Street 18:35 Coronation Street 19:05 Heartbeat 20:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:10 Midsomer Murders 23:05 DCI Banks

Thursday 10th September 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Wednesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Coronavirus: Your Stories 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Ill Gotten Gains 12:45 Britain's Housing Scandal 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Land Girls 15:30 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 I Am Not a Rapist

01:30 The Trial of Alex Salmond 02:30 Home Is Where the Art Is 03:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 04:00 Murder, Mystery and My Family 04:45 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 The Repair Shop 09:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 The Boss 14:45 Make Me a Dealer 15:30 The Caine Mutiny 17:30 Blitz Cities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 The Farmers' Country Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys 22:00 Live at the Apollo 22:35 Semi-Detached 23:00 Frankie Boyle's New World Order 23:30 Comedy Shorts 23:45 Newsnight

00:45 British Touring Car Championship 02:00 Ideal World 04:00 Tour de France Cycling 04:50 James Martin's American Adventure 05:40 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Supermarket Sweep 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale Family Tree 20:30 Tonight 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show Live 22:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 The Late Debate

01:10 Inspector Morse 03:25 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:35 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 George and Mildred 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 13:20 Heartbeat 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Emmerdale 17:30 Emmerdale 18:00 Coronation Street 18:35 Coronation Street 19:05 Heartbeat 20:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:10 Midsomer Murders 23:05 DCI Banks

costablancapeople.com | 8th - 14th September 2020

BBC one

BBC two

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


Channel 4

Channel 5




Friday 11th September 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Ill Gotten Gains 12:45 Britain's Housing Scandal 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Land Girls 15:30 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Garden Rescue 21:00 A Question of Sport 21:30 EastEnders 22:00 Peter Kay's Stand-Up Shuffle 22:30 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Zodiac

00:30 Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 01:00 Harry Hill's World of TV 01:30 Manctopia: Billion Pound Property Boom 02:30 Home Is Where the Art Is 03:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Escape to the Country 09:00 The Repair Shop 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 14:00 The Boss 14:45 Make Me a Dealer 15:30 In Which We Serve 17:20 Blitz Cities 17:50 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 The Farmers' Country Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Gardeners' World 22:00 The Romantics and Us with Simon Schama 23:00 Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience 23:35 State of the Union 23:45 Newsnight

00:15 Inside the Crown: Secrets of the Royals 01:10 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 02:00 Ideal World 04:00 Tour de France Cycling 04:50 Tonight 05:15 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Supermarket Sweep 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:30 It'll Be Alright on the Night 23:30 ITV News

04:55 Work on the Wild Side 05:50 Fifteen to One 06:40 Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:55 Mike & Molly 08:15 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Frasier 11:40 Frasier 12:10 Undercover Boss USA 13:05 Channel 4 News 13:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 River Cottage 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Lodgers for Codgers 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 Sarah Millican: Control Enthusiast

08:00 Abby Hatcher 08:15 PAW Patrol 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 Pirata & Capitano 09:15 PAW Patrol 09:30 Floogals 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Shane the Chef 10:05 Peppa Pig 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 Traffic Cops 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Dream Killer 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Missing Evidence 21:00 Secrets Of Center Parcs 22:00 Atlantic: A Year In The Wild 23:00 When Celebrity Goes Wrong

00:25 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Two and a Half Men 01:55 Two and a Half Men 02:20 Roswell, New Mexico 03:20 Release the Hounds 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 You've Been Framed! 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 Roswell, New Mexico 12:25 Dinner Date 13:25 You've Been Framed! 13:55 Catchphrase 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Ellen's Game of Games 16:50 The Masked Singer US 17:50 Dress to Impress 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island USA 23:50 Family Guy

00:05 Little Boy Blue 01:10 A Touch of Frost 03:15 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:35 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 George and Mildred 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 13:20 Heartbeat 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Emmerdale 17:30 Emmerdale 18:00 Coronation Street 18:35 Coronation Street 19:05 Heartbeat 20:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:05 Doc Martin 22:05 Doc Martin 23:10 DCI Banks

Saturday 12th September 08:50 Peppa Pig 00:20 Family Guy 02:15 Weather for the Week 00:15 BBC Weather 07:10 Mr. Magoo 05:50 Fifteen to One 00:10 A Touch of Frost 09:00 Peppa Pig 06:45 Kirstie's Handmade Ahead 00:20 One-Day International 07:20 Mr. Magoo 00:45 American Dad! 07:25 Mr. Magoo Treasures 02:20 BBC News 09:05 Ben & Holly's Little Cricket 02:25 Agatha Christie's Poirot 01:15 American Dad! 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 07:00 Everybody Loves 02:30 Click 01:20 Battlestar Galactica Kingdom 01:45 The Cleveland Show 08:00 Dare Master Raymond 03:00 BBC News 02:05 Battlestar Galactica 09:20 Butterbean's Café 04:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:10 The Cleveland Show 08:05 Mr. Magoo 07:25 Everybody Loves 03:30 The Week in Parliament 02:50 Panorama 09:40 Little Princess 02:40 Two and a Half Men Raymond 04:00 BBC News 03:20 The Unbelievable Story 08:15 Mr. Magoo 09:55 Nella the Princess 04:30 Teleshopping 03:10 Roswell, New Mexico 08:20 Mr. Magoo 07:50 The Big Bang Theory 04:30 Click of Carl Beech Knight 04:05 Totally Bonkers 08:30 Mighty Mike 08:15 The Big Bang Theory 04:45 Newswatch 04:20 This Is BBC TWO 10:10 Wissper 07:00 Bless This House Guinness World Records 08:40 Buck and Buddy 08:40 The Big Bang Theory 05:00 BBC News 07:45 The Dengineers 10:20 Pirata & Capitano 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 08:45 Mr Bean 09:00 The Big Bang Theory 05:30 Our World 08:15 Wild & Weird 10:35 Shimmer and Shine 07:30 Bless This House 04:30 Teleshopping 09:00 Ninjago 09:25 The Simpsons 06:00 BBC News 08:30 All Over the Place 10:45 Floogals 09:15 Ninjago 09:55 The Simpsons 06:30 The Travel Show 06:30 Teleshopping 09:00 Blue Peter 10:55 Peppa Pig 08:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 09:30 Guardians of the Galaxy: 10:25 The Simpsons 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Totally Bonkers 09:30 Deadly on a Mission: 11:00 Peppa Pig The Thanos Threat 10:55 The Simpsons 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live Guinness World Records Pole to Pole 11:10 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:55 Coronation Street 11:25 Animal Airport 12:30 Nadiya Bakes 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:00 Rise of the Continents 09:54 Lego Marvel Spider11:20 Ryan's Mystery Playdate Man: Vexed by Venom 11:55 Four in a Bed 13:00 Football Focus Show 11:00 This Farming Life 11:35 Access 10:25 James Martin's Saturday 12:30 Four in a Bed 14:00 BBC Weekend News 10:30 Coronation Street 12:00 The Red Shoes 09:05 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:40 Friends Morning 13:00 Four in a Bed 14:15 Homes Under the 14:10 My Life on a Plate Show 12:35 Ainsley's Food We Love 13:35 Four in a Bed Hammer 12:10 Friends 11:00 Coronation Street 14:55 Holiday of My Lifetime 13:40 James Martin's French 14:05 Four in a Bed 09:50 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:15 Bargain Hunt 12:40 Friends with Len Goodman Show Adventure 14:35 The Supervet: Noel 16:00 Escape to the Country 13:10 Friends 12:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 15:25 David Attenborough's 10:40 Dress to Impress 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News Fitzpatrick 16:45 Money for Nothing 13:40 Charlie's Angels Natural Curiosities 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live 15:40 A Place in the Sun: 17:30 Final Score 11:40 Dress to Impress 15:30 Charlie's Angels: Full 13:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 15:50 Natural World 17:30 Tipping Point Summer Sun 18:25 Garden Rescue 12:40 Take Me Out Throttle 16:50 Talking Pictures 18:30 ITV Evening News 16:10 The Great Celebrity Bake 17:35 Elephant Hospital 19:10 BBC Weekend News 14:15 Cats & Dogs: The 15:55 Midsomer Murders 17:35 The Battle of the River 18:50 ITV News London Off: Stand Up To Cancer 19:20 BBC London News Revenge of Kitty Galore 18:35 5 News Weekend Plate 19:00 Catchphrase 17:30 Kirstie and Phil's Love It 19:25 Total Wipeout: Freddie 15:55 Happy Feet Two 18:45 Our Yorkshire Farm 18:00 Midsomer Murders 19:30 Great Continental 20:00 The Chase: Celebrity or List It and Paddy Takeover 18:00 Despicable Me 3 19:35 Our Yorkshire Farm Railway Journeys Special 18:30 Channel 4 News 20:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:45 Charlie and the 20:00 Midsomer Murders 20:30 Dad's Army 21:00 Britain's Got Talent 19:00 Superhuman Summer: 20:30 Secret Scotland with 21:00 BBC Proms Susan Calman Chocolate Factory 21:00 Royal History's Biggest 23:00 Jonathan Ross' Comedy The Paralympic Rewind 22:45 The Two Ronnies 22:00 Love Island USA 22:00 Grantchester Club 20:30 Formula 1 Motor Racing 22:00 To Be Announced Fibs with Lucy Worsley Sketchbook 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 ITV News 22:00 Kingsman: The Golden 23:30 Adele: In Her Own 22:00 QI XL 23:00 BBC Weekend News Words 23:45 Hacksaw Ridge Circle 23:30 Family Guy 22:45 Memento 23:20 Match of the Day 23:00 Grantchester The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People



