8 June - 14 June 2021

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8TH - 14TH JUNE 2021 - EDITION 892

Tel: 966 701 060 | office@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly Read

Gender violence on the rise Experts have warned of an increase in gender violence in the Alicante province due to, they claim, a relaxation of covid measures. This so called shadow pandemic has claimed the lives of 16 women so far in 2021, and a total of 1094 since 2003 when such data was first recorded. The number of women killed at the

hands of their partner or family member increased in the months of April and May and experts in psychology and law claim that there is a direct link between the increase in gender violence and the relaxation of safety measures surrounding the pandemic. These experts claim that as society returns to normal, and as

women are gradually returning to a life outside the home, the aggressors stop being able to control the victim so easily and are trying to dominate them once more. During the first quarter of 2021, the Alicante province alone registered, 300 calls to 016, the emergency number for violence against women. The figures, according to data from the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, show an increase of 30% compared to the same quarter of 2019, where 200 calls were logged. Lawyer Lola Cárdenas said, “That there is a greater number of consultations to 016 is in some way a cause for celebration, since it is very important that women are looking for a way to solve their situation.” Cárdenas also revealed that inquiries about divorces and separations are increasing. “Many are realizing their situation, their particular hell experienced during a pandemic year,

and they want to get out of there and live again,” she said. The problem, says the lawyer, is not in the law but in a lack of investment in justice which causes weakened means to bring aggressors to book, and so the system fails. Cárdenas says that to improve the situation, “a greater involvement of doctors, psychologists, health workers, public employees must be carried out in order to detect a case of abuse in time.” The return to socializing, going out and meeting friends is making many women ‘open their eyes’ and leads some to realise that what they are experiencing at home is a situation of gender violence. Psychologist and gender violence expert Beatriz Durán says, “Currently, most of the abuse that happens in our country is at a


psychological level and the mistake we make in society is to normalize it.” According to Durán, many women who begin psychotherapy are not even aware that they are in a toxic and abusive relationship. “The aggressor knows them, they have weakened them to such an extent that they make them believe that the mistake is theirs, the mistake of wanting to go out or the mistake of wanting to spend time with friends,” explains Beatriz. During the last number months, with the severe restrictions in place on everyone, “the aggressors did not feel a danger that the woman could leave them,” so in a way the situation was ‘on hold’. Both Durán and Cárdenas agree on the need for a change in society, greater training in gender violence and more awareness.



Lifeguard service begins on the beaches of Orihuela The Councillor for Orihuela Beaches, Antonio Sánchez, has announced that the Lifeguard and Sea Rescue Service began on Saturday - 5th June - given the large number of local users who are already enjoying the beaches. He said: “From 10am to 8pm, the 11 lifeguard posts on the 11 beaches of Orihuela will be open with a daily team of 22 lifeguards, 1 boat skipper and rescuer, 2 healthcare emergency technicians and 1 coordinator. A rapid intervention vehicle, an SVB ambulance and a rescue boat are also available along the coast. The team will be extended from 1st July when the high season officially begins.” Also from Saturday, the adapted bathing service is being provided on four beaches: Cala Capitán, Cala Bosque, La Glea and Barranco Rubio. This service provides wider access walkways to the shaded and bathing areas, amphibious chairs for the disabled and those with mobility issues and qualified personnel so that anyone with functional diversity can enjoy our beaches. The Department of Beaches for Orihuela will use Facebook and Instagram to give a daily update on the state of the sea and the beaches of Orihuela.

CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


Milestone for Maria & the Pink Ladies Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers, now in its eleventh year, has reached an amazing milestone after raising just over half-a-million euros to help battle cancer. Every penny of the money raised has been donated firstly to the AECC and more recently to the AACC. This total would have been reached one year earlier had it not been for the lockdowns and restrictions the local community has endured over the last 15 months. The money raised by Maria and her group of volunteers is used predominantly to support the charity’s Early Detection Screening Program as Maria & the Pink Ladies firmly believes that early detection saves live. The group continually encourages local residents of Orihuela Costa to take full advantage of the early detection program, which screens for breast, colon, skin, cervical, prostate and ovarian cancers. Despite the Covid pandemic the team has continued to book cancer screening tests and are currently booking more

than 100 cancer screening tests every month. These tests are affordable - due to the subsidy offered by the AACC - painless and offer peace of mind. Anyone wishing to book a screening test can phone the office between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday on: 965329841, book online at: www.pinkladies.es, through the Pink Ladies & Panthers Facebook page or call into the office at Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre between 10am and 1pm. Volunteers are also always on hand to discuss general or specific concerns about cancer either face-to-face or over the phone. Like most charities, Maria & the Pink Ladies and Panthers have found it hard through these times to raise the muchneeded funds that support the early detection program. However, there are a number of local bars and organisations that have recently held fund raising events to help boost the coffers: The Sports Bar at Flamenca Beach C.C donated €340, Stagestruck Players in

Quesada raised €400, The Local at La Florida €410. There have also been personal donations made to the office and several collections at the funerals of those who died from cancer. Fortunately, the charity has several events booked for June and July, so please go along and support them and bookwhy not book

your early detection test whilst you’re there. Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers are all volunteers and absolutely no one receives any payment. All monies donated go to the AACC and all official events are advertised using the AACC, Early Detection and Pink Ladies Logos.



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

Torrevieja presents its tourism strategy Torrevieja Town Hall’s Tourism Department has presented an ambitious strategy for developing tourism in the town over the next number of years. The plan, which was unveiled at the Municipal Theatre, was contributed to by tourism experts from the University of Alicante. Chaired by the Mayor and deputy Mayor, the event was attended by local councillors and representatives. The strategy is built around three main pillars – governance, sustainability and intelligence. The Mayor said that this is the most important document for the development of Torrevieja for the next number of decades. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, began his presentation by thanking the University of Alicante for their hard work in coordinating with all the municipal departments. He also thanked the representatives of the various sectors in attendance, saying, “because all the sectors that accompany us today have taken part in the writing of this work,

which is the most important and essential document for the development of the city of Torrevieja in the coming decades.” Eduardo Dolón indicated that, despite the blow that the pandemic has caused the tourism sector, we are working with

a fixed course, with our homework done, towards an economic recovery, driven and supported by a modern, innovative project; in which governance is a fundamental part and in which the private and public sectors have to join forces, but also the sustainability and

global development of the city. One of the highlights of the plan is obtaining the smart tourist destination certificate, which the town hall aims to have in place by October. Another is to reposition the brand of Torreiveja, both at a national and international level. In terms of sustainability and accessibility, plans currently underway include a new urban transport model, enhancement of the natural spaces of the town, including its beaches and the development of more free spaces for public use.

Student art exhibit at Habaneras Habaneras Shopping Centre in Torrevieja is displaying a series of artworks by local students from IES Mediterráneo. 17 ‘totems’, the work of Year 12 students studying the first year of their Bachillerato, are on display.

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The exhibition was inaugurated on 2 June with numerous city council members in attendance, such as Ricardo Recuero, the Councillor for Education, and Sandra Sánchez Andreu, the Councillor for Public Works.



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021



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New electricity tariffs Changes to electricity tariffs have now come into force from making it cheaper to use appliances in the early hours of the morning and more expensive in the middle of the day. Using power at peak times will come in considerably more expensive than now, but at offpeak times, up to 95 percent less. During 'flat rate' hours, charges will be the same as they are now. The three price slots will only benefit customers who do not already have a 'time discrimination' contract and who stick to them as much as possible – those with a 'timed' tariff will see a small increase in their bills, typically around €2 a month. Those who will benefit the most are households and business premises with a power level of between 10-15kW, although the vast majority of customers fall within this category. For the average consumer, with a 2.0A tariff and 4.6kW of power and who uses around 3,500kW (3.5mW) per year, the saving will be around €21 annually; for those with a 'time discrimination' contract on the same power level, the changes will bring an increase of around €34 a year. The changes will apply to all consumers, whether their contract is directly with the electricity board, Iberdrola, or

through an independent distributor on the open market. Those trying to watch their expenses should steer clear of using electricity between 10am and 2pm or between 6pm and 10pm, as this is when the cost soars. The best time to put appliances on is between midnight and 7.59am. Fortunately, off-peak rates are charged all weekend, 24 hours a day, and on national bank holidays in addition where these fall on a weekday. All other times of the day count as 'flat rate' and are charged at the middle band, or the price that has applied at all hours up until now – from 8am to 9.59am, from 2.01pm to 5.59pm, and from 10.01pm to 11.59pm. The CNMC says the aim is to 'discourage the practice of not

putting several appliances on at once', where the consumer's electricity circuit has enough power to cope with two or more operating at the same time. Personal electronic devices such as phones and laptops on charge, coffee machines left plugged in, video-game consoles, and the TV when in use, as well as electronics left on 'stand-by' tend to use the most electricity; appliances traditionally thought to drink power, such as dishwashers and tumble-dryers, are much more economical than 'brown goods'. Significant savings can also be made by switching to LED lightbulbs, typically between 3-7W, as opposed to non-LED versions which range from around 35 to 50W.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


Historic fall in Cruise ships unemployment welcomed back The Spanish job market is steadily recovering from the economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis, according to data presented recently by the Labour and Social Security ministries. These figures showed that the number of people registered as unemployed in Spain fell to 3,781,250 in May – a drop of 129,378 since April. This is the largest monthly fall ever recorded in the statistical series, which dates back to 1996. The last time a similar drop was seen was in 2017. The historic fall in jobless numbers coincided with the end of the state of alarm on 9th May, which saw coronavirus restrictions, such as night-time curfews and a ban on interregional travel, lifted. This in turn boosted activity in sectors such as tourism and the hospitality industry. Spain is a long way from where it was in February, when unemployment numbers broke the four-million mark. This figure began to decline in April, and the fall was consolidated in May, as the Covid-19 vaccination campaign gathered speed and restrictions

were eased. “This historical and magnificent data point is not due to the success of the government or the Labour Ministry, but rather of the Spanish people, who together have been able to face down the biggest crisis in history while maintaining the productive process,” said Joaquín Pérez Rey, the secretary of state for

employment and social economy, while presenting the figures. The number of Social Security contributors, considered a sign of job creation, also continues to rise. In May, the average number of contributors was 19,267,221 – up 211,932 on the average in April, for a monthly rise of 1.11 percent. “The Spanish economy has entered a new phase, the recovery is underway, and that is what all

economic indicators are telling us,” said Economy Minister Nadia Calviño at the opening of the 2021 Aslan Congress on digital transformation in Madrid. But the number of people registered as jobless does not include those on the government’s ERTE job retention scheme, which allows employers to temporarily send staff home or reduce their working hours. According to Social Security figures released on Wednesday, there were 542,142 workers on the ERTE program in May – down from 638,283 in April. This is the lowest figure since May 2020, when 3.6 million people were on the furlough scheme – the highest figure of the statistical series. Since then, 85 percent of furloughed workers have been reincorporated into the workforce. As the number of workers on an ERTE falls, so too has government spending on the job retention scheme. In May, €632 million went to the program, the lowest figure since the beginning of the pandemic. The total cost of the scheme since April 2020 stands at €17.74 billion.

