17 November - 23 November 2020

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17TH - 23RD NOVEMBER 2020 - EDITION 865

Your Essential Weekly Read

Tel: 966 701 060 | office@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Keep our community safe: Stay vigilant, get the app, be honest See Main Advert on page 30-31

There are concerns at the moment among the expat community about the rise in positive cases of Covid-19. It seems clear from people we have been speaking to recently that back in March or April, positive cases of coronavirus seemed

‘further away’ than they do now and the virus is encroaching on our wider social circles and local community. If we were to ask ourselves if we are as vigilant now as we were back in springtime, what would our honest answer be? We’re not trying to perpetuate fear or spread panic, but there is a tangibly worrisome atmosphere out there and we as a community need to come together to take steps to protect ourselves and our local economy. There is an onus on each of us to act responsibly for the sake of our friends, neighbours, colleagues and members of the community in which we live. In order to ensure our hostelry sector remains open for business, owners need to take steps to ensure customers feel safe and customers must follow social distancing guidelines and mask wearing rules. We may not like

it, it may not feel normal but for now, it is what it is. We all know what we should be doing, but it’s useful to be reminded sometimes. So, with that in mind, here are a few things that we can do to keep our community safe... • Wash our hands. It seems obvious, but often we automatically consider our own hands to be clean, even if we have touched surfaces in public or at work without thinking. There is no shortage of hand sanitiser in shops now and pocket or handbag sized bottles are widely available. When we are at home or in work, we should wash our hands regularly (especially before preparing food for ourselves or others, and before eating). Some Continued on page 3


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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Improvements works for Orihuela Costa

The Councillor of Infrastructure for Orihuela, Ángel Noguera, has reported the award of the contract for the replacement of pavements in La Regia and La Zenia in Orihuela Costa. This contract has been awarded to the company Serrano Aznar Obras Públicas S.L.U, for a total amount of 440,175 euros (VAT included) and will take four months to complete. Ángel Noguera explained these “are necessary works since we are talking about urbanisations built in the 60s and 70s in where many roads now fail to comply with the current regulatory conditions of accessibility, as well as vehicle circulation. Pavements that are invaded by trees, preventing pedestrian movement, poorly executed access to homes, lack of signage for parking and the absence of horizontal road signs, both directional and parking, as well as safe

crossings pedestrians”. The scope of the La Zenia urbanization works corresponds to Carrer del Carmen, Avda. Las Palmeras and Calle Colon. The total approximate surface area of the road work in the La Zenia urbanization is 18,245 m2. The scope of the La Regia urbanization works corresponds to the streets Isla Cabrera, Isla Dragonera, Isla Sardinia, Isla Córcega and Isla Formentera. The total approximate surface area of 18,370 m2. The works included in the project basically consist of a substantial improvement of pedestrian accessibility on the routes, as well as an improvement of the pavements, both pedestrian and for vehicles, mainly due to their deterioration due to the time elapsed since their installation. Trees will be removed and replaced to make the area more scenic as well as accessible.


Local business community pleads for more Covid testing An open letter issued this week by the Orihuela Costa’s two main business associations has called for more widely available Covid-19 testing. Dear Sir/Madam Orihuela Costa has had very few Covid19 cases up to the end of October however there are now many new infections every day and these new cases are not being attended to in an efficient manner. This steep rise in cases is particularly serious here because of the number of people over 60 who live in Orihuela Costa is very high and so the potential for serious illness among this age demographic is also high which could put a tremendous strain on the health service in health area 22. In general, these pensioners are from abroad and they do not have family support here. Businesses in Orihuela Costa have meticulously followed the strict government guidelines but they are unfortunately having to close down because there are no tourists, the resident population are living cautiously and

frugally and unfortunately the government are not helping. More than 50% of the businesses in the hospitality sector who were operating in 2019 have now gone out of business. Obviously, owners, staff, entertainers and suppliers are all suffering and there is no real backup for them. At the moment there is a huge backlog of people needing tests and some have to wait for a week or more to get a test, followed by at least two days to receive their results. We believe that there not enough resources allocated at present to the testing process, forcing hundreds of people in business to have 40€ Antigenos tests in Imed and Quiron Torrevieja. This is not correct; workers and business owners are paying into the social security system but they cannot get an appointment for a PCR test in their local health centre and they end up paying private companies for some short-lived peace-of-mind. Additionally, the communication between the private hospitals and Salud Publica is totally inadequate and inefficient. Widescale and easily accessible PCR

and Antigenos testing is essential now to prevent increased infection rates along with high hospital and UCI admissions and ultimately deaths. Appointments for tests should be available within 24 of the first contact and results also within 24 hours with clear information and instruction given at each point of contact. Follow-up control calls for those who have tested positive need to be made every 48 hours. Can we suggest using an outdoor tentlike structure (for proper ventilation) beside the Aguamarina medical centre with sufficiently trained staff to carry out 300-500 tests per day, seven days a week. We envisage that 8-10 staff would be needed to carry out these tests and to label and store the tests properly. Vital to this process is the booking of appointments and giving results on dedicated phone lines. Thank you for considering our urgent plea for more testing. OC Avanza Business Association: Cabo Roig Business Association


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Continued from page 1 people find it useful to set an alarm on their phone which reminds them every hour to wash their hands. It seems simple, but is effective. • Download the Radar Covid app. Back in August, Spain's Prime Minister called on 'all citizens' to download coronavirus tracking app Radar Covid. The app uses a phone’s Bluetooth to estimate the distance and time between app users. It will be able to accurately tell if you have spent 15 minutes or longer near someone who tested positive for the virus. The app warns you anonymously of any possible contact you may have had in the last 14 days with a person who has been infected. The infected person is expected to input their positive result into the app in order for the system to work (a positive diagnosis means that health workers will give app users a unique number to input to the app, meaning that all of those other app users who have been in close proximity to the patient will receive an alert). The app is available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Valencian and English. It works without revealing your identity or that of your device – your name, email, geolocation and phone number are NOT connected. Users are asked to keep their Bluetooth activated and, in the event of a positive diagnosis, enter the code provided. The code isn’t linked to any information on your or to your device in order to preserve anonymity. If you have had a ‘risk contact’ the app will alert you and you are asked to then follow a set of

RADAR COVID SURVEY This week, we ran a short survey on our Facebook page in which we asked members of the expat community if they had the Radar Covid app. Of those who responded to the survey, 64% had the app and 36% didn’t. Of those who didn’t have the app, their reasons included: privacy concerns, lack of knowledge of the app’s existence and technical issues. One user thought the app needed wifi in order to function (it doesn’t, only Bluetooth which does not require an internet connection). Of those who DO have the app, an overwhelming majority (91%) said that if diagnosed with Covid-19, they would take the next step and input their result. Of those who don’t yet have the app, 56% would now consider downloading it, 24% won’t be downloading it and 24% remain unsure. • Be honest. There can be a stigma attached to a positive diagnosis, but if people are not honest about their results, it can negatively impact those who they have been in contact with. If you have had a positive diagnosis, reach out to the people and places you have come in contact with over the last

two weeks and let them know. It’s an awkward call to make, but it’s the right thing to do. We live in a close knit community, and the rumour mill is always turning. If we are all honest with each other, it will help prevent rumours spiralling out of control. It’s also important to continue to support our local small businesses. When you shop, eat, drink or do business in the local area, remember that every venue, bar, restaurant and business has strict legal guidelines to follow, such as tables set at 2m apart (chair-back to chair-back) and no nearer, reduced capacity inside and on terraces, no sitting at the bar and restrictions on smoking. There should also be no shared or reused condiments or menus and if you move from the table you need to replace your mask before you stand up or move. Please support those local venues and businesses that are adhering to the rules and working hard to keep you safe, whilst allowing you to still enjoy the Costa Blanca lifestyle we all know and love.

Caritas appeals to the Expat Community There is a nationwide collection of food this coming week when supermarkets across Spain will ask for donations for local food banks. Food will be distributed among families and individuals who are desperately in need of help. Food banks in this region are helping more people than ever due to the pandemic, so if you're doing your weekly shop over the coming days, keep an eye out for volunteers. Due to Covid-19, the manner in which food will be collected is also slightly different. Instead of asking people to buy items and deposit them in a designated trolley, members of the public are being asked to leave some money at the till and at the end of the day, volunteers will purchase items needed. So, whether you can

donate €1, €3, €5, €10 (or more), or simply tell the cashier to 'keep the change', all donations are gratefully received and will go directly to help feed the hungry in your own town. This week, the Costa Blanca People was contacted by Caritas, one of the main charities involved in the nationwide collection. They are desperately seeking English speaking volunteers for this Friday and Saturday in Torrevieja. Cristina from Caritas told us "We really need people to help us explain the new system. We can't accept food items because of coronavirus, but if people can leave money at the cash register, then we can buy what we need. If some of your readers can spare an hour or two on Friday or Saturday, it would really help us in supermarkets

where English speaking people shop." If you think you can spare an hour to help Caritas and explain to shoppers how to donate, your help will be very gratefully received. The three supermarkets where help is needed are Consum on Avda. Ronda Ricardo Lafuente, Lidl on Avenida Cortes Valencianas and Mercadona on the corner of Avda. Orihuela and Avda. Angel Garcia. If you live further away but would still like to help, please send us your details and we can pass them on to the charities in other areas. If you think you can help, contact us and we will put you in touch. Email your name, number and there area in which you live to office@costablancapeople.com or call 637 72 01 49 (in Spanish).





CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020






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Police scam warning

The National Police are warning people that scammers are taking advantage of the Covid-19 situation by pretending to be utility inspectors. There have been cases reported across the local area and so people need to be on their guard. In this scam the criminal claims to be an electric, gas or water technician. After making a pretend check, they claim there needs to be changes made to the service that will require a payment of between 400 and 500 euros in cash or by card. The scammer simply pockets the cash and moves on to the next victim or carries a dataphone where he views the PIN on the bankcard, after which he leaves the property to go to the nearest ATM to withdraw as much money as is possible.

The authorities recommend that homeowners do not open the door to strangers and that they do not believe anyone at their front door is who they claim to be. If the representative is a true employee of that company they will carry official identification and you should not give them access to your home without verifying their credibility. If the document or identity card looks suspicious, then phone the company directly to double check. In addition, bank card or account numbers should not be provided under any circumstances. The company will have your details on record and you can go to the official office to complete any business. Be aware that if the scammer gets your bank details they can be used and sold on to other scammers. Police advise that you check

the validity of any caller to your door by calling the Customer Service department of the organisation or company in question, so that they can provide the information for the person and also check exactly what is to be done and why. The advice is also for people to fit a security slide chain to the door and a peep hole. Always keep doors closed even in the heat of summer, unless you have a locked door grill in place. If you have been the victim of the scam of any type, the National Police want to hear from you on 091 as soon as possible. During the month of November, the National Police has dismantled several economic fraud schemes in the province through its Provincial Delegation of Citizen Participation.


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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020



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Black week for Covid across the province Last week saw 47 people lose that the number of COVID-19 their lives due to Covid-19 in the infections will reach its peak in province of Alicante and the the Spain at the end of November, the daily number of infected people number of hospitalisations will also continued unabated. The continue to grow until the first of Ministry of Health notified 640 December and that of deaths until new cases on Thursday, the beginning of 2021. representing an increase of 90 The researchers have published infections compared to the a study in which, based on a previous day. In the whole of the Valencian Community, 2,136 people were infected on Thursday. This sustained increase in cases that the province has been experiencing for weeks continues to translate into more pressure on hospitals. Despite the fact that there is no prospect that the incidence of the disease will decrease Ximo Puig across the Community, the president of the Generalitat, Ximo computational model, they Puig, remains reluctant to tighten simulate what would be the result the restrictions and last week of the early use of antivirals reiterated that the Community "is against covid-19, once they are not going to apply more available in pharmacies, and their restrictions compulsively" Rather, impact on the evolution of the the measures adopted will be pandemic in Spain. done with the utmost "serenity and persistence." Puig spoke like Losing track this after attending a business It is feared that public health summit on the Mediterranean trackers in the province are in an Corridor. ‘unsustainable’ situation as cases Researchers from the flood in and overwhelm Polytechnic University of Valencia resources. The Province of (UPV) and the Higher Council for Alicante has just seven contact Scientific Research (CSIC) foresee tracing centres with around 300

workers in total. Each centre, except the one in Alicante, which is larger, has received a reinforcement of five trackers, a doctor and two nurses, in addition to having military support. However, this staff increase falls short to face this second wave of the pandemic and when a good part of the task of tracking health centres has been removed so that it is done by Public Health. These services are also in charge of managing outbreaks in schools and companies. To give an example of the scale of the problem: a tracker takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete a complete survey, which means that per hour it can take three to four surveys. Between 30-35 a day. If there are five trackers a day, the centre can handle about 150 surveys a day. However, currently 300 surveys a day are entering some departments. Even by reinforcing the trackers, it is difficult to keep up with this growing volume of positive case reports. Of course the concern is that the consequences of the work overload experienced by these professionals directly affects the management of the pandemic.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Excavations start at World no­alcohol former Albatera Day prison camp A team of archaeologists, led by historian Felipe Mejías, has begun excavation work on the site of the former Concentration Camp in Albatera to try to find a mass grave with the remains of people who died of illness or were killed at the Franco prison that housed between 15,000 and 20,000 prisoners during the slightly more than six months that it was open, between 6th April, 1939 and 27th October of that year. The surveys, with the help of a backhoe machine, focus on the area where archaeologists consider the burials to be, based on witness testimony, to an excavated pit and the remains that were found after the dismantling of the Francoist facility, when the lands were prepared for cultivation. In addition, although the final results of the geo-radar used a few days ago will not be available for a few weeks, Mejías has a preliminary report that he says is "encouraging". The results show anomalies of linear and quadrangular forms have been detected that correspond to the foundations of the barracks, and spaces of irregular morphology with powerful fillings,

compatible with the existence of a mass grave. The archaeologist and historian said: “We have located the right place by the given testimonies, and whose definitive existence will now have to be confirmed.” Very carefully, the machine is digging trenches one metre deep to try to find traces. The work will last well into this week. In the three weeks of exploration with metal detectors and geo-radar, the team has located numerous materials belonging to the camp's structures, its barracks and barbed wire, but also personal objects of the prisoners and the soldiers who guarded them including: projectiles, cartridges, coins and cutlery. Also human skeletal remains that a forensic anthropologist will study. The Minister for Democratic Quality, Rosa Pérez, visited the site recently given that her department was responsible for subsidising the project with a 17,600 euro payment. Pérez pointed out that "in addition to locating and exhuming the victims, the Albatera investigation seeks to shed light on one of the most cruel and painful pages of Spain’s post-war period."