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costablancapeople.com | 8th - 14th September 2020

26 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Sunday 13th September 00:20 The NFL Show 00:55 At Any Price 02:35 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:40 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 09:00 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Politics 11:30 Great North Run 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Points of View 15:05 Money for Nothing 15:30 Live: Challenge Cup Rugby League 18:05 Escape to the Country 18:35 BBC Weekend News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Extinction: The Facts 22:00 Strike 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:35 Top of the Pops 01:35 After the Storm 03:30 This Is BBC TWO 07:50 The A to Z of TV Gardening 08:35 Countryfile 09:30 Gardeners' World 10:30 Beechgrove 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 Mary Berry's Simple Comforts 13:00 The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure 14:00 My Life on a Plate 14:45 Stories of Us 15:45 Natural World 16:45 Talking Pictures 17:20 Casablanca 19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Dragons' Den 21:00 Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 21:30 Harry Hill's World of TV 22:00 Louis Theroux 23:00 Better Things 23:25 Better Things 23:50 Radio 2 Live at Home

07:00 Dino Dana 00:45 The League of 07:10 Mr. Magoo Extraordinary Gentlemen 07:20 Mr. Magoo 02:35 Ramsay's Kitchen 07:25 Mr. Magoo Nightmares USA 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 03:25 Hollyoaks Omnibus 08:00 Dare Master 05:05 Car S.O.S 08:05 Mr. Magoo 06:00 Fifteen to One 08:15 Mr. Magoo 06:50 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 08:20 Mr. Magoo 07:00 Everybody Loves 08:30 Mighty Mike Raymond 08:40 Mighty Mike 07:25 Everybody Loves 08:50 Mr Bean Raymond 08:59 LEGO Marvel Super 07:50 Everybody Loves Heroes: Maximum Overload Raymond 09:30 Martin and Roman's 08:15 The Big Bang Theory Sunday Best! 08:40 The Big Bang Theory 10:25 Love Your Weekend with 09:05 The Big Bang Theory Alan Titchmarsh 09:30 The Simpsons 12:20 All Around Britain 10:00 The Simpsons 13:20 ITV Lunchtime News 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:35 Love Your Garden 14:35 Ainsley's Food We Love 13:30 The Simpsons 13:55 The Simpsons 15:35 Britain's Got Talent 14:25 The Simpsons 17:35 The Chase 14:55 The Simpsons 18:35 Supermarket Sweep 15:25 Congo 19:30 ITV Evening News 17:30 A Place in the Sun 19:50 ITV News London 17:55 The Secret Life of the 20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Zoo Stars 19:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Piers Morgan's Life 19:30 Formula 1 Motor Racing Stories 22:00 George Clarke's 22:00 The Singapore Grip National Trust Unlocked 23:00 ITV News 23:00 Gogglebox 23:20 It'll Be Alright on the 23:55 Moscow Noir Night

08:55 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom 09:10 Butterbean's Café 09:25 Little Princess 09:40 Nella the Princess Knight 09:55 Wissper 10:05 Pirata & Capitano 10:20 Shimmer and Shine 10:35 Floogals 10:50 Peppa Pig 10:55 Peppa Pig 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:15 Ryan's Mystery Playdate 11:25 Access 11:35 WWE Raw: Highlights 12:30 NFL Football 13:05 Friends 13:35 Friends 14:05 Friends 14:35 Friends 15:05 Police Interceptors 16:05 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 19:00 All Creatures Great and Small 20:00 My 10 Kids & Me: Mega Families 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Mega Council Estate Next Door 23:15 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 The Cleveland Show 01:55 The Cleveland Show 02:25 Don't Hate the Playaz 03:25 Release the Hounds 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:15 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Dress to Impress 11:00 Dress to Impress 12:00 Britain's Got Talent 14:00 Catchphrase 15:00 You've Been Framed! 16:05 Richie Rich 18:00 Shrek 2 19:50 Back to the Future Part II 22:00 Love Island USA 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 DCI Banks

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:00 American Dad! 01:30 The Cleveland Show 02:00 The Cleveland Show 02:30 Don't Hate the Playaz 03:30 Release the Hounds 04:30 Teleshopping 06:30 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 Roswell, New Mexico 12:25 Dinner Date 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Ellen's Game of Games 16:50 The Masked Singer US 18:35 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island USA 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 DCI Banks 01:00 DCI Banks 02:05 Davina McCall: Life at the Extreme 03:10 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 03:40 Agatha Christie's Poirot 05:20 Bless This House 05:40 Emmerdale 06:05 Emmerdale 06:30 Emmerdale 06:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:25 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:35 Bless This House 11:05 George and Mildred 11:35 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 18:55 A Touch of Frost 21:00 Griff's Great Britain 21:30 Griff's Great Britain 22:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 23:05 DCI Banks

01:05 DCI Banks 02:05 DCI Banks 03:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 03:55 Bless This House 04:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Bless This House 07:25 Coronation Street 07:50 Coronation Street 08:20 Coronation Street 09:25 Emmerdale 09:50 Emmerdale 10:15 Emmerdale 10:50 A Touch of Frost 12:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 15:00 Live: ITV Racing Live 18:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Inside the Crown: Secrets of the Royals 23:00 Sanditon

Monday 14th September 00:25 The Women's Football Show 00:55 Squad Goals 01:25 A Question of Sport 01:55 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Ill Gotten Gains 12:45 Britain's Housing Scandal 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Land Girls 15:30 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 Panorama 21:05 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Our Cops in the North 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Famalam

00:50 One-Day International Cricket 01:50 Heroes 02:35 Heroes 03:15 Reported Missing 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Garden Rescue 07:45 The Repair Shop 08:30 Beechgrove 09:00 Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 09:30 The Week in Parliament 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 The Boss 14:45 Make Me a Dealer 15:30 A Place to Call Home 16:25 Natural World 17:15 Oceans 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 The Farmers' Country Showdown 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Tom Kerridge's Lose Weight for Good 21:30 University Challenge 22:00 The Diagnosis Detectives 23:00 Mock the Week 23:35 Comedy Shorts 23:45 Newsnight

00:15 Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport 00:45 Tour de France Cycling 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Supermarket Sweep 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Inside Animal A&E 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Des 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Piers Morgan's Life Stories

08:00 Abby Hatcher 05:20 Fifteen to One 06:15 Food Unwrapped 08:15 PAW Patrol 06:40 Jamie's Comfort Food 08:25 Peppa Pig 06:50 Countdown 08:30 Peppa Pig 07:30 Mike & Molly 08:40 Ricky Zoom 07:55 Mike & Molly 09:00 Pirata & Capitano 08:15 Cheers 09:15 PAW Patrol 08:40 Cheers 09:30 Floogals 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:35 Everybody Loves 09:50 Shane the Chef Raymond 10:05 Peppa Pig 10:05 Everybody Loves 10:10 Sunny Bunnies Raymond 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:35 Frasier 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it 11:05 Frasier Away! 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen 13:15 Traffic Cops Nightmares USA 14:15 Home and Away 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 14:45 Neighbours 15:10 Countdown 15:20 His Perfect Obsession 16:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 17:00 Friends 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Couples Come Dine with 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 Me 19:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Neighbours 19:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Home and Away 20:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 5 News Tonight 21:00 Inside the Bomb Squad 20:00 Premiership Rugby 21:30 Jamie: Keep Cooking 21:00 Ultimate Police Family Favourites 22:00 The Yorkshire Jobcentre Interceptors 22:00 Ambulance: Code Red 23:00 999: What's Your Emergency? 23:00 Born to Kill?