Cruise liners were allowed back into Spain's ports from yesterday 7th June – which will be great news for the national tourism industry, although some restrictions or criteria will apply. Passengers on cruises tend to spend more money in a port town or city in relation to the length of time they stay there compared with longer-term holidaymakers, and are usually keen to cram as much into their few hours on dry land as possible, including visiting main attractions, buying souvenirs and trying out the local cuisine, as it may be one of only two or three stops they are due to make in the country at all, and they have limited time to get the best out of it before they set off again. Plus, cruise travellers are often among the 'luxury' end of the holidaymaker market, meaning more spending power. Also, the relatively short time they spend in a town or city means there is less chance of their being a source of Covid contagion than if they were in destination for a couple of weeks and mingling with people outside their

passenger 'bubble'. All this, along with the fact that many jobs in coastal destinations are based around ports and yacht marinas, means it was vital that steps were taken to allow cruise ships to dock in Spain as soon as possible. As a highly-controlled environment, cruise ships are able to take steps that people on do-ityourself or package holidays are

less likely to guarantee having taken as individuals; also, in the event of a contagion, it is easier to quarantine passengers and trace contacts. Among the measures required are daily temperature-taking, and Covid tests on the third or fourth day of the trip for all passengers. They will also be required to take a PCR or similar test no more than 72 hours before embarking, or a

rapid antigen test – where results come through within 10 to 30 minutes – on the day of setting sail. This means that, in theory, everyone on board should be 'negative' when they arrive, but if they are not and someone passes the virus to another whilst on the seas, this should be picked up early. Passengers will be placed in specific 'tour groups', as is often the case on package holidays or 'circuit tours' when the trip involves a series of daily organised excursions as an integral part of the visit. These bubble groups will have all their meals together, and groups will be 'staggered' so as not to coincide, or not too many at once. Embarking and disembarking along the route and on-board activities will also be at different times to limit people's coinciding with others outside their bubble. Passengers are required to be informed of every Covid-related step at all times, and immediate isolation of contacts will be ordered if one or more person tests positive.

60­year­old woman drowns in Orihuela Costa pool A 60-year-old woman drowned on Sunday evening in a swimming pool in Orihuela Costa. The tragedy occurred at around 9.30pm. An ambulance was called to the scene where an unconscious woman had been pulled from a communal swimming pool on an urbanisation. Neighbours had been performing basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the woman, which was continued by paramedics after the arrival of the ambulance. However, the medical team could do nothing to save the woman's life and she was pronounced dead at the scene. The circumstances surrounding the incident are not yet known, but a post mortem examination will be undertaken to establish the cause of death.

Vaccination of the 40 to 49 age group brought forward The Valencian Community has brought forward the projected dates for the vaccination of people aged between 40 and 49. Previously expected towards the end of the month, the vaccination of this age group is now scheduled to take place as early as this week, revealed president of the Valencian Community Ximo Puig. A record breaking 406,575 vaccines are set to be administered this week across a variety of age groups in the Valencian Community.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


Samaritans in Spain appoints a new patron They say ‘laughter is the best medicine’ so who better to be the Patron of Samaritans in Spain than someone who has been bringing fun and laughter to the masses for more than 30 years? We are of course talking about entertainer Stevie Spit BEM. Stevie started his professional career on the 4th July 1987 with an American Independence Day show at The Royal Oak in Hammersmith, London. Within a couple of weeks he was offered a job at the famous Madame Jo Jo’s in London’s West End. Since then he has performed across the globe, appearing in many musicals, writing his own material and putting together a variety of shows. When he is not appearing as one of the Costa Blanca’s top female impersonators, Stevie dedicates his time to fundraising and raising awareness of causes that are close to his heart. It is this devotion that led to him being awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to charity in the New Year’s Honours List published in December 2019. On accepting the role of Patron to Samaritans in Spain, Stevie had this to say “I am extremely honoured to be involved in a charity that is looking after the well being of the English speaking in Spain. These couple of years

Stevie Spit

have been so challenging for so many, and this charity really is helping to save lives”. Since being appointed at the beginning of May,Stevie has already helped to raise more than 2,000€ and is looking forward to raising even more over the coming months. English speaking Samaritans in Spain FREEPHONE 900 525 100 can be contacted from anywhere in mainland Spain or the Islands.

Volunteers are available to listen to anyone in emotional distress from 10am to 10pm every day. The charity is funded by kind donations from the public. It is easy to donate via the website www.samaritansinspain.com using PayPal and also via www.teaming.net/samaritansinsp ain For more details and updates, follow Samaritans in Spain on Facebook.

SELLING? UPDATE YOUR KITCHEN WITH THESE 3 EASY TIPS Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward - 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today!Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

When potential buyers are looking at your property, what will they be saying about your home? Which room will they remember the most when they leave? The kitchen is the heart of the home. 8 out of 10 buyers are more interested in the kitchen than any other room in the house. If your kitchen is looking dirty, drab or outdated, buyers will remember your home for the wrong reasons. When selling your property, you need to make your home memorable to a buyer. The quickest and easiest way to impress your buyer is with your kitchen. You don’t have to have a complete overhaul, but with a few minor changes, you’ll have buyers dreaming about your home instead of trying to erase the nightmare from memory! Here are 3 easy ways of updating your kitchen before you sell:

1. Upgrade the work tops. Granite and marble are the most popular but there are other affordable options too. A new work top will work wonders for creating a quick kitchen facelift! 2. Paint the cabinets: If the cabinets are in good order, but the style and colour looks dated, a quick fix is with paint! Be mindful of the color palette! No bright tones. Choose neutral colours as it will make any kitchen look bigger and brighter. Whilst you’re refreshing the cabinet doors, replace the door handles. This will create a more finished look. 3. New backsplash: Backsplashes can make a big difference in a dated kitchen. Either go with a new tile, or paint the existing ones. As long as you don’t choose anything dark, this will make the kitchen look fresh and clean. It’s safe to say, buyers love kitchens. Most of all they love clean kitchens. If you’re ready to start selling your property, make sure you give your kitchen a deep clean first. Including inside the oven, microwave and fridge!

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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

Should you merge your pension pots? Savers collect a string of pension pots during track of them. their working lives but only one in four have merged any of them, new research reveals. Not only does consolidating your pension help you keep an eye on it, it also helps you Some 47 per cent of people have two or manage your pensions more effectively. more pensions, while 20 per cent have three or more, and 4 per cent have five or more pots As your pension is likely to be your second - and the higher the number, the more likely largest asset after your home, it is vitally you are to lose track of them. important to consider what would suit you best in regards to receiving an income as well A tidying up exercise can reduce fees and as inheritance planning. paperwork and bring new investment options. If all this sounds daunting, then help is at hand as the Seagate team has a wealth of It’s definitely not right for every situation, experience and can offer a free pension but doing nothing leaves millions of people at tracing service as well as looking after your risk of building up lots of small pots and losing existing pensions.

There are a number of financial advisers on the Costa Blanca so the question is “why choose Seagate?” I believe that we offer a unique service to our clients. We have a fully staffed local office in Benijofar with a back-up admin team, a Client Account Manager and a Relationship Manager. This means that we have a team that will support you with six monthly reviews of your investment or pension and we provide full administration for withdrawals, encashments and tax guidance. Do not delay making a decision, call us today. For a free no-obligation chat with a UK qualified adviser, call 965 704 338 or email: contact@seagatewealth.es



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP It was a mixed bag for sterling, but there was no compelling justification for why; it was just another example of sterling’s uncanny ability to delight or distress at the drop of a hat. In the end it was almost a winning week for the pound as it took a very close third place behind the Canadian and US dollars, with an average gain of 0.5%. Strong economic data mostly supported the pound. The Bank of England’s Money and Credit report revealed 87k mortgage approvals going through in April, even as individuals and large businesses paid down more of their debt.Nationwide’s house price index went up by a monthly 1.8% in April and was up by 10.9% on the year. It was the highest annual growth rate since 2014. The purchasing managers’ indices for manufacturing and services came in at 65.6 and 62.9 respectively. At 62.9 the composite index was a record high for the 23-year-old measure.AiG’s Performance of Construction Index also showed “strong construction activity in May”. While it hasn’t got off to a flying start in May, sterling is still pretty strong in comparison to other majors. And, despite having a tricky start to the month, the pound has every reason to stay positive long term, with strong economic numbers and efforts to keep the end of lockdown in sight. After Portugal was removed from the green list of countries UK citizens are legally allowed to travel to, it’ll be a interesting few weeks waiting for PM Boris Johnson’s announcement scheduled for June 14th on whether lockdown will be completed lifted or extended on June 21st. EURO Finally some news is trickling out of the Eurozone, after what has felt like treading water for some

time. The ECB upgraded its economic forecasts as Europe's vaccination campaign finally gathered pace. Growth is now estimated to be 4.3% for this year, instead of the 3.8% forecast from February. As the vaccination programme across Europe ramps up, could the euro appreciate more in value in the coming months after a lacklustre start? The summer months will be interesting to watch and see how the euro performs against sterling, but for now, the euro is steadily creeping back. The PMI’s coming out of Europe met a rather mute response, probably because of ambitious predictions. Spain’s 23-year high and Switzerland’s record high both qualified as disappointments on that basis. In Europe, Germany’s strong 64.4 was portrayed as “a further loss of momentum” in that it was below March’s 66.6 record high. For the Eurozone as a whole, however, the manufacturing PMI reached a record high of 63.1. It included individual records for the Netherlands, Austria, Ireland and Italy. Italy also reported on first quarter gross domestic product, with its economy expanding by a small but unexpected 0.1%. Positive news came from Germany too, with the Ifo reporting that “sentiment among German managers has improved considerably”, with the business climate index nearly three points higher on the month at 99.2 in May. Companies are “more satisfied with their current business situation [and] regarding the coming months”. Optimism however from the UK and US banks when it comes to inflation was not matched by Europe. European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said again that current inflationary pressures are “of a temporary nature”. Her comment suggests that the bank will not hurry to tighten monetary policy.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


