20 April - 26 April 2021

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20TH - 26TH APRIL 2021 - EDITION 886

Tel: 966 701 060 | office@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly Read

Generalitat Valenciana will ease restrictions but maintain perimeter closure and curfew Ximo Puig is expected to make an announcement this week regarding changes in restrictions, as part of the deescalation process that will impact the hospitality industry. The regional government is set to approve a new set

managed to avoid a fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic, expected by many in the wake of increased gatherings during Holy Week and the

of restrictions, to be announced on Thursday after a meeting of the Mesa Interdepartamental for the management of Covid-19. The new rules will come into effect from April 26th. The Valencian Community has

Continued on page 3

Ximo Puig



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021



Continued from page 1 Easter holidays. Despite fears, the region has had a full month of ‘low risk of transmission of Covid-19’ and, to date, registers the lowest accumulated incidence in all of Spain with only 36 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the information provided by the Ministry of Health. Despite the promising figures, the Generalitat does not plan to approve what it describes as "disruptive" changes and instead insists it is committed to maintaining the path to de-escalation with "slow, gradual and prudent" restrictions. Ximo Puig mentioned the possibility that from next week the restrictions placed on the hospitality industry will be relaxed. The changes expected (though not confirmed until Thursday) would be an expansion of the capacity allowed inside bars and restaurants, set so far at thirty percent, and the extension of closing time, which currently stands at six in the evening and could be extended to eight o'clock, as the sector has been requesting in recent weeks. The rest of the measures will be maintained as they are, such as the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community and the curfew between ten at night and six in the morning. These remain in place until May 4th when the Mesa Interdepartamental for the management of Covid-19 will meet again to make a decision. The state of alarm ends on May 9th, but the Valencian Goverment does plan to maintain some of the restrictions that are currently in place from May 10th onwards and is currently working out legislation in the hope that it has the support of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community in order to be able to do so.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Police accused of concealing fine have appeal rejected The Provincial Court has dismissed an appeal lodged by three local police officers in Torrevieja who are accused of hiding a traffic fine in order to prevent it from reaching SUMA and entering the payment system. The Court of Instruction number 4 of Torrevieja, investigating the chain of events, concluded that there could have been irregularities in the chain of custody of public documents – a crime that, according to law, must be heard in court and therefore because such a crime may have taken place, the appeal of the officers was rejected and the court process must now continue. The complaint against the three officers was filed by a fellow officer in 2013. The appeal claimed that no crime relating to custody of the document was committed, but simply an error since the paperwork pertaining to the traffic fine was not “hidden or destroyed” but instead filed away “by mistake.” An expert report confirmed that there was a "manipulation of the computer system and the fine was removed from the Gespol application" by one of the officers being investigated. The events date back to November 30, 2012 when three police officers who were patrolling the intersection of Avenida de Rosa Mazón, saw that a driver did not respect a traffic signal. They stopped her to issue a fine and, although the driver did not refuse to cooperate, she did use what

was described as “an ironic tone when addressing the agents”, assuring them that while she would sign for the fine, she was not going to pay it because she was going to call someone “known to her, and tell him what happened” so that he could clear the matter up. The court confirmed that SUMA did not receive the sanction, that a former inspector and the driver were known to one another, and that at the time the events occurred, there was no physical record of the incident, only a mailbox without control or video surveillance, which the court heard sometimes overflowed with copies of fines falling to the ground. “Something inappropriate for a municipality like Torrevieja.” To ensure that the sanction did reach its destination, one of the officers registered it in Murcia. "What the agent issuing the fine wanted - the investigation indicates - is that, given the low reliability shown by the mailboxes and the constant rumours about the disappearance of fines, there should be a record of his entry." A fine of €200 arrived in a sealed envelope on December 27, 2012 but even despite this, it was "filed" by "error" in the computer system, supposedly by an officer who also already knew that the "disappearance" of the physical fine was being investigated by a court. With the appeal rejected, the case will now continue.

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Dead whale washes up in Guardamar The body of a whale appeared on a beach in Guardamar in recent days. The sperm whale was carried by the current until it ran aground on Els Vivers beach. The whale was spotted in the early morning, floating in the sea about one mile off the coast of Guardamar del Segura. The current dragged the specimen to shore and by afternoon, and it landed on Els Vivers Beach in the town. The sperm whale was guarded by the Local Police while Seprona (the environmental arm of the Guardia Civil), awaited instructions from the Generalitat, which advised against moving the body immediately due to its advanced state of decomposition. Mayor of Guardamar, José Luis Sáez, confirmed that throughout the following day, the body of the whale was removed by a digger and a 4 × 4 truck.



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021



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Coast to host first Orihuela Symphony Orchestra concert On Saturday, 1st May, the Orihuela Symphony Orchestra (OSO) will perform a free concert in tribute to the poet Miguel Hernández on the esplanade of Playa Flamenca, in Orihuela Costa. This concert is part of the activities organised by the Department of Culture, headed by Councillor Mar Ezcurra, as part of the Hernandiana Spring programme. "This concert will feature a total of 20 musicians on stage who will perform a program designed to evoke moments in the life of the Oriolano poet", said Mar Ezcurra, who also explained that "during the concert there will be readings of the poems` Vientos del Pueblo ´, `Elegía´,` Niño Yuntero´ and `Nanas de la onion´, narrated by Emilio Pastor and Natalia Rodriguez". The concert prepared by the Orihuela Symphony Orchestra will feature works by Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Holst, Ricard Meyer and Kalinnikov. Likewise, the play 'Evocación' written by the director of the OSO, Antonio Pujol, and dedicated to Miguel

Mar Ezcurra announces concert

Hernández, will be premiered. The Director said: "Drama, uncertainty, agony but also tenderness and joy will be very present in this concert that we as staging outdoors in Orihuela Costa.” The concert will begin at 7:00pm but organisers are advising people to go a little earlier since there will be a strict control of capacity to guarantee compliance with each one of the sanitary measures currently in place due to the covid pandemic. "It is a unique occasion to be able to enjoy the Orihuela

Symphony Orchestra in a concert as emotional as the one they have prepared in memory and tribute to Miguel Hernández. Furthermore, it is the first time that this wonderful orchestra will perform outdoors and in a place with as much charm as the esplanade of Playa Flamenca in Orihuela Costa,” added Mar Ezcurra, Councillor for Culture. This concert was originally scheduled to take place on Saturday 17th April but due to forecasts of inclement weather the decision was made to postpone it.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


Local families forced to rely on donations for food and clothing The pandemic has impacted us all – businesses, families and individuals – and it might be some time before a new ‘normal’ settles on society. With vaccination rollouts and travel corridors being established, there is certainly light at the end of the tunnel – but what of those people still in the darkness of the tunnel. Those who, for whatever reason, have no income, no support from the ERTE system, no family or friends to rely on and no hope for the future. One astounding outcome of the last 13 months is the community support that has been started from the ground up by ordinary people. Seeing failings in the social services system, the delay or complete lack of unemployment payments for those out of work, ordinary people have kickstarted food banks all over the southern Costa Blanca. These every day miracle workers are putting in countless hours to gather, sort and deliver every day essentials to local people in need. One such service is run by Nikki Lloyd and Ines Perkins. These two amazing women and their team of volunteers are working day and night to make sure local families impacted by the pandemic have enough to feed and clothe themselves and their children. We were lucky enough to catch up with Nikki and Ines this week for an

interview – their time is very much in demand, so we appreciated the opportunity to speak to them. Ines works full time as a nurse, often coming home from a rigorous 12 hour shift and diving straight into this voluntary scheme while Nikki herself has undergone several operations since January, and cares for her own children, one of whom has a terminal condition. We asked them when the work first began, when did they realise there was even a need for it. Ines explained, “It started back in August. It mainly came about when we were seeing on social media that people on our friends list hadn't been paid their ERTEs (furlough payment), or had been let go. We were seeing self employed people not getting a penny and so many singers/entertainers literally had nothing. It was then we decided to try and do something.” What was the beginning like? Nikki explained, “When we first started, we literally would get about seven bags of food a week, we would make do with what we could give - which wasn't much at all. Now, over 100 bags of food and clothes go out on a weekly basis. In my house, you can’t see any surface, it’s always covered in bags of donations. People are incredibly generous and I don’t mind my house being utter chaos for the greater good.” Nicki also told us that while the need

for support has grown since last year, it isn’t showing any sign of slowing, saying, “We still have many families that we helped right at the start still receiving food from us as sadly, the pandemic itself might be slowing down, but without tourism sadly the economic situation still isn’t getting much better and with the restrictions on tourism there are still very few jobs in the hostelry and entertainment sectors, and many others. This area is heavily reliant on tourism which is why so many people have been impacted by what is happening.” Through the work they have been doing, Ines, Nikki and the volunteer team have witnessed some very upsetting situations. Ines told us, “One single Spanish mother only receives 54 euros a month. She was feeding her baby watered down cow’s milk, not only that she was literally starving herself to make sure her older child had food.” Aside from people often feeling awkward that they have to ask for help, Ines also said that there is so much gratitude, saying “There are so many heart-warming moments when people cry so much to me when I deliver, even when it's the 4th or 5th time.” The engine behind the success of the donation scheme is social media. When something is needed, Ines will post on Facebook and the community is usually quick to respond with donations of items or money. And, despite the overwhelming positivity towards the work, sometimes Ines and Nikki do have to deal with comments from people about ‘this isn’t the place to beg for food’ or ‘surely the government can’t help’. This type of reaction is often frustrating, said Ines, who explained, “I'm actually very tired of seeing the comments claiming that the government and social services will help - because it isn't true. To get an appointment for the Social Services in Torrevieja is literally like finding a needle in a haystack. The next appointment, when I last looked was for the end of June! That’s no use to a mother who has nothing to feed her children. Add to that, the amount of paperwork you need is ridiculous. Sometimes the system works and sometimes it doesn’t and people are left behind. I know from our own experience that Nikki has a terminally ill child she herself pays €964 for her medicine and doesn't get a single penny

Donation from the Dutch Hiking Group

The team were able to give away 150 easter eggs to families in need thanks to donations

from the government - they told her to be like any other mother and just go to work.” For the most part though, the feedback is hugely positive and it helps to have a team of willing volunteers. Nikki said, “We are made up of a few volunteers and drop off points - we have Michelle Clarke in Cabo Roig, Alison Evans in Urb Entre Naranjos, Feathers bar in Monte Zenia, Tidy Paws in Villamartin, Jill Stansfield in San Miguel, Lynn Lomax in los Altos, Nikki herself is based in los Altos, Tracey Cork in Quesada, D-sante Bar in La Marina, El Carmen's bar El Chapparal, Little Pods in La Zenia and probably a couple more that I’m forgetting!” Volunteers travel as far as permitted with the restrictions and have delivered donations as far as to Alfaz del Pi and Benidorm! Ines says they’re not really a food bank: “We are more of an ‘everything bank’ but

mainly we supply food, essential baby items such as powdered milk and nappies, also children’s clothing and shoes. We deliver and collect anything that could be of use, if something isn’t suitable for donation, it might be possible to sell it on Marketplace and use the money to buy something that is needed.” The work is rewarding, but not always easy said Ines: “It's difficult, especially when you get terrible mean horrible comments or people telling me to send them to the social. I don't do this for fun, I do it because people need us. Nikki is an absolute hero. She does the lion’s share of the work, balancing having a terminally ill child with mitochondrial disease as well as a 9 year old. She is an absolute hero.” If you would like to help, simply contact Ines or Nikki on Facebook or use the following link to make a donation: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8v3240rQ4y


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


Surfs up in Orihuela Costa GBP / EUR UPDATE

Ready to hit the waves

Luisa Boné, Councillor for the Beaches of Orihuela Costa, has reported that the Governing Board has approved a project to modify the Beach Ordinance Laws - which until now stated that no-one is allowed in the sea when the red flag flies. The Councillor said: “The main objective of the modification is to allow ‘red flag surfing’ on the shores off Cala Cerrada in La Zenia. For surfers it is when the red flag is out that the sea has the optimal conditions for practising the sport. We want to support the local group of experienced surfers which has been lobbying to promote this sport.” Cala Cerrada is one of the eleven beaches of the Oriolano coast that has, according to those who practice this sport, the

optimal conditions and characteristics to be able to enjoy surfing among its waves. For this reason, for years a group of enthusiasts has been calling for mandatory authorisation to be able to practice the sport legally. Until now, every time they surfed they were breaking the law because the red flag was raised. Each year, more people have requested the local government to revise the law. Councillor Boné added: “Former Beaches councillor, Ramón López Cabrera, listened to this request and authorised surfing on this beach within a framework established in the current Beach Ordinance. However, to protect people there are a series of conditions that have to be met. For example:

having the appropriate federation license, so that people are correctly insured in case of accidents and free practice is only allowed outside the high season. Now we want to go a step further so that surfers can also enjoy the waves throughout the high season.” Once the project to modify the Beach Ordinance has been approved in the Governing Board, there is a period of ten days for the presentation of any opposition and then the amended law will be taken to the Municipal Plenary for final approval. The Councillor concluded by thanking "Zenia Surf Club" for its willingness to collaborate with the City Council in implementing a good sports culture.