Orihuela Health Department joined the alcohol awareness campaign ‘World no Alcohol Day’ which ran on Sunday. The Councillor for Health, José Galiano, explained that the Department was working in conjunction with the Community Prevention of Addictive Behaviours Unit of Orihuela (UPCCA). Part of the initiative is an on-going project entitled "With alcohol, keep your distance" which consists of the dissemination of different posters and adverts that aim to dispel some of the myths related to alcohol consumption and COVID-19. The councillor for Health said: “During the pandemic erroneous information has been generated in relation to the consumption of alcohol and the virus, such as that alcohol can protect people against contagion, that it helps people to cope with the situation or that it is a valid

Councillor for Health Jose Galiano

option to aid mental health. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness in the community, especially in adolescents.” “The ‘World no-alcohol Day’ was intended to raise awareness about the physical and psychological damage that this substance produces in the body", the Councillor explained. Alcohol continues to be responsible for three million deaths each year worldwide, and it is the drug most consumed in the last 12 months, among high school students, according to the ESTUDES 20182019 survey, carried out at state level. What effects does alcohol have in our body? Alcohol affects our whole body in different ways causing some of these effects: • Nervous system/brain: Alcohol interferes brain conections causing moodyness, confusion and incoordination of movements. • Heart: Alcohol increases blood pressure and the risk of arrithmias and heart attack. • Liver: Alcohol may cause cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. • Pancreas: Alcohol increases the risk of pancreas inflammation or pancreatitis. • Immune system: The immune system is depressed in patients that have alcohol dependence and they are prone to infections like pneumonia or tuberculosis. • Alcohol increases the risk for cancer, specially oral cancer, esphagous cancer, liver cancer or breast cancer.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

World Golf Award for Stray Sod Green Fees The Stray Sod Green Fees has appetite for golf tourism has never scored a hole in one by being been stronger and bodes well for named ‘Spain’s Best Inbound Tour the industry’s future as the global Operator’ in the World Golf Awards recovery begins.” 2020. The annual competition Based in the La Fuente Centre, celebrates and rewards excellence Orihuela Costa, The Stray Sod in golf tourism and the votes were Green Fees opened its doors 4 cast by professionals in the golf years ago and has gone from industry and by golf tourism consumers. The local business was in prestigious company with other award winners including: Augusta National Golf Club, course designer Jose Maria Olazabal and professional player Annika Sorenstam. In the Spanish category Las Colinas was named Best Golf Course and La Finca Resort Best Golf Award winning local business Hotel. Chris Frost, Managing Director, strength-to-strength. Originally World Golf Awards, said: “Our focussing on discounted green winners represent the very best of fees, after just one year business the global golf tourism and owners Aisling Whelehan and hospitality sector and my Eddie Selvadurai realised that they congratulations to each of them. could offer so much more to They have all demonstrated golfers travelling to Spain from remarkable resilience in a year of abroad. The business diversified unprecedented challenges. into Stay & Play Packages for “The World Golf Awards 2020 groups of all sizes and the demand programme received a record was phenomenal. The team now number of votes cast by the tailors bespoke packages for public. This shows that the groups, whether that is local golf

societies, or foreign golf clubs coming to Spain or a group of friends wanting to enjoy a golfing holiday on the Costas. They make all the arrangements and take away all the hassle. All transfers are handled in-house and the owner and staff take care of the groups personally to ensure that service is second to none. Each group has its own private driver from start to finish; from the moment they step off the plane to when they board again – and in the middle every detail is taken care of for them, leaving them free to just worry about their round! It is this personal management that has impressed new and returning customers each year and resulted in award winning votes. Aisling and Eddie said: We want to thank all of our customers for supporting us over the last four years and anyone who voted for us. This is a huge accolade for a small, upcoming business in a very competitive sector and we are thrilled to have been named winner and scoop the award.”





CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Rail link to unite Orihuela and Torrevieja The Mayors of Orihuela and Torrevieja, Emilio Bascuñana and Eduardo Dolón, as the representatives of the two largest hubs of the Vega Baja have presented the planned “Orihuela-Torrevieja / Orihuela Costa Railway Route", prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Alicante, under the direction of Professor Armando Ortuño. The Orihuela Mayor explained that the joint project between both municipalities "responds to the great needs of the Vega Baja, with the union of the coast with the interior, in parallel with the CV-95, through a railway route’. The project will now be forwarded for evaluation by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Ministry. The project has an estimated cost of 277.6 million euros, which includes, in addition to the railway route between Orihuela and Torrevieja, three stations, Bigastro-Jacarilla, San Miguel de Salinas and another in Torrevieja. Professor Armando Ortuño outlined the details of the railway route that would take advantage of the CV-95 to reduce the cost. The project presents two alternative routes such as the route between the districts of Arneva and Hurchillo (the route through the Hurchillo mountain in the form of a tunnel) and from the Orihuela station with the CV-925 running between Hurchillo and Bigastro (from La Pedrera there would be a single route). The Torrevieja / Orihuela Costa station is proposed in two locations, the entrance through Los Balcones, next to the AP-7, or an alternative that raises the cost, as it is next to Torrevieja Hospital. To minimise costs, the study proposes a single track with a maximum speed of 200 kilometers per hour, sharing a platform with the CV-95 with a complementary cycle-pedestrian lane. A

Project launch

total of 28 daily services are established between Orihuela and Torrevieja and vice versa (one train every half hour each way). The UA project estimates that the coastal train, which would later be complemented with another study on how the route would enter Torrevieja and how it would connect with CV-95, would have a flow of 1.2 million passengers, minimum, adding there are also those who would use this shuttle to go to the coast of the Vega Baja from the trains that stop in Orihuela. "In the project we emphasize that it would increase the profitability of the Cercanías, AVE or long distance train lines that are already operating," explained Ortuño. The project includes an environmental analysis that includes the main determining factors when defining the

route, such as the land of protected natural areas, urban planning, the risk of flooding, the morphology of the land and the existing infrastructures. The more than 277 million euro cost of the route includes infrastructure, superstructure, expropriations and the three planned new stations. The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, said: “It is the best news that the Vega Baja region can have, because it is a totally viable project and it is the reality that we deserve in the south of the Valencian Community.” He added: “It is a good time for the VegaRenhace Plan to include a departure for these rail route alternatives, and we hope to be received by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana and the councillor so that they include an amount for the preliminary draft in the budgets.”


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House hunting can be very confusing to a buyer. It can be difficult keeping up with current property prices. How do you feel when you see a home you like, priced at what you think could be reasonable, only to see a neighboring home on the market for a much lower figure? How do you know if the property you like is a bargain or not? How do you know if you’re paying too much? And how do you understand the difference between, “priced for a quick sale” and “priced to sell”? Most times property prices are calculated on a price per square metre basis. Although it is safe to say there are a lot of agents that don’t know what the current price is per square metre in the area they are selling. They estimate the price of a home comparing it to what has sold, what is currently on the market for sale and what the offers have been coming in at. If you see a property with a higher than average asking price, it may be they have inflated the amount to compensate for any offers. It will look like they are overpriced. The problem with this is, research shows people don’t make offers on overpriced homes.

When you see a home that is “priced for a quick sale,” this means that the owners have lowered the asking price below market value to encourage a faster sale. Properties with the tag line “priced to sell” means you are dealing with serious and motivated sellers. They’re not overpricing their home to compensate for cheeky offers. They know what the current market value is, and have chosen to hit the market just below other similar properties that are comparable to theirs. Just because the asking price of a home for sale may not have been reduced doesn’t mean it’s not a bargain, that you could be paying too much, or it’s ready to accept a cheeky offer. The best way to know you’re not overpaying for a home is by asking your Real Estate Agent to show you comparable properties in the same price range. If you’re ready to buy head to www.QuesadaDeals.com for a list of the best area deals.

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Alicante­Elche airport to be re­named Alicante-Elche airport will be renamed after the Mediterranean province's most famous poet, Miguel Hernández – an announcement that was made on what would have been his 110th birthday. The literary icon, born in Orihuela, died young, a victim of dictator General Franco's forces. Although sentenced to death when he was jailed in March 1940, aged 29, Hernández was not one of the estimated hundreds of thousands executed by firing squad; he caught tuberculosis whilst behind bars, and the permit for his transfer to the specialist hospital in Valencia came too late – he passed away on 28th March, 1942 in the prison's medical wing. Hernández, who was romantically linked for a time with celebrated artist Maruja Mallo and who was married to Josefina Manresa, had joined the Republicans and the Communist Party of Spain, based upon ideas shared wealth and guaranteed minimum living standards, and one of the main movements which opposed Franco's fascist régime. However, opposing Franco's regime, once the General gained power after his faction won the Civil War, was a dangerous move. Numerous firing squad victims are being exhumed from unmarked common graves at present, but the handful of these that have even been traced are suspected

to be the mere tip of the iceberg. During his 31 years and five months of life, Hernández published seven books of poetry and five plays, many of which has been translated into several languages since his death. His posthumous honours include Elche University being named after him, being named Predilect Son of the province of Alicante and Adoptive Son of the city of Murcia - and the next could be an airport. Miguel Hernández Spain's transport minister José Luis Ábalos said he had set the tribute. Incorporating his name wheels in motion to add into that of Alicante-Elche airport Hernández's name to the terminal will pay a small part of our debt to on the 110th anniversary of the him. “We've set the wheels in poet's birth. An official commemoration was held at motion and it'll be done as soon Valencia's Temple Palace, in the as possible.” Puig said this was 'great news'. presence of regional president Ximo Puig, Valencia's mayor Joan “The biggest gateway to the Ribó and MP for the region Gloria Comunidad Valenciana from the rest of the world will be called Calero. Hernández's granddaughter 'Miguel Hernández',” he said, was there, as was his daughter-in- triumphantly. Hernández's surviving family law, the widow of his son Manuel Miguel, who died in 1984 aged 45 said they 'very much appreciated' – he had grown up as an only the gesture. “He deserves everything,” they child, since his elder brother Manuel Ramón, born in said. Alicante-Elche airport – December 1937, only lived to be formerly referred to solely as nine months old. Ábalos said Spain owes a debt 'Alicante' and as 'El Altet', after the tied hamlet where it is technically to the prolific writer. “No country worth its salt can based – serves the whole of the possibly condemn one of its most Costa Blanca and acts as an relevant poets to death and come alternative to the Costa Cálida out of it morally unscathed,” the airport in San Javier, Murcia, and minister said. “Spain owes him a to that of Valencia.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Negative Interest Rates? A perfect storm is brewing in the banking world which could possibly result in negative interest rates and an end to free banking. This is a blend of coronavirus, a crackdown in overdraft fees, lingering low interest rates and essentially, big banks struggling to make as much money out of customers as they did in years gone by. Profits are down. HSBC revealed a 35 per cent fall in quarterly profits and it fired a warning shot to customers that it could start charging for 'basic banking services' in some countries. Although HSBC is the first bank to announce the possibility of charges, it seems likely that the

other high street banks will follow suit.

designed specifically for you.

Negative interest rates in the UK edged closer after a Bank of England policymaker warned the central bank would need extra firepower to boost the economy following the surge in Covid-19 cases.

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Negative rates have been adopted by the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan, mainly to make it unprofitable for corporations to keep cash on deposit. If you have money in the UK and are looking for better options, but are unsure what is available to you as a Spanish tax resident, then the team at Seagate Wealth have a number of products

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP Sterling stayed afloat despite a tricky week, strengthening by an average of 0.2% against the other major currencies, but just about unchanged from a month ago. Lee Cain’s resignation is seen by some as evidence that the PM might be about to agree to a trade deal with the EU. He has until the European Council meeting in a week’s time to do so. Should that not happen, the two sides would surely come up with a new deadline, but only seven weeks remain until the 31 December cliff edge. After the House of Lords voted “overwhelmingly” to strike out the parts of the Internal Market bill prejudicial to the Good Friday agreement, the PM doubled down. He intends to pursue the legislation even at the cost of trade agreements with Europe and the United States. At least, that is what his team said, but given the lack of reaction from sterling, investors appear not entirely to have swallowed that line. The election of Biden comes at an awkward time for the UK government, with the final episode of Brexit scheduled to air in the midst of the US presidential transition. Biden has criticised the bill as a threat to the Good Friday peace agreement, and if the UK does indeed end the year without an EU trade agreement, it will be more reliant than ever on cutting a deal with the US. Chief Economist of the Bank of England Andy Haldane was typically optimistic that a Covid-19 vaccine means “things are going to get better at some point in the foreseeable future”. According to the British Retail Consortium, October saw another strong month of retail sales growth, but data from the ONS showed unemployment rising from 4.5% to 4.8%. Gross domestic product expanded by 15.5% in the third quarter after shrinking 19.8% in Q2. Figures for September indicated monthly increases of 0.2% and 0.5% for manufacturing and

industrial production. All three of those numbers fell short of analysts’ forecasts. EURO The big news from Brussels was confirmation that the European Parliament and the European Council had agreed details of the €1 trillion 20212027 budget that had been grinding slowly ahead since July. Being a pan-EU project, it is not yet a done deal, and ratification by national parliaments will take time. It will eventually be part of a larger €1.8 trillion package to rebuild a post-Covid Europe that is “greener, more digital, more resilient and a better fit for the future”. At the same time the EU offered a second €17 billion tranche of its SURE jointly-issued Covid recovery bond, which was met by bids for ten times as much.The breakthrough made not the slightest difference to the euro, which had an unremarkable week, unchanged against the US dollar and sterling, and microscopically firmer on average against the other majors. It received little help from the Eurozone economic data, which tended to be disappointing without delivering any real shocks. ZEW’s measures of investor confidence were uglier than analysts had predicted. Economic sentiment in Germany experienced a “sharp decline… plummeting 17.1 points” to 39.0. Sentiment in the Eurozone plunged by an equally dramatic 19.5 points to 32.8, and the Sentix index was a point and three quarters lower at -10. The numbers were still well above the March lows though. Many central bankers will be taking part in the European Central Bank forum over the coming days, so one to keep eyes and ears on as we head into the weekend.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Spotlight on... Look out for more guides from a variety of areas over the coming weeks. To advertise your bar, restaurant or business, or to find out the next area due to be featured call 647 472 825

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Cláusula Suelo – what is the mortgage Ground Clause, and can you reclaim it? This week we spoke to Keith Rule from Costa Luz Lawyers about the ‘clausula suelo’ and how Keith is helping expats reclaim money they believed was lost. Keith told us, “There is the issue of Spanish mortgages being sold in the boom years as variable rate or tracker mortgages linked to the Euribor rate, but with a Ground Clause (Clausula Suelo) included which meant in reality that the mortgage interest rate could not drop below a much higher rate fixed by the Bank. So these mortgage holders never had the benefit of falling interest rates over the past decade. "We have won many cases against Spanish Banks for mortgage holders who had this Ground Clause included in their mortgage without the implications being fully explained to them when the mortgage was first taken out. If the case

is won then normally the Ground Clause is removed meaning they now have the benefit of lower monthly payments directly linked to the Euribor rate and all the overpaid interest is refunded by the Bank."

of 2008, so did the Euribor rate. By early 2010 the Euribor was down to around 1.25%, which would give a mortgage interest rate of 2.25%. By 2015 the Euribor was down to 0.30% which would give a mortgage rate of 1.30%.