Blue trail award for Cabo Roig The ‘Paseo Cabo Roig’ on the archaeological heritage, such as Orihuela Costa, which runs the Torre de Cabo Roig and a between La Caleta and Cala military watchtower from the 16th Capitán has been awarded a century which is catalogued as an ‘Sendero Azul’ award. The Blue ‘Asset of Cultural Interest’.” Trails are pathways that link, cross This award from Sendero Azul or connect with beaches or ports recognides that effort and rewards that have been awarded a Blue the transformation of these Flag in 2021. The aim of the coastal paths into valuable initiative is to promote the resources for carrying out network of places with Blue Flags through trails that add value to the natural spaces of cultural interest. The Infrastructure Department of the Orihuela City Council began the process to obtain this award in December 2020. Ángel Noguera, Councillor for Scenic route Infrastructure said: “Among the Blue Trails awarded recreational, sports, tourist and this year is the Paseo Cabo Roig environmental education path that runs for two kilometres activities. along the Oriolano coastline, Antonio Sánchez, councillor for between La Caleta and Cala Beaches added “this award is Capitán. A path that presents already given for the 11 Blue Flags great interest due to the that the 11 beaches of Orihuela. geological materials that make up And of course, it is thanks to the the cliffs and beaches, as well as work of a whole team of people the great historical and from the different areas of the

Orihuela City Council, beaches , infrastructures, tourism, environment and urban cleaning that do a great job every year to obtain these awards. This year we must add this year the Blue Path Paseo Cabo Roig”. The award, granted by a Jury made up of the Environmental and Consumer Education Association (ADEAC), has the support of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The criteria focus on aspects related to three main criteria: recovery and protection of the natural environment and its natural, cultural and heritage resources; services and infrastructures in the Blue Trails and, finally, environmental education and healthy lifestyle habits. The ADEAC considers that this set of criteria positively affects the sustainable development of the coastline whilst managing and controlling these spaces for public enjoyment.



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

Investment Alert! Are you invested in Momentum Harmony, Lombard Russell or Privee Select Funds? By Sam Kelly DipPFS, EFA, BA (Hons) Managing Partner Chorus Financial penalty of up to 5%.

I’ve come across a number of clients in the above-mentioned funds. They are commonly used by certain firms here in Spain, and I wanted to provide some information that may not have reached the clients holding them. Momentum Harmony Momentum offer a number of different funds, so for this example I will focus on Harmony Portfolios Sterling Balanced Fund Class D, as I have seen this one a number of times here in Spain. According to the fund Key Information Document, the annual ongoing cost of this fund is 3.28%. I suspect you agree that that seems incredibly high? But this isn’t where it ends. Built into this annual ongoing fee is a 5% commission paid to the IFA. This means that you are tied to this fund for 5 years, or face an exit

Moving onto the next series of funds, Russell, to give a specific example I will look at Russell Emerging Markets Equity Class R fund, whose ISIN is IE00B4N92K53. As with the Harmony funds, we have discovered surprisingly high fees in these class R funds, 2.64% per annum ongoing costs on this particular fund. I’ve personally only ever seen these funds held in Lombard International bonds, where they are referred to as Lombard Russell funds on valuations. In my experience these valuations have not included the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), which is a 12-digit code that clients and financial advisers can use to easily confirm information, including fees, for particular funds. Without these numbers, which are included on the vast majority of valuations I’ve seen in Spain, it can be very hard to those holding these funds to understand the true costs they are paying for their overall recommendation. I’ve also seen a number of Lombard International

portfolios holding Privee Select funds, as a specific example, the Privee Select Dynamic GBP Share Class A (LU1061646730) fund has total ongoing charges of 2.18%. If you are holding funds with particularly high charges, then there is a distinct possibility that these fund houses are paying your financial adviser to recommend these funds to you. This creates a clear conflict of interests, raising the question of whether your financial adviser is truly acting in your best interests, or simply recommending solutions that pay them. If you are also paying SIPP, QROPs, Investment Bond fees and adviser fees, you could be unaware of the true combined costs of your overall recommendation. We have seen genuine examples where clients have been unwittingly paying over 6% in combined fees per year for many years and have only discovered this when they have come to Chorus Financial for a review. For context, Chorus have always guaranteed we would never use funds that pay us any form of fee or commission. Unlike funds

costing up to 3.28% per year, as we’ve seen in these examples, the average cost of funds in Chorus portfolios is comfortably under 1% per year. Think about the difference 2-3% in additional annual costs can make to your finances over a number of years… If you are in any of the abovementioned funds, or fear that you may be in a similar fund (there are dozens being used in Spain) then you should contact Chorus Financial urgently. We have seensuch funds in Investment Bonds including SEB, Quilter International, Lombard International and STM. A short review of such a portfolio can lead to you saving significant amounts in fees each year, whilst moving to a portfolio that has been selected with your best interests in mind, rather than the interests of your financial adviser. For a free review without any obligation, call me today on 664 398 702, email s.kelly@chorusfinancial.es or visit www.chorusfinancial.es for more information.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


HMS Kent visits Alicante First visit to Spain by one of the ships from the Carrier Strike Group led by HMS Elizabeth One of the most modern ships in the Royal Navy was in Alicante earlier this week. HMS Kent, which is the first ship from the Carrier Strike Group to visit Spain, is currently integrated in NATO’s Standing Naval Maritime Group 2, which is under Spanish command. The Carrier Strike Group is the largest concentration of maritime and air power to leave the UK in a generation – 9 ships, 32 aircraft and almost 4,000 personnel working together to show the UK’s commitment to open societies and economies, and the benefits of free trade. It will visit over 40 countries in a sevenmonth deployment, from the Mediterranean to the Indo-Pacific. The frigate arrived in Alicante after participating in different exercises with NATO allies, including Spanish ships, and the crew is now having a welcome break after a hectic month at sea, before rejoining the Carrier Strike Group in midJune. Commander Matt Sykes said: “We have had a really good week with the Spanish Navy working as part of NATO’s standing Naval Forces. We’ve been operating as part of exercise Steadfast Defender, which is NATO’s largest exercise this year. We’ve done some exercises off the coast of Spain with the ship’s helicopter and with jets from the Spanish Air Force, and now we are here in Alicante, and grateful

to the Spanish to allow us to come here with them.” British Ambassador to Spain Hugh Elliott welcomed the ship’s arrival – the first Royal Navy vessel to embark in Spain this year. "I am delighted that HMS Kent is visiting Spain at the start of the deployment of the UK’s new Carrier Strike Group," said the ambassador. "HMS Kent’s participation in NATO’s naval grouping under Spanish command, shows the flexibility and compatibility of our navies, and our joint work as close allies on European defence and security.” The ship docked in Alicante on Tuesday and a reception was being held on Wednesday for the local authorities around the port. Because of COVID restrictions, which require everyone going on board to take a PCR test as the crew has all been vaccinated, the event took place in the port itself, next to the frigate. “When we sail from Alicante at the end of the week with the Spanish flagship Méndez Núñez, we will be going out into the Mediterranean in support of NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian,” explained Commander Sykes. “This operation provides maritime security on the southern flank of the Alliance, so it’s great for the UK to be contributing to that.” HMS Kent Factfile - Launched by Princess Alexandra of Kent on 27 May 1998 and





commissioned into the Royal Navy on 8 June 2001, she is the fourteenth of sixteen Type 23 Duke class frigates. Her Ship’s Company of 220 is split between the four main departments – Warfare, Logistics, Weapon Engineering, and Marine Engineering, and includes an organic Flight Team and a Royal Marine Boarding Team among other warfare specialists. She is a versatile and heavily armed frigate and is fitted with the vertical launch Sea Ceptor system – the ship’s first line of defence against aircraft and incoming missile attack and 4.5 Mk8 Gun. Her primary role is a submarine hunter though and she uses her hull mounted and towed array sonars to track enemy submarines and protect the CSG from this underwater threat. In 2020, HMS Kent was deployed on four operations – notably to the Barents Sea in company with a US task group as the first RN warship to visit the Barents in 10 + years. She has participated in seven exercises in the High North, North Atlantic, Baltic Sea, and around the UK during 2020. Recently, she took part in Ex Strike Warrior off Scotland as part of the UK CSG, with NATO allies and other partner nations, in their final preparations prior to sailing on deployment and Ex Steadfast Defender, working as part of NATO’s SNMG2 and the UK CSG off the coast of Portugal.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

Vaccine hits the spot As the vaccination campaign progresses through Spain, its benefits are starting to be seen and already it is changing the profile of those dying from the virus. The group with the highest mortality rate has shifted from those over 80 to those in their 70s, and this will shortly become those in their 60s. It does not mean that more young people are dying now. On the contrary, deaths are falling in all age groups and are almost 10 times fewer than in January. But they are distributed differently as the older age groups get vaccinated. Mortality data emerging from the Carlos III Health Institute shows that at the beginning of May – three weeks must pass before the data is consolidated and reliable – those over 80 accounted for 35 percent of mortality, just half that of January. Those in their 70s now account for 37 percent of deaths, compared to 20 percent in January; those in their 60s account for 17.4 percent which is more than double the figure four months ago; those in their 50s account for 7.8 percent, up from 2.7 percent; those in their 40s represent 2.8 percent of deaths instead of 0.6 percent in January. Meanwhile, the cases are so few among thirty-somethings that the comparison becomes complicated. In February, 15 people died in this age bracket;

there were 10 deaths in March; 12 in April and three between 1st – 9th May. In younger people, deaths are even rarer: on most days no one under 30 dies. The picture has changed dramatically since the beginning of the year. In January there were more than 500 deaths a day. At the beginning of May, this moved towards fewer than 50. The cumulative incidence rate has started to flatten and been almost stagnant for a few days now, but most of the infections are among people under 50, who are far less likely to become seriously ill or die from Covid-19. Experts are in no doubt that the data is the result of vaccination. Both the number of deaths in absolute terms and their redistribution mirror the

increase in the numbers that have been vaccinated in each age bracket. Older people continue to die, but mostly because they became infected before getting immunized. According to José Carlos Igeño, head of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Córdoba, “people should not think that if the elderly are protected, those who die now must be young. Those dying now are mostly people in their 60s and 70s who were admitted to the ICU a while back, even months ago, and there is nothing to be done. Many of them die from fungi and multiresistant bacteria that colonise and crush lungs that were already badly damaged by Covid.”





CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


93.4% of Spain’s coastal waters graded ‘excellent’ for water quality The annual Bathing Water report published this week shows that in 2020, almost 83% of Europe’s bathing water sites met the European Union’s most stringent ‘excellent’ water quality standards. In Spain overall, 88.5% of bathing water sites both coastal and inland, were graded excellent. The latest assessment (European bathing water quality in 2020), put together by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in cooperation with the European Commission, is based on the 2020 monitoring of 22,276 bathing sites across Europe. Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director said, “The quality of European bathing waters remains high after four decades of action aimed at preventing and reducing pollution. EU law has not only helped raised the overall quality, but also helped identify areas where specific action is needed.” Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for the Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, said: “Bathing water quality in Europe remains high and it’s a good news for Europeans, who will be heading

to beaches and bathing sites this summer. This is the result of more than 40 years of Bathing Water Directive, hard work by dedicated professionals and cooperation. The Zero Pollution Action Plan adopted in May will help to keep the waters healthy and safe and our seas and rivers clean.” The quality of several bathing waters could not be classified in the current assessment, as pandemic restrictions led to an inadequate number of samples being collected. The quality of Europe's bathing water has greatly improved over the past 40 years, thanks to the EU’s Bathing Water Directive. Effective monitoring and management introduced under the Directive, combined with other EU environmental law such as the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (1991), led to a drastic reduction in untreated or partially treated municipal and industrial waste water ending up in bathing water. As a result, an increasing number of sites have witnessed pollution reduction, leading to considerably improved water quality. The ongoing revision of

the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive is assessing how, across the EU, better action can be taken to deal consistently with sewage overflows, especially in light of climate change impacts. All EU Member States, plus Albania and Switzerland, monitor their bathing sites according to the provisions of the EU's Bathing Water Directive. The legislation specifies if the bathing water quality can be classified as 'excellent', 'good', 'sufficient' or 'poor', depending on the levels of faecal bacteria detected. Where water is classified as 'poor', EU Member States should take certain measures, such as banning bathing or advising against it, providing information to the public, and taking suitable corrective actions. Spain’s figures for 2020 are excellent. 93.4% of coastal waters were graded excellent, 4.7% as good, 1.1% as sufficient, 0.2% as poor and 0.5% were not classified. Inland waters were graded excellent (52.2%), good (22.2%), sufficient (6.5%), poor (5.2%) with 14.1% unclassified.


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


A real Craft Fair in Oliva The Covid situation has improved to such an extent, that the Town Hall in Oliva has decided to celebrate their traditional Fira i Festes d'Oliva from 18 till 20 June, although it will be in four different areas to avoid the forming of Of course all crowds. measures will be taken to assure a safe environment. One of these areas will be the Avenida de Lluís Vives, where a real Arts and Crafts fair will be Concerts, shows, set up. activities for children and a book and literature fair will be organised in other areas (Paseo de Jaume I, Parque de la Centro and Estación Polivalente). The town councillor for Fiestas, Yolanda Navarro, has asked Amata to organise the craft fair, because this craft association guarantees that only original craft work, handmade by the participants themselves, will be sold. Some 30 artisans are expected who will build up their stalls in the part of the Avenida de Lluís Vives in front of the Mercado Municipal (covered market). Each stall will be different and in many cases the artisan can be watched at work, so you can see with how much skill, love and care they create their pieces. They will be carving wood, making little glass figures with a blowtorch, flint knapping or making hair combs, spoons and letter openers from antlers or bones. A baker brings his wood oven to bake bread and hot sausage rolls, silver smiths making jewelry, potters decorating and modelling their work and a shoe maker showing you how his shoes and sandals are made. You can order a T-shirt hand painted on the spot with the drawing of your choice and buy handmade There will be espadrilles.

wooden and soft toys for the kids, natural soaps, decorative items made of pumpkins or luffa sponge and lots more. While the parents walk along the stalls, the children can make their own piece of work in one of the workshops, have a go at the merry-go-round or play table games. The fair opens on Friday the 18th of June at 5 pm; on Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th opening times will be from 11 am till 2 pm and then again from 5 till 10 pm, although

on close will they Sunday somewhat earlier. Oliva is just under two hours by car from Torrevieja, a perfect destination for a day trip. For more information about the craft fair (even in English or other languages) you can ring Amata on (0034) 639 979 678. And if you cannot come to this fair, you can contact the artisans of Amata in their virtual craft village www.puebloartesano.es, at any time and wherever you live.

Charity Event raises Money for The Cruz Rioja It was a cockney 'knees up' without a 'knees up', due to Covid restrictions but nevertheless the recent 'Marina Bar' charity event "The Return of Cockney Capers" raised €462 for charity. Well known fund raisers, David and Lorraine Whitney, were over the moon with the result and with patrons deciding on a chosen charity the money raised is going to the 'The Cruz Roja' who are actively helping the local community. With two course lunch raffle, tombola, prizes for the best dressed plus an "Eastenders" comedy sketch the afternoon exceeded expectations. Thanks must go to Rita and Dave and their ‘Marina Bar team’ and to Lynne Smith who arrived

with her own home made gateau which she kindly donated to the raffle. A big thanks to everybody who donated, money and gifts and who supported this event, which was the first venture for David and Lorraine after a very trying and difficult time due to the Pandemic. They said, “It just shows that people are desperate to get back to some normality and enjoy their lives.” The next charity event organized by David and Lorraine at the bar will give people a

chance to 'glam up' and put on their best evening wear for "Puttin On The Glitz", date yet to be confirmed so watch this space. (Photo shows from L to R Red Cross Volunteer Davey, David & Lorraine Whitney, Fund Raisers and Lara Director of the Red Cross)


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

This Week´s Movie Picks Tomb Raider The Full Monty Saturday 12th June – ITV2, 7.45 pm

Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) is the fiercely independent daughter of eccentric adventurer Lord Richard Croft (Dominic West), who vanished when she was scarcely a teen. Now a young woman of twenty-one without any real focus or purpose, Lara navigates the chaotic streets of trendy East London as a bike courier, barely making the rent, and takes college courses, rarely making it to class. Determined to forge her own path, she refuses to take the reins of her father's global empire just as staunchly as she rejects the idea that he's truly gone. Advised to face the facts and move forward after seven years without him, even Lara can't understand what drives her to finally solve the puzzle of his mysterious death. Going explicitly against his final wishes, she leaves everything she knows behind in search of her dad's last-known destination: a fabled tomb on a mythical island that might be somewhere off the coast of Japan.

Sunday 13th June – Channel 5, 10.00 pm In the decaying steel mill town of Sheffield in Northern England, friends Gaz and Dave, both now unemployed and on the dole after the closure of most of the town's steel mills, steal scrap metal from the closed mills to supplement their meager income, often with Gaz's twelve year old son, Nathan, on the days Gaz has custody. Still, Gaz is behind in child support payments to his ex-wife, Mandy. When Mandy threatens to sue for full custody in that Gaz can't support Nathan in any way, Gaz, seeing the long line up of women clamoring to get in to see a touring Chippendales styled dance troupe, thinks he can solve his financial and thus custody problems by forming his own male exotic dance troupe with some of his fellow un- or underemployed ex-mill workers. In addition to Dave, he has in mind middle-aged Gerald, their former foreman who has not told his spending-happy wife Linda that he has been unemployed for six months, and Lomper, a mild-mannered security guard who they just met in the act of him trying to commit suicide in his depression. The obvious problem is that with the exception of Gerald who knows how to ballroom dance, they are not generally stripper material, either in looks, skill or temperament, with especially slightly overweight Dave having body image issues, he believing his wife, Jean, having a wandering eye because of what he considers his unappealing looks. In an open casting among those at the employment office, they are able to recruit further misfits Horse, an older man who does know the contemporary dances of his era, and younger Guy, who can't dance and can't sing but loves Singin' in the Rain (1952) and has a natural gift below the belt.



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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


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costablancapeople.com | 8th - 14th June 2021

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 The Damned United 02:00 Countryfile 03:00 The Psychedelic Drug Trial 04:00 Hospital 05:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Antiques Road Trip 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Gardeners' World 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Make Me a Dealer 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Great British Menu 16:15 Bees, Butterflies and Blooms 17:15 Nature's Microworlds 17:45 Reel History of Britain 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Hospital 23:00 QI XL 23:45 Newsnight

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01:10 Agatha Christie's Marple

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00:30 American Dad! 01:00 American Dad! 01:30 CelebAbility 02:15 Bob's Burgers 02:45 Bob's Burgers 03:10 Superstore 03:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:05 FYI Extra 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 You've Been Framed! 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Secret Crush 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Ellen's Game of Games 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 Love Bites 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

01:00 Agatha Christie's Marple

00:40 Euro 96 01:30 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 02:20 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury 22:00 Billion Pound Bond Street 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 The Late Debate

05:40 Couples Come Dine with Me 06:35 Coach Trip: Road to Tenerife 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Frasier 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Answer Trap 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Beat the Chef 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 21 Day Body Turnaround with Michael Mosley 23:00 We Are Lady Parts 23:30 Celebrity Gogglebox

08:00 Fireman Sam 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 The Adventures of Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:40 Floogals 09:55 Wissper 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Room to Improve 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 13:25 Build a New Life in the Country 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Darrow & Darrow 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:25 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Secrets of Your Supermarket Food 21:00 Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 World's Most Luxurious Hotels

01:00 American Dad! 01:30 Bob's Burgers 02:00 Bob's Burgers 02:30 Superstore 03:00 Celebrity Karaoke Club 03:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Secret Crush 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Ellen's Game of Games 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 Love Bites 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 CelebAbility 23:50 Family Guy

01:00 Agatha Christie's Marple

03:00 That's My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 10:05 Heartbeat 10:20 That's My Boy 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 18:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Midsomer Murders

Wednesday 9th June 02:45 BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 The Moment of Proof 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Panorama 21:30 Garden Rescue 22:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:45 Krept and Konan: We Are England