GBP As step two of the UK governments unlocking strategy was celebrated this week, ending the 97 days Brits had spent without outdoor drinking and dining, forecasts for sterling from many show the pound reinvigorating its appreciation for the rest of 2021, after a wobbly start to Q2. The pound lost circa 3% value against the US dollar since the end of February, following more than a 10% gain in the last 6 months. There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the appreciation, while also admiring the success of the UK vaccination program, where it was announced that all over-50’s and those in high-risk groups have been offered a first jab, ahead of the governments April 15th deadline. The pound iscurrently the poorest-performing major currency over the last month, down by 0.9% with no wins. Could the UK ecostats be to blame? Like-for-like retail salesin March were 20.3% above the same month last year, and gross domestic product grew by a provisional 0.4% in February after falling 2.2% in January. Manufacturing and industrial production increased by 1.3% and 1% respectively in February as well. However, the trade deficitwidened by more than expected to £16.4 billion, and exports to the EU rebounded by 46.6% after plunging in January,albeit leaving them 15% lower over the two months. It seems sterling’s week was actually morespoiled by news that the Bank of England’s Chief

Economist, Andy Haldane, will be leaving later this year. Mr Haldane has been seen as a positive influence on the pound, first because of his hawkishness on monetary policy, and second because he has been one of the main cheerleaders for Britain’s economic recovery. EURO Relegated also to the back of the pack was the euro, losing an average of 0.2%, though it was up by a third of a cent against sterling and added three fifths of a US cent. Still, it was in good company with the North American dollars, the pound and the safe-haven currencies, so the euro wasn’t alone. Investors took only a passing interest in the euro area economic statistics. Retail sales increased 3% month-on-month in February, though they were still down by almost that much compared with the same month last year. The industrial production data were even less glowing, with monthly and annual declines of 1% and 1.6%. ZEW’s measures of economic sentiment showed a six-point fall to 70.7 in Germany and an eight point fall, to 63.3, for the euro area as a whole. It was the first decline for Germany since November. When EU finance ministers meet today they will doubtless discuss the lack of progress with the EU’s €750 billion Next Generation Recovery Fund which was agreed nine months ago. The latest story from Brussels is that the money should start to get handed out “in the second half of July”, a year after programme was agreed.

Los Dolses English Butchers – always a cut above Nestled in the heart of the Los Dolses Centre, Keith Streeter, the English butcher, has been supplying customers near and far for 14 years. During that time he, supported by his wife Mary and assistant Les, has built a reputation for affordable quality meat and fresh vegetables and tasty home-made meat products. Keith is a traditional, timeserved butcher with more than 40 years experience. He can prepare any meat and understands British cuts and techniques. He has a wide range of meats in store including thick-cut pork chops with crackling, rump and sirloin steaks, steak mince, cubed beef and joints of gammon, pork and beef. He specialises in making his own sausages, from scratch, on the premises each week. There are 12 different flavours which include: Old English, spicy Welsh Dragon, Cumberland, pork and tomato, Lincolnshire and a low fat variety if you’re counting the calories. The Los Dolses English Butcher has a range of meat products which include a meat pies and pasties such as steak and kidney, chicken and mushroom and traditional Cornish. There are also Scotch Eggs, sausage rolls and cold cut meats to choose from such as

hand-carved boiled ham, corned beef or haslet. And once you have made the difficult choice of which of the wonderful meats to enjoy, you can browse the range

of fresh seasonable vegetables on display outside the shop to complete your meal. Of course summer is just around the corner and so it will soon be time for Keith to start preparing his ever-popular BBQ packs. At just €25 these are excellent value for money with six each of Angus Beef Burgers, home-made sausages, Kofta Kebabs, coated chicken and pork steaks. Friday is always fresh bread and cake day at Los Dolses English Butchers. The bread is baked by Baldwin’s Bakery and Keith collects it fresh out of the oven early in the morning to sell

in the shop. All loaves and rolls can be pre-ordered by Wednesday but he usually brings extra, just in case. The Los Dolses English Butchers also offers a Friday drop-off service for orders of any products. The collection points include: Quesada, Catral, Callosa de Segura, Albatera, Crevillente and The Hondons. Calling all restaurants Los Dolses English Butcher offers an excellent six-day-a-week delivery service to bars, cafes and restaurants from La Marina to the Mar Menor and inland to the Hondons and surrounding areas. The shop has great trade deals on all products and has the best back bacon at the best price. If you are an Irish Bar then the Los Dolses Butcher has Irish sausages and bacon for those traditional breakfasts. For further information, call Keith on 966 765 405 or 689 433 990, check out the facebook page ‘Los Dolses Butchers’ or call into the shop at Los Dolses Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa. Open weekdays 8.30am to 3pm and Saturdays 8.30am to 1pm.

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

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There are so many Real Estate Agents that claim to be “the best”, “number one” not forgetting, “specialists” in your area, but a lot has changed during the last year. Since the pandemic started here in March 2020 there have been many agents that have closed some or all of their extended branches, or even closed their office doors for good. But what if they have your property listed for sale? Where does that leave you? Unfortunately there are Agents that still advertise as if their offices or branches are still open for business, when really they have since long gone! Doors closed. Signs down. Furniture gone. Electric off. But did they inform you?

If you’re local to the area in which your Real Estate Agent is claiming to be operating in, you’d better jump in the car and go take a look to make sure their offices and extended branches are all still open. If you’re not in Spain, ask a neighbour to check this out for you. Office phone numbers can be redirected so don’t rely on just calling them. Anyone can claim they have multiple offices, but do they really? Are they really all still open and operational? Your property will never sell if your Real Estate Agent’s office or branch isn’t even there anymore. Buyers need to have full confidence in a Real Estate Agent before committing to purchase a property here too. If they feel they’re being duped by an agent, or are the result of false advertising, they will not buy your property! Do you really know your Real Estate Agent? When choosing a professional to represent your property sale, do your homework first. Ready to sell your property and are not currently in Spain? Head towww.SellMyHomeInSpain.com today!

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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Cash is King – or Is It? We’ve seen some very turbulent markets over the past year, with the repercussions of COVID having a significant impact. Generally speaking, markets have partially recovered but remain extremely volatile. Investing can seem too confusing, too risky, or “not for me”. Like everything, the more you know about it, the better informed your decisions will be. Investment risk is, for example, putting money into the stock market where there’s the potential to lose some of your capital, but the possible greater returns can outweigh this risk.

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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


Vaccine rollout on the coast ‘Make sure your details are up to date’ and ‘When called, come to get the vaccine’ - the two key messages being issued this week from health authorities about the local rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine. This week, the Costa Blanca People was invited to tour the vaccine facility in Torrevieja where we met with Hipolito Caro, the director of the area’s health service. Sr. Caro was keen to reach out to the international community and urged everyone to ensure their details are up to date so that when it comes to being called for your appointment, you can be reached. Councillor for Foreigners, Gitte Lund Thomsen, offered the advice “If you use the YoSalud system, then it is simple to access and update your details if necessary. The Generalitat Valenciana health department also has an app where you can do the same,” explained Gitte, “If you can’t do this, you can simply go to your health centre with your SIP card and check that your details are up to date.” Gitte explained that people are often reluctant to go to the health centre for administrative matters, fearing that they won’t be welcome. However, the message from the health service now is that it is essential that the system is up to date. Gitte suggested “If people go after 3pm, there are usually less people, and the admin staff will have time to check your details.” If you don’t have a Spanish mobile number, you can give the number of a trusted friend, family member or carer – as long as you are sure that you can have access to the message when it arrives. All vaccines are administered at the time of receipt, and new stock is arriving constantly and being allocated across the region in line with the regional vaccination calendar. The objective of the Department of Health is the vaccination of 70 percent of the population of the Valencian Community. When we visited the CMO in Torrevieja (where many of the area’s vaccines are currently being administered), people aged between 60 and 65 were attending appointments. The system is well organised – people join a controlled queue (Local Police and Protección Civil are on site to ensure the physical distance is maintained, to ensure people use the hand gel on arrival and to direct cars to the parking area). Once at the top of the queue, you are directed to a numbered booth. This is where your

details are checked and entered into the RNV (a central vaccine register) before proceeding to a cubicle where a nurse administers the vaccine. You then proceed to a waiting area where you must wait for 15 minutes before leaving. The system is a collaborative effort between the Valencian health authorities and Torrevieja town hall, explained Sr. Caro, saying “The town hall has provided the use of this building, they provide the cleaners who sanitise the building, and the medical staff are from local health centres.” For her part

Thursday and Friday are for second dose or last minute appointments for vaccines that need to be used. If, for any reason, you miss your appointment, you will be offered another opportunity to be vaccinated. Appointment makers will have a record of people in every age group who have not yet been vaccinated and will reissue appointments when more doses become available. When you receive your text message regarding your appointment, it will include a link to an ‘hoja informativa’ – an information sheet which offers advice and frequently asked questions. Orihuela Costa Orihuela Costa has had a total of 2,944 people vaccinated at its Health Center in Campoamor, of which 2,638 have been vaccinated with Pfizer and 286 with Moderna. Some Orihuela Costa residents are being called to other vaccine centres such as the CMO in Torrevieja or Pilar de la Horadada Health Centre.

With the inoculation programme well underway, most of us have gone from not knowing anyone who had been vaccinated locally, to hearing that many people The police were present and so have now received their jabs. Two such Orihuela Costa you feel very safe residents are Mick Corwell and – Dianne, Orihuela Costa Dianne Dyson. Mick, aged 65 Gitte explained, “It was quite a rush to from Playa Flamenca, received a text organise it all as the town hall only had message on wife Barbara’s phone for a three days notice that Valencia was vaccination slot in Torrevieja in five days going to take us up on the offer of using time. the CMO. It’s the perfect place as it isn’t Mick said: “People were queuing with in use at the moment – the auditorium social distancing and appointments has a programme of events that we’d were checked on your phone at the have to work around, but we are free to door. There were several booths and you offer the CMO.” The building was kitted were shown where to go.” out and fitted with the infrastructure Mick received his first dose of the Astranecessary to create a controlled flow of Zeneca jab and was shown to a seat, people through separate entrances and where he had to wait for 15 minutes to exits, as well as a clinical room for doses ensure there was no immediate adverse to be prepared as well as a temporary reactions. A week later and he still hasn’t ward which can be used for emergencies had any side-effects. or for those who have trypanophobia Mick added: “I have diabetes and high (fear of needles) and can lie down to be blood pressure, but no major health vaccinated which is often less stressful. complications but I wanted to get the A medical team is on hand to answer any jab so that as soon as we can travel I can questions or doubts – for example, if a go to the UK to see my daughter.” patient has concerns about the vaccine Dianne, aged 64, had similar, positive and their current medication, they can experience after receiving a text with ask the doctor on site. both of her appointment dates on. At the moment at the CMO, Tuesdays Dianne said: “The police were present and Thursdays are generally for and so you feel very safe and the scheduled first dose appointments and measures taken and the system put in place are great. They gave me a leaflet about side-effects and what to look out for but I have been fine.” Unfortunately for Dianne she was not in the area on the date of her second appointment but has had to change her plans. She explained: “I realised as soon as the message came through that I wasn’t going to be in the area on the date for my second jab in June. I went straight to the medical centre in Cabo Roig, but it simply can’t be changed. I It´s well oganised and someone also asked when I went for walks you through everything – my first jab and was given the Dee, Albatera

The nurses were amazing – Curly, Crevillente same answer. “There is no way I am missing that second dose, so I have moved by break back. Being vaccinated is more important.” Some people, did experience flu like after effects afterwards. Katie, a teacher who had the first dose of Astra Zeneca, said “I was in bed for the weekend and felt very fluish. My advice would be to have paracetamol and hot soup at the ready! I felt ok after a few days, but the first day or two wasn’t pleasant.” The Health Councillor for Orihuela Costa confirmed that all those aged 80 and over have been vaccinated and those aged 73 are currently being called forward. Elsewhere, readers have had a positive experience of the vaccine process. In Crevillente, Curly told us, “I’ve had the Pfizer jab and didn’t have any side effects. I had it at the Centro Salud Crevellente. The nurses were amazing and I was even seen 15 minutes before my appointment. My second one is already schedule for 28th April.” Dee Fairclough (63) from Albatera had her jab at Orihuela sports centre and told us, “It’s well organised and someone walks you through everything. A doctor is available for you to ask questions before the jab if you want to allay any fears. You are not given a card after for proof of jab – it’s just on their system but you can go online afterwards and download a certificate. Parking there is not so good. You CANNOT park in their car park- that has been reserved for ambulances and staff so my advice is to allow time to find parking.” After vaccination, the advice from the WHO is as follows: “Vaccination protects you from getting seriously ill and dying from COVID-19. For the first fourteen days after getting a vaccination, you do not have significant levels of protection, then it increases gradually. For a single dose vaccine, immunity will generally occur two weeks after vaccination. For two-dose vaccines, both doses are needed to achieve are required to provide the highest level of

best immunity possible. While a COVID-19 vaccine will protect you from serious illness and death, we still don’t know the extent to which it keeps you from

People were queuing with social distancing and appointments were checked on your phone at the door. – Mick, Playa Flamenca being infected and passing the virus on to others. To help keep others safe, continue to maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, cover a cough or sneeze in your elbow, clean your hands frequently and wear a mask, particularly in enclosed, crowded or poorly ventilated spaces. Always follow guidance from local authorities based on the situation and risk where you live.” Some people were concerned that they would test positive for Covid after being vaccinated but this is not the case. The WHO said, “The COVID-19 vaccine will not cause a positive test result for a COVID-19 PCR or antigen laboratory test. This is because the tests check for active disease and not whether an individual is immune or not. However, because the COVID-19 vaccine prompts an immune response, it may be possible to test positive in an antibody (serology) test that measures COVID-19 immunity in an individual.” Once an individual has been vaccinated, they can download a certificate of proof of vaccination by visiting the following website: https://coronavirusregistro.san.gva.e s/sipcovid19/vacunascovid.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Alicante lab offers post vaccine immunity test Alicante laboratory, Ribera Lab (part of Ribera health group, the company that manages the health service in Torrevieja and surrounding areas) has started to offer a post-vaccination test to confirm immunity and the generation of antibodies against Covid. Ribera recommends carrying out the test between 14 and 21 days after the last dose of the vaccine has been administered. The test involves a conventional blood extraction, it is not necessary to go on an empty stomach and the results are

provided 48 hours after the test. The new post-vaccination test allows confirmation of the generation of antibodies against Covid and, therefore, the exact immunity of each individual person against the virus and confirm the effectiveness of the vaccine. Ribera Lab professionals recommend performing this test between 14 and 21 days after inoculation of the last dose of the vaccine but added, “There is also no problem after that period of time, for example, a month after having received the last dose,

because the studies carried out to date confirm that there are people who develop antibodies at 10 days and others at 21 days.” With an eye on forthcoming de-escalation and with the aim of guaranteeing that, especially the elderly, have the necessary immunity to guarantee their protection against the virus, the test is expected to prove popular. The nearest Ribera Lab centre that currently offers this type of test is located in the Immunological Center of San Juan (Alicante).