To clarify the situation for expat homeowners in Spain, we asked Keith to explain the Cláusula Suelo and the issues surrounding the clause. Keith Rule

What is Cláusula Suelo? Called a Ground Clause or Floor Clause in English, Cláusula Suelo was included in many Spanish mortgages. It establishes a minimum interest rate applicable to mortgage repayments. While these variable rate or tracker mortgages were linked to the Euribor rate, the Ground Clause meant that in reality the mortgage interest rate could not drop below a much higher rate fixed by the bank. As such, these mortgage holders never had the benefit of falling interest rates over the past decade. However, in many instances the banks

did not clearly explain to the person taking out the mortgage exactly what effect it would have. Let’s look at a working example of somebody who took a variable rate or tracker rate Spanish mortgage in 2006. They would have been told by the bank that their interest rate would be linked to the Euribor rate plus a differential of say +1% (the Euribor rate is used by EU Banks, in a way similar to the Bank of England base rate). In 2006 the Euribor was around 3.5%, so at Euribor + 1% the mortgage holder would pay interest of 4.5%. By 2008, the Euribor reached a peak of around 5.4%, so at Euribor + 1% the mortgage holder would pay interest of 6.4% But when the markets crashed at the end

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BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Now, the Euribor is negative, so the mortgage holder would be paying less than 1% interest. Yet without explaining to the person taking out the mortgage, the bank had inserted a Ground Clause in the mortgage contract, which meant that the mortgage rate could not drop below 4.25%. So from early 2009 when the Euribor had dropped dramatically, the mortgage holder should have been paying much lower interest. However, because of the Ground Clause, they could never pay less than 4.25% interest. This meant the mortgage holder ended up paying a large amount of additional interest from 2009 onwards.

default interest and legal costs. Can buyers still make a claim if their bank has been taken over by another bank in the past 15 or so years? Or perhaps even been taken over multiple times? Yes, of course. The buyer can make a claim on the current bank that owns whichever bank they contracted the mortgage with. Banks inherit the good and the bad of the bank they are taking over. What is the process for making a Cláusula Suelo claim? There is an initial, voluntary, out of court step for the claim to be brought against the bank. We can send a ‘burofax’ to the bank to ask for the elimination of the Ground Clause and for a refund of the overpaid interest,specifying the amount to be refunded. The Bank has to reply within three months. If the bank doesn’t reply or doesn’t agree, we can file a lawsuit against it.

Is there anything that mortgage holders can do about this?

Can banks just compensate by reducing the pending debt?

Yes, absolutely. The Ground Clause, if not properly explained to the mortgage holder when the mortgage was taken out, is deemed to be an abusive clause that should be removed from the mortgage contract, with all the overpaid interest – plus default interest – refunded to the mortgage holder.

Yes, this is an option. If the case is won, the claimant can choose to have the compensation either by payment of the agreed amount into a bank account of their choice, or by a reduction of the remaining debt with the bank.

CostaLuz Lawyers has won many cases against Spanish banks for mortgage holders who had this Ground Clause included in their mortgage without the implications being fully explained to them when they took out the mortgage. Where we win the case, the Ground Clause is normally removed. This means the mortgage holder now has the benefit of lower monthly payments directly linked to the Euribor rate, as well as all the overpaid interest refunded by the bank. How does CláusulaSuelo affect those who took out mortgages to buy properties in the boom years of 200507? In general, the existence of the Floor Clause implies a surplus in mortgage repayments of around €200 per month. On a 130,000€ mortgage taken out in 2006 over 30 years at Euribor + 1%, with a 4.25% Ground Clause, the mortgage holder would be due a refund of overpaid interest of around €20,000. How hopeful can these buyers be about claiming back any overpaid interest? Very hopeful. Both the Supreme Court and the European Court has established them as null and void and condemned banks to refund full undue over-interests since their very first application moment. They also have to pay interest on these amounts and legal costs. The CostaLuz Lawyers team has won several cases like this. The Ground Clause is eliminated, and the bank sentenced to refund all the overpaid interest plus

Does the refunded interest have any tax implications? The mortgage holder will have to declare receipt of the refunded amount. If the compensation is made by means of reducing the pending debt, then the excess will be compensated in the coming tax years. What are the benefits to the mortgage holder if the case is won? The Ground Clause will be removed, so the monthly mortgage payments going forward will be substantially lower. The mortgage holder will receive a refund of all the overpaid interest plus default interest on that amount. Is there anything else about Cláusula Suelo that people need to know? Yes. Many banks included a Ground Clause at, say, 4.25%. This meant the mortgage holder would never pay less than 4.25% interest. Some banks also included a maximum Ceiling Rate of, say, 11%. This was a maximum interest rate that the bank could charge. It was supposedly to protect the mortgage holder. But since its inception in January 1999, the Euribor has never gone above 6%, although it had gone as low as 2% in 2004. As such, a Ground Clause of 4.25% and a Ceiling Rate of 11% was only in favour of the bank and not the mortgage holder, because there was no chance of the Euribor reaching 11%. There was, however, a good chance that it would fall below 4.25%.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

EXPAT BRIEFINGS www.expatbriefings.com “Expert Financial Advice for Expats”



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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


House buying in Spain A typical homebuyer based in Spain at the moment is female, aged 40, and living with a partner and children, according to recent research. Now that the pandemic is in its ninth month, estate agencies have collectively said more and more buyers are choosing to wait to 'see what happens', or because they are concerned another lockdown might affect their jobs – in fact, 88 percent have shelved their plans. But 21 percent say they intend to buy a property in the next five years – either their first, or to move house. Not much has changed in terms of the typical profile of a person already living in Spain and seeking to buy a home since before the pandemic – just over half are female, about half of those with the desire to purchase are aged between 25 and 34, but among those who are expected to actually do so, the average age is 40, and normally from a middle-class background and of mid-range earnings. The regions with the most Spanish residents very seriously considering a purchase, either within the same area or somewhere else altogether, are Andalucía (20 percent), Catalunya and Madrid (16 percent each). Nationwide research by well-known property sales firms has shown the main reasons why those who have opted not to buy at the moment, and the figures are very similar for each to before the days of Covid-19. About a third say their job situation or income is not conducive to home-buying, and another third say they

do not have enough in savings for the deposit and fees, which can be difficult for those not looking to sell a property first, such as those thinking of purchasing a second or subsequent home, or first-time buyers, as mortgages are typically capped at 80 percent of the price or value, whichever is lower, for a main residence and 60 percent for an additional property, such as a holiday home or a buy-to-let. However, a few lenders are still offering 100 percent mortgages. A quarter say they have 'other priorities or expenses at the moment', and 22 percent say they already own a home and are 'not in a hurry to move' right now. About three in 10 say current property prices are beyond their budget, or that they are currently 'very high' and they prefer to wait to see if they 'slow down in a few years'. This, of course, depends very much on the area; big cities, for example, have some of the highest home values in the country, but for those willing and able to commute, or who are now working from home – meaning where they live does not affect their jobs – properties out in the provinces, even on the coasts, can be a serious bargain. The 8 percent who say they currently live in a town or city other than the one they would like to buy in, and cannot move house for the moment, and the 4 percent who say they cannot get the mortgage they need or even a mortgage at all, remain unchanged from before the Coronavirus crisis.

Lockdown earlier this year caused residents all over the country to rethink their living arrangements, with major consumer organisation OCU reporting that 28 percent had realised during their confinement that they wanted to move house. A month into lockdown, various estate agencies reported a typical 40 percent hike in the number of website searches for homes for sale with gardens, balconies or terraces – the national shut-in was far easier for those who had outside spaces, especially large terraces with pools, than for residents who were literally stuck

Spanish couple invent cordless mask A maintenance man from northern Spain has patented an anti-virus mask which stays on the face using magnets, eliminating the need for elastic ear-loops, ties and head-bands. Daniel Alaguero, 47, from Avilés, Asturias says: “The idea came to me after my first day back at work [after a month and a half on furlough] in a mask, which I wore for eight hours. That same day I designed a small, basic prototype with double-sided sticky-tape, and from there on, I embarked on a journey that has taken four months.” He had tried out 'loads of different fixing systems' which 'did not work', until his wife suggested he tried with magnets and a flexible metallic 'bridge' over the nose. “The mask works with any type of frame, and I don't think the use of Daniel Alaguero and his magnets will pose a problem, as they new cordless mask don't stick directly to the skin,” Daniel says. Whether they are held on by elastic or aimed at the reusable FFP2 types, since ties going round the back of the head or they are rigid enough to keep the by loops over each ear, masks can cordless fastenings in place. A variation on the theme is an elasticbecome uncomfortable for this reason, less mask designed to adhere to leaving painful marks in the skin. Also, the elastic stretches to the point spectacles, for those who wear these all where masks no longer stay in place, or in or most of the time. He is already some cases, become detached – negotiating with various companies to something that always seems to happen arrange for his creation to be when the wearer is out of the house, in a manufactured, distributed and sold. “There are people interested, but the public place, and does not have a spare problem is that they want to manufacture one to hand. Daniel's 'magnetic mask' is a design it only, not to sell it,” explains the boiler

and heating engineer. “I've found a company in Catalunya which specialises entirely in manufacturing magnets, and which has shown the most interest. They're prepared to buy a machine to make them, but if they're not retailed, it means they won't go through the required quality control and effectiveness tests; I'd have to deal with all that myself.” Another company, this time in Daniel's home region, is also negotiating. “They asked me if the mask was certified already as safe and effective, because what everyone's afraid of is that they might not past the ministry of industry or health authority tests,” Daniel reveals. “My design doesn't change the fabric of the mask; it's the same mask, just that there are magnets built into it. “We're looking into whether it's feasible to have them on sale sometime between now and the end of the year.” He says one of the advantages of his 'magnet mask' over the ones with straps or loops is 'if you're eating or drinking, you can attach it to your clothing or even put it on the table', since the magnets mean the main 'body' of the mask does not come into contact with the surface, meaning all you have to do is wipe the magnets with hand-sanitiser before putting it back on and there is no risk of viral particles that may be attached to it being left behind on the table.

indoors for over two months. Estate agencies in the province of Valencia reported, about a fortnight after the end of lockdown, that they had seen a fivefold increase in requests to view villas or detached, semi-detached or terraced houses with courtyards, terraces or gardens. Snapped up In fact, by mid-June, many were saying that all the 'reasonably-priced' ones had been snapped up, and some even reported not having a single property left on their books that was not an apartment.

Those who sought to buy apartments once lockdown rules relaxed to allow viewings to take place wanted balconies or terraces, particularly private ones, since the confinement prevented anyone from straying into communal areas other than for access to essential parts, or to be able to leave the building for necessary errands. Whatever a person's budget, and irrespective of where they want to live and in what type of property, the market is alive and well with homes up for grabs ranging from rock-bottom to multimillion price tags.

Spain tightens advertising rules for betting, gaming

Spain’s government has approved a law significantly restricting betting and gambling adverts both online and on TV and radio over the “sense of alarm” it has raised within society. The legislation, which will take effect when it is published in the official state bulletin, imposes a total ban on betting and gaming adverts online and on social media, and also bans it from airing on radio and television except between 1:00 am and 5:00 am. “The aim is to protect public health while also protecting the most vulnerable part of society, namely minors, young people and those suffering from certain behavioural disorders” that trigger compulsive gambling, Consumer Affairs Minister Alberto Garzon said. It also bans well-known figures, mainly sports stars, from appearing in any such adverts and prohibits betting and gaming firms from sponsoring sporting events or teams, where formerly they played “a very important role,” Garzon added. Fines for disregarding the new law

could be as high as a million euros “because these are very serious offences,” he said. The decree is aimed at putting an end to the “law of the jungle” which has been the norm until now, with betting adverts “skyrocketing in an extraordinary way in recent years” to the point they “inundated normal life,” he said. This had triggered a “justifiable sense of alarm within society” over the disastrous consequences of betting which has “destroyed whole families,” Garzon said. Advertising contracts already in place will be subject to “a moratorium” until the end of the sporting season in August 2021 to give them time “to adapt their business relationships and financing to ensure their economic viability”. The regulation of gambling and gaming adverts was part of the programme set out in January by the leftwing government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez which comprises his Socialist party and its hard-left junior partner Podemos.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

This Week´s Movie Picks Sherlock Holmes

Saturday 21st November – ITV2, 8.30 pm After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancée and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler.