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Habaneras back to school giveaway The Shopping Centre encourages its visitors to take part in a fantastic “back to school” campaign including a €3000 giveaway, raffles a children’s outfit valued at €300. Habaneras Shopping Centre in Torrevieja wants to support and show its commitment to the entire Torrevieja community, and more specifically to the schools and schoolchildren of Torrevieja. A spokesperson for Habaneras told the Costa Blanca People, “To do this, the Centre has launched a very special ‘back to school’ campaign. Just by taking part, shopping centre customers will be able to win a fantastic outfit so they can start the new school year in the best possible way. So, to go back to school full of energy and with an updated wardrobe, all customers have to do is keep their shopping receipts from August 31 to September 21, and then exchange them at the shopping centre Infobox, located at the main entrance of Habaneras.” Every €10 spent will give the customer the right to take part in

the raffle and the winner will take home an outfit valued at up to €300 from the Mayoral store in Habaneras. The popular Shopping Centre is already known for carrying out numerous actions as part of its corporate social responsibility

policy. Habaneras, with the help of its visitors, will be donating up to 3,300 euros for school supplies to be enjoyed by the most voted schools in Torrevieja. This donation will be distributed between the two schools that get the highest score from customers' votes. The first school will receive

€2,000 and the second €1,000. The third school in the ranking will get a scholarship for schoolbooks valued at €300 for the most outstanding student in that same school. To take part and be able to vote for their preferred school, all customers have to do is go to the shopping centre Infobox with the shopping receipts they obtained from September 7 to 27 and one vote will be given to one of the participating schools for every €10 validated. To find out what position each school is in, the schools ranking will be updated every Monday on the Habaneras website and published on the shopping centre's social media pages. The prize ceremony will take place on Friday October 2, at an official event held in the shopping centre facilities. Plus, throughout the back to school campaign, Habaneras premises and kiosks will be providing schoolchildren with special menus that will also come with prizes, (while stocks last).





CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Elche premium gin joins Spanish Luxury Association A 'premium' gin from Elche has been admitted to the Spanish Luxury Association. The gin, which is distilled in Alcoy, has already been recognised as one of the best in the world in the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The 'premium' Malabusca gin, conceived between Elche and Alicante and distilled in Alcoy, has become part of the Spanish Luxury Association, a selective club to which only 120

companies belong. The entry into this small club of luxury brands only takes place after an exhaustive control and admission process. The gin, Malabusca, is described as an “avant-garde representative of the Spain brand in the world.” The Spanish Luxury Association considers that the qualities of this gin "are not only unique and representative, but also that its unique value makes it a

worthy ambassador for the Spain brand", revealed CEO of Malabusca, César Rámirez. This is the latest accolade won by the gin, which was awarded among the best gins in the world in the San Francisco World Liquor Competition, considered the "oscars" of alcoholic beverages. The Elche gin was competing against drinks from some of the world’s biggest gin producers from countries such as Italy,

Germany, Greece, Moldova and Mexico. Of the Spanish Luxury Association, Rámirez said “We are talking about products and services that provoke experiences and stimulate the senses even before and after consumption or enjoyment. It is exactly those values that define Elche premium gin joins Spanish Luxury Association the origin of Malabusca.”



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Opinion: Voting in the local elections Six year old left alone for days There is general apathy amongst the International Community when it comes to voting in Spanish Local Elections. Many residents with the entitlement to vote fail to ensure that their name is actually entered on the list of electors and many of those individuals whose name is on the list of electors do not exercise their right to vote on Election Day. The effect of this for the residents of Orihuela Costa is that instead of returning a third or more of the Councillors sitting on Orihuela Council we have only ever returned one. The lack of appropriate representation from the coast has resulted in Orihuela Costa suffering blatant discrimination and has resulted in the area having the poorest level of services of any area within the Orihuela Municipality.

Orihuela Costa community suffer. In spite of the coast being the major contributor to the revenue of the Orihuela Municipality, 49% of the total revenue comes from the coast.

Spain operates a system of proportional representation. This means that in order to return a Councillor, a

certain percentage of the votes must be cast. The votes cast from Orihuela Costa in the last local elections in 2015 were only sufficient to return one councillor! This situation can so easily change if more residents from the international community actually make the effort to vote. Unlike the system in the UK you do not vote for an individual to represent your ward. Proportional representation means that each political party has a list of candidates that are prioritised by their political party, hence you vote for a party not for an individual. Who gains access to

At its present rate Orihuela Costa will be twice the size of Orihuela City. Of the twenty five Councillors sitting on the Orihuela Council we have only had one that represented the coast and he only lasted two years of his four year term. Not only did this one individual represent an area that rightfully should return at least 8 Councillors he also had the further disadvantage of being the only English person who sat on the council This individual was in an impossible situation. When there is only one lone voice attempting to advocate for a population of well over 33,000 people, when in fact we should hold the majority. The effects are that the whole population of the coast continues to be discriminated against, essential services are denied to them and all sectors of the

this list is left to the political parties concerned. As the main political parties in Orihuela have no presence on Orihuela Costa, i.e. no offices, no political meetings, no constituent surgeries etc. is it any wonder that the lists of Candidates offered by these parties have nobody on them that actually come from the coast? People of Orihuela Costa must ensure that they return a sufficient number of votes so that we can have the right number of Councillors who will fight for the resources for the coast. All residents with the right to vote must make their voices heard in the next local elections 28th May 2023 and bring an end to this discrimination dished out by Orihuela to the residents of Orihuela Costa. A reminder, all British Expats who may not be Residents, the Brexit deadline to register to become a Spanish Resident is 31st December. You will need to start the process two months beforehand, October, to allow the process to get your documents approved. Whilst doing this, remember to exercise your right to vote in the next election 2023. PIOC represents you, the residents of the coast. We can make big changes to all our lives, if we stick together. Peter Houghton PARTIDO INDEPENDENCIA ORIHUELA COSTA Facebook: @PIOCgrupo

New squad cars for Torrevieja uses San Fulgencio pictograms at


New squad cars for San Fulgencio

San Fulgencio town hall has unveiled three new vehicles which this week become part of the mobile fleet of the town’s Local Police force. The new squad cars are all-road vehicles that have been adapted to police functions and that will help officers improve security in the municipality. San Fulgencio’s Mayor, José Sampere, alongside the head of the Local Police, Cristóbal Rodríguez, unveiled the new vehicles which were urgently needed by the town. According to Sampere, the acquisition of the new cars “has been motivated by the existing need to change these vehicles so that our agents have a more efficient and safe means of transport for the performance of their work”. The

mayor indicated that the situation was becoming urgent, and there was a need to renew the police cars in order to “avoid any type of accident", since the state of the vehicles "did not allow agents to carry out their functions with the necessary security”. The new cars have been modified to fully adapt to police functions, one of them equipped with an ethylometer for carrying out breathalyzer tests on motorists. José Sampere took the opportunity to emphasize the need to have a welltrained police force that has the necessary materials to carry out its work, since “in this way, we will be ensuring safety at the same time and perform an adequate service for all our neighbors ”, he concluded.

Torrevieja town hall has begun the placement of pictograms at pedestrian crossings to help those with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The first pedestrian crossings were painted in the areas surrounding local schools, and later the project will be extended to the entire municipality of Torrevieja. The project was presented this week by the Councillors for Police and Education, led by Federico Alarcón and Ricardo Recuero respectively. The initiative has come about thanks to an agreement signed by the town hall with the TEAVIAL Association (Education, diversity and road security for all). Ricardo Recuero has indicated that these pedestrian crossings with pictograms are part of a larger project that aims to make Torrevieja more accessible and friendly for everyone. The zebra crossings will have various blue pictograms, a color that symbolizes autism, on top of the white bands that will allow people with Autism Spectrum

Disorder (ASD) to understand the basic traffic rules of the city. The pictograms indicate STOP, LOOK, CAR STOPPED, TRAFFIC LIGHT or CROSS, and aim to put people with ASD on alert so they know that they have to look both ways to check that no cars are coming, or ahead if there is a traffic light and then cross carefully. Federico Alarcón, Councillor for Police, indicated that the objective of these pictograms is that people can cross more safely, making the city more accessible and inclusive, since they are not only useful for autistic people but also for any child or person with functional or cognitive diversity. To develop the project, the TEAVIAL Association has provided the Torrevieja City Council and the city's schools with a didactic guide that explains the meaning of the pictograms and the importance of the integration of people with autism.

National Police in Valencia this week arrested a couple, aged 25 and 26, for leaving their six year old home alone for several days. In a report issued by the Valencian Community Superior Police Headquarters, officers were first alerted on Wednesday evening at around 8.30pm when neighbours called to say there was a minor perched on the railing of a fourth floor balcony. Officers knocked on the door and could hear a television playing cartoons inside. The six year old reportedly first asked who was at the door, and when the police identified themselves, the child opened the door in his underwear and visibly scared. The child couldn’t clarify the number days he had been at home alone. Officers checked the premises and verified that there was no one in the house, which was in a mess and littered with food waste since the child had been heating up his own food. The officers located the boy's grandmother by telephone, who when she found out that he was alone at home became angry and said that it was not the first time something like this had happened. The woman immediately offered to take care of the child. Later, the child's parents appeared at the home, after a telephone call, and gave contradictory versions of what had taken place. Both were arrested as alleged perpetrators of a crime of child abandonment. The police also located in two rooms of the house a large number of counterfeit items, mostly trainers, of various wellknown brands. In addition to the alleged crime of abandonment of a minor, they are also charged with crimes against industrial property. The defendants, both with police records, have appeared in court.