New appointment at Seagate “We are pleased to announce that Dave Diggle has joined Seagate as a Partner. He is a Certified Accounting Technician and British qualified financial adviser to UK practising standard. Dave was born in Southampton but was brought up in Jersey where he worked as both a financial and commercial accountant, including many years working for financial services firms specialising in inheritance tax mitigation and investment (wealth enhancement). Having both skill sets of an

accountant and a financial adviser gives Dave an understanding that not all advisers have. Dave and his family moved to the Costa Blanca in 2006 and he has the experience to stop you making the same financial mistakes that he made and many others have made so that you can make the most of your new expat life

circumstances. Dave will be a great asset to our strong team.”


Market stall blow for Help Vega Baja A charity such as HELP Vega Baja exists purely because of the dedication of its volunteers and supporters and one such volunteer is Ann Townsend. Ann joined the charity in 2009 and has played a major part in raising much needed funds at Campoamor Market every Thursday. Come rain, wind or sun Ann was there. She became an extremely popular person with other stall holders and of course customers. The income Ann’s hard work provided has been tremendous over the years and enabled the charity to support many people within the community who were struggling in one way or another. With an unforgettable laugh and sense of humour people went along each week to support Ann and even donated many items of clothing for her to sell to raise funds. Sadly, then came Covid and despite all the clothes that we sold being sanitized not only before they reached the market but also on the day they were sold, the local council decided they did not want “second hand” items being sold, and Ann was told to leave. Help Vega Baja President Michele Mason said: “Believe me, Ann fought her corner as did the charity, but we have now

accepted that we cannot have a stall at Campoamor and with the support of our Treasurer and other volunteers, we are now attending various other markets, stalls and car boots around the area to continue our fund raising. “We are delighted to say that we may have lost the stall, but we have certainly not lost Ann! When restrictions permit, Ann will be back co-ordinating the Friendship Centre at La Zenia.” For more information of the various venues the charity attends - in addition to its charity shop in San Miguel which is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 1.30pm) - please follow or message the Facebook page or visit www.helpvegabaja.com where it will shortly be publishing selling venues and awareness sessions. Help Vega Baja would like to hear from any bar or café who would like our “tour bus” to come along with a stand to raise awareness of how we can support people, answer questions and offer our memberships at just 10 euros per annum. All services offered by the charity are completely free including assistance with applications for Attendance Allowance. However, HELP Vega Baja members receive additional benefits including free

Ann Townsend, still smiling

150 euros of interpreting service, annual blood analysis at Quiron Hospital and discounts on many other items – full details on the website.



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Investment Alert! Are you invested in Momentum Harmony, Lombard Russell or Privee Select Funds? By Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons) Managing Partner Chorus Financial face an exit penalty of up to 5%.

I’ve come across a number of clients in the above-mentioned funds.They are commonly used by certain firms here in Spain, and I wanted to provide some information that may not have reached the clients holding them. Momentum Harmony Momentum offer a number of different funds, so for this example I will focus on Harmony Portfolios Sterling Balanced Fund Class D, as I have seen this one a number of times here in Spain. According to the fund Key Information Document, the annual ongoing cost of this fund is 3.28%. I suspect you agree that that seems incredibly high? But this isn’t where it ends. Built into this annual ongoing fee is a 5% commission paid to the IFA. This means that you are tied to this fund for 5 years, or

Moving onto the next series of funds, Russell, to give a specific example I will look at Russell Emerging Markets Equity Class R fund. As with the Harmony funds, we have discovered surprisingly high fees in these class R funds, 2.71% per annum ongoing costs on this particular fund. I’ve personally only ever seen these funds held in Lombard International bonds, where they are referred to as Lombard Russell funds on valuations. In my experience these valuations have not included the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), which is a 12-digit code that clients and financial advisers can use to easily confirm information, including fees, for particular funds. Without these numbers, which are included on the vast majority of valuations I’ve seen in Spain, it can be very hard to those holding these funds to understand the true costs they are paying for their overall recommendation. I’ve also seen a number of Lombard International portfolios holding Privee Select funds, as a specific example, the Privee Select

Dynamic GBP Share Class A fund has total ongoing charges of 2.29%. If you are holding funds with particularly high charges, then there is a distinct possibility that these fund houses are paying your financial adviser to recommend these funds to you. This creates a clear conflict of interests, raising the question of whether your financial adviser is truly acting in your best interests, or simply recommending solutions that pay them. If you are also paying SIPP, QROPs, Investment Bond fees and adviser fees, you could be unaware of the true combined costs of your overall recommendation. We have seen genuine examples where clients have been unwittingly paying over 6% in combined fees per year for many years and have only discovered this when they have come to Chorus Financial for a review. For context, Chorus have always guaranteed we would never use funds that pay us any form of fee or commission. Unlike funds costing up to 3.28% per year, as we’ve seen in these examples, the average cost

of funds in Chorus portfolios is comfortably under 1% per year. Think about the difference 2-3% in additional annual costs can make to your finances over a number of years… If you are in any of the abovementioned funds, or fear that you may be in a similar fund (there are dozens being used in Spain) then you should contact Chorus Financial urgently. We have seensuch funds in Investment Bonds including SEB, Quilter International, Lombard International and STM. A short review of such a portfolio can lead to you saving significant amounts in fees each year, whilst moving to a portfolio that has been selected with your best interests in mind, rather than the interests of your financial adviser. For a free review without any obligation, call me today on 664 398 702, email s.kelly@chorusfinancial.es or visit www.chorusfinancial.es for more information.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Covid recovery fund will create jobs in Spain Spain’s government has outlined where it is considering spending European Union funds to help the economy recover, and which it believes will create up to 800,000 jobs. President Pedro Sánchez calls the reform plan 'the greatest opportunity for Spain since its entry into the EU', and forecasts it will increase the country's GDP by two percentage points at least over the next two years or so, on top of any other rises this may experience through the end of the 'State of alarm' and businesses being able to reopen in full nationwide. Sánchez's final plan, once agreed on by the Council of Ministers, will need to be submitted to Brussels by 30th April at the latest. “Occasions like this only happen a couple of times a century at the very most, and we're not going to let it slide by,” said Sánchez, who says the draft spending breakdown is the result of 'months of technical and political work at multiple levels and in permanent dialogue with the European Commission'. “We want to repair the economy after a decade of the worst economic recession and the worst pandemic in over a century,” said Sánchez, who spoke of 'remedying' the remaining vestiges of what he calls 'austericide' and 'a weakening of the welfare state' by 'modernising the economy, administration, bureaucracy', as well as 'increasing productivity and good-quality employment', closing the gender and social pay gaps and 'boosting the green economy' – the focus being on 'green' and 'digital', or 'econology', as Sánchez refers to it, along with 'social and

territorial consistence and cohesion' and 'gender equality'. Longer term, the plans for spending the EU grants will cover 110 major investments and 102 reforms over six years, although Sánchez has not expanded greatly on what the latter will involve – only referring to changes in the energy system, internationalising companies, fiscal and pension reforms. But he was more specific on the areas of investment, detailing a 'route map' for the first €70 billion due from Brussels, of which 39 percent will go towards the 'ecological transition', 29 percent to the 'digital transformation', 10.5 percent to education and training, and 7 percent to science, research and productivity. The largest slice of the pot will go into

promoting electric car buying and sustainable mobility, with €13.2 billion to be set aside; just over half of this amount, or €6.82bn, will go towards renovating residential homes and urban regeneration. Sums for other areas are very similar – modernising administration and bureaucracy, and reducing the temporary job culture in the public sector in favour of permanent positions (€4.32bn); digitalising small and medium-sized businesses (€4.1bn); the 5G roll-out (€4bn); developing new industrial and waste-disposal policies (€3.78bn); a nationwide 'digital competence plan' (€3.6bn); reviving and boosting the tourism industry and making it more competitive, (€3.4bn); promoting science

and innovation (€3.38bn); and the renewable energy roll-out (€3.17bn). These investments will be made between now and the end of the year 2023. Spain's president calls the plan 'an unprecedented modernisation effort' which he likens to the 'transformation effort' the country made when it first became an EU member State. The plan has been created and included contributions from 'all parties who have taken an interest', says Sánchez. Economy minister and second deputy president Nadia Calviño is due to meet with companies and unions later this week to explain the outline to them as part of its sign-off process before it is sent to Brussels.


Water supply improvements in La Zenia

Councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera

The Orihuela City Council has received a grant from the Alicante Provincial Council for the improvement of the hydraulic infrastructure for supplying water in Calle Mayor de La Zenia in Orihuela Costa. The total estimated value of the contract is €119,941.49, subsidised by 50 percent by the Provincial Council leaving the municipal coffers with an amount payable of €59,970.74.The Councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera, explained that "the drinking water network is made up of obsolete fibre cement pipes that are over 30 years old, which has been translating into an increasing frequency of failures, with the consequent effects on the technical performance of the network and the quality of service to users”. The works, carried out by the Provincial Council, consist of renovating the pipes to a size of 800 linear meters and the existing connections in Calle Mayor de La Zenia.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


British residents on the rise Foreign residents in Spain increased by 2 percent - a six-figure sum – last year, despite the pandemic and Brexit, and broke the 5.8-million barrier for the first time ever. Non-Spaniards living in the country account for just over 12 percent of the total headcount, of whom about six in 10 are from EU and EEA countries. For the purposes of the research, even though the figures were taken as at the last day of 2020 when the UK had been a third country for 11 months, its nationals were considered as being among those of the EU and EEA régime given that the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement allows for British citizens already resident in the other 27 to be treated broadly the same within their adopted countries. This means they lose their freedom of movement throughout other EU member States, where they would be treated as third-country nationals, but retain their EU 'green certificate' of registration if they do not wish to swap it for a foreigners' photo ID card, and are not subject to nonEU immigration rules if they are already officially resident in the member country. This definition, which puts Brits among citizens of the remaining EU-27 and also Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, may change for the purposes of statistics-gathering in future years. As it happened, Brits were the migrant community which saw the second-largest growth in Spain, at 6 percent, although a long way short of the Venezuelans, a segment of the population which swelled

in size by 53 percent in 2020. With the Covid-19 crisis reducing movement, migration to Spain has seen considerably less growth in the past calendar year, according to the Permanent Immigration Observatory, part of the department run by the Secretary-General for Inclusion Policy and Objectives and Social Prevision, which falls within the remit of the ministry for inclusion. Whilst growth in migration into Spain has been rising consistently since 2014, the pandemic broke the trend, but even then, 137,120 non-Spaniards made the country their home in 2020, even though this was the smallest increase seen since 2016. In the past decade, foreign resident numbers have risen by 19 percent, and in the past five years, by 16 percent. Last year's 2 percent rise was largely due to arrivals of citizens from the European Free Trade Association area (EFTA) – being the EU and EEA countries, with the UK included for the purpose of the research – and who totalled 100,930, or 3 percent, compared with thirdcountry nationals who amounted to 36,190, or 1.6 percent more. Of the complete total of 5,800,468 foreigners officially resident in Spain, only 39 percent are from non-EFTA nations. In fact, just 15 nationalities make up three-quarters of all foreigners living in Spain, and who have been consistently led by Romanians, followed by Moroccans, for many years.

Brits are the third-largest foreign resident group, totalling 381,448, with Italians – whose community saw a similar level of growth in 2020 to that of British nationals, at 5.6% – not far behind at 350,981. Chinese (227,415), Bulgarians (200,468), Germans (179,437), Portuguese (176,772), French (176,488), Venezuelan (152,017), Ecuadorian (147,974), Colombian (136,762), Polish (104,481), Ukrainian (93,350) and Pakistani (87,251) nationals made up the rest of the top 15.

Location, location Two-thirds of foreigners live in just four of Spain's 19 self-governing regions – Catalunya, Madrid, Andalucía and the Comunidad Valenciana, in that order – and in just seven provinces. Madrid, a single-province region, is home to the most, followed by Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Valencia, and the single-province regions of the Balearic Islands and Murcia. In these seven provinces, 57% of Spain's total international residents live, and in all of these, their numbers exceed 225,000. The socio-demographic profile of

foreigners in Spain is highly diverse, although men generally outnumber women, and the average age across the board is about 40, a few years younger than the average age of a national-born Spaniard, meaning, as the Permanent Immigration Observatory states, nonSpanish residents are 'contributing to reducing the ageing of the population'. The average age of a British national living in Spain is 54; the average age of a German national is 49, whilst, on the flip side, the average age of a Moroccan or Pakistani national residing in Spain is 33.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

This Week´s Movie Picks We’re the Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle Sunday 25th April – Channel 4, 7.45 pm Millers Saturday 24th April – ITV2, 10.00 pm After being robbed of a week's take, small-time pot dealer David is forced by his boss to go to Mexico to pick up a load of marijuana. In order to improve his odds of making it past the border, David asks the broke stripper Rose and two local teenagers to join him and pretend they're on a family holiday.

In a brand-new Jumanji adventure, four highschool kids discover an old video-game console and are drawn into the game's jungle setting, literally becoming the adult avatars they chose. What they discover is that you don't just play Jumanji - you must survive it. To beat the game and return to the real world, they must go on the most dangerous adventure of their lives, discover what Alan Parrish left 20 years ago, and change the way they think about themselves - or they'll be stuck in the game forever, to be played by others without break.