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Managing England: The Impossible Job 01:30 The Road to Partition 02:30 What Are We Feeding Our Kids? 03:30 Dom Digs In 04:15 Springwatch 05:15 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Antiques Road Trip 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Dragons' Den 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Politics Live 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Make Me a Dealer 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Great British Menu 16:15 Bees, Butterflies and Blooms 17:15 Springwatch 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Building Britain's Biggest Nuclear Power Station 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:45 Newsnight

03:00 That's My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 That's My Boy 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 18:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Endeavour

Thursday 10th June 02:30 The Travel Show 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Wednesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 The Moment of Proof 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 Dragons' Den 22:00 Match of the Day 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:45 Question Time

00:30 Hospital 01:30 Beechgrove 02:00 Inside Culture with Mary Beard 02:30 Great British Railway Journeys 03:00 Springwatch 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Antiques Road Trip 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Your Home Made Perfect 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Make Me a Dealer 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Great British Menu 16:15 Sicily: The Wonder of the Mediterranean 17:15 Springwatch 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Test Cricket 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Statue Wars: One Summer in Bristol 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Festival of Funny: Shorts 23:45 Newsnight

03:00 That's My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 That's My Boy 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Vera

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Friday 11th June 02:20 BBC News 02:30 Newscast 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 The Moment of Proof 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 Live: Match of the Day 23:10 BBC News at Ten 23:40 BBC London 23:55 Crouchy's Year-Late Euros: Live

00:25 BBC Weather 00:30 Building Britain's Biggest Nuclear Power Station 01:30 The Great British Sewing Bee 02:30 Great British Railway Journeys 03:00 Springwatch 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Antiques Road Trip 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Between the Covers 09:30 Great British Railway Journeys 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 14:00 Letterbox 14:30 Make Me a Dealer 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Great British Menu 16:15 Sicily: The Wonder of the Mediterranean 17:15 Springwatch 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman's House of Games 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Test Cricket 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Gardeners' World 23:00 Later ... with Jools Holland 23:45 Newsnight

00:10 England's Grand 01:30 Euro 96 02:20 Ideal World 04:00 FYI Extra 04:15 Martin and Roman's Weekend Best! 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 A Touch of Frost 23:20 ITV News 23:50 ITV News London

08:20 The Adventures of 03:15 Good Newwz 05:30 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft Paddington 08:30 Peppa Pig Masters 08:35 Peppa Pig 06:20 Coach Trip: Road to 08:45 Pip & Posy Tenerife 06:50 Jamie's Comfort Food 09:00 Milo 09:20 PAW Patrol 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 09:30 Ricky Zoom 08:05 Cheers 09:40 Floogals 08:30 Everybody Loves 09:55 Wissper Raymond 10:00 Peppa Pig 08:55 Everybody Loves 10:05 Sunny Bunnies Raymond 10:15 Jeremy Vine 09:25 Everybody Loves 12:15 Room to Improve Raymond 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 09:55 Frasier 13:25 Build a New Life in the 10:25 Frasier Country 10:55 Frasier 14:15 Home and Away 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: 14:45 Neighbours DIY 15:15 New Teacher, New 12:25 Channel 4 News Nightmare 12:30 Couples Come Dine with 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in Me the Sun 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch 18:00 5 News at 5 15:10 Countdown 18:30 Neighbours 16:00 The Answer Trap 19:00 Home and Away 17:00 A Place in the Sun 19:30 5 News Tonight 18:00 Four in a Bed 20:00 Inside The Balmoral: 18:30 Beat the Chef Scotland's Finest Hotel 19:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Gregg Wallace: Big 19:30 Hollyoaks Weekends Away 20:00 Channel 4 News 22:00 Great Paintings of the 21:00 Quizness with Tom Allen World with Andrew Marr 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 Britain's Favourite 90's 23:00 The Last Leg Songs

01:20 Bob's Burgers 01:50 Bob's Burgers 02:15 Superstore 02:45 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:15 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:10 FYI Extra 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You've Been Framed! 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Secret Crush 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Ellen's Game of Games 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 Love Bites 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 The 40-Year-Old Virgin

01:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 03:00 That's My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 That's My Boy 10:55 Man About the House 11:30 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin

Saturday 12th June 09:15 PAW Patrol 00:20 Family Guy 00:40 Alan Shearer's Euro 96: 00:15 BBC Weather 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 07:25 Everybody Loves 01:10 Carry On Cowboy 09:35 Pirata & Capitano 07:00 Dino Dana Raymond When Football Came Home 00:50 Family Guy 00:20 Phantom Thread 09:50 Butterbean's Café 07:10 The Rubbish World of 07:50 Everybody Loves 01:40 Match of the Day 01:20 American Dad! 02:25 Battlestar Galactica 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 10:00 Brave Bunnies Dave Spud Raymond 03:20 Weather for the Week 03:05 Battlestar Galactica 01:50 American Dad! 10:10 Little Princess 07:20 The Rubbish World of 08:15 Everybody Loves Ahead 03:50 Dom Digs In 10:20 The World According To 02:20 Bob's Burgers Dave Spud Raymond 03:30 Teleshopping 03:25 BBC News 02:50 Bob's Burgers Grandpa 07:35 Robozuna 08:40 Everybody Loves 04:35 This Is BBC TWO 03:30 The Week in Parliament 07:15 The Dengineers 10:35 Floogals 07:55 LEGO: Hidden Side Raymond 03:15 Superstore 07:00 Outside Edge 10:50 Ben & Holly's Little 04:00 BBC News 08:00 Mighty Mike 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 03:40 Totally Bonkers 07:45 The Dog Ate My Kingdom 08:10 Mighty Mike 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 04:30 Click Guinness World Records Homework 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 08:20 Mr Bean 10:00 The Big Bang Theory 04:45 Newswatch 07:25 Outside Edge 04:05 FYI Extra 11:15 The Loud House 08:15 Blue Peter 08:30 Mr Bean 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 05:00 BBC News 11:25 Entertainment News On 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 08:45 Ben 10 10:55 The Big Bang Theory 08:45 Deadly Dinosaurs with 05:30 Our World 04:30 Teleshopping 5 09:00 Ninjago 11:25 The Simpsons 07:55 Coronation Street Steve Backshall 06:00 BBC News 11:30 Friends 09:10 Ninjago 11:55 The Simpsons 07:00 Teleshopping 09:15 Human Universe 06:30 The Travel Show 09:25 ITV News 12:20 The Simpsons 12:00 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Omnibus 10:15 Mountain Gorilla 07:00 Breakfast 09:30 Martin and Roman's 12:55 The Simpsons 12:25 Friends Show Weekend Best! 13:25 The Simpsons 12:55 Friends 09:45 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:15 Mary Berry's Country 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:25 James Martin's Saturday 13:55 Four in a Bed 13:20 Friends 11:15 Trooping the Colour House Secrets 10:50 Agatha Christie's Marple Morning 14:25 Four in a Bed 13:50 Kew Gardens: A Year In Show 12:45 Homes Under the 12:15 Springwatch 12:35 John and Lisa's 14:55 Four in a Bed 09:40 The Ellen DeGeneres Bloom Hammer 13:15 Our Wild Adventures Weekend Kitchen 15:30 Four in a Bed 12:45 Agatha Christie's Poirot 14:50 Kew Gardens: A Year In Show 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:15 Oklahoma! 13:40 James Martin's French 16:00 Four in a Bed Bloom 10:30 Dress to Impress 14:00 BBC Weekend News Adventure 16:35 A Place in the Sun 15:45 Kew Gardens: A Year In 11:30 Dress to Impress 16:30 Talking Pictures 13:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 14:15 Live: Match of the Day 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 17:35 George Clarke's Bloom 17:15 Great British 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live Amazing Spaces 17:25 BBC Weekend News 16:40 Kew Gardens: A Year In 12:25 Catchphrase Photography Challenge 13:10 Take Me Out 17:00 Tipping Point 18:35 Kirstie and Phil's Love It Bloom 17:35 BBC London 15:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 18:00 The Chase or List It 17:40 Royal Servants In Their 14:15 In For a Penny 17:45 Live: Match of the Day 18:15 Flog It! 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 Brian Cox's Adventures 19:00 ITV Evening News Own Words 14:45 You've Been Framed! 20:10 The Hit List 17:55 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:15 ITV News London 20:00 The Windsors: Inside 19:00 5 News Weekend in Space and Time 15:15 You've Been Framed! 20:55 The Wall 19:30 In For a Penny the Royal Dynasty 19:05 Our Yorkshire Farm 20:00 Test Cricket 15:45 Step Up 2 the Streets 21:40 Pointless Celebrities 20:00 Live: UEFA European 21:00 Secret History 20:00 Our Yorkshire Farm 20:00 Midsomer Murders 21:00 Trooping the Colour 17:40 Zookeeper 22:25 Casualty Championship Football 22:00 Grace Kelly: Lost Tapes 21:00 Princess Anne: The 7 22:00 Phil Collins at the BBC 23:15 ITV News 19:45 Tomb Raider of a Princess 23:10 BBC Weekend News Loves of Her Life 23:35 Notting Hill 23:00 Jason Bourne 22:00 The Bodyguard 22:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Bridesmaids 23:30 Match of the Day 23:00 Buster The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

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Sunday 13th June 00:15 Thierry Henry: My France, My Euros 01:15 Match of the Day 02:55 Weather for the Week Ahead 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Week in Parliament 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Politics 11:30 Sunday Morning Live 12:30 Pilgrimage 13:30 Points of View 13:45 BBC Weekend News 14:00 Live: Match of the Day 17:30 Match of the Day: Top 10 18:00 Paddington 2 19:35 BBC Weekend News 19:50 BBC London 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Time 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London 23:30 Crouchy's Year-Late Euros: Live

00:40 Kinky Boots 02:20 This Is BBC TWO 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 13:45 Homes Under the Hammer 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Summer Holiday 16:35 Your Home Made Perfect 17:35 Flog It! 18:00 This Farming Life 19:00 Africa with Ade Adepitan 20:00 Test Cricket 21:00 Our Wild Adventures 22:00 Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time 23:00 Arctic with Bruce Parry