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AA ­ Real Members’ Stories Throughout 2020, each month, the Costa Blanca People features a real life story from real people about what it is like to suffer from Alcoholism, what they did to overcome their addiction with alcoholic, and how they lead their lives today on their road of recovery. What is AA? Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership, it is self supporting through its members’ own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

An AA Member’s Story... Hello, my name is José and I am an alcoholic. I started drinking regularly when I was 14 years old and for the first months it was a unique feeling, unknown to me. I was shy, withdrawn and not very talkative, also when I went out at night with friends I didn't like dancing and talking to a girl was unthinkable because of my personality. When drinking all this changed and I became much more

talkative, funny, flirted with the girls and even danced, so far everything was advantageous but this whole situation did not last long because instead of having a few drinks and stopping, I kept going until I couldn't anymore. I had fights, accidents, the girls no longer approached me and I stopped studying, my whole life began to change for the worse, I fought with my family and my friends changed for the worse. I wanted to stop drinking and would try not to leave the house at night, but in the end, I found a reason to go out and drink, and I always went over the top with it. Since then, and until I arrived at this community (AA), the drink had ruined two marriages, I had four children that I scarcely saw, businesses ruined, the relationship with some of my siblings was also very deteriorated, and in the end, what is worse, I had lost all my principles and all my dignity to the alcohol which was what ruled my life. During all those drinking years I saw that my life was falling apart, but I was unable to relate to anyone without drinking alcohol, I tried drinking less, tried to be like many people who drank a few drinks in a relaxed way, but never succeeded, I could never manage it, I always ended up drinking too much. During this time I went to the psychiatrist because I was not feeling well, I thought I had depression and the doctor began to medicate me warning me that I should never, under any circumstances, mix alcohol with the medication and for a while I managed to do that but then the drink proved to be once again stronger than me and I did not pay attention to

the doctor's instructions regarding mixing the drink with the medication and not only that, but I also did not take the medicine in the amounts indicated, I spent most of the time sleeping and when my body hurt too much from being in bed I would get up and go out to drink. It is incredible how even with all this I still wanted to continue controlling my drinking myself, my social and family life had been ruined and I still continued with the idea of "controlling the situation myself" it was crazy. Everything was adding up and then I discovered that there were some substances or drugs that gave me the feeling that when I was drinking I wasn’t getting drunk - I say it “gave me the feeling” because the reality was not like that, I kept getting even more drunk and I became verbally aggressive. What a terrible mix... I provoked people when I went out at night and they gave me tremendous beatings some ended up with surgical operations and on top of that I could not defend myself because I was dead drunk... and even so, I still had in my mind the insane idea that I could control my drinking situation, it was ludicrous. The day after each binge I always felt ashamed and I promised myself that it would never happen again, I promised, and I really wanted to, but in a short time I ended up drinking the same way again, what desperation, I lost all hope in thinking I could leave the drink, I started seeing that it was impossible. It had come to the point that my social relationships were based on "friendship"

with the bar tenders, the people who I invited to drink with me, the prostitutes and drug-dealers, even with the psychiatrist. My wife had left me and I could not see any of my four children, what a situation, what horror, this is where I now found myself. I was at home alone all the time and one day I decided to make a proposal to my wife; I proposed that if I stopped drinking and taking drugs, we would get together again and she answered yes, what good will of hers, and how badly informed was I! - You cannot leave alcohol for anyone, only for yourself. I was five months without drinking, a record for me, but when one day I argued with her I went to drink again, I thought I could drink a glass without further ado and in a very very short time I was back in the same place where I had left it... - what madness, once again I thought that I could control my way of drinking, but it was not like that at all. Having lost everything, I arrived at Alcoholics Anonymous, I wasn’t drinking when I arrived, but what I had lost more than anything was my dignity, my principles, the drink had taken precedence over everything else in my life and this had left its mark. I realised by seeing other fellow members that it was

possible to have a better life, a life that I had never known, I realised that alcohol had always won me over and I also realised that I couldn't have a single drink, because through my attempts to "learn to drink" my life had become totally ungovernable, I had lost everything. What joy! how wonderful, I had HOPE for once in many years, but that was thanks to being able to observe and not question the experiences of other fellow members who had achieved it, and to be honest, here I had no one to deceive except myself. Currently and "just for today" as it is said in AA I have been twelve years without drinking thanks to everything I am learning in AA, and I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life, that does not mean that I do not have problems, I do have them, but day by day I learn to live my life very differently than before, and I try to live it with gratitude. Happy 24 hours.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Roast salmon with peas, potatoes & bacon Ingredients 500g bag baby new potato , halved 2 tsp olive oil 150g pack smoked bacon lardon Whole piece skinless salmon fillet , about 700g/1lb 9oz 200g frozen pea , defrosted 4 spring onions , sliced Splash white wine vinegar Small handful mint , chopped Method Step 1 Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip the potatoes into a large shallow roasting tin and toss with 1 tsp olive oil and some seasoning. Roast for 20 mins until just starting to colour, then scatter over the lardons and return to the oven for 10 mins to crisp up. Step 2 Remove the tin from the oven, push the potatoes and bacon to the sides and lay the salmon in the middle. Brush with remaining oil, season, then

return to the oven and cook for 20 mins more until the salmon is just cooked through. Meanwhile, cook the peas in boiling water for 2 mins and drain. Step 3 When the fish is cooked, lift it to a serving dish. Stir the peas and spring onions through the potatoes, drizzle with a splash of vinegar, stir through the mint and season to taste. Spoon around the salmon and serve.

Bars & Restaurants



Bar & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


Nigella reveals hack for perfect fries And the winner for the award Let’s face it, with all the negative news doing the rounds recently, more of us are seeking comfort in the kitchen. And what’s more comforting than a bowl of salty fries and a dollop of good quality ketchup. TV chef Nigella Lawson, known for her indulgent approach to quality comfort food, has revealed a cooking hack for the perfect fries. The strange approach to cooking fries involves putting the cut potatoes into COLD oil! The chef posted on her blog to reveal the unusual hack. Nigella puts the chipped potatoes into a pan of cold oil before heating it up and cooking the fries. She writes: "It sounds crazy, but it works." The star says that rather than

for most inappropriate slogan for 2020 goes to... KFC

getting greasy chips, you actually cook wonderful "oil-free fries". Her ingredients include potatoes, vegetable oil, garlic, fresh herbs and sea salt. There were plenty of compliments for Nigella's fries recipe on Instagram, with fellow chef Sabrina Ghayour telling her: "Ohhhhhh THE BEST." One fan wrote: "I’ve made these a few months ago, and I was shocked by how simple and good they are! They became my favourite fries!" Another said: "They were a revelation for me. I have been making them at least once a month since I first tried." Nigella fans will be delighted that her new cooking show airs in October on BBC2. The six-part series will focus on Nigella's favourite comfort food, hero ingredients and "the rhythms and rituals of her kitchen", as well as delving into where she gets her inspiration for her recipes, from vintage cookbooks to social media. Explaining the meaning behind the new show's title, Nigella said: "More than just a mantra, cook, eat, repeat is the story of my life". To see Nigella’s full recipe for ‘Tuscan Fries’ featuring her unusual but effective cold oil tip, go to her blog post at: https://www.nigella.com/recipes /tuscan-fries

The home of the world’s favorite fried chicken ‘fesses up to slogan being a bit ‘off’... for now. KFC revealed that the use of It’s Finger Lickin’ Good slogan will be paused in advertising around the globe due to the global pandemic health advice. A KFC spokesperson explained, “Our It’s Finger Lickin’ Good slogan has been around for 64 years, which is impressive for a brand in this day and age. We’re firm believers that there’s one simple reason it’s become so famous: because it’s true. Our chicken is, quite simply, Finger Lickin’ Good. Whether it’s the perfectly cooked chicken on the bone, or the secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices, we’ll never know. But the idea of even one little bit going to waste is no joke. Think we can all agree, this year has been like no other and, right now, our slogan doesn’t feel quite right. So, for that reason, we’ll be pressing pause on using it in our advertising, for a little while.” KFC outlets closed temporarily in March, but most have now reopened. The company revealed its new look through a YouTube video, showing the slogan pixelated on posters and its food "buckets", saying: "That thing we always say? Ignore it. For now."