Sunday 22nd November – ITV2, 2.30 pm In the depths of the 1930s, Annie (Aileen Quinn) is a fiery young orphan girl who must live in a miserable orphanage run by the tyrannical Miss Agatha Hannigan (Carol Burnett). Her seemingly hopeless situation changes dramatically when she is selected to spend a short time at the residence of the wealthy munitions industrialist, Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks (Albert Finney). Quickly, she charms the hearts of the household staff and even the seemingly cold-hearted Warbucks cannot help but learn to love this wonderful girl. He decides to help Annie find her long-lost parents by offering a reward if they would come to him and prove their identity. However, Miss Agatha Hannigan, her evil brother, Daniel Francis "Rooster" Hannigan (Tim Curry), and a female accomplice, plan to impersonate those people to get the reward for themselves, which puts Annie in great danger.

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Tuesday 17th November 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Monday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 I Escaped to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 20:50 Holby City 21:30 The Crash Detectives 22:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Ovie: Life after Reality TV

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 World Cup 1966: Alfie's Boys 02:00 Countryfile 02:55 Ambulance 03:55 Autumnwatch 04:55 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 I Escaped to the Country 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 Our Food, Our Family with Michela Chiappa 09:30 Powering Britain 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Royal Recipes 15:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 17:30 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Saving Lives at Sea 22:00 QI XS 22:15 Industry 23:00 Out of Her Mind 23:30 Mandy 23:45 Newsnight

06:30 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:50 Mike & Molly 08:10 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Rory Peck Awards 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:15 Educating Greater Manchester 23:20 Naked Attraction

07:55 Blue's Clues & You! 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 PAW Patrol 09:15 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:30 The Adventures of Paddington 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 A Rose at Christmas 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Wonderful World of Puppies 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 The Great Plague 23:00 The Missing Evidence

02:40 The Cleveland Show 03:10 The Cleveland Show 03:35 CelebAbility 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 12:25 Dress to Impress 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Dress to Impress 16:55 You've Been Framed! 17:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Don't Hate the Playaz 23:45 Family Guy

00:05 Grantchester

00:05 Great Art 01:00 Monster Carp 02:20 Ideal World 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Winning Combination 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Paul O'Grady's Great British Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 Peston

06:35 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:50 Mike & Molly 08:10 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Rory Peck Awards 21:00 Sarah Beeny's New Life in the Country 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 First Dates

07:55 Blue's Clues & You! 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 PAW Patrol 09:15 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:30 The Adventures of Paddington 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Christmas Confessions 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Inside The Million Dollar Mega Mansions 21:00 Filthy House SOS 22:00 The Great Plague 23:00 Lord Mountbatten: Hero Or Villain

02:40 Two and a Half Men 03:10 Two and a Half Men 03:40 CelebAbility 04:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 12:25 Dress to Impress 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Dress to Impress 16:55 You've Been Framed! 17:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell's Kitchen USA 23:00 The Emily Atack Show 23:50 Family Guy

00:05 Grantchester

00:45 UEFA Nations League Football 01:55 Ideal World 04:00 James Martin's American Adventure 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Winning Combination 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 The Martin Lewis Money Show Live 22:00 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 23:20 ITV News 23:50 ITV News London

06:40 Jamie's Comfort Food 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:50 Mike & Molly 08:10 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Rory Peck Awards 21:00 Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 22:00 Taskmaster 23:00 Maxxx 23:30 Gogglebox

07:55 Blue's Clues & You! 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 PAW Patrol 09:15 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:30 The Adventures of Paddington 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mistletoe Promise 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Jo Brand's Cats & Kittens 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 The Great Plague 23:00 Critical Condition

02:40 The Cleveland Show 03:10 Two and a Half Men 03:40 Two and a Half Men 04:05 The Stand Up Sketch Show 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 12:25 Dress to Impress 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:55 Dress to Impress 16:55 You've Been Framed! 17:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell's Kitchen USA 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

00:00 Grantchester

00:45 The Diana Interview: Revenge of a Princess 01:35 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 02:25 Ideal World 04:00 Back to Mine 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Winning Combination 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Catchphrase 21:15 How to Spend It Well at Christmas 22:15 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 23:20 ITV News 23:50 ITV News London

01:05 Inspector Morse 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:25 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 09:55 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:00 That's My Boy 11:35 The Darling Buds of May 12:40 The Durrells 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Midsomer Murders 18:50 Inspector Morse 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Endeavour


Wednesday 18 November 02:30 The Cost of Covid: Six Months in Brooklyn 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 I Escaped to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Panorama 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 The Rap Game UK

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Cornwall with Simon Reeve 01:30 BBC Children in Need 02:00 Harry Hill's World of TV 02:30 Autumnwatch 03:30 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 I Escaped to the Country 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Politics Live 14:00 800 Words 14:45 The A to Z of TV Gardening 15:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 17:30 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 12 Puppies and Us 22:00 Harlots 22:55 The Archiveologists 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 Comedians: Home Alone 23:45 Newsnight

01:05 Inspector Morse 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:25 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 09:55 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:00 That's My Boy 11:35 The Darling Buds of May 12:40 The Durrells 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Midsomer Murders 18:50 Inspector Morse 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Endeavour

Thursday 19th November 02:30 The Travel Show 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Wednesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 I Escaped to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 DIY SOS 22:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Question Time

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Hospital 01:30 Saving Lives at Sea 02:30 Top Gear 03:30 Autumnwatch 04:30 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 I Escaped to the Country 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 Our Lives 09:30 Our Lives 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 800 Words 14:45 The A to Z of TV Cooking 15:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 17:30 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 20:00 MOTDx 20:30 Powering Britain 21:00 Saving Britain's Pubs with Tom Kerridge 22:00 Lockdown 1.0: Following the Science? 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 The Mash Report 23:45 Newsnight

01:05 Inspector Morse 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:25 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 09:55 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:00 That's My Boy 11:35 The Darling Buds of May 12:40 The Durrells 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Midsomer Murders 18:50 Inspector Morse 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Endeavour

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Friday 20th November 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 The Newscast 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 The Customer is Always Right 15:15 Impossible 16:00 I Escaped to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 A Question of Sport 21:05 EastEnders 21:30 Richard Osman's House of Games Night 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 The Royle Family 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 The Graham Norton Show

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Aung San Suu Kyi: The Fall of an Icon 01:30 Being Frank: The Frank Gardner Story 02:30 The Noughties 03:15 Autumnwatch 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 I Escaped to the Country 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 The Repair Shop 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 14:00 800 Words 14:45 The Hairy Bakers 15:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 17:30 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 20:00 A Special School 20:30 Between the Covers 21:00 Snow Cats and Me 22:00 Royal History's Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley 23:00 Top of the Pops 23:45 Newsnight

00:05 Rock On, Tommy: The Bobby Ball Story 00:35 The Jonathan Ross Show 01:30 Ideal World 04:00 Tonight 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Winning Combination 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Griff's Great Australian Adventure 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 23:35 ITV News

06:00 Coach Trip: Road to Barcelona 06:30 Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:50 Mike & Molly 08:10 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg

07:55 Blue's Clues & You! 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 PAW Patrol 09:15 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:30 The Adventures of Paddington 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Christmas Cookies 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Secret Scotland 22:00 A Fistful of Dollars

00:45 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:45 The Emily Atack Show 02:30 Hey Tracey 03:30 The Cleveland Show 03:55 The Cleveland Show 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 12:40 Catchphrase 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Emmerdale 14:25 You've Been Framed! 14:55 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:45 Dress to Impress 16:40 You've Been Framed! 17:10 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Identity Thief

00:00 Grantchester 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:25 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 09:55 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:00 That's My Boy 11:35 The Darling Buds of May 12:40 The Durrells 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Midsomer Murders 18:55 Inspector Morse 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Midsomer Murders

Saturday 21st November 08:25 PAW Patrol 00:20 Family Guy 00:30 God Shave the Queens 00:15 BBC Weather 07:25 Mr. Magoo 02:55 Come Dine with Me 00:05 Grantchester 08:35 Daisy & Ollie 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 03:20 Come Dine with Me 00:50 Family Guy 00:50 God Shave the Queens 00:20 Battlestar Galactica 08:50 Peppa Pig 08:00 Dare Master 03:50 Come Dine with Me 01:15 Weather for the Week 01:15 American Dad! 01:05 Battlestar Galactica 01:10 Inspector Morse 09:00 Peppa Pig 08:05 Mr Bean 04:15 Come Dine with Me Ahead 01:45 American Dad! 01:45 Panorama 09:10 Ben & Holly's Little 08:20 Mr Bean 04:45 Come Dine with Me 01:20 BBC News 02:15 Don't Hate the Playaz 02:15 This Is BBC TWO Kingdom 08:30 Scrambled! 05:15 Car S.O.S 01:30 World Questions 03:00 Shopping with Keith 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:35 Wild & Weird 09:30 Butterbean's Café 08:35 The Tom and Jerry 06:05 Fifteen to One 02:00 BBC News Lemon 09:45 Little Princess Show 07:00 Everybody Loves 02:30 Click 07:50 All Over the Place 03:30 The Stand Up Sketch 03:30 Teleshopping 09:55 Abby Hatcher 08:50 Hotel Transylvania Raymond 03:00 BBC News 08:15 The Dengineers Show 10:05 Wissper 09:10 Craig of the Creek 07:25 Everybody Loves 03:30 The Week in Parliament 08:45 Blue Peter 04:00 Totally Bonkers 10:20 Pirata & Capitano 09:30 Scooby-Doo and Guess Raymond 04:00 BBC News Guinness World Records 07:00 Bless This House 09:15 Deadly Dinosaurs with Who? 10:30 PAW Patrol 07:50 Everybody Loves 04:30 Click 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen Steve Backshall 10:45 Floogals 10:05 Teen Titans Go! Raymond 04:45 Newswatch 04:30 Teleshopping 10:55 Peppa Pig 09:45 The Big Life Fix 10:25 ITV News 08:10 Frasier 05:00 BBC News 07:30 Carry on Loving 07:00 Teleshopping 11:00 Peppa Pig 10:30 James Martin's Saturday 08:35 Frasier 05:30 The Burning Scar 10:45 Robot Wars 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:05 SpongeBob SquarePants Morning 09:00 Frasier 06:00 BBC News 11:45 12 Puppies and Us 09:05 Coronation Street 11:20 Ryan's Mystery Playdate Show 12:40 John and Lisa's 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 06:30 The Travel Show 12:45 Live: Women's 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:30 Cruising with Jane Weekend Kitchen 10:00 The Big Bang Theory 07:00 Breakfast Show International Rugby Union McDonald 13:40 James Martin's 10:25 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live Omnibus 09:40 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:00 The Best Dishes Ever 11:50 Friends American Adventure 10:50 The Big Bang Theory 12:30 Nigella: Cook, Eat, Show 12:20 Friends 15:50 Escape to the Country 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 11:20 The Simpsons Repeat 10:35 Dress to Impress 12:50 Friends 12:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live 11:45 The Simpsons 13:00 Football Focus 16:35 Talking Pictures 13:20 Mrs. Miracle 2: Miracle 11:30 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me 17:15 Ninja Warrior UK 12:15 The Simpsons 14:00 BBC Weekend News 17:15 Talking Pictures Out of Here! in Manhattan 18:15 Supermarket Sweep 12:45 The Simpsons 14:15 Bargain Hunt 17:50 Brief Encounter 14:15 Carry on Henry 13:00 Catchphrase 15:10 To Be Announced 19:15 ITV Evening News 13:10 The Simpsons 15:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 19:15 Saving Britain's Pubs 19:35 ITV News London 13:40 Extreme Cake Makers 17:00 A Very Corgi Christmas 14:00 You've Been Framed! 17:30 Final Score 14:30 The Nut Job with Tom Kerridge 19:45 Catchphrase: Catchiest 14:10 World Chase Tag - USA 18:55 Christmas Wishes & 18:20 BBC Weekend News 16:00 Midsomer Murders 16:20 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Mistletoe Kisses 15:15 Live: Autumn Nations 20:15 The River: A Year in the Moments 18:30 BBC London News Out of Here! 20:30 5 News Weekend 20:45 The Chase: Celebrity Cup Rugby 18:40 Pointless Celebrities Life of the Tay 17:55 Midsomer Murders 17:50 I'm a Celebrity... The 20:35 The Yorkshire Vet Special 18:15 Channel 4 News 19:30 The Hit List 21:45 QI XL Daily Drop 21:45 King George VI: The 21:45 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me 18:45 A Place in the Sun 20:15 Strictly Come Dancing 22:30 Arena 18:25 Zookeeper Out of Here! 19:45 Surviving the Stone Age Accidental King 21:45 The Wall 20:00 Midsomer Murders 23:53 British Film Premieres 22:50 The Jonathan Ross 20:30 Sherlock Holmes 20:45 Britain's Most Historic 22:45 Jane McDonald & 22:30 Blackadder II Introductions Friends Show Towns 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:40 Story Of The Songs 23:55 ITV News 21:45 The Martian 23:50 Family Guy 23:20 Match of the Day 22:00 Endeavour 23:55 Lynn + Lucy The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People



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3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Single Storey Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ 507m2 Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Superb Location ♦ Private Swimming Pool

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ South Facing ♦ Communal Swmmimg Pool ♦ Highly Sought After Area

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Linked Bungalow ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ East Facing ♦ Communal Swmmimg Pool