07:00 Dino Dana 01:20 Ghost in the Shell 07:10 The Rubbish World of 03:05 Ramsay's Kitchen Dave Spud Nightmares USA 07:20 The Rubbish World of 03:55 Hollyoaks Omnibus Dave Spud 05:55 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft 07:35 Robozuna Masters 07:55 LEGO: Hidden Side 06:50 Coach Trip: Road to 08:00 Mighty Mike Tenerife 08:10 Mighty Mike 07:15 Everybody Loves 08:20 Mr Bean Raymond 08:30 Mr Bean 07:45 Everybody Loves 08:45 Ben 10 Raymond 09:00 Ninjago Prime Empire 08:10 Everybody Loves Shorts Raymond 09:10 Ninjago Prime Empire 08:35 Everybody Loves Shorts Raymond 09:25 ITV News 09:00 WPA European 09:30 Martin and Roman's Championship Para Athletics Weekend Best! 10:25 Alan Titchmarsh: Spring 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons into Summer 10:55 The Masked Singer US 13:55 The Simpsons 11:55 The Masked Singer US 14:20 A Place in the Sun 12:55 Australian Ninja Warrior 15:20 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 14:25 ITV Lunchtime News 16:25 The Yorkshire Dales and 14:35 Miss Congeniality 2: the Lakes Armed and Fabulous 17:25 The Yorkshire Dales and 16:50 ITV Evening News the Lakes 17:05 ITV News London 18:30 Channel 4 News 17:15 Live: UEFA European 19:00 Coast vs Country Championship Football 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 20:10 Live: UEFA European 21:00 Britain's Most Luxurious Championship Football Hotels 23:15 ITV News 22:00 SAS: Who Dares Wins 23:40 Billion Pound Bond Street 23:00 Gogglebox

00:25 Family Guy 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:35 Pirata & Capitano 00:55 Family Guy 09:50 Butterbean's Café 01:25 American Dad! 10:05 Brave Bunnies 01:50 American Dad! 10:10 Little Princess 10:20 The World According To 02:20 CelebAbility 03:05 Celebrity Karaoke Club Grandpa 04:00 Totally Bonkers 10:40 Floogals 10:50 Ben & Holly's Little Guinness World Records Kingdom 04:30 Teleshopping 11:05 SpongeBob SquarePants 07:00 Teleshopping 11:20 The Loud House 11:30 Entertainment News On 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 5 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:35 WWE Raw: Highlights 12:25 Friends Show 12:55 Friends 09:40 Secret Crush 13:20 Friends 10:40 Secret Crush 13:50 Friends 11:40 Secret Crush 14:15 Friends 12:40 Take Me Out 14:40 Friends 15:10 Friends 13:45 Catchphrase 15:35 Friends 14:50 You've Been Framed! 16:05 Friends 15:20 You've Been Framed! 16:30 Steel Magnolias 15:55 Despicable Me 2 19:00 5 News Weekend 19:05 Kate Humble's Coastal 17:50 Step Up 3 20:00 Legally Blonde 2: Red, Britain 20:00 The Wonderful World of White & Blonde Chocolate 22:00 Family Guy 21:00 10 Years Younger In 10 22:30 Family Guy Days 23:00 Family Guy 22:00 The Full Monty 23:30 Family Guy 23:50 Comedy Gold: TV's Funniest Sketches 23:55 Family Guy

00:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 02:00 Sanditon 03:00 That's My Boy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Man About the House 07:30 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:30 Agatha Christie's Poirot 12:30 Agatha Christie's Poirot 14:30 Live: The French Open Tennis 20:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 21:00 Vera

Monday 14th June 00:15 Match of the Day 01:00 Match of the Day 02:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:45 BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Week in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Dateline London 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 12:45 The Moment of Proof 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:10 BBC London 14:15 Live: Match of the Day 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Live: Match of the Day 23:10 BBC News at Ten 23:40 BBC London 23:55 Do Black Lives Still Matter?

00:00 The Big Sick

00:40 Bancroft 01:50 Ideal World 02:00 Question Time 04:00 FYI Extra 03:00 Holby City 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 03:40 This Is BBC TWO 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Antiques Road Trip 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:45 Garden Rescue 10:00 Lorraine 08:30 The Repair Shop 09:30 The Week in Parliament 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 10:00 BBC News 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 11:00 BBC News 14:55 ITV News London 13:15 Politics Live 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 14:00 Live: Queen's Tennis 16:00 Catchphrase 19:00 Richard Osman's House 16:45 Tipping Point: Best Ever of Games Finals 19:30 Great Continental 17:15 Live: UEFA European Railway Journeys Championship Football 20:00 Test Cricket 20:15 ITV News London 21:00 Your Home Made Perfect 20:30 ITV Evening News 22:00 Peter Taylor: Ireland 21:00 Emmerdale After Partition 22:00 Coronation Street 23:00 Inside No. 9 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Festival of Funny: 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA European Shorts Championship Football 23:45 Newsnight

07:50 Thomas & Friends: Big 06:30 Coach Trip: Road to World! Big Adventures! Tenerife 08:00 Fireman Sam 06:55 Food Unwrapped 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 07:00 Countdown 08:20 The Adventures of 07:40 Cheers Paddington 08:05 Cheers 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:30 Everybody Loves 08:35 Peppa Pig Raymond 08:45 Pip & Posy 08:55 Everybody Loves 09:00 Milo Raymond 09:20 PAW Patrol 09:25 Everybody Loves 09:30 Ricky Zoom Raymond 09:40 Floogals 09:55 Frasier 09:55 Wissper 10:25 Frasier 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:55 Frasier 11:25 Escape to the Chateau: 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine DIY 12:15 Room to Improve 12:25 Channel 4 News 13:20 5 News at Lunchtime 12:30 Posh Pawnbrokers 13:25 Build a New Life in the 13:30 Steph's Packed Lunch Country 15:10 Countdown 14:15 Home and Away 16:00 The Answer Trap 14:45 Neighbours 17:00 A Place in the Sun 15:15 Secrets That Kill 18:00 Couples Come Dine with 17:00 Gino's Win Your Wish Me List 19:00 The Simpsons 18:00 5 News at 5 19:30 Hollyoaks 18:30 Neighbours 20:00 Channel 4 News 19:00 Home and Away 21:00 Food Unwrapped 19:30 5 News Tonight 21:30 Cook Clever, Waste Less 20:00 Premiership Rugby with Prue and Rupy 21:00 To Be Announced 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 22:00 Great British Gardens: 23:00 999: What's Your Season by Season Emergency? 23:00 Air Force One

01:25 The Cleveland Show 01:50 The Cleveland Show 02:20 The Stand Up Sketch Show 02:50 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:20 You vs Chris & Kem 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen's Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Secret Crush 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 The Masked Singer US 18:00 You've Been Framed! 18:30 You've Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob's Burgers 21:30 Bob's Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy

01:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 03:55 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:20 That's My Boy 10:55 Man About the House 11:25 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Man About the House 17:20 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:25 Downton Abbey 21:00 Lewis


Government seeks volunteer overtime vaccinators after letting go of thousands of staff About 1,300 health workers who have been reinforcing staff at hospitals and health centres throughout the province of Alicante during the pandemic went on strike on Tuesday when their contracts were not renewed. Despite these workers losing their jobs, the Ministry is now looking for volunteers to reinforce the "vaccinationdromes" (the large venues for vaccine rollout) in the face of the massive immunization programme scheduled for this month. According to reports, various health departments in the province have asked nurses, orderlies and administrative workers to register for voluntary overtime to cope with the forthcoming demand for vaccinations. Nurses union, Satse, has criticized the situation, saying, “It is contradictory to look for staff to volunteer having dispensed with so many nurses, this highlights the lack of personnel that exists.” Volunteer overtime lists are made week by week, explained Emilia Guevara of Satse, and any overtime hours spent working on the vaccination programme are taken out of the nurse’s free time, "so the staff end up exhausted," says Guevara. 3251 health workers were let go by the Valencian government recently, but not even a month later it is expected that the government is set to hire as many as 6000 people to provide holiday cover for


CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

doctors and nurses. One month after the holiday cover substitutions began, the summer holiday planner is not yet finalised. Unions and professional associations are now warning that people who have recently been terminated (their ‘covid contracts’ not renewed) are already being claimed by other autonomous communities. The Valencian Community Nursing Council

revealed that it has received during the last week alone “a multitude of job offers from hospitals, private clinics, residences and multinationals from all over Spain.” The nursing council warns that the Valencian Community may suffer a “talent drain” in nursing. Aware of the difficulties that it will face in finding professionals to cover all those who go on holiday this summer, the Ministry of Health has opened a job bank for all doctors who have completed specialized training to register, as well as nurses who have completed their

degree. From workers union CCOO, Rosa Atiénzar said, “We are repeating the mistakes of other years. The vacation plan has not been approved and one month before the start of the vacation, we do without more than 3000 people who are going to be called to other autonomous communities, especially doctors and nurses.” Atiénzar said that Health has dispensed with 70% of the nurses hired in specialized care who could now be helping with vaccination. “In the end it comes down to an economic measure. It has been decided to reduce spending by putting economic criteria before health criteria,” she said. Hospitals and health centres in the province have lost 40% of the people hired as reinforcements in the last year to deal with the covid pandemic. In the whole of the Valencian Community, of the 9301 people who have been reinforcing the health workforce in the last year, 6050 will continue until the end of the year. The hospital in the province hardest hit by the loss of personnel is Elda, where half of the reinforcements have lost their jobs. In the General Hospital of Alicante 45% of the people hired and 42% in the General Hospital of Elche are to stop working after contracts have not been renewed.


Letters to the Editor 90 day rule Over the past weeks there have been numerous articles and letters regarding the 90 day rule in Spain. A great number of people, including myself, purchased a property in this country to facilitate a holiday home, to be enjoyed as and when I could, always sticking to the 180 day rule with regard to non-residential occupancy. Like many others, during my time in Spain I contributed to the economy paying all dues and purchasing a car. All bills like water, electricity, telephone, internet, suma, private health insurance being settled by standing order. The purpose of this letter is to suggest a possible practical solution to the difficulty in the issue of a document in the form of a NON RESIDENT HOME OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE. To obtain such a document the house owner would produce, either at a Police Station or local Town Hall the following documents:

1. Original or copy of the Escritura for the property. 2. Passport 3. Recent utility bills 4. Copy of an up to date Padron. 5. Any other relevant documentation as required. On payment of an administration fee, say €50 the certificate would be issued and renewable say every three years. This would entitle the owner(s), either sole or joint, access to their property as and when required. This suggestion is of course open to any modification particularly with regard to the use of the property by immediate family members but I am sure there is an answer out there for a workable solution. This idea could perhaps be considered by the EU as a whole as there are properties owned in all countries by non residents. Name and address supplied.