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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021



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costablancapeople.com | 20th - 26th April 2021

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Tuesday 20th April 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Monday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Paramedics on Scene 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 20:50 Holby City 21:30 Island Medics 22:00 The Syndicate 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 World Championship Snooker 01:20 World Championship Snooker 03:20 Countryfile 04:15 Ten Pictures 05:15 Antiques Roadshow 06:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:25 Impossible 08:10 Gardeners' World 09:10 The Super League Show 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Saved and Remade 20:00 Hairy Bikers' Mediterranean Adventure 21:00 All That Glitters: Britain's Next Jewellery Star 22:00 Makeup: A Glamorous History 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:45 Newsnight

00:45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Lingo 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 For the Love of Britain 21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 Gordon, Gino and Fred's Road Trip 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 The Station: Trouble on the Tracks

05:05 Kirstie: Keep Crafting and Carry On 06:00 The £100K Drop 06:50 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Ackley Bridge 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great Celebrity Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 22:00 Snackmasters 23:00 Naked Attraction

08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 PAW Patrol 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 The Adventures of Paddington 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 09:50 Wissper 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Build a New Life in the Country 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 House Doctor 13:50 House Doctor 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 Hailey Dean Mysteries 17:00 Rich House, Poor House 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Our Yorkshire Farm 23:00 Doctors of War: Saving Lives

00:30 American Dad! 00:55 The Cleveland Show 01:25 The Cleveland Show 01:55 Bob's Burgers 02:25 Bob's Burgers 02:50 Superstore 03:15 Don't Hate the Playaz 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Love Bites 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:50 Love Bites 16:50 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 Honour

00:40 The Metro: A Rail Life Story 01:05 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Winning Combination 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Gordon, Gino and Fred's Road Trip 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Peston

05:40 The £100K Drop 06:35 Coach Trip: Road to Ibiza 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Ackley Bridge 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 First Dates Hotel 23:00 Second Hand for 50 Grand

08:00 Fireman Sam 00:00 Family Guy 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 00:30 American Dad! 08:20 PAW Patrol 01:00 American Dad! 08:30 Peppa Pig 01:30 Celebrity Juice 08:35 Peppa Pig 02:15 Bob's Burgers 08:45 Pip & Posy 02:45 Bob's Burgers 09:00 The Adventures of 03:10 Superstore Paddington 03:35 Don't Hate the Playaz 09:20 PAW Patrol 04:15 FYI Extra 09:30 Ricky Zoom 04:30 Teleshopping 09:45 The Wonderful World of 07:00 Teleshopping Baby Animals 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:50 Wissper Show 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Peppa Pig 09:30 You've Been Framed! 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Build a New Life in the 11:30 Love Bites 12:30 Dress to Impress Country 13:30 Emmerdale 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 14:00 You've Been Framed! 13:20 House Doctor 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 13:50 House Doctor Show 14:15 Home and Away 15:50 Love Bites 14:45 Neighbours 16:50 Dress to Impress 15:20 Friends Who Kill 17:00 Rich House, Poor House 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 Catchphrase 18:00 5 News at 5 20:00 You've Been Framed! 18:30 Neighbours 20:30 Superstore 19:00 Home and Away 21:00 Bob's Burgers 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Building Britain's Canals 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Here Come the Gypsies! 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Fare Dodgers: At War 23:00 Plebs With The Law 23:30 Plebs

00:05 Honour

04:55 Food Unwrapped 05:25 The £100K Drop 06:15 Coach Trip: Road to Ibiza 06:45 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Ackley Bridge 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Dog House 22:00 Taskmaster 23:00 Frank of Ireland 23:30 Naked Attraction

08:20 PAW Patrol 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 The Adventures of Paddington 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 09:50 Wissper 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Build a New Life in the Country 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 House Doctor 13:50 House Doctor 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 A Black Hearted Killer 17:00 Rich House, Poor House 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Highland Vet 21:00 Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble 22:00 10 Years Younger In 10 Days 23:00 Celebrities: What Happened To Your Face

00:00 Law & Order: UK

01:05 Agatha Christie's Marple 03:00 Bless This House 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:30 Wycliffe 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Foyle's War 18:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:05 Law & Order: UK

Wednesday 21st April 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Paramedics on Scene 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Garden Rescue 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Match of the Day

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 World Championship Snooker 01:20 World Championship Snooker 03:20 Top Gear 04:20 MasterChef 05:20 Louis Theroux: Shooting Joe Exotic 06:50 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Impossible 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 Dragons' Den 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 12:15 Politics Live 14:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Saved and Remade 20:00 Hairy Bikers' Mediterranean Adventure 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Bent Coppers: Crossing the Line of Duty 23:00 QI XL 23:45 Newsnight

01:05 A Touch of Frost 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:30 Wycliffe 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Foyle's War 18:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Law & Order: UK

Thursday 22nd April 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Wednesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Paramedics on Scene 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 Dragons' Den 22:00 This Is My House 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Question Time

00:25 BBC Weather 00:40 Britain's Brightest Celebrity Family 00:30 World Championship 01:05 Ideal World Snooker 04:00 FYI Extra 01:20 World Championship 04:15 Alan Carr's Epic Snooker 03:20 The Detectives: Fighting Gameshow 05:05 ITV Nightscreen Organised Crime 06:05 Tipping Point 04:20 MasterChef 07:00 Good Morning Britain 05:20 Beechgrove 10:00 Lorraine 05:50 This Is BBC TWO 11:00 This Morning 07:30 Impossible 13:30 Loose Women 08:15 Money for Nothing 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 09:00 Chris Packham's Animal 14:55 ITV News London Einsteins 15:00 Judge Rinder 10:00 BBC News 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 11:00 BBC News 18:00 The Chase 13:15 Politics Live 19:00 ITV News London 14:00 Live: World 19:30 ITV Evening News Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman's House 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight of Games 21:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Saved and Remade 21:30 Britain's Brightest 20:00 Hairy Bikers' Celebrity Family Mediterranean Adventure 22:00 Accused of Murdering 21:00 Great British Menu Our Son: The Steven Clark 22:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Story Beyond the Lobby 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 Don Rodolfo 23:30 ITV News London 23:15 Mock the Week 23:45 Anne: The Princess Royal at 70 23:45 Newsnight

01:00 American Dad! 01:30 Bob's Burgers 02:00 Bob's Burgers 02:30 Superstore 02:55 Hey Tracey 03:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:15 FYI Extra 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Love Bites 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:50 Love Bites 16:50 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

01:05 A Touch of Frost 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:25 Wycliffe 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Foyle's War 18:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Wycliffe 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK

costablancapeople.com | 20th - 26th April 2021

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Friday 23rd April 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 Paramedics on Scene 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Impossible 15:30 Home Is Where the Art Is 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:35 A Question of Sport 21:05 Would I Lie to You? 21:35 EastEnders 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 The Graham Norton Show

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 World Championship Snooker 01:20 World Championship Snooker 03:20 Football's Darkest Secret 04:20 MasterChef 05:20 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Impossible 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 The Repair Shop 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 13:00 BBC News 14:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Saved and Remade 20:00 MOTDx 20:30 Grand Tours of Scotland's Lochs 21:30 Great British Menu 22:00 Gardeners' World 23:00 I'll Get This 23:45 Newsnight

01:05 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Martin and Roman's Weekend Best! 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 A Touch of Frost 23:20 ITV News 23:50 ITV News London

06:50 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Ackley Bridge 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 21:30 Trip Hazard: My Great British Adventure 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 PAW Patrol 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 The Adventures of Paddington 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 09:50 Wissper 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Build a New Life in the Country 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 House Doctor 13:50 House Doctor 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 My Evil Stepdad 17:00 Rich House, Poor House 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 World's Most Scenic River Journeys 22:00 Churchill 23:00 Britain's Favourite 80's Songs

01:15 Bob's Burgers 01:45 Bob's Burgers 02:10 Superstore 02:40 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:10 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:35 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Love Bites 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:50 Love Bites 16:50 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Suicide Squad

00:00 Law & Order: UK 01:00 A Touch of Frost 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:30 Wycliffe 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Foyle's War 18:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Wycliffe 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:05 Law & Order: UK

Saturday 24th April 08:45 Milkshake! Bop Box 00:25 Family Guy 00:35 Philomena 01:10 World Championship 07:20 Mr. Magoo 06:30 Coach Trip: Road to 00:10 Agatha Christie's Poirot 09:00 The Adventures of Ibiza 07:25 Mr. Magoo Snooker 02:10 Weather for the Week 00:55 Family Guy Paddington 07:00 Mike & Molly 07:35 Robozuna 03:10 Battlestar Galactica Ahead 01:10 A Touch of Frost 01:25 American Dad! 09:20 PAW Patrol 07:20 Mike & Molly 08:00 Mission Employable 03:55 Battlestar Galactica 02:15 BBC News 01:55 American Dad! 09:35 Pirata & Capitano 07:45 The King of Queens 08:05 Mr Bean 04:35 Panorama 02:30 Click 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 09:50 Butterbean's Café 08:10 The King of Queens 08:20 Mr Bean 05:05 Pandemic 2020 02:25 Bob's Burgers 03:00 BBC News 10:05 Brave Bunnies 08:30 The King of Queens 08:30 Craig of the Creek 03:30 The Week in Parliament 06:05 This Is BBC TWO 03:30 Teleshopping 02:50 Bob's Burgers 10:10 Little Princess 08:55 The Big Bang Theory 08:45 Ben 10 07:25 The Dog Ate My 04:00 BBC News 10:25 The World According To 03:10 Superstore 09:15 The Big Bang Theory 09:00 Ninjago Homework 04:30 Click 07:00 On the Buses Grandpa 09:40 The Big Bang Theory 09:10 Ninjago 07:55 The Dengineers 03:35 Hey Tracey 04:45 Newswatch 10:40 Floogals 10:10 The Big Bang Theory 09:25 ITV News 08:25 Blue Peter 04:30 Teleshopping 05:00 BBC News 07:30 On the Buses 10:55 Ben & Holly's Little 10:35 The Simpsons 09:30 Martin and Roman's 08:50 The Amelia Gething 05:30 Our World 07:00 Teleshopping Kingdom 11:05 The Simpsons Weekend Best! Complex 06:00 BBC News 08:00 Coronation Street 11:10 SpongeBob SquarePants 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:25 James Martin's Saturday 11:35 The Simpsons 09:10 The Amelia Gething 06:30 The Travel Show 11:25 The Loud House 12:05 The Simpsons Morning Complex Show 07:00 Breakfast Omnibus 12:35 Ainsley's Food We Love 12:35 Couples Come Dine with 11:35 Entertainment News On 09:30 Deadly 60 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 5 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 13:35 James Martin's French Me 10:00 Genius of the Ancient 11:40 Friends 13:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Adventure Show 12:30 Nadiya's British Food World 10:55 Mutiny on the Buses 12:10 Friends Nightmares USA 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 11:00 Live: World Adventure 09:40 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:30 Work on the Wild Side 12:40 Friends 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live Championship Snooker 13:00 Football Focus 12:35 Agatha Christie's Marple 13:15 Live: Premiership Rugby Show 15:00 Four in a Bed 17:00 Britain's Brightest 13:00 Live: European 14:00 BBC Weekend News 15:45 Around the World by 15:30 Four in a Bed 10:35 Dress to Impress Celebrity Family Championship Artistic 14:15 Live: World 14:35 Agatha Christie's Poirot Train with Tony Robinson 16:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Tipping Point Gymnastics 11:35 Dress to Impress Championship Snooker 16:15 All Creatures Great and 16:35 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Chase 14:30 Live: Women's Six 17:15 Final Score 15:40 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:40 Catchphrase Small 17:05 Four in a Bed 19:30 ITV Evening News Nations Rugby 18:10 BBC Weekend News 13:20 Take Me Out 17:35 Kirstie and Phil's Love It 18:10 The Yorkshire Vet 19:45 ITV News London 17:15 Live: World 18:15 BBC London News 16:50 Foyle's War 19:05 5 News Weekend or List It 20:00 In For a Penny Championship Snooker 14:25 In For a Penny 18:25 Celebrity Mastermind 19:10 Secret Scotland 18:35 Grand Designs 20:30 Game of Talents 18:30 Saved and Remade 14:55 Cats & Dogs: The 18:55 Pointless Celebrities 18:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Our Yorkshire Farm 19:30 Channel 4 News 21:30 Alan Carr's Epic 19:00 All That Glitters: 19:40 The Hit List Revenge of Kitty Galore 21:00 Inside the World's 20:00 VE Day in Colour: Britain's Next Jewellery Star Gameshow 20:25 I Can See Your Voice 20:00 Midsomer Murders Greatest Hotels Britain's Biggest Party 22:35 The Jonathan Ross 20:00 Live: World 16:40 Dr. Seuss' the Lorax 21:20 Casualty 21:00 The Great British 22:00 Edward VII: The Playboy Show Championship Snooker Spitfire Restoration 22:00 Keeping Faith 22:00 The Suspicions of Mr Prince Who Changed Britain 18:25 Bean 23:35 ITV News 21:00 Top of the Pops 20:10 Shrek 23:25 Britain's Favourite TV 23:50 Hellboy II: The Golden 22:00 War for the Planet of 23:00 BBC Weekend News 22:00 A Life in Ten Pictures the Apes Comedy Army 23:20 Match of the Day 23:00 Hip Hop at the BBC Whicher 22:00 We're the Millers The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

costablancapeople.com | 20th - 26th April 2021

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Sunday 25th April 00:20 Match of the Day: Top 10 Podcast 00:55 War of the Worlds 02:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:45 BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Week in Parliament 07:00 Breakfast 09:00 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Politics 11:30 Sunday Morning Stories 12:00 Bargain Hunt 12:45 Live: Match of the Day 15:05 BBC Weekend News 15:20 A Mayor for London 16:05 Escape to the Country 16:10 Trolls 17:35 Seven Worlds, One Planet 18:35 BBC Weekend News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Call the Midwife 22:00 Line of Duty 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:00 Top of the Pops 01:00 World Championship Snooker 01:50 World Championship Snooker 03:50 Finding Jack Charlton 05:25 This Is BBC TWO 07:05 Gardeners' World 08:05 Countryfile 09:00 Landward 09:30 Beechgrove 10:00 Live: European Championship Artistic Gymnastics 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 Live: World Championship Snooker 14:00 Points of View 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Lifeline 15:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 European Championship Artistic Gymnastics 20:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 21:00 Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline 22:00 Australia: Earth's Magical Kingdom 23:00 Dangerous Liaisons

07:10 Mr. Magoo 07:20 Mr. Magoo 07:25 Mr. Magoo 07:35 Robozuna 08:00 Mission Employable 08:05 Mr Bean 08:20 Mr Bean 08:30 Craig of the Creek 08:45 Ben 10 09:00 Ninjago 09:10 Ninjago 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Martin and Roman's Weekend Best! 10:25 Love Your Garden 11:25 Alan Titchmarsh: Spring into Summer 11:55 Ainsley's Food We Love 13:00 ITV Lunchtime News 13:10 Game of Talents 14:15 In For a Penny 14:45 Babe 16:30 Midsomer Murders 18:30 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:45 ITV News London 20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 21:00 Quantum of Solace 23:05 ITV News 23:25 After the Storm: America's Enemy Within?