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ 983m2 Private Plot ♦ 148m2 Build Size ♦ Mains Gas Central Heating ♦ Private 10m x 5m Swimming Pool

costablancapeople.com | 17th - 23rd November 2020

26 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Sunday 22nd November 01:10 Life on the Line 02:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:45 BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Burning Scar 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Week in Parliament 07:00 Breakfast 09:00 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Politics 11:30 Wanted Down Under 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:55 Lifeline 15:05 DIY SOS 16:05 Escape to the Country 17:00 Money for Nothing 18:00 Blue Planet II 19:00 BBC Weekend News 19:15 BBC London News 19:25 Countryfile 20:25 Strictly Come Dancing 21:10 His Dark Materials 22:00 Small Axe 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:30 BBC London News 23:40 Match of the Day 2

01:20 Sus 02:50 This Is BBC TWO 07:05 The A to Z of TV Gardening 07:50 Countryfile 08:45 Glorious Gardens from Above 09:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 10:00 Landward 10:30 The Beechgrove Garden 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 Our Food, Our Family with Michela Chiappa 13:00 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 14:00 Super League Rugby 15:00 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 15:30 Talking Pictures 16:10 The Apartment 18:10 Talking Pictures 19:00 Live: ATP Finals Tennis 22:00 The Trials of Oscar Pistorius 23:10 Free State of Jones

07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 00:30 X-Men: The Last Stand 08:00 Dare Master 02:30 The Simpsons 08:05 Mr Bean 02:55 The Simpsons 08:20 Mr Bean 03:20 The Simpsons 08:30 Scrambled! 03:45 Hollyoaks Omnibus 08:35 The Tom and Jerry 05:25 Ramsay's Kitchen Show Nightmares USA 08:50 Hotel Transylvania 06:15 Fifteen to One 09:10 DC Super Hero Girls 09:30 How 07:05 Everybody Loves 10:05 Teen Titans Go! Raymond 10:25 ITV News 07:30 Everybody Loves 10:30 Best Walks with a View Raymond with Julia Bradbury 11:00 Love Your Weekend with 07:55 The Big Bang Theory 08:15 The Big Bang Theory Alan Titchmarsh 08:40 The Big Bang Theory 12:55 All Around Britain 13:55 Griff's Great Australian 09:00 The Simpsons Adventure 09:30 The Simpsons 14:25 ITV Lunchtime News 10:00 The Simpsons 14:35 Death Becomes Her 10:30 Sunday Brunch 16:35 The Chase 13:30 The Simpsons 17:35 Winning Combination 13:55 The Simpsons 18:35 ITV Evening News 14:25 The Simpsons 18:45 ITV News London 14:50 The Great British Bake 19:00 5 Gold Rings Off 20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 16:10 Flushed Away 21:00 Who Wants to Be a 17:50 Kung Fu Panda 2 Millionaire?: The Million Pound 19:30 Channel 4 News Question 22:00 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me 20:00 A Place in the Sun 21:00 Kirstie's Christmas: Out of Here! Quick and Easy Craft 23:20 ITV News 23:35 Miranda: Morecambe & 22:00 Escape to the Chateau Wise and Me 23:00 Gogglebox

08:25 PAW Patrol 00:20 Family Guy 08:35 Daisy & Ollie 00:45 Family Guy 08:50 Peppa Pig 01:15 American Dad! 09:00 Peppa Pig 01:45 American Dad! 09:05 Ben & Holly's Little 02:15 The Cleveland Show Kingdom 02:40 The Cleveland Show 09:25 Butterbean's Café 03:10 The Emily Atack Show 09:40 Little Princess 03:55 Totally Bonkers 09:55 Abby Hatcher Guinness World Records 10:05 Wissper 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 10:20 Pirata & Capitano 04:30 Teleshopping 10:35 PAW Patrol 07:00 Teleshopping 10:45 Floogals 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:00 Peppa Pig 11:05 SpongeBob SquarePants Show 11:20 Ryan's Mystery Playdate 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:30 Access Show 11:35 NFL End Zone 09:45 Dress to Impress 12:05 WWE Raw: Highlights 10:45 Supermarket Sweep 13:00 Friends 11:45 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me 13:30 Friends Out of Here! 14:00 Friends 12:50 Yogi Bear 14:30 Our Christmas Love 14:30 Annie Song 16:55 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me 16:20 Good Morning Out of Here! Christmas! 18:00 Shrek 18:10 Mariah Carey's A 19:50 Back to the Future Part Christmas Melody II 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Amazing Cakes & Bakes 22:00 Family Guy 21:00 Kenneth Williams: In His 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Shopping with Keith Own Words 23:00 Johnny Cash: The Man Lemon In Black 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 Inspector Morse

01:15 Ideal World 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Winning Combination 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Ainsley's Food We Love 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 Caught on Camera

07:35 Fireman Sam 07:45 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! 07:55 Blue's Clues & You! 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 09:00 PAW Patrol 09:15 Go Green With The Grimwades 09:30 The Adventures of Paddington 09:45 Daisy & Ollie 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 A Nutcracker Christmas 13:50 5 News at Lunchtime 14:00 Neighbours 14:30 A Christmas Arrangement 16:15 One Fine Christmas 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Friends 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Premiership Rugby 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Paddington Station 24/7 23:00 Extreme Nightmare Tenants

00:00 The Loch 01:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 03:15 Griff's Great Britain 03:40 Bless This House 04:05 Bless This House 04:30 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:00 That's My Boy 11:30 The Darling Buds of May 12:35 The Durrells 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 18:50 Inspector Morse 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Midsomer Murders

02:25 Vanity Fair 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Bless This House 07:30 Bless This House 08:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 11:05 Emmerdale Omnibus 13:55 Midsomer Murders 15:55 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Vera

Monday 23rd November 02:30 The Cost of Covid: Six Months in Brooklyn 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Dateline London 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Night Force 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 Garden Rescue 21:05 EastEnders 21:30 The Vicar of Dibley 22:00 Panorama 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Angels of the North

02:45 Question Time 03:45 Holby City 04:25 Between the Covers 04:55 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 I Escaped to the Country 07:45 Money for Nothing 08:30 Mountain Vets 09:00 Mary Berry's Simple Comforts 09:30 The Week in Parliament 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 Head Hunters 14:45 Lifeline 14:55 The Best Dishes Ever 15:30 800 Words 16:15 The Big Painting Challenge 17:15 Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 20:00 Mastermind 20:30 Only Connect 21:00 Nigella: Cook, Eat, Repeat 21:30 University Challenge 22:00 Hospital 23:00 The Noughties 23:45 Newsnight

04:15 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 05:05 Car S.O.S 05:55 Fifteen to One 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Mike & Molly 07:50 Mike & Molly 08:10 Cheers 08:40 Cheers 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Undercover Boss USA 12:30 Channel 4 News 12:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 Is Covid Racist? 23:00 America's Sex Traffic Cops

03:20 Hey Tracey 04:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:25 Superstore 10:55 Superstore 11:25 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 12:40 Catchphrase 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:25 Coronation Street 14:55 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:45 Dress to Impress 16:45 You've Been Framed! 17:10 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop 19:00 You've Been Framed! 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Crossing Swords 23:30 Crossing Swords


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Spotlight on...


a d a s e Qu

Go Satelite “PROVIDING UK ENGLISH TV FOR EXPATRIATES IN SPAIN. Go Satellite was set up in Quesada over 15 years ago. For more than 15 years the company has installed thousands of TV systems. The Go Satellite system uses the highest quality dishes and requires NO monthly payments. Packages are available to suit everybody’s requirements and budget. Go Satellite offer expertise, reassurance and a proven track record, which can be backed up by many a satisfied customer. Any concerns or queries are dealt with in a clear and professional manner and clients can call the office at any point if they have any queries. Added to that is the fact that Go Satellite is a fully

legal, Spanish registered business that provides a free no obligation site survey."

Calle Los Arcos 7b, Ciudad Quesada 03170

Tel: 965 725 670 Email: info@freetvspain.com Web: www.freetvspain.com Facebook: @gosatelite.ciudadquesada

Grupo Telecable Grupo Telecable is a local but well known telecommunications company that specializes in Fiber Optic, Wimax, landline and mobile telephones, and television including over 170 international channels! With a record of over 25 years in the trade, our philosophy remains the same: to offer our customers the best service. We have grown steadily and responsibly to reach where we are today, and currently offer our services in the majority of the Alicante region, and the Murcian coast. We connect thousands of customers, starting from Denia, all the way down to Los Alcázares and Camposol.

We have not long opened a brand new office in Ciudad Quesada, down by the Arches. Please feel welcome to visit us for more information on our NEW OPENING PROMOTIONS!

Avenida Naciones 1, Local 2 (opposite Mas&Mas)

Tel: 966196000 Email: info@grupotelecable.es Web: www.grupotelecable.es/en/home/ Facebook: Telecable Ciudad Quesada

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents When buying or selling local properties, we at Inmobiliaria Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada understand the current market conditions better than anyone. During our 30 plus years experience dealing with the local real estate market, we’ve worked through various recessions before. After months of research during the pandemic we now have the tools & resources in place to help & guide both buyers & sellers in achieving best price and a smooth transaction. Buying or selling, call us on (+34) 966 718 392 or email sales@homes4u.es for expert advice. “We sell houses! It’s what we do, it’s all we do!”

Calle De Los Arcos 1, Local 3, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Tel: 966 718 392 Facebook: Inmobiliaria Estate Agents Web: www.homes4u.es Email: sales@homes4u.es

Laurel’s Restaurant & Bar Laurel’s Restaurant & Bar is an established favourite in the town of Quesada, with elegant lounge bar and dining areas inside, and a vast rooftop terrace with sofas and dining tables offering stunning views of the sunset across the Vega Baja towards the mountains. Our dedicated team of chefs serve the best freshly prepared dishes, using the freshest ingredients, and we offer our guests an inspired, vibrant and regularly changing menu. We invite you to come and Experience Laurel's - enjoy our warm hospitality, great food, excellent value for money, and relax in our comfortable and smart surroundings.

Experience Laurel's Warm hospitality : Great food Excellent value for money : Comfortable surroundings

Calle los Arcos 21, Quesada, 03170 (50 metres on from Quesada Bowling)

Tel: 965 077 444 Facebook: Laurel’s Quesada Website: laurels.es

Marshalls We are a reliable honest professional company that listens to our clients requirements with integrity, transparency and do have a complete understanding of how confusing the buying and selling process can be here in Spain. Within this very competitive market we offer you a full range of services from beginning to end, all under one roof, to make your experience a stress free and happy one.

Calle Blanca 1, Ciudad Quesada 03170

Tel: 966 717 554 Facebook: marshallsrealestatequesada

With over 30 years business experience and knowledge, whether you are looking to purchase or sell a property we help, advise, support and give all our clients first class customer service!

Instagram: marshallsrealestatequesada2017



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Moneycorp Situated on the high street in Quesada, Moneycorp has been established for over 40 years. Moneycorp’s head office is situated in London with its European headquarters based in Dublin, Ireland. Specialising in foreign exchange for private clients Moneycorp offers a range of products that enable their customers to save money. If you are buying or selling a property or need to move money on a regular basis then speak to Moneycorp today. When you sell your property here in Spain and intend moving back to the UK or another country then Moneycorp’s repatriation service can save you the charges normally

associated with banks here in Spain for handling and processing a cheque from the notary. Moneycorp is the company of choice in Spain.

Avenida de Las Naciones 1d, Local 9 Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Tel: 965 725 755 www.moneycorp.com

Patagonia Steak House Patagonia Steak House, Ave, Naciones 52, just 100 metres up the road from Don Carlos. For the finest Argentinian meat, cooked to perfection. All recipes, and sauces are original and prepared freshly everyday at the restaurant. You will be seated at least 1.5 meters away from the next table, and protected with our strict cleaning and sterilisation of everything. You are in safe hands.

Opening times – Monday – Sunday – 5.00 pm – 11.00 pm

Avenida de las Naciones 52, Quesada

Tel: 865 679 736

Support your local high street, we can't survive without you. Come in and see our new special offers.

Facebook: The Patagonia Steak House

Quickfit The QuickFit Centre in Quesada is the local one stop shop for all your car needs. We stock 100s of tyres and offer a free tracking check with every set of four sold (...not only that, but our prices are so good, we’ll beat any written quote!) We also service your vehicle’s air conditioning offering a full A/C service from €50! Not only that but we offer full engine repair including servicing as well as batteries, exhausts, pre ITV checks, bodywork and a lot more. We can also provide you with a car rental service.

We’re just beside the Arches in Quesada so call in for a chat or give us a call on 965 701 106.

Av. de las Naciones.1-A, 03170 Ciudad Quesada

Tel: 965 701 106 Web: www.quickfitcentre.com

Right Move Insurance Right Move Insurance our approach is all about flexibility and we are passionate about making our products suit our clients´ needs and not the other way around. We see our quality of service as a key differentiator between ourselves and other organisations and our ethos has and will always be, trust respect and honour for all, treating clients the way you would expect to be treated yourself. It's not about who's right, it's about what's right. Cutting prices but not quality or service - the right product, at the right price with the right customer service.

Avda de los Naciones 7b Bajo Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales

Tel: 966 716 410 www.rightmoveinsurance.com

Solutions by Right Move Solutions by Right Move is part of the family of Right Move and runs side by side with Right Move Insurance. Solutions by Right Move can provide that helping hand when needed, providing advice and guidance throughout the whole experience when moving to and living in Spain. We believe in delivering the best customer service possible and as expats we have lived and worked through all the processes ourselves. It's not about who's right, it's about what's right. We can offer a complete range of services, at affordable prices, which all fit together neatly together providing the right solution to meet clients´ needs. There are many differences in the services that can be provided by a business for example, quality of work, professionalism and client support. But its more than that. Its knowing that

whenever its needed, a reassuring and supportive team will be there delivering trust, respect and honour for all.

Calle Francisco de Quevedo 9, Urb La Marina, San Fulgencio 03177

Tel: 966 797 889 www.rightmoveinsurance.com

Look out for more guides from a variety of areas over the coming weeks.