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CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

Recycling for prizes at Zenia Boulevard Recycling machines that offer the chance to earn points and win prizes in exchange for recycling have arrived at Zenia Boulevard shopping centre. Shoppers will be able to win sustainable prizes by recycling their cans and plastic drinks bottles in the innovative machines. Zenia Boulevard is the first shopping centre in the Valencian Community to join the initiative. The popular Orihuela Costa shopping centre now boasts two recycling prize machines. The machines are provided by Ecoembes, and use the company’s Refund and Reward System (SDR), which reward consumer commitment to recycling cans and plastic drinks bottles. It is hoped that the thousands of customers who pass through the shopping centre every day will be able to continue recycling cans and plastic bottles even when they are not at home. In addition, the initiative aims to promote responsible consumption and has a weekly limit for recycling. Users can gain points for every can and bottle they recycle. Cristina Ros, manager of Zenia Boulevard said, “Zenia Boulevard is a Shopping Centre committed

to the environment and our surroundings. In that sense, we are proud to be the first centre in the Valencian Community to implement the RECICLOS project as it will allow us not only to promote the circular economy through recycling, but we will also be able to help those who

need it most by involving our clients in this original and necessary initiative of Ecoembes.” Xavier Balagué, manager of Ecoembes in the Valencian Community said, “Thanks to the introduction of these machines, anyone who passes through this shopping centre will be able to receive rewards every time they

recycle and, in addition, help those who need it most by donating their RECICLOS points. In this way, we continue to advance together to meet the ambitious recycling targets set by the European Union.” How to earn points Download and register on the RECICLOS app (app.reciclos.com), deposit your cans and plastic bottles in a RECICLOS machine and scan the QR code generated by the machine. By doing so, you will earn points, called RECICLOS, which you can then exchange for the various rewards available. These points will have a weekly limit so that citizens are aware of responsible consumption of cans and single use plastics. Environmental month at Zenia Boulevard From June 1 to June 30, young shoppers can participate in environmental games and all shoppers can be in with a chance to win a Xiaomi Electric Scooter with purchase receipts (one entry per €20 spent). Games are open to members of the Zenia Kids Club. If you’re not yet a member, it is easy to sign up (for children up to 14 years old) and once you’re on b

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Labour Organisation) estimate that, in 2016, 398000 people died from stroke and 347000 from heart disease as a result of having worked at least 55 hours a week. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease due to working long hours increased by 42%, and from stroke by 19%. This work-related disease burden is particularly significant in men (72% of deaths occurred among males), people living in the Western Pacific and South-


DEBRA fundraising begins again

Too much work can kill you A new report issued by the World Health Organisation shines a light on the link between working too hard and premature death. The report, issued in June 2021, analysed figures for 2016 and found that long working hours directly led to 745,000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease, a 29 per cent increase since 2000. In a first global analysis of the loss of life and health associated with working long hours, WHO and ILO (International

Health & Beauty

East Asia regions, and middle-aged or older workers. Most of the deaths recorded were among people dying aged 60-79 years, who had worked for 55 hours or more per week between the ages of 45 and 74 years. The study concludes that working 55 or more hours per week is associated with an estimated 35% higher risk of a stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from ischemic heart disease, compared to working 35-40 hours a week.

Charity organisation DEBRA is hosting its first event since the easing of lockdown. On Friday 11th June, DEBRA will be holding a fun quiz night with Tommy at The Hillside Bar, Urb La Marina, with the fun starting at 7pm with supper, all Covid regulations will be adhered to. Tickets can be obtained from The Hillside Bar, DEBRA Charity shop on Consum Square or contact Mary on 616 076 072. DEBRA is a charity that supports individuals and families affected by

Epidermolysis Bullosa. Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a group of genetic skin conditions that cause the skin to blister and tear at the slightest touch. There are many different types of EB, ranging from the mildest, in which only the big toes are affected, to the most severe, which can have a devastating effect on any part of the body, causing lifelong disability and pain, and in some cases can sadly be fatal.


Health News & Beauty

I had been chatting to a lady friend at our Art class for some months. One day I plucked up the courage to ask her if she wanted to go for a coffee sometime and she said yes, and then we went into Lockdown. I hadn't got her telephone number, so we didn't stay in touch during the worst of the virus. Two weeks ago the Art class has started up again and we had to make sure we all had our jabs. Thankfully this lady has returned. I knew she was single, and she still is. I wondered if she remembered me asking her out, but have lacked the courage because she hasn't mentioned it again. Perhaps she has changed her mind. Perhaps she has changed her mind, but you won't find out unless you ask her again, and maybe she is waiting for you to ask again? It's possible she might want to keep the relationship on a 'friends' basis at the moment, so be casual about it, so don't wade in with romance unless she is open for another date, and maybe not even then. Lots of older people want companionship first. You tell me that you know she is widowed, and so are you, so it isn't easy to find love second time around. Remember when we are young we tend to fall in love very quickly without really knowing each other. When we are older, we are more cautious because we've had life experience. Become a good friend and don't rush into things, and love can grow over time.


Half of UK adults with job fears drinking more Nearly half of adults in the UK going through job loss are drinking more than they would have before the Covid pandemic, a new survey has revealed. Research by the alcohol charity Drinkaware shows that almost half (49%) of people who have been made redundant - or are in the process of being made redundant - are consuming more alcohol than they did before March 2020. This is up from 38% since December, the poll of 4,000 people between 27 and 30 April showed. The figures could be set to increase next month when the British government's furlough (ERTE)

scheme is scaled down - before it ends completely on 30 September. Job threats aside, drinking levels have gone up across the board, with people consuming 20% more on average. Drinkaware says that two thirds (66%) who are drinking what is considered to be a high-risk level of alcohol, which is more than 34 units a week for women and 50 for men, are drinking more than they did before the pandemic. Among parents with children under 18, 33% are drinking more than usual - up from 24% in December - and 10% "much more".

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34 CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021

What is the Speed Limit in Spain? We have spoken a lot about the reduction in the maximum permitted speed limit in towns and cities recently, now it´s time to remind ourselves of other generic limits. All roads in Spain have a maximum permitted speed limit. However, that limit not only varies depending on the characteristics of the road, but also the type of vehicle, and (in some cases) the driver. As always when we talk about speed limits, we must offer the same reminder however, the maximum permitted speed is exactly that, a maximum, it is not a target, and the actual safe speed may be much lower depending on the road and weather conditions.

BUSES Buses, and other vehicle derivatives that have been adapted, must not exceed 100 kilometres per hour on motorways. On conventional roads, the maximum permitted speed is 90 kilometres per hour. On other conventional roads out of town they cannot exceed 80 kilometres per hour. In the event of a bus carrying standing passengers (where permitted) the maximum permitted speed, whatever the type of interurban road, is 80 kilometres per hour.

permitted speed is 80 kilometres per hour.

SPECIAL TRANSPORT Any vehicle which falls into this category, namely a bus carrying school children and displaying the yellow school bus sign, or a vehicle carrying goods classed as dangerous, the maximum permitted speed must be reduced by 10 kilometres per hour.

80 kilometres per hour when towing a non-light trailer (greater than 750 kg). On conventional roads the maximum permitted speed is then 80 kilometres per hour.

That said, here is the overview of the generic maximum permitted speed on the roads by vehicle type, unless signs say otherwise.


PASSENGER CARS AND MOTORCYCLES The maximum generic speed for cars and motorcycles on motorways is 120 kilometres per hour. On secondary roads, the maximum permitted speed is 90 kilometres per hour. In towns and cities, the maximum permitted speed is 30 kilometres per hour (updated 11 May 2021).

Vehicles with three wheels



On motorways and highways, trucks, articulated vehicles, tractors and vans cannot exceed 90 kilometres per hour. On conventional roads outside of towns, the maximum

The maximum permitted limit on motorways and highways is 90 kilometres per hour when towing a light trailer (which has a maximum mass less than or equal to 750 kg) and

or “quads” have their speed limited to 70 kilometres per hour on any type of road where they are permitted to drive. Cycles, two and three wheeled mopeds and light quadricycles have a maximum speed of 45 kilometres per hour where permitted.


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Las Ramblas Golf Society

Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 1st of June we visited the Rio Segura in Murcia town centre. Fourteen hardly souls turned up for the match which was fished in atrocious conditions of heavy rain, wind,thunder and lightning. Winner on the day was Graham Patterson , draw on the end peg 1 after the Crystal bridge he took full advantage of this good draw to take a steady stream of carp. Graham fished the method feeder Neil at El Bos across for 16.80kg. In second place and with 27.16kg. contiuing with his good recent form was Richard King. Richard Rods N Reels was draw the other side of the The follwing day we visited crystal bridge and in a close battle with Graham he the El Bosquet complex at weighed in 15.04kg of all carp Crevillente. Normal service was resumed caught mainly on the corn. In third place was myself , Ian at this venue and the local Neil McBernie Brown. I fished the wafter on specialist the method feeder across and continued his dominant form caught 12 carp for a total of at this venue. Drawn on peg 5 he caught a steady stream of 14.20kg. Terry Screen and Dougie carp with the odd mullet, Hornblow took the other barbel and bass thrown in for section wins with 12.66kg and good measure to weigh in 31.30kg. 12.48kg. In second place was Steve The pairs event was won by Graham and David Sutcliffe Capel who draw on peg B1 he

Andy And Petina Are Crowned Champions

caught mainly carp on the pole across for exactly 20kg. In Third place was Doug Hornblow with 16.88kg from peg 3. Other section winners were Steve Higgins 15.80kg and Terry Screen with13.56kg. The pairs event was won by Neil and Barry Smith. Next week both clubs are again at the El Bosquet complex. For further deatils visit www.abbeyangling.es and a video of the match at Murcia can be found on you tube here https://youtu.be/PT0lNhS6d1o Ian Brown