00:45 Fantastic Four 09:50 Butterbean's Café 10:05 Brave Bunnies 02:30 Ramsay's Kitchen 10:15 Little Princess Nightmares USA 10:25 The World According To 03:20 Hollyoaks Omnibus Grandpa 05:20 The £100K Drop 06:10 Coach Trip: Road to Ibiza 10:40 Floogals 10:50 Ben & Holly's Little 06:35 Kirstie's Vintage Gems Kingdom 06:50 Mike & Molly 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 07:10 Mike & Molly 11:15 The Loud House 07:30 The King of Queens 11:25 Entertainment News On 07:55 The King of Queens 5 08:20 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 WWE Raw: Highlights 12:20 Friends 08:40 The Big Bang Theory 12:50 Friends 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 13:20 Friends 09:30 The Simpsons 13:50 Friends 10:00 The Simpsons 14:20 Nightmare Tenants, 10:30 Sunday Brunch Slum Landlords 13:30 A Taste of Italy 15:15 Nightmare Tenants, 14:00 The Simpsons Slum Landlords 14:30 The Simpsons 16:15 Kate Humble's Coastal 15:00 The Simpsons Britain 15:30 The Simpsons 17:10 Ben Fogle: Make A New Life In The Country 16:00 The Simpsons 18:05 5 News Weekend 16:30 The Secret Life of the 18:10 The Dambusters Zoo 20:00 Caravanning With 17:30 Night at the Museum: Shane Richie Secret of the Tomb 21:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 19:20 Channel 4 News the Sun 19:45 Jumanji: Welcome to the 22:00 Rich House, Poor House Jungle 23:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the 22:00 Guy Martin Battle of Sun Britain 23:50 Britain's Favourite 80's 23:00 Gogglebox Songs

00:15 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 01:40 American Dad! 02:10 Plebs 02:35 Plebs 03:05 Hell's Kitchen USA 04:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:40 Love Bites 10:40 Love Bites 11:40 Love Bites 12:40 Dress to Impress 13:40 Catchphrase 14:45 Shark Tale 16:35 Despicable Me 2 18:30 Chicken Run 20:10 Shrek 2 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Family Guy

00:05 Lewis

00:25 And Finally... with Trevor McDonald 01:25 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Alan Titchmarsh: Spring into Summer 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Viewpoint 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Accused of Murdering Our Son: The Steven Clark Story

05:45 Ackley Bridge 06:10 The £100K Drop 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Ackley Bridge 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 How to Save a Grand in 24 Hours 22:00 Baby Surgeons: Delivering Miracles 23:00 999: What's Your Emergency?

08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 PAW Patrol 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 The Adventures of Paddington 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:45 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals 09:50 Wissper 09:55 Milkshake Monkey 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Build a New Life in the Country 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 House Doctor 13:45 House Doctor 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 My Evil Daughter: Love Me or Else 17:00 Rich House, Poor House 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Premiership Rugby 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 A&E After Dark 23:00 Casualty 24/7

00:45 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:45 The Cleveland Show 02:15 The Cleveland Show 02:40 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:10 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:40 CelebAbility 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Love Bites 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:50 Love Bites 16:50 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

01:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 03:45 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:10 Bless This House 06:40 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Bless This House 10:45 On the Buses 11:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:30 Wycliffe 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Foyle's War 18:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Wycliffe 21:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 22:00 Long Lost Family 23:00 Law & Order: UK

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Monday 26th April 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Dateline London 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom Digs In 12:45 Paramedics on Scene 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Panorama 21:05 EastEnders 21:30 Fawlty Towers 22:00 Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Starstruck

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Stars in their Eyes returns The British public is anxiously awaiting the new reboot of the 90s show ‘Stars in their Eyes’, coming to ITV later on this year. The filming, and therefore the release, was delayed due to the pandemic but everyone will be delighted to know that auditions have already begun and filming is due to start in May. It will be renamed ‘Starstruck’. Stars in their eyes – the show where guests are radically transformed into their chosen singer. Not only is the make-up and costume bang on point, but the contestants often stun audiences with the likeness in voice and vocal tone also. Who can forget the show’s catchphrase, “Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be…”. Reminiscing of Saturday night TV dinners… The initial show ran for a whopping 16 years, premiering in July 1990 and running to 2006. Always for ITV, it was originally presented by Leslie Crowther, but everyone knows and remembers the show being presented by Matthew Kelly, who took over the show from 1993. Interestingly, the name of the show is not the only thing that has changed. Producers have put a surprising twist on the competition. The contestants will perform in groups instead of solo acts, like the previous series. A show insider said: “Bosses have decided to get the contestants up on stage as a trio. Each


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

trio will be emulating one star. Along with being dressed as them, they will have been given training by creative teams and voice coaches to make sure they’re the best they can be.” “It is then Sheridan and Adam’s decision as to who will go through to the final. Contestants who make it that far will compete again as solo acts in a bid to win a five-figure cash prize… It’s a really

fun twist and should make for entertaining viewing.” But who are the stars confirmed to judge the contestants? Sheridan Smith and Adam Lambert are the confirmed judges for this exciting competition and people close to the stars and the production of the show have commented positively on the two judging side-by-side, “Sheridan is the perfect fit for the show as one of the judges. Her job will be to critique the acts and then give them advice after they have performed… Adam is fun, lively and

isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He seems a great fit alongside Sheridan and bosses are hopeful they’ll make a great onscreen duo.” Sheridan Smith, known for her musical theatre roles and iconic characters in “Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crips” and “Gavin and Stacey”, is marching into 2021 with a bang. She had only welcomed her baby boy last year while in lockdown, filmed a documentary about her struggles with mental health and wellness whilst being a mum, hosted a magical musical evening virtual event and now has a number of projects lined up, including, of course, “Starstruck”. After becoming runner-up and shooting to fame on “American Idol” in 2009, Adam Lambert is best known for joining the iconic rock group, Queen, as the lead vocalist since 2011. He has sold over 3 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide but the 39 year old singer is very much looking forward to joining the panel for the Starstruck competition and help some “Wannabe singers”. Rumours have been circling about who will be the third and final judge of the series whch has recently bee confirmed as singer and musical theatre star, Beverly Knight, which is a huge signing for Starstruck


Paris Jackson shares childhood memories of Dad Michael Paris Jackson has spilled all on her childhood secrets about being raised by her King of Pop dad Michael. Music legend Michael died in 2009 when his only daughter Paris, now 23, was 11 years old. Before the tragedy, the famous offspring grew up happily alongside her brothers Prince, 24, and Bigi (who was once known as Blanket), 19, in her childhood. In a recent interview with the Evening Standard, Paris remembered back to her "privileged" childhood and being raised with "solid morals" by her famous dad. Delving into happy memories, the aspiring musician lifted the lid on how she and her brothers had to "earn" getting toys, going on rides and going to the zoo. She said: “We were very privileged growing up, but when it came to things like getting toys and going on the rides, we had to earn that. We were lucky enough to be raised with solid morals. “He would be like: ‘Oh, you want to go to Toys ‘R’ Us and get five toys? Great. You need to read five books — and I will test you on those books.’ It was very clear to us that those rides and the zoo were for underprivileged children — children who were sick and couldn’t go to Disneyland. If we were good, and we did our homework and we worked hard throughout the week, maybe we could

go at the weekends, but we had to earn it.” Her father Michael, who changed the landscape of music forever, has naturally had a lasting influence on her own life and her own music. Paris said her dad would "always influence" what she did, while she was unsure whether it was "subconscious or intentional", as she released her debut album Wilted. Despite her dad becoming a global icon, his daughter revealed he had always remained "very modest" and "very humble" about his success. She added: “My brothers and I have always been massive fans of his music, obviously, but he was always very modest about it. He was very humble.”



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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Mediterranean diet reduces cancer risk & heart disease A person's life longevity is largely determined by the decisions they make along the way. Choosing to get the recommended amount of exercise, drinking sensibly, abstaining from smoking and choosing the right foods to nourish the body will all determine how long you will live for. According to numerous studies and research, following a Mediterranean diet is not only an easy way of eating healthier with delicious food options, it will also prevent major diseases to help you to live longer. Many studies link a plant-rich diet to a lower risk of premature death, as well as a reduced risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression, and brain deterioration. These effects are attributed to plant foods' nutrients and antioxidants, which include polyphenols, carotenoids, folate, and vitamin C. Accordingly, several studies link vegetarian and vegan diets, which are naturally higher in plant foods, to a 12-15 percent lower risk of premature death. The same studies also report a 29-52 percent lower risk of dying from cancer or heart, kidney, or hormone-related diseases. Sticking to the Mediterranean diet for 12 months was associated with beneficial changes to the gut microbiome and stemming the loss of bacterial diversity, following a study.

The researchers observed an increase in the types of bacteria previously associated with indicators of reduced frailty, such as walking speed and hand grip strength, and improved brain function, such as memory. Following the diet was also associated with reduced

production of potentially harmful inflammatory chemicals. The researchers said the most striking finding was "the consistency of associations of the diet-modulated microbiome markers with biological markers of ageing (independent of nationality)". A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, was based on an analysis of food intake information from more than 10,000 middle-aged U.S. adults who were monitored from 1987 through 2016 and did not have cardiovascular disease at the start of the

study. They then categorised the participants' eating patterns by the proportion of plant-based foods they ate versus animal-based foods. Overall, the study reported that people who ate the most plant-based foods had a 16 percent lower risk of having a cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks, stroke, heart failure and other conditions helping to boost longevity. The highest consumption of plant-based foods was also associated with a 32 percent lower risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease. Following the Mediterranean diet, the health and diversity of the gut microbes improved, preventing and treating conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases. Marialaura Bonaccio, an epidemiologist at the Mediterranean Neurological Institute IRCCS Neuromed said: "Because we are facing an ageing process all over the world, in particular in Europe, it is particularly important to see which kinds of tools we have today to face this ageing process. "We all know that the Mediterranean diet is good for health but there are few studies focusing on the elderly. Previous studies have suggested benefits linked to both heart disease and cancer.

Bars & Restaurants


Rare red wine It was one of only 600 such bottles made at the Burgundy estate in France and is set to fetch £8,000 – which is £1,333 a glass. But experts say it could go for even more as the most expensive wine ever sold at auction was also from the Romanee Conti estate. This bottle was discovered tucked away in the corner of a wine cellar by a man searching for an appropriate tipple for his diamond anniversary with his wife. It was originally sold by Andre Noblet the head wine maker at Domaine Romanee Conti since 1948 - to a French client in Lozere in Languedoc-Roussillon in 1963. It was gifted to the current owners shortly afterwards and has remained in their Wiltshire cellar ever since. Dreweatts, who will sell the bottle on 29th April at its fine and rare wine and spirits sale, said the bottle has "excellent provenance and was stored in perfect cellarage condition". Grand Crus are known for their longevity. It is not recommended to drink them before they are 10 years old, so it is likely the rich flavour of the pinot noir

grape will only have been enriched over the decades. Speaking of Romanee Conti, wine critic Clive Coates said: "The scarcest, most expensive - and frequently the best - wine in the world. "If you can lay your hands on a case and that is a big 'if' - you would have to pay £5,000 or more for a young vintage, double or triple for a wine in its prime. This is the purest, most aristocratic and most intense example of pinot noir you could possibly imagine. Not only nectar: a yardstick with which to judge all other Burgundies." Mark Robertson, head of Dreweatts' wine department, said: "The fact that its history can be traced directly all along its journey from the Romanee Conti estate and it has been so perfectly preserved, makes this even more exciting." The most expensive Romanee Conti ever sold was a bottle from the 1945 batch that fetched £422,000 in 2018, more than 17 times its estimate. Chinese collectors desperate to own the wine are thought to have driven the auction price up.


Bars & Restaurants

Reach Out seeks Treasurer and Volunteers Reach Out Extienda La Mano celebrates its Tenth Anniversary this year and due to the retirement of our current Treasurer we are need of a replacement in the near future. This voluntary post involves normal Treasurer procedures, accounting for donations and shop income and paying bills etc, and in conjunction with our accountant producing tax returns, annual financial reports etc. Our current treasurer will of course complete an in depth handover including use of the accounting software currently in use. Hours of

operation in our Centre in Calle Bella Antonia would be between 9.00 & 2.00pm any weekday. The charity is still in need of volunteers Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are a priority. Also anyone with admin type skills for Thursday would be very welcome. Interested parties should enquire by email in the first instance to president@reachouttorrevieja.eu If volunteering for the position of Treasurer, please include details about your experience.

CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Two new squad cars for San Fulgencio

Man arrested in Murcia for alleged abuse of eight minors Guardia Civil have arrested an Icelandic man in Torrepacheco, Murcia, for the alleged sexual abuse of eight minors in Murcia and has a criminal record for similar crimes dating back to the late 1980s. A mobile phone and laptop were seized by police during the arrest. Police, within the framework of the ‘operation Paseadores’, arrested the 59year-old Icelandic citizen as the alleged perpetrator of eight crimes of sexual abuse, committed against minors in the municipality of Torrepacheco (Murcia). The detainee, who has been remanded in prison, has a criminal record for paedophilia in Iceland dating back to 1988, when he was convicted of having had sexual relations with four children. The investigation began when several families reported to police that their children, minors, may have been the victim of sexual abuse by an Icelandic citizen, a resident of a Torrepacheco district, since the summer of 2020. Guardia Civil officers managed to

identify, locate and arrest the suspect. In addition, a mobile phone and a laptop containing pornographic and paedophile material were found. According to the report by the Guardia Civil, the suspect always used the same modus operandi to approach his victims and gain their trust. When he had built a friendly bond with them, he offered them small financial rewards in exchange for sexual acts. Guardia Civil have requested the collaboration of INTERPOL to verify whether the man has pending cases with international justice since investigators were also able to find out that the detainee has resided in several South American countries in recent years.

San Fulgencio Local Police have the use of two new fully equipped vehicles. The cars were presented by mayor, José Sampere, who explained that the town hall has acquired the cars under a four year renting scheme. A third car will be added to the fleet in the coming months. At the unveiling of the new cars, the mayor pointed out that the cars have a security screen and that each has been equipped with a mobile defibrillators. This says the mayor, is “because in most cases the agents of the Local Police are the first to go to the calls for help, and it is essential that they have all the material to carry out their work in the best possible way and always aimed at maintaining the safety of citizens.”


National Police detain 20 human traffickers National Police in Spain arrested 20 people involved in the trafficking of people between North Africa and Spain. The detainees belong to a well known criminal gang and are considered by the authorities as responsible for a shipwreck last February in which four people lost their lives. The victims, mostly Moroccan minors, were picked up in Ceuta and transferred to mainland Spain after payment of 2,500 euros each to the gang. The operation involved 150 national police officers from different specialty divisions in addition to agents from EUROPOL. Several items were seized during the arrests including five firearms, abundant ammunition, a GPS, 150 cans containing 5,500 liters of fuel, three boats, 1,380 pounds sterling, 710 euros and a variety of documentation. All 20 of the detainees are considered by police to be ‘very violent’ and reports indicate that they did hesitate to physically attack or threaten their victims with guns due to delays or nonpayment for passage. In addition, they advertised themselves on social media through music videos where they bragged about their lifestyle and showed the weapons they possessed. According to the charity

InfoMigrants, “The autonomous Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla on Morocco's Mediterranean coast have the European Union's only land borders with Africa. Separated from Spain by the Strait of Gibraltar, they are therefore the only way to enter the EU from Africa without crossing the Mediterranean. As such, they are a magnet for African migrants trying to reach Europe in search of a better life, despite migrants often getting stuck in either of the enclaves that fall outside the continent's Schengen area of free mobility.” According to the latest UNHCR data, 240 people have arrived in Ceuta and Melilla this year (until April 4), a nearly 80% decrease compared to the same period in 2020. Around one in 100 people who try to cross the western Mediterranean toward Europe perish, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which says it has recorded more than 400 deaths since the beginning of 2020. According to the IOM, total of 6,605 migrants have arrived in Spain by sea so far this year, more than half of whom reached the Canary Islands off Africa's western coast.


CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

Bars & Restaurants


Banned foods...

Gordon’s launches new alcohol free pre­mixed cans

Some foods are more controversial than you might expect. From kebabs to ketchup, these are just a few of the unusual products, ingredients and drinks that have been banned or restricted over the years and the stories behind them.

Now lockdown restrictions are easing and we can now meet up with six friends and family members, Gordon’s Gin is making it even easier for people to reconnect. For those who aren’t drinking or looking to cut back on their alcohol consumption, Gordon’s Gin have developed a new alcohol-free alternative, in a perfectly mixed ready-to-drink can. Just in time for those spring and summer alfresco moments. The new Gordon's 0.0% Alcohol Free spirit & Tonic premixed can means you can take the delicious taste of a classic Gordon’s & Tonic with you – but alcohol-free. The Gordon’s 0.0% and Tonic will be available from 12th April, trialling at a UK supermarket, with other retailers across the UK and Europe to follow, as a 250ml single can. It is perfect for the upcoming season of picnics in the park and BBQ’s at the beach as the Gordon's 0.0% and Tonic premixed can ensures a perfectly balanced tasting alcohol-free Gordon’s & Tonic every time. Perfect for those on-the-go summer occasions – with only 62.5 calories per 250ml can, it’s ideal for when you are choosing not to not drink alcohol, but don’t want to have to compromise on taste and experience. Made using only the finest

Almonds 'Raw almonds' in the US are, in fact, not actually raw – instead, they're pasteurised. It's illegal to sell truly raw almonds as they're thought to carry a risk of salmonella, which can cause fever, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Happily, the way they're treated – usually through steaming or roasting – doesn't affect the taste. Chewing gum The Singaporean government took keeping the streets clean to a new level when it decided to ban chewing gum in 1992. The only exception – brought in through changes to the law in 2004 – is "therapeutic" gum (including nicotine gum or gum prescribed for medical purposes), which can be found in pharmacies. Kebabs In an effort to celebrate Italy's rich food culture, Verona's

government imposed a controversial ruling that food sold in the UNESCO-listed city should be authentically Italian – that means the opening of new kebab shops and other similar fast-food joints was banned. Other Italian cities, including Venice, have since introduced similar rules too. Ketchup Ketchup has been at the centre of food controversy for years. France once banned it from elementary school meals, while several restaurants across the country have made headlines for forbidding it on their premises. Perhaps the highest profile international ruckus, however, was when Israel banned Heinz from selling "ketchup" because its recipe didn't contain enough tomatoes. Avocado They might be a millennial food staple but some restaurants are calling time on the ubiquitous inclusion of avocados in everyday dishes. The first to actually ban the ingredient was London restaurant Firedog, whose head chef

declared: “Our mission is to reinvigorate the morning dining scene in London, which has done avocado to death, and we’re frankly bored of seeing it on every breakfast and brunch menu.” Irn-Bru Not familiar with Scotland's neon-orange fizzy drink (and much-famed hangover cure)? That could be because it's banned from your local store. Canada is among the countries to restrict its sale, linking the food colouring Ponceau 4R (present in the classic formulation of the product) to hyperactivity. Marmite Known under the tagline "love it or hate it", the yeast spread Marmite is so embedded in British culture that it's one of the most confiscated items at airport security. Usually it's allowed abroad (as long as the pot complies with airport security regulations), but in Denmark it's another story. The country banned Marmite due to the fact it's fortified with additional vitamins and minerals.

distilled botanicals, just like Gordon’s London Dry Gin, new Gordon’s 0.0% and tonic provides the bold, juniper-led character you know and expect from the brand with a zesty, fresh lime aroma to make a delicious, perfectly mixed ready to drink alcohol free alternative to your usual choice of Gordon’s and tonic. Charlotte Gibbon, GB Head of Marketing at Gordon’s says “Following the huge success to the market of Gordon’s 0.0%, we have expanded the range and introduced Gordon’s 0.0% mixed with tonic in a ready-to-drink can. This product is the perfect choice for the upcoming picnics in the park – especially as the days get longer and warmer. We know that opting to go

alcohol free, especially whilst you’re out socialising, often means having to compromise on taste and experience. This exciting innovation offers a solution for those on-the-go consumers who still want to enjoy the zesty taste of Gordon’s but are choosing not to have alcohol.” Gordon’s advise that the cans are best when chilled - either drink from the can, or pour into a glass filled with ice and garnish with a slice of lime. Delicious. For those that fancy a little alcohol, there are a range of Gordon’s premixed cans available. You can buy Gordon’s Special Dry London Gin and Diet Tonic or Gordon's Premium Pink Distilled Gin and Tonic. Both of these are available from Amazon now.



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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

What is a Wheel of Life? With so much uncertainty in today’s world, many people’s lives and routines have changed dramatically and as such, some have taken the opportunity to pause and reflect on their current situation and where they would like to make improvements. The Wheel of Life is a fantastic tool to help find balance and set achievable goals. The mapping tool is just one of many strategies that have been developed over the years and often used by coaches and councillors but it stands out as accessible and easy to use. What is a wheel of life? Using this tool, you map out the areas of your life on a circle that resembles the spoke of a wheel, which is the reasoning for its name. By categorising each aspect of your life (more on that below) and ranking your current satisfaction with that aspect, you can see immediately if you are satisfied and effective in the most important areas of their life. Wheel of life categories You can develop a wheel of life with many categories (ten seems to be the average) depending on the focus areas of your life. Some of the most popular categories include: Personal growth Sometimes this can be called “selfdevelopment” or “learning,” this category represents the time you spend working toward your personal goals. Career The career category is sometimes broken off into its own “wheel of business” so that users can subcategorize

the focus areas of their careers. Finances This sometimes goes by “financial security” or “money,” but it refers to your success in managing, budgeting, saving and investing your money. Fun and leisure You can also label this “recreation”, “social” or even “adventure” Significant other You might call this “marriage”, “dating” or “life partner” depending on your personal situation and preference. Environment This category can be used to evaluate either your work or home environment. Health Some prefer to split this category into both a physical and emotional distinction. Health and Fitness can also be split into two different categories. Family and friends Many prefer to divide this into two separate categories. Often, parents of young children like to create a category just for “parenting”. Wheel of life design styles There are many resources online or apps that will help you design a whell of life. Or you can use plain old fashioned pen and paper. Ultimately, you should choose a design that is easier for you to understand and read. How to use a wheel of life 1. Decide on your categories or focus areas You can start by spending time thinking about the most important aspects of your life. You could use

things like education, career, family, friends, pleasure, public service, financial freedom, physical fitness, positivity or artistic expression. 2. Create a wheel using the categories you chose Once you have decided on your life's focus areas, you can create a diagram that can accommodate that many categories and then label each spoke of your wheel of life. 3. Evaluate each area In your life, you likely experience times when more attention has to be devoted to certain areas or roles than others. The concept behind the wheel of life is that you can find fulfillment and happiness if you can find the right balance between each dimension. Go through each category and assess how much attention you're currently devoting to it on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Once you determine a category's score, write it down and then mark it in the corresponding spoke. 4. Take steps to address the areas you'd like to improve Assess any gaps that exist between your current and ideal life balance. There could be areas where you feel you're unable to devote your desired amount of attention because you're too focused on another dimension. Using this visual tool, you can identify the gaps and decide what you need to do to establish balance.

Health & Beauty



Health News & Beauty

Changed feelings For years my wife has been piling on the pounds. I still love her, but these days it's not as a husband should. Bedroom activity has become less over the years, and that's my fault because I am ashamed to say that I no longer have any desire for her. It's not as though I haven't mentioned it to her; I believe in being direct, and I have tried not to be unkind. She takes me along with her clothes shopping complaining that she is having to buy bigger clothes, then heads to the cake shop and eats a bag of donuts in the car on the way home. I would estimate she is now about 20 stone. She knows how I feel about it; one time when I'd had a few drinks and felt less inhibited, I was a little brutal with her and she ended up in tears. She acknowledged that she was overweight, and promised to do something about it. We both joined the Gym, and I hoped a new leaf had been overturned, but it only lasted a very short time before she quit, and I found out she was eating junk food behind my back. I have continued to keep fit, and have shaped up myself, whilst my wife refuses to talk about it at all. Your longer letter tells me that you have employed the help of a personal trainer, and also a Dietician to try and help your wife. She has even been to a psychologist at your urging, but there is no particular underlying reason for her love of food. She may be happy the way she is; however, you are not happy. It may now simply be time for you to consider an alternative life for yourself rather than staying with someone whom you no longer have feelings for.


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33 CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

2.65 Million ‘ZOMBIE’ Vehicles In Spain, 2,650,000 uninsured vehicles or 'zombies' are on the roads, most of them passenger cars (1.8 million), which represents almost 8% of the entire fleet, according to the study presented by the insurer LíneaDirecta, using data from the Registry of Vehicles of the DGT, of the Computer File of Insured Vehicles (FIVA) and of the insurance company itself. The study also highlights the dangers and problems of driving without compulsory insurance: each year 130,000 fines are imposed for not having compulsory insurance - double the fines for alcohol and drugs combined - in the last decade there have been more than 300,000 uninsured passenger car claims. More serious accidents. The insurer also estimates that accidents against uninsured vehicles are more serious and cause more problems: the possibility of injury is multiplied by 2.4; 75% of these claims are caused by men, the resolution time is 12% longer and the average cost of damage to third

parties doubles. In addition, the coastal and tourist areas are those with the lowest proportion of insurance, with the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Cantabria and Murcia with more than 10% of the vehicles in circulation uninsured. The factors that determine non-insurance are, according to the insurer, ignorance in the first place. But also the non-processing of the cancellation of the vehicles when they are discarded, the aging state of our mobile fleet more years less coverage - and the current unfavourable economic situation. "We have seen that in many cases of not insuring a vehicle it is not bad faith, but there is enormous ignorance about the obligation to insure a vehicle. Also in the obligation to cancel when stopping using a vehicle" , explains Mar Garre, Director of People, Communication and Sustainability at LíneaDirecta. Driving without insurance: these are the consequences The law establishes that every owner of a motor vehicle that has

its usual parking lot in Spain is obliged to subscribe and maintain a civil liability insurance in force. Thus, driving without compulsory insurance is sanctioned with a fine of 601 euro to 3,005 euro, depending on the damage if it is circulated or not, the time without insurance and the reiteration. Abandoned cars or in private places are not excluded. To which should be added, where appropriate, the penalty for not having the ITV in force (up to 500 euro). In addition, in the event of causing an accident and not having a policy in force, the person in charge must bear the cost of all material and personal damage that it has caused, and the costs derived from the service of the tow truck and the deposit of the vehicle. But, what happens if we have an accident against a 'zombie' car, without an insurance policy? In this case, the insurer Linea Directa highlights that the main problems for the victims are the defencelessness, the complexity of the claims and the slowness to resolve them.