To advertise your bar, restaurant or business, or to find out about the area due to be featured call 647 472 825


Bars News& Restaurants

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 17th - 23rd - Edition November 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

Delia’s classic Christmas cake Christmas pudding Ingredients 350g/12oz mixed dried fruit (raisins, currants, sultanas) 100g/3½oz pitted ready-to-eat prunes, chopped or left whole 100g/3½oz dark muscovado sugar 4 tbsp dark rum 100ml/3½fl oz stout 100g/3½oz chopped walnuts 100g/3½oz blanched almonds 100g/3½oz ground almonds 100g/3½oz fresh white breadcrumbs 50g/1¾oz plain flour 100g/3½oz frozen butter, grated, plus a little extra for greasing ½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg 1 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp mixed spice 100g/3½oz chopped glacé cherries (or left whole if you prefer) 3 large free-range eggs, beaten Method 1. Combine the mixed fruit, prunes, muscovado sugar, rum and stout in a mixing bowl. Stir well to mix, cover and leave for 24 hours to soak. 2. After 24 hours, mix the walnuts, almonds, ground almonds, breadcrumbs, flour, butter, spices, cherries and eggs along with the soaked fruit mixture in a large mixing bowl, making sure you include all the soaking liquor from the soaked fruit. Mix well until completely combined (let all the members of the family have a stir and make a wish). 3. Cover with cling film and leave to stand in a

cool place for 24 hours. 4. After 24 hours, grease a 1.2 litre/2 pint pudding basin with butter. Cut a circle of baking paper and place into the bottom of the pudding basin and then grease it with a little more butter. Pack the pudding mixture into the pudding basin, pressing as you add it. Fold a pleat into the middle of a large piece of baking paper and place over the pudding. Cover with a large piece of pleated foil, ensuring the pleats are on top of one another. Secure tightly with kitchen string tied under the lip of the pudding basin. 5. Place an upturned saucer into a large saucepan one-quarter full of water. Fold a long piece of foil into quarters lengthways to create a long strip and place the pudding basin in the middle of the strip. Bring the sides of the strip up the sides of the pudding basin and lower into the saucepan. Ensure the water in the saucepan comes one-third of the way up the side of the pudding basin, but nowhere near the top of the basin. Leave the ends of the foil strip hanging over the side to make it easy to remove the pudding later. 6. Bring the water to the boil and then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Simmer gently for 5-6 hours, topping up the water level as necessary throughout cooking (do not allow the pan to dry out). 7. Once the pudding is cooked, remove from the pan and set aside to cool. The pudding can be stored for up to two years in a cool, dry place. To serve, reheat the pudding by steaming again (in the same way) for two hours, or until hot all the way through. Alternatively, remove the foil and reheat in the microwave.

Ingredients For the pre-soaking 450g currants 175g sultanas 175g raisins 50g chopped glacé cherries 50g mixed chopped candied peel 100ml brandy For the cake 225g plain flour ½ teaspoon salt ¼ level teaspoon nutmeg, freshly grated ½ level teaspoon ground mixed spice 225g dark brown soft sugar 4 large eggs 1 dessertspoon black treacle 225g spreadable butter 50g chopped almonds (skin on) Zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange Armagnac or brandy to ‘feed’ the cake 100g whole blanched almonds (only if you don’t intend to ice the cake) Delia Online 20cm Round Cake Tin with Loose Base (or similar), greased, with base and side lined, plus some baking parchment. Tie a double band of brown paper around the outside of the tin for extra protection. Method 1. You should get the pre-soaking ingredients ready the night before you make the cake. Put all the fruits in a bowl and mix them with the brandy, cover with a cloth and leave them to soak for a minimum of 12 hours. 2. When you’re ready to cook the cake, pre-heat the oven to 140°C conventional oven, gas mark 1. Now all

you do is sift the flour, salt and spices into a very large roomy mixing bowl then add the sugar, eggs, treacle (warm it a little first to make it easier) and butter and beat with an electric hand whisk until everything is smooth and fluffy. Now gradually fold in the pre-soaked fruit mixture, chopped nuts and finally the grated lemon and orange zests. 3. Next, using a large kitchen spoon, transfer the cake mixture into the prepared tin, spread it out evenly with the back of the spoon and, if you don’t intend to decorate the cake with marzipan and icing, lightly drop the blanched almonds in circles over the surface. 4. Finally take a double square of baking parchment with a 50p-sized hole in the centre (for extra protection during the cooking) and place this not on top of the mixture itself but on the rim of the brown paper. Bake the cake on the lowest shelf of the oven for 4 hours until it feels springy in the centre when lightly touched. Sometimes it can take 30-45 minutes longer than this, but in any case don’t look at it for 4 hours. Cool the cake for 30 minutes in the tin, then remove it to a wire rack to finish cooling. When it’s cold, ‘feed’ the cake by making small holes in the top and bottom with a cocktail stick and spooning in a couple of tablespoons of Armagnac or brandy, then wrap it in parchment-lined foil and store in an airtight tin. You can feed it again at odd intervals up until Christmas.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Fast n festive Christmas menus Fast food chains across Europe are cashing in on the frenzy for festive food by launching their own Christmas menus for 2020. McDonald's has delighted fans by releasing its Christmas menu, including a double Big Mac and a festive Celebrations McFlurry. Meanwhile, Subway has also joined the trend, by launching a Pigs in Blanket sub, while KFC has its festive treat in the form of a Gravy Burger Box Meal. McDonald's has also added a Jamaican Jerk Chicken Sandwich to the menu for the first time, which includes two pieces of spicy crispy meat on sourdough bread. The festive double Big Mac has four patties instead of the usual two, wedged between three slices of bread and garnished with cheese, lettuce, onions and Big Mac sauce. Also back by popular demand is the McDonald’s Cheese Melt Dippers. Four breaded cheese dippers are made with indulgent Camembert and served with a

tangy tomato Dip. There is also a share box available Celebrations McFlurry has soft dairy ice cream, swirled with Maltesers clusters, Galaxy chocolate drops, Caramel pieces, Mars Nuggets and Twix biscuits, topped with a milk chocolate sauce. And you can wash it all down with a Salted Caramel Latte Over at Subway there’s a

sandwich featuring an enormous sausage wrapped in bacon. The Pig In Blanket Sub, aka ‘Tiger Pig’, is a giant six-inch sausage wrapped in bacon on Subway’s brand-new crusty tiger bread. It’s drizzled with Southwest sauce, and is of course available in Subway’s sixinch or foot/long sizes. There’s also a Pigs In Blankets

Pot option, which also features on the menu for the first time – so you can get your sausage-y bacon fix in bite-sized too. Festive fans looking for a more traditional option can order a Turkey Breast SubStack with crispy hash browns. The Turkey Breast Toasted Bite is a twist on a classic toasty, in a bite-sized toasted ciabatta roll with turkey breast and melted cheese. And for something sweet, the Chocolate Orange Cookie and Mince Pie Cookie are both back by popular demand, and from 18th November, will also be available in the new 12-cookie box. The festive menu will also feature a Honeycomb Coffee and Honeycomb Hot Chocolate. KFC have also announced the first edition to its Christmas menu, in the form of a Gravy Burger Box Meal. The brand new burger features a layer of gravynnaise, an Original Recipe chicken fillet, a slice of melted cheese and the world’s first Hash Brown Gravy Boat.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Bars & Restaurants



Bars News& Restaurants

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 17th - 23rd - Edition November 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

Coca Cola fizzy facts Did you know that the first Coke drink was red wine mixed with cocaine? And can you guess which country consumes on average 700 glasses per year? Coca-Cola is a drink enjoyed all over the globe – but here are some little-known facts... Coca-Cola makes a big deal about its recipe being a closely guarded secret, going as far to say that it’s locked in a highsecurity vault in Atlanta. But in 2011, This American Life published what it believed to be the recipe, found in a 130-yearold notebook belonging to the inventor's best friend. The drink's 15 ingredients include cinnamon, neroli, coriander and nutmeg oil. Coca-Cola insisted, if anything, this was an old recipe. Invented by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886, Coca-Cola was originally advertised as a brain tonic to relieve headaches and exhaustion. It contained ingredients from the kola nut, including caffeine, and also cocaine – but not as much as people think. There was only nine milligrams per glass and it was removed in 1903. Pemberton’s inspiration for the drink was a popular concoction called Vin Mariani, invented in France. It was a mixture of Bordeaux red wine and cocaine. It was marketed as a tonic that "fortifies and refreshes the body and brain". However, the US, especially the Deep South, was in the midst of an anti-alcohol movement. This gave Pemberton the idea of creating a drink for those who were abstinent. The name Coca-Cola was born out of two components of the drink: cocaine which was derived from the coca plant and caffeine from the kola nut (alliteration was deemed to be more marketable). The logo hasn’t changed much since 1886, aside from a few tweaks. The Spencerian font first used is still evident in today’s design – the most noticeable addition was the wavy underline in 1969. Despite being invented by John Pemberton, it was actually a businessman called Asa Griggs Candler who brought Coca-Cola to the masses. Having purchased Coca-Cola from Pemberton in 1888 for $550 (£421), he marketed it aggressively, making millions in return. One of John Pemberton’s earliest marketing efforts was to gift coupons for free samples of Coca-Cola to the Atlantic elite. When Candler took over, sampling was taken up a notch and by the 1890s, Coca-Cola was handing out ‘complimentary

tickets’ to redeem at soda fountains. Between 1886 and 1913, one in nine Americans received a free sample of CocaCola. When the famous Coca-Cola bottle was first introduced, it was a landmark moment for the brand because it was originally only available from soda fountains. Jacobs' Pharmacy in Atlanta was where Coca-Cola was first sold. In 1899, three businessmen – Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Whitehead and John Lupton – bought the rights to bottle Coca-Cola for just $1 (77p). In 1915, owner Candler set up a competition to create a bottle design that would distinguish Coca-Cola from its competitors. The winner was The Root Glass Company based in Terre Haute, Indiana. The bottle’s bulbous design was modelled on a cocoa bean – an ingredient incorrectly believed to be in Coca-Cola Not only was Coca-Cola one of the first brands to devise a modern way of bottling its product, it was also an early adopter of multi-packs. Noticing a trend in shoppers buying more than one bottle at a time, in 1923 it introduced six-packs so consumers could carry multiple glass bottles home without them smashing. With Coca-Cola available nationwide and Prohibition keeping bars closed, it rapidly became an American staple. Advertising only boosted its popularity. The first popular slogan was "The pause that refreshes", coined by ad man Archie Lee in 1929. The "pause" is still synonymous with Coca-Cola today. Never one to miss an advertising opportunity, CocaCola was the first-ever Olympic sponsor, beginning its sponsorship at the Summer Games hosted in Amsterdam in 1928. During the Second World War, one of the Coca-Cola leaders Robert Woodruff declared servicemen and women should be able to get a bottle of CocaCola for five cents wherever they

were in the world, no matter what it cost the company. More than five billion bottles of Coke were distributed to US troops. Portable soda fountains were even flown into remote areas in the South Pacific. Looking to become the biggest fast-food chain in America, McDonald's chief Ray Kroc approached Coca-Cola in 1955 to create a partnership with the already well-established soda brand. One meeting and a handshake later and the pair haven’t looked back. In the early days McDonald’s used CocaCola’s offices to get up and running and McDonald’s is now Coca-Cola’s biggest customer. Although Pepsi was nowhere near as popular, it was growing and in the 1950s, Coca-Cola decided to diversify to remain relevant. In 1955, it adopted kingsize and family-size bottles alongside the original 185ml (6.5oz) drink. It was a scary idea for the business at the time, with one Coca-Cola executive saying "Bringing out another bottle was like being unfaithful to your wife". The 1980s was a particularly exciting time for the brand, with Coca-Cola becoming the first soft drink to be consumed in space. In 1985, astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger drank the fizzy drink from special CocaCola space cans. Coca-Cola is the most widely consumed fizzy drink, so it may not come as a surprise that if you gathered all the Coke bottles ever consumed, it would require an awful lot of space. In fact, if you bottled every drop of CocaCola ever produced in 227ml (8oz) bottles and laid them endto-end, they would reach to the moon and back more than 2,000 times. Coca-Cola claims that its name is the second most-understood term in the world, with more than 94 percent of people recognising it. The top term is ‘okay’. Equally impressive, the red and white logo is reportedly recognised by more than 90 percent of the world’s population. Here it is on a billboard in Piccadilly Circus, London.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Bars & Restaurants




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Barcelona terror attack trial The trial against members of a terrorist cell that perpetrated the seconddeadliest jihadist attack on Spanish soil began recently with previously unseen video footage in which attackers are seen manipulating explosives and making threats against their targets: “Every gram of this iron is going to get lodged in your heads, in your children and your wives.” Three individuals are standing trial for the attacks of 17th August, 2017 that killed 16 people – including a three-yearold and a seven-year-old – and injured 140 more in Barcelona and Cambrils. But public prosecutors have not brought murder charges, as the actual perpetrators of the killings were shot dead by the Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, at the scene of the attacks, which the Islamic State (ISIS) later claimed responsibility for. All three defendants have instead been charged for their indirect role in the events. Mohamed Houli and Driss Oukabir are accused of being active

members of the terrorist cell plotting a large-scale attack in the Catalan capital, while Said Ben Iazza is charged with aiding the group by providing one of the vehicles. They face prison terms ranging from eight to 41 years. The group’s original plan had been to carry out large bomb attacks against one or more landmark buildings in Barcelona, most likely the Sagrada Familia, but a blast in the house that they were using as a hideout in Alcanar (Tarragona) killed their leader, an imam named Abdelbaki Es Satty, and one other group member. Numerous butane gas canisters were found among the rubble. The accidental explosion at the Alcanar hideout changed their plans. The next day Younes Abouyaqooub rammed a van into dozens of pedestrians on the popular Rambla thoroughfare before fleeing on foot, while five other surviving members of the cell carried out a similar vehicle attack later that night in the seaside town of Cambrils. These cell

members were shot down by the Catalan police. Only the Mossos d’Esquadra had seen the video that was played on day one of the trial at Spain’s High Court (Audiencia Nacional) in San Fernando de Henares, in the Madrid region. Neither the prosecution nor the defence had seen the images, which show three of the cell members handling explosives at the Alcanar house. The video was made by one of the defendants, Mohamed Houli, who refused to answer prosecutors' questions and instead expressed “repentance.” In the video, a cell member named Mohamed Hichamy is heard saying, half in Spanish and half in Catalan: “You’re going to regret ever being born, especially you, you Mossos d’Esquadra b******s.” Cell members are seen sitting on the floor, making an explosives belt. Hichamy boasts about how easy it was to assemble the required material. “All this is

our own work, and I worked on it in front of our allies. Each gram of this iron is going to get lodged in your heads, in your children and your wives,” he says. Younes Abouyaqooub, who drove the van that killed 14 people on La Rambla, adds: “With the help of Allah, we are going to protect our religion.” Abouyaqooub was killed by the police, as was Mohamed Hichamy and four other members of the group. Public prosecutors are asking for compensation for the more than 30 people who were injured in the Alcanar blast. There are nearly 20 other parties who have filed a private prosecution and who

are seeking murder charges against the three defendants, but the investigating judge has already stated that the latter are not liable for the August 17 events, as Driss was already under arrest while Houli was in the hospital following the Alcanar blast. Over 400 witnesses are expected to testify at the trial. The attack was the second deadliest on Spanish soil after the Madrid train bombings of March 11, 2004 that killed 193 people and injured around 2,000.