Some people commented on social media the slogan was not a health hazard as you were already eating with your own hands. But the finger-lickin' message has caused concern since the pandemic began. In March, the Advertising Standards Authority received 163 complaints about a KFC TV advert which featured people licking their fingers. The complainants considered the advert was irresponsible because they thought it encouraged behaviour that might increase the chances of Covid-19 spreading. The advert was withdrawn by KFC. “We find ourselves in a unique situation-having an iconic slogan

that doesn’t quite fit in the current environment. While we are pausing the use of It’s Finger Lickin’ Good, rest assured the food craved by so many people around the world isn’t changing one bit.” said Catherine Tan-Gillespie, global chief marketing officer at KFC. In all seriousness though, whilst we’re taking a moment to have a little fun, rest assured we’re still going to be providing Finger Lickin’ Good chicken and a responsible experience for our amazing team members and guests around the world. And for all those fans, don’t worry - the slogan will be back. Just when the time is right.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Bars & Restaurants



Bars News& Restaurants

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 8th - 14th - Edition September 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020




th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 8th - 14th - Edition September 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Certain food type linked to early death Researchers in Spain and France have found more links between a particular food group to poor health and even early death. Scientists say that ‘ultra processed foods’ such as certain breakfast cereals, chicken nuggets and even ice cream could be linked to serious health problems. Furthermore, Spanish researchers say that the amount of this type of food being eaten has soared. With other studies suggesting that ultra processed foods themselves lead to over eating, the link is concerning. Experts expressed caution but have called for further investigation. But exactly what are ultra processed foods? The term ultra processed comes from a way of classifying food by how much industrial processing it has been through. The lowest category is "unprocessed or minimally processed foods", which include: • fruit • vegetables • milk • meat • legumes such as lentils • seeds • grains such as rice • eggs

Then come "ultra-processed foods", which have been through more substantial industrial processing and often have long ingredient lists on the packet, including added preservatives, sweeteners or colour enhancers. If a product contains more than five ingredients, it is probably ultraprocessed, says Prof Maira Bes-Rastrollo, of the University of Navarra. Examples of ultra processed foods include: • processed meat such as sausages and hamburgers • breakfast cereals or cereal bars • instant soups • sugary fizzy drinks • chicken nuggets • cake • chocolate • ice cream • massproduced bread • many "ready to heat" meals such as pies and pizza.

"Processed foods" have been altered to make them last longer or taste better generally using salt, oil, sugar or fermentation.

The study, which was published in the British Medical Journal, was carried out by a team of researchers at the University of Navarra, in Spain, followed 19,899 people for a decade and assessed their diet every other year. There were 335 deaths during the study. For every 10 deaths among those eating the least ultra-processed food, there were 16 deaths among those eating the most (more than four portions a day).

This category includes: • cheese • bacon • home-made bread • tinned fruit and vegetables • smoked fish • beer

A similar study, by the University of Paris, followed the eating and lifestyle habits of 105,159 people for five years

with researchers assessing participants’ diets twice a year. The study showed that those eating more ultra-processed food had worse overall heart health. Rates of cardiovascular disease were 277 per 100,000 people per year among those eating the most ultra-processed food, compared with 242 per 100,000 among those eating the least. Researchers are concerned that the upward trend in ultra processed foods may not bode well for the future of our cardiovascular health. The rapid increase of ultra-processed foods over less processed foods, "may drive a substantial burden of cardiovascular diseases in the next decades," said Dr Mathilde Touvier, of the University of Paris. The challenge for researchers now is proving a definitive link between ultra processed food and poor health. The studies have spotted a pattern between highly processed food and poor health but they cannot prove that one causes the other. It has to be noted that those who ate the most ultra-processed food were also more likely to have other unhealthy behaviours, such as smoking, which the researchers tried to account for within the studies.

Health & Beauty



Health News & Beauty

Slim4life is now at Indiana’s Hair and Lash Boutique Benijofar Indiana the owner of The Hair & Lash Boutique in Benijofar she would like to welcome Slim4Life.es and Supplements4life.es, both programmes working with the Exante Diet and My Protein. For those looking to lose weight, the Exante consultant is on hand to help with your journey for weight loss and with one to one sessions, you’re sure to find success. Exante diet plans are simple, convenient to help you lose weight, maintain weight or simply have a nutritious meal on the go. If you have put on the pounds since lockdown or, have struggled with dieting for years the Exante diet is just for you. Want To Lose Weight? Substitute up to three meals a day with nutrition meal replacement products giving your body the essential vitamins and minerals needed to support a healthy weight loss. Research shows that losing weight can have a positive effect on lowering the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol levels, increase of


blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. The consultant will find the perfect plan for you, one to one coaching weekly weigh in and total support throughout your weight loss. Also Supplement4life is now available at Indiana’s – premium quality nutrition vitamins. They are here to keep you looking and feeling your best from the inside out. Vitamins and minerals are an important part of your diet, however reaching your daily requirements through diet alone can be difficult which is why the range is a great solution. Please contact Indiana on 681250190 for a consultation at the salon.

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 8th - 14th - Edition September 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

UK to offer shake diets to combat obesity News emerged this week that thousands of people in England with type 2 diabetes will be offered the chance to try a soupand-shake diet weight-loss plan for free on the NHS. Studies show that embarking on a low-calorie liquid diet can put diabetes into remission. Experts say they want to help people to be as fit as possible, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic. Those readers with UK TV channels will no doubt have seen government sponsored ads encouraging the population to get moving and lose weight. This is partly because obesity and type 2 diabetes are linked and both increase the risk of complications from Covid-19. The shake and soup diet has already been in place in some parts of the UK, with a good degree of success, which is why NHS England wants to expand the scheme to more people. People living with type 2 diabetes who are an unhealthy weight and have been diagnosed with the condition in the last six years will be considered for the scheme. After a few months on the shakes and soups, when some weight loss has been achieved, solid foods are reintroduced, with support to help the person

maintain a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Results from one trial showed almost half of those who went on the diet achieved remission of their type 2 diabetes after one year. Prof Jonathan Valabhji, NHS national clinical director for diabetes and obesity, said: "This is the latest example of how the NHS, through our Long Term Plan, is rapidly adopting the latest evidence-based treatments to help people stay well, maintain a healthy weight and avoid major diseases. "There has never been a more important time to lose weight and put their type 2 diabetes into remission, so it's good news for thousands of people across the

country that practical, supportive measures like this are increasingly available on the NHS." One of the first patients to benefit from the diet during trials, said: "My goal for the first eight weeks of the low-calorie diet was to lose 5% of my body weight which I achieved in six weeks and in total I've lost over 10kg, my type 2 diabetes is now in remission and I no longer have to take any medication - I am over the moon. "Since the low-calorie diet programme, my mindset has totally changed for the better and I look at food differently now - my shopping habits are far healthier and, when I eat out, I'll go for a healthier option. The programme has taught me moderation."



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Health & Beauty


Expert eye advice for back to school students With children spending as much as six hours a day on smartphones and other digital devices, Specsavers Ópticasis encouraging students to have their eyes tested before they return to school following months of lockdown learning. It is estimated that we’ve logged an extra five billion hours online globally since our daily lives went virtual due to the pandemic, with the increased screen time having an impact on eye health. In fact, in a Specsavers’ survey, 87% of parents have said they are concerned about their children spending too much time in front of screens, but they are unsure on how often their child should be taking a break from their devices, with more than a quarter (28%) thinking it should be every hour. Lisa James, store director of Specsavers Ópticas Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia says: ‘Often children do not take adequate breaks from their screens, which can cause eye strain and potentially damage their eye health, so they may notice differences in their vision when they go back to full-time education in school.’ Eye strain Schools are investing in technological devices, such as tablets

and laptops, to aid learning and ensure that all students can continue their education in the case of a return to home schooling. Lisasays: ‘Eyes can often become strained when focusing on screens for a long period which, while it is not usually serious, can be particularly uncomfortable. Similarly, if children’s eyes are fixated on a single object for a long period of time, such as a white board, this can also cause strain. Symptoms to look out for include eye discomfort, headaches, sore or tired eyes, difficulty focusing, dry eyes, blurred or double vision, and increased sensitivity to light.’ Follow the 20:6:20 rule Lisatherefore advises students to follow the 20:6:20 rule, getting children to look up/away from their screen and/or board every 20 minutes at something six metres away for at least 20 seconds, as this helps to relax the eye muscles. Outdoor Time Children are also encouraged to make the most of their breaks

through using outdoor time in the playground.‘Aerobic exercise is vital for children’s eye health as it increases essential oxygen supplies to the optic nerve and lowers pressure in the eyes’, says Lisa. ‘The outdoors also provides many things for us to look at and helps to prevent eyes straining when fixated on a single object for a prolonged period of time. In fact, studies have shown that if children just spend an extra hour outdoors a week, then their risk of developing myopia (shortsightedness) drops by 14%.’ Stay Hydrated ‘It’s also good general health advice for pupils to keep their water bottle topped up, particularly when students are stuck indoors in classrooms, the weather is particularly

Spain starts Covid vaccine clinical trials in September Healthy, uninfected volunteers who have come forward to test a Covid-19 vaccine under construction in Spain will receive their first jabs between 14th – 22nd September, meaning full results are expected to be available between mid-November and midJanuary. The first clinical trials authorised by the Spanish Medications and Healthcare Products Agency (AEMPS) will involve a team of 190 volunteers who have not had the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and who will be monitored closely over the two to four months following their inoculation. This will allow researchers to work out whether the Ad26Cov2S vaccine is effective and safe. It is not a lifelong vaccine – nowhere on the planet has as yet found one that provides lifetime immunity – but is expected to last about a year before a repeat or booster is needed, rather like the 'flu jab. Spain's home-grown vaccine is being developed by the firm Janssen, part of Johnson & Johnson. Head researcher and development coordinator at Madrid's La Paz Hospital's Clinical Trials Unit, Dr Alberto Borobia, says 40 people have already been pre-selected this week among staff at the centre.