The Pandemic Slows Women Down






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The post-Covid era needs specific policies that address the negative impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on women's mobility. This is the main conclusion reached by the study carried out by three researchers from the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Malaga and which has detected a change in how women move around the city. As noted in the study, men and women already had different mobility before the pandemic. They made shorter trips, more numerous and with more sustainable means of transport due to their greater dedication to care and housework. Their movements were less, longer and, for the most part, in a private vehicle. Now, data shows that the pandemic and the restrictions it has imposed have affected women more negatively than men. In the study, three reasons are given. Less economic capacity for transportation. The economic crisis derived from the pandemic has had a negative impact on the labour market, especially on female employment because it is more precarious. Sectors such as hospitality or caring, highly feminised in Spain, have been greatly affected by the pandemic, which has diminished the economic capacity of women. Furthermore, in many countries,

restrictions have led to a reduction in public transport, when they are the main users. This has made life more difficult for women because most of them depend on these services to carry out their daily activities. More mandatory trips. Many jobs in which it is not possible to work are mainly occupied by women (health, education, social services, domestic work, etc.). To this must be added the technological gap: the precariousness of many of these jobs makes it difficult for women to access new technologies. In other words, it was easier for men to adapt to teleworking than for women. That is, during the pandemic, they have made more compulsory trips, either for work reasons, as essential workers or for the care of their own families. Less time for travel. In addition to work difficulties, the study also adds that schools were closed, which left children at home, thus increasing the tasks of women. Therefore, they have had less time to move. Especially dramatic has been the situation of singleparent families, most of them made up of a mother and her children. The study also warns that these gender differences may increase after the pandemic, if the economic crisis continues, with a direct effect on both employment and income for women.

Conclusions Once the situation has been the researchers analysed, consider that it is necessary to take into account the gender perspective in the design of mobility policies, that current patterns are taken into account and new modes of transport are explored. They also believe that working hours should be made more flexible and teleworking promoted, as well as addressing the digital divide so that women can access new technologies and work from home. In addition, they point out that we are facing an opportunity to move towards a more sustainable mobility model. This implies a change in the urban model, with a greater combination of land uses (to save trips, the 15-minute city) and with a reinforcement of public transport and other more sustainable means of transport. The study "Challenges and strategies for gender equality and sustainable mobility after Covid19", prepared by the researchers Guadalupe González, María Isabel Olmo and Elvira Maeso, has been published in the specialised journal "Sustainability". To prepare it, they have used the analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), a strategic analysis tool.


Motors News

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 20th - Edition - 26th April 470 - 2021 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

Women are in the driving seat Strictly judges in After years of being patronised and pigeon-holed by male salesmen, it's women who are proving they are the economic powerhouses behind many car-buying choices. So much so that industry research reveals that women have input into the final decisions on about eight out of every ten cars sold, whether they are buying for themselves, as part of a couple or for a family. To prove that the stereotypes of women driving only under-powered runabouts are well and truly on the way out, female motoring experts have recently voted the rugged new Land Rover Defender the best car in the world, for its practicality in the asphalt and Amazon jungles. It was named Supreme Winner of the Women's World Car of the Year, as well as best medium SUV for 2021, in the only car awards with an international jury composed exclusively of women and featuring 50 motoring journalists from 38 countries, including the UK. Qualities taken into account by the judges included safety, quality, price, design, ease of driving, benefits and environmental footprint. Marta Garcia, executive president of Women's World Car of the Year, says: “The jury's decisions represent the liking and preferences of millions of women drivers around the globe. But cars have no gender and are not subject to stereotypes, so the winners of these awards are, quite simply, the best cars in the world.” She adds: “Voting criteria is based on the same principles that guide any driver when choosing a car. It is not a 'woman's

new car show

car'.” Prices for the new Defender start from £44,825 for the short-wheelbase 90 and £46,215 for the longer 110, with a commercially oriented 90 Hard Top priced from £35,360 (before VAT). The sheer variety of the vehicles that topped the various classes in the awards also highlighted the widely diverse range of tastes and preferences of the jury. Peugeot's perky 208 supermini won the best urban car award, while the firm's larger 2008 was judged best urban SUV. Skoda's Octavia was judged best family car and an open-topped Lexus LC 500 Cabrio clinched the luxury award. Kia's Sorento took the honours for best large SUV, the rufty-tufty Ford F-150 romped home for the prize of best 4x4 and pickup, and the compact Honda-e was voted leading electric vehicle. And to emphasise the point that many

women want to drive something with a bit more oomph, the 210 mph £225,000 Ferrari F8 Spider roared away as top choice for performance car. Sue Baker, the former BBC Top Gear presenter who helps organise the awards, says: “Not all cars are designed with women in mind, though some are better than others. Everyone expects women to want a pretty little city car. Well, that's not always the case. Women care about the cars they drive. The Land Rover Defender was an inspired winner.” TV journalist and motoring expert Ginny Buckley, founder of the electric car website electrifying.com, says: “Female buyers are crucial. They have the buying power; especially when you consider that women have the final decision in 85 per cent of new car sales. Many women empty-nesters are deciding to treat themselves to a convertible sports car.”

Strictly Come Dancing judges Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli have landed their own motoring show on ITV. Both Craig, 56, and Bruno, 65, are passionate about vehicles, and their new programme will 'combine their love of both cars and travel as they motor the length and breadth of the nation,' according to show sources. Speaking about the exciting new venture which has a working title of Craig and Bruno's Great British Adventure Bruno said: 'I always had nice cars. I love driving around Regent's Park with the hood down.' Strictly Come Dancing judges Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli have landed their own motoring show on ITV. Both Craig, 56, and Bruno, 65, are passionate about vehicles, and their new programme will 'combine their love of both cars and travel as they motor the length and breadth of the nation,' according to The Mirror. Speaking about the exciting new venture - which has a working title of

Craig and Bruno's Great British Adventure - Bruno said: 'I always had nice cars. I love driving around Regent's Park with the hood down.' Strictly Come Dancing judges Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli have landed their own motoring show on ITV. Both Craig, 56, and Bruno, 65, are passionate about vehicles, and their new programme will 'combine their love of both cars and travel as they motor the length and breadth of the nation,' according to The Mirror. Speaking about the exciting new venture - which has a working title of Craig and Bruno's Great British Adventure - Bruno said: “I always had nice cars. I love driving around Regent's Park with the hood down. I suppose that is, kind of, my extravagance.” Craig, however, only passed his driving test in 2011, but told the outlet of his 'passion' for classic cars, namely his Triumph Stag, which the star spent an impressive £35,000 restoring.

Tesla with ‘no one’ driving crashes in Texas, killing two

A Tesla Inc electric car that ‘no one’ appeared to be driving crashed in Texas in the United States on Saturday evening, killing two men. A local police officer interviewed by US television revealed that no one appeared to be behind the wheel of the car. The Tesla vehicle, a 2019 Model S, crashed into a tree and burst into flames, according to the reports. One person was found in the front passenger seat, and another in the rear passenger seat of the vehicle. Based on a preliminary investigation, police told reporters that they believe nobody had been behind the wheel, but they have not finished their comprehensive investigation. Fire fighters spent hours putting out the fire that resulted from the electric vehicle

crash. Police also told the New York Times that just minutes before the crash took place, the wives of the men involved heard them say they wanted to go for a drive, and were talking about the vehicle’s Autopilot feature. The men were 59 and 69 years old. Carmaker Tesla sells automated driving systems under the brand names Autopilot, and Full Self-Driving (FSD). However, Tesla Autopilot and FSD are not capable of controlling the electric vehicles in all normal driving circumstances. Tesla own lawyers said that “neither Autopilot nor FSD Capability is an autonomous system.” Even in the owners’ manuals, Tesla cautions drivers: “The currently enabled features require active driver supervision

and do not make the vehicle autonomous.” Despite this, many Tesla fans and influencers share videos on social media that show people driving hands free for prolonged periods, asleep at the wheel or with nobody in the driver’s seat. For example, actor Jamie Foxx shared a video on his YouTube channel where he pretended to be asleep at the wheel of a Tesla Model 3, operating it hands free with his eyes closed. In Germany, Tesla has been banned from using phrases equivalent to Autopilot and Full Self-Driving capability in its advertising, because they found this language misled consumers and overstated the capabilities of the cars.


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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


Elche CF, Running Out of Games Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 13th of April with what has become the norm these days visited the El Bosquet Complex at Crevillente. Covid restrictions still mean that we are unable to travel out of our area so we are very limited on alternative venues. It was a good turn out and twenty three anglers attended on an overcast and windy day. Winner on the day was once again Neil Mcbernie. Drawn on peg 38 he again used pellets shallow to catch a steady stream of carp for 13.94kg. Second was Richard Smith who also fished pellets on peg 28 for 12.76kg. Third was Richard King who weighed 8.32kg from peg 36. In general, the weights were very low and we can only attribute this to the recent rains. The pairs competition was won by Neil and his usual partner of late Terry Screen. Its no wonder Neil has been complaining of a bad back, carrying Terry every week. Other section winners were Bob Rafferty 5.84kg, Keith Hirst 5.16kg. Tony McMillan 7.88kg and Terry Brindley with 5.60kg.

Rods N Reels The following day we again fished the same venue. The weather consisted of a light wind but with intermittent slight drizzle. Only 15 anglers took part and as no other anglers were on the complex we made three section of three on pegs A1 to 7 and two sections of three on pegs 26 to 40. What a difference in the weights this made. Below is the full Result. Position


The pairs competition was won by Neil and Steve Capel with 41.16kg, closely followed by Mick Hill and Ian Brown with 38.04kg. For further details including membership and advice visit our website on www.abbeyangling.es

Ian Brown Peg



Neil McBernie




Ian Brown




John Waples




Richard Smith




Mick Hill




Terry Brindley




Richard Wood




Nick Bastock




Steve Capel




Barry Homer




Terry Screen




Geoff Tempest




Bill Reade




Steve Higgins




Bill Cannon



Last week’s 3-1 score sent Elche CF down into the relegation zone, and this week’s efforts fell short of the mark, keeping the team there. At the early Sunday afternoon kick off in Pamplona, Navarra, the Elche team were almost unrecognisable. The manager, Escribar, made 5 changes from the last match, most notably substituting Badia for Paulo Gazzaniga in goal. Perhaps he was saving some of his players for the additional midweek fixture, a decision which would prove to be pointless on this occasion. Maybe Escribar should have taken on board past scorelines, the two teams have faced each other 8 times, only 1 of which Elche has won. The first part of the first half was spent with both sides finding their feet, but lacking precision in the final meters. The home side made their mark on the 37th minute, when their 3rd shot on target made it past Gazzaniga. The 24 year old Kike Barja, who has only ever played for Osauna, despite being

marked by 2 Elche players managed to tap the ball over the line. Escribar's half time team talk seemed to galvanise the Franjiverdes, and they made an initial impression. Not enough to cause the Osasuna goalie to break a sweat, or even for that matter to move much, if at all! Elche's spirit was finally fully broken when they scored an own goal on the 67th minute. Diego Gonzalez in a copy cat of the earlier goal, unfortunately just tapped the ball over his own line, instead of sending it in the opposite direction. From then on Osasuna went defensive, creating a compacted wall and shutting down all attempts by Elches. Two fixtures during the coming week, both of which are

at home. One on Wednesday evening against Valladolid at 21:00, and another on Saturday at 14:00 against Valencia based Levante. Both teams are above relegation positioned Elche CF, for whom points are vital. The fairy tale of remaining in La Liga is still, on paper, a possibility. But judging by the look on Escribars face during the match, he seems to have skipped to the final page and not found a happy ever after ending. As soon as spectators are allowed back into the stadiums, EuroTourGuide will once again be offering Coach Tours with Match Tickets to support Elche CF. Please sign up to receive your free newsletter on www.eurotourguide.com