Sánchez promises Biden 'full cooperation' Spain’s leader Pedro Sánchez has sent his congratulations to Joe Biden for winning the US elections and becoming president, and to Kamala Harris, the first female deputy president in the North American nation's history and only the second black American in a position of this calibre, after Barack Obama. Sánchez has wished them both 'lots of luck' and stressed Spain and its government is ready and willing to 'cooperate' with the USA in the face of the 'huge global challenges' the world's population is facing. “The American people have elected their 46th president. Congratulations, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I wish you both luck,” Spain's socialist (PSOE) leader tweeted, in Spanish and also in English, a language he speaks fluently. Although Sánchez has not specifically defined the 'huge global challenges' Spain is 'ready and willing' to help with, it seems likely he includes the Covid-19 pandemic in this description, and also

climate change, an issue over which acting and outgoing president Donald Trump pulled the USA out of cooperation with the EU, which by default, included Spain. Trump, who lost the elections after his four-year term as POTUS came to an end this month, had pulled the country out of the Paris Agreement on climate change action, as he does not believe in it, but Democrat leader Joe Biden has pledged to rejoin it. The international panorama appears very different with Biden at the helm rather than the now-ex Republican president, as the new leader has announced plans to overturn a lot of his predecessor's actions. This

will include immediately setting up a strategy against the pandemic once he has the keys to the White House in his hands. Since Biden's victory was confirmed, olive farmers in Spain have collectively appealed to him to lift trade blocks imposed by Trump which prevented them from selling their crops to the USA, leading to their profits taking a dramatic hit. Defence agreement The Spanish government will allow a one-year extension to a bilateral defence agreement with the United States that expires on 21st May, in order to let the incoming US administration get organized and define its political guidelines. The expiring agreement will

need to be revised next year to accommodate new demands for an increased US presence at the Rota military base in southern Spain. This review could provide the Spanish government with additional clout in its effort to improve its position in bilateral trade relations, which have suffered under the Trump administration. In 2011, Washington secured an eightyear extension to the Agreement on Defense Cooperation in order to ensure stability for the deployment of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, 1,200 troops and 100 civilians at the Rota naval base in Cádiz province. There is another base in Morón de la Frontera, in Seville province. The US Defense Department has also asked Spain for permission to send two more ships and 600 sailors to Rota. This, however, requires a modification of the bilateral agreement, which Spain views as an international treaty that requires parliamentary approval.

Spain requires negative PCR test from high­risk travellers Spain will demand a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of departure from all travellers coming from countries in high coronavirus risk zones, said the Health Ministry. The measure will go into effect on 23rd November. In the case of European countries and those in the Schengen area, Spanish authorities will rely on the risk map offered by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). According to this agency’s latest report, all of these countries are currently at the highest risk level except for Norway, Finland and Greece, whose citizens would in theory not be affected by the move. For visitors arriving from EU countries or from those within the Schengen area, the criteria for a country of high risk will be determined by the European Centre

for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The ECDC publishes weekly maps with the current risk status of each country using a traffic light system of green, orange or red, as determined by the 14-day incidence and positivity rates of Covid-19. The following criteria determine whether a country is ‘green, orange or red’: l Green if the 14-day notification rate is lower than 25 cases per 100,000 and the test positivity rate below 4 percent l Orange if the 14-day notification rate is lower than 50 cases per 100,000 but the test positivity rate is 4 percent or higher or, if the 14-day notification rate is between 25 and 150 cases per 100,000 and the test positivity rate is below 4 percent l Red if the 14-day notification rate is 50

cases per 100,000 or higher and the test positivity rate is 4 or higher, or if the 14-day notification rate is higher than 150 cases per 100,000 l Grey if there is insufficient information or if the testing rate is lower than 300 cases per 100,000. For countries outside this area, the reference point will be the 14-day cumulative incidence for every 100,000 inhabitants, as well as their core capacity as set out in International Health Regulations (IHR). Citizens of countries with an incidence figure of over 150 will be asked for a negative PCR test. According to the ECDC’s Wednesday figures, the following countries fall into this category: United States, Colombia, Panama, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia,

Azerbajan and Georgia. Starting on 23rd November, passengers filling out a control form before entering Spain will find an additional question asking whether they have a negative PCR test result from the previous 72 hours. Authorities may request to see the result of the test, which must be an original document, written either in Spanish or in English, and which may be presented in paper or electronic format, according to the ministry. The Canary Islands, which has

the best coronavirus situation in Spain, recently approved a similar measure that is set to go into effect on November 14. In this case, it affects both foreign and Spanish tourists, who will not be allowed into a hotel or other tourist accommodation without a negative test taken within the last 72 hours.


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020



Health News & Beauty

Survey health warning – don’t neglect your eyes because of COVID­19 MORE than a third (34%) of people have noticed a deterioration in their eyesight during the pandemic, a new survey reveals. The figures, released today by Specsavers Ópticas, show that nearly half of people (44%) are more health aware as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thousands of people wereunable to attend routine eye tests during the height of lockdown restrictions and are being encouraged to rearrange a visit as soon as they can. Francisco Jurado, store director of Specsavers Ópticas in Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia says: ‘During lockdown many of us were spending more time looking at screens, reading, or watching TV, which is likely to make people more aware of pre-existing sight conditions or the fact that their prescription may have changed. More screen time can also lead to eye strain and visual fatigue, which isn’t usually serious but could explain why so many people have been reporting

issues.’ Francisco says it is incredibly important for people to seek professional help if they notice any change in their sight. However, it’s equally important to keep up with regular eye checks too. ‘Fifty percent of sight loss is

avoidable with early detection , however, during the height of the pandemic many people may not have had access to these diagnostic tests. Not only does this mean their eyesight is at risk but potentially other aspects of their health too. ‘That’s because while there are several changes we may notice in our vision which could be a sign of a wider health condition, there are also some things that can only be

detected during an eye test. ‘We would encourage anyone who has any concerns, or who is due a routine eye test, to make an appointment as soon as they can.’ In response to the pandemic, Specsavers Ópticas has introduced a series of hygiene and personal protection measures to ensure a safe and reassuring experience. Francisco adds: ‘The safety of our customers remains our ultimate priority and we have worked hard to put in place robust measures to create an uncompromisingly safe store environment and reassure our customers. As well as limiting the number of customers in store at any given time, social distancing, thorough disinfection of our stores, equipment and products, and full use of screening and medical grade PPE, are standard in all of our stores.’ There are six Specsavers Ópticas stores on the Costa Blanca, in Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia. For more information or to book an appointment visit, specsavers.es

Spain slashes value­added tax on disposable masks Spain’s government has bowed to pressure to reduce value-added tax (IVA) on disposable masks, currently at 21 percent to the minimum level of 4 percent, but says its delay in doing so was because it was waiting for clearance from Brussels. Members of the public had heavily criticised national authorities over the fact that IVA on masks in Spain is among the highest levels in Europe – and with disposable hygiene masks only being effective for four hours at a time, the cost for the average household was becoming prohibitive. People with fulltime jobs that require them to be on the premises need a minimum of two a day to stay safe just for the time they are at work, not even including lunch hours or supermarket visits out of hours, and children at school also need at least two a day, since normal classroom hours are from around 9am to 2pm or from 9am to 5pm with a two-hour lunch break – and most are involved in

after-school activities until their parents get home from work. With packs of 10 typically costing €6 each, a family of four can easily get through one packet a day, meaning up to €186 a month on top of

their usual expenses – difficult enough for even averageto-high earners, but completely impossible for those on the lowest incomes. Although disposable masks survive a machine-wash at 60ºC and a tumble-dryer cycle, no tests have been carried out to see whether they still offer adequate

protection afterwards. Spain's 21% IVA on masks and maximum price each of 96 cents – introduced early in the pandemic when they were like gold dust and unscrupulous sellers were taking advantage by charging astronomical amounts – and its standard €6-for-10 price tag came in for even more criticism after a man who had bought his from Portugal told the national media that the standard cost in the neighbouring country was €1.74 for a pack of 20. Fortunately, Spain's government took this on board, as did retailers – supermarket chains across the country have since slashed their 10-pack prices in half, to €3. And from next today (17th November), IVA on these will be reduced from the 21% maximum to the 4% minimum. Treasury minister María Jesús Montero said Brussels had to give the green light to reducing IVA on masks in Spain, although plans were already in place to reduce the base price, net of IVA, if the EU did not agree to the tax cut. Now IVA has been reduced on masks, Sra Montero says her ministry's next task will be to review the permask price limit of 96 cents.

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Why are they against me? I met a woman who is 10 years older than me. I am 20 and also a girl. My parents turned against her before they'd even met her. They knew I preferred girls to men when I told them at age 14. Now I am wondering if their 'don't care attitude' was more that they hoped I was going through a phase, as I have never brought anyone home before. They also went mad because this girl is older, and also from a different ethnic background. I am appalled they could be so racist, homophobic and ageist. My new girlfriend also has a child from a previous relationship. I feel the world is against us as my grandma also disapproves. I talked to my friends about it who say that their parents would also probably disapprove, although they agreed this was my life and I should live it as I wish. How do I win my parents around? You are in a difficult situation because it sounds as though your mum and dad didn't fully accept that you were gay. They may have felt you were young when you came out and so might have hoped you didn’t know your own mind. Meeting someone who is older, and of a different ethnic background with a child could have made them feel out of control, but this doesn’t mean they are racist. They probably feel you are getting into something too serious too soon. However, you know your own mind and as long as you are happy, you need to convince your parents you are happy. They haven't met this lady yet, so you need to introduce them soon, but talk to your parents beforehand and tell them that your preference for women isn't going to change at least.




CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Health & Beauty


Spain hopes to have 10 million Pfizer vaccines by early 2021 Spain hopes to have 20 million doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine by early next year, said Health Minister Salvador Illa. The two-dose treatment could immunize 10 million people in a country where the coronavirus has infected over a million and killed close to 39,000, according to

would be for the elderly and healthcare frontline workers to be the first,” he said. According to the health minister, several contracts are going to be signed this week and the next, including with Pfizer, to ensure a supply of vaccines. If all goes well, said Illa, the first doses could arrive by early 2021, and if things go “very, very well” it could even be at the end of this year. According to Illa’s estimates, Spain could start a vaccination campaign in early January. “By approximately May, a sufficiently consequential number of the Spanish and European population could be vaccinated, because the vaccines are going to be equitably shared out among all members of the European Union,” he said.

official figures, although the real number is believed to be much higher. The announcement comes after the pharmaceutical giant, which developed the vaccine in partnership with the German drug-maker BioNTech, said that the treatment was more than 90 percent effective at preventing the disease in ongoing clinical trials. The news made world headlines and drove stock markets up, although data is still being collected and the company has not yet asked the US Food and Drug Administration to authorise the product. “We’re going to be alert to the specific terms of the contract to be signed, but

we figure that we could receive around 20 million doses from Pzifer,” said Illa in statements to the public broadcaster RTVE. “It is a two-dose vaccine, meaning that around 10 million people could be immunised” in Spain, which has a population of 47.3 milllion. The minister also underlined that the vaccine will be free of charge, and distributed through the national healthcare system. Regarding who will qualify to get immunised first, Illa said that a working group has been coordinating with central and regional authorities for months to determine these parameters. “The logical thing

Not mandatory Illa also pointed out that the vaccination will not be mandatory. “The government is going to do what it has been doing all this time: explaining the truth to its citizens, and the truth is that vaccines save lives.” The minister also warned that the executive will be “very clear and forceful” against “people who tell lies and play with anti-science,” alluding to anti-vaxxers and coronavirus deniers. “It is a promising and a relevant step, but there is still a long way to go and we need to keep our guard up,” he warned, noting that the epidemiological situation in Spain “continues to be of great concern.”