With a mighty score of 111 points in Monday’s ‘Original Counter Game’ Andy Martin, Reg Akehurst, Joyce McClusky and ‘Albert’ shattered the record of 106 set back in 2017. The Club Championship for this year saw the 6th and final round played out on Wednesday. Lyndsay Forbes won on the day with 39 points and was closely followed by Andrea Martin on 38. There were on less than eight ‘2’s scored (so far too many to mention) however one of our latest recruits, Mike Smith, managed two of them! After disregarding the lowest two scores from the six Andy Martin took this year’s men’s title with a total of 152 points. Dave Pulling put up a brave fight but just missed out with 150.Petina Murray triumphed in the ladies division with 154 whilst Andrea Martin took the silver with 151. In an effort to lessen the pressure and tension of individual competition we enjoyed a good ol’ Texas Scramble on Friday. With a score of 58.4 it was Liz & Ken Robertson together with Nigel Price and Joyce McClusky who

took the honours. Finally, a girl said she recognized me from her vegetarian club but I’d never met

herbivore! Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell



CostaBlancaPeople 8th - 14th June 2021


TALES FROM THE TOP FLIGHT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

England, England, England - we’ve been here before, haven’t we? Not quite good enough to convince me we might win it but not so bad I am convinced we won’t. Then I realise how bad we are in goal and at centre-back and remember thems the reasons it’s not coming home. Earlier in the week, and shortly after Gareth Southgate had confused the football world by selecting what appeared to be four right-backs, England played Austria and won 1-0 the classic warm-up match that delightfully tampered hope and expectation in equal measure to drawing criticism and questioning. I mean, “how on Earth could Jesse Lingard be picked given he wasn’t even in the squad” @completeidiot ranted on Twitter, seemingly ignorant to the fact that none of the Chelsea or City boys had rocked up yet due to their European final escapades. The most important thing about pretournament friendlies is not picking up any injuries, and it wouldn’t be England if someone didn’t pick up a campaignending-before-it-got-started knock. After all the fuss about Trent AlexanderArnold and whether Southgate would leave out a player some consider to be the best right-back in the world (those people are wrong, by the way, he’s not even the best right-back in England), TAA pulled his thigh and will miss the tournament. In fairness to AlexanderArnold, the way he played after Southgate left him out of the squad shows there is way more to come from him in the future but having got himself back in, he’s probably a little gutted. Ashley Cole should watch out for performances that might have struck his eye - that does sound very Tyrone Mings (a very lucky boy that his forearm smash in the Austria match wasn’t spotted). In a game against Romania that had almost nothing riding on it, the pundits built up some kind of fauxaudition between James Ward-Prowse, Ben White and Ben Godfrey to replace TAA. My notes from this one are pretty simple - Ben White is better than Tyrone Mings, Connor Coady and Harry

Well MotoGP was just up the road in Barcelona this week, a race that many Spanish riders consider their home race including Alex Rinswho’s crashed out of the last 4 races. Well he excelled himself this week, he crashed into a truck while using his mobile phone on his pedal cycle. He’s broken his wrist and is hoping to be back for the next race but we’ll see. It’s a good job his contract doesn’t expire until the end of 2022! On to qualifying and Quartararo blew everyone away again. He became the 1st rider to achieve 5 successive poles since Jorge Lorenzo many years ago. He looked absolutely untouchable and all the talk was about who’s taking the other podium places. Well that all changed straight away with the young

Maguire, yet he isn’t in the squad. JWP takes a very decent set-piece and would have had a brace had he not been subbed and, as it stands, isn’t in the squad. Jordan Henderson looked absolutely done in as he grabbed the ball for the second penalty and missed it. Credit to DLC for not having a word, like. Jack Grealish is the player that makes me think we might have an Italia 90 punchers chance of doing something. Rashford scored the penalty after Grealish was fouled again, this time in a much more convenient area of the pitch. DLC and Sancho had already rattled the bar and young Bellingham should have notched up his first England goal about 50 caps sooner than Hendo. I mean, imagine grabbing the ball because you’ve got the armband and then missing. Swap him out for that alone, Gareth. And if you are not going to do that, give that final place to JWP, please. Of course, all Euro 2020 is really doing is getting in the way of all the transfer rumour-mongering that accelerates at will the moment the Premier League season ends. And, this time around, it’s not just players that are on the move. You might have noticed that the last week has seen one or two changes Carlo Ancelotti’s mobile had barely stopped ringing before he’d agreed to leave Everton to return to Real Madrid. Don Carlo is the man Florentino Perez believes can turn his team back into winners - leading Everton to 8th can be quite attractive to the big clubs, you see. Imagine being James Rodriguez right now - he came to Merseyside to play for the one manager capable of getting anything out of him and now he’s stuck at Goodison on his tod. You suspect Big Dunc, who turned down following Ancelotti to the Bernabeu because he’d like the gig, won’t be as much of a J-Rod fan as the Italian. Who will be next at Everton? Ferguson might well end up with it, if Nuno turns it down, if Eddie Howe can’t bring his Bournemouth backroom team, if the club forget that Rafa Benitez still owns a house just up the road, if West Ham refuse David Moyes a move back to the club he managed for a decade and if Paulo Fonseca’s name has been forgotten since last time.

Gareth Bale was giving big thoughts to baling out after the Euros - pocketing about £19m for calling it a day but saving Madrid about double that again (something that both sides would consider a win, I suspect). But as Ancelotti was the last person to get a tune out of him in Spain, does he now fancy one last crack? Of course, he doesn’t. And Carlo would rather take Richarlison with him anyway - sorry, James. Down in London, Pochettino asked nicely if PSG wouldn’t mind letting him go home to Tottenham. When PSG made it clear they weren’t too excited by that idea, Daniel Levy started eyeing up Antonio Conte before running a mile once it became clear Conte wasn’t coming unless he was given a lot of money to spend on winning the league - and, we all know how that went last time for Spurs. Ajax’s Ten Hag is back in the frame, which would be a bad move for both, as is Jurgen Klinsmann which is so mental it will probably happen - especially if he then takes Teddy Sheringham, Nicky Barmby and Ilie Dumitrescu as his assistants. Nuno, linked to Everton and Tottenham, apparently spent three days talking to Crystal Palace about becoming their new gaffer. Really, Nuno? I hope for your sake that was more a case of them calling you nonstop for three days and you refusing to answer the phone. Don’t get me wrong, I like Palace, but I think you can set your sights a little higher - just ask Wilf Zaha, who has told the club (again) he’d like a transfer this window, please. Tommy Tuchel got his new contract for winning the Champions League and would really, really like Romelu Lukaku to spearhead his attack next season - the only problem with that is, Rom would rather stay at Inter where he is very happy. This won’t please Roman Abramovich or Inter at all - the club lost Conte because they need to sell £80m of players this summer which is basically one Lukaku. Eden Hazard has suggested he’d be very open to heading back to Stamford Bridge, the last football pitch on which he smiled. The last thing Chelsea need is another wide player, however especially one that looks a little overweight, very expensive and is always injured.

Thiago Silva saw his contract extended as did, unbelievably, Olivier Giroud putting the kaibosh on him partnering Zlatan at AC Milan. Sergio Aguero’s old man called Pep out quite publicly, expressing some surprise that Guardiola was so visibly upset at Aguero’s departure given that he hardly ever spoke to his son and told him to leave. Aguero is certainly winning the PR campaign around this giving out raffle tickets to the City staff to win his top-of-the-range Range Rover and handing 60 key people a Rolex watch as a thank you as he left for Barcelona. City’s young central defender Eric Garcia also joins him there on a free but Barca have let the Gini out of the bottle as Wijnaldum is joining PSG at the request of the Poch. Peppy G has decided that the gap between him and the Champions League can be closed by Jack Grealish and Aston Villa seem to be preparing for life without their skipper - hilariously pipping Arsenal to the Emi Buendia from Norwich post. Buendia joins Villa for about £40m and Dean Smith would also like to bring in James Ward-Prowse too. Arsenal will be licking their wounds by signing Andre Onana from Ajax to replace Bernd Leno and then fending off offers for Emile Smith-Rowe and Bukayo Saka - the only two pieces of family silver worth keeping. Atletico would like Hector Bellerin to replace Kieran Trippier who is possibly off to United having been seen house-hunting in Manchester. Trippier joining United would see OGS go all funky and experiment with Aaron Wan-Bissaka as a central defender rather than going out and buying an actual central defender. Liverpool have been offered Philippe Coutinho back - Barcelona basically chucking the keys in because they cannot afford to keep up with the repayments. Steve Bruce would like to sign Tammy Abraham and Billy Gilmour from Chelsea - that sounds like Mike Ashley is pretending someone might have some money to spend this summer. Finally, Jeremy Clarkson claims he was punched in the face by a boozed-up Man City fan after the Champions League Final. It takes a lot to make me warm to City fans, but this could well have done it.

Frenchman getting completely mobbed on the first 2 corners and was briefly relegated to 6th with Miguel Oliveira and Jack Miller leading. He battled back to the front but Oliveira was having none of it. The KTM team have made big improvements to their machines and it showed. Miguel hung on even after coming under huge pressure from Johann Zarco to take only his 3rd win by 0.175 seconds. Quartararo managed to finish 3rd controversially but got a 3 second penalty which took him back to 4th and promoted Jack Miller onto the podium. Poor Marc Marquez was doing his best and got as high as 5th briefly but crashed out for the 3rd race in a row. His team mate Pol Espargaro also crashed and both riders

are criticising the Honda bike which has gone from winning the championship under Marquez in 2019 to struggling this season. Hopefully this weeks test in Catalunya can provide some solutions. The controversy around Quartararo was due to his leathers coming open and young Fabio throwing his chest protector onto the track. A number of commentators thought he should have been black flagged as not wearing correct safety equipment is a major breach of the rules. The chest protector in particular was obviously a hazard to other riders and I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this. So we go to the beautiful Sachsenring in 2 weeks time with Quartararo leading the championship on 118 points from

Zarco on 101 and Miller 90. Off track the big, big news is the development of synthetic petrol. I’m sure you’re all aware that governments are clamping down on petrol and diesel engines from 2030. At the moment bikes are exempt but that couldn’t last for ever could it? Well there’s exciting news. The big backers at the moment are aviation but in the motorsport world the World Rally Championship will be running on synthetic as soon as next year. How does it work I hear you say. Well it’s a bit technical and I dropped chemistry when I was 14 but synthetic fuel strips CO2 from the air and combines it with hydrogen to create a petrol replacement. There are several

ways to achieve this and some big names are investing heavily. VW group for example, which includes Ducati, have invested in a Siemens project in Chile and BMW have invested in an American project. Fingers crossed. I like electric for cars but the thought of an electric Harley, my machine of choice, makes me shiver. Watch this space. We’re off to the Ricote valley in Murcia this week. It’s a beautiful area with one of my favourite towns, Blanca, down by the river. Where are you going and where have you been? Let me know. Any feedback or suggestions (polite ones only) by email at jacknottim@gmail.com Stay safe moteros, Jack (not Tim)


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