CD Montesinos at Aspe U.D. "A" Saturday 17th April Report by David Winder TEAM:- Maccan 23 Captain for the day, leading out a team of Tonmi 21 our new Argentinean goalkeeper, Manu 5, Alfredo 10, Kevin 11, Barroso 12, Dani 16, Luis 18, Damian 20, Toni 22 and Gocu 24. SUBs:- Christian 2, Fernando 3, Adrian 6, Manu Sanchez 9, Pamies 14, Jimenez 19 and Paco 21. Today saw Monte visiting Aspe for the first time to my knowledge and as the only Brit' visiting behind closed doors feel very privileged and I have to say it was an experience. Upon arrival you are greeted with very large see-through iron gates, looking out over an uncovered stand, which stretched the whole length of the pitch, and 6+ rows high (didn't count!) and a mountain view to die for. But the most exciting thing was the pitch, yes amazing, real green grass, mowed to put many British pitches to shame, certainly at this level of football. In fact with a centre cut right down it could have been an English Cricket pitch. However, this is not a travel guide but a report for a football match between the League leaders and CD Montesinos waiting to clinch a place in the top 7 before the division is divided up, but we were not lucky with a positive result losing 3-1. A score to my mind, that did not flatter Aspe UD. So right from the start Aspe are on attack with a corner in the 1st minute, and that attack continued with a goal

that came right across the goalmouth right to left, and was not covered by Tonmi properly, resulting in a goal after 7 minutes. That out of the way, the game settled down, and Monte got their first corner after 10 minutes. After 19 minutes following a mix up in the Monte goal mouth by Alfredo, Tonmi makes a great save pushing the ball round the right post for a Aspe team corner. From here it's attack, attack, and after another mix up on the goal line by Monte, there is an own goal, 2-0 after 20 minutes. It's still all Aspe but on 26 minutes we have our first real shot on goal by Damian, which is saved by their goalie. On 29 minutes Tonmi makes a great save with their man clear on goal, and this was really their first real attempt on goal, even though they had controlled the game from the start. It's now end to end football with Monte having a bit more of the game. There were a number of fouls on us but still no yellow cards after 30 minutes, then on 42 minutes, 3-0 after a bad mistake by Tonmi. And it's now looking like game over with Aspe continue to attack, with just on half time Aspe are away again but Tonmi makes a great save pushing the ball round for a corner. At this time I noticed Carlos, our number one choice keeper behind me on crutches, and following a conversation in broken

Los Montesinos team (library image - not actual lineup)

English/Spanish he had done something to his left foot which I finally found out at the end of the game was a torn tendon which probably puts him out of football for a month. Half Time 3-0 2nd Half......don't know what our manager had to say at half time but things start to change right away and it's now all Monte, and on 46 minutes their keeper is half-way up the pitch, Damian notices, and immediately lobs the ball right over his head. GOAL 3-1. How many times do I see this happen in Spanish football. Keepers are for keeping goal not acting as a last field defender. Tonmi, also does it and needs to be told, I feel. 50 minutes gone Barroso with just keeper to beat hits side netting. Still all Monte and yellow cards on way with Barroso getting fouled badly after 60 minutes. Still all Monte now Damian passes a ball toPamies who has come on

as a sub for Maccan (with Manu taking Captains arm band) and misses a goal! Their keeper has a self inflicted injury that requires attention and just prior to that Luis gets a yellow and he's not a happy bunny. 66 minutes and Pamies has their goalie make a great save from a corner, still all Monte. 68 minutes Damian 20 makes a great cross across goal but no Harry Kane to put away! On 71 mins. They get another yellow just outside the box Damian shapes up to take but Lui takes it and shot hits Manu Sanchez on hand in box while on target, free-kick. 81 mins, another corner to Monte but Adrian fails to score hitting ball over the bar. 82 mins, Dani and Luis off, Jimenez and Paco 21. Then on 83 minutes something

strange happens with their number 20 who goes down on the ground and looks as if he's dying with all the moans and groans, which continue for 4 minutes before being carried off the pitch. Still all Monte going into injury time but after 97 minutes it's all over, we lost 3-1 Tonmi was never troubled in the 2nd half and I think Monte deserved more, but again no kill!! Aspe UD deserve to be top and probably deserve promotion they have all the facilities in a great ground, a good team, and another pitch below the main pitch, which was being used prior to kickoff, and was used again by lady footballers after the final whistle. So now Monte are left to worry about results on Sunday and our final game for the final 7 against CF Monnegre who lie 2nd from bottom next weekend. Roll on next weekend. VAMOS MONTE



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

TALES FROM THE TOP FLIGHT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

It’s hard to deny it was a funny old week of association football. Just as we were settling down to the second FA Cup semi-final of the weekend, UEFA announced they might ban the six English clubs nipping off to form a European Super League, criticising a ‘cynical project’ based on the ‘selfinterests of the few’ for distracting everyone from their own cynical project based on the self-interests of themselves. Naturally, the Premier League were fully backing UEFA’s stance as any kind of European Super League would, of course, hit them in the pocket and if there is one thing the Premier League does not like the sound of, it’s being hit in the pocket. By the time you read this, though, there is every chance UEFA will have announced their own changes to the Champions League which is moving to something described as the “Swiss System” despite nobody really knowing what that means and the total lack of Swiss teams taking part in the proposed system because, hey, no TV company wants them on the box. Back in what we’d like to pretend is some kind of reality, we had some Premier League action topping and tailing the last four in the oldest cup competition in the world - as if that actually means anything anymore. Ahead of Friday night’s battle for the Europa Conference League, Glenn Hoddle put himself in the minority (not for the first time) by suggesting Jose Mourinho should stay at Tottenham Hotspur. I am guessing Hoddle hadn’t heard the rumours linking Maouroune Fellaini to Spurs before releasing that statement. Every man and his Dulux dog feels that Harry Kane has to

leave if he actually wants to win something in life, with Robbie Fowler begging Liverpool to take him to Anfield. I’m amazed Tottenham’s new paint partner didn’t have anything to say about that after their social media admin got a little bit excited when let off the lead. At Goodison Park, Kane showed why teams should be fighting for him and why teams shouldn’t touch him with the proverbial barge pole. Two clinical finishes saw him head towards another Golden Boot and two banjoed ankles saw him head for another scan - a leading English player injured heading into a major international tournament, you say? Not in my lifetime. Actually, five times in my lifetime and counting. The draw helped neither Everton or Spurs in their quest to not finish 6th and Kane, naturally, will miss the EFL Cup Final next weekend. If Spurs are reverting to being Spursy, then what are West Ham up to? A win at Newcastle would have seen the Hammers leap to third in the table. Given their recent propensity to make a 3-0 lead seem far from game-over, Tomas Soucek laid out his cunning plan for Champions League qualification stop throwing away three-goal leads. Therefore, Moyes’ men chose the alternative route at St James’ Park - preferring to gift Steve Bruce’s lot a 2-0 lead before getting back to level and then screwing the plan up completely by conceding a late third. Craig Dawson is always involved in something, we can all agree whether he is scoring at either end or picking up a quick second yellow, he is an all-action player. Sadly for him, his dismissal came in the move that saw Newcastle take the lead (though he cannot be blamed for the hilarity that saw Issa Diop toepoke home into the wrong net) and

then moments later Lukas Fabianski chose the worst time to make his first mistake in what feels like a decade. The Hammers rallied but Newcastle won - a win that pretty much removes them from any left-overs of a relegation dinner. I’m still waiting for the thank you note from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, in case you were wondering. There is zero coincidence that Mason Greenwood’s return to goalscoring form has coincided with me finally giving up on him in my Fantasy League draft team - and Greenwood netted a brace to see off Burnley at Old Trafford. Let’s just move on from Dean Henderson’s cap as well, reason enough to recall David de Gea to the number one shirt at United. Fortunately for Solskjaer, there was no need for his son to come out and let the world know he does actually get fed. We saw more of Pogba in the press this week than we did on the pitch against Sean Dyche’s side and, weirdly, Jesse Lingard is now being linked to every big club in Europe with Inter, AC Milan and PSG seeming to jump ahead of West Ham in the race to sign the reborn midfielder. Declan Rice has allegedly been asking United players what life is like at OT - we can only presume the answer hasn’t actually been, “well, Dec - there’s a bit too much red if we’re being honest”. Sheffield United have finally been put to sleep and it won’t be long before Fulham join them, sadly. Scott Parker’s side are the only London team not to have won a derby this season, and it was cruel of Arsenal to tease them into thinking they might nick one. VAR was involved once more, firstly deciding Saka’s little toe was offside and then completely ignoring the fact that Rob Holding was offside in the six-yard box when Arteta’s side levelled. In the words of the late Brian Clough, if he’s not interfering, what the hell is he doing

Las Ramblas Golf Society It made a welcome change on Monday for us to play a ‘2 ball Teas Scramble’. The final result could not have been any closer. With both players having to hit at least eight drives each Lindsay Forbes, together with Olga Douglas, came out on top with a net score of 63.25. With the same score, but losing out on countback on the final three holes, were Andy Martin and AnneMarie Weisheit. It was round four (of six) on Wednesday to decide this year’s Club Champions. Pete Dunn increased his chances no end by winning on the day with 39 points. Tom Hardie made a welcome return to the leader-board with 38 whilst John Drakesmith took third place with 37 points. The best ladies score on the day went to Yvonne Phipps who ran up a total of 37 points. Nobody managed to score a two so next week’s pot will be pretty substantial. Friday and it was the best two scores from four to count and all on the par 3’s. With 105 points (our record is 112) 1st place went to John & Ellen Drakesmith,

Andy Martin and Mike Chapman. With a very credible 103 the 2nd spot was taken by Bryan Neal, John Shervell, Mike Mahony and Joyce McClusky. Remember, you can’t call golf a sport. You don’t run, jump, you don’t shoot or pass. All you have to do is buy some clothes that don’t match. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

there? Heading into the first FA Cup semifinal, the chat was around how disappointing Hakim Ziyech has been this season and how he is likely to be bombed out on the same train as Christian Pulisic, Tammy Abraham and Timo Werner. It must have been frustrating for those “in-the-knows” to see Werner lay on the winner for Ziyech against Man City then. “There goes the quad” was the cry, and they were not referring to Kevin de Bruyne’s latest injury - City can no longer win all four. Pep was understandably a little narked at the questioning around him making eight changes from midweek - it’s not as if it’s the first time he has done it and it’s not exactly like they’re struggling this season because of his need to rotate the squad. That said, he might have wished he’d rotated Fernandinho early seeing how utterly owned he was by Mason Mount. Is Raheem Sterling playing himself out of Gareth Southgate’s starting XI as fast as he is disappearing from Pep’s best eleven? Mind you, he wasn’t as bad as Ferran Torres - one of those rare bad signings by Guardiola. Christian Pulisic was denied one of the FA Cup goals of all time by being marginally offside and Chelsea suddenly look like the side that could dampen City’s end-of-season trophy haul. If Gary Lineker et al were unimpressed with that match, you can only imagine what they thought of Leicester versus Southampton the following day. Mind you, Lineker would have ended up moderately happy - Iheanacho continued his golden run of form that will stop Brendan wasting €25m on a striker this summer by netting the winner. So, Man City can’t win all four. European football might be about to implode. Fans back at stadiums. And Steve Bruce will have a job next season after all. Football, eh?



CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021

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CostaBlancaPeople 20th - 26th April 2021


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Opel Cascada AUTOMATIC CABRIO 2017, Auto, Petrol, 83,612 kms, 1.6L, Cabrio, PAS, climate control, Central locking, Bluetooth. Was 16,495€ Now 15,995€

Opel Cascada AUTOMATIC CABRIO 2016, Citroen C 4 Grand Picasso 2011, manual, diesel, Automatic, Petrol, 92,000 kms, Cabrio, 1.6 L, 150,553 kms, MPV 7 seater, 1.6 hdi L, ABS, power ABS, PAS, Radio/CD, PAS, climate control, central assisted steering, Radio/CD, electric windows, locking, Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering Bluetooth, AUX/USB, multifunctional steering wheel. 14,995€ wheel. 5,995€

Mercedes C200 Estate 2015, Diesel, Automatic, 168,890 kms, Estate, 2.0L, power assisted steering, Radio/CD, climate control, cruise control, electric windows, Bluetooth, navigation. Was 17,995€ Now 16,995€

Opel Mokka X 2019, Petrol, 54,813 kms, Automatic, 4x2, 1.4L, ABS, Power assisted steering, Radio/CD, A/C, Electric windows, Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering wheel, Navigation, Reverse camera. 16,995€

Dacia Lodgy 7 seater 2014, manual, petrol, 89,726 kms, MPV 7 Seater, 1.6L, ABS, Power assisted steering, Radio/CD, Aux/USB, A/C, Electric windows. 6,995€

Citroen Jumper 2011, Manual, Diesel, 233,705 kms, MPV 9 Seater, 2.2L, ABS, PAS, Central locking, Radio/CD, Aux/USB, A/C, Electric windows. 8,995€

Citroen Elysee 2016, manual, petrol, 97,032 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 1.2L. PAS, A/C, climate control, Bluetooth, AUX/USB. Was 7,995€ Now 6,995€

Fiat Panda 2004, Automatic, Petrol, 113,495 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 1.2L, ABS, PAS, A/C, Radio/CD, AUX/USB, Electric windows 2,995€

Ford Focus Automatic 2014, Automatic, diesel, 149,991 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 2.0L, ABS, PAS, Radio/CD, AUX/USB, electric windows, multifunctional steering wheel. Was 10,495€ Now 9,995€

Porsche Panamera 4S 2012, automatic, Petrol, Citroen C-Elysee 2014, manual, petrol, 80,999 136,233 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 4.8L, ABS, PAS, kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 1.2L, power assisted FSH, multifunctional steering wheel, Bluetooth, steering, cruise control, parking sensors,electric Park Assist, A/C, Navigation, Leather Interior. windows, Radio/CD, A/C, Bluetooth. Was 39,995€ Now 35,995€ 5,995€

SEAT Ibiza 2016, manual, Petrol, 87,160 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 1.2L, ABS, Power assisted steering, central locking, Radio/CD, Electric windows, Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering wheel. 7,995€

Opel Zafira 7 seater 2017, Manual, petrol, 45,584 kms, MPV 7 seater, 1.4L, ABS, PAS, Climate control, radio/CD, Front & rear parking sensors, Reversing camera, multifunctional steering wheel, Bluetooth. 11,995€

BMW 320d GT 2016, automatic, diesel, 140,644 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 2.0L, ABS,PAS, AUX/USB, central locking, Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering wheel. Was 16,495€ Now 15,995€


Audi A7 Sportback 2011, petrol, 104,282 kms, Hatchback/Saloon, 2.8L, ABS,PAS, Radio/CD, AUX/USB, Bluetooth, electric windows, multifuncional steering wheel. 20,495€

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