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


41 CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Bentley to stop making petrol cars

Bentley, the luxury carmaker, will stop making fossil fuel cars by 2030 and aims to be completely carbon neutral at the same time, in one of the most ambitious plans of any UK car manufacturer in the transition towards electric vehicles. It will stop building cars with traditional internal combustion engines within six years, instead making hybrids and then its first battery electric cars in 2025. By 2030 it will sell only pure battery electric vehicles, with zerocarbon exhaust emissions. The rapid transition will mean that a company famed for enormous 12-cylinder petrol engines, with large carbon dioxide emissions to match, aims to become one of the automotive industry’s leading champions of environmental sustainability. Bentley’s plant is the only major factory in the UK to commit to producing electric cars exclusively on such a tight

timescale, apart from its competitor Jaguar Land Rover at Jaguar’s Castle Bromwich site. Workers on internal combustion technology will be redeployed. Bentley’s promise to be an “end-to-end carbon neutral organisation” without using carbon offsetting is bold, as electric car batteries take considerable amounts of energy to produce. A spokesman said the company and its biggest suppliers would have to work out how to hit the target. The carmaker, whose prices range from £130,000 to more than £240,000, said its environmental targets would make it “financially resilient and recession proof”, as it and other carmakers looked for ways to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, which has damaged car sales. Figures published recently showed last month was the weakest October for new UK car

sales in nine years. The number of cars registered fell 1.6 percent to 140,945, putting the industry on course for the weakest year since 1982, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Electric car sales were one of the few bright spots, nearly tripling so far in 2020 to 76,000. Bentley in June announced it would make 1,000 job cuts from its permanent workforce to reduce costs. However, it said it had scaled back the cuts to 800 staff, who were taking voluntary redundancy, 200 of whom were temporary contractors. Adrian Hallmark, Bentley’s chief executive, said the carmaker was going through “a paradigm shift throughout our business”. “Within a decade, Bentley will transform from a 100-year-old luxury car company to a new, sustainable, wholly ethical role model for luxury,” he said.

42 CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

Time for your First ITV

You´ve been driving around in your new vehicle for some time now, you´ve had little inconvenience or problem, other than taking it for a quick service, but now it´s come of age and it´s time for it to undertake its first ever ITV inspection. Don´t worry, there is nothing scary about the test; it is a simple procedure that ensures that the primary safety features on the vehicle are working. You won´t be judged on your taste in music, or if you have flowery seat covers, it is just about the safety elements. That said, there are a few things that you can check before you go for your ITV inspection, and make it even easier, after all the aim is to come away with a successful inspection so that we can continue driving. When you subject your vehicle to a test, there are three possible outcomes. Favourable, in which the vehicle has passed with no problems, unfavourable, in which case the vehicle has failed. In the event of an unfavourable report, the vehicle cannot be driven. The same applies for an expired ITV test in the future, if your ITV expires then the vehicle is not permitted on the public roads, you must arrange to truck, a grua, to take the vehicle on its back. In the UK it is possible to book an appointment for your MOT and you are permitted to drive the vehicle to that appointment, irrespective of the status of the car. In Spain there is no such luxury. If a vehicle does not have a valid ITV certificate, it cannot be driven on the roads. The third possible status after the test will be that the inspector has noticed some minor faults. In this case, the vehicle will not be failed, but these faults will be detailed on the ITV report you will be given at the end of the test. You then have a maximum of two months in which to have these faults repaired, however the vehicle can only be driven to a garage to have the repairs completed. However, today we are talking about things that can be checked before we go for the examination, and therefore, hopefully, pass with a favourable result. First, take a slow and detailed walk around the vehicle. Look closely at the body work. You need to pay particular attention to deformations, misshapes,

dents and the likes, but particularly for any sharp edges. Vehicle designs are always smooth and flowing, partly for aerodynamic reasons, but also, in this case, because sharp edges can cause considerably more damage in the event of a collision. Imagine if the wing of the car was damaged and has a serrated edge where the previous collision took place. If that part of the car impacted with a pedestrian or cyclist, for example, the damage would be catastrophic. As you go around the vehicle make sure that the rear-view mirrors on the outside are in good condition, not broken or speckled, and that visibility is good. You will have to do the same for the interior mirror too. All mirrors must be correctly fixed in their original housings and firm. Whilst we are walking around the

vehicle, also check the tyres. Make sure that there is sufficient tread around each tyre, that the wear (if any) is equal, and that there are no deformations. You need to carry out both a visible check and also get your hands dirty by feeling your way around each tyre, including on the side that you can´t see, and don´t forget to check the spare wheel if your vehicle has one. It is also a good idea to check each of the tyres conforms to the requirements printed on the vehicle´s documentation. As we are moving to the interior of the vehicle, check all the doors. Make sure that they all open easily, that they close, and that they remain securely closed. Next, we need to check the seat belts. Make sure that all seat belts move freely when pulled from their roll, and then give each of them a jolt to make sure that they lock when they are supposed to. You also need to make sure that free movement returns after the jolt. Ensure that the seat belts all click into their locking

attachment, and unclip easily when pressed. They must not come away from the locking mechanism unless the button is pressed. To make things easier during the inspection, it is a good idea to leave any unused seat belts buckled fully, as that speeds the process up slightly for the inspectors. From inside the vehicle we need to check that the horn works, although be careful when you test this so as not to alarm anybody. Don´t forget that the interior rear view mirror also needs checking that it is clear and firmly fixed. Whilst checking the horn, we can also check the lights, perhaps getting someone to help you at this point, as all lights need to be tested, so that means the headlights, dipped and full beam, brake lights, indicators, reversing lights, and fog lights, making sure they all work correctly. Pay close attention to the headlights during this check, making sure that the glass is clear. In Spain we suffer from a “frosting” effect as the strong sun discolours the coating on the headlights. This frosting can result in a failed examination, so make sure they are clear and get them treated before the test if needed. Whilst also sat in the vehicle, check the dashboard, in particular looking for any obvious problems such as engine warning lights, or other warnings, as these too can prevent the vehicle from passing. Finally, on the subject of clarity, the windscreen wipers must be in good condition, and the windscreen washer reservoir topped up with liquid for cleaning the windscreen. If you carry out these simple checks, there is a higher chance of you getting through the test without any problems, but we must keep in mind that some faults cannot be seen by these basic checks, but the examiners are highly trained and qualified in ensuring that the safety features are all working, and so if anything is identified as being wrong, not only is it important to get it fixed, it is an important way of having faults which could lead to further problems identified.


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Tommy is around 6 years old and his owner died a few weeks ago. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Tommy is good with other dogs and weighs around 6 kilos. Call: 645 469 253


CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

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CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


Imanyo Golf Society Las Ramblas Golf Society “Remembrance Day Cup” 11th November at La Finca Imanyo’s golf society have been supporting the Royal British Legion for the past five years, this is thesecond time we played for the Remembrance Day Cup sponsored by Mick the Grip and the Royal British Legion, all the money raised on this day stays in Spain to help ex-service men and women who have retired here. This was our first ever visit to La Finca and the course was in fantastic condition from tee boxes, fairways, greens and bunkers everything was up to the highest standard, we were due to play at Altorreal but due to the borders being closed to Murcia we could not make the journey. Nineteen players took part with the day starting at Imanyo’sfor the traditional English breakfast, the formatwas singles full handicap Stableford, for those in the UK the weather was sunshine and a pleasant 70 degrees with a light breeze in the morning but most players were still in shorts. Winner of the Remembrance Day Cupfrom group B was “The Joker” Mick Billins with 36 points,

runner up was Gary Smith with 33 points, winner of group A was “I’m on Fire” Steve Burns with 28points, runner up was Sean McGuiness with 27 points. Nearest the pin’swinners werehole 3Martin Gadney, hole 8 in two shots “The Joker” Mick Billins, hole 13 “Keep it in the Family” Alan Ralph, hole 16 Glynn Thomas, best front 9 on count back was between Steve Day and Mick Billins both with 19 points and it went to ”The Joker“ Mick Billins, best back 9 was Glynn Thomas with 18 points. The presentation was held back at Imanyo’s bar, thank you to Antonio, Norma and all the staff for looking after us, all money

raised on the day was in aid of the Poppy Appeal for the Royal British Legion, the football card was won by Glynn Thomas with Hibernian raising €40, players were fined for lost balls which raised €58, our table top raffle raised €140, we had a €10 donation, a portrait auction raised €48 and Jody Lee Baxter made and sold poppy face masks which raised another €355 making a fantastic total of €651, the charity tin for the poppy’s sold in the bar still has to be counted. Photo shows Mick the Grip presenting the cup to winner Mick Billins. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com

Results for w/c 9.11.20 With 85 points Monday’s ‘Waltzer’ was won by Olga Douglas, Nigel Price, Pete Dunn and MarjaOldenziel (who this week remembered it’s a good idea to have a ball when putting). Wednesday saw us compete in our Memorial Day individual Stableford. Even with our numbers somewhat diminished due to the current state of alarm, as a Society we still managed to raise 200

euros on behalf of the Royal British Legion which was presented to Mike Probert. It is worth remembering that all the money raised for this very deserving cause stays in Spain and that in 2019 some 200,000 euros was spent on the welfare of our military veterans. Marleen Billen won the day with 36 points whilst John Shervell and Mark Western took 2nd and 3rd with 35. The four nearest the pins went to Nigel Price, Olga Douglas, Mark Western

and Trevor Pulleyblank. Just three teams battled it out in Friday’s ‘Texas Scramble’. With an excellent gross score of 8 under par 64 (nett 56.6) the winners were Bryan Neal, Joyce McClusky, John Shervell and Mark Western. Finally, Mike Mahony asks his caddy, ‘Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron?’ Caddy replies, ‘Eventually’. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020

TALES FROM THE TOP FLIGHT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Anyone popping by expecting a full rundown of England’s trip to Belgium on Sunday night, you might want to move on. Had it been a match that meant something, had it been an international game that wasn’t taking place in the middle of a fixture pileup, had it seen Jordan Pickford actually dropped? Yeah, I’d have hung around the extra hour before filing this twaddle. But as it was? Tucked up in bed long before to curfew counting down the days for the Premier League’s return, that was me. But, I am not going to completely ignore international football in today’s column, oh no. Many hearty congratulations to Scotland for qualifying for the largest European Championships ever. That’s right - we all knew that UEFA kept making it bigger we’d see you there eventually and at least you get to be play at the party you are hosting - that’s got to be a win. Not so much fortune went the way of Northern Ireland, losing their playoff in extra time. To be fair, the writing was on the wall after North Macedonia booked their place earlier in the day - therefore taking up the allocated slot for nations with ‘North’ in their name. This will certainly be an international break Jurgen Klopp files in the bin. Since this time last week, he’s managed to lose Trent AlexanderArnold following the Man City match and Joe Gomez to a proper knee injury in England training, seen Andy Robertson withdraw from the Scotland match on Sunday due to a hamstring worry and learned via the Egyptian FA that Mohamed Salah has got Coronavirus. Rumours that there was minimal contact between Salah and the virus are as of yet unconfirmed.

makes you fall back in love that really does tell you something about Zinedine Zidane’s feelings towards him. France manager Didier Deschamps was vocal in his support for Paul Pogba ahead of the Man United midfielder joining up with his national team. Deschamps claimed Pogba could not be happy at United, what with being in and out of Ole’s team so often. Pogba was certainly boosted by this public show of confidence - check out his miss against Portugal if you want to see the perfect storm of managerial praise and backing have an immediate impact on the field of play.

from his actual job into property so he can provide for his family once his career is over. Marcus, Number 10 is on the phone and they’d like their MBE back, please - how could you be so frivolous spending your wages on sensible investments and not some of the pursuits enjoyed by other players in your circles? Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang seems to be falling out with people left, right

believe that Fred and McTominay are the answer to Solskjaer’s midfield conundrum despite evidence quite clearly suggesting that the former Chelsea striker is wrong. However, having seen Michael Carrick first hand in training, Bruno Fernandes has said he’d love to see Fred play more like United’s first-team coach. Tell you what, Bruno - if Carrick is looking that slick at Carrington give him a shirt number. He’s not going to be any less mobile than Nemanja Matic. United have also contacted Ronaldo’s ‘people’, apparently - keen to bring him back to United in a move that will have nothing to do with the commercial side of things whatsoever. Mind you, if Messi rocks up at the Etihad that could be a little tasty. Frank Lampard’s Chelsea need to sell three if they want to try (and fail) to buy West Ham’s Declan Rice once again. Which three is probably the question. According to a post on social media, West Ham’s former home at the Boleyn has become a dumping ground, all kinds of rubbish being left there. How

It would be remiss of me to move on to things closer to home without mentioning the San Marino player who burst into tears on national TV, overwhelmed by the emotion of his team managing to do something the nation has failed to do ever. Yes, San Marino have avoided defeat in two successive matches - a reason as good as any for the waterworks being open for business. There’s been a fair bit of needle and centre - mind you, considering he’s hardly had a chance created for him by the Arsenal since the start of October you can understand his grumpiness levels. Ian Wright is convinced Yo-Pierre and his strike-partner Alexandre Lacazette have fallen out based off some very tenuous pre-match images from the Villa defeat. And what Auba has done to upset Toni Kroos is anyone’s guess. Sticking with Arsenal, new signing Thomas Partey had one of the finest injury records in Europe when with Atletico Madrid. The midfielder would rarely miss a game, a figure of ultimate fitness. Three weeks at the Emirates? Yeah, you’re one step ahead of me. Thigh strain. Out for a few weeks.

The international break also helped us learn that Gareth Bale is back in love with football, according to Wales’ stand-in gaffer Robert Page. That really does beg the question of exactly how much Bale hated football being stuck in Madrid - I mean, if leaving there and having to play for Jose Mourinho in the November rain

floating around in the last few days, too. After all, with some of the media understandably praising United’s Marcus Rashford for caring about trivial things like child poverty and taking the government on in public, it was only going to be a matter of time before the Daily Mail piped up calling Rashford out for daring to campaign for kids to be able to eat whilst investing the money he earns

John Barnes isn’t convinced that Kylian Mbappe would put a shift in like the current Liverpool front three do, so if King Kloppo is offered the chance to sign one of the greatest young players we have ever seen at an agreeable price he should probably turn it down. That’s failed Tranmere Rovers manager John Barnes, ladies and gents. Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink doesn’t

this differs from the club’s recruitment policy in the last decade is as of yet, unclear. Finally, Everton’s Allan would like to replicate the success he had with Napoli at Goodison Park. Thumbs notes - Napoli won diddly squat. Well, Allan, I think you can tick that one off in advance.



CostaBlancaPeople 17th - 23rd November 2020


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