The hospital has 'wide experience in contributing to development of other vaccines', and its staff have been volunteers for clinical trials plenty of times before, assures Dr Borobia, so he is expecting to receive the AEMPS authorisation very shortly. A total of 75 volunteers will be selected from La Paz Hospital, another 75 from La Princesa Hospital in Madrid, and a further 40 from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander, Cantabria. As well as staff at La Paz, volunteers will include professionals at Madrid Autonomous University's Faculty of Medicine, and members of the public not connected with the medical profession. Dr Borobia says there will probably be plenty of others among the general public, since the hospital has 'received numerous calls' from people keen to join in. All volunteers are required to be 'young and healthy' at first – aged between 18 and 55 – and a second group will be made up of over-65s. The trials will be double-blind, meaning neither the monitoring staff nor the patient will know whether he or she has been administered a vaccine or a placebo on each of the two occasions. It is aimed at working

out how many doses, and of how much, are needed, for it to work properly, and to be safe for the human organism. Given the pressing need for a vaccine at global level, it is likely that phase two of the trials will not need to be completed before phase three begins, and that this can start before researchers receive authorisation for the vaccine to be distributed commercially. “We live in exceptional times, and regulatory agencies also have mechanisms that allow drug development to be fast-tracked and for their authorisations for use to be conditioned by preliminary results,” says Dr Borobia. “Testing will carry on in the meantime – first and foremost to evaluate safety, and if this is guaranteed, immunity levels. “With all these analyses, along with all the information the laboratory has available on all trials being carried out, we will then need to ascertain whether the data we have are sufficiently robust to allow us to request a provisional approval for the drug from the regulatory body.”

hot, or if the school has airconditioning, as good hydration can help avoid dry eye,’suggests Lisa.

nationally, including ONCE, Lions Club, Red Cross and Banco de Alimentos.

For more information or to request an appointment at your local storevisit www.specsavers.es.

• Specsavers Ópticas has been in Spain since 2006 and currently has nine stores; Marbella and Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol, Santa Ponça Mallorca, Calpe, Javea, Benidorm, Guardamar del Segura, La Zenia and Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca.

FACTFILE • Specsavers is a partnership of almost 2,000 locally-run businesses throughout Spain, UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Australia and New Zealand - all committed to delivering high quality, affordable optical and hearing care in the communities they serve. • Specsavers Ópticas supports several charities in Spain locally and

• More www.specsavers.es



Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Cholesterol checks at your local pharmacy Did you know that many pharmacies in Spain offer free cholesterol checks? Those of us with a SIP card (Spanish health service card) can always access a cholesterol check through our GP at the centro de salud (health centre) to which we have been assigned. However, sometimes waiting for an appointment isn’t convenient or perhaps you want an instant result and in this case, using the service at the local pharmacy can be a very useful tool. Costa Blanca People reader, Brian, told us this week, “I had been following a healthy diet in an attempt to lower my cholesterol for a few months as indicated by my GP. I wanted to check if I was on the right track, but I wasn’t due another check up – and also, with the Covid situation, I didn’t want to go to the health centre unless absolutely necessary. That’s why I was delighted to discover that I could have this simple check done at my local pharmacy.” Brian was keen to share the information with other readers who might not be aware that this option is open to them. He explained, “I didn’t need an appointment at my pharmacy,

I just walked in. It cost €5 and I had to wait a few minutes for the results which were given to me as a print out for future reference.” Eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise can help lower the level of cholesterol in your blood. Adopting healthy habits, such as eating a healthy, balanced diet and keeping active, can also help prevent your cholesterol levels becoming high in the first place. It's important to keep your cholesterol in check because high cholesterol levels increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you're concerned about your cholesterol, talk to your GP. If your GP has advised you to change your diet to reduce your blood cholesterol, you should cut down on saturated fat and eat more fibre, including plenty of fruit and vegetables. As well as cholesterol checks, many pharmacies also offer blood sugar testing, blood pressure monitoring and other health advice. Many also speak a variety of languages. Check your local pharmacy to see what services are available to you.


Health News & Beauty

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 8th - 14th - Edition September 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

15 years of good hair days Hair O.T.T. is a veritable institution in Torrevieja. Run by popular British hairdresser Natasha, Hair O.T.T. has been caring for our hair and beauty needs for a decade and a half. The salon, now located in Los Balcones, celebrated its 15th anniversary at the end of August. Hair O.T.T. caters for men, women and children’s haircuts and Natasha is expert in dealing with all types of hair. A popular treatment on offer is the Brazilian Blowdry, which is a straightening treatment for curly, wavy or frizzy hair. Natasha explained, “I have sourced an amazing product from a local supplier, so the results are better than ever. It makes curly or wavy hair so sleek and easy to manage. My clients really love the results!” Another popular item among clients are hair extensions. As well as offering Racoon brand extensions from the UK, Natasha has teamed up with top of the range Spanish company Central del Cabell and with a new technique added to her repertoire, clients are delighted with their new look. Hair O.T.T. stocks Paul Mitchell products and offers a superb range of treatments including complete restyling or a change of colour for a totally new look. Natasha takes a number of factors into account if you are considering a change – not only your face shape, body type and level of skill in doing your own hair, but also the texture and weight of your hair, in

order to ensure the style change is right for you and your needs. The salon has applied all the new safety measures including disposable PPE and all cushions and magazines have been removed – however, if you have been to Hair O.T.T. you’ll agree that there is rarely time to read a magazine! The boutique style salon is like a community meeting point and there is never a shortage of great conversation to keep you entertained. With restrictions now in place on how many clients are allowed in the salon at once (just two) it won’t be as busy as before, but you can still be assured of a warm welcome. In terms of restrictions, the popular pamper days have had to be reduced in size, but Hair O.T.T. can still cater to three friends (two in the salon, and one in the beauty room) and Natasha is happy to create a pamper package suited to your individual budget. When the situation normalises and more weddings and parties are taking place, Natasha and expert beauty therapist Rima offer a full package for hair, nails, makeup, spray tan for the entire bridal party or group. This can be done in the salon or on location, depending on numbers. Rima’s popular facials can also prepare your skin for a forthcoming event, or become part of your regular skincare routine. Also incredibly popular are Rima’s individual eyelash extensions – she is one of the best in the business. Rima also offers manicures, pedicures,

amazing nail art and a whole host of waxing, tinting and beautifying! Natasha is passionate about training, education and keeping up with the latest techniques and technologies on the market. With that in mind, she has started an apprenticeship for her daughter. She explained “My daughter Poppy was due to start an apprenticeship in the UK but due to Covid that’s now not going to happen. Part of me is glad, because I can now offer her training here, and I’m delighted because I really value the old fashioned way of doing things, ‘family business’ and passing on knowledge to the younger generation.” So if you’d like to book a hair or beauty appointment at Hair O.T.T. in Los Balcones, simply give the salon a call - you won’t be disappointed.


Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Wikipedia for perfume He wants us to have an affair I am 21 and I have feelings for a colleague 30 years older than me. We both love our work, and seeing each other every day is exhilarating. We have both admitted that we are attracted to each other and have a connection. He is married to a younger woman but has grown children my age from two previous marriages, two of whom live at home. He says he wants an affair but he hasn’t said he loves me. He says his feelings for his wife have waned, but when I say he should leave he says he could never leave as his children would never forgive him a third time. I tell him lots of people meet someone else and leave their relationships, and his grown up children should understand, but he’s not prepared to risk it. I suspect he has probably no intention of leaving his wife. If you did have an affair, you would get hurt when he eventually ends the relationship or his wife finds out about it. If it ends badly, it would also be difficult to work together and you would have to find another job. Think ahead a little. In 20 years, when you are in your 40s, would you want to be with a 70-year-old man? It will hurt less if you accept that he is probably pursuing you because he wants the fun of a relationship and not necessarily because he has fallen in love with you (he hasn’t told you he loves you). He should not be tempting you, so don’t take this further. You have lots of time to meet someone else. You should also consider how his wife would feel if she found out about it. As she is his third wife, do you really want to become wife no. 4? WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

Did you ever smell a particular perfume, but forget the name? Perhaps the name of an aftershave used by an old boyfriend eludes you or you’re in search of a new perfume similar to one you used before, but don’t know where to look. A new encyclopaedia of scents, Wikiparfum, gives users the possibility to discover the notes and olfactory families of their favourite perfumes and other similar ones among 5,000 conventional and niche fragrances. The website claims it can help users find any scent in the world, either by brand name or ingredients and scent notes. In just a few clicks, this perfume Wikipedia offers a beautiful illustrated presentation to learn about the ingredients, notes and

olfactory families of most perfumes on the market. The search can be done by perfume name or raw material. Wikiparfum also makes it possible to discover perfumes with ingredients similar and alternative to what you searched. This free digital tool is mainly intended for fragrance lovers, but it is adapted to be used by any member of the public. It can also be used by advisors in points of sale. “It is an excellent tool for them to exchange with consumers who do not know what they want, but can name their favourite fragrances,” said Camila Tomas of Wikiparfum. Thanks to this platform the

industry can gain understanding of emerging trends and consumer preferences resulting from consumers’ searches and choices. “We already have about a thousand visits a day, without any ads. But for us, what matters is not traffic, but what we learn from traffic. It is a source of knowledge about what people like. As part of one of the pilot projects we will implement with this technology, we will also ask people to evaluate our recommendations, so we see whether they think they are accurate or not,” added Tomas. Regularly updated, the platform should soon become a 10,000-perfume database. Available in French, English, and Spanish, it is only accessible in Europe for now. “Right now, we are working on broadening the platform content to perfumes popular in North America and Latin America, so that we reach these continents, as well as the Middle East. We also want to become a niche perfume showcase,” concludes Tomas.

41 CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Driving in Rain

Children and Child Seats Following on from last week when we discussed how the laws in Spain state that children measuring 135 cm in height or less must ride in the rear seats of a vehicle, irrespective of their age, this week we are looking at the approved seats appropriate to their size and weight. The Child Restraint Systems provide the best protection for a child when on board a vehicle. That is why the law dictates their use, in an attempt to enforce the maximum protection for children. The use of child restraint systems reduces injuries by up to 75% in the event of a collision. According to data from the DGT, road traffic incidents are the leading cause of death amongst children under 14 years of age, and, tragically, 40% of those children who lose their lives wore no protection system, and, according to the statistics, could well be alive today. The law also requires seats to be of an approved standard. Those which meet the minimum required standards carry an orange label, usually located at the rear, which guarantees that the seat has undergone a series of tests to prove safety and reliability. The approval system is based on a European standard and EU regulation ECE-R44.03, which also ensures certain information is listed on the label. Classification of Child Restraint Seats There are a number of classifications for car seats which are based on the physical characteristics of the child, the most important being weight and age. Group 0 This category includes the baby from birth through 1 year. It can be used for children up to 10 kilos of weight. There

As we head out of summer and into autumn, we find ourselves in one of the two wettest times of the year threatening, and as changes in the weather provides significant risk to road users, and so our driving must be adapted at all times. Rain is one of the biggest contributors to weather related incidents. In Spain, long, dry periods are often followed by significant rainfall. In the first rainfall after a dry spell, the roads are particularly hazardous, as water falls onto the dust and surface coating on the road, creating extremely poor adhesion in places. are two elements that are typically used either a bassinet with harnesses to locate in the rear seats and which engages the seat belt or a child safety seat slightly tilted that may be placed in the front seat in the opposite direction of travel, or at the rear, in which case it is preferable to place it in the centre so as to minimize possible damage in the event of a side collision. If placed in the front, we must ensure that the airbag device for the passenger seat is disconnected. It is safest to place it in the back seat in the opposite direction of travel. Group 0+ It is a new category that extends the weight up to 13 kg and for children up to 18 months. It is a chair that normally sits on the back seats and in the opposite direction of travel so as to better protect against any collision. Placing the chair in this way further protects the neck and

spine. Group I Children weighing between 9 and 18 kilos, and approximately 1 to 4 years. The chairs are hooked in the seat belt of the vehicle. They are always located facing the direction of travel, using the fitted vehicle seat belt or an extension on the chair itself. The latter incorporate a harness of 4 or 5 points of anchorage. Group II For children 3 to 6 years, which with a weight between 15 and 25 kilos. It consists of or booster cushion with backrest provided with lateral protection for the head and is fitted at the rear in the direction of travel and, if possible, in the centre. You should include lateral guides to position the belt tight at the hips, avoiding injuries in the abdominal cavity or column.

Group III For children between 5 and 12 years, weighing between 22 and 36 kilos. It is a booster cushion, possibly backed with side and head protection and height adjustment, so as to allow it to be vehicle seat belt to fit firmly over the child's collarbone. Tips for buying a seat Before purchasing a child seat, check your vehicle manual for instructions on how to secure the seat and to ensure it is compatible. Take your vehicle to the location where you are purchasing the chair and ask them to demonstration assembly. Do it yourself in the presence of the seller. Take your child and try the chair in order to verify that the child can sit comfortably and safely.

Plus, drainage systems are not always able to cope with the immediacy of the downpour, and so roads become flooded, particularly in dips which are designed to control the flow of water. When driving in wet weather, slow down and allow extra distance between you and the car in front. This will mean that you should allow extra time for your journey or be prepared to arrive late. It is far better to arrive late, than not at all. Movements should be slow and steady, not harsh, to ensure your tyres are able to maintain as much grip as possible, and if you think you or your vehicle are not prepared to drive in wet conditions, then don´t. Windscreen wipers and headlights will allow for better visibility, not only for you, but other road users too. Take care, take it easy and take it slow.

42 CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

Road safety in 36 characters Variable message panels provide the means of informing drivers about incidents on the road. In Spain, there are currently 2,412 such devices installed on the road network, corresponding to the eight DGT Traffic Management Centres (Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Zaragoza, Valladolid, A Coruña and the Balearic Islands). The method of displaying information uses one or two pictograms and 36 characters, advising drivers of accidents, a blockage, traffic queues, weather and fire risks, and even recently advising of the need to wear a mask. During 2019, more than 1.3 million messages were posted on the variable message panels by the DGT. Variable message panels have evolved based on technological advances. For example, they are now low consumption and communicate by fiber optics, 3G and 4G, so they are more efficient from the energy point of view and have greater versatility. In a few months, DGT 3.0 will be operational, the connected vehicle platform that offers direct information to drivers, providing personal, real-time traffic information. But, until that almost science-fiction goal is fully achieved, variable message panels "will continue to be necessary" to keep drivers informed during their trips, says Ana Blanco, Deputy Director of Traffic. At strategic points As the person in charge of mobility at

the DGT, Ana Blanco, explains that the main objective of the variable message panels is "the regulation of traffic" and, therefore, they all have a "strategic location". Thus, they are placed near exits and / or entrances to high-capacity roads, in areas with reversible lanes or in the opposite direction, in the BUS-HOV lane (High Occupancy Vehicles) and before a major fork. Notices for a pandemic The exceptional ties we entered a few months ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic was also reflected in the information provided by the panels, firstly advising everyone to stay home due to the State of Alarm, then information on essential services for

those that continued to work. When the de-escalation began, the panels reported on the phase in which each zone was and what measures were being adopted and reminded us that only justified movements were allowed. Mobile panels In 2019, other types of panels also began to be used, mobile versions, which offer more functionality because, when carried on a trailer, they can even be located on secondary and conventional roads. Mainly, they are used to support traffic controls or warn of sports events (a bicycle race, for example). As with the fixed versions, the mobile units also depend on Traffic Management Centres, each of which has four or five units.

Half of drivers would consider electric Half of drivers would consider buying an electric car for their next vehicle, according to a recent survey. In a poll of 17,628 motorists, almost half (47%) wanted to change to electric driving but, were put off by electric car pricing, lack of charging points and concerns about range. The survey, conducted in the UK by the AA and ITV’s Tonight programme, found that almost half of the drivers surveyed would seriously consider an electric car when the time comes to replace their current vehicle. Women, at 49%, were slightly more likely to consider an electric vehicle than men, 46%. Londoners were most likely to consider changing to an electric vehicle (56%) while 54% of those in social groups A and B (defined as uppermiddle and middle-middle class) were also more likely to consider one. People aged 18 to 24 were most likely to consider going electric (60%), with 56% of aged 35 to 44, and 48% of those aged 55 to 64 saying the same. Industry experts believe that the results of the survey could encourage those in government to bring forward the ban on the sale of new cars with an internal combustion engine – a move planned for 2040 but now possibly

brought forward to 2035 if not sooner. For those who said they would not consider an electric vehicle for their next car, a lack of public charging points around the UK was the biggest concern, with 69% saying this would put them off electric motoring. This is backed up by a recent report that found the UK only has five per cent of the public EV chargers it will need by 2030. Another prominent reason for not making the change was cost. High price was indicated a a dealbreaker by 67% of those surveyed, while concerns relating to running out of power or not having charge to reach their destination (also known as range anxiety) was a worry for 63% of respondents. In terms of general concerns, 63% of those responding to the poll said that they were concerned that the UK’s

electricity network would not be able to cope if all drivers switched to electric cars. The National Grid has previously said, however, that smart charging (which would automatically manage EV charging during peak hours, for example) and infrastructure improvements should mean this is not the issue many were once concerned it would be. The AA said that 72% of its members think that charging electric cars takes too long. Commenting on the survey, the AA’s president, Edmund King, said the UK is undergoing a “radical transition”, and he considers that there is a need to “help drivers overcome perceived myths about EVs and charging. It is incredibly encouraging that almost half of drivers will consider an EV for their next car.”


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8th - 14th September 2020




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Imanyo Golf Society Collins Continental Cup at El Plantio

On arrival at El Plantio we received the usual friendly greeting with everything ready and waiting and the course was in its usual great condition. The weather was blue skies with 30o but much less humidity than the last two months. The winner came from group B this year and was Alan Boyden with a handicap cutting 42 points,


Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 24.8.20 It was the best 2 scores from 4 to count with all on the par 3’s on Monday. Terry Field, Pete Dunn, Marleen Billen and the fictional Albert stole the show notching up 98 points. Marleen’s birdie on the 18th for 4 points certainly helped their cause! Close with 94, but not close enough, were Graham Murray, Ron Luffman, Nick Campbell and Reg Akehurst.

It was a fantastic day for our first competition of the new Spanish golf season which was sponsored by Danny and Sharon Collins from England, unfortunately Danny, Sharon and their son Liam, who has won the cup twice and with a record breaking 54 points last year, could not be with us due to the present circumstances. The day started with the traditional full English breakfast in Imanyo’s, twenty players took part and the format was full handicap Stableford playing in two groups with an overall winner.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020

runner up was Gary Smith with 33 points and third place went to “Keep it in the Family “ Alan Ralph with 27 points, group A winner was “The Joker” Mick Billins with 37points and runner up in group B was “on Fire” Steve Burns with 35 points, third place was Peter Kelly with 31 points. There were six nearest the pins and a longest drive, hole 4 in four shots was “The Joker” Mick Billins, hole 6 in three shots was Peter Kelly, hole 9 went to guest Jamie Moore, hole 11 in three shots was “Twelve Trees” Steve Ayre, hole 15 was “On Fire” Steve Burns, hole 18 went to Sean McGuinness and The Longest Drive trophy was on hole 1 and was won by Alan Martin.

The presentation was held at Imanyo’s. Thank you to Danny and Sharon Collins forprovidingall the prizes, also thank you to Antonio, Norma and staff at Imanyo’s for the fantastic food and great hospitality. Mo Chaplinwon the football card with Bolton Wanderers raising another €40 for our charities 2020. Photo shows Don’s Ralph presenting the trophy to Alan Boydenon behalf of Danny and Sharon. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com

Wednesday’s individual Stableford also allowed each player to nominate 2 holes beforehand where the points scored were doubled. With 42 points it was Mark Western on top of the podium followed by Mike Chapman on 41. Three players shared 40 points and after countback it was Friedel Knebel who took the bronze. Three 2’s today going to Mark, John Shervell and Liz Robertson. No great surprises when a very strong foursome won the day in Friday’s Texas Scramble. With a nett score of 59, Terry Field, Paul Brown, Pete Dunn (He’s had a good week) and PetinaMurray were in the money. Just 0.6 behind them were Lindsay Forbes, Graham Murray, Nigel Price and once again Marleen. It was only after the game we learnt the very sad news that

Geoff Biggerstaff, one of our founding members, had passed away that morning. Our thoughts go out to his wife Dee and family.

Given the circumstances no attempts at funny jokes this week. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell


Puzzle News Page

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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th September 2020


■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

I suspect the referee in Iceland had either got very, very bored or had a sneaky tenner on a 1-1 draw. If it was the latter, he’ll have been gutted to see that second spot-kick sail high over the bar. You can imagine the club managers of each England player involved wondering what on Earth the point of having their players whisked away the week before the start of the Premier League actually was as the first 88 minutes of the much-awaited rematch between Iceland and England was awful, awful viewing. Gareth Southgate put his faith in a young squad and whilst they came away with three points thanks to Raheem Sterling winning (laughably) and scoring (comfortably) the late penalty, it is unlikely Phil Foden or Mason Greenwood will look back on their debuts as classics. Kyle Walker had the right idea, getting himself sent off early in the second half so that he can rest up before the real action starts next weekend. Having snaffled up Ajax’s Dutch midfield star Donny van de Beek, Manchester United are thought to be very keen on Champions League winner Thiago Alacantara because you can never have too many midfield options that are not called Nemanja

Considering Thiago was the first name presented to Ed Woodward when David Moyes took the hot-seat, you can imagine Moyseh shaking his head thinking about how life could have been very different for him. Instead, he’s having to watch his skipper get the hump on Twitter as the owners have sold off one of the brightest prospects the ‘Academy of Football’ has produced in recent years Grady Diangana has made his loan to WBA permanent and Mark Noble was quick to voice his displeasure, especially given Diangana’s energy levels could have helped Noble hide the fact his legs have gone for at least another season or two. Interestingly, or not, Declan Rice ‘liked’ the tweet probably hoping Chelsea still have another £80m or so to go in their transfer splurge. That’s another £80m on top of the £70m or so Germany’s Kai Havertz has just cost the Blues as his signing has confirmed by a grinning Frank Lampard, seemingly still oblivious to the fact that every signing he makes knocks another month off his tenure at the club. It is massively unlikely Chelsea will have any money left to sign Declan Rice - but they are still interested in a bargain signing from Rennes to replace Kepa. After all, their football advisor Petr Cech used to play for the French side. Lionel Messi is getting on a bit now, but in fairness, his u-turn over leaving Barcelona shows he is as quick and

nimble as he was as a teenager. Messi won’t be joining Man City this year shock. However, he did curl one into the top corner making it very clear he thinks the Barca president is an absolute plonker. Liverpool appear to be genuinely concerned that the Messi proclaimed Mes Que Un Mess could take two of their title-winning team off them this window - Gini and Sadio are having their heads turned by the thought of being part of Koeman’s rebuild. King Kloppo has a back-up plan though, moving for the one player who made Andy Robertson look distinctly average last season - Ismail Sarr of Watford. Jose Mourinho has decided on his new blueprint and it is going to show exactly what a great manager he still is. Guaranteed, if Mou can take Tottenham to any silverware with his B-list signings then he is the greatest ever in my book. Earlier in the summer, Spurs were linked to Troy Deeney and we laughed. But, given the signing of Matt Doherty, Joe Hart and Hojbjerg we are not laughing any longer - and Jose would love Josh King to walk away from Bournemouth to join his new crusade. Over at Arsenal, Mikel Arteta is doing very OK on the ‘in’ column but less well on the ‘out’. Dani Ceballos is coming back for his sequel season but his Head Coach really needs to persuade the likes of Ozil, Holding and Guendozi to do one to any clubs willing to take them. Antonio Conte might actually stay put at Inter and by way of celebration of

not being asked to leave he plans to raid his former club Chelsea and relieve them of Emerson, Giroud and N’Golo Kante. Whilst he is in London, he’d quite happily pop Tanguy N’Dombele in the basket as well before jumping back on the Eurostar. Everton really did panic when it was rumoured Carlo Ancelotti would be off if they didn’t up their transfer market game. Since then, Doucoure has arrived from Watford, Allan from Napoli and James from Real Madrid - once again showing that the Everton board are more than willing to throw good money after bad when it comes to backing their managers having spent a decade not backing David Moyes. Maybe it’s just you, Moyseh? Newcastle United still plan to avoid relegation this season by signing players relegated last - Bournemouth’s Ryan Fraser and Callum Wilson are top of the list and rumour has it (and let’s be honest, that’s the main currency of the column), Jamal Lewis has seen himself nearly signing for Liverpool and now heading off to St James’ Park instead. That’s football - it’s all fine margins. Aston Villa plan to stay up by signing players from the league they will end up in - they want Brentford’s Ollie Watkins to follow Forest’s Matty Cash through the entrance. Finally, Alexis Sanchez has announced he wanted to leave United after just one training session - which is a coincidence as the fans wanted him to go after just one match